[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 73 (Thursday, April 16, 2015)]
[Pages 20553-20554]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-08765]
[Public Notice: 9094]
Industry Advisory Group; Notice of Open Meeting
The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) of the Bureau of Overseas
Buildings Operations (OBO) will meet on Thursday, May 7 from 10:00 a.m.
until 12:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The meeting is open to the
public and will be held in the Loy Henderson Conference Room of the
U.S. Department of State, located at 2201 C Street NW., (entrance on
23rd Street) Washington, DC. For logistical and security reasons, the
public must enter and exit the building using only the 23rd Street
This committee serves the U.S. government in a solely advisory
capacity concerning industry and academia's latest concepts, methods,
best practices, innovations, and ideas related to OBO's mission to
provide safe, secure, and functional facilities that represent the U.S.
government to the host nation and support our staff in the achievement
of U.S. foreign policy objectives. These facilities should represent
American values and the best in American architecture, engineering,
technology, sustainability, art, culture, and construction execution.
The majority of the meeting will be devoted to an exchange of ideas
between the Department's senior management and IAG representatives,
with reasonable time provided for members of the public to provide
Admittance to the State Department building will be by means of a
pre-arranged clearance list. To register for the meeting, please visit
the OBO Web site at http://overseasbuildings.state.gov/ for the
registration page by Friday, April 24. In order to register, you must
provide the following information: first and last name, company/firm
name, date of birth, country of citizenship, and the number and issuing
country/state associated with a valid government-issued ID (i.e., U.S.
government ID, U.S. military ID, passport, or driver's license).
Requests for reasonable accommodation should also be sent to the same
email address by April 24. The public may attend this meeting as
seating capacity allows. Requests made after that date will be
considered, but may not be able to be fulfilled.
Personal data is requested pursuant to Pub. L. 99-399 (Omnibus
Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986), as amended; Pub. L.
107-56 (USA PATRIOT Act); and E.O. 13356. The purpose of the collection
is to validate the identity of individuals who enter Department
facilities. The data will be entered into the Visitor Access Control
System (VACS-D) database.
Please see the Security Records System of Records Notice (State-36)
at http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/103419.pdf for
additional information.
[[Page 20554]]
Please contact Christy Foushee at [email protected] or (703) 875-
4131 with any questions.
Dated: April 1, 2015.
Lydia Muniz,
Director, U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Overseas Buildings
[FR Doc. 2015-08765 Filed 4-15-15; 8:45 am]