? ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daily Congressional Record Corrections for 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daily Congressional Record Corrections Note: Corrections to the Daily Congressional Record are identified online. (Corrections March 7, 2022 through March 31, 2022) House March 7, 2022, on page H1314, in the first column, the following appeared: Messrs. GOODEN, CAWTHORN, NEHLS, ISSA, BURCHETT, and BISHOP of North Carolina changed their vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.'' The online version has been corrected to read: Messrs. CAWTHORN, NEHLS, ISSA, BURCHETT, and BISHOP of North Carolina changed their vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.'' March 7, 2022, on page H1327, in the third column, the following appeared: Ms. VELAZQUEZ: Committee on Small Business. H.R. 6454. A bill to clarify the primary functions and duties of the Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration, and for other purposes Rept. 117- 256). The online version has been corrected to read: Ms. VELAZQUEZ: Committee on Small Business. H.R. 6454. A bill to clarify the primary functions and duties of the Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration, and for other purposes (Rept. 117-256). March 9, 2022, on page H1418, in the first column, the following appeared: MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS Amodei (Balderson) Bacon (Fitzpatrick) Bass (Kelly (IL)) The online version has been corrected to delete these names at the bottom of the first column, as they also appear as the first names in the second column. March 15, 2022, on page H3728, in the third column, the following appeared: in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Mr. GOOD. Madam Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays. The online version has been corrected to read: in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Mr. GOOD of Virginia. Madam Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays. March 15, 2022, on page H3729, in the second column, the following appeared: in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Mr. GOOD. Madam Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays. The online version has been corrected to read: in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Mr. GOOD of Virginia. Madam Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays. March 15, 2022, on page H3731, in the first column, the following appeared: The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Jackson Lee). The question is on the motion offered by the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. Escobar) that the House suspend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4380. The online version has been corrected to read: The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Jackson Lee). The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. Grijalva) that the House suspend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4380. March 18, 2022, on page H3833, in the second column, the following appeared: CREATING A RESPECTFUL AND OPEN WORLD FOR NATURAL HAIR ACT OF 2022 Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution 979, I call up The online version has been corrected to read: CREATING A RESPECTFUL AND OPEN WORLD FOR NATURAL HAIR ACT OF 2021 Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution 979, I call up March 24, 2022, on p. H3864, middle column, the following appeared: By Mr. Kind: H.R. 7218. The online Record has been corrected to read: By Mr. Kind: H.R. 7213. March 30, 2022, on page H3980, in the second column, the following appeared: Leadership Sevier, a leadership training program for young Sevier County residents. CONGRATULATIONS ON AN IMPRESSIVE CAREER, CHIEF JUSTICE WADE And on a personal note, I will always remember when Mama and I were going The online version has been corrected to read: Leadership Sevier, a leadership training program for young Sevier County residents. Congratulations on an impressive career, Chief Justice Wade. And on a personal note, I will always remember when Mama and I were going March 30, 2022, on page H4004, in the first column, the following appeared: MAKING IN ORDER MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES ON H.R. 4521, BIOECONOMY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2021 Ms. STEVENS. Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that a motion The online version has been corrected to read: MAKING IN ORDER MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES ON H.R. 4521, AMERICA COMPETES ACT OF 2022 Ms. STEVENS. Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that a motion March 30, 2022, on page H4004, in the first column, the following appeared: PERMISSION TO GO TO CONFERENCE ON H.R. 4521, BIOECONOMY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2021 Ms. STEVENS. Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from The online version has been corrected to read: PERMISSION TO GO TO CONFERENCE ON H.R. 4521, AMERICA COMPETES ACT OF 2022 Ms. STEVENS. Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from March 30, 2022, on page E319, in the second column, the following appeared: PERSONAL EXPLANATION ------- HON. DEBBIE DINGELL OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Ms. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, had I been present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call No. 89. The online version has been corrected to read: PERSONAL EXPLANATION - ------ HON. DEBBIE DINGELL OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Mrs. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, had I been present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call No. 89. March 31, 2022, on page H4055, in the second column, the following appeared: Congress of the United States, House of Representatives, Washington, DC, March 31, 2022. Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Dear Madam Speaker: I write to inform . . . Sincerely, Filemon Vela, Member of Congress. ----------- SUPPORTING CAP ON INSULIN PRICES (Mr. Payne asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) The online version has been corrected to read: March 31, 2022, on page H4055, in the second column, the following appeared: Congress of the United States, House of Representatives, Washington, DC, March 31, 2022. Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Dear Madam Speaker: I write to inform . . . Sincerely, Filemon Vela, Member of Congress. Congress of the United States, House of Representatives, Washington, DC, March 31, 2022. Hon. Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, Austin, TX. Dear Governor Abbott: I write to inform you that I am resigning my position as the U.S. Representative for the 34th Congressional District of Texas, effective today at 11:59 PM EST. It has been a profound honor to represent the people of the Rio Grande Valley of Texas for the last nine years. Please let me know how I can be of assistance during this transition. Sincerely, Filemon Vela, Member of Congress. ----------- SUPPORTING CAP ON INSULIN PRICES (Mr. Payne asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) On page H4074, March 31, 2022, in the middle column, the following language appeared: By Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD: H.R. 7345.121 Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 The online version has been corrected to read: By Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD: H.R. 7345. Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 On page H4076, March 31, 2022, the following appeared: the ``Native Pacific Islanders of America Equity Act''; Small Business.; which was referred jointly to the Committees on Natural Resources and The online version has been corrected to read: the ``Native Pacific Islanders of America Equity Act''; which was referred jointly to the Committees on Natural Resources and Small Business. Daily Congressional Record Corrections Note: Corrections to the Daily Congressional Record are identified online. (Corrections March 1, 2022 through March 29, 2022) Senate On page S873, March 1, 2022, in the first column, the following appears: TRIBUTE TO CAITLYN KNOWLES AND BELLA DONOHUE The online Record has been corrected to read: TRIBUTE TO CAITLYN KNOWLES, BELLA DONOHUE, AND EMMA SUGHRUE On page S875, March 1, 2022, in the first column, the following appears: By Mr. DURBIN: S. 3721. A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to end the immigrant visa backlog . . . The online Record has been corrected to read: By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. Leahy, Ms. Hirono, Ms. Cortez Masto, Ms. Duckworth, and Mr. Padilla): S. 3721. A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to end the immigrant visa backlog . . . On page S883, March 1, 2022, in the second column, the following appears: By Mr. DURBIN: S. 3721. A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to end the immigrant visa backlog . . . The online Record has been corrected to read: By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. Leahy, Ms. Hirono, Ms. Cortez Masto, Ms. Duckworth, and Mr. Padilla): S. 3721. A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to end the immigrant visa backlog . . . On page S1052, March 8, 2022, in the middle column, the following appears: EC-3334. A communication from the Chief Innovation Officer, Rural Development Innovation Center, Department of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program'' received in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 3, 2022; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC-3335. A communication from the Associate Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Ipflufenoquin; Pesticide Tolerances'' (FRL No. 8572-01- OCSPP) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 3, 2022; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC- 3336. A communication from the Associate Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Polyammonium Bisulfate; Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance'' (FRL No. 9420-01-OCSPP) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 3, 2022; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. The online Record has been corrected to read: EC-3334. A communication from the Chief Innovation Officer, Rural Development Innovation Center, Department of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program'' received in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 3, 2022; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. EC-3335. A communication from the Associate Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Ipflufenoquin; Pesticide Tolerances'' (FRL No. 8572-01-OCSPP) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 3, 2022; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. EC-3336. A communication from the Associate Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Polyammonium Bisulfate; Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance'' (FRL No. 9420-01-OCSPP) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 3, 2022; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. On page S1089, March 10, 2022, first column, the following appears: MOTION TO CONCUR WITH AMENDMENT NO. 4984 Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I move to concur in the House amendment to H.R. 2471, with an amendment. The online Record has been corrected to read: MOTION TO CONCUR WITH AMENDMENT NO. 4984 Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I move to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 2471, with an amendment. On page S1224, March 16, 2022, in the right column, the following appears: EC-3428. A communication from the Acting Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Finding of Failure to Attain the 2008 Lead and 2010 Sulfur Dioxide Standards; Arizona; Hayden and Miami Nonattainmnet Areas'' (FRL No. 8726-02-R9) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 8, 2022; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works The online Record has been corrected to read: EC-3428. A communication from the Acting Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Finding of Failure to Attain the 2008 Lead and 2010 Sulfur Dioxide Standards; Arizona; Hayden and Miami Nonattainment Areas'' (FRL No. 8726-02-R9) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 8, 2022; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works On page S1248, March 17, 2022, second column, the following appears: Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. I ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, and the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. The resolution (S. Res. 551) was agreed to. The preamble was agreed to. The online Record has been corrected to read: Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. I know of no further debate on the resolution. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on adoption of the resolution. The resolution (S. Res. 551) was agreed to. Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. I ask unanimous consent that the preamble be agreed to and that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. The preamble was agreed to. On page S1253, March 17, 2022, in the third column, the following appears: S. 3876. A bill to amend title 31, United States Code, to authorize of the Secretary of the Treasury to place prohibitions or conditions on certain transmittals of funds . . . The online Record has been corrected to read: S. 3876. A bill to amend title 31, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to place prohibitions or conditions on certain transmittals of funds . . . On page S1281, March 22, 2022, in the first column, the following appears: The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Murphy). Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table, and the President will be immediately notified of the Senate's action. The Senator from Wyoming. ENERGY Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I come to the floor today to talk about The online Record has been corrected to read: The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Murphy). Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table, and the President will be immediately notified of the Senate's action. LEGISLATIVE SESSION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate will now resume legislative session. The Senator from Wyoming. ENERGY Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I come to the floor today to talk about On page S1288, March 22, 2022, in the second column, the following appears: MORNING BUSINESS Ms. HASSAN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate be in a period of morning business, with Senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. The online Record has been corrected to read: LEGISLATIVE SESSION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate will now resume legislative session. MORNING BUSINESS Ms. HASSAN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate be in a period of morning business, with Senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. On page S1774, March 24, 2022, in the third column, the following appears: By Mr. WARNER: S. Res. 556. A resolution commemorating the 90th birthday of former Mayor of Atlanta . . . The online Record has been corrected to read: By Mr. WARNOCK: S. Res. 556. A resolution commemorating the 90th birthday of former Mayor of Atlanta . . . On page S1777, March 24, 2022, in the second column, the following appears: Mr. WARNER submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary: S. Res. 556 Whereas Andrew Jackson Young was born on March 12, 1932. . . . The online Record has been corrected to read: Mr. WARNOCK submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary: S. Res. 556 Whereas Andrew Jackson Young was born on March 12, 1932. . . . On page S1799, March 28, 2022, second column, the following appears: The amendments (Nos. 5003, 5004, 5005, and 5006) were withdrawn. The online Record has been corrected to read: The amendments were withdrawn. On page D314, March 28, 2022, second column, the following appears: Measures Introduced: Eleven bills and one resolution were introduced, as follows: S3932-3942, and S. Res. 558. The online Record has been corrected to read: Measures Introduced: Ten bills and one resolution were introduced, as follows: S3932-3941, and S. Res. 558. On page S1824, March 29, 2022, the following appears: NOMINATION OF NANA A. COLORETTI The online Record has been corrected to read: NOMINATION OF NANI A. COLORETTI