[114th Congress Public Law 91]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

[[Page 129 STAT. 723]]

Public Law 114-91
114th Congress

                                 An Act

  To address problems related to prenatal opioid use. <<NOTE: Nov. 25, 
                           2015 -  [S. 799]>> 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: Protecting Our 
Infants Act of 2015.>> 

    This Act <<NOTE: 42 USC 201 note.>>  may be cited as the 
``Protecting Our Infants Act of 2015''.

    (a) Review of Programs.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services 
(referred to in this Act as the ``Secretary'') shall conduct a review of 
planning and coordination related to prenatal opioid use, including 
neonatal abstinence syndrome, within the agencies of the Department of 
Health and Human Services.
    (b) Strategy.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall 
develop a strategy to address gaps in research and gaps, overlap, and 
duplication among Federal programs, including those identified in 
findings made by reports of the Government Accountability Office. Such 
strategy shall address--
            (1) gaps in research, including with respect to--
                    (A) the most appropriate treatment of pregnant women 
                with opioid use disorders;
                    (B) the most appropriate treatment and management of 
                infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome; and
                    (C) the long-term effects of prenatal opioid 
                exposure on children;
            (2) gaps, overlap, or duplication in--
                    (A) substance use disorder treatment programs for 
                pregnant and postpartum women; and
                    (B) treatment program options for newborns with 
                neonatal abstinence syndrome;
            (3) gaps, overlap, or duplication in Federal efforts related 
        to education about, and prevention of, neonatal abstinence 
        syndrome; and
            (4) coordination of Federal efforts to address neonatal 
        abstinence syndrome.

    (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Health, 
Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on Energy 
and Commerce of the House of Representatives a report concerning the 
findings of the review conducted under subsection (a) and the strategy 
developed under subsection (b).

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    (a) <<NOTE: Study.>>  In General.--The Secretary shall conduct a 
study and develop recommendations for preventing and treating prenatal 
opioid use disorders, including the effects of such disorders on 
infants. In carrying out this subsection the Secretary shall--
            (1) take into consideration--
                    (A) the review and strategy conducted and developed 
                under section 2; and
                    (B) the lessons learned from previous opioid 
                epidemics; and
            (2) solicit input from States, localities, and Federally 
        recognized Indian tribes or tribal organizations (as defined in 
        the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 
        U.S.C. 450b)), and nongovernmental entities, including 
        organizations representing patients, health care providers, 
        hospitals, other treatment facilities, and other entities, as 

    (b) Report.--Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall make available on the appropriate Internet 
Website of the Department of Health and Human Services a report on the 
recommendations under subsection (a). Such report shall address each of 
the issues described in subsection (c).
    (c) Contents.--The recommendations described in subsection (a) and 
the report under subsection (b) shall include--
            (1) <<NOTE: Assessment.>>  a comprehensive assessment of 
        existing research with respect to the prevention, 
        identification, treatment, and long-term outcomes of neonatal 
        abstinence syndrome, including the identification and treatment 
        of pregnant women or women who may become pregnant who use 
        opioids or have opioid use disorders;
            (2) <<NOTE: Evaluation.>>  an evaluation of--
                    (A) the causes of, and risk factors for, opioid use 
                disorders among women of reproductive age, including 
                pregnant women;
                    (B) the barriers to identifying and treating opioid 
                use disorders among women of reproductive age, including 
                pregnant and postpartum women and women with young 
                    (C) current practices in the health care system to 
                respond to, and treat, pregnant women with opioid use 
                disorders and infants affected by such disorders;
                    (D) medically indicated uses of opioids during 
                    (E) access to treatment for opioid use disorders in 
                pregnant and postpartum women; and
                    (F) access to treatment for infants with neonatal 
                abstinence syndrome; and
                    (G) differences in prenatal opioid use and use 
                disorders in pregnant women between demographic groups; 
            (3) recommendations on--
                    (A) preventing, identifying, and treating the 
                effects of prenatal opioid use on infants;
                    (B) treating pregnant women who have opioid use 

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                    (C) preventing opioid use disorders among women of 
                reproductive age, including pregnant women, who may be 
                at risk of developing opioid use disorders; and
                    (D) reducing disparities in opioid use disorders 
                among pregnant women.
SEC. 4. <<NOTE: 42 USC 247b-13 note.>>  IMPROVING DATA AND THE 
                    PUBLIC HEALTH RESPONSE.

    The Secretary may continue activities, as appropriate, related to--
            (1) providing technical assistance to support States and 
        Federally recognized Indian Tribes in collecting information on 
        neonatal abstinence syndrome through the utilization of existing 
        surveillance systems and collaborating with States and Federally 
        recognized Indian Tribes to improve the quality, consistency, 
        and collection of such data; and
            (2) providing technical assistance to support States in 
        implementing effective public health measures, such as 
        disseminating information to educate the public, health care 
        providers, and other stakeholders on prenatal opioid use and 
        neonatal abstinence syndrome.

    Approved November 25, 2015.


HOUSE REPORTS: No. 114-244 (Comm. on Energy and Commerce) accompanying 
H.R. 1462.
            Oct. 22, considered and passed Senate.
            Nov. 16, considered and passed House.
