When used in this chapter—
(a) The term "Service" means the Public Health Service;
(b) The term "Surgeon General" means the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service;
(c) Unless the context otherwise requires, the term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
(d) The term "regulations", except when otherwise specified, means rules and regulations made by the Surgeon General with the approval of the Secretary;
(e) The term "executive department" means any executive department, agency, or independent establishment of the United States or any corporation wholly owned by the United States;
(f) Except as provided in sections 246(g)(4)(B),1 247c(c)(1),1 254d(h)(3),1 263c(5),1 264(d), 292a(9),1 300a(c), 300f(13), and 300n(1) 1 of this title, the term "State" includes, in addition to the several States, only the District of Columbia, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
(g) The term "possession" includes, among other possessions, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands;
(h) Repealed. Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §986(a), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 603.
(i) The term "vessel" includes every description of watercraft or other artificial contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation on water, exclusive of aircraft and amphibious contrivances;
(j) The term "habit-forming narcotic drug" or "narcotic" means opium and coca leaves and the several alkaloids derived therefrom, the best known of these alkaloids being morphia, heroin, and codeine, obtained from opium, and cocaine derived from the coca plant; all compounds, salts, preparations, or other derivatives obtained either from the raw material or from the various alkaloids; Indian hemp and its various derivatives, compounds, and preparations, and peyote in its various forms; isonipecaine and its derivatives, compounds, salts, and preparations; opiates (as defined in section 4731(g) 1 of title 26);
(k) The term "addict" means any person who habitually uses any habit-forming narcotic drugs so as to endanger the public morals, health, safety, or welfare, or who is or has been so far addicted to the use of such habit-forming narcotic drugs as to have lost the power of self-control with reference to his addiction;
(l) The term "psychiatric disorders" includes diseases of the nervous system which affect mental health;
(m) The term "State mental health authority" means the State health authority, except that, in the case of any State in which there is a single State agency, other than the State health authority, charged with responsibility for administering the mental health program of the State, it means such other State agency;
(n) The term "heart diseases" means diseases of the heart and circulation;
(o) The term "dental diseases and conditions" means diseases and conditions affecting teeth and their supporting structures, and other related diseases of the mouth; and
(p) The term "uniformed service" means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
(q) The term "drug dependent person" means a person who is using a controlled substance (as defined in section 802 of title 21) and who is in a state of psychic or physical dependence, or both, arising from the use of that substance on a continuous basis. Drug dependence is characterized by behavioral and other responses which include a strong compulsion to take the substance on a continuous basis in order to experience its psychic effects or to avoid the discomfort caused by its absence.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title I, §2, 58 Stat. 682; July 3, 1946, ch. 538, §3, 60 Stat. 421; Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §1, 62 Stat. 38; June 16, 1948, ch. 481, §6(a), 62 Stat. 469; June 24, 1948, ch. 621, §6(a), 62 Stat. 601; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Pub. L. 86–70, §31(a), June 25, 1959, 73 Stat. 148; Pub. L. 86–415, §5(a), Apr. 8, 1960, 74 Stat. 34; Pub. L. 86–624, §29(a), July 12, 1960, 74 Stat. 419; 1965 Reorg. Plan No. 2, eff. July 13, 1965, 30 F.R. 8819, 79 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 91–212, §11, Mar. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 67; 1970 Reorg. Plan No. 4, eff. Oct. 3, 1970, 35 F.R. 15627, 84 Stat. 2090; Pub. L. 91–513, title I, §2(b), Oct. 27, 1970, 84 Stat. 1240; Pub. L. 93–523, §2(b), Dec. 16, 1974, 88 Stat. 1693; Pub. L. 94–317, title III, §301(a), June 23, 1976, 90 Stat. 707; Pub. L. 94–484, title IX, §905(a), Oct. 12, 1976, 90 Stat. 2325; Pub. L. 95–83, title I, §107, Aug. 1, 1977, 91 Stat. 386; Pub. L. 96–79, title II, §203(e)(2), Oct. 4, 1979, 93 Stat. 635; Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §§902(d)(5), 986(a), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 560, 603; Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2008(e), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 212.)
Section 246(g) of this title, referred to in subsec. (f), was repealed by Pub. L. 96–398, title I, §107(d), Oct. 7, 1980, 94 Stat. 1571.
Section 247c(c)(1) of this title, referred to in subsec. (f), was repealed by Pub. L. 94–317, title II, §203(f)(1), June 23, 1976, 90 Stat. 704.
Section 254d(h)(3) of this title, referred to in subsec. (f), was redesignated section 254d(i)(4) of this title by Pub. L. 100–177, title II, §202(b)(5), title III, §301(1), Dec. 1, 1987, 101 Stat. 996, 1003, and was subsequently redesignated section 254d(j)(4) of this title by Pub. L. 107–251, title III, §301(b)(1), Oct. 26, 2002, 116 Stat. 1643.
Section 263c(5) of this title, referred to in subsec. (f), was in the original a reference to section 355(5) of the Public Health Service Act which was redesignated section 531(5) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by Pub. L. 101–629, §19(a)(3), Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 4530, and is now classified to section 360hh(5) of Title 21, Food and Drugs.
Section 292a of this title, referred to in subsec. (f), contained definitions for purposes of subchapter V of this chapter prior to the general revision of subchapter V by Pub. L. 102–408, title I, §102, Oct. 13, 1992, 106 Stat. 1994. See sections 292o and 295p of this title.
Section 300n of this title, referred to in subsec. (f), was repealed by Pub. L. 99–660, title VII, §701(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3799.
Section 4731(g) of title 26, referred to in subsec. (j), was repealed by Pub. L. 91–513, title III, §1101(b)(3)(A), Oct. 27, 1970, 84 Stat. 1292. A definition of "opiate" is contained in section 102 of Pub. L. 91–513, which is classified to section 802 of Title 21, Food and Drugs. Reference to section 4731(g) of title 26 was substituted for "section 3228(f) of title 26" on authority of section 7852(b) of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, which provides that a reference in other laws to the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 is deemed a reference to the corresponding provision of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Section was enacted as part of title I of act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, 58 Stat. 682, and not as part of title II of such Act which comprises this subchapter.
1993—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 103–43 substituted "Health and Human Services" for "Health, Education, and Welfare".
1981—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 97–35, §902(d)(5), struck out reference to section 300d(2) of this title.
Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 97–35, §986(a), struck out subsec. (h) which defined "seamen".
1979—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 96–79 struck out from enumeration of excepted sections reference to section 300s–3(1) of this title.
1977—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 95–83 expanded definition of "State" to include American Samoa and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
1976—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 94–484 amended subsec. (f) generally.
Pub. L. 94–317 substituted provisions defining, with certain specific exceptions, "State" to include the several States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands for provisions defining "State" to include a State or the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands, except in section 264(d) of this title such term means a State or the District of Columbia, and in subchapter XII of this chapter such term includes Guam, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
1974—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 93–523 designated existing provisions as cl. (1) and added cl. (2).
1970—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 91–212 amended subsec. (c) generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (c) read as follows: "The term 'Administrator' means the Federal Security Administrator;".
Subsec. (q). Pub. L. 91–513 added subsec. (q).
1960—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 86–624 struck out "Hawaii," before "Puerto Rico".
Subsec. (p). Pub. L. 86–415 added subsec. (p).
1959—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 86–70 struck out "Alaska," after "Hawaii," and substituted "or the District of Columbia" for ", the District of Columbia, or Alaska".
1948—Subsec. (j). Act Feb. 28, 1948, inserted "isonipecaine and its derivatives, compounds, salts, and preparations; opiates (as defined in section 4731(g) of title 26)".
Subsec. (n). Act June 16, 1948, added subsec. (n).
Subsec. (o). Act June 24, 1948, added subsec. (o).
1946—Subsecs. (l), (m). Act July 3, 1946, added subsecs. (l) and (m).
Coast and Geodetic Survey consolidated with Weather Bureau to form a new agency in Department of Commerce to be known as Environmental Science Services Administration, and commissioned officers of Survey transferred to ESSA, by Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1965, eff. July 13, 1965, 30 F.R. 8819, 79 Stat. 1318, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. Reorg. Plan No. 4 of 1970, eff. Oct. 3, 1970, 35 F.R. 15627, 84 Stat. 2090, abolished Environmental Science Services Administration, established National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and redesignated Commissioned Officer Corps of ESSA as Commissioned Officer Corps of NOAA. For further details, see Transfer of Functions note set out under section 851 of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters.
Pub. L. 106–310, div. A, title XXIX, §2901, Oct. 17, 2000, 114 Stat. 1168, provided that: "This division [see Tables for classification] and the amendments made by this division take effect October 1, 2000, or upon the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 17, 2000], whichever occurs later."
Section 2101 of Pub. L. 103–43 provided that: "Subject to section 203(c) [enacting provisions set out as a note under section 283c of this title], this Act [see Short Title of 1993 Amendment note below] and the amendments made by this Act take effect upon the date of the enactment of this Act [June 10, 1993]."
Amendment by section 902(d)(5) of Pub. L. 97–35 effective Oct. 1, 1981, see section 902(h) of Pub. L. 97–35, set out as a note under section 238l of this title.
Amendment by section 986(a) of Pub. L. 97–35 effective Oct. 1, 1981, see section 986(c) of Pub. L. 97–35, set out as a note under section 249 of this title.
Amendment by Pub. L. 96–79 effective Oct. 1, 1979, see section 204 of Pub. L. 96–79, set out as a note under section 300q of this title.
Section 12(b) of Pub. L. 91–212 provided that: "The amendments made by sections 10(d) and 11 [amending this section and sections 276, 277, 278, 280, 280a–1, 280b–2 to 280b–9, and 280b–11 of this title] shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act [Mar. 13, 1970]."
Section 47(f) of Pub. L. 86–624 provided that: "The amendments made by subsection (c), paragraphs (3) and (4) of subsection (b), and paragraph (4) of subsection (d) of section 14 [amending sections 15i, 15jj, 15ggg, 244, and 645 of Title 20, Education], by section 20(a) [amending section 41 of Title 29, Labor], by section 23(b) [amending section 466j of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters], by subsections (a), (b), and (c), and paragraph (4) of subsection (d), of section 29 [amending this section and sections 255, 264, and 291i of this title], and by subsection (d), and paragraph (2) of subsection (c), of section 30 [amending sections 410 and 1301 of this title] shall become effective on August 21, 1959."
Amendment by Pub. L. 86–70 effective Jan. 3, 1959, see section 47(d) of Pub. L. 86–70.
Pub. L. 113–64, §1, Dec. 20, 2013, 127 Stat. 668, provided that: "This Act [amending section 300g–6 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 300g–6 of this title] may be cited as the 'Community Fire Safety Act of 2013'."
Pub. L. 113–55, title I, §101, Nov. 27, 2013, 127 Stat. 641, provided that: "This title [amending sections 247b–4f, 254c–14, and 280g–5 of this title, repealing section 247b–4g of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 247b–4f of this title] may be cited as the 'Prematurity Research Expansion and Education for Mothers who deliver Infants Early Reauthorization Act' or the 'PREEMIE Reauthorization Act'."
Pub. L. 113–55, title II, §201, Nov. 27, 2013, 127 Stat. 644, provided that: "This title [amending section 284h of this title] may be cited as the 'National Pediatric Research Network Act of 2013'."
Pub. L. 113–55, title III, §301, Nov. 27, 2013, 127 Stat. 646, provided that: "This title [amending section 283m of this title] may be cited as the 'CHIMP Act Amendments of 2013'."
Pub. L. 113–51, §1, Nov. 21, 2013, 127 Stat. 579, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 274f–5 of this title and amending sections 273 and 274 of this title and section 1122 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure] may be cited as the 'HIV Organ Policy Equity Act'."
Pub. L. 113–48, §1, Nov. 13, 2013, 127 Stat. 575, provided that: "This Act [amending section 280g of this title] may be cited as the 'School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act'."
Pub. L. 113–5, §1(a), Mar. 13, 2013, 127 Stat. 161, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 300hh–10a of this title and sections 360bbb–3a and 360bbb–3b of Title 21, Food and Drugs, amending sections 247d, 247d–1, 247d–3a to 247d–4, 247d–6 to 247d–6b, 247d–6d, 247d–7b, 247d–7e, 247d–7f, 284m, 284m–1, 300hh–1, 300hh–10, 300hh–11, 300hh–15, and 300hh–16 of this title, sections 355, 355–1, 355a, 360bbb–3, and 360bbb–4 of Title 21, and section 8117 of Title 38, Veterans' Benefits, repealing section 247d–6c of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 247d–6a and 300hh–10 of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 247d–6a of this title] may be cited as the 'Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013'."
Pub. L. 112–202, §1, Dec. 4, 2012, 126 Stat. 1483, provided that: "This Act [amending section 263a of this title] may be cited as the 'Taking Essential Steps for Testing Act of 2012'."
Pub. L. 112–32, §1, Sept. 30, 2011, 125 Stat. 361, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 280i to 280i–4 of this title] may be cited as the 'Combating Autism Reauthorization Act of 2011'."
Pub. L. 111–380, §1, Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 4131, provided that: "This Act [amending section 300g–6 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 300g–6 of this title] may be cited as the 'Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act'."
Pub. L. 111–347, §1(a), Jan. 2, 2011, 124 Stat. 3623, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter XXXI of this chapter, section 5000C of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, and provisions set out as a note under section 5000C of Title 26 and amending provisions set out as notes under section 1101 of Title 8, Aliens and Nationality, and section 40101 of Title 49, Transportation] may be cited as the 'James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010'."
Pub. L. 111–337, §1, Dec. 22, 2010, 124 Stat. 3588, provided that: "This Act [amending section 280g–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act of 2010'."
Pub. L. 111–264, §1, Oct. 8, 2010, 124 Stat. 2789, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 274k and 274m of this title and amending provisions set out as a note under section 274k of this title] may be cited as the 'Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Reauthorization Act of 2010'."
Pub. L. 111–148, title VII, §7001(a), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 804, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle A (§§7001–7003) of title VII of Pub. L. 111–148, amending sections 262 and 284m of this title, sections 355, 355a, 355c, and 379g of Title 21, Food and Drugs, section 2201 of Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, and section 271 of Title 35, Patents, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 262 of this title] may be cited as the 'Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009'."
Pub. L. 111–148, title VIII, §8001, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 828, which provided that title VIII of Pub. L. 111–148, enacting subchapter XXX of this chapter, amending section 1396a of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under section 300ll of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 1396p of this title, could be cited as the "Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act" or the "CLASS Act", was repealed by Pub. L. 112–240, title VI, §642(b)(1), Jan. 2, 2013, 126 Stat. 2358.
Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10409(a), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 978, provided that: "This section [enacting section 282d of this title and amending sections 282 and 290b of this title] may be cited as the 'Cures Acceleration Network Act of 2009'."
Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10410(a), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 984, provided that: "This section [enacting section 290bb–33 of this title] may be cited as the 'Establishing a Network of Health-Advancing National Centers of Excellence for Depression Act of 2009' or the 'ENHANCED Act of 2009'."
Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10411(a), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 988, provided that: "This subtitle [probably means this section, enacting sections 280g–13 and 285b–8 of this title] may be cited as the 'Congenital Heart Futures Act'."
Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10413(a), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 990, provided that: "This section [enacting part V of subchapter II of this chapter] may be cited as the 'Young Women's Breast Health Education and Awareness Requires Learning Young Act of 2009' or the 'EARLY Act'."
Pub. L. 111–87, §1(a), Oct. 30, 2009, 123 Stat. 2885, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 300ff–87a of this title and part G of subchapter XXIV of this chapter, amending sections 300ff–11 to 300ff–17, 300ff–19 to 300ff–27, 300ff–28, 300ff–29, 300ff–29a, 300ff–30, 300ff–31a, 300ff–31b, 300ff–33, 300ff–34, 300ff–37, 300ff–37a, 300ff–38, 300ff–51 to 300ff–55, 300ff–61 to 300ff–67, 300ff–71, 300ff–81 to 300ff–88, 300ff–101, 300ff–111, and 300ff–121 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under section 300ff–11 of this title, and repealing provisions set out as a note under section 300ff–11 of this title] may be cited as the 'Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009'."
Pub. L. 111–11, title XIV, §14001, Mar. 30, 2009, 123 Stat. 1452, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 280g–9, 284o, and 284p of this title] may be cited as the 'Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act'."
Pub. L. 111–5, div. A, title XIII, §13001(a), Feb. 17, 2009, 123 Stat. 226, provided that: "This title [enacting subchapter XXVIII of this chapter and chapter 156 of this title, amending sections 1320d, 1320d–5, and 1320d–6 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 17931 of this title] (and title IV of division B [amending sections 1395f, 1395r, 1395w, 1395w–4, 1395w–21, 1395w–23, 1395ww, 1395iii, and 1396b of this title, enacting provisions set out as a note under section 1395ww of this title, and amending provisions set out as notes under section 1395ww of this title]) may be cited as the 'Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act' or the 'HITECH Act'."
Pub. L. 110–426, §1, Oct. 15, 2008, 122 Stat. 4835, provided that: "This Act [amending section 274 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 274 of this title] may be cited as the 'Stephanie Tubbs Jones Organ Transplant Authorization Act of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–413, §1, Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4338, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 274i to 274i–4 of this title] may be cited as the 'Stephanie Tubbs Jones Gift of Life Medal Act of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–392, §1(a), Oct. 13, 2008, 122 Stat. 4195, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 285b–7c of this title, amending section 247b–6 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 247b–6 and 264 of this title] may be cited as the 'Comprehensive Tuberculosis Elimination Act of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–381, §1, Oct. 9, 2008, 122 Stat. 4081, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300gg–7 and 300gg–54 of this title, section 9813 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, and section 1185c of Title 29, Labor, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 9813 of Title 26] may be cited as 'Michelle's Law'."
Pub. L. 110–377, §1, Oct. 8, 2008, 122 Stat. 4063, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 300d–71 to 300d–73 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300d–71 to 300d–73 of this title] may be cited as the 'Poison Center Support, Enhancement, and Awareness Act of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–374, §1, Oct. 8, 2008, 122 Stat. 4051, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 280g–8 of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 280g–8 of this title] may be cited as the 'Prenatally and Postnatally Diagnosed Conditions Awareness Act'."
Pub. L. 110–373, §1, Oct. 8, 2008, 122 Stat. 4047, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 280g–7 of this title] may be cited as the 'ALS Registry Act'."
Pub. L. 110–361, §1, Oct. 8, 2008, 122 Stat. 4010, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 247b–18, 247b–19, and 283g of this title] may be cited as the 'Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research, and Education Amendments of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–355, §1, Oct. 8, 2008, 122 Stat. 3988, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 300hh–17 of this title, amending sections 254b, 254c, 254e, 254f, 254h–1, 254k, 254q, 254q–1, 256g, and 1395x of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 254b and 1395x of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Care Safety Net Act of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–354, §1, Oct. 8, 2008, 122 Stat. 3984, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 285a–12 of this title] may be cited as the 'Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–343, div. C, title V, §511, Oct. 3, 2008, 122 Stat. 3881, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle B (§§511, 512) of title V of div. C of Pub. L. 110–343, amending section 300gg–5 of this title, section 9812 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, and section 1185a of Title 29, Labor, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 300gg–5 of this title] may be cited as the 'Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–339, §1, Oct. 3, 2008, 122 Stat. 3733, provided that: "This Act [amending section 254c–8 of this title] may be cited as the 'Healthy Start Reauthorization Act of 2007'."
Pub. L. 110–285, §1, July 29, 2008, 122 Stat. 2628, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 280e–3a and 285a–11 of this title, amending section 280e–4 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 280e–3a of this title] may be cited as the 'Caroline Pryce Walker Conquer Childhood Cancer Act of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–206, §1, Apr. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 714, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 280b–1e of this title and amending sections 280b–1b, 280b–1c, 280b–1d, 300d–52, 300d–53, and 300d–61 of this title] may be cited as the 'Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–204, §1, Apr. 24, 2008, 122 Stat. 705, as amended by Pub. L. 110–237, §1(b)(1), May 27, 2008, 122 Stat. 1557, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300b–11 to 300b–15 of this title and amending sections 300b–8 to 300b–10 of this title] may be cited as the 'Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2008'."
Pub. L. 110–202, §1, Apr. 23, 2008, 122 Stat. 697, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 280b–1f of this title] may be cited as the 'Safety of Seniors Act of 2007'."
Pub. L. 110–170, §1, Dec. 26, 2007, 121 Stat. 2465, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 287a–3a and 287a–4 of this title] may be cited as the 'Chimp Haven is Home Act'."
Pub. L. 110–144, §1, Dec. 21, 2007, 121 Stat. 1813, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 273b of this title, amending section 274e of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 274e of this title] may be cited as the 'Charlie W. Norwood Living Organ Donation Act'."
Pub. L. 110–23, §1, May 3, 2007, 121 Stat. 90, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 300d–5 of this title, amending sections 300d, 300d–3, 300d–12 to 300d–15, 300d–22, 300d–32, 300d–51, and 300d–52 of this title, and repealing sections 300d–2 and 300d–16 of this title] may be cited as the 'Trauma Care Systems Planning and Development Act of 2007'."
Pub. L. 110–18, §1, Apr. 20, 2007, 121 Stat. 80, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 300k, 300m, 300n–4, and 300n–5 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Reauthorization Act of 2007'."
Pub. L. 109–482, §1, Jan. 15, 2007, 120 Stat. 3675, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'National Institutes of Health Reform Act of 2006'."
Pub. L. 109–475, §1, Jan. 12, 2007, 120 Stat. 3565, provided that: "This Act [amending section 247b–17 of this title] may be cited as the 'Gynecologic Cancer Education and Awareness Act of 2005' or 'Johanna's Law'."
Pub. L. 109–450, §1, Dec. 22, 2006, 120 Stat. 3341, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 247b–4f, 247b–4g, and 280g–5 of this title, amending sections 241 and 280g–4 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 247b–4f of this title] may be cited as the 'Prematurity Research Expansion and Education for Mothers who deliver Infants Early Act' or the 'PREEMIE Act'."
Pub. L. 109–442, §1, Dec. 21, 2006, 120 Stat. 3291, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300ii to 300ii–4 of this title] may be cited as the 'Lifespan Respite Care Act of 2006'."
Pub. L. 109–422, §1, Dec. 20, 2006, 120 Stat. 2890, provided that: "This Act [amending section 290bb–25b of this title] may be cited as the 'Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act' or the 'STOP Act'."
Pub. L. 109–417, §1(a), Dec. 19, 2006, 120 Stat. 2831, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 204a, 247d–7e, 247d–7f, 254u, 300hh–1, 300hh–2, 300hh–10, 300hh–15, and 300hh–16 of this title and section 360bbb–4 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, amending sections 215, 247d–1, 247d–3a, 247d–3b, 247d–4, 247d–6, 247d–6a, 247d–6b, 247d–7b, 254d, 254q–1, 300hh, 300hh–11, and 1320b–5 of this title, sections 313, 314, and 321j of Title 6, Domestic Security, and section 8117 of Title 38, Veterans' Benefits, repealing sections 247d–2 and 247d–3 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 204a, 247d–6a, 262a, 300hh–10, 300hh–11, and 1320b–5 of this title and section 313 of Title 6] may be cited as the 'Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act'."
Pub. L. 109–416, §1, Dec. 19, 2006, 120 Stat. 2821, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 280i to 280i–4 and 283j of this title, amending section 284g of this title, and repealing sections 247b–4b to 247b–4e of this title] may be cited as the 'Combating Autism Act of 2006'."
Pub. L. 109–415, §1(a), Dec. 19, 2006, 120 Stat. 2767, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300ff–19, 300ff–20, 300ff–29a, 300ff–31a, 300ff–31b, and 300ff–121 of this title, amending sections 300ff–11 to 300ff–17, 300ff–19 to 300ff–27, 300ff–28, 300ff–29, 300ff–29a, 300ff–30, 300ff–31a, 300ff–31b, 300ff–33, 300ff–34, 300ff–37, 300ff–37a, 300ff–38, 300ff–51 to 300ff–55, 300ff–61 to 300ff–67, 300ff–71, 300ff–81 to 300ff–88, 300ff–101, 300ff–111, and 300ff–121 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 300ff–11 of this title] may be cited as the 'Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006'."
Pub. L. 109–307, §1, Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1721, provided that: "This Act [amending section 256e of this title] may be cited as the 'Children's Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act of 2006'."
Pub. L. 109–242, §1, July 19, 2006, 120 Stat. 570, provided that: "This Act [amending section 289g–2 of this title] may be cited as the 'Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006'."
Pub. L. 109–172, §1, Feb. 10, 2006, 120 Stat. 185, provided that: "This Act [amending section 300gg–45 of this title] may be cited as the 'State High Risk Pool Funding Extension Act of 2006'."
Pub. L. 109–148, div. C, §1, Dec. 30, 2005, 119 Stat. 2818, provided that: "This division [enacting sections 247d–6d and 247d–6e of this title] may be cited as the 'Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act'."
Pub. L. 109–129, §1, Dec. 20, 2005, 119 Stat. 2550, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 274l–1 of this title, amending sections 274k, 274l, and 274m of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 274k of this title] may be cited as the 'Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005'."
Pub. L. 109–60, §1, Aug. 11, 2005, 119 Stat. 1979, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 280g–3 of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 280g–3 of this title] may be cited as the 'National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act of 2005'."
Pub. L. 109–41, §1(a), July 29, 2005, 119 Stat. 424, provided that: "This Act [enacting part C (§299b–21 et seq.) of subchapter VII of this chapter, redesignating former part C (§299c et seq.) as part D of subchapter VII of this chapter, and amending sections 299c–6 and 299c–7 of this title] may be cited as the 'Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005'."
Pub. L. 109–18, §1, June 29, 2005, 119 Stat. 340, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 256a of this title] may be cited as the 'Patient Navigator Outreach and Chronic Disease Prevention Act of 2005'."
Pub. L. 108–377, §1, Oct. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2202, provided that: "This Act [amending section 280g of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 280g of this title] may be cited as the 'Asthmatic Schoolchildren's Treatment and Health Management Act of 2004'."
Pub. L. 108–365, §1, Oct. 25, 2004, 118 Stat. 1738, provided that: "This Act [amending section 263b of this title] may be cited as the 'Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization Act of 2004'."
Pub. L. 108–362, §1, Oct. 25, 2004, 118 Stat. 1703, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 273 and 285c–3 of this title] may be cited as the 'Pancreatic Islet Cell Transplantation Act of 2004'."
Pub. L. 108–355, §1, Oct. 21, 2004, 118 Stat. 1404, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 290bb–36 and 290bb–36b of this title, amending sections 290bb–34 and 290bb–36 of this title, renumbering former section 290bb–36 of this title as section 290bb–36a of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 290bb–36 of this title] may be cited as the 'Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act'."
Pub. L. 108–276, §1, July 21, 2004, 118 Stat. 835, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 247d–6a and 247d–6c of this title and section 320 of Title 6, Domestic Security, amending sections 247d–6, 247d–6b, 287a–2, 300aa–6, and 1320b–5 of this title, sections 312 and 313 of Title 6, and section 360bbb–3 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, renumbering section 300hh–12 of this title as section 247d–6b of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 247d–6a and 247d–6b of this title, and repealing provisions set out as a note under section 1107a of Title 10, Armed Forces] may be cited as the 'Project BioShield Act of 2004'."
Pub. L. 108–216, §1, Apr. 5, 2004, 118 Stat. 584, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 273a and 274f–1 to 274f–4 of this title and amending sections 273 and 274f of this title] may be cited as the 'Organ Donation and Recovery Improvement Act'."
Pub. L. 108–197, §1, Dec. 19, 2003, 117 Stat. 2898, provided that: "This Act [amending section 300gg–5 of this title and section 1185a of Title 29, Labor] may be cited as the 'Mental Health Parity Reauthorization Act of 2003'."
Pub. L. 108–194, §1, Dec. 19, 2003, 117 Stat. 2888, provided that: "This Act [enacting part G (§300d–71 et seq.) of subchapter X of this chapter, repealing chapter 142 of this title, enacting provisions set out as a note under section 300d–71 of this title, and repealing provisions set out as a note under section 14801 of this title] may be cited as the 'Poison Control Center Enhancement and Awareness Act Amendments of 2003'."
Pub. L. 108–163, §1, Dec. 6, 2003, 117 Stat. 2020, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 254c–18 of this title, amending sections 233, 247b–1, 247b–6, 247c–1, 254b, 254c, 254c–14, 254c–16, 254e to 254g, 254l, 254l–1, 254o, 300e–12, and 300ff–52 of this title, repealing section 254c–17 of this title, enacting provisions set out as a note under section 233 of this title, amending provisions set out as notes under sections 254b and 1396a of this title, and repealing provisions set out as notes under sections 254e and 254o of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Care Safety Net Amendments Technical Corrections Act of 2003'."
Pub. L. 108–154, §1, Dec. 3, 2003, 117 Stat. 1933, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 247b–4 and 15022 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 247b–4b and 15022 of this title] may be cited as the 'Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Prevention Act of 2003'."
Pub. L. 108–75, §1, Aug. 15, 2003, 117 Stat. 898, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 247b–21 and 285l–6 of this title and amending section 247b–20 of this title] may be cited as the 'Mosquito Abatement for Safety and Health Act'."
Pub. L. 108–41, §1, July 1, 2003, 117 Stat. 839, provided that: "This Act [amending section 244 of this title] may be cited as the 'Automatic Defibrillation in Adam's Memory Act'."
Pub. L. 108–20, §1, Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 638, provided that: "This Act [enacting part C (§239 et seq.) of subchapter I of this chapter, amending section 233 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 233 of this title] may be cited as the 'Smallpox Emergency Personnel Protection Act of 2003'."
Pub. L. 107–313, §1, Dec. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 2457, provided that: "This Act [amending section 300gg–5 of this title and section 1185a of Title 29, Labor] may be cited as the 'Mental Health Parity Reauthorization Act of 2002'."
Pub. L. 107–280, §1, Nov. 6, 2002, 116 Stat. 1988, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 283h and 283i of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 283h of this title] may be cited as the 'Rare Diseases Act of 2002'."
Pub. L. 107–260, §1, Oct. 29, 2002, 116 Stat. 1743, provided that: "This Act [amending section 280e of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 280e of this title] may be cited as the 'Benign Brain Tumor Cancer Registries Amendment Act'."
Pub. L. 107–251, §1(a), Oct. 26, 2002, 116 Stat. 1621, provided that: "This Act [enacting subparts V (§256) and X (§256f et seq.) of part D of subchapter II of this chapter and sections 254c–14 to 254c–17, 254g, and 254t of this title, amending sections 233, 247b–1, 247b–6, 247c–1, 254b, 254c, 254d to 254f–1, 254h to 254i, 254k to 254o, 254q, 254q–1, 256d, 290cc–34, 294o, 295p, 300e–12, and 300ff–52 of this title, repealing sections 254g and 254t of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and sections 254b, 254e, 254l, 254o, 256, and 1396a of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Care Safety Net Amendments of 2002'."
Pub. L. 107–251, title II, §211, Oct. 26, 2002, 116 Stat. 1632, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle B (§§211, 212) of title II of Pub. L. 107–251, enacting section 254c–14 of this title] may be cited as the 'Telehealth Grant Consolidation Act of 2002'."
Pub. L. 107–205, §1, Aug. 1, 2002, 116 Stat. 811, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 297n–1, 297w, 297x, and 298 of this title, amending sections 294c, 296, 296p, and 297n of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 296 of this title] may be cited as the 'Nurse Reinvestment Act'."
Pub. L. 107–188, §1(a), June 12, 2002, 116 Stat. 594, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002'."
Pub. L. 107–188, title I, §159(a), June 12, 2002, 116 Stat. 634, provided that: "This section [enacting sections 244 and 245 of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 244 of this title] may be cited as the 'Community Access to Emergency Defibrillation Act of 2002'."
Pub. L. 107–172, §1, May 14, 2002, 116 Stat. 541, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 285a–10 of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 285a–10 of this title] may be cited as the 'Hematological Cancer Research Investment and Education Act of 2002'."
Pub. L. 107–84, §1, Dec. 18, 2001, 115 Stat. 823, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 247b–18, 247b–19, and 283g of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 247b–18 and 281 of this title] may be cited as the 'Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research and Education Amendments of 2001', or the 'MD–CARE Act'."
Pub. L. 106–580, §1, Dec. 29, 2000, 114 Stat. 3088, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 285r of this title, amending section 281 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 285r of this title] may be cited as the 'National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Establishment Act'."
Pub. L. 106–551, §1, Dec. 20, 2000, 114 Stat. 2752, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 287a–3a of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 287a–3a of this title] may be cited as the 'Chimpanzee Health Improvement, Maintenance, and Protection Act'."
Pub. L. 106–545, §1, Dec. 19, 2000, 114 Stat. 2721, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 285l–2 to 285l–5 of this title] may be cited as the 'ICCVAM Authorization Act of 2000'."
Pub. L. 106–525, §1(a), Nov. 22, 2000, 114 Stat. 2495, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 287c–31 to 287c–34, 293e, 296e–1, and 299a–1 of this title, amending sections 281, 296f, 299a, 299c–6, and 300u–6 of this title, repealing section 283b of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 281, 287c–31, 293e, and 3501 of this title] may be cited as the 'Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000'."
Pub. L. 106–505, §1(a), Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2314, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 238p, 238q, 247d to 247d–7, 254c–9 to 254c–13, 284k, 284l, 285d–6a, 285e–10a, 285f–3, 287a–4 and 288–5a of this title, amending sections 273, 274b–5, 284d, 285a–8, 285e–11, 285f–3, 287a–2 and 287a–3 of this title, repealing former section 247d of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and sections 238p, 254c, 273, 284k, 285d–6a, 287, 287a–2 and 289 of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 289 of this title] may be cited as the 'Public Health Improvement Act'."
Pub. L. 106–505, title I, §101, Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2315, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 247d to 247d–7 of this title and repealing former section 247d of this title] may be cited as the 'Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act'."
Pub. L. 106–505, title II, §201, Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2325, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 284k, 284l, 287a–4 and 288a–5 of this title, amending section 284d of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 284k of this title] may be cited as the 'Clinical Research Enhancement Act of 2000'."
Pub. L. 106–505, title III, §301, Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2330, provided that: "This title [enacting section 287a–2 of this title, amending section 287a–3 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 287 and 287a–2 of this title] may be cited as the 'Twenty-First Century Research Laboratories Act'."
Pub. L. 106–505, title IV, §401, Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2336, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle A (§§401–404) of title IV of Pub. L. 106–505, enacting sections 238p and 238q of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 238p of this title] may be cited as the 'Cardiac Arrest Survival Act of 2000'."
Pub. L. 106–505, title V, §501, Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2342, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 254c–9 to 254c–13 and 285d–6a of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 285d–6a of this title] may be cited as the 'Lupus Research and Care Amendments of 2000'."
Pub. L. 106–505, title VI, §601, Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2345, provided that: "This title [amending sections 247b–5 and 285a–8 of this title] may be cited as the 'Prostate Cancer Research and Prevention Act'."
Pub. L. 106–505, title VII, §701(a), Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2346, provided that: "This section [amending section 273 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 273 of this title] may be cited as the 'Organ Procurement Organization Certification Act of 2000'."
Pub. L. 106–345, §1, Oct. 20, 2000, 114 Stat. 1319, provided that: "This Act [enacting subpart III (§300ff–38) of part B of subchapter XXIV of this chapter and sections 247c–2, 300ff–30, 300ff–37a, 300ff–75a, and 300ff–75b of this title, redesignating subparts II (§300ff–51 et seq.) and III (§300ff–61 et seq.) of part C of subchapter XXIV of this chapter as subparts I and II, respectively, of part C of subchapter XXIV of this chapter, amending sections 300ff–12 to 300ff–15, 300ff–21 to 300ff–23, 300ff–26 to 300ff–28, 300ff–33, 300ff–34, 300ff–37, 300ff–53 to 300ff–55, 300ff–61, 300ff–62, 300ff–64, 300ff–71, 300ff–73 to 300ff–75, 300ff–77, and 300ff–111 of this title, repealing former subpart I (§300ff–41 et seq.) of part C of subchapter XXIV of this chapter and sections 300ff–31, 300ff–35, and 300ff–36 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300cc, 300ff–11, 300ff–12, and 300ff–111 of this title] may be cited as the 'Ryan White CARE Act Amendments of 2000'."
Pub. L. 106–310, §1, Oct. 17, 2000, 114 Stat. 1101, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Children's Health Act of 2000'."
Pub. L. 106–310, div. B, §3001, Oct. 17, 2000, 114 Stat. 1168, provided that: "This division [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Youth Drug and Mental Health Services Act'."
Pub. L. 106–310, div. B, title XXXVI, §3661, Oct. 17, 2000, 114 Stat. 1241, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle C (§§3661–3665) of title XXXVI of Pub. L. 106–310, enacting section 290aa–5b of this title and provisions set out as notes under section 290aa–5b of this title and section 994 of Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure] may be cited as the 'Ecstasy Anti-Proliferation Act of 2000'."
Pub. L. 106–129, §1, Dec. 6, 1999, 113 Stat. 1653, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter VII of this chapter and sections 254c–4 and 256e of this title, amending sections 203, 242b, 242q–1, 286d, 288, 289c–1, 290aa, 300cc–18, 300ff–73, 1320b–12, 11221, and 11261 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 241, 254c, 295k, and 299 of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 299a of this title] may be cited as the 'Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999'."
Pub. L. 105–392, §1(a), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3524, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Health Professions Education Partnerships Act of 1998'."
Pub. L. 105–392, title I, §121, Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3562, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle B (§§121–124) of title I of Pub. L. 105–392, enacting sections 296, 296a to 296f, 296j, 296m, 296p, 297q, and 297t of this title, transferring section 298b–2 of this title to section 296g of this title, repealing sections 296k to 296m, 296r, 297, 297–1, 297c, 298, 298a, 298b, 298b–1, 298b–3 to 298b–5, and 298b–7 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 296 of this title] may be cited as the 'Nursing Education and Practice Improvement Act of 1998'."
Pub. L. 105–392, title IV, §419(a), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3591, provided that: "This section [enacting sections 280f to 280f–3 of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 280f of this title] may be cited as the 'Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effect Prevention and Services Act'."
Pub. L. 105–340, §1, Oct. 31, 1998, 112 Stat. 3191, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 285b–7a and 300u–9 of this title and amending sections 242k, 280e–4, 283a, 284e, 285a–8, 285e–10, 287d, 300k, 300n–4a, 300n–5, and 300u–5 of this title] may be cited as the 'Women's Health Research and Prevention Amendments of 1998'."
Pub. L. 105–277, div. A, §101(f) [title IX, §901], Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–337, 2681–436, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 300gg–6 and 300gg–52 of this title and section 1185b of Title 29, Labor, and provisions set out as notes under sections 300gg–6 and 300gg–52 of this title and section 1185b of Title 29] may be cited as the 'Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998'."
Pub. L. 105–248, §1, Oct. 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 1864, provided that: "This Act [amending section 263b of this title] may be cited as the 'Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization Act of 1998'."
Pub. L. 105–196, §1, July 16, 1998, 112 Stat. 631, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 274l and 274m of this title, amending sections 274g and 274k of this title, repealing former section 274l of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 274k of this title] may be cited as the 'National Bone Marrow Registry Reauthorization Act of 1998'."
Pub. L. 105–168, §1(a), Apr. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 43, provided that: "This Act [amending section 247b–4 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 247b–4 of this title] may be cited as the 'Birth Defects Prevention Act of 1998'."
Pub. L. 105–78, title VI, §603(a), Nov. 13, 1997, 111 Stat. 1519, provided that: "This section [enacting section 284f of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 284f of this title] may be cited as the 'Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Disease Research Act of 1997'."
Pub. L. 104–299, §1, Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3626, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 254b and 254c of this title, amending sections 233, 256c, 1395x, and 1396d of this title, repealing sections 256 and 256a of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 233 and 254b of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Centers Consolidation Act of 1996'."
Pub. L. 104–204, title VI, §601, Sept. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 2935, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 300gg–4 and 300gg–51 of this title and section 1185 of Title 29, Labor, amending sections 300gg–21, 300gg–23, 300gg–44, 300gg–61, and 300gg–62 of this title and sections 1003, 1021, 1022, 1024, 1132, 1136, 1144, 1181, 1191, and 1191a of Title 29, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 300gg–4 and 300gg–44 of this title and section 1003 of Title 29] may be cited as the 'Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of 1996'."
Pub. L. 104–204, title VII, §701, Sept. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 2944, provided that: "This title [enacting section 300gg–5 of this title and section 1185a of Title 29, Labor, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 300gg–5 of this title and section 1185a of Title 29] may be cited as the 'Mental Health Parity Act of 1996'."
Pub. L. 104–191, §1(a), Aug. 21, 1996, 110 Stat. 1936, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996'."
Pub. L. 104–182, §1(a), Aug. 6, 1996, 110 Stat. 1613, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300g–7 to 300g–9, 300h–8, 300j–3c, and 300j–12 to 300j–18 of this title and section 1263a of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, amending sections 300f, 300g–1 to 300g–6, 300h, 300h–5 to 300h–7, 300i, 300i–1, 300j to 300j–2, 300j–4 to 300j–8, 300j–11, and 300j–21 to 300j–25 of this title, sections 4701 and 4721 of Title 16, Conservation, and section 349 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, repealing section 13551 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under this section, sections 300f, 300g–1, 300j–1, and 300j–12 of this title, section 1281 of Title 33, and section 45 of former Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works, and amending provisions set out as a note under this section] may be cited as the 'Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996'."
Pub. L. 104–146, §1, May 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1346, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300ff–27a, 300ff–31, 300ff–33 to 300ff–37, 300ff–77, 300ff–78, 300ff–101, and 300ff–111 of this title, amending sections 294n, 300d, 300ff–11 to 300ff–17, 300ff–21 to 300ff–23, 300ff–26 to 300ff–29, 300ff–47 to 300ff–49, 300ff–51, 300ff–52, 300ff–54, 300ff–55, 300ff–64, 300ff–71, 300ff–74, 300ff–76, and 300ff–84 of this title, transferring section 294n of this title to section 300ff–111 of this title, repealing sections 300ff–18 and 300ff–30 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300cc, 300ff–11, and 300ff–33 of this title and section 4103 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees] may be cited as the 'Ryan White CARE Act Amendments of 1996'."
Pub. L. 104–73, §1(a), Dec. 26, 1995, 109 Stat. 777, provided that: "This Act [amending section 233 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 233 of this title] may be cited as the 'Federally Supported Health Centers Assistance Act of 1995'."
Pub. L. 103–183, §1(a), Dec. 14, 1993, 107 Stat. 2226, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 247b–6, 247b–7, 256d, 280b–1a, 285f–2, 300n–4a, and 300u–8 of this title, amending sections 233, 238j, 242b, 242k, 242l, 242m, 247b, 247b–1, 247b–5, 247c, 247c–1, 254j, 280b, 280b–1, 280b–2, 280b–3, 280e–4, 300d, 300d–2, 300d–3, 300d–12, 300d–13, 300d–16, 300d–22, 300d–31, 300d–32, 300k, 300m, 300n, 300n–1, 300n–4, 300n–5, 300u–5, 300w, and 300aa–26 of this title, repealing sections 300d–1 and 300d–33 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 238j, 263b, 285f–2, and 300m of this title] may be cited as the 'Preventive Health Amendments of 1993'."
Section 1(a) of Pub. L. 103–43 provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993'."
Pub. L. 102–539, §1, Oct. 27, 1992, 106 Stat. 3547, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 263b of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 263b of this title] may be cited as the 'Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992'."
Pub. L. 102–531, §1(a), Oct. 27, 1992, 106 Stat. 3469, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 247b–3 to 247b–5, 247c–1, 256c, 280d–11, 300l–1, and 300u–7 of this title, amending sections 236, 242l, 247b–1, 247d, 254b, 254c, 256, 256a, 280b to 280b–2, 285c–4, 285d–7, 285m–4, 289c, 290aa–9, 290bb–1, 292y, 293j, 293l, 294n, 295j, 295l, 295n, 295o, 296k, 298b–7, 300u, 300u–1, 300u–5, 300w, 300w–3 to 300w–5, 300aa–2, 300aa–15, 300aa–19, 300aa–26, 300cc, 300cc–2, 300cc–15, 300cc–17, 300cc–20, 300cc–31, 300ee–1, 300ee–2, 300ee–31, 300ee–32, 300ee–34, 300ff–11 to 300ff–13, 300ff–17, 300ff–27, 300ff–28, 300ff–41, 300ff–43, 300ff–49, 300ff–75, 4841, and 9604 of this title, section 1341 of Title 15, Trade and Commerce, and section 2001 of Title 25, Indians, repealing section 297j of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 236, 292y, 300e, and 300w–4 of this title, amending provisions set out as notes under sections 241, 281, and 295k of this title and section 303 of Title 38, Veterans' Benefits, and repealing provisions set out as notes under section 246 and 300e of this title] may be cited as the 'Preventive Health Amendments of 1992'."
Pub. L. 102–515, §1, Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3372, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 280e to 280e–4 of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 280e of this title] may be cited as the 'Cancer Registries Amendment Act'."
Pub. L. 102–501, §1, Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3268, provided that: "This Act [amending section 233 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 233 of this title] may be cited as the 'Federally Supported Health Centers Assistance Act of 1992'."
Pub. L. 102–493, §1, Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3146, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 263a–1 to 263a–7 of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 263a–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'Fertility Clinic Success Rate and Certification Act of 1992'."
Pub. L. 102–410, §1(a), Oct. 13, 1992, 106 Stat. 2094, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 299 to 299a–2, 299b to 299b–3, 299c to 299c–3, 299c–5, and 300w–9 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 299a–2, 299b–1, and 299b–2 of this title] may be cited as the 'Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Reauthorization Act of 1992'."
Pub. L. 102–409, §1, Oct. 13, 1992, 106 Stat. 2092, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 283a of this title] may be cited as the 'DES Education and Research Amendments of 1992'."
Pub. L. 102–408, §1(a), Oct. 13, 1992, 106 Stat. 1992, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter V of this chapter and sections 297n, 298b–7, and 300d–51 of this title, amending sections 242a, 296k to 296m, 296r, 297, 297–1, 297b, 297d, 297e, 298, 298b, and 298b–6 of this title and section 1078–3 of Title 20, Education, repealing sections 295g–10a, 297c–1, and 297n of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under this section, sections 292, 295j, 295k, 296k, and 297b of this title, section 1078–3 of Title 20, and section 343–1 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 300x of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Professions Education Extension Amendments of 1992'."
Pub. L. 102–408, title II, §201, Oct. 13, 1992, 106 Stat. 2069, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 297n and 298b–7 of this title, amending sections 296k to 296m, 296r, 297, 297–1, 297b, 297d, 297e, 298, 298b, and 298b–6 of this title, repealing sections 297c–1 and 297n of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 296k and 297b of this title] may be referred to as the Nurse Education and Practice Improvement Amendments of 1992."
Pub. L. 102–352, §1, Aug. 26, 1992, 106 Stat. 938, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 285n, 285n–2, 285o, 285o–2, 285p, 290aa–1, 290aa–3, 290cc–21, 290cc–28, 290cc–30, 300x–7, 300x–27, 300x–33, 300x–53, and 300y of this title, enacting provisions set out as a note under section 285n of this title, and amending provisions set out as notes under sections 290aa and 300x of this title] may be cited as the 'Public Health Service Act Technical Amendments Act'."
Pub. L. 102–321, §1(a), July 10, 1992, 106 Stat. 323, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'ADAMHA Reorganization Act'."
Pub. L. 102–168, §1, Nov. 26, 1991, 105 Stat. 1102, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 300u, 300u–5, 300aa–11, 300aa–12, 300aa–15, 300aa–16, 300aa–19, and 300aa–21 of this title, enacting provisions set out as a note under section 300aa–11 of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 300aa–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Information, Health Promotion, and Vaccine Injury Compensation Amendments of 1991'."
Pub. L. 102–96, §1, Aug. 14, 1991, 105 Stat. 481, provided that: "This Act [amending section 300cc–13 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 300cc–13 of this title] may be cited as the 'Terry Beirn Community Based AIDS Research Initiative Act of 1991'."
Pub. L. 101–639, §1, Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 4600, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 290cc–13, 299a, 300x–3, and 300x–10 to 300x–12 of this title] may be cited as the 'Mental Health Amendments of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–616, §1, Nov. 16, 1990, 104 Stat. 3279, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 274f, 274g, 274k, and 274l of this title, amending sections 273 to 274d of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 273, 274, and 274k of this title, and repealing provisions set out as a note under section 273 of this title] may be cited as the 'Transplant Amendments Act of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–613, §1, Nov. 16, 1990, 104 Stat. 3224, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 285g–4 and 290b of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 285g–4 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Institutes of Health Amendments of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–597, §1, Nov. 16, 1990, 104 Stat. 3013, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 254f–1, 254o–1, and 254r of this title, amending sections 242a, 254d to 254i, 254k, 254l to 254q–1, 254s, 294h, 294n, 294aa, 295g–1, 296m, 1320c–5, 1395l, 1395u, 1395x, 3505d, and 9840 of this title and section 2123 of Title 10, Armed Forces, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 242a, 254l–1, and 254o of this title] may be cited as the 'National Health Service Corps Revitalization Amendments of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–590, §1, Nov. 16, 1990, 104 Stat. 2915, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter X of this chapter, amending sections 300w–4 and 300w–9 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 300d of this title] may be cited as the 'Trauma Care Systems Planning and Development Act of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–558, §1, Nov. 15, 1990, 104 Stat. 2772, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 280b to 280b–3 of this title] may be cited as the 'Injury Control Act of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–557, §1, Nov. 15, 1990, 104 Stat. 2766, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 242q to 242q–5 of this title, amending sections 280c, 280c–2, 280c–3, 280c–5, 285e–2, 285e–3, 300u–6, 300ff–17, 300ff–51, and 300ff–52 of this title and section 4512 of Title 20, Education, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 300u–6 of this title] may be cited as the 'Home Health Care and Alzheimer's Disease Amendments of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–527, §1(a), Nov. 6, 1990, 104 Stat. 2311, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 254c–1, 254t, 256a, 294bb, 294cc, and 300u–6 of this title, amending sections 242k, 242m, 254b, 254c, 294m, 294o, and 295g–2 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 242k and 300u–6 of this title, and repealing provisions set out as a note under section 292h of this title] may be cited as the 'Disadvantaged Minority Health Improvement Act of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–502, §1, Nov. 3, 1990, 104 Stat. 1285, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 207, 247b, 300aa–6, 300aa–11 to 300aa–13, 300aa–15, 300aa–16, 300aa–21, 300ff–13, 300ff–47, and 300ff–49 of this title, section 331 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, and section 201 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300aa–2, 300aa–11, and 300aa–12 of this title and section 201 of Title 37, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 300aa–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'Vaccine and Immunization Amendments of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–381, §1, Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter XXIV of this chapter, transferring section 300ee–6 of this title to section 300ff–48 of this title, amending sections 284a, 286, 287a, 287c–2, 289f, 290aa–3a, 299c–5, 300ff–48, and 300aaa to 300aaa–13 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300x–4, 300ff–11, 300ff–46, and 300ff–80 of this title] may be cited as the 'Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–374, §1, Aug. 15, 1990, 104 Stat. 456, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 290aa–12, 290cc–2, and 300x–4 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 289e, 290aa–12, 290cc–2, and 300x–4 of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 289e of this title] may be cited as the 'Drug Abuse Treatment Waiting Period Reduction Amendments of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–368, §1, Aug. 15, 1990, 104 Stat. 446, provided that: "This Act [amending section 247b of this title] may be cited as the 'Tuberculosis Prevention Amendments of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–354, §1, Aug. 10, 1990, 104 Stat. 409, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter XIII of this chapter] may be cited as the 'Breast and Cervical Cancer Mortality Prevention Act of 1990'."
Pub. L. 101–93, §1, Aug. 16, 1989, 103 Stat. 603, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Drug Abuse Treatment Technical Corrections Act of 1989'."
Pub. L. 100–690, §2011, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4193, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle A (§§2011–2081) of title II of Pub. L. 100–690, enacting sections 290aa–11 to 290aa–14, 290cc–11 to 290cc–13, 290ff, 300x–1a, 300x–4a, 300x–9a, and 300x–9b of this title, amending sections 242a, 290aa, 290aa–3, 290aa–6, 290aa–8, 290bb–2, 290cc to 290cc–2, 300x, 300x–1a to 300x–4, 300x–5, 300x–9, and 300x–10 to 300x–12 of this title and section 484 of former Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works, repealing sections 300y to 300y–2 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and sections 290aa, 290cc–11, 300x–9a, and 300x–11 of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 801 of Title 21, Food and Drugs] may be cited as the 'Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Amendments Act of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–607, §1(a), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3048, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Health Omnibus Programs Extension of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–607, title I, §100(a), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3048, provided that: "This title [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders and Health Research Extension Act of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §200, Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, provided that: "This title [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'AIDS Amendments of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–607, title IV, §401(a), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3114, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 300y–21 to 300y–27 of this title, amending sections 273 to 274e of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 273 and 300y–21 of this title] may be cited as the 'Organ Transplant Amendments Act of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–607, title VI, §601(a), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3122, as amended by Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2603(a)(1), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4234, provided that: "This title [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Health Professions Reauthorization Act of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–607, title VII, §700(a), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3153, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 296r, 297c–1, 297j, 297n, and 298b–6 of this title, amending sections 210, 294a, 296k, 296l, 296m, 297, 297–1, 297a, 297b, 297d, 297e, 298, and 298b–3 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 297d of this title] may be cited as the 'Nursing Shortage Reduction and Education Extension Act of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–607, title IX, §901, Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3171, provided that: "This title [enacting section 300ee–6 of this title and provisions set out as notes under such section] may be cited as the 'Prison Testing Act of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–578, §1, Oct. 31, 1988, 102 Stat. 2903, provided that: "This Act [amending section 263a of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 263a of this title] may be cited as the 'Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–572, §1, Oct. 31, 1988, 102 Stat. 2884, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 247b–1 and 300j–21 to 300j–26 of this title, and amending section 300j–4 of this title] may be cited as the 'Lead Contamination Control Act of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–553, §1, Oct. 28, 1988, 102 Stat. 2769, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 285m to 285m–6 of this title, amending sections 281 and 285j of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 285m of this title] shall be cited as the 'National Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Act of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–517, §1(a), Oct. 24, 1988, 102 Stat. 2578, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 300e, 300e–1, 300e–9, and 300e–10 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300e, 300e–9, and 1302 of this title, and repealing provisions set out as notes under section 300e–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Maintenance Organization Amendments of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–386, §1(a), Aug. 10, 1988, 102 Stat. 919, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 254b and 254c of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 254b of this title] may be cited as the 'Community and Migrant Health Centers Amendments of 1988'."
Pub. L. 100–203, title IV, §4301(a), Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1330–221, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle D (§§4301–4307) of title IV of Pub. L. 100–203, enacting section 300aa–34 of this title, amending sections 300aa–11 to 300aa–13, 300aa–15 to 300aa–17, 300aa–19, 300aa–21 to 300aa–23, 300aa–25 to 300aa–28, and 300aa–31 of this title, repealing section 300aa–18 of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 300aa–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'Vaccine Compensation Amendments of 1987'."
Pub. L. 100–177, §1(a), Dec. 1, 1987, 101 Stat. 986, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 254l–1, 254q, and 254q–1 of this title, amending sections 242a, 242c, 242k, 242m, 242n, 242p, 247b, 254d to 254g, 254h–1, 254k, 254m to 254q, 254r, 295g–8, and 11137 of this title, repealing former section 254q of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 242c, 242k, 242m, 254l–1, 254o, 300aa–2, and 11137 of this title] may be cited as the 'Public Health Service Amendments of 1987'."
Pub. L. 100–175, title VI, §601, Nov. 29, 1987, 101 Stat. 979, provided that: "This title [enacting part K (§280c et seq.) of subchapter II of this chapter] may be cited as the 'Health Care Services in the Home Act of 1987'."
Pub. L. 100–97, §1, Aug. 18, 1987, 101 Stat. 713, provided: "That this Act [enacting section 295g–8a of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 295g–8a of this title] may be cited as the 'Excellence in Minority Health Education and Care Act'."
Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §301, Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 300aa–1 to 300aa–33 of this title, amending sections 218, 242c, 262, 286, and 289f of this title, redesignating former sections 300aa to 300aa–15 of this title as sections 300cc to 300cc–15 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300aa–1 and 300aa–4 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986'."
Pub. L. 99–660, title V, §501, Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3794, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 300x–10 to 300x–13 of this title and amending sections 290aa–3 and 300x–4 of this title] may be cited as the 'State Comprehensive Mental Health Services Plan Act of 1986'."
Pub. L. 99–660, title VIII, §801, Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3799, provided that: "This title [amending sections 300e–1, 300e–4, 300e–5 to 300e–10, 300e–16, and 300e–17 of this title, repealing sections 300e–2, 300e–3, and 300e–4a of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300e, 300e–1, 300e–4, and 300e–5 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Maintenance Organization Amendments of 1986'."
Pub. L. 99–649, §1, Nov. 10, 1986, 100 Stat. 3633, provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 280b to 280b–3 of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 280b of this title] may be cited as the 'Injury Prevention Act of 1986'."
Pub. L. 99–570, title IV, §4001(a), Oct. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 3207–103, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle A (§§4001–4022) of title IV of Pub. L. 99–570, enacting sections 290aa–3a, 290aa–6 to 290aa–10, and 300y to 300y–2 of this title, amending sections 218, 241, 290aa to 290aa–3, 290aa–4, 290aa–5, 290bb–1, 290bb–2, 290cc, and 290cc–2 of this title and sections 331 and 350a of Title 21, Food and Drugs, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 290aa–3, 290aa–3a, and 290bb of this title] may be cited as the 'Alcohol and Drug Abuse Amendments of 1986'."
Pub. L. 99–339, §1, June 19, 1986, 100 Stat. 642, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300g–6, 300h–5 to 300h–7, 300i–1, and 300j–11 of this title, amending sections 300f, 300g–1 to 300g–5, 300h to 300h–2, 300h–4, 300h–6, 300h–7, 300i, 300j to 300j–4, 300j–7, and 6979a of this title and sections 1261 and 1263 of Title 15, Commerce and Trade, transferring section 6939b to 6979a of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300g–6 and 300j–1 of this title and section 1261 of Title 15] may be cited as the 'Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986'."
Pub. L. 99–280, §1(a), Apr. 24, 1986, 100 Stat. 399, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 254b and 254c of this title and repealing sections 300y to 300y–11 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Services Amendments Act of 1986'."
Pub. L. 99–158, §1(a), Nov. 20, 1985, 99 Stat. 820, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 275, 281 to 283, 284 to 284c, 285 to 285a–5, 285b to 285b–6, 285c to 285c–7, 285d to 285d–7, 285e to 285e–2, 285f, 285g to 285g–3, 285h, 285i, 285j to 285j–2, 285k, 285l, 286 to 286a–1, 286b to 286b–8, 287 to 287a–1, 287b, 287c to 287c–3, 288 to 288b, and 289 to 289h of this title, amending sections 217a, 218, 241, 290aa–5, and 300c–12 of this title, repealing sections 275 to 280a–1, 280b to 280b–2, 280b–4, 280b–5, and 280b–7 to 280b–11 of this title, omitting sections 286c to 286e, 287d to 287i, 288c, 289, 289c–1 to 289c–3, 289c–4 to 289c–7, 289i to 289k, 289k–2 to 289k–5, and 289l to 289l–8 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 218, 281, 285c, 285e, 285e–2, 285j–1 and 289d of this title, and repealing provisions set out as a note under section 287i of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Research Extension Act of 1985'."
Pub. L. 99–129, §1, Oct. 22, 1985, 99 Stat. 523, provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 294q–1 to 294q–3 of this title, amending sections 254l, 292a, 292b, 292h, 292j, 293c, 294a, 294b, 294d, 294e, 294g, 294j, 294m to 294p, 294z, 295f to 295f–2, 295g, 295g–1, 295g–3, 295g–4, 295g–6 to 295g–8, 295g–8b, 295h, 295h–1a to 295h–1c, 296k, 296l, 296m, 297a, 298b–5, and 300aa–14 of this title, repealing sections 292c, 295 to 295e–5, 295g–2, 295g–5, 295g–8a, and 295g–9 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 254l, 292h, 293c, 294d, 294n, and 300aa–14 of this title and section 462 of the Appendix to Title 50, War and National Defense, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 298b–5 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Professions Training Assistance Act of 1985'."
Pub. L. 99–117, §1(a), Oct. 7, 1985, 99 Stat. 491, provided that: "this Act [amending sections 207, 210, 213a, 242c, 242n, 243, 246, 247b, 247e, 253, 290aa–3, 300x–4, 300x–5, and 300x–9 of this title and section 1333 of Title 15, Commerce and Trade, repealing sections 247, 254a–1, 299 to 299j, 300d–4, 300d–6, and 300aa–4 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 210, 241, and 242n of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Services Amendments of 1985'."
Pub. L. 99–92, §1, Aug. 16, 1985, 99 Stat. 393, provided: "That this Act [enacting section 297i of this title, transferring section 296c to section 298b–5 of this title, amending sections 296k to 296m, 297, 297–1, 297a, 297b, 297d, 297e, 298, 298b, and 298b–5 of this title, sections 1332, 1333, 1336, and 1341 of Title 15, Commerce and Trade, and section 6103 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, repealing sections 296 to 296b, 296d to 296f, 296j, 297h, and 297j of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 296k and 298b–5 of this title and section 1333 of Title 15] may be cited as the 'Nurse Education Amendments of 1985'."
Pub. L. 98–555, §1(a), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2854, provided that: "this Act [enacting sections 300w–9 and 300w–10 of this title and amending sections 247b, 247c, 255, 300, 300w, 300w–4, and 300w–5 of this title] may be cited as the 'Preventive Health Amendments of 1984'."
Pub. L. 98–551, §1, Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2815, provided: "That this Act [enacting section 300u–5 of this title, amending sections 242b, 242c, 242m, 242n, 254r, 300u, and 300u–3 of this title and sections 360bb and 360ee of Title 21, Food and Drugs, and repealing sections 300u–5 to 300u–9 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Amendments of 1984'."
Pub. L. 98–509, §1(a), Oct. 19, 1984, 98 Stat. 2353, provided that: "this Act [enacting sections 290bb–1a, 290cc–1, 290cc–2, and 300x–1a of this title, amending sections 218, 290aa, 290aa–1 to 290aa–3, 290bb, 290bb–2, 290cc, 290dd, 290dd–1, 300x, 300x–1, and 300x–2 to 300x–9 of this title and section 802 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, repealing sections 1161 to 1165 of Title 21, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300x and 300x–1a of this title and section 802 of Title 21] may be cited as the 'Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Amendments of 1984'."
Pub. L. 98–507, §1, Oct. 19, 1984, 98 Stat. 2339, provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 273 to 274e of this title and provisions set out as notes under section 273 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Organ Transplant Act'."
Pub. L. 98–194, §1, Dec. 1, 1983, 97 Stat. 1345, provided: "That this Act [amending section 254g of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 254g of this title] may be cited as the 'Rural Health Clinics Act of 1983'."
Pub. L. 98–24, §1(a), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 175, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 290aa–4 and 290aa–5 of this title, transferring sections 219 to 224, 225a to 227, 228 to 229d, 289k–1, 3511, 4551, 4585, 4587, 4588, 4571, 4561, 4581, and 4582 of this title to sections 300aa to 300aa–5, 300aa–6 to 300aa–8, 300aa–9 to 300aa–14, 290aa–3, 290aa, 290aa–1, 290bb, 290bb–1, 290bb–2, 290dd, 290dd–1, 290dd–2, and 290dd–3 of this title, respectively, and sections 1173(a), 1174, 1175, 1180, 1191, 1192, and 1193 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, to sections 290aa–2(e), 290ee–2, 290ee–3, 290ee–1, 290aa–2, 290ee, and 290cc of this title, respectively, amending sections 218, 278, 289l–4, 290aa to 290aa–2, 290bb to 290bb–2, 290cc, 290dd to 290dd–2, 290ee to 290ee–3, and 4577 of this title and sections 1165, 1173, and 1177 of Title 21, repealing sections 4552, 4553, and 4586 of this title and sections 1117, 1172, and 1194 of Title 21, enacting provisions set out as a note under section 290aa of this title, amending provisions set out as a note under section 4541 of this title, and repealing provisions set out as a note under section 242 of this title] may be cited as the 'Alcohol and Drug Abuse Amendments of 1983'."
Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §940(a), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 572, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle F (§§940–949) of title IX of Pub. L. 97–35, amending sections 300e to 300e–4a, 300e–6 to 300e–9, 300e–11, 300e–17, and 300m–6 of this title, repealing sections 300e–13 and 300e–15 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300e–9 and 300m–6 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Maintenance Organization Amendments of 1981'."
Pub. L. 96–538, §1(a), Dec. 17, 1980, 94 Stat. 3183, provided that: "this Act [enacting sections 289c–3, 289c–4, 289c–7 of this title, amending sections 286e, 287c, 287i, 289a, 289c–1, 289c–2, 289c–5, 289c–6, 294a, 294d, 294v, 300k–1, 300l–5, 300m, 300m–3, 300m–6, 300n, and 300n–1 of this title and section 1182 of Title 8, Aliens and Nationality, repealing sections 289c–3a and 289c–8 and former sections 289c–3, 289c–4, and 289c–7 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 289, 300l–5, and 300m–6 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Programs Extension Act of 1980'."
Pub. L. 96–142, title I, §101, Dec. 12, 1979, 93 Stat. 1067, provided that: "This title [amending sections 295g–9, 300d–1, 300d–3, 300d–5, 300d–6, 300d–8, and 300d–21 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 295g–9 of this title] may be cited as the 'Emergency Medical Services Systems Amendments of 1979'."
Pub. L. 96–142, title II, §201, Dec. 12, 1979, 93 Stat. 1070, provided that: "This title [enacting section 300c–12 and amending section 300c–11 of this title] may be cited as the 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Amendments of 1979'."
Pub. L. 96–79, §1(a), Oct. 4, 1979, 93 Stat. 592, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300m–6, 300s, 300s–1, 300s–6, and 300t–11 to 300t–14 of this title, amending this section and sections 246, 300k–1 to 300k–3, 300l to 300l–5, 300m to 300m–5, 300n, 300n–1, 300n–3, 300n–5, 300q, 300q–2, 300r, 300s–3, 300s–5, 300t, 1396b, 2689t, and 4573 of this title and section 1176 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, repealing sections 300o to 300o–3, 300p to 300p–3, 300q–1, and former section 300s of this title, redesignating former section 300s–1 as 300s–1a of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300k–1, 300l, 300l–1, 300l–4, 300l–5, 300m, 300m–6, 300n, 300q, and 300t–11 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Planning and Resources Development Amendments of 1979'."
Pub. L. 96–76, title I, §101(a), Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 579, provided that: "This title [enacting section 297–1 of this title, amending sections 296, 296d, 296e, 296k to 296m, 297 to 297c, 297e, and 297j of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 296 and 297j of this title] may be cited as the 'Nurse Training Amendments of 1979'."
Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §301, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 584, provided that: "This title [amending sections 204, 206, 207, 209, 210–1, 210b, 211, 212, 213a, 215, and 218a of this title and sections 201, 415, and 1006 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 206 of this title] may be cited as the 'Public Health Service Administrative Amendments of 1979'."
Pub. L. 95–626, §1(a), Nov. 10, 1978, 92 Stat. 3551, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 242p, 247, 247a, 247b–1, 254a–1, 255, 256, 256a, 300a–21 to 300a–29, 300a–41, 300b–6, and 300u–6 to 300u–9 of this title, amending sections 218, 246, 247b, 247c, 247e, 254a, 254b, 254c, 254k, 294t, 294u, 295h–1, 300b, 300b–3, 300c–21, 300c–22, 300d–2, 300d–3, 300d–5, 300d–6, 300e–12, 300e–14a, 300u–5, 1396b, and 4846 of this title, repealing sections 256, 4801, 4811, 4844, and 4845 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and sections 246, 247a, 247c, 254a–1, 254b to 254d, 256, 256a, 289b, 289d, 300a–21, 300d–2, and 300d–3 of this title, and amending provisions set out as notes under sections 300b and 1395x of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Services and Centers Amendments of 1978'."
Pub. L. 95–626, title I, §101, Nov. 10, 1978, 92 Stat. 3551, provided that: "This part [part A (§§101–107) of title I of Pub. L. 95–626, enacting section 256a of this title, amending sections 218, 247e, 254b, 254c, 255, 300e–12, 300e–14a, and 1396b of this title, repealing section 256 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 254b, 254c, and 256a of this title] may be cited as the 'Migrant and Community Health Centers Amendments of 1978'."
Pub. L. 95–626, title I, §111, Nov. 10, 1978, 92 Stat. 3562, provided that: "This part [part B (§§111–116) of title I of Pub. L. 95–626, enacting sections 254a–1 and 256 of this title, amending sections 294t and 294u of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 254a–1, 254d, and 256 of this title] may be cited as the 'Primary Health Care Act of 1978'."
Pub. L. 95–626, title II, §200, Nov. 10, 1978, 92 Stat. 3570, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 247, 247a, 255, and 300b–6 of this title, amending sections 246, 247b, 247c, 300b, 300b–3, 300c–21, 300c–22, 300d–2, 300d–3, 300d–5, 300d–6, and 4846 of this title, repealing sections 4801, 4811, 4844, and 4845 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 246, 247a, 247c, 289d, 300d–2, and 300d–3 of this title, and amending provisions set out as notes under sections 300b and 1395x of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Services Extension Act of 1978'."
Pub. L. 95–623, §1(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3443, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 229c, 242n, and 4362a of this title, amending sections 210, 242b, 242c, 242k, 242m, 242o, 289k, 289l–1, 292e, 292h, 292i, 294t, 295f–1, 295f–2, 295g–2, 295g–8, 295h–2, 7411, 7412, 7417, and 7617 of this title, repealing section 280c of this title, enacting provisions set out as a note under section 242m of this title, and amending provisions set out as notes under sections 292h, 295h–4, and 296 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Services Research, Health Statistics, and Health Care Technology Act of 1978'."
Pub. L. 95–622, title II, §201(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3420, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 289l–6 to 289l–8 of this title, amending sections, 241, 248, 277, 280b, 281 to 286g, 287a to 287d, 287g, 287i, 289c–6, 289l to 289l–2, 289l–4, 4541, 4573, and 4585 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 241, 286b, 286f, 289a, and 289l–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'Biomedical Research and Research Training Amendments of 1978'."
Pub. L. 95–559, §1(a), Nov. 1, 1978, 92 Stat. 2131, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300e–4a, 300e–16, and 300e–17 of this title, amending sections 300e, 300e–1, 300e–3, 300e–4, 300e–5, 300e–7, 300e–8, 300e–9, 300e–11 to 300e–13, 1320a–1, 1396a, and 1396b of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300e–3, 300e–4, 300e–16, and 1396a of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Maintenance Organization Amendments of 1978'."
Pub. L. 95–190, §1, Nov. 16, 1977, 91 Stat. 1393, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300j–10 and 7625a of this title, amending sections 300f, 300g–1, 300g–3, 300g–5, 300h, 300h–1, 300j to 300j–2, 300j–4, 300j–6, 300j–8, 7410, 7411, 7413, 7414, 7416, 7419, 7420, 7426, 7472 to 7475, 7478, 7479, 7502, 7503, 7506, 7521, 7522, 7525, 7541, 7545, 7549, 7602, 7604, 7607, 7623, and 7626 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under section 300f of this title, and section 5108 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, and amending provisions set out as notes under sections 300f, 7401, and 7502 of this title] may be cited as the 'Safe Drinking Water Amendments of 1977'."
Section 101 of title I of Pub. L. 95–83 provided that: "This title [amending this section and sections 242m, 300e–8, 300k–3, 300l to 300l–5, 300m, 300m–2, 300m–4, 300m–5, 300n–3, 300n–5, 300o–1 to 300o–3, 300p, 300p–3, 300q, 300q–2, 300r, 300s–3, 300t, and 1396b of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 1396b of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Planning and Health Services Research and Statistics Extension Act of 1977'."
Section 201 of title II of Pub. L. 95–83 provided that: "This title [amending sections 280b, 286b, 286c, 286d, 286f, 286g, 287c, 287d, 287f, 287h, 287i, and 289l–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'Biomedical Research Extension Act of 1977'."
Section 301 of title III of Pub. L. 95–83 provided that: "This title [enacting section 294y–1 of this title, amending sections 210, 246, 247d, 254c, 292g, 292h, 293a, 294d, 294e, 294h, 294i, 294j, 294n, 294r, 294s, 294w, 294z, 295f–1, 295g–1, 295g–9, 295h–5, 295h–5c, 296e, 296m, 297, 300, 300a–1, 300a–2, 300a–3, 300c–11, 300c–21, 300c–22, 701, 2689a to 2689e, 2689h, 2689p, 2689q, 4572, 4573, and 4577 of this title, sections 1101 and 1182 of Title 8, Aliens and Nationality, sections 1112 and 1176 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, and section 1614 of Title 25, Indians, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 242b, 242l, 294d, 294i, 294n, 294r, 294t, 294y–1, 294z, 295f–1, 295g–1, 295h–5, and 296m of this title and sections 1101 and 1182 of Title 8, and amending provisions set out as notes under sections 289k–2, 1395x, and 1396b of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Services Extension Act of 1977'."
Pub. L. 94–573, §1(a), Oct. 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 2709, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 300d–21 of this title, amending sections 295f–6 and 300d to 300d–9 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 242b, 300d, 300d–7, and 300d–9 of this title, and amending provisions set out as notes under sections 218, 289c–1, and 289l–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'Emergency Medical Services Amendments of 1976'."
Pub. L. 94–562, §1(a), Oct. 19, 1976, 90 Stat. 2645, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 289c–3a, 289c–7, and 289c–8 of this title, amending sections 289c–2, 289c–5, and 289c–6 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 289a, 289c–3a, and 289c–7 of this title] may be cited as the 'Arthritis, Diabetes, and Digestive Disease Amendments of 1976'."
Pub. L. 94–484, §1(a), Oct. 12, 1976, 90 Stat. 2243, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 254 to 254k, 292, 292e to 292k, 294 to 294l, 294r to 294z, 294aa, 295f–1, 295g to 295g–8, 295g–10, 295h to 295h–2, and 295h–4 to 295h–7 of this title; renumbering sections 293d as 292a, 293e as 292b, 295h–8 as 292c, 295h–9 as 292d, 293g to 293i as 293d to 293f, 294 to 294c as 294m to 294p, 294e as 294q, 295f–5 as 295f–2, and 295f–6 as 295g–9 of this title; amending this section and sections 234, 244–1, 245a, 246, 247c, 254b, 263c, 292a to 292c, 293 to 293d, 293f, 294g, 294m to 294p, 295e–1 to 295e–4, 295f to 295f–4, 295g, 295g–11, 295g–23, 295h–1 to 295h–3, 297, 300a, 300d, 300d–7, 300f, 300l–1, 300n, and 300s–3 of this title and sections 1101 and 1182 of Title 8, Aliens and Nationality; repealing sections 234, 244–1, 245a, 254b, 292 to 292j, 293f, 294d, 294f, 294g, 295f–1, to 295f–4, 295g, 295g–1, 295g–11, and 295g–21 to 295g–23 of this title; omitting sections 295h to 295h–2, 295h–3a to 295h–3d, 295h–4, 295h–5, and 295h–7 of this title; and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 254d, 292, 292b, 292h, 293, 293f, 294, 294n, 294o, 294q, 294r, 294t, 294z, 295g, 295g–1, 295g–9, 295g–10, 295h, 295h–4, and 300l–1 of this title and section 1182 of Title 8] may be cited as the 'Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1976'."
Pub. L. 94–460, §1(a), Oct. 8, 1976, 90 Stat. 1945, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 300e–15 of this title, amending sections 242c, 289k–2, 300e, 300e–1 to 300e–11, 300e–13, 300n–1, 1395x note, 1395mm, and 1396b of this title, section 8902 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, and section 360d of Title 21, Food and Drugs, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300e and 1396b of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Maintenance Organization Amendments of 1976'."
Pub. L. 94–380, §1, Aug. 12, 1976, 90 Stat. 1113, provided: "That this Act [amending section 247b of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 247b of this title] may be cited as the 'National Swine Flu Immunization Program of 1976'."
Pub. L. 94–317, title I, §101, June 23, 1976, 90 Stat. 695, provided that: "This title [enacting subchapter XV of this chapter] may be cited as the 'National Consumer Health Information and Health Promotion Act of 1976'."
Pub. L. 94–317, title II, §201, June 23, 1976, 90 Stat. 700, provided that: "This title [amending sections 243, 247b, 247c, 4801, 4831, and 4841 to 4843 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 247b and 247c of this title] may be cited as the 'Disease Control Amendments of 1976'."
Pub. L. 94–278, §1(a), Apr. 22, 1976, 90 Stat. 401, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 217a–1, 289l–5, 300b, 300b–1 to 300b–5 of this title and sections 350 and 378 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, and amending sections 213e, 225a, 234, 241, 247d, 254c, 287, 287a to 287d, 287f to 287i, 289a, 289c–1, 289c–5, 289c–6, 289l–1, 289l–2, 294b, 295g–23, 300c–11, 300l, 300p–3, 300s–1, 6062 and 6064 of this title and sections 321, 333, 334 and 343 of Title 21, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 218, 287, 289c–1, 289c–2, 289l–1, 300b and 6001 of this title and sections 334 and 350 of Title 21] may be cited as the 'Health Research and Health Services Amendment of 1976'."
Pub. L. 94–278, title IV, §401, Apr. 22, 1976, 90 Stat. 407, provided that: "This title [enacting part A of subchapter IX of this chapter, omitting former Part B of subchapter IX of this chapter relating to Cooley's Anemia Programs, redesignating former Parts C and D of subchapter IX of this chapter as Parts B and C of subchapter IX of this chapter, respectively, and amending section 300c–11 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Sickle Cell Anemia, Cooley's Anemia, Tay-Sachs, and Genetic Diseases Act'."
Pub. L. 94–278, title VI, §601, Apr. 22, 1976, 90 Stat. 413, provided that: "This title [amending sections 289a, 289c–1, 289c–5, and 289c–6 of this title and amending provisions set out as notes under section 289c–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Arthritis Act Technical Amendments of 1976'."
Pub. L. 94–63, title I, §101, July 29, 1975, 89 Stat. 304, provided that: "This title [amending section 246 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 246 of this title] may be cited as the 'Special Health Revenue Sharing Act of 1975'."
Pub. L. 94–63, title II, §201, July 29, 1975, 89 Stat. 306, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 300a–6a and 300a–8 of this title, amending sections 300, 300a–1 to 300a–4 of this title, and repealing section 3505c of this title] may be cited as the 'Family Planning and Population Research Act of 1975'."
Pub. L. 94–63, title IX, §901(a), July 29, 1975, 89 Stat. 354, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 296j to 296m and 298b–3 of this title, amending sections 296 to 296i, 297 to 297e, 297g to 297h, 298 to 298b–2, 298c, 298c–1 and 298c–7 of this title, repealing sections 296g, 296i, 297f, 298c–7, and 298c–8 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 296, 296a, 296d, 296e, 296m, 297, and 297b of this title and former section 297f of this title] may be cited as the 'Nurse Training Act of 1975'."
Pub. L. 93–641, §1, Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2225, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter XIII of this chapter amending section 300e–4 of this title, repealing section 247a of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 217a, 229, 291b, 300l–4, and 300m of this title] may be cited as the 'National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974'."
Pub. L. 93–640, §1, Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2217, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 289c–4, 289c–5, and 289c–6 of this title, amending sections 289a and 289c–1 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 289c–1 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Arthritis Act of 1974'."
Pub. L. 93–523, §1, Dec. 16, 1974, 88 Stat. 1660, as amended by Pub. L. 104–182, title V, §501(e), Aug. 6, 1996, 110 Stat. 1691, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter XII of this chapter and section 349 of Title 21, Food and Drugs, amending this section, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 300f of this title] may be cited as the 'Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974'."
Pub. L. 93–354, §1, July 23, 1974, 88 Stat. 373, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 289c–1a, 289c–2, and 289c–3 of this title, amending sections 247b and 289c–1 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 289c–2 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Diabetes Mellitus Research and Education Act'."
Pub. L. 93–353, §1(a), July 23, 1974, 88 Stat. 362, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 242k, 242m to 242o, and 253b of this title, renumbering former sections 242i, 242j, 242f, 242d, 242g, and 242h as sections 235, 236, 242l, 244–1, 245a, and 247d of this title, amending sections 236, 242b, 242c, 242l, 244–1, 245a, 280b, 280b–1, 280b–2, 280b–4, 280b–5, and 280b–7 to 280b–9, and repealing sections 242e, 244, 244a, 245, 247, 280b–3, and 280b–12 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 242m, 253b, and 280b of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Services Research, Health Statistics, and Medical Libraries Act of 1974'."
Pub. L. 93–353, title I, §101, July 23, 1974, 88 Stat. 362, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 242k, 242m to 242o, and 253b, renumbering former sections 242i, 242j, 242f, 242d, 242g, and 242h as sections 235, 236, 242l, 244–1, 245a, and 247d of this title, amending sections 236, 242b, 242c, 242l, 244–1, and 245a, repealing sections 242e, 244, 244a, 245, and 247 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 242m and 253b of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Services Research and Evaluation and Health Statistics Act of 1974'."
Pub. L. 93–352, title I, §101, July 23, 1974, 88 Stat. 358, provided that: "This title [enacting section 289l–4 of this title, amending sections 241, 282, 286a, 286b, 286c, 286d, 286g, and 289l of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 289l and 289l–1 of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under this section] may be cited as the 'National Cancer Act Amendments of 1974'."
Pub. L. 93–348, title I, §1, July 12, 1974, 88 Stat. 342, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 289l–1 to 289l–3 of this title, amending sections 218, 241, 242a, 282, 286a, 286b, 287a, 287b, 287d, 288a, 289c, 289c–1, 289g, 289k, and 300a–7 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 218, 241, 289l–1, and 289l–3 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Research Act'."
Pub. L. 93–348, title I, §101, July 12, 1974, 88 Stat. 342, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 289l–1 and 289l–2 and amending sections 241, 242a, 282, 286a, 286b, 287a, 287b, 287d, 288a, 289c, 289c–1, 289g, 289k, 295f–3, and 295h–9 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Research Service Award Act of 1974'."
Pub. L. 93–296, §1, May 31, 1974, 88 Stat. 184, provided that: "This Act [enacting Part H of subchapter III of this chapter and provisions set out as notes under section 289k–2 of this title] may be cited as the 'Research on Aging Act of 1974'."
Pub. L. 93–270, §1, Apr. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 90, provided that: "This Act [enacting part B of subchapter IX of this chapter, amending sections 289d and 289g of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 289g of this title] may be cited as the 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Act of 1974'."
Pub. L. 93–222, §1, Dec. 29, 1973, 87 Stat. 914, provided in part that Pub. L. 93–222 [enacting subchapter XI of this chapter and section 280c of this title, amending section 2001 of this title and section 172 of Title 12, Bank and Banking, repealing section 763c of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 300e and 300e–1 of this title, amending provisions set out as notes under this section, and repealing provisions set out as notes under this section and sections 211a, 212a, and 222 of this title] shall be cited as the "Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973."
Pub. L. 93–154, §1, Nov. 16, 1973, 87 Stat. 594, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter X of this chapter and section 295f–6 of this title, amending sections 295f–2 and 295f–4 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under this section] may be cited as the 'Emergency Medical Services Systems Act of 1973'."
Pub. L. 93–45, §1, June 18, 1973, 87 Stat. 91, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 300a–7 of this title, amending sections 242b, 242c, 244–1, 245a, 246, 280b–4, 280b–5 280b–7, 280b–8, 280b–9, 291a, 291j–1, 291j–5, 295h–1, 295h–2, 295h–3a, 299a, 300, 300a–1, 300a–2, 300a–3, 2661, 2671, 2677, 2681, 2687, 2688a, 2688d, 2688j–1, 2688j–2, 2688l, 2688l–1, 2688n–1, 2688o, and 2688u of this title, and enacting provisions set out as amendment to note provisions under this section] may be cited as the 'Health Programs Extension Act of 1973'."
Pub. L. 92–585, §1, Oct. 27, 1972, 86 Stat. 1290, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 234 of this title, amending sections 254b and 294a of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 246 of this title] may be cited as the 'Emergency Health Personnel Act Amendments of 1972'."
Pub. L. 92–449, §1, Sept. 30, 1972, 86 Stat. 748, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 247c of this title, amending sections 247b and 300 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 247c of this title] may be cited as the 'Communicable Disease Control Amendments Act of 1972'."
Pub. L. 92–449, title II, §201, Sept. 30, 1972, 86 Stat. 750, provided that: "This title [enacting section 247c of this title and provisions set out as notes under section 247c of this title] may be cited as the 'National Venereal Disease Prevention and Control Act'."
Pub. L. 92–423, §1, Sept. 19, 1972, 86 Stat. 679, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 287b to 287f and 287i of this title, amending sections 218, 241, 287, 287a, 287g, and 287h of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 287 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Heart, Blood Vessel, Lung, and Blood Act of 1972'."
Pub. L. 92–218, §1, Dec. 23, 1971, 85 Stat. 778, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 286a to 286g and 289l of this title, amending sections 218, 241, 282, 283, and 284 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 281, 286, and 289l of this title] may be cited as 'The National Cancer Act of 1971'."
Pub. L. 92–158, §1(a), Nov. 18, 1971, 85 Stat. 465, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 296h, 296i, 297i, 298b–1, and 298b–2 of this title, amending sections 296, 296a, 296b, 296c, 296d, 296e, 296f, 296g, 297, 297a, 297b, 297c, 297e, 297f, 298, 298b, 298c, and 298c–7 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 296, 296a, 296d, 296e, 297b, and 298c of this title] may be cited as the 'Nurse Training Act of 1971'."
Pub. L. 92–157, title I, §101(a), Nov. 18, 1971, 85 Stat. 431, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 293i, 294g, 295e–1 to 295e–5, 295f–5, 295g–11, 295g–21 to 295g–23, and 3505d of this title, amending sections 210 to 218, 242i, 254, 276, 277, 280, 280a–1, 292b, 292d to 292f, 292h to 292j, 293 to 293e, 293g, 293h, 294 to 294f, 295f to 295f–4, 295g, 295g–1, 295h–3d, 295h–4, 295h–8, 295h–9, 1857c–6, 1857c–8, 1857f–6c, 1857h–5, and 2676 of this title and section 346a of Title 21, Food and Drugs, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 295h–8 of this title] may be cited as the 'Comprehensive Health Manpower Training Act of 1971'."
Pub. L. 91–623, §1, Dec. 31, 1970, 84 Stat. 1868, provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 233 and 254b of this title] may be cited as the 'Emergency Health Personnel Act of 1970'."
Pub. L. 91–572, §1, Dec. 24. 1970, 84 Stat. 1504, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 300 to 300a–6 and 3505a to 3505c of this title, amending sections 211a, 212a of this title and section 763c of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 201, 222, and 300 of this title] may be cited as the 'Family Planning Services and Population Research Act of 1970'."
Pub. L. 91–519, §1, Nov. 2, 1970, 84 Stat. 1342, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 295h–3a to 295h–3d, 295h–8, and 296h–9 of this title, amending sections 295f–1, 295f–2, 295h to 295h–2, 295h–4, and 295h–7 of this title, repealing section 295h–3 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 295f–1, 295–f2, and 295h–4 of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Training Improvement Act of 1970'."
Pub. L. 91–515, title I, §101, Oct. 30, 1970, 84 Stat. 1297, provided that: "This title [amending sections 299 to 299g, 299i, and 299j of this title] may be cited as the 'Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, and Kidney Disease Amendments of 1970'."
Pub. L. 91–464, §1, Oct. 16, 1970, 84 Stat. 988, provided: "That this Act [amending section 247b of this title] may be cited as the 'Communicable Disease Control Amendments of 1970'."
Pub. L. 91–296, §1(a), June 30, 1970, 84 Stat. 336, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 229b, 291j–1 to 291j–10, and 291o–1 of this title, amending sections 291a, 242b, 245a, 246, 291 note, 291b, 291c, 291d, 291e, 291f, 291i, 291k to 291m–1, 291o, and 299a of this title and section 1717 of Title 12, Banks and Banking, enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and sections 242, 245a, 246, 291a, 291b, 291c, 291e, 291f, 291o, 295h–6, and 2688p of this title, and repealing sections 295h–6 and 2688p of this title] may be cited as the 'Medical Facilities Construction and Modernization Amendments of 1970'."
Pub. L. 91–212, §1, Mar. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 63, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 280b–12 of this title and amending this section and sections 276 to 278, 280, 280a–1, 280b, 280b–2 to 280b–9, and 280b–11 of this title] may be cited as the 'Medical Library Assistance Extension Act of 1970'."
Pub. L. 90–574, title IV, §401, Oct. 15, 1968, 82 Stat. 1011, provided that: "This title [amending sections 291a and 291b of this title] may be cited as the 'Hospital and Medical Facilities Construction and Modernization Assistance Amendments of 1968'."
Pub. L. 90–490, §1, Aug. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 773, provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 294f, 295g–1, 295h–6, 295h–7, 296f, 296g, and 297h of this title, amending sections 242d, 242g, 292b to 292e, 293 to 293d, 294 to 294d, 295f to 295f–4, 295g, 295h to 295h–3, 296 to 296b, 296d, 296e, 297 to 297f, 298b, 298c, and 298c–1 of this title, omitting sections 298c–2 to 298c–6 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 292b, 292e, 293 to 293c, 294f, 295f, 295f–2, 295g, 296, 296d, 296f, and 297a of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Manpower Act of 1968'."
Pub. L. 90–174, §1, Dec. 5, 1967, 81 Stat. 533, provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 217b, 254a, 263a, and 291m–1 of this title, amending sections 241, 242, 242b, 243, 244, 246, 249, 251, 293e, 295h–4, and 296e of this title, repealing section 291n of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and sections 242b, 242c, 246, 263a, and 296e of this title] may be cited as the 'Partnership for Health Amendments of 1967'."
Pub. L. 90–174, §5(c), Dec. 5, 1967, 81 Stat. 539, provided that: "This section [enacting section 263a of this title and provisions set out as notes under section 263a of this title] may be cited as the 'Clinical Laboratories Improvement Act of 1967'."
Pub. L. 90–31, §1, June 24, 1967, 81 Stat. 79, provided: "That this Act [enacting section 225a of this title and amending sections 2681, 2684, 2687, 2688a, 2688d, and 2691 of this title] may be cited as the 'Mental Health Amendments of 1967'."
Pub. L. 89–751, §1, Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1222, provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 295h to 295h–5 and 298c to 298c–8 of this title, amending sections 292b, 294d, 294n to 294p, 296, 297c to 297f, and 298 of this title and section 1717 of Title 12, Banks and Banking, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 294, 294d, 297c, and 297f of this title] may be cited as the 'Allied Health Professions Personnel Training Act of 1966'."
Pub. L. 89–749, §1, Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1180, provided: "That this Act [amending 243, 245a, and 246 of this title, repealing sections 247a and 247c of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and sections 243 and 245a of this title] may be cited as the 'Comprehensive Health Planning and Public Health Services Amendments of 1966'."
Pub. L. 89–709, §1, Nov. 2, 1966, 80 Stat. 1103, provided: "That this Act [amending sections 293, 293a, 293d, 293e, 294, 294a, and 294b of this title] may be cited as the 'Veterinary Medical Education Act of 1966'."
Pub. L. 89–291, §1, Oct. 22, 1965, 79 Stat. 1059, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 280a–1 of this title and Part J of subchapter II of this chapter and amending section 277 of this title] may be cited as the 'Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965'."
Pub. L. 89–290, §1, Oct. 22, 1965, 79 Stat. 1052, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 295f to 295f–4 and 295g of this title and amending sections 293, 293a, 293d, 294 to 294d, 297b, and 298b of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Professions Educational Assistance Amendments of 1965'."
Pub. L. 89–239, §1, Oct. 6, 1965, 79 Stat. 926, provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 299 to 299i of this title, amending sections 211a and 212a of this title, sections 757, 790, 800 of former Title 5, Executive Departments and Government Officers and Employees, and section 763c of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 201, 214, 222, and 249 of this title] may be cited as the 'Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke Amendments of 1965'."
Pub. L. 89–115, §1, Aug. 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 448, provided: "That this Act [amending sections 241, 292c, and 292d of this title and section 2211 of former Title 5, Executive Departments and Government Officers and Employees, and enacting section 623h of former Title 5 and provisions set out as a note thereunder] may be cited as the 'Health Research Facilities Amendments of 1965'."
Pub. L. 89–109, §1, Aug. 5, 1965, 79 Stat. 435, provided: "That this Act [amending sections 246, 247a, 247b, and 247d of this title] may be cited as the 'Community Health Services Extension Amendments of 1965'."
Pub. L. 88–581, §1, Sept. 4, 1964, 78 Stat. 908, provided: "That this Act [enacting subchapter VI of this chapter, amending sections 291c, 291o, 293, 293a, 293e, and 293h of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 201, 211a, 212a, 222, 291c, 293, 293e, and 293h of this title, sections 757, 790, and 800 of former Title 5, Executive Departments and Government Officers and Employees, and section 763c of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters] may be cited as the 'Nurse Training Act of 1964'."
Pub. L. 88–497, §1, Aug. 27, 1964, 78 Stat. 613, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 244–1 and 245a of this title] may be cited as the 'Graduate Public Health Training Amendments of 1964'."
Pub. L. 88–443, §1, Aug. 18, 1964, 78 Stat. 447, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 247c, 291 to 291j, 291k to 291m, 291n, and 291o of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 291 of this title] may be cited as the 'Hospital and Medical Facilities Amendments of 1964'."
Pub. L. 88–129, §1, Sept. 24, 1963, 77 Stat. 164, provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 292j, 293 to 293h, and 294 to 294e and amending sections 292 to 292b and 292d to 292i of this title] may be cited as the 'Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1963'."
Pub. L. 87–868, §1, Oct. 23, 1962, 76 Stat. 1155, provided that this Act [enacting section 247b of this title] may be cited as the "Vaccination Assistance Act of 1962."
Pub. L. 87–395, §1, Oct. 5, 1961, 75 Stat. 824, provided: "That this Act [enacting section 247a of this title, amending sections 246, 289c, 291i, 291n, 291s, 291t, 291w, and 292c to 292g of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 291s of this title] may be cited as the 'Community Health Services and Facilities Act of 1961'."
Pub. L. 86–415, §1, Apr. 8, 1960, 74 Stat. 32, provided: "That this Act [amending this section and sections 209, 210, 211, 212, 253, and 415 of this title and section 2251 of former Title 5, Executive Departments and Government Officers and Employees, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 209 and 212 of this title and section 2253 of former Title 5] may be cited as the 'Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Personnel Act of 1960'."
Act Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 907, §2, 70 Stat. 962, provided that: "This Act [enacting part I of subchapter II of this chapter] may be cited as the 'National Library of Medicine Act'."
Act July 3, 1956, ch. 510, §1, 70 Stat. 489, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 246 of this title, amended section 241 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 246 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Health Survey Act'."
Joint Res. July 28, 1955, ch. 417, §1, 69 Stat. 382, provided that: "This joint resolution [enacting section 242b of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 242b of this title] may be cited as the 'Mental Health Study Act of 1955'."
Act June 24, 1948, ch. 621, §1, 62 Stat. 598, provided that: "This Act [enacting part C of subchapter III of this chapter and amending this section and sections 210, 218, and 241 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Dental Research Act'."
Act June 16, 1948, §1, 62 Stat. 464, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 287 to 287c of this title and amending this section and sections 203, 206, 210, 218, 219, 241, 246, 281, 283, and 286 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Heart Act'."
Act July 3, 1946, ch. 538, §1, 60 Stat. 421, provided: "That this Act [enacting sections 232 and 242a of this title, amending this section and sections 209, 210, 215, 218, 219, 241, 244, and 246 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under this section] may be cited as the 'National Mental Health Act'."
Act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title I, §1, 58 Stat. 682, as amended by acts Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 958, §4, 60 Stat. 1049; July 30, 1956, ch. 779, §3(a), 70 Stat. 720; Sept. 4, 1964, Pub. L. 88–581, §4(a), 78 Stat. 919; Oct. 6, 1965, Pub. L. 89–239, §3(a), 79 Stat. 930; Dec. 24, 1970, Pub. L. 91–572, §6(a), 84 Stat. 1506; May 16, 1972, Pub. L. 92–294, §3(a), 86 Stat. 137; Nov. 16, 1973, Pub. L. 93–154, §2(b)(1), 87 Stat. 604; Dec. 29, 1973, Pub. L. 93–222, §7(a), 87 Stat. 936, provided that: "This Act [enacting this chapter] may be cited as the 'Public Health Service Act'."
Act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title III, §329, formerly §310, as added by Pub. L. 87–692, Sept. 25, 1962, 76 Stat. 592, amended and renumbered, formerly classified to section 254b of this title, was popularly known as the "Migrant Health Act".
Act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XIV, §1400, as added Aug. 6, 1996, Pub. L. 104–182, title V, §501(e), 110 Stat. 1691, provided that: "This title [enacting subchapter XII of this chapter] may be cited as the 'Safe Drinking Water Act'."
Act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XIII, §1313, formerly title VI, §611, 58 Stat. 714; renumbered title VII, §711, by act Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 958, §5, 60 Stat. 1049; renumbered §713 by act Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §9(b), 62 Stat. 47; renumbered title VIII, §813, by act July 30, 1956, ch. 779, §3(b), 70 Stat. 721; renumbered title IX, §913, by Pub. L. 88–581, §4(b), Sept. 4, 1964, 78 Stat. 919; renumbered title X, §1013, by Pub. L. 89–239, §3(b), Oct. 6, 1965, 79 Stat. 931; renumbered title XI, §1113, by Pub. L. 91–572, §6(b), Dec. 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1506; renumbered title XII, §1213, by Pub. L. 92–294, §3(b), May 16, 1972, 86 Stat. 137; renumbered title XIII, §1313, by Pub. L. 93–154, §2(b)(2), Nov. 16, 1973, 87 Stat. 604, repealed and amended sections in this title and in Title 8, Aliens and Nationality, Title 14, Coast Guard, Title 21, Food and Drugs, Title 24, Hospitals and Asylums, former Title 31, Money and Finance, Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, former Title 34, Navy, Title 44, Public Printing and Documents, former Title 46, Shipping, Title 48, Territories and Insular Possessions, and former Title 49, Transportation, and was itself repealed by Pub. L. 93–222, §7(b), Dec. 29, 1973, 87 Stat. 936.
Act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XIII, §1314, formerly title VI, §612, 58 Stat. 720, as renumbered by acts Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 958, §5, 60 Stat. 1049; Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §9(b), 62 Stat. 47; July 30, 1956, ch. 779, §3(b), 70 Stat. 720; Pub. L. 88–581, §4(b), Sept. 4, 1964, 78 Stat. 919; Pub. L. 89–239, §3(b), Oct. 6, 1965, 79 Stat. 931; Pub. L. 91–572, §6(b), Dec. 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1506; Pub. L. 92–294, §3(b), May 16, 1972, 86 Stat. 137; Pub. L. 93–154, §2(b)(2), Nov. 16, 1973, 87 Stat. 604, provided that the repeal of statutes and parts of statutes by sections 1313, formerly §611, of act July 1, 1944, not affect any act done, right accruing or accrued, or suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil cause before such repeal, and was repealed by Pub. L. 93–222, §7(b), Dec. 29, 1973, 87 Stat. 936.
For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3, of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
For termination of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, see note set out preceding section 1681 of Title 48, Territories and Insular Possessions.
Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2012, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4193, provided that: "The purposes of this subtitle [subtitle A (§§2011–2081) of title II of Pub. L. 100–690, see Tables for classification] with respect to substance abuse are—
"(1) to prevent the transmission of the etiologic agent for acquired immune deficiency syndrome by ensuring that treatment services for intravenous drug abuse are available to intravenous drug abusers;
"(2) to continue the Federal Government's partnership with the States in the development, maintenance, and improvement of community-based alcohol and drug abuse programs;
"(3) to provide financial and technical assistance to the States and communities in their efforts to develop and maintain a core of prevention services for the purpose of reducing the incidence of substance abuse and the demand for alcohol and drug abuse treatment;
"(4) to assist and encourage States in the initiation and expansion of prevention and treatment services to underserved populations;
"(5) to increase, to the greatest extent possible, the availability and quality of treatment services so that treatment on request may be provided to all individuals desiring to rid themselves of their substance abuse problem; and
"(6) to increase understanding about the extent of alcohol abuse and other forms of drug abuse by expanding data collection activities and supporting research on the comparative cost and efficacy of substance abuse prevention and treatment services."
Act July 3, 1946, ch. 538, §2, 60 Stat. 421, provided: "The purpose of this Act [see Short Title of 1946 Amendment note above] is the improvement of the mental health of the people of the United States through the conducting of researches, investigations, experiments, and demonstrations relating to the cause, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric disorders; assisting and fostering such research activities by public and private agencies, and promoting the coordination of all such researches and activities and the useful application of their results; training personnel in matters relating to mental health; and developing, and assisting States in the use of, the most effective methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric disorders."
Act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XIII, §§1301–1303, formerly title VI, §§601–603, 58 Stat. 711, 712, as renumbered by acts Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 958, §5, 60 Stat. 1049; July 30, 1956, ch. 779, §3(b), 70 Stat. 720; Pub. L. 88–581, §4(b), Sept. 3, 1964, 78 Stat. 919; Pub. L. 89–239, §3(b), Oct. 6, 1965, 79 Stat. 931; Pub. L. 91–572, §6(b), Dec. 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1506; Pub. L. 92–294, §3(b), May 16, 1972, 86 Stat. 137; Pub. L. 93–154, §2(b)(2), Nov. 16, 1973, 87 Stat. 604, related to the effect of this chapter on existing positions, procedures, regulations, funds, appropriations, and property, and was repealed by Pub. L. 93–222, §7(b), Dec. 29, 1973, 87 Stat. 936.
Act July 1, 1944, title XIII, §1304, formerly title VI, §604, 58 Stat. 712, as renumbered by acts Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 958, §5, 60 Stat. 1049; July 30, 1956, ch. 779, §3(b), 70 Stat. 720; Pub. L. 88–581, §4(b), Sept. 4, 1964, 78 Stat. 919; Pub. L. 89–239, §3(b), Oct. 6, 1965, 79 Stat. 931; Pub. L. 91–572, §6(b), Dec. 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1506; Pub. L. 92–294, §3(b), May 16, 1972, 86 Stat. 137; Pub. L. 93–154, §2(b)(2), Nov. 16, 1973, 87 Stat. 604, authorized annual appropriations during World War II and during period of demobilization to conduct health and sanitation activities in military, naval, or industrial areas, and was repealed by Pub. L. 93–222, §7(b), Dec. 29, 1973, 87 Stat. 936. Joint Res. July 25, 1947, ch. 327, §3, 61 Stat. 451, provided that in the interpretation of section 1004 of act July 1, 1944, the date July 25, 1947, shall be deemed to be the date of termination of any state of war theretofore declared by Congress and of the national emergencies proclaimed by the President on September 8, 1939, and May 27, 1941.
Pub. L. 91–296, title VI, §601, June 30, 1970, 84 Stat. 353, as amended Pub. L. 93–45, title IV, §401(a), June 18, 1973, 87 Stat. 95; Pub. L. 93–352, title I, §113, July 23, 1974, 88 Stat. 360, provided that: "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, unless enacted after the enactment of this Act [June 30, 1970] expressly in limitation of the provisions of this section, funds appropriated for any fiscal year to carry out any program for which appropriations are authorized by the Public Health Service Act (Public Law 410, Seventy-eighth Congress, as amended) [42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.] or the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963 (Public Law 88–164, as amended) [former 42 U.S.C. 2689 et seq., 6001 et seq.] shall remain available for obligation and expenditure until the end of such fiscal year."
Pub. L. 102–321, title II, §203(b), July 10, 1992, 106 Stat. 410, provided that: "Any rule or regulation of the Department of Health and Human Services that is inconsistent with the amendments made by this Act [see Tables for classification] shall not have any legal effect, including section 50(e) of part 96 of title 45, Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR 96.50(e))."
Federal Hazardous Substances Act as not modifying this chapter, see Pub. L. 86–613, §18, July 12, 1960, 74 Stat. 380, set out as a note under section 1261 of Title 15, Commerce and Trade.
Pub. L. 90–574, title V, §507, Oct. 15, 1968, 82 Stat. 1013, as amended by Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §509(b), 93 Stat. 695, provided that: "As used in the amendments made by this Act [enacting sections 229a, 299j, 2688e to 2688q, and 2697a of this title, amending sections 210g, 242h, 291a, 291b, 299a to 299e, 2693, and 3259 of this title, repealing section 3442 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 291a, 2688e, 3442 of this title, section 278 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, and section 3681 of Title 38, Veterans' Benefits], the term 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Health and Human Services."
Pub. L. 90–174, §15, Dec. 5, 1967, 81 Stat. 542, as amended by Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §509(b), Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 695, provided that: "As used in the amendments made by this Act [enacting sections 217b, 243(c), 251(b), 254a, 263a, and 291m–1 and amending sections 242b, 242g(c), 246(d)(1), (e), and 296e(c)(1) of this title] the term 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Health and Human Services."
Ex. Ord. No. 13507, Apr. 8, 2009, 74 F.R. 17071, which established the White House Office of Health Reform, was revoked by Ex. Ord. No. 13569, §6, Apr. 5, 2011, 76 F.R. 19891, set out as a note preceding section 101 of Title 3, The President.
1 See References in Text note below.
The Public Health Service in the Department of Health and Human Services shall be administered by the Assistant Secretary for Health under the supervision and direction of the Secretary.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §201, 58 Stat. 683; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8 eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2008(f), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 212.)
1993—Pub. L. 103–43 substituted "Health and Human Services" for "Health, Education, and Welfare" and "Assistant Secretary for Health" for "Surgeon General".
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Ex. Ord. No. 10399, Sept. 27, 1952, 17 F.R. 8648, designated Surgeon General to perform certain duties under International Sanitary Regulations of World Health Organization.
Prepared by the President and transmitted to the Senate and the House of Representatives in Congress assembled, April 25, 1966, pursuant to the provisions of the Reorganization Act of 1949, 63 Stat. 203, as amended [see 5 U.S.C. 901 et seq.].
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, there are hereby transferred to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) all functions of the Public Health Service, of the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, and of all other officers and employees of the Public Health Service, and all functions of all agencies of or in the Public Health Service.
(b) This section shall not apply to the functions vested by law in any advisory council, board, or committee of or in the Public Health Service which is established by law or is required by law to be established.
The Secretary may from time to time make such provisions as he shall deem appropriate authorizing the performance of any of the functions transferred to him by the provisions of this reorganization plan by any officer, employee, or agency of the Public Health Service or of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
(a) The following agencies of the Public Health Service are hereby abolished:
(1) The Bureau of Medical Services, including the office of Chief of the Bureau of Medical Services.
(2) The Bureau of State Services, including the office of Chief of the Bureau of State Services.
(3) The agency designated as the National Institutes of Health (42 U.S.C. 203), including the office of Director of the National Institutes of Health (42 U.S.C. 206(b)) but excluding the several research Institutes in the agency designated as the National Institutes of Health.
(4) The agency designated as the Office of the Surgeon General (42 U.S.C. 203(1)), together with the office held by the Deputy Surgeon General (42 U.S.C. 206(a)).
(b) The Secretary shall make such provisions as he shall deem necessary respecting the winding up of any outstanding affairs of the agencies abolished by the provisions of this section.
As he may deem necessary in order to carry out the provisions of this reorganization plan, the Secretary may from time to time effect transfers within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare of any of the records, property, personnel and unexpended balances (available or to be made available) of appropriations, allocations, and other funds of the Department which relate to functions affected by this reorganization plan.
[The Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare were redesignated the Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services, respectively, by 20 U.S.C. 3508.]
To the Congress of the United States:
I transmit herewith Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1966, prepared in accordance with the Reorganization Act of 1949, as amended, and providing for reorganization of health functions of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Today we face new challenges and unparalleled opportunities in the field of health. Building on the progress of the past several years, we have truly begun to match the achievements of our medicine to the needs of our people.
The task ahead is immense. As a nation, we will unceasingly pursue our research and learning, our training and building, our testing and treatment. But now our concern must also turn to the organization of our Federal health programs.
As citizens we are entitled to the very best health services our resources can provide.
As taxpayers, we demand the most efficient and economic health organizations that can be devised.
I ask the Congress to approve a reorganization plan to bring new strength to the administration of Federal health programs.
I propose a series of changes in the organization of the Public Health Service that will bring to all Americans a structure modern in design, more efficient in operation and better prepared to meet the great and growing needs of the future. Through such improvements we can achieve the full promise of the landmark health legislation enacted by the 89th Congress.
I do not propose these changes lightly. They follow a period of careful deliberation. For many months the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Surgeon General have consulted leading experts in the Nation—physicians, administrators, scientists, and public health specialists. They have confirmed my belief that modernization and reorganization of the Public Health Service are urgently required and long overdue.
The Public Health Service is an operating agency of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. It is the principal arm of the Federal Government in the field of health. Its programs are among those most vital to our well-being.
Since 1953 more than 50 new programs have been placed in the Public Health Service. Its budget over the past 12 years has increased tenfold—from $250 million to $2.4 billion.
Today the organization of the Public Health Service is clearly obsolete. The requirement that new and expanding programs be administered through an organizational structure established by law more than two decades ago stands as a major obstacle to the fulfillment of our Nation's health goals.
As presently constituted, the Public Health Service is composed of four major components:
National Institutes of Health.
Bureau of State Services.
Bureau of Medical Services.
Office of the Surgeon General.
Under present law, Public Health Service functions must be assigned only to these four components.
This structure was designed to provide separate administrative arrangements for health research, programs of State and local aid, health services, and executive staff resources. At a time when these functions could be neatly compartmentalized, the structure was adequate. But today the situation is different.
Under recent legislation many new programs provide for an integrated attack on specific disease problems or health hazards in the environment by combining health services, State and local aid, and research. Each new program of this type necessarily is assigned to one of the three operating components of the Public Health Service. Yet none of these components is intended to administer programs involving such a variety of approaches.
Our health problems are difficult enough without having them complicated by outmoded organizational arrangements.
But if we merely take the step of integrating the four agencies within the Public Health Service we will not go far enough. More is required.
The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare performs major health or health-related functions which are not carried out through the Public Health Service, although they are closely related to its functions. Among these are:
Health insurance for the aged, administered through the Social Security Administration;
Medical assistance for the needy, administered through the Welfare Administration;
Regulation of the manufacture, labeling, and distribution of drugs, carried out through the Food and Drug Administration; and
Grants-in-aid to States for vocational rehabilitation of the handicapped, administered by the Vocational Rehabilitation Administration.
Expenditures for health and health-related programs of the Department administered outside the Public Health Service have increased from $44 million in 1953 to an estimated $5.4 billion in 1967.
As the head of the Department, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare is responsible for the Administration and coordination of all the Department's health functions. He has clear authority over the programs I have just mentioned.
But today he lacks this essential authority over the Public Health Service. The functions of that agency are vested in the Surgeon General and not in the Secretary.
This diffusion of responsibility is unsound and unwise.
To secure the highest possible level of health services for the American people the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare must be given the authority to establish—and modify as necessary—the organizational structure for Public Health Service programs.
He must also have the authority to coordinate health functions throughout the Department. The reorganization plan I propose will accomplish these purposes. It will provide the Secretary with the flexibility to create new and responsive organizational arrangements to keep pace with the changing and dynamic nature of our health programs.
My views in this respect follow a basic principle of good government set by the Hoover Commission in 1949 when it recommended that "the Department head should be given authority to determine the organization within his Department."
In summary, the reorganization plan would:
Transfer to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare the functions now vested in the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service and in its various subordinate units (this transfer will not affect certain statutory advisory bodies such as the National Advisory Cancer and Heart Councils);
Abolish the four principal statutory components of the Public Health Service, including the offices held by their heads (the Bureau of Medical Services, the Bureau of State Services, the National Institutes of Health exclusive of its several research institutes such as the National Cancer and Heart Institutes, and the Office of the Surgeon General); and
Authorize the Secretary to assign the functions transferred to him by the plan to officials and entities of the Public Health Service and to other agencies of the Department as he deems appropriate.
Thus, the Secretary would be—
Enabled to assure that all health functions of the Department are carried out as effectively and economically as possible;
Given authority commensurate with his responsibility; and
Made responsible in fact for matters for which he is now, in any case, held accountable by the President, the Congress, and the people.
I have found, after investigation, that each reorganization included in the accompanying reorganization plan is necessary to accomplish one or more of the purposes set forth in section 2(a) of the Reorganization Act of 1949, as amended.
Should the reorganizations in the accompanying reorganization plan take effect, they will make possible more effective and efficient administration of the affected health programs. It is, however, not practicable at this time to itemize the reductions in expenditures which may result.
I strongly recommend that the Congress allow the reorganization plan to become effective.
Lyndon B. Johnson.
Ex. Ord. No. 10506, Dec. 10, 1953, 18 F.R. 8219, which delegated certain functions of the President relating to the Public Health Service, was superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 11140, Jan. 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, set out below.
Ex. Ord. No. 11140, Jan. 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 12608, Sept. 9, 1987, 52 F.R. 34617, provided:
By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, and as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows:
(a) The authority under Section 203 (42 U.S.C. 204): to appoint commissioned officers of the Reserve Corps.
(b) The authority under Section 206(b) (42 U.S.C. 207(b)) to prescribe titles, appropriate to the several grades, for commissioned officers of the Public Health Service other than medical officers.
(c) The authority under Section 207(a)(2) (42 U.S.C. 209(a)(2)) to terminate commissions of officers of the Reserve Corps without the consent of the officers concerned.
(d) The authority under Section 210(a), (k), and (l) (42 U.S.C. 211(a), (k), and (l)) to make or terminate temporary promotions of commissioned officers of the Regular Corps and Reserve Corps.
(e) The authority under Section 211(a)(5) (42 U.S.C. 212(a)(5)) to approve voluntary retirements under that section.
(f) The authority to prescribe regulations under the following-designated Sections: 207(a), 207(b), 208(e), 210(a), 210(b), 210(d)(1), 210(h), 210(i), 210(j)(1), 210(k), 215(a), 218(a), 219(a), and 510 (42 U.S.C. 209(a), 209(b), 210(e), 211(a), 211(b), 211(d)(1), 211(h), 211(i), 211(j)(1), 211(k), 216(a), 218a(a), 210–1(a), and 228).
(g) The authority under Sections 321(a) and 364(a) (42 U.S.C. 248(a) and 267(a)) to approve the selection of suitable sites for and the establishment of additional institutions, hospitals, stations, grounds, and anchorages; subject, however, to the approval of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, except as he may otherwise provide.
(b) Executive Orders Nos. 9993 of August 31, 1948, 10031 of January 26, 1949, 10280 of August 16, 1951, 10354 of May 26, 1952, and 10497 of October 27, 1953, which prescribed regulations relating to commissioned officers and employees of the Public Health Service, are hereby revoked. Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to alter or otherwise affect the regulations prescribed by the Surgeon General (42 CFR Parts 21 and 22) to replace the regulations prescribed by the orders described in the preceding sentence.
The Service shall consist of (1) the Office of the Surgeon General, (2) the National Institutes of Health, (3) the Bureau of Medical Services, and 1 (4) the Bureau of State Services, and 2 the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The Secretary is authorized and directed to assign to the Office of the Surgeon General,3 to the National Institutes of Health, to the Bureau of Medical Services, and to the Bureau of State Services, respectively, the several functions of the Service, and to establish within them such divisions, sections, and other units as he may find necessary; and from time to time abolish, transfer, and consolidate divisions, sections, and other units and assign their functions and personnel in such manner as he may find necessary for efficient operation of the Service. No division shall be established, abolished, or transferred, and no divisions shall be consolidated, except with the approval of the Secretary. The National Institutes of Health shall be administered as a part of the field service. The Secretary may delegate to any officer or employee of the Service such of his powers and duties under this chapter, except the making of regulations, as he may deem necessary or expedient.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §202, 58 Stat. 683; June 16, 1948, ch. 481, §6(b), 62 Stat. 469; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2008(g), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 212; Pub. L. 106–129, §2(b)(2), Dec. 6, 1999, 113 Stat. 1670.)
1999—Pub. L. 106–129 substituted "Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality" for "Agency for Health Care Policy and Research".
1993—Pub. L. 103–43, §2008(g)(2), inserted ", and the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research" in first sentence.
Pub. L. 103–43, §2008(g)(1), which directed the amendment of this section by striking "Surgeon General" the second and subsequent times that such term appears and inserting "Secretary", was executed by making the substitution before "is authorized and directed" and before "may delegate to any officer" and by leaving unchanged "Surgeon General" in the phrase "assign to the Office of the Surgeon General" in second sentence, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.
1948—Act June 16, 1948, substituted "National Institutes of Health" for "National Institute of Health" in cl. (2).
Bureau of Medical Services, Bureau of State Services, National Institutes of Health, excluding several research Institutes in agency, and Office of Surgeon General abolished by section 3 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, and all functions thereof transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 1 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education. Office of Surgeon General reestablished within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, see Notice of Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Mar. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 11754.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
1 So in original. The "and" probably should not appear.
2 So in original. Probably should be followed by "(5)".
3 See 1993 Amendment note below.
There shall be in the Service a commissioned Regular Corps and a Ready Reserve Corps for service in time of national emergency.
All commissioned officers shall be citizens of the United States and shall be appointed without regard to the civil-service laws and compensated without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended.
Commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps shall be appointed by the President and commissioned officers of the Regular Corps shall be appointed by the President.
Commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps shall at all times be subject to call to active duty by the Surgeon General, including active duty for the purpose of training.
Warrant officers may be appointed to the Service for the purpose of providing support to the health and delivery systems maintained by the Service and any warrant officer appointed to the Service shall be considered for purposes of this chapter and title 37 to be a commissioned officer within the Commissioned Corps of the Service.
Effective on March 23, 2010, all individuals classified as officers in the Reserve Corps under this section (as such section existed on the day before March 23, 2010) and serving on active duty shall be deemed to be commissioned officers of the Regular Corps.
The purpose of the Ready Reserve Corps is to fulfill the need to have additional Commissioned Corps personnel available on short notice (similar to the uniformed service's reserve program) to assist regular Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions.
The Ready Reserve Corps shall—
(A) participate in routine training to meet the general and specific needs of the Commissioned Corps;
(B) be available and ready for involuntary calls to active duty during national emergencies and public health crises, similar to the uniformed service reserve personnel;
(C) be available for backfilling critical positions left vacant during deployment of active duty Commissioned Corps members, as well as for deployment to respond to public health emergencies, both foreign and domestic; and
(D) be available for service assignment in isolated, hardship, and medically underserved communities (as defined in section 295p of this title) to improve access to health services.
For the purpose of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Commissioned Corps under this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014 for recruitment and training and $12,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014 for the Ready Reserve Corps.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §203, 58 Stat. 683; Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §2, 62 Stat. 39; Oct. 28, 1949, ch. 782, title XI, §1106(a), 63 Stat. 972; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §302(a), Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 584; Pub. L. 111–148, title V, §5210, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 614; Pub. L. 112–166, §2(ff)(1), Aug. 10, 2012, 126 Stat. 1290.)
The Classification Act of 1923, as amended, referred to in subsec. (a)(2), is act Mar. 4, 1923, ch. 265, 42 Stat. 1488, which was classified to section 661 et seq. of former Title 5, Executive Departments and Government Officers and Employees, and was repealed by act Oct. 28, 1949, ch. 782, title XII, §1202, 63 Stat. 972.
2012—Subsec. (a)(3). Pub. L. 112–166 struck out "with the advice and consent of the Senate" before period at end.
2010—Pub. L. 111–148 inserted section catchline and amended text generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "There shall be in the Service a commissioned Regular Corps and, for the purpose of securing a reserve for duty in the Service in time of national emergency, a Reserve Corps. All commissioned officers shall be citizens and shall be appointed without regard to the civil-service laws and compensated without regard to chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5. Commissioned officers of the Reserve Corps shall be appointed by the President and commissioned officers of the Regular Corps shall be appointed by him by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Commissioned officers of the Reserve Corps shall at all times be subject to call to active duty by the Surgeon General, including active duty for the purpose of training and active duty for the purpose of determining their fitness for appointment in the Regular Corps. Warrant officers may be appointed to the Service for the purpose of providing support to the health and delivery systems maintained by the Service and any warrant officer appointed to the Service shall be considered for purposes of this chapter and title 37 to be a commissioned officer within the commissioned corps of the Service."
1979—Pub. L. 96–76 inserted provisions relating to appointment and status of warrant officers.
1949—Act Oct. 28, 1949, substituted "Classification Act of 1949" for "Classification Act of 1923".
1948—Act Feb. 28, 1948, struck out provision that all active service in Reserve Corps, as well as service in Regular Corps, shall be credited for purpose of promotion in Regular Corps.
Amendment by Pub. L. 112–166 effective 60 days after Aug. 10, 2012, and applicable to appointments made on and after that effective date, including any nomination pending in the Senate on that date, see section 6(a) of Pub. L. 112–166, set out as a note under section 113 of Title 6, Domestic Security.
Act Oct. 28, 1949, cited as a credit to this section, was repealed (subject to a savings clause) by Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, §8, 80 Stat. 632, 655.
Pub. L. 111–148, title V, §5701, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 684, provided that:
Section 709 of act July 1, 1944, formerly §609, renumbered §709 by act Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 958, §5, 60 Stat. 1049, which provided for appointment of osteopaths as reserve officers until six months after World War II, was repealed by Joint Res. July 25, 1947, ch. 327, §1, 61 Stat. 449.
Memorandum of President of the United States, June 1, 2010, 75 F.R. 32245, provided:
Memorandum for the Secretary of Health and Human Services
By virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby assign to you the functions of the President under section 203 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended by Public Law 111–148, to appoint commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps. The exercise of this authority is limited to appointments of individuals who were extended offers of employment for appointment and call to active duty in the Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service with an appointment date subsequent to March 23, 2010, the date of enactment of Public Law 111–148, but who were not on active duty on that date, and those individuals who are selected for the 2010 Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program. This authority may not be re-delegated.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.
Barack Obama.
Memorandum of President of the United States, May 31, 2011, 76 F.R. 33117, which delegated functions of the President under section 203 of the Public Health Service Act to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, was revoked by Memorandum of President of the United States, Mar. 29, 2013, 78 F.R. 20225, set out below.
Memorandum of President of the United States, Mar. 29, 2013, 78 F.R. 20225, provided:
Memorandum for the Secretary of Health and Human Services
By virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby assign to you the functions of the President under section 203 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended by Public Law 111–148, to appoint commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service. Commissions issued under this delegation of authority may not be for a term longer than 6 months except for commissions that place officers in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Epidemiological Intelligence Service, the Senior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program, the Indian Health Service Pharmacy Residency Program, the Indian Health Service Health Professions Scholarship Program, or the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program, which may not be for a term longer than 2 years. Officers appointed pursuant to this delegation may not be appointed to the Ready Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service for a term greater than those outlined in this memorandum other than by the President. This authority may not be re-delegated.
My memorandum of May 31, 2011 (Delegation of Authority to Appoint Commissioned Officers of the Ready Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service), is hereby revoked.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.
Barack Obama.
The Secretary, with respect to members of the following Corps components, shall establish requirements, including training and medical examinations, to ensure the readiness of such components to respond to urgent or emergency public health care needs that cannot otherwise be met at the Federal, State, and local levels:
(A) Active duty Regular Corps.
(B) Active Reserves.
The Secretary shall annually determine whether each member of the Corps meets the applicable readiness requirements established under paragraph (1).
A member of the Corps who fails to meet or maintain the readiness requirements established under paragraph (1) or who fails to comply with orders to respond to an urgent or emergency public health care need shall, except as provided in paragraph (4), in accordance with procedures established by the Secretary, be subject to disciplinary action as prescribed by the Secretary.
The Secretary may waive one or more of the requirements established under paragraph (1) for an individual who is not able to meet such requirements because of—
(i) a disability;
(ii) a temporary medical condition; or
(iii) any other extraordinary limitation as determined by the Secretary.
The Secretary shall promulgate regulations under which a waiver described in subparagraph (A) may be granted.
For purposes of this section and section 215 of this title, the term "urgent or emergency public health care need" means a health care need, as determined by the Secretary, arising as the result of—
(A) a national emergency declared by the President under the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.);
(B) an emergency or major disaster declared by the President under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.);
(C) a public health emergency declared by the Secretary under section 247d of this title; or
(D) any emergency that, in the judgment of the Secretary, is appropriate for the deployment of members of the Corps.
The Secretary shall—
(1) organize members of the Corps into units for rapid deployment by the Secretary to respond to urgent or emergency public health care needs;
(2) establish appropriate procedures for the command and control of units or individual members of the Corps that are deployed at the direction of the President or the Secretary in response to an urgent or emergency public health care need of national, State or local significance;
(3) ensure that members of the Corps are trained, equipped and otherwise prepared to fulfill their public health and emergency response roles; and
(4) ensure that deployment planning takes into account—
(A) any deployment exemptions that may be granted by the Secretary based on the unique requirements of an agency and an individual's functional role in such agency; and
(B) the nature of the urgent or emergency public health care need.
For purposes of pay, allowances, and benefits of a Commissioned Corps officer who is detailed or assigned to a Federal entity, the deployment of such officer by the Secretary in response to an urgent or emergency public health care need shall be deemed to be an authorized activity of the Federal entity to which the officer is detailed or assigned.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §203A, as added Pub. L. 109–417, title II, §206(b), Dec. 19, 2006, 120 Stat. 2851.)
The National Emergencies Act, referred to in subsec. (a)(5)(A), is Pub. L. 94–412, Sept. 14, 1976, 90 Stat. 1255, as amended, which is classified principally to chapter 34 (§1601 et seq.) of Title 50, War and National Defense. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1601 of Title 50 and Tables.
The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, referred to in subsec. (a)(5)(B), is Pub. L. 93–288, May 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 143, as amended, which is classified principally to chapter 68 (§5121 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 5121 of this title and Tables.
Pub. L. 109–417, title II, §206(a), Dec. 19, 2006, 120 Stat. 2851, provided that: "It is the purpose of this section [enacting this section and amending sections 215 and 254d of this title] to improve the force management and readiness of the Commissioned Corps to accomplish the following objectives:
"(1) To ensure the Corps is ready to respond rapidly to urgent or emergency public health care needs and challenges.
"(2) To ensure the availability of the Corps for assignments that address clinical and public health needs in isolated, hardship, and hazardous duty positions, and, when required, to address needs related to the well-being, security, and defense of the United States.
"(3) To establish the Corps as a resource available to Federal and State Government agencies for assistance in meeting public health leadership and service roles."
The Surgeon General shall be appointed from the Regular Corps for a four-year term by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Surgeon General shall be appointed from individuals who (1) are members of the Regular Corps, and (2) have specialized training or significant experience in public health programs. Upon the expiration of such term the Surgeon General, unless reappointed, shall revert to the grade and number in the Regular or Reserve Corps that he would have occupied had he not served as Surgeon General.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §204, 58 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 97–25, title III, §303(a), July 27, 1981, 95 Stat. 145; Pub. L. 97–35, title XXVII, §2765(b), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 932.)
1981—Pub. L. 97–35 inserted reference to Reserve Corps and substituted provisions relating to appointment of an individual from the Regular Corps and with specialized training and significant experience, for provisions relating to appointment of an individual sixty-four years of age or older.
Pub. L. 97–25 inserted provision that the President may appoint to office of Surgeon General an individual who is sixty-four years of age or older.
Office of Surgeon General abolished by section 3 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, and functions thereof transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 1 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education. Office of Surgeon General reestablished within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, see Notice of Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Mar. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 11754.
The Surgeon General shall assign one commissioned officer from the Regular Corps to administer the Office of the Surgeon General, to act as Surgeon General during the absence or disability of the Surgeon General or in the event of a vacancy in that office, and to perform such other duties as the Surgeon General may prescribe, and while so assigned he shall have the title of Deputy Surgeon General.
The Surgeon General shall assign eight commissioned officers from the Regular Corps to be, respectively, the Director of the National Institutes of Health, the Chief of the Bureau of State Services, the Chief of the Bureau of Medical Services, the Chief Medical Officer of the United States Coast Guard, the Chief Dental Officer of the Service, the Chief Nurse Officer of the Service, the Chief Pharmacist Officer of the Service, and the Chief Sanitary Engineering Officer of the Service, and while so serving they shall each have the title of Assistant Surgeon General.
(1) The Surgeon General, with the approval of the Secretary, is authorized to create special temporary positions in the grade of Assistant Surgeons General when necessary for the proper staffing of the Service. The Surgeon General may assign officers of either the Regular Corps or the Reserve Corps to any such temporary position, and while so serving they shall each have the title of Assistant Surgeon General.
(2) Except as provided in this paragraph, the number of special temporary positions created by the Surgeon General under paragraph (1) shall not on any day exceed 1 per centum of the highest number, during the ninety days preceding such day, of officers of the Regular Corps on active duty and officers of the Reserve Corps on active duty for more than thirty days. If on any day the number of such special temporary positions exceeds such 1 per centum limitation, for a period of not more than one year after such day, the number of such special temporary positions shall be reduced for purposes of complying with such 1 per centum limitation only by the resignation, retirement, death, or transfer to a position of a lower grade, of any officer holding any such temporary position.
The Surgeon General shall designate the Assistant Surgeon General who shall serve as Surgeon General in case of absence or disability, or vacancy in the offices, of both the Surgeon General and the Deputy Surgeon General.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §205, 58 Stat. 684; Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §3, 62 Stat. 39; June 16, 1948, ch. 481, §6(b), 62 Stat. 469; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §§302(b), 303, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 584.)
1979—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 96–76, §302(b), inserted provisions relating to assignment of Chief Nurse Officer and Chief Pharmacist Officer, and substituted "eight" for "six".
Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 96–76, §303, designated existing provisions as par. (1), struck out provisions relating to maximum number of special temporary positions, and added par. (2).
1948—Subsec. (b). Act June 16, 1948, substituted "National Institutes of Health" for "National Institute of Health".
Subsecs. (c), (d). Act Feb. 28, 1948, added subsec. (c) and redesignated former subsec. (c) as (d).
Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §314, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 587, provided that: "The amendments made by sections 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, and 313 [amending this section, sections 207, 209, 210b, and 211 of this title, and sections 201, 415, and 1006 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services] shall take effect on October 1, 1979."
For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.
Office of Surgeon General, together with office held by Deputy Surgeon General, Bureau of Medical Services, including office of Chief of Bureau of Medical Services, Bureau of State Services, including office of Chief of Bureau of State Services, and National Institutes of Health, including office of Director of National Institutes of Health, abolished by section 3 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, and functions thereof transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 1 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
The Surgeon General, during the period of his appointment as such, shall be of the same grade as the Surgeon General of the Army; the Deputy Surgeon General and the Chief Medical Officer of the United States Coast Guard, while assigned as such, shall have the grade corresponding with the grade of major general; and the Chief Dental Officer, while assigned as such, shall have the grade as is prescribed by law for the officer of the Dental Corps selected and appointed as Assistant Surgeon General of the Army. During the period of appointment to the position of Assistant Secretary for Health, a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service shall have the grade corresponding to the grade of General of the Army. Assistant Surgeons General, while assigned as such, shall have the grade corresponding with either the grade of brigadier general or the grade of major general, as may be determined by the Secretary after considering the importance of the duties to be performed: Provided, That the number of Assistant Surgeons General having a grade higher than that corresponding to the grade of brigadier general shall at no time exceed one-half of the number of positions created by subsection (b) of section 206 of this title or pursuant to subsection (c) of section 206 of this title. The grades of commissioned officers of the Service shall correspond with grades of officers of the Army as follows:
(1) Officers of the director grade—colonel;
(2) Officers of the senior grade—lieutenant colonel;
(3) Officers of the full grade—major;
(4) Officers of the senior assistant grade—captain;
(5) Officers of the assistant grade—first lieutenant;
(6) Officers of the junior assistant grade—second lieutenant;
(7) Chief warrant officers of (W–4) grade—chief warrant officer (W–4);
(8) Chief warrant officers of (W–3) grade—chief warrant officer (W–3);
(9) Chief warrant officers of (W–2) grade—chief warrant officer (W–2); and
(10) Warrant officers of (W–1) grade—warrant officer (W–1).
The titles of medical officers of the foregoing grades shall be respectively (1) medical director, (2) senior surgeon, (3) surgeon, (4) senior assistant surgeon, (5) assistant surgeon, and (6) junior assistant surgeon. The President is authorized to prescribe titles, appropriate to the several grades, for commissioned officers of the Service other than medical officers. All titles of the officers of the Reserve Corps shall have the suffix "Reserve".
Within the total number of officers of the Regular Corps authorized by the appropriation Act or Acts for each fiscal year to be on active duty, the Secretary shall by regulation prescribe the maximum number of officers authorized to be in each of the grades from the warrant officer (W–1) grade to the director grade, inclusive. Such numbers shall be determined after considering the anticipated needs of the Service during the fiscal year, the funds available, the number of officers in each grade at the beginning of the fiscal year, and the anticipated appointments, the anticipated promotions based on years of service, and the anticipated retirements during the fiscal year. The number so determined for any grade for a fiscal year may not exceed the number limitation (if any) contained in the appropriation Act or Acts for such year. Such regulations for each fiscal year shall be prescribed as promptly as possible after the appropriation Act fixing the authorized strength of the corps for that year, and shall be subject to amendment only if such authorized strength or such number limitation is thereafter changed. The maxima established by such regulations shall not require (apart from action pursuant to other provisions of this chapter) any officer to be separated from the Service or reduced in grade.
In computing the maximum number of commissioned officers of the Public Health Service authorized by law to hold a grade which corresponds to the grade of brigadier general or major general, there may be excluded from such computation not more than three officers who hold such a grade so long as such officers are assigned to duty and are serving in a policymaking position in the Department of Defense.
In computing the maximum number of commissioned officers of the Public Health Service authorized by law or administrative determination to serve on active duty, there may be excluded from such computation officers who are assigned to duty in the Department of Defense.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §206, 58 Stat. 684; Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §4, 62 Stat. 39; Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 653, 65 Stat. 700; July 17, 1952, ch. 931, 66 Stat. 758; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Pub. L. 87–649, §11(1), Sept. 7, 1962, 76 Stat. 497; Pub. L. 95–215, §8(b), Dec. 19, 1977, 91 Stat. 1507; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §304, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 584; Pub. L. 99–117, §9, Oct. 7, 1985, 99 Stat. 494; Pub. L. 101–93, §5(p), Aug. 16, 1989, 103 Stat. 614; Pub. L. 101–502, §5(k)(1), Nov. 3, 1990, 104 Stat. 1289; Pub. L. 104–201, div. A, title V, §582, Sept. 23, 1996, 110 Stat. 2538.)
1996—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 104–201 added subsec. (f).
1990—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 101–502 inserted after first sentence "During the period of appointment to the position of Assistant Secretary for Health, a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service shall have the grade corresponding to the grade of General of the Army."
1989—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 101–93, which directed the substitution of "the Department of Defense" for "the office of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs", was executed by making the substitution for "the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs" as the probable intent of Congress.
1985—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 99–117 added subsec. (e).
1979—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 96–76, §304(a), added pars. (7) to (10).
Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 96–76, §304(b), struck out subsec. (c) setting forth the grade and pay and allowances as director for a commissioned officer below the grade of director assigned to serve as chief of a division.
Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 96–76, §304(c), substituted "warrant officer (W–1)" for "junior assistant".
1977—Subsec. (b)(6). Pub. L. 95–215 substituted "junior assistant" for "senior assistant".
1962—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 87–649 struck out provisions which related to pay and allowances.
1952—Subsec. (a). Act July 17, 1952, provided that the Chief Medical Officer of the Coast Guard should have the grade, pay, and allowances of a major general.
1951—Subsec. (a). Act Oct. 31, 1951, provided equality of grade, pay, and allowances between the Chief Dental Officer and the comparable officer in the Army.
1948—Subsec. (a). Act Feb. 28, 1948, increased grade of Deputy Surgeon General from brigadier general to major general and increased grade of certain Assistant Surgeons General from brigadier general to major general as the Federal Security Administrator might determine.
Subsecs. (c), (d). Act Feb. 28, 1948, added subsecs. (c) and (d).
Amendment by Pub. L. 101–502 effective Dec. 1, 1990, see section 5(k)(3) of Pub. L. 101–502, set out as a note under section 201 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
Amendment by Pub. L. 96–76 effective Oct. 1, 1979, see section 314 of Pub. L. 96–76, set out as a note under section 206 of this title.
Amendment by Pub. L. 87–649 effective Nov. 1, 1962, see section 15 of Pub. L. 87–649, set out as an Effective Date note preceding section 101 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.
Office of Surgeon General, together with office held by Deputy Surgeon General, abolished by section 3 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, and functions thereof transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 1 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education. Office of Surgeon General reestablished within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, see Notice of Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Mar. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 11754.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
Functions of President delegated to Secretary of Health and Human Services, see Ex. Ord. No. 11140, Jan. 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, as amended, set out as a note under section 202 of this title.
Section, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §207, 58 Stat. 685, related to establishment of special temporary provisions. See sections 206(c) and 207(c) of this title.
(1) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (e) of this section, original appointments to the Regular Corps may be made only in the warrant officer (W–1), chief warrant officer (W–2), chief warrant officer (W–3), chief warrant officer (W–4), junior assistant, assistant, and senior assistant grades and original appointments to a grade above junior assistant shall be made only after passage of an examination, given in accordance with regulations of the President, in one or more of the several branches of medicine, dentistry, hygiene, sanitary engineering, pharmacy, psychology, nursing, or related scientific specialties in the field of public health.
(2) Original appointments to the Reserve Corps may be made to any grade up to and including the director grade but only after passage of an examination given in accordance with regulations of the President. Reserve commissions shall be for an indefinite period and may be terminated at any time, as the President may direct.
(3) No individual who has attained the age of forty-four shall be appointed to the Regular Corps, or called to active duty in the Reserve Corps for a period in excess of one year, unless (A) he has had a number of years of active service (as defined in section 212(d) of this title) equal to the number of years by which his age exceeds forty-four, or (B) the Surgeon General determines that he possesses exceptional qualifications, not readily available elsewhere in the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service, for the performance of special duties with the Service, or (C) in the case of an officer of the Reserve Corps, the Commissioned Corps of the Service has been declared by the President to be a military service.
(1) Not more than 10 per centum of the original appointments to the Regular Corps authorized to be made during any fiscal year may be made to grades above that of senior assistant, but no such appointment (other than an appointment under section 205 of this title) may be made to a grade above that of director. For the purpose of this subsection the number of original appointments authorized to be made during a fiscal year shall be (1) the excess of the number of officers of the Regular Corps authorized by the appropriation Act or Acts for such year over the number of officers on active duty in the Regular Corps on the first day of such year, plus (2) the number of such officers of the Regular Corps who, during such fiscal year, have been or will be retired upon attainment of age sixty-four or have for any other reason ceased to be on active duty. In determining the number of appointments authorized by this subsection an appointment shall be deemed to be made in the fiscal year in which the nomination is transmitted by the President to the Senate.
(2) In addition to the number of original appointments to the Regular Corps authorized by paragraph (1) to be made to grades above that of senior assistant, original appointments authorized to be made to the Regular Corps in any year may be made to grades above that of senior assistant, but not above that of director, in the case of any individual who—
(A)(i) was on active duty in the Reserve Corps on July 1, 1960, (ii) was on such active duty continuously for not less than one year immediately prior to such date, and (iii) applies for appointment to the Regular Corps prior to July 1, 1962; or
(B) does not come within clause (A)(i) and (ii) but was on active duty in the Reserve Corps continuously for not less than one year immediately prior to his appointment to the Regular Corps and has not served on active duty continuously for a period, occurring after June 30, 1960, of more than three and one-half years prior to applying for such appointment.
(3) No person shall be appointed pursuant to this subsection unless he meets standards established in accordance with regulations of the President.
Commissions evidencing the appointment by the President of officers of the Regular or Reserve Corps shall be issued by the Secretary under the seal of the Department of Health and Human Services.
(1) For purposes of basic pay and for purposes of promotion, any person appointed under subsection (a) of this section to the grade of senior assistant in the Regular Corps, and any person appointed under subsection (b) of this section, shall, except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, be considered as having had on the date of appointment the following length of service: Three years if appointed to the senior assistant grade, ten years if appointed to the full grade, seventeen years if appointed to the senior grade, and eighteen years if appointed to the director grade.
(2) For purposes of basic pay, any person appointed under subsection (a) of this section to the grade of senior assistant in the Regular Corps, and any person appointed under subsection (b) of this section, shall, in lieu of the credit provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection, be credited with the service for which he is entitled to credit under any other provision of law if such service exceeds that to which he would be entitled under such paragraph.
(3) For purposes of promotion, any person originally appointed in the Regular Corps to the senior assistant grade or above who has had active service in the Reserve Corps shall be considered as having had on the date of appointment the length of service provided for in paragraph (1) of this subsection, plus whichever of the following is greater: (A) The excess of his total active service in the Reserve Corps (above the grade of junior assistant) over the length of service provided in such paragraph, to the extent that such excess is on account of service in the Reserve Corps in or above the grade to which he is appointed in the Regular Corps or (B) his active service in the same or any higher grade in the Reserve Corps after the first day on which, under regulations in effect on the date of his appointment to the Regular Corps, he would have had the training and experience necessary for such appointment.
(4) For purposes of promotion, any person whose original appointment is to the assistant grade in the Regular Corps shall be considered as having had on the date of appointment service equal to his total active service in the Reserve Corps in and above the assistant grade.
(1) A former officer of the Regular Corps may, if application for appointment is made within two years after the date of the termination of his prior commission in the Regular Corps, be reappointed to the Regular Corps without examination, except as the Surgeon General may otherwise prescribe, and without regard to the numerical limitations of subsection (b) of this section.
(2) Reappointments pursuant to this subsection may be made to the permanent grade held by the former officer at the time of the termination of his prior commission, or to the next higher grade if such officer meets the eligibility requirements prescribed by regulation for original appointment to such higher grade. For purposes of pay, promotion, and seniority in grade, such reappointed officer shall receive the credits for service to which he would be entitled if such appointment were an original appointment, but in no event less than the credits he held at the time his prior commission was terminated, except that if such officer is reappointed to the next higher grade he shall receive no credit for seniority in grade.
(3) No former officer shall be reappointed pursuant to this subsection unless he shall meet such standards as the Secretary may prescribe.
In accordance with regulations, special consultants may be employed to assist and advise in the operations of the Service. Such consultants may be appointed without regard to the civil-service laws.
In accordance with regulations, individual scientists, other than commissioned officers of the Service, may be designated by the Surgeon General to receive fellowships, appointed for duty with the Service without regard to the civil-service laws, may hold their fellowships under conditions prescribed therein, and may be assigned for studies or investigations either in this country or abroad during the terms of their fellowships.
Persons who are not citizens may be employed as consultants pursuant to subsection (f) of this section and may be appointed to fellowships pursuant to subsection (g) of this section. Unless otherwise specifically provided, any prohibition in any other Act against the employment of aliens, or against the payment of compensation to them, shall not be applicable in the case of persons employed or appointed pursuant to such subsections.
The appointment of any officer or employee of the Service made in accordance with the civil-service laws shall be made by the Secretary, and may be made effective as of the date on which such officer or employee enters upon duty.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §207, formerly §208, 58 Stat. 685; July 3, 1946, ch. 538, §4, 60 Stat. 421; Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 958, §3, 60 Stat. 1049; renumbered §207 and amended Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §5(a)–(d), 62 Stat. 40; Oct. 12, 1949, ch. 681, title V, §521(a), 63 Stat. 834; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Apr. 27, 1956, ch. 211, §3(a)–(c)(1), 70 Stat. 116; Pub. L. 86–415, §§2, 3, Apr. 8, 1960, 74 Stat. 32; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §305, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 585; Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §509(b), Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 695; Pub. L. 97–35, title XXVII, §2765(c), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 933; Pub. L. 97–414, §8(a), Jan. 4, 1983, 96 Stat. 2060.)
In subsec. (f), the words "and their compensation may be fixed without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended", and in subsec. (g), the words "and compensated without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended" were omitted as obsolete. Sections 1202 and 1204 of the Classification Act of 1949, 63 Stat. 972, 973, repealed the 1923 Act and all laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the 1949 Act. While section 1106(a) of the 1949 Act provided that references in other laws to the 1923 Act should be held and considered to mean the 1949 Act, it did not have the effect of continuing the exceptions contained in subsecs. (f) and (g) because of section 1106(b) which provided that the application of the 1949 Act to any position, officer, or employee shall not be affected by section 1106(a). The Classification Act of 1949 was repealed by Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, §8(a), 80 Stat. 632 (of which section 1 revised and enacted Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, into law). Section 5102 of Title 5 contains the applicability provisions of the 1949 Act, and section 5103 of Title 5 authorizes the Office of Personnel Management to determine the applicability to specific positions and employees.
In subsec. (h), the references to subsections (f) and (g) of this section were, in the original, references to subsections (e) and (f) and were changed to reflect the probable intent of Congress.
A prior section 207 of act July 1, 1944, was classified to section 208 of this title, prior to repeal by act Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §5(a), 62 Stat. 40.
1983—Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 97–414 inserted "psychology," after "pharmacy,".
1981—Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 97–35 inserted provisions relating to exception for an appointment under section 205 of this title.
1979—Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 96–76 inserted applicability to warrant officers and chief warrant officers.
1960—Subsec. (a)(3). Pub. L. 86–415, §2, added par. (3).
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 86–415, §3, designated first, second and third sentences as par. (1), fourth sentence as par. (3), and added par. (2).
1956—Subsec. (a)(1). Act Apr. 27, 1956, §3(a), inserted reference to subsection (e) of this section.
Subsec. (a)(2). Act Apr. 27, 1956, §3(c)(1), substituted "an indefinite period" for "a period of not more than five years".
Subsecs. (e) to (i). Act Apr. 27, 1956, §3(b), added subsec. (e) and redesignated former subsecs. (e) to (h) as (f) to (i), respectively.
1949—Subsec. (d). Act Oct. 12, 1949, substituted "base pay" for "pay and pay period" wherever appearing.
1948—Subsec. (a)(1). Act Feb. 28, 1948, struck out "surgery" after "several branches of medicine".
Subsec. (a)(2). Act Feb. 28, 1948, struck out "any such commission" before "may be terminated", and "in his discretion" after "at any time".
Subsec. (b). Act Feb. 28, 1948, provided for grade and number of original appointments.
Subsecs. (c) to (f). Act Feb. 28, 1948, added subsecs. (c) and (d) and redesignated former subsecs. (c) and (d) as (e) and (f), respectively. Former subsecs. (e) and (f) redesignated (g) and (h).
Subsec. (g). Act Feb. 28, 1948, redesignated former subsec. (e) as (g) and changed reference in text from "subsection (c) of this section" to "subsection (e) of this section", and "subsection (d) of this section" to "subsection (g) of this section".
Subsec. (h). Act Feb. 28, 1948, redesignated former subsec. (f) as (h).
1946—Subsec. (b). Act July 3, 1946, authorized appointment of additional officers to grades above that of senior assistant but not above that of director, and limits the number so appointed to 20.
Subsec. (b)(2). Act Aug. 13, 1946, inserted "(A)" before "to assist", substituted "clause" for "paragraphs", and inserted cl. (B).
Amendment by Pub. L. 96–76 effective Oct. 1, 1979, see section 314 of Pub. L. 96–76, set out as a note under section 206 of this title.
Pub. L. 86–415, §8(a), Apr. 8, 1960, 74 Stat. 36, provided that: "The amendments made by sections 2 and 5(b) [amending this section and section 210 of this title] shall become effective July 1, 1960."
Amendment by act Oct. 12, 1949, effective Oct. 1, 1949, see section 533(a) of act Oct. 12, 1949, set out as a note under section 854a of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
Functions of President delegated to Secretary of Health and Human Services and Surgeon General, see Ex. Ord. No. 11140, Jan. 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, as amended, set out as a note under section 202 of this title.
Pub. L. 109–149, title II, §216, Dec. 30, 2005, 119 Stat. 2861, provided that: "The Division of Federal Occupational Health hereafter may utilize personal services contracting to employ professional management/administrative and occupational health professionals."
Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation acts:
Pub. L. 108–447, div. F, title II, §216, Dec. 8, 2004, 118 Stat. 3141.
Pub. L. 108–199, div. E, title II, §216, Jan. 23, 2004, 118 Stat. 255.
Pub. L. 108–7, div. G, title II, §216, Feb. 20, 2003, 117 Stat. 325.
Pub. L. 107–116, title II, §216, Jan. 10, 2002, 115 Stat. 2201.
Pub. L. 106–554, §1(a)(1) [title II], Dec. 21, 2000, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A–13.
Pub. L. 106–113, div. B, §1000(a)(4) [title II], Nov. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 1535, 1501A–225.
Pub. L. 105–277, div. A, §101(f) [title II], Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–337, 2681–347.
Pub. L. 105–78, title II, Nov. 13, 1997, 111 Stat. 1477.
Pub. L. 104–208, div. A, title I, §101(e) [title II], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–233, 3009–242.
Pub. L. 104–134, title I, §101(d) [title II], Apr. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 1321–211, 1321–221; renumbered title I, Pub. L. 104–140, §1(a), May 2, 1996, 110 Stat. 1327.
Act Apr. 27, 1956, ch. 211, §3(c)(2), 70 Stat. 117, provided that: "The enactment of paragraph (1) of this subsection [amending this section] shall not affect the term of the commission of any officer in the Reserve Corps in effect on the date of such enactment [Apr. 27, 1956] unless such officer consents in writing to the extension of his commission for an indefinite period, in which event his commission shall be so extended without the necessity of a new appointment."
Section 209a, act Dec. 22, 1944, ch. 660, title I, 58 Stat. 856, which related to number of regular commissioned nurses to be appointed, their grades, and their length of service for purposes of pay and pay periods, was not repeated in subsequent appropriation acts.
Section 209b, act Dec. 22, 1944, ch. 660, title I, 58 Stat. 857, which authorized appointment of fifty additional regular commissioned officers of which twenty-four were to be in grades above that of senior assistant, was not repeated in subsequent appropriation acts.
Section, act July 3, 1945, ch. 263, title II, 59 Stat. 370, provided that for purposes of pay and pay period officers appointed to grades above that of senior assistant pursuant to section 209b of this title shall be considered as having had on date of appointment service equal to that of junior officer of grade to which appointed.
Graduates of colleges of osteopathy whose graduates are eligible for licensure to practice medicine or osteopathy in a majority of the States of the United States, or approved by a body or bodies acceptable to the Secretary, shall be eligible, subject to the other provisions of this Act, for appointment as commissioned medical officers in the Public Health Service.
(Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §5(b), 62 Stat. 40; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631.)
This Act, referred to in text, is act Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, 62 Stat. 38. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.
Section was not enacted as a part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
(1) Commissioned officers of the Regular and Reserve Corps shall be entitled to receive such pay and allowances as are now or may hereafter be authorized by law.
(2) For provisions relating to the receipt of special pay by commissioned officers of the Regular and Reserve Corps while on active duty, see section 303a(b) of title 37.
Commissioned officers on active duty and retired officers entitled to retired pay pursuant to section 211(g)(3), 212, or 213a(a) of this title, shall be permitted to purchase supplies from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps at the same price as is charged officers thereof.
Members of the National Advisory Health Council and members of other national advisory or review councils or committees established under this chapter, including members of the Technical Electronic Product Radiation Safety Standards Committee and the Board of Regents of the National Library of Medicine, but excluding ex officio members, while attending conferences or meetings of their respective councils or committees or while otherwise serving at the request of the Secretary, shall be entitled to receive compensation at rates to be fixed by the Secretary, but at rates not exceeding the daily equivalent of the rate specified at the time of such service for grade GS–18 of the General Schedule, including traveltime; and while away from their homes or regular places of business they may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5 for persons in the Government service employed intermittently.
Field employees of the Service, except those employed on a per diem or fee basis, who render part-time duty and are also subject to call at any time for services not contemplated in their regular part-time employment, may be paid annual compensation for such part-time duty and, in addition, such fees for such other services as the Surgeon General may determine; but in no case shall the total paid to any such employee for any fiscal year exceed the amount of the minimum annual salary rate of the classification grade of the employee.
Any civilian employee of the Service who is employed at the Gillis W. Long Hansen's Disease Center on April 7, 1986, shall be entitled to receive, in addition to any compensation to which the employee may otherwise be entitled and for so long as the employee remains employed at the Center, an amount equal to one-fourth of such compensation.
Individuals appointed under section 209(g) of this title shall have included in their fellowships such stipends or allowances, including travel and subsistence expenses, as the Surgeon General may deem necessary to procure qualified fellows.
The Secretary is authorized to establish and fix the compensation for, within the Public Health Service, not more than one hundred and seventy-nine positions, of which not less than one hundred and fifteen shall be for the National Institutes of Health, not less than five shall be for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism for individuals engaged in research on alcohol abuse and alcoholism, not less than ten shall be for the National Center for Health Services Research, not less than twelve shall be for the National Center for Health Statistics, and not less than seven shall be for the National Center for Health Care Technology, in the professional, scientific, and executive service, each such position being established to effectuate those research and development activities of the Public Health Service which require the services of specially qualified scientific, professional and administrative personnel: Provided, That the rates of compensation for positions established pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall not be less than the minimum rate of grade 16 of the General Schedule nor more than (1) the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule, or (2) in the case of two such positions, the rate specified, at the time the service in the position is performed, for level II of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5313); and such rates of compensation for all positions included in this proviso shall be subject to the approval of the Director of the Office of Personnel Management. Positions created pursuant to this subsection shall be included in the classified civil service of the United States, but appointments to such positions shall be made without competitive examination upon approval of the proposed appointee's qualifications by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management or such officers or agents as it may designate for this purpose.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §208, formerly §209, 58 Stat. 686; July 3, 1946, ch. 538, §5(a), 60 Stat. 422; renumbered §208 and amended Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §5(a), (g), (h), 62 Stat. 40; June 16, 1948, ch. 481, §4(d), 62 Stat. 467; June 24, 1948, ch. 621, §4(d), 62 Stat. 601; Oct. 12, 1949, ch. 681, title V, §521(b), 63 Stat. 834; Aug. 9, 1950, ch. 654, §1, 64 Stat. 426; Aug. 15, 1950, ch. 714, §§3(e), 4(b), 64 Stat. 447; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8 eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Aug. 1, 1955, ch. 437, title II, §201, 69 Stat. 407; June 29, 1956, ch. 477, title II, §201, 70 Stat. 430; July 31, 1956, ch. 804, title I, §117(b), 70 Stat. 741; Pub. L. 85–462, §12(e), June 20, 1958, 72 Stat. 214; Pub. L. 85–929, §9, Sept. 6, 1958, 72 Stat. 1789; Pub. L. 86–415, §5(b), Apr. 8, 1960, 74 Stat. 34; Pub. L. 86–703, title II, §201, Sept. 2, 1960, 74 Stat. 764; Pub. L. 87–649, §§11(3), 14b, Sept. 7, 1962, 76 Stat. 497, 499; Pub. L. 87–793, title VI, §1001(d), Oct. 11, 1962, 76 Stat. 864; Pub. L. 88–426, title III, §305(1), Aug. 14, 1964, 78 Stat. 422; Pub. L. 90–574, title V, §501, Oct. 15, 1968, 82 Stat. 1012; Pub. L. 91–515, title VI, §601(b)(1), Oct. 30, 1970, 84 Stat. 1310; Pub. L. 92–157, title III, §301(a), Nov. 18, 1971, 85 Stat. 463; Pub. L. 95–83, title III, §312, Aug. 1, 1977, 91 Stat. 398; Pub. L. 95–623, §11(a), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3455; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. Jan. 1, 1979, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783; Pub. L. 96–32, §7(g), July 10, 1979, 93 Stat. 84; Pub. L. 96–398, title VIII, §805, Oct. 7, 1980, 94 Stat. 1608; Pub. L. 99–117, §3(a), Oct. 7, 1985, 99 Stat. 491; Pub. L. 99–272, title XVII, §17002(a)(1), (b), Apr. 7, 1986, 100 Stat. 359; Pub. L. 100–607, title VII, §706, Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3159; Pub. L. 106–398, §1 [[div. A], title VI, §634(b)], Oct. 30, 2000, 114 Stat. 1654, 1654A–159.)
Classified civil service, referred to in subsec. (g), as meaning "competitive service", see section 2102(c) of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.
A prior section 208 of act July 1, 1944, was renumbered section 207 and is classified to section 209 of this title.
2000—Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 106–398 added par. (2) and struck out former par. (2) which read as follows:
"(2)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), commissioned medical and dental officers in the Regular and Reserve Corps shall while on active duty be paid special pay in the same amounts as, and under the same terms and conditions which apply to, the special pay now or hereafter paid to commissioned medical and dental officers of the Armed Forces under chapter 5 of title 37.
"(B) A commissioned medical officer in the Regular or Reserve Corps (other than an officer serving in the Indian Health Service) may not receive additional special pay under section 302(a)(4) of title 37 for any period during which the officer is providing obligated service under (i) section 254m of this title, (ii) section 234(e) of this title (as such section was in effect prior to October 1, 1977), or (iii) section 294u of this title (as such section was in effect between October 1, 1977, and August 13, 1981)."
Subsec. (a)(3). Pub. L. 106–398, §1 [[div. A], title VI, §634(b)(1)], struck out par. (3) which read as follows: "Commissioned nurse officers in the Regular and Reserve Corps shall, while in active duty, be paid incentive special pay in the same amounts as, and under the same terms and conditions which apply to, the incentive special pay now or hereafter paid to commissioned nurse officers of the Armed Forces under chapter 5 of title 37."
1988—Subsec. (a)(3). Pub. L. 100–607 added par. (3).
1986—Subsec. (a)(2)(B). Pub. L. 99–272, §17002(a)(1), inserted "(other than an officer serving in the Indian Health Service)".
Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 99–272, §17002(b), amended subsec. (e) generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (e) read as follows: "Whenever any noncommissioned officer or other employee of the Service is assigned for duty which the Surgeon General finds requires intimate contact with persons afflicted with leprosy, he may be entitled to receive, as provided by regulations of the President, in addition to any pay or compensation to which he may otherwise be entitled, not more than one-half of such pay or compensation."
1985—Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 99–117 substituted "(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), commissioned" for "Commissioned", and added subpar. (B).
1980—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 96–398 redesignated existing provisions as par. (1) and added par. (2).
1979—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 96–32 substituted "section 5703 of title 5" for "section 5703(b) of title 5".
1978—Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 95–623 increased limitation on establishment of positions to one hundred and seventy-nine from one hundred and fifty-five and required minimum number of positions for certain National Centers: ten, National Center for Health Services Research; twelve, National Center for Health Statistics; and seven, National Center for Health Care Technology.
1977—Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 95–83 increased limitation on establishment of positions to one hundred and fifty-five from one hundred and fifty and required not less than five for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism for individuals engaged in research on alcohol abuse and alcoholism.
1971—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 92–157, which directed that "subsection (g)" be substituted for "section 209(f)", was executed by substituting "section 209(g) of this title" for "section 209(f) of this title", to reflect the probable intent of Congress.
1970—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 91–515 extended coverage to encompass members of other national review councils or national advisory or review committees established under this chapter, including members of the Technical Electronic Product Radiation Safety Standards Committee and the Board of Regents of the National Library of Medicine, authorized service to be at the request of the Secretary in place of the Surgeon General, and revised rates of compensation and travel allowances.
1968—Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 90–574 inserted "(1)" after "nor more than" and added cl. (2).
1962—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 87–649 struck out sentence which permitted commissioned officers on active duty to make allotments from their pay, and substituted "Commissioned officers on active duty and retired officers" for "Such officers, and retired officers." See section 704 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 87–793 substituted provisions requiring the rates of compensation to be not less than the minimum rate of grade 16 nor more than the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule, for provisions which prescribed annual rates of compensation of not less than $12,500 nor more than $19,000.
1960—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 86–415 authorized retired officers entitled to retired pay pursuant to section 211(g)(3), 212, or 213a(a) of this title, to purchase supplies, and included the purchase of supplies from the Air Force.
Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 86–703 substituted "one hundred and fifty" for "eighty-five" and "one hundred and fifteen" for "seventy-three".
1958—Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 85–929 substituted "in the professional, scientific, and executive service" for "in the professional and scientific service", and substituted "of specially qualified scientific, professional, and administrative personnel" for "of specially qualified scientific or professional personnel".
Pub. L. 85–462, substituted "eighty-five positions, of which not less than seventy-three shall be for the National Institutes of Health" for "sixty positions".
1956—Subsec. (g). Act June 29, 1956, substituted "$20,000" for "$15,000".
1955—Subsec. (g). Act Aug. 1, 1955, increased from thirty to sixty the number of positions which the Administrator may establish in the professional and scientific service.
1950—Subsec. (b). Act Aug. 9, 1950, struck out "and may be granted leaves of absence without any deduction from their pay" after "allotments from their pay" in first sentence.
Subsec. (c). Act Aug. 15, 1950, §3(e), made provisions applicable to members of all national advisory councils.
Subsec. (g). Act Aug. 15, 1950, §4(b), added subsec. (g).
1949—Subsec. (a). Act Oct. 12, 1949, made section applicable to Reserve officers.
Subsec. (b). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsec. (c) as (b) and repealed former subsec. (b) relating to Reserve officers.
Subsec. (c). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsec. (e) as (c). Former subsec. (c) redesignated (b).
Subsec. (d). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsec. (f) as (d) and repealed former subsec. (d) relating to female commissioned officers and defining "dependent".
Subsec. (e). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsec. (g) as (e) and struck out references to allowances. Former subsec. (e) redesignated (c).
Subsec. (f). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsec. (h) as (f). Former subsec. (f) redesignated (d).
Subsecs. (g), (h). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsecs. (g) and (h) as (e) and (f), respectively.
1948—Subsec. (b). Act Feb. 28, 1948, inserted "except as otherwise provided by law".
Subsec. (e). Acts June 16, 1948, §4(d), and June 24, 1948, §4(d), made section applicable to the National Advisory Heart Council and increased the per diem of all members from $25 to $50, and made section applicable to the National Advisory Dental Research Council, respectively.
Subsec. (h). Act Feb. 28, 1948, substituted "section 209(f) of this title" for "section 209(d) of this title".
1946—Subsec. (e). Act July 3, 1946, inserted "members of the National Advisory Mental Health Council".
Reference to the Gillis W. Long Hansen's Disease Center deemed to refer to the National Hansen's Disease Programs Center, pursuant to section 2 of Pub. L. 107–220, set out as a note under section 247e of this title.
Pub. L. 99–272, title XVII, §17002(a)(2), Apr. 7, 1986, 100 Stat. 359, provided that: "The amendment made by paragraph (1) [amending this section] shall take effect as of October 7, 1985."
Pub. L. 99–117, §3(b), Oct. 7, 1985, 99 Stat. 492, provided that: "The amendment made by subsection (a) [amending this section] shall not diminish any benefits under an agreement entered into before the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 7, 1985] by a commissioned medical officer in the Regular Corps or the Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service."
Amendment by Pub. L. 87–793 effective first day of first pay period which begins on or after Oct. 11, 1962, see Pub. L. 87–793, title VI, §1008, Oct. 11, 1962, 76 Stat. 868.
Amendment by Pub. L. 87–649 effective Nov. 1, 1962, see section 15 of Pub. L. 87–649, set out as an Effective Date note preceding section 101 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
Amendment by Pub. L. 86–415 effective July 1, 1960, see section 8(a) of Pub. L. 86–415, set out as a note under section 209 of this title.
Amendment by Pub. L. 85–929 effective Sept. 6, 1958, see section 6(a) of Pub. L. 85–929, set out as a note under section 342 of Title 21, Food and Drugs.
Amendment by Pub. L. 85–462 effective June 20, 1958, see section 17(b) of Pub. L. 85–462.
Amendment by act July 31, 1956, effective at beginning of first pay period commencing after June 30, 1956, see section 120 of act July 31, 1956.
Act Aug. 9, 1950, ch. 654, §3(a), 64 Stat. 426, provided that: "Sections 1 and 2 of this Act [amending this section and enacting section 210–1 of this title] shall become effective on July 1, 1950."
Amendment by act Oct. 12, 1949, effective Oct. 1, 1949, see section 533(a) of act Oct. 12, 1949, set out as a note under section 854a of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters.
Act July 31, 1956, ch. 804, title I, §117(b), 70 Stat. 741, cited as a credit to this section, which amended subsec. (g) of this section to increase the salary rates, was repealed by Pub. L. 88–426, title III, §305(1), Aug. 14, 1964, 78 Stat. 422.
"Director of the Office of Personnel Management" substituted for "Civil Service Commission" in subsec. (g) pursuant to Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1978, §102, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783, set out under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred functions vested by statute in United States Civil Service Commission to Director of Office of Personnel Management (except as otherwise specified), effective Jan. 1, 1979, as provided by section 1–102 of Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, set out under section 1101 of Title 5.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
Functions of President delegated to Secretary of Health and Human Services, see Ex. Ord. No. 11140, eff. Jan. 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, as amended, set out as a note under section 202 of this title.
Pub. L. 93–641, §6, Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2275, set out as a note under section 217a of this title, provided that an advisory committee established pursuant to the Public Health Service Act shall terminate at such time as may be specifically prescribed by an Act of Congress enacted after Jan. 4, 1975.
References in laws to the rates of pay for GS–16, 17, or 18, or to maximum rates of pay under the General Schedule, to be considered references to rates payable under specified sections of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, see section 529 [title I, §101(c)(1)] of Pub. L. 101–509, set out in a note under section 5376 of Title 5.
Pub. L. 100–436, title II, §208, Sept. 20, 1988, 102 Stat. 1699, provided in part that: "No funds appropriated for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1989, by this or any other Act, may be used to pay basic pay, special pays, basic allowances for subsistence and basic allowances for quarters of the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service described in section 204 of title 42, United States Code, at a level that exceeds 110 percent of the Executive Level I [5 U.S.C. 5312] annual rate of basic pay".
Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation acts:
Pub. L. 100–202, §101(h) [title II, §208], Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1329–256, 1329–274.
Pub. L. 99–500, §101(i) [H.R. 5233, title II, §208], Oct. 18, 1986, 100 Stat. 1783–287, and Pub. L. 99–591, §101(i) [H.R. 5233, title II, §208], Oct. 30, 1986, 100 Stat. 3341–287.
Pub. L. 99–178, title II, §208, Dec. 12, 1985, 99 Stat. 1119.
Pub. L. 98–619, title II, §208, Nov. 8, 1984, 98 Stat. 3321.
Pub. L. 98–139, title II, §208, Oct. 31, 1983, 97 Stat. 888.
Pub. L. 100–436, title II, §214, Sept. 20, 1988, 102 Stat. 1700, provided that: "Funds made available for fiscal year 1989 and hereafter to the National Institutes of Health shall be available for payment of nurses and allied health professionals using pay, schedule options, benefits, and other authorities as provided for the nurses of the Veterans' Administration under 38 U.S.C. chapter 73."
In accordance with regulations of the President, commissioned officers of the Regular Corps and officers of the Reserve Corps on active duty may be granted annual leave and sick leave without any deductions from their pay and allowances: Provided, That such regulations shall not authorize annual leave to be accumulated in excess of sixty days.
For purposes of this section the term "accumulated annual leave" means unused accrued annual leave carried forward from one leave year into a succeeding leave year, and the term "accrued annual leave" means the annual leave accruing to an officer during one leave year.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §219, as added Aug. 9, 1950, ch. 654, §2, 64 Stat. 426; amended Pub. L. 87–649, §14b, Sept. 7, 1962, 76 Stat. 499; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §311, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 586.)
Subsection (d) of this section was repealed by Pub. L. 87–649, §14b, Sept. 7, 1962, 76 Stat. 499, insofar as it was applicable to the last sentence of subsection (c) of this section which authorized a lump-sum payment to an officer credited with unused accumulated and accrued annual leave. See section 501 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
1979—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 96–76, repealed subsec. (c) which set forth limitations on granting of annual leave under subsec. (a) of this section.
1962—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 87–649 repealed subsec. (b) which required forfeiture of all pay and allowances of an officer absent without leave. See section 503 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 87–649 repealed last sentence which authorized a lump-sum payment for unused accumulated and accrued annual leave on date of separation, retirement, or release from active duty. See section 501 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
Amendment by Pub. L. 87–649 effective Nov. 1, 1962, see section 15 of Pub. L. 87–649, set out as an Effective Date note preceding section 101 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
Section effective July 1, 1950, see section 3(a) of act Aug. 9, 1950, set out as an Effective Date of 1950 Amendment note under section 210 of this title.
Functions of Public Health Service, of Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of President delegated to Secretary of Health and Human Services, see Ex. Ord. No. 11140, Jan. 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, as amended, set out as a note under section 202 of this title.
Section 3(b), (c) of act Aug. 9, 1950, provided that any officer credited with more than sixty days of accumulated and accrued leave on June 30, 1949, be compensated for so much of such leave as exceeds sixty days, that such compensation be due and payable on July 1, 1950, and that the provisions of this Act not apply to any officer on terminal leave preceding separation, retirement, or release from active duty.
Section 4 of act Aug. 9, 1950, provided for the availability of funds for payment of compensation for prior accumulated and accrued leave for any officer under section 3 of this Act.
Act Aug. 9, 1950, ch. 654, §5, 64 Stat. 427, provided that: "Except insofar as the provisions of this Act [enacting this section, amending section 210 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and section 210 of this title] are inconsistent therewith, leave regulations adopted prior to the enactment of this Act [Aug. 9, 1950], pursuant to the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.], shall remain in effect until repealed, amended, or superseded."
Section, act Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §5(e), (f), 62 Stat. 41, related to service credit for commissioned officers on active duty Feb. 28, 1948, and to service credit for pay and promotion purposes of certain appointees during period Feb. 28, 1948, to July 1, 1948.
For the purpose of establishing eligibility of officers of the Regular Corps for promotions, the Surgeon General shall by regulation divide the corps into professional categories. Each category shall, as far as practicable, be based upon one of the subjects of examination set forth in section 209(a)(1) of this title or upon a subdivision of such subject, and the categories shall be designed to group officers by fields of training in such manner that officers in any one grade in any one category will be available for similar duty in the discharge of the several functions of the Service.
Each officer of the Regular Corps on active duty shall, on the basis of his training and experience, be assigned by the Surgeon General to one of the categories established by regulations under subsection (a) of this section. Except upon amendment of such regulations, no assignment so made shall be changed unless the Surgeon General finds (1) that the original assignment was erroneous, or (2) that the officer is equally well qualified to serve in another category to which he has requested to be transferred, and that such transfer is in the interests of the Service.
Within the limits fixed by the Secretary in regulations under section 207(d) of this title for any fiscal year, the Surgeon General shall determine for each category in the Regular Corps the maximum number of officers authorized to be in each of the grades from the warrant officer (W–1) grade to the director grade, inclusive.
The excess of the number so fixed for any grade in any category over the number of officers of the Regular Corps on active duty in such grade in such category (including in the case of the director grade, officers holding such grade in accordance with section 207(c) of this title) shall for the purpose of promotions constitute vacancies in such grade in such category. For purposes of this subsection, an officer who has been temporarily promoted or who is temporarily holding the grade of director in accordance with section 207(c) of this title shall be deemed to hold the grade to which so promoted or which he is temporarily holding; but while he holds such promotion or grade, and while any officer is temporarily assigned to a position pursuant to section 206(c) of this title, the number fixed under subsection (c) of this section for the grade of his permanent rank shall be reduced by one.
The absence of a vacancy in a grade in a category shall not prevent an appointment to such grade pursuant to section 209 of this title, a permanent length of service promotion, or the recall of a retired officer to active duty; but the making of such an appointment, promotion, or recall shall be deemed to fill a vacancy if one exists.
Whenever a vacancy exists in any grade in a category the Surgeon General may increase by one the number fixed by him under subsection (c) of this section for the next lower grade in the same category, without regard to the numbers fixed in regulations under section 207(d) of this title; and in that event the vacancy in the higher grade shall not be filled except by a permanent promotion, and upon the making of such promotion the number for the next lower grade shall be reduced by one.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §209, as added Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §5(i), 62 Stat. 41; amended 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §306, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 585.)
A prior section 209 of act July 1, 1944, was renumbered section 208 and is classified to section 210 of this title.
1979—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 96–76 substituted "warrant officer (W–1)" for "assistant".
Amendment by Pub. L. 96–76 effective Oct. 1, 1979, see section 314 of Pub. L. 96–76, set out as a note under section 206 of this title.
Office of Surgeon General abolished by section 3 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, and functions thereof transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 1 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education. Office of Surgeon General reestablished within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, see Notice of Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Mar. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 11754.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
Promotions of officers of the Regular Corps to any grade up to and including the director grade shall be either permanent promotions based on length of service, other permanent promotions to fill vacancies, or temporary promotions. Permanent promotions shall be made by the President, and temporary promotions shall be made by the President. Each permanent promotion shall be to the next higher grade, and shall be made only after examination given in accordance with regulations of the President.
The President may by regulation provide that in a specified professional category permanent promotions to the senior grade, or to both the full grade and the senior grade, shall be made only if there are vacancies in such grade. A grade in any category with respect to which such regulations have been issued is referred to in this section as a "restricted grade".
Examinations to determine qualification for permanent promotions may be either noncompetitive or competitive, as the Surgeon General shall in each case determine; except that examinations for promotions to the assistant or senior assistant grade shall in all cases be noncompetitive. The officers to be examined shall be selected by the Surgeon General from the professional category, and in the order of seniority in the grade, from which promotion is to be recommended. In the case of a competitive examination the Surgeon General shall determine in advance of the examination the number (which may be one or more) of officers who, after passing the examination, will be recommended to the President for promotion; but if the examination is one for promotions based on length of service, or is one for promotions to fill vacancies other than vacancies in the director grade or in a restricted grade, such number shall not be less than 80 per centum of the number of officers to be examined.
Officers of the Regular Corps, found pursuant to subsection (c) of this section to be qualified, shall be given permanent promotions based on length of service, as follows:
(1) Officers in the warrant officer (W–1) grade, chief warrant officer (W–2) grade, chief warrant officer (W–3) grade, chief warrant officer (W–4) grade, and junior assistant grade shall be promoted at such times as may be prescribed in regulations of the President.
(2) Officers with permanent rank in the assistant grade, the senior assistant grade, and the full grade shall (except as provided in regulations under subsection (b) of this section) be promoted after completion of three, ten, and seventeen years, respectively, of service in grades above the junior assistant grade; and such promotions, when made, shall be effective, for purposes of pay and seniority in grade, as of the day following the completion of such years of service. An officer with permanent rank in the assistant, senior assistant, or full grade who has not completed such years of service shall be promoted at the same time, and his promotion shall be effective as of the same day, as any officer junior to him in the same grade in the same professional category who is promoted under this paragraph.
Officers in a professional category of the Regular Corps, found pursuant to subsection (c) of this section to be qualified, may be given permanent promotions to fill any or all vacancies in such category in the senior assistant grade, the full grade, the senior grade, or the director grade; but no officer who has not had one year of service with permanent or temporary rank in the next lower grade shall be promoted to any restricted grade or to the director grade.
If an officer who has completed the years of service required for promotion to a grade under paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of this section fails to receive such promotion, he shall (unless he has already been twice examined for promotion to such grade) be once reexamined for promotion to such grade. If he is thereupon promoted (otherwise than under subsection (e) of this section), the effective date of such promotion shall be one year later than it would have been but for such failure. Upon the effective date of any permanent promotion of such officer to such grade, he shall be considered as having had only the length of service required for such promotion which he previously failed to receive.
If, for reasons other than physical disability, an officer of the Regular Corps in the warrant officer (W–1) grade or junior assistant grade is found pursuant to subsection (c) of this section not to be qualified for promotion he shall be separated from the Service. If, for reasons other than physical disability, an officer of the Regular Corps in the chief warrant officer (W–2), chief warrant officer (W–3), assistant, senior assistant, or full grade, after having been twice examined for promotion (other than promotion to a restricted grade), fails to be promoted—
(1) if in the chief warrant officer (W–2) or assistant grade he shall be separated from the Service and paid six months' basic pay and allowances;
(2) if in the chief warrant officer (W–3) or senior assistant grade he shall be separated from the Service and paid one year's basic pay and allowances;
(3) if in the full grade he shall be considered as not in line for promotion and shall, at such time thereafter as the Surgeon General may determine, be retired from the Service with retired pay (unless he is entitled to a greater amount by reason of another provision of law)—
(A) in the case of an officer who first became a member of a uniformed service before September 8, 1980, at the rate of 2½ percent of the retired pay base determined under section 1406(h) of title 10 for each year, not in excess of 30, of his active commissioned service in the Service; or
(B) in the case of an officer who first became a member of a uniformed service on or after September 8, 1980, at the rate determined by multiplying—
(i) the retired pay base determined under section 1407 of title 10; by
(ii) the retired pay multiplier determined under section 1409 of such title for the number of years of his active commissioned service in the Service.
If an officer of the Regular Corps, eligible to take an examination for promotion, refuses to take such examination, he may be separated from the Service in accordance with regulations of the President.
At the end of his first three years of service, the record of each officer of the Regular Corps originally appointed to the senior assistant grade or above, shall be reviewed in accordance with regulations of the President and, if found not qualified for further service, he shall be separated from the Service and paid six months' pay and allowances.
(1) The order of seniority of officers in a grade in the Regular Corps shall be determined, subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this subsection, by the relative length of time spent in active service after the effective date of each such officer's original appointment or permanent promotion to that grade. When permanent promotions of two or more officers to the same grade are effective on the same day, their relative seniority shall be the same as it was in the grade from which promoted. In all other cases of original appointments or permanent promotions (or both) to the same grade effective on the same day, relative seniority shall be determined in accordance with regulations of the President.
(2) In the case of an officer originally appointed in the Regular Corps to the grade of assistant or above, his seniority in the grade to which appointed shall be determined after inclusion, as service in such grade, of any active service in such grade or in any higher grade in the Reserve Corps, but (if the appointment is to the grade of senior assistant or above) only to the extent of whichever of the following is greater: (A) His active service in such grade or any higher grade in the Reserve Corps after the first day on which, under regulations in effect on the date of his appointment to the Regular Corps, he had the training and experience necessary for such appointment, or (B) the excess of his total active service in the Reserve Corps (above the grade of junior assistant) over three years if his appointment in the Regular Corps is to the senior assistant grade, over ten years if the appointment is to the full grade, or over seventeen years if the appointment is to the senior grade.
Any commissioned officer of the Regular Corps in any grade in any professional category may be recommended to the President for temporary promotion to fill a vacancy in any higher grade in such category, up to and including the director grade. In time of war, or of national emergency proclaimed by the President, any commissioned officer of the Regular Corps in any grade in any professional category may be recommended to the President for promotion to any higher grade in such category, up to and including the director grade, whether or not a vacancy exists in such grade. The selection of officers to be recommended for temporary promotions shall be made in accordance with regulations of the President. Promotion of an officer recommended pursuant to this subsection may be made without regard to length of service, without examination, and without vacating his permanent appointment, and shall carry with it the pay and allowances of the grade to which promoted. Such promotions may be terminated at any time, as may be directed by the President.
Whenever the number of officers of the Regular Corps on active duty, plus the number of officers of the Reserve Corps who have been on active duty for thirty days or more, exceeds the authorized strength of the Regular Corps, the Secretary shall determine the requirements of the Service in each grade in each category, based upon the total number of officers so serving on active duty and the tasks being performed by the Service; and the Surgeon General shall thereupon assign each officer of the Reserve Corps on active duty to a professional category. If the Secretary finds that the number of officers fixed under section 210b(c) of this title for any grade and category (or the number of officers, including officers of the Reserve Corps, on active duty in such grade in such category, if such number is greater than the number fixed under section 210b(c) of this title) is insufficient to meet such requirements of the Service, officers of either the Regular Corps or the Reserve Corps may be recommended for temporary promotion to such grade in such category. Any such promotion may be terminated at any time, as may be directed by the President.
Any officer of the Regular Corps, or any officer of the Reserve Corps on active duty, who is promoted to a higher grade shall, unless he expressly declines such promotion, be deemed for all purposes to have accepted such promotion; and shall not be required to renew his oath of office, or to execute a new affidavit as required by section 3332 of title 5.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §210, 58 Stat. 687; Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §6(a), 62 Stat. 42; Oct. 12, 1949, ch. 681, title V, §521(c), 63 Stat. 835; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Apr. 27, 1956, ch. 211, §4(a), 70 Stat. 117; Pub. L. 86–415, §5(c), Apr. 8, 1960, 74 Stat. 34; Pub. L. 87–649, §11(2), Sept. 7, 1962, 76 Stat. 497; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §307, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 585; Pub. L. 96–342, title VIII, §813(h)(1), Sept. 8, 1980, 94 Stat. 1110; Pub. L. 99–348, title II, §207(a), July 1, 1986, 100 Stat. 701; Pub. L. 112–166, §2(ff)(2), Aug. 10, 2012, 126 Stat. 1290.)
In subsec. (m), "section 3332 of title 5" substituted for "the Act of December 11, 1926, as amended (5 U.S.C. 21a)" on authority of Pub. L. 89–554, §7(b), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 631, the first section of which enacted Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.
2012—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 112–166 struck out ", by and with the advice and consent of the Senate" after "Permanent promotions shall be made by the President".
1986—Subsec. (g)(3). Pub. L. 99–348 added subpars. (A) and (B) and struck out former subpars. (A) and (B) which read as follows:
"(A) in the case of an officer who first became a member of a uniformed service before September 8, 1980, at the rate of 2½ per centum of basic pay of the permanent grade held by him at the time of retirement for each year, not in excess of thirty, of his active commissioned service in the Service; or
"(B) in the case of an officer who first became a member of a uniformed service on or after September 8, 1980, 2½ per centum of the monthly retired pay base computed under section 1407(h) of title 10, for each year, not in excess of thirty, of his active commissioned service in the Service."
1980—Subsec. (g)(3). Pub. L. 96–342 revised provisions into subpars. (A) and (B) and substituted provisions respecting computation of retired pay for officers who became members of the uniformed service before Sept. 8, 1980, and for officers who became members of the uniformed service on or after Sept. 8, 1980, for provisions respecting computation of retired pay for officers.
1979—Subsec. (d)(1). Pub. L. 96–76, §307(a), inserted applicability to warrant officers and chief warrant officers.
Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 96–76, §307(b), in provision before par. (1), inserted applicability to separation from Service of warrant officers and chief warrant officers subsequent to one examination or two examinations, respectively, in par. (1), inserted applicability to a chief warrant officer (W–2), and in par. (2), inserted applicability to a chief warrant officer (W–3).
1962—Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 87–649 substituted "basic pay" for "pay" in cls. (1) and (2).
1960—Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 86–415 substituted "of the basic pay of the permanent grade held by him at the time of retirement for each year" for "of his active duty pay at the time of retirement for each complete year" in cl. (3).
1956—Subsec. (d)(2). Act Apr. 27, 1956, struck out "pay period and for purposes of" before "seniority in grade".
1949—Subsec. (g). Act Oct. 12, 1949, struck out "incurred in line of duty" wherever appearing.
1948—Act Feb. 28, 1948, amended subsecs. (a) to (c) generally and added subsecs. (d) to (m).
Amendment by Pub. L. 112–166 effective 60 days after Aug. 10, 2012, and applicable to appointments made on and after that effective date, including any nomination pending in the Senate on that date, see section 6(a) of Pub. L. 112–166, set out as a note under section 113 of Title 6, Domestic Security.
Amendment by Pub. L. 96–76 effective Oct. 1, 1979, see section 314 of Pub. L. 96–76, set out as a note under section 206 of this title.
Amendment by Pub. L. 87–649 effective Nov. 1, 1962, see section 15 of Pub. L. 87–649, set out as an Effective Date note preceding section 101 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
Amendment by act Oct. 12, 1949, effective Oct. 1, 1949, see section 533(a) of act Oct. 12, 1949, set out as a note under section 854a of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
Functions of President delegated to Secretary of Health and Human Services, see Ex. Ord. No. 11140, Jan. 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, as amended, set out as a note under section 202 of this title.
Section, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XIII, §1311, formerly title VII, §711, as added Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §9(b), 62 Stat. 47; renumbered title VIII, §811, July 30, 1956, ch. 779, §3(b), 70 Stat. 721; renumbered title IX, §911, Sept. 4, 1964, Pub. L. 88–581, §4(b), 78 Stat. 919; renumbered title X, §1011, Oct. 6, 1965, Pub. L. 89–239, §3(b), 79 Stat. 931; renumbered title XI, §1111, Dec. 24, 1970, Pub. L. 91–572, §6(b), 84 Stat. 1506; renumbered title XII, §1211, May 16, 1972, Pub. L. 92–294, §3(b), 86 Stat. 137; renumbered title XIII, §1311, Nov. 16, 1973, Pub. L. 93–154, §2(b)(2), 87 Stat. 604, provided for appointment to higher grades of Public Health Service officers for mental health and hospital construction activities.
Section, act Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §6(b)–(f), 62 Stat. 45, dealt with promotion of Public Health Service officers.
Repeal not to affect any action taken or proceeding pending at the time of repeal, see section 501(h) of Pub. L. 94–412, set out as a note under section 1601 of Title 50, War and National Defense.
Any medical officer of the Regular Corps of the Public Health Service who—
(1)(A) was appointed to the assistant grade in the Regular Corps and whose service in such Corps has been continuous from the date of appointment or (B) may hereafter be appointed to the assistant grade in the Regular Corps, and
(2) had or will have completed a medical internship on the date of such appointment,
shall be credited with one year for purposes of promotion and seniority in grade, except that no such credit shall be authorized if the officer has received or will receive similar credit for his internship under other provisions of law. In the case of an officer on active duty on the effective date of this section who is entitled to the credit authorized herein, the one year shall be added to the promotion and seniority-in-grade credits with which he is credited on such date.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §220, as added Apr. 30, 1956, ch. 223, §3, 70 Stat. 121.)
For "the effective date of this section", referred to in text, see section 7 of act Apr. 30, 1956, which provided in part that this section shall become effective the first day of the month following the day of enactment, Apr. 30, 1956.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
(1) A commissioned officer of the Service shall, if he applies for retirement, be retired on or after the first day of the month following the month in which he attains the age of sixty-four years. This paragraph does not permit or require the involuntary retirement of any individual because of the age of the individual.
(2) A commissioned officer of the Service may be retired by the Secretary, and shall be retired if he applies for retirement, on the first day of any month after completion of thirty years of active service.
(3) Any commissioned officer of the Service who has had less than thirty years of active service may be retired by the Secretary, with or without application by the officer, on the first day of any month after completion of twenty or more years of active service of which not less than ten are years of active commissioned service in any of the uniformed services.
(4) Except as provided in paragraph (6), a commissioned officer retired pursuant to paragraph (1), (2), or (3) who was (in the case of an officer in the Reserve Corps) on active duty with the Service on the day preceding such retirement shall be entitled to receive retired pay at the rate of 2½ per centum of the basic pay of the highest grade held by him as such officer and in which, in the case of a temporary promotion to such grade, he has performed active duty for not less than six months, (A) for each year of active service, or (B) if it results in higher retired pay, for each of the following years:
(i) his years of active service (determined without regard to subsection (d) of this section) as a member of a uniformed service; plus
(ii) in the case of a medical or dental officer, four years and, in the case of a medical officer, who has completed one year of medical internship or the equivalent thereof, one additional year, the four years and the one year to be reduced by the period of active service performed during such officer's attendance at medical school or dental school or during his medical internship; plus
(iii) the number of years of service with which he was entitled to be credited for purposes of basic pay on May 31, 1958, or (if higher) on any date prior thereto, reduced by any such year included under clause (i) and further reduced by any such year with which he was entitled to be credited under paragraphs (7) and (8) of section 205(a) of title 37 on any date before June 1, 1958;
except that (C) in the case of any officer whose retired pay, so computed, is less than 50 per centum of such basic pay, who retires pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection, who has not less than twelve whole years of active service (computed without the application of subsection (e) of this section), and who does not use, for purposes of a retirement annuity under subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, any service which is also creditable in computing his retired pay from the Service, it shall, instead, be 50 per centum of such pay, and (D) the retired pay of an officer shall in no case be more than 75 per centum of such basic pay.
(5) With the approval of the President, a commissioned officer whose service as Surgeon General, Deputy Surgeon General, or Assistant Surgeon General has totaled four years or more and who has had not less than twenty-five years of active service in the Service may retire voluntarily at any time; and except as provided in paragraph (6), his retired pay shall be at the rate of 75 per centum of the basic pay of the highest grade held by him as such officer.
(6) The retired pay of a commissioned officer retired under this subsection who first became a member of a uniformed service after September 7, 1980, is determined by multiplying—
(A) the retired pay base determined under section 1407 of title 10; by
(B) the retired pay multiplier determined under section 1409 of such title for the number of years of service credited to the officer under paragraph (4).
(7) Retired pay computed under section 211(g)(3) of this title or under paragraph (4) or (5) of this subsection, if not a multiple of $1, shall be rounded to the next lower multiple of $1.
For purposes of subsection (a) of this section, the basic pay of the highest grade to which a commissioned officer has received a temporary promotion means the basic pay to which he would be entitled if serving on active duty in such grade on the date of his retirement.
A commissioned officer, retired for reasons other than for failure of promotion to the senior grade, may (1) if an officer of the Regular Corps or an officer of the Reserve Corps entitled to retired pay under subsection (a) of this section, be involuntarily recalled to active duty during such times as the Commissioned Corps constitutes a branch of the land or naval forces of the United States, and (2) if an officer of either the Regular or Reserve Corps, be recalled to active duty at any time with his consent.
The term "active service", as used in subsection (a) of this section, includes:
(1) all active service in any of the uniformed services;
(2) active service with the Public Health Service, other than as a commissioned officer, which the Surgeon General determines is comparable to service performed by commissioned officers of the Service, except that, if there are more than five years of such service only the last five years thereof may be included;
(3) all active service (other than service included under the preceding provisions of this subsection) which is creditable for retirement purposes under laws governing the retirement of members of any of the uniformed services; and
(4) service performed as a member of the Senior Biomedical Research Service established by section 237 of this title, except that, if there are more than 5 years of such service, only the last 5 years thereof may be included.
For the purpose of determining the number of years by which a percentage of the basic pay of an officer is to be multiplied in computing the amount of his retired pay pursuant to section 211(g)(3) of this title or paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of this section, each full month of service that is in addition to the number of full years of service credited to an officer is counted as one-twelfth of a year and any remaining fractional part of a month is disregarded.
For purposes of retirement or separation for physical disability under chapter 61 of title 10, a commissioned officer of the Service shall be credited, in addition to the service described in section 1208(a)(2) of that title, with active service with the Public Health Service, other than as a commissioned officer, which the Surgeon General determines is comparable to service performed by commissioned officers of the Service, except that, if there are more than five years of such service, only the last five years thereof may be so credited. For such purposes, such section 1208(a)(2) shall be applicable to officers of the Regular or Reserve Corps of the Service.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §211, 58 Stat. 688; Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §7, 62 Stat. 46; Oct. 12, 1949, ch. 681, title V, §521(d), 63 Stat. 835; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Apr. 27, 1956, ch. 211, §5(a)–(c), 70 Stat. 117; Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §5, 70A Stat. 620; Pub. L. 86–415, §4, Apr. 8, 1960, 74 Stat. 33; Pub. L. 91–253, §1, May 14, 1970, 84 Stat. 216; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §308, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 585; Pub. L. 96–342, title VIII, §813(h)(2), Sept. 8, 1980, 94 Stat. 1110; Pub. L. 97–25, title III, §303(b), July 27, 1981, 95 Stat. 145; Pub. L. 97–35, title XXVII, §2765(a), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 932; Pub. L. 98–94, title IX, §§922(d), 923(f), Sept. 24, 1983, 97 Stat. 642, 643; Pub. L. 99–348, title II, §207(b), July 1, 1986, 100 Stat. 702; Pub. L. 101–509, title V, §529 [title III, §304(b)], Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1427, 1464.)
In subsec. (a)(4), "subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5" substituted for "the Civil Service Retirement Act" on authority of Pub. L. 89–554, §7(b), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 631, the first section of which enacted Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.
1990—Subsec. (d)(4). Pub. L. 101–509 added par. (4).
1986—Subsec. (a)(6). Pub. L. 99–348 amended par. (6) generally. Prior to amendment, par. (6) read as follows: "In computing retired pay under paragraph (4) or (5) in the case of any commissioned officer who first became a member of a uniformed service on or after September 8, 1980, the monthly retired pay base computed under section 1407(h) of title 10 shall be used in lieu of using the basic pay of the highest grade held by him as such officer."
1983—Subsec. (a)(7). Pub. L. 98–94, §922(d), added par. (7).
Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 98–94, §923(f), substituted "each full month of service that is in addition to the number of full years of service credited to an officer is counted as one-twelfth of a year and any remaining fractional part of a month is disregarded" for "a part of a year that is six months or more is counted as a whole year, and a part of a year that is less than six months is disregarded".
1981—Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 97–35 substituted "shall, if he applies for retirement, be retired on or after" for "shall be retired on", and substituted provisions relating to involuntary retirement as a result of age, for provisions relating to inapplicability to the Surgeon General.
Pub. L. 97–25 inserted provision that this paragraph does not apply to Surgeon General.
1980—Subsec. (a)(4). Pub. L. 96–342, §813(h)(2)(A), substituted "Except as provided in paragraph (6), a" for "A".
Subsec. (a)(5). Pub. L. 96–342, §813(h)(2)(B), substituted "except as provided in paragraph (6), his" for "his".
Subsec. (a)(6). Pub. L. 96–342, §813(h)(2)(C), added par. (6).
1979—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 96–76 struck out requirement respecting active service for purposes of credit.
1970—Subsec. (a)(4). Pub. L. 91–253 inserted "plus" after the semicolon at end of cl. (ii) and added cl. (iii).
1960—Pub. L. 86–415 amended section generally, and among other changes, authorized retirement of commissioned officers who have had less than 30 years of active service any time after the completion of 20 years of active service, permitted persons who have served as Deputy Surgeons General or Assistant Surgeons General for four or more years and who have had at least 25 years of active service to retire voluntarily at any time, provided for the recall to active duty of officers of the Reserve Corps entitled to retired pay under subsection (a) of this section during such times as the Corps constitutes a branch of the land or naval forces of the United States, authorized credit, for retirement purposes, of active service in the uniformed services and limited to five years the crediting of active service with the Public Health Service other than as a commissioned officer, and established the methods for computation of retired pay for active duty officers retiring for age or length of service.
1956—Subsec. (a). Act Apr. 27, 1956, §5(a), authorized crediting of noncommissioned service for purposes of retirement.
Subsec. (b)(1). Act Apr. 27, 1956, §5(b), authorized crediting of noncommissioned service in the Service for purposes of retirement.
Subsec. (c). Act Apr. 27, 1956, §5(c), permitted recall of retired officers of the Regular Corps without their consent whenever the Regular Corps has military status, and authorized recall of retired officers of the Regular or Reserve Corps with their consent at any time.
Subsec. (g). Act Aug. 10, 1956, provided for crediting of service for purposes of retirement or separation for physical disability under chapter 61 of title 10.
1949—Subsec. (a). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsec. (b) as (a), substituted "subsection (b)" for "subsection (c)" and repealed former subsec. (a) relating to retirement for disability or disease.
Subsec. (b). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsec. (c) as (b) and struck out reference to retirement for disability or disease. Former subsec. (b) redesignated (a).
Subsec. (c). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsec. (d) as (c) and struck out reference to recovery from a disability. Former subsec. (c) redesignated (b).
Subsecs. (d) to (f). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsecs. (e) to (g) as (d) to (f), respectively. Former subsec. (d) redesignated (c).
Subsecs. (g), (h). Act Oct. 12, 1949, redesignated subsec. (h) as (g) and amended subsection generally to relate to retirement or separation for physical disability. Former subsec. (g) redesignated (f).
1948—Subsec. (b). Act Feb. 28, 1948, inserted length of service for retirement purposes.
Subsec. (c)(2). Act Feb. 28, 1948, made subdivision applicable to grade of Assistant Surgeon General.
Subsec. (d). Act Feb. 28, 1948, substituted "under the provisions of subsection (b) of this section" for "for age".
Subsecs. (g), (h). Act Feb. 28, 1948, added subsecs. (g) and (h).
Senior Biomedical Research Service changed to Silvio O. Conte Senior Biomedical Research Service by Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2001, June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 208. See section 237 of this title.
Section 529 [title III, §304(c)] of Pub. L. 101–509 provided that: "Except as otherwise provided, the provisions of this section [enacting section 237 of this title and amending this section] shall be effective on the 90th day following the date of the enactment of this Act [Nov. 5, 1990]."
Amendment by section 922(d) of Pub. L. 98–94 effective Oct. 1, 1983, see section 922(e) of Pub. L. 98–94, set out as a note under section 1401 of Title 10, Armed Forces.
Amendment by section 923(f) of Pub. L. 98–94 applicable with respect to the computation of retired or retainer pay of any individual who becomes entitled to that pay after Sept. 30, 1983, see section 923(g) of Pub. L. 98–94, set out as a note under section 1174 of Title 10.
Pub. L. 91–253, §2, May 14, 1970, 84 Stat. 217, provided that: "The amendments made by this Act [amending this section] shall apply in the case of retired pay for any period after the month in which this Act is enacted [May 1970]."
Pub. L. 86–415, §8(b), Apr. 8, 1960, 74 Stat. 36, provided that: "The amendment made by section 4 [amending this section] shall become effective on the date of enactment of this Act [Apr. 8, 1960] in the case of commissioned officers of the Regular Corps of the Public Health Service, and on July 1, 1960, in the case of commissioned officers of the Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service."
Amendment by act Oct. 12, 1949, effective Oct. 1, 1949, see section 533(a) of act Oct. 12, 1949, set out as a note under section 854a of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters.
Pub. L. 86–415, §8(c), (d), Apr. 8, 1960, 74 Stat. 36, provided that:
"(c) An officer in the Regular Corps on active duty on the date of enactment of this Act [Apr. 8, 1960] may be retired and have his retired pay computed under section 211 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 212], as amended by this Act, or, if he so elects, under such section as in effect prior to the date of enactment of this Act [Apr. 8, 1960].
"(d) The limitation under subsection (f) of section 211 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 212(f)], as amended by this Act, on the amount of active service with the Public Health Service, other than as a commissioned officer, which may be counted for purposes of retirement or separation for physical disability, shall not apply in the case of any officer of the Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service on active duty on June 30, 1960."
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
Functions of President delegated to Secretary of Health and Human Services, see Ex. Ord. No. 11140, eff. Jan. 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, as amended, set out as a note under section 202 of this title.
Creditable service for purposes of the Civil Service Retirement Act for certain commissioned officers of the Regular or Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service, see section 6(a), (b) of Pub. L. 86–415, set out as a note under section 8332 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.
Section, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XIII, §1312, formerly title VII, §712, as added Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §9(b), 62 Stat. 47; renumbered title VIII, §812, July 30, 1956, ch. 779, §3(b), 70 Stat. 721; renumbered title IX, §912, Sept. 4, 1964, Pub. L. 88–581, §4(b), 78 Stat. 919; renumbered title X, §1012, Oct. 6, 1965, Pub. L. 89–239, §3(b), 79 Stat. 931; renumbered title XI, §1112, Dec. 24, 1970, Pub. L. 91–572, §6(b), 84 Stat. 1506; renumbered title XII, §1212, May 16, 1972, Pub. L. 92–294, §3(b), 86 Stat. 137; renumbered title XIII, §1312, Nov. 16, 1973, Pub. L. 93–154, §2(b)(2), 87 Stat. 604, provided for retirement of certain officers of Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service for disability.
Section, act July 31, 1953, ch. 296, title II, §201, 67 Stat. 254, authorized recall of retired officers of the Service. See section 212(c) of this title.
Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, commissioned officers of the Service and their surviving beneficiaries shall, with respect to active service performed by such officers—
(1) in time of war;
(2) on detail for duty with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard; or
(3) while the Service is part of the military forces of the United States pursuant to Executive order of the President;
be entitled to all rights, privileges, immunities, and benefits now or hereafter provided under any law of the United States in the case of commissioned officers of the Army or their surviving beneficiaries on account of active military service, except retired pay and uniform allowances.
The President may prescribe the conditions under which commissioned officers of the Service may be awarded military ribbons, medals, and decorations.
The authority vested by law in the Department of the Army, the Secretary of the Army, or other officers of the Department of the Army with respect to rights, privileges, immunities, and benefits referred to in subsection (a) of this section shall be exercised, with respect to commissioned officers of the Service, by the Surgeon General.
Active service of commissioned officers of the Service shall be deemed to be active military service in the Armed Forces of the United States for the purposes of all laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (except the Servicemen's Indemnity Act of 1951) and section 417 of this title.
Active service of commissioned officers of the Service shall be deemed to be active military service in the Armed Forces of the United States for the purposes of all rights, privileges, immunities, and benefits now or hereafter provided under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 App. U.S.C. 501 et seq.).
Active service of commissioned officers of the Service shall be deemed to be active military service in the Armed Forces of the United States for purposes of all laws related to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, ethnicity, age, religion, and disability.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §212, 58 Stat. 689; July 15, 1954, ch. 507, §14(a), 68 Stat. 481; Aug. 1, 1956, ch. 837, title V, §501(b)(1), 70 Stat. 881; Pub. L. 94–278, title XI, §1101, Apr. 22, 1976, 90 Stat. 415; Pub. L. 102–54, §13(q)(1)(C), June 13, 1991, 105 Stat. 278; Pub. L. 105–392, title IV, §402(a), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3587; Pub. L. 108–189, §2(e), Dec. 19, 2003, 117 Stat. 2866.)
The Servicemen's Indemnity Act of 1951, referred to in subsec. (d), is act Apr. 25, 1951, ch. 39, pt. I, 65 Stat. 33, which was classified generally to subchapter II (§851 et seq.) of chapter 13 of former Title 38, Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief, and was repealed by act Aug. 1, 1956, ch. 837, title V, §502(9), 70 Stat. 886.
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, referred to in subsec. (e), is act Oct. 17, 1940, ch. 888, 54 Stat. 1178, as amended, which is classified to section 501 et seq. of Title 50, Appendix, War and National Defense. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 501 of Title 50, Appendix, and Tables.
2003—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 108–189 substituted "Servicemembers Civil Relief Act" for "Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940".
1998—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 105–392 added subsec. (f).
1991—Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 102–54 substituted "Secretary of Veterans Affairs" for "Veterans' Administration".
1976—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 94–278 added subsec. (e).
1956—Act Aug. 1, 1956, amended section generally to extend all rights, privileges, immunities, and benefits provided for commissioned officers of the Army or their surviving beneficiaries to commissioned officers of the Service, with the exception of retired pay and uniform allowances, when performing duty under certain circumstances, and to provide that active service of commissioned officers shall be deemed to be active military service in the Armed Forces for the purposes of all laws administered by the Veterans' Administration (except the Servicemen's Indemnity Act of 1951) and section 417 of this title.
1954—Subsec. (a)(1). Act July 15, 1954, struck out "burial payments in the event of death," after "limited to,".
Act Aug. 1, 1956, ch. 837, title V, §501(b)(2), 70 Stat. 882, provided that: "The amendment made by this subsection [amending this section] (A) shall apply only with respect to service performed on or after July 4, 1952, (B) shall not be construed to affect the entitlement of any person to benefits under the Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952 [act July 16, 1952, ch. 875, 66 Stat. 633], (C) shall not be construed to authorize any payment under section 202(i) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 402(i)], or under Veterans Regulation Numbered 9(a), for any death occurring prior to January 1, 1957, and (D) shall not be construed to authorize payment of any benefits for any period prior to January 1, 1957."
For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Act Aug. 1, 1956, ch. 837, title V, §501(b)(3), 70 Stat. 882, provided that: "In the case of any individual—
"(A) who performed active service (i) as a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service at any time during the period beginning July 4, 1952, and ending December 31, 1956, or (ii) as a commissioned officer of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at any time during the period beginning July 29, 1945, and ending December 31, 1956; and
"(B)(i) who became entitled to old-age insurance benefits under section 202(a) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 402(a)] prior to January 1, 1957, or
"(ii) who died prior to January 1, 1957, and whose widow, child, or parent is entitled for the month of January 1957, on the basis of his wages and self-employment income, to a monthly survivor's benefit under section 202 of such act [42 U.S.C. 402]; and
"(C) any part of whose service described in subparagraph (A) was not included in the computation of his primary insurance amount under section 215 of such act [42 U.S.C. 415] but would have been included in such computation if the amendment made by paragraph (1) of this subsection or paragraph (1) of subsection (d) had been effective prior to the date of such computation,
the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare [now Health and Human Services] shall, notwithstanding the provisions of section 215(f)(1) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 415(f)(1)], recompute the primary insurance amount of such individual upon the filing of an application, after December 1956, by him or (if he dies without filing such an application) by any person entitled to monthly survivor's benefits under section 202 of such act [42 U.S.C. 402] on the basis of his wages and self-employment income. Such recomputation shall be made only in the manner, provided in title II of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 401 et seq.] as in effect at the time of the last previous computation or recomputation of such individual's primary insurance amount, and as though application therefor was filed in the month in which application for such last previous computation or recomputation was filed. No recomputation made under this paragraph shall be regarded as a recomputation under section 215(f) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 415(f)]. Any such recomputation shall be effective for and after the twelfth month before the month in which the application was filed, but in no case for any month before January 1957."
Recovery, care, and disposition of the remains of deceased members of the uniformed services and other deceased personnel, see section 1481 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces.
Act Apr. 30, 1956, ch. 227, 70 Stat. 124, provided: "That burial in national cemeteries of the remains of commissioned officers of the United States Public Health Service who were detailed for duty with the Army or Navy during World War I pursuant to the act of July 1, 1902 (32 Stat. 712, 713), as amended, and Executive Order Numbered 2571 dated April 3, 1917, and of the wife, widow, minor child and, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Army, unmarried adult child of these officers is authorized: Provided, That the remains of the wife, widow, and children may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Army, be removed from a national cemetery proper and interred in the post section of a national cemetery if, upon death, the related officer is not buried in the same or an adjoining gravesite."
Memorandum of President of the United States, Dec. 30, 1992, 58 F.R. 3485, provided:
Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Health and Human Services
The authority of the President under section 212(b) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 213(b)) is hereby delegated to the Secretary of Defense. In the exercise of that authority, the Secretary of Defense shall ensure that no military ribbon, medal, or decoration is awarded to an officer of the Public Health Service without the approval of the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
The Secretary of Defense shall ensure the publication of this memorandum in the Federal Register.
George Bush.
(a) Commissioned officers of the Service or their surviving beneficiaries are entitled to all the rights, benefits, privileges, and immunities now or hereafter provided for commissioned officers of the Army or their surviving beneficiaries under the following provisions of title 10:
(1) Section 1036, Escorts for dependents of members: transportation and travel allowances.
(2) Chapter 61, Retirement or Separation for Physical Disability, except that sections 1201, 1202, and 1203 do not apply to commissioned officers of the Public Health Service who have been ordered to active duty for training for a period of more than 30 days.
(3) Chapter 69, Retired Grade, except sections 1370, 1374,1 1375 and 1376(a).1
(4) Chapter 71, Computation of Retired Pay, except formula No. 3 of section 1401.1
(5) Chapter 73, Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan; Survivor Benefit Plan.
(6) Chapter 75, Death Benefits.
(7) Section 2771, Final settlement of accounts: deceased members.
(8) Chapter 163, Military Claims, but only when commissioned officers of the Service are entitled to military benefits under section 213 of this title.
(9) Section 2603, Acceptance of fellowships, scholarships, or grants.
(10) Section 2634, Motor vehicles: for members on permanent change of station.
(11) Section 1035, Deposits of Savings.
(12) Section 1552, Correction of military records: claims incident thereto.
(13) Section 1553, Review of discharge or dismissal.
(14) Section 1554, Review of retirement or separation without pay for physical disability.
(15) Section 1124, Cash awards for suggestions, inventions, or scientific achievements.
(16) Section 1052, Reimbursement for adoption expenses.
(17) Section 1059, Transitional compensation and commissary and exchange benefits for dependents of members separated for dependent abuse.
(18) Section 1034, Protected Communications; Prohibition of Retaliatory Personnel Actions.
(b) The authority vested by title 10 in the "military departments", "the Secretary concerned", or "the Secretary of Defense" with respect to the rights, privileges, immunities, and benefits referred to in subsection (a) of this section shall be exercised, with respect to commissioned officers of the Service, by the Secretary of Health and Human Services or his designee. For purposes of paragraph (18) of subsection (a), the term "Inspector General" in section 1034 of such title 10 shall mean the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §221, as added Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §4, 70A Stat. 619; amended Pub. L. 85–861, §4, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1547; Pub. L. 86–160, §3, Aug. 14, 1959, 73 Stat. 359; Pub. L. 87–555, §2, July 27, 1962, 76 Stat. 244; Pub. L. 88–132, §5(k), Oct. 2, 1963, 77 Stat. 214; Pub. L. 88–431, §1(d), Aug. 14, 1964, 78 Stat. 440; Pub. L. 89–538, §3(b), Aug. 14, 1966, 80 Stat. 348; Pub. L. 92–425, §5, Sept. 21, 1972, 86 Stat. 713; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §312, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 586; Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §509(b), Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 695; Pub. L. 96–513, title V, §507(f)(2), Dec. 12, 1980, 94 Stat. 2920; Pub. L. 99–117, §4, Oct. 7, 1985, 99 Stat. 492; Pub. L. 105–85, div. A, title VI, §653(a), Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 1804; Pub. L. 107–107, div. A, title VI, §653(a), Dec. 28, 2001, 115 Stat. 1153; Pub. L. 112–144, title XI, §1129, July 9, 2012, 126 Stat. 1118.)
Sections 1374 and 1376(a) of title 10, referred to in subsec. (a)(3), were repealed by Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title XVI, §1662(k)(2), (3)(A)(i), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 3006. See sections 12771 to 12774 of Title 10, Armed Forces.
Formula No. 3 of section 1401 of title 10, referred to in subsec. (a)(4), was struck from the table set forth in section 1401(a) of title 10 by Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title XVI, §1662(j)(2), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 3004.
Section was formerly classified to section 316 of title 37 prior to the general revision and enactment of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services, by Pub. L. 87–649, §1, Sept. 7, 1962, 76 Stat. 451.
2012—Subsec. (a)(18). Pub. L. 112–144, §1129(a), added par. (18).
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 112–144, §1129(b), inserted at end "For purposes of paragraph (18) of subsection (a), the term 'Inspector General' in section 1034 of such title 10 shall mean the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services."
2001—Subsec. (a)(17). Pub. L. 107–107 added cl. (17).
1997—Subsec. (a)(16). Pub. L. 105–85 added cl. (16).
1985—Subsec. (a)(15). Pub. L. 99–117 added cl. (15).
1980—Subsec. (a)(3). Pub. L. 96–513 inserted reference to section 1370 of title 10.
1979—Subsec. (a)(12) to (14). Pub. L. 96–76 added cls. (12) to (14).
1972—Subsec. (a)(5). Pub. L. 92–425 substituted "Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan; Survivor Benefit Plan" for "Annuities Based on Retired or Retainer Pay".
1966—Subsec. (a)(11). Pub. L. 89–538 added cl. (11).
1964—Subsec. (a)(10). Pub. L. 88–431 added cl. (10).
1963—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 88–132 inserted reference to Secretary of Defense.
1962—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 87–555 added cl. (9). Notwithstanding directory language that section be amended by "adding the following new clause at the end thereof", the amendment was executed to subsec. (a) to reflect the probable intent of Congress since the "new" clause was numbered "(9)" and subsec. (a) contained cls. (1) to (8).
1959—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 86–160 added cl. (1) and renumbered former cls. (1) to (7) as (2) to (8).
1958—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 85–861 substituted "provisions" for "chapters" in opening clause, struck out former cl. (1) which related to chapter 55 of title 10, renumbered former cls. (2) to (6) as (1) to (5), amended cl. (1), as renumbered, to make sections 1201 to 1203 of title 10, inapplicable to commissioned officers of the Public Health Service who have been ordered to active duty for training for a period of more than 30 days, inserted a reference to section 1374 of title 10 in cl. (2), as renumbered, struck out "Care of the Dead" after "Benefits" in cl. (5), as renumbered, and added cl. (6).
Pub. L. 105–85, div. A, title VI, §653(c), Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 1804, provided that: "The amendments made by this section [amending this section and former section 857a of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters] shall apply only to adoptions that are completed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act [Nov. 18, 1997]."
Amendment by Pub. L. 96–513 effective Sept. 15, 1981, see section 701 of Pub. L. 96–513, set out as a note under section 101 of Title 10, Armed Forces.
Amendment by Pub. L. 88–132 effective Oct. 1, 1963, see section 14 of Pub. L. 88–132, set out as an Effective Date note under section 201 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare [now Health and Human Services] concerning savings deposit benefits for Public Health Service personnel to be prescribed jointly with regulations prescribed by the Secretaries concerned under section 1035 of Title 10, Armed Forces, see section 3(c) of Pub. L. 89–538, set out as a note under section 1035 of Title 10.
Designation of beneficiary made before Jan. 1, 1956, considered as the designation of a beneficiary for the purposes of section 4 of Pub. L. 85–861, which amended this section, see section 31 of Pub. L. 85–861, set out as a note under section 2771 of Title 10, Armed Forces.
1 See References in Text note below.
Upon the release of an officer of the commissioned corps of the Service from active commissioned service for retirement, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall present a United States flag to the officer.
An officer is not eligible for presentation of a flag under subsection (a) of this section if the officer has previously been presented a flag under this section or any other provision of law providing for the presentation of a United States flag incident to release from active service for retirement.
The presentation of a flag under this section shall be at no cost to the recipient.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §213, as added Pub. L. 106–65, div. A, title VI, §652(b), Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. 665.)
A prior section 214, acts July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §213, 58 Stat. 689; Apr. 27, 1956, ch. 211, §2(a), 70 Stat. 116, authorized allowances for uniforms, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 87–649, §14b, Sept. 7, 1962, 76 Stat. 499. See section 415 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services.
Section applicable with respect to releases from service described in section on or after Oct. 1, 1999, see section 652(d) of Pub. L. 106–65, set out as a note under section 12605 of Title 10, Armed Forces.
Section, act July 31, 1953, ch. 296, title II, §204, 67 Stat. 257, related to allowances for use of taxicabs, etc., around duty posts.
The Secretary is authorized, upon the request of the head of an executive department, to detail officers or employees of the Service to such department for duty as agreed upon by the Secretary and the head of such department in order to cooperate in, or conduct work related to, the functions of such department or of the Service. When officers or employees are so detailed their salaries and allowances may be paid from working funds established as provided by law or may be paid by the Service from applicable appropriations and reimbursement may be made as agreed upon by the Secretary and the head of the executive department concerned. Officers detailed for duty with the Army, Air Force, Navy, or Coast Guard shall be subject to the laws for the government of the service to which detailed.
Upon the request of any State health authority or, in the case of work relating to mental health, any State mental health authority, personnel of the Service may be detailed by the Surgeon General for the purpose of assisting such State or a political subdivision thereof in work related to the functions of the Service.
The Surgeon General may detail personnel of the Service to any appropriate committee of the Congress or to nonprofit educational, research 1 or other institutions engaged in health activities for special studies of scientific problems and for the dissemination of information relating to public health.
Personnel detailed under subsections (b) and (c) of this section shall be paid from applicable appropriations of the Service, except that, in accordance with regulations such personnel may be placed on leave without pay and paid by the State, subdivision, or institution to which they are detailed. In the case of detail of personnel under subsections (b) or (c) of this section to be paid from applicable Service appropriations, the Secretary may condition such detail on an agreement by the State, subdivision, or institution concerned that such State, subdivision, or institution concerned shall reimburse the United States for the amount of such payments made by the Service. The services of personnel while detailed pursuant to this section shall be considered as having been performed in the Service for purposes of the computation of basic pay, promotion, retirement, compensation for injury or death, and the benefits provided by section 213 of this title.
Except with respect to the United States Coast Guard and the Department of Defense, and except as provided in agreements negotiated with officials at agencies where officers of the Commissioned Corps may be assigned, the Secretary shall have the sole authority to deploy any Commissioned Corps officer assigned under this section to an entity outside of the Department of Health and Human Services for service under the Secretary's direction in response to an urgent or emergency public health care need (as defined in section 204a(a)(5) of this title).
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §214, 58 Stat. 690; July 3, 1946, ch. 538, §6, 60 Stat. 423; Oct. 12, 1949, ch. 681, title V, §521(e), 63 Stat. 835; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §309, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 585; Pub. L. 109–417, title II, §206(c)(1), Dec. 19, 2006, 120 Stat. 2853.)
In subsec. (a), Air Force was inserted on the authority of section 207(a), (f) of act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, 61 Stat. 502, which established a separate Department of the Air Force, and Secretary of Defense Transfer Order No. 40 [App. A(74)], July 22, 1949, which transferred certain functions, insofar as they pertain to the Air Force, which were not previously transferred to the Department of the Air Force and Secretary of the Air Force. Section 207(a), (f) of act July 26, 1947, was repealed by section 53 of act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 641. Section 1 of act Aug. 10, 1956, enacted "Title 10, Armed Forces", which in sections 8010 to 8013 continued the Department of the Air Force under the administrative supervision of a Secretary of the Air Force.
2006—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 109–417 added subsec. (e).
1979—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 96–76, §309(a), inserted provisions authorizing detail of personnel to appropriate committees of Congress.
Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 96–76, §309(b), inserted provisions relating to agreements by States, etc., for reimbursement upon detail of personnel.
1949—Subsec. (d). Act Oct. 12, 1949, substituted "the computation of basic pay" for "longevity pay".
1946—Subsec. (b). Act July 3, 1946, provided for detail of personnel on request from a State mental health authority.
Amendment by act Oct. 12, 1949, effective Oct. 1, 1949, see section 533(a) of act Oct. 12, 1949, set out as a note under section 854a of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters.
For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education. Office of Surgeon General, abolished by section 3 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, reestablished within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, see Notice of Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Mar. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 11754.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
Pub. L. 91–604, §15(b)(1)–(8)(A), Dec. 31, 1970, 84 Stat. 1710–1712, as amended by Pub. L. 112–81, div. A, title VI, §631(f)(4)(B), Dec. 31, 2011, 125 Stat. 1465; Pub. L. 112–239, div. A, title X, §1076(a)(9), Jan. 2, 2013, 126 Stat. 1948, provided that:
"(1) Subject to such requirements as the Civil Service Commission may prescribe, any commissioned officer of the Public Health Service (other than an officer who retires under section 211 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 212] after his election but prior to his transfer pursuant to this paragraph and paragraph (2)) who, upon the day before the effective date of Reorganization Plan Numbered 3 of 1970 (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the 'plan'), is serving as such officer (A) primarily in the performance of functions transferred by such plan to the Environmental Protection Agency or its Administrator (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the 'Agency' and the 'Administrator,' respectively), may, if such officer so elects, acquire competitive status and be transferred to a competitive position in the Agency; or (B) primarily in the performance of functions determined by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the 'Secretary') to be materially related to the functions so transferred, may, if authorized by agreement between the Secretary and the Administrator, and if such officer so elects, acquire such status and be so transferred.
"(2) An election pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be effective only if made in accordance with such procedures as may be prescribed by the Civil Service Commission (A) before the close of the 24th month after the effective date of the plan [Dec. 2, 1970], or (B) in the case of a commissioned officer who would be liable for training and service under the Military Selective Service Act of 1967 [50 U.S.C. App. 451 et seq.] but for the operation of section 6(b)(3) thereof (50 U.S.C. App. 456(b)(3)), before (if it occurs later than the close of such 24th month) the close of the 90th day after the day upon which he has completed his 24th month of service as such officer.
"(3)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), any commissioned officer of the Public Health Service who, pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2), elects to transfer to a position in the Agency which is subject to chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the 'transferring officer'), shall receive a pay rate of the General Schedule grade of such position which is not less than the sum of the following amounts computed as of the day preceding the date of such election:
"(i) the basic pay, the special pay, the continuation pay, and the subsistence and quarters allowances, to which he is annually entitled as a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service pursuant to title 37, United States Code;
"(ii) the amount of Federal income tax, as determined by estimate of the Secretary, which the transferring officer, had he remained a commissioned officer, would have been required to pay on his subsistence and quarters allowances for the taxable year then current if they had not been tax free;
"(iii) an amount equal to the biweekly average cost of the coverages designated 'high option, self and family' under the Government-wide Federal employee health benefits programs plans, multiplied by twenty-six; and
"(iv) an amount equal to 7 per centum of the sum of the amounts determined under clauses (i) through (iii), inclusive.
"(B) A transferring officer shall in no event receive, pursuant to subparagraph (A), a pay rate in excess of the maximum rate applicable under the General Schedule to the class of position, as established under chapter 51 of title 5, United States Code, to which such officer is transferred pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2).
"(4)(A) A transferring officer shall be credited, on the day of his transfer pursuant to his election under paragraphs (1) and (2), with one hour of sick leave for each week of active service, as defined by section 211(d) of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 212(d)].
"(B) The annual leave to the credit of a transferring officer on the day before the day of his transfer, shall, on such day of transfer, be transferred to his credit in the Agency on an adjusted basis under regulations prescribed by the Civil Service Commission. The portion of such leave, if any, that is in excess of the sum of (i) 240 hours, and (ii) the number of hours that have accrued to the credit of the transferring officer during the calendar year then current and which remain unused, shall thereafter remain to his credit until used, and shall be reduced in the manner described by subsection (c) of section 6304 of title 5, United States Code.
"(5) A transferring officer who is required to change his official station as a result of his transfer under this subsection shall be paid such travel, transportation, and related expenses and allowances, as would be provided pursuant to subchapter II of chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code, in the case of a civilian employee so transferred in the interest of the Government. Such officer shall not (either at the time of such transfer or upon a subsequent separation from the competitive service) be deemed to have separated from, or changed permanent station within, a uniformed service for purposes of section 474 of title 37, United States Code.
"(6) Each transferring officer who prior to January 1, 1958, was insured pursuant to the Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Act of 1954, and who subsequently waived such insurance, shall be entitled to become insured under chapter 87 of title 5, United States Code, upon his transfer to the Agency regardless of age and insurability.
"(7)(A) Effective as of the date a transferring officer acquires competitive status as an employee of the Agency, there shall be considered as the civilian service of such officer for all purposes of chapter 83, title 5, United States Code, (i) his active service as defined by section 211(d) of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 212(d)], or (ii) any period for which he would have been entitled, upon his retirement as a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service, to receive retired pay pursuant to section 211(a)(4)(B) of such Act [42 U.S.C. 212(a)(4)(B)]; however, no transferring officer may become entitled to benefits under both subchapter III of such chapter and title II of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 401 et seq.] based on service as such a commissioned officer performed after 1956, but the individual (or his survivors) may irrevocably elect to waive benefit credit for the service under one such law to secure credit under the other.
"(B) A transferring officer on whose behalf a deposit is required to be made by subparagraph (C) and who, after transfer to a competitive position in the Agency under paragraphs (1) and (2), is separated from Federal service or transfers to a position not covered by subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code, shall not be entitled, nor shall his survivors be entitled, to a refund of any amount deposited on his behalf in accordance with this section. In the event he transfers, after transfer under paragraphs (1) and (2), to a position covered by another Government staff requirement system under which credit is allowable for service with respect to which a deposit is required under subparagraph (C), no credit shall be allowed under such subchapter III with respect to such service.
"(C) The Secretary shall deposit in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund, on behalf of and to the credit of such transferring officer, an amount equal to that which such individual would be required to deposit in such fund to cover the years of service credited to him for purposes of his retirement under subparagraph (A), had such service been service as an employee as defined in section 8331(1) of title 5, United States Code. The amount so required to be deposited with respect to any transferring officer shall be computed on the basis of the sum of each of the amounts described in paragraph (3)(A) which were received by, or accrued to the benefit of, such officer during the years so credited. The deposits which the Secretary is required to make under this subparagraph with respect to any transferring officer shall be made within two years after the date of his transfer as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), and the amounts due under this subparagraph shall include interest computed from the period of service credited to the date of payment in accordance with section 8334(e) of title 5, United States Code.
"(8)(A) A commissioned officer of the Public Health Service, who, upon the day before the effective date of the plan, is on active service therewith primarily assigned to the performance of functions described in paragraph (1)(A), shall, while he remains in active service, as defined by section 211(d) of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 212(d)], be assigned to the performance of duties with the Agency, except as the Secretary and the Administrator may jointly otherwise provide."
1 So in original. Probably should be followed by a comma.
The President shall from time to time prescribe regulations with respect to the appointment, promotion, retirement, termination of commission, titles, pay, uniforms, allowances (including increased allowances for foreign service), and discipline of the commissioned corps of the Service.
The Surgeon General, with the approval of the Secretary, unless specifically otherwise provided, shall promulgate all other regulations necessary to the administration of the Service, including regulations with respect to uniforms for employees, and regulations with respect to the custody, use, and preservation of the records, papers, and property of the Service.
No regulation relating to qualifications for appointment of medical officers or employees shall give preference to any school of medicine.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §215, 58 Stat. 690; Oct. 12, 1949, ch. 681, title V, §521(f), 63 Stat. 835; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631.)
1949—Subsec. (b). Act Oct. 12, 1949, struck out references to travel and transportation of household goods and effects.
Amendment by act Oct. 12, 1949, effective Oct. 1, 1949, see section 533(a) of act Oct. 12, 1949, set out as a note under section 854a of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
Functions of President delegated to Secretary of Health and Human Services, see Ex. Ord. No. 11140, January 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, as amended, set out as a note under section 202 of this title.
In time of war, or of emergency proclaimed by the President, he may utilize the Service to such extent and in such manner as shall in his judgment promote the public interest. In time of war, or of emergency involving the national defense proclaimed by the President, he may by Executive order declare the commissioned corps of the Service to be a military service. Upon such declaration, and during the period of such war or such emergency or such part thereof as the President shall prescribe, the commissioned corps (a) shall constitute a branch of the land and naval forces of the United States, (b) shall, to the extent prescribed by regulations of the President, be subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice [10 U.S.C. 801 et seq.], and (c) shall continue to operate as part of the Service except to the extent that the President may direct as Commander in Chief.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §216, 58 Stat. 690; Apr. 27, 1956, ch. 211, §1, 70 Stat. 116.)
The Uniform Code of Military Justice, referred to in text, is classified to chapter 47 (§801 et seq.) of Title 10, Armed Forces.
1956—Act Apr. 27, 1956, empowered President to declare commissioned corps of the Service to be a military service in time of emergency involving national defense, and substituted "the Uniform Code of Military Justice" for "the Articles of War and to the Articles for the Government of the Navy".
Section 6 of Joint Res. July 3, 1952, ch. 570, 66 Stat. 334, repealed Joint Res. Apr. 14, 1952, ch. 204, 66 Stat. 54 as amended by Joint Res. May 28, 1952, ch. 339, 66 Stat. 96; Joint Res. June 14, 1952, ch. 437, 66 Stat. 137; Joint Res. June 30, 1952, ch. 526, 66 Stat. 296, which continued provisions until July 3, 1952. This repeal shall take effect as of June 16, 1952, by section 7 of said Joint Res. July 3, 1952.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Ex. Ord. No. 9575, eff. June 28, 1945, 10 F.R. 7895, which declared the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service to be a military service subject to the Articles for the Government of the Navy as therein prescribed, was superseded by Ex. Ord. No. 10349, eff. Apr. 28, 1952, 17 F.R. 3769.
Ex. Ord. No. 10349, eff. Apr. 28, 1952, 17 F.R. 3769, superseded Ex. Ord. No. 9575, and subjected the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service to the provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice until June 1, 1952.
Ex. Ord. No. 10356, eff. June 2, 1952, 17 F.R. 4967, amended Ex. Ord. No. 10349, and extended from June 1, 1952, to June 15, 1952, the period during which the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service was subject to the provisions of the Uniform Code of Military justice.
Ex. Ord. No. 10362, eff. June 14, 1952, 17 F.R. 5413, amended Ex. Ord. No. 10356, and extended from June 15, 1952, to June 30, 1952, the period during which the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service was subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Ex. Ord. No. 10367, eff. June 30, 1952, 17 F.R. 5929, amended Ex. Ord. No. 10362, and extended from June 30, 1952, to July 3, 1952, the period during which the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service was subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
The Secretary may, without regard to the provisions of title 5 governing appointments in the competitive service, and without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, from time to time, appoint such advisory councils or committees (in addition to those authorized to be established under other provisions of law), for such periods of time, as he deems desirable with such period commencing on a date specified by the Secretary for the purpose of advising him in connection with any of his functions.
Members of any advisory council or committee appointed under this section who are not regular full-time employees of the United States shall, while attending meetings or conferences of such council or committee or otherwise engaged on business of such council or committee receive compensation and allowances as provided in section 210(c) of this title for members of national advisory councils established under this chapter.
Upon appointment of any such council or committee, the Secretary may delegate to such council or committee such advisory functions relating to grants-in-aid for research or training projects or programs, in the areas or fields with which such council or committee is concerned, as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §222, as added Pub. L. 87–838, §3, Oct. 17, 1962, 76 Stat. 1073; amended Pub. L. 91–515, title VI, §601(a)(3), (c), Oct. 30, 1970, 84 Stat. 1310, 1311; Pub. L. 99–158, §3(a)(4), Nov. 20, 1985, 99 Stat. 879.)
The General Schedule, referred to in subsec. (a), is set out under section 5332 of Title 5.
1985—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 99–158 amended subsec. (c) generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (c) read as follows: "Upon appointment of any such council or committee, the Surgeon General, with the approval of the Secretary, may transfer such of the functions of the National Advisory Health Council relating to grants-in-aid for research or training projects or programs in the areas or fields with which such council or committee is concerned as he determines to be appropriate."
1970—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 91–515, §601(c)(1), substituted provisions authorizing the Secretary to appoint advisory councils or committees without regard to specified provisions governing appointments in the competitive service and relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, for provisions authorizing the Surgeon General to appoint advisory committees without regard to the civil service laws and subject to the Secretary's approval in such cases as he prescribed.
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 91–515, §601(a)(3), inserted "council or" before "committee" wherever appearing.
Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 91–515, §601(a)(3), (c)(2), inserted "council or" before "committee" wherever appearing, and "or programs" after "projects".
Office of Surgeon General abolished by section 3 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, and functions thereof transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 1 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education. Office of Surgeon General reestablished within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, see Notice of Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Mar. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 11754.
Pub. L. 93–641, §6, Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2275, provided that:
"(a) An advisory committee established by or pursuant to the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.], the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963 [former 42 U.S.C. 2689 et seq., 6001 et seq.], or the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 [42 U.S.C. 4541 et seq.] shall terminate at such time as may be specifically prescribed by an Act of Congress enacted after the date of the enactment of this Act [Jan. 4, 1975].
"(b) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall report, within one year after the date of the enactment of the Act [Jan. 4, 1975], to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare of the Senate and the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives (1) the purpose and use of each advisory committee established by or pursuant to the Public Health Service Act, the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963, or the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 and (2) his recommendations respecting the termination of each such advisory committee."
All appointments to advisory committees established to assist in implementing the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.],1 and the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 [42 U.S.C. 4541 et seq.], shall be made without regard to political affiliation.
(Pub. L. 94–278, title X, §1001, Apr. 22, 1976, 90 Stat. 415; Pub. L. 111–256, §2(e), Oct. 5, 2010, 124 Stat. 2643.)
The Public Health Service Act, referred to in text, is act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, 58 Stat. 682, which is classified generally to this chapter (§201 et seq.). For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 201 of this title and Tables.
The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970, referred to in text, is Pub. L. 91–616, Dec. 31, 1970, 84 Stat. 1848, as amended, which is classified principally to chapter 60 (§4541 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 4541 of this title and Tables.
Section was not enacted as a part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.
2010—Pub. L. 111–256 struck out "the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963," after "Public Health Service Act,".
1 So in original. The comma probably should not appear.
Subject to regulations, volunteer and uncompensated services may be accepted by the Secretary, or by any other officer or employee of the Department of Health and Human Services designated by him, for use in the operation of any health care facility or in the provision of health care.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §223, as added Pub. L. 90–174, §6, Dec. 5, 1967, 81 Stat. 539; amended Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2008(h), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 212.)
1993—Pub. L. 103–43 substituted "Health and Human Services" for "Health, Education, and Welfare".
Within 120 days of July 29, 1975, the Secretary shall appoint and organize a National Advisory Council on Migrant Health (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the "Council") which shall advise, consult with, and make recommendations to, the Secretary on matters concerning the organization, operation, selection, and funding of migrant health centers and other entities under grants and contracts under section 254b 1 of this title.
The Council shall consist of fifteen members, at least twelve of whom shall be members of the governing boards of migrant health centers or other entities assisted under section 254b 1 of this title. Of such twelve members who are members of such governing boards, at least nine shall be chosen from among those members of such governing boards who are being served by such centers or grantees and who are familiar with the delivery of health care to migratory agricultural workers and seasonal agricultural workers. The remaining three Council members shall be individuals qualified by training and experience in the medical sciences or in the administration of health programs.
Each member of the Council shall hold office for a term of four years, except that (1) any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term; and (2) the terms of the members first taking office after July 29, 1975, shall expire as follows: four shall expire four years after such date, four shall expire three years after such date, four shall expire two years after such date, and three shall expire one year after such date, as designated by the Secretary at the time of appointment.
Section 14(a) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act shall not apply to the Council.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §217, 58 Stat. 691; July 3, 1946, ch. 538, §5(b)–(d), 60 Stat. 422; June 16, 1948, ch. 481, §§4(a)–(c), 6(b), 62 Stat. 467, 469; June 24, 1948, ch. 621, §4(a)–(c), 62 Stat. 600; Aug. 15, 1950, ch. 714, §3(a)–(d), 64 Stat. 446; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Pub. L. 91–515, title VI, §601(a)(1), Oct. 30, 1970, 84 Stat. 1310; Pub. L. 91–616, title IV, §401, Dec. 31, 1970, 84 Stat. 1853; Pub. L. 92–157, title III, §301(b), Nov. 18, 1971, 85 Stat. 463; Pub. L. 92–218, §6(a)(1), Dec. 23, 1971, 85 Stat. 785; Pub. L. 92–255, title V, §502(a), Mar. 21, 1972, 86 Stat. 85; Pub. L. 92–423, §7(a), Sept. 19, 1972, 86 Stat. 687; Pub. L. 93–348, title II, §211(a), July 12, 1974, 88 Stat. 351; Pub. L. 94–63, title IV, §401(b), July 29, 1975, 89 Stat. 341; Pub. L. 94–371, §9, July 26, 1976, 90 Stat. 1040; Pub. L. 95–622, title III, §302(b), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3442; Pub. L. 95–626, title I, §102(b)(1), Nov. 10, 1978, 92 Stat. 3551; Pub. L. 96–180, §13, Jan. 2, 1980, 93 Stat. 1304; Pub. L. 96–181, §14, Jan. 2, 1980, 93 Stat. 1315; Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(2), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; Pub. L. 98–509, title III, §302, Oct. 19, 1984, 98 Stat. 2364; Pub. L. 99–158, §3(a)(2), (3), Nov. 20, 1985, 99 Stat. 878, 879; Pub. L. 99–570, title IV, §4004(c), Oct. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 3207–111; Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(b)(1), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3779.)
Section 254b of this title, referred to in subsecs. (a) and (b), was in the original a reference to section 329, meaning section 329 of act July 1, 1944, which was omitted in the general amendment of subpart I (§254b et seq.) of part D of subchapter II of this chapter by Pub. L. 104–299, §2, Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3626. Section 2 of Pub. L. 104–299 enacted a new section 330 of act July 1, 1944, which is classified to section 254b of this title.
Section 14(a) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, referred to in subsec. (d), is section 14(a) of Pub. L. 92–463, as amended, which is set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.
1986—Pub. L. 99–570 redesignated former subsec. (e)(1) to (4) as subsecs. (a) to (d), respectively, in subsec. (c), further redesignated former cls. (A) and (B) as (1) and (2), respectively, and struck out former subsecs. (a) to (d), which related, respectively, to composition, qualifications, appointment and tenure of the National Advisory Mental Health Council and the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; duties of the National Advisory Mental Health Council; duties of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; and the composition, qualifications, and duties of the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse.
Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 99–660 which directed that "section 300cc of this title" be substituted for "section 300aa of this title" could not be executed because the reference in question appeared in former subsec. (c) which was repealed by Pub. L. 99–570.
1985—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 99–158, §3(a)(2)(A), in first sentence substituted "National Advisory Mental Health Council and the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism" for "National Advisory Health Council, the National Advisory Mental Health Council, the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the National Advisory Dental Research Council", and substituted "by the Secretary" for "by the Surgeon General with the approval of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare".
Pub. L. 99–158, §3(a)(2)(B)(i), in second sentence struck out "in the case of the National Advisory Health Council, are skilled in the sciences related to health, and" after "scientific authorities who,".
Pub. L. 99–158, §3(a)(2)(B)(ii), which directed the substitution in second sentence of "the National Advisory Mental Health Council and the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism" for "the National Advisory Mental Health Council, the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Advisory Heart Council, and the National Advisory Dental Research Council" was executed by making the substitution for "the National Advisory Mental Health Council, the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the National Advisory Dental Research Council" as the probable intent of Congress in view of the prior deletion of "the National Advisory Heart Council," by Pub. L. 92–423. See 1972 Amendment note below.
Pub. L. 99–158, §3(a)(2)(B)(iii), in second sentence substituted "and alcohol abuse and alcoholism" for ", alcohol abuse and alcoholism, and dental diseases and conditions".
Pub. L. 99–158, §3(a)(2)(C), struck out third sentence which provided that in the case of the National Advisory Dental Research Council, four of the six members selected from among the leading medical or scientific authorities be dentists.
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 99–158, §3(a)(3), redesignated subsec. (c) as (b) and struck out former subsec. (b) which related to the duties of the National Advisory Health Council.
Subsecs. (c) to (e), (g). Pub. L. 99–158, §3(a)(3), redesignated subsecs. (d), (e), and (g) as (c), (d), and (e), respectively.
1984—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 98–509 inserted provision requiring the Secretary to assure that the membership of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is broadly representative of experts in the fields of prevention, research, and treatment of alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and rehabilitation of alcohol abusers.
1983—Subsecs. (c), (d). Pub. L. 98–24 substituted "section 300aa of this title" for "section 219 of this title".
1980—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 96–180 authorized appointees to serve after the expiration of their terms until their successors have taken office.
Subsec. (e)(1). Pub. L. 96–181, in provisions relating to the eligibility for selection of members, inserted officers or employees of State and local drug abuse agencies, and inserted provision that appointed members may serve after the expiration of their terms until their successors have taken office.
1978—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 95–622 struck out subsec. (f) which related to the establishment of a National Advisory Council for the Protection of Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research.
Subsec. (g)(1), (2). Pub. L. 95–626 substituted "section 254b" for "section 247d".
1976—Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 94–371 inserted provision that the Council advise the Secretary regarding policies and priorities with respect to grants and contracts in the field of alcohol abuse and alcoholism.
1975—Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 94–63 added subsec. (g).
1974—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 93–348 added subsec. (f).
1972—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 92–423, §7(a)(1), (2), struck out "the National Advisory Heart Council," after "the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism" in two places and "heart diseases," after "alcohol abuse and alcoholism,", respectively.
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 92–423, §7(a)(2), struck out "heart," after "alcohol abuse and alcoholism,".
Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 92–255 added subsec. (e).
1971—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 92–218, §6(a)(1)(A), (B), struck out reference to National Advisory Cancer Council before National Advisory Mental Health Council in two places and struck out "cancer," before "psychiatric disorders".
Pub. L. 92–157 substituted "National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism" for "National Advisory Council on Alcoholic Abuse and Alcoholism" in second sentence.
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 92–218, §6(a)(1)(B), struck out "cancer," before "mental health" in listing of various diseases.
1970—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 91–616, §401(a), made subsection applicable to National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and inserted alcohol abuse and alcoholism to enumeration of diseases concerning which members of such Council must be skilled, and prescribed manner in which terms of members of Council would expire.
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 91–616, §401(b), inserted reference to National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism authorizing the Surgeon General to utilize the services of members of such Council for additional periods.
Pub. L. 91–515 inserted "or committees" after "councils".
Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 91–616, §401(c), added subsec. (d).
1950—Act Aug. 15, 1950, §3(d), amended section catchline to reflect addition of new advisory councils.
Subsec. (a). Act Aug. 15, 1950, §3(a), applied provisions to all of the advisory councils with regard to composition, qualifications, and appointment and tenure of members.
Subsec. (b). Act Aug. 15, 1950, §3(b), made subsection also applicable to new advisory councils.
Subsec. (c). Act Aug. 15, 1950, §3(c), redesignated subsec. (e) as (c) and repealed former subsec. (c).
Subsecs. (d), (f), (g). Act. Aug. 15, 1950, §3(c), repealed subsecs. (d), (f), and (g).
1948—Acts June 16, 1948, §4(c), and June 24, 1948, §4(c), included in section catchline the National Advisory Heart and Dental Research Councils, respectively.
Subsec. (a). Act June 16, 1948, §6(b), substituted "National Institutes of Health" for "National Institute of Health" in second sentence.
Subsec. (b). Acts June 16, 1948, §4(b), and June 24, 1948, §4(b), made subsection applicable to the National Advisory Heart Council and the National Advisory Dental Research Council, respectively.
Subsec. (f). Act June 16, 1948, §4(a), added subsec. (f) which established the National Advisory Heart Council.
Subsec. (g). Act June 24, 1948, §4(a), added subsec. (g) which established the National Advisory Dental Research Council.
1946—Act July 3, 1946, inserted "Mental Health" in section catchline.
Subsec. (b). Act July 3, 1946, inserted "or of the National Advisory Mental Health Council".
Subsecs. (d), (e). Act July 3, 1946, added subsecs. (d) and (e).
Pub. L. 95–622, title III, §302(b), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3442, provided that the amendment made by that section is effective Nov. 1, 1978.
Amendment by Pub. L. 94–63 effective July 1, 1975, see section 608 of Pub. L. 94–63, set out as a note under section 247b of this title.
Pub. L. 93–348, title II, §211(b), July 12, 1974, 88 Stat. 352, as amended by Pub. L. 94–278, title III, §301(b), Apr. 22, 1976, 90 Stat. 407; Pub. L. 94–573, §18(b), Oct. 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 2720; Pub. L. 95–203, §5(b), Nov. 23, 1977, 91 Stat. 1454, provided that: "The amendment made by subsection (a) [amending this section] shall take effect November 1, 1978."
Pub. L. 92–423, §9, Sept. 19, 1972, 86 Stat. 687, provided that: "This Act and the amendments made by this Act [see Short Title of 1972 Amendment note under section 201 of this title] shall take effect sixty days after the date of enactment of this Act [Sept. 19, 1972] or on such prior date after the date of enactment of this Act as the President shall prescribe and publish in the Federal Register."
Pub. L. 92–218, §7, Dec. 23, 1971, 85 Stat. 785, provided that:
"(a) This Act and the amendments made by this Act [enacting sections 286a to 286g and 289l of this title, amending this section and sections 241, 282, 283, and 284 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 281 and 286 of this title] shall take effect sixty days after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 23, 1971] or on such prior date after the date of enactment of this Act as the President shall prescribe and publish in the Federal Register.
"(b) The first sentence of section 454 of the Public Health Service Act [former 42 U.S.C. 289l] (added by section 5 of this Act) shall apply only with respect to appointments made after the effective date of this Act (as prescribed by subsection (a)).
"(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), members of the National Cancer Advisory Board (authorized under section 410B of the Public Health Service Act, as added by this Act) [former 42 U.S.C. 286f] may be appointed, in the manner provided for in such section, at any time after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 23, 1971]. Such officers shall be compensated from the date they first take office, at the rates provided for in such section 410B."
Act Aug. 15, 1950, ch. 714, §3(a), (c), 64 Stat. 446, provided that the amendments and repeals made by section 3(a) and (c) are effective Oct. 1, 1950.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
For transfer of certain membership functions, insofar as they pertain to the Air Force, which functions were not previously transferred from Secretary of the Army to Secretary of the Air Force and from Department of the Army to Department of the Air Force, see Secretary of Defense Transfer Order No. 40 [App. C(7)], July 22, 1949.
Reference to community health center, migrant health center, public housing health center, or homeless health center considered reference to health center, see section 4(c) of Pub. L. 104–299, set out as a note under section 254b of this title.
Act Aug. 15, 1950, ch. 714, §3(c), 64 Stat. 446, provided in part that terms of office as members of national advisory councils pursuant to this section subsisting on Sept. 30, 1950, shall expire at the close of business on such day.
Pub. L. 99–158, §3(a)(1), Nov. 20, 1985, 99 Stat. 878, provided that: "The National Advisory Health Council established under section 217 [42 U.S.C. 218] is terminated."
Pub. L. 93–641, §6, Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2275, set out as a note under section 217a of this title, provided that an advisory committee established pursuant to the Public Health Service Act shall terminate at such time as may be specifically prescribed by an Act of Congress enacted after Jan. 4, 1975.
1 See References in Text note below.
Appropriations available for the pay and allowances of commissioned officers of the Service shall also be available for the pay and allowances of any such officer on active duty while attending any Federal or non-Federal educational institution or training program and, subject to regulations of the President and to the limitation prescribed in such appropriations, for payment of his tuition, fees, and other necessary expenses incident to such attendance.
Any officer whose tuition, fees, and other necessary expenses are paid pursuant to subsection (a) of this section while attending an educational institution or training program for a period in excess of thirty days shall be obligated to pay to the Service an amount equal to two times the total amount of such tuition, fees, and other necessary expenses received by such officer during such period, and two times the total amount of any compensation received by, and any allowance paid to, such officer during such period, if after return to active service such officer voluntarily leaves the Service within (1) six months, or (2) twice the period of such attendance, whichever is greater. Such subsequent period of service shall commence upon the cessation of such attendance and of any further continuous period of training duty for which no tuition and fees are paid by the Service and which is part of the officer's prescribed formal training program, whether such further training is at a Service facility or otherwise. The Surgeon General may waive, in whole or in part, any payment which may be required by this subsection upon a determination that such payment would be inequitable or would not be in the public interest.
A commissioned officer may be placed in leave without pay status while attending an educational institution or training program whenever the Secretary determines that such status is in the best interest of the Service. For purposes of computation of basic pay, promotion, retirement, compensation for injury or death, and the benefits provided by sections 213 and 233 of this title, an officer in such status pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be considered as performing service in the Service and shall have an active service obligation as set forth in subsection (b) of this section.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §218, as added Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §8, 62 Stat. 47; amended Apr. 27, 1956, ch. 211, §6, 70 Stat. 117; Pub. L. 96–76, title III, §310, Sept. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 585; Pub. L. 105–392, title IV, §402(b), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3588.)
1998—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 105–392 added subsec. (c).
1979—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 96–76 substituted provisions relating to payment by an officer to the Service upon voluntary separation of two times the total amount of tuition, fees, and other necessary expenses received by such officer and two times the total amount of any compensation received by, and any allowance paid to, such officer, for provisions relating to reimbursement by the officer to the Service upon voluntary separation of tuition and fees and in last sentence substituted "payment" for "reimbursement" wherever appearing.
1956—Subsec. (a). Act Apr. 27, 1956, §6(a), authorized training of all officers of the Service, and substituted "any Federal or non-Federal educational institution or training program" for "any educational institution".
Subsec. (b). Act Apr. 27, 1956, §6(b), required reimbursement of tuition and fees by officers who receive training in excess of 30 days and who voluntarily leave the Service within a period of time which is equal to twice the period of such training, with a minimum period of six months of service, and a maximum period of two years, and permitted the Surgeon General to waive any reimbursement.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of President delegated to Secretary of Health and Human Services, see Ex. Ord. No. 11140, Jan. 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, as amended, set out as a note under section 202 of this title.
Section 219, acts July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §501, 58 Stat. 709; July 3, 1946, ch. 538, §10, 60 Stat. 425; June 16, 1948, ch. 481, §6(b), 62 Stat. 469; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Oct. 15, 1968, Pub. L. 90–574, title V, §503(b), 82 Stat. 1012; Oct. 17, 1979, Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §509(b), 93 Stat. 695, which related to gifts for the benefit of the Service, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238 of this title.
Section 220, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §502, 58 Stat. 710, which related to use of immigration station hospitals, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238a of this title.
Section 221, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §503, 58 Stat. 710, which related to disposition of money collected for care of patients, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238b of this title.
Section 222, acts July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §504, 58 Stat. 710, June 25, 1948, ch. 654, §6, 62 Stat. 1018; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631, which related to care of Service patients at Saint Elizabeths Hospital, was renumbered section 2104 of act July 1, 1944, by Pub. L. 98–24 and transferred to section 300aa–3 of this title, renumbered section 2304 of act July 1, 1944, by Pub. L. 99–660 and transferred to section 300cc–3 of this title, and was repealed by Pub. L. 98–621, §10(s), Nov. 8, 1984, 98 Stat. 3381.
Section 223, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §505, 58 Stat. 710; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631, which related to settlement of claims, was renumbered section 2105 of act July 1, 1944, by Pub. L. 98–24 and transferred to section 300aa–4 of this title, and was repealed by Pub. L. 99–117, §12(f), Oct. 7, 1985, 99 Stat. 495. See section 300cc–4 of this title.
Section 224, acts July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §506, 58 Stat. 710; July 15, 1954, ch. 507, §14(b), 68 Stat. 481, which related to transportation of remains of officers, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238c of this title.
A new title V (§501 et seq.) of the Public Health Service Act was added by Pub. L. 98–24, §2(b), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 177, and is classified to subchapter III–A (§290aa et seq. of this title).
Section, acts July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §507, 58 Stat. 711; Feb. 25, 1946, ch. 35, §2, 60 Stat. 30, provided for settlement of accounts of deceased officers. See section 2771 of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 714 of Title 32, National Guard.
Repeal effective as of effective date of payment provisions of sections 361 to 365 of former Title 37, Pay and Allowances, except with respect to the deaths of members, see section 5 of act July 12, 1955.
Section 225a, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §507, as added June 24, 1967, Pub. L. 90–31, §5, 81 Stat. 79; amended Oct. 27, 1970, Pub. L. 91–513, title I, §3(c), 84 Stat. 1241; Apr. 22, 1976, Pub. L. 94–278, title XI, §1102(b), 90 Stat. 415; Oct. 7, 1980, Pub. L. 96–398, title VIII, §804(b), 94 Stat. 1603; Aug. 13, 1981, Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §902(g)(2), 95 Stat. 560, which related to availability of appropriations for grants to Federal institutions, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238d of this title.
A prior section 507 of act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, providing for settlement of accounts of deceased officers, was classified to section 225 of this title and subsequently repealed.
Section 226, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §508, 58 Stat. 711; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; 1970 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. July 1, 1970, 35 F.R. 7959, 84 Stat. 2085, which related to transfer of funds between appropriations, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238e of this title.
Section 227, acts July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §509 58 Stat. 711; June 16, 1948, ch. 481, §6(b), 62 Stat. 469; June 25, 1948, ch. 654, §7, 62 Stat. 1018; Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953 §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631, which related to availability of appropriations for carrying out purposes of this chapter, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238f of this title.
Section, Pub. L. 90–132, title II, §204, Nov. 8, 1967, 81 Stat. 407, which provided that appropriations to the Public Health Service be available for research grants to hospitals of the Service, the Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice, and to Saint Elizabeths Hospital, on the same terms and conditions as grants to non-Federal institutions, was enacted as part of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1968, and not as part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter, and was not repeated in subsequent appropriation acts. See section 300cc–6 of this title. Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation acts:
Pub. L. 89–787, title II, §204, Nov. 7, 1966, 80 Stat. 1400.
Pub. L. 89–156, title II, §204, Aug. 31, 1965, 79 Stat. 609.
Pub. L. 88–605, title II, §204, Sept. 19, 1964, 78 Stat. 979.
Pub. L. 88–136, title II, §204, Oct. 11, 1963, 77 Stat. 244.
Pub. L. 87–582, title II, §204, Aug. 14, 1962, 76 Stat. 379.
Pub. L. 87–290, title II, §206, Sept. 22, 1961, 75 Stat. 608.
Pub. L. 86–703, title II, §207, Sept. 2, 1960, 74 Stat. 773.
Pub. L. 86–158, title II, §210, Aug. 14, 1959, 73 Stat. 355.
Section 228, acts July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §510, 58 Stat. 711; June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §5, 62 Stat. 859, which related to wearing of uniforms, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238g of this title.
Section 229, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §511, 58 Stat. 711; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631, which related to an annual report by Surgeon General, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238h of this title.
Section 229a, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §512, as added Oct. 15, 1968, Pub. L. 90–574, title V, §503(a), 82 Stat. 1012, which related to memorials and other acknowledgments for contributions to health of the Nation, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238i of this title.
Section 229b, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §513, as added June 30, 1970, Pub. L. 91–296, title IV, §401(a), 84 Stat. 351; amended Oct. 7, 1980, Pub. L. 96–398, title VIII, §804(c), 94 Stat. 1608; Aug. 13, 1981, Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §902(g)(3), 95 Stat. 560, which related to evaluation of programs, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238j of this title.
Section 229c, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §514, as added Nov. 9, 1978, Pub. L. 95–623, §11(e), 92 Stat. 3456, which related to contract authority of Secretary, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238k of this title.
Section 229d, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §515, formerly Pub. L. 88–164, title II, §225, as added Pub. L. 94–63, title III, §303, July 29, 1975, 89 Stat. 326; amended Pub. L. 95–622, title I, §110(c), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3420; renumbered and amended Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §902(e)(2)(A), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 560, which related to recovery of payments, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts and transferred, see section 238l of this title.
Section, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title VII, §706, formerly title VI, §606, 58 Stat. 713; renumbered title VII, §706, Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 958, §5, 60 Stat. 1049; amended Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §9(a), 62 Stat. 47; Oct. 12, 1949, ch. 681, title V, §521(g), 63 Stat. 835, provided for computation of retired pay. See section 212 of this title.
A service and supply fund of $250,000 is established, without fiscal year limitation, for the payment of salaries, travel, and other expenses necessary to the maintenance and operation of (1) a supply service for the purchase, storage, handling, issuance, packing, or shipping of stationery, supplies, materials, equipment, and blank forms, for which stocks may be maintained to meet, in whole or in part, requirements of the Public Health Service and requisitions of other Government Offices, and (2) such other services as the Surgeon General, with the approval of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, determines may be performed more advantageously as central services; said fund to be reimbursed from applicable appropriations or funds available when services are performed or stock furnished, or in advance, on a basis of rates which shall include estimated or actual charges for personal services, materials, equipment (including maintenance, repairs, and depreciation), and other expenses.
(July 3, 1945, ch. 263, title II, 59 Stat. 370; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8 eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §509(b), Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 695; Pub. L. 97–414, §9(i), Jan. 4, 1983, 96 Stat. 2064.)
Section is from the Federal Security Appropriation Act, 1946, act July 3, 1945, and was not enacted as part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.
1983—Pub. L. 97–414 inserted ", or in advance," after "stock furnished".
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
There is authorized to be appropriated a sum not to exceed $7,500,000 for the erection and equipment, for the use of the Public Health Service in carrying out the provisions of this Act, of suitable and adequate hospital buildings and facilities, including necessary living quarters for personnel, and of suitable and adequate laboratory buildings and facilities, and such buildings and facilities shall be known as the National Institute of Mental Health. The Administrator of General Services is authorized to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, donation, or otherwise, a suitable and adequate site or sites, selected on the advice of the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, in or near the District of Columbia for such buildings and facilities, and to erect thereon, furnish, and equip such buildings and facilities. The amount authorized to be appropriated in this section shall include the cost of preparation of drawings and specifications, supervision of construction, and other administrative expenses incident to the work: Provided, That the Administrator of General Services shall prepare the plans and specifications, make all necessary contracts, and supervise construction.
(July 3, 1946, ch. 538, §11, 60 Stat. 425; June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title I, §103(a), 63 Stat. 380.)
This Act, referred to in text, is act July 3, 1946, ch. 538, 60 Stat. 421, as amended, known as the National Mental Health Act, which enacted sections 232 and 242a of this title, amended sections 201, 209, 210, 215, 218, 219, 241, 244, and 246 of this title, and enacted provisions set out as notes under section 201 of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1946 Amendment note set out under section 201 of this title and Tables.
Section was enacted as a part of the National Mental Health Act, and not as a part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Works Agency and of all agencies thereof, together with functions of Federal Works Administrator transferred to Administrator of General Services by section 103(a) of act June 30, 1949. Both Federal Works Agency and office of Federal Works Administrator abolished by section 103(b) of that act. See Historical and Revision Notes under section 303(b) of Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works. Section 303(b) of Title 40 was amended generally by Pub. L. 109–313, §2(a)(1), Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1734, and, as so amended, no longer relates to the Federal Works Agency and Commissioner of Public Buildings. See 2006 Amendment note under section 303 of Title 40.
Transfer of functions by act June 30, 1949, effective July 1, 1949, see section 605, formerly section 505, of act June 30, 1949, ch. 288, 63 Stat. 403; renumbered by act Sept. 5, 1950, ch. 849, §6(a), (b), 64 Stat. 583.
The remedy against the United States provided by sections 1346(b) and 2672 of title 28, or by alternative benefits provided by the United States where the availability of such benefits precludes a remedy under section 1346(b) of title 28, for damage for personal injury, including death, resulting from the performance of medical, surgical, dental, or related functions, including the conduct of clinical studies or investigation, by any commissioned officer or employee of the Public Health Service while acting within the scope of his office or employment, shall be exclusive of any other civil action or proceeding by reason of the same subject-matter against the officer or employee (or his estate) whose act or omission gave rise to the claim.
The Attorney General shall defend any civil action or proceeding brought in any court against any person referred to in subsection (a) of this section (or his estate) for any such damage or injury. Any such person against whom such civil action or proceeding is brought shall deliver within such time after date of service or knowledge of service as determined by the Attorney General, all process served upon him or an attested true copy thereof to his immediate superior or to whomever was designated by the Secretary to receive such papers and such person shall promptly furnish copies of the pleading and process therein to the United States attorney for the district embracing the place wherein the proceeding is brought, to the Attorney General, and to the Secretary.
Upon a certification by the Attorney General that the defendant was acting in the scope of his employment at the time of the incident out of which the suit arose, any such civil action or proceeding commenced in a State court shall be removed without bond at any time before trial by the Attorney General to the district court of the United States of the district and division embracing the place wherein it is pending and the proceeding deemed a tort action brought against the United States under the provisions of title 28 and all references thereto. Should a United States district court determine on a hearing on a motion to remand held before a trial on the merit that the case so removed is one in which a remedy by suit within the meaning of subsection (a) of this section is not available against the United States, the case shall be remanded to the State Court: Provided, That where such a remedy is precluded because of the availability of a remedy through proceedings for compensation or other benefits from the United States as provided by any other law, the case shall be dismissed, but in the event the running of any limitation of time for commencing, or filing an application or claim in, such proceedings for compensation or other benefits shall be deemed to have been suspended during the pendency of the civil action or proceeding under this section.
The Attorney General may compromise or settle any claim asserted in such civil action or proceeding in the manner provided in section 2677 of title 28 and with the same effect.
For purposes of this section, the provisions of section 2680(h) of title 28 shall not apply to assault or battery arising out of negligence in the performance of medical, surgical, dental, or related functions, including the conduct of clinical studies or investigations.
The Secretary or his designee may, to the extent that he deems appropriate, hold harmless or provide liability insurance for any officer or employee of the Public Health Service for damage for personal injury, including death, negligently caused by such officer or employee while acting within the scope of his office or employment and as a result of the performance of medical, surgical, dental, or related functions, including the conduct of clinical studies or investigations, if such employee is assigned to a foreign country or detailed to a State or political subdivision thereof or to a non-profit institution, and if the circumstances are such as are likely to preclude the remedies of third persons against the United States described in section 2679(b) of title 28, for such damage or injury.
(1)(A) For purposes of this section and subject to the approval by the Secretary of an application under subparagraph (D), an entity described in paragraph (4), and any officer, governing board member, or employee of such an entity, and any contractor of such an entity who is a physician or other licensed or certified health care practitioner (subject to paragraph (5)), shall be deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for a calendar year that begins during a fiscal year for which a transfer was made under subsection (k)(3) of this section (subject to paragraph (3)). The remedy against the United States for an entity described in paragraph (4) and any officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor (subject to paragraph (5)) of such an entity who is deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service pursuant to this paragraph shall be exclusive of any other civil action or proceeding to the same extent as the remedy against the United States is exclusive pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.
(B) The deeming of any entity or officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity to be an employee of the Public Health Service for purposes of this section shall apply with respect to services provided—
(i) to all patients of the entity, and
(ii) subject to subparagraph (C), to individuals who are not patients of the entity.
(C) Subparagraph (B)(ii) applies to services provided to individuals who are not patients of an entity if the Secretary determines, after reviewing an application submitted under subparagraph (D), that the provision of the services to such individuals—
(i) benefits patients of the entity and general populations that could be served by the entity through community-wide intervention efforts within the communities served by such entity;
(ii) facilitates the provision of services to patients of the entity; or
(iii) are otherwise required under an employment contract (or similar arrangement) between the entity and an officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity.
(D) The Secretary may not under subparagraph (A) deem an entity or an officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity to be an employee of the Public Health Service for purposes of this section, and may not apply such deeming to services described in subparagraph (B)(ii), unless the entity has submitted an application for such deeming to the Secretary in such form and such manner as the Secretary shall prescribe. The application shall contain detailed information, along with supporting documentation, to verify that the entity, and the officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity, as the case may be, meets the requirements of subparagraphs (B) and (C) of this paragraph and that the entity meets the requirements of paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection (h) of this section.
(E) The Secretary shall make a determination of whether an entity or an officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity is deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for purposes of this section within 30 days after the receipt of an application under subparagraph (D). The determination of the Secretary that an entity or an officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity is deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for purposes of this section shall apply for the period specified by the Secretary under subparagraph (A).
(F) Once the Secretary makes a determination that an entity or an officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of an entity is deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for purposes of this section, the determination shall be final and binding upon the Secretary and the Attorney General and other parties to any civil action or proceeding. Except as provided in subsection (i) of this section, the Secretary and the Attorney General may not determine that the provision of services which are the subject of such a determination are not covered under this section.
(G) In the case of an entity described in paragraph (4) that has not submitted an application under subparagraph (D):
(i) The Secretary may not consider the entity in making estimates under subsection (k)(1) of this section.
(ii) This section does not affect any authority of the entity to purchase medical malpractice liability insurance coverage with Federal funds provided to the entity under section 254b, 254b, or 256a of this title.1
(H) In the case of an entity described in paragraph (4) for which an application under subparagraph (D) is in effect, the entity may, through notifying the Secretary in writing, elect to terminate the applicability of this subsection to the entity. With respect to such election by the entity:
(i) The election is effective upon the expiration of the 30-day period beginning on the date on which the entity submits such notification.
(ii) Upon taking effect, the election terminates the applicability of this subsection to the entity and each officer, governing board member, employee, and contractor of the entity.
(iii) Upon the effective date for the election, clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (G) apply to the entity to the same extent and in the same manner as such clauses apply to an entity that has not submitted an application under subparagraph (D).
(iv) If after making the election the entity submits an application under subparagraph (D), the election does not preclude the Secretary from approving the application ( 2 and thereby restoring the applicability of this subsection to the entity and each officer, governing board member, employee, and contractor of the entity, subject to the provisions of this subsection and the subsequent provisions of this section.
(2) If, with respect to an entity or person deemed to be an employee for purposes of paragraph (1), a cause of action is instituted against the United States pursuant to this section, any claim of the entity or person for benefits under an insurance policy with respect to medical malpractice relating to such cause of action shall be subrogated to the United States.
(3) This subsection shall apply with respect to a cause of action arising from an act or omission which occurs on or after January 1, 1993.
(4) An entity described in this paragraph is a public or non-profit private entity receiving Federal funds under section 254b of this title.
(5) For purposes of paragraph (1), an individual may be considered a contractor of an entity described in paragraph (4) only if—
(A) the individual normally performs on average at least 32½ hours of service per week for the entity for the period of the contract; or
(B) in the case of an individual who normally performs an average of less than 32½ hours of services per week for the entity for the period of the contract, the individual is a licensed or certified provider of services in the fields of family practice, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, or obstetrics and gynecology.
The Secretary may not approve an application under subsection (g)(1)(D) of this section unless the Secretary determines that the entity—
(1) has implemented appropriate policies and procedures to reduce the risk of malpractice and the risk of lawsuits arising out of any health or health-related functions performed by the entity;
(2) has reviewed and verified the professional credentials, references, claims history, fitness, professional review organization findings, and license status of its physicians and other licensed or certified health care practitioners, and, where necessary, has obtained the permission from these individuals to gain access to this information;
(3) has no history of claims having been filed against the United States as a result of the application of this section to the entity or its officers, employees, or contractors as provided for under this section, or, if such a history exists, has fully cooperated with the Attorney General in defending against any such claims and either has taken, or will take, any necessary corrective steps to assure against such claims in the future; and
(4) will fully cooperate with the Attorney General in providing information relating to an estimate described under subsection (k) of this section.
(1) Notwithstanding subsection (g)(1) of this section, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary, may on the record determine, after notice and opportunity for a full and fair hearing, that an individual physician or other licensed or certified health care practitioner who is an officer, employee, or contractor of an entity described in subsection (g)(4) of this section shall not be deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for purposes of this section, if treating such individual as such an employee would expose the Government to an unreasonably high degree of risk of loss because such individual—
(A) does not comply with the policies and procedures that the entity has implemented pursuant to subsection (h)(1) of this section;
(B) has a history of claims filed against him or her as provided for under this section that is outside the norm for licensed or certified health care practitioners within the same specialty;
(C) refused to reasonably cooperate with the Attorney General in defending against any such claim;
(D) provided false information relevant to the individual's performance of his or her duties to the Secretary, the Attorney General, or an applicant for or recipient of funds under this chapter; or
(E) was the subject of disciplinary action taken by a State medical licensing authority or a State or national professional society.
(2) A final determination by the Attorney General under this subsection that an individual physician or other licensed or certified health care professional shall not be deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service shall be effective upon receipt by the entity employing such individual of notice of such determination, and shall apply only to acts or omissions occurring after the date such notice is received.
In the case of a health care provider who is an officer, employee, or contractor of an entity described in subsection (g)(4) of this section, section 254h(e) of this title shall apply with respect to the provider to the same extent and in the same manner as such section applies to any member of the National Health Service Corps.
(1)(A) For each fiscal year, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary, shall estimate by the beginning of the year the amount of all claims which are expected to arise under this section (together with related fees and expenses of witnesses) for which payment is expected to be made in accordance with section 1346 and chapter 171 of title 28 from the acts or omissions, during the calendar year that begins during that fiscal year, of entities described in subsection (g)(4) of this section and of officers, employees, or contractors (subject to subsection (g)(5) of this section) of such entities.
(B) The estimate under subparagraph (A) shall take into account—
(i) the value and frequency of all claims for damage for personal injury, including death, resulting from the performance of medical, surgical, dental, or related functions by entities described in subsection (g)(4) of this section or by officers, employees, or contractors (subject to subsection (g)(5) of this section) of such entities who are deemed to be employees of the Public Health Service under subsection (g)(1) of this section that, during the preceding 5-year period, are filed under this section or, with respect to years occurring before this subsection takes effect, are filed against persons other than the United States,
(ii) the amounts paid during that 5-year period on all claims described in clause (i), regardless of when such claims were filed, adjusted to reflect payments which would not be permitted under section 1346 and chapter 171 of title 28, and
(iii) amounts in the fund established under paragraph (2) but unspent from prior fiscal years.
(2) Subject to appropriations, for each fiscal year, the Secretary shall establish a fund of an amount equal to the amount estimated under paragraph (1) that is attributable to entities receiving funds under each of the grant programs described in paragraph (4) of subsection (g) of this section, but not to exceed a total of $10,000,000 for each such fiscal year. Appropriations for purposes of this paragraph shall be made separate from appropriations made for purposes of sections 254b, 254b and 256a of this title.1
(3) In order for payments to be made for judgments against the United States (together with related fees and expenses of witnesses) pursuant to this section arising from the acts or omissions of entities described in subsection (g)(4) of this section and of officers, governing board member,3 employees, or contractors (subject to subsection (g)(5) of this section) of such entities, the total amount contained within the fund established by the Secretary under paragraph (2) for a fiscal year shall be transferred not later than the December 31 that occurs during the fiscal year to the appropriate accounts in the Treasury.
(1) If a civil action or proceeding is filed in a State court against any entity described in subsection (g)(4) of this section or any officer, governing board member, employee, or any contractor of such an entity for damages described in subsection (a) of this section, the Attorney General, within 15 days after being notified of such filing, shall make an appearance in such court and advise such court as to whether the Secretary has determined under subsections (g) and (h) of this section, that such entity, officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity is deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for purposes of this section with respect to the actions or omissions that are the subject of such civil action or proceeding. Such advice shall be deemed to satisfy the provisions of subsection (c) of this section that the Attorney General certify that an entity, officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity was acting within the scope of their employment or responsibility.
(2) If the Attorney General fails to appear in State court within the time period prescribed under paragraph (1), upon petition of any entity or officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity named, the civil action or proceeding shall be removed to the appropriate United States district court. The civil action or proceeding shall be stayed in such court until such court conducts a hearing, and makes a determination, as to the appropriate forum or procedure for the assertion of the claim for damages described in subsection (a) of this section and issues an order consistent with such determination.
(1) An entity or officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of an entity described in subsection (g)(1) of this section shall, for purposes of this section, be deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service with respect to services provided to individuals who are enrollees of a managed care plan if the entity contracts with such managed care plan for the provision of services.
(2) Each managed care plan which enters into a contract with an entity described in subsection (g)(4) of this section shall deem the entity and any officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity as meeting whatever malpractice coverage requirements such plan may require of contracting providers for a calendar year if such entity or officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of the entity has been deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for purposes of this section for such calendar year. Any plan which is found by the Secretary on the record, after notice and an opportunity for a full and fair hearing, to have violated this subsection shall upon such finding cease, for a period to be determined by the Secretary, to receive and to be eligible to receive any Federal funds under titles XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq., 1396 et seq.].
(3) For purposes of this subsection, the term "managed care plan" shall mean health maintenance organizations and similar entities that contract at-risk with payors for the provision of health services or plan enrollees and which contract with providers (such as entities described in subsection (g)(4) of this section) for the delivery of such services to plan enrollees.
(1) Not later than one year after December 26, 1995, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Congress a report on the following:
(A) The medical malpractice liability claims experience of entities that have been deemed to be employees for purposes of this section.
(B) The risk exposure of such entities.
(C) The value of private sector risk-management services, and the value of risk-management services and procedures required as a condition of receiving a grant under section 254b, 254b, or 256a of this title.1
(D) A comparison of the costs and the benefits to taxpayers of maintaining medical malpractice liability coverage for such entities pursuant to this section, taking into account—
(i) a comparison of the costs of premiums paid by such entities for private medical malpractice liability insurance with the cost of coverage pursuant to this section; and
(ii) an analysis of whether the cost of premiums for private medical malpractice liability insurance coverage is consistent with the liability claims experience of such entities.
(2) The report under paragraph (1) shall include the following:
(A) A comparison of—
(i) an estimate of the aggregate amounts that such entities (together with the officers, governing board members, employees, and contractors of such entities who have been deemed to be employees for purposes of this section) would have directly or indirectly paid in premiums to obtain medical malpractice liability insurance coverage if this section were not in effect; with
(ii) the aggregate amounts by which the grants received by such entities under this chapter were reduced pursuant to subsection (k)(2) of this section.
(B) A comparison of—
(i) an estimate of the amount of privately offered such insurance that such entities (together with the officers, governing board members, employees, and contractors of such entities who have been deemed to be employees for purposes of this section) purchased during the three-year period beginning on January 1, 1993; with
(ii) an estimate of the amount of such insurance that such entities (together with the officers, governing board members, employees, and contractors of such entities who have been deemed to be employees for purposes of this section) will purchase after December 26, 1995.
(C) An estimate of the medical malpractice liability loss history of such entities for the 10-year period preceding October 1, 1996, including but not limited to the following:
(i) Claims that have been paid and that are estimated to be paid, and legal expenses to handle such claims that have been paid and that are estimated to be paid, by the Federal Government pursuant to deeming entities as employees for purposes of this section.
(ii) Claims that have been paid and that are estimated to be paid, and legal expenses to handle such claims that have been paid and that are estimated to be paid, by private medical malpractice liability insurance.
(D) An analysis of whether the cost of premiums for private medical malpractice liability insurance coverage is consistent with the liability claims experience of entities that have been deemed as employees for purposes of this section.
(3) In preparing the report under paragraph (1), the Comptroller General of the United States shall consult with public and private entities with expertise on the matters with which the report is concerned.
(1) For purposes of this section, a free clinic health professional shall in providing a qualifying health service to an individual, or an officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of a free clinic shall in providing services for the free clinic, be deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for a calendar year that begins during a fiscal year for which a transfer was made under paragraph (6)(D). The preceding sentence is subject to the provisions of this subsection.
(2) In providing a health service to an individual, a health care practitioner shall for purposes of this subsection be considered to be a free clinic health professional if the following conditions are met:
(A) The service is provided to the individual at a free clinic, or through offsite programs or events carried out by the free clinic.
(B) The free clinic is sponsoring the health care practitioner pursuant to paragraph (5)(C).
(C) The service is a qualifying health service (as defined in paragraph (4)).
(D) Neither the health care practitioner nor the free clinic receives any compensation for the service from the individual or from any third-party payor (including reimbursement under any insurance policy or health plan, or under any Federal or State health benefits program). With respect to compliance with such condition:
(i) The health care practitioner may receive repayment from the free clinic for reasonable expenses incurred by the health care practitioner in the provision of the service to the individual.
(ii) The free clinic may accept voluntary donations for the provision of the service by the health care practitioner to the individual.
(E) Before the service is provided, the health care practitioner or the free clinic provides written notice to the individual of the extent to which the legal liability of the health care practitioner is limited pursuant to this subsection (or in the case of an emergency, the written notice is provided to the individual as soon after the emergency as is practicable). If the individual is a minor or is otherwise legally incompetent, the condition under this subparagraph is that the written notice be provided to a legal guardian or other person with legal responsibility for the care of the individual.
(F) At the time the service is provided, the health care practitioner is licensed or certified in accordance with applicable law regarding the provision of the service.
(3)(A) For purposes of this subsection, the term "free clinic" means a health care facility operated by a nonprofit private entity meeting the following requirements:
(i) The entity does not, in providing health services through the facility, accept reimbursement from any third-party payor (including reimbursement under any insurance policy or health plan, or under any Federal or State health benefits program).
(ii) The entity, in providing health services through the facility, either does not impose charges on the individuals to whom the services are provided, or imposes a charge according to the ability of the individual involved to pay the charge.
(iii) The entity is licensed or certified in accordance with applicable law regarding the provision of health services.
(B) With respect to compliance with the conditions under subparagraph (A), the entity involved may accept voluntary donations for the provision of services.
(4) For purposes of this subsection, the term "qualifying health service" means any medical assistance required or authorized to be provided in the program under title XIX of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.], without regard to whether the medical assistance is included in the plan submitted under such program by the State in which the health care practitioner involved provides the medical assistance. References in the preceding sentence to such program shall as applicable be considered to be references to any successor to such program.
(5) Subsection (g) of this section (other than paragraphs (3) through (5)) and subsections (h), (i), and (l) of this section apply to a health care practitioner for purposes of this subsection to the same extent and in the same manner as such subsections apply to an officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of an entity described in subsection (g)(4) of this section, subject to paragraph (6) and subject to the following:
(A) The first sentence of paragraph (1) applies in lieu of the first sentence of subsection (g)(1)(A) of this section.
(B) This subsection may not be construed as deeming any free clinic to be an employee of the Public Health Service for purposes of this section.
(C) With respect to a free clinic, a health care practitioner is not a free clinic health professional unless the free clinic sponsors the health care practitioner. For purposes of this subsection, the free clinic shall be considered to be sponsoring the health care practitioner if—
(i) with respect to the health care practitioner, the free clinic submits to the Secretary an application meeting the requirements of subsection (g)(1)(D) of this section; and
(ii) the Secretary, pursuant to subsection (g)(1)(E) of this section, determines that the health care practitioner is deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service.
(D) In the case of a health care practitioner who is determined by the Secretary pursuant to subsection (g)(1)(E) of this section to be a free clinic health professional, this subsection applies to the health care practitioner (with respect to the free clinic sponsoring the health care practitioner pursuant to subparagraph (C)) for any cause of action arising from an act or omission of the health care practitioner occurring on or after the date on which the Secretary makes such determination.
(E) Subsection (g)(1)(F) of this section applies to a health care practitioner for purposes of this subsection only to the extent that, in providing health services to an individual, each of the conditions specified in paragraph (2) is met.
(6)(A) For purposes of making payments for judgments against the United States (together with related fees and expenses of witnesses) pursuant to this section arising from the acts or omissions of free clinic health professionals, there is authorized to be appropriated $10,000,000 for each fiscal year.
(B) The Secretary shall establish a fund for purposes of this subsection. Each fiscal year amounts appropriated under subparagraph (A) shall be deposited in such fund.
(C) Not later than May 1 of each fiscal year, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary, shall submit to the Congress a report providing an estimate of the amount of claims (together with related fees and expenses of witnesses) that, by reason of the acts or omissions of free clinic health professionals, will be paid pursuant to this section during the calendar year that begins in the following fiscal year. Subsection (k)(1)(B) of this section applies to the estimate under the preceding sentence regarding free clinic health professionals to the same extent and in the same manner as such subsection applies to the estimate under such subsection regarding officers, governing board members, employees, and contractors of entities described in subsection (g)(4) of this section.
(D) Not later than December 31 of each fiscal year, the Secretary shall transfer from the fund under subparagraph (B) to the appropriate accounts in the Treasury an amount equal to the estimate made under subparagraph (C) for the calendar year beginning in such fiscal year, subject to the extent of amounts in the fund.
(7)(A) This subsection takes effect on the date of the enactment of the first appropriations Act that makes an appropriation under paragraph (6)(A), except as provided in subparagraph (B)(i).
(B)(i) Effective on August 21, 1996—
(I) the Secretary may issue regulations for carrying out this subsection, and the Secretary may accept and consider applications submitted pursuant to paragraph (5)(C); and
(II) reports under paragraph (6)(C) may be submitted to the Congress.
(ii) For the first fiscal year for which an appropriation is made under subparagraph (A) of paragraph (6), if an estimate under subparagraph (C) of such paragraph has not been made for the calendar year beginning in such fiscal year, the transfer under subparagraph (D) of such paragraph shall be made notwithstanding the lack of the estimate, and the transfer shall be made in an amount equal to the amount of such appropriation.
For purposes of this section, and subject to other provisions of this subsection, a covered person shall be deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service with respect to liability arising out of administration of a covered countermeasure against smallpox to an individual during the effective period of a declaration by the Secretary under paragraph (2)(A).
The Secretary may issue a declaration, pursuant to this paragraph, concluding that an actual or potential bioterrorist incident or other actual or potential public health emergency makes advisable the administration of a covered countermeasure to a category or categories of individuals.
The Secretary shall specify in such declaration the substance or substances that shall be considered covered countermeasures (as defined in paragraph (7)(A)) for purposes of administration to individuals during the effective period of the declaration.
The Secretary shall specify in such declaration the beginning and ending dates of the effective period of the declaration, and may subsequently amend such declaration to shorten or extend such effective period, provided that the new closing date is after the date when the declaration is amended.
The Secretary shall promptly publish each such declaration and amendment in the Federal Register.
Except as provided in paragraph (5)(B)(ii), the United States shall be liable under this subsection with respect to a claim arising out of the administration of a covered countermeasure to an individual only if—
(i) the countermeasure was administered by a qualified person, for a purpose stated in paragraph (7)(A)(i), and during the effective period of a declaration by the Secretary under subparagraph (A) with respect to such countermeasure; and
(ii)(I) the individual was within a category of individuals covered by the declaration; or
(II) the qualified person administering the countermeasure had reasonable grounds to believe that such individual was within such category.
If vaccinia vaccine is a covered countermeasure specified in a declaration under subparagraph (A), and an individual to whom the vaccinia vaccine is not administered contracts vaccinia, then, under the circumstances specified in clause (ii), the individual—
(I) shall be rebuttably presumed to have contracted vaccinia from an individual to whom such vaccine was administered as provided by clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (B); and
(II) shall (unless such presumption is rebutted) be deemed for purposes of this subsection to be an individual to whom a covered countermeasure was administered by a qualified person in accordance with the terms of such declaration and as described by subparagraph (B).
The presumption and deeming stated in clause (i) shall apply if—
(I) the individual contracts vaccinia during the effective period of a declaration under subparagraph (A) or by the date 30 days after the close of such period; or
(II) the individual has resided with, or has had contact with, an individual to whom such vaccine was administered as provided by clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (B) and contracts vaccinia after such date.
In the case of a claim arising out of alleged transmission of vaccinia from an individual described in clause (ii), acts or omissions by such individual shall be deemed to have been taken within the scope of such individual's office or employment for purposes of—
(I) subsection (a) of this section; and
(II) section 1346(b) and chapter 171 of title 28.
An individual is described by this clause if—
(I) vaccinia vaccine was administered to such individual as provided by subparagraph (B); and
(II) such individual was within a category of individuals covered by a declaration under subparagraph (A)(i).
A person may not bring a claim under this subsection unless such person has exhausted such remedies as are available under part C of this subchapter, except that if the Secretary fails to make a final determination on a request for benefits or compensation filed in accordance with the requirements of such part within 240 days after such request was filed, the individual may seek any remedy that may be available under this section.
The time limit for filing a claim under this subsection, or for filing an action based on such claim, shall be tolled during the pendency of a request for benefits or compensation under part C of this subchapter.
This subsection shall not be construed as superseding or otherwise affecting the application of a requirement, under chapter 171 of title 28, to exhaust administrative remedies.
The remedy provided by subsection (a) of this section shall be exclusive of any other civil action or proceeding for any claim or suit this subsection encompasses, except for a proceeding under part C of this subchapter.
The value of all compensation and benefits provided under part C of this subchapter for an incident or series of incidents shall be offset against the amount of an award, compromise, or settlement of money damages in a claim or suit under this subsection based on the same incident or series of incidents.
Subsection (c) of this section applies to actions under this subsection, subject to the following provisions:
The certification by the Attorney General that is the basis for deeming an action or proceeding to be against the United States, and for removing an action or proceeding from a State court, is a certification that the action or proceeding is against a covered person and is based upon a claim alleging personal injury or death arising out of the administration of a covered countermeasure.
The certification of the Attorney General of the facts specified in subparagraph (A) shall conclusively establish such facts for purposes of jurisdiction pursuant to this subsection.
A covered person shall cooperate with the United States in the processing and defense of a claim or action under this subsection based upon alleged acts or omissions of such person.
Upon the motion of the United States or any other party and upon finding that such person has failed to so cooperate—
(i) the court shall substitute such person as the party defendant in place of the United States and, upon motion, shall remand any such suit to the court in which it was instituted if it appears that the court lacks subject matter jurisdiction;
(ii) the United States shall not be liable based on the acts or omissions of such person; and
(iii) the Attorney General shall not be obligated to defend such action.
Should payment be made by the United States to any claimant bringing a claim under this subsection, either by way of administrative determination, settlement, or court judgment, the United States shall have, notwithstanding any provision of State law, the right to recover for that portion of the damages so awarded or paid, as well as interest and any costs of litigation, resulting from the failure of any covered person to carry out any obligation or responsibility assumed by such person under a contract with the United States or from any grossly negligent, reckless, or illegal conduct or willful misconduct on the part of such person.
The United States may maintain an action under this paragraph against such person in the district court of the United States in which such person resides or has its principal place of business.
As used in this subsection, terms have the following meanings:
The term "covered countermeasure" or "covered countermeasure against smallpox", means a substance that is—
(i)(I) used to prevent or treat smallpox (including the vaccinia or another vaccine); or
(II) used to control or treat the adverse effects of vaccinia inoculation or of administration of another covered countermeasure; and
(ii) specified in a declaration under paragraph (2).
The term "covered person", when used with respect to the administration of a covered countermeasure, means a person who is—
(i) a manufacturer or distributor of such countermeasure;
(ii) a health care entity under whose auspices—
(I) such countermeasure was administered;
(II) a determination was made as to whether, or under what circumstances, an individual should receive a covered countermeasure;
(III) the immediate site of administration on the body of a covered countermeasure was monitored, managed, or cared for; or
(IV) an evaluation was made of whether the administration of a countermeasure was effective;
(iii) a qualified person who administered such countermeasure;
(iv) a State, a political subdivision of a State, or an agency or official of a State or of such a political subdivision, if such State, subdivision, agency, or official has established requirements, provided policy guidance, supplied technical or scientific advice or assistance, or otherwise supervised or administered a program with respect to administration of such countermeasures;
(v) in the case of a claim arising out of alleged transmission of vaccinia from an individual—
(I) the individual who allegedly transmitted the vaccinia, if vaccinia vaccine was administered to such individual as provided by paragraph (2)(B) and such individual was within a category of individuals covered by a declaration under paragraph (2)(A)(i); or
(II) an entity that employs an individual described by clause (I) 4 or where such individual has privileges or is otherwise authorized to provide health care;
(vi) an official, agent, or employee of a person described in clause (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv);
(vii) a contractor of, or a volunteer working for, a person described in clause (i), (ii), or (iv), if the contractor or volunteer performs a function for which a person described in clause (i), (ii), or (iv) is a covered person; or
(viii) an individual who has privileges or is otherwise authorized to provide health care under the auspices of an entity described in clause (ii) or (v)(II).
The term "qualified person", when used with respect to the administration of a covered countermeasure, means a licensed health professional or other individual who—
(i) is authorized to administer such countermeasure under the law of the State in which the countermeasure was administered; or
(ii) is otherwise authorized by the Secretary to administer such countermeasure.
The term "arising out of administration of a covered countermeasure", when used with respect to a claim or liability, includes a claim or liability arising out of—
(i) determining whether, or under what conditions, an individual should receive a covered countermeasure;
(ii) obtaining informed consent of an individual to the administration of a covered countermeasure;
(iii) monitoring, management, or care of an immediate site of administration on the body of a covered countermeasure, or evaluation of whether the administration of the countermeasure has been effective; or
(iv) transmission of vaccinia virus by an individual to whom vaccinia vaccine was administered as provided by paragraph (2)(B).
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §224, formerly §223, as added Pub. L. 91–623, §4, Dec. 31, 1970, 84 Stat. 1870; renumbered §224, Pub. L. 92–157, title III, §301(c), Nov. 18, 1971, 85 Stat. 463; amended Pub. L. 102–501, §§2–4, Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3268–3270; Pub. L. 103–183, title VII, §706(a), Dec. 14, 1993, 107 Stat. 2241; Pub. L. 104–73, §§2–5(b), 6–11, Dec. 26, 1995, 109 Stat. 777–781; Pub. L. 104–191, title I, §194, Aug. 21, 1996, 110 Stat. 1988; Pub. L. 104–299, §4(a)(1), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3644; Pub. L. 107–251, title VI, §601(a), Oct. 26, 2002, 116 Stat. 1664; Pub. L. 107–296, title III, §304(c), Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2165; Pub. L. 108–20, §3(a)–(i), Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 646–648; Pub. L. 108–163, §2(m)(1), Dec. 6, 2003, 117 Stat. 2023; Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10608(a), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 1014.)
The references to section 254b of this title the first place appearing in subsecs. (g)(1)(G)(ii), (k)(2), and (n)(1)(C), were in the original references to section 329, meaning section 329 of act July 1, 1944, which was omitted in the general amendment of subpart I (§254b et seq.) of part D of subchapter II of this chapter by Pub. L. 104–299, §2, Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3626.
Section 256a of this title, referred to in subsecs. (g)(1)(G)(ii), (k)(2), and (n)(1)(C), was repealed by Pub. L. 104–299, §4(a)(3), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3645.
The Social Security Act, referred to in subsecs. (m)(2) and (o)(4), is act Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531, 49 Stat. 620, as amended. Titles XVIII and XIX of the Act are classified generally to subchapters XVIII (§1395 et seq.) and XIX (§1396 et seq.), respectively, of chapter 7 of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 1305 of this title and Tables.
2010—Subsec. (o)(1). Pub. L. 111–148 inserted ", or an officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor of a free clinic shall in providing services for the free clinic," after "to an individual".
2003—Subsec. (g)(1)(G)(ii). Pub. L. 108–163 substituted "254b" for "254c, 254b(h)" before ", or".
Subsec. (k)(2). Pub. L. 108–163 substituted "254b" for "254c, 254b(h)" before "and".
Subsec. (n)(1)(C). Pub. L. 108–163 substituted "254b" for "254c, 254b(h)" before ", or".
Subsec. (p)(2)(A)(ii). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(i), substituted "paragraph (7)(A)" for "paragraph(8)(A)".
Subsec. (p)(2)(C)(ii)(II). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(a), substituted "has resided with, or has had contact with," for "resides or has resided with".
Subsec. (p)(2)(D). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(b), added subpar. (D).
Subsec. (p)(3). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(c), amended heading and text of par. (3) generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "The remedy provided by subsection (a) of this section shall be exclusive of any other civil action or proceeding for any claim or suit this subsection encompasses."
Subsec. (p)(5). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(d), substituted "Covered person" for "Defendant" in heading.
Subsec. (p)(7)(A)(i)(II). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(e), amended subcl. (II) generally. Prior to amendment, subcl. (II) read as follows: "vaccinia immune globulin used to control or treat the adverse effects of vaccinia inoculation; and".
Subsec. (p)(7)(B). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(f)(1), substituted "means a person" for "includes any person" in introductory provisions.
Subsec. (p)(7)(B)(ii). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(f)(2), substituted "auspices—" for "auspices", designated "such countermeasure was administered;" as subcl. (I), and added subcls. (II) to (IV).
Subsec. (p)(7)(B)(iv) to (viii). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(f)(3), (4), added cls. (iv) to (viii) and struck out former cl. (iv) which read as follows: "an official, agent, or employee of a person described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii)."
Subsec. (p)(7)(C). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(g), substituted "individual who—" for "individual who", designated "is authorized to administer such countermeasure under the law of the State in which the countermeasure was administered." as cl. (i), substituted "; or" for period at end of cl. (i), and added cl. (ii).
Subsec. (p)(7)(D). Pub. L. 108–20, §3(h), added subpar. (D).
2002—Subsecs. (g)(1)(G)(ii), (k)(2), (n)(1)(C). Pub. L. 107–251 substituted "254b(h)" for "256".
Subsec. (p). Pub. L. 107–296 added subsec. (p).
1996—Subsec. (g)(4). Pub. L. 104–299 substituted "under section 254b of this title." for "under any of the following grant programs:" and struck out subpars. (A) to (D) which read as follows:
"(A) Section 254b of this title (relating to grants for migrant health centers).
"(B) Section 254c of this title (relating to grants for community health centers).
"(C) Section 256 of this title (relating to grants for health services for the homeless).
"(D) Section 256a of this title (relating to grants for health services for residents of public housing)."
Subsec. (o). Pub. L. 104–191 added subsec. (o).
1995—Subsec. (g)(1). Pub. L. 104–73, §§3(1), 4, 5(a), designated existing provisions as subpar. (A), inserted "and subject to the approval by the Secretary of an application under subparagraph (D)" after "For purposes of this section", substituted "an entity described in paragraph (4), and any officer, governing board member, or employee of such an entity, and any contractor of such an entity who is a physician or other licensed or certified health care practitioner (subject to paragraph (5)), shall be deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for a calendar year that begins during a fiscal year for which a transfer was made under subsection (k)(3) of this section (subject to paragraph (3)). The remedy against the United States for an entity described in paragraph (4) and any officer, governing board member, employee, or contractor" for ", an entity described in paragraph (4) and any officer, employee, or contractor (subject to paragraph (5)) of such an entity who is a physician or other licensed or certified health care practitioner shall be deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for a calendar year that begins during a fiscal year for which a transfer of the full amount estimated under subsection (k)(1)(A) of this section was made under subsection (k)(3) of this section (subject to paragraph (3)). The remedy against the United States for an entity described in paragraph (4) and any officer, employee, or contractor", and added subpars. (B) to (H).
Subsec. (g)(3). Pub. L. 104–73, §2(a), struck out at end "This subsection shall not apply with respect to a cause of action arising from an act or omission which occurs on or after January 1, 1996."
Subsec. (g)(5)(B). Pub. L. 104–73, §8, amended subpar. (B) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (B) read as follows: "in the case of an individual who normally performs on average less than 32½ hours of services per week for the entity for the period of the contract and is a licensed or certified provider of obstetrical services—
"(i) the individual's medical malpractice liability insurance coverage does not extend to services performed by the individual for the entity under the contract, or
"(ii) the Secretary finds that patients to whom the entity furnishes services will be deprived of obstetrical services if such individual is not considered a contractor of the entity for purposes of paragraph (1)."
Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 104–73, §5(b)(1), in introductory provisions substituted "The Secretary may not approve an application under subsection (g)(1)(D) of this section unless the Secretary determines that the entity—" for "Notwithstanding subsection (g)(1) of this section, the Secretary, in consultation with the Attorney General, may not deem an entity described in subsection (g)(4) of this section to be an employee of the Public Health Service Act for purposes of this section unless the entity—".
Subsec. (h)(4). Pub. L. 104–73, §5(b)(2), substituted "will fully cooperate" for "has fully cooperated".
Subsec. (i)(1). Pub. L. 104–73, §9, substituted "may on the record determine, after notice and opportunity for a full and fair hearing" for "may determine, after notice and opportunity for a hearing".
Subsec. (k)(1)(A). Pub. L. 104–73, §2(b)(1), substituted "For each fiscal year" for "For each of the fiscal years 1993, 1994, and 1995" and struck out "(except that an estimate shall be made for fiscal year 1993 by December 31, 1992, subject to an adjustment within 90 days thereafter)" after "beginning of the year".
Subsec. (k)(2). Pub. L. 104–73, §§2(b)(2), 10, substituted "for each fiscal year" for "for each of the fiscal years 1993, 1994, and 1995" and "$10,000,000" for "$30,000,000".
Subsec. (k)(3). Pub. L. 104–73, §3(2), which directed amendment of subsec. (k)(3) by inserting "governing board member," after "officer,", was executed by inserting such language after "officers," to reflect the probable intent of Congress.
Subsec. (l). Pub. L. 104–73, §6, added subsec. (l).
Subsec. (m). Pub. L. 104–73, §7, added subsec. (m).
Subsec. (n). Pub. L. 104–73, §11, added subsec. (n).
1993—Subsec. (k)(2). Pub. L. 103–183 inserted at end "Appropriations for purposes of this paragraph shall be made separate from appropriations made for purposes of sections 254b, 254c, 256 and 256a of this title."
1992—Subsecs. (g) to (k). Pub. L. 102–501 added subsecs. (g) to (k).
Pub. L. 111–148, title X, §10608(b), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 1014, provided that: "The amendment made by this section [amending this section] shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act [Mar. 23, 2010] and apply to any act or omission which occurs on or after that date."
Pub. L. 108–163, §3, Dec. 6, 2003, 117 Stat. 2023, provided that: "This Act [see Short Title of 2003 Amendments note set out under section 201 of this title] is deemed to have taken effect immediately after the enactment of Public Law 107–251 [Oct. 26, 2002]."
Pub. L. 108–20, §3(j), Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 649, provided that: "This section [amending this section] shall take effect as of November 25, 2002."
Amendment by Pub. L. 107–296 effective 60 days after Nov. 25, 2002, see section 4 of Pub. L. 107–296, set out as an Effective Date note under section 101 of Title 6, Domestic Security.
Pub. L. 104–299, §5, Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3645, as amended by Pub. L. 104–208, div. A, title I, §101(e) [title V, §521], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–233, 3009–275, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 254b and 254c of this title, amending this section and sections 256c, 1395x, and 1396d of this title, repealing sections 256 and 256a of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 201 and 254b of this title] and the amendments made by this Act shall become effective on October 1, 1996."
[Pub. L. 104–208, div. A, title I, §101(e) [title V, §521], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–233, 3009–275, provided that the amendment made by that section is effective on the day after Oct. 11, 1996.]
Pub. L. 104–73, §5(c), Dec. 26, 1995, 109 Stat. 779, provided that: "If, on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 26, 1995], an entity was deemed to be an employee of the Public Health Service for purposes of section 224(g) of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 233(g)], the condition under paragraph (1)(D) of such section (as added by subsection (a) of this section) that an application be approved with respect to the entity does not apply until the expiration of the 180-day period beginning on such date."
Pub. L. 102–501, §6, Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3272, provided that: "The amendments made by this Act [amending this section] shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 24, 1992]."
Pub. L. 102–501, §5, Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3271, provided that:
"(1) the Secretary's estimate of the aggregate amounts that such entities (together with the officers, employees, and contractors of such entities who are subject to section 224(g) of such Act) would have directly or indirectly paid to obtain medical malpractice liability insurance coverage had section 224(g) of the Public Health Service Act not been enacted into law, with
"(2) the aggregate amounts by which the grants received by such entities under the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.] were reduced as a result of the enactment of section 224(k)(2) of such Act [42 U.S.C. 233(k)(2)]."
1 See References in Text notes below.
2 So in original. There is no closing parenthesis.
3 So in original. Probably should be "members,".
4 So in original. Probably should be "subclause".
Section, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §225, as added Oct. 27, 1972, Pub. L. 92–585, §5, 86 Stat. 1293; amended Aug. 23, 1974, Pub. L. 93–385, §1, 88 Stat. 741; Apr. 22, 1976, Pub. L. 94–278, title IX, §901, 90 Stat. 415; Sept. 30, 1976, Pub. L. 94–437, title I, §104, 90 Stat. 1403; Oct. 12, 1976, Pub. L. 94–484, title I, §101(t), 90 Stat. 2246, related to Public Health and National Health Service Corps Scholarship Training program.
For the purpose of facilitating the administration of, and expediting the carrying out of the purposes of, the programs established by subchapters V, VI, and VII 1 of this chapter, and sections 242b, 246(a), 246(b), 246(c), 246(d),1 and 246(e) 1 of this title in situations in which grants are sought or made under two or more of such programs with respect to a single project, the Secretary is authorized to promulgate regulations—
(1) under which the administrative functions under such programs with respect to such project will be performed by a single administrative unit which is the administrative unit charged with the administration of any of such programs or is the administrative unit charged with the supervision of two or more of such programs;
(2) designed to reduce the number of applications, reports, and other materials required under such programs to be submitted with respect to such project, and otherwise to simplify, consolidate, and make uniform (to the extent feasible), the data and information required to be contained in such applications, reports, and other materials; and
(3) under which inconsistent or duplicative requirements imposed by such programs will be revised and made uniform with respect to such project;
except that nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the Secretary to waive or suspend, with respect to any such project, any requirement with respect to any of such programs if such requirement is imposed by law or by any regulation required by law.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §226, formerly title III, §310A, as added Pub. L. 91–515, title II, §270, Oct. 30, 1970, 84 Stat. 1306; amended Pub. L. 92–157, title II, §201, Nov. 18, 1971, 85 Stat. 461; renumbered §226, Pub. L. 93–353, title I, §102(e), July 23, 1974, 88 Stat. 362.)
Subchapters V and VI of this chapter, referred to in text, are classified to sections 292 et seq. and 296 et seq., respectively, of this title.
Subchapter VII of this chapter, referred to in text, which was classified to section 299 et seq. of this title, was repealed by Pub. L. 99–117, §12(d), Oct. 7, 1985, 99 Stat. 495.
Section 246(d) of this title, referred to in text, was repealed by Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §902(b), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 559.
Section 246(e) of this title, referred to in text, was repealed by Pub. L. 94–63, title V, §501(b), July 29, 1975, 89 Stat. 346.
Section was formerly classified to section 242i of this title.
1971—Pub. L. 92–157 provided for administration of programs established under subchapters V and VI of this chapter.
1 See References in Text note below.
There is established in the Department of Health and Human Services a board for the development of drugs (including biologics) and devices (including diagnostic products) for rare diseases or conditions to be known as the Orphan Products Board. The Board shall be comprised of the Assistant Secretary for Health of the Department of Health and Human Services and representatives, selected by the Secretary, of the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and any other Federal department or agency which the Secretary determines has activities relating to drugs and devices for rare diseases or conditions. The Assistant Secretary for Health shall chair the Board.
The function of the Board shall be to promote the development of drugs and devices for rare diseases or conditions and the coordination among Federal, other public, and private agencies in carrying out their respective functions relating to the development of such articles for such diseases or conditions.
In the case of drugs for rare diseases or conditions the Board shall—
(1) evaluate—
(A) the effect of subchapter B of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [21 U.S.C. 360aa et seq.] on the development of such drugs, and
(B) the implementation of such subchapter; 1
(2) evaluate the activities of the National Institutes of Health for the development of drugs for such diseases or conditions,
(3) assure appropriate coordination among the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the carrying out of their respective functions relating to the development of drugs for such diseases or conditions to assure that the activities of each agency are complementary,
(4) assure appropriate coordination among all interested Federal agencies, manufacturers, and organizations representing patients, in their activities relating to such drugs,
(5) with the consent of the sponsor of a drug for a rare disease or condition exempt under section 505(i) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [21 U.S.C. 355(i)] or regulations issued under such section, inform physicians and the public respecting the availability of such drug for such disease or condition and inform physicians and the public respecting the availability of drugs approved under section 505(c) of such Act [21 U.S.C. 355(c)] or licensed under section 262 of this title for rare diseases or conditions,
(6) seek business entities and others to undertake the sponsorship of drugs for rare diseases or conditions, seek investigators to facilitate the development of such drugs, and seek business entities to participate in the distribution of such drugs, and
(7) recognize the efforts of public and private entities and individuals in seeking the development of drugs for rare diseases or conditions and in developing such drugs.
The Board shall consult with interested persons respecting the activities of the Board under this section and as part of such consultation shall provide the opportunity for the submission of oral views.
The Board shall submit to the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives an annual report—
(1) identifying the drugs which have been designated under section 526 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [21 U.S.C. 360bb] for a rare disease or condition,
(2) describing the activities of the Board, and
(3) containing the results of the evaluations carried out by the Board.
The Director of the National Institutes of Health shall submit to the Board for inclusion in the annual report a report on the rare disease and condition research activities of the Institutes of the National Institutes of Health; the Secretary of the Treasury shall submit to the Board for inclusion in the annual report a report on the use of the credit against tax provided by section 44H 2 of title 26; and the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit to the Board for inclusion in the annual report a report on the program of assistance under section 360ee of title 21 for the development of drugs for rare diseases and conditions. Each annual report shall be submitted by June 1 of each year for the preceding calendar year.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §227, as added Pub. L. 97–414, §3, Jan. 4, 1983, 96 Stat. 2051; amended Pub. L. 99–514, §2, Oct. 22, 1986, 100 Stat. 2095; Pub. L. 102–321, title I, §163(b)(1), July 10, 1992, 106 Stat. 375; Pub. L. 102–531, title III, §312(d)(1), Oct. 27, 1992, 106 Stat. 3504.)
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, referred to in subsec. (c)(1)(A), is act June 25, 1938, ch. 675, 52 Stat. 1040, as amended. Subchapter B of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act probably means subchapter B of chapter V of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act which is classified generally to part B (section 360aa et seq.) of subchapter V of chapter 9 of Title 21, Food and Drugs. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 301 of Title 21 and Tables.
Section 44H of title 26, referred to in subsec. (e), was renumbered section 28 of title 26, by Pub. L. 98–369, div. A, title IV, §471(c)(1), July 18, 1984, 98 Stat. 826, and subsequently renumbered section 45C of title 26 by Pub. L. 104–188, title I, §1205(a)(1), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1775.
A prior section 236, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §227, formerly title III, §310B, as added Oct. 30, 1970, Pub. L. 91–515, title II, §280, 84 Stat. 1307; renumbered §227 and amended July 23, 1974, Pub. L. 93–353, title I, §102(f), 88 Stat. 362, related to an annual report by Secretary on activities related to health facilities and services and expenditure of funds, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 97–35, title XXI, §2193(b)(4), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 827.
1992—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 102–531 substituted "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" for "Centers for Disease Control".
Subsec. (c)(2). Pub. L. 102–321, §163(b)(1)(A), which directed the striking out of ", and the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration", was executed by striking "and the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration" after "National Institutes of Health" to reflect the probable intent of Congress.
Subsec. (c)(3). Pub. L. 102–531 substituted "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" for "Centers for Disease Control".
Pub. L. 102–321, §163(b)(1)(B), struck out ", the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration," after "National Institutes of Health".
Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 102–321, §163(b)(1)(C), (D), in concluding provisions, struck out "and the Administrator of the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration" after "National Institutes of Health" the first place appearing and "and the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration" after "National Institutes of Health" the second place appearing.
1986—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 99–514 substituted "Internal Revenue Code of 1986" for "Internal Revenue Code of 1954", which for purposes of codification was translated as "title 26" thus requiring no change in text.
Committee on Labor and Human Resources of Senate changed to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of Senate by Senate Resolution No. 20, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 19, 1999.
Committee on Energy and Commerce of House of Representatives treated as referring to Committee on Commerce of House of Representatives by section 1(a) of Pub. L. 104–14, set out as a note preceding section 21 of Title 2, The Congress. Committee on Commerce of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Energy and Commerce of House of Representatives, and jurisdiction over matters relating to securities and exchanges and insurance generally transferred to Committee on Financial Services of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Jan. 3, 2001.
Pub. L. 102–321, title VIII, §801, July 10, 1992, 106 Stat. 441, provided that:
"(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), in the case of any program making awards of grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts, if the program began operation prior to the date of the enactment of this Act [July 10, 1992] and the program is amended by this Act, awards made prior to October 1, 1992, shall continue to be subject to the terms and conditions upon which such awards were made, notwithstanding the amendments made by this Act.
"(B) Subparagraph (A) does not apply with respect to the amendments made by this Act to part B of title XIX of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 300x et seq.]. Section 205(a) [42 U.S.C. 300x note] applies with respect to the program established in such part."
For termination, effective May 15, 2000, of provisions in subsec. (e) of this section relating to the requirement to submit an annual report to certain committees of Congress, see section 3003 of Pub. L. 104–66, as amended, set out as a note under section 1113 of Title 31, Money and Finance, and page 101 of House Document No. 103–7.
Pub. L. 102–531, title III, §312(i), Oct. 27, 1992, 106 Stat. 3506, provided that: "The amendments made by this section [amending this section, sections 247d, 280b to 280b–2, 285c–4, 285d–7, 285m–4, 289c, 290aa–9, 290bb–1, 300u–5, 300aa–2, 300aa–19, 300aa–26, 300cc, 300cc–2, 300cc–15, 300cc–17, 300cc–20, 300cc–31, 300ee–1, 300ee–2, 300ee–31, 300ee–32, 300ee–34, 300ff–11 to 300ff–13, 300ff–17, 300ff–27, 300ff–28, 300ff–41, 300ff–43, 300ff–49, 300ff–75, 4841, and 9604 of this title, section 1341 of Title 15, Commerce and Trade, section 2001 of Title 25, Indians, and provisions set out as notes under sections 241 and 281 of this title and section 303 of Title 38, Veterans' Benefits] may not be construed as prohibiting the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from utilizing for official purposes the term 'CDC' as an acronym for such Centers."
Pub. L. 99–91, §4, Aug. 15, 1985, 99 Stat. 388, as amended by Pub. L. 100–290, §4, Apr. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 92; Pub. L. 102–321, title I, §163(c)(1), July 10, 1992, 106 Stat. 376, provided that:
"(1) basic research conducted on rare diseases;
"(2) the use in research on rare diseases of knowledge developed in other research;
"(3) applied and clinical research on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of rare diseases; and
"(4) the dissemination to the public, health care professionals, researchers, and drug and medical device manufacturers of knowledge developed in research on rare diseases and other diseases which can be used in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of rare diseases.
"(1) the appropriateness of the priorities currently placed on research on rare diseases;
"(2) the relative effectiveness of grants and contracts when used to fund research on rare diseases;
"(3) the appropriateness of specific requirements applicable to applications for funds for research on rare diseases taking into consideration the reasonable capacity of applicants to meet such requirements;
"(4) the adequacy of the scientific basis for such research, including the adequacy of the research facilities and research resources used in such research and the appropriateness of the scientific training of the personnel engaged in such research;
"(5) the effectiveness of activities undertaken to encourage such research;
"(6) the organization of the peer review process applicable to applications for funds for such research to determine if the organization of the peer review process could be revised to improve the effectiveness of the review provided to proposals for research on rare diseases;
"(7) the effectiveness of the coordination between the national research institutes of the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and private entities in supporting such research; and
"(8) the effectiveness of activities undertaken to assure that knowledge developed in research on nonrare diseases is, when appropriate, used in research on rare diseases.
"(1) Ten members shall be appointed from individuals who are not officers or employees of the Government and who by virtue of their training or experience in research on rare diseases or in the treatment of rare diseases are qualified to serve on the Commission.
"(2) Five members shall be appointed from individuals who are not officers or employees of the Government and who have a rare disease or are employed to represent or are members of an organization concerned about rare disease.
"(3) Four nonvoting members shall be appointed for the directors of the national research institutes of the National Institutes of Health which the Secretary determines are involved with rare diseases.
"(4) One nonvoting member shall be appointed from officers or employees of the Food and Drug Administration who the Secretary determines are involved with rare diseases.
A vacancy in the Commission shall be filled in the manner in which the original appointment was made. If any member of the Commission who was appointed to the Commission as a director of a national research institute or as an officer or employee of the Food and Drug Administration leaves that office or position, or if any member of the Commission who was appointed from persons who are not officers or employees of the Government becomes an officer or employee of the Government, such member may continue as a member of the Commission for not longer than the ninety-day period beginning on the date such member leaves that office or position or becomes such an officer or employee, as the case may be.
"(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), members of the Commission shall each be entitled to receive compensation at a rate not to exceed the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay in effect for grade GS–18 of the General Schedule for each day (including traveltime) during which they are engaged in the actual performance of duties as members of the Commission.
"(2) Members of the Commission who are full-time officers or employees of the Government shall receive no additional pay by reason of their service on the Commission.
"(1) a long range plan for the use of public and private resources to improve research into rare diseases and to assist in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of rare diseases; and
"(2) such legislation or administrative actions as it considers appropriate.
1 So in original. The semicolon probably should be a comma.
2 See References in Text note below.
(1) There shall be in the Public Health Service a Silvio O. Conte Senior Biomedical Research Service, not to exceed 500 members.
(2) The authority established in paragraph (1) regarding the number of members in the Silvio O. Conte Senior Biomedical Research Service is in addition to any authority established regarding the number of members in the commissioned Regular Corps, in the Reserve Corps, and in the Senior Executive Service. Such paragraph may not be construed to require that the number of members in the commissioned Regular Corps, in the Reserve Corps, or in the Senior Executive Service be reduced to offset the number of members serving in the Silvio O. Conte Senior Biomedical Research Service (in this section referred to as the "Service").
The Service shall be appointed by the Secretary without regard to the provisions of title 5 regarding appointment, and shall consist of individuals outstanding in the field of biomedical research or clinical research evaluation. No individual may be appointed to the Service unless such individual (1) has earned a doctoral level degree in biomedicine or a related field, and (2) meets the qualification standards prescribed by the Office of Personnel Management for appointment to a position at GS–15 of the General Schedule. Notwithstanding any previous applicability to an individual who is a member of the Service, the provisions of subchapter I of chapter 35 (relating to retention preference), chapter 43 (relating to performance appraisal and performance actions), chapter 51 (relating to classification), subchapter III of chapter 53 (relating to General Schedule pay rates), and chapter 75 (relating to adverse actions) of title 5 shall not apply to any member of the Service.
The Secretary shall develop a performance appraisal system designed to—
(1) provide for the systematic appraisal of the performance of members, and
(2) encourage excellence in performance by members.
(1) The Secretary shall determine, subject to the provisions of this subsection, the pay of members of the Service.
(2) The pay of a member of the Service shall not be less than the minimum rate payable for GS–15 of the General Schedule and shall not exceed the rate payable for level I of the Executive Schedule unless approved by the President under section 5377(d)(2) of title 5.
The Secretary may, upon the request of a member who—
(1) performed service in the employ of an institution of higher education immediately prior to his appointment as a member of the Service, and
(2) retains the right to continue to make contributions to the retirement system of such institution,
contribute an amount not to exceed 10 percent per annum of the member's basic pay to such institution's retirement system on behalf of such member. A member who requests that such contribution be made shall not be covered by, or earn service credit under, any retirement system established for employees of the United States under title 5, but such service shall be creditable for determining years of service under section 6303(a) of such title.
Subject to the following sentence, the Secretary may, notwithstanding the provisions of title 5 regarding appointment, appoint an individual who is separated from the Service involuntarily and without cause to a position in the competitive civil service at GS–15 of the General Schedule, and such appointment shall be a career appointment. In the case of such an individual who immediately prior to his appointment to the Service was not a career appointee in the civil service or the Senior Executive Service, such appointment shall be in the excepted civil service and may not exceed a period of 2 years.
The Secretary shall promulgate such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this section, as may be necessary for the efficient administration of the Service.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §228, as added Pub. L. 101–509, title V, §529 [title III, §304(a)], Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1427, 1463; amended Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2001, June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 208.)
The General Schedule, referred to in subsecs. (b), (d)(2), and (f), is set out under section 5332 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.
The provisions of title 5 regarding appointments, referred to in subsecs. (b) and (f), are classified to section 3301 et seq. of Title 5.
Level I of the Executive Schedule, referred to in subsec. (d)(2), is set out in section 5312 of Title 5.
1993—Pub. L. 103–43, §2001(b), substituted "Silvio O. Conte Senior Biomedical Research Service" for "Senior Biomedical Research Service" in section catchline.
Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 103–43, §2001(a), amended subsec. (a) generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (a) read as follows: "There shall be in the Public Health Service a Senior Biomedical Research Service (hereinafter in this section referred to as the 'Service'), not to exceed 350 members at any time."
Section effective on the 90th day following Nov. 5, 1990, see section 529 [title III, §304(c)] of Pub. L. 101–509, set out as an Effective Date of 1990 Amendment note under section 212 of this title.
There is established within the Office of the Secretary, an Office on Women's Health (referred to in this section as the "Office"). The Office shall be headed by a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women's Health who may report to the Secretary.
The Secretary, acting through the Office, with respect to the health concerns of women, shall—
(1) establish short-range and long-range goals and objectives within the Department of Health and Human Services and, as relevant and appropriate, coordinate with other appropriate offices on activities within the Department that relate to disease prevention, health promotion, service delivery, research, and public and health care professional education, for issues of particular concern to women throughout their lifespan; 1
(2) provide expert advice and consultation to the Secretary concerning scientific, legal, ethical, and policy issues relating to women's health;
(3) monitor the Department of Health and Human Services' offices, agencies, and regional activities regarding women's health and identify needs regarding the coordination of activities, including intramural and extramural multidisciplinary activities;
(4) establish a Department of Health and Human Services Coordinating Committee on Women's Health, which shall be chaired by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women's Health and composed of senior level representatives from each of the agencies and offices of the Department of Health and Human Services;
(5) establish a National Women's Health Information Center to—
(A) facilitate the exchange of information regarding matters relating to health information, health promotion, preventive health services, research advances, and education in the appropriate use of health care;
(B) facilitate access to such information;
(C) assist in the analysis of issues and problems relating to the matters described in this paragraph; and
(D) provide technical assistance with respect to the exchange of information (including facilitating the development of materials for such technical assistance);
(6) coordinate efforts to promote women's health programs and policies with the private sector; and
(7) through publications and any other means appropriate, provide for the exchange of information between the Office and recipients of grants, contracts, and agreements under subsection (c), and between the Office and health professionals and the general public.
In carrying out subsection (b), the Secretary may make grants to, and enter into cooperative agreements, contracts, and interagency agreements with, public and private entities, agencies, and organizations.
The Secretary shall directly or through contracts with public and private entities, agencies, and organizations, provide for evaluations of projects carried out with financial assistance provided under paragraph (1) and for the dissemination of information developed as a result of such projects.
Not later than 1 year after March 23, 2010, and every second year thereafter, the Secretary shall prepare and submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report describing the activities carried out under this section during the period for which the report is being prepared.
For the purpose of carrying out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2010 through 2014.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §229, as added Pub. L. 111–148, title III, §3509(a)(1), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 531.)
Pub. L. 111–148, title III, §3509(j), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 537, provided that: "Nothing in this section [enacting this section, sections 242s, 299b–24a, and 914 of this title and section 399b of Title 21, Food and Drugs, amending sections 287d, 290aa, 299b–25, and 299b–26 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section] (or the amendments made by this section) shall be construed to limit the authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to women's health, or with respect to activities carried out through the Department of Health and Human Services on the date of enactment of this section [Mar. 23, 2010]."
Pub. L. 111–148, title III, §3509(a)(2), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 533, provided that: "There are transferred to the Office on Women's Health (established under section 229 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 237a], as added by this section), all functions exercised by the Office on Women's Health of the Public Health Service prior to the date of enactment of this section [Mar. 23, 2010], including all personnel and compensation authority, all delegation and assignment authority, and all remaining appropriations. All orders, determinations, rules, regulations, permits, agreements, grants, contracts, certificates, licenses, registrations, privileges, and other administrative actions that—
"(A) have been issued, made, granted, or allowed to become effective by the President, any Federal agency or official thereof, or by a court of competent jurisdiction, in the performance of functions transferred under this paragraph; and
"(B) are in effect at the time this section takes effect, or were final before the date of enactment of this section and are to become effective on or after such date,
shall continue in effect according to their terms until modified, terminated, superseded, set aside, or revoked in accordance with law by the President, the Secretary, or other authorized official, a court of competent jurisdiction, or by operation of law."
Pub. L. 111–148, title III, §3509(h), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 537, provided that: "Nothing in this section [enacting this section, sections 242s, 299b–24a, and 914 of this title and section 399b of Title 21, Food and Drugs, amending sections 287d, 290aa, 299b–25, and 299b–26 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section] and the amendments made by this section may be construed as establishing regulatory authority or modifying any existing regulatory authority."
Pub. L. 111–148, title III, §3509(i), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 537, provided that: "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a Federal office of women's health (including the Office of Research on Women's Health of the National Institutes of Health) or Federal appointive position with primary responsibility over women's health issues (including the Associate Administrator for Women's Services under the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) that is in existence on the date of enactment of this section [Mar. 23, 2010] shall not be terminated, reorganized, or have any of it's [sic] powers or duties transferred unless such termination, reorganization, or transfer is approved by Congress through the adoption of a concurrent resolution of approval."
1 So in original. Probably should be "lifespans;".
This part was classified to subchapter XXV (§300aaa et seq.) of this chapter prior to its renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.
The Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to accept on behalf of the United States gifts made unconditionally by will or otherwise for the benefit of the Service or for the carrying out of any of its functions. Conditional gifts may be so accepted if recommended by the Surgeon General, and the principal of and income from any such conditional gift shall be held, invested, reinvested, and used in accordance with its conditions, but no gift shall be accepted which is conditioned upon any expenditure not to be met therefrom or from the income thereof unless such expenditure has been approved by Act of Congress.
Any unconditional gift of money accepted pursuant to the authority granted in subsection (a) of this section, the net proceeds from the liquidation (pursuant to subsection (c) or subsection (d) of this section) of any other property so accepted, and the proceeds of insurance on any such gift property not used for its restoration, shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States and are hereby appropriated and shall be held in trust by the Secretary of the Treasury for the benefit of the Service, and he may invest and reinvest such funds in interest-bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States. Such gifts and the income from such investments shall be available for expenditure in the operation of the Service and the performance of its functions, subject to the same examination and audit as is provided for appropriations made for the Service by Congress.
The evidences of any unconditional gift of intangible personal property, other than money, accepted pursuant to the authority granted in subsection (a) of this section shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury and he, in his discretion, may hold them, or liquidate them except that they shall be liquidated upon the request of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, whenever necessary to meet payments required in the operation of the Service or the performance of its functions. The proceeds and income from any such property held by the Secretary of the Treasury shall be available for expenditure as is provided in subsection (b) of this section.
The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall hold any real property or any tangible personal property accepted unconditionally pursuant to the authority granted in subsection (a) of this section and he shall permit such property to be used for the operation of the Service and the performance of its functions or he may lease or hire such property, and may insure such property, and deposit the income thereof with the Secretary of the Treasury to be available for expenditure as provided in subsection (b) of this section: Provided, That the income from any such real property or tangible personal property shall be available for expenditure in the discretion of the Secretary of Health and Human Services for the maintenance, preservation, or repair and insurance of such property and that any proceeds from insurance may be used to restore the property insured. Any such property when not required for the operation of the Service or the performance of its functions may be liquidated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the proceeds thereof deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury, whenever in his judgment the purposes of the gifts will be served thereby.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §231, formerly title V, §501, 58 Stat. 709; July 3, 1946, ch. 538, §10, 60 Stat. 425; June 16, 1948, ch. 481, §6(b), 62 Stat. 469; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Pub. L. 90–574, title V, §503(b), Oct. 15, 1968, 82 Stat. 1012; Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §509(b), Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 695; renumbered title XXI, §2101, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2301, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2501, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (2), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062; renumbered title XXVI, §2601, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2701, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §231, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 219 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
1968—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 90–574 struck out subsec. (e) which provided for acknowledgment of donations of $50,000 or more in aid of research by the establishment of suitable memorials within the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Mental Health.
1948—Subsec. (e). Act June 16, 1948, substituted "National Institutes of Health" for "National Institute of Health".
1946—Subsec. (e). Act July 3, 1946, inserted reference to National Institute of Mental Health.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
The Immigration and Naturalization Service may, by agreement of the heads of the departments concerned, permit the Public Health Service to use hospitals at immigration stations for the care of Public Health Service patients. The Surgeon General shall reimburse the Immigration and Naturalization Service for the actual cost of furnishing fuel, light, water, telephone, and similar supplies and services, which reimbursement shall be covered into the proper Immigration and Naturalization Service appropriation, or such costs may be paid from working funds established as provided by law, but no charge shall be made for the expense of physical upkeep of the hospitals. The Immigration and Naturalization Service shall reimburse the Surgeon General for the care and treatment of persons detained in hospitals of the Public Health Service at the request of the Immigration and Naturalization Service unless such persons are entitled to care and treatment under section 249(a) 1 of this title.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §232, formerly title V, §502, 58 Stat. 710, renumbered title XXI, §2102, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2302, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2502, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (2), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062; renumbered title XXVI, §2602, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2702, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §232, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
Subsec. (a) of section 249 of this title, referred to in text, which related to persons entitled to care and treatment without charge, was repealed, and subsec. (c) of section 249 of this title was redesignated as subsec. (a), by Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §986(a), (b)(2), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 603.
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–1 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–1 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–1 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 220 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of all other officers of Department of Justice and functions of all agencies and employees of such Department, with a few exceptions, transferred to Attorney General, with power vested in him to authorize their performance or performance of any of his functions by any of such officers, agencies, and employees, by sections 1 and 2 of Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1950, eff. May 24, 1950, 15 F.R. 3173, 64 Stat. 1261, which were repealed by Pub. L. 89–554, §8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 662. Immigration and Naturalization Service, referred to in this section, was a bureau in Department of Justice.
For abolition of Immigration and Naturalization Service, transfer of functions, and treatment of related references, see note set out under section 1551 of Title 8, Aliens and Nationality.
1 See References in Text note below.
Money collected as provided by law for expenses incurred in the care and treatment of foreign seamen, and money received for the care and treatment of pay patients, including any amounts received from any executive department on account of care and treatment of pay patients, shall be covered into the appropriation from which the expenses of such care and treatment were paid.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §233, formerly title V, §503, 58 Stat. 710, renumbered title XXI, §2103, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2303, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2503, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (2), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062; renumbered title XXVI, §2603, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2703, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §233, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–2 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–2 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–2 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 221 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
Appropriations available for traveling expenses of the Service shall be available for meeting the cost of preparation for burial and of transportation to the place of burial of remains of commissioned officers, and of personnel specified in regulations, who die in line of duty. Appropriations available for carrying out the provisions of this chapter shall also be available for the payment of such expenses relating to the recovery, care and disposition of the remains of personnel or their dependents as may be authorized under other provisions of law.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §234, formerly title V, §506, 58 Stat. 710; July 15, 1954, ch. 507, §14(b), 68 Stat. 481; renumbered title XXI, §2106, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2306, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2504, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2604, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2704, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §234, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–3 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–5 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–5 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 224 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
1954—Act July 15, 1954, inserted sentence at end relating to availability of appropriations for paying expenses relating to recovery, care, and disposition of the remains of personnel or their dependents.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Recovery, care and disposition of the remains of deceased members of the uniformed services and other deceased personnel, see section 1481 et seq. of Title 10, Armed Forces.
Appropriations to the Public Health Service available under this chapter for research, training, or demonstration project grants or for grants to expand existing treatment and research programs and facilities for alcoholism, narcotic addiction, drug abuse, and drug dependence and appropriations under title VI of the Mental Health Systems Act [42 U.S.C. 9511 et seq.] shall also be available on the same terms and conditions as apply to non-Federal institutions, for grants for the same purpose to Federal institutions, except that grants to Federal institutions may be funded at 100 per centum of the costs.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §235, formerly title V, §507, as added Pub. L. 90–31, §5, June 24, 1967, 81 Stat. 79; amended Pub. L. 91–513, title I, §3(c), Oct. 27, 1970, 84 Stat. 1241; Pub. L. 94–278, title XI, §1102(b), Apr. 22, 1976, 90 Stat. 415; Pub. L. 96–398, title VIII, §804(b), Oct. 7, 1980, 94 Stat. 1608; Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §902(g)(2), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 560; renumbered title XXI, §2107, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2307, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2505, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2605, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2705, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §235, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
The Mental Health Systems Act, referred to in text, is Pub. L. 96–398, Oct. 7, 1980, 94 Stat. 1564, as amended. Title VI of the Mental Health Systems Act is classified generally to subchapter V (§9511 et seq.) of chapter 102 of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 9401 of this title and Tables.
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–4 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–6 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–6 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 225a of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
1981—Pub. L. 97–35 struck out provisions relating to appropriations available under Community Mental Health Centers Act for construction, etc.
1980—Pub. L. 96–398 struck out "and" after "drug dependence," and inserted reference to title VI of the Mental Health Systems Act.
1976—Pub. L. 94–278 substituted "Federal institutions, except that grants to" for "hospitals of the Service, of the Veterans' Administration, or of the Bureau of Prisons of the Department of Justice, and to Saint Elizabeths Hospital, except grants to such".
1970—Pub. L. 91–513 inserted references to appropriations available for grants to expand existing treatment and research programs and facilities for alcoholism, narcotic addiction, drug abuse, and drug dependence, and appropriations available under Community Mental Health Centers Act for construction and staffing of community mental health centers and alcoholism and narcotic addiction, drug abuse, and drug dependence facilities, and inserted provision that grants to specified Federal institutions may be funded at 100 per centum of the costs.
Amendment by Pub. L. 97–35 effective Oct. 1, 1981, see section 902(h) of Pub. L. 97–35, set out as a note under section 238l of this title.
Pub. L. 90–31, §5, June 24, 1967, 81 Stat. 79, provided that this section is effective July 1, 1968.
For the purpose of any reorganization under section 203 of this title, the Secretary, with the approval of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, is authorized to make such transfers of funds between appropriations as may be necessary for the continuance of transferred functions.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §236, formerly title V, §508, 58 Stat. 711; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; 1970 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §102, eff. July 1, 1970, 35 F.R. 7959, 84 Stat. 2085; renumbered title XXI, §2108, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2308, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2506, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2606, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2706, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §236, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–5 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–7 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–7 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 226 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
Functions vested by law (including reorganization plan) in Bureau of the Budget or Director of Bureau of the Budget transferred to President of the United States by section 101 of Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1970, eff. July 1, 1970, 35 F.R. 7959, 84 Stat. 2085, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. Section 102 of Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1970 redesignated Bureau of the Budget as Office of Management and Budget.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Appropriations for carrying out the purposes of this chapter shall be available for expenditure for personal services and rent at the seat of Government; books of reference, periodicals, and exhibits; printing and binding; transporting in Government-owned automotive equipment, to and from school, children of personnel who have quarters for themselves and their families at stations determined by the Surgeon General to be isolated stations; expenses incurred in pursuing, identifying, and returning prisoners who escape from any hospital, institution, or station of the Service or from the custody of any officer or employee of the Service, including rewards for the capture of such prisoners; furnishing, repairing, and cleaning such wearing apparel as may be prescribed by the Surgeon General for use by employees in the performance of their official duties; reimbursing officers and employees, subject to regulations of the Secretary, for the cost of repairing or replacing their personal belongings damaged or destroyed by patients while such officers or employees are engaged in the performance of their official duties; and maintenance of buildings of the National Institutes of Health.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §237, formerly title V, §509, 58 Stat. 711; June 16, 1948, ch. 481, §6(b), 62 Stat. 469; June 25, 1948, ch. 654, §7, 62 Stat. 1018; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; renumbered title XXI, §2109, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2309, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2507, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2607, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2707, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §237, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–6 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–8 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–8 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 227 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
1948—Act June 25, 1948, amended section generally to make it apply to all appropriations to carry out the purposes of the Service instead of merely to appropriations to carry out the research functions of the Service.
Act June 16, 1948, substituted "National Institutes of Health" for "National Institute of Health".
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 3501 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2004, June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 209, as amended by Pub. L. 105–392, title IV, §416(a), (b), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3590, provided that:
[Pub. L. 105–392, title IV, §416(c), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3591, provided that: "This section [amending section 2004 of Pub. L. 103–43, set out above] is deemed to have taken effect immediately after the enactment of Public Law 103–43 [June 10, 1993]."]
Pub. L. 102–394, title II, §202, Oct. 6, 1992, 106 Stat. 1810, as amended by Pub. L. 111–8, div. F, title II, §222, Mar. 11, 2009, 123 Stat. 784; Pub. L. 111–148, title V, §5209, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 613, provided that: "Appropriations in this or any other Act or subsequent Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Acts shall be available for expenses for active commissioned officers in the Public Health Service Reserve Corps and for commissioned officers in the Regular Corps; expenses incident to the dissemination of health information in foreign countries through exhibits and other appropriate means; advances of funds for compensation, travel, and subsistence expenses (or per diem in lieu thereof) for persons coming from abroad to participate in health or scientific activities of the Department pursuant to law; expenses of primary and secondary schooling of dependents in foreign countries, of Public Health Service commissioned officers stationed in foreign countries, at costs for any given area not in excess of those of the Department of Defense for the same area, when it is determined by the Secretary that the schools available in the locality are unable to provide adequately for the education of such dependents, and for the transportation of such dependents, between such schools and their places of residence when the schools are not accessible to such dependents by regular means of transportation; expenses for medical care for civilian and commissioned employees of the Public Health Service and their dependents assigned abroad on a permanent basis in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may provide; rental or lease of living quarters (for periods not exceeding five years), and provision of heat, fuel, and light and maintenance, improvement, and repair of such quarters, and advance payments therefor, for civilian officers and employees of the Public Health Service who are United States citizens and who have a permanent station in a foreign country; purchase, erection, and maintenance of temporary or portable structures; and for the payment of compensation to consultants or individual scientists appointed for limited periods of time pursuant to section 207(f) or section 207(g) of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 209(f), (g)], at rates established by the Assistant Secretary for Health, or the Secretary where such action is required by statute, not to exceed the per diem rate equivalent to the maximum rate payable for senior-level positions under 5 U.S.C. 5376."
[Pub. L. 111–148, §5209, which directed amendment of Pub. L. 102–394, §202, set out above, by striking out "not to exceed 2,800", was executed by striking out "not to exceed 4,000" before "commissioned officers in the Regular Corps", to reflect the probable intent of Congress.]
[For reference to maximum rate under section 5376 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, see section 2(d)(3) of Pub. L. 110–372, set out as an Effective Date of 2008 Amendment note under section 5376 of Title 5.]
Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation acts:
Pub. L. 102–170, title II, §202, Nov. 26, 1991, 105 Stat. 1126.
Pub. L. 101–517, title II, §202, Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2208.
Pub. L. 101–166, title II, §203, Nov. 21, 1989, 103 Stat. 1176.
Pub. L. 100–202, §101(h) [title II, §203], Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1329–256, 1329–273.
Pub. L. 99–500, §101(i) [H.R. 5233, title II, §203], Oct. 18, 1986, 100 Stat. 1783–287, and Pub. L. 99–591, §101(i) [H.R. 5233, title II, §203], Oct. 30, 1986, 100 Stat. 3341–287.
Pub. L. 99–178, title II, §203, Dec. 12, 1985, 99 Stat. 1118.
Pub. L. 98–619, title II, §203, Nov. 8, 1984, 98 Stat. 3320.
Pub. L. 98–139, title II, §203, Oct. 31, 1983, 97 Stat. 887.
Pub. L. 97–377, title I, §101(e)(1) [title II, §203], Dec. 21, 1982, 96 Stat. 1878, 1893.
Pub. L. 102–394, title II, §206, Oct. 6, 1992, 106 Stat. 1811, provided that: "Hereafter amounts received from employees of the Department in payment for room and board may be credited to the appropriation accounts which finance the activities of the Public Health Service."
Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation acts:
Pub. L. 102–170, title II, §206, Nov. 26, 1991, 105 Stat. 1126.
Pub. L. 101–517, title II, §206, Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2209.
Pub. L. 101–166, title II, §207, Nov. 21, 1989, 103 Stat. 1177.
Except as may be authorized by regulations of the President, the insignia and uniform of commissioned officers of the Service, or any distinctive part of such insignia or uniform, or any insignia or uniform any part of which is similar to a distinctive part thereof, shall not be worn, after the promulgation of such regulations, by any person other than a commissioned officer of the Service.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §238, formerly title V, §510, 58 Stat. 711; June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §5, 62 Stat. 859; renumbered title XXI, §2110, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2310, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2508, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2608, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2708, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §238, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–7 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–9 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–9 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 228 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
1948—Act June 25, 1948, struck out penal provisions. See section 702 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure.
Amendment effective Sept. 1, 1948, see section 20 of act June 25, 1948.
Functions of Public Health Service, Surgeon General of Public Health Service, and all other officers and employees of Public Health Service, and functions of all agencies of or in Public Health Service transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.
Functions of President delegated to Secretary of Health and Human Services, see Ex. Ord. No. 11140, Jan. 30, 1964, 29 F.R. 1637, as amended, set out as a note under section 202 of this title.
The Surgeon General shall transmit to the Secretary, for submission to the Congress, on January 1, 1995, and on January 1, every 2 years thereafter, a full report of the administration of the functions of the Service under this chapter, including a detailed statement of receipts and disbursements.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §239, formerly title V, §511, 58 Stat. 711; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; renumbered title XXI, §2111, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2311, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2509, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2609, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2709, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §239, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213; Pub. L. 104–66, title I, §1062(a), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 720.)
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–8 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–10 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–10 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 229 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
1995—Pub. L. 104–66 amended section catchline and text generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "The Surgeon General shall transmit to the Secretary, for submission to the Congress at the beginning of each regular session, a full report of the administration of the functions of the Service under this chapter, including a detailed statement of receipts and disbursements."
For termination, effective May 15, 2000, of provisions of law requiring submittal to Congress of any annual, semiannual, or other regular periodic report listed in House Document No. 103–7 (in which item 3 on page 101 identifies a reporting provision which, as subsequently amended, is contained in this section), see section 3003 of Pub. L. 104–66, as amended, and section 1(a)(4) [div. A, §1402(1)] of Pub. L. 106–554, set out as notes under section 1113 of Title 31, Money and Finance.
Office of Surgeon General abolished by section 3 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, eff. June 25, 1966, 31 F.R. 8855, 80 Stat. 1610, and functions thereof transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 1 of Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1966, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education. Office of Surgeon General reestablished within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, see Notice of Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Mar. 30, 1987, 52 F.R. 11754.
Functions of Federal Security Administrator transferred to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of Federal Security Agency transferred to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out as a note under section 202 of this title. Federal Security Agency and office of Administrator abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Secretary and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare redesignated Secretary and Department of Health and Human Services by section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88 which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20.
Pub. L. 93–641, §7, Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2275, provided that by Jan. 4, 1976, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare report to specific committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives on the identity, due date, etc., of certain reports required under the Public Health Service Act, the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963, or the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970.
The Secretary may provide for suitably acknowledging, within the Department (whether by memorials, designations, or other suitable acknowledgments), (1) efforts of persons who have contributed substantially to the health of the Nation and (2) gifts for use in activities of the Department related to health.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §240, formerly title V, §512, as added Pub. L. 90–574, title V, §503(a), Oct. 15, 1968, 82 Stat. 1012; renumbered title XXI, §2112, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2312, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2510, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2610, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2710, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §240, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–9 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–11 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–11 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 229a of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
Such portion as the Secretary shall determine, but not less than 0.2 percent nor more than 1 percent, of any amounts appropriated for programs authorized under this chapter shall be made available for the evaluation (directly, or by grants of contracts) of the implementation and effectiveness of such programs.
Not later than February 1 of each year, the Secretary shall prepare and submit to the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives a report summarizing the findings of the evaluations conducted under subsection (a) of this section.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §241, formerly title V, §513, as added Pub. L. 91–296, title IV, §401(a), June 30, 1970, 84 Stat. 351; amended Pub. L. 96–398, title VIII, §804(c), Oct. 7, 1980, 94 Stat. 1608; Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §902(g)(3), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 560; renumbered title XXI, §2113, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2313, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2511, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2611, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2711, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §241, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213; Pub. L. 103–183, title VII, §701, Dec. 14, 1993, 107 Stat. 2239.)
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–10 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–12 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–12 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 229b of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
1993—Pub. L. 103–183 amended section generally. Prior to amendment, section read as follows: "Such portion as the Secretary may determine, but not more than 1 per centum, of any appropriation for grants, contracts, or other payments under any provision of this chapter, the Mental Health Systems Act, the Act of August 5, 1954 (Public Law 568, Eighty–third Congress), or the Act of August 16, 1957 (Public Law 85–151), for any fiscal year beginning after June 30, 1970, shall be available for evaluation (directly, or by grants or contracts) of any program authorized by this chapter or any of such other Acts, and, in the case of allotments from any such appropriation, the amount available for allotment shall be reduced accordingly."
1981—Pub. L. 97–35 struck out references to Mental Retardation Facilities Construction Act and Community Mental Health Centers Act.
1980—Pub. L. 96–398 inserted reference to Mental Health Systems Act.
Committee on Labor and Human Resources of Senate changed to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of Senate by Senate Resolution No. 20, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 19, 1999.
Committee on Energy and Commerce of House of Representatives treated as referring to Committee on Commerce of House of Representatives by section 1(a) of Pub. L. 104–14, set out as a note preceding section 21 of Title 2, The Congress. Committee on Commerce of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Energy and Commerce of House of Representatives, and jurisdiction over matters relating to securities and exchanges and insurance generally transferred to Committee on Financial Services of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Jan. 3, 2001.
Pub. L. 103–183, title VII, §701, Dec. 14, 1993, 107 Stat. 2239, provided that the amendment made by that section is effective Oct. 1, 1994.
Amendment by Pub. L. 97–35 effective Oct. 1, 1981, see section 902(h) of Pub. L. 97–35, set out as a note under section 238l of this title.
The authority of the Secretary to enter into contracts under this chapter shall be effective for any fiscal year only to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in advance by appropriation Acts.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §242, formerly title V, §514, as added Pub. L. 95–623, §11(e), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3456; renumbered title XXI, §2114, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; renumbered title XXIII, §2314, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2512, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2612, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2712, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §242, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
Section was formerly classified to section 300aaa–11 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–13 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–13 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, and to section 229c of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24.
Pub. L. 105–277, div. A, §101(f) [title II], Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–337, 2681–349, provided in part: "That hereinafter obligations may be incurred related to agreement with private entities without receipt of advance payment."
If any facility with respect to which funds have been paid under the Community Mental Health Centers Act [42 U.S.C. 2689 et seq.] (as such Act was in effect prior to October 1, 1981) is, at any time within twenty years after the completion of remodeling, construction, or expansion or after the date of its acquisition—
(1) sold or transferred to any entity (A) which would not have been qualified to file an application under section 222 of such Act [42 U.S.C. 2689j] (as such section was in effect prior to October 1, 1981) or (B) which is disapproved as a transferee by the State mental health agency or by another entity designated by the chief executive officer of the State, or
(2) ceases to be used by a community mental health center in the provision of comprehensive mental health services,
the United States shall be entitled to recover from the transferor, transferee, or owner of the facility, the base amount prescribed by subsection (c)(1) of this section plus the interest (if any) prescribed by subsection (c)(2) of this section.
The transferor and transferee of a facility that is sold or transferred as described in subsection (a)(1) of this section, or the owner of a facility the use of which changes as described in subsection (a)(2) of this section, shall provide the Secretary written notice of such sale, transfer, or change within 10 days after the date on which such sale, transfer, or cessation of use occurs or within 30 days after October 22, 1985, whichever is later.
(1) The base amount that the United States is entitled to recover under subsection (a) of this section is the amount bearing the same ratio to the then value (as determined by the agreement of the parties or in an action brought in the district court of the United States for the district in which the facility is situated) of so much of the facility as constituted an approved project or projects as the amount of the Federal participation bore to the cost of the remodeling, construction, expansion, or acquisition of the project or projects.
(2)(A) The interest that the United States is entitled to recover under subsection (a) of this section is the interest for the period (if any) described in subparagraph (B) at a rate (determined by the Secretary) based on the average of the bond equivalent rates of ninety-one-day Treasury bills auctioned during that period.
(B) The period referred to in subparagraph (A) is the period beginning—
(i) if notice is provided as prescribed by subsection (b) of this section, 191 days after the date on which such sale, transfer, or cessation of use occurs, or
(ii) if notice is not provided as prescribed by subsection (b) of this section, 11 days after such sale, transfer, or cessation of use occurs,
and ending on the date the amount the United States is entitled to recover is collected.
The Secretary may waive the recovery rights of the United States under subsection (a) of this section with respect to a facility (under such conditions as the Secretary may establish by regulation) if the Secretary determines that there is good cause for waiving such rights.
The right of recovery of the United States under subsection (a) of this section shall not, prior to judgment, constitute a lien on any facility.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §243, formerly title V, §515, formerly Pub. L. 88–164, title II, §225, as added Pub. L. 94–63, title III, §303, July 29, 1975, 89 Stat. 326; amended Pub. L. 95–622, title I, §110(c), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3420; renumbered title V, §515, and amended Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §902(e)(2)(A), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 560; renumbered title XXI, §2115, Pub. L. 98–24, §2(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 176; Pub. L. 99–129, title II, §226(a), Oct. 22, 1985, 99 Stat. 546; renumbered title XXIII, §2315, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2513, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2613, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2713, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; Pub. L. 102–229, title II, §208, Dec. 12, 1991, 105 Stat. 1716; Pub. L. 102–239, §1, Dec. 17, 1991, 105 Stat. 1912; renumbered title II, §243, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
The Community Mental Health Centers Act, referred to in subsec. (a), is title II of Pub. L. 88–164, as added by Pub. L. 94–63, title III, §303, July 29, 1975, 89 Stat. 309, and amended, which was classified principally to subchapter III (§2689 et seq.) of chapter 33 of this title prior to its repeal by Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §902(e)(2)(B), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 560. Section 222 of the Community Mental Health Centers Act was classified to section 2689j of this title prior to its repeal.
Section was classified to section 300aaa–12 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–14 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, to section 300aa–14 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660, to section 229d of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 98–24, and to section 2689m of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 97–35.
1991—Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 102–229 and Pub. L. 102–239 amended subsec. (d) identically, substituting "subsection (a)" for "subsection (a)(2)".
1985—Pub. L. 99–129 amended section generally. Prior to amendment, section read as follows: "If any facility of a community mental health center acquired, remodeled, constructed, or expanded with funds provided under the Community Mental Health Centers Act is, at any time within twenty years after the completion of such remodeling, construction, or expansion or after the date of its acquisition with such funds—
"(1) sold or transferred to any person or entity (A) which is not qualified to file an application under section 222 of the Community Mental Health Centers Act, or (B) which is not approved as a transferee by the State agency of the State in which such facility is located, or its successor; or
"(2) not used by a community mental health center in the provision of comprehensive mental health services, and the Secretary has not determined that there is good cause for termination of such use,
the United States shall be entitled to recover from either the transferor or the transferee in the case of a sale or transfer or from the owner in the case of termination of use an amount bearing the same ratio to the then value (as determined by the agreement of the parties or by action brought in the United States district court for the district in which the center is situated) of so much of such facility or center as constituted an approved project or projects, as the amount of the Federal participation bore to the acquisition, remodeling, construction, or expansion cost of such project or projects. Such right of recovery shall not constitute a lien upon such facility or center prior to judgment."
1981—Pub. L. 97–35 substituted "the Community Mental Health Centers Act" for "this subchapter" and "section 222 of the Community Mental Health Centers Act" for "section 2689j of this title".
1978—Pub. L. 95–622 substituted "this subchapter" for "this part".
Pub. L. 99–129, title II, §226(b), Oct. 22, 1985, 99 Stat. 547, provided that: "In the case of any facility that was or is constructed, remodeled, expanded, or acquired on or before the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 22, 1985] or within 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the period described in clause (i) or (ii), as the case may be, of section 2115(c)(2)(B) [now 243(c)(2)(B)] of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 238l(c)(2)(B)(i), (ii)] (as amended by subsection (a) of this section) shall begin no earlier than 181 days after the date of enactment of this Act."
Pub. L. 97–35, title IX, §902(h), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 561, provided that: "The amendments made by this section [amending this section and sections 201, 225a [now 238d], 229b [now 238j], 243, 246, 289k–1, 300d–4, 300d–6, 300l–2, 300m, 300m–3, 9412, and 9511 of this title, repealing sections 247b–1, 247b–2, 255, 300d to 300d–3, 300d–5, 300d–7 to 300d–9, 300d–21, 2689 to 2689l, 2689n to 2689p, 2689r to 2689aa, 9411, 9421 to 9423, 9431 to 9438, 9451, 9452, 9461 to 9465, 9471 to 9473, 9481, 9491 to 9493, 9502, 9512, 9521, and 9523 of this title, repealing provisions set out as notes under sections 246 and 2689 of this title, and transferring section 2689m to section 229d [now 238l] of this title] shall take effect October 1, 1981."
Pub. L. 95–622, title I, §110(c), Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3420, provided that the amendment made by that section is effective July 29, 1975.
Section effective July 1, 1975, see section 608 of Pub. L. 94–63, set out as an Effective Date of 1975 Amendment note under section 247b of this title.
Pub. L. 99–129, title II, §226(c), Oct. 22, 1985, 99 Stat. 547, provided that: "The amendments made by subsection (a) of this section [amending this section] shall not adversely affect other legal rights of the United States."
The Secretary may enter into contracts with fiscal agents—
(1)(A) to determine the amounts payable to persons who, on behalf of the Indian Health Service, furnish health services to eligible Indians,
(B) to determine the amounts payable to persons who, on behalf of the Public Health Service, furnish health services to individuals pursuant to section 247d or 249 of this title,
(2) to receive, disburse, and account for funds in making payments described in paragraph (1),
(3) to make such audits of records as may be necessary to assure that these payments are proper, and
(4) to perform such additional functions as may be necessary to carry out the functions described in paragraphs (1) through (3).
(1) Contracts under subsection (a) of this section may be entered into without regard to section 6101 of title 41 or any other provision of law requiring competition.
(2) No such contract shall be entered into with an entity unless the Secretary finds that the entity will perform its obligations under the contract efficiently and effectively and will meet such requirements as to financial responsibility, legal authority, and other matters as he finds pertinent.
A contract under subsection (a) of this section may provide for advances of funds to enable entities to make payments under the contract.
Subsections (d) and (e) 1 of section 1395u of this title shall apply to contracts with entities under subsection (a) of this section in the same manner as they apply to contracts with carriers under that section.
In this section, the term "fiscal agent" means a carrier described in section 1395u(f)(1) 1 of this title and includes, with respect to contracts under subsection (a)(1)(A) of this section, an Indian tribe or tribal organization acting under contract with the Secretary under the Indian Self-Determination Act (Public Law 93–638) [25 U.S.C. 450f et seq.].
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §244, formerly title XXI, §2116, as added Pub. L. 99–272, title XVII, §17003, Apr. 7, 1986, 100 Stat. 359; renumbered title XXIII, §2316, Pub. L. 99–660, title III, §311(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3755; renumbered title XXV, §2514, Pub. L. 100–607, title II, §201(1), (3), Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3062, 3063; renumbered title XXVI, §2614, Pub. L. 100–690, title II, §2620(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4244; renumbered title XXVII, §2714, Pub. L. 101–381, title I, §101(1), (2), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 576; renumbered title II, §244, Pub. L. 103–43, title XX, §2010(a)(1)–(3), June 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 213.)
Subsections (d), (e), and (f) of section 1395u of this title, referred to in subsecs. (d) and (e), were repealed by Pub. L. 108–173, title IX, §911(c)(5), Dec. 8, 2003, 117 Stat. 2384.
The Indian Self-Determination Act, referred to in subsec. (e), is title I of Pub. L. 93–638, Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2206, as amended, which is classified principally to part A (§450f et seq.) of subchapter II of chapter 14 of Title 25, Indians. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 450 of Title 25 and Tables.
In subsec. (b)(1), "section 6101 of title 41" substituted for "section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U.S.C. 5)" on authority of Pub. L. 111–350, §6(c), Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3854, which Act enacted Title 41, Public Contracts.
Section was classified to section 300aaa–13 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 103–43, to section 300cc–15 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 100–607, and to section 300aa–15 of this title prior to renumbering by Pub. L. 99–660.
1 See References in Text note below.
The Federal Government, and any State or local government that receives Federal financial assistance, may not subject any health care entity to discrimination on the basis that—
(1) the entity refuses to undergo training in the performance of induced abortions, to require or provide such training, to perform such abortions, or to provide referrals for such training or such abortions;
(2) the entity refuses to make arrangements for any of the activities specified in paragraph (1); or
(3) the entity attends (or attended) a post-graduate physician training program, or any other program of training in the health professions, that does not (or did not) perform induced abortions or require, provide or refer for training in the performance of induced abortions, or make arrangements for the provision of such training.
In determining whether to grant a legal status to a health care entity (including a license or certificate), or to provide such entity with financial assistance, services or other benefits, the Federal Government, or any State or local government that receives Federal financial assistance, shall deem accredited any postgraduate physician training program that would be accredited but for the accrediting agency's reliance upon an accreditation standards 1 that requires an entity to perform an induced abortion or require, provide, or refer for training in the performance of induced abortions, or make arrangements for such training, regardless of whether such standard provides exceptions or exemptions. The government involved shall formulate such regulations or other mechanisms, or enter into such agreements with accrediting agencies, as are necessary to comply with this subsection.
With respect to subclauses (I) and (II) of section 292d(a)(2)(B)(i) of this title (relating to a program of insured loans for training in the health professions), the requirements in such subclauses regarding accredited internship or residency programs are subject to paragraph (1) of this subsection.
This section shall not—
(i) prevent any health care entity from voluntarily electing to be trained, to train, or to arrange for training in the performance of, to perform, or to make referrals for induced abortions; or
(ii) prevent an accrediting agency or a Federal, State or local government from establishing standards of medical competency applicable only to those individuals who have voluntarily elected to perform abortions.
For purposes of this section:
(1) The term "financial assistance", with respect to a government program, includes governmental payments provided as reimbursement for carrying out health-related activities.
(2) The term "health care entity" includes an individual physician, a postgraduate physician training program, and a participant in a program of training in the health professions.
(3) The term "postgraduate physician training program" includes a residency training program.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §245, as added Pub. L. 104–134, title I, §101(d) [title V, §515], Apr. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 1321–211, 1321–245; renumbered title I, Pub. L. 104–140, §1(a), May 2, 1996, 110 Stat. 1327.)
1 So in original. Probably should be "standard".
Appropriations for carrying out the purposes of this chapter shall not be used in a manner inconsistent with the Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997 [42 U.S.C. 14401 et seq.].
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §246, as added Pub. L. 105–12, §9(e), Apr. 30, 1997, 111 Stat. 27.)
The Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997, referred to in text, is Pub. L. 105–12, Apr. 30, 1997, 111 Stat. 23, which is classified principally to chapter 138 (§14401 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 14401 of this title and Tables.
Section effective Apr. 30, 1997, and applicable to Federal payments made pursuant to obligations incurred after Apr. 30, 1997, for items and services provided on or after such date, subject to also being applicable with respect to contracts entered into, renewed, or extended after Apr. 30, 1997, as well as contracts entered into before Apr. 30, 1997, to the extent permitted under such contracts, see section 11 of Pub. L. 105–12, set out as a note under section 14401 of this title.
The Secretary shall establish guidelines with respect to placing automated external defibrillator devices in Federal buildings. Such guidelines shall take into account the extent to which such devices may be used by lay persons, the typical number of employees and visitors in the buildings, the extent of the need for security measures regarding the buildings, buildings or portions of buildings in which there are special circumstances such as high electrical voltage or extreme heat or cold, and such other factors as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.
The Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register the recommendations of the Secretary on the appropriate implementation of the placement of automated external defibrillator devices under subsection (a) of this section, including procedures for the following:
(1) Implementing appropriate training courses in the use of such devices, including the role of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
(2) Proper maintenance and testing of the devices.
(3) Ensuring coordination with appropriate licensed professionals in the oversight of training of the devices.
(4) Ensuring coordination with local emergency medical systems regarding the placement and incidents of use of the devices.
In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall—
(1) consult with appropriate public and private entities;
(2) consider the recommendations of national and local public-health organizations for improving the survival rates of individuals who experience cardiac arrest in nonhospital settings by minimizing the time elapsing between the onset of cardiac arrest and the initial medical response, including defibrillation as necessary; and
(3) consult with and counsel other Federal agencies where such devices are to be used.
The Secretary shall comply with this section not later than 180 days after November 13, 2000.
For purposes of this section:
(1) The term "automated external defibrillator device" has the meaning given such term in section 238q of this title.
(2) The term "Federal building" includes a building or portion of a building leased or rented by a Federal agency, and includes buildings on military installations of the United States.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §247, as added Pub. L. 106–505, title IV, §403, Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2337.)
Pub. L. 106–505, title IV, §402, Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2336, provided that: "Congress makes the following findings:
"(1) Over 700 lives are lost every day to sudden cardiac arrest in the United States alone.
"(2) Two out of every three sudden cardiac deaths occur before a victim can reach a hospital.
"(3) More than 95 percent of these cardiac arrest victims will die, many because of lack of readily available life saving medical equipment.
"(4) With current medical technology, up to 30 percent of cardiac arrest victims could be saved if victims had access to immediate medical response, including defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
"(5) Once a victim has suffered a cardiac arrest, every minute that passes before returning the heart to a normal rhythm decreases the chance of survival by 10 percent.
"(6) Most cardiac arrests are caused by abnormal heart rhythms called ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular fibrillation occurs when the heart's electrical system malfunctions, causing a chaotic rhythm that prevents the heart from pumping oxygen to the victim's brain and body.
"(7) Communities that have implemented programs ensuring widespread public access to defibrillators, combined with appropriate training, maintenance, and coordination with local emergency medical systems, have dramatically improved the survival rates from cardiac arrest.
"(8) Automated external defibrillator devices have been demonstrated to be safe and effective, even when used by lay people, since the devices are designed not to allow a user to administer a shock until after the device has analyzed a victim's heart rhythm and determined that an electric shock is required.
"(9) Increasing public awareness regarding automated external defibrillator devices and encouraging their use in Federal buildings will greatly facilitate their adoption.
"(10) Limiting the liability of Good Samaritans and acquirers of automated external defibrillator devices in emergency situations may encourage the use of automated external defibrillator devices, and result in saved lives."
Pub. L. 106–129, §7, Dec. 6, 1999, 113 Stat. 1676, provided that: "The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall, in consultation with the Administrator of the General Services Administration and other appropriate public and private entities, develop recommendations regarding the placement of automatic external defibrillators in Federal buildings as a means of improving the survival rates of individuals who experience cardiac arrest in such buildings, including recommendations on training, maintenance, and medical oversight, and on coordinating with the system for emergency medical services."
Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, any person who uses or attempts to use an automated external defibrillator device on a victim of a perceived medical emergency is immune from civil liability for any harm resulting from the use or attempted use of such device; and in addition, any person who acquired the device is immune from such liability, if the harm was not due to the failure of such acquirer of the device—
(1) to notify local emergency response personnel or other appropriate entities of the most recent placement of the device within a reasonable period of time after the device was placed;
(2) to properly maintain and test the device; or
(3) to provide appropriate training in the use of the device to an employee or agent of the acquirer when the employee or agent was the person who used the device on the victim, except that such requirement of training does not apply if—
(A) the employee or agent was not an employee or agent who would have been reasonably expected to use the device; or
(B) the period of time elapsing between the engagement of the person as an employee or agent and the occurrence of the harm (or between the acquisition of the device and the occurrence of the harm, in any case in which the device was acquired after such engagement of the person) was not a reasonably sufficient period in which to provide the training.
Immunity under subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a person if—
(1) the harm involved was caused by willful or criminal misconduct, gross negligence, reckless misconduct, or a conscious, flagrant indifference to the rights or safety of the victim who was harmed;
(2) the person is a licensed or certified health professional who used the automated external defibrillator device while acting within the scope of the license or certification of the professional and within the scope of the employment or agency of the professional;
(3) the person is a hospital, clinic, or other entity whose purpose is providing health care directly to patients, and the harm was caused by an employee or agent of the entity who used the device while acting within the scope of the employment or agency of the employee or agent; or
(4) the person is an acquirer of the device who leased the device to a health care entity (or who otherwise provided the device to such entity for compensation without selling the device to the entity), and the harm was caused by an employee or agent of the entity who used the device while acting within the scope of the employment or agency of the employee or agent.
The following applies with respect to this section:
(A) This section does not establish any cause of action, or require that an automated external defibrillator device be placed at any building or other location.
(B) With respect to a class of persons for which this section provides immunity from civil liability, this section supersedes the law of a State only to the extent that the State has no statute or regulations that provide persons in such class with immunity for civil liability arising from the use by such persons of automated external defibrillator devices in emergency situations (within the meaning of the State law or regulation involved).
(C) This section does not waive any protection from liability for Federal officers or employees under—
(i) section 233 of this title; or
(ii) sections 1346(b), 2672, and 2679 of title 28 or under alternative benefits provided by the United States where the availability of such benefits precludes a remedy under section 1346(b) of title 28.
The applicability of subsections (a) and (b) of this section includes applicability to any action for civil liability described in subsection (a) of this section that arises under Federal law.
If a geographic area is under Federal jurisdiction and is located within a State but out of the jurisdiction of the State, and if, pursuant to Federal law, the law of the State applies in such area regarding matters for which there is no applicable Federal law, then an action for civil liability described in subsection (a) of this section that in such area arises under the law of the State is subject to subsections (a) through (c) of this section in lieu of any related State law that would apply in such area in the absence of this subparagraph.
In any civil action arising under State law, the courts of the State involved have jurisdiction to apply the provisions of this section exclusive of the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States.
For purposes of this section, the term "perceived medical emergency" means circumstances in which the behavior of an individual leads a reasonable person to believe that the individual is experiencing a life-threatening medical condition that requires an immediate medical response regarding the heart or other cardiopulmonary functioning of the individual.
For purposes of this section:
(A) The term "automated external defibrillator device" means a defibrillator device that—
(i) is commercially distributed in accordance with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.];
(ii) is capable of recognizing the presence or absence of ventricular fibrillation, and is capable of determining without intervention by the user of the device whether defibrillation should be performed;
(iii) upon determining that defibrillation should be performed, is able to deliver an electrical shock to an individual; and
(iv) in the case of a defibrillator device that may be operated in either an automated or a manual mode, is set to operate in the automated mode.
(B)(i) The term "harm" includes physical, nonphysical, economic, and noneconomic losses.
(ii) The term "economic loss" means any pecuniary loss resulting from harm (including the loss of earnings or other benefits related to employment, medical expense loss, replacement services loss, loss due to death, burial costs, and loss of business or employment opportunities) to the extent recovery for such loss is allowed under applicable State law.
(iii) The term "noneconomic losses" means losses for physical and emotional pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, mental anguish, disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of society and companionship, loss of consortium (other than loss of domestic service), hedonic damages, injury to reputation and all other nonpecuniary losses of any kind or nature.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §248, as added Pub. L. 106–505, title IV, §404, Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2338.)
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, referred to in subsec. (e)(2)(A)(i), is act June 25, 1938, ch. 675, 52 Stat. 1040, as amended, which is classified generally to chapter 9 (§301 et seq.) of Title 21, Food and Drugs. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 301 of Title 21 and Tables.
For purposes of this part:
The term "covered countermeasure" means a covered countermeasure as specified in a Declaration made pursuant to section 233(p) of this title.
The term "covered individual" means an individual—
(A) who is a health care worker, law enforcement officer, firefighter, security personnel, emergency medical personnel, other public safety personnel, or support personnel for such occupational specialities 1;
(B) who is or will be functioning in a role identified in a State, local, or Department of Health and Human Services smallpox emergency response plan (as defined in paragraph (7)) approved by the Secretary;
(C) who has volunteered and been selected to be a member of a smallpox emergency response plan described in subparagraph (B) prior to the time at which the Secretary publicly announces that an active case of smallpox has been identified either within or outside of the United States; and
(D) to whom a smallpox vaccine is administered pursuant to such approved plan during the effective period of the Declaration (including the portion of such period before April 30, 2003).
The term "covered injury" means an injury, disability, illness, condition, or death (other than a minor injury such as minor scarring or minor local reaction) determined, pursuant to the procedures established under section 239a of this title, to have been sustained by an individual as the direct result of—
(A) administration to the individual of a covered countermeasure during the effective period of the Declaration; or
(B) accidental vaccinia inoculation of the individual in circumstances in which—
(i) the vaccinia is contracted during the effective period of the Declaration or within 30 days after the end of such period;
(ii) smallpox vaccine has not been administered to the individual; and
(iii) the individual has been in contact with an individual who is (or who was accidentally inoculated by) a covered individual.
The term "Declaration" means the Declaration Regarding Administration of Smallpox Countermeasures issued by the Secretary on January 24, 2003, and published in the Federal Register on January 28, 2003.
The term "effective period of the Declaration" means the effective period specified in the Declaration, unless extended by the Secretary.
The term "eligible individual" means an individual who is (as determined in accordance with section 239a of this title)—
(A) a covered individual who sustains a covered injury in the manner described in paragraph (3)(A); or
(B) an individual who sustains a covered injury in the manner described in paragraph (3)(B).
The term "smallpox emergency response plan" or "plan" means a response plan detailing actions to be taken in preparation for a possible smallpox-related emergency during the period prior to the identification of an active case of smallpox either within or outside the United States.
The Secretary shall ensure that a State, local, or Department of Health and Human Services plan to vaccinate individuals that is approved by the Secretary establishes procedures to ensure, consistent with the Declaration and any applicable guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that—
(1) potential participants are educated with respect to contraindications, the voluntary nature of the program, and the availability of potential benefits and compensation under this part;
(2) there is voluntary screening provided to potential participants that can identify health conditions relevant to contraindications; and
(3) there is appropriate post-inoculation medical surveillance that includes an evaluation of adverse health effects that may reasonably appear to be due to such vaccine and prompt referral of, or the provision of appropriate information to, any individual requiring health care as a result of such adverse health event.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §261, as added Pub. L. 108–20, §2, Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 638.)
1 So in original. Probably should be "specialties".
The Secretary shall establish procedures for determining, as applicable with respect to an individual—
(1) whether the individual is an eligible individual;
(2) whether an eligible individual has sustained a covered injury or injuries for which medical benefits or compensation may be available under sections 239c and 239d of this title, and the amount of such benefits or compensation; and
(3) whether the covered injury or injuries of an eligible individual caused the individual's death for purposes of benefits under section 239e of this title.
The Secretary may accept a certification, by a Federal, State, or local government entity or private health care entity participating in the administration of covered countermeasures under the Declaration, that an individual is a covered individual.
In any case where an injury or other adverse effect specified in the injury table established under section 239b of this title as a known effect of a vaccine manifests in an individual within the time period specified in such table, such injury or other effect shall be presumed to have resulted from administration of such vaccine.
In making determinations other than those described in paragraph (1) as to the causation or severity of an injury, the Secretary shall employ a preponderance of the evidence standard and take into consideration all relevant medical and scientific evidence presented for consideration, and may obtain and consider the views of qualified medical experts.
The Secretary shall not consider any request for a benefit under this part with respect to an individual, unless—
(1) in the case of a request based on the administration of the vaccine to the individual, the individual files with the Secretary an initial request for benefits or compensation under this part not later than one year after the date of administration of the vaccine; or
(2) in the case of a request based on accidental vaccinia inoculation, the individual files with the Secretary an initial request for benefits or compensation under this part not later than two years after the date of the first symptom or manifestation of onset of the adverse effect.
In any case in which there is a reasonable likelihood that compensation or payment under section 239c, 239d, or 239e(b) of this title will be required for a period in excess of one year from the date an individual is determined eligible for such compensation or payment, the Secretary shall have the discretion to make a lump-sum payment, purchase an annuity or medical insurance policy, or execute an appropriate structured settlement agreement, provided that such payment, annuity, policy, or agreement is actuarially determined to have a value equal to the present value of the projected total amount of benefits or compensation that the individual is eligible to receive under such section or sections.
The Secretary may review a determination under this section at any time on the Secretary's own motion or on application, and may affirm, vacate, or modify such determination in any manner the Secretary deems appropriate. The Secretary shall develop a process by which an individual may file a request for reconsideration of any determination made by the Secretary under this section.
No court of the United States, or of any State, District, territory or possession thereof, shall have subject matter jurisdiction to review, whether by mandamus or otherwise, any action by the Secretary under this section. No officer or employee of the United States shall review any action by the Secretary under this section (unless the President specifically directs otherwise).
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §262, as added Pub. L. 108–20, §2, Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 640.)
The Secretary shall establish by interim final regulation a table identifying adverse effects (including injuries, disabilities, illnesses, conditions, and deaths) that shall be presumed to result from the administration of (or exposure to) a smallpox vaccine, and the time period in which the first symptom or manifestation of onset of each such adverse effect must manifest in order for such presumption to apply.
The Secretary may by regulation amend the table established under paragraph (1). An amendment to the table takes effect on the date of the promulgation of the final rule that makes the amendment, and applies to all requests for benefits or compensation under this part that are filed on or after such date or are pending as of such date. In addition, the amendment applies retroactively to an individual who was not with respect to the injury involved an eligible individual under the table as in effect before the amendment but who with respect to such injury is an eligible individual under the table as amended. With respect to a request for benefits or compensation under this part by an individual who becomes an eligible individual as described in the preceding sentence, the Secretary may not provide such benefits or compensation unless the request (or amendment to a request, as applicable) is filed before the expiration of one year after the effective date of the amendment to the table in the case of an individual to whom the vaccine was administered and before the expiration of two years after such effective date in the case of a request based on accidental vaccinia inoculation.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §263, as added Pub. L. 108–20, §2, Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 641.)
1 So in original. No subsec. (b) has been enacted.
Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, the Secretary shall make payment or reimbursement for medical items and services as reasonable and necessary to treat a covered injury of an eligible individual, including the services, appliances, and supplies prescribed or recommended by a qualified physician, which the Secretary considers likely to cure, give relief, reduce the degree or the period of disability, or aid in lessening the amount of monthly compensation.
Payment or reimbursement for services or benefits under subsection (a) of this section shall be secondary to any obligation of the United States or any third party (including any State or local governmental entity, private insurance carrier, or employer) under any other provision of law or contractual agreement, to pay for or provide such services or benefits.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §264, as added Pub. L. 108–20, §2, Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 641.)
Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, the Secretary shall provide compensation to an eligible individual for loss of employment income (based on such income at the time of injury) incurred as a result of a covered injury, at the rate specified in subsection (b) of this section.
Compensation under subsection (a) of this section shall be at the rate of 662/3 percent of the relevant pay period (weekly, monthly, or otherwise), except as provided in paragraph (2).
If an eligible individual has one or more dependents, the basic compensation for loss of employment income as described in paragraph (1) shall be augmented at the rate of 81/3 percent.
The Secretary may consider the provisions of sections 8114, 8115, and 8146a of title 5, and any implementing regulations, in determining the amount of payment under subsection (a) of this section and the circumstances under which such payments are reasonable and necessary.
With respect to an eligible individual who is a minor, the Secretary may consider the provisions of section 8113 of title 5, and any implementing regulations, in determining the amount of payment under subsection (a) of this section and the circumstances under which such payments are reasonable and necessary.
For purposes of this section, the term "employment income" includes income from self-employment.
Any compensation under subsection (a) of this section shall be secondary to the obligation of the United States or any third party (including any State or local governmental entity, private insurance carrier, or employer), under any other law or contractual agreement, to pay compensation for loss of employment income or to provide disability or retirement benefits.
Compensation under subsection (a) of this section shall not be made to an eligible individual to the extent that the total of amounts paid to the individual under such subsection and under the other obligations referred to in subparagraph (A) is an amount that exceeds the rate specified in subsection (b)(1) of this section. If under any such other obligation a lump-sum payment is made, such payment shall, for purposes of this paragraph, be deemed to be received over multiple years rather than received in a single year. The Secretary may, in the discretion of the Secretary, determine how to apportion such payment over multiple years.
No payment shall be made under subsection (a) of this section in compensation for loss of employment income subsequent to the receipt, by the survivor or survivors of an eligible individual, of benefits under section 239e of this title for death.
Except as provided in subparagraph (B)—
(i) total compensation paid to an individual under subsection (a) of this section shall not exceed $50,000 for any year; and
(ii) the lifetime total of such compensation for the individual may not exceed an amount equal to the amount authorized to be paid under section 239e of this title.
The limitation under subparagraph (A)(ii) does not apply in the case of an eligible individual who is determined to have a covered injury or injuries meeting the definition of disability in section 416(i) of this title.
Except as provided in subparagraph (B), an eligible individual shall not be provided compensation under this section for the first 5 work days of loss of employment income.
Subparagraph (A) does not apply if the period of loss of employment income of an eligible individual is 10 or more work days.
No payment shall be made under subsection (a) of this section in compensation for loss of employment income once the eligible individual involves 1 reaches the age of 65.
A benefit under subsection (a) of this section shall be in addition to any amounts received by an eligible individual under section 239c of this title.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §265, as added Pub. L. 108–20, §2, Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 642.)
1 So in original. Probably should be "involved".
The Secretary shall pay, in the case of an eligible individual whose death is determined to have resulted from a covered injury or injuries, a death benefit in the amount determined under paragraph (2) to the survivor or survivors in the same manner as death benefits are paid pursuant to the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program under subpart 1 of part L of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796 et seq.) with respect to an eligible deceased (except that in the case of an eligible individual who is a minor with no living parent, the legal guardian shall be considered the survivor in the place of the parent).
The amount of the death benefit under paragraph (1) in a fiscal year shall equal the amount of the comparable benefit calculated under the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program under subpart 1 of part L of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796 et seq.) in such fiscal year, without regard to any reduction attributable to a limitation on appropriations, but subject to subparagraph (B).
The amount of the benefit as determined under subparagraph (A) shall be reduced by the total amount of any benefits paid under section 239d of this title with respect to lost employment income.
No benefit is payable under paragraph (1) with respect to the death of an eligible individual if—
(i) a disability benefit is paid with respect to such individual under the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program under subpart 1 of part L of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796 et seq.); or
(ii) a death benefit is paid or payable with respect to such individual under the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program under subpart 1 of part L of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796 et seq.).
In the event that disability benefits available to an eligible individual under the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program under subpart 1 of part L of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796 et seq.) are reduced because of a limitation on appropriations, and such reduction would affect the amount that would be payable under subparagraph (A) without regard to this subparagraph, benefits shall be available under paragraph (1) to the extent necessary to ensure that the survivor or survivors of such individual receives a total amount equal to the amount described in paragraph (2).
In the case of an eligible individual whose death is determined to have resulted from a covered injury or injuries, if the individual had one or more dependents under the age of 18, the legal guardian of the dependents may, in lieu of the death benefit under subsection (a) of this section, elect to receive on behalf of the aggregate of such dependents payments in accordance with this subsection. An election under the preceding sentence is effective in lieu of a request under subsection (a) of this section by an individual who is not the legal guardian of such dependents.
Payments under paragraph (1) with respect to an eligible individual described in such paragraph shall be made as if such individual were an eligible individual to whom compensation would be paid under subsection (a) of section 239d of this title, with the rate augmented in accordance with subsection (b)(2) of such section and with such individual considered to be an eligible individual described in subsection (c)(3)(B) of such section.
No payments may be made under paragraph (1) once the youngest of the dependents involved reaches the age of 18.
Any payment under paragraph (1) shall be secondary to the obligation of the United States or any third party (including any State or local governmental entity, private insurance carrier, or employer), under any other law or contractual agreement, to pay compensation for loss of employment income or to provide disability benefits, retirement benefits, life insurance benefits on behalf of dependents under the age of 18, or death benefits.
Payments under paragraph (1) shall not be made to with respect to 1 an eligible individual to the extent that the total of amounts paid with respect to the individual under such paragraph and under the other obligations referred to in clause (i) is an amount that exceeds the rate of payment that applies under paragraph (2). If under any such other obligation a lump-sum payment is made, such payment shall, for purposes of this subparagraph, be deemed to be received over multiple years rather than received in a single year. The Secretary may, in the discretion of the Secretary, determine how to apportion such payment over multiple years.
A benefit under subsection (a) or (b) of this section shall be in addition to any amounts received by an eligible individual under section 239c of this title.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §266, as added Pub. L. 108–20, §2, Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 643.)
The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, referred to in subsec. (a)(1), (2)(A), (3), is Pub. L. 90–351, June 19, 1968, 82 Stat. 197, as amended. Subpart 1 of part L of title I of the Act is classified generally to part A (§3796 et seq.) of subchapter XII of chapter 46 of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 3711 of this title and Tables.
The Secretary may administer any or all of the provisions of this part through Memorandum of Agreement with the head of any appropriate Federal agency.
The head of the agency administering this part or provisions thereof (including any agency head administering such Act 1 or provisions through a Memorandum of Agreement under subsection (a) of this section) may promulgate such implementing regulations as may be found necessary and appropriate. Initial implementing regulations may be interim final regulations.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §267, as added Pub. L. 108–20, §2, Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 645.)
1 So in original. Probably should be "part".
For the purpose of carrying out this part, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2003 through 2007, to remain available until expended, including administrative costs and costs of provision and payment of benefits. The Secretary's payment of any benefit under section 239c, 239d, or 239e of this title shall be subject to the availability of appropriations under this section.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §268, as added Pub. L. 108–20, §2, Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 645.)
Except as explicitly provided herein, nothing in this part shall be construed to override or limit any rights an individual may have to seek compensation, benefits, or redress under any other provision of Federal or State law.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §269, as added Pub. L. 108–20, §2, Apr. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 645.)
There is hereby authorized to be established a United States Public Health Sciences Track (referred to in this part as the "Track"), at sites to be selected by the Secretary, with authority to grant appropriate advanced degrees in a manner that uniquely emphasizes team-based service, public health, epidemiology, and emergency preparedness and response. It shall be so organized as to graduate not less than—
(A) 150 medical students annually, 10 of whom shall be awarded studentships to the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences;
(B) 100 dental students annually;
(C) 250 nursing students annually;
(D) 100 public health students annually;
(E) 100 behavioral and mental health professional students annually;
(F) 100 physician assistant or nurse practitioner students annually; and
(G) 50 pharmacy students annually.
The Track shall be located at existing and accredited, affiliated health professions education training programs at academic health centers located in regions of the United States determined appropriate by the Surgeon General, in consultation with the National Health Care Workforce Commission established in section 294q of this title.
Except as provided in subsection (a), the number of persons to be graduated from the Track shall be prescribed by the Secretary. In so prescribing the number of persons to be graduated from the Track, the Secretary shall institute actions necessary to ensure the maximum number of first-year enrollments in the Track consistent with the academic capacity of the affiliated sites and the needs of the United States for medical, dental, and nursing personnel.
The development of the Track may be by such phases as the Secretary may prescribe subject to the requirements of subsection (a).
The Surgeon General shall develop an integrated longitudinal plan for health professions continuing education throughout the continuum of health-related education, training, and practice. Training under such plan shall emphasize patient-centered, interdisciplinary, and care coordination skills. Experience with deployment of emergency response teams shall be included during the clinical experiences.
The Surgeon General shall develop faculty development programs and curricula in decentralized venues of health care, to balance urban, tertiary, and inpatient venues.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §271, as added Pub. L. 111–148, title V, §5315, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 637.)
The business of the Track shall be conducted by the Surgeon General with funds appropriated for and provided by the Department of Health and Human Services. The National Health Care Workforce Commission shall assist the Surgeon General in an advisory capacity.
The Surgeon General, after considering the recommendations of the National Health Care Workforce Commission, shall obtain the services of such professors, instructors, and administrative and other employees as may be necessary to operate the Track, but utilize when possible, existing affiliated health professions training institutions. Members of the faculty and staff shall be employed under salary schedules and granted retirement and other related benefits prescribed by the Secretary so as to place the employees of the Track faculty on a comparable basis with the employees of fully accredited schools of the health professions within the United States.
The Surgeon General may confer academic titles, as appropriate, upon the members of the faculty.
The limitations in section 5373 of title 5 shall not apply to the authority of the Surgeon General under paragraph (1) to prescribe salary schedules and other related benefits.
The Surgeon General may negotiate agreements with agencies of the Federal Government to utilize on a reimbursable basis appropriate existing Federal medical resources located in the United States (or locations selected in accordance with section 239l(a)(2) of this title). Under such agreements the facilities concerned will retain their identities and basic missions. The Surgeon General may negotiate affiliation agreements with accredited universities and health professions training institutions in the United States. Such agreements may include provisions for payments for educational services provided students participating in Department of Health and Human Services educational programs.
The Surgeon General may establish the following educational programs for Track students:
(1) Postdoctoral, postgraduate, and technological programs.
(2) A cooperative program for medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, and nursing students.
(3) Other programs that the Surgeon General determines necessary in order to operate the Track in a cost-effective manner.
The Surgeon General shall establish programs in continuing medical education for members of the health professions to the end that high standards of health care may be maintained within the United States.
The Surgeon General is authorized—
(A) to enter into contracts with, accept grants from, and make grants to any nonprofit entity for the purpose of carrying out cooperative enterprises in medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, and nursing research, consultation, and education;
(B) to enter into contracts with entities under which the Surgeon General may furnish the services of such professional, technical, or clerical personnel as may be necessary to fulfill cooperative enterprises undertaken by the Track;
(C) to accept, hold, administer, invest, and spend any gift, devise, or bequest of personal property made to the Track, including any gift, devise, or bequest for the support of an academic chair, teaching, research, or demonstration project;
(D) to enter into agreements with entities that may be utilized by the Track for the purpose of enhancing the activities of the Track in education, research, and technological applications of knowledge; and
(E) to accept the voluntary services of guest scholars and other persons.
The Surgeon General may not enter into any contract with an entity if the contract would obligate the Track to make outlays in advance of the enactment of budget authority for such outlays.
Scientists or other medical, dental, or nursing personnel utilized by the Track under an agreement described in paragraph (1) may be appointed to any position within the Track and may be permitted to perform such duties within the Track as the Surgeon General may approve.
A person who provides voluntary services under the authority of subparagraph (E) of paragraph (1) shall be considered to be an employee of the Federal Government for the purposes of chapter 81 of title 5, relating to compensation for work-related injuries, and to be an employee of the Federal Government for the purposes of chapter 171 of title 28, relating to tort claims. Such a person who is not otherwise employed by the Federal Government shall not be considered to be a Federal employee for any other purpose by reason of the provision of such services.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §272, as added Pub. L. 111–148, title V, §5315, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 637.)
Medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, and nursing students at the Track shall be selected under procedures prescribed by the Surgeon General. In so prescribing, the Surgeon General shall consider the recommendations of the National Health Care Workforce Commission.
In developing admissions procedures under paragraph (1), the Surgeon General shall ensure that such procedures give priority to applicant medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, and nursing students from rural communities and underrepresented minorities.
Upon being admitted to the Track, a medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, or nursing student shall enter into a written contract with the Surgeon General that shall contain—
(A) an agreement under which—
(i) subject to subparagraph (B), the Surgeon General agrees to provide the student with tuition (or tuition remission) and a student stipend (described in paragraph (2)) in each school year for a period of years (not to exceed 4 school years) determined by the student, during which period the student is enrolled in the Track at an affiliated or other participating health professions institution pursuant to an agreement between the Track and such institution; and
(ii) subject to subparagraph (B), the student agrees—
(I) to accept the provision of such tuition and student stipend to the student;
(II) to maintain enrollment at the Track until the student completes the course of study involved;
(III) while enrolled in such course of study, to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing (as determined by the Surgeon General);
(IV) if pursuing a degree from a school of medicine or osteopathic medicine, dental, public health, or nursing school or a physician assistant, pharmacy, or behavioral and mental health professional program, to complete a residency or internship in a specialty that the Surgeon General determines is appropriate; and
(V) to serve for a period of time (referred to in this part as the "period of obligated service") within the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service equal to 2 years for each school year during which such individual was enrolled at the College, reduced as provided for in paragraph (3);
(B) a provision that any financial obligation of the United States arising out of a contract entered into under this part and any obligation of the student which is conditioned thereon, is contingent upon funds being appropriated to carry out this part;
(C) a statement of the damages to which the United States is entitled for the student's breach of the contract; and
(D) such other statements of the rights and liabilities of the Secretary and of the individual, not inconsistent with the provisions of this part.
The Surgeon General, based on the recommendations of the National Health Care Workforce Commission, shall establish Federal tuition remission rates to be used by the Track to provide reimbursement to affiliated and other participating health professions institutions for the cost of educational services provided by such institutions to Track students. The agreement entered into by such participating institutions under paragraph (1)(A)(i) shall contain an agreement to accept as payment in full the established remission rate under this subparagraph.
The Surgeon General, based on the recommendations of the National Health Care Workforce Commission, shall establish and update Federal stipend rates for payment to students under this part.
The period of obligated service under paragraph (1)(A)(ii)(V) shall be reduced—
(A) in the case of a student who elects to participate in a high-needs speciality residency (as determined by the National Health Care Workforce Commission), by 3 months for each year of such participation (not to exceed a total of 12 months); and
(B) in the case of a student who, upon completion of their residency, elects to practice in a Federal medical facility (as defined in section 781(e)) 1 that is located in a health professional shortage area (as defined in section 254e of this title), by 3 months for year 2 of full-time practice in such a facility (not to exceed a total of 12 months).
During the third and fourth years in which a medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, or nursing student is enrolled in the Track, training should be designed to prioritize clinical rotations in Federal medical facilities in health professional shortage areas, and emphasize a balance of hospital and community-based experiences, and training within interdisciplinary teams.
The Surgeon General shall establish provisions applicable with respect to dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, and nursing students that are comparable to those for medical students under this section, including service obligations, tuition support, and stipend support. The Surgeon General shall give priority to health professions training institutions that train medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, and nursing students for some significant period of time together, but at a minimum have a discrete and shared core curriculum.
The Surgeon General, in consultation with the Secretary, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other appropriate military and Federal government agencies, shall develop criteria for the appointment of highly qualified Track faculty, medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, and nursing students, and graduates to elite Federal disaster preparedness teams to train and to respond to public health emergencies, natural disasters, bioterrorism events, and other emergencies.
A medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, or nursing student who, under regulations prescribed by the Surgeon General, is dropped from the Track in an affiliated school for deficiency in conduct or studies, or for other reasons, shall be liable to the United States for all tuition and stipend support provided to the student.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §273, as added Pub. L. 111–148, title V, §5315, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 639.)
1 So in original. Act July 1, 1944, does not contain a section 781.
2 So in original. Probably should be preceded by "each".
Beginning with fiscal year 2010, the Secretary shall transfer from the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund such sums as may be necessary to carry out this part.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §274, as added Pub. L. 111–148, title V, §5315, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 642.)
Pub. L. 112–10, div. B, title VIII, §1828, Apr. 15, 2011, 125 Stat. 162, provided that: "Hereafter, no funds appropriated by this division or by any previous or subsequent Act shall be available for transfer under section 274 [42 U.S.C. 239l–3] of the PHS Act [Public Health Service Act]."
The Secretary shall conduct in the Service, and encourage, cooperate with, and render assistance to other appropriate public authorities, scientific institutions, and scientists in the conduct of, and promote the coordination of, research, investigations, experiments, demonstrations, and studies relating to the causes, diagnosis, treatment, control, and prevention of physical and mental diseases and impairments of man, including water purification, sewage treatment, and pollution of lakes and streams. In carrying out the foregoing the Secretary is authorized to—
(1) collect and make available through publications and other appropriate means, information as to, and the practical application of, such research and other activities;
(2) make available research facilities of the Service to appropriate public authorities, and to health officials and scientists engaged in special study;
(3) make grants-in-aid to universities, hospitals, laboratories, and other public or private institutions, and to individuals for such research projects as are recommended by the advisory council to the entity of the Department supporting such projects and make