[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 96 (Monday, May 19, 2014)]
[Pages 28747-28752]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2014-11386]



Office of the Secretary

[Docket No. DHS-2014-0028]

Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Homeland Security Federal 
Emergency Management Agency--003 National Flood Insurance Program Files 
System of Records

AGENCY: Privacy Office, Department of Homeland Security.

ACTION: Notice of Privacy Act System of Records.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the Department of 
Homeland Security proposes to consolidate, update, and reissue the 
current Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management 
Agency system of records titled, ``Department of Homeland Security/
Federal Emergency Management Agency--003 National Flood Insurance 
Program Files System of Records'' with the systems of records titled, 
``Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency/
Mitigation/Mitigation--1 National Flood Insurance Program Claims 
Appeals Process,'' and ``Department of Homeland Security/Federal 
Emergency Management Agency--007 National Flood Insurance Program 
Marketing Files.'' This consolidated and updated system of records 
enables the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency 
Management Agency to administer all aspects of the National Flood 
Insurance Program. The Department has consolidated and updated these 
systems of records to more accurately reflect how the Department of 

[[Page 28748]]

Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency collects, maintains, and 
shares information pertaining to the National Flood Insurance Program.
    The Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management 
Agency has consolidated categories of individuals, categories of 
records, authority for maintenance, routine uses, retrievability, 
retention and disposal, and record sources to accurately reflect the 
entirety of the National Flood Insurance Program, and to reflect the 
Biggert-Waters Act. Also, the Department of Homeland Security/Federal 
Emergency Management Agency is updating the consolidated system of 
records notice to include: (1) Category of individuals; (2) category of 
records; and (3) routine uses. Additionally, this notice includes non-
substantive changes to simplify the formatting and text of the 
previously published notices. This consolidated and updated system will 
be included in the Department's inventory of record systems.

DATES: Submit comments on or before June 18, 2014 This new system will 
be effective June 18, 2014.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number DHS-
2014-0028 by one of the following methods:
     Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
     Fax: 202-343-4010.
     Mail: Karen L. Neuman, Chief Privacy Officer, Privacy 
Office, Department of Homeland Security, 245 Murray Drive SW., Building 
410, STOP-0655, Washington, DC 20528.
    Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name 
and docket number for this rulemaking. All comments received will be 
posted without change and may be read at http://www.regulations.gov, 
including any personal information provided.
    Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or 
comments received, go to http://www.regulations.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general questions, please contact 
Eric M. Leckey (202) 212-5100, Privacy Officer, Federal Emergency 
Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC 
20528. For privacy issues please contact Karen L. Neuman (202) 343-
1717, Chief Privacy Officer, Privacy Office, 245 Murray Drive SW., 
Building 410, STOP-0655, Washington, DC 20528.


I. Background

    In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, the 
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management 
Agency (FEMA) proposes to consolidate, update, and reissue the current 
DHS system of records titled, ``DHS/FEMA--003 National Flood Insurance 
Program Files System of Records'' to include the systems of records 
titled, ``DHS/FEMA/Mitigation/Mitigation--1 National Flood Insurance 
Program Claims Appeals Process'' and ``DHS/FEMA--007 National Flood 
Insurance Program Marketing Files,'' to form one comprehensive system 
of records notice that accurately reflects all information collection 
and maintenance pertaining to the National Flood Insurance Program.
    Congress passed the National Flood Insurance Act (NFIA), 42 U.S.C. 
4001 in 1968, creating the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in 
order to reduce future flood losses through flood hazard 
identification, manage floodplain, and provide insurance protection. 
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) originally 
administered the NFIP, and Congress subsequently transferred the NFIP 
to FEMA upon its creation in 1979. FEMA and insurance companies 
participating in FEMA's Write Your Own (WYO) program offer NFIP 
insurance coverage for building structures as well as for contents and 
personal property with the building structures to eligible and 
insurable properties. Individuals seeking flood insurance are required 
to submit an application with all necessary information in order to 
properly rate their property and issue an appropriate insurance policy.
    FEMA administers NFIP by ensuring insurance applications are 
processed properly; determining correct premiums; renewing, reforming, 
and cancelling insurance policies; transferring policies from the 
seller of the property to the purchaser of the property in certain 
circumstances; and processing insurance claims. Individuals obtain a 
NFIP policy directly from FEMA or through a private insurance company 
participating in NFIP's WYO program. The WYO program began in 1983 with 
NFIP operating under Part B of the NFIA, and allows FEMA to authorize 
private insurance companies to issue the Standard Flood Insurance 
Policy (SFIP) as FEMA's fiduciary and fiscal agent. Building and 
contents coverage may be purchased separately or together under NFIP.
    Participating WYO insurance companies sell a SFIP to a home or 
business owner, which is often an existing customer who has also 
purchased other private lines of insurance (such as home and fire). 
Mortgage lenders require borrowers to purchase flood insurance in 
addition to regular homeowner's insurance because NFIA requires flood 
insurance as a condition for obtaining a federally-backed mortgage for 
a property located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as shown on 
the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The home or business owner is 
required to purchase flood insurance as a condition for obtaining a 
federally-backed loan if an owner or borrower's insurance company 
participates in the WYO program and the home or business owner's 
building is located in an SFHA. In addition, mortgage lenders can 
contractually require the owner or borrower to obtain flood insurance.
    Flood insurance agents and brokers serving owners or applicants 
submit flood applications to FEMA's NFIP Direct Servicing Agent (DSA) 
or to a participating WYO insurance company as the prospective insurer. 
The DSA (for FEMA-issued policies) or insurer processes the 
applications, policies, and claims. The DSA or insurer receives the 
application, processes the application, and determines eligibility and 
premiums for the policy. The DSA or insurer then issues the appropriate 
SFIP policy in accordance with the applicable statutes and regulations.
    FEMA's Community Rating System (CRS) enables flood insurance 
premiums to be less expensive for insurance policy holders in 
communities that implement protective floodplain management practices 
designed to lessen the impact of damages caused by future floods to 
insurable property. These practices include activities such as 
enforcing building codes that limit new construction in flood prone 
areas and implementing public education programs to avoid flood damage.
    Private insurers issue SFIPs in their own name, administer and 
process SFIP claims, and market and sell SFIPs in their capacity as 
FEMA's fiduciary and fiscal agent under the WYO program. The paid 
premiums of SFIPs and claims payments for damaged property are 
processed through the National Flood Insurance Fund (NFIF). NFIF was 
established by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 
4001, et seq.), and is a centralized premium revenue and fee-generated 
fund that supports NFIP, which holds these U.S. Treasury funds. 
Portions of the paid

[[Page 28749]]

SFIP premiums cover the private insurer's administrative and operating 
costs. Thus, the private insurers' own funds are not used in issuing 
checks to SFIP claimants. Private insurers handle all SFIP claims they 
issue and adjust and settle SFIP claims consistent with FEMA guidelines 
and standards.
    FEMA directly handles appeals from all policyholders pursuant to 44 
CFR 62.20 processes. Section 205 of the Bunning-Bereuter-Blumenauer 
Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004 (FIRA), 42 U.S.C. 4011, requires 
FEMA to establish an appeals process for flood insurance policyholders 
to dispute claims, proof of loss, or loss estimate decisions made by 
any insurance agent or adjuster, WYO agent, insurance company, or FEMA.
    As part of NFIP, FEMA engages in marketing efforts to publicize and 
educate the public on the NFIP program in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 
4020. FEMA targets these marketing efforts towards homeowners and 
business owners whose properties are located in a participating NFIP 
community. FEMA also provides useful general rate quote information to 
prospective flood insurance buyers by linking them with prospective 
insurance agents serving their areas. FEMA facilitates this connection 
using internet Web sites and other marketing media to provide a 1-800 
number to the NFIP Telephone Response Center that provides general 
information about NFIP.
    Previously, DHS/FEMA issued separate systems of records notices to 
cover information collection and maintenance in the various NFIP 
functions. However, FEMA is consolidating key NFIP program functions 
into one comprehensive notice to streamline compliance documentation 
processes and increase transparency. DHS/FEMA has consolidated 
categories of individuals, categories of records, authority for 
maintenance, routine uses, retrievability, retention and disposal, and 
record sources from the previous system of records notices to more 
accurately reflect these NFIP systems and functions. DHS/FEMA proposes 
to update and reissue this renewed system of records notice as a result 
of a review necessary to consolidate the system of records. First, FEMA 
updated the category of individuals to include individuals requesting 
NFIP information and Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) property owners 
(previously known as Repetitive Loss Target Group). FEMA next modified 
the category of records to include documents submitted to DHS/FEMA 
verifying primary residence, names and contact information of insurance 
adjusters, and individuals seeking NFIP information. Changes to 
category of records also include notations and documentation of 
payments and payment related transactions or inquiries from other 
sources regarding insured properties (such as mortgage lenders). 
Finally, FEMA updated the routine uses to include the addition of 
routine use (V) that allows FEMA to share information with private 
reinsurers, private capital firms, and financial institutions to comply 
with section 232(c)(2) of Biggert Waters Act of 2012. Additionally, 
FEMA modified routine use (A) to include former employees of DHS and to 
eliminate redundant language; updated routine use (C) to specify that 
information may be shared with the General Services Administration 
(GSA); and modified routine uses (D), (E), (O), (P), and (Q) for 
    This system of records allows DHS/FEMA to collect and maintain 
records and information regarding applicants, policyholders, 
prospective policyholders, insurance agents, and other individuals 
associated with NFIP. DHS/FEMA needs the information in order to 
properly administer the NFIP. The NFIP system collects and maintains 
records of individuals that seek NFIP policies and/or rate quotes, 
apply for an NFIP policy, make NFIP insurance claims, appeal flood 
insurance claim decisions, and are involved in NFIP administration or 
marketing efforts.
    Consistent with DHS and FEMA's information-sharing mission, 
information stored in the DHS/FEMA--003 National Flood Insurance 
Program Files System of Records may be shared with other DHS components 
that have a need to know the information to carry out their national 
security, law enforcement, immigration, intelligence, or other homeland 
security functions. In addition, DHS/FEMA may share information with 
appropriate federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, foreign, or 
international government agencies consistent with the routine uses set 
forth in this system of records notice.
    This consolidated and updated system will be included in DHS's 
inventory of record systems.

II. Privacy Act

    The Privacy Act embodies fair information principles in a statutory 
framework governing the means by which the Federal Government agencies 
collect, maintain, use, and disseminate individuals' records. The 
Privacy Act applies to information that is maintained in a ``system of 
records.'' A ``system of records'' is a group of any records under the 
control of an agency from which information is retrieved by the name of 
an individual or by identifying number, symbol, or other identifying 
particular assigned to the individual. In the Privacy Act, an 
individual is defined to encompass U.S. citizens and lawful permanent 
residents. As a matter of policy, DHS extends administrative Privacy 
Act protections to all individuals when systems of records maintain 
information on U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and visitors.
    Below is the description of the DHS/FEMA--003 National Flood 
Insurance Program Files System of Records.
    In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(r), DHS has provided a report of 
this system of records to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and 
to Congress.
System of Records
    Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management 
Agency (FEMA)--003

System name:
    DHS/FEMA--003 National Flood Insurance Program Files.

Security classification:

System location:
    FEMA maintains records at FEMA Headquarters in Washington, DC and 
FEMA field offices, Write Your Own (WYO) companies' office locations, 
and the Direct Servicing Agent (DSA) offices. Additionally, FEMA may 
store records in the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) 
Information Technology Systems (ITS) and FloodSmart.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:
    Categories of individuals covered by this system include individual 
flood insurance policyholders; policyholders who claim losses due to 
flooding; flood insurance claimants who appeal flood loss decisions; 
individuals requesting NFIP information; applicants (individuals or 
certifiers); Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) property owners (previously 
known as Repetitive Loss Target Group); independent insurance agents; 
WYO insurance companies and WYO company agents; representatives from 
communities that submit Community Rating System (CRS) applications; and 
certified flood adjusters.

Categories of records in the system:
    Categories of records in the NFIP system include:

     Individual or property owner's name;

[[Page 28750]]

     Social Security number (SSN) for older policies, as NFIP 
has ceased collecting and maintaining this information;
     Property addresses;
     Telephone numbers;
     Email address;
     Tax Identification Number (TIN);
     Insurance policy numbers and coverage information;
     Group Flood Insurance Program (GFIP) Certificate Holders 
Property (CHP) information:
    [cir] Name of the bank or lender;
    [cir] Date of mortgage; and
    [cir] Address of bank/lender.
     Loan information, such as:
    [cir] Loan number;
    [cir] Names and addresses of first and possible second mortgages; 
    [cir] File or identification number of loan.
     Administration records regarding an individual's policy, 
such as:
    [cir] Transaction errors and rejects per WYO Company; and
    [cir] Documents and photographs necessary to substantiate claims 
for losses not covered by policy (such as burglary or robbery);
     Elevation certificates of insured properties;
     Documents verifying primary residence of policyholder 
(i.e., driver's license or automobile registration);
     Adjuster reports and notations of adjusting company's paid 
bills (including photographs diagrams of damaged property that may or 
may not be covered by insurance);
     Names and contact information of insurance agents, 
adjusters, and adjusting companies;
     Property payments, related transaction notations, and 
records from other sources (i.e., homeowners insurance carrier and 
mortgage lender);
     Data elements required for reporting purposes under the 
FEMA Mitigation Directorate Bureau and Statistical Agent contract for 
private insurance companies including:
    [cir] Policy reinstatement with/without policy changes;
    [cir] Insurance claims; and
    [cir] Payment of claims.

    FEMA collects the following records to administer the claims appeal 
     Property address where the loss occurred;
     List of damaged personal or real property that is subject 
of the appeal;
     Policyholder's statement of facts about the claim;
     Policyholder's statement on why the policyholder is 
disputing the claim's disposition and supporting proof or records to 
document the policyholder's position;
     Correspondence pertaining to the appeal, which includes 
the individual's contact information; and
     FEMA's appeal decision.
    FEMA collects the following records to administer marketing 
     Accounts or order numbers;
     Names and address of individuals seeking NFIP information;
     Flood insurance quote rate information and flood map zone 
rating for individuals seeking NFIP information;
     Individuals' feedback regarding NFIP, including 
information regarding awareness, attitudes, and satisfaction;
     Telephone Response Center (TRC) records regarding research 
conducted with policyholders, insurance agents, and WYO companies; and
     Names and contact information of insurance companies and 
agents responding to quote requests.
    FEMA collects the following records to administer CRS rating 
     CRS applications to adjust NFIP insurance premiums based 
on the mitigation activities implemented by a community;
     CRS participant (community and local government agency) 
contact information; and
     Other verification documents associated with CRS 
participation (such as elevation certificates).

Authority for maintenance of the system:
    National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 4001, 
et seq.

    The purpose of this system of records is to manage and account for 
key NFIP aspects including policy or program marketing, policy 
issuance, claims processing, and claims appeals.

Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
of users and the purposes of such uses:
    In addition to those disclosures permitted under 5 U.S.C. 552a(b) 
of the Privacy Act, all or a portion of the records of information 
contained in this system may be disclosed outside DHS as a routine use 
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(3) as follows:
    A. To the Department of Justice (DOJ), including Offices of the 
U.S. Attorneys, or other federal agency conducting litigation or in 
proceedings before any court, adjudicative, or administrative body, 
when it is relevant or necessary to the litigation and one of the 
following is a party to the litigation or has an interest in such 
    1. DHS or any component thereof;
    2. Any employee or former employee of DHS in his/her official 
    3. Any employee or former employee of DHS in his/her individual 
capacity when DOJ or DHS has agreed to represent the employee; or
    4. The U.S. or any agency thereof.
    B. To a congressional office from the record of an individual in 
response to an inquiry from that congressional office made at the 
request of the individual to whom the record pertains.
    C. To the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) or 
General Services Administration pursuant to records management 
inspections being conducted under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 
    D. To an agency or organization for the purpose of performing audit 
or oversight operations as authorized by law, but only such information 
as is necessary and relevant to such audit or oversight function.
    E. To appropriate agencies, entities, and persons when:
    1. DHS suspects or has confirmed that the security or 
confidentiality of information in the system of records has been 
    2. DHS has determined that as a result of the suspected or 
confirmed compromise, there is a risk of identity theft or fraud, harm 
to economic or property interests, harm to an individual, or harm to 
the security or integrity of this system or other systems or programs 
(whether maintained by DHS or another agency or entity) that rely upon 
the compromised information; and
    3. The disclosure made to such agencies, entities, and persons is 
reasonably necessary to assist in connection with DHS's efforts to 
respond to the suspected or confirmed compromise and prevent, minimize, 
or remedy such harm.
    F. To contractors and their agents, grantees, experts, consultants, 
and others performing or working on a contract, service, grant, 
cooperative agreement, or assignment for DHS, when necessary to 
accomplish an agency function related to this system of records. Any 
individuals provided information under this routine use are subject to 
the same Privacy Act requirements and limitations on disclosure as are 
applicable to DHS officers and employees.
    G. To an appropriate federal, state, tribal, local, international, 
or foreign law enforcement agency or other appropriate authority 
charged with investigating or prosecuting a violation or enforcing or 
implementing a law, rule, regulation, or order, when a record, either 
on its face or in conjunction with other information, indicates a 
violation or potential violation of law, which

[[Page 28751]]

includes criminal, civil, or regulatory violations and such disclosure 
is proper and consistent with the official duties of the person making 
the disclosure.
    H. To Write Your Own insurance companies as authorized under 44 CFR 
62.23 to administer flood insurance in partnership with FEMA.
    I. To federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies, 
insurance companies, and established voluntary organizations in order 
to determine eligibility for benefits, verify non-duplication of 
benefits following a flooding event or another disaster, and provide 
needs unmet by NFIP claims payouts within their jurisdictions and 
service areas.
    J. To state government agencies in order to provide GFIP 
certificates for carrying out the purposes of the NFIP within its 
    K. To property loss reporting bureaus, state insurance departments, 
and insurance companies to investigate fraud or potential fraud in 
connection with claims, subject to the approval of the DHS Office of 
the Inspector General.
    L. To state, local, and tribal government agencies to ascertain the 
degree of financial burdens they expect to assume in the event of a 
flooding disaster within its jurisdiction.
    M. To state, local, and tribal government agencies to further NFIP 
outreach and education activities within their jurisdiction.
    N. To state, local, and tribal government agencies that provide 
names, addresses of policyholders within their jurisdictions, and a 
brief general description of their plan for acquiring and relocating 
their flood prone properties for the purpose of ensuring that 
communities engage in floodplain management, improved real property 
acquisitions, and relocation projects that are consistent with the 
NFIP. This is contingent upon the Federal Insurance Mitigation 
Administration determining that the use furthers the flood plain 
management and hazard mitigation goals of the agency.
    O. To the Army Corps of Engineers and federal, state, local, and 
tribal government agencies to review NFIP policy and claims information 
for properties within its jurisdiction in order to assist in hazard 
mitigation and floodplain management activities, and in monitoring 
compliance with the floodplain management measures adopted by the 
    P. To lending institutions and mortgage servicing companies for 
purposes of assisting with lender compliance.
    Q. To current owners of properties for the purpose of providing the 
dates and dollar amounts of past loss payments made to the said 
    R. To federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies to 
conduct research, analysis, and feasibility studies of policies and 
claims within its jurisdiction.
    S. To financial institutions for purposes of providing referral or 
cooperative reimbursement payments to insurance agents to share 
marketing and advertising costs between NFIP and entities participating 
in the NFIP.
    T. To community officials and representatives to provide repetitive 
loss records of properties within that community.
    U. To OMB in for purposes related to the review of private relief 
legislation in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-19.
    V. To private reinsurers, private capital firms, and financial 
institutions for the purposes of preparing NFIP assumption of risk 
    W. To the news media and the public, with the approval of the Chief 
Privacy Officer in consultation with counsel, when there exists a 
legitimate public interest in the disclosure of the information, when 
disclosure is necessary to demonstrate the accountability of DHS's 
officers, employees, or individuals covered by the system, except to 
the extent the Chief Privacy Officer determines that release of the 
specific information in the context of a particular case would 
constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies:
    DHS/FEMA discloses information from this system to ``consumer 
reporting agencies,'' per 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(12), as defined in the Fair 
Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. 1681a(f), as amended; or the Federal 
Claims Collection Act of 1966, 31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(3), as amended.

Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
and disposing of records in the system:
    DHS/FEMA stores records in this system electronically or on paper 
in secure facilities, in a locked drawer, and behind a locked door. The 
records are stored on magnetic disc, tape, and digital media.

    DHS/FEMA retrieves records by individual or policyholder's name; an 
individual's insurance policy number; Repetitive Loss Target Group 
number; property address or legal description of the property; 
telephone number; insurance agents; an individual's uniquely 
identifying case, account, or order number; and CRS application number.

    DHS/FEMA safeguards records in this system according to applicable 
rules and policies, including all applicable DHS automated system 
security access policies. DHS/FEMA has imposed strict controls to 
minimize the risk of compromising the information that is being stored. 
Access to the computer system containing the records in this system is 
limited to those individuals who have a need to know the information 
for the performance of their official duties and who have appropriate 
clearances or permissions.

Retention and disposal:
    Policy records are kept as long as the property owner is enrolled 
in the insurance program and pays the policy premiums. Records are 
cutoff when the file becomes inactive. Policy records are destroyed 
five years after the cutoff with FEMA Records Schedule N1-311-86-1, 
Item 1A13a(2). Claim records are maintained for six years and three 
months after final action, unless litigation exists. Records are 
disposed in accordance with FEMA Records Schedule N1-311-86-1, Item 
2A212(2)(b). Claims records with pending litigation are destroyed after 
review by General Counsel with FEMA Records Schedule N1-311-86-1, Item 
2A13a(1). Consumer records, including CRS records are retired to the 
Federal Records Center two years after cutoff, and destroyed 10 years 
after cutoff in accordance with FEMA Records Schedule N1-311-02-01, 
Item 4.

System Manager and address:
    Associate Administrator, Federal Insurance and Mitigation 
Administration, FEMA Headquarters, 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 

Notification procedure:
    Individuals seeking notification of and access to any record 
contained in this system of records, or seeking to contest its content, 
may submit a request in writing to FEMA's FOIA Officer, whose contact 
information can be found at http://www.dhs.gov/foia under ``Contacts.'' 
If an individual believes more than one component maintains Privacy Act 
records concerning him or her, the individual may submit a request to 
the Chief Privacy Officer and Chief Freedom of

[[Page 28752]]

Information Act Officer, Department of Homeland Security, 245 Murray 
Drive SW., Building 410, STOP-0655, Washington, DC 20528.
    When seeking records about yourself from this system of records or 
any other Departmental system of records, your request must conform 
with the Privacy Act regulations set forth in 6 CFR Part 5. You must 
first verify your identity, meaning that you must provide your full 
name, current address, and date and place of birth. You must sign your 
request, and your signature must either be notarized or submitted under 
28 U.S.C. 1746, a law that permits statements to be made under penalty 
of perjury as a substitute for notarization. While no specific form is 
required, you may obtain forms for this purpose from the Chief Privacy 
Officer and Chief Freedom of Information Act Officer, http://www.dhs.gov/foia or 1-866-431-0486. In addition you should:
     Explain why you believe the Department would have 
information on you;
     Identify which component(s) of the Department you believe 
may have the information about you;
     Specify when you believe the records would have been 
     Provide any information that will help the FOIA staff 
determine which DHS component agency may have responsive records; and
    If your request is seeking records pertaining to another living 
individual, you must include a statement from that individual 
certifying his/her agreement for you to access his/her records.
    Without this bulleted information the component(s) may not be able 
to conduct an effective search, and your request may be denied due to 
lack of specificity or lack of compliance with applicable regulations.

Record access procedures:
    See ``Notification procedure'' above.

Contesting record procedures:
    See ``Notification procedure'' above.

Record source categories:
    Records are obtained from individuals who apply for and individuals 
who are insured under the NFIP; WYO companies; flood insurance agents 
and lenders; individuals requesting NFIP information; insurance 
appraisal records, title reports, homeowner reports, notations, and 
documents from homeowner/condominium associations, and NFIP flood maps. 
DHS/FEMA and WYO companies use various Housing and Urban Development 
(HUD) and FEMA forms to collect information within this system of 

Exemptions claimed for the system:

    Dated: May 8, 2014
Karen L. Neuman,
Chief Privacy Officer, Department of Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2014-11386 Filed 5-16-14; 8:45 am]