[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 22 (Tuesday, February 3, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 5683-5688]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-02007]



39 CFR Part 20

International Product and Price Changes

AGENCY: Postal ServiceTM.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United 
States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM[supreg], to 
reflect the prices, product features, and classification changes to 
Competitive Services, as established by the Governors of the Postal 

DATES: Effective date: April 26, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paula Rabkin at 202-268-2537.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: New prices will be posted under Docket 
Number CP2015-33 on the Postal Regulatory Commission's Web site at 
    This final rule describes the international price and 
classification changes and the corresponding mailing standards changes 
for the following Competitive Services:
     Global Express Guaranteed [supreg] (GXG [supreg]).
     Priority Mail Express InternationalTM.
     Priority Mail International [supreg].
     First-Class Package International ServiceTM.
     International Priority Airmail\TM\ (IPA [supreg]).
     International Surface Air Lift [supreg] (ISAL [supreg]).
     Direct Sacks of Printed Matter to One Addressee (Airmail 
     International Extra Services:
    [cir] Certificate of Mailing.
    [cir] Registered MailTMService.
    [cir] Return Receipt Service.
    New prices will be located on the Postal Explorer[supreg] Web site 
at http://pe.usps.com.

Global Express Guaranteed

    Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) is the Postal Service's premier 
international expedited product provided through an alliance with FedEx 
Express [supreg]. The price increase for GXG service averages 7.2 
    The Postal Service continues to provide Commercial Base pricing to 
online customers who prepare and pay for GXG shipments via USPS-
approved payment methods, with variable discounts up to 16 percent off 
the published retail prices for GXG.
    The Postal Service also continues to offer Commercial Plus pricing 
price incentives for large volume customers who commit to tendering 
$100,000 in annual postal revenue from GXG, Priority Mail Express 
International (PMEI), Priority Mail International (PMI), and First-
Class Package International Service (FCPIS [supreg]) via USPS-approved 
payment methods, with variable discounts up to 24 percent off the 
published retail prices for GXG.

Priority Mail Express International

    Priority Mail Express International (PMEI) service provides fast 
service to approximately 180 countries. A money-back guarantee service 
(exceptions apply) is available for certain destinations. The price 
increase for PMEI service averages 6.7 percent. The Commercial Base 
price and Commercial Plus price for customers that prepare and pay for 
PMEI shipments via permit imprint, online at USPS.com[supreg], or as 
registered end-users using an authorized PC Postage vendor will remain 
a variable discount (based on the item's weight and price group) of up 
to 13 percent below the retail price for Commercial Base price and up 
to 25 percent below the retail price for Commercial Plus price.
    The Postal Service continues to offer PMEI Commercial Plus pricing 
that includes discount price incentives to large volume customers who 
commit to tendering at least $100,000 in annual postal revenue from 
GXG, PMEI, Priority Mail International and First-Class Package 
International Service. The Postal Service will continue to include PMEI 
in customized Global Expedited Package Services (GEPS) contracts 
offered to customers who meet certain revenue thresholds and are 
willing to commit to a larger amount of postal revenue for PMEI and 
Priority Mail International.

Priority Mail International

    Priority Mail International (PMI) is a way to send merchandise and 
documents to about 180 countries. The price increase for PMI service 
averages 6.8 percent. The Commercial Base price and Commercial Plus 
price for customers that prepare and pay for PMI items via permit 
imprint, online at USPS.com, or as registered end-users using an 
authorized PC Postage vendor will remain a variable discount (based on 
the item's weight and price group) of up to 13 percent below the retail 
price for Commercial Base price and up to 21 percent below the retail 
price for Commercial Plus price. Large volume mailers who commit to 
tendering at least $100,000 in annual postal revenue from GXG, PMEI, 
PMI, and First-Class Package International Service may request 
authorization for Commercial Plus discount prices. The Postal Service 
will continue to include PMI in customized Global Expedited Package 
Services (GEPS) contracts offered to customers who meet certain revenue 
thresholds and are willing to commit to a larger amount of revenue to 
the USPS[supreg] for PMEI and PMI.
    In this filing we are proposing a structural change to create price 
zones for PMI to Canada. New zoned prices, based on the origin ZIP Code 
for PMI destined to Canada, will encourage customers to better use our 
network and

[[Page 5684]]

allow us to compete more effectively in major metropolitan markets from 
which U.S. businesses export and where the Postal Service operates an 
international gateway (International Service Center).
    An additional classification change is an increase to 66 pounds 
from 44 pounds for the maximum weight for PMI Country Price Group 17 

First-Class Package International Service

    First-Class Package International Service (FCPIS) is an economical 
international service for small packages weighing less than 4 pounds 
and not exceeding $400 in value. The pricing structure for FCPIS will 
continue to be simpler than for some other international products, with 
one retail price worldwide for 1 to 2 ounces, identical prices for 3 to 
4 ounces within each country price group, and identical prices for 5 to 
8 ounces within each country price group. The price increase for FCPIS 
averages 7.2 percent. The Commercial Base price and Commercial Plus 
price for customers that prepare and pay for FCPIS items via permit 
imprint or by USPS-approved online payment methods will remain a 
variable discount (based on the item's weight and price group) of up to 
10 percent below the retail price for Commercial Base price and up to 
16 percent below the retail price for Commercial Plus price. Large 
volume mailers who commit to tendering at least $100,000 in annual 
postal revenue from GXG, PMEI, PMI, and FCPIS may request authorization 
for Commercial Plus discount prices.

International Priority Airmail and International Surface Air Lift

    Published prices for the commercial international Shipping 
Services, which include International Priority Airmail (IPA) and 
International Surface Air Lift (ISAL), will have an overall price 
increase of 4.5 percent. The structure of IPA and ISAL price categories 
will continue to be priced by the worldwide and 19 country price groups 
and applicable mail shapes (letters and postcards, large envelopes 
[flats], and packages [small packets and rolls]). These categories 
correspond to the Universal Postal Convention requirements to use 
shape-based pricing. For IPA and ISAL, the Postal Service offers 
incentive pricing through International Negotiated Service Agreements 
    International Priority Airmail (IPA) service, including IPA M-bags, 
is a bulk commercial service that provides rapid and economical 
worldwide delivery to business mailers for volume mailings of First-
Class Mail International postcards, letters, large envelopes (flats), 
and FCPIS packages (small packets) weighing up to a maximum 4.4 pounds. 
IPA is dispatched to the destination country where it is entered into 
the postal administration's air or surface priority mail system for 
delivery. The overall price increase for IPA service averages 4.5 
    International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) service, including ISAL M-
Bags, is a bulk commercial service that provides economical worldwide 
delivery to business mailers of volume mailings of all First-Class Mail 
International postcards, letters, large envelopes (flats), and FCPIS 
packages (small packets) weighing up to 4.4 pounds. ISAL is dispatched 
to the destination country where it is then entered into the postal 
administration's surface nonpriority network. The overall price 
increase for ISAL service averages 4.5 percent.

Direct Sacks of Printed Matter to One Addressee (Airmail M-bags)

    Airmail M-bags are direct sacks of printed matter sent to a single 
foreign addressee at a single address. Prices are based on the weight 
of the sack. The price increase for Airmail M-bags averages 6.8 

International Extra Services

    Depending on country destination and mail type, customers may add a 
variety of extra services to their outbound shipments. Prices for some 
of these extra services are increasing. Also, as a housekeeping 
measure, we will remove provisions concerning Inbound International 
Return Receipt and Inbound International Insurance from the Mail 
Classification Schedule, as these are products offered by foreign 
postal administrations to their countries' mailers, not USPS mail 
    For our competitive offerings, we revised the prices for the 
following international extra services:

Certificate of Mailing

    The price for Certificate of Mailing will increase 2.5 percent.

Registered Mail

    The price for Registered Mail will increase 2.2 percent.

Return Receipt

    The price for Return Receipt for International Mail will increase 
2.7 percent.

Priority Mail Express International Insurance and Priority Mail 
International Insurance

    The insurance tables for Priority Mail Express International (PMEI) 
and Priority Mail International (PMI) will be combined into one table 
to simplify pricing.

List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 20

    Foreign relations, International postal services.
    The Postal Service hereby adopts the following changes to Mailing 
Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail 
Manual (IMM), which is incorporated by reference in the Code of Federal 
Regulations. See 39 CFR 20.1. Accordingly, 39 CFR part 20 is amended as 


1. The authority citation for 39 CFR part 20 continues to read as 

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301-307; 18 U.S.C. 1692-
1737; 39 U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 407, 414, 416, 3001-3011, 3201-
3219, 3403-3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632, 3633, and 5001.

2. Revise the following sections of Mailing Standards of the United 
States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM), as follows:

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International 
Mail Manual (IMM)

2 Conditions for Mailing

* * * * *

220 Priority Mail Express International

* * * * *

222.8 Extra Services--Merchandise Insurance

    [Revise second sentence of 222.8 to read as follows:]
    * * * See Exhibit 322.2 for individual country merchandise 
insurance limits.* * *
* * * * *

230 Priority Mail International

* * * * *

232.3 Priority Mail International Medium and Large Flat Rate Boxes

    [Revise next to last sentence about insurance to read as follows:]
    * * * Medium and Large Flat Rate Boxes may be insured--see Exhibit 
322.2 for insurance availability and limitations.
* * * * *

3 Insurance

* * * * *

[[Page 5685]]

322 Priority Mail Express International Insurance

* * * * *

322.2 Availability

    [Delete last sentence of 322.2 and replace with new sentence about 
Exhibit 322.2 as follows:]
    * * * See Exhibit 322.2 for availability and insurance limits.
    [Insert new Exhibit 322.2 to read as shown in the table appended to 
the end of this Federal Register Notice.]

322.3 Additional Coverage and Fees

    [Revise 322.3 to read as follows:]
    Additional merchandise insurance coverage above $200--up to the 
maximum amount allowed by the country (see Exhibit 322.2) but never to 
exceed $5,000--may be purchased at the sender's option. The insurance 
fee is in addition to postage and other applicable fees. See Notice 
123, Price List, for the fee schedule for optional Priority Mail 
Express International merchandise insurance coverage.
* * * * *

323 Priority Mail International Insurance

* * * * *

323.2 Availability

    [Replace second sentence of 323.2 to read as follows:]
    * * * See Exhibit 322.2.* * *

323.3 Coverage and Fees

    [Revise the first sentence of 323.3 to read as follows and delete 
the second sentence in its entirety:]
    Merchandise insurance coverage--up to the maximum amount allowed by 
the country (see Exhibit 322.2) but never to exceed $5,000--may be 
purchased at the sender's option. The insurance fee is in addition to 
postage and other applicable fees and is based on the insured value.* * 
* * * * *

Country Price Groups and Weight Limits

* * * * *
    [Change the weight for Netherlands Priority Mail International to 
66 pounds so that the entry for Netherlands reads as follows:]

                                                              Global express guaranteed           Priority mail express        Priority mail international \1\   First-class mail international
                                                         ----------------------------------           international          ----------------------------------      and first-class package
                                                                                           ----------------------------------                                         international service
                         Country                                               Max. wt.                                                            Max. wt.    ---------------------------------
                                                            Price group         (lbs.)        Price group        Max. wt.       Price group         (lbs.)                         Max. wt.\ 2\
                                                                                                                  (lbs.)                                          Price group      (ozs./lbs.)
Netherlands.............................................               3               70               17               66               17               66                5            3.5/4

* * * * *

Individual Country Listings

* * * * *

Priority Mail Express International (220)

* * * * *
    [For each country that offers Priority Mail Express International 
merchandise insurance, replace the fee table with the following:]
    See Exhibit 322.2 for individual country merchandise insurance 
limits. See Notice 123, Price List, for the fee schedule for Priority 
Mail Express International merchandise insurance coverage.
* * * * *

Priority Mail International (230)

* * * * *
    [For each country that offers Priority Mail International 
merchandise insurance, replace the fee table with the following:]
    See Exhibit 322.2 for individual country merchandise insurance 
limits. See Notice 123, Price List, for the fee schedule for Priority 
Mail International merchandise insurance coverage.
* * * * *
    Exhibit 322.2

   Priority Mail Express International and Priority Mail International
                      Merchandise Insurance Limits
                 Country                       PMEI             PMI
Afghanistan.............................             n/a             n/a
Albania.................................            5000             n/a
Algeria.................................            5000             n/a
Andorra.................................            5000            5000
Angola..................................            5000             n/a
Anguilla................................            5000             415
Antigua and Barbuda.....................             n/a              60
Argentina...............................            5000            5000
Armenia.................................            5000             875
Aruba...................................            5000             830
Ascension...............................             n/a             n/a
Australia...............................            5000            3644
Austria.................................            5000            5000
Azerbaijan..............................            5000            2915
Bahamas.................................            5000            1458
Bahrain.................................            5000             n/a
Bangladesh..............................            5000            5000
Barbados................................            5000             238
Belarus.................................            5000            1312
Belgium.................................             650             650
Belize..................................            5000            1600
Benin...................................            5000             n/a
Bermuda.................................            5000             440
Bhutan..................................            5000              22
Bolivia.................................            5000             n/a

[[Page 5686]]

Bosnia-Herzegovina......................            5000            5000
Botswana................................            5000              73
Brazil..................................            5000            2915
British Virgin Islands..................             n/a             500
Brunei Darussalam.......................            5000             n/a
Bulgaria................................            5000            1115
Burkina Faso............................            5000             969
Burma (Myanmar).........................             n/a             n/a
Burundi.................................            5000            5000
Cambodia................................            5000             n/a
Cameroon................................            5000             n/a
Canada..................................            5000             675
Cape Verde..............................            5000             n/a
Cayman Islands..........................            5000             n/a
Central African Republic................            5000             n/a
Chad....................................            5000             185
Chile...................................            5000             n/a
China...................................            5000            1222
Colombia................................            5000             999
Comoros.................................             n/a             690
Congo, Democratic Republic of the.......            5000             n/a
Congo, Republic of the..................            5000            1685
Costa Rica..............................            5000             n/a
Cote d'Ivoire...........................            5000            5000
Croatia.................................            5000            5000
Cuba....................................             n/a             n/a
Curacao (includes Bonaire, Saba, and                5000            5000
 Sint Eustatius)........................
Cyprus..................................            5000            5000
Czech Republic..........................            5000            5000
Denmark.................................             650             650
Djibouti................................            5000             880
Dominica................................            5000             n/a
Dominican Republic......................            5000             n/a
Ecuador.................................            5000             n/a
Egypt...................................            5000            1685
El Salvador.............................            5000             n/a
Equatorial Guinea.......................             n/a             n/a
Eritrea.................................            5000             n/a
Estonia.................................            5000            2187
Ethiopia................................            5000             n/a
Falkland Islands........................             n/a             n/a
Faroe Islands...........................            5000            5000
Fiji....................................            5000             n/a
Finland.................................             650             650
France..................................             650             650
French Guiana...........................            5000            5000
French Polynesia........................            5000            4519
Gabon...................................            5000             523
Gambia..................................             n/a             n/a
Georgia, Republic of....................            5000            1458
Germany.................................             500             500
Ghana...................................            5000             n/a
Gibraltar...............................             n/a             n/a
Great Britain and Northern Ireland......             650             n/a
Greece..................................             650             650
Greenland...............................             n/a            5000
Grenada.................................            5000             350
Guadeloupe..............................            5000            5000
Guatemala...............................             n/a             n/a
Guinea..................................            5000             948
Guinea-Bissau...........................            5000            2915
Guyana..................................            5000              10
Haiti...................................            5000             n/a
Honduras................................             n/a             n/a
Hong Kong...............................            5000            5000
Hungary.................................            5000            5000
Iceland.................................             650             650
India...................................            5000            2189
Indonesia...............................            5000             n/a
Iran....................................             n/a             n/a
Iraq....................................            5000             n/a

[[Page 5687]]

Ireland.................................             650             650
Israel..................................            5000             n/a
Italy...................................             650             650
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire).............            5000            5000
Jamaica.................................            5000             n/a
Japan...................................            5000            5000
Jordan..................................             n/a             n/a
Kazakhstan..............................            5000            5000
Kenya...................................            5000             131
Kiribati................................             n/a             n/a
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of               n/a             n/a
 (North Korea)..........................
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)........            5000            5000
Kosovo, Republic of.....................             n/a             n/a
Kuwait..................................            5000            2000
Kyrgyzstan..............................            5000            5000
Laos....................................            5000             n/a
Latvia..................................            5000            1458
Lebanon.................................            5000             n/a
Lesotho.................................            5000             440
Liberia.................................            5000             440
Libya...................................             n/a             n/a
Liechtenstein...........................            5000            5000
Lithuania...............................            5000            5000
Luxembourg..............................             650             650
Macao...................................            5000            4227
Macedonia, Republic of..................            5000            2380
Madagascar..............................            5000             199
Malawi..................................             n/a             n/a
Malaysia................................            5000            1429
Maldives................................            5000             n/a
Mali....................................            5000             n/a
Malta...................................            5000             n/a
Martinique..............................            5000            5000
Mauritania..............................            5000             635
Mauritius...............................            5000             165
Mexico..................................            5000             n/a
Moldova.................................            5000            2915
Mongolia................................            5000             n/a
Montenegro..............................             n/a            5000
Montserrat..............................             n/a            2200
Morocco.................................            5000            5000
Mozambique..............................            5000             n/a
Namibia.................................            5000            4405
Nauru...................................            5000             220
Nepal...................................            5000             n/a
Netherlands.............................             650             650
New Caledonia...........................            5000            1775
New Zealand.............................            5000            1025
Nicaragua...............................            5000             n/a
Niger...................................            5000             n/a
Nigeria.................................            5000             n/a
Norway..................................             650             650
Oman....................................            5000             575
Pakistan................................            5000             867
Panama..................................            5000             n/a
Papua New Guinea........................            5000             445
Paraguay................................            5000             n/a
Peru....................................            5000             n/a
Philippines.............................            5000             n/a
Pitcairn Island.........................             n/a             n/a
Poland..................................            5000            5000
Portugal................................             650             650
Qatar...................................            5000             n/a
Reunion.................................             n/a            5000
Romania.................................            5000            5000
Russia..................................            5000            5000
Rwanda..................................            5000             n/a
Saint Christopher and Nevis.............            5000             242
Saint Helena............................             n/a             170
Saint Lucia.............................            5000             n/a
Saint Pierre and Miquelon...............             n/a            5000

[[Page 5688]]

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines........            5000             130
San Marino..............................            5000            5000
Sao Tome and Principe...................             n/a             440
Saudi Arabia............................            5000             n/a
Senegal.................................            5000             936
Serbia, Republic of.....................            5000            5000
Seychelles..............................            5000             n/a
Sierra Leone............................            5000             n/a
Singapore...............................            5000            3000
Sint Maarten............................            5000            5000
Slovak Republic (Slovakia)..............             650             650
Slovenia................................             650             650
Solomon Islands.........................            5000             n/a
Somalia.................................             n/a             n/a
South Africa............................            5000             n/a
Spain...................................             650             650
Sri Lanka...............................            5000              35
Sudan...................................             n/a             n/a
Suriname................................             n/a             535
Swaziland...............................            5000             560
Sweden..................................             650             650
Switzerland.............................             650             650
Syrian Arab Republic (Syria)............            5000             n/a
Taiwan..................................            5000            1350
Tajikistan..............................            5000            5000
Tanzania................................            5000             248
Thailand................................            5000            1458
Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of.....             n/a             n/a
Togo....................................            5000             n/a
Tonga...................................            5000             515
Trinidad and Tobago.....................            5000             n/a
Tristan da Cunha........................             n/a             n/a
Tunisia.................................            5000            3834
Turkey..................................            5000             952
Turkmenistan............................            5000             729
Turks and Caicos Islands................             650             n/a
Tuvalu..................................             n/a             675
Uganda..................................            5000             n/a
Ukraine.................................            5000            5000
United Arab Emirates....................            5000            5000
United Kingdom (Great Britain and                    650             n/a
 Northern Ireland)......................
Uruguay.................................            5000             n/a
Uzbekistan..............................            5000            5000
Vanuatu.................................             n/a             n/a
Vatican City............................            5000            2380
Venezuela...............................             n/a             n/a
Vietnam.................................            5000             n/a
Wallis and Futuna Islands...............             n/a            1615
Western Samoa...........................             n/a             295
Yemen...................................            5000             820
Zambia..................................            5000             n/a
Zimbabwe................................            5000             n/a

* * * * *
    We will publish an appropriate amendment to 39 CFR part 20 to 
reflect these changes.

Stanley F. Mires,
Attorney, Federal Requirements.
[FR Doc. 2015-02007 Filed 2-2-15; 8:45 am]