Last updated on 01-20-2025
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What is the Congressional Record Index?
The Congressional Record Index (CRI) serves as the index to the Congressional Record. When Congress is in session, the Joint Committee on Printing publishes the Congressional Record Index. In print, the Congressional Record Index contains both the index proper and the History of Bills and Resolutions. The History of Bills and Resolutions is a separate collection in govinfo.
The index proper lists individuals, organizations, and topics mentioned in the Congressional Record. Each CRI entry refers to a page number in the Congressional Record and the date of the daily issue in the format "S1234 [19JA]" (page 1234 in the Senate section from the January 19 issue for that year).
Members of Congress are listed alphabetically by last name in the Congressional Record Index. Thus, users must search for individuals by entering the last name before the first name. Additionally, users should include all forms of an individual's first name, since Members of Congress may choose how they want their name to appear in the Congressional Record. For instance, in the 1991 Congressional Record Index , Bob Dole is listed as both “Dole, Bob” and “Dole, Robert”.
What is Available?
govinfo contains CRI issues from 1983 to the present. All documents are available as ASCII text files. In addition, documents from the 1998 CRI are available as HTML files with links to pages in the Congressional Record.
Online Corrections to the Congressional Record - A new, amended version of the Congressional Record was made available in the first quarter of 2007. The Secretary of the Senate, Clerk of the House, and JCP directed GPO to proceed with a pilot program for modifications to the online version of the Congressional Record.
The first phase of the program was to print the corrections in a separate section of the final Congressional Record Index of the 109th Congress, early in 2007. Printing the corrections in the Congressional Record Index is intended to inform readers of the printed version of the Congressional Record that these corrections to the online version of the Congressional Record have been made.
The second phase involved placing these amended documents on GPO Access. GPO has made corrections to miscellaneous issues of the online version of the Congressional Record for 2005-2008. No content was removed during this process. The TEXT and PDF files were corrected, and the explanation of the corrections, including the original, uncorrected text, appears within the document. In the PDF version, the correction appears as a side-note that can be viewed by scrolling over the yellow "correction" boxes. In the TEXT version, the correction is noted by a series of asterisks, language alerting the reader to the correction, and the amended text. Congress has approved the corrections, typically small, clerical errors, and submitted them to GPO for this pilot program.
Programs other than the Adobe Reader that open PDF files may not allow users to view the corrections as the Adobe Reader will. PDF files are independent of computer platform or distribution media and are available to all users who have the free Adobe reader software. Download the free Adobe reader. The corrections can be viewed by all within the TEXT file provided as well.
You can find and search the Congressional Record Index by:
Search by Congress Member – For example, documents with congress member McConnell.
Search by Keyword – For example, documents with the words "executive" and "communications" in the full text or metadata.
Search by Bill Number – For example, documents that reference House Resolution 2.
Search by Report Number – For example,documents that reference House Report 106-774.
Search by Title – For example,documents that have "secretary of state" in the title.
govinfo uses two key pieces of information to construct predictable URLs to documents and Details pages.
Identifier |
Structure/Metadata Field |
Examples |
Package ID |
CRI-{Year} |
CRI-2010 |
Granule ID |
{Package ID}-{Title Prefix}-{Title Suffix}
Notes: 1. The Title Prefix is all characters up to the first left parantheses or the first 40 characters in the title. 2. For titles with more than 40 characters, a MD5 hash is applied to the remaining characters in the title and the first 6 characters of the hash are used for Title Suffix. Title Suffix is only used when there are more than 40 characters in the title. 3. Spaces are converted into dashes and commas, periods, etc. are removed for Title.
Details Page for an Entire Issue
HTML File for an Entire Issue
Details Page for an Individual Document
HTML File for an Individual Document
Metadata fields and values can be used to increase the relevancy of your searches. The metadata fields available for the Congressional Record Index are listed in the table below. Metadata fields and values are used throughout govinfo for
Metadata fields and values can be entered into the Search Box using field operators. The field operators available for Congressional Record are listed in the table below, along with examples for each metadata field. Using Field Operators
Some of these metadata fields are made available for use on the Advanced Search page. The metadata values can be entered in the same format for the fields available on the Advanced Search Page. Using Advanced Search
Metadata Field Display Name |
Metadata Field Definition |
Field Operator |
Field Operator Example |
Collection |
The collection to which the document belongs. Typically the same as the publication or series. |
collection: |
"cri” is used for Congressional Record Index |
Government Author |
The names of the Government organizations responsible for authoring or assembling the document. |
governmentauthor: |
governmentauthor:congress |
Publication Date |
The date the document was first made available to the public. |
publishdate: |
Date format is YYYY-MM-DD |
Language |
The language code of the original document, from the ISO639-2b standard. |
language: |
language:en |
SuDoc Class Number |
The SuDoc class number from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents which classifies Government publications by publishing agency. |
sudocclass: |
sudocclass:"X 1.1/A:"
The SuDoc Class Numbers in govinfo are generally at the class stem level, not the book number level. |
Ingestion Date |
The date the document was ingested into the FDsys preservation repository. |
ingestdate: |
Date format is YYYY-MM-DD |
Electronic Location (URL) |
The URL where the document or the document in context (the content detail page) is located. |
url: |
url:" pkg/CRI-1989/html/CRI-1989-ADAMS-PAUL-A.htm" |
Publisher |
The government organization who publishes the document or publication. Not typically the Government Publishing Office (who serves as the printer and distributor), except in the case of Congressional publications. |
publisher: |
publisher:"u.s. government printing office" |
Branch |
The branch of Government responsible for the document's contents. |
branch: |
Possible Values: executive, legislative, judicial |
Type of Resource |
The media type for the document, typically "text". Defined as part of the Library of Congress MODS standard. |
typeofresource: |
typeofresource:text |
Record Origin |
How the record was originally generated. Typically "machine generated." |
recordorigin: |
recordorigin:"machine generated" |
Title |
The title of the publication or document. |
title: |
title:health |
Congress Number |
The number of the Congress responsible for the document. Congresses last for two years, so for example, the 110th Congress was in session from 2007 through 2008. Currently, GPO has data starting with the 101st congress for some collections. Check the collection browse page for more details on how much data is available for each individual collection. |
congress: |
congress:110 |
Session Number |
Session of Congress. Each Congress is divided into two yearly sessions. So, the "1st session" will be the first year that a particular congress (for example, the 110th congress) is in session. |
session: |
Possible Values: 1, 2 |
Volume |
The volume number of the publication to which the document belongs. |
volume: |
volume:155 |
Congressional Bills Citation |
Citation references to Congressional Bills. Examples include, "H.R. 99", "S. 99" "H.J. Res. 99", "S.J. Res. 99", "H. Con. Res. 99", "S. Con. Res. 99", "H. Res. 99" or "S. Res. 99". |
billscitation: |
billscitation:"S. Res. 99" |
Congressional Report Citation |
Citation references to Congressional Reports. For example, "H. Rept. 110-32". |
crptcitation: |
cprtcitation:"H. Rept. 110-32" |
Congress Member |
Congress member name. For example, "Barbara A. Mikulski" or simply "Mikulski". |
member: |
member:mikulski |
Congressional Committee |
Congressional committee name. For example, "Committee on Foreign Relations". |
committee: |
committee:"foreign relations" |