[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]
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S. DEFPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NOAP COASTAL SERVICES CENTER 2234 SOUTH HOBSON AVENUE Prepared For CHARLESTON SC 29405-2413 Village of L'Anse Prepared By Sundberg, Carlson and Associates, Inc. 914 West Baraga Avenue Marquette, Michigan 49855 Sponsored By Village of L'Anse and: -- : < .- Downtown Development Authority Assisted By Village of L'Anse Marina Advisory Committee and Division of Land Resource Programs Michigan Department of Natural Resources i_1_..e~~~ ao ~This document has been financed, in part, by a grant from the Michigan Coastal Management Program, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Land Resource ,7.. Programs with funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act, administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. . A CREDITS L'Anse Village Council: Fred Teddy, President Donna Blood Vicki Carr Patrick Goodreau Roberta Krueger Francis MacDonald Ronald Sullivan The L'Anse Advisory Committee, on behalf of the L'Anse Village Council, provided direction throughout the project: Susie Brown, L'Anse Downtown Development Authority Roy Kemppainen, L'Anse Village Clerk Tom Deshaine, L'Anse Street Commissioner Keith Lambert, Waterways Division, MDNR (Baraga, MI) The Village of L'Anse Downtown Development Authority, co-sponsor of the project (with the L'Anse Village Council), provided input: Ed Danner, Chairperson Patrica Carmody George Cram Cathy Erickson Rev. Harold Freiheit Jane LeClaire William Rolof Fred Teddy The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Division of Land Resources Programs, administered the project: Michael Kessler, Project Representative Coastal Program Unit The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Waterways Division, provided assistance: Robert J. Olson, Assistant Chief Waterways, Division Sundberg, Carlson and Associates, Inc. was consultant on the project: Sundberg, Carlson and Associates, Inc. 914 West Baraga Avenue, P.O. Box 100 Marquette, Michigan 49855 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. INTRODUCTION ......................... 1 II. PROJECT LOCATION ................. ..... ............ 4 III. SITE ANALYSIS . ............ ........................ 8 * EXISTING CONDITIONS ................... 9 * PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION .................... 13 IV. SITE DESIGN CONCEPTS ............ w ......... **...... 18 � * ALTERNATIVE I ............................. 19 � ALTERNATIVE II ............................ 23 � ALTERNATIVES IIIA AND IIIB ................ 23 V. APPENDIX ................................ 30 a CRITICAL FETCH/DESIGN WAVE HEIGHT ......... 31 I * NEWSPAPER ARTICLES ..................... .w. 34 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE FIGURE 1 GENERAL VICINITY MAP ..................... 6 FIGURE 2 GENERAL LOCATION MAP ..................... 7 FIGURE 3 L'ANSE WATERFRONT ........................ 15 FIGURE 4 MARINA LOCATION ALTERNATIVES ............. 20 FIGURE 5 ALTERNATIVE I .............. 21 FIGURE 6 ALTERNATIVE II ........................... 24 FIGURE 7 ALTERNATIVE III-A .......................... 26 FIGURE 8 ALTERNATIVE III-B ........................ 27 I I I I I. INTRODUCTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I ~I. INTRODUCTION H ~The project consists of an evaluation of the existing municipal- owned boat mooring and launching facilities in L'Anse, Michigan, for the purpose of determining the physical and economic 3 ~feasibility of their redevelopment. U ~The Village of L'Anse and vicinity is picturesque, surrounded by northern hardwood and coniferous forests, and looks over the panorama of Keweenaw Bay. Lake Superior, the largest of all fresh water lakes, provides a valuable resource for fishing, boating, and swimming. The lake, along with the region's rugged U ~physiography and climate, provides L'Anse with the potential of * ~offering recreational facilities and programs not feasible in many parts of the state or nation. Situated adjacent to Lake Superior, L'Anse has long served as a I ~harbor. A large dock was constructed in the early 1870's to accommodate ore and freight shipments. Fishing has always been important in the area. Today, L'Anse is highly regarded for its climate and the beauty of the surrounding area. Tourism has been on the rise over the past 25 years and is now considered one of I ~its major industries. Harboring and boat launch facilities would * ~be a desirable addition to the community by providing needed recreational public access to Lake Superior, promoting waterfront development, and enhancing the local image. 2 In March, 1984, the Village of L'Anse requested engineering services for the preparation of a marina feasibility/redevelop- ment study. An ad hoc marina advisory committee was appointed by the Village Council to oversee the study. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I I Ii. PROJECT LOCATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II. PROJECT LOCATION The Village of L'Anse (1980 pop. 2500) is located in north central Baraga County near the head of Kewenaw Bay on Lake Superior's southern shore. This is about a days drive from metropolitan Chicago, Detroit, and Minneapolis. The principal approach is via Highway U.S. 41, a major Upper Peninsula arterial. The project site is located in Section 5, T5ON-R33W in the Village of L'Anse (latitude north 46 degrees 45'30", longitude West 88 degrees 28'20", as detailed by USLS Chart #14971 published by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Survey. Vicinity and location maps are given in Figures I and 2. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I ~~~~~~~FIGURE I GENERAL VICINITY MAP I I 1% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~VILLAGE OF L-AN I I I I I I 13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ARAGA COUNTY I I 61 I I STATE OF MICHIGAN I I I 6 I I2 204 270 261 2 .3 7?~ 220 4 0 I12 264 9 I? 114 225 ia 38 177 242 78 9 1 240 s 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~240 If 3 93 4 2 234 240 6-3// FIGURE 2 186 207 2718 4 GENERAL LOCATION M 411725 216 - 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~192 114. 222 78 39 15624 -~~~~~~~ ~~17 7 1 126 198 Ru5 -. ~~~~~~~~186 8 165 Suoi Saadl'alt 90 ~120 19 20 90 192 1~~~~~~74 177 BARAGA 6 3~~~~~~2 6~~~~~~~0 /7/ 105 / / ow ff ~76 8a 0 6 ,7/ * 81 80, 46 Lil:~ 5 7 63 70 81I7 ic= * 60~~~~~~4 BAIT73 54 5//gLUJ/L 66 ~~~66 59 C% 4551 5 7 s 68 3 ~~~~~~3 4B8 63 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10800 10 200030 ~~ ~ YAI1OY~AL DZC AND AnkAMEMI.IC ADMXW"UT3.Th I Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A1IONAL OCTW4 MM,") 7 I I I I III. SITE ANALYSIS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 l U III1. SITE ANALYSIS EXISTING CONDITIONS At the present time, the marina and boat launch areas are I ~constructed in the L'Anse harbor, a u-shaped basin that opens to Lake Superior. The Falls River empties into the harbor basin from the south along the Celotex Corporation's wood bulkhead (Old * ~Ford Dock). The entrance to the marina and the launch area have been filled with sand, making use of the facilities nearly I ~impossible because of tne shallow water. The marina was used extensively after its construction in the 1960's until the sedimentation problem became more pronounced. Since it has not been economically feasible to continually dredge the basin, the marina along with the boat ramp, have been neglected since the I ~mid 1970's. Currently the marina area represents an eyesore to * ~the community in its unusable state. original plans of the marina construction were not available. However, the Village of L'Anse and the Department of Natural I ~Resources, Waterways Divison, provided information and/or plans and bid documents relative to the 1971 boat launch ramp project. I ~Constructed in the 19601s, the marina consists of two adjoining steel sheet piling bulkheads (160 feet and 144 feet) a timber pile bulkhead section (134 feet) and a continuous steel sheet 9 U ~pile extension wall (155 feet) that juts from the wood bulkhead to the marina entrance. Total area is approximately 25,150 square feet. A small 12 foot wide boat launch ramp is situated about midway along the timber bulkhead. it is serviced by a gravel roadway and small turning/maneuvering area. An above water inspection indicated that, with the exception of some minor rust and the jacking of several of end piles of the 3 ~extension wall near the marina entrance (due to ice uplift), the steel sheet pilings are in generally good condition. The narrow I ~wood catwalk over the steel extension wall is deteriorated and unsafe, especially toward the end of the wall where most of the walkway's plank boards are missing. The timber bulkhead appears to be in fair condition, both above I ~and immediately below the waterline, with no evidence of tilting one way or the other. As with the steel wall components, an underwater inspection is recommended to reveal and assess evidence of any structural damage or deterioration. I ~The central interior of the marina, as well as its entrance and the areas around the two launch ramps, were observed to contain submerged bars or deposits of sand at depths shallow enough to impede navigation (I to 5 feet) . Adding to the navigational difficulties, portions of the marina interior were found to have * ~growths of seaweed. 10 U ~Immediately to the northwest behind the marina boat ramp * ~turning/maneuvering area is a broken concrete slab and rubble rip rap breakwater that projects about 180 feet into the bay. In * ~addition to protecting the harbor from north and east wind and wave action, the structure serves as a barrier to sediment I ~~transport. The shore areas flanking either side of the breakwater, as well as the newer launch ramp (1971) , are protected from wave action by concrete rip rap revetements. I ~The area between the breakwater and the marina appears to be gravel fill over a rubble base. Several small caving ground * ~areas exist behind the timber bulkhead where earth backfill has been undermined. This is probably due to material filtering, I ~overtopping by wave runup, or a combination of the two. * ~Continued neglect of these sinks will result in further fill settlement and accelerated deterioration of the bulkhead due to surface runoff entering the holes. (The space behind the structure should be sloped or guttered to divert water runoff I ~away from the area.) H ~The newer larger boat launch ramp, constructed in 1971, is in * ~good condition. I ~~Predominant soil type found in the area is sand. According to field observations of the Environmental Protection Agency, Great [Lakes National Program office, of sediment samples taken in May, 1981, the Falls River channel near the Celotex Corporation dock (in 4 feet of water) had a sandy bottom with some silt. A I ~sampling site near the boat launch/marina entrance (in 3 feet of I ~water) indicated sand with little silt. Access to thie project area is provided by Baraga Avenue from the South, Front Street, which parallels the lake north of the I ~business district, and the Celotex Corporation plant access road, which parallels the base of the harbor. All three roads are bituminous surfaced roadways in good condition. Ample unimproved gravel parking for cars and trailers exists in the area, most of which is located south of the larger launch ramp between the I ~~harbor and the Celotex Corporation plant access road. Minimal * ~parking is available off of Front Street between the marina and the municipal park. Utilities existing on or near the site include water, sanitary I ~sewer, storm sewer, and electricity. The marina and parking * ~areas are currently serviced by several overhead lights. * ~Most of the property was conveyed to the Village by the Ford Motor Company in 1954 and by the Celotex Corporation in 1968. However, a portion of the shore between the Falls River outlet 12 I ~and the marina entrance, some of which was created by fill as a part of the 1971 boat launch ramp project, remains to be acquired. Enhancing the existing marina/launch ramp is the proximity of the I ~downtown business district with available goods and services and * ~the municipal waterfront park immediately east of the marina. A major upgrade is planned for the park in 1986-87. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION * ~The problem at hand is the shallow water adjacent to the entrance of the existing marina and launch facilities which makes launching and navigation difficult or impossible. Sediment transported and deposited into the harbor basin area is from I ~two major sources; the Falls River and longshore transport along the Lake Superior shoreline from the north. The annual accumulation from each is unknown but will vary from year to year depending on a number of factors. For example, past operation of the the Falls River hydroelectric dam several miles upstream to I ~reduce peak flows tended to decrease the amount of sediment washed down river. However, the dam has not been operational for a number of years and peak flows now undoubtedly carry sediment to the river's mouth. The question as to the annual volume of sediment transported to the basin area by each source can only be * ~determined after values are established for several variables or 13 a series of annual profile surveys made of the beach and near- shore areas. Identification and analysis of the variables required for determining longshore transport rate are beyond the I ~~scope or intent of this study. However, based on evaluations of the bottom contours presented in the NOAA navigational charts of L'Anse Bay and L'Anse nearshore area, a determination of the direction of sediment transport was made. The actual distribution of the sediment load within the harbor basin is the I ~result of wave action brought on by strong winds generally from the west or northwest. The critical fetch (that line of direction which will produce the largest wave) comes from the northwest for the marina basin area (see Appendix A). I ~Figure 3 illustrates the existing downtown L'Anse waterfront and the nearshore bottom contours around the L'Anse harbor including the Falls River mouth and the basin area. The change in * ~direction of the bottom contours around the old dock and existing breakwater indicates that the prevailing direction of sediment I ~transport along the shore is from north to south. Barriers to sediment transport tend to deposit material on their updrift H ~sides. The bottom depths, which are 6 to 12 feet deep on the north side of the old dock, drop off on the southern side of the dock to 20 to 24 feet deep near the Celotex dock. The sediment * ~that does cross the breakwater is most likely moved toward the harbor basin by westerly and northwesterly waves. 14 75 69 17 43/72 // FIGURE 3 48 30 31 7 7 ~~~~~~~~60 7~~~~~0 36/ 11 ~~~~~~~~30~~ 12 16 7 9 30/X/3 , 8 4 229 2 421/ L'A N S ER 19 30 3227 $8 27 5 23 167 26 I RiPo 2~ 22 24 4 C Hall L2 22 24.T OMunici Courthouse 21 L'ANSE WATERFRONT SOUNDINGS IN FEET 100 0 500 1000 (500 zo00 US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMIOSPIIERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE The longshore transport of material is dependent on the amount of material present for movement and the prevailing or mean direction and strength of wave and or nearshore current. (The Kewenaw Bay Hydrographic Study - Final Report, Coastal Dynamics, Inc. (1985), found that storm generated currents in the Kewenaw Bay probably never exceed 0.25 ft/sec, clearly not enough to markedly effect sediment transport). The Summary of Synoptic Synoptic Materiological Observations for Great Lakes Areas (1975) report published by NOAA for the Keewenaw Bay area indicates that over an annual period the overwater winds are about equally likely to come from any direction. We can surmise that because of the increased fetch distance and greater average depths, winds from the north will create significantly more breaker action than equivalent winds from the west or southwest. This greater breaker action will suspend more sediment, resulting in a greater capacity for longshore transport from north to south based on the incident angle of the wave front. Winds from the west or south do not have the fetch distance available (less than two miles) to generate major waves. Wave action, thus, is not significant enough to move sediment past the deep water adjacent to the Celotex dock towards the basin area (see Figure 3). However, waves from those directions do have an affect on the sediment distribution within the harbor basin. 16 It is important to note that shallow water has existed in the * ~harbor basin for some time and is not a recent phenomenon. According to several Village officials and local residents, there I ~was an apparent substantial increase of sand and silt deposits in the harbor basin shortly after the dam ceased operating in the 1960's and the waters were released. Just prior to the 1971 boat launch construction, a sandbar was known to have been located near the southern shore. The sand deposit extended from near the outlet of the Falls River to the I ~location of the present boat launch facility (according to the original construction plans). A considerable portion of this sandbar was dredged during construction of the launching ramp. * ~It was felt at the time that since the Falls River dam was no longer functional and that the river had apparently redug its channel through the backup area, resilting of the harbor basin was unlikely. Within two years of the ramp's construction, I ~however, the sandbar was gone and the dredged area and the inlet * ~to the marina were filled with sediment making them essentially unusable for boating. Much of the sediment redistribution * ~appears to have occurred during one major storm in the early 1970's. Redistribution, as opposed to transported deposition is I ~used in this analysis since most of the sediment moved during the storm would have been in the harbor basin prior to the storm. it is surmised that storm wave action shifted this existing material * ~from the sandbar and shallow areas to adjacent deeper places such as the boat launch area and the marina entrance. 17 I I I * IV. SITE DESIGN CONCEPTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 18 U IV. SITE DESIGN CONCEPTS Three sites and four alternatives were evaluated based on I ~~construction costs, maintenance requirements, and general I ~desirability. Costs are based on rough approximations since detailed costs estimates would necessitate use of data derived from site surveys, soil borings, and offshore soundings. However, these costs can be used for comparison of the various I ~alternatives. Costs for the selected alternatives are presented * ~in tabular form at the end of this section. Alternative site selections were based on the Village's Coastal Zone Management Project Agreement with the Department of Natural I ~~Resources and direction from the L'Anse Marina Advisory Committee. A site north of the existing basin area (Alternative I), a new entrance to the existing marina (Alternative II), and development of the existing basin area (Alternatives 111-A and Ill-B) were selected for evaluation and comparison. Figure 4 I ~shows the location of the alternative sites. ALTERNATIVE SITE I Alternative I involves the construction of a marina and a new launch facility north of Bendry Street as shown in Figure 5. Several features exist which make this an undesirable location I ~and which would add significantly to the cost. The roadway 19 i / FIGURE 4 12 /~ 7 4 N i * ____ / 1.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m / /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ N~~~~~~~~~~~ U- MAIN ST11113rE MAiNt STEET F D I ~~~S T R I C T VILLAGE OF L'ANSE MARINA LOCATION ALTERNATIVES CALS IN FEET, SUNODEPS. CARLOON ANDV ASSOIATES. INC. FIGURE 5 / 7/ . - / / * ' //-----, I.. .-... ._ ' FRONT STREET IAIN STREET SCALE IN FEET. O 100 200 0 400 500 VILLAGE OF L'ANSE MARINA LOCATION ALTERNATIVE I P'EPARE 3Y. SUNDBERG. CARLSON AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 21 cannot be easily relocated because of an adjacent hillside I ~~requiring construction in the waterway area. Utilities would have to be extended to the site and adequate parking would not be readily available for the marina and launch. Also, the construction of a marina away from the downtown area would have two significant impacts. The existing marina and launch area * ~would become more of an eyesore and would be a long term liability unless dismantled. This is important to the image of the community, especially in view of the proposed improvements * ~to the waterfront park located adjacent to the existing marina. Secondly, transient boaters would find this site much less * ~convenient for the purchase of goods and services than a marina located adjacent to the downtown business district. * ~Because this site is not benefited by an existing sediment transport barrier it is expected tflat annual dredging costs would be higher with this alternative than with Alternatives III-A or III-B. While base costs would be comparable to those listed I ~under III-A and III-B, the longer fetch distance from the north, * ~would require the breakwater at this site to be somewhat higher due to the larger design wave from this direction. In view of the aforementioned negative features, this site is not I ~considered for further evaluation. 22 ALTERNATIVE SITE II * ~This alternative contemplates the use of the existing marina area with an outlet to the north side of the breakwater area. Again, by locating to the north of the existing breakwater this alternative is subject to northerly waves and the resultant longshore sediment transport. As shown in Figure 6, this * ~~alternative drastically reduces the size of the existing waterfront park and eliminates the use of tfle existing launch * ~facility which would continue to be susceptible to sediment choking unless periodically dredged. Construction of a new I ~launch ramp within the new marina is assumed. U ~The construction of this alternative would result in a cramped and inefficient marina, the loss of a substantial portion of the waterfront park, and an outlet susceptible to longshore sediment deposition. As with Alternative I, breakwater construction costs would be significantly higher due to the larger design wave I ~which would come from the north. This alternative is not * ~recommended for further study. ALTERNATIVES III-A AND IIl-B I ~These alternatives both contemplate use of the existing marina. Alternative 111-A utilizes the existing launch facility while Alternative Ill-B provides for a relocation of the launch. 23 * / / FIGURE 6 ii/i/7 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 1/rmm EWL \ 247 '/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RIF I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~- 'N., N.~~~~~~~~I IID~ N.,~~~~, i l r R SMLLN my ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FRONT STREET A ~~~~~~~~~~~~in 0~~~~ II I I~~~~~~~-T MAIN STREET VILLAGE 13F L'ANSE I ~~~~~MARINA LOCATION ALTERNATIVE II PWPAME BY. SUNDBERS. CARLSON AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 24 I ~/Y rrr rw Figures 7 and 8 depict the proposed layouts of Alternative III-A and III-B respectively. Both configurations make effective use of the existing breakwater for protection from wave action and longshore sediment transport from the north. A comparison reveals that the Alternative III-A design provides significantly more protected marina area than that of Alternative III-B. However, the additional breakwater construction is significantly more costly. By providing an area for disposal of the dredged materials under Alternative III-B, dredging costs under this scheme are significantly reduced. An added cost to Alternative III-B is the relocation of the launch facility. This is estimated at $10,000 which is considered a minor cost when compared to the dredging and breakwater costs. Preliminary base construction costs for Alternatives III-A and III-B are presented at the end of this section. Included are costs to construct the protected harbor area including dredging, breakwater, revetment, relocating the launch facility and miscellaneous construction items. These are the base items necessary to provide a marina and launch area which are protected from river and longshore sediment inundation while providing barrier protection from damaging wave action. Base Construction Costs are as follows: Alternative III-A $ 681,800.00 Alternative III-B $ 552,650.00 25 -FIGURE 7 // 24' "/ I d W, L ( I / JbU1m1 --L T'I / / I, 12' / ,A~ij.00 *KUAWATEAD / / / /~ ~~~~2, m IrrAkWAT(~- ;.. K-' 2 /;ftOPOSW D REDINIH LIMIITS~../ IF ~~~~CW S~~~~~~~~~~~REAKWATERt PROPOSED LISIITINS fl~l ( ) 6 ~~WhEA~LL I II II SI ILNi fEv. -9 I" . : LIrT STATION FRONT STREET w * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lo m ~~~ L AUNC OL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U MAIN STREET SCALE IN FEETI ~--- 0 o100 200 .00 400 VI LLAGE OF L'ANSE MARINA LOCATION ALTERNATIVE Ill - A PREPARED BY* SUNOBERG. CARLSON AND ASSOCIATES. INC. FIGURE 8 /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l,! i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \. 24' ./ /L I 7 / .LU ':j m~asco LIMITING Ilry?) IIes12' /~~~~~~~~~~r / / /~ /*OPOSCD DRfLDOINI LIMI18l4'/ /I ~~EV SIIEAXWA~ ~ ~ ~~~~XISIh - [jjjjm ' ~~~~~ ~~~PARK ____ALL_ ELf V 5?I. iCtE BOAT I.-INCH..i IPRNOLLIFT STATION * - - ______________"RET FRONT STREET raw WA~~F~Lut I la FA W L ~~~~~~~~I- W" lltml~` i ~'~ HCL1 RSIEP INwwEErt Ir 144 Insrr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rrrrl 0 10 20 0 40 o MATI~NALOCATIONT ALTERN iir ~ ~ ~ 'E a~ Mo AEl ILct SUNDBERS. CARLS13N AND ASSDCIATEC INC. I IVL LAGE OFL'NS PREPARE DY SUNOBEAG., CARSO AN SQ ITE.I it is recommended that Alternative III-B be pursued. As proposed, - ~this alternative will provide approximately 50 slips and is 80% of the cost of Alternative III-A. If future demand dictates, the proposed fill area could be dredged for extensions of the main piers for additional slips. This would allow the community to invest additional funds only as demand warrants. 28 PRELIMINARY BASE COSTS ALTERNATIVE III-A 1. Dredging; 18,900 cu.yd. @ $ 4.00 = $ 113,400.00 2. Sheet Pile; 20,100 sq.ft. @ $ 12.00 = $ 241,200.00 3. Rock Breakwater; 5,800 cu.yd. @ $ 35.00 = $ 203,000.00 4. Walkway Construction; @ $ 20.00 = $ 20,000.00 (fill and concrete slab) L.S. SUBTOTAL = $ 577,600.00 CONTINGENCIES (10%) = $ 58,000.00 ENGINEERING $ 46,200.00 BASE TOTAL = $ 681,800.00 ALTERNATIVE III-B 1. Dredging; 14,300 cu.yd. @ $ 3.50 = $ 50,050.00 2. Sheet Pile; 23,800 sq.ft. @ $ 12.00 = $ 285.600.00 3. Rock Breakwater; 2,000 cu.yd. @ $ 35.00 = $ 70,000.00 4. Rock Revetment; 190 ln.ft. @ $200.00 = $ 38,000.00 5. Walkway Construction @15,000.00 = $ 15,000.00 (fill and concrete slab) L.S. ,. Reconstruct Launch; L.S. @10,000.00 = $ 10,000.00 SUBTOTAL $ 468,650.00 CONTINGENCIES (10%) $ 47,000.00 ENGINEERING $ 37,000.00 BASE TOTAL $ 552,650.00 29 V. APPENDIX 30 APPENDIX A L'ANSE MARINA STUDY DETERMINATION OF CRITICAL FETCH AND DESIGN WAVE HEIGHT DESIGN LAKE LEVEL (IGLD): A. Greater of (a) water level midway between the long-term average and the recorded maximum average monthly water level or (b) the recorded maximum monthly level of the past year. Max. Level Past Year = 602.2 B. Add to above storm setup per Corps of Engineers = 1.3 Design Lake Level (DLL) = 603.5 I. CRITICAL FETCH (SEE FIGURE A-1): A. Because of the existing breakwater, the harbor basin area is protected from storms from directions east of approximately bearing 330 degrees. Three fetches were selected between bearings 325 degrees and 270 degrees for comparison. Distance between points is 1000' and depths based on those shown in Figure A-1 below low water datum (LWD) for Lake Superior = 600.0. FETCH #1 #2 #3 270� 300� 325� Point No. Depth (Ft) Depth (Ft) Depth (Ft) 1 2 15 15 2 45 61 38 3 45 68 70 4 53 71 78 5 63 75 85 6 65 72 95 7 65 60 90 8 50 38 60 9 30 18 35 10 16 15 TOTALS = 434' 478 581 AVE.DEPTH = 43.4 53.1 58.1' DLL ABOVE LWD= 3.5' 3.5 3.5' CORRECTED AVE. DEPTH = 46.9 56.6' 61.6 31 B. Critical Fetch: Critical fetch is a combination of length and average depth. Fetch #3 has both the longest reach and the greatest average depth and thus is the critical fetch. This fetch is used to determine the design wave and period. The following equations are per the Army Corps of Engineers publication '"Low Cost Shore Protection . . . A Guide For Engineers and Contractors" (page 49). 01 ( )F0.42 0.283~~ U 2 c0 751 0.025 283 U tanh ' t0.530 ] tanh L (()� 7 ~2) ~~tanh 0.530 2J T = 2.40 U tanh [833 (2)0 t 0.077 () a 2 0833 ()37 Where: H = Wave height in feet ; T = Wave period in seconds; U = Wind speed in feet/second; F = Fetch length in feet; d = Average depth in feet; g = 32.2 feet/second/second. For: - Wind speed for a 10 year 1 minute duration = 60 mph (88 ft/sec) for this section of Lake Superior (see figure #16 of the above publication). - Fetch length = 10,500 feet. - Average depth = 61.6 feet. From the above equations for a 10 year, 1 min. wind: H = 4.0 feet T = 3.8 sec. This value of wave height must be compared to the height of wave actually able to be supported by the water depth adjacent to the toe of a proposed marina breakwall. For this purpose and based on marina location alternatives presented in the body of the report is it is assumed that the toe of the breakwall will be at elevation 592.0 (8' below LWD). Since design lake level (DLL) = 603.5, depth @ structure = 603.5 - 592.0 = 11.5' = ds. From Figure 18 of the above referenced publication with a bottom slope of M = 0.05: ds/gTz = 0.025 and Hb/ds = 0.80 Then Hb (wave able to be supported) = 11.5 x 0.80 = 9.2 feet. Wave height = 4.0 is able to be supported and is therefore the design wave height. 32 20 16 1 101 FIGURE A- *\6 142025~ 48 FETCH MAP 19 ~~~~~~200 83 9 30 9 72 ~* 11t~lll~II~hlIIIIIl~i 11o,/,,, "O 3 ~ wu~a 71~ 1, 204 270 261 4,~~~~~~~~~ ,~dl. 242 I ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 177 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 s 21 240 240 v~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 240 - S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~186 207 27168 ~~~ N ~~~167 225 1V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~114 222 78 ,,~~~~~~ % fl '* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 39 158 240 '., 096 45 ac 4 12619Rur 186~~~8 204 '20 FEET 136 BARAGA 90? 2.? 16a 74 /2/ 168 3. 126 0~~~~~~~~~~~0 aa 76 6 BARAGAL SY o f 7 STATE PARK 2 57 6 /2~~~~~~~ 5 s 68so ___ '~~27tb 63 63 -~~~~~~~~~~6 SE3 a MAST (J 3V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~~~~~Lt. r 33 APPENDIX B NEWSPAPER ARTICLES THE L'ANSE SENTINEL Marina, landfill to be researched Two state grants were provided to Baraga County in the past few weeks to study the feasibility of some new ap- proaches to old problems. The Village of L'Anse received a $2,300 January 22, 1986 grant to research re-opening the old marina near downtown. According to Village Clerk Roy Kemppainen the marina was built in the late 1960s and at one time harbored 20 recreational boats. But the area was soon plagued with prob- lems of sand drifting in and filling up the area. "It's been at least five to ten years that it hasn't been used. It's been dredged quite a few times but it fills right back up," Kemppainen said. "We can't rent it out now. It's in such disrepair it would be hazardous." The grant comes from a federal coastal management program and is distributed through the State Depart- ment of Natural Resources. The village and the Downtown Development Authority will match the grant to pay engineers of Sundberg and Carlson from Marquette to look at the original site and consider an alternative. "They might have to make some kind of break for the sand, or maybe have the little inlet go out to the right instead of the left. I don't know, I'm no engineer," Kemppainen said. "There's a limited number of sites it could be built on. There's not an, awful lot of land." Kemppainen said he hopes the study will be completed by the end of the summer. Marina alternatives on agenda Alternatives for development of the the meeting. The project is being partial- L'Anse Marina will be discussed at a ly funded by a grant from the Michigan public meeting at 1 p.m. Monday, Aug. Department of Natural Resources 25, at the L'Anse Village Hall. Represen- Coastal Management Program. tatives of Sundberg, Carlson & Associates of Marquette, the firm preparing the marina study, will be on hand to discuss the options. The meeting will be conducted by the AD-HOC marina development commit- tee, a group created by the L'Anse Village Council to oversee the study. In- August 20, 1986 terested individuals and groups will be given a chance to air their comments at 34 Hayes said the only way to estimate IVI arLnia how much sand is coming in and where it is from would be through years of ex- lensive studies. Ilis best guess was the silt was coming in from the north with a little rolling off from the Falls River. The old marina was allowed to deterior- ate because of high maintenance costs, especially with the dredging, and the new walls would hopefully prevent that. Hayes said fishermen could also stand on .-s tJ Cboa ter s~ the new walls to catch fish coming from the Falls River. The L'Anse Village Council reviewed The Village of L'Anse and the Down- It was suggested a marina house be alternatives for refurbishing the m~ra town Development Authority began added to the plans, including gasoline near downtown L'Apse. finalizing plans to restore the marina at pumps, pump out stations, electricity, The Downtown Development Associa: tion has already received a matching the end of Baraga Avenue near down- showers and a laundromat. Marina com- Lion has already received a matching town L'Anse and refurbish the water- mittee member, Tom Deschaine, said it Land and Conservation Grant for con- front park. may be possible for local people to pro- struction in the Front Street Park. The Engineers from Sundberg, Carlson & vide those services, or maybe the village grou lans toequipment and restroom playground equipment and restroom Associates presented their ideas that will could build a marina house and lease it facilities with the funds. The DDA will hopefully become reality within the next to private people. match the $38,000 grant with cash and in- few years at an open meeting Monday Deschaine also commented that there kind services from the village. afternoon. is a sunken boat at the end of the pro- With the other work on the park the -The purpose of the marina would be posed breakwall extension which should village has decided to explore the not only for use by local boaters but to be marked. It was suggested the next possibilities of improving the marina. attract tourists traveling around the natural step after the marina is built will Harold Hayes of Sundberg, Carlson & lake. be big boat tours of the lake and the bay, Associates presented a number of alter- "There has been an increased demand so facilities should be added for that. native plans to the board, including im- for recreation boating facilities," said The engineers said they will prepare provements suggested at an open Engineer Harold Hayes. "It would be a final proposal in one or two weeks. The meetingonthesubject earlier this year. nice to have the demand for the slips cost'of dredging and building the two marina further north up Front Street beforehand, but in this situation people breakwalls was estimated at $300,000. This would mean building a new would have to find out you have a nice The engineers also showed their ideas breakwall, dredging more often and in- marina then come to it." for the waterfront park, which will be convenience to transient boaters who The engineers presented a number of . renovated by the Downtown Develop- could use downtown businesses, accord- proposals for the marina. The first would ment Authority with help from a grant ing to Hayes. The plan would also do be to relocate it farther north, which from the Department of Natural nothing to improve the existing marina might stop the sedimentation problems Resources and in kind services from the site. that plague the current marina, but there village. The second alternative is to build the were numerous other problems such as The park will be worked on in two outlet from the marina to the north of the property acquirement, substantial phases, the first including a gazebo, new existing marina outlet, which would also dredging, the need to build a new launch playground equipment, restrooms, an seawall. This option would reduce the plus the old marina would become an archway, beach improvement, fencing size of the existing waterfront park and eyesore. . and landscaping. It was decided the park eliminate use of the current boat launch. The second proposal, which is the one . should have a lakefront 'or nautical The second option would also drastically most likely to be used, would require ex- theme, with the fence malde of wood and reduce the size of the marina. tending the current rock breakwall to thick rope, the gazebo with heavy timber Alternatives III-A and III-B were the stop sedimentation from rolling in from ; and the playgrond equipment with heavy most strongly recommended by Hayes. the north, and surrounding the marina � timber also. Committee members III-A would mean extending the existing with a quarry rock wall. The proposal ' :stressed the park should be well-lighted breakwall and bending it to the left to would still require substantial dredging, as a deterrent to vandalism. prevent sand from coming in from the but Hayes said this could be done in . Construction on the first. It would also mean building a phases of possibly five feet at first, then hopwfully begin next spring, with village seawall to the right of the mouth of the seven feet later for larger boats. In crews doing the heavy machine work and Falls Riverandextending that seawall with more breakwall that bends to the another proposal he suggested the ' youth corps or volunteer workers con- north, to prevent sand from the Falls breakwall addition and the surrounding structing some of the buildings. Before River from building up. Alternative III- wall could be built in phases, but one landscaping begins the drain pipe in the A would mean using the current boat storm could fill the entire marina area . park would be buried deeper. - launch and would create a more pro- with sand. The second phase, which will not begin tected marina than III-B, but additional "If you want the existing marina and until the first is completed, would include breakwall makes it more costly than the ramp you should have a wall around it," planting grass where the current fourth option. Hayes said. ; lakefront parking lot is and providing Alternative III-B would entail using the A fourth proposal would be to put a hiking and ski trails that would go up dredge material to extend the beachin north entrance into the marina through bayshore drive. The plan would provide front of Celotex Road further out and the breakwall for the boaters conveni- for angle parking where the parking lot breakwall would be extended and bend ence, but there would be sedimentation is now. The rough cost for both phases as before and a seawall would be built problems again. of the park would be 80,000. out from the new beach. Hayes recommended Alternative Ill- B, partly because it is 20 percent cheaper than III-A ($552,650 compared to $681,800) and by moving the dredge material the marina could be expanded as demand warrants. llayes still needs p ....ission from the Waterways Division of the Department of Natural Resources August 27, 1986 before making a final recommendation, while Ille village is still looking for fundinla sources. ;35 October 29, 1986 35