Published: September 29, 2016
For this release, the govinfo team optimized code to improve the performance and stability of existing site functionality. While these efforts are mostly apparent on the back-end, you may notice some improvements in performance on the public site. This will also make it easier for us to build new features and functionality going forward.
Here are some highlights of the new features and enhancements we implemented this release.
Related documents- Linked related bills and Public and Private Laws to related Congressional Reports Details pages. Learn more about finding related documents on govinfo or download the quick reference guide (PDF).
Bill versions and Public and Private Laws related to H. Rept. 106-513.
Search results enhancements
The terms you enter in search will now be in bold in the list of search results.
Click "date" to sort dates in order of most recent or "count" to sort in order of highest number of results to least.
*Bill short titles- Enabled parsing of additional bill short titles from bill XML files that will be presented in MODS metadata files and displayed in search results and Detail pages. There are two types of short titles of bills: 1) measure- for the entire bill; and 2) level- smaller sections within the overall bill. Both of these short titles are parsed and presented in the MODS, and measure short titles are displayed as the title in search results and on Detail pages.
Notice the difference between the short title and the full title.
Because more short titles are now presented in MODS metadata files, this also means that when you search for the short title of a bill (e.g. TSA Office of Inspection Accountability Act of 2015), the bill you're looking for will display higher in the list of search results.
The short title of this bill is "TSA Office of Inspection Accountability Act of 2015."
Starprint bills- Starprint bills are corrected editions of bills identifiable by stars printed at the lower left-hand corner of their title pages See an example of a starprint bill (PDF).
Designation of a bill as a starprint is indicated in search results and presented in MODS metadata files. Did you know: All fields in MODS are searchable. For example, search: mods:starprintnumber:1.
Easily spot starprint bills in search results.
Related resources- Added helpful resources to many collection browse pages.
Related Resources for the Congressional Bills collection.
Updated URLs- Changed some links as we work to simplify the URL structure. This includes links to Details pages, search results, and many browse pages. govinfo links may change again throughout the beta period as we work to optimize them for ease of use and predictability.
New bookmarkable URLs- Enabled bookmarkable links for each category (example) on the Category browse page, and for the Document in Context (example) and Related Documents (example) tabs on Details pages.
Search enhancements
Other minor enhancements
FDsys transition- Six additional browse pages are now available in govinfo, leaving only two left to build (for History of Bills and Congressional Record Index). See our progress on the transition from GPO's Federal Digital System (FDsys) to govinfo.
Key new content
Featured articles- Since the last release in July 2016, we highlighted 14 feature articles including What's Next for NASA?, Pocket Constitution, National Park Service Centennial, and September 11, 2016- Patriot Day.
Developers- Updated the "Last Date Modified" timestamp on pages in GPO's Bulk Data Repository to display in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) for standardization.
Coming Soon- What we're working on next.
*These enhancements will immediately take effect for new content ingested in the system, but for previous content will require re-processing or re-publishing which will occur over the next few months.