[112th Congress Public Law 146]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

[[Page 126 STAT. 1135]]

Public Law 112-146
112th Congress

                                 An Act

 To provide for an exchange of land between the Department of Homeland 
Security and the South Carolina State Ports Authority. <<NOTE: July 18, 
                          2012 -  [S. 2061]>> 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress 
assembled, <<NOTE: Former Charleston Naval Base Land Exchange Act of 

    This Act may be cited as the ``Former Charleston Naval Base Land 
Exchange Act of 2012''.

    In this Act:
            (1) Federal land.--The term ``Federal land'' means the 
        parcels consisting of approximately 10.499 acres of land 
        (including improvements) that are owned by the United States, 
        located on the former U.S. Naval Base Complex in North 
        Charleston, South Carolina, and included within the Charleston 
        County Tax Assessor's Office Tax Map Number 400-00-00-004, and 
        shown as New Parcel B in that certain plat of Forsberg 
        Engineering and Surveying Inc., dated May 25, 2007, entitled in 
        part ``Plat Showing the Subdivision of TMS 400-00-00-004 into 
        Parcel B and Remaining Residual (Parcel A).
            (2) Non-federal land.--The term ``non-Federal land'' means 
        the 3 parcels of land (including improvements) authorized to be 
        conveyed to the United States under this Act.
            (3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
        of Homeland Security.
            (4) State ports authority.--The term ``State Ports 
        Authority'' means the South Carolina State Ports Authority, an 
        agency of the State of South Carolina.

    (a) Land Exchange.--
            (1) In general.--In exchange for the conveyance to the 
        Secretary, by quitclaim deed, of all right, title, and interest 
        of the State Ports Authority to the non-Federal land owned by 
        the State Ports Authority, the Secretary is authorized to convey 
        to the State Ports Authority, by quitclaim deed, all right, 
        title, and interest of the United States in and to the Federal 
            (2) Exchange.--If the State Ports Authority offers to convey 
        to the Secretary all right, title, and interest of the State 
        Ports Authority in and to the non-Federal parcels identified in 
        subsection (b), the Secretary--
                    (A) is authorized to accept the offer; and

[[Page 126 STAT. 1136]]

                    (B) on acceptance of the offer, shall simultaneously 
                convey to the State Ports Authority all right, title, 
                and interest of the United States in and to 
                approximately 10.499 acres of Federal land.

    (b) Non-Federal Land Described.--The non-Federal land (including 
improvements) to be conveyed under this section consists of--
            (1) the approximately 18.736 acres of land that is owned by 
        the State Ports Authority, located on S. Hobson Avenue, and 
        currently depicted in the Charleston County Tax Assessor's 
        Office as Tax Map Number 400-00-00-158, and as New I-48.55 
        Parcel B, containing 18.736 acres, on the plat recorded in the 
        Charleston County RMC Office in Plat Book EL, at page 280;
            (2) the approximately 4.069 acres of land that is owned by 
        the State Ports Authority, located on Thompson Avenue and the 
        Cooper River, and currently depicted in the Charleston County 
        Tax Assessor's Office as Tax Map Number 400-00-00-156, and as 
        New II-121.44 Parcel C, containing 4.069 acres, on the plat 
        recorded in the Charleston County RMC Office in Plat Book L09, 
        at pages 0391-393; and
            (3) the approximately 2.568 acres of land that is owned by 
        the State Ports Authority, located on Partridge Avenue, and 
        currently depicted in the Charleston County Tax Assessor's 
        Office as Tax Map Number 400-00-00-157, and as New II-121.44 
        Parcel B, containing 2.568 acres, on the plat recorded in the 
        Charleston County RMC Office in Plat Book L09, at pages 0391-

    (c) Land Title.--Title to the non-Federal land conveyed to the 
Secretary under this section shall--
            (1) be acceptable to the Secretary; and
            (2) conform to the title approval standards of the Attorney 
        General of the United States applicable to land acquisitions by 
        the Federal Government.

    (a) In General.--The conveyance of Federal land under section 3 
shall be subject to--
            (1) any valid existing rights; and
            (2) any additional terms and conditions that the Secretary 
        determines to be appropriate to protect the interests of the 
        United States.

    (b) Costs.--The costs of carrying out the exchange of land under 
section 3 shall be shared equally by the Secretary and the State Ports 
    (c) Equal Value Exchange.--Notwithstanding the appraised value of 
the land exchanged under section 3, the values of the Federal and non-
Federal land in the land exchange under section 3 shall be considered to 
be equal.

    On acceptance of title to the non-Federal land by the Secretary--
            (1) the non-Federal land shall be added to and administered 
        as part of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; and

[[Page 126 STAT. 1137]]

            (2) the boundaries of the Federal Law Enforcement Training 
        Center shall be adjusted to exclude the exchanged Federal land.

    Approved July 18, 2012.


SENATE REPORTS: No. 112-171 (Comm. on Homeland Security and Governmental 
            June 5, considered and passed Senate.
            July 9, considered and passed House.
