Published: July 30, 2016
July 30, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the Social Security Act Amendments, know as the Medicare Bill, providing federal health insurance for elderly and low-income Americans. President Harry S. Truman, longtime advocate of such legislation, was present at the signing and received the first Medicare registration card.
79 Stat. 286 – Social Security Amendments of 1965October 30, 1972, President Richard Nixon signs into law the first major adjustment to Medicare after its enactment expanding benefits.
86 Stat. 1329 – Social Security Amendments of 1972
"…this logical extension of our proven social security system will supply the prudent, feasible and dignified way to free the aged from the fear of financial hardship in the event of illness."
Watch the video of President Johnson signing the Medicare Bill at the Truman Library and presenting President Truman with the first Medicare card on the LBJ Presidential Library’s website.