[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 156 (Monday, August 14, 1995)] [Notices] [Pages 41908-41910] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] [FR Doc No: 95-19949] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [[Page 41909]] DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Office of Foreign Assets Control Electronically-Available Information Sources on Economic Sanctions Programs AGENCY: Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury. ACTION: Notice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Treasury Department is issuing a list of sources of computer-accessible information for the public's use in keeping informed of and complying with the economic sanctions programs administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control. EFFECTIVE DATE: August 8, 1995. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dennis P. Wood, Chief, Compliance Programs Division (tel.: 202/622-2490), Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury, Annex, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20220. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Electronic Availability This document is itself available as an electronic file on The Federal Bulletin Board the day of publication in the Federal Register for downloading in WordPerfect 5.1, ASCII, and Postscript formats. The document is also accessible for downloading in ASCII format without charge from Treasury's Electronic Library (``TEL'') in the ``Business, Trade and Labor Mall'' of the FedWorld bulletin board. Select self- extracting file ``T11FR00.EXE'' in TEL. The means of access to these information services are described in this notice. Background This notice describes various public and private information sources accessible by computer that provide information concerning the economic sanctions programs administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC''). Information available for reading or downloading includes notices of blockings, statutory and Executive order authorities, regulations, regulatory amendments, and lists of blocked entities, specially designated nationals, and specially designated terrorists. OFAC encourages the public to utilize these sources to remain current with developments in economic sanctions programs for informational and compliance purposes. OFAC PUBLIC INFORMATION ACCESSIBLE BY COMPUTER Sources Available to the General Public: U.S. Treasury Department's Electronic Library (``TEL''): The Treasury Department maintains a free electronic library called ``TEL'' on the FedWorld bulletin board, a service of the National Technical Information Service. TEL can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, using standard communications software and a modem, either directly, by dialing 703/321-3339, or over the Internet using one of the following protocols: Telnet = fedworld.gov (; FTP Site = ftp.fedworld.gov (; World Wide Web (Home Page) = http://www.fedworld.gov. Once access to FedWorld has been gained, select option ``[C],'' the ``Business, Trade, and Labor Mall;'' then ``[E],'' ``Treasury's Electronic Library.'' OFAC files are available for downloading in camera-ready ``*.PDF'' format as well as in a self- extracting ASCII ``*.EXE'' format. Each bears the prefix ``T11.'' OFAC's camera-ready brochure on Cuba, for example, is called ``T11CUBA.PDF.'' OFAC's self-extracting ASCII file containing all of OFAC's brochures as well as the latest listing of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (the ``SDN list'') in DOS-format is called ``T11FAC00.EXE.'' A major advantage of TEL, besides Internet access, is that there is no charge to any user to download files. Adobe Acrobat ReadersTM are available free to view and print the ``*.PDF'' files. Those needing a free Acrobat ReaderTM may download the file from the Internal Revenue Service ``utilities'' library by typing the command ``/go IRISGR'' at FedWorld's main prompt. FedWorld's help desk number is 703/487-4608; the business office number is 703/487-4648. U.S. Commerce Department's Economic Bulletin Board (``EBB'') The U.S. Department of Commerce operates an electronic bulletin board called the ``EBB.'' The EBB can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, using standard communications software and a modem, either directly, by dialing 202/482-3870 (for 2400 bps connections) or 202/ 482-2584 or 202/482-2167 (for 9600 bps connections), or over the Internet using the Telnet protocol: Telnet = ebb.stat-usa.gov. A free, limited-access service is available to those who are unfamiliar with the Commerce Board. Otherwise, access is by subscription at a nominal charge. The EBB is used extensively by U.S. exporters seeking information on trade leads. All OFAC publications in ASCII format, including the very latest version of the alphabetized SDN listings, are available for downloading from ``File Area #17'' on the Board. Commerce Department Export Denial Order information is also available in the same general file area. OFAC sheets can be individually downloaded by the public or all OFAC informational material can be transferred as a compressed self-extracting DOS archive file called ``FACDATA.EXE.'' Once an individual accesses the Board, all that needs to be done to locate OFAC material is to choose ``F'' from the main menu to access a FILES subsystem, then choose ``L'' for LIST, and type ``17'' for OFAC. The EBB's Help Line is 202/482-1986 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time). U.S. Commerce's National Trade Data Bank (``NTDB'') The U.S. Department of Commerce operates a CD-Rom service providing a massive amount of international trade information on a monthly basis to small and medium sized companies. There is a nominal charge for a subscription. The CD-Rom service is also available free of charge at Commerce offices nationwide as well as nearly 1,000 Federal depository libraries. OFAC data is in ASCII format and fully searchable. For information, call 202/482-1986. U.S. Commerce's STAT-USA/FAX The U.S. Department of Commerce operates an automated fax-on-demand service that includes OFAC data. Users can call 202/482-0005 from a fax machine's handset 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For a nominal subscription charge, subscribers are entitled to 6 files per day without size restrictions. OFAC is posting in print (``camera ready'') copy the latest listing of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons, cumulative Changes to the Listing of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons; and OFAC's brochure entitled Foreign Assets Control Regulations for Exporters and Importers. World Wide Web (``WWW'') All of OFAC's program brochures, as well as SDN list information, is available in downloadable camera-ready Adobe AcrobatTM ``*.PDF'' format to subscribers to the U.S. Commerce Department's World Wide Web Server (STAT-USA/Internet) with access at //www.stat-use.gov. For information call 202/482-1986. OFAC is in the final stages of developing a new service to provide direct Internet access to OFAC's information over a Treasury World Wide Web Server and plans to coordinate update notices with a [[Page 41910]] Federal Web Locator. Details will be published as soon as available. U.S. Government Printing Office's The Federal Bulletin Board The U.S. Government Printing Office (``GPO'') operates The Federal Bulletin Board, which can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by direct dialing 202/512-1387 from a modem using any communications software. Type ``/GO FAC.'' The system detects modem speed. Access over the Internet is available using the Telnet protocol: Telnet = federal.bbs.gpo.gov 3001. (The ``[space] 3001'' is important as it specifies the proper ``entry'' port for Telnet.) User assistance is available from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday by calling 202/512-1530. OFAC's information is located in a series of file libraries for downloading in ASCII, WordPerfect, and ``*.PDF'' or ``Postscript'' formats, and includes, in addition to OFAC brochures and SDN lists, the full text of OFAC sanctions regulations as published in chapter V of Title 31, Code of Federal Regulations, statutory and Executive order authority for OFAC sanctions, and every Federal Register notice, rule, or policy statement OFAC publishes. Federal Register notices are posted electronically to the Board at the same time they are printed in the Federal Register. The file libraries from which users may download information are: ``FAC31CFR'' (containing the most recent annual text of chapter V, Title 31, CFR), ``FAC--31FR'' (containing OFAC's Federal Register documents), ``FAC--BRO'' (containing all of OFAC's brochures as well as a comprehensive self- extracting ``*.EXE'' file of brochures and SDN lists in DOS format), ``FAC--MISC'' (containing press releases and special items, such as the Libyan bank chart), and ``FAC--SDN'' (containing the very latest releases of the master SDN lists as well as a comprehensive self- extracting ``*.EXE'' file of all brochures and SDN lists in DOS format). User pricing for The Federal Bulletin Board is based on the size of files downloaded. Contact the GPO for information: 202/512- 1530. U.S. Maritime Administration's Marlinespike Bulletin Board System The U.S. Maritime Administration operates a free electronic bulletin board called ``Marlinespike'' which can be accessed via modem at 202/366-8505, with voice help at 202/366-9991. OFAC's brochures and SDN information can be scanned on-line or downloaded for further use. U.S. Customs Service's Customs Electronic Bulletin Board The U.S. Customs Service maintains a free Customs Electronic Bulletin Board geared especially toward customs house brokers. OFAC's information is available as a date-specific self-extracting DOS file (``OFAC*.EXE'' in File Area #15, ``Customs Extra!''). Modem access is at 703/440-6155, with voice system support at 703/440-6236. Sources Available to Banks: U.S. Council on International Banking (``USCIB''--headquartered in New York) The U.S. Council on International Banking is a nationwide banking industry interest group concentrating on the international banking operations area. Member banks have free access to the USCIB's electronic bulletin board, INTERCOM. All OFAC publications, including the latest alphabetized SDN listings, are available to be downloaded from the ``MAIN Conference'' on INTERCOM. OFAC files can be individually downloaded by banks in camera-ready ``*.PDF'' format, or all of them can be transferred as a compressed self-extracting ASCII archive file called ``OFAC*.EXE.'' In addition, OFAC announces via system bulletins all major sanctions actions as they occur. International Banking Operations Association (``IBOA''--headquartered in Miami) The International Banking Operations Association is a membership organization of banks in the southern United States. IBOA has a ``Wildcat'' bulletin board which includes, in its Regulatory Conference, a compressed self-extracting ASCII archive file called ``OFAC*.EXE'' containing all OFAC publications, as well as the latest SDN listings. Individual brochures may also be downloaded by users as camera-ready copy in ``*.PDF'' format. System bulletins are posted on IBOA's board covering major sanctions actions as they occur. Clearing House Interbank Payments System (New York Clearing House Association) The Clearing House Interbank Payments System ``CHIPS'' maintains a special bulletin board specifically to receive and sort OFAC SDN information. Bankers should contact the The New York Clearing House Association for information. In addition, system bulletins are electronically transmitted to CHIPS regarding all major sanctions actions for immediate broadcast to members. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's OCC Information Line The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency operates a special 24-hour-a-day fax-on-demand service for National banks and examiners. The computer-based system provides copies of documents from any touchtone phone by calling 202/479-0141 and following voice prompts. OCC's Communications Division may be reached at 202/874-4960. Documents regularly updated on the system include OFAC's listing of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons split alphabetically into two files, A-K and L-Z; cumulative Changes to the Listing of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons, and OFAC's Foreign Assets Control Regulations for the Financial Community. Bank Regulatory Agencies OFAC provides official electronic notice regarding major sanctions actions to some 5000 on-line Fedwire depository institutions through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The message from the New York Fed is retransmitted through each Federal Reserve District. Such messages are limited to 14 lines of 80 characters. (OFAC also distributes from time to time printed copies of important sanctions information to depository institutions throughout the United States through each of the Federal bank regulatory agencies.) Dated: July 27, 1995. R. Richard Newcomb, Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control. Approved: August 2, 1995. John P. Simpson, Deputy Assistant Secretary (Regulatory, Tariff and Trade Enforcement). [FR Doc. 95-19949 Filed 8-8-95; 3:19 pm] BILLING CODE 4810-25-F