[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 40 (Wednesday, February 29, 2012)]
[Pages 12353-12354]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-4854]
[Public Notice 7763]
U.S. Department of State Advisory Committee on Private
International Law (ACPIL): Notice of Public Meeting on (1) Jurisdiction
and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments, and (2) Choice of Law
in International Commercial Contracts
The Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Private International
Law, Department of State, hereby gives notice of a public meeting to
discuss two topics on the agenda of the upcoming General Affairs and
Policy Council of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
The public meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. at the main State Department building (Harry S Truman
Building). This is not a meeting of the full Advisory Committee.
Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments: An
ACPIL meeting on this topic was held on March 23, 2011. At the
subsequent General Affairs and Policy Council held in April 2011, it
was agreed to establish a small experts' group ``to explore the
background of the Judgments Project and recent developments with the
aim to assess the possible merits of resuming the Judgments Project.''
That experts' group will hold its initial meeting on April 12-14, 2012
in The Hague, and the results of that meeting will be reported to the
General Affairs and Policy Council, which meets April 17-20.
Choice of law in international commercial contracts: A working
group composed of experts from various countries has been meeting over
the past couple of years to develop non-binding principles relevant to
the choice of law in international commercial contracts. The draft
principles prepared by that working group will be considered at the
General Affairs and Policy Council.
The purpose of the public meeting is to obtain the views of
concerned stakeholders on these topics in advance of the upcoming Hague
Conference meetings.
Prior to the Study Group meeting, we will send out--to all those
who indicate that they intend to attend the meeting or participate by
telephone, or who otherwise wish to comment--the
[[Page 12354]]
documents prepared by the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on
each of these topics, which will include the draft principles on choice
of law. Those who cannot attend but wish to comment are welcome to do
so by email to Keith Loken at [email protected].
Time and Place: The meeting will take place in Room 1205, Harry S
Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW., Washington, DC 20520. Participants
should plan to arrive by 9:30 p.m. for visitor screening. If you are
unable to attend the public meeting and would like to participate from
a remote location, teleconferencing will be available.
Public Participation: This meeting is open to the public, subject
to the capacity of the meeting room. Access to the building is strictly
controlled. For pre-clearance purposes, those planning to attend should
phone Tricia Smeltzer (202-776-8423) or Niesha Toms (202-776-8420) and
provide your full name, address, date of birth, citizenship, driver's
license or passport number, and email address. This will greatly
facilitate entry into the building. Participants will be met inside the
diplomatic entrance at C Street and, once badges are obtained, escorted
to the meeting room. A member of the public needing reasonable
accommodation should advise Ms. Smeltzer or Ms. Toms not later than
March 27. Requests made after that date will be considered, but might
not be able to be fulfilled. If you would like to participate by
telephone, please contact Ms. Smeltzer or Ms. Toms to obtain the call-
in number and other information.
Data from the public is requested pursuant to Public Law 99-399
(Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986), as
amended; Public Law 107-56 (USA PATRIOT Act); and Executive Order
13356. The purpose of the collection is to validate the identity of
individuals who enter Department facilities. The data will be entered
into the Visitor Access Control System (VACS-D) database. Please see
the Privacy Impact Assessment for VACS-D at http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/100305.pdf for additional information.
Dated: February 22, 2012.
Keith Loken,
Assistant Legal Adviser, Private International Law, Department of
[FR Doc. 2012-4854 Filed 2-28-12; 8:45 am]