[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 95 (Tuesday, May 17, 2011)]
[Pages 28461-28467]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-11881]

[[Page 28461]]



Employment and Training Administration

Program Year 2011 Allotments and Grants: Workforce Investment 
Act, Wagner-Peyser Act, and Workforce Information

AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration, Labor.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This Notice announces allotments for PY 2011 for WIA Title I 
Youth, Adults and Dislocated Worker Activities programs; final 
allotments for Employment Service (ES) activities under the Wagner-
Peyser Act for PY 2011 and Workforce Information Grants allotments for 
PY 2011.
    The WIA allotments for States and the State final allotments for 
the Wagner-Peyser Act are based on formulas defined in their respective 
statutes. The WIA allotments for the outlying areas are based on a 
formula determined by the Secretary. For Wagner-Peyser and Workforce 
Information Grants, amounts for outlying areas are provided in this 
Notice. ETA will release a separate TEGL and Notice in the Federal 
Register announcing the formulas and allotment levels related to the 
WIA funding for each of the outlying areas. At this time, we note only 
the overall WIA funds set aside for the outlying areas.

DATES: This Notice is effective on May 17, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: WIA Youth Activities allotments--Evan 
Rosenberg at (202) 693-3593 or LaSharn Youngblood at (202) 693-3606; 
WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Activities and ES final allotments--
Mike Qualter at (202) 693-3014; Workforce Information Grant 
allotments--Anthony Dais at (202) 693-2784.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of Labor (DOL or Department) 
is announcing WIA allotments for PY 2011 for Youth Activities, Adults 
and Dislocated Worker Activities; Wagner-Peyser Act PY 2011 final 
allotments; and PY 2011 Workforce Information Grant allotments. This 
Notice provides information on the amount of funds available during PY 
2011 to States with an approved WIA Title I and Wagner-Peyser Act 
Strategic Plan for PY 2011, and information regarding allotments to the 
outlying areas for Wagner-Peyser and Workforce Information Grants. As 
noted earlier, a future Notice will announce final allotments to 
outlying areas for WIA programs.
    The allotments are based on the funds appropriated in the Full-Year 
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, Public Law (Pub. L.) 112-10, 
signed April 15, 2011. This appropriation requires an across-the-board 
rescission of 0.2 percent to all Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 
discretionary program funding. Included below are tables listing the PY 
2011 allotments (including the 0.2 percent rescission) for programs 
under WIA Title I Youth Activities (Table A), Adult and Dislocated 
Workers Employment and Training Activities (Tables B and C, 
respectively), and the PY 2011 Wagner-Peyser Act final allotments 
(Table D). Also attached is the PY 2011 Workforce Information Grant 
table (Table E).
    Youth Activities Allotments. PY 2011 Youth Activities funds under 
WIA total $825,913,862 (including the 0.2 percent rescission). Table A 
includes a breakdown of the Youth Activities program allotments for PY 
2011 and provides a comparison of these allotments to PY 2010 Youth 
Activities allotments for all States and the total set aside for 
outlying areas (levels for individual outlying areas will be announced 
separately). Before determining the amount available for States, the 
total funding available for the outlying areas was reserved at 0.25 
percent of the full amount appropriated for Youth Activities (after the 
0.2 percent rescission).
    The total amount available for Native Americans is 1.5 percent of 
the total amount for Youth Activities (including the 0.2 percent 
rescission), in accordance with WIA section 127. After determining the 
amount for the outlying areas and Native Americans, the amount 
available for allotment to the States for PY 2011 is $811,460,369. This 
total amount was below the required $1 billion threshold specified in 
section 127(b)(1)(C)(iv)(IV); therefore, as in PY 2010, the WIA 
additional minimum provisions were not applied, and, instead, as 
required by WIA, the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) section 
202(a)(3) (as amended by section 701 of the Job Training Reform 
Amendments of 1992) minimums of 90 percent hold-harmless of the prior 
year allotment percentage and 0.25 percent State minimum floor were 
used. Also, as required by WIA, the provision applying a 130 percent 
stop-gain of the prior year allotment percentage was used. The three 
formula factors required in WIA use the following data for the PY 2011 
    (1) Number of unemployed for Areas of Substantial Unemployment 
(ASUs), averages for the 12-month period, July 2009 through June 2010;
    (2) Number of excess unemployed individuals or the ASU excess 
(depending on which is higher), averages for the same 12-month period 
used for ASU unemployed data; and
    (3) Number of economically disadvantaged youth (age 16 to 21, 
excluding college students and military), from special 2000 Census 

As done beginning with the PY 2006 allotments, the ASU data for the PY 
2011 allotments was identified by the States using special 2000 Census 
data based on households, obtained under Employment and Training 
Administration (ETA) contract with the Census Bureau and provided to 
States by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    It should be noted that the most current Census, conducted in 2010, 
did not include the long form survey which ETA would have used to 
update the data from the 2000 Census. Instead, ETA will be working with 
the Census Bureau over the next year to use data from the American 
Community Survey (ACS). ETA will alert States when new data are 
available for use in within-State allocation formulas; however, updated 
data will not be available for use with PY 2011 funding.
    Adult Employment and Training Activities Allotments. The total 
Adult Employment and Training Activities appropriation is $770,921,920 
(including the 0.2 percent rescission). Table B shows the PY2011 Adult 
Employment and Training Activities allotments and comparison to PY 2010 
allotments by State. Like the Youth Activities program, the total 
available for the outlying areas was reserved at 0.25 percent of the 
full amount appropriated for Adult Activities (after the 0.2 percent 
rescission). After determining the amount for the outlying areas, the 
amount available for allotments to the States is $768,994,615. Like the 
Youth Activities program, the WIA minimum provisions were not applied 
for the PY 2011 allotments because the total amount available for the 
States was below the $960 million threshold required for Adult 
Activities in section 132(b)(1)(B)(iv)(IV). Instead, as required by 
WIA, the minimum allotments were calculated using the JTPA section 
202(a)(3) (as amended by section 701 of the Job Training Reform 
Amendments of 1992) minimums of 90 percent hold-harmless of the prior 
year allotment percentage and 0.25 percent State minimum floor. Also, 
like the Youth Activities program, a provision applying a 130 percent 
stop-gain of the prior year allotment percentage was used. The three 
formula factors use the

[[Page 28462]]

same data as used for the PY 2011 Youth Activities formula, except that 
data from the 2000 Census for the number of economically disadvantaged 
adults (age 22 to 72, excluding college students and military) were 
    It should be noted that the most current Census, conducted in 2010, 
did not include the long form survey which ETA would have used to 
update the data from the 2000 Census. Instead, ETA will be working with 
the Census Bureau over the next year to use data from the ACS. ETA will 
be alert States when data from the ACS are available for use in within-
State allocation formulas; however, updated data will not be available 
for use with PY 2011 funding.
    Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities Allotments. 
The total Dislocated Worker appropriation is $1,287,544,000 (including 
the 0.2 percent rescission). The total appropriation includes formula 
funds for the States, while the National Reserve is used for National 
Emergency Grants, technical assistance and training, demonstration 
projects, and the outlying areas' Dislocated Worker allotments. Table C 
shows the PY 2011 Dislocated Worker Activities fund allotments by 
State. Like the Youth and Adult Activities programs, the total 
available for the outlying areas was reserved at 0.25 percent of the 
full amount appropriated for Dislocated Worker Activities (after the 
0.2 percent rescission). For the State distribution of formula funds, 
the three formula factors required in WIA use the following data for 
the PY 2011 allotments:
    (1) Number of unemployed, averages for the 12-month period, October 
2009 through September 2010;
    (2) Number of excess unemployed, averages for the 12-month period, 
October 2009 through September 2010; and
    (3) Number of long-term unemployed, averages for the 12-month 
period, October 2009 through September 2010.

Since the Dislocated Worker Activities formula has no floor amount or 
hold-harmless provisions, funding changes for States directly reflect 
the impact of changes in the number of unemployed.

    Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service Final Allotments. The 
appropriated level for PY 2011 for ES grants totals $702,168,848 
(including the 0.2 percent rescission). After determining the funding 
for outlying areas, allotments to States were calculated using the 
formula set forth at section 6 of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 
49e). PY 2011 formula allotments were based on each State's share of 
calendar year 2010 monthly averages of the civilian labor force (CLF) 
and unemployment. The Secretary is required to set aside up to three 
percent of the total available funds to assure that each State will 
have sufficient resources to maintain statewide employment service 
activities, as required under section 6(b)(4) of the Wagner-Peyser Act. 
In accordance with this provision, the three percent set-aside funds 
are included in the total allotment. The set-aside funds were 
distributed in two steps to States that have lost in relative share of 
resources from the previous year. In Step 1, States that have a CLF 
below one million and are also below the median CLF density were 
maintained at 100 percent of their relative share of prior year 
resources. All remaining set-aside funds were distributed on a pro-rata 
basis in Step 2 to all other States losing in relative share from the 
prior year but not meeting the size and density criteria for Step 1. 
The distribution of Employment Service funds (Table D) includes 
$700,457,204 for States, as well as $1,711,644 for outlying areas.
    Under section 7 of the Wagner-Peyser Act, 10 percent of the total 
sums allotted to each State shall be reserved for use by the Governor 
to provide performance incentives for ES offices, services for groups 
with special needs, and for the extra costs of exemplary models for 
delivering job services.
    Workforce Information Grants Allotments. Total PY 2011 funding for 
Workforce Information Grants allotments to States is $31,936,000 
(including the 0.2 percent rescission). The allotment figures for each 
State are listed in Table E. Funds are distributed by administrative 
formula, with a reserve of $176,646 for Guam and the Virgin Islands. 
The remaining funds are distributed to the States with 40 percent 
distributed equally to all States and 60 percent distributed based on 
each State's share of CLF for the 12 months ending September 2010.

    Signed in Washington, DC, on this 10th day of May 2011.
Jane Oates,
Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Administration.

                    Table A--U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
                     WIA Youth activities State allotments  Comparison of PY 2011 vs PY 2010
             State                     PY 2010             PY 2011            Difference         % Difference
Total..........................        $924,069,000        $825,913,862        ($98,155,138)              -10.62
Alabama........................          11,777,698          12,455,574             677,876                 5.76
Alaska.........................           2,755,418           2,216,462            (538,956)              -19.56
Arizona........................          15,982,731          15,326,190            (656,541)               -4.11
Arkansas.......................           8,446,520           6,794,393          (1,652,127)              -19.56
California.....................         136,875,948         117,952,080         (18,923,868)              -13.83
Colorado.......................          11,132,070           9,788,025          (1,344,045)              -12.07
Connecticut....................           8,869,254           8,060,872            (808,382)               -9.11
Delaware.......................           2,269,744           2,028,651            (241,093)              -10.62
District of Columbia...........           2,779,082           2,402,872            (376,210)              -13.54
Florida........................          43,352,872          50,372,277           7,019,405                16.19
Georgia........................          28,251,785          24,305,197          (3,946,588)              -13.97
Hawaii.........................           2,690,193           2,272,811            (417,382)              -15.51
Idaho..........................           2,950,667           3,428,419             477,752                16.19
Illinois.......................          43,545,632          36,086,031          (7,459,601)              -17.13
Indiana........................          19,697,136          16,043,006          (3,654,130)              -18.55
Iowa...........................           4,750,212           5,519,334             769,122                16.19
Kansas.........................           5,930,458           5,248,975            (681,483)              -11.49
Kentucky.......................          14,303,105          12,514,937          (1,788,168)              -12.50
Louisiana......................          14,009,636          11,269,372          (2,740,264)              -19.56
Maine..........................           3,476,520           2,887,584            (588,936)              -16.94

[[Page 28463]]

Maryland.......................          11,311,383          10,073,999          (1,237,384)              -10.94
Massachusetts..................          17,387,925          15,988,686          (1,399,239)               -8.05
Michigan.......................          51,768,509          41,642,666         (10,125,843)              -19.56
Minnesota......................          14,264,509          11,474,392          (2,790,117)              -19.56
Mississippi....................          13,081,892          10,523,093          (2,558,799)              -19.56
Missouri.......................          17,781,382          14,549,044          (3,232,338)              -18.18
Montana........................           2,344,418           2,174,750            (169,668)               -7.24
Nebraska.......................           2,518,508           2,288,141            (230,367)               -9.15
Nevada.........................           7,654,897           8,303,837             648,940                 8.48
New Hampshire..................           2,269,744           2,253,475             (16,269)               -0.72
New Jersey.....................          20,938,294          20,362,826            (575,468)               -2.75
New Mexico.....................           4,365,301           4,775,669             410,368                 9.40
New York.......................          51,835,670          46,253,787          (5,581,883)              -10.77
North Carolina.................          25,351,154          24,598,968            (752,186)               -2.97
North Dakota...................           2,269,744           2,028,651            (241,093)              -10.62
Ohio...........................          39,313,893          31,915,350          (7,398,543)              -18.82
Oklahoma.......................           6,970,582           6,877,913             (92,669)               -1.33
Oregon.........................          13,707,810          11,026,583          (2,681,227)              -19.56
Pennsylvania...................          31,871,328          29,506,561          (2,364,767)               -7.42
Puerto Rico....................          29,722,110          23,908,509          (5,813,601)              -19.56
Rhode Island...................           4,531,698           3,767,218            (764,480)              -16.87
South Carolina.................          17,299,897          13,916,063          (3,383,834)              -19.56
South Dakota...................           2,269,744           2,028,651            (241,093)              -10.62
Tennessee......................          18,716,506          16,288,215          (2,428,291)              -12.97
Texas..........................          57,404,782          52,833,195          (4,571,587)               -7.96
Utah...........................           3,547,273           4,121,624             574,351                16.19
Vermont........................           2,269,744           2,028,651            (241,093)              -10.62
Virginia.......................          13,127,843          13,540,444             412,601                 3.14
Washington.....................          17,997,280          15,992,583          (2,004,697)              -11.14
West Virginia..................           3,924,261           4,315,932             391,671                 9.98
Wisconsin......................          13,963,286          13,099,180            (864,106)               -6.19
Wyoming........................           2,269,744           2,028,651            (241,093)              -10.62
    State Total................         907,897,792         811,460,369         (96,437,423)              -10.62
Outlying Areas Total...........           2,310,173           2,064,785            (245,388)              -10.62
Native Americans...............          13,861,035          12,388,708          (1,472,327)              -10.62

                    Table B--U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
                     WIA Adult activities State allotments Comparison of PY 2011 vs PY 2010
                                  PY 2010  (pre-FY
             State                    2011 0.2%            PY 2011            Difference         % Difference
Total..........................        $861,540,000        $770,921,920        ($90,618,080)              -10.52
Alabama........................          11,546,269          12,090,307             544,038                 4.71
Alaska.........................           2,630,761           2,118,648            (512,113)              -19.47
Arizona........................          15,227,363          14,638,503            (588,860)               -3.87
Arkansas.......................           7,946,421           6,399,544          (1,546,877)              -19.47
California.....................         131,676,574         113,937,862         (17,738,712)              -13.47
Colorado.......................          10,028,610           8,838,405          (1,190,205)              -11.87
Connecticut....................           7,899,746           7,208,528            (691,218)               -8.75
Delaware.......................           2,148,465           1,922,487            (225,978)              -10.52
District of Columbia...........           2,416,917           2,040,921            (375,996)              -15.56
Florida........................          44,003,639          50,666,671           6,663,032                15.14
Georgia........................          26,468,737          22,840,137          (3,628,600)              -13.71
Hawaii.........................           2,786,714           2,375,218            (411,496)              -14.77
Idaho..........................           2,793,005           3,112,389             319,384                11.44
Illinois.......................          40,399,352          33,485,477          (6,913,875)              -17.11
Indiana........................          17,396,927          14,120,139          (3,276,788)              -18.84
Iowa...........................           3,329,069           3,872,586             543,517                16.33
Kansas.........................           4,907,309           4,349,496            (557,813)              -11.37
Kentucky.......................          14,765,556          12,990,026          (1,775,530)              -12.02
Louisiana......................          13,633,150          10,979,275          (2,653,875)              -19.47
Maine..........................           3,276,134           2,730,113            (546,021)              -16.67

[[Page 28464]]

Maryland.......................          10,691,615           9,553,233          (1,138,382)              -10.65
Massachusetts..................          15,779,759          14,398,404          (1,381,355)               -8.75
Michigan.......................          48,336,592          38,927,229          (9,409,363)              -19.47
Minnesota......................          12,498,015          10,065,109          (2,432,906)              -19.47
Mississippi....................          12,175,592           9,805,450          (2,370,142)              -19.47
Missouri.......................          16,419,448          13,419,717          (2,999,731)              -18.27
Montana........................           2,281,343           2,120,862            (160,481)               -7.03
Nebraska.......................           2,148,465           1,922,487            (225,978)              -10.52
Nevada.........................           7,675,248           8,185,256             510,008                 6.64
New Hampshire..................           2,148,465           1,922,487            (225,978)              -10.52
New Jersey.....................          20,803,661          20,215,513            (588,148)               -2.83
New Mexico.....................           4,166,386           4,573,434             407,048                 9.77
New York.......................          51,297,403          45,933,685          (5,363,718)              -10.46
North Carolina.................          23,389,183          22,906,147            (483,036)               -2.07
North Dakota...................           2,148,465           1,922,487            (225,978)              -10.52
Ohio...........................          36,633,264          29,608,861          (7,024,403)              -19.17
Oklahoma.......................           6,516,603           6,455,261             (61,342)               -0.94
Oregon.........................          12,848,682          10,347,514          (2,501,168)              -19.47
Pennsylvania...................          29,034,229          26,995,920          (2,038,309)               -7.02
Puerto Rico....................          31,530,340          25,392,538          (6,137,802)              -19.47
Rhode Island...................           3,919,536           3,245,983            (673,553)              -17.18
South Carolina.................          16,317,914          13,141,414          (3,176,500)              -19.47
South Dakota...................           2,148,465           1,922,487            (225,978)              -10.52
Tennessee......................          18,105,616          15,820,576          (2,285,040)              -12.62
Texas..........................          53,798,899          49,503,599          (4,295,300)               -7.98
Utah...........................           2,816,695           3,276,560             459,865                16.33
Vermont........................           2,148,465           1,922,487            (225,978)              -10.52
Virginia.......................          11,828,202          12,422,005             593,803                 5.02
Washington.....................          16,563,114          14,762,815          (1,800,299)              -10.87
West Virginia..................           4,058,158           4,403,989             345,831                 8.52
Wisconsin......................          11,729,145          11,261,887            (467,258)               -3.98
Wyoming........................           2,148,465           1,922,487            (225,978)              -10.52
State Total....................         859,386,150         768,994,615         (90,391,535)              -10.52
Outlying Areas Total...........           2,153,850           1,927,305            (226,545)              -10.52

                    Table C--U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
               WIA Dislocated worker activities State allotments  comparison of PY 2011 vs PY 2010
                                  PY 2010  (pre-FY
             State                    2011 0.2%            PY 2011           % Difference         Difference
Total..........................      $1,413,000,000      $1,287,544,000       ($125,456,000)               -8.88
Alabama........................          17,669,335          16,128,630          (1,540,705)               -8.72
Alaska.........................           2,187,095           1,804,590            (382,505)              -17.49
Arizona........................          22,788,184          21,992,101            (796,083)               -3.49
Arkansas.......................           6,867,051           6,535,066            (331,985)               -4.83
California.....................         192,413,016         170,303,818         (22,109,198)              -11.49
Colorado.......................          14,509,305          13,969,269            (540,036)               -3.72
Connecticut....................          11,850,579          12,117,862             267,283                 2.26
Delaware.......................           2,778,921           2,526,887            (252,034)               -9.07
District of Columbia...........           2,990,511           2,592,780            (397,731)              -13.30
Florida........................          83,019,633          81,270,552          (1,749,081)               -2.11
Georgia........................          40,912,792          35,502,366          (5,410,426)              -13.22
Hawaii.........................           3,268,124           2,539,205            (728,919)              -22.30
Idaho..........................           4,536,856           4,240,518            (296,338)               -6.53
Illinois.......................          54,673,396          52,391,500          (2,281,896)               -4.17
Indiana........................          27,257,656          22,971,198          (4,286,458)              -15.73
Iowa...........................           5,888,367           6,222,410             334,043                 5.67
Kansas.........................           6,855,442           5,780,312          (1,075,130)              -15.68
Kentucky.......................          18,089,024          14,985,351          (3,103,673)              -17.16
Louisiana......................           9,812,674           8,768,499          (1,044,175)              -10.64
Maine..........................           4,578,544           3,599,239            (979,305)              -21.39

[[Page 28465]]

Maryland.......................          15,543,289          14,302,198          (1,241,091)               -7.98
Massachusetts..................          22,706,846          21,065,395          (1,641,451)               -7.23
Michigan.......................          64,544,036          51,285,260         (13,258,776)              -20.54
Minnesota......................          18,020,939          12,889,304          (5,131,635)              -28.48
Mississippi....................           9,867,047          10,150,118             283,071                 2.87
Missouri.......................          22,223,344          19,187,040          (3,036,304)              -13.66
Montana........................           2,174,950           2,047,301            (127,649)               -5.87
Nebraska.......................           2,428,300           2,059,689            (368,611)              -15.18
Nevada.........................          14,124,712          14,332,064             207,352                 1.47
New Hampshire..................           3,181,956           2,764,686            (417,270)              -13.11
New Jersey.....................          33,365,324          32,250,359          (1,114,965)               -3.34
New Mexico.....................           4,093,214           5,179,814           1,086,600                26.55
New York.......................          65,534,311          55,889,913          (9,644,398)              -14.72
North Carolina.................          44,039,515          35,096,512          (8,943,003)              -20.31
North Dakota...................             690,086             499,920            (190,166)              -27.56
Ohio...........................          51,610,221          44,079,882          (7,530,339)              -14.59
Oklahoma.......................           6,905,534           6,917,377              11,843                 0.17
Oregon.........................          20,167,658          15,077,317          (5,090,341)              -25.24
Pennsylvania...................          39,561,993          37,972,551          (1,589,442)               -4.02
Puerto Rico....................          17,054,847          13,696,022          (3,358,825)              -19.69
Rhode Island...................           6,227,600           5,104,108          (1,123,492)              -18.04
South Carolina.................          23,089,893          19,186,456          (3,903,437)              -16.91
South Dakota...................           1,000,388             840,914            (159,474)              -15.94
Tennessee......................          26,930,077          22,128,000          (4,802,077)              -17.83
Texas..........................          61,378,563          62,020,936             642,373                 1.05
Utah...........................           4,625,970           6,063,094           1,437,124                31.07
Vermont........................           1,787,950           1,243,942            (544,008)              -30.43
Virginia.......................          18,472,220          18,481,552               9,332                 0.05
Washington.....................          24,271,171          22,272,901          (1,998,270)               -8.23
West Virginia..................           4,551,211           4,558,971               7,760                 0.17
Wisconsin......................          19,934,322          17,345,523          (2,588,799)              -12.99
Wyoming........................             786,008           1,201,048             415,040                52.80
    State Total................       1,183,840,000       1,063,432,320        (120,407,680)              -10.17
Outlying Areas Total...........           3,532,500           3,218,860            (313,640)               -8.88
Other National Reserve.........         225,627,500         220,892,820          (4,734,680)               -2.10

                    Table D--U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
                  Employment Service (Wagner-Peyser)  PY 2011 Final vs PY 2010 Final Allotments
             State                 Final  PY 2010      Final  PY 2011         Difference         % Difference
Total..........................        $703,576,000        $702,168,848         ($1,407,152)               -0.20
Alabama........................           9,042,125           9,001,789             (40,336)               -0.45
Alaska.........................           7,648,207           7,632,911             (15,296)               -0.20
Arizona........................          12,822,660          13,258,184             435,524                 3.40
Arkansas.......................           5,773,513           5,681,857             (91,656)               -1.59
California.....................          84,038,299          83,952,834             (85,465)               -0.10
Colorado.......................          10,944,825          10,866,249             (78,576)               -0.72
Connecticut....................           7,843,690           7,819,386             (24,304)               -0.31
Delaware.......................           1,965,210           1,961,280              (3,930)               -0.20
District of Columbia...........           2,479,777           2,418,616             (61,161)               -2.47
Florida........................          40,350,319          41,764,675           1,414,356                 3.51
Georgia........................          20,714,232          20,557,324            (156,908)               -0.76
Hawaii.........................           2,525,177           2,494,923             (30,254)               -1.20
Idaho..........................           6,372,318           6,359,573             (12,745)               -0.20
Illinois.......................          29,258,315          29,100,366            (157,949)               -0.54
Indiana........................          13,903,821          13,763,379            (140,442)               -1.01
Iowa...........................           6,548,144           6,495,675             (52,469)               -0.80
Kansas.........................           6,048,497           5,968,265             (80,232)               -1.33
Kentucky.......................           9,125,242           9,075,114             (50,128)               -0.55
Louisiana......................           9,018,836           8,843,833            (175,003)               -1.94
Maine..........................           3,789,556           3,781,977              (7,579)               -0.20

[[Page 28466]]

Maryland.......................          11,800,235          11,722,275             (77,960)               -0.66
Massachusetts..................          14,269,289          14,234,162             (35,127)               -0.25
Michigan.......................          24,475,871          24,113,898            (361,973)               -1.48
Minnesota......................          12,164,816          11,997,952            (166,864)               -1.37
Mississippi....................           6,285,179           6,165,253            (119,926)               -1.91
Missouri.......................          13,030,412          12,903,606            (126,806)               -0.97
Montana........................           5,207,490           5,197,075             (10,415)               -0.20
Nebraska.......................           6,258,380           6,245,863             (12,517)               -0.20
Nevada.........................           6,370,598           6,550,359             179,761                 2.82
New Hampshire..................           2,859,890           2,833,820             (26,070)               -0.91
New Jersey.....................          18,931,877          18,929,760              (2,117)               -0.01
New Mexico.....................           5,843,720           5,832,033             (11,687)               -0.20
New York.......................          40,405,589          40,044,986            (360,603)               -0.89
North Carolina.................          20,093,605          19,923,339            (170,266)               -0.85
North Dakota...................           5,302,783           5,292,177             (10,606)               -0.20
Ohio...........................          26,537,471          26,306,239            (231,232)               -0.87
Oklahoma.......................           6,902,154           6,853,237             (48,917)               -0.71
Oregon.........................           8,902,979           8,821,269             (81,710)               -0.92
Pennsylvania...................          26,651,245          26,526,233            (125,012)               -0.47
Puerto Rico....................           8,070,562           7,871,512            (199,050)               -2.47
Rhode Island...................           2,652,902           2,639,094             (13,808)               -0.52
South Carolina.................           9,953,286           9,864,977             (88,309)               -0.89
South Dakota...................           4,900,991           4,891,189              (9,802)               -0.20
Tennessee......................          13,154,566          13,083,238             (71,328)               -0.54
Texas..........................          48,080,415          48,565,592             485,177                 1.01
Utah...........................           7,468,473           7,284,273            (184,200)               -2.47
Vermont........................           2,295,903           2,291,311              (4,592)               -0.20
Virginia.......................          15,795,653          15,912,960             117,307                 0.74
Washington.....................          14,688,343          14,651,411             (36,932)               -0.25
West Virginia..................           5,609,667           5,598,448             (11,219)               -0.20
Wisconsin......................          12,881,393          12,716,632            (164,761)               -1.28
Wyoming........................           3,802,426           3,794,821              (7,605)               -0.20
    State total................         701,860,926         700,457,204          (1,403,722)               -0.20
Guam...........................             329,219             328,561                (658)               -0.20
Virgin Islands.................           1,385,855           1,383,083              (2,772)               -0.20
    Outlying areas total.......           1,715,074           1,711,644              (3,430)               -0.20

                    Table E--U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
                      Workforce information grants to States  PY 2011 vs PY 2010 Allotments
             State                     PY 2010             PY 2011            Difference         % Difference
Total..........................         $32,000,000         $31,936,000            ($64,000)               -0.20
Alabama........................             505,992             500,647              (5,345)               -1.06
Alaska.........................             288,781             288,982                 201                 0.07
Arizona........................             631,779             632,935               1,156                 0.18
Arkansas.......................             412,277             411,497                (780)               -0.19
California.....................           2,515,778           2,483,795             (31,983)               -1.27
Colorado.......................             577,959             570,990              (6,969)               -1.21
Connecticut....................             475,973             476,946                 973                 0.20
Delaware.......................             298,498             296,667              (1,831)               -0.61
District of Columbia...........             285,170             285,384                 214                 0.08
Florida........................           1,377,429           1,379,470               2,041                 0.15
Georgia........................             832,325             821,518             (10,807)               -1.30
Hawaii.........................             324,368             322,344              (2,024)               -0.62
Idaho..........................             337,134             337,184                  50                 0.01
Illinois.......................           1,056,837           1,060,267               3,430                 0.32
Indiana........................             637,859             628,290              (9,569)               -1.50
Iowa...........................             450,390             450,618                 228                 0.05
Kansas.........................             430,687             429,451              (1,236)               -0.29
Kentucky.......................             498,273             499,293               1,020                 0.20
Louisiana......................             499,711             500,874               1,163                 0.23

[[Page 28467]]

Maine..........................             331,210             330,405                (805)               -0.24
Maryland.......................             608,631             607,963                (668)               -0.11
Massachusetts..................             665,387             671,621               6,234                 0.94
Michigan.......................             840,933             840,199                (734)               -0.09
Minnesota......................             606,706             609,146               2,440                 0.40
Mississippi....................             404,978             403,784              (1,194)               -0.29
Missouri.......................             613,786             612,168              (1,618)               -0.26
Montana........................             306,340             305,461                (879)               -0.29
Nebraska.......................             365,970             364,956              (1,014)               -0.28
Nevada.........................             416,502             412,224              (4,278)               -1.03
New Hampshire..................             335,493             335,675                 182                 0.05
New Jersey.....................             800,638             801,753               1,115                 0.14
New Mexico.....................             362,201             362,260                  59                 0.02
New York.......................           1,439,096           1,431,886              (7,210)               -0.50
North Carolina.................             803,030             800,773              (2,257)               -0.28
North Dakota...................             289,915             289,407                (508)               -0.18
Ohio...........................             974,547             973,816                (731)               -0.08
Oklahoma.......................             461,686             461,908                 222                 0.05
Oregon.........................             487,891             484,674              (3,217)               -0.66
Pennsylvania...................           1,032,188           1,032,323                 135                 0.01
Puerto Rico....................             408,794             404,628              (4,166)               -1.02
Rhode Island...................             314,349             314,871                 522                 0.17
South Carolina.................             512,460             510,108              (2,352)               -0.46
South Dakota...................             299,507             298,888                (619)               -0.21
Tennessee......................             616,563             615,549              (1,014)               -0.16
Texas..........................           1,704,900           1,734,172              29,272                 1.72
Utah...........................             414,068             410,093              (3,975)               -0.96
Vermont........................             288,734             288,413                (321)               -0.11
Virginia.......................             753,436             756,466               3,030                 0.40
Washington.....................             679,171             677,933              (1,238)               -0.18
West Virginia..................             342,209             340,653              (1,556)               -0.45
Wisconsin......................             624,061             617,807              (6,254)               -1.00
Wyoming........................             280,600             280,219                (381)               -0.14
    State total................          31,823,200          31,759,354             (63,846)               -0.20
Guam...........................              92,899              92,813                 (86)               -0.09
Virgin Islands.................              83,901              83,833                 (68)               -0.08
    Outlying areas total.......             176,800             176,646                (154)               -0.09

[FR Doc. 2011-11881 Filed 5-16-11; 8:45 am]