[Deschler's Precedents, Volume 4, Chapters 15 - 17] [Chapter 16. Introduction] [§ 2. Sponsorship] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov] [Page 2476-2480] CHAPTER 16 Introduction and Reference of Bills and Resolutions Sec. 2. Sponsorship House Rule XXII clause 4,(13) permits the joint sponsorship of public bills by at least two but not more than 25 Members.(14) The rule has been interpreted to permit the sponsor of a bill having the maximum permissible number of cosponsors to introduce other bills with identical text with additional cosponsors.(15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. House Rules and Manual Sec. 854 (1973). 14. See Sec. 2.2, infra. 15. See Sec. 2.3, infra. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The House by precedent has determined the order of appearance of the names of the chief sponsors and the cosponsors which are listed on jointly sponsored bills; (16) moreover, pursuant to a directive from the Speaker, no such bill will be accepted for introduction without the signature of its prime sponsor.(17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. See Sec. 2.4, infra. 17. See Sec. 2.1, infra. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following the introduction of a jointly sponsored bill, a cosponsor's name may not be deleted therefrom; but, by unanimous consent, the House may expunge the cosponsor's name from the Record.(18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. See Sec. 2.5, infra. ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prime Sponsor's Signature Sec. 2.1 By directive of the Speaker, all bills and resolutions must be signed by the prime sponsor thereof in order to be accepted for introduction. [[Page 2477]] On Feb. 3, 1972,(1) the Speaker,(2) in response to a parliamentary inquiry by Mr. Robert H. Steele, of Connecticut, made a statement concerning the introduction of bills as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 118 Cong. Rec. 2521, 92d Cong. 2d Sess. See also 119 Cong. Rec. 30, 93d Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 3, 1973, where the Speaker announced that bills placed in the hopper must bear the original signature of the chief sponsor or first-named Member. 2. Carl Albert (Okla.). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Speaker: . . . It has come to the attention of the Chair that several bills have been introduced recently in the names of Members who have no knowledge of or responsibility for their introduction. Rule XXII of the rules of this House makes it clear that Members, and Members alone, have the right to introduce bills--that is, to cause them to be placed in the hopper here at the Clerk's desk. When a bill is found in the hopper, it has been assumed to be authentic. The Chair has observed, and knows it has become common practice, that Members' offices often send bills to the floor by messenger or page and ask that they be dropped in the hopper by a page or a doorman. The pages and doormen, of course, have no way of knowing the authenticity of bills which they receive by messenger or otherwise. It would seem to the Chair that it would be a much safer practice if Members, in addition to having their names typed or printed on the bills, would also affix their signatures thereon. Members would also be protecting their own interests if they would personally place their bills in the hopper. The Chair feels that the right to introduce legislation is one of the most important and fundamental rights of the Members of this House. It should not be a slipshod or casual practice. In the interest of safeguarding the integrity of this process, and to protect Members against future instances where bills are introduced without their authorization, the Chair is issuing instructions that the pages, their overseers, and other employees in the Chamber shall have no authority to place any bill, memorial, petition, or other material in the hopper unless it bears the original signature of a Member thereon. In the case of a bill or resolution which is jointly sponsored, the signature must be that of the Member first named thereon. The bill clerk is instructed to return to the Member any bill which appears in the hopper without an original signature of the Member. Finally, the Chair suggests that the Clerk of the House notify all Members of this statement so that they will be aware of this new policy and procedure for the introduction of legislation. Parliamentarian's Note: On Jan. 27, 1972, six bills separately sponsored by six different Members dealing with the subject of fire research and safety were placed in the hopper and referred without the knowledge of those Members. Neither the chief sponsor nor the other Members were able to explain the source of the introduc [[Page 2478]] tion of those bills. To prevent a recurrence of this problem, the Speaker announced his directive as to the signing of proposed bills and resolutions. Joint Sponsorship Sec. 2.2 The rules of the House were amended to permit joint sponsorship of public bills by up to 25 Members. On Apr. 25, 1967,(3) Mr. William M. Colmer, of Mississippi, by direction of the Committee on Rules, called up and asked for the immediate consideration of a resolution as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. 113 Cong. Rec. 10708-12, 90th Cong. 1st Sess. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 42 Resolved, That paragraph 4 of rule XXII of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended by adding at the end thereof the following sentence: ``Two or more but not more than ten Members may introduce jointly any bill, memorial, or resolution to which this paragraph applies.'' Debate on the resolution ensued, during the course of which Mr. Colmer proposed and the House agreed to an amendment striking the word ``ten'' in line four and inserting in lieu thereof the words ``twenty- five.'' At the conclusion of debate, the resolution as amended was agreed to. Sec. 2.3 The rule providing for joint sponsorship of House bills [Rule XXII clause 4] permits the names of the sponsor and up to 24 cosponsors to appear on any public bill; but the rule is interpreted to permit the sponsor to introduce other bills, with identical text, with additional cosponsors. On June 6, 1968,(4) Mrs. Leonor K. Sullivan, of Missouri, introduced five identical bills (5) cosponsored by 107 other Members. The bills were referred to the Committee on Agriculture. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 114 Cong. Rec. 16307-09, 16319, 90th Cong. 2d Sess. 5. H.R. 17721, H.R. 17722, H.R. 17723, H.R. 17724, and H.R. 17725, to amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964, as amended. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sec. 2.4 Bills which are jointly sponsored first carry the name of the chief sponsor, then the names of those Members who are cosponsors. As an example, on Apr. 26, 1967,(6) Mr. Spark M. Matsunaga, of Hawaii (for himself and Mrs. Patsy T. Mink, of Hawaii) introduced the first jointly sponsored bill (7) pursuant to the amendment --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. 113 Cong. Rec. 10892, 90th Cong. 1st Sess. 7. H.R. 9316. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[Page 2479]] of Rule XXII clause 4 agreed to on the preceding day. The bill first carried the name of Mr. Matsunaga, its chief sponsor, then the name of Mrs. Mink, a cosponsor. Erroneous Listing of Sponsors Sec. 2.5 Where a public bill or resolution is introduced in the House with several Members listed as cosponsors, the names cannot thereafter be deleted from the bill or resolution; but a statement indicating that an error was made in listing one of the names has been made on the floor in conjunction with a unanimousconsent request that the Record be corrected accordingly. On Oct. 9, 1969,(8) the following proceedings occurred: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. 115 Cong. Rec. 29347, 91st Cong. 1st Sess. See also 114 Cong. Rec. 1873, 1922, 90th Cong. 2d Sess., Feb. 1, 1968, where Mr. Walter B. Jones (N.C.) announced to the House that a hill (H.R. 15030) had been introduced containing the names of two Members who had not authorized the use of their names as cosponsors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. [Jeffery] Cohelan [of California]: Mr. Speaker, I rise to correct an error in the sponsorship of House Joint Resolution 927 which provided for the funding of Health, Education, and Welfare under a continuing resolution at the House-passed levels. The name of the Honorable Michael J. Kirwan, of Ohio, appears as a cosponsor of this resolution. I have been informed that Mr. Kirwan's name was incorrectly added to the list of cosponsors and I ask unanimous consent that the Record stand corrected. The Speaker Pro Tempore: (9) The gentleman's statement will appear in the Record. There is no way of correcting the resolution. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Richard Bolling (Mo.). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parliamentarian's Note: Since a bill as introduced in the House becomes the property of the House, the sponsor thereof cannot, after its introduction, add to or delete from the list of cosponsors appearing on the bill as introduced. Withdrawal of Cosponsor's Support Sec. 2.6 While a Member may not withdraw his name from a bill which he has cosponsored once the bill has been introduced and referred, he may announce to the House his withdrawal of support for the bill. On Mar. 29, 1971,(10) Mr. Harold R. Collier, of Illinois, pursuant to a grant of permission to address the House for one minute and to revise and extend his remarks, announced the withdrawal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. 117 Cong. Rec. 8268, 92d Cong. 1st Sess. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[Page 2480]] of his cosponsorship and support of a bill (11) which had previously been introduced and referred. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. H.R. 6360, to establish a National Legal Services Corporation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senate Practice Sec. 2.7 A Senator's name may be deleted from the list of cosponsors of a bill. On Feb. 17, 1959,(12) Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, of Minnesota, asked unanimous consent that the name of the Senator from New York' Senator Jacob K. Javits, be deleted as a cosponsor of a bill (13) which had been introduced. There being no objection, it was so ordered. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. 105 Cong. Rec. 2470, 86th Cong. 1st Sess. See also 103 Cong. Rec. 2666, 85th Cong. 1st Sess., Feb. 27, 1957, where the Senate, by unanimous consent, permitted the names of four Senators to be stricken as cosponsors of an amendment to a bill (H.R. 4090). 13. S. 812, to establish a Youth Conservation Corps. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------