[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 195 (Monday, October 7, 1996)]
[Pages 52450-52451]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-25651]



Agency Information Collection Activities Under OMB Review

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice announces the Office of Management and Budget's 
(OMB) responses to Agency clearance requests, in compliance with the 
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). An agency may not 
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a 
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB 
control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's regulations are 
listed in 40 CFR Part 9 and 48 CFR Chapter 15.

Sandy Farmer (202) 260-2740, please refer to the appropriate EPA 
Information Collection Request (ICR) Number.

[[Page 52451]]


OMB Responses to Agency Clearance Requests

OMB Approvals

    EPA ICR No. 1541.95; For Benzene Waste Operations--Subpart FF; was 
approved 09/25/96; OMB No. 2060-0183; expires 09/30/99.
    EPA ICR No. 1786.01; Auto Refinishing Industry Solvent-Use Survey 
(ARSUS); was approved 09/25/96; OMB No. 2080-0055; expires 09/30/99.
    EPA ICR No. 0011.08; Selective Enforcement Auditing and 
Recordkeeping Requirements for On-Highway Heavy-Duty Engines, Nonroad 
Large Compression Ignition Engines, and On-Highway Light-Duty Vehicles 
and Light-Duty Trucks; was approved 08/30/96; OMB No. 2060-0064; 
expires 08/31/99.
    EPA ICR No. 1763.01; In-Use Credit Program for New Marine Engines; 
was approved 09/25/96; OMB No. 2060-0325; expires 09/30/99.
    EPA ICR No. 0116.05; Emission Control System Performance Warranty 
Regulations and Voluntary Aftermarket Part Certification Program; was 
approved 08/30/96; OMB No. 2060-0060; expires 08/31/99.
    EPA ICR No. 1773.01; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for 
National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from 
Hazardous Waste Combustors; was approved 09/25/96; OMB No. 2060-0349; 
expires 09/30/99.
    EPA ICR No. 1643.02; Extension for Application Requirements for the 
Approval and Delegation of Federal Air Toxics Programs to State and 
Local Agencies; was approved 09/18/96; OMB No. 2060-0264; expires 09/
    EPA ICR No. 0111.08; National Emission Standards for Asbestos; was 
approved 09/16/96; OMB No. 2060-0101; expires 09/30/99.
    EPA ICR No. 1055.05; NSPS for Kraft Pulp Mills--Subpart BB 
Recordkeeping and Reporting; was approved 09/09/96; OMB No. 2060-0021; 
expires 09/30/99.
    EPA ICR No. 0658.06; NSPS for Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label 
Surface Coating--Subpart RR; was approved 09/18/96; OMB No. 2060-0004; 
expires 09/30/99.
    EPA ICR No. 1052.05; NSPS for Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam Generating 
Units--Subpart D; was approved 09/09/96; OMB No. 2060-0026; expires 09/
    EPA ICR No. 1139.05; TSCA Section 4 Test Rules, Consent Orders and 
Test Rule Exemptions; was approved 09/06/96; OMB No. 2070-0033; expires 
    EPA ICR No. 1717.02; National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air 
Pollutants (NESHAP) for Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations--Subpart 
DD; was approved 09/18/96; OMB No. 2060-0313; expires 09/30/99.


    EPA ICR No. 1053.05; NSPS for Electric Utility Steam Generating 
Units--Subpart Da; OMB No. 2060-0023; expiration date is 09/30/99 
instead of 09/30/96.

    Dated: October 2, 1996.
Joseph Retzer,
Director, Regulatory Information Division.
[FR Doc. 96-25651 Filed 10-4-96; 8:45 am]