[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 164 (Thursday, August 25, 1994)] [Unknown Section] [Page 0] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] [FR Doc No: 94-20830] [[Page Unknown]] [Federal Register: August 25, 1994] _______________________________________________________________________ Part V Department of Transportation _______________________________________________________________________ Federal Aviation Administration _______________________________________________________________________ 14 CFR Part 91 Suspension of Certain Aircraft Operations From the Transponder With Automatic Pressure Altitude Reporting Capability Requirement; Proposed Rule ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 91 [Docket No. 26242, Notice No. 94-28] RIN 2120-AF30 Suspension of Certain Aircraft Operations From the Transponder With Automatic Pressure Altitude Reporting Capability Requirement AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: This notice proposes to reinstate as SFAR 62-1 and modify expired Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) No. 62, which suspended certain provisions of the regulations that require the installation and use of automatic altitude reporting (Mode C) transponders. On December 5, 1990, the FAA published SFAR No. 62, which suspended the Mode C transponder requirement for certain operations to and from specific outlying airports located within 30 miles of a terminal control area (Class B airspace area) primary airport (the Mode C Veil). The operations and routings specified in SFAR No. 62 included operations within a 2 nautical mile radius of the designated airports and along a direct route between those airports and the outer boundary of the Mode C veil. No airports were excluded from the Mode C transponder requirement if those airports were primarily served by aircraft required to install and operate Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS). SFAR No. 62 was issued with an expiration date of December 30, 1993, to allow sufficient time to upgrade ATC radar systems at the Class B airspace areas listed in the SFAR. Scheduled radar system upgrades have not been completed and operationally assessed in all of the Class B airspace areas. This notice proposes to reinstate the previous exclusions at those Class B airspace areas that have not attained improved radar coverage, amend the list of exempted airports affected by the movement of the Denver Class B airspace and Mode C veil associated with the closing of the Stapleton International Airport and opening of the Denver International Airport, Denver CO, and reinstate and amend the previous exclusions in the 4 Class B airspace areas that have attained improved radar coverage. DATES: Comments must be received on or before October 11, 1994. ADDRESSES: Send comments on the proposal in triplicate to: Federal Aviation Administration, Office of the Chief Counsel, Attention: Rules Docket (AGC-200), Airspace Docket No. 26242, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591. The official docket may be examined in the Rules Docket, Office of the Chief Counsel, Room 916, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington DC, weekdays, except Federal holidays, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. An informal docket may also be examined during normal business hours at the office of the Regional Air Traffic Division. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Ellen Crum, Air Traffic Rules Branch (ATP-230), Airspace-Rules and Aeronautical Information Division, Air Traffic Rules and Procedures Service, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; Telephone: (202) 267-8783. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments Invited The original SFAR No. 62 was effective on December 5, 1990, and provided access for aircraft without operating Mode C transponders to specified outlying airports located within 30 miles of a Class B airspace area primary airport. The FAA invites comments from users regarding the effectiveness of this SFAR, and the number of aircraft operators who have benefitted from this SFAR. Interested parties should submit such written data, views, or arguments as they may desire. Comments that provide the factual basis supporting the views and suggestions presented are particularly helpful in developing reasoned regulatory decisions on the proposal. Comments are specifically invited on the overall regulatory, aeronautical, economic, environmental, and energy-related aspects of the proposal. Communications should identify the docket number and be submitted in triplicate to the address listed above. Commenters wishing the FAA to acknowledge receipt of their comments on this notice must submit with those comments a self-addressed, stamped postcard on which the following statement is made: ``Comments to Docket No. 26242.'' The postcard will be date/time stamped and returned to the commenter. All communications received on or before the specified closing date for comments will be considered before taking action on the proposed rule. The proposal contained in this notice may be changed in light of comments received. All comments submitted will be available for examination in the Rules Docket both before and after the closing date for comments. A report summarizing each substantive public contact with FAA personnel concerned with this rulemaking will also be filed in the docket. Availability of NPRM's Any person may obtain a copy of this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) by submitting a request to the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Public Affairs, Attention: Public Inquiry Center, APA-220, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by calling (202) 267-3485. Communications must identify the notice number of this NPRM. Persons interested in being placed on a mailing list for future NPRM's should also request a copy of Advisory Circular No. 11-2A, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Distribution System, which describes the application procedure. Related Rulemaking Actions On May 21, 1970, the FAA published Amendment 91-78 to part 91 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (35 FR 7782), which provided for the establishment of Terminal Control Areas (TCA's). On June 21, 1988, the FAA published the Mode C final rule (53 FR 23356). The Mode C rule requires, in part, that aircraft operating within 30 miles of a Class B airspace area (formerly known as TCA) primary airport (the Mode C veil) to be equipped with an operable Mode C transponder. On December 17, 1991, the FAA published the airspace reclassification final rule (56 FR 65638). Specifically applicable to this NPRM is the reclassification of TCA airspace into Class B airspace, effective September 16, 1993. Nevertheless, the FAA did not modify any of the Mode C veils under the airspace reclassification final rule. Background As a result of regulatory proceedings initiated under Notice 88-2 (53 FR 4306, February 12, 1988), no person may operate an aircraft in the Mode C veil unless that aircraft is equipped with an operable Mode C transponder. However, aircraft otherwise authorized or directed by ATC; aircraft not originally certificated with an engine-driven electrical system or not subsequently certified with such a system installed; balloons; and gliders are excluded from the Mode C requirement in the veil. In response to over 65,000 comments received to Notice 88-2, the FAA stated that it would consider a means of providing access to outlying airports within the Mode C veil for those aircraft not equipped with an operable Mode C transponder; and that access would be allowed only to the extent that operations without an operable Mode C transponder would be consistent with maintaining adequate safety. SFAR No. 62 was proposed (55 FR 21722; May 25, 1990) to permit the operation of aircraft to and from designated airports within the Mode C veil without an operable Mode C transponder. When SFAR No. 62 was adopted (55 FR 50302; December 5, 1990), the FAA designated 306 airports, within 24 Mode C veils, at which the Mode C requirement would be suspended. SFAR No. 62 allowed for the operation of aircraft not equipped with an operable Mode C transponder in the airspace at or below the altitude specified for the airport and within 2-nautical miles of the center of the airport or along the most direct and expeditious routing (or on a routing directed by ATC) between that airport and the outer boundary of the Mode C veil, consistent with established traffic patterns, noise abatement procedures, and safety. Prior to the adoption of SFAR No. 62, any requests to deviate from the Mode C transponder requirements were handled by ATC facilities on a case-by-case basis. If approved, the ATC authorization specified all restrictions or conditions necessary to ensure that the operation could be conducted safely, without any impact on other operations. Although there were circumstances that were applicable to many operators (such as operations to and from a specified outlying airport or operations conducted in areas of no radar coverage), ATC authorizations had to be requested and granted on an individual basis. This aspect of the ATC authorization process proved to be inefficient and time consuming for both operators and ATC staff. The promulgation of SFAR No. 62 proved to be beneficial for the affected aircraft and ATC, in that it provided access to outlying airports with a minimum of ATC involvement without degrading the safety benefits of the Mode C rule. The 3-year duration of SFAR No. 62 was expected to allow for the completion or ATC radar system upgrades at each Class B airspace area primary airport. An operational evaluation was to be completed to determine the extent of the improved radar coverage within each Mode C veil achieved as a result of the radar system upgrades. It was anticipated that if extensions to the suspension of the Mode C transponder requirement for operations at certain airports were required, each extension would be addressed on a site-by-site basis. During the period that SFAR No. 62 was in effect, no known violations or derogations of safety were known to have occurred and no complaints were received by the FAA. Consequently, the FAA still believes, as stated in the original promulgation of SFAR No. 62, that the operation of an aircraft not equipped with a Mode C transponder within the Mode C veil can be accommodated safely, provided the operations are conducted outside ATC radar coverage, and are consistent with the restrictions delineated in the expired SFAR No. 62. The Proposal In support of the FAA's General Aviation Action Plan, which in part promotes increased access to airspace and eliminating unneeded equipment requirements for General Aviation (GA) aircraft, this notice proposes to reinstate and amend the former SFAR No. 62. This proposal will permit the operation of aircraft, without an operable Mode C transponder, in the airspace at or below the specified altitude and within a 2-nautical mile radius, or, if directed by ATC, within a 5- nautical mile radius, of an airport listed in section 2 of the SFAR; and in the airspace at or below the specified altitude along the most direct and expeditious routing, or on routing directed by ATC, between an airport listed in section 2 of this SFAR and the outer boundary of the Mode C veil overlying that airport, consistent with established traffic patterns, noise abatement procedures and safety. This proposed SFAR and the amended altitude designations for each airport would not supersede the provisions of Sec. 91.119, minimum safe altitudes. Routings to and from each airport are intentionally unspecified to permit the pilot to avoid operating near obstructions. As of the date of this notice, only 10 of the 24 Mode C veils have commissioned the new radar systems. This notice proposes to reinstate, without change, the exclusions previously afforded to airports associated with the 14 Mode C veils that have not commissioned the new radar systems. The FAA has conducted operational evaluations of the 10 sites that have commissioned the new radar systems to determine the extent of attained radar coverage improvement. Of the 10 sites evaluated, 6 experienced no increase in radar coverage at the altitudes and routing previously approved under SFAR No. 62. The FAA proposes to reinstate the exclusions formerly provided for by SFAR No. 62 at these 6 sites without change. Four sites have experienced improvement in radar coverage, and this notice proposes the following changes to the altitudes at which operations by aircraft not equipped with an operable Mode C transponder can be accommodated at those sites: Airports within a 30-nautical-mile radius of the Charlotte/Douglas International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Former Proposed Airport name (AGL) (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arant Airport, Wingate, NC........................ 2,500 2,000 Bradley Outernational Airport, China Grove, NC.... 2,500 1,500 Chester Municipal Airport, Chester, SC............ 2,500 1,600 China Grove Airport, China Grove, NC.............. 2,500 1,500 Goodnight's Airport, Kannapolis, NC............... 2,500 1,500 Knapp Airport, Marshville, NC..................... 2,500 2,000 Lake Norman Airport, Mooresville, NC.............. 2,500 2,000 Lancaster County Airport, Lancaster, SC........... 2,500 1,600 Little Mountain Airport, Denver, NC............... 2,500 2,000 Long Island Airport, Long Island, NC.............. 2,500 2,000 Miller Airport, Mooresville, NC................... 2,500 1,500 U S Heliport, Wingate, NC......................... 2,500 1,600 Unity Aerodrome Airport, Lancaster, SC............ 2,500 1,900 Wilhelm Airport, Kannapolis, NC................... 2,500 1,900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Airports within a 30-nautical-mile radius of the Houston Intercontinental Airport and the William P. Hobby Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Former Proposed Airport name (AGL) (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ainsworth Airport, Cleveland, TX.................. 1,200 1,000 Ausinia Ranch Airport, Texas City, TX............. 1,200 1,000 Bailes Airport, Angleton, TX...................... 1,200 1,000 Biggin Hill Airport, Hockley, TX.................. 1,200 1,000 Cleveland Municipal Airport, Cleveland, TX........ 1,200 1,000 Covey Trails Airport, Fulshear, TX................ 1,200 1,000 Creasy Airport, Santa Fe, TX...................... 1,200 1,000 Custom Aire Service Airport, Angleton, TX......... 1,200 1,000 Fay Ranch Airport, Cedar Lane, TX................. 1,200 1,000 Flying C Ranch Airport, Needville, TX............. 1,200 1,000 Freeman Property Airport, Katy, TX................ 1,200 1,000 Garrett Ranch Airport, Danbury, TX................ 1,200 1,000 Gum Island Airport, Dayton, TX.................... 1,200 1,000 H & S Airfield Airport, Damon, TX................. 1,200 1,000 Harbican Airpark Airport, Katy, TX................ 1,200 1,000 Harold Freeman Farm Airport, Katy, TX............. 1,200 1,000 HHI Hitchcock Heliport, Hitchcock, TX............. 1,200 1,000 Hoffpauir Airport, Katy, TX....................... 1,200 1,000 Horn-Katy Hawk International Airport, Katy, TX.... 1,200 1,000 Johnnie Volk Field Airport, Hitchcock, TX......... 1,200 1,000 King Air Airport, Katy, TX........................ 1,200 1,000 Lake Bay Gall Airport, Cleveland, TX.............. 1,200 1,000 Lake Bonanza Airport, Montgomery, TX.............. 1,200 1,000 Lane Airpark Airport, Rosenberg, TX............... 1,200 1,000 Meyer Field Airport, Rosharon, TX................. 1,200 1,000 Prairie Aire Field Airport, Damon, TX............. 1,200 1,000 R W J Airpark Airport, Baytown, TX................ 1,200 1,000 Westheimer Air Park Airport, Houston, TX.......... 1,200 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Airports within a 30-nautical-mile radius of the Memphis International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Former Proposed Airport name (AGL) (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bernard Manor Airport, Earle, AR.................. 2,500 2,000 Holly Springs-Marshall County Airport, Holly Springs, MS...................................... 2,500 2,000 McNeely Airport, Earle, AR........................ 2,500 2,000 Price Field Airport, Joiner, AR................... 2,500 2,000 Tucker Field Airport, Hughes, AR.................. 2,500 2,000 Tunica Airport, Tunica, MS........................ 2,500 2,000 Tunica Municipal Airport, Tunica, MS.............. 2,500 2,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Airports within a 30-nautical-mile radius of the Lambert/St. Louis International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Former Proposed Airport name (AGL) (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blackhawk Airport, Old Monroe, MO................. 1,000 1,000 Lebert Flying L Airport, Lebanon, IL.............. 1,000 1,000 Shafer Metro East Airport, St. Jacob, IL.......... 1,000 *0 Sloan's Airport, Elsberry, MO..................... 1,000 1,000 Wentzville Airport, Wentzville, MO................ 1,000 *0 Woodliff Airpark Airport, Foristell, MO........... 1,000 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *(The FAA proposes to remove the Shafer Metro East Airport (3K6) and the Wentzville Airport (M050) from the Lambert/St. Louis International Airport listing). Additionally, the FAA proposes to further amend SFAR No. 62 by deleting the list of airports exempted from the provisions of the Mode C veil requirements for the Stapleton International Airport Class B airspace area Mode C veil and adding the following list of airports exempted from the provisions of the Mode C veil requirements for the Denver International Airport Class B airspace area Mode C veil: Airports within a 30-nautical-mile radius of the Denver International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Dusters Inc., Airport, Roggen, CO............. 49CO 1,200 Bijou Basin Airport, Byers, CO.................... CD17 1,200 Boulder Municipal Airport, Boulder, CO............ 1V5 1,200 Bowen Farms No. 1 Airport, Littleton, CO CO98..... 1,200 Bowen Farms No. 2 Airport, Strasburg, CO.......... 3CO5 1,200 Carrera Airpark Airport, Mead, CO................. 93CO 1,200 Cartwheel Airport, Mead, CO....................... 0CO8 1,200 Chaparral Airport, Byers, CO...................... CO18 1,200 Colorado Antique Field Airport, Niwot, CO......... 8CO7 1,200 Comanche Livestock Airport, Strasburg, CO......... 59CO 1,200 Dead Stick Ranch Airport, Kiowa, CO............... 18CO 1,200 Frederick-Firestone Air Strip Airport, Frederick, CO............................................... CO58 1,200 Frontier Airstrip Airport, Mead, CO............... 84CO 1,200 Horseshoe Landings Airport, Franktown, CO......... CO60 1,200 Hoy Airstrip Airport, Bennett, CO................. 76CO 1,200 J & S Airport, Bennett, CO........................ CD14 1,200 Kostroski Airport, Franktown, CO.................. 43CO 1,200 Kugel-Strong Airport, Platteville, CO............. 27V 1,200 Land Airport, Keenesburg, CO...................... CO82 1,200 Lemons Private Strip Airport, Boulder, CO......... CO10 1,200 Lindys Airpark Airport, Hudson, CO................ 7CO3 1,200 Parkland Airport, Erie, CO........................ 7CO0 1,200 Pine View Airport, Elizabeth, CO.................. 02V 1,200 Platte Valley Airport, Hudson, CO................. 18V 1,200 Rancho De Aereo Airport, Mead, CO................. 05CO 1,200 Reid Ranches Airport, Roggen, CO.................. 7CO6 1,200 Singleton Ranch Airport, Byers, CO................ 68CO 1,200 Sky Haven Airport, Byers, CO...................... CO17 1,200 Spickard Farm Airport, Byers, CO.................. 5CO4 1,200 Tri-County Airport, Erie, CO...................... 48V 1,200 Westberg-Rosling Farms Airport, Roggen, CO........ 74CO 1,200 Yoder Airstrip Airport, Bennett, CO............... CD09 1,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upon expiration of the proposed SFAR, [Insert date 3 years after date of publication of the final rule], the Mode C transponder requirement would become effective for aircraft operations to and from the designated airports. However, during the effective period of the SFAR, the FAA will continue to conduct field evaluations, as the remaining Class B airspace areas receive and commission the new radar systems, to reassess the radar coverage within the associated Mode C veil. Additionally, the FAA will explore the feasibility of making permanent exclusions based on safety, operational impact, and radar coverage. The public will be invited to provide comment on any such proposals through further notice published in the Federal Register. Paperwork Reduction Act This proposed rule contains no information collection requests requiring approval of the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3507 et seq.). International Civil Aviation Organization and Joint Aviation Regulations In keeping with the U.S. obligations under the Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO), it is the FAA policy to comply with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP) to the maximum extent practicable. For this notice, the FAA has determined that this proposal, if adopted, would not present any difference. Regulatory Evaluation Summary The FAA has determined that this proposed rule is not a ``significant regulatory action,'' as defined by Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and Review). The anticipated costs and benefits associated with this proposed rule are summarized below. Overview When SFAR No. 62 was adopted (December 1990), the FAA designated 306 airports located within the 24 Class B airspace Mode C veils at which the Mode C requirement would be temporarily suspended. SFAR No. 62 allowed aircraft operations into and out of these designated airports without an operable Mode C transponder if these operations were conducted at and below the altitude specified, within 2-nautical miles from the airport's center, and along a direct route (or as directed by ATC) between that airport and the outer boundary of the Mode C veil. In this evaluation, the term ``Designated Airports'' refers to those outlying airports located within the 24 Class B airspace areas Mode C veils where local airport operations were beyond or below ATC radar coverage and, as such, were temporarily suspended from Mode C requirements by the forerunner of this SFAR. Benefits This proposed rule is expected to generate potential benefits in the form of: (1) Increased convenience to pilots operating aircraft not equipped with operable Mode C transponders, and (2) enhanced operational efficiency to FAA air traffic control. Prior to SFAR No. 62, aircraft not equipped with operable Mode C transponders could operate at an airport within a Mode C veil only after receiving ATC authorization. This requirement was valid at all airports within the Mode C veil, even those airports that were located beyond existing ATC radar coverage. Because ATC authorization can only be granted on a case-by-case basis, the process of obtaining ATC authorization can be inefficient and time consuming for pilots, as well as the FAA. The benefit of this proposed rule would be temporary relief from the burden of obtaining individual ATC authorizations for those aircraft operations at airports located beyond existing radar coverage. For FAA air traffic control, this proposed rule would provide benefits in the form of enhanced operational efficiency. Such enhanced efficiency would be the temporary relief of ATC from assigning authorizations, particularly during busy periods. This proposed rule would allow TAC to allocate temporarily its personnel and equipment resources to more productive functions. Although the benefits of this proposed rule have not been quantified, they are expected to be large for both aircraft operators and the FAA. Costs This proposed rule is not expected to impose costs on the FAA or society. In addition, this proposed rule would not impose significant costs on the aviation community (namely, fixed based operators). This proposed rule would not impose additional equipment or personnel costs to the FAA. The acquisition of new radar tracking systems is a routine cost of upgrading FAA equipment. No additional FAA personnel would be required, because the temporary suspension of the Mode C transponder requirement is expected to enhance air traffic control (ATC) operational efficiency by eliminating the need for ATC authorizations at the designated airports. This proposed rule would reduce the demand on ATC equipment and personnel resources. This proposed rule is not expected to impose societal costs, in the form of reduced aviation safety. When the FAA initially published SFAR No. 62, which temporarily suspended the Mode C requirements at the Designated Airports, it did so on the basis that there was no ATC radar coverage at those Designated Airports. The regulatory evaluation prepared for that final rule concluded that there would not be any adverse impact on aviation safety, because the full intent of the Mode C rule had not been realized. Furthermore, such safety would not be realized until ATC radar coverage was extended to those designated airports, through the installation of the new ASR-9 radar. Since the implementation of SFAR No. 62, ASR-9 radar has been commissioned at 10 of the 24 Class B airspace areas. Under this proposed rule, aviation safety would not be affected adversely for two reasons. First, operations at those designated airports located within the Mode C veils of the 14 Class B airspace areas not utilizing the ASR-9 radar would be temporarily excluded from the Mode C requirements. Second, operations at those designated airports, located within the Mode C veils of the 10 Class B airspace areas now equipped with ASR-9 radar, would be subject to the requirements of the Mode C rule when conducted within that associated airspace covered by the extended ASR-9 radar coverage. Operations conducted at those same airports, but below the areas of ASR-9 radar coverage, would be exempt from the Mode C rule. The areas not covered by the ASR-9 radar would be defined by a specified ceiling altitude and extend down to the surface. For example, prior to the installation of ASR-9 radar, radar coverage excluded the airspace above Airport A, from a ceiling of 2000 feet AGL down to the ground. As the result of the installation of ASR-9 radar, the airspace above Airport A, which is not excluded from the enhanced ATC coverage, is from a ceiling of 1000 feet AGL down to the ground. Under this proposed rule, operations below 1000 feet AGL would be temporarily excluded from the Mode C requirements, since operations below the altitude of 1000 feet AGL are beyond ATC radar coverage. Thus, the FAA contends that access to certain outlying airports by aircraft without Mode C transponders can be accommodated without diminishing Mode C safety benefits, provided the operation is conducted outside radar coverage. When aircraft operations are confined exclusively to areas of no radar coverage, many of the safety benefits of the Mode C rule cannot be realized. Further enhancement of the radar tracking system is expected to increase radar coverage, thus extending the Mode C benefits to more areas outside of the current radar coverage. For the aviation community, the FAA anticipates that this proposed rule would impose no significant costs on fixed base operators (FBO's). FBO's represent the most likely group to incur potential costs. When the FAA evaluated the potential cost impact of SFAR No. 62 on FBO's, it did so on the increased likelihood that some general aviation (GA) aircraft operators (without Mode C transponders) would relocate to airports outside of the Mode C veil from airports inside of the Mode C veil. If this relocation activity had materialized, FBO's inside of the Mode C veil would have incurred lost revenues from decreases in demand for mechanical repairs and related activities from some GA aircraft operators. After SFAR No. 62 was issued as a notice, the FAA did not receive any comments from FBO's with regard to cost impacts. Therefore, with no cost impact comments received on SFAR No. 62, this evaluation concludes that the proposed rule would not have any significant cost impact on any FBO's. Conclusion This proposed rule is not expected to impose costs on either the FAA or society. In addition, this proposed rule would not impose any significant costs on the aviation community (FBO's). The FAA estimates that this proposed rule would generate benefits in the form of increased convenience to some GA aircraft operators and increased operational efficiency to FAA air traffic control. Thus, the FAA contends that this proposed rule is cost-beneficial. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Determination The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) was enacted to ensure that small entities are not unnecessarily and disproportionately burdened by Government regulations. The RFA requires agencies to review rules that may have ``a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.'' The types of small entities that could be potentially affected by the implementation of the proposed rule are air taxi operators and FBOs. In terms of air taxi operators, no cost impacts are anticipated by this proposed rule. This assessment is based on the FAA's estimation that these operators are already equipped with Mode C transponders. They are, in all likelihood, based at airports within the Mode C veil which fall within the radar coverage of ATC. In terms of FBO's, the FAA estimates that this proposed rule would not impose significant costs. This assessment is based on the belief that FBO's would not experience revenue losses from GA aircraft to airports outside of the Mode C veil or undesignated airports within the Mode C veil to designated airports specified in this proposed rule. Although the proposed rule provides access to a Mode C veil, the FAA believes that this proposed rule does not provide GA aircraft operators with much of an incentive to relocate. This assessment is further supported by the belief that the vast majority of those GA aircraft operators required to install Mode C transponders acquired them by December 30, 1990 (Phase II of the Mode C rule for Airport Radar Service Areas). Therefore, the FAA contends that a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required because this proposed rule would not have a significant economic impact on substantial number of small entities. International Trade Impact Assessment This proposed rule would not have an effect on the sale of foreign aviation products or services in the United States, nor would not have an effect on the sale of U.S. products or services in foreign countries. This proposed rule would neither impose costs on aircraft operators nor aircraft manufacturers (U.S. or foreign) that would result in a competitive disadvantage to either. The proposed rule may impose insignificant costs on FBO's in the United States. However, FBO's in the U.S. do not compete directly with FBO's in foreign countries. Therefore, no competitive trade disadvantage is expected to impact FBO's. Federalism Determination This proposed rule would not have substantial direct effects on the states, on the relationship between the national government and the states, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, in accordance with Executive Order 12612 (52 FR 41685; October 30, 1987), it is determined that this proposed rule does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment. Conclusion For the reasons discussed in the preamble, and based on the findings in the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Determination and the International Trade Impact Assessment, the FAA has determined that this proposed regulation is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866. In addition the FAA certifies that this proposed regulation, if adopted, would not have a significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. This proposal is not considered significant under DOT Order 2100.5, Policies and Procedures for Simplication, Analysis, and Review of Regulations. An initial Regulatory Flexibility Determination and International Trade Impact Assessment, has been placed in the docket. A copy may be obtained by contacting the person identified under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 91 Agriculture, Air traffic control, Aircraft, Airmen, Airports, Aviation safety, Canada, Cuba, Federal Aviation Administration, Freight, Mexico, Noise control, Political candidates, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. The Proposed Amendment In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration proposes to amend part 91 of the Federal Aviation Regulation (14 CFR part 91) as follows: PART 91--GENERAL OPERATING AND FLIGHT RULES 1. The authority citation for part 91 continues to read as follows: Authority: 49 U.S.C. app. 1301(7), 1303, 1344, 1348, 1352 through 1355, 1401, 1421 through 1431, 1471, 1472, 1502, 1510, 1522, and 2121 through 2125; articles 12, 29, 31, and 32(a) of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (61 Stat. 1180); 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.; E.O. 11514, 35 FR 4247, 3 CFR, 1966-1970 Comp., p. 902; 49 U.S.C. 106(g). 2. Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) No. 62, which expired on December 30, 1993, is reinstated as SFAR 62-1 and amended to read as follows: Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 62-1--Suspension of Certain Aircraft Operations From the Transponder With Automatic Pressure Altitude Reporting Capability Requirement Section 1. For purposes of this SFAR: (a) The airspace within 30 nautical miles of a Class B airspace area primary airport, from the surface upward to 10,000 feet MSL, excluding the airspace designated as a Class B airspace area is referred to as the Mode C veil. (b) Effective until [Insert date three years after date of publication of the final rule], the transponder with automatic altitude reporting capability requirements of Sec. 91.215(b)(2) do not apply to the operation of an aircraft: (1) In the airspace at or below the specified altitude and within a 2-nautical mile radius, or, if directed by ATC, within a 5- nautical mile radius, of an airport listed in Section 2 of this SFAR; and (2) In the airspace at or below the specified altitude along the most direct and expeditious routing, or on a routing directed by ATC, between an airport listed in Section 2 of this SFAR and the outer boundary of the Mode C veil airspace overlying that airport, consistent with established traffic patterns, noise abatement procedures, and safety. Section 2. Effective until [Insert date three years after date of publication of the final rule], airports at which the provisions of Sec. 91.215(b)(2) do not apply. (1) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of The William B. Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Acres Airport, Woodstock, GA.................. 5GA4 1,500 B&L Strip Airport, Hollonville, GA................ GA29 1,500 Camfield Airport, McDonough, GA................... GA36 1,500 Cobb County-McCollum Field Airport, Marietta, GA.. RYY 1,500 Covington Municipal Airport, Covington, GA........ 9A1 1,500 Diamond R Ranch Airport, Villa Rica, GA........... 3GA5 1,500 Dresden Airport, Newnan, GA....................... GA79 1,500 Eagles Landing Airport, Williamson, GA............ 5GA3 1,500 Fagundes Field Airport, Haralson, GA.............. 6GA1 1,500 Gable Branch Airport, Haralson, GA................ 5GA0 1,500 Georgia Lite Flite Ultralight Airport, Acworth, GA 31GA 1,500 Griffin-Spalding County Airport, Griffin, GA...... 6A2 1,500 Howard Private Airport, Jackson, GA............... GA02 1,500 Newnan Coweta County Airport, Newnan, GA.......... CCO 1,500 Peach State Airport, Williamson, GA............... 3GA7 1,500 Poole Farm Airport, Oxford, GA.................... 2GA1 1,500 Powers Airport, Hollonville, GA................... GA31 1,500 S & S Landing Strip Airport, Griffin, GA.......... 8GA6 1,500 Shade Tree Airport, Hollonville, GA............... GA73 1,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (2) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Berlin Landing Area Airport, Berlin, MA........... MA19 2,500 Hopedale Industrial Park Airport, Hopedale, MA.... 1B6 2,500 Larson's SPB, Tyngsboro, MA....................... MA74 2,500 Moore AAF, Ayer/Fort Devens, MA................... AYE 2,500 New England Gliderport, Salem, NH................. NH29 2,500 Plum Island Airport, Newburyport, MA.............. 2B2 2,500 Plymouth Municipal Airport, Plymouth, MA.......... PYM 2,500 Taunton Municipal Airport, Taunton, MA............ TAN 2,500 Unknown Field Airport, Southborough, MA........... 1MA5 2,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (3) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Charlotte/ Douglas International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arant Airport, Wingate, NC........................ 1NC6 2,000 Bradley Outernational Airport, China Grove, NC.... NC29 1,500 Chester Municipal Airport, Chester, SC............ 9A6 1,600 China Grove Airport, China Grove, NC.............. 76A 1,500 Goodnight's Airport, Kannapolis, NC............... 2NC8 1,500 Knapp Airport, Marshville, NC..................... 3NC4 2,000 Lake Norman Airport, Mooresville, NC.............. 14A 2,000 Lancaster County Airport, Lancaster, SC........... LKR 1,600 Little Mountain Airport, Denver, NC............... 66A 2,000 Long Island Airport, Long Island, NC.............. NC26 2,000 Miller Airport, Mooresville, NC................... 8A2 1,500 U S Heliport, Wingate, NC......................... NC56 1,600 Unity Aerodrome Airport, Lancaster, SC............ SC76 1,900 Wilhelm Airport, Kannapolis, NC................... 6NC2 1,900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (4) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Chicago- O'Hare International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aurora Municipal Airport, Chicago/Aurora, IL...... ARR 1,200 Donald Alfred Gade Airport, Antioch, IL........... IL11 1,200 Dr. Joseph W. Esser Airport, Hampshire, IL........ 7IL6 1,200 Flying M. Farm Airport, Aurora, IL................ IL20 1,200 Fox Lake SPB, Fox Lake, IL........................ IS03 1,200 Graham SPB, Crystal Lake, IL...................... IS79 1,200 Herbert C. Mass Airport, Zion, IL................. IL02 1,200 Landings Condominium Airport, Romeoville, IL...... C49 1,200 Lewis University Airport, Romeoville, IL.......... LOT 1,200 McHenry Farms Airport, McHenry, IL................ 44IL 1,200 Olson Airport, Plato Center, IL................... LL53 1,200 Redeker Airport, Milford, IL...................... IL85 1,200 Reid RLA Airport, Gilberts, IL.................... 6IL6 1,200 Shamrock Beef Cattle Farm Airport, McHenry, IL.... 49LL 1,200 Sky Soaring Airport, Union, IL.................... 55LL 1,200 Waukegan Regional Airport, Waukegan, IL........... UGN 1,200 Wormley Airport, Oswego, IL....................... 85LL 1,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (5) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Cleveland- Hopkins International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Akron Fulton International Airport, Akron, OH..... AKR 1,300 Bucks Airport, Newbury, OH........................ 400H 1,300 Derecsky Airport, Auburn Center, OH............... 6OI0 1,300 Hannum Airport, Streetsboro, OH................... 69OH 1,300 Kent State University Airport, Kent, OH........... 1G3 1,300 Lost Nation Airport, Willoughby, OH............... LNN 1,300 Mills Airport, Mantua, OH......................... OH06 1,300 Portage County Airport, Ravenna, OH............... 29G 1,300 Stoney's Airport, Ravenna, OH..................... OI32 1,300 Wadsworth Municipal Airport, Wadsworth, OH........ 3G3 1,300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (6) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beggs Ranch/Aledo Airport, Aledo, TX.............. TX15 1,800 Belcher Airport, Sanger, TX....................... TA25 1,800 Bird Dog Field Airport, Krum, TX.................. TA48 1,800 Boe-Wrinkle Airport, Azle, TX..................... 28TS 1,800 Flying V Airport, Sanger, TX...................... 71XS 1,800 Graham Ranch Airport, Celina, TX.................. TX44 1,800 Haire Airport, Bolivar, TX........................ TX33 1,800 Hartlee Field Airport, Denton, TX................. 1F3 1,800 Hawkin's Ranch Strip Airport, Rhome, TX........... TA02 1,800 Horseshoe Lake Airport, Sanger, TX................ TE24 1,800 Ironhead Airport, Sanger, TX...................... T58 1,800 Kezer Air Ranch Airport, Springtown, TX........... 61F 1,800 Lane Field Airport, Sanger, TX.................... 58F 1,800 Log Cabin Airport, Aledo, TX...................... TX16 1,800 Lone Star Airpark Airport, Denton, TX............. T32 1,800 Rhome Meadows Airport, Rhome, TX.................. TS72 1,800 Richards Airport, Krum, TX........................ TA47 1,800 Tallows Field Airport, Celina, TX................. 79TS 1,800 Triple S Airport, Aledo, TX....................... 42XS 1,800 Warshun Ranch Airport, Denton, TX................. 4TA1 1,800 Windy Hill Airport, Denton, TX.................... 46XS 1,800 Aero Country Airport, McKinney, TX................ TX05 1,400 Bailey Airport, Midlothian, TX.................... 7TX8 1,400 Branson Farm Airport, Burleson, TX................ TX42 1,400 Carroll Air Park Airport, De Soto, TX............. F66 1,400 Carroll Lake-View Airport, Venus, TX.............. 70TS 1,400 Eagle's Nest Estates Airport, Ovilla, TX.......... 2T36 1,400 Flying B Ranch Airport, Ovilla, TX................ TS71 1,400 Lancaster Airport, Lancaster, TX.................. LNC 1,400 Lewis Farm Airport, Lucas, TX..................... 6TX1 1,400 Markum Ranch Airport, Fort Worth, TX.............. TX79 1,400 McKinney Municipal Airport, McKinney, TX.......... TKI 1,400 O'Brien Airpark Airport, Waxahachie, TX........... F25 1,400 Phil L. Hudson Municipal Airport, Mesquite, TX.... HQZ 1,400 Plover Heliport, Crowley, TX...................... 82Q 1,400 Venus Airport, Venus, TX.......................... 75TS 1,400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (7) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Denver International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Dusters Inc., Airport, Roggen, CO............. 49CO 1,200 Bijou Basin Airport, Byers, CO.................... CD17 1,200 Boulder Municipal Airport, Boulder, CO............ 1V5 1,200 Bowen Farms No. 1 Airport, Littleton, CO.......... CO98 1,200 Bowen Farms No. 2 Airport, Strasburg, CO.......... 3CO5 1,200 Carrera Airpark Airport, Mead, CO................. 93CO 1,200 Cartwheel Airport, Mead, CO....................... 0CO8 1,200 Chaparral Airport, Byers, CO...................... CO18 1,200 Colorado Antique Field Airport, Niwot, CO......... 8CO7 1,200 Comanche Livestock Airport, Strasburg, CO......... 59CO 1,200 Dead Stick Ranch Airport, Kiowa, CO............... 18CO 1,200 Frederick-Firestone Air Strip Airport, Frederick, CO............................................... CO58 1,200 Frontier Airstrip Airport, Mead, CO............... 84CO 1,200 Horseshoe Landings Airport, Franktown, CO......... CO60 1,200 Hoy Airstrip Airport, Bennett, CO................. 76CO 1,200 J & S Airport, Bennett, CO........................ CD14 1,200 Kostroski Airport, Franktown, CO.................. 43CO 1,200 Kugel-Strong Airport, Platteville, CO............. 27V 1,200 Land Airport, Keenesburg, CO...................... CO82 1,200 Lemons Private Strip Airport, Boulder, CO......... CO10 1,200 Lindys Airpark Airport, Hudson, CO................ 7CO3 1,200 Parkland Airport, Erie, CO........................ 7CO0 1,200 Pine View Airport, Elizabeth, CO.................. 02V 1,200 Platte Valley Airport, Hudson, CO................. 18V 1,200 Rancho De Aereo Airport, Mead, CO................. 05CO 1,200 Reid Ranches Airport, Roggen, CO.................. 7CO6 1,200 Singleton Ranch Airport, Byers, CO................ 68CO 1,200 Sky Haven Airport, Byers, CO...................... CO17 1,200 Spickard Farm Airport, Byers, CO.................. 5CO4 1,200 Tri-County Airport, Erie, CO...................... 48V 1,200 Westberg-Rosling Farms Airport, Roggen, CO........ 74CO 1,200 Yoder Airstrip Airport, Bennett, CO............... CD09 1,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (8) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Al Meyers Airport, Tecumseh, MI................... 3TE 1,400 Brighton Airport, Brighton, MI.................... 45G 1,400 Cackleberry Airport, Dexter, MI................... 2MI9 1,400 Erie Aerodome Airport, Erie, MI................... 05MI 1,400 Ham-A-Lot Field Airport, Petersburg, MI........... MI48 1,400 Merillat Airport, Tecumseh, MI.................... 34G 1,400 Rossettie Airport, Manchester, MI................. 75G 1,400 Tecumseh Products Airport, Tecumseh, MI........... 0D2 1,400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (9) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Honolulu International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport Name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dillingham Airfield Airport, Moluleia, HI......... HDH 2,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (10) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Houston Intercontinental Airport and the William P. Hobby Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ainsworth Airport, Cleveland, TX.................. 0T6 1,000 Ausinia Ranch Airport, Texas City, TX............. TS50 1,000 Bailes Airport, Angleton, TX...................... 7R9 1,000 Biggin Hill Airport, Hockley, TX.................. TX49 1,000 Cleveland Municipal Airport, Cleveland, TX........ 6R3 1,000 Covey Trails Airport, Fulshear, TX................ 80XS 1,000 Creasy Airport, Santa Fe, TX...................... 5TA5 1,000 Custom Aire Service Airport, Angleton, TX......... 81D 1,000 Fay Ranch Airport, Cedar Lane, TX................. 0T2 1,000 Flying C Ranch Airport, Needville, TX............. XS25 1,000 Freeman Property Airport, Katy, TX................ 61T 1,000 Garrett Ranch Airport, Danbury, TX................ 77XS 1,000 Gum Island Airport, Dayton, TX.................... 3T6 1,000 H & S Airfield, Damon, TX......................... XS21 1,000 Harbican Airpark Airport, Katy, TX................ 9XS9 1,000 Harold Freeman Farm Airport, Katy, TX............. 8XS1 1,000 HHI Hitchcock Heliport, Hitchcock, TX............. 6TA5 1,000 Hoffpauir Airport, Katy, TX....................... 59T 1,000 Horn-Katy Hawk International Airport, Katy, TX.... 57T 1,000 Johnnie Volk Field Airport, Hitchcock, TX......... 37R 1,000 King Air Airport, Katy, TX........................ 55T 1,000 Lake Bay Gall Airport, Cleveland, TX.............. 0T5 1,000 Lake Bonanza Airport, Montgomery, TX.............. 33TA 1,000 Lane Airpark Airport, Rosenberg, TX............... T54 1,000 Meyer Field Airport, Rosharon, TX................. TA33 1,000 Prairie Aire Field Airport, Damon, TX............. 4TA0 1,000 R W J Airpark Airport, Baytown, TX................ 54TX 1,000 Westheimer Air Park Airport, Houston, TX.......... 5TA4 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (11) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Kansas City International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amelia Earhart Airport, Atchison, KS.............. K59 1,000 Booze Island Airport, St. Joseph, MO.............. 64MO 1,000 Cedar Air Park Airport, Olathe, KS................ 51K 1,000 D'Field Airport, McLouth, KS...................... KS90 1,000 Dorei Airport, McLouth, KS........................ K69 1,000 East Kansas City Airport, Grain Valley, MO........ 3GV 1,000 Excelsior Springs Memorial Airport, Excelsior Springs, MO...................................... 3EX 1,000 Flying T Airport, Oskaloosa, KS................... 7KS0 1,000 Hermon Farm Airport, Gardner, KS.................. KS59 1,000 Hillside Airport, Stilwell, KS.................... 63K 1,000 Independence Memorial Airport, Independence, MO... 3IP 1,000 Johnson County Executive Airport, Olathe, KS...... OJC 1,000 Johnson County Industrial Airport, Olathe, KS..... IXD 1,000 Kimray Airport, Plattsburg, MO.................... 7MO7 1,000 Lawrence Municipal Airport, Lawrence, KS.......... LWC 1,000 Martins Airport, Lawson, MO....................... 21MO 1,000 Mayes Homestead Airport, Polo, MO................. 37MO 1,000 McComas-Lee's Summit Municipal Airport, Lee's Summit, MO....................................... K84 1,000 Mission Road Airport, Stilwell, KS................ 64K 1,000 Northwood Airport, Holt, MO....................... 2MO2 1,000 Plattsburg Airpark Airport, Plattsburg, MO........ MO28 1,000 Richards-Gebaur Airport, Kansas City, MO.......... GVW 1,000 Rosecrans Memorial Airport, St. Joseph, MO........ STJ 1,000 Runway Ranch Airport, Kansas City, MO............. 2MO9 1,000 Sheller's Airport, Tonganoxie, KS................. 11KS 1,000 Shomin Airport, Oskaloosa, KS..................... 0KS1 1,000 Stonehenge Airport, Williamstown, KS.............. 71KS 1,000 Threshing Bee Airport, McLouth, KS................ 41K 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (12) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the McCarran International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sky Ranch Estates Airport, Sandy Valley, NV....... 3L2 2,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (13) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Memphis International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bernard Manor Airport, Earle, AR.................. 65M 2,000 Holly Springs-Marshall County Airport, Holly Springs, MS...................................... M41 2,000 McNeely Airport, Earle, AR........................ M63 2,000 Price Field Airport, Joiner, AR................... 80M 2,000 Tucker Field Airport, Hughes, AR.................. 78M 2,000 Tunica Airport, Tunica, MS........................ 30M 2,000 Tunica Municipal Airport, Tunica, MS.............. M97 2,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (14) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International World-Chamberlain Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belle Plaine Airport, Belle Plaine, MN............ 7Y7 1,200 Carleton Airport, Stanton, MN..................... SYN 1,200 Empire Farm Strip Airport, Bongards, MN........... MN15 1,200 Flying M Ranch Airport, Roberts, WI............... 78WI 1,200 Johnson Airport, Rockford, MN..................... MY86 1,200 River Falls Airport, River Falls, WI.............. Y53 1,200 Rusmar Farms Airport, Roberts, WI................. WS41 1,200 Waldref SPB, Forest Lake, MN...................... 9Y6 1,200 Ziermann Airport, Mayer, MN....................... MN71 1,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (15) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the New Orleans International/Moisant Field Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bollinger SPB, Larose, LA......................... L38 1,500 Clovelly Airport, Cut Off, LA..................... LA09 1,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (16) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the John F. Kennedy International Airport, the La Guardia Airport, and the Newark International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allaire Airport, Belmar/Farmingdale, NJ........... BLM 2,000 Cuddihy Landing Strip Airport, Freehold, NJ....... NJ60 2,000 Ekdahl Airport, Freehold, NJ...................... NJ59 2,000 Fla-Net Airport, Netcong, NJ...................... 0NJ5 2,000 Forrestal Airport, Princeton, NJ.................. N21 2,000 Greenwood Lake Airport, West Milford, NJ.......... 4N1 2,000 Greenwood Lake SPB, West Milford, NJ.............. 6NJ7 2,000 Lance Airport, Whitehouse Station, NJ............. 6NJ8 2,000 Mar Bar L Farms, Englishtown, NJ.................. NJ46 2,000 Peekskill SPB, Peekskill, NY...................... 7N2 2,000 Peters Airport, Somerville, NJ.................... 4NJ8 2,000 Princeton Airport, Princeton/ Rocky Hill, NJ...... 39N 2,000 Solberg-Hunterdon Airport, Readington, NJ......... N51 2,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (17) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Orlando International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arthur Dunn Air Park Airport, Titusville, FL...... X21 1,400 Space Center Executive Airport, Titusville, FL.... TIX 1,400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (18) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Philadelphia International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ginns Airport, West Grove, PA..................... 78N 1,000 Hammonton Municipal Airport, Hammonton, NJ........ N81 1,000 Li Calzi Airport, Bridgeton, NJ................... N50 1,000 New London Airport, New London, PA................ N01 1,000 Wide Sky Airpark Airport, Bridgeton, NJ........... N39 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (19) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport Name Arpt. ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ak Chin Community Airfield Airport, Maricopa, AZ.. E31 2,500 Boulais Ranch Airport, Maricopa, AZ............... 9E7 2,500 Estrella Sailport, Maricopa, AZ................... E68 2,500 Hidden Valley Ranch Airport, Maricopa, AZ......... AZ17 2,500 Millar Airport, Maricopa, AZ...................... 2AZ4 2,500 Pleasant Valley Airport, New River, AZ............ AZ05 2,500 Serene Field Airport, Maricopa, AZ................ AZ31 2,500 Sky Ranch Carefree Airport, Carefree, AZ.......... E18 2,500 Sycamore Creek Airport, Fountain Hills, AZ........ 0AS0 2,500 Unversity of Arizona, Maricopa Agricultural Center Airport, Maricopa, AZ............................ 3AZ2 2,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (20) Airports within a 30-nautical-mile radius of the Lambert/ St. Louis International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport Name Arpt. ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blackwall Airport, Old Monroe, MO................. 6MO0 1,000 Lebert Flying L Airport, Lebanon, IL.............. 3H5 1,000 Sloan's Airport, Elsberry, MO..................... 0MO8 1,000 Woodlift Airpark Airport, Foristell, MO........... 98MO 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (21) Airports within a 30-nautical-mile radius of the Salt Lake City International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport Name Arpt. ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bolinder Field-Tooele Valley Airport, Tooele, UT.. TVY 2,500 Cedar Valley Airport, Cedar Fort, UT.............. UT10 2,500 Morgan County Airport, Morgan, UT................. 42U 2,500 Tooele Municipal Airport, Tooele, UT.............. U26 2,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (22) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Seattle- Tacoma International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Firstair Field Airport, Monroe, WA................ WA38 1,500 Gower Field Airport, Olympia, WA.................. 6WA2 1,500 Harvey Field Airport, Snohomish, WA............... S43 1,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (23) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Tampa International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hernando County Airport, Brooksville, FL.......... BKV 1,500 Lakeland Municipal Airport, Lakeland, FL.......... LAL 1,500 Zephyrhills Municipal Airport, Zephyrhills, FL.... ZPH 1,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (24) Airports within a 30-nautical mile radius of the Washington National Airport, Andrews Air Force Base Airport, Baltimore- Washington International Airport, and Dulles International Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt. Airport name Arpt ID (AGL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albrecht Airstrip Airport, Long Green, MD......... MD48 2,000 Armacost Farms Airport, Hampstead, MD............. MD38 2,000 Barnes Airport, Lisbon, MD........................ MD47 2,000 Bay Bridge Airport, Stevensville, MD.............. W29 2,000 Carroll County Airport, Westminster, MD........... W54 2,000 Castle Marina Airport, Chester, MD................ OW6 2,000 Clearview Airpark Airport, Westminster, MD........ 2W2 2,000 Davis Airport, Laytonsville, MD................... W50 2,000 Fallston Airport, Fallston, MD.................... W42 2,000 Faux-Burhans Airport, Frederick, MD............... 3MDO 2,000 Forest Hill Airport, Forest Hill, MD.............. MD31 2,000 Fort Detrick Helipad Heliport, Fort Detrick (Frederick), MD.................................. MD32 2,000 Frederick Municipal Airport, Frederick, MD........ FDK 2,000 Fremont Airport, Kemptown, MD..................... MD41 2,000 Good Neighbor Farm Airport, Unionville, MD........ MD74 2,000 Happy Landings Farm Airport, Unionville, MD....... MD73 2,000 Harris Airport, Still Pond, MD.................... MD69 2,000 Hybarc Farm Airport, Chestertown, MD.............. MD19 2,000 Kennersley Airport, Church Hill, MD............... MD23 2,000 Kentmorr Airpark Airport, Stevensville, MD........ 3W3 2,000 Montgomery County Airpark Airport, Gaithersburg, MD............................................... GAI 2,000 Phillips AAF, Aberden, MD......................... APG 2,000 Pond View Private Airport, Chestertown, MD........ OMD4 2,000 Reservoir Airport, Finksburg, , MD................ 1W8 2,000 Scheeler Field Airport, Chestertown, MD........... OW7 2,000 Stolcrest STOL, Urbana, MD........................ MD75 2,000 Tinsley Airstrip Airport, Butler, MD.............. MD17 2,000 Walters Airport, Mount Airy, MD................... OMD6 2,000 Waredaca Farm Airport, Brookeville, MD............ MD16 2,000 Weide AAF, Edgewood Arsenal, MD................... EDG 2,000 Woodbine Gliderport, Woodbine, MD................. MD78 2,000 Wright Field Airport, Chestertown, MD............. MD11 2,000 Aviacres Airport, Warrenton, VA................... 3VA2 1,500 Birch Hollow Airport, Hillsboro, VA............... W60 1,500 Flying Circus Aerodrome Airport, Warrenton, VA.... 3VA3 1,500 Fox Acres Airport, Warrenton, VA.................. 15VA 1,500 Hartwood Airport, Somerville, VA.................. 8W8 1,500 Horse Feathers Airport, Midland, VA............... 53VA 1,500 Krens Farm Airport, Hillsboro, VA................. 14VA 1,500 Scott Airpark Airport, Lovettsville, VA........... VA61 1,500 The Grass Patch Airport, Lovettsville, VA......... VA62 1,500 Walnut Hill Airport, Calverton, VA................ 58VA 1,500 Warrenton Air Park Airport, Warrenton, VA......... 9WO 1,500 Warrenton-Fauquier Airport, Warrenton, VA......... W66 1,500 Whitman Strip Airport, Manassas, VA............... OV5 1,500 Buds Ferry Airport, Indian Head, MD............... MD39 1,000 Burgess Field Airport, Riverside, MD.............. 3W1 1,000 Chimney View Airport, Fredericksburg, VA.......... 5VA5 1,000 Holly Springs Farm Airport, Nanjemoy, MD.......... MD55 1,000 Lanseair Farms Airport, La Plata, MD.............. MD97 1,000 Nyce Airport, Mount Victoria, MD.................. MD84 1,000 Parks Airpark Airport, Nanjemoy, MD............... MD54 1,000 Pilots Cove Airport, Tompkinsville, MD............ MDO6 1,000 Quantico MCAF, Quantico, VA....................... NYG 1,000 Stewart Airport, St. Michaels, MD................. MD64 1,000 US Naval Weapons Center, Dahlgren Lab Airport, Dahlgren, VA..................................... NDY 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issued in Washington, DC on August 18, 1994. Harold W. Becker, Manager, Airspace Rules and Aeronautical Iniformation Division, Air Traffic Rules & Procedures Service. [FR Doc. 94-20830 Filed 8-24-94; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910-13-M