[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 82 (Thursday, April 30, 2009)] [Notices] [Pages 20108-20131] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] [FR Doc No: E9-9657] [[Page 20107]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part II Department of State ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2009 Revised Exchange Visitor Skills List; Notice Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 82 / Thursday, April 30, 2009 / Notices [[Page 20108]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice: 6546] 2009 Revised Exchange Visitor Skills List AGENCY: Department of State. ACTION: Notice of Revised Exchange Visitor Skills List. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Exchange Visitor Skills List is a list of specialized knowledge and skills that are deemed necessary for the development of an exchange visitor's home country. It is used by Consular Officers to determine whether an exchange visitor applying for a J-visa is subject to Section 212(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. DATES: The Exchange Visitor Skills List is effective on June 28, 2009. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marcia Pryce, Deputy Chief, or Ann Kavalou, Waiver Review Officer; Waiver Review Division, SA-1, Room L 603, Visa Office, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of State, 2401 E Street, NW., Washington, DC 20522-0106. Telephone 202-663-2800. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 212(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended 8 U.S.C. 1182(e), and 22 CFR 41.63, the Secretary of State designated on April 25, 1972, and revised on February 10, 1978, a list of fields of specialized knowledge or skills (referred to as the Exchange Visitor Skills List) for countries which clearly required the services of exchange visitor participants engaged in one or more of such fields. Any alien who as a national or resident of one of those countries and obtained an exchange visitor visa and/or became a participant in an Exchange Visitor Program involving a designated field of specialized knowledge or skill after the effective date of those public notices was subject to the two-year foreign residence (home country physical presence) requirement of Section 212(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act as provided by said section and 22 CFR 41.63. The first Exchange Visitor Skills List was published in 1972. New lists were published on June 12, 1984 and January 16, 1997. Exchange visitors who entered the United States prior to the effective date shall continue to be governed by the 1997 Exchange Visitor Skills List, as amended. The Exchange Visitor Skills List which follows incorporates all previous revisions and amendments still in effect, and has been developed by the Waiver Review Division, Visa Office, Bureau of Consular Affairs, after consultation with foreign governments and overseas posts. The revised 2009 Exchange Visitor Skills List reads as follows: Index to Codes (01) AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURE OPERATIONS, AND RELATED SCIENCES (03) NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION (04) ARCHITECTURE AND RELATED SERVICES (05) AREA, ETHNIC, CULTURAL, AND GENDER STUDIES (09) COMMUNICATION, JOURNALISM, AND RELATED PROGRAMS (10) COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES, TECHNICIANS AND SUPPORT SERVICES (11) COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES (12) PERSONAL AND CULINARY SERVICES (13) EDUCATION (14) ENGINEERING (15) ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES/TECHNICIANS (16) FOREIGN LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, AND LINGUISTICS (19) FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES/HUMAN SCIENCES (21) TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION/INDUSTRIAL ARTS (22) LEGAL PROFESSIONS AND STUDIES (23) ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE/LETTERS (24) LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES, GENERAL STUDIES AND HUMANITIES (25) LIBRARY SCIENCE (26) BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (27) MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS (29) MILITARY TECHNOLOGIES (31) PARKS, RECREATION, LEISURE, AND FITNESS STUDIES (38) PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES (39) THEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUS VOCATIONS (40) PHYSICAL SCIENCES (41) SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES/TECHNICIANS (42) PSYCHOLOGY (43) SECURITY AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES (44) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND SOCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONS (45) SOCIAL SCIENCES (46) CONSTRUCTION TRADES (47) MECHANIC AND REPAIR TECHNOLOGIES/TECHNICIANS (48) PRECISION PRODUCTION (49) TRANSPORTATION AND MATERIALS MOVING (50) VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS (51) HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED CLINICAL SCIENCES (52) BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICES (54) HISTORY (60) MEDICAL RESIDENCY PROGRAMS In groups that list a two-digit subject description with no four- digit subgroups following, the two-digit subject description is all- inclusive. GROUP (1) (01) Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences 01.00 Agriculture, General 01.01 Agricultural Business and Management (including Production Operations and Mechanization) 01.06 Applied Horticulture/Horticulture 01.09 Animal Sciences (including Agricultural Animal Breeding; Animal Health and Nutrition; Dairy Science; Livestock Management; and Poultry Science) 01.10 Food Science 01.11 Plant Sciences (including Crop Science; Horticulture Science; Agricultural and Horticultural Plant Breeding; Pest Management; and Range Science) 01.12 Soil Science and Agronomy GROUP (3) (03) Natural Resources and Conservation 03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research & Environmental/ Wildlife/Wildlands Science/Studies (including Environmental Protection) 03.02 Natural Resources Management and Policy 03.03 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management 03.05 Forestry GROUP (4) (04) Architecture and Related Services 04.02 Architecture (including Environmental, Interior & Landscape Design; Architectural History; and Architectural Technology) 04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning; Architectural Urban Design and Planning [[Page 20109]] GROUP (5) (05) Area/Regional, Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Studies GROUP (9) (09) Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism (including Broadcast Journalism; Photojournalism; On- Line/Web-page News) 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication (including Media/ Multimedia) 09.09 Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication 09.10 Publishing GROUP (10) (10) Communications Technologies, Technicians and Support Services 10.01 Communications Technology/Technicians 10.02 Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians (including Photographic and Film/Video Technology/Technician and Assistant; Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician; and Recording Arts Technology/Technician) 10.03 Graphic Communications (including Printing Management; Prepress/ Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design; Animation; Interactive Technology; Video Graphics and Special Effects; Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator; Printing Press Operator; Computer Typography; and Composition Equipment Operator) GROUP (11) (11) Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services 11.01 Computer and Information Sciences, General (including Web Page Design; Database Administration; Cybernetics; Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and Information Technology) 11.02 Computer Programming 11.03 Data Processing 11.04 Information Science/Studies 11.05 Computer Systems Analysis 11.06 Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications & Word Processing 11.07 Computer Science (including Systems Engineering) 11.10 Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management GROUP (12) (12) Personal and Culinary Services 12.03 Funeral & Mortuary Service 12.05 Cooking, Culinary Arts and Related Services (including Baking and Pastry Arts; Bartending; Culinary Arts/Chef Training; Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management; Food Preparation/Professional Cooking; Meat Cutting; Food Service; Institutional Food Workers) GROUP (13) (13) Education 13.01 Education, General (including Educational Administration) 13.02 Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural 13.03 Curriculum and Instruction (including Media Design) 13.06 Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research 13.09 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 13.10 Special Education and Teaching 13.11 Student Counseling and Personnel Services 13.12 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods (including all types of levels and types of teaching including, but not limited to Adult and Continuing Education; Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School and Secondary Education; Montessori Teacher Education; and Waldorf/Steiner Teacher Education) 13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas (including, but not limited to Agriculture; Art; Business; Computers; Drama; Driver Safety; English, Foreign Languages; Geography; Health; History; Home Economics; Industrial Arts; Sales and Marketing; Math; Music; Physical Education; Psychology; Reading; Science; Social Studies; and Speech) GROUP (14) (14) Engineering 14.01 Engineering, General 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.08 Civil Engineering (including Geotechnical, Structural, Water Resources, and Transportation and Highway Engineering) 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering (including Radio Engineering) 14.14 Environmental Engineering (including Pollution Control; Waste and Hazardous Material Disposal) 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.23 Nuclear Engineering 14.24 Ocean Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. (including Petroleum and Natural Gas) 14.33 Construction Engineering 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering GROUP (16) (16) Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics (including Foreign Languages and Literatures; Linguistics; Language Interpretation and Translation; Comparative Literature; Language, Literature and Linguistics for all Languages in the world including various forms and study of sign language) GROUP (19) (19) Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences (formerly Home Economics) 19.01 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General (formerly Home Economics) 19.05 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services 19.09 Apparel and Textiles (including Textile Manufacturing; Textile Science; Apparel and Textile Marketing Management; and Fashion and Fabric Consulting) GROUP (22) (22) Legal Professions and Studies (including Law, Legal Research, Judicature and all branches and specialties in the practice of law) GROUP (23) (23) English Language and Literature/Letters (including English Literature, Composition, and various types of English Writing) GROUP (24) (24) Liberal Arts And Sciences, General Studies and Humanities GROUP (25) (25) Library Science GROUP (26) (26) Biological Sciences 26.01 Biology [[Page 20110]] 26.03 Botany/Plant Biology 26.04 Anatomical Sciences (including Anatomy) 26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology (also under Medicine) 26.07 Zoology/Animal Biology 26.08 Genetics (all types, including Animal; Plant; Molecular; Microbial and Eukaryotic; and Human; as well as Genetic Engineering) Biomathematics and Bioinformatics 26.12 Biotechnology 26.13 Ecology, Population Biology GROUP (27) (27) Mathematics and Statistics GROUP (31) (31) Parks, Recreation, Leisure, Fitness Studies and Camp Counselor 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness 36.0101 Camp Counselor GROUP (38) (38) Philosophy and Religious Studies GROUP (39) (39) Theology and Religious Vocations GROUP (40) (40) Physical Sciences 40.01 Physical Sciences 40.02 Astronomy; Astrophysics; Planetary Astronomy and Science; and Space Technology 40.04 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology 40.05 Chemistry 40.06 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences (including Oceanography; Hydrology) 40.08 Physics GROUP (41) (41) Science & Laboratory Technologies/Technicians GROUP (42) (42) Psychology (including, but not limited to Psychometrics and Psychobiology) GROUP (43) (43) Security and Protective Services (including Law Enforcement, Fire Protection, and Corrections) GROUP (44) (44) Public Administration and Social Service Professions 44.04 Public Administration (including City Planning, Urban Planning, Urban Transportation) 44.07 Social Work/Youth Services (including Welfare and Probation) GROUP (45) (45) Social Sciences 45.02 Anthropology (including Physical Anthropology) 45.03 Archeology 45.04 Criminology 45.05 Demography and Population Studies 45.06 Economics 45.07 Geography and Cartography 45.09 International Relations and Affairs 45.10 Political Science and Government 45.11 Sociology 45.99 Social Sciences, Other GROUP (46) (46) Construction Trades GROUP (47) (47) Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians GROUP (48) (48) Precision Production Application of technical knowledge and skills to create products using techniques of precision craftsmanship or technical illustration. 48.00 Precision Production Trades (including Metal Working, Woodworking, and Drafting) GROUP (49) (49) Transportation and Materials Moving 49.01 Air Transportation (including Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology, General; Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew; Aviation/Airway Management and Operations; Air Traffic Controller; Flight Instructor) 49.02 Ground Transportation (including Construction/Heavy Equipment/ Earthmoving Equipment Operation; Commercial Vehicle Operation; and Mobil Crane Operation) 49.03 Marine Transportation (including Commercial Fishing; Diver, Professional Instructor; Marine Science/Merchant Marine) GROUP (50) (50) Visual and Performing Arts 50.01 Visual and Performing Arts (including, but not limited to: Music, Theatre, Sculpture, Photography, TV & Motion Picture Arts & Sciences) 50.04 Design and Applied Arts (including Commercial and Advertising Art; Industrial Design; Fashion/Apparel Design; Interior Design; Graphic Design; and Illustration) GROUP (51) (51) Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences/Medical Research, Gen'l 51.01 Chiropractic 51.02 Communication Disorders Sciences & Services (including Speech Language Pathology and Sign Language Interpretation) 51.04 Dentistry, Advanced/Graduate Dentistry, Oral Sciences, Dental Technology (including Orthodontics) 51.06 Dental Support Services/Assistant 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services (including statistics and documentation) 51.08 Medical Support Services/Assistant 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions (including, but not limited to the following fields: Emergency Medical; Cardiovascular; Electrocardiograph; Electroneurodiagnostic/ Electroencephalographic; Nuclear Medical; Perfusionist; Radiation Therapy; Respiratory Care Therapy; Surgical; Sonography and Ultrasound; Radiography; Athletic Training; Genetic Therapy; Cardiopulmonary; and Radiation Protection/Health Physics) 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields (including, but not limited to: Allergy and Immunology, Anesthesiology, Audiology, Cancer, Cardiography, Cardiology, Colon and Rectal Surgery, Dermatology, Embryology, Emergency Medicine, Epidemiology, Family Practice, Forensic Medicine, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Hematology, Internal Medicine, Medical Genetics, Neurological Surgery, Neurology, Nuclear Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physiology, Plastic Surgery, Podiatry, Preventive Medicine, Proctology, Psychiatry, Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Speech Pathology, Sports Medicine, Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Toxicology, Transitional, [[Page 20111]] Thoracic Surgery, Urology, Virology) 51.15 Mental and Social Health Services (including Substance Abuse Counseling; Marriage/Family Counseling; and Psychoanalysis) 51.16 Nursing (including all specialties) 51.17 Optometry 51.19 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy 51.20 Pharmacy (including Administration) 51.22 Public Health (including, but not limited to Environmental Health; Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene; Public Health Education and Promotion; International Health; Community Health and Preventive Medicine; and Health Services Administration) 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (including all Veterinary Sciences; Anatomy; Physiology; Microbiology; Pathology; and Toxicology as well as Animal/Veterinary Surgery and Medicine) 51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics & Medical Photography 51.31 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition 51.33 Alternative Medicine GROUP (52) (52) Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations (including Industrial Administration & Management; Small Business Administration/ Operations; Franchising) 52.03 Accounting and Related Services 52.04 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services 52.06 Business/Managerial Economics (including Management Studies & Economic Information Analysis) 52.08 Finance, Banking and Financial Management Services 52.09 Hospitality Administration/Management (including Hotel, Motel, and Restaurant Management & Tourism and Travel Services Management) 52.10 Human Resources Management and Services (including Labor and Industrial Relations; Organizational Behavior Studies; and Labor Studies) 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.12 Management Information Systems and Services 52.13 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods (including Operations Research; Statistics) 52.14 Marketing/Marketing Management 52.15 Real Estate 52.16 Taxation 52.17 Insurance 52.20 Construction Management GROUP (54) (54) History 54.01 History (including Regional History, such as American, European and Asian; History of Science and Technology; and Public/Applied History and Archival Administration) GROUP (60) (60) Residency Programs Residency programs are designed to prepare medical doctors (M.D.) or osteopaths (DO), dentists (DDS, D.M.D.), and veterinarians (D.V.M.) for certification as practitioners of recognized specialties in their respective professions. These programs are approved and accredited by designated professional associations and require from one to five years to complete, depending on the program. Medical residencies usually require completion of an internship after the M.D. degree for program entry, while requirements vary for dentistry and veterinary programs. 60.01 Dental Residency Programs 60.02 Medical Residency Programs The program sponsor for medical residency programs is The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates 60.03 Veterinary Residency Programs End of Index Skills List by Country Albania All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Algeria All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Argentina GROUP (01) 01.00 Agriculture, General 01.01 Agricultural Business and Management 01.09 Animal Sciences 01.10 Food Science 01.11 Plant Sciences 01.12 Soil Science and Agronomy All of GROUP (03) GROUP (04) 04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning; Architectural Urban Design and Planning All of GROUP (05) [[Page 20112]] GROUP (09) 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication GROUP (10) 10.01 Communications Technology/Technicians GROUP (11) 11.01 Computer and Information Sciences, General 11.02 Computer Programming 11.03 Data Processing 11.04 Information Science/Studies 11.05 Computer Systems Analysis 11.07 Computer Science 11.10 Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management GROUP (13) 13.06 Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research 13.09 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 13.12 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas GROUP (14) 14.01 Engineering, General 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.08 Civil Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.23 Nuclear Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering All of GROUP (22) GROUP (26) 26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology 26.08 Genetics 26.11 Biomathematics and Bioinformatics 26.12 Biotechnology 26.13 Ecology, Population Biology All of GROUP (27) GROUP (40) 40.01 Physical Sciences 40.05 Chemistry 40.06 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences 40.08 Physics All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) GROUP (45) 45.04 Criminology 45.05 Demography and Population Studies 45.06 Economics 45.10 Political Science and Government 45.11 Sociology GROUP (51) 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.22 Public Health 51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics & Medical Photography GROUP (52) 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations 52.10 Human Resources Management and Services Armenia All of GROUP (01) GROUP (03) 03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research & Environmental/ Wildlife/Wildlands Science/Studies 03.03 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management 03.05 Forestry All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (40) GROUP (44) 44.07 Social Work/Youth Services GROUP (45) 45.02 Anthropology 45.03 Archeology 45.04 Criminology 45.05 Demography and Population Studies 45.06 Economics 45.10 Political Science and Government 45.11 Sociology 45.99 Social Sciences, Other All of GROUP (47) GROUP (51) 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences All of GROUP (54) GROUP (60) 60.03 Veterinary Residency Programs Bahrain All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Bangladesh All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) [[Page 20113]] All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Belize All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Benin All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Bolivia All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Brazil All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) GROUP (04) 04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning; Architectural Urban Design and Planning GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication GROUP (10) 10.01 Communications Technology/Technicians GROUP (11) 11.01 Computer and Information Sciences, General 11.02 Computer Programming 11.03 Data Processing 11.04 Information Science/Studies 11.05 Computer Systems Analysis 11.07 Computer Science GROUP (13) 13.03 Curriculum and Instruction 13.12 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas GROUP (14) 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.08 Civil Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.23 Nuclear Engineering 14.24 Ocean Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering All of GROUP (25) GROUP (26) 26.01 Biology 26.03 Botany/Plant Biology 26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology 26.07 Zoology/Animal Biology 26.08 Genetics 26.13 Ecology, Population Biology All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (49) GROUP (51) 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services [[Page 20114]] 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.15 Mental and Social Health Services 51.16 Nursing 51.22 Public Health 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions GROUP (52) 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations 52.17 Insurance GROUP (60) 60.02 Medical Residency Programs Burkina Faso All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Burma All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Cambodia GROUP (01) 01.01 Agricultural Business and Management GROUP (03) 03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research & Environmental/ Wildlife/Wildlands Science/Studies GROUP (04) 04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning; Architectural Urban Design and Planning GROUP (10) 10.01 Communications Technology/Technicians GROUP (13) 13.01 Education, General 14.14 Environmental Engineering GROUP (44) 44.04 Public Administration GROUP (51) 51.08 Medical Support Services/Assistant 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields Cameroon All of GROUP (01) GROUP (03) 03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research & Environmental/ Wildlife/Wildlands Science/Studies 03.05 Forestry All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) GROUP (19) 19.05 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (50) GROUP (51) 51.01 Chiropractic 51.04 Dentistry, Advanced/Graduate Dentistry, Oral Sciences, Dental Technology 51.06 Dental Support Services/Assistant 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services 51.08 Medical Support Services/Assistant 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.15 Mental and Social Health Services 51.16 Nursing 51.17 Optometry 51.19 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy 51.20 Pharmacy 51.22 Public Health 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences 51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics & Medical Photography 51.31 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition 51.33 Alternative Medicine GROUP (52) 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations 52.03 Accounting and Related Services 52.04 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services 52.06 Business/Managerial Economics [[Page 20115]] 52.08 Finance, Banking and Financial Management Services 52.09 Hospitality Administration/Management 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.12 Management Information Systems and Services 52.13 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods 52.14 Marketing/Marketing Management 52.15 Real Estate 52.20 Construction Management All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Cape Verde All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (51) Chile All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) GROUP (14) 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering All of GROUP (16) GROUP (19) 19.05 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (25) GROUP (26) 26.07 Zoology/Animal Biology 26.08 Genetics 26.13 Ecology, Population Biology All of GROUP (27) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness All of GROUP (38) GROUP (45) 45.02 Anthropology 45.03 Archaeology 45.04 Criminology 45.05 Demography and Population Studies 45.06 Economics 45.10 Political Science and Government 45.11 Sociology 45.99 Social Sciences, Other All of GROUP (47) GROUP (51) 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences All of GROUP (54) GROUP (60) 60.03 Veterinary Residency Programs China--Mainland All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Colombia GROUP (01) 01.01 Agricultural Business and Management 01.06 Applied Horticulture/Horticulture 01.12 Soil Science and Agronomy All of GROUP (03) GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04VJournalism GROUP (10) 10.01 Communications Technology/Technicians 10.02 Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) GROUP (14) 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.23 Nuclear Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (23) GROUP (26) 26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology 26.07 Zoology/Animal Biology 26.08 Genetics 26.11 Biomathematics and Bioinformatics 26.12 Biotechnology 26.13 Ecology, Population Biology All of GROUP (27) GROUP (40) 40.06 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) GROUP (51) 51.02 Communication Disorders Sciences & Services 51.04 Dentistry, Advanced/Graduate Dentistry, Oral Sciences, Dental Technology 51.06 Dental Support Services/Assistant 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions [[Page 20116]] 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.16 Nursing 51.17 Optometry 51.19 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy 51.20 Pharmacy 51.22 Public Health 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences 51.31 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition 51.33 Alternative Medicine All of GROUP (60) Congo (Kinshasa) All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Costa Rica All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) GROUP (04) 04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning; Architectural Urban Design and Planning All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) GROUP (12) 12.03 Funeral & Mortuary Service GROUP (13) 13.01 Education, General 13.09 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 13.10 Special Education and Teaching 13.12 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Djibouti All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (60) Dominican Republic All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) East Timor All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Ecuador All of GROUP (01) [[Page 20117]] All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) El Salvador GROUP (01) 01.00 Agriculture, General 01.01 Agricultural Business and Management 01.06 Applied Horticulture/Horticulture 01.09 Animal Sciences 01.10 Food Science 01.12 Soil Science and Agronomy GROUP (03) 03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research & Environmental/ Wildlife/Wildlands Science/Studies 03.02 Natural Resources Management and Policy 03.03 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management GROUP (04) 04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning; Architectural Urban Design and Planning GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication 09.10 Publishing All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) GROUP (13) 13.01 Education, General 13.02 Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural 13.06 Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research 13.09 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 13.10 Special Education and Teaching 13.11 Student Counseling and Personnel Services 13.12 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas GROUP (14) 14.01 Engineering, General 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.33 Construction Engineering 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering All of GROUP (16) GROUP (19) 19.05 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) GROUP (26) 26.04 Anatomical Sciences 26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology 26.07 Zoology/Animal Biology 26.08 Genetics 26.11 Biomathematics and Bioinformatics 26.12 Biotechnology 26.13 Ecology, Population Biology GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) GROUP (45) 45.02 Anthropology 45.03 Archeology 45.05 Demography and Population Studies 45.07 Geography and Cartography 45.09 International Relations and Affairs 45.10 Political Science and Government All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) GROUP (51) 51.02 Communication Disorders Sciences & Services 51.04 Dentistry, Advanced/Graduate Dentistry, Oral Sciences, Dental Technology 51.06 Dental Support Services/Assistant 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services 51.08 Medical Support Services/Assistant 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 51.15 Mental and Social Health Services 51.16 Nursing 51.17 Optometry 51.19 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy 51.20 Pharmacy 51.22 Public Health 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences 51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics & Medical Photography 51.31 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition 51.33 Alternative Medicine GROUP (52) 52.03 Accounting and Related Services 52.06 Business/Managerial Economics 52.09 Hospitality Administration/Management 52.10 Human Resources Management and Services 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.12 Management Information Systems and Services 52.15 Real Estate 52.16 Taxation 52.20 Construction Management All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Eritrea All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) [[Page 20118]] All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Ethiopia All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Fiji All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Gabon All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) Gambia, The All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Georgia All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) Ghana All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) GROUP (19) 19.01 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General 19.05 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) [[Page 20119]] All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Guatemala All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism-- 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication 09.10 Publishing All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) GROUP (19) 19.01 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General 19.05 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (51) GROUP (52) 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations 52.03 Accounting and Related Services 52.04 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services 52.06 Business/Managerial Economics 52.08 Finance, Banking and Financial Management Services 52.09 Hospitality Administration/Management 52.10 Human Resources Management and Services 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.12 Management Information Systems and Services 52.13 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods 52.15 Real Estate 52.16 Taxation 52.20 Construction Management All of GROUP (60) Guyana All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Haiti All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) Honduras All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) India All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) GROUP (19) 19.01 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General 19.05 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) [[Page 20120]] All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (60) Indonesia All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Jamaica All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Kazakhstan GROUP (01) 01.10 Food Science 01.11 Plant Sciences 01.12 Soil Science and Agronomy All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) GROUP (13) 13.01 Education, General 13.02 Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural 13.03 Curriculum and Instruction 13.06 Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research 13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas GROUP (14) 14.01 Engineering, General 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.08 Civil Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.23 Nuclear Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.33 Construction Engineering 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering All of GROUP (16) GROUP (19) 19.05 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services 19.09 Apparel and Textiles All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) GROUP (26) 26.01 Biology 26.03 Botany/Plant Biology 26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology 26.08 Genetics 26.12 Biotechnology 26.13 Ecology, Population Biology All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (44) GROUP (45) 45.05 Demography and Population Studies 45.06 Economics 45.07 Geography and Cartography 45.09 International Relations and Affairs 45.10 Political Science and Government 45.11 Sociology 45.99 Social Sciences, Other All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) GROUP (51) 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.20 Pharmacy 51.22 Public Health 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions GROUP (52) 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations 52.03 Accounting and Related Services 52.08 Finance, Banking and Financial Management Services 52.09 Hospitality Administration/Management 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.13 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods 52.20 Construction Management Kenya All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) [[Page 20121]] All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Kosovo GROUP (01) 01.01 Agricultural Business and Management 01. Applied Horticulture/Horticulture GROUP (03) 03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research & Environmental/ Wildlife/Wildlands Science/Studies 03.02 Natural Resources Management and Policy 03.05 Forestry All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Laos All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Lebanon All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Liberia All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Malawi All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) GROUP (14) 14.01 Engineering, General 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.08 Civil Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering [[Page 20122]] 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.33 Construction Engineering 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Malaysia All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Mali All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Mauritania All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Mauritius All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication GROUP (10) 10.01 Communications Technology/Technicians 10.02 Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) GROUP (14) 14.01 Engineering, General 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.08 Civil Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.33 Construction Engineering 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering All of GROUP (16) GROUP (19) 19.05 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness [[Page 20123]] All of GROUP (38) GROUP (40) 40.01 Physical Sciences 40.02 Astronomy; Astrophysics; Planetary Astronomy and Science; and Space Technology 40.04 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology 40.05 Chemistry 40.06 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) GROUP (51) 51.01 Chiropractic 51.04 Dentistry, Advanced/Graduate Dentistry, Oral Sciences, Dental Technology 51.06 Dental Support Services/Assistant 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services 51.08 Medical Support Services/Assistant 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.15 Mental and Social Health Services 51.16 Nursing 51.17 Optometry 51.19 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy 51.20 Pharmacy 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences 51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics & Medical Photography 51.31 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition GROUP (52) 52.20 Construction Management All of GROUP (54) Montenegro All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Mozambique All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (60) Namibia All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Nepal All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) [[Page 20124]] All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Nicaragua All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Niger All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism-- 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication 09.09 Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication GROUP (10) 10.01 Communications Technology/Technicians 10.02 Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) GROUP (14) 14.01 Engineering, General 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.08 Civil Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.23 Nuclear Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.33 Construction Engineering 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (45) GROUP (49) 49.01 Air Transportation 49.02 Ground Transportation All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Nigeria All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (60) Oman GROUP (01) 01.00 Agriculture, General 01.01 Agricultural Business and Management GROUP (03) 03.03 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management GROUP (04) 04.02 Architecture GROUP (13) 13.10 Special Education and Teaching 13.12 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods GROUP (14) 14.08 Civil Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.33 Construction Engineering All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) GROUP (40) 40.05 Chemistry 40.06 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences 40.08 Physics All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (44) GROUP (45) 45.06 Economics All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) GROUP (51) 51.01 Chiropractic 51.04 Dentistry, Advanced/Graduate Dentistry, Oral Sciences, Dental Technology 51.06 Dental Support Services/Assistant 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.16 Nursing 51.17 Optometry 51.22 Public Health 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 51.33 Alternative Medicine GROUP (52) 52.20 Construction Management Palestinian Authority (Gaza and West Bank), The All of GROUP (01) [[Page 20125]] GROUP (03) 03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research & Environmental/ Wildlife/Wildlands Science/Studies 03.02 Natural Resources Management and Policy GROUP (04) 04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning; Architectural Urban Design and Planning All of GROUP (05) GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism-- 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication 09.09 Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) GROUP (14) 14.01 Engineering, General 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.08 Civil Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.33 Construction Engineering 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering All of GROUP (16) GROUP (19) 19.09 Apparel and Textiles All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) GROUP (26) 26.01 Biology All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) GROUP (40) 40.01 Physical Sciences 40.04 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology 40.05 Chemistry 40.08 Physics All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) GROUP (49) 49.02 Ground Transportation All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) GROUP (60) 60.01 Dental Residency Programs 60.02 Medical Residency Programs Paraguay GROUP (01) 01.01 Agricultural Business and Management 01.09 Animal Sciences 01.10 Food Science All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (05) GROUP (09) 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication 09.09 Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) GROUP (14) 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (26) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) GROUP (40) 40.04 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) GROUP (45) 45.02 Anthropology 45.03 Archeology 45.07 Geography and Cartography 45.09 International Relations and Affairs 45.10 Political Science and Government 45.11 Sociology All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) GROUP (51) 51.02 Communication Disorders Sciences & Services 51.04 Dentistry, Advanced/Graduate Dentistry, Oral Sciences, Dental Technology 51.06 Dental Support Services/Assistant 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services 51.08 Medical Support Services/Assistant 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.15 Mental and Social Health Services 51.16 Nursing 51.19 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy 51.20 Pharmacy 51.22 Public Health 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences 51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics & Medical Photography 51.31 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition GROUP (52) 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations 52.03 Accounting and Related Services 52.04 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services 52.06 Business/Managerial Economics 52.08 Finance, Banking and Financial Management Services 52.09 Hospitality Administration/Management 52.10 Human Resources Management and Services 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.12 Management Information Systems and Services 52.13 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods 52.20 Construction Management All of GROUP (54) GROUP (60) 60.02 Medical Residency Programs [[Page 20126]] 60.03 Veterinary Residency Programs Peru All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) GROUP (60) 60.01 Dental Residency Programs 60.02 Medical Residency Programs Philippines All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) GROUP (04) 04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning; Architectural Urban Design and Planning All of GROUP (05) GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.09 Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication 09.10 Publishing All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) GROUP (13) 13.02 Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural 13.06 Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research 13.09 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 13.10 Special Education and Teaching 13.11 Student Counseling and Personnel Services 13.12 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) GROUP (44) 44.07 Social Work/Youth Services All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (49) GROUP (51) 51.01 Chiropractic 51.02 Communication Disorders Sciences & Services 51.04 Dentistry, Advanced/Graduate Dentistry, Oral Sciences, Dental Technology 51.06 Dental Support Services/Assistant 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services 51.08 Medical Support Services/Assistant 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.15 Mental and Social Health Services 51.17 Optometry 51.19 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy 51.22 Public Health 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences 51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics & Medical Photography 51.31 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition 51.33 Alternative Medicine GROUP (52) 52.04 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services 52.06 Business/Managerial Economics 52.10 Human Resources Management and Services 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.13 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods 52.14 Marketing/Marketing Management 52.17 Insurance 52.20 Construction Management All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Romania All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Rwanda All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) [[Page 20127]] All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Saudi Arabia All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) GROUP (14) 14.01 Engineering, General 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.33 Construction Engineering 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) GROUP (26) 26.01 Biology 26.04 Anatomical Sciences 26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology 26.08 Genetics All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (43) GROUP (44) 44.04 Public Administration All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (51) GROUP (52) 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations 52.03 Accounting and Related Services 52.04 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services 52.06 Business/Managerial Economics 52.08 Finance, Banking and Financial Management Services 52.10 Human Resources Management and Services 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.12 Management Information Systems and Services 52.13 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods 52.14 Marketing/Marketing Management 52.20 Construction Management GROUP (60) 60.01 Dental Residency Programs 60.02 Medical Residency Programs Senegal All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) South Africa GROUP (01) 01.10 Food Science 01.11 Plant Sciences 01.12 Soil Science and Agronomy GROUP (03) 03.02 Natural Resources Management and Policy All of GROUP (04) GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication GROUP (10) 10.01 Communications Technology/Technicians 10.02 Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians GROUP (11) 11.01 Computer and Information Sciences, General 11.02 Computer Programming 11.05 Computer Systems Analysis 11.07 Computer Science 11.10 Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management GROUP (13) 13.01 Education, General 13.02 Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural GROUP (14) 14.01 Engineering, General 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.08 Civil Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.23 Nuclear Engineering 14.33 Construction Engineering 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering All of GROUP (22) GROUP (26) 26.01 Biology 26.03 Botany/Plant Biology 26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology 26.07 Zoology/Animal Biology All of GROUP (27) GROUP (40) 40.01 Physical Sciences 40.02 Astronomy; Astrophysics; Planetary Astronomy and Science; and Space Technology 40.05 Chemistry 40.06 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences 40.08 Physics All of GROUP (43) GROUP (44) 44.04 Public Administration All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) [[Page 20128]] GROUP (51) 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services 51.08 Medical Support Services/Assistant 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.16 Nursing 51.20 Pharmacy 51.22 Public Health 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions South Korea All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) Sri Lanka All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Swaziland All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism-- 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication 09.09 Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) GROUP (19) 19.09 Apparel and Textiles All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) GROUP (49) 49.01 Air Transportation 49.02 Ground Transportation GROUP (50) 50.04 Design and Applied Arts All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (60) Tajikistan All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (14) Tanzania All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) GROUP (04) 04.02 Architecture GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism-- All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (51) GROUP (52) 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations 52.03 Accounting and Related Services 52.08 Finance, Banking and Financial Management Services 52.09 Hospitality Administration/Management 52.10 Human Resources Management and Services 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.20 Construction Management All of GROUP (60) Thailand All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Togo All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) [[Page 20129]] All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) GROUP (12) 12.05 Cooking, Culinary Arts and Related Services All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (60) Tonga All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Trinidad and Tobago All of GROUP (01) GROUP (03) 03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research & Environmental/ Wildlife/Wildlands Science/Studies 03.02 Natural Resources Management and Policy All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) GROUP (13) 13.03 Curriculum and Instruction 13.06 Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research 13.09 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 13.10 Special Education and Teaching 13.11 Student Counseling and Personnel Services GROUP (14) 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.23 Nuclear Engineering 14.24 Ocean Engineering All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (25) GROUP (26) 26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology 26.08 Genetics 26.11 Biomathematics and Bioinformatics 26.12 Biotechnology 26.13 Ecology, Population Biology All of GROUP (27) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies GROUP (40) 40.04 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology 40.06 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) GROUP (52) 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.15 Real Estate 52.16 Taxation 52.17 Insurance All of GROUP (60) Turkey All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) United Arab Emirates GROUP (01) 01.00 Agriculture, General 01.01 Agricultural Business and Management 01.09 Animal Sciences 01.10 Food Science 01.12 Soil Science and Agronomy GROUP (03) 03.03 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management GROUP (04) 04.02 Architecture GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism-- 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication All of GROUP (10) GROUP (11) 11.01 Computer and Information Sciences, General 11.02 Computer Programming [[Page 20130]] 11.03 Data Processing 11.04 Information Science/Studies 11.07 Computer Science GROUP (13) 13.01 Education, General 13.06 Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research 13.10 Special Education and Teaching 13.11 Student Counseling and Personnel Services 13.12 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas GROUP (14) 14.01 Engineering, General 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.08 Civil Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.19 Mechanical Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.24 Ocean Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.33 Construction Engineering 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering 14.38 Surveying Engineering All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) GROUP (26) 26.01 Biology 26.03 Botany/Plant Biology 26.07 Zoology/Animal Biology 26.08 Genetics 26.12 Biotechnology 26.13 Ecology, Population Biology All of GROUP (27) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness All of GROUP (38) GROUP (40) 40.01 Physical Sciences 40.02 Astronomy; Astrophysics; Planetary Astronomy and Science; and Space Technology 40.05 Chemistry 40.06 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences 40.08 Physics All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) GROUP (50) 50.01 Visual and Performing Arts GROUP (51) 51.01 Chiropractic 51.04 Dentistry, Advanced/Graduate Dentistry, Oral Sciences, Dental Technology 51.06 Dental Support Services/Assistant 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.16 Nursing 51.17 Optometry 51.19 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy 51.20 Pharmacy 51.22 Public Health 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences 51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics & Medical Photography GROUP (52) 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations 52.03 Accounting and Related Services 52.08 Finance, Banking and Financial Management Services 52.09 Hospitality Administration/Management 52.10 Human Resources Management and Services 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce 52.12 Management Information Systems and Services 52.13 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods 52.20 Construction Management All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Uruguay GROUP (01) 01.00 Agriculture, General 01.09 Animal Sciences 01.10 Food Science 01.12 Soil Science and Agronomy GROUP (03) 03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research & Environmental/ Wildlife/Wildlands Science/Studies 03.03 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.04 Journalism GROUP (10) 10.01 Communications Technology/Technicians GROUP (11) 11.01 Computer and Information Sciences, General 11.02 Computer Programming 11.03 Data Processing 11.04 Information Science/Studies 11.05 Computer Systems Analysis 11.07 Computer Science GROUP (13) 13.06 Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research 13.10 Special Education and Teaching 13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas GROUP (14) 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 14.07 Chemical Engineering 14.09 Computer Hardware and Software Engineering 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 14.14 Environmental Engineering 14.18 Materials Engineering 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 14.25 Energy Engineering & Tech. 14.35 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering All of GROUP (16) GROUP (26) 26.07 Zoology/Animal Biology 26.08 Genetics 26.13 Ecology, Population Biology GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness All of GROUP (38) GROUP (40) 40.02 Astronomy; Astrophysics; Planetary Astronomy and Science; and Space Technology 40.04 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) GROUP (45) 45.02 Anthropology [[Page 20131]] 45.03 Archeology 45.05 Demography and Population Studies 45.06 Economics 45.07 Geography and Cartography 45.10 Political Science and Government All of GROUP (46) GROUP (49) 49.01 Air Transportation 49.03 Marine Transportation GROUP (51) 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 51.12 Medicine, Medical Research, including all specialties and fields 51.22 Public Health 51.24 Veterinary Medicine 51.25 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences 51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics & Medical Photography GROUP (52) 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations 52.03 Accounting and Related Services 52.04 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services 52.08 Finance, Banking and Financial Management Services 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce All of GROUP (54) Venezuela All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) GROUP (04) 04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning; Architectural Urban Design and Planning All of GROUP (05) GROUP (09) 09.01 Communication and Media Studies 09.07 Radio, Television, and Digital Communication All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) GROUP (19) 19.01 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General 19.05 Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) GROUP (31) 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Yemen All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Zambia All of GROUP (01) All of GROUP (03) All of GROUP (04) All of GROUP (05) All of GROUP (09) All of GROUP (10) All of GROUP (11) All of GROUP (12) All of GROUP (13) All of GROUP (14) All of GROUP (16) All of GROUP (19) All of GROUP (22) All of GROUP (23) All of GROUP (24) All of GROUP (25) All of GROUP (26) All of GROUP (27) All of GROUP (31) All of GROUP (38) All of GROUP (39) All of GROUP (40) All of GROUP (41) All of GROUP (42) All of GROUP (43) All of GROUP (44) All of GROUP (45) All of GROUP (46) All of GROUP (47) All of GROUP (48) All of GROUP (49) All of GROUP (50) All of GROUP (51) All of GROUP (52) All of GROUP (54) All of GROUP (60) Dated: April 14, 2009. Janice L. Jacobs, Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs, Department of State. [FR Doc. E9-9657 Filed 4-29-09; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4710-06-P