F8392 I97? I98? I33 Q36 I33 Q36 I33 Q36 I30 I31Daily Congressional Record Corrections for 2015 I30 I33 F0623 I07Daily Congressional Record Corrections I08Note: Corrections to the Daily Congressional Record are identified online. I08G2(Corrections November 2, 2015 through December 18, 2015) S0623 I09House I34November 2, 2015, on page H7349, the following appeared: OFFICE OF THE CLERK, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, October 29, 2015. Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, The Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. I35The online version should be corrected to read: OFFICE OF THE CLERK, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, October 29, 2015. Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, The Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Q02 I34November 2, 2015, on page H7349, the following appeared: OFFICE OF THE CLERK, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, October 30, 2015. Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, The Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. I35The online version should be corrected to read: OFFICE OF THE CLERK, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, October 30, 2015. Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, The Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Q02 I34November 2, 2015, on page H7350, in the first column under the heading RESIGNATION FROM THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, the following appeared: Sincerely, JOHN A. BOEHNER. I35The online version should be corrected to read: Sincerely, JOHN A. BOEHNER. (Representative John A. Boehner's resignation letter to Governor John R. Kasich will be placed in the Congressional Record of November 3, 2015 prior to adjournment.) Q02 I34November 2, 2015, on page H7379, the following appeared: which to revise and extend their remarks. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor and I35The online version should be corrected to read: which to revise and extend their remarks. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentlewoman from Illinois? There was no objection. Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor and Q02 I34November 16, 2015, on page H8238, the following appeared: Whole House on the state of the Union. Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Financial I35The online version should be corrected to read: Whole House on the state of the Union. [Submitted November 16, 2015] Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Financial Q02 I34November 17, 2015, on page H8278, the following appeared: For the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for consideration of sections 1109, 1201, 1202, 3003, Division B ... I35The online version should be corrected to read: From the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for consideration of sections 1109, 1201, 1202, 3003, Division B ... Q02 I34November 17, 2015, on page H8278, the following appeared: Wednesday, November 18, 2015, at 10 a.m. I35The online version should be corrected to read: Wednesday, November 18, 2015, at 10 a.m. for morning-hour debate. Q02 I34November 18, 2015, on page E1649, the following appeared: ... have highly trained staff to provide card. I35The online version should be corrected to read: ... have highly trained staff to provide care. Q02 I34November 18, 2015, on page H8297, the following appeared: by the Bureau with respect to indirect auto lending. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant I35The online version should be corrected to read: by the Bureau with respect to indirect auto lending. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Rodney Davis of Illinois). Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Texas? There was no objection. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant Q02 I34November 19, 2015, on page H8409, the following appeared: and for other purposes (Rept. 11446). Referred I35The online version should be corrected to read: and for other purposes (Rept. 114˙09346). Referred Q02 I34December 1, 2015, on page H8839, the following appeared: consideration of the bill (H.R. 8), with I35The online version should be corrected to read: consideration of the bill (H.R. 8), to modernize energy infrastructure, build a 21st century energy and manufacturing workforce, bolster America's energy security and diplomacy, and promote energy efficiency and government accountability, and for other purposes, with Q02 I34December 1, 2015, on page E1690, the following appeared: Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, on Monday I35The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, on Monday Q02 I34December 2, 2015, on page H8956, the following appeared: Mr. UPTON. Madam Chair, I offer Evan Jenkins amendment No. 29. I35The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. UPTON. Madam Chair, as the designee of Evan Jenkins, I offer amendment No. 29. Q02 I34December 16, 2015, on page H9373, the following appeared: H.J. Res. 35. Joint resolution making further I35The online version should be corrected to read: H.J. Res. 78. Joint resolution making further Q02 I34December 17, 2015, on page H9695, the following appeared: Services Agency (GSA) rent and Department I35The online version should be corrected to read: Services Administration (GSA) rent and Department Q02 I34December 17, 2015, on page H9696, the following appeared: $2,500,000 million for the Food Safety Outreach I35The online version should be corrected to read: $2,500,000 for the Food Safety Outreach Q02 I34December 17, 2015, on page H9700, the following appeared: Program; Outsourcing Facility; Subtotal, Indefinite estimated at $57,228,000. The agreement I35The online version should be corrected to read: Program; and Outsourcing Facility. The agreement Q02 I34December 17, 2015, on page H9700, the following appeared: Office of Global and Regulatory Policy I35The online version should be corrected to read: Office of Global Regulatory Operations and Policy Q02 I34December 17, 2015, on page H10004, the following appeared: 3_OPERATIONAL TEST ACTIVITIES AND ANALYSIS....................................................46,838 46,838 I35The online version should be corrected to read: 3_OPERATIONAL TEST ACTIVITIES AND ANALYSIS....................................................46,838 64,838 Q02 I34December 17, 2015, on page H10212, the following appeared: Public Law 91˙096646), unless such acquisitions are submitted I35The online version should be corrected to read: Public Law 91˙09646), unless such acquisitions are submitted Q02 I34December 17, 2015, on page H10217, the following appeared: Public Law 109 488 and regions I35The online version should be corrected to read: Public Law 109˙09488 and regions Q02 I34December 18, 2015, on page H10711, the following appeared: By Ms. MENG: Hit. 4308. Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to the following: I35The online version should be corrected to read: By Ms. MENG: H.R. 4308. Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to the following: A I07Daily Congressional Record Corrections I08Note: Corrections to the Daily Congressional Record are identified online. I08G2(Corrections November 3, 2015 through December 16, 2015) S0623 I09Senate I34On page S7720, November 3, 2015, in the third column, for POM˙09102, the following language appears: ... Committee on Foreign Relations. I35The online Record has been corrected to read: ... Committee on Finance. Q02 I34On page D1192, November 5, 2015, the following language appears: Executive Communications: Pages S7813˙0914 I35The online Record has been corrected to read: Messages from the House: Page S7813 Executive Communications: Pages S7813˙0914 Q02 I34On page S7867, November 9, 2015, in the third column, for WITHDRAWAL, the following language appears: ... VICE PETER SILVA, RESIGNED, WHICH WAS SENT TO THE SENATE ON JUNE 24, 2015. I35The online Record has been corrected to read: ... VICE PETER SILVA SILVA, RESIGNED, WHICH WAS SENT TO THE SENATE ON JUNE 24, 2015. Q02 I34On page S7971, November 16, 2015, in the second column, the following language appears: To be lieutenant colonel MAJ. GEN. NADJA Y. WEST I35The online Record has been corrected to read: To be lieutenant general MAJ. GEN. NADJA Y. WEST Q02 I34On page S8021, November 17, 2015, in the first column, under the heading INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS, the following appears: S. 2295. A bill to extend the termination date for the authority to collect certain record and make permanent the authority for roving surveillance and to treat individual terrorist as agents of foreign powers under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 and for other purposes. I35The online Record has been corrected to read: S. 2295. A bill to extend the termination date for the authority to collect certain records and make permanent the authority for roving surveillance and to treat individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, and for other purposes. Q02 I34On page S8194, November 30, 2015, at the bottom of the third column, the following language appears: ... and ending DEVERIL A. VVINT, which ... I35The online Record has been corrected to read: ... and ending DEVERIL A. WINT, which ... Q02 I34On page S8194, November 30, 2015, at the bottom of the third column, the following language appears: ... nomination of Alan D Murdock, which ... I35The online Record has been corrected to read: ... nomination of Alan D. Murdock, which ... Q02 I34On page S8369, December 3, 2015, in the middle of the third column, the following language appears: ... Colin McCarthy, ... I35The online Record has been corrected to read: ... Colin MacCarthy, ... Q02 I34On page S8379, December 3, 2015, in the first column, under the heading INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS, the following appears: S. 2357. A bill to extend temporarily the extended period of protection for members of uniformed services relating to relating to mortgages ... I35The online Record has been corrected to read: S. 2357. A bill to extend temporarily the extended period of protection for members of uniformed services relating to mortgages ... Q02 I34On page S8492, December 8, 2015, in the second column, under the heading of REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, the following appears: By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, without amendment: S. 1616. A bill to provide for the identification and prevention of improper payments and the identification of strategic souring opportunities by reviewing and analyzing the use of Federal agency charge cards (Rept. No. 114˙09174). I35The online Record has been corrected to read: By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, without amendment: S. 1616. A bill to provide for the identification and prevention of improper payments and the identification of strategic sourcing opportunities by reviewing and analyzing the use of Federal agency charge cards (Rept. No. 114˙09174). Q02 I34On page S8497, December 8, 2015, in the middle column, the following language appears: By Ms. CANTWELL (for herself, Mr. T4GrassleyT1, Mr. T4KirkT1, and Mr. T4SchumerT1): S. 2373. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for Medicare coverage of certain lymphedema compression treatment items as items of durable medical equipment; to the Committee on Finance. I35The online Record has been corrected to read: By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and Mr. T4BurrT1): S. 2372. A bill to require reporting of terrorist activities and the unlawful distribution of information relating to explosives, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Q02 I34On page D1288, December 8, 2015 the following language appears: S. 1616, to provide for the identification and prevention of improper payments and the identification of strategic souring opportunities by reviewing and analyzing the use of Federal agency charge cards. (S. Rept. No. 114˙09174) I35The online Record has been corrected to read: S. 1616, to provide for the identification and prevention of improper payments and the identification of strategic sourcing opportunities by reviewing and analyzing the use of Federal agency charge cards. (S. Rept. No. 114˙09174) Q02 I34On page S8546, December 9, 2015, in the third column, the following language appears: By Mr. THUNE for the Committee on ... I35The online Record has been corrected to read: By Mr. VITTER for the Committee on ... Q02 I34On page S8729, December 16, 2015, at the bottom of the second column, the following language appears: The resolution was agreed to. I35The online Record has been corrected to read: The preamble was agreed to. Q02 I34On page D1325, December 16, 2015, the following language appears: Higher Education Extension Act: Senate passed H.R. 3594, to extend temporarily the Federal Perkins Loan program, after agreeing to the following amendment proposed thereto: Pages S8704˙0908 I35The online Record has been corrected to read: Federal Perkins Loan Program Extension Act: Senate passed H.R. 3594, to extend temporarily the Federal Perkins Loan program, after agreeing to the following amendment proposed thereto: Pages S8704˙0908