[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 204 (Friday, October 21, 2016)]
[Pages 72807-72808]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-25496]



Administration for Children and Families

[CFDA Number: 93.576]

Announcement of the Award of 38 Single-Source Low-Cost Extension 
Supplement Grants Under the Refugee School Impact Grant Program

AGENCY: Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), Administration for 
Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human 
Services (HHS).

ACTION: Notice of award of 38 single-source low-cost extension 
supplement grants under the Refugee School Impact Grant Program.


SUMMARY: ACF, ORR announces the award of 38 single-source low-cost 
extension supplement grants for a total of 2,500,000 under the Refugee 
School Impact Grant Program.

             State                       Grantee              Amount
Alaska.........................  Catholic Social                 $25,736
Arizona........................  Arizona Department of           102,972
                                  Social Security.
California.....................  California Department           171,426
                                  of Social Services.
Colorado.......................  Colorado Department of           67,332
                                  Human Services.
Connecticut....................  Connecticut Department           25,736
                                  of Social Services.
Florida........................  Florida Department of           171,426
                                  Children and Families.
Georgia........................  Georgia Department of           108,709
                                  Human Services.
Idaho..........................  Jannus Inc.............          32,098
Illinois.......................  Illinois Department of           77,224
                                  Human Services.
Indiana........................  Indiana Division of              49,713
                                  Disability &
Iowa...........................  Iowa Department of               25,736
                                  Human Services.
Kentucky.......................  Catholic Charities of            67,784
Maine..........................  Maine Department of              25,736
                                  Health and Human
Maryland.......................  Maryland Department of           51,296
                                  Human Resources.
Massachusetts..................  Massachusetts Office             69,049
                                  for Refugees and
Michigan.......................  Michigan Department of          116,658
                                  Human Services.
Minnesota......................  Minnesota Department of          86,304
                                  Human Services.
Missouri.......................  Missouri Department of           42,081
                                  Social Services.
Nebraska.......................  Nebraska Dept. of                30,969
                                  Health and Human
Nevada.........................  Clark County School              25,736

[[Page 72808]]

New Hampshire..................  NH. Dept. of Health &            25,736
                                  Human Services.
New Jersey.....................  New Jersey Department            25,736
                                  of Human Services.
New Mexico.....................  New Mexico Human                 25,736
                                  Services Department.
New York.......................  NY Office of Temporary          171,426
                                  and Disability
North Carolina.................  North Caroline Dept. of          84,000
                                  Health & Human
North Dakota...................  North Dakota Department          25,736
                                  of Public Instruction.
Ohio...........................  Ohio Department of Job           73,746
                                  and Family Services.
Oregon.........................  Lutheran Community               39,822
                                  Services Northwest.
Pennsylvania...................  Commonwealth of                 100,488
Rhode Island...................  Rhode Island Department          25,736
                                  of Human Services.
South Dakota...................  Lutheran Social                  25,736
                                  Services of South
Tennessee......................  Catholic Charities of            56,671
                                  Tennessee, Inc..
Texas..........................  Texas Health and Human          171,426
                                  Services Commission.
Utah...........................  Utah Department of               43,797
                                  Workforce Services.
Vermont........................  Vermont Agency of Human          25,736
Virginia.......................  Virginia Department of           66,428
                                  Social Services.
Washington.....................  WA State Department of          107,083
                                  Social & Health
Wisconsin......................  Wisconsin Department of          31,240
                                  Public Instruction.
    Total......................  .......................       2,500,000

    ORR provides 28 States and ten Wilson-Fish agencies with Refugee 
School Impact funding to undertake a comprehensive statewide approach 
supporting local school systems that are impacted by significant 
numbers of newly arrived refugee children. As currently awarded, the 
FY14-16 Refugee School Impact funding period concludes on August 14, 
2016. Beginning in FFY17, ORR will award Refugee School Impact funding 
as a formula set-aside within the Refugee Social Services funding 
awarded to all States and Wilson-Fish programs coordinating refugee 
resettlement. This change in timing for Refugee School Impact funding 
will create a gap in Refugee School Impact program services between 
August 15, 2016 and October 1, 2016. The low-cost extensions will 
support refugee access to services critical to refugee student success 
at the beginning of the school year, when such services are greatest 
and most urgent.

DATES: Low-cost extension supplement grants will support activities 
from August 15, 2016, through September 30, 2016.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carl Rubenstein, Director, Division of 
Refugee Assistance, Office of Refugee Resettlement, 330 C Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20201. Email: [email protected].

    Statutory Authority: This program is authorized by Section 
412(c)(1)(A)(iii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 
U.S.C. 1522(c)(1)(A)(iii).

Christopher Beach,
Senior Grants Policy Specialist, Office of Administration, Office of 
Financial Services, Division of Grants Policy.
[FR Doc. 2016-25496 Filed 10-20-16; 8:45 am]