[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 129 (Wednesday, July 3, 1996)]
[Pages 34920-34921]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-16895]



Coast Guard
[CGD 96-031]

Agency Information Collection Activities Under OMB Review

AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act the Coast Guard 
announces seven Information Collection Requests (ICR) coming up for 
renewal. These ICRs include: 1. Application for Vessel Inspection and 
Waiver; 2. Bridge Permit Application Guide; 3. Letter of Intent; 4. 
Application for Tonnage Measurement of Vessels; 5. Oil and Hazardous 
Material Pollution Prevention and Safety Records, Equivalent/
Alternatives and Exemptions; 6. Records Relating to Citizenship of 
Personnel on Units Engaged in Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Activities; 
and 7. Ballast Water Management for Vessels Entering the Great Lakes. 
Before submitting the renewal packages to the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB), the Coast Guard is soliciting comments on specific 
aspects of the collections as described below.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before September 3, 1996.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to Commandant (G-SII-2), U.S. Coast 
Guard Headquarters, Room 6106 (Attn: Barbara Davis), 2100 2nd St, SW, 
Washington, DC 20593-0001, or may be hand delivered to the same address 
between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
holidays. The telephone number is (202) 267-2326. The comments will 
become part of this docket and will be available for inspection and 
copying by appointment at the above address.

Barbara Davis, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Information Management, 
telephone (202) 267-2326.


Request for Comments

    The Coast Guard encourages interested persons to submit written 
views, comments, data, or arguments. Persons submitting comments should 
include their names and addresses, identify this Notice, the specific 
ICR to which each comment applies, and give reasons for each comment. 
The Coast Guard requests that all comments and attachments be submitted 
in an unbound format no larger than 8\1/2\'' by 11'', suitable for 
copying and electronic filing. If that is not practical, a second copy 
of any bound material is requested. Persons desiring acknowledgement 
that their comments have been received should enclose a stamped, self-
addressed post card or envelope.
    Interested persons can receive copies of the complete ICR by 
contacting Ms. Davis where indicated under ADDRESSES.

Information Collection Requests

    1. Title: Application for Vessel Inspection and Waiver.
OMB No. 2115-0007
    Summary: The collection of information requires the owner, agent or 
master of a vessel to apply in writing to the Coast Guard before the 
commencement of the inspection for certification or when, in the 
interest of national defense, a waiver is desired from the requirements 
of navigation and vessel inspection.
    Need: The reporting requirements of the Application for Inspection 
of U.S. Vessels and the Application for Waiver and Waiver Order are 
part of the Coast Guard's Marine Inspection Program authorized by 46 
U.S.C. 3306 and 3309.
    Respondents: Vessel owner, operator, agent, masters or interested 
U.S. Government agency.
    Frequency: On occasion, biennially and triennially.
    Burden: The estimated burden is 1,707 hours annually.
    2. Title: Bridge Permit Application Guide.
OMB No. 2115-0050
    Summary: The collection of information is a bridge permit request 
submitted as application for Coast Guard approval of proposed bridge 
projects. Applicants will submit to the Coast Guard a letter of 
application along with letter size drawings (plans) and maps showing 
the proposed bridge project and its location.
    Need: Title 33 U.S.C. 401, 491, 525, and 535, authorize the Coast 
Guard to approve plans and locations for all bridges or causeways that 
are to be constructed over navigable waters of the United States.
    Respondents: Public and private owners of bridges over navigable 
waters of the United States.
    Frequency: On occasion.
    Burden: The estimated burden is 2,600 hours annually.
    3. Title: Letter of Intent.
OMB No. 2115-007
    Summary: The collection of information is a Letter of Intent which 
serves as a notice by a facility owner and operator to the Coast Guard 
that they intend to transfer oil or hazardous materials from their 
    Need: Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and Executive 
Order 12777, the Coast Guard has the authority to issue regulations to 
prevent the discharge of oil or hazardous materials from waterfront 
    Respondents: Owners and operators of waterfront facilities.
    Frequency: On occasion.
    Burden: The estimated burden is 460 hours annually.
    4. Title: Application for Tonnage Measurement of Vessels.
OMB No. 2115-0086
    Summary: The collection of information requires vessel owners to 
submit application for tonnage measurement to the Coast Guard or an 
organization delegated by the Coast Guard. Additional information may 
be required if an owner requests certain tonnage treatment.
    Need: 46. U.S.C. 14104 requires that before a vessel is documented 
or recorded under laws of the United States, or where the application 
of law of the United States to a vessel is determined by its tonnage, 
the vessel must be measured for tonnage.
    Respondent: Vessel owners.
    Frequency: Once per vessel.
    Burden Estimate: The estimated burden is 44,000 hours annually
    5. Title: Oil and Hazardous Material Pollution Prevention and 
Safety Records, Equivalent/Alternatives and Exemptions
OMB No. 2115-0096
    Summary: The collection of information requires the inspection of 
discharge removal equipment on vessels and requires monitoring, 
reporting and recordkeeping regarding discharges of oil or hazardous 
materials by facilities and vessels. The regulated industry has the 
option of requesting, in writing, either equivalent or alternative 
procedures, methods or equipment standards in lieu of any requirement 

[[Page 34921]]

a full or partial exemption of any requirement.
    Need: Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and Executive 
Order 12777, Coast Guard has the authority to issue regulations to 
prevent the discharge of oil or hazardous materials from waterfront 
facilities and vessels.
    Respondent: Operators of vessels and owners of waterfront 
    Frequency: On occasion.
    Burden Estimate: The estimated burden in 1,840 hours annually.
    6. Title: Records Relation to Citizenship of Personnel on Units 
Engaged in Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Activities.
OMB No. 2115-0143
    Summary: The collection of information requires employers of 
vessels and units engaged in exploration and exploitation of offshore 
resources on the OCS such as gas and oil to ascertain the citizenship 
of their employees and to maintain records of same.
    Need: 43 U.S.C. 1356 authorizes the Coast Guard to issue 
regulations to man or crew outer continental shelf (OCS) facilities 
with U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens.
    Respondent: Employers of persons engaged in Outer Continental Shelf 
    Frequency: On occasion.
    Burden Estimate: The estimated burden is 1,510 hours annually.
    7. Title: Ballast Water Management for Vessels Entering the Great 
OMB No. 2115-0598
    Summary: The collection of information requires vessels entering 
the Great Lakes through the Saint Lawrence Seaway after operating 
outside the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States to keep 
records of their ballast water management.
    Need: Under Title 33 U.S.C. 4711 the Coast Guard has the authority 
to check and monitor vessels entering the Great Lakes regarding their 
management of ballast water.
    Respondent: Owners/operators of vessels who enter the Great Lakes.
    Frequency: On occasion.
    Burden Estimate: The estimated burden is 228 hours annually.

    Dated: June 20, 1996.
D.A. Potter,
 Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Director of Command, Control, 
Communications and Computers.
[FR Doc. 96-16895 Filed 7-2-96; 8:45 am]