[Federal Register Volume 64, Number 160 (Thursday, August 19, 1999)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 45355-45365]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 99-21295]



Food and Drug Administration

21 CFR Parts 606 and 630

[Docket No. 98N-0607]

General Requirements for Blood, Blood Components, and Blood 
Derivatives; Notification of Deferred Donors

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to require 
blood and plasma establishments to notify donors of their deferral due 
to test results for communicable disease agents or failure to satisfy 
suitability criteria with the intent of reducing the risk of 
transmission of communicable disease through the use of blood, blood 
components, and blood derivatives. Under the proposed rule, blood and 
plasma establishments would notify the donors that they have been 
deferred and the reason for the deferral; provide information 
concerning appropriate medical followup and counseling; describe the 
types of donations the donors should not make in the future; and 
discuss the possibility that the donor may be found suitable in the 
future, where appropriate. FDA is issuing this rule as part of the 
agency's ``Blood Initiative'' in which FDA is reviewing and, when 
appropriate, revising its regulations, policies, guidance, and 
procedures related to blood and blood products, including blood 

DATES: Submit written comments by November 17, 1999. Submit written 
comments on the information collection provisions by September 20, 

ADDRESSES: Submit written comments to the Dockets Management Branch 
(HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, 
Rockville, MD 20852. Comments should be identified with the docket 
number found in brackets in the heading of this document. Submit 
written comments on the information collection provisions to the Office 
of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OMB), New Executive Office 
Bldg., 725 17th St. NW., Washington, DC 20503, Attention: Wendy Taylor, 
Desk Officer for FDA.

Biologics Evaluation and Research (HFM-17), Food and Drug 
Administration, 1401 Rockville Pike, suite 200N, Rockville, MD 20852-
1448, 301-827-6210.


I. Introduction

    For a variety of reasons discussed as follows, FDA has decided to 
comprehensively review and, as necessary, revise its regulations, 
policies, guidance, and procedures related to the licensing and 
regulation of blood products. In the Federal Register of June 3, 1994 
(59 FR 28821 and 59 FR 28822, respectively), FDA issued two documents 
entitled ``Review of General Biologics and Licensing Regulations'' 
(Docket No. 94N-0066) and ``Review of Regulations for Blood 
Establishments and Blood Products'' (Docket No. 94N-0080). The 
documents announced the agency's intent to review biologics regulations 
(parts 600, 601, 606, 607, 610, 640 and 660 (21 CFR 600, 601, 606, 607, 
610, 640 and 660)), and requested written comments from the public. 
Interested persons were given until August 17, 1994, to respond to the 
documents. In response to requests for additional time, FDA twice 
extended the comment period, as announced in the Federal Register of 
August 17, 1994

[[Page 45356]]

(59 FR 42193), and November 14, 1994 (59 FR 56448). In addition, FDA 
responded to requests for a public meeting to allow for the 
presentation of comments regarding the agency's intent to review the 
biologics regulations. On January 26, 1995, FDA held a public meeting 
to provide an opportunity for all interested individuals to present 
their comments and to assist the agency in determining whether the 
regulations should be revised, rescinded, or continued without change. 
Since the time of the regulation review, FDA has implemented a number 
of changes to its regulations and policies applicable to the general 
biologics and licensing regulations, some of which have applied to 
blood products as well as other biological products. (See, e.g., the 
final rules issued May 14, 1996 (61 FR 24313); August 1, 1996 (61 FR 
40153); November 6, 1996 (61 FR 57328); July 24, 1997 (62 FR 39890); 
and October 15, 1997 (62 FR 53536)).
    Because of the importance of a safe national blood supply, the U. 
S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform and 
Oversight, Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental 
Relations (the Subcommittee) and other groups such as the General 
Accounting Office (GAO), and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have 
reviewed the agency's policies, practices, and regulations. Reports 
issued following the respective reviews made a number of 
recommendations as to how FDA might improve the biologics regulations, 
particularly as they apply to the continued safety of blood products. 
The relevant reports are: (1) ``Protecting the Nation's Blood Supply 
From Infectious Agents: The Need for New Standards to Meet New 
Threats,'' by the Subcommittee (August 2, 1996); (2) ``Blood Supply: 
FDA Oversight and Remaining Issues of Safety,'' by GAO (February 25, 
1997); (3) ``Blood Supply: Transfusion-Associated Risk,'' by GAO 
(February 25, 1997); and (4) ``HIV and the Blood Supply: An Analysis of 
Crisis Decisionmaking,'' by IOM (July 13, 1995). These reports are on 
file with the Dockets Management Branch (address above) under the 
docket number given in the heading of this document.
    FDA has reviewed these reports and agrees with the majority of the 
recommendations contained within them. However, rather than to only 
respond specifically to the recommendations from the Subcommittee, GAO, 
IOM, and the public, FDA has convened a number of internal task forces 
to review a variety of issues related to the regulation of blood and 
blood products, including how to most appropriately update the existing 
regulations applicable to blood and blood products. In the future, FDA 
intends to issue a number of blood-related rulemakings that various FDA 
task groups are currently preparing. FDA is not describing the specific 
recommendations it has received and the numerous objectives of the 
Blood Initiative in this document. Future rulemaking and other notices 
will describe and discuss specific recommendations and regulatory 

II. Background on Notification of Deferred Donors

    This rule is proposed in order to reduce the risk of infection due 
to communicable disease agents to blood product recipients and to 
individuals handling blood or blood products. The safety of the blood 
supply is enhanced when donors who may present significant risks of 
transmitting infectious disease, because of testing results indicating 
evidence of infection due to communicable disease agents or failure to 
satisfy suitability criteria associated with the prevention of certain 
communicable disease agents, are excluded from donating blood and blood 
components. FDA has issued regulations at parts 610 and 640 on donor 
testing and suitability in order to help assure the safety of blood 
products. The Public Health Service (PHS) and FDA, as part of PHS, also 
have periodically issued guidance on donor testing, suitability, 
deferral, and notification when new scientific developments warranted. 
This rule is also being proposed so that donors may be informed of 
their deferral and seek medical counseling or treatment, if 
appropriate. Additionally, such notification is expected to improve 
blood safety by preventing re-donation by individuals at risk for 
transmitting infectious disease. Also, precautions taken to minimize 
the risk of transmission by informed donors may reduce the spread of 
communicable diseases in the population.
    FDA has taken a number of actions to provide for the notification 
of certain deferred donors. Described in the following paragraphs are 
some of the more significant actions and their impact on donor 
    In 1983, PHS issued guidelines recommending that individuals at 
increased risk for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) refrain 
from donating (Ref. 1).
    In 1985, PHS issued guidelines concurrent with the approval of 
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody tests that donors testing 
repeatedly reactive in screening tests for human immunodeficiency 
virus, type 1 (HIV-1) be notified. In addition, PHS recommended that 
the donor be notified if other tests such as the Western blot were 
positive (Ref. 2).
    In 1987, PHS recommended that a person be considered to have 
serologic evidence of HIV infection only after an enzyme immunoassay 
screening test was repeatedly reactive and another test such as Western 
blot had been performed to validate the results (Ref. 3). These 
recommendations have been updated periodically (Refs. 4 and 5) and 
extended to include notification of donors testing positive for 
antibody to human immunodeficiency virus, type 2 (HIV-2) (Ref. 6).
    In its 1990 recommendations, FDA recommended to blood 
establishments that supplemental testing be performed prior to donor 
notification in its Memorandum to Blood Establishments: Recommendations 
for the Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Transmission 
by Blood and Blood Products.
    In 1988, PHS recommended notification of donors who were confirmed 
positive for human T-lymphotropic virus, type I (HTLV-I) of their test 
results and that they had been deferred as a donor in Licensure of 
Screening Tests for Antibody to T-Lymphotropic Virus, Type I (Ref. 7).
    In 1991, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), in a 
PHS Inter-Agency Guideline, recommended notifying donors of the results 
of tests for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), antibody to hepatitis 
C virus (anti-HCV), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and antibody to 
hepatitis B core (anti-HBc) in the Public Health Service Interagency 
Guideline for Screening Donors of Blood, Plasma, Organs, Tissue and 
Semen for Evidence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C (Ref. 8).
    In the 1995 Guideline for Quality Assurance in Blood Establishments 
(60 FR 36290, July 14, 1995), FDA further identified donor notification 
and counseling as two of the five key elements of donor deferral.
    The blood industry has adopted these recommendations as well as 
developed their own guidance on donor notification. Industry practice 
includes notifying donors who are permanently deferred due to positive 
test results for viral markers of their deferred status and providing 
recommendations for followup testing, counseling, and appropriate 
medical referral. In the past, however, FDA has not issued regulations 
on when a deferred donor should be notified. To further enhance the 
safety of the blood supply, FDA

[[Page 45357]]

believes that donors should be notified when they are deferred due to 
test results or donor suitability criteria. Accordingly, FDA is 
proposing to require notification of donors who are deferred for 
evidence of infection due to communicable disease agents as required 
under proposed Sec. 610.41 and for failure to satisfy suitability 
criteria associated with the prevention of communicable diseases. The 
proposed rule would help assure consistency in the blood industry's 
notification practices, and would provide FDA with clear enforcement 
authority if compliance problems occur.
    GAO, at the request of Congressman John Dingell, Ranking Minority 
Member, Committee on Commerce, House of Representatives, recently 
reviewed the FDA's ``layers of safety'' intended to help ensure the 
safety of blood products in order ``to identify issues that might 
threaten the nation's blood supply.'' In its report of February 1997 
entitled ``Blood Supply: Transfusion Associated Risks,'' GAO concluded 
that ``the blood supply is safer today than at any time in recent 
history.'' Nevertheless, in an accompanying report (``Blood Supply: FDA 
Oversight and Remaining Issues of Safety''), GAO made several 
recommendations on improving the safety of our nation's blood supply. 
GAO recommended that ``(FDA) require blood facilities to notify all 
donors who are permanently deferred that they have been deferred and 
the medical reason they are deferred.'' Citing public health concerns, 
GAO further recommended that:
     * * * (N)otification be based on positive confirmatory tests 
for viral markers (for the viruses that have licensed confirmatory 
tests) and all other medical reasons that result in permanent 
deferral (for example, the intake of pituitary growth hormone). 
Notification should include the reason for the permanent deferral, 
possibilities for re-entry as a donor, and counseling or referral to 
the donor's physician (including, when pertinent, actions to be 
taken to minimize transmission of viruses to others).
In its response, DHHS generally agreed with the GAO recommendations. 
FDA believes the proposed donor notification rule would enhance blood 
safety by promoting self-exclusion of donors who may present 
significant risks to the blood supply. FDA believes that donors who are 
informed of and understand the significance of their deferred status 
are less likely to attempt to donate again, thus helping to assure a 
safer blood supply. Donor notification also would enhance the public 
health by informing donors, as appropriate, of the need to seek 
treatment and additional medical counseling. Such measures could 
benefit the health of the donor and also provide information needed to 
prevent further spread of infection.

III. The Impact of Other Proposed Rules

    FDA intends to issue other proposed rules in conjunction with the 
proposed donor notification rule. FDA is proposing to revise the donor 
testing and deferral regulations in part 610, which apply to blood and 
blood components. The related proposed testing and deferral document is 
found elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register. FDA also intends 
to issue in the near future a proposed rule to revise donor suitability 
    The related proposed testing and deferral rule would, among other 
things, add requirements to test blood and blood components for 
evidence of infection due to hepatitis C virus (HCV), HTLV-I, and HTLV-
II, while retaining testing requirements for hepatitis B virus (HBV), 
HIV-1, and HIV-2. FDA intends that the proposed testing rule would 
replace the requirements currently found in Secs. 610.40 through 
610.45. The testing and deferral requirements for a serologic test for 
syphilis (i.e., evidence of infection due to Treponema pallidum) found 
in Secs. 640.5 and 640.65 would remain in part 640. The related 
proposed testing and deferral rule also would add a requirement in 
proposed Sec. 610.41 that, except in certain specified circumstances, 
donors testing repeatedly reactive for evidence of infection due to a 
communicable disease agent(s) listed in proposed Sec. 610.40(a) be 
deferred from future donations of blood or blood components. In 
addition, donors testing reactive for a serologic test for syphilis 
would also be deferred except as provided in current Sec. 640.65 or 
proposed Sec. 610.41. Under the proposed donor notification rule, blood 
and plasma establishments would be required to notify donors who have 
been deferred under proposed Sec. 610.41.
    As mentioned previously, FDA also intends to propose to revise the 
donor suitability requirements for donors of blood and blood 
components. FDA intends to identify donor suitability criteria that 
would cause a donor to be deferred and thus trigger notification under 
the proposed donor notification document. Among those donor suitability 
criteria being considered are high risk behavior associated with the 
transmission of HIV, HBV, and HCV, such as past or present abuse of 
injectable drugs. A new section identifying donor suitability criteria 
will be designated in the final rule for donor notification.

 IV. Legal Authority

    FDA is proposing to issue this new rule under the authority of 
sections 351 and 361 of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act) (42 
U.S.C. 262 and 264 et seq.) and the provisions of the Federal Food, 
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) that apply to drugs (21 U.S.C. 201 et 
seq.). Under section 361 of the PHS Act, FDA may make and enforce 
regulations necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, and 
spread of communicable disease between the States or from foreign 
countries into the States (see Sec. I, 1966 Reorg. Plan No. 3 at 42 
U.S.C. 202 for delegation of section 361 authority from the Surgeon 
General to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services 
(Secretary); see 21 CFR 510.(a)(4) for delegation from the Secretary to 
the Food and Drug Administration). Intrastate transactions may also be 
regulated under section 361 of the PHS Act (see Louisiana v. Mathew, 
427 F. Supp. 174, 176 (E.D.La. 1977)).
    Notification of donors that they have been deferred and 
consequently should not attempt subsequent donations would help prevent 
unsafe units of blood or blood products from entering the blood supply. 
The proposed rule targets those donors who may present significant 
risks of infectious agents; thus, it works directly to prevent the 
introduction and spread of communicable disease. Moreover, the proposed 
rule is designed to help ensure that risks of transmitting infectious 
disease are excluded from the pool of eligible donors. FDA relies on a 
system of overlapping layers of safety to ensure the safety of the 
nation's blood products. One of the important layers of safety is the 
self-exclusion of donors because of high-risk behaviors associated with 
the risk of HIV, or hepatitis B and C, or signs and symptoms of AIDS 
and hepatitis. A second crucial layer of safety is the system of donor 
deferral registries designed to eliminate unsuitable donors from the 
donor population. Notification of donors who are deferred adds to the 
protection provided by donor deferral registries by making deferred 
donors aware that they should not attempt to donate again. 
Consequently, the screening of unsuitable donors provided by the 
registries is enhanced by the self-exclusion of donors who have been 
made aware of their status and the risks their donation may present to 
the blood supply.
    The proposed notification rule also would protect the health of the 
deferred donor by assuring that the individual is

[[Page 45358]]

aware he or she may need further medical evaluation including testing, 
treatment, and counseling. As FDA has previously made clear ``(i)n an 
indirect but no less important manner, the requirements of donor 
protection assure * * * that there will be a continuous and healthy 
donor population'' (Additional Standards for Human Blood and Blood 
Products (41 FR 10762, March 12, 1976)).
    FDA's license revocation regulations provide for the initiation of 
revocation proceedings, among other reasons, if the establishment or 
the product fails to conform to the standards in the license 
application or in the regulations designed to ensure the continued 
safety, purity, or potency of the product (Sec. 601.5). Section 351 of 
the PHS Act also provides for criminal penalties for violation of the 
laws governing biologics. Violations can be punishable by fines or 
imprisonment, or both.
    The act also applies to biological products (42 U.S.C. 262(d)), as 
amended. Blood and blood components are considered drugs, as that term 
is defined in section 201(g)(1) of the act (21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)) (see 
United States v. Calise, 217 F. Supp. 705 (S.D.N.Y. 1962)). Because 
blood and blood components are drugs under the act, blood and plasma 
establishments must comply with the substantive provisions and related 
regulatory scheme of the act. Under section 501(a)(2)(B) of the act, 
drugs are deemed ``adulterated'' if the methods used in their 
manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding do not conform with 
current good manufacturing practices (CGMP's) (21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)). 
Under the proposed donor notification rule, blood and plasma 
establishments would be required to develop standard operating 
procedures (SOP's) for notifying deferred donors. A blood or plasma 
establishment that failed to comply with donor notification procedures 
would violate CGMP's and, therefore, would be subject to the act's 
enforcement provisions.

V. Description of the Proposed Rule

    FDA is proposing to create a new part 630, General Requirements for 
Blood, Blood Components, and Blood Derivatives. This part would include 
the following: (1) Consolidation of the criteria to be used when 
determining suitability of donors of human blood and blood components; 
(2) requirements for donor deferral from future donation when a donor 
fails to satisfy the suitability criteria; and (3) requirements for 
donor notification and the reason for their deferral due to donor test 
results or failure to satisfy suitability criteria. Donor suitability 
criteria and donor deferral are not the subject of this proposed rule. 
These proposed requirements will be addressed in a rulemaking to be 
published in the near future. As necessary, FDA may add other 
requirements applicable to blood products in the future. The focus of 
this proposed rulemaking would be to require donor notification when 
the donor is deferred due to testing results or failure to meet donor 
suitability criteria and to provide the reason for the deferral.
    The proposed rule would require blood and plasma establishments to 
notify donors who are deferred in accordance with proposed Sec. 610.41 
or for failure to satisfy donor suitability criteria that they have 
been deferred as donors and the reason for their deferral. Deferred 
donors would be informed, as appropriate, that they should not donate 
blood or blood components in the future. Donors would also be informed 
about the need for additional counseling and medical evaluation, as 
appropriate. Under the proposed rule, blood and plasma establishments 
would be required to develop SOP's for deferring donors and notifying 
deferred donors. FDA is not proposing to require blood and plasma 
establishments to notify donors who the blood or plasma establishments 
may defer voluntarily for a variety of medical reasons beyond the 
requirements in proposed Sec. 610.41 and donor suitability criteria 
associated with the prevention of communicable diseases. FDA recognizes 
that blood and plasma establishments would need to exercise medical 
judgment in determining which donors to defer voluntarily and whether 
to notify such donors. PHS and FDA may periodically issue 
recommendations on testing, deferral, and notification of donors who 
may be at risk of infectious disease.
    Donors whose blood or blood components test repeatedly reactive for 
evidence of infection due to a communicable disease agent for which 
testing would be required by FDA under proposed Sec. 610.40, or as 
specified for syphilis in current Secs. 640.5 or 640.65, would be 
deferred in accordance with proposed Sec. 610.41. Blood and plasma 
establishments would notify such deferred donors under the proposed 
notification rule that they have been deferred, and the reason for 
their deferral including their screening test results and the results 
of any approved supplemental (i.e., additional, more specific) tests 
that were performed. FDA currently requires that supplemental testing 
for both HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies be performed under Sec. 610.46. PHS 
and FDA have recommended that HIV notification should occur after the 
results of the approved supplemental testing are available. Results of 
supplemental tests are useful in providing additional information for 
purposes of medical followup and counseling. Therefore, FDA is 
proposing that blood establishments attempt to obtain the results of 
supplemental testing proposed under Sec. 610.40(c) prior to notifying 
donors of their deferral. FDA has included a maximum time period of 8 
weeks to notify the donor. If notification occurs prior to receipt of 
the supplemental test results, blood establishments would be required 
to renotify the donors with the results of the supplemental testing.
    Blood and plasma establishments would be required to notify 
deferred donors where appropriate, of the possibility for re-entry as 
donors of blood and blood components if they are found to be suitable 
using methods or processes approved by FDA in accordance with proposed 
Sec. 610.41 or current Sec. 640.65, provided that the donor meets all 
other requirements.
    Under Sec. 610.40 of the proposed testing rule, blood and plasma 
establishments would be required to test blood and blood components, 
including autologous donations, for evidence of infection due to HIV-1, 
HIV-2, HBV, HCV, HTLV-I, and HTLV-II using FDA approved tests. Donors 
whose donations test repeatedly reactive for evidence of those agents 
required under proposed Sec. 610.40(a) or for syphilis under current 
Secs. 640.5 and 640.65 would be deferred in accordance with proposed 
Sec. 610.41. This proposed donor notification rule would require that 
blood and plasma establishments notify the deferred donor of their 
deferral and of their test results.
    In the related proposed Sec. 610.41, FDA is proposing several 
exceptions to donor deferral that also have an impact on donor 
notification. Autologous donors testing repeatedly reactive for 
communicable disease agents would not be deferred. Blood establishments 
would not be required under this proposed rule to notify autologous 
donors who test repeatedly reactive for communicable disease agents 
under proposed Sec. 610.40(a). Nevertheless, FDA recommends that blood 
establishments notify autologous donors of repeatedly reactive test 
results and supplemental test results, when applicable, for the purpose 
of medical followup and counseling. FDA specifically is requesting 
comments on whether to require notification of autologous donors of 
repeatedly reactive and supplemental test results even though such 
donors would not be deferred.

[[Page 45359]]

    In the related proposed Sec. 610.41(a), donors who test repeatedly 
reactive for HTLV, types I and II, or anti-HBc on only one occasion, 
would be permitted to donate again without being deferred from further 
donation unless there is further testing using an approved supplemental 
(additional, more specific) test. Should licensed supplemental tests 
for HTLV, types I and II be approved, donors would be required to be 
deferred after only a single repeatedly reactive donation similar to 
most other screening tests. It is FDA's expectation that donor re-entry 
algorithms would become feasible at that time. However, until such 
time, upon testing repeatedly reactive a second time for HTLV, types I 
and II or anti-HBc, the donor would be deferred. Blood establishments 
would be required to notify donors that they have been deferred from 
donations of Whole Blood, and transfusable components (including 
Plasma) only after they had tested repeatedly reactive a second time 
for HTLV, types I and II or anti-HBc. FDA specifically requests 
comments on whether to notify donors who test repeatedly reactive for 
HTLV, types I and II or anti-HBc on only one occasion or to wait to 
notify donors upon testing repeatedly reactive the second time. Upon 
the availability of an approved supplemental (additional, more 
specific) test, a repeatedly reactive donor would be deferred after a 
single repeatedly reactive donation. At such time, blood establishments 
would notify donors of the test results of both the approved screening 
and supplemental tests. As appropriate, blood establishments would 
notify such deferred donors that they may be eligible for re-entry if 
determined to be suitable by a method or process approved by FDA in 
accordance with proposed Sec. 610.41.
    In related Sec. 610.41(b), FDA is proposing to except from deferral 
donors testing repeatedly reactive for HTLV, types I and II, or anti-
HBc as donors of Source Plasma. However, the agency is requesting 
comments in the proposed rule ``Requirements for Testing Human Blood 
Donors for Evidence of Infection Due to Communicable Disease Agents'' 
(hereinafter the ``proposed rule on donor testing'') on permitting such 
donors to donate Source Plasma to be used in the manufacture of plasma 
derivatives as it relates to the exposure to other possible risks, such 
as through the association of HTLV infection with abuse of intravenous 
drugs. The agency also includes in the proposed rule on donor testing a 
discussion on the risk of transmitting HTLV, types I and II.
    Related proposed Sec. 610.41(c)(1) would permit deferred donors to 
donate blood and blood components used in accordance with proposed 
Sec. 610.40(f). In related proposed Sec. 610.40(f), the agency would 
require that blood and blood components that test repeatedly reactive 
when screened for evidence of infection due to communicable disease 
agents listed in proposed Sec. 610.40(a) would not be shipped or used 
except for autologous use or for purposes or under conditions approved 
in writing by FDA. Blood and plasma establishments that collect blood 
or blood components under conditions approved under proposed 
Sec. 610.40(f)(2)(ii) or current Sec. 640.65 could notify donors 
deferred under proposed Sec. 610.41 or current Sec. 640.65 that they 
would be eligible to donate blood or blood components, as appropriate, 
for use as a component of an in vitro device or for other approved 
    In related Sec. 610.41(c)(2), the agency is proposing to restrict 
the use of blood or blood components from donors showing previous 
evidence of infection due to hepatitis B virus when tested in 
accordance with proposed Sec. 610.40(a) and (c). Such blood and blood 
components may be approved for use only as a source of antibody to 
hepatitis B surface antigen for the preparation of Hepatitis B Immune 
Globulin (Human) or as a component of a medical device. Donors with 
previous evidence of infection with hepatitis B when tested in 
accordance with proposed Sec. 610.40(a) and (c) may serve as donors of 
a component of a medical device or as donors of Source Plasma for use 
as a source of antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen for the 
preparation of Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (Human). In the proposed 
rule on donor testing, the agency has requested comments on the use of 
vaccinated donors for HBV as an alternative to using donors previously 
showing evidence of infection due to hepatitis B virus in the 
preparation of Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (Human) provided their 
current donations test nonreactive when tested in accordance with 
proposed Sec. 610.40(a) and the donor is otherwise determined to be 
suitable. Blood and plasma establishments that are approved to collect 
Source Plasma from such donors under proposed Sec. 610.40(f) could 
notify deferred donors that they may donate for such purposes.
    In related proposed Sec. 610.41, the agency is proposing to defer 
donors who test reactive for a serologic test for syphilis except as 
provided under current Sec. 640.65. In related proposed Sec. 610.41(d), 
the agency would exempt from deferral donors who test reactive on a 
serologic test for syphilis provided the donor is found negative by an 
approved specific treponemal test (confirmatory test for syphilis). 
Blood and plasma establishments would notify all other donors who test 
reactive for evidence of syphilis that they have been deferred and of 
the results of tests including the result of the approved specific 
treponemal tests. However, as FDA has noted in the preamble to the 
related proposed rule on donor testing, there is ongoing debate in the 
scientific community as to the continuing need for a testing 
requirement for the serological test for syphilis. Therefore, the 
proposal to defer donors who test reactive for syphilis is subject to 
change pending the outcome of the request for comments on the value of 
donor testing for syphilis in the proposed rule on donor testing.
    The proposed rule also would require blood and plasma 
establishments to notify donors who have been deferred because of donor 
suitability criteria. FDA intends to create in future rulemaking a new 
section identifying certain donor suitability criteria which are 
intended to reduce the risk of communicable disease agents that would 
result in deferral of the donor and require donor notification. Among 
those donor suitability criteria being considered are high risk 
behavior associated with the transmission of HIV, HBV, and HCV, such as 
past or present abuse of injectable drugs. Blood and plasma 
establishments would notify deferred donors of their deferral and 
advise them to seek further testing or medical counseling, as 
    Under the proposed rule, blood and plasma establishments would be 
required to provide information to deferred donors concerning 
appropriate medical followup and counseling. FDA currently recommends 
that this information include disease associations and possible modes 
of transmission as well as actions to be taken to minimize the risk of 
transmission. FDA believes that such information also would include 
referral to their own physician, or, where appropriate, the location of 
public health clinics as well as alternative testing and counseling 
centers. Blood and plasma establishments should consult current PHS 
Guidelines and FDA recommendations for more detailed recommendations on 
the content of donor notification.

A. Timeframe for Notification.

    Under Sec. 630.6(c) of the proposed rule, blood and plasma 
establishments would be required to notify donors within 8 weeks after 
determining that the donor should be deferred. In many instances

[[Page 45360]]

arising under the proposed rule, blood and plasma establishments would 
be able to fulfill the notification requirements onsite. For example, a 
donor who is deferred because of donor suitability criteria can be 
notified at the time of the donor interview or at the first return 
visit after the information is available, if within 8 weeks. Blood and 
plasma establishments would be required to have SOP's addressing donor 
deferral and notification and keep documentation on all deferrals as 
well as any resulting notification. Some blood and plasma 
establishments may notify deferred donors by registered mail, return 
receipt; or may choose to request that the donor return for direct 
donor notification, so long as notification of deferral occurred within 
the 8-week period. FDA requests comments on (1) methods of notification 
that would help assure adequate donor confidentiality and (2) the 
current application and sufficiency of Federal, State, and local laws 
that protect the privacy of the individual being notified. FDA believes 
that at least three attempts should be made within an 8-week period. In 
all cases, blood and plasma establishments should document their 
attempts to notify donors and maintain a record of these attempts or of 
the basis for discontinuing the effort to notify deferred donors.

B. Other Requirements.

    Donor notification should be conducted by trained personnel in 
accordance with the requirements in Sec. 606.20. Blood and plasma 
establishments would be required to revise their SOP's to include 
procedures for notification of deferred donors. For the purposes of 
notification under the proposed rule, blood and plasma establishments 
would be required to maintain records of the donor's permanent address. 
Donors should provide proof of a permanent, fixed address. Individuals 
who do not have evidence of a current address or who merely provide an 
address of a known or obviously transient nature should not be accepted 
as donors.

VI. Analysis of Impacts and Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis

    FDA has examined the impacts of the proposed rule under Executive 
Order 12866, under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612), 
and under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (Public Law 104-4). 
Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs and benefits 
of available regulatory alternatives and, when regulation is necessary, 
to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including 
potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other 
advantages; distributive impacts; and equity). The Regulatory 
Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze whether a rule may have a 
significant impact on a substantial number of small entities and, if it 
does, to analyze regulatory options that would minimize the impact. 
Section 202(a) of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act requires that 
agencies prepare a written statement of anticipated costs and benefits 
before proposing any rule that may result in an expenditure by State, 
local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private 
sector, of $100 million in any one year (adjusted annually for 
    OMB has determined that the proposed rule is is a significant 
regulatory action as defined by the Executive Order and so is subject 
to review. Because the rule does not impose any mandates on State, 
local, or tribal governments, or the private sector, that will result 
in any 1 year of $100 million or more, FDA is not required to perform a 
cost-benefit analysis according to the Unfunded Mandate Reform Act.
    The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to prepare a 
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for each rule unless the agency 
certifies that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on 
a substantial number of small entities. As explained in the following 
sections of this document, the proposed rule is not expected to have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small business 
entities because donor deferral and notification are considered usual 
and customary business for the affected entities.

A. Objectives and Basis of the Proposed Action

    As discussed previously, FDA is considering the proposed action for 
the purpose of reducing the risk of infection due to communicable 
disease agents to blood recipients and to individuals handling blood or 
blood products. The safety of the nation's blood supply is enhanced 
when donors whose test results indicate evidence of infection due to 
communicable disease agents or fail to satisfy suitability criteria 
associated with the prevention of certain communicable disease agents 
are excluded from donating blood and blood components. Once donors are 
deferred from donation, such donors would be informed of their deferral 
and the reason, and advised to seek medical counseling or treatment, as 
appropriate. Public health would be protected not only by deferring the 
donor from future donations and preventing the transmission of 
communicable disease agents through transfusion, but also by counseling 
the donor in precautions to minimize the risk of transmitting the 
disease to others in daily life.
    This action is taken under the authority of sections 351 and 361 of 
the PHS Act and section 501 of the act to prevent the introduction, 
transmission, and spread of communicable disease, and to ensure that 
methods used in manufacturing conform with CGMP's. Failure to comply 
with donor notification procedures would violate CGMP's and, therefore, 
would be subject to the act's enforcement provisions. FDA has reviewed 
related Federal rules and has not identified any rules that duplicate, 
overlap, or conflict with the proposed rule.

B. Nature of the Impact

    The proposed rule requires that blood establishments notify 
deferred donors of their deferral based on either suitability criteria 
included in the donor screening interview or because of the results of 
testing for evidence of infection due to disease agents including HIV, 
HTLV, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C. Under the proposed rule, the donor 
must be notified that he or she has been deferred, and the reason for 
deferral. The deferred donor must also be notified of the types of 
blood or blood components that should not be donated in the future. The 
notification must also include the results of tests for evidence of 
infection due to communicable disease including supplemental test 
results, information concerning appropriate medical followup and 
counseling, and when applicable, the possibility that the donor may be 
found suitable for future donations. The donor notification process 
must include three attempts of notification, completed within 8 weeks 
of the determination of the donor deferral. In order to implement this 
notification process, the proposed rule also requires that blood 
establishments obtain a permanent address for each prospective donor. 
The establishment must also maintain records of its attempts to notify 
a deferred donor within the prescribed timeframe.

C. Type and Number of Entities Affected

    The proposed deferred donor notification requirements will affect 
all blood and plasma establishments that collect blood and blood 
components from allogeneic donors. FDA's Office of Blood Research and 
Review (OBRR) has record of 2,801 registered blood and plasma 
establishments, including 487

[[Page 45361]]

plasma centers and 2,314 blood centers. The American Association of 
Blood Banks (AABB) estimates that approximately 14 million blood 
donations are collected annually. Allogeneic blood donations have 
recently accounted for an estimated 87.2 percent of that total (Ref. 
9). In 1997, GAO estimated that approximately 12 million donations of 
source plasma were collected by plasma centers (Ref. 10).

D. Estimated Impact of Proposed Requirements for Deferred Donor 

    The proposed rule is expected to have a minor net impact on blood 
establishments because the blood industry has already generally 
implemented deferred donor notification; virtually all establishments 
include this process within current operational guidelines. FDA expects 
that the primary impacts of the proposed rule will include a one-time 
review effort at each facility and a more extensive notification 
process at those facilities that currently perform deferred donor 
notification over a longer timeframe or with fewer followup attempts 
than specified in the rule.
    The one-time effort to review and modify current SOP's is expected 
to vary among establishments depending on the extensiveness of a 
facility's current protocols for deferred donor notification. For 
establishments that already keep required donor information and perform 
the level of notification effort specified by the rule, FDA estimates 
that it would take approximately 4 hours of staff time to reconcile the 
proposed regulations against the facility's current standards. This 
process could be performed by a technical specialist who acts as a 
regulatory reviewer or manager of quality assurance. Based on the total 
average hourly compensation of $25.67 for professional specialty and 
technical occupations in the health services industry, as reported by 
the Bureau of Labor Statistics for March 1997, the cost would be 
approximately $103 per facility. For establishments that already 
perform donor deferral notification but information provided to 
deferred donors or other aspects of the notification process are not 
the same as specified in the proposed rule, FDA assumes that 
approximately 24 hours of staff time would be required to align current 
SOP's and donor recordkeeping with the provisions of the rule. The cost 
in this case would be approximately $616 per facility. FDA does not 
have the data to estimate the percentage of facilities that will 
require a minimal effort versus a more involved review of SOP's; 
however, it is expected that many facilities have SOP's and 
recordkeeping standards that are consistent with the rule. Assuming a 
minimal review is needed at two-thirds of the currently operating 
establishments, and a more extensive review is conducted by the others, 
the total one-time cost for the blood and plasma industries is 
estimated to be $762,158.
    The yearly increase in cost is based on the ongoing notification of 
deferred donors. FDA assumes that all donors deferred based on the 
screening interview can be notified onsite at the time of deferral, and 
provided with the proposed information. FDA assumes that this will 
introduce no new costs for the blood and plasma establishments. The 
cost of notifying donors deferred on the basis of blood test findings 
is based on a proportional extrapolation of the number of donors who 
would test repeatedly reactive for evidence of infection in tests for 
HIV, HTLV, HBV, or HCV, and have positive findings in supplemental 
testing. Assuming a prevalence rate of 121.9 per 100,000 for viral 
markers for HIV, HTLV, HBV, or HCV among prospective donors (Ref. 11), 
that approximately 80 percent of donations are made by repeat donors 
\1\, that repeat donors average two donated units per year \2\, and 
that first time donors contribute one unit, an estimated 8,887 deferred 
blood donors and 8,861 plasma donors (including first time and repeat 
donors) would be identified each year.

    \1\ This percentage is based on American Red Cross estimates 
based on donations between January 1996 and June 1997.
    \2\ The estimate of an average of two donations per year for 
repeat blood donors is based on the Center for Disease Control's 
(CDC's) analysis of blood donations prepared for HCV lookback.

    FDA assumes that all facilities currently make at least one 
notification attempt for all deferred donors. However, the percentage 
of facilities that currently make up to three documented attempts 
within an 8-week period is not known. FDA has therefore estimated the 
economic impact for two scenarios in which the cost of compliance is 
based on the assumption that two additional notification attempts are 
needed, and these notifications are made via registered mail with a 
return receipt requested, at a cost of $12.54 \3\ per notified donor. 
Under the first scenario, FDA assumes half of deferred donors are 
currently notified through a process like the one specified in the 
proposed rule. In this case, the cost of compliance, based on the cost 
of up to two additional notifications to the remaining half of the 
estimated deferred donors totals $55,719 for the blood industry, and an 
estimated $55,557 for the plasma industry. Under the second scenario, 
FDA considers that only one-quarter of deferred donors are currently 
receiving up to three notification attempts. Under this scenario, the 
cost of up to two additional notifications to the remaining three-
quarters of the estimated deferred donors totals $83,578 for the blood 
industry, and an estimated $83,335 for the plasma industry. Thus, the 
ongoing notification costs for the blood and plasma industries combined 
are estimated to range from $111,276 to $166,913 per year.

    \3\ This estimate is based on two mailings, at a cost of $6.27 
each. This cost includes $.32 first class postage plus $4.85 fee for 
registered mail without insurance, plus $1.10 fee for return receipt 
requested at the time of mailing showing whom, signature, date and 
addressee's address (if different) source: USPS 1997 Postal Rates @ 

E. Expected Benefits of the Proposed Rule

    As described in the preamble to this rule, notification of donors 
that they have been deferred and consequently should not attempt 
subsequent donations will help prevent unsafe units of blood or blood 
products from entering the blood supply. Notification of donors who are 
deferred and can self-defer in the future thus adds to the protection 
provided by donor deferral registries. In FDA's proposed rule on donor 
testing found elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, the 
agency provides an extensive discussion of the benefits of reducing 
public exposure to the risks of these infectious diseases. FDA refers 
the reader to this discussion of the significant public health benefits 
of minimizing patients' risk of being unwittingly exposed to infection 
with HIV, HTLV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.

F. Small Entity Impact

    The proposed rule is not expected to have a significant impact on a 
substantial number of small entities, however, the impact on blood and 
plasma establishments that qualify as small entities is uncertain. FDA 
has therefore prepared an initial regulatory flexibility analysis. The 
blood and plasma establishments affected by the proposed rule are 
included under the major standard industrial code (SIC) group 80 for 
providers of health services. According to section 601 of the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, the term ``small entity'' 
encompasses the terms ``small business,'' ``small organization,'' and 
``small governmental jurisdiction.'' According to the Small Business 
Administration (SBA), a small business within the blood industry is an

[[Page 45362]]

enterprise with less than $5 million in annual receipts. A small 
organization is a not-for-profit enterprise which is independently 
owned and operated and is not dominant in its field. A ``small 
governmental jurisdiction'' generally means governments of cities, 
counties, towns, townships, villages, school districts, or special 
districts, with a population of less than 50,000.
    As noted in the foregoing analysis, the proposed rule is expected 
to have some cost impact on both plasma and blood collection centers. 
FDA has registered a total of 487 plasma collection facilities. Of that 
total, the General Accounting Office (GAO) (Ref. 12) has identified 
approximately 370 for-profit plasma collection centers that primarily 
collect paid plasma donations. The remaining 100 or so plasma 
collection facilities function within blood collection centers with 
volunteer donors, that are either operated by the American Red Cross, 
or are independently operated. The vast majority of collected source 
plasma is processed by four companies: Alpha Therapeutic Corp., Baxter 
Healthcare Corp., Bayer Corp., and Centeon LLC.
    FDA estimates that approximately 90 percent of these 370 paid 
plasma collection centers are owned by companies that operate a number 
of centers and have annual receipts in excess of $5 million per year. 
The remaining 10 percent, or about 37 paid plasma collection centers, 
may qualify as small business establishments. Of the 100 or so 
volunteer plasma collection facilities within blood collection centers, 
the independently operated, not-for-profit blood collection centers 
would likely qualify as small entities. The potential impact on plasma 
collection facilities will be a function of the number of donors and 
the viral marker rates among donors at their facility. The net impact 
on these facilities, however, is expected to be minor. For example, 
under cost scenario 1, if the additional yearly cost of $55,557 were 
evenly distributed across all 487 registered facilities, this would 
translate to an added cost of $114 per facility per year. Under 
scenario 2, the added cost per facility would be approximately $171 per 
    The impact on blood collection facilities that qualify as small 
entities is also uncertain, although it is not expected to be 
significant. The blood collection facilities that are independent and 
not-for-profit organizations may qualify as small entities regardless 
of the size of their operations. The analysis that follows, however, 
considers the smaller blood collection facilities, because they are 
expected to experience the greater cost impact. According to the 1996 
directory of the AABB, 34 regional and community blood centers have 
annual revenues of less than $5 million; and each collect no more than 
30,000 donations per year. Because of the pre-existing practice of 
deferred donor notification at these facilities, and the relatively 
small number of donors that FDA estimates will be deferred based on 
blood test findings, the impact on these small facilities is expected 
to be minor. Based on FDA's calculations, facilities with 30,000 
donations or less per year would identify about 22 deferred donors per 
year through blood testing. At a cost of $6.27 per notification via 
registered mail with a return receipt, if all facilities currently need 
to make two additional notification attempts under this rule, there 
would be an average small facility notification cost of $278 (22 x 
$12.54) per year. Because the estimated one-time cost for the review 
and revision of current deferral notification SOP's equaled $271 (2/3 x 
$103 + 1/3 x $616), or about $39 when annualized over a 10-year payment 
period at a 7-percent interest rate, the average annualized cost impact 
for the smaller collection centers would be about $317 ($278 + $39), or 
roughly $0.01 per donation, assuming approximately 30,000 donations per 
year. It should be noted that blood collection centers that collect 
both blood and source plasma will not experience a ``double'' impact, 
because the same donor pool and donations are used for production of 
the center's blood and plasma products.
    The types of professional staff and skills required to perform the 
required tasks were described in section VI.D of this document. FDA is 
confident that the tasks specified in the proposed rule can be readily 
performed by the type of staff already employed at affected blood and 
plasma establishments.
    To alleviate the impact on small entities while continuing to 
protect public health, the agency is proposing to recommend, but not 
require, that autologous donors be notified, if they test repeatedly 
reactive for evidence of infection; FDA also does not require that 
these donors be deferred. To minimize facility notification efforts 
while achieving the public health objectives, FDA proposes that 
notification should not occur until after the results of the approved 
supplemental testing are available. The proposed regulations are thus 
expected to help enhance both public health and public confidence in 
the safety of the blood and plasma supply, while imposing minimum 
burden on manufacturers.
    As an alternative to this proposal, FDA has considered not 
requiring donor notification of deferral from future donation due to 
communicable disease testing or failure to satisfy suitability criteria 
associated with the prevention of communicable disease because it is 
viewed by many as medical practice. However, the agency has rejected 
this alternative for the following reason. After a lengthy period of 
time during which the agency published recommendations to 
establishments on notifying donors of deferral, inconsistency 
pertaining to information and counseling provided to the deferred donor 
has been demonstrated among the establishments. Notification of donor 
deferral has become a public health issue because donors who are not 
fully informed of their deferral status due to communicable disease 
testing or failure to meet suitability criteria associated with the 
prevention of communicable disease may not take precautions to minimize 
the transmission of communicable disease to others and may not 
recognize the importance of not attempting to donate blood or blood 
components in the future.

VII. The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995

    This proposed rule contains information collection provisions that 
are subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (the PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501-
3520). The title, description, and respondent description of the 
information collection provisions are shown in this section of this 
document with an estimate of the annual burden. Included in this 
estimate is the time for reviewing the instructions, searching existing 
data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing 
and reviewing each collection of information.
    FDA invites comments on: (1) Whether the proposed collection of 
information is necessary for the proper performance of FDA's functions, 
including whether the information will have practical utility; (2) the 
accuracy of FDA's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of 
information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions 
used; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the 
collection of information on respondents, including through the use of 
automated collection techniques, when appropriate, and other forms of 
information technology.
    Title: General Requirements for Blood, Blood Components, and Blood 
Derivatives; Notification of Deferred Donors.

[[Page 45363]]

    Description: FDA is proposing requirements for the donor 
notification process which are intended to prevent further donations 
from donors who have been deferred for positive test results for 
evidence of communicable disease agent(s) or for failing to meet the 
donor suitability criteria intended to reduce the risk of communicable 
disease agents prior to collection. When a donor is deferred for 
failing to meet suitability criteria associated with communicable 
disease agents prior to collection, he or she would be advised not to 
donate now or in the future and would be provided with information 
regarding the need for medical followup and counseling. When test 
results for communicable disease agents are finished, establishment 
personnel would be required to make at least three attempts to notify 
donors with positive supplemental (additional, more specific) test 
results that they are deferred and should have medical followup and 
counseling. The revisions would require blood and plasma establishments 
to develop SOP's for deferring donors and for notifying deferred donors 
and to maintain their permanent address, outline the information that 
is to be provided to a deferred donor, and to notify deferred donors of 
positive test results for evidence of infection by communicable disease 
agent(s) within 8 weeks of the donation initiating deferral, or at 
their first return visit, whichever is earlier. FDA is proposing these 
new requirements to help ensure the nation's blood supply is safe by 
excluding donors who may present significant risks from donating in the 
future as well as enhancing the public health by assuring that those 
donors who have been deferred are advised to seek treatment and 
    Description of Respondents: Manufacturers of blood, blood 
components, and blood derivatives.
    There are an estimated 2,800 FDA registered blood and Source Plasma 
collection facilities in the United States that collect approximately 
27,000,000 units of Whole Blood and Source Plasma annually. There are 
approximately 8 million donors of Whole Blood and 1.5 million donors of 
plasma for a total of 9.5 million donors per year. From such 
information as is available to FDA, the agency estimates that 
approximately 1.2 percent of persons who come to donate annually are 
deferred prior to donating because of disqualifying answers to the 
medical history and behavior questionnaire. In addition to the 9.5 
million donors per year there would be approximately 115,385 potential 
donors deferred from donating. It is the customary and usual practice 
of virtually all registered establishments to explain to a donor why he 
or she is deferred and excluded from donating. Based on such 
information as is available to FDA, the agency estimates that currently 
two-thirds of registered establishments voluntarily provide additional 
information and counseling to a deferred donor. Consequently, only one-
third or 933 collection facilities would have additional burden related 
to this proposed rule. Some industry contacts estimated that it takes 
on average approximately 5 minutes to provide the deferred donor with 
the appropriate medical health information. FDA estimates that 
currently 95 percent of the industry that collects 98 percent of the 
blood and blood components have voluntarily established SOP's for 
notifying donors who have repeatedly reactive test results that also 
are positive by supplemental tests for HIV, HBV, or HCV (the number of 
donors who test and confirm positive for HTLV is so small that this was 
not included in the estimate). FDA estimates based on 9.5 million 
donors annually and the viral marker incidence rates for HIV, HBV, and 
HCV, that 49,591 donors would be deferred annually due to test results. 
Consequently, 5 percent (140) of the industry collecting 2 percent 
(992) of the deferred donors would experience new burden related to 
this proposed rule. FDA estimates on the average it may take 15 minutes 
to allow for up to three attempts to contact a donor and request that 
they return for counseling which may take another 15 minutes for a 
total of 0.5 hours.

                                  Table 1.--Estimated Annual Reporting Burden1
         21 CFR Section               No. of       Frequency per   Total Annual      Hours per      Total Hours
                                    Respondents      Response        Responses       Response
 630.6(a) and (b)2                    933              41          38,462                .08        3,077
 630.6(a), (b), and (c)3              140               7             992               0.5           496
TOTAL                                                                                               4,069
\1\ There are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of
\2\ Potential donors deferred prior to donation. The number of potential donors deferred annually prior to
  donation based on failure to meet suitability criteria associated with communicable disease agents is 115,385.
  Providing information on medical followup and counseling to these deferred donors is estimated to be new
  burden for approximately one-third of the registered blood and plasma collection facilities.
\3\ Donors deferred post donation due to test results. Providing information on medical followup and counseling
  to donors deferred due to test results may be new burden for approximately 5 percent of the industry
  collecting from 2 percent of such deferred donors. One hundred and forty represents 5 percent of the 2,800
  registered establishments and 992 represents 2 percent of the estimated 49,591 donors deferred annually due to
  test results.

                                Table 2.-- Estimated Annual Recordkeeping Burden1
                                                         Annual         Total
           21 CFR Section                No. of       Frequency per     Annual       Hours per      Total Hours
                                      Recordkeepers   Recordkeeping    Records     Recordkeeper
 606.100(b)(20)                        2,800               1              2,800         2           5,600
 606.160(b)(1)(ix)2                    2,800              59            164,976         3           8,400
 606.160(b)(1)(x)3                     2,800           9,643          27,000,000        0               0
 TOTAL                                                                                             14,000
\1\ There are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of
\2\ FDA estimates that annually 115,385 potential donors are deferred prior to donation and 49,591 donors are
  deferred due to test results. Recording the notification of each deferred donor is estimated to require
  between 2 and 5 minutes (3 minutes on average).
\3\ Recording the donor's permanent address is customary and usual practice in the industry and is not new or
  additional burden.

[[Page 45364]]

    In compliance with section 3507(d) of the Paperwork Reduction Act 
of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)), the agency has submitted a copy of this 
proposed rule to OMB for review of the information collection 
provisions. Interested persons are requested to submit written comments 
regarding information collection by September 20, 1999, to the Office 
of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB (address above), Attention: 
Desk Officer for FDA.

VIII. Environmental Impact

    The agency has determined under 21 CFR 25.31(j) that this action is 
of a type that not individually or cumulatively have a significant 
effect on the human environment. Therefore, neither an environmental 
assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required.

IX. Request for Comments and Effective Date

    Interested persons may, on or before November 17, 1999, submit to 
the Docket Management Branch (address above) written comments regarding 
this proposed rule. Two copies of any comments are to be submitted, 
except that individuals may submit one copy. Comments are to be 
identified with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of 
this document. Received comments may be seen in the office above 
between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. FDA is proposing that 
any final rule that may issue based upon this proposed rule become 
effective 180 days after its date of publication in the Federal 

X. References

    The following references have been placed on display in the Dockets 
Management Branch (address above) and may be seen by interested persons 
between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    1. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 32, pp. 101-103, 
March 4, 1983.
    2. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 34, pp. 1-5, 
January 11, 1985.
    3. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 36, pp. 509-515, 
August 14, 1987.
    4. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 36, pp. 833-840, 
January 8, 1988.
    5. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 38 (No. S-7), 
July 21, 1989.
    6. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 41 (No. RR-2), 
pp. 1-9, February 28, 1992.
    7. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 37, pp. 736-747, 
December 9, 1988.
    8. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 40 (No. RR-4), 
pp. 1-17, April 19, 1991.
    9. Wallace, E. L., W. H. Churchill, D. M. Surgenor, J. An, G. Cho, 
S. McGurk, and L. Murphy, ``Collection and Transfusion of Blood and 
Blood Components in the United States, 1992,'' Transfusion, 1995; vol. 
35, No. 10, pp. 802-812.
    10. General Accounting Office, ``Blood Safety: Enhancing Safeguards 
Would Strengthen the Nation's Blood Supply,'' GAO-HEHS-97-143, June 
    11. Glynn, S. A., G. B. Schreiber, M. P. Busch, S. H. Kleinman, A. 
E. Williams, C. C. Nass, H. E. Ownby, and J. W. Smith, for the 
Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study, ``Demographic Characteristics, 
Unreported Risk Behaviors, and the Prevalence and Incidence of Viral 
Infections: A Comparison of Apheresis and Whole-Blood Donors,'' 
Transfusion, April 1998, vol. 38, pp. 350-358.
    12. General Accounting Office, ``Blood Plasma Safety: Plasma 
Product Risks Are Low if Good Manufacturing Practices Are Followed,'' 
GAO-HEHS-98-205, September 1998.

Lists of Subjects

21 CFR Part 606

    Blood, Labeling, Laboratories, Reporting and recordkeeping 

 21 CFR Part 630

    Biologics, Blood, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the 
Public Health Service Act, and under authority delegated to the 
Commissioner of Food and Drugs, it is proposed that 21 CFR Chapter I be 
amended as follows:


    1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 606 continues to read as 

    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 351, 352, 355, 360, 360j, 
371,374; 42 U.S.C. 216, 262, 263a, 264.

    2. Section 606.100 is amended by adding paragraph (b)(20) to read 
as follows:

Sec. 606.100   Standard operating procedures.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (20) Procedures for donor deferral as prescribed in Sec. 610.41 of 
this chapter and donor notification, including procedures for the 
appropriate followup if the initial attempt at notification fails, as 
prescribed in Sec. 630.6 of this chapter.
* * * * *
    3. Section 606.160 is amended by adding paragraphs (b)(1)(ix) and 
(b)(1)(x) to read as follows:

Sec. 606.160   Records.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (ix) Notification of deferred donors, including appropriate 
followup if the initial attempt at notification fails.
    (x) To facilitate the notification of deferred donor, the donor's 
permanent address.
* * * * *
    4. Part 630 is added to read as follows:


630.6  Donor notification.
    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 351, 352, 355, 360, 371; 42 
U.S.C. 216, 262, 263.

Sec. 630.6   Donor notification.

    (a) An establishment that collects blood or blood components shall 
notify donors who have been deferred based on results of tests for 
evidence of infection with a communicable disease agent as required by 
Sec. 610.41 of this chapter or based on deferral for suitability 
criteria. Blood establishments shall attempt to obtain the results of 
supplemental testing required under Sec. 610.40(c) of this chapter 
prior to notifying donors of their deferral. If notification occurs 
prior to receipt of such results, blood establishments shall renotify 
donors of the results of the supplemental testing. Blood establishments 
shall notify donors as described in paragraph (b) of this section.
    (b) The notification shall provide the following information to a 
donor who has been deferred from donating as described in paragraph (a) 
of this section:
    (1) That the donor has been deferred and the reason for deferral;
    (2) The types of donations of blood or blood components which the 
donor should not donate in the future;
    (3) Where applicable, the results of tests for evidence of 
infection due to communicable disease agent(s), that were a basis for 
deferral under Sec. 610.41 of this chapter, including results of 
supplemental (i.e. additional, more specific) tests as required in 
Sec. 610.40(c) of this chapter;
    (4) Information concerning appropriate medical followup and 
counseling; and
    (5) Where applicable, the possibility that the donor may be found 
suitable for future donations.
    (c) The notification process shall include a minimum of three 
attempts to

[[Page 45365]]

notify the donor and be completed within 8 weeks after the 
determination that the donor should be deferred or at the first return 
visit of the deferred donor after the determination is made, whichever 
is earlier.

    Dated: April 20, 1999.
Jane E. Henney,
Commissioner of Food and Drugs.
Donna E. Shalala,
Secretary of Health and Human Services.
[FR Doc. 99-21295 Filed 8-18-99; 8:45 am]