[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 135 (Thursday, July 14, 2011)]
[Page 41526]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-17665]
[Notice (11-063)]
Centennial Challenges 2011 Strong Tether Challenge
AGENCY: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice is issued in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 2451
(314)(d). The 2011 Strong Tether Challenge is scheduled and teams that
wish to compete may register. Centennial Challenges is a program of
prize competitions to stimulate innovation in technologies of interest
and value to NASA and the nation. The 2011 Strong Tether Challenge is a
prize competition designed to encourage development of very strong,
lightweight material for use in a multitude of structural applications.
The Spaceward Foundation administers the Challenge for NASA. NASA is
providing the prize purse.
DATES: 2011 Strong Tether Challenge will be held on August 12, 2011.
ADDRESSES: 2011 Strong Tether Challenge will be conducted at the 2011
Space Elevator Conference held at the Microsoft Conference Center,
16156 NE. 36th St, Redmond, Washington.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To register for or get additional
information regarding the 2011 Strong Tether Challenge, please visit:
For general information on the NASA Centennial Challenges Program
please visit: http://www.nasa.gov/challenges. General questions and
comments regarding the program should be addressed to Dr. Larry Cooper,
Centennial Challenges Program, NASA Headquarters 300 E Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20546-0001. E-mail address: [email protected].
The competition consists of measuring the tensile strength of a
tether material. There are requirements for maximum mass and minimum
strength and length categories. The strongest sample that meets the
criteria is eligible to win the specified prize.
I. Prize Amounts
The total 2011 Strong Tether Challenge purse is $2,000,000 (two
million U.S. dollars). Incremental prizes will be offered for entries
that meet specific requirements for strength and mass based on the
length of the sample.
II. Eligibility
To be eligible to win a prize competitors must (1) Register and
comply with all requirements in the rules and team agreement; (2) in
the case of a private entity, shall be incorporated in and maintain a
primary place of business in the United States, and in the case of an
individual, whether participating singly or in a group, shall be a
citizen or permanent resident of the United States; and (3) shall not
be a Federal entity or Federal employee acting within the scope of
their employment.
III. Rules
The complete rules and team agreement for the 2011 Strong Tether
Challenge can be found at: http://www.spaceward.org/challenges-ts.
Dated: July 7, 2011.
Michael J. Gazarik,
Deputy Chief Technologist.
[FR Doc. 2011-17665 Filed 7-13-11; 8:45 am]