[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 216 (Wednesday, November 9, 1994)] [Unknown Section] [Page 0] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] [FR Doc No: 94-27702] [[Page Unknown]] [Federal Register: November 9, 1994] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary Privacy Act of 1974; Altered System of Records AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, HHS. ACTION: Notification of altered system of records. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: In accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act, the Office of the Secretary (OS) is publishing a notice of altered system of records. The purpose of the alteration is to add a new routine use to 51 Office of the Secretary Privacy Act systems of records. DATES: OS invites interested parties to submit comments on the proposed routine use on or before December 9, 1994. OS has sent a Report of Altered System of Records to the Congress and to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on November 2, 1994. The new routine use will be effective 40 days after the date of publication unless OS receives comments that would result in a contrary determination. ADDRESSES: Please submit comments to: HHS Privacy Act Officer, Room 645-F, Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20201. Comments received will be available for inspection at this same address from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The HHS Privacy Act Officer at the address listed above. (Telephone: 202-690-7453; not a toll free number.) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: OS is proposing to add a new routine use to 51 Office of the Secretary Privacy Act systems of records listed below. This routine use will permit the disclosure of information from these systems to certain individuals working in various OS offices but who do not have the status of agency employees and, in many instances, do not receive pay for their work. Examples of such categories of non-employee workers are: Individuals working under a personal services contract. Student volunteers engaged under 5 U.S.C. 3511. Job Corps enrollees engaged under the Job Training Partnership Act. Older American Community Service Employment Act enrollees. Some OS offices that use these non-employee workers may wish to have them perform functions that require access to records in Privacy Act systems of records. Therefore we have decided to promulgate a new routine use rather than rely on subsection (b)(1) of the Privacy Act, which authorizes access to officers and employees of the agency who need the records in the performance of their duties. The records will continue to be adequately protected, since the individuals to whom the information will be disclosed work under the supervision of agency employees. They must observe the same safeguards that agency employees do in the maintenance of Privacy Act records. The proposed new routine use is compatible with the data collection, since the disclosures are being made for the very purpose for which the information was collected, i.e., to carry out the particular agency or program function for which the specific system of records was established. Dated: November 2, 1994. Avis LaVelle, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. Altered Systems 09-90-0001 Telephone Director/Locator System, HHS/OS/ASMB 09-90-0002 Investigatory Material Compiled for Security and Suitability Purposes, HHS/OS/OIG 09-90-0003 Criminal Investigative Files of the Inspector General HHS/OS/OIG 09-90-0005 Safety Management Information System, HHS/OS/ASMB 09-90-0006 Applicants for Employment Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0007 Complaints and Inquiries Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0008 Conflict of Interest Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0009 Discrimination Complaint Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0010 Employee Assistance Program Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0011 Employee Appraisal Program Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0012 Executive Development Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0013 Federal Employees Occupational Health Program Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0014 Grievances Filed Under Part 771 of 5 CFR, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0015 Grievance Records Filed Under Procedures Established by Labor-Management Negotiations, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0016 HHS Motor Vehicle Operator Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0017 Pay, Leave, and Attendance Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0018 Personnel Records in Operating Offices, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0019 Special Employment Program Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0020 Suitability for Employment Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0021 Training Management Information System, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0022 Volunteer EEO Support Personnel Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0023 Departmental Parking Control Policy and Records Systems, HHS/OS/ASMB 09-90-0024 Financial Transactions of HHS Accounting and Finance Offices, HHS/OS/ASMB 09-90-0025 Central Registry of Individuals Doing Business with HHS, HHS/OS/ASMB 09-90-0027 Congressional Correspondence Unit, HHS/OS/ASL 09-90-0028 Biographics and Photographs of HHS Officials, HHS/OS/ ASPA 09-90-0036 Employee Suggestion Program Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0037 Secretariat's Correspondence Control System, HHS/OS/ES 09-90-0038 Secretary's Official Files, HHS/OS/ES 09-90-0041 Consumer Mailing List, HHS/OS/OCA 09-90-0046 Consumer Complaint Correspondence System, HHS/OS/OCA 09-90-0049 Departmental Appeals Board Case and Appeal Records, HHS/ OS/DAB 09-90-0050 Case Information Management System, HHS/OS/OCR 09-90-0101 Health Care Program Violations, HHS/OS/OIG 09-90-0051 Complaint Files and Log, HHS/OS/OCR 09-90-0058 Freedom of Information Case File and Correspondence Control Log, HHS/OS/ASPA 09-90-0059 Federal Advisory Committee Membership Files, HHS/OS/ ASPER 09-90-0062 Administrative Claims, HHS/OS/OGC 09-90-0064 Litigation Files, Administrative Complaints, and Adverse Personnel Actions, HHS/OS/OGC 09-90-0065 Conflict of Interest--Standards of Conduct Records, HHS/ OS/OGC 09-90-0066 OGC Attorney Applicant Files, HHS/OS/OGC 09-90-0068 Federal Private Relief Legislation, HHS/OS/OGC 09-90-0069 Unfair Labor Practice Records, HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0072 Congressioanl Grants Notification Unit, HHS/OS/ASL 09-90-0079 Welfare Fraud Detection File, HHS/OS/OIG 09-90-0080 The Secretary's Advisory Committee Candidate Files, HHS/ OS/ES 09-90-0083 Jobs Opportunities and Basic Skills Evaluation Data System (JOBS), HHS/OS/ASPE 09-90-0088 National Long-Term Care Channeling Demonstration, HHS/ OS/ASPE 09-90-0095 Management Information System Efficiency Reporter (MISER) HHS/OS/ASPER 09-90-0100 Civil and Administrative Investigative Files of the Inspector General, HHS/OS/OIG 09-90-0101 Health Care Program Violations, HHS/OS/OIG 09-90-0150 Research and Demonstration Data System, HHS/ACF/OCSE * * * * * The following routine use should be added as the last routine use in all systems listed above: * * * * * Routine Uses of Records Maintained in the System, Including Categories of Users and the Purposes of Such Use Records may be disclosed to student volunteers, individuals working under a personal services contract, and other individuals performing functions for the Department but technically not having the status of agency employees, if they need access to the records in order to perform their assigned agency functions. [FR Doc. 94-27702 Filed 11-8-94; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4150-04-M