[Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: William J. Clinton (1998, Book I)]
[April 16, 1998]
[Pages 579-580]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office www.gpo.gov]

Exchange With Reporters in Santiago
April 16, 1998

President's Visit to Chile

    Q. Do you like Chile?
    The President. Very much.
    Q. Did you eat something special inside? Did you eat something 
    The President. No, no. I just had lunch, so I just had a Coke. And I 
was visiting with the people. It was very nice.
    Q. Are you tired from all this week, these 2 days here in our 
country? Are you tired?
    The President. Tired?
    Q. Yes.
    The President. A little, but I'm going to go back and get a little 
nap, and then I'll be fine tonight.
    Q. [Inaudible]--Kenneth Starr's going to keep investigating you, and 
Paula Jones says she's going to appeal----
    The President. [Inaudible]--I've had a great time.

Paula Jones Civil Lawsuit

    Q. What do you think about Paula Jones appealing, Mr. President? Are 
you disappointed that she's appealing?
    The President. Oh, I don't have an opinion about it. You know, I 
don't have any comment about it. My comment is, I spent my day today 
with people who are interested in human problems and human promise and 
not so interested in politics. And I don't think I ought to be 
commenting on politics while I'm here. I feel good about what happened 
before, and I feel good about where we are, and mostly I feel good about 
the job I'm doing here for the American people in Chile. And that's what 
I'm interested in. I don't really have any comment on anything that they 
    Q. Will things dragging on hamper that, sir?
    The President. No. No. I'm going to--you know, I'm going to do my 
job. And I'm not--it's an unusual political environment, but I'm just 
not going to let the politics get into my way. I haven't done it for 4 
years; I'm not going to start now.

Independent Counsel's Investigation

    Q. Do you think Ken Starr should wrap things up?

[[Page 580]]

    The President. I don't have any comment on that, either. I just 
don't--I shouldn't be commenting on domestic politics while I'm 
overseas. I'm here doing my job, and I'm thrilled by the people I've met 
and what I've seen, the reception I've received on behalf of the United 
States. And we're here to do important work, and that's what I'm going 
to do.

Note: The exchange began at 4:22 p.m. outside the Teatro Municipal. A 
tape was not available for verification of the content of this exchange.