------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daily Congressional Record Corrections for 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daily Congressional Record Corrections Note: Corrections to the Daily Congressional Record are identified online. (Corrections July 9, 2009 through July 31, 2009) House July 9, 2009 on Page H7915 the following appeared: An amendment being ordered and the reading The online version should be corrected to read: An amendment being offered and the reading July 9, 2009 on Page H7915 the following appeared: Does the gentleman wish to be heard on the underlying point of order? The online version should be corrected to read: Does the gentleman wish to be heard on the point of order? July 9, 2009 on Page H7933 the following appeared: executive branch officials. 2230 This is a quote: The online version should be corrected to read: executive branch officials. 2210 This is a quote: July 10, 2009 on Page H7951 the following appeared: includes a waiver of section 125 The online version should be corrected to read: includes a waiver of section 425 July 10, 2009 on Page H7994 the following appeared: Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman. The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman. July 10, 2009 on Page H8005 the following appeared: Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Just to amplify The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Just to amplify July 14, 2009 on Page E1761 the following appeared: Mrs. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, July 16, 2009 on Page E1816 the following appeared: Mr. SCHULER. Madam Speaker, The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. SHULER. Madam Speaker, July 16, 2009 on Page E1816 the following appeared: Bryan ``G.B.'' Houghton of Cashiers, North Carolina. The online version should be corrected to read: Bryan ``G.B.'' Houghton of Candler, North Carolina. July 17, 2009 on Page H8309 the following appeared: Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California. I'm happy to yield to the gentleman from California. The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. McGOVERN. I'm happy to yield to the gentleman from California. July 21, 2009 on Page H8488 the following appeared: POPULOUS CAUCUS The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the Speaker's The online version should be corrected to read: POPULIST CAUCUS The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the Speaker's July 21, 2009 on Page H8488 the following appeared: Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I'm here tonight on behalf of the Populous Caucus, which is a caucus that I The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I'm here tonight on behalf of the Populist Caucus, which is a caucus that I July 21, 2009 on Page H8488 the following appeared: And that's why, when we passed the Populous Caucus values, these are the The online version should be corrected to read: And that's why, when we passed the Populist Caucus values, these are the July 21, 2009 on Page H8488 the following appeared: So today, the Populous Caucus announced its health reform principles, The online version should be corrected to read: So today, the Populist Caucus announced its health reform principles, July 24, 2009 on Page H8791 the following appeared: The Clerk read as follows: Mr. Trahrt moves to recommit the bill The online version should be corrected to read: The Clerk read as follows: Mr. Tiahrt moves to recommit the bill July 24, 2009 on Page H8791 the following appeared: back to the House forthwith with the following amendments: The online version should be corrected to read: back to the House forthwith with the following amendment: July 24, 2009 on Page H8791 the following appeared: The Clerk read as follows: Mr. Tiahrt of Kansas moves to recommit the bill back to the Committee on Appropriations The online version should be corrected to read: The Clerk read as follows: Mr. Tiahrt moves to recommit the bill back to the Committee on Appropriations July 24, 2009 on Page E2004 the following appeared: Mr. CARSON. Madam Speaker, tomorrow, The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, tomorrow, July 29, 2009 on Page H8971 the following appeared: Mr. CLAYTON. Mr. Speaker, as the The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, as the July 31, 2009 on Page H9217 the following appeared: I yield 4 minutes to a member of the committee, the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Scott). The online version should be corrected to read: I yield 4 minutes to a member of the committee, the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Scott). July 31, 2009 on Page H9217 the following appeared: Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, let me just start The online version should be corrected to read: Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, let me just start Daily Congressional Record Corrections Note: Corrections to the Daily Congressional Record are identified online. (Corrections July 8, 2009 through July 31, 2009) Senate On page S7269, July 8, 2009, in the third column, the following appears: SA 1447. Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mr. Vitter, Mr. Risch, Mr. Chambliss, Mr. Corker, Mr. Enzi, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Graham, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Wyden, and Mr. Crapo) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 1373 . . . The online version has been corrected to read: SA 1447. Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mr. Pryor, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Vitter, Mr. Risch, Mr. Chambliss, Mr. Corker, Mr. Enzi, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Graham, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Wyden, and Mr. Crapo) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 1373 . . . On page S7275, July 8, 2009, in the third column, the following appears: SA 1447. Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mr. Vitter, Mr. Risch, Mr. Chambliss, Mr. Corker, Mr. Enzi, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Graham, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Wyden, and Mr. Crapo) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 1373 . . . The online version has been corrected to read: SA 1447. Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mr. Pryor, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Vitter, Mr. Risch, Mr. Chambliss, Mr. Corker, Mr. Enzi, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Graham, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Wyden, and Mr. Crapo) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 1373 . . . On page D800, July 8, 2009, the following language appears: THREATS TO NATIVE WILDLIFE SPECIES Committee on Environment and Public Works: Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife concluded a hearing to examine threats to native wildlife species, after receiving testimony from Senators Levin and Nelson (FL); Gary Frazer, Assistant Director, Fisheries and Habitat Conservation, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior; Bill Clay, Acting Associate Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture; Rebecca Humphries, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lansing, on behalf of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies; Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, Maryland; John Torgan, Save the Bay Inc., Providence, Rhode Island; and Jeffrey Hill, University of Florida, Gainesville. The online Record has been corrected to read: THREATS TO NATIVE WILDLIFE SPECIES Committee on Environment and Public Works: Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife with the Subcommittee on Oversight concluded a hearing to examine threats to native wildlife species, after receiving testimony from Senators Levin and Nelson (FL); Gary Frazer, Assistant Director, Fisheries and Habitat Conservation, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior; Bill Clay, Acting Associate Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture; Rebecca Humphries, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lansing, on behalf of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies; Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, Maryland; John Torgan, Save the Bay Inc., Providence, Rhode Island; and Jeffrey Hill, University of Florida, Gainesville. On page D820, July 10, 2009, the following language appears: Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Pages S7360-61 Additional Statements: Pages S7359 The online Record has been corrected to read: Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Pages S7360-61 Additional Statements: Pages S7359 Text of H.R. 2892 as Previously Passed: Pages S7361-72 On page S7483, July 14, 2009, in the middle column, the following appears: SA 1525. Mr. ISAKSON submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 1390, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. The online version has been corrected to read: SA 1525. Mr. ISAKSON (for himself and Mr. Chambliss) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 1390, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. On page S7502, July 14, 2009, in the first column, the following appears: SA 1525. Mr. ISAKSON submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 1390 . . . The online version has been corrected to read: SA 1525. Mr. ISAKSON (for himself and Mr. Chambliss) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 1390 . . . On page S7579, July 15, 2009, the Record reads: THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 624 AND 3064: To be lieutenant colonel ended with Ammon Wynn III The online Record has been corrected to read: THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 624 AND 3064: To be lieutenant colonel; Ammon Wynn III, D070719, D060502 On page D852, July 16, 2009, the following language appears: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that the following be the only amendments on the subject of hate crimes remaining in order during the pendency of the bill: Leahy or designee alternative to Sessions death penalty; Sessions amendment relative to death penalty; Sessions amendment relative to service members; and Sessions amendment relative to attorney general regulations, and that debate on any of the amendments listed above be limited to 40 minutes each; provided further, that Senate resume consideration of the bill at approximately 1 p.m., on Monday, July 20, 2009, and resume consideration of Thune Amendment No. 1618 (listed above), following the disposition of Leahy Amendment and Sessions Amendment, and provided that upon the disposition of Thune Amendment No. 1618 (listed above), Senator Levin be recognized to offer the Levin/McCain amendment relating to the F22, with debate on the amendment limited to 2 hours, with the time equally divided and controlled between Senators Levin and Chambliss, or their designees; provided that upon the use or yielding back of that debate time, Senate vote on or in relation to the amendment, with no amendment in order to the Levin/McCain amendment prior to a vote. Page S7664 The online Record has been corrected to read: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that the following be the only amendments on the subject of hate crimes remaining in order during the pendency of the bill: Leahy or designee alternative to Sessions death penalty; Sessions amendment relative to death penalty; Sessions amendment relative to service members; and Sessions amendment relative to attorney general regulations, and that debate on any of the amendments listed above be limited to 40 minutes each; provided further, that Senate resume consideration of the bill at approximately 1 p.m., on Monday, July 20, 2009, and resume consideration of Thune Amendment No. 1618 (listed above), following the disposition of Leahy Amendment and Sessions Amendment, and provided that upon the disposition of Thune Amendment No. 1618 (listed above), Senator Levin be recognized to offer the Levin/McCain amendment relating to the F22, with debate on the amendment limited to 2 hours, with the time equally divided and controlled between Senators Levin and Chambliss, or their designees; provided that upon the use or yielding back of that debate time, Senate vote on or in relation to the amendment, with no amendment in order to the Levin/McCain amendment prior to a vote. Pages S7630-31 On page D870, July 20, 2009, the following language appears: A unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached providing for further consideration of the bill at approximately 10 a.m., on Tuesday, July 22, 2009, and that notwithstanding the order of July 16, 2009, the Levin-McCain amendment relative to the F-22, be considered on Tuesday, July 21, 2009, beginning immediately after the opening of the Senate and extending for up to 2 hours of debate, and the vote on the amendment occurring upon the use or yielding back of time, as provided for under the previous order which established the parameters of considering the amendment; with the other provisions of the order of July 16, 2009, governing consideration of the Levin-McCain amendment relative to the F-22 remaining in effect; provided further, that at 9:30 a.m., on Wednesday, July 22, 2009, after the opening of the Senate, Senate continue consideration of the bill, and Thune Amendment No. 1618 (listed above), with the time until 12 noon for debate with respect to Thune Amendment No. 1618(listed above), and the time be equally divided and controlled between Senators Thune and Durbin, or their designees; with no amendments in order to Thune Amendment No. 1618 (listed above) during its pendency; that adoption of the Thune amendment requires a 60-affirmative vote threshold; provided further, that if the amendment achieves that threshold, then it be agreed to; provided that it does not achieve that threshold, then the amendment be withdrawn; provided further, that at 12 noon, Senate vote on or in relation to the amendment. Page S7693 The online Record has been corrected to read: A unanimous-consent- time agreement was reached providing for further consideration of the bill at approximately 10 a.m., on Tuesday, July 21, 2009, and that notwithstanding the order of July 16, 2009, the Levin-McCain amendment relative to the F-22, be considered on Tuesday, July 21, 2009, beginning immediately after the opening of the Senate and extending for up to 2 hours of debate, and the vote on the amendment occurring upon the use or yielding back of time, as provided for under the previous order which established the parameters of considering the amendment; with the other provisions of the order of July 16, 2009, governing consideration of the Levin-McCain amendment relative to the F-22 remaining in effect; provided further, that at 9:30 a.m., on Wednesday, July 22, 2009, after the opening of the Senate, Senate continue consideration of the bill, and Thune Amendment No. 1618 (listed above), with the time until 12 noon for debate with respect to Thune Amendment No. 1618(listed above), and the time be equally divided and controlled between Senators Thune and Durbin, or their designees; with no amendments in order to Thune Amendment No. 1618 (listed above) during its pendency; that adoption of the Thune amendment requires a 60- affirmative vote threshold; provided further, that if the amendment achieves that threshold, then it be agreed to; provided that it does not achieve that threshold, then the amendment be withdrawn; provided further, that at 12 noon, Senate vote on or in relation to the amendment. Page S7693 On page S7862, July 22, 2009, the Record reads: * * * * * * * * * * The online Record has been corrected to read: CIA and Air Force personnel are working . . . aerial vehicles. Their work is a clear . . . On page S8028, July 23, 2009, the Record reads ``(B) The period referred to in paragraph (A) is . . . months with respect to a single . . . The online Record has been corrected to read: ``(B) The period referred to in paragraph (A) is 30 months with respect to a single . . . On page S8028, July 23, 2009, the Record reads: . . . he shall report to Congress * * * * The online Record has been corrected to read: . . . he shall report to Congress on the reasons for his decision. On page S8034, July 23, 2009, under the heading MEASURES REFERRED, the following appears: H.R. 2938. An act to extend the deadline for commencement of construction of a hydroelectric project; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. The Record has been corrected to read: H.R. 2938. An act to extend the deadline for commencement of construction of a hydroelectric project; to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. On page S8038, July 23, 2009, in the third column, under the heading INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS, the following appears: S. 1507. A bill to amend chapter 89 of title 5, Untied States Code, to reform Postal Service retiree health benefits funding, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. The online version has been corrected to read: S. 1507. A bill to amend chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, to reform Postal Service retiree health benefits funding, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. On page D897, July 23, 2009, the following language appears: National Defense Authorization Act: By 87 yeas to 7 nays (Vote No. 242), Senate passed S. 1390, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2010 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, after taking action on the following amendments proposed thereto: Pages S7947-S8024 The online Record has been corrected to read: National Defense Authorization Act: By 87 yeas to 7 nays (Vote No. 242), Senate passed S. 1390, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2010 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, after taking action on the following amendments proposed thereto: Pages S7947-S8025 On page D897, July 23, 2009, the following language appears: Kyl Amendment No. 1807 (to Amendment No. 1760), to require a report on the plan for the United States nuclear weapons stockpile, nuclear weapons complex, and delivery platforms, and to express the sense of the Senate on follow-on negotiations to the START Treaty. Pages S8002-03 The online record has been corrected to read: Kyl Amendment No. 1807 (to Amendment No. 1760), to require a report on the plan for the United States nuclear weapons stockpile, nuclear weapons complex, and delivery platforms, and to express the sense of the Senate on follow-on negotiations to the START Treaty. Page S8003 On page D897, July 23, 2009, the following language appears: Kyl Amendment No. 1760, to pursue United States objectives in bilateral arms control with the Russian Federation. Page S7965 The online record has been corrected to read: Kyl Amendment No. 1760, to pursue United States objectives in bilateral arms control with the Russian Federation. Pages S7965, S7947, S8002-03 On page D901, July 23, 2009, the following language appears: Messages from the House: Page S8034 Measures Referred: Page S8034 Petitions and Memorials: Pages S8035-38 Executive Reports of Committees: Page S8038 The online Record has been corrected to read: Messages from the House: Page S8034 Measures Referred: Page S8034 Executive Communications: Pages S8034-35 Petitions and Memorials: Pages S8035-38 Executive Reports of Committees: Page S8038 On page S8551, July 30, 2009, in the third column, under the heading MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE, the following appears: H. Con. Res. 17. Concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate. The online version has been corrected to read: H. Con. Res. 172. Concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate. On page S8634, July 31, 2009, the Record reads: . . . Office of Personnel Management. IN THE AIR FORCE The online Record has been corrected to read: . . . Office of Personnel Management. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Richard G. Newell, of North Carolina, to be Administrator of the Energy Information Administration. IN THE AIR FORCE