? ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daily Congressional Record Corrections for 2018 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daily Congressional Record Corrections Note: Corrections to the Daily Congressional Record are identified online. (Corrections February 12, 2018 through February 27, 2018) Senate On page S870, February 12, 2018, at the top of the third column, the following appears: ``NOTIFICATION OF THE PRESIDENT'S DESIGNATION AS EMERGENCY REQUIREMENTS AS OUTLINED IN THE ENCLOSED LIST OF ACCOUNTS, RECEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT OF THE SENATE ON FEBRUARY 9, 2017--PM 27'' The online Record has been corrected to read: ``NOTIFICATION OF THE PRESIDENT'S DESIGNATION AS EMERGENCY REQUIREMENTS AS OUTLINED IN THE ENCLOSED LIST OF ACCOUNTS, RECEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT OF THE SENATE ON FEBRUARY 9, 2018--PM 27'' On page S972, February 14, 2018, in the second column, the following appears: . . . COBRA continuation coverage; as follows: (Purpose: In the nature of a substitute) In lieu of the matter proposed to be stricken, insert the following: The online Record has been corrected to read: . . . COBRA continuation coverage; as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be stricken, insert the following: On page S1241, February 27, 2018, in the middle of the third column, the following appears: EC-4416. A communication from the Director, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``International Services Surveys: BE-120 Benchmark Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property With Foreign Persons'' (RIN0691-AA87) received during adjournment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on February 16, 2017; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. The online Record has been corrected to read: EC-4416. A communication from the Director, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``International Services Surveys: BE-120 Benchmark Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property With Foreign Persons'' (RIN0691-AA87) received during adjournment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on February 16, 2018; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Daily Congressional Record Corrections Note: Corrections to the Daily Congressional Record are identified online. (Corrections February 6, 2018 through February 27, 2018) House February 6, 2018 on Page H787 the following appeared: MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEMBRANCE OF MEMBERS OF ARMED FORCES AND THEIR FAMILIES The SPEAKER. The Chair would ask all present to rise for the purpose of a moment of silence. The Chair asks that the House now observe a moment of silence in remembrance of our brave men and women in uniform who have given their lives in the service of our country in Iraq and Afghanistan and their families, and of all who serve in our Armed Forces and their families. The online version has been corrected to read: MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEMBRANCE OF MEMBERS OF ARMED FORCES AND THEIR FAMILIES The SPEAKER. The Chair asks that the House now observe a moment of silence in honor of those who have been killed or wounded in service to our country and all those who serve and their families. February 8, 2018, on page H983, the following appeared: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Hensarling) and the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Maxine Waters) each will control 30 minutes. The Chair now recognizes the gentleman from Texas. The online version has been corrected to read: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Texas (Mr. Hensarling) and the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Maxine Waters) each will control 30 minutes. The Chair now recognizes the gentleman from Texas. February 13, 2018 on page H1124 the following appeared: EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive communications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as follows: 3955. A letter from the First Vice President, Vice Chairmen of the Board, and Agency Head (acting), Export-Import Bank of the United States, transmitting the Annual Report to Congress on the operations of the Export-Import Bank of the Unites States for Fiscal Year 2017, pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 635g(a); July 31, 1945, ch. 341, Sec. 8(a) (as amended by Public Law 93-646, Sec. 10) (88 Stat. 2336); to the Committee on Financial The online version has been corrected to read: EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive communications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as follows: 3955. A letter from the First Vice President, Vice Chairmen of the Board, and Agency Head (acting), Export-Import Bank of the United States, transmitting the Annual Report to Congress on the operations of the Export-Import Bank of the United States for Fiscal Year 2017, pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 635g(a); July 31, 1945, ch. 341, Sec. 8(a) (as amended by Public Law 93-646, Sec. 10) (88 Stat. 2336); to the Committee on Financial February 26, 2018, on page H1250, the following appeared: HONORING THE LIFE OF STACEE ETCHEBER (Mr. KILHUEN asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. KILHUEN. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to remember the life of Stacee Etcheber. She attended the Route 91 festival in Las Vegas on October 1. The online version has been corrected to read: HONORING THE LIFE OF STACEE ETCHEBER (Mr. KIHUEN asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. KIHUEN. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to remember the life of Stacee Etcheber. She attended the Route 91 festival in Las Vegas on October 1. February 27, 2018, on page H1288, the following appeared: Stated against: Mr. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speaker, had I been present, I would have voted ``nay'' on rollcall No. 84. The online version has been corrected to read: Stated against: Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speaker, had I been present, I would have voted ``nay'' on rollcall No. 84. February 27, 2018, on page H1316, the following appeared: Speaker pro tempore announced that the ayes appeared to have it. The online version has been corrected to read: Speaker pro tempore announced that the noes appeared to have it.