[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 246 (Friday, December 22, 1995)]
[Pages 66568-66569]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-31156]


Docket No. 50-344

Portland General Electric Company; Trojan Nuclear Plant; Notice 
of Issuance of Environmental Assessment and Final Finding of no 
Significant Impact

    The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering 
approving a Portland General Electric (PGE) proposed decommissioning 
plan for the Trojan Nuclear Plant (TNP) and issuing an order 
authorizing decommissioning of the facility.

Description of the Proposed Action

    On January 27, 1993, PGE notified the NRC of their decision to 
permanently cease power operations after approximately 17 years of 
operation. The fuel was transferred to the spent fuel pool, and on May 
5, 1993, the NRC amended the TNP Facility Operating License (NFP-1) to 
a Possession Only License, which allows the licensee to maintain but 
not operate the facility. On January 26, 1995, the licensee submitted 
an application to terminate the TNP Possession Only License. The 
application for termination of the TNP license included a proposed 
decommissioning plan and an supplement to the environmental report. The 
licensee proposes to decommission the TNP using a dismantlement (DECON) 
approach as defined in the ``Final Generic Environmental Impact 
Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities'' NUREG-0586, dated 
August 1988 (GEIS).
    The licensee plans to precede the DECON radiological 
decontamination and dismantlement period with a five-year transition 
period. Transition period activities include the removal and disposal 
of selected large components, licensing and construction of an 
Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI), and transfer of 
the fuel to the ISFSI. Assessment of the environmental impact 
associated with the construction and operation of the Trojan ISFSI will 
be conducted during the licensing of the ISFSI. Radioactive structures, 
systems, and components that are removed from the facility during 
decommissioning will be shipped to a licensed burial site for permanent 

Summary of the Environmental Assessment

    The purpose of decommissioning a nuclear facility is to remove the 
facility safely from service, and to reduce residual radioactivity at 
the site to levels that permit the release of the property for 
unrestricted use. Once this state is reached the license granted by the 
NRC may be terminated.
    The NRC staff has reviewed the PGE decommissioning plan, and 
supplemental environmental report prepared in accordance with 10 CFR 
51.53(b). To document its review, the staff has prepared an 
environmental assessment (EA) consistent with 10 CFR 51.95(b), which 
examined decommissioning alternatives, non-radiological and 
radiological impacts of decommissioning, and effects of postulated 
radiological accidents during decommissioning. The alternatives 
available for decommissioning--DECON, ENTOMB, SAFSTOR, and No Action--
are evaluated and discussed in the GEIS. Based on its review of the 
proposed PGE decommissioning plan, the staff has determined that the 
environmental impacts associated with the decommissioning of TNP in 
accordance with the plan are either bounded by the impacts evaluated by 
the GEIS or in the NRC Final Environmental Statement related to 
Operation of Trojan Nuclear Plant dated August 1973. The staff also 
finds that the proposed decommissioning of TNP is in compliance with 10 
CFR Part 50, Appendix I annual design objectives for offsite releases 
or 10 CFR Part 20.

Final Finding of No Significant Impact

    The staff has reviewed the proposed decommissioning plan and 
supplement to the environmental report in accordance with the 
requirements of 10 CFR Part 51. The staff has concluded that there are 
no significant environmental impacts associated with the proposed 
action and that the proposed action will not have a significant effect 
on the quality of the human environment. Therefore, the NRC has 
determined, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.31, not to prepare an environmental 
impact statement.
    For further details with respect to this action, see the licensee 
application for termination of license, dated January 26, 1995 and 
updated November 13, 1995, and the NRC staff Environmental Assessment 
and Safety Evaluation Report. These documents are available for public 
inspection at the NRC Public Document Room, Gelman Building, 2120 L 
Street, NW, Washington, DC. 20555, and at the Local Public Document 
Room for TNP at the Branford Price Millar Library, Portland State 
University, Portland, Oregon 97207. Single copies of the NRC staff 
Environmental Assessment and Safety Evaluation may be obtained from Dr. 
Michael T. Masnik, Senior Project Manager, Office of Nuclear Reactor 

[[Page 66569]]
Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555.

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this December 18, 1995.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Singh S. Bajwa,
Acting Director, Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project 
Directorate, Division of Reactor Program Management, Office of Nuclear 
Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 95-31156 Filed 12-21-95; 8:45 am]