[112th Congress Public Law 266] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office] [[Page 126 STAT. 2437]] Public Law 112-266 112th Congress An Act To prevent the introduction into commerce of unsafe drywall, to ensure the manufacturer of drywall is readily identifiable, to ensure that problematic drywall removed from homes is not reused, and for other purposes. <<NOTE: Jan. 14, 2013 - [H.R. 4212]>> Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: Drywall Safety Act of 2012. 15 USC 2051 note.>> SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Drywall Safety Act of 2012''. SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) the Secretary of Commerce should insist that the Government of the People's Republic of China, which has ownership interests in the companies that manufactured and exported problematic drywall to the United States, facilitate a meeting between the companies and representatives of the United States Government on remedying homeowners that have problematic drywall in their homes; and (2) the Secretary of Commerce should insist that the Government of the People's Republic of China direct the companies that manufactured and exported problematic drywall to submit to jurisdiction in United States Federal Courts and comply with any decisions issued by the Courts for homeowners with problematic drywall. SEC. 3. DRYWALL LABELING REQUIREMENT. (a) <<NOTE: Effective date. 15 USC 2056c note.>> Labeling Requirement.--Beginning 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the gypsum board labeling provisions of standard ASTM C1264-11 of ASTM International, as in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act, shall be treated as a rule promulgated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission under section 14(c) of the Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2063(c)). (b) <<NOTE: Notification. Deadlines.>> Revision of Standard.--If the gypsum board labeling provisions of the standard referred to in subsection (a) are revised on or after the date of the enactment of this Act, ASTM International shall notify the Commission of such revision no later than 60 days after final approval of the revision by ASTM International. The <<NOTE: Effective date. Determination.>> revised provisions shall be treated as a rule promulgated by the Commission under section 14(c) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 2063(c)), in lieu of the prior version, effective 180 days after the Commission is notified of the revision (or such later date as the Commission considers appropriate), unless within 90 days after receiving that notice the Commission determines that the revised [[Page 126 STAT. 2438]] provisions do not adequately identify gypsum board by manufacturer and month and year of manufacture, in which case the Commission shall continue to enforce the prior version. SEC. 4. <<NOTE: 15 USC 2056c.>> SULFUR CONTENT IN DRYWALL STANDARD. (a) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Rule on Sulfur Content in Drywall Required.--Except as provided in subsection (c), not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Consumer Product Safety Commission shall promulgate a final rule pertaining to drywall manufactured or imported for use in the United States that limits sulfur content to a level not associated with elevated rates of corrosion in the home. (b) Rule Making; Consumer Product Safety Standard.--A rule under subsection (a)-- (1) shall be promulgated in accordance with section 553 of title 5, United States Code; and (2) shall be treated as a consumer product safety rule promulgated under section 9 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2058). (c) Exception.-- (1) <<NOTE: Determination.>> Voluntary standard.-- Subsection (a) shall not apply if the Commission determines that-- (A) a voluntary standard pertaining to drywall manufactured or imported for use in the United States limits sulfur content to a level not associated with elevated rates of corrosion in the home; (B) such voluntary standard is or will be in effect not later than two years after the date of enactment of this Act; and (C) such voluntary standard is developed by Subcommittee C11.01 on Specifications and Test Methods for Gypsum Products of ASTM International. (2) Federal register.--Any determination made under paragraph (1) shall be published in the Federal Register. (d) Treatment of Voluntary Standard for Purposes of Enforcement.--If the <<NOTE: Effective date.>> Commission determines that a voluntary standard meets the conditions in subsection (c)(1), the sulfur content limit in such voluntary standard shall be treated as a consumer product safety rule promulgated under section 9 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2058) beginning on the date that is the later of-- (1) 180 days after publication of the Commission's determination under subsection (c); or (2) the effective date contained in the voluntary standard. (e) <<NOTE: Notification. Deadlines.>> Revision of Voluntary Standard.--If the sulfur content limit of a voluntary standard that met the conditions of subsection (c)(1) is subsequently revised, the organization responsible for the standard shall notify the Commission no later than 60 days after final approval of the revision. <<NOTE: Effective date. Determination.>> The sulfur content limit of the revised voluntary standard shall become enforceable as a Commission rule promulgated under section 9 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2058), in lieu of the prior version, effective 180 days after the Commission is notified of the revision (or such later date as the Commission considers appropriate), unless within 90 days after receiving that notice the Commission determines that the sulfur content limit of the revised voluntary standard does [[Page 126 STAT. 2439]] not meet the requirements of subsection (c)(1)(A), in which case the Commission shall continue to enforce the prior version. (f) Future Rulemaking.--The Commission, at any time subsequent to publication of the consumer product safety rule required by subsection (a) or a determination under subsection (c), may initiate a rulemaking in accordance with section 553 of title 5, United States Code, to modify the sulfur content limit or to include any provision relating only to the composition or characteristics of drywall that the Commission determines is reasonably necessary to protect public health or safety. Any rule promulgated under this subsection shall be treated as a consumer product safety rule promulgated under section 9 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2058). SEC. 5. <<NOTE: 15 USC 2056c note.>> REVISION OF REMEDIATION GUIDANCE FOR DRYWALL DISPOSAL REQUIRED. Not later than <<NOTE: Deadline.>> 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Consumer Product Safety Commission shall revise its guidance entitled ``Remediation Guidance for Homes with Corrosion from Problem Drywall'' to specify that problematic drywall removed from homes pursuant to the guidance should not be reused or used as a component in production of new drywall. Approved January 14, 2013. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY--H.R. 4212: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 158 (2012): Sept. 19, considered and passed House. Dec. 21, considered and passed Senate, amended. Dec. 30, House considered concurring in Senate amendment. Vol. 158 (2013): Jan. 1, House concurred in Senate amendment. <all>