[Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: George W. Bush (2008, Book I)]
[April 29, 2008]
[Pages 601-603]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office www.gpo.gov]

 Remarks on National Volunteer Week
 April 29, 2008

     Be seated. Welcome. What a great day for the White House. I am 
pleased to welcome volunteers from the--around the United States who 
have given of their time to help those who need help. And we're sure 
glad you're here. Those of you today who perform acts of kindness do so 
out of love, and you do so out of the desire not to be recognized. But 
anyway, you're going to be recognized. We have the opportunity today to 
thank you and the opportunity today to celebrate the difference that 
volunteers have made all across America.
     I want to thank Jean Case, who's the Chairman 
of the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation. And I 
want to thank the members of the Council who are here.
     And I thank David Eisner, the CEO of the 
Corporation for National and Community Service; Jack Hawkins, the Director of Volunteers for Prosperity, USAID; Ron 
Tschetter, Director of the Peace Corps; 
and other Peace Corps volunteers who are here--about which I'm going to 
say something a little later. [Laughter] This tends to be an 
enthusiastic bunch, and so I would ask you to--[laughter]--keep your 
enthusiasm in check for just a minute. [Laughter]
    The spirit of charity that is celebrated here has been a part of our 
character, our Nation's character, ever since before we were an 
independent nation. In 1736, for example, Benjamin Franklin organized 
the citizens of Philadelphia to form a volunteer fire company. Isn't 
that interesting? A lot of our--a lot has changed since then, but the 
principle that inspired Benjamin Franklin is still true today all 
throughout the communities in America.
    Those of you who are here today understand the lesson, how you can 
gain by giving. You can understand how volunteering can transform the 
souls, both who give and those they help. When you teach a child to 
read, for example, you not only improve their chances for success in the 
world, but you become invested in the progress of a young life. When you 
visit the elderly, you remind them that they are loved, and you remind 
yourself of how deeply we all feel the need for compassion. When you 
help the homeless find shelter, you remove the pain of need and 
rediscover the resiliency of the human spirit.
    While there are many ways that Government can help society's least 
advantaged--and we try to do our best here in Washington--it can never 
replicate the private acts of goodness and the ties of affection they 
create between Americans. And that is why our administration has focused 
on empowering citizens with open hearts, not just Government programs by 
opening up checkbooks.
    I strongly support the faith-based and community-based initiative. I 
believe it is in Government's interest to empower those neighborhood 
healers and helpers, social entrepreneurs to be able to complete their 
acts of love and compassion. Government is love in--Government is 
justice and law; it's not love. Love is found in the hearts of our 
fellow citizens. And the true strength of America truly is found in the 
hearts and souls of Americans who hear the universal call to love a 
    One of the ways that we have tried to encourage volunteerism is 
through the creation of the USA Freedom Corps. The Freedom Corps is an 
attempt--and a successful attempt, I might add--to create a culture of 
service and citizenship and responsibility. And so one way to be useful 
in the Government level is to provide a way for citizens to become 
connected to service opportunities in their communities. And it's 
working, it really is. Last year alone, more than 60 million--60 million 
volunteers from all across America provided

[[Page 602]]

social services and aid to those in need, both here at home and abroad.
    The volunteers oftentimes work for large charitable organizations, 
or they find individual opportunities in their own community. But it 
always requires someone willing to say, ``I want to help somebody 
else.'' And so Americans, if they want to find out how they can help, if 
you're motivated by Volunteer Week, or if you're motivated by hearing 
this message--you're motivated by a neighbor saying, ``Gosh, it's really 
made my life better to help somebody in need,'' why don't you go to the 
web site of USA Freedom Corps. And you can look it up at volunteer.gov. 
It's not all that hard. You just get on there and type volunteer.gov. 
[Laughter] And you can find opportunities to be able to serve your 
country by helping somebody who needs some help.
    Another step we've taken is the creation of the Presidential Council 
on Service and Civic Participation. And one of the Council's initiatives 
is awarding the President's Volunteer Service Award, which is a 
distinction that honors hard work and dedication. It's a way to say 
thanks. We can't give everybody an award; I wish we could. So we try to 
herald people who can set a good example for others.
    And this year, we focused on recognizing volunteer programs that are 
started in corporate America. I believe corporate America has got an 
enormous responsibility to give back to their communities--and so too 
those who are being honored today. Paul Otellini and Barry Salzberg are with us. 
I'm going to talk about each one of them individually.
    First, Barry Salzberg. He's the CEO of 
Deloitte, and he is--he understands the need to be a good corporate 
citizen. He understands corporate giving is an essential part of being a 
good citizen in the United States of America. He himself has been a 
board member of several charitable organizations, including the College 
Summit, the YMCA of Greater New York, and the Committee for Encouraging 
Corporate Philanthropy.
    Under his leadership, Deloitte has committed to providing pro bono 
services worth up to $50 million for the nonprofit sector over the next 
3 years. And Barry, thank you very much for 
being here.
    And then there's Paul Otellini. Glad 
you're here, Paul. He happens to be the CEO of a little mom and pop 
operation called Intel. [Laughter] Intel will be celebrating its 40th 
anniversary this year. The company could have chosen to mark this 
occasion by simply looking back on its four decades of impressive 
accomplishments, but instead, as a result of Paul's leadership, the 
company has chosen to celebrate with a great act of compassion: Intel 
has committed to 1 million hours of volunteer service by its employees. 
This is a huge effort, and I can't tell you how appreciative we are of 
your generosity, but more importantly, those who you will help are more 
appreciative of your generosity. Please thank your employees for their--
    There is a lot of volunteer work here in America. Every day, there 
are just countless acts of compassion. And interestingly enough, it 
doesn't require one Government law. As a matter of fact, oftentimes 
people are inspired by a higher law.
    And there are also countless acts of compassion overseas. One of the 
great joys for Laura and me is to--as we travel, 
is to be able to see ordinary citizens from the United States helping 
save babies' lives as a result of the malaria initiative or working with 
orphans who have been left alone because of HIV/AIDS. And also, it's a 
chance for us to really run into one of the great organizations that 
Government has sponsored. It's called the Peace Corps.
    Forty-seven years ago, President John F. Kennedy, in the Rose 
Garden, sent the first team of Peace Corps volunteers to Africa. And in 
the intervening years, more than 190,000 Peace Corps volunteers have 
carried our country's great spirit of generosity and compassion 
throughout the world.

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    Laura and I met with Peace Corps volunteers 
in Ghana recently, and they are some kind of fired up. [Laughter] And a 
matter of fact, it is exciting to be with those good souls who are 
motivated to put--to go help, and in so doing, it really is the best 
foreign policy America could possibly have.
    And today I just had my picture taken with a group of spirited 
volunteers--[laughter]--who are headed to Guatemala. And I thank you all 
for your service. And I'm glad you're here, and thanks for coming.
    I believe strongly in the admonition to whom much is given, much is 
required. Those of you here today are living up to that noble calling, 
and you carry on the best traditions of American citizenship. In my 
first Inaugural Address, I said, it's important to be a citizen, not a 
spectator. And there's no better way to be a citizen [than] * to be a 
soldier in the armies of compassion, a foot soldier.
    And so today we commemorate your work and the work of volunteers all 
across the country, here at the White House. I appreciate the lasting 
legacy that you've helped create in the hearts of our fellow citizens. I 
thank you for what you do. And I ask for God's blessings on your work. 
Thanks for coming.

Note: The President spoke at 2:58 p.m. in the East Room at the White 
House. The National Volunteer Week proclamation of April 22 is listed in 
Appendix D at the end of this volume.