[Federal Register Volume 62, Number 66 (Monday, April 7, 1997)]
[Page 16591]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 97-8806]



Office of the Secretary

Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collections; 
Comment Request

    The Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the 
Secretary will periodically publish summaries of proposed information 
collections projects and solicit public comments in compliance with the 
requirements of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
1995. To request more information on the project or to obtain a copy of 
the information collection plans and instruments, call the OS Reports 
Clearance Officer on (202) 690-6207.
    Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of 
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
the agency, including whether the information shall have practical 
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
utility and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to 
minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, 
including through the use of automated collection techniques or other 
forms of information technology.
    Proposed Projects: Voluntary Customer Surveys to Implement 
Executive Order 12862 in the Public Health Service--Extension--0937-
0201--The Public Health Service is conducting numerous customer-related 
surveys under this approved collection of information. Activities for 
which an extension of OMB approval will be requested are as follows: 
(A) The Smoke Free Kids Campaign in the Office of Public Health and 
Science (OPHS) is conducting an on-line customer feedback survey 
pertaining to products and information offered by the Web site. An 
estimated 5,000 annual respondents (Web site visitors who order a 
product) will spend 1.5 minutes per response for a total annual burden 
of 125 hours. (B) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will survey 
physicians and allied health professionals on their satisfaction with 
the FDA Medical Bulletin. An estimated 1,200 annual respondents will 
spend ten minutes per response for a total annual burden of 200 hours. 
(C) The FDA will survey mammography facilities to gather information 
about the existing inspection process as it is perceived by the 
facilities. An estimated 1039 respondents will spend 15 minutes per 
response for a total annual burden of 260 hours. (D) The Center for 
Disease Control (CDC) will survey users of the National Center for 
Health Statistics (NCHS) Internet Homepage to assess user satisfaction 
with the Internet site. An estimated 5,400 annual respondents will 
spend seven minutes per response for a total annual burden of 630 
hours. (E) CDC is surveying state health departments about the quality 
of technical assistance received for violence prevention. The 50 states 
will spend 45-60 minutes per response for a total burden of 43 hours. 
(F) The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) is 
conducting a customer satisfaction survey of the recipients of AHCPR 
publications. On average, there will be 12,300 annual respondents at 
ten minutes per response for a total annual burden of 2,050 hours. (G) 
AHCPR is conducting a survey of customer opinions on the information 
offered through the AHCPR Web Site. An estimated 500 annual respondents 
will spend seven minutes per response for a total annual burden of 59 
hours. (H) AHCPR will conduct a survey of the customers of the AHCPR 
Publications Clearinghouse to measure customer perception of service 
quality. An estimated 7,500 respondents will spend two minutes per 
response for a total burden of 250 hours. (I) AHCPR will conduct a 
survey of physicians and nurses regarding the use of AHCPR Clinical 
Practice Guidelines. Roughly 80 respondents will spend 30 minutes per 
response for a total burden of 40 hours. (J) AHCPR will conduct a 
survey to assess the usage of the Quality Measurement Network (QMNet). 
An estimated 100 respondents will spend 23 minutes per response for a 
total annual burden of 39 hours. (K) The National Library of Medicine 
(NLM) will conduct an online survey of its World Wide Web site 
customers to determine user satisfaction with the content and format of 
the site. 500 respondents will spend three minutes per response for a 
total burden of 25 hours. (L) NLM will conduct an interactive voice 
response survey of their National Network of Libraries of Medicine 
member libraries to ascertain satisfaction with the Web site. An 
estimated 3902 respondents will spend three minutes per response for a 
total burden of 196 hours. (M) NLM will conduct a survey of the users 
of its Reference and MEDLARS telephone service desks to assess customer 
satisfaction with the individual interactions they have had with the 
customer service desk staff. Roughly 413 respondents will spend three 
minutes per response for a total burden of 21 hours. (N) The National 
Cancer Institute's (NCI) International Cancer Information Center is 
surveying Information Associates Program members to determine user 
satisfaction with NCI's cancer information products. 4,400 respondents 
will spend 18 minutes per response for a total burden of 1,320 hours. 
(O) The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is conducting a survey of 
research grant applicants to determine their satisfaction with the 
grant application and review process. Approximately 2215 respondents 
will spend 30 minutes per response for a total burden of 1,108 hours.
    Send comments to Cynthia Agens Bauer, OS Reports Clearance Officer, 
Room 503H, Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue S.W., Washington 
DC, 20201. Written comments should be received by June 6, 1997.

    Dated March 27, 1997.
Dennis P. Williams,
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Budget.
[FR Doc. 97-8806 Filed 4-4-97; 8:45 am]