[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]
HAWAII COASTAL ZONE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT STUDY . . . . . . . . ......... ............ .... via CC% SH 319 H3, DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES H33 1980 HAWA I I MASTA- ZONE FISHERIES MANAGUM STUDY 0F 9 5 DIVISION OF FISH AND GAME DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES MARCH 1980 PREFACE This report is a summary description of the fisheries component of the Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program. It outlines the issues concerned with fishing in Hawaii including key fish species, biological distribution of fish, major areas of fishing pre ssure, individual island problems, coastal zone related issues, nearshore environmental destruction, competing user groups, and boatin g issues. The primary goal of this report is to pull together the variety of circumstances that have led the fishing community of Hawaii to a point where good fishing is thought of nostalgically, conficts are frequent, and the people of Hawaii regret not having more and cheaper local seafood on their tables. This report sets the framework for the development of an advanced fisheries data collection and evaluation program under the auspices of the State's Division of Fish and Game in order to improve the technical basis for natural resource management. The fisheries of Hawaii represent coastal-dependent development which contribute not only to the State's economy but to the health and well-being of a major sec-@@.,or of the population which engages in thi� activity. An over-vieta of.the issues dealing with fishing in Hawaii is presented in hopes of achieving a balanced view of the situation and suggestions for improvement. rF.Al I @, I'mik 14( Ao im mw-- m No TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ................. ................................... LIST OF TABLES .............................................. v LIST OF FIGURES ............................................ vi CHAPT ER I INTRODUCTION - Fisheries Management: an ageless issue ......... 1 CHAPTER 11 ENVIRONMENT ............................. 9 lava rock shorelines ............... 13 sand beaches ....................... 15 solution benches ................... 17 tide pools ......................... @18 artificial basins .................. 19 nearshore reef flats ............... 21 offshore reef flats ................ 24 wave exposed reef communities ...... 29 protected coral communities ........ 32 deep benthos ....................... 35 CHAPTER III COMPETING USER GROUPS ................... 47 commercidl fishprmen..., ......... - 4/ charter sport fishermer-..... ...... 50 subsistence fishemen........-,,..... 54 recreational fishermen .. ........... 65 CHAPTER IV -HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF FISHING, ........... 62 CHAPTER V FISHING FLEET PROFILE ................... 73 CHAPTER VI FISHERIES BY ISLAND ..................... 84 Oahu ............................... 89 Hawaii ............................. 107 Maui ............................... 120 Kauai .............................. 125 Molokai ............................ 129 Lanai ............................... 137 CHAPTER VII COASTAL ZONE ISSUES ..................... 144 Fisheries as a component of CZM..... 147 CHAPTER VIII RECOMMENDATIONS ......................... 1,57 REFERENCES ................................................. 166 APPENDIX ............... ................................ 168 iv LIST OF TABLES 3.1 Major competing fishery user groups ....... 48 3.2 Licensed commercial fishermen by island 51 and gear type ............................. 3.3 Preferred commercial fishing activities between 1977 and 1979 based on commercial license applications ...................... 58 4.1 Summary of data required by Hawaii Fish and Game monthly report forms ............. 64 4.2 Comparative fish pond catches .............. 70 5.1 Projected demand for small boat berths dnd launching facilities in the year 2000 ..... 74 5.2 Small boat harbors in the State with exist- ing and potential number of berths ........ 75 5.3 Hawaii Department of Transportation undoc- umented fishing vessels ..................... 80 5.4 U.S. Coast Guard documented fishing vessels - 1979 ................ .......... 81 6.1 Top ranking species by total pounds caught in 1977 - OAHU ........................ .... 101 6.2 Top ranking species by total pounds caught in 1977 - HAWAII .......................... ill 6.3 Top ranking species by total pounds caught in 1977 - MAUI, MOLOKAI, AND LANAI ........ 123 6.4 Top ranking species by total pounds caught in 1977 @-KAUAI ........................... 126 6.5 Distribution of bottomfish catches in the State by island areas (after Ralston, 1979) 131 7.1 Land use planning by islands .............. 155 v LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 Hawaiian archipelago .................. 10 2.2 Key to maps of shoreline and offshore physical characteristics.... .......... 37 2.3 Physical shoreline characteristics of OAHU ................ o ................. 38 2.4 Physical shoreline characteristics of HAWAII ....................... o ........ 39 2.5 Physical shoreline characteristics of MAUI ................................... 40 2.6 Physical shoreline characteristics of KAUAI ................................. 41 2.7 Physical shoreline characteristics of MOLOKAI ........ ....................... 42 2.8 Physical shoreline characteristics of LANAI.... ............................. 43 2.9 Physical shoreline characteristics of KAHOOLAWE ............................ 44 2.10 Physical shoreline characteristics of NIIHAU ........................... o .... 45 3.1 Licensed commercial fishermenAn the State of Hawaii 1928-1978 ............. 49 3.2 Total catch in pounds and value for the years 1928-1978 ........................ 52 3.3 Souridings in fathoms around the Hawaii- an islands ........................ o .... 53 4.1 Commercial fishing license application form .................................. 63 4.2 Fish catch report form ................ 65 vi 4.3 Fisheries chart -.area blocks ............ . 66 5.1 Undocumented fishing vessels -PROPULSION TYPES ............ ......................... 77 5.2 Undocumented fishing vessels- HULL TYPES 78 5.3 Undocumented fishing vessels - LENGTHS ... 79 6.1 Average annual offshore and inshore catch 1973-1977; TOP TEN FISHING AREAS ........ 88. 6.2 Average annual catch of skipjack tuna from 1973-1977 ........................... . 91-93 6.3 Average annual catch excluding skipjack tuna from 197.3-1977 ...................... 94-96 6.4 Oahu fish landings from 1959-1978 ........ 97 6.5 Oahu offshore fish catches (total and non-tuna ) ............................... 98 6.6 Oahu inshore fish cdtches (total and no.n-tuna ) ........... :........... 9.9 6.7 Catches and catch. rates (CPUE) for mahi.. mahi in Area 423 ........................... 102 6.8 Catches and-catch rates (CPUE) for striped marlin in Area 423 ....................... 103 6.9 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for aku in Area 423 ................................. 104 6.10 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for blue marlin in Area 423 ....................... 105 6.11 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for omilu in Area 402 .............................. 106 6.12 Average annual catch of major bottom fishes from 1973-1978 -.HAWAII .................. 109 .6.13 Island of Hawaii inshore fish catches (total and non-tuna) ..................... 112 vii 6.14 Island of Hawaii offshore fish catches (total and non-tuna) ....................... .113 6.15 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for ahi (YF) in Area 121 ................................ 114 6.16 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for blue marlin in Area 121 ......................... 115 6.17 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for ono in Area 121 ................................... 116 6.18 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for striped marlin in Area 121 ....... * .................. 117 6.19 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for blue marlin in Area 122 ......................... 118 6.20 Catches and catch rates,(CPUE) for ono in Area 126, ... I ...................... ........ 119 6.21 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for opaka- paka in Area 320 ........................... 124 6.22 Catches and catch rates,(CPUE) for hapuu-, puu in Area 523 ............................ '127 6.23 -Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for uku in Area 527 ................................... 128 6.24 Bottomfish cluster analysis (after Ralston, 1979) ...................................... 132 6.25 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for kalikali in Area 331 ................................ '133 6.26 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for ehu in Area 331 .................................... 134 6.27 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for-mahimahi in Area 331 ................................ 135- 6.28 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for opaka- paka in Area 331 ........................... 136 Vill 6.29 Catches and catch rates (CPUE) for ahi (BE) in Area 328 ................................ 139 6.30 Catches and-catch rates (CPUE) for hapuupuu in Area 328 ................................ 140 6.31 Catches and catch rates of kalikali in Area 328 ........................................ 141 6.32 Catches and c atch rates of ehu in Area 328. 142 7.1 OAHU red water 'runoff areas ........... .... 143 7.2 HAWA Il red water runoff areas .............. 150 7.3 MAUI red water runoff areas ................ 151 7.4 KAUAI red water runoff areas ............... 152 7.5 MOLOKAI red water runoff areas ............. 153 7.6 LANAI red water runoff areas ........ ...... 154 ix INTRODUCTION MIR P-110 FISHERIES MANAGEMENT: AN AGELESS' ISSUE CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Fisheries Management: An Ageless Issue The people of Hawaii have an historical identification with the sea and an affinity for its fish. They consume more than twice the national average of seafood on a per capita basis. Yet Hawaii has his- torically ranked near the bottom among coastal states in. terms of commer- cial fish landings. Commercial fish landings here have ranged from 9 to 17 million pounds dnnually. Consequently, Hawaii imports most of its seafood products. Even mahimahi (dolphin fish), so famously asso, ciated with Hawaiian waters and recipes, is primarily importPd from Taiwan and Ecuador. A number of elements have shaped the peculiarities of Hawaii's fisheries. The ancient Hawaiians had a respect and admiration for the sea and its resources. Fish and shellfish were staples in the Hawaiian diet and of central interest to the community. Certain fish became objects of affection and respect, in some cases being afforded regal status, worthy of being eaten only by the aliis (chiefs). Great mythological legends evolved about the sea and the fish with manage-- ment programs eventually developing in the form of kapus (bans). These kapus forbadeor restricted fishing activities and were accompanied by heavy penalties for the ir disregard. Conserving resources was strictly adhered to both through kapus and through other religious 2 associations with the native gods protecting the sea and its inhabitants. The kapus resulted in effective conservation programs which included seasonal fishing management by species and by area. Kamehameha 111 (1839) established the first-set of written laws in which he divided the fishing grounds into three sections: one for commoners, one for the landholders, and one for the government. Fishes were associated with ownership rights. In the document creating the Territory of Hawaii, private ownership rights were abolished and areas opened to common use. "Fishery rights" were condemned and with them the greater part of the laws governing fisheries regulation and management. Although highly democratic, this common ownership of fishery resources has probablydone more to jeopardizp the status of Hawaiian fisheries by causing greater fishing pressure than any other single issue. From that moment on, the voices concerned with over- harvesting have never ceased. The following are exerpts which describe the historical relevance of fishing pressure in Hawaiian waters. Pre-Captain Cook A knowledge of the abundance of fish an d the supply procured for consumption in pre-European days can only be partially arrived at, as well as whether the supply decreased after discovery of the islands and the great changes which occurred in ways of living for the Hawaiian. With at least 10,000 devoted to procuring enough food to eat, it is likely that the amounts of fish obtained and needed were Very large indeed, especially as land animals were not counted on as a steady part of the diet. 3 To conserve the supply of all resources was constantly in the Hawaiian mind. Fishing grounds were never depleted, for the fishermen knew that should all the fish be taken from a special feeding spot other fish would not move in to replenish the area...Not only draining it completely was avoided, but also taking so many that the rest of the fish would be alarmed. At the base of this action to conserve was the belief that the gods would have been displeased by greediness or waste.1 1900-1901 The fisheries of Honolulu are rapidly falling off in amount, with corresponding rise in the price for fish, which are now perhaps higher than in any other seaport town in the world. One cause of the falling off is to. be found in overfishing within a limited area. At the pres ent time very fine-meshed seines are used especially around Honolulu (Oahu) and Hilo (Hawaii), and immense numbers of very small young fish, such as the mullet, utua, and akuZe, from 2 inches in length up, are caught and sold, although it is against the law to sell young mullet under 4 inches in length. Unless this great drain on the young is stopped the fisheries are bound,to quffer severely-2 The most noticeable feature in this (Honolulu) market is the excessively high prices charged for fishery products. As compared with other retail markets of the United States, and possibly the world, Honolulu ranks first as.regards high prices .... There are a number of reasons given to account for this condition of affairs (among which is)...the indiscriminate use of fine-meshed seines (which) has undoubtedly caused a falling off in the catch, although to what extent is a rather difficult problem to solve, owing to the lack of statistical data for previous years.3 1927 One feature of the local fauna may be especially noticed.... The chief fisherf-es are now carried out by the Japanese, who venture out to sea much farther than ever did the Hawaiians who seldom went beyond the coral reefs, where reefs 'Titcomb, Margaret. Native Use of Fish in Hawaii. UH Press, 1972. 2Jordan, D.S. and B.W. Evermann. Preliminary Report on the Investi- gation of the Fishes and Fisheries of the Hawaiian Islands. US Fish Comm. Rep., 1900-01. 3Cobb, J.N. The Commercial Fishe ries of the Hawaiian Islands. US Fish Comm. Rep., 1900-01. 4 exist. Thefauna of the reefs is much less abundant than in the period of the first extensive explorations, those of Oliver P. Jenkins in 1899, and of Jordan and Evermann in 1901. Probably no species has been actually exterminated by ver-fishing, but many once common have now become rarO 1950 Although the game of the deep sea is as good as it ever was, the best reef fishes are declining.... The herbivorous fish are still plentiful. But these are not man's first choice for food .... In Hawaii there has been such selective fishing for the oio and.the uZua that those predators have waned in number. Another group of fishes which have declined from overfishing are those which feed on little crabs, shrimps.and shellfish. They include the moano, kum , weke (goatfishes), ahotehoZe (silver perch) and uku (grey snapper), once abundant and the delight of spearmen and anglers. As they are easily accessible in the shallow shore waters, they are the game of almost anyone ... and because Hawaii's population has increased,..mare people than ever before are going reef fishing, not only for @the sport of it but to reduce their grocery bills.. Today the oldtimers are hurt to see the way everything possible is taken from the sea. The fishing continues, day and night without rest and fish have no chance to grow and reproduce.... Perhaps some of the sorties of the 'good old days' are a trifle enlarged by nostalgia, but many of the ideas of the old-timers have merit. One day an old fisher- man ... was complaining in general about the way' times have changed: 'This young generation,' he grumbled, 'they don't care what they do when they fish. They go out with crowbars and break up the reef so the fish got no more homes to live in. That's not nice. When they go spearing, they shoot at anything that moves. They say if they don't get it, someone else will. But the old folks laugh at the tiny 5 things they-bring-home. Next they'll be eating fleas.' 4Jordan, D.S. and B.W. Evermann and S. Tanaka. Notes on New or Rare Fishes from Hawaii. Cal. Acad. Sci. Proc., Ser. 4, Vol. 16: 649-680. 1927. 5MacKellar, J.S. Paradise Lost: The Shore Fisherman's Plight. Hawaii Goes Fishing. 1 gr68. 1972 'Especially among shoreline fishermen, the often expressed statement was to the effect-that, on the one hand, there are too few fish in the areas where open and free access to the coastline existed and, on the other hand, in areas where fish were more plentiful, closed or limited accessibility prevented participation from reaching the otherwise desired levels. The historic roots of this problem stems, of course, from the basic land tenure changes under Hawaii's mid-19th century 'Mahele' (land reforms) and from the transition in Hawaii's form of government from early monarchy to present statehood status. The land-use patterns which developed around these over time have placed considerable stretches of coastline frontages.under the control and restricted use .of the military, large private estates, and agricultural plantations, and also contiguous series of small beach properties under several property owners. This problem has, in recent years, been compounded by the so-called further 'taking over' of coastline areas by resort developments, on the one hand, and squatter type settlements on the other. The problem here extends far beyond simple fishery resourcp m;@nagement and involves more complex ins@itutional issues @-F easements, regulations, compensation. etc, , which 'is .another and perhaps most important area of encern for the public con'(-,rol of re,,;reational fishir'1Q. 1,911 TO: ALL SHORELINE FISHERMEN .1.4e, members of Maui Pine Fishing Club, talk of the 'good old days' after several frustrating weekend shoreline fishing trips. Twenty years ago it was not too uncommon to land a one pound papio with a small casting pole on the (close to home) beaches of Maalaea-Kihei or Kahului-Paia. 0ios (bone fish) were plentiful and an occasional moi made fishing enjoyable. Few over-night uZua fishing trips would normally produce a strike (-although we di-d-not land all of them). Our catches declfned steadily in the ensuing years, we believe, because of,increased shoreline net fishing. Recently, there 6Hoffman, R.G. and H. Yamauchi. Recreational Fishing: Its impact On State Local Economies.. UH Ag. Exp. Station, Departmental Paper 3. T9_72. 6 has been a sudden and sharp decline. This can be attributed to the advent of fibre-glass boats and monofilament nets. We have watched two men carry a 12 foot boat, which can be towed to almost anywhere on our beaches. It carries about 300 yards of monofilament net and four men. They quietly set many of these 300 yard nets starting from shore out along a 5-10 foot depth path parallel to the shore. The fish are trapped. they race their outboard motor within the encirclement to flush the fish into the nets. (Modern Pai Pai) Recently we saw in a fish market a tub full of papib weighing less than 3.oz. each. Seven or eight of these may make a pound. Papio being blunt headed, would get caught in our regulation 3/4" mesh or 1;i" stretched-out netting. Sadly, this is the species, that grows to become an uZua, a primary shoreline game fish in Hawaii. The largest caught by one of our members. in the 'good old days' weighing 86 pounds. We hate to talk anymore of the 'good old days'. It is disheartening to watch many of our youngsters casting for hours, hoping, yet catching nothing. It is time to take action before near depletion. Even the netters are catching less fish each time. To compensate, their nets are getting longer. Unlike our over-built Waikiki or the mushrooming hotels and condominiums choking our beaches we can, in a relatively short time, -restore the fish population within our waters. This will require appropriate laws and enforcement. We, the members of the Maui Pine Fishing Club, (would like to) join the other fishing clubs and all sport fishermen in our. State in asking the next legislature to more effectively control fishing, not 200 miles off shore but within 200 yards of our beaches. Respectfully submitted: Members of Maui Pine Fishing Club7 7Hawaii Fishing News. October 1977. 7 Most of the fishing grounds are within easy reach of population centers and have consequently bee n under heavy fishing pressure for a long time by all fishing groups. The fish in such areas are relatively scarce and wary as a result. As resources dwindle, fishermen become more competitive, gear becomes more efficient, and everyone becomes more and more disenchanted with the fishing situation. Conflicts are becoming more frequent with flagrant disregard for and ignorance of regulations. Recreational fishermen blame commercial fishermen, commercial fishermen blame recr eational fishermen, and everyone blames pollution and habitat destruction for poorer fishing. The probable reasons, numerous and confusing, will be explored further. 120 7i ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER II ENVIRONMENT The islands of Hawaii are situated in the North Central Pacific Ocean. The island chain runs approximately 1500 miles, starting at one end with the island of Hawaii, Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau, and ending in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands with Hancock Bank (Fig. 2.1). The linear arrangement of the islands reduces the amount of protected inter- island waters, most of these waters in the area bordered by Molokai, Maui, Lanai and Kahoolawe. Most fishing effort appears strongly associated with operating conditions reflective of calm weather and protective inter island waters. The northeast, trade winds blowing across the island chain generally create preferable oceanic conditions on the leeward coasts. A distinction is commonly drawn between the "main islands", that is, the high islands from Hawaii to Kauai and Niihau, and, the leeward islands, or as they are now officially designated, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, from Nihoa to Kure Island. This distinction is based not so much on natural factors of significance to fisheries as on the remoteness of the leeward islands from the main population centers, their lack of 9 160*E + 400H JAPAN 0 R. T H P A C 0 C E A 1400 KURE 1. +3 MIOWAY W.AWAIIAN ARCHIPELAGO AWAII JOHNST01,''.' U.S. 200 MILE FISHERIES CONSERVATIO 1800 +100-4 X -PALMYRA 0. ......... . ... . ....................... EQUATOR ............. ................... ............ REPUBL @'C OF K I R 1 8 A'T I ........... . ...................... L .. . ... . ......... ...... . .. ....... . . .......... . ... NEW GUINEA . ................... A H c4gure human inhabitants, except.for a small Coast Guard contingent on K ure, the consequently under-exploited condition of their resources, and the fact that most of the islands are included in a Federal wildlife refuge. The Northwest Hawaiian Islands are the eroded remains of older high islands and at present are either flat coral and sand platforms only a few feet above sea level or small, isolated rock pinnacles and islets with, in some cases, fairly extensive associated banks and shoal areas. Hawaii lacks extensive protective bays and estuaries. This provides us with very few natural harbors prevalent in continental regions. In addition, the island inshore waters are relatively free of fertile (nutrient rich) and protective nursery grounds also. prevalent in continental waters. This lack of protected-, nutrient rich areas is responsiUle For the s(arciLy of invertr'Aratp@@ Of edible quality Cal ifornia r4orts jb ol' (ru'@.'Lacednb and mollusks of commercial significance. Hawaii lists only eigh,'@. Hawaii is looking to aquaculture to provide invertebrates for the marketplace such as oysters, clams and prawns (see Aquacu ture Development for Hawaii, 1978). These invertebrates are not native to Hawaii and must be imported from other places in the world. Yhe introduction of exotic species (non-native) has arisen to deliberately enrich the relatively impoverished aquatic food web in Hawaiian waters. Inshore genera of groupers (Serranidae) and snappers (Lutjanidae) are,missing or only poorly represented. These fishes are highly prized for both their fishing and eating qualities. In fr esh- water, we lack large lakes and perennial streams with the primary sport fishes so prevalent elsewhere. The native freshwater fishes of Hawaii. are gobies which have edible qualities despite their small size. 12 At least 70 different species of aquatic animals have been released either accidentally or purposefully into Hawaiian waters. At least 38 have become established, approxi mately 20 have failed, and the success of the remainder is uncertain at this time. Many of the introductions are viewed both favorably and unfavorably. The taape (blue-lined snapper) has become a highly successful introduction. Many fishermen, however, claim its success*has been at the expense of other, more favored species. The islands of Hawaii offer a variety of year-round fishing. With such an abundance of oceanic water resulting from the uniqueness of being an island state, we have a great variety of conspicuously beautiful fish species. 1he coral reefs provide a substantial boost to the productivity of the waters and harbor a great diversity of fishLbs. The primary characteristic of the Hawaiian aquatic environment is the narrowness -of the major ecological zones. Tides have a negligible effect on the coasts of the Hawaiian islands - the impact of the one meter tidal range is minor compared to that of the surge and splash associated with wave activity. There are a number of beaches and rocky points along the coasts of our islands which offer excellent surfcasting or sportfishing opportunities. Depending on the physical characteristics of the shoreline, one can fish for selected species associated with that shoreline habitat. Figures 2.2 through 2.10 depict the physical characteristics of our shoreline and nearshore environments. 13 The following pages detail these areas and identify.the major species of plants and animals associated with the habitats. The illustrations were prepared by Mr. Robert Hill, under contract with the University of Hawaii Pacific.Urban Studies and Planning Program, an d have appeared in va rious issues of the Seagrant Hawaii Coastal Zone Newsletter. The text'is from a report submitted to the State of Hawaii Department of Health's 208 Water Quality Program (Stahl et. al, 1977). LAVA ROCK SHORELINES. The.islands of Hawaii,are of volcanic origin, built up from the sea floor by extrusions of basaltic lava. Where these lava flows meet the sea, like-so many basalt coasts throughout the world, steep sea cliffs, horizontal benches or cobbles and boulder beaches may develop. Windward basal-L shorelinns are usually shaped and dominated by heavy surf and wave action. Striking differences are found in spect6tion asSOCidted with wave-exposed vs. wave sheltered, lava rock shorelines. shores. Rocky vertical shorelines, sometimes projecting high above sea level and with portions reached only by spray, are inhabited by relatively few species, which are often dull gray or black in color and which can withstand long periods without water. These species include the littorines (pupu koZea), among the mollusks and the black grapsid crab, a ama. Seaward of the littorines and the crab but still above the reach of the tide are the black nerite (pipipi), and the pulmonate limpet. @Eii ljnz ................ ....... 061% LAVA ROCK SHORELINE ME It I I il I i) '%I 14 Seaward of the spray zone, at mean tide level, much of the lava coast is colored pink by a coralline alga, and studded by a dome-like 9 shingle urchin, and the opihi. At zero tide level, surf-swept shorelines are inhabited by other rather dark colored and heavy shelled animals on the substrate and brown and white cowriesin-crevices. Tishes in these areas are strong swimmers and may be dark in color such as the Achilles tang. Other fishes associated with this area include: the damsel fish, the wrasse.,,, and the :bl'enny. Basalt benches. Irregular continuous benches of basalt may form horizontal platforms along the shore. Waves play a dominant role in determining the pattern of biotic zonation on these benches with '.@triking differences between windward and leeward coasts. On w1ridward shores, the highest level ol: wave action is mhrked by a red alga, below which there is a variety of frondose algae. Sea- ward of the algal mat, the substrate is principally the growth form of the encrusting calcareous algae. Dominant mollusks are the black foot opihi and several smaller gastropods. Algae-encrusted areas are dominated by the yellow foot op-b*hi and the shingle urchin. The frontal slope of basalt benches may be riddled by the borings of the sea urchin. Hobson (1974) reported 54 total species of fishes in this habitat off the Kona coast of Hawaii. Some of these include the surgeonfishes, the wrasses, and the damselfishes. Examples of basalt benches occur from Napali to Kapaa and Poipu to Waimea on Kauai; Lanikai to Makapuu and Kaena Point on Oahu; the Hana coast and Cape Kinau on Maui; the north coast of Nolokai and along most 15 of the shoreline of the Big Island. Boulder beaches. Boulder beaches are formed of large, worn boulders or cobbles of basalt composition. The cobbles and boulders are shaped by marine processes, such as wave scour, currents and other erosive factors, transported and then deposited on beaches by waves and du ring storms. Example coasts include Kona and Kealakekua on Hawaii, Hana on Maui and Napali on Kauai. Because of the in'stability of the substrata and the continual scouring, few organisms inhabit these beaches with the exception of grapsid crabs and sparse interstitial and under-rock fauna. Hobson (1974) reported 77 species of fish off Kona boulder beaches. The majority of these are herbivorous fish which inhabit these areas grazing on benthic algal turf. They include the surgcvnfishes, the yellow tang, and the"a6hilles tang.-.. SAND BEACHES. Hawaiian beach sand is one of the most valuable mineral and recreational resources in the State covering 185 miles of Hawaii's 934 mile shoreline (see Figures 2.2 through 2.10 for maps of sandy beaches on each of the islands). Three types of sand comprise individual beaches in Hawaii: green (olivine), bl.ack basalt (lava) and white (calcium carbonate). Most of Hawaii's beaches are composed of calcareous beach sand which contains the remains of foraminiferans, mollusks, echinoderms, co ralline algae and reef corals. Black sand beaches occur on,the Big Island and on Maui. Olivine beaches are found on the Big Island and on Oahu. The calcareous beach sand reservoir varies tremendously from island to island. Kauai, with 1.4 x 10 cubic yards, has the greatest Ao A 4,44tT-..19 .. ............. . ..... . . . . . . . . . .. ...... .. . ... . ....... .... .. ..... ...... '31 IK T. W'o. 24 %@V .4. C @A Wj .k. A 7i:R .77 WIN, .0. SANDY BEACHES 16 amount, while Hawaii, with 1.7 x 106 cubic yards, has the least. The largest individual beach sand reservoirs exist at Papahako on Molokai, Polihale on Kauai and Polihua on Lanai (Moberly-and Chamberlain, 1964) The beach community is divisible into three zones: 1) an upper zone with terrestrial vegetation and possible dune formation; 2) a mid-beach between the high tide line and the vegetation line; and, 3) the lower beach w hich is continually awash by waves. The benthic animal life found on sand beaches is determined by particle grain size, slope of the beach and color of the sand. The upper beach is characterized by amphipods, i sopods, and males of the ghost crab. Female ghost crabs and males of another ghost crab burrow in mid-beach areas. lhe mole crab, polychaetes and the mollusk Terebra spp. occur in low beach areas. The coloration of these animals usually blends cryptically into that of their environment. Fishes which generally associate with sandy beach areas include the moi, the goatfishes, the bonefish, the trichonotid, and the burrowing eel. __ Beaches continually change; at one time eroding, at other times accreting. Much of this variation is directly associated with the amount of wave-energy that affects the beaches on a seasonal b,asis. Beaches with a western exposure, for example, begin to erode during winter months due to high Kona waves. During the summer, these western beaches accrete becau se of northeasterly winds and waves (Moberly and Chamberlain, 1-964). Beaches on'the windward sides of the Hawaiian Islands, however, accrete when the northeast trades diminish and erode during heavy northeast trade swells or North Pacific swells. 17 Ndn-climatic factors may also yield changes in beach size. For example, the construction of man-made breakwaters, jetties and groins results in modification of circulation and current patterns potentially causing the erosion and accretion of sand beaches, the deposition of silt in harbor basins and the resultant reduction and/or elimination of certain biota and their replacement by-.forms-.,more_._. tolerant of the changed environment. SOLUTION BENCHES. The prime requisite for the appearance of a solution bench is a consolidated limestone coast. Fifty-two miles, or about 31 percentof Oahu's coastline are comprised of this type (see Figures 2.2 through 2.10 for maps identifying solution benches). In Hawaii, the two main types include those from limestone composed chiefly of reef coral and calcareous algae-a,nd those -formed from detrital limestone, composed of sand and gravel containing calcareous skeletons of various organisms. The solution bench is more typically and extensively developed on the reef limestone or carbonate. These solution benches, or sea level platforms, may extend from 1 to 30 meters seaward from the shoreline. On Oahu, nearly continuous stretches of solution bench occur on the Waianae coast, east of Kaena Point on the north coast, near Waimea Bay, around Kahuku Point and on parts of the Mokapu Peninsula. Both windward and leeward coasts may contain solution benches which are developed from the exposure of limestone to both continual wash by sea water and periodic solution by rain water. Two major characteristics of the solution bench are the bench and the nip. The bench commences at the seaward margin and rises fairly steeply from the ocean. Its inland margin is characterized 18 by a pitted zone. The nip is a marked notch which undercuts the limestone shore at one to three feet above sea level. Solution benches are distinguished by a cover of thick algal turf and by conspicuous zonation of flora and fauna. Calcareous algae are concentrated at the sloping outer edge, where corals are sometimes present. Most information on biota is confined to the mollusks. Various assemblages of grazing herbivorous mollusks are found within the algal growth as well as mats of filter feeding mollusks and active carnivorous snails. The dominant micromo-llusks are the herbivores, which are associated with the algae on the beaches. The pools of the pitted zone contain a small littorine snail. On the bench appear the cone snails, with Conus abbreviatus nearest shore and Conus chaldaeus nearest the seaward edge. Fishes occurring here are usually similar to those found in rocky tidepool areas and include young damselfish and blennies. TIDE POOLS.. Marine tidepools can be formed by depressions in sea level basalt outcrops or solution benches or by massive boulders fronting the sea (see Figures 2.2 through 2.10 for maps identifying marine pools throughout the islands). They_can be extremely shallow or quite deep. Physical conditions of temperature, salinity and pH vary with exposure and with distance from the sea. Sub-surface connections to the sea are common, subjecting the pools to tidal fluctuations. The biota includes small mollusks, worms, occasional grapsid crabs, the blenniid fish es, and the gobiid fishes. Some marine pools exposed to freshwater runoff or rain develop a type of thermocline below which the temperature may rise considerably. 'wpm Pow""" TIDE POOLS 19 .There may be great seasonal differences in biota, both above and below such thermotlines. On Rabbit Island and the south shore of Moku Manu, some pools are densely inhabited by algae at their bottoms only. The larger the pools, the more uniform are the conditions, especially with a large volume in relation to the surface area. In some of these larger pools and in the smaller ones at high tide, they become hydrologically quitesimilar to the sea. These pools, particularly if they are large, provide suitable habitat for a variety of reef corals and tend to become havens for displaced deeper forms or for juvenile fish such as manini and ahoZehole.. Some examples of these larger tidepool systems include Wailua Bay, Kiholo, Hilo, Honaunau, Kapoho and King's Landing on Hawaii, Hanamaulu oi-, Kauai and the north. coast of Molokai. ARlIFICIAL BASINS. !he influence of dredging, man-made structures and other human activities will have profound effects on the natural ecosystems of an area (see Figures 2.2 through 2.10 for maps depicting artificial basins. for each of the islands). A common example of this is an altered community following the transformation of a natural embayment, coastline or estuary into a boat harbor. Honolulu Harbor is by far the largest commercial deepwater facility in Hawaii. Known originally as Kapalama-estuary, it is fed by Nuuanu Stream, including its major tributary Pauoa Stream, as well as from Kapalama Canal. Originally, a natural channel in the reef, resulting from this freshwater input, restricted the growth of corals and allowed for the enlarging of the size of the harbor in the mid-1800's. Now, much reef has been destroyed and nearby lowland areas have been filled with dredged materials and sediment from natural runoff. 20 Other commercial deepwater harbors include Hilo and Kawaihae on the Big Island, Kahului on Maui and Nawiliwili and Port Allen on Kauai. Their shelter makes. these waters desirable for a number of recreational as well as commercial uses. Consequently, conflict has arisen regarding optimum use of these waters. Small boat harbors are found on all the islands and have only some characteristics in common with the larger harbors. Flushing action within the smaller harbors i-Is generally better with resultant coarser bottom sediments. They are not as deep and light can generally penetrate to these bottom sediments. Small boat harbors have been built along and sometimes out beyond natural coastline features. Some representative small boat harbors include Maalaea and Laha'ina on Maui, Honokohau on, the Big Island, Nawiliwili on Kauai, Kaunakakai on Molokai, Man(Ace on Lanai and Pokai Bay, Ala Wai, Kewalo and '--laleiwa on Oahu. Both the quantity and quality of the freshwater input to many artificial basins and harbors vary . considerably. Perennial streams may drain through agricultural lands as well as through highly urbanized areas near the harbors. Groundwater seepage and artesian wells also contribute to this freshwater input. Although the "natural pollution" carried by this freshwater supply is long standing, it does not compare to pollution resulting from urban and industrial sewage disposal, accelerated sedimentation, sugar mill waste-water discharges, ship discharges, cesspool seepage and thermal effluent which cumulatively act in fouling the harbor waters and altering the original ecosystem. Water depths vary among harbors and within the same harbor from 2 to 15 m. Those harbors projecting out from the natural shoreline are characterized by moles, revetments, breakwaters, rip rap and other 21 protective structures. Quarried harbors show a greater preponderance of vertical rocky walls. Most harbors contain wharves, docks, piles, piers, buoys, s1ips and other facilities and structures. The abundance and diversity of these structures can provide a variety of substrate habitats for algae, fouling organisms, rock crabs, the Hawaiian oyster, barnacles and several reef corals. In addition, several schooling fishes such as iao, nehu, omaka, ahotehoZe., .'hahaZatu, and m.ullet,-migrate VP from surrounding.envisronments. NEARSHORE REEF FLATS. Hawaiian nearshore reef flats are shallow platforms which hug the shorelines of high islands at water depths of 0 to 3 m. (see Figures 2.2 through 2.10for maps depicting nearshore reef flats for each of the islands). They are composed of reef rock, derived from the skeletons of a variety of reef dwelling marine organisms. Crustose coralline algae and reef corals contribute the bulk of material to the reef framework but the skeletons or fragments of mollusks (primarily gastropods), foraminiferans, echinoderms (sea urchins, seacucumbers, sea stars) and sand producing algae may. also contribute mass to the reef, principally as sediment. Coralline algae are the principal agents cementing all of the components together forming consolidated reef rock. Prominent geological surface features on reef flats include reef blocks, coral rubble and sand patches. Nearshore reef flats include both apron.and fringing reef types. The former represents an earlier stage in reef growth leading to the latter. Apron reefs are smaller and project out from the shoreline as ,semi-circular aprons while fringing reefs are more extensive and form wide continuous flats parallel to the coastline for long distances. mom Holm, nowwwomal woulmnow" ---"7777-7- . .... . . :.so a mom -*-mom sooffo."r's FL 0so** OM NEARSHORE REEF FLATS 22 A great variety of marine life occurs on nearsho're reef flats. Benthic algae usually dominate surface coverage on flats. Several forms of reef coral also are common components, particularly near the outer edges of flats. The number of fish species is generally lower than in other reef areas and the following is a list of fishes which frequent nearshore reef flats. Scie ntific Name Common Name Hawaiian Name Feeding Habits Acanthurus nigrofuscus surgeonfish maiko herbivore, ThaZassoma duperreyi wrasse hinalea diurnal predator PZectrogZyphidodon damselfish diurnal predator imparipennis Chromis vanderbiZti damselfish diurnal planktivore ThaZassoma fuscus wrasse awela, hou diurnal predator Apogon menesemus cardinal fish upapalu nocturnal predator A variety-of invertebrates also inhabit reef flats. Beneath the reef flat surface are found a myriad of mollusks, echinoderms.,. polychaetes, sipunculids, other worms, crustaceans and boring algae within the cavernous framework of solid reef, while infaunal mollusks and annelid worms live buried in sand deposits. The growth and maintenance of reef flats is in uneasy balance .between biologically constructive forces (carbonate secreting organisms) and physically destructive forces (scour, wave action and currents). Organisms occupying shallow reef flats normally cannot tolerate the extreme conditions associated with tidal, salinity, wave and temperature 23 fluctuations occur at.the sea surface and, as.a cGnsequence, few reef flats grow to sea level and emerge at low tide. Thus growth of the reef and extension of the reef flat occurs primarily in a horizontal direction, away from the shore, once the upward limit of growth is attained. The water depth or level of a reef flat in any particular location depends partially up on the severity of'growth- inhibiting factors. For example, flats on the windward sides ,of islands subjected to heavy wave action, freshwater runoff and natural sedimentation are unlikely to grow as vigorously because reef-building organisms may find these environments suboptimal. Conversely, reef flats may grow at very shallow water depths where conditions are more favorable. The activities of man onshore may upset the balance of the constructive and destructive forces changing the composition and structure of reef flat habitats; sedimentation from soil erosion, excessive flooding, sewage discharge and thermal pollution have been identified as adverse impacts. Nearshore reef flats are common on Kauai's northeast coast and also*present on the south and southeast coasts. Oahu's shorelines harbor exten sive fringing reef flats along the windward (NE) and southern coasts with scattered apron reef fl ats along the north shore. Prehistoric uplifted reefs also form much of the existing land along the southern Honolulu plain and Kahuku. Virtually, the entire south coast of Molokai is fringed by a wide -Aeteribriattng '@eef,-* erhap-s the p best developed among the high islands of the sta-k'-.e and a small apron reef is located on the leeward (W) side of Kalaupapa peninsula. A wide and well developed fringing reef is found along the entire northeast coast of Lanai. In contrast, Maui has only a few apron reef flats which 24 are confined to Lahaina, Kahului, Kihei and Makena regions. Only a F single small apron reef is reported from the island of Hawaii near Kawaihae-Puako. The lack of reefs and reef flats on Maui and Hawaii may be attributed to the geological instability and young age of the islands. Nearshore reef flats serve many important functions and uses including: habitat for many subsistence and recreational fishery resources (including octopus, shellfish, lobster, crabs, limu and finfish); ideal conditions for surfing and boating; natural breakwaters protecting life and property from storm waves and tsunamis; sources of sand to replenish all white sand beaches; ideal swimming, diving and snorkeling conditions; aesthetics; and opportunities for scicntific and medicinal research. Nearshore reef flat@@ are also s!J1`Ierte('-' in a number of consumptive uses including: mining for sand and aggregate materials for the construction industry; the sites for harbor basins and channels; the collection or harvesting of fishes, corals and shells for consumptive and commercial purposes and receiving waters for waste water discharge. OFFSHORE REEF FLATS. Offshore reef flats are shallow submerged platforms, or shoals, of reef carbonate occurring at water depths of 0 to 3 m and separated from the shoreline of high islands by wide deep lagoons or ocean expanses (see Figures 2.2 through 2.10'for maps depicting offshore reef flat areas). Coralline algae, scoured reef rock, and live encrusting corals predominate on the outer or seaward facing sections of offshore reef flats; while sand and gravel deposits, scattered microatolls (pancake shaped corals), mollusk communities and .................. ................. ........... .............. ......... ................. . ....... .... ...... ......... . . .... . .......... . . .. ... ...... Or OFFSHORE REEF FLATS 25 extensive patches of benthic algae are conspicuous on the inner and usually shallower portions of these flats. Sand keys and low coral islands may be found on some offshore flats. Normally, heavy wave action on the seaward side of the reef flat drives uni-directional water currents across the reef, contributing much to the biological and geological zonation characterizing offshore reef flats. The presence of heavier wave action, water of more oceanic character and the absence of terrigenous influences (i.e., sediment, rainfall, runoff) from high islands distinguish the offshore reef flats from nearshore flats for water quality management purposes. In Hawaii, there are three types of offshore i,eef flats - patch, barrier and atoll reef flats. Although quite differeit from one another structurally, they all share the common significant factor of being separated from populous and stressed high island marine environ- ments. As a consequence, the offshore reef flats are subjected to fewer perturbations by man. Patch reefs are reported only from the lagoon of Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, among the high islands of the Hawaiian chain but are common within the lagoons of some of the atolls at the northwest end of the archipelago. The-Kaneohe patch reefs structurally consist of the remains of reef corals, principally finger coral. They assume the shape of truncated cones with the shallow reef flats exhibiting a circular outline. The reefs are up to 20 m in height and 1000 m wide, although they are e covered usually of smaller dimensions. The tops of the reef flats ar with gravel and sand deposits, calcareous algae, and isolated scattered 26 coral heads. Live coral coverage becomes more predominant along outer edges of the reef flats; fingercoral, tree coral, plate coral and mush room coral 'are most conspicuous. A tremendous variety of reef fish inhabit patch reef flats, particularly near the outer edge. The work of Gerald Key (1973) identifies common fish species of Kaneohe Bay. The most common species observed in patch reef areas, in decreasing order of sighting were: Scientific Name Common Name Hawaiian Name Feeding Habits Scarus spp. parrotfish uhu diurnal herbivore Pranesus insuZar= silverside iao nocturnal planktivore ThalZasoma dupperreyi saddleback hinalea Murnal p-re dator wrasse DascyZZus albiselZa damselfish diurnal planktivore Zebrasoma flavescens yellow tang pala herbivore Gomphosus varius bird wrasse diurnal predator Chaetodon miliaris lemon butter- diurnal fly fish planktivore Stegastes damselfish diurnal omnivore fasciolatus Ctenochaetus surgeonfish kole herbivore strigosus Labroides cleaner wrasse cleans ect-o- phthirophagus parasites StethojuZis baZteata wrasse diurnal predator Abudefduf damselfish maomao diurnal abdominaZis planktivore 27 Larval fish species found in the lee of Kaneohe Bay reefs are those with demersal eggs, usually attached to hard substrate. Species whose larvae are taken from tidal channels between reefs typically.have pelagic-eggs - the adults@ also being found primarily in open ocewpelagi-c environments. Th-- second type of offshore reef flat is the barrier reef and the only example from the Hawaiian Islands occurs offshore from Kaneohe Bay. The reef is large, measuring 2 km by 5 km and is 2 km from the shoreline of Oahu. Large sand channels are found at each end of the reef. 1he reef is structurally complex and is composed of lithified dune rock, beach rock, r-Fef rock iind fl.;-1'rk sand depo5-115. The ocean edge exhibits greater abundance of -re(-,f-building organisms and the zone of maximum wave exposure is heavily scoured. Unique sand mollusk communities and sea cucumber populations are found near the lagoon edge. The most commonly observed fishes in the Kaneohe barrier reef area, in decreasing order of sighting were: 28 Scientific Name Common Name Hawaiian Name Feeding Habits Scarus spp. parrotfish uhu diurnal herbivore Acanthurus triostegus convict tang manini diurnal herbivore Stethojulis balteata wrasse diurnal predator MuUbidichthys goatfish weke predator on sand- flavolineatus dwelling inverts, Thallosoma duperreyi saddleback hinalea diurnal predator wrasse DascyZlus aZbiseUa damselfish diurnal planktivore Abudefduf damselfish maomao diurnal planktivore abdominalis .@ParWeneus porphyreus goatfish kumu diurnal predator Atoll reefs represent the third t,Ype of offshore, rcef Iflatc clnd are confined to the nort,iwe3t end of the Hawaiian island 6tain, removed from population centers. Only Midway, Kure and Pearl and Hermes Reef have been studied and information about Hawaiian atoll reefs in general is sketchy. Typically, atoll reefs are raised "rings" which partially or wholly enclose a lagoon of 3 m or more in depth. Shallow to deep sand channels and rocky passes bisect the reef rim and coral islands may be situated atop the reef flats, formed during tropical storms when large waves cast reef debris onto the flats. Little is known of the biological composition of Hawaiian atoll reef flats. Atoll reefs represent the most advanced stage of reef development and it is generally thought that most atoll reefs have evolved from earlier fringing and barrier reef stages. Generally, offshore reef flats are important habitats for migratory birds and sea birds, some of which are rare and are feeding and nesting 29 grounds for sea turtles including some which are proposed threatened species. Offshore reefs are valuable to man in providing education, recreation and scientific research opportunities. Consumptive uses also include establishing island installations for navigation and weather facilities and commercial fishin g operations. WAVE EXPOSED REEF COMMUNITIES. Wave exposed reef communities are the most extensive shallow marine habitats in Hawaii and are subjected to heavy or continuous coastal wave action. These communities begin beyond the shoreline, if shallow reef flats are absent or beyond the outer edge of nearshore or offshore reef flats. The communities span depths of 0 to 40 m and overlie irregular solid substrata, the M latter sometimes sloping gradually to dpeper water often with sevcral. ledges and terraces, ihe hard substrai.i.,m is (omposed of bAralt cr carbonate rock but sand channels and deprcssions are also conspicuous features. Wave exposed reef communities can be separated into shallower (0 to 10m) and deeper zones (10 to 40 m) on the basis of biological differences and changes in the intensity of controlling forces such as wave action, surge, light penetration, sediment transport and other factors. The severity of the wave action usually dictates the degree of community development. Where wave action is low, coral and algal cover is higher and the communities flourish, sometimes approaching. protected coral communities in ecological complexity. Where wave action is excessive, scour, mechanical stress and shifting sand inhibit .biological development and the habitat appears generally barren but with extensive crustose coralline algal growth. . . . . . . .... POLAq- .. ... ... sommoss Irk imv. @,K !74 od lt A. WAVE-EXPOSED REEF COMMUNITIES low- Lp@pp" 30 The substratum of the shallow zone is dominated by coralline algae, turf algae and filamentous algae of many varieties. The coralline forms cement.rock fragments together to maintain the rigid substratum, while the other algae serve as food for many invertebrates and fishes. Reef corals are invariably present and are most important in maintaining relief and habitat for the community and contributing OM to the accretion of the substratum but corals are not the dominant bottom organisms in terms of surface coverage. The rose coral and encrustations or small heads of the coral Porites Lobata collectively account for more live coral cover than all other coral species combined. Other conspicuous invertebrates inrlude the spa ur(,hins and the Fec, cucumbers. A variety of mollu!*s also occupy shallower aw@2,is, ir.i -013 habitat. Hsh species on the shallow reef include. Scientific Name Common Name Hawaiian Name Feeding Habits Chromis vanderbiZti damselfish diurnal planktivore Ctenochaetus strigasus SUrgeonfish kole herbivore Zebrasoma fZavescens yellow tang pala herbivore Acanthurus surgeonfish maikoiko herbivore teucopareius Acanthurus nigrofuscus surgeonfish maiko herbivore 31 The deep zone is also dominated by benthic algae, but sand deposits and channels may be more conspicuous and coral coverage slightly higher. Common invertebrates include the green sea star, the crown-of-thorns starfish, the wana or black sea urchin, the heart urchin and the sea cucumber. Fish species include: Scientific Name Common Name Hawaiian Name Feeding Habits Naso hexacanthus surgeonfish opelu kala diurnal planktivore Chromis Zeucurus damselfish diurnal planktivore Xanthichthys triggerfish diurnal planktivore auromarginatus Thalassoma duperreyi wrasse hinalea diurnal predator Zebrasoma fLavescens yellow tang pala herbivore The wave exposed reef community habitat represents the zone where much of the active growth of shallow reefs is supposed to be taking place, counteracting the destructive forces of wave action and abrasion. However, some scientists do not believe that Hawaiian reefs in wave exposed environments are growing or even maintaining equilibrium. It is difficult to believe that many of the wide fringing reefs, partic- ularly along windward coasts, could be growing under present conditions, as evidenced by the lack of development of the reef communities reported on many outer reef slopes. Present rigorous climatic conditions and perhaps water quality degradation may explain the apparent eroding or poor condition of some reef communities. There is, however, no question that the survival and growth of wave exposed reef communities is in uncertain balance with destructive natural forces. Additional disruptive environmental impacts, whether man induced or natural, can easily shift the dynamics of the systems to a more adverse posture. 32 Studies of the growth of reefs on submarine lava flows which have entered the ocean off the coast of the island of Hawaii during known historical times indicate the wave exposed communities may take 15 to 40 years to develop and reach maturity. Thus, it is assumed that damage or destroyed reef habitats would also take a protracted and comparable time to recover if adverse environmental factors are first eliminated. This is all the more reason to manage and protect these resources in a responsible manner. Wave exposed coral communities are extremely important in offering V/ I------------------ food and shelter to a variety of recreational and commercial fishery resources. These systems also contribute significantly to replenishment of white sand heache- in the state. High underwatev- visibility 1*11ders Lhese reef habitats excellLnt for diving.. sw-'6mmino ;;i.(' snorkeliny Many fishes for the aquarium trade arc@. collected hLre. ihe excellent water fluFh'Ing and current characteristics in many locations where wave exposed reef communities exist provide some opportunities for disposal of moderate or small quantities of treated waste.water and other pollutants without significant adverse en@i-ronmehtafl effects. This is not possible in shallow coastal environments where flushing and circulation conditions are not as favorable. PROTECTED CORAL COMMUNITIES. Protected coral communities are found at water depths between 0 and 40 m but are best developed at depths of 10 to 30 m along favorable open coast environments or in shallower water in sheltered embaym ents (see Figures 2.2 through 2.10for maps of these areas). Along open coasts, these communities are removed from heavy or continuous wave actfon by being confined to deeper water below AA&A AA PROTECTED CORAL COMMUNITIES 33 the wave base (at approximately 10 m depth). They are,found particularly along leeward coasts where tradewind wave energy is reduced. Elsewhere, protected coral communities are confined to lagoon environments behind atoll or barrier reefs or within the calm reaches of bays or coves. The bottom surface is dominated by live coral which covers up to 50% or more of the bottom. Sand channels and patches are also occasionally scattered in depressions or valleys between coral thickets, mounds or platforms. Thick extensive sand deposits usually form the deep offshore boundaries of the habitat. The sand within this habitat is produced from the breakdown of coral and skeletons of other carbonate secreting organisms. Protected coral communities can perpetuate themselveF only where sand prf'&'(-'@-Ion and ac(umulation. does not cxcecd the capacity of thr (.%'@rals to g,@@ovl.' and avoid burial. Moderate to gentle slopes offer ideal condition@ for these communities because sand, which is constantly produced, can be transported downslope away from the habitat. The fingercoral, is usually among the most dominant ofthe corals in this habitat, particularly in its most protected portions. Fingercoral forms continuous platforms or thickets up to many meters across and provides a micro-habitat for a variety of invertebrates and small fishes. Almost pure stands of fingercoral grow in Kaneohe Bay and deeper ocean slopes off the Kona coast of Hawaii island. Porites Zobata is also a common coral in the community and Torms large mounds or pinnacles scattered among the fingercoral. Larger fishes tend to associate with it because of the greater relief and larger shelters it can provide. Almost pure stands of P. ,Labata are found in shallower 34 waters off L.ahaina, Makena (Maui) and the Kona coast of Hawaii, and the coral-becomes more common where wave energy increases. Excellent examples of mixed Porites communities occur at intermediate depths off the Kona coast and Kahe, Oahu. Occasionally, a third coral Montiporaverrucosa becomes common (such as in Kaneohe Bay) or dominant (such as off-south Molokai) in prot ected coral communities and appears to favor waters slightly diluted by freshwater intrusions or runoff from land. Other common.invertebrates include the slate pencil urchins, the heart urchin and mollusks of many varieties including the cowries. The soft coral occasionally is reported growing on dead coral, while filamentous al gae, crustose coralline algae, bryozoans and sponges are seen.on rocky surfaces. Protected coral communities also harbor the greatest dbundance and diversity of reef fishes including: Scientific Name Common Name Hawaiian Name Feeding Habits Ctenochaetus strigosus surgeonfish kole herbivore Chromis Zeucurzia damselfish diurnal planktivore Zebrasoma fZavescens yellow tang pala herbivore Stegastes - wrasse hinalea diurnal predator fasciolatus Chaetodon.muZticinctus pebbled kikakapu diurnal predator butterfly Acanthums n.i graris surgeonfish maiko herbivore Ajj@ripristis arqyromus menpachi Ulu nocturnal predator 35 The best developed coral communities are normally associated. OF with the clearest of ocean waters with underwater visibility approaching 50 m or more and are extremely sensitive to waste water discharges, sedimentation and severe freshwater flooding. Where these communities occur in shallow water, they commonly form the actively growing faces of flourishing reefs, such as reported in northern Kaneohe.Bay and off some of the southern coast of Molokai.. The communities require 30 or more years to reach maturity based upon coral colonization studies on lava flows off Hawaii island. Aside from areas already mentioned, protected coral communities are also found along the entire Kona coast of Hawaii; Honolua, Fleming, Ahihi, Puu Olae, Maala-ea and La Petousp Bay on Maui, flolokini lsl;;r.d;. Manele Bay on lanai and. Kahana, W&ikiki and 00'.u'. information is sketchy for the islands of Niihau, Kauai, Kahoulawo- and most of Lanai. Protected coral communities offer the best recreational diving sites in Hawaii, where aesthetics, fish, shells, underwater photography and scientific research are avidly pursued. However, they are much less commonly distributed than wave exposed reef communities and require greater protection and more comprehensive management. DEEP BENTHOS. The deep benthos refers to a relatively poorly described but extensive area below approximately 100 meters. The Hawaiian islands lack a true transitional shelf and great depths are reached at relatively short distances from the shoreline. At these depths, coral reef communities are no longer capable of flourishing, water movement is greatly reduced and the deeper forms of animal life begin to appear. was @.Mw m w 4 :Vk' 4' R S .At? 19 . .. .......... & g p"i ..... ..... ................... ........... mmX.: X.. mm Mr. ....... . ......... . DEEP BENTHOS 36 Much information on the deep benthic biota is confined to commercial or recreational species. Precious corals such as black coral, gold coral and pink coral are found here. These precious corals, a variety of non-reef building corals and the bivalve Pinna feed on falling detrital material. Crustacea, such as the Kona crab, adult haole crabs, and the shrimps Penaeus marginatus and Heterocarpus ensifer,, and demersal fish species, including the grouper (Hapuupuu), the pink snapper (opakapaka), the red snapper (onaga), and the amberjack RahaZa)., are commercially fished. Figure 2.2 Key to Maps of Shoreline and Offshore Physical Characteristics SHORELINE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Sand Lava Rock Artificial Structures OFFSHORE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Protected Coral Communities Nearshore Reef Flat Offshore Reef Flat Tide Pools Solution Benches Wave Exposed Reef Communities lisp 111M 1.01 1111w Kahuku Figure 2.3 @41 6 ..1! alt. 0 2 All, OAHU -*Waianae Waipahu Kaneohe 0 v lip r Ewa /A Honolulu fill OA P Kawaihae Pepeee-keo Hiloo! ..'D K"Iua HAWAII Pahoao '0 Honaunau F.igur'e 2.4 Na ehu .-i. 0 1 2 3 4 miles 0 2 4 6 kilometers it fit % U Wailuku9 eKahului !*Kihei MAUI Figure 2.5 01 2345 miles 0 2 4 6 kilometers *Keoneoio Mae "OOMWIM kill Hanalei KAUAI Lihu Ito *Waimea A Figure 2.6 012 345 miles anapepe GKoloa 0 2 6 kilometers 0 1180 tJ1111 41111RI IMP x I- p Hoolehua Mauntloa MOLOKAI 00, P, ff I Kaunakakai film jib, Figure 2. 7 01 234 Smiles 6 kilometers Mae M was M MM a Lanai *City Figure 2. 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 miles LANAI 2 4 6 kilometers lilt @ I I 'M I F igure 2.9 0 2 3 5 niles r --T 0 2 3 4 5 kilosetlers KAHOOLAWE Puuwai NIIH AU Kiekic Figure 2. 10 2 3 4 5 miles _j 1 2 3 4 5 kilometers -es cc COMPETING USER GROUPS CHAPTER III COMPETING USER GROUPS One of the more difficult problems with which fisheries managers will have to contend is the problem of meeting the needs of competing users of the fishery. Competing users can be fishermen, who fish for different types of fish as well as for different purposes (Table 3.1) Harvest by one type of fisherman may directly or indirectly affect the harvest by other types of fishermen. In a complex fishery consist- ing of-many_fishermen types, who have a variety of motives in fishing, unique management decisions must be employed. COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN There are approximately 2,500-commercial fishermen presently licensed with the State Division of Fish and Game. Only licensed commercial fishermen are legally allowed to sell their catch. There are untold numbers of others who sell without purchasing the $10.00 license. The commercial fishermen of Hawaii can be characterized based on their fishing license applications. Most of the commercial fisher- men (69%) filling out the forms consider themselves boat captains. Very few call themselves shore fishermen (7%). For FY 1978-79, 2,447 commercial fishermen registered with the State of Hawaii Fish and Game.Division. This is down from the previous years total of 2,574 but higher than-any other year since 1952 (Fig. 3.1). 47 Table 3.1 Competing User Groups Type of Fishing Purpose End Result Commercial livelihood Traditional subsistence, self- food, a way of life sufficiency (techniques and gear have remained. virtually unchanged Recreational diversion/amusement mostly fun, bein g outdoors, catch a fish Charter to catch a big fish a photograph, catch (many tourists) i, large fish must obtain a fishing license an unknown quantity of fishermen in this group purchase commercial fishing licenses LICENSED COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN IN THE STATE OF HAWAII 4 3 @3 z co 0 7 z Uj 2 cc 2 w cn LL LL 0 cc Uj co 0 1928 1934 1940 1946 1952 1958 1964 1970 1976 1982 Figure 3. 1 50 According to these license forms the median age of our commer- cial fishermen is 40 years old. Most of them have lived in Hawaii most of their lives. Eighty-four percent have lived here all their lives. tn-citizens account for only 4% of the data. Approximately 5% of our commercial fishermen (fishers) are female. Table 3.2 depicts the types of preferred commercial fish-ing activities separated by island. The patterns of commercial fishing f6r each of the islands are relatively consistent. In 1978, over $12 million worth (13 million pounds) of fish were reported sold in /the State of Hawaii (Fig. 3.2). However, most will agree that as V much as 2 to 3 times that reported amount were actually sold. Al- though ovcr 100 species are Cold], the top dollar value fi@ihes, aku (skip,jack tuna), ahi (yellow-fin tuna), ono (wa.hoo), q@ule (hi g.-Eyed scad), opelu (mackerel scad), and opakapaka (pink snapper). make up 80% of the catch. CHARrER SPORT FISHERMEN M Becauselof the steepness with which the bottom drops off to great oceanic depths,(Fig. 3-3), sport fishermen can readily reach the highly oceanic and migratory fish species, such as marlin and tuna. Trolling.for these and other pelagic migratory species results in world famous trophy fishing and year-round charter boat opera- tions. These boats fish over waters between one and two thousand fathoms deep for alu (blue, black and striped marlin), ahi (yellow- fin tuna), mahimahi (dolphin fish), and ono (wahoo). Table 3.2-- Licensed - Commercial fishermen by Island and Gear Type Type of Fishing Oahu Hawaii Maui Kauai Molokai Lanai aquarium 83 21 1 1 1 fish pond 2 1 1 hand 3 22 15 6 8 2 handline 510 547 139 139 26 13 longline 65 30 4 4 2 1 pole & line 140 28 22 6 1 net gill 153 8 9 27 ?6 5 throw 4 15 5 5 6 purse 6 1 1 3 surround 33 6 4 4 hukilau 1 cross 9 fence 5 ay 21 1 akule 27 1 3 1 Vopel u 15 5 2 crab 7 10 6 lobster 1 2 unspecified 14 21 14 6 2 2 Total net 269 87 50 50 68 13 trap 88 9 4 3 4 1 trolling 510 458 77 159 28 15 other diving 69 2 10 12 1 spearing 16 4 2 1 squiding I 1 1 coral 19 1 3 shoreline 2 1 4 1 bottom 5 10 8 i Hawaii Fish and Game Data, FY 1978-79. These numbers represent gear preferences not actual numbers of fishermen. Total number of licensed com- mercial fishermen = 2,447. TOTAL CA@01@ (MIL@-IONS OF POUNDS) 0) CD ro ro 0 > X) 100.. a*,* %3 ..::IC3 LIM OD ............ 0 ....... . ....... ...... 0) .... . .............................0 K3 CD VALUE (MI'-*-:OVS OF DOLLARS) .................. I will full I I I I I I I I .: .......... . ..... 22@ so 100 500 OLOKAI 21*- 100 loo . . . . . . . . . . . NAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Soo 2d'- SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS 160* 159, 158' 15 7' 156' Figure 3.3 54 The charter sportfishing fleet consists of close to 200 vessels, most of which are moored on the Kona coast of the Big Island and at ,lz moored at Lahaina and Kewalo Basin and Pier 7 on Oahu. Others are @Maalaea on,Maui, Pokai Bay and Haleiwa on Oahu and Nawiliwili Harbor on Kauai. When charter business is slow, some charter boats twitch to the deepsea handline fishery for various species of bot- tomfish. Unlike California, marlin catches may be legally sold com- mercially in Hawaii. It is estimated that 74% of the charter boat ,catches are sold on the market and that over one million pounds of .4-'pelagic fish are caught annually by' our charter fishing flee -A- Charter boat customers in Hawaii spent an estimated $2.5 million in charter fees during 1977. The number of charter boat customers is related to the tourist activity in Hawaii. It is not yet known whether charter boat fishing is an__Lmp-or-ta@n-t-f-a-c-tEw-in-drAwing char- ter boat customers to the State. SUBSISTENCE FISHERMEN Although the challenge and excitement of trophy fishing draws many to the Hawaiian offshore fishing grounds, most of the recrea- tional/subsistence fishing in the State has been directed toward the variety of smaller tropical fishes inhabiting inshore reefs and rocky, sandy shores. Many of the preferred eating fishes are not necessarily the larger ones. The people of Hawaii have a variety of other criteria by which to jud@e their fishes, not the least of which are strong traditions associated with catching and preparing them. 55 Traditional or subsistence fishing is ingrained in the very fabric @),@of the Hawaiian lifestyle. The techniques and gear have remained virtu- ally the same except for the use of monofilament line. Fishing has be- come an art form 'as well as a way to feed the family. This artisanal fishing is a way of life. Unfortunately, descriptive and quantitative information about this group is limited since most of these fishermen are neither licensed nor required to report information concerning their fishing activities. Many of the subsistence fishermen are reluctant to discuss their activities and object to programs which might in any way hinder their traditional fishing lifestyle. RECREATIONAL FISHERMEN The last major competing fisheries participant is the recreation- al fisherman. This is a poorly studied, but substantial group of people. It is estimated that there are 93,000 recreational fisher- men as well as 20,000 scuba divers (Sea Grant, Marine Advisory Program). They enjoy the beautiful climate of Hawaii by partici- pating in water related activities including fishing. Their major interest is in having fun, being outdoors, and; if possible, to catch or spear a fish. They spend substan tial sums of money, are growing significantly in numbers, and should be considered a major contender in the fisheries arena. .Shoreline fishing is apparently the most common recreational fishing activity. It is estimated that 68%--of -all sports fishermen claim to be shoreline fishermen. The gear type most commonly used is pole and line. A variety of nets are also used by shoreline 56 fishermen as well as diving gear. Divers set gill nets and use spears to collect tako-, menpachi, manini, kumu, uhu, etc. and fine mesh hand nets (permit required) to collect aquarium fish. Lobsters must be. taken by hand or net only, although flagrant violations of the law occur. Many boating recreational fishermen help comprise the "mosquito fleet" which actually is a combination of recreational, subsistence, and commercial activities. Their appearance on the water as tiny dots in large numbers helped create the term mosquito fleet. Many of them ,@-fish for recreational/subsistence reasons but sell a portion of their catch to help defray the costs of their activities. Consequently, many hold a commercial fishing license. Much of the confusion could be eli,minated by improved licensing procedures which more clearly identify the user groups. A substan- tial increase in commercial license fees would likely separate the full-time commercial fisherman from the part-time commercial/recrea- tional fisherman. Other criteria for identifying the true commercial fisherman could be that used by DPED in their rules and regulations for vessel loan applications. According to their criteria, a commer- cial fisherman.must earn 51% of his income from commercial fishing activities. The recreational aspects, however clearly dominate the small [boat fishermen. Tro lling is the primary gear type used. The species caught are similar to the charter boat catches,but with fewer bill- fish. The number of fishermen identifying trolling as a primary gear 57 type has increased more rapidly than any other gear type (Table 3.3). This suggests a substantial increase in the part-time recreational/ mo Very few of these fishermen would char- acterize themselves as full-time commerci.al fishermen, although they " 0 h Id licenses. Sales of these fish are made primarily to independent fish dealers, small retail outlets and restaurants. Since most of these boats are trailered, boat ramp usage has become more heavily @burdened. A few examples of conflict (real or imagined) between competing user groups have begun to surface and may be expected to increase with time. The most successful nearshore fishery may well be the aquarium fish industry which collects reef fish for sale. This is a primarily commercial fishery whose activitieb sinc@@, 1973 have been reported to the State Division of Fish and Game. Growing concern is being voiced over the numbers of fish being collected by this user group. Glass bottom tour boats require large quantities of reef fish near shore for viewing purposes. Aquarium fishing in the State is predominantly confined to Oahu and Hawaii. Over 300,000 aquarium fish were caught in a three year period primarily in a few concentrated areas around-Oahu and Hawaii. The average catch per unit of effort on a statewide basis is 8.5 fish caught per manhour of effort. It has been feared by a number of groups that the commer- cial aquarium fishery is applying significant enough pressure in a few selected areas, in addition to pressures normally exerted by re- creational fishing, to cause damage to those biological communities. Table 3.3--- Preferred Commercial Fishing Activities TYPE OF GEAR NUMBER OF FISHERMEN PARTICIPATING 1977 1979 Pole and line. 223 197 flagline (longiine) ill 106 handline 1143 1374 trolling/charter 832 1247 trap 81 109 hand 79 56 spear 13 23 diving 60 coral 15 23 ponds 2 4 aquarium 123 107 nets opelu .26 22 gill and lay 210 228 throw: 31 35 akule (bag) 17 32 TOTAL NETS 284 317 Totals do not reflect numbers of actual fishermen but the number of times a fisherman checked this gear type. Fishermen frequently check several gear types. 59 Other studies have suggested that habitat destruction is more dam- aging than aquarium fish collecting to reef fish populations. Akule are presently sought by commercial fishermen and by, re-, creational interests as welt. Since a pole and line fisherman can- not compete with a large akuZe net in catch efficiency, growing an- tagonism is surfacing over the division of the akule resource and the ability of the resource to withstand heavy commercial fishing pres- sure. Fortunately, analysis of commercial akule catch data suggests that these stocks remain in good condition. Other problems associated with the use of nets are more preva- lent. "Save the Ulua" campaigners are already quite vocal in insisting that fin e mesh nets are depleting the stocks of small papio and other fish before they can mature to sport fishing six,@,,_, In charterboat fishermpn are growing more concerned over the anKunt of mahimahi and marlin incidentally captured by foreign longline fisher, men targeting for tunas. If tourism continues to remain Hawaii's major source of income, charter fishing will continue to grow and conflicts with commercial interests (both domestic and foreign) will increase. There are many more examples of conflicting opinions concerning the proper use of Hawaii's fisheries resources. Airplane spotters searching for schools of fish are angering fishermen lacking sophis- ticated fishing techniques. Full-time commercial fishermen resent the impact that part-time fishermen have on the market. Prices can fluctuate dramatically as a result making it difficult for the .@he@l 60 full-time commercial fisherman to predict his future. Native Hawaiians are beginning to voice demands for "rights" to fish anywhere for food use. The Maui chapter of the Sierra Club has gone on record opposing the return of inter-island hydrofoil boats near Maui for fear it would impact adversely on the endangered humpback whale populations. There are many more examples of conflicting opinions concerning the proper use of Hawaii's coastal zone and its resources. According to a recent University of Rhode Island study of com- mercial fishermen, management plans, if not considered carefully, can alter the characteristics of fishing which fishermen value most highly. According to the study, the three most important needs of the fishermen were self-fulfillment and the creation of a meaningful life, economic security,, end time, for family and social life. 1hose involved in inshore fisheries did not find their work as financially i rewarding but were compensated by a way of life allowing them time with their families. On the other hand, offshore fishermen felt their work was economically satisfying but that it strained family relationships. _7 HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF FISHING CHAPTER IV HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF FISHING Hawaiian fisheries statistics were first compiled in 1900. The U.S. Fish Commission sent John Cobb to Hawaii to assess the commercial fisheries. His highly detailed and descriptive report outlines indivi- dual island fisheries (Cobb, 1903). Surprisingly, most of the types of or fishing that Cobb reported are still carried on today. One notable 3xception is the malolo (flying fish) fishery which at one time accounted for over 573,082 pounds of fish landed, but, is no lo-nger of any commer- dal significance.. The Division ot Fish aid Game ol Ific Hawai'l Dr-@pa6mpn! o-, Land afid Natural RPSOUYLPS i'; th;1- fisheriEs data collection'. body fo! the S'Late. lhe Division first implemcnted a permanent data collection program, focusing almost exclusively on commercial fishing activities, in the late 1940's. All commercial fishermen were then and are still required to purchase an annual license in order to sell their catch (Fig. 4,1). In addition, they are required to submit one of a variety of catch reports depending on the type of commercial fishing activity (Table 4.0. Major emphasis is placed on the monthly catch reports which are key punched onto cards for data processing (Fig. 4.2). The area codes which provide identification of fishing grounds can be seen in Figure 4.3. This cha(rt aids the fisherman in filling out his catch report 62 Figure 4.1 State of Hawaii FG-1 (Rev 7/78) DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES LICENSE NO. 79 DIVISION OF FISH AND GAME Effective: Date of Inue to June 30, 1979 1 0 NEW COMMERCIAL FISHING LICENSE LICENSE FEE 2 0 RENEWAL 1978-1979 1 0 RESIDENT- $10.00 3 C3 MAIL 2 11 NON-RESIDENT $20.00 Name ILAST. vensv, "IDOLS INITIAL) Sax Birth Date Weight Height Color of Hair Color of Eyes MO F Mailing Address city ICOU zip -9 as I -de n cii Streei -No. X'-Name oUnty/Staie zip C Birth Place Length of ResidenceIU.S. Citizen? one Home in Hawaii 1 10 Yes. 2 El No P@_O@T CHECK ONE: PRIMARY TYPE OF FISHING Name of Boat (Check 00 more than 2)x 20CREW S.GMATURN OW LICSNSKK MEMBER A 8 Fish Pond If Minor Name of Boat C Hand (L.JIAU, OPINI. KTC.) below age 18 FARS"T OR GUARDIAN Aquarium 0 Handline (camp swA. smo"ona) E Longline (AHI SCATS. PLACLINU 2 [:1 BOAT HA No.. SmT LINZ. KAKA LINK)' VALIDATION (FISH AND GAME USE ONLY) CAPTAIN Documented No.: 0 Nets -L Number of Crew; SPIECIFY (*ILL. THROW Tlt^VWL. PURVIS, ISURROUNC, "U;CMAU, 97C.) j_Port of Anchorage: F Pole & Line J^KU *OATS, SHORSLINRI H Traps(PoTs) AQKMT 3 0 SHORELINE FISHERMAN I Trolling Other Monthly Fish Catch Report Required?IYes 2 0 No IOAT.- ISLANO *ANY PERSON WHO HAS RESIDED IN THE STATE FOR ONE YEAR OR LONGER 'HAWAII REV' SED STATUTES 189,2) "ORIGINAL TO LICENSEE" TABLE 4.1 SUMMARY OF DATA REQUIRED BY HAWAII FISH AND GAME MONTHLY REPORT FORMS Aquarium Fish Flagline Aku Fish, Pond Catch Catch Catch Catch Operators Catch Pounds by Species x x x x Number by Species x x x x x Area x x x X* Effort Gear Used x x x Days Fished** x Total Days Fished x Total Hours Fished x Day of Landing x Number Days at Sea x Number of Baskets x Number Crew x Depth Caught x Economic Pounds Sold By Species x x Number Fish Sold by Species x Total Value Sold x x x x x by Species Port of Landing x x x *Zone Fished **Resd1ts must be detailed for each day Figure 4.2 DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND DIVISION OF FISH AND GAME NATURAL RESOURCES i STATE OF HAWAII FISH CATCH REPORT cense No..... 8 1. Name of Licensee ............................................................................. 2. Commercial Fishing Li Name of Boat ....................................................... 4. H A N o'. FHTA I I IT] Mo th Fishe d 7. Year F ished - 19 ...................... Day 9. Area 10. Type of Fishing 11. Species Caught 12. No. 13. Lbs. t 14. Lbs. 15. Valueof 16. Port of Fished Fished Gear Used Caugh 11 Caugh Sold Lbs. Sold Landing The above report is true, correct, and complete to the best of my Instructions an Inside of Cover knowledge and belief. C-3 (Rev. 4-76) 17. Signature ................................ ............................ ............. Licensee 0 Authorized Agent SEND THIS IN IDS IDS 597 598 list 640 641 Illot 194 5113 0111 591 $too 500 114141 Sol 569 470 009 406 Got $63 M ITS 679. 580 list 594 sea 463 464 465 -69 447 373 5113 set DID 5?6 574 111`11 OU 4611 491 440 4059 456 372 9 364 IRS ..usI 524 621 464 us "It IF M *26 457 its, 342 ass 364 $65 364 347 424 416 11111o 10 all 4*7 540 set 667 He 11all $64 563 $62 465 IDS 357 35S 355 354 252 IDS 428 sit 333 at@ a as* $55 DID $51 $as 559 DID Sol 404 455 422 421 429 Motoma Sol 353 940 ISO 490 331 328 323 033 $32 111 Sao 549 940 54? 440 449 450 1151 452 3DI 329 Soo IlAut 248 247 244 32? 324 $40 541 642 B43 544 645 549 447 *46 445 444 443 350 197 It* IDS 349 Its 324 326 346 347 114- 440 441 44t 345 194 IDS tat Its FISHERIES CHART NO. 2 344 R43 3-@ I., lee 7116 C60 Or few In -kin son fh celwh report.. Indlosit, the at rumoriums be Fill, aught by writing on the blink Ise immud.=d.; a Or A I I "Areue of Cah" the -= or - mumb- .. al- - this hwt. W Tbe Where evott extend Ion beyond t1u, reelf., roughly 2 miles from the comilles. 340 3fl 6, 1-5 164 The ffb- ..kad from the set. bmirelinies of the Inhore evers 1. 20 .4. f- the cousettlim. TW block. o. the dust m, , the mkf@ some which com ftnotty minutes of Wit twirty I oflonkude.Sb*Wdmid@om"bcfW"whkbmwI I .h.rmvos;W the closer , Imitate " the such report Iht hithude ond lo4tude of the arch 1 178 OR? a well . dor comne of the Mine trip: eg.. 14' N. 139' ON, from Chtbom. Idand is Honolulu. Should Ishoul; be flubed which - of given - thi. chm. initial. no Ch. quiet. the .- or -Mr, of the Ishod. fldnd: .,a., Part *.it Hveoc. Itself or Christ- it ,,,in hhoodi. I?S IF,! ITS 172 ISO Its ITI ITO L Additional criples of this clourt my be obtelmel from the Division of Flob used Quirs. THIS CHART IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN NAVIGATION. IDS ISO lea lei lot MV1=?i OF FISH APM GAME FIGURE 4.3 is- Ise 154 loll lot $91 ISO is M M M - sion onim loll I M I III I 67 regarding area of catch. The majority of commercial fishing is confined to within 20 miles of the coastline. .." ............ ............................. ................ These commercial catch reports represent the only fisheries data available for analysis. Consequently, they form the basis for fishery management programs. The data, however, is frequently open to question in terms of accuracy and reliability. Fishermen are notorious every- where for protecting the privacy of their fishing activities as well as not seeing the benefits to data collection. Hawaii is no exception. tbt surprisingly, the island of Oahu always leads.,in the number of commercial fishermen, fishing vessels, and total landings. In 1903, Oahu led in fishermen (1,478) followed by Hawaii (827), Kauai (314), Molokai (300), Maui (279), Lanai (22), Niihau (827), and Kahoolawe (9). In 1978, Oahu once again led in numbers of licensed fishermen (1,235), followed by Hawaii (712), Maui (217), Kauai (215), Molokai (44), and Lanai (24). In 1903, akule was the most abundant species landed. 'Amal=a had the greater dollar value. Aku was second in quantity and sixth in value of catch. Other important species were ulua, awa, opelu, oio, kawakawa, ahi, kwm, rwi., awaawa-, hapuupuu. weke, opihi, he'e., papai, and ula. Hawaiians predominated in the fisheries of Hawaii in 1900. Only one-fourth of the fishermen were Japanese. In 1903, the situation reversed itself, and the Japanese became the dominant ethnic group fishing in Hawaii. Other ethnic groups occupy insignificant proportions of the total. At the same time, the Japanese became dominant in the 68 fishery market place, maintaining this position to the present day- The Japanese influence on fishing has become so great that Japanese names for fish are, in some cases, more frequently used than the Hawaiian names. There are frequently four different names for our Hawaiian fish. For example, albacore tuna (common name) is called ahipaZaha (Hawaiian name), tonbo (Japanese name), and Thunnus alalunga (scientific name). Squirrel fish (common name) is called ulu (Hawaiian name), menpachi (Japenese name) and 4ripristis argyromus (scientific name). A list of fish names is appended to this report. In general the local name of the fish will be used in this report. The reader is requested to refer to the appendix for additional names. A more detailed comparison of the 1903 stai.istics with those of the present day (lq78) reveals some iniF-rest'inq al@ld fl!CUqhl-provoking contrasts and similarities. The several islands tpnded to speciali7e in different kinds of fisheries, with only a few taken commercially at TF1--o f theislands mo i, 1=a6a, @=Za, oio, uku, ul=Za, and uZua Kauai, Molokai, and Lanai played much larger roles in Hawaii's fisheries than they do today. Maui and Hawaii were close rivals in total landings, and each produced nearly half as much fish as Oahu. Some species, many of which have always been prized as table fish in Hawaii, were landed in much greater quantities in 1903 tha n they are at present (1978): ulua (461,760 versus 121,530 lb), flying fish (36,000 vs. 0 lb), mullet(714,705 vs. 17,848 lb),, moano (151,970 vs. @ 7,658 lb), moi (109,719 vs. 1,934 lb), oio (210,212 vs. 10,878 lb), moray eels (66,279 vs. 5, .087 lb), lobster(81,414 vs. 33,719 lb) and koZe, i@l @reputed to,have been a "royal fish" (28,282 vs. 2,613 lb). Besides the 69 malolo (flying fish) many more categories were listed in 1903 that have ceased to be taken in commercial quantities. In total, Cobb listed 130 categories (species or products) in his catch statistics, compared' with the presently reported 87 categories. A dramatic change in the pond catch is obvious from the data. The Chinese were the major ethnic group engaged in operating fish ponds. This unique form of fisheries and aquaculture has been almost abandoned (672,953 vs. 23,293 lb). See Table 4.2 for a comparison. Landings of most offshore pelagic species, such as mahimahi, aku and other tunas, were very small compared with the present, but kawakawa, the most coastal in occurrence of the tunas in this region,:was caught in greater quantity than it is now (165,714 vs. 18,506 lb). Aku7e landings were much higher in 1903 than they are ol. preG(@ni (I :190,22s, vs. 367,324 lb). Among deepsea 6ottomfish., the present opokapaka landings are more than 30 times those of 1903, and hapu upuu landings have increased by 10 times. Uku, ulauZa (onaga) and kahaZa catches have@ not changed greatly in three-quarters of a century. Oth er categories which have remained much the same are Lim (edible seaweeds), sharks, U u (menpachi)., weke_, kaZa and opeZu. Some of the large decreases in production over the past three- quarters of a century'probably reflect real reductions of inshore resources b3@=`fishi`ngpr`es-sure, -whii'eothers a-redu@eto -Zhanges in@@consumer tastes, reduced effort in catching low-priced fish or data reporting methods. The 1978 data is from commercial fish catch data only. We are as yet unable to determine the extent of fish catch by the recreational/subsis- tence or charter fishing users unless they sell and report their catches Table 4.2--Comparative Pond Catches 19031 1978' Island Pounds Value Pounds Value Hawaii 218 $ 54 4,00 $ 6,497 Maui 38,982 5,400 Lanai 2,400 600 Molokai 43,361 10,279 Oahu 578,292 93,568 19,290 26,241 Kauai 9,700 1,420 - - 101AI (--0,953 $111,321 ?3,?93 $ 3?,738 Cobb, 1903 @Hawaii Fish and Game Data, 1978 71 as commercial fishermen. Consequently, it is difficult to make strict comparisons between catches at the turn of the century with more recent catch data without some qualifications. The big increases in the catches of offshore pelagic species and the deeper bottomfish doubtless have been brought about by larger, faster boats and more efficient equipment and methods. Catch statistics for the 1927-28 fiscal ear are presented in y a manuscript report apparently based on articles which were published about that time in a local Japanese language newspaper. During that period,approximately 50 years ago, a total annual catch of about 11 million pounds was reported, which is not very different from some recent years. The aku catch was less than half the recent lovel, but ahi (large tuna) landings were only !lightly lower thdn thpy are now,, According to the manuscript, there were many more-flagline boats in the tuna fishery than,there are now., The akute an-d opeZu catches were about the same as in fiscal year 1977-78. Among bottomfishes, opakapaka and ulaula.(onagc'@) were about half the current levels, but utua, uku and kahaZa production was roughly twice what it is now. Mahimahi was produced in quantities comparable to the present, which is rather sur- prising in view of the great increase in trolling in recent years. Ono (wahoo) landings, on the other hand, were much less than at present, and may have been less esteemed by the earlier consumers than it is now. As in John Cobb's time., inshore specieslof mullet, moi, and oio.were produced.in much greater quantities than they are today. v r V. /V I r I I 11 --------- ====== . I I n I ",-@ v I ----? I I FISHING FLEET PROFILE I @:--A I L-- 'I I CHAPTER V V FISHING FLEET PROFILE . The subject of boating in Hawaii generally stimulates great public interest. The interest reflects the great diversity of boaters and their boats - with a wide variety in types and sizes and individual requirements. Hawaii's coastline is not very hospitable to most boating. This is due in part to the lack of protected waters and inland waterway s. Consequently, berthing and mooring facilities for boats are at a premium and waitin'g lists of up to 4 years are not uncommon forpublic berthing facilities. Perhaps as a result, Hawaii ranks last among coastal states in registered boats. Hawaii is not alone in its struggle to moor its boats. Nationally, a place to moor one's boat is a scarce commodity and about 85% of all boating in America is consequently by trailered power boats. With an expanding population and as le isure time increases, the boating population will also increase. The major curtailing influence on boating has been and will potentially again be fuel shortages. The Hawaii Water Resources Regional Study of 1979,.projects estimates of berthing and launching requirements barring major fuel shortages (Table.5.1). The small boat harbors in the State are detailed with respect to existing and potential berths in Table 5.2. The State's 73 Table 5.1--Projected Demand for Small Boat Berths Year 20001 .Existing Projected Wet Island Harbor .,@Stored Requirements Capacities Hawaii 241 440 Maui 156 457. Lanai 21 70 Molokai 31 ill Oahu 2,130 5,197 Kauai 88 831. TOTAL 2,476 106 .Projected Demand for Boat Launching Ramps Year 2000 Existing Projected Island Ramp Lines Demand 2000 Hawaii 17 28 Maui 8 17 Lanai 1 3 Molokai 1 5 Oahu 32 156 Kauai 12 18 TOTAL 71 227 lHcaoaii Water Resources PZan, 1979 Table 5.2--Small Boat Harbors Number of Berths Location Existing Potential Hawaii Radio Bay 12 12 Wailoa Harbor 35 Reeds Bay 27 270 Keahou Harbor 13 Kailua-Kona Harbor 49 Honokohau Harbor 57 Kawaihae Harbor 48 300 Maui Lahaina Area 268 Lahaina Harbor 93 Maalaea Harbor 63 198 Kahului Harbor (anchorage) Lanai Makaiwa n/a Manele Harbor 21 97 Molokai Kalaupapa Harbor (anchorage) Kaunakakai Harbor 31 Oahu Kaneohe Bay Area n/a Heeia Kea Harbor 75 300 Kaneohe Bay Marina 90 Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station 25 Kaneohe Yacht Club 200 Kailua Area 300 Waimanalo Area n/a Hawaii Kai Marina 40 Maunalua Bay 250 Ala Wai Harbor 705 30+ Wai ki ki , Yacht Cl ub 135 Kewalo Basin n/a Keehi Harbor 342 n/a La Mariana 50 Pearl Harbor 100 Barbers Point 300 Waianae Area (Pokai Bay) 89 Waianae Harbor n/a 300 Haleiwa Harbor 88 200 Kauai Hanalei Bay 180 Nawiliwili Harbor 28 166 Kukuiula Harbor 9 Port Allen Harbor 43 Kiliaola Harbor 8 130 Hawaii Water Resources PZan, 1979 76 most crowded and desirable harbors are the Ala Wai and Kewalo on Oahu, Lahaina on Maui, and Honokohau on Hawaii. Of the 13,695 vessels (including sail) registered with the State of Hawaii Department of Transportation (undocumented), 1,100 are identified as principally commercial or charter fishing vessels. The vast majority (12,192) of boat owners identify pleasure as the princi- pal use. Fishing, undoubtedly, is a substantial component of this pleasure. The undocumented vessels are primarily outboard (Fig. 5.1), fiber- glass-hulled (Fig. 5.2) vessels, although wood hulls and other propul- sion types are well represented. Most of the undocumented fishing ves- !@els are between 16 and 25 feet in length (Fig. 5.3) and are consequently of the trailerable si@e. A much smaller percentagF of IhL'I.F@ arc moored on water. lable 5.3 gives a break down by island of the storage of undocumented fishing vessels. Twenty percent of the fishing vessels in Hawaii are documented with the U.S. Coast Guard. Commercial fishing or charter passenger fishing is identified as a primary activity for 277 of the 1,015 documented vessels (Table 5.4). All commerci al vessels over 5 net tons must be documented and must conform to both state and federal laws. They consequently receive a number of benefits not afforded undocumented These include public health benefits to crew and preference vessels. in mortgage loan approvals. There are a number of additional boat ing needs that should be addressed, including the problems of sail boats and outrigger canoes. There are over 40 canoe clubs in Hawaii and, although not considered J Figure 5.1 Undocumented Fishing Vessels- PROPULSION ............................. -4 OUTBOARD 52% o rHEr ----- -- 0.3% MANUAt. 0.7% SAIL INBOARD OUT/IN-BOARD 2% 19% 26% Source: State of Hawaii. DOT,1979 Figure 5.2 Undocumented Fishing Vessels' HULL TYPES WOOD 35% -01'HER 3% ALLIMINUMI FIBER GLASS 1% 61% Source: State of Hawaii, DOT, 1979 Figure 5.3 Undocumented Fishing Vessels- LENGTHS <161 8.b% :16'- 2 5' 72.3% % 26'- 39' 18.1% Source: State of Hawaii,DOT,1979 Table 5. 3 HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNDOCUMENTED FISHING VESSELS Oahu Maui Kauai Hawaii Molokai Lanai 'Total Stored on land 292 77 174 239 16 2 800 Moore d on water 141 49 39 55 13 3 300 TOTALS 433 126 213 294 29 5 1100 Table 5.4 U.S. COAST GUARD DOCUMENTED FISHING VESSELS @1979 Fishing Charter Passenger < Tor- > 401 < 40' 401 TOTAL Oahu 28 54 33 40 155 Maui 7 3 15 9 34 Hawaii 14 8 47 6 75 Kauai 2 1 4 2 9 Molokai 0 0 1 1 Lanai 0 0 2 0 2 TOTALS 51 66 102 b, 8 277 82 of relevance to the fishing vessel question, their growing numbers @j vie for space and compete successfully for funds and support facilities with the larger commercial vessels. V-1 NIIHAO CKAUAI I HU KAULA MOLOKAI HONOLULU qXMAUI M LANAID P FISHERIES BY ISLAND CHAPTER VI FISHERIES BY ISLAND There are enough similarities between individual islands regarding the problems of fisheries that one could lump most situations into statewide issues. All islands suffer from a lack of good safe har- bors, launching ramps and trailer parking, inadequate fuel, ice and storage facilities, competition between fishermen, scarcity of Fish and Game enforcement officers, dwindling nearshore resources, and poorly understood marketing procedures. Nevertheless, there are apparent individual island differences which justify examining the fisheries of Hawaii from an island to island basis as well. There exists a sense of island pride which results in a desire to "do our own thing" with regard to fisheries, though there are still more similarities than dissimilarities betwq3cn islands with regard to fishing. The following list represents the fisheries problem areas for the Hawaiian Islands, as outlined by the University of Hawaii Sea Grant Marine Advisory agents. These agents, stationed on the islands, work with a variety of marine related issues including fishing. Al- though the list is extensive, it is by no means comprehensive or prior- itized. It does show a variety of issues and impediments of concern to the fishing community which should be addressed. 84 85 FISHERIES PROBLEM AREAS AS PERCEIVED BY MAP AGENTS East Hawaii Local fishermen waste time and fuel in locating schools of migratory and bofto-mfi@�@-" Fish quality, especially ahi burn, is still a problem. Small boaters need better dock facilities, such as fuel pumps,, ice machines, reef s, etc. Need for better and more stabl ;t _--new markets for commerical catches and uncFerutilized species, especially squid. Need for information on new fishing techniques, equipment, safety devices. Need for legislation to allow fishermen to send their catches more cheaply (via lower air f-rei3ht tes) to mainland, foreign jr @ai countries. Protection agdinst oth prices. @rs loodi ng 'the market and undercutting Regulation of fishing around buoys --- conflicts-amo-ng gear type users. West Hawaii Availability of fish to local consumers at reasonable prices. Vessel/equipment/maintenance cost Need for south Kona launch ramps.S/ Commercial/recreational fishermen conflict. Marlin utilization/marketing. Management/enforcement - more visibility needed for Fish and Game. Maui Lack of support facilities - dockside fuel and ice. Effects of taape on older fisheries. Ignorance of financial assistance availability. 86 Effects of "Honolulu Style" fisheries on Maui. Baitfish of aku. - minnow culture, improvement of nehu stocks'. illegal harvesting of iao. Launching ramps: � Maui has the leatt? � Most lack shower/toilet facilities. Artifical reefs why not make more? Kauai Marketing - prices being cut by casual "commerical" fisherman. Gas - inadequate allocations for fishermen. Ice/refrigeration/freezing - need ice facilities in Hanalei, V// Lihue, West Side; need flash freezer capability. Taape - will wipe out bottom fishery in near future if uncontrolled. Reef conservation - all reef areas drastically overfished; massive V` kapuku plan needed immediately. Boat loan money is needed withless red tape.V/ Sharks - high populat-ion is resulting in major losses to fishermen, especially in the Niihau, Kauai area. Net fishing in bays - controversy is high over the multiple-V/ use of bays and harbors between recreational and commercial fishermen, recent regulations are not enough. Aggregation buoys - more are needed in plan for Kauai area, es ecia flyHinalei area. Enforcement - inadequate number of officers, too lax a court system. Oahu Conflicts between netters and other fishermen. Illegal practices (e.g., clorox, chlorine, F&G violations, and weak court action). Underuti 1 ization of sel ected species (e. g. , taape) Not enough fish to go around - need stock enhancement/management. 87 'Oahu continued Need data for better management. Need money for improving F&G management/enforcement. Financial assistance and business management education. Shore-based facilities (harbors, ramps, storage, etc.).V/ Developing seafood market (home consumption, restaurants). Figure 6.1 depicts the top ten fishing areas in the State 'based on average pounds of fish reported. Interestingly, not all the top areas are offshore areas (area 102 is ranked second in the state). This suggests that inshore (0-2 miles) fishing pressure is considerable, despite the presence of offshore tuna grounds. Figures 6.2 and 6.3 show the relationship of the skipjack tuna catches (a highly migratory species) for all the islands as compared with the other species reported in these same areas. The separation of the aku catch from the rest ot the catch provides a-better indication of consistent patterns of fish- ing pressure around the Hawaiian Islands. .:K Xx 7 6 5 NIP, 4 Figure 6.1 AVERAGE ANNUAL OFFSHORE AND INSHORE CATCH, 1973 - 1977 SEGMENT CATCH RANKING (POUNDS) 2 1 1,401,345 2 1,128,261 .......... 3 1,046,475 4 1,003,490 8 5 638,372 6 451,298 7 411,051 8 372,857 9 365,581 10 356,274 me a* at Figure 6.2 AVERAGE ANNUAL CATCH OF SKIPJACK TUNA FROM 1973 TO 1977 P0 500.000 250,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 He 0 an El eamoomm..6 H me E.n a .8:::::* am 0 memo & ....... Nam New ME ...... a man:: W.m son m mom* OAHU w::m :Wam, ......... 0:06:n a memo MOLOK 11111 HHH"I'l a S181:88 I I I I U& .:Boom NEEMB: Me oomm:::::: moommoveRMB, LANAI MAU I Figure 6.2 AVERAGE ANNUAL CATCH OF SKIPJACK TUNA FROM 1973 TO 1977 POUNDS 600,000 - ABOVE 250,000 - 499,999 100,000 - 249,999 75,000 - 99,999 50.000 - 74,999 25,000 - 49,999 o 10,.000 - 24,999 0 - 9,999 H A W A I I Figure 6.2 AVERAGE ANNUAL CATCH OF SKIPJACK TUNA POUNDS FROM 1973 TO 1977 500,000 - ABOVE 250,000 - 499,999 lo.0,000 - 249,999 75,000 - 99,999 EB 50,000 - 74,999 25,000 - 49,999 10,000 - 24,999 0 9,999 slew KAUAI Is" Figure 6.3 AVERAGE ANNUAL CATCH EXCLUDING SKIPJACK TUNA FROM 1973 TO 1977 POUNDS 500.000 - ABOVE 250,000 - 499,999 100,000 - 249,999 F8 0 75,000 - 99,999 50,000 - 74,999 25,000 - 49,999 10,000 24,999 0 9,999 Mom 2:2-m""Nom OAHU :W Mae Room: a MOLOKAI MAU I RN lot an out, am, plot rw tilm, 1161 Fi gu re 6. 3 AVERAGE ANNUAL CATCH EXCLUDING SKIPJACK TUNA FROM 1973 TO 1977 POUNDS 600,000 - ABOVE 250,000 - 499,999 100,000 - 249,999 75,000 - 99,999 50,000 - 74,999 25,000 - 49,999 F @j 10,000 - 24.999 0 - 9.999 H A W A I I Figure 6.3 AVERAGE ANNUAL CATCH EXCLUDING SKIPJACK TUNA FROM 1973 TO 1977 POUNDS 500,000 ABOVE 250,000 4%.9" 10.0,000 249,999 75,000 '39,999 50,000 74,999 25.000 49,999 10.000 24,999 ED 0 qgqq KAUAI 95 Fisheries of Oahu Oahu stands alone in many respects from a fishing perspective. With over 80 percent of the state's population residing here, it is clear that greater fishing pressure and demand for facilities exists. This fishing pressure is evidenced by the many shoreline recreation spots, within easy access, along the highway that circles the island. The majority (70-75%) of._the,commerc caughtJish are landed on Oahu.,This is due more to the abundance of Oahu fishermen, location of markets, harbors, and other infrastructure than to resource avail- ability around the island; though Oahu has the two best baiting grounds for the aku fishery, Pearl Harbor and Kaneohe Bay. Kewalo Basin is the center of commercial fishing activitiy th Honolulu. Hawaiian Tuna Packers (a subsidiary of Bumble Be,3) is lo-- cated on the west side of Kewalo Basin. The cannery also owns and op- erates the ice plant and provides temporary cold storage. A marine railway with excellent repair facilities, the Honolulu fish auction, and a frozen fish processing facility are also located in Kewalo Basin. No'fueling facility is available at present. Kewalo Basin provides berths for 122 commercial fishing vessels. There are also 28 charter fishing boats and a number of pleasure craft in Kewalo Basin making it one of the most desireable and crowded of the state's harbors. Berthing is also available inside Honolulu Harbor at piers 15 and 17 for an additional 21 vessels. Three other marine railways are lo- cated in Honolulu at the Dillingham yard in Honolulu Harbor, at Keehi 96 Lagoon, and at the Ala Wai Marina. smaller scale commercial activities as well as recreational fish- ing activities also take place out of the other smaller boat harbors around the island, including Ala Wai, Heeia-Kea, Haleiwa, and Pokai ,,Bay small boat harbors. The need for additional moorage and launching ------------- facilities for small boats around Oahu has prompted the Department of !Transportation in cooperation with the U S. Army Corps of Engineers "to hold public hearings regarding a number of proposed sites. The public hearings are frequently arenas for open discussions concerning coastal zone use conflicts between the variety of boating interests and. the other competing recreational and private shoreline interests. These conflicts will be discussed in greater detail in Coastal Zone Issues (Chapter VII). In 1903, Oahu landed 3,515,850 pounds of fish, primarily with the use of lines. Gill nets were also a significant gear type. Since then, Oahu's landings have ranged from a high of 15,591,527 pounds in 1965, to a low of 6,408,569 pounds in 1975 (Figure 6.4). As it is today, aku ,was the leading species in the fishery with other important species being aimama, akule and awa. Offshore and inshore catches from 1966-77 are shown in Figures 6.5 and 6.6. The migratory nature of the aku may result in broad fluctuations in the catch from one year to the next. The contributing influence of the tuna catch to the total offshore catch is apparent by comparing the non-tuna catch in Figure 6.5. Conversely, the tuna catch had little impact on the total inshore statistics (Figure 6.6). ISLAND OF OAHU 16 14 12 z 0 CL 10 LL 0 U) z 0 iA -j 8 U) z 6 0 4 2 0 1959 1964 1969 1974 1979 7 I gj.-e - Figure 6.5 ORHU FISH CRTCH OFFSHORE AREAS 420-429 TOTRL 6 C3 cm 4 cn 2 0 1960 1,965 1970 t5 1 9VLp NON-TUNR cl) C3 :z "Jim M U- c:24 cn CD 2 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 TERRS Figure 6.6 .@ORHU FISH CATCH INSHOBE RREAS 400-40.9 1000 800 TOTAL C) 0- 600 U_ C) C= 400 M 200 0 1 f I I f I 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1000 800 NON-TUNA Lo C3 :z a- 600 C!, C3 C3 C@-r_ 400 c:) T_ 200 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 TEARS 100 In Table 6. 1, the top 5 species are listed for each of the 30 fishing areas surrounding Oahu. Refer to the map in Figure 4.3 for the location of these areas. Area 423 off of the Waianae coast is the highest ranking area by poundage in the entire state (Figure 6.1). This is due mostly to the comfort of fishing in the calm lee of the island and the promise of aku, ahi, or marlin catches. Aku_, ahi_, akule, and blue marlin were the principal species of fish reported from Area 423 in 1977 (Table 6.1). Reports also show that this area had the greatest landings of striped marlin, albacore, aku, bigeye ahi, broadbill swordfish, sailfish, and mahimahi in the entire state. Figures 6.7 and 6.8 show the catches and catch rates, or, catch per unit effort (CPUE), for mahimahi and striped marlin in this area for the years 1966-78. CPUE, a statistic used.by fisheries managers to inidicate the abundance of a particular fish stock, is determined by the pounds of fish caught per fisherman trip. One can see, in the years 1969-75, that when the absolute catch increased, the catch per unit of effort similarily increased, and vice versa. This suggests that the effort expended had remained fairly constant. Figures 6.9 through 6.11 present the CPUE and catch curves for aku, blue marlin and omiZu in area 423 for the years 1966-78. Table 6.1--Top Ranking Species by Total Pounds Caught in 1977 Oahu Area* #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 400 limu hahalalu akule palani amaama 401 hahalalu akule uku ulua weke-ula 402 aku akule weke limu hahalalu 403 aku akule opelu weke-ula hahalalu 404 white crab akule hahalalu kala uku 405 akule weke palani hahalalu uhu 406 akule weke tako kona crab menpachi 407 Hmu amaama akule Iala wnke 408 wake palani akule limu uhu 409 weke palani ahi-yf akule manini 420 aku ahi-yf blue marlin mahimahi akule 421 aku ahi-yf blue marlin mahimahi hahalalu 422 aku ahi-yf blue marlin mahimahi kawakawa 423 aku ahi-yf ahi-be akule blue marlin 424 aku ahi-be ahi-yf blue marlin mahimahi 425 aku ahi-yf ahi-be mahimahi blue marlin 426 aku ahi-yf ahi-be blue marlin mahimahi 427 aku ahi-yf akule limu mahimahi 428 aku ahi-yf mahimahi blue marlin kala 429 aku akule weke ahi-yf palani *See Figure 4.3 for location of areas. Ffgur-e 6. 7 RREA 423 MAHIMAHI- 100 1 1 . . 80 LU 60 a- 40 20 '30 - ----- 20 co cm to C= 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS jlv@ Figure 6.8 RREA 423 STBIPED MABLIN 1200 1000 800 Uj 600 Cl- 400 200 0 0 0 i cm CL- 150 loo C= co cm 50 cm 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEABS Figure 6.9 ABER 423 AKU loooc 8000 6000 LU 0- U 4000 2000 2000 r - v o -A6 1 i E) 1600 Q- CD U-) 1200 C= cn -n 800 CD 400 Lj C-T- 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS Fi gu re 6. 10 AREA 423 -BLUE MARLIN 500 400 300 200 100 so Cf) cm c:' 30 - cm C= 20 C= 10 cc C-) 0 .1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS 1 11 MI I= I @l 18 1 CAM !.m ZD CD CD CD CD C) CD CD (N CD (D co "NnOJ A SONUSnDHI) H 3ndJ 107 Fisheries of the Island of Hawaii Hawaii is the largest island in the Hawaiian chain and the young- est from a geological standpoint. Two of its volcanoes are still ac- tive. In addition to having a population of almost 85,000 1 it is the fastest growing island in the State. With this growth, fishing ac- tivity on the Big Island has also been increasing dramatically in recent years. Unfortunately, the island is typically lacking in good harbors. Hilo harbor, on the windward side, is rather open and only partially protected by offshore coral reefs. Many fishermen, unable to moor their boats safely must launch them from trailers at various points around the island during calm weather. Commercial fishing activV Jocated primarily 'in Hi"lo and Koria. fhough Hilo has been the center for commercial fishing for many years, Kona has grown very rapidly and now competes quite favorably for com- mercial fishing activity. In addition, Kona is the site for the largest sport fishery in the islands and has therefore attracted many fishing support facilities as well as an internationally famous annual billfish tournament. Generally speaking, on the Hilo side, fuel must be trucked in since there are no fueling docks. Fishermen must pick up their own ice, dockage is 1 i nited,-in-dr@-pai _rfaci_1i':0`es-a-re -rare-. --The '-'-Bi -gI-sl a-n4' is well known for its ahi catches and will be expected-to increase its ahi landings with improved icing facilities. 1 State of Hawaii Data Book. 1978. 108 On the Kailua-Kona side, fishing vessels moor at the Honokohau Harbor, the safest harbor on the coast and the most crowded. Other moorage (on dolphins or on anchors) is available in Kailua and Kealekekua Bay. These bays are safe for most of the year. Kealekekua Bay is now a marine life conservation distri ct which restricts various fishing and boating operations. Ice,,available in town at two suppliers, AME must be picked up by the fishermen themselves. Kawaihae on the northwest coast is a commercial deepwater port but facilities are inferior to Hilo and Kailua-Kona. It contains a small boat harbor lvdth 2 launching facilities but ice must be trucked from Hilo or Kona and there is no fuel dock. M Tke co!7,@ination of rough weather and the lack of good harbors is a serious drawback-to the fisheries of the "Big Jsland" and results, very likely, in the lopsided area distribution of fish catches as evidenced by the map depicting the bottomfish catches for Hawaii (Fig. 6.12). Fishermen appear to concentrate their fishing activities to a few areas close to safe harbors. The total catch landed on the "Big Island" in 1903 was 1,404,794 pounds valued at $101,149. The hand-line gear type was responsible for- 4/5 of this amount. Gill nets, seines, cast nets, spears, dip nets, hands, baskets, bag nets, and snares followed in that order. The akuZe (big-eyed scad) was the main species taken by the Hawaii fisheries, composing over 1/3 of the total catch. Other important species were aku, uZua, iwano_, kawakawa, oio, opeZu, and puhi. Figure 6.12 AVERAGE ANNUAL CATCH OF MAJOR BOTTOM FISHES FROM 1973-1977 SEGMENT CATCH RANKING (POUNDS) 1 24.398 2 12,631 3 7,629 4 6,994 5 5,320 ...... . . . . . . H A W A I I 2 0 5 NAUTICAL MILES 110 In 1977, the "Big Island" landed 2,591,467 pounds of fish (exclu- ding pond catch) valuing $2,327,835, second only to the island of Oahu. The major gear type remains the handline, followed by trolling. The ahi were.the major species taken followed by opihi, ono., opelu, akuZe, and blue marlin. See Table 6.2 for a listing of major species by area. Skipjack tuna (aku) is a highly migratory tuna species of great commercial importance to the State. The variability in the catches of this tuna species can frequently mask the general trends in catches of other less-migratory species of fish when the totals are lumped together. Figures 6.13 and 6.14 consequently distinguish between the skipjack and non-skipjack catches for inshore and offshore statistical areas around the "Big Island". Area 1?1 ieports the greatest cair-fie-, o-.-' ahi (YF), @Jue marl-*.r,.E,1d ono in the State. Catch and catch rate (CPUF) curves for these species are shown in Figures 6.15 through 6.17. Of note, CPUE curves have been relatively flat in recent years in Area 121 while total catches have made steep rises. This is indicative of a marked increase in fishing effort. Catch and catch rate (CPUE) curves for some of the other major species are shown by area in Figures 6.18 through 6.20. Table 6.2--Top Ranking Spectes by Total Pounds Caught in 1977 Hawaii Area* #2 #3 #4 #5 100 opelu ahi-yf menpachi aweoweo moana 101 opelu ahi-yf akule ono ulua 102 ahi-yf opelu ono menpachi uhu 103 ono mahimahi opihi miscellaneous opelu 104 opihi akule menpachi saba opelu 105 ahi-yf akule amaama kahala onaga 106 opihi taape moana aawa hage 107 ono menpachi taape ehu opihi 108 opihi ahi-yf menpachi opelu ono 120 ahi-yf blue marlin opakapaka opelu kahala 121 ahi-yf. blue marlin opelu ono ahi-be 122 ahi-yf blue marlin aku ono opakapaka 123 aku ono,, opelu opakapaka blue marlin 124 ahi-be broadbill striped marlin ahi-yf ono 125 ahi-yf aku albacore ahi-be ono 126 ahi-yf albacore ono ahi-be mahimahi .127 ahi-yf ono ehu ulua opakapaka 128 ahi-yf ono opakapaka onaga kahala *See Figure4 .3 for location of areas. Figure 6.13 ISLAND OF HAHAII FISH CATCH INSHORE AREAS 100-108 1200 1000 TOTAL tn C3 800 C3 0- U- C3 600 M cr- 400 c:) 200 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1200 1000 NON-TUNR 800 C3 C) 600 cr- 400 c:) 200 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS Figure 6.14' ISLAND OF HAWAII FISH CATCH OFFSHORE AREAS120-128 4000 TOTRL 3000 C3 ca LL- C3 2000 cn cm cc 1000 1960 1965 1970 1975 .1980 4000 NON-TUNR 3000 C3 c:) U- CD 2000 tn C3 cr. cn C) 1000 0 1960 -1965 1970 1975 1980 TEARS Figure 6.15 ABER 121 RHI 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 800 -n- r CD Cl- 600 LL- cn cm 400 C= cm 200 cc 0 1960 1.965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS Figure 6.16 AREA 1121 BLUE MARLIN 1200 . . . . 1000 LU 600 Li 400 200 I t 0 200 . . . . . . .. CD 150 cn cm 100 50 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS III limp 111111111 11111110 411111111111 CD CD LL. v--4 r CE Cc CD CD CD CD CD C; CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD M M C\j M M @ndj (S.CNnod A SONUSnOHI) H Figure-6.18 RBER 121 STRIPED MABLIN 500 1 1 1 . . . . 400 300 LU 200 100 0 . . . . . . . 1--L- 4.. too cm 80 60-- 40 CD 20 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS Fi gu re 6. 19 RBER 122 BLUE MAKIN 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 400 300 200 1,00 loo cm cm 80 Cl- u- cm 60 cm C= 40 cm 20 C-1 Lj 0 .. . . . . 2 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 TEABS Fi gure 6.20 RBER 12& -ONO 200 . . . . . . 150 Ld 100 CL_ Li 50 0 30 _r____T ----- T-1 C= a_ u- 20 CD C= cn C, 10 0 . . . . . . . . . . 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS 120 Fisheries of &ui Maui is the second largest of the Hawaiian islands with an area of 728 square miles and a population of approximately 67,000. Maui is identified as the fresh fish capital of the State. The heavy tourist industry there provides a market for fresh fish which is unequalled on the other islands. In fact, Maui cannot get enough fresh fish and must import fresh fish from Kona,-w ch,h@@s X@t to develop an equiva- Lxhi lent demand. As a result, a highly successful fishermen's co-op has evolved. The preferred fish on Maui are mahimahi, ono, and various species of bottomfish. Aku is preferred over ahi on the island. As is the case with the other islands, the fisheries of Maui are greatly influenced by the lack of good harbors and berthing facilities around the island. Many feel that Maui has the worst harbor problems of any of the islands. The acute shortage of berthing facilities has reached the point where a black market now exists for public harbor. slips (Hollis, 1979). Although Kahului harbor is the major commercial port of the-island, most of the fishing bQgat5@ moor at Maalaea and Lahaina, both of which lack fuel -and igggfacilities. Maalaea harbor is the home port of a relatively large charter sport- fishing fleet and a small-commercial fishing fleet. South swells occasion- ally damage boats within the harbor. This same swell which causes surge in the harbor generates excellent waves for board surfing outside the en- trance to the harbor. Maalaea is considered the best surfing site on Maui's leeward coast. Efforts to reduce the surge for boaters 'are being 121 attempted without altering the wave pattern so desirable to surfers. Boat launching facilities are extremely jlmjted-on@the-1-51and ?f Mayi. Maalaea has a boat ramp for trailerboat fishermen with a .winch operated by the Maalaea Boat and Fishing Club and fishing ves- sels can be hauled out for repairs by the fishermen. The Lahaina boat harbor and launch ramp and the Mala ramp provide berths for numerous charter boats and access for the trailerboat fishermen of West Maui. Several sportfishing vessels Are also moored in the shallow waters out- side the harbor which acts as a departure point formany fishing, sail- ing, glass bottom, and diving charter boats. A boat launch ramp at the west margin of Kahului harbor is rarely used by small boat fishermen since the rough waters detract from pleasure boating. However, akule and opetu are netted within the harbor as well as nehu and iao. These same species, especially the akule@-and the hahaZaZu (young akule), are taken by pole and line fishermen from the harbor pier and breakwaters. Conflicts are growing between pole and line fishermen and net fishermen over the fish resources in the.harbor. There are a number of proposed :improvements to the harbors of Maui, in particular to Maalaea and Kahului. Work is currently under- way to improve the Kahului shoreline area between piers 1 and 2 for foreign fishing boat usage. Construction of a new boat harbor between Maalaea and Kihei has been proposed in the past. The protected nature of this area makes it highly desirable as a harbor. It is presently the site of a temporary aquaculture facility and a valuable habitat for resident and migratory waterbirds. With the possible exception of the 122 wetlands of Niihau, more Hawaiian coots breed in Kealia Pond than in any other single habitat in the State. As a result, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service desires approximately 500 acres of Kealia Pond for a National Wildlife Refuge. The shallow waters fronting Kealia Pond provide the major supply of baitfish for Maui commercial tuna fishing boats. As a result of the relatively poor boat launching and mooring conditions on the island, fishing is.largely confined to a few miles in the vicinity of the two larger harbors. Table 6.3 outlines the top ranking species by area in 1977 for the island waters surrounding'Maui,. Molokai, and Lanai. In 1903, the island of Maui contributed 1,212,445 pounds of fish compared with 921,012 pounds in 3977. In 19,03-, as we'll as 1.977, handlines were the most frequently useO gpar type. .1he py-in., ciple species taken in the 1903 fisheries were akule, opeZu, nehu, ulua, oio, aku, canawna, kawakawa, and opakapaka. Area 320 yields the largest catch of opakapaka in the State. See Figure 6.21 for the catches and catch rates for this species in area 320. Table 6.3--Top.R6nking Species by Total Pounds Caught in 1977 Maui, Molokai, Lanai Area #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 300 akulo opelu moelua tako nabeta 301 ::hahalalu akule moelua lobster-sp nabeta 302 akule tako awa nenue lobster-sp 303 akule opihi nenue kole manini 304 akule opihi uku ulua moelua 3 05 akule oio moelua opihi menpachi 306 mahimahi ono kawakawa menpachi ahi-yf 307 moelua ono uku ulua mahimahi* 308 aku hahalalu akule ono kawakawa 309 uku opakapaka kalikali ulua miscellaneous 310 akule aku weke ulua amaama 311 ulua uku 'kaku kumu menpachi 312 menpachi hanui manini taape aawa 313 opihi uhu miscellaneous ono menpachi 314 kal a weke opihi man i n i weke-ula 320 opakapaka moelua aku ono uku 321 aku opae akule 6pakapaka ono 322 aku opakapaka ono weke tako 323 aku opihi opakapaka uku akule 324 aku uku opakapaka ahi-yf mahi & ono 325 blue marlin uku taape kawakawa ahi-yf 326 aku opakapaka blue marlin. ono onaga 327 aku opakapaka kawakawa blue marlin ono 328 aku onaga ahi-be @pakapaka albacore 331 aku, kona crab opakapaka mahimahi ehu 332 aku kawakawa opakapaka mahimahi ulua 1333 aku opakapaka blue marlin kahala ahi-yf See Figure 4.3 for location of areas. Figure 6.21 AREA 320 OPAKAPAKA 400 . . . . . . . . . . 300 LU 200 Lj 100 1@ 0 "1" T-- 40 CL- cm co 30 rn 20 C= -T- to- 0 1960 1965. 1970 1975 1980 TEARS 125 Fisheries Of Kauai Kauai is the oldest of the main islands of'Haw'aii with a land area of 547 square miles and a population of approximately 36,500. The fisheries of Kauai are exploited primarily by part-time fisher- men. The commercial.fishing activity is relatively small today compared with the other islands. Many of the fishermen use trailerable boats which are fueled and iced on the way to the launching ramp. Nawiliwili harbor and Port Allen are the major harbors on the island. A boat ramp for haul out is available at the small boat harbors at both ports. Repairs are made by the fishermen themselves and ice and fuel must be trucked in. Although there have been efforts to locate 'an ice facility on Kauai, this is yet to actually materialize. In 1903, there were 314 people engaged in the Kauai fisheries. In 1977, there were 192. The total catch was 377,946 pounds 1903) compared with 421,752 in 1977, a remarkably stable production rate. Interestingly, more than half of the catch was taken by seines and nets in 1903 compared with trolling and handlines in 1977. The principal species reported in 1903 were canamna, akuZe, oio, uZua' and moi. The principal species reported in 1977 were ahi, aku, akuZe, menpachi, and ono. See Table 6.4 for a list of top-ranking species by area.. Area's-523.and 527 yield the second largest.catches in the state of hapuupuu and uku, respectively. Catch and CPUE curves for these areas and fish are shown in Figures 6.22 and 6.23. Table 6.4--Top.Ranking Species by Total Pounds Caught in 1977 Kauai Area* #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 500 akule ahi-yf menpachi aku hahalalu 501 mehpadhi ahi-yf akule taape blue marlin 502 ahi-yf aku ono kala manini 503 opelu akule ono ahi-yf hahalalu 504 akule oio weke ulua aku 505 menpachi weke taape uhu opihi 506 menpachi kona crab opihi uku uhu/taape 508 menpachi kona crab opihi uku Uhu/taape 520 ahi-yf aku ahi-be Ilu(-,, marlin ono 521 akule aku ahi-be kawakawa ono 522 akd ahi-yf ono kawakawa mahimahi 523 ahi-yf akule akq kawakawa onaga 524 ahi-be aku ahi-yf broadbill ono 525 aku ahi-yf ono striped marl in ulua 526 aku ahi-yf ono kawakawa uku 527 ahi-yf aku ono uku onaga 528 aku ahi-yf. uku miscellaneous mahimahi *See Figure 4 .3 for location of areas. Figure 6.22 ABER 523 HAPU 800 . . . . . . 600 LU 400 Lj 200 0 1-- L -L I-A. s. A I 3. o co CL- It 2. 0 CD LO 1. 0 0. 0 . . .. . . . . . . 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEABS Figure 6.23 ABER 527 UKU 500 . . . . . . . . . . 400 LU 300 200 100 L W.L -1 -1, 1 f I 10 LO C= 8 6 C= 4 2 C-3 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEABS 129 Fisheries of Molokai The island of Molokai lies midway between Oahu and Maui with an area of 261 square miles and a population of approximately 6,000. The windward side is quite precipitous and most of the population is located on the leeward side of the island. Ninety percent of Molokai's shoreline is undeveloped and privately owned. About 55% of Molokai's shoreline is physically inaccessible by land which includes 14 miles of sea cliffs which in some cases soar more than 1,000 feet. The remaining 45% of the shoreline is accessible by lan d, about half from sandy beaches which stretch along most of the western Molokai shores. Molokai is quite renownpd for its fish ponds which dot the shores on the south and eastern sides of the-island. The demand for fish on Molokai is easily filled, supplying such a small population and a minimal tourist industry. Many people catch their own fish. F@J@ pg and hunting, are the priRar.@@ e activities of the local populace. Kaunakakai harbor is the maj or port, capable of handling a variety of craft. This harbor has poor protection from Kona storms but the value of improving this harbor remains unclear. It is presently the site of a large recreational and subsistence pole and line fishery which target primarily for akule and hahalalu. Additional anchorages for small boats are at Haleolono and Kolo on the southwest coast, Kalaupapa on the north, Kamalo on the south, and Pukoo on the southeast coast. 130 Molokai is famous for its fishing banks which have sustained a variety of fisheries from the earliest days. In 1903,, there were 300 commercial fishermen from Molokai, today there are less than 50. Molokai landed 274,331 pounds of fish in 1903 compared with 26,810 pounds in 1977 (equivalent to what the 30 Kalaupapa residents alone caught in 1902). In 1903, seines and nets were the primary gear type followed by pole and line. The principle species taken were akule, amacana, aku, oio, and uZua. In 1977, handline, trolling, and gill nets were the primary gear types. The primary species were akuZe., ulua, menpachi, opihi, kaZa, Kona crab, aku, opakapaka, and onaga. The Molokai-Penguin Banks area produces the gre atest bottomfish catches in the State ('iable 6.b). 1he vast majov.-iLy of catcl'Ws are reported from offshore waters (2-?0 miles) and are'taken primarily with deepsea handline gear. Figure,6.24 graphically clusters the various species of bottomfish according to the likelihood of catching one species with another species. For instance, a fisherman is more likely to catch a kahala while fishing for hapuupuu than he is kdlikali, ehu., or onaga. Area 331 is the fifth ranking area in the State with regard to total pounds reported (Fig. 6.1). The highest landings of uku, kawakawa, and kahala; and the second highest landings of kaUkali., ehu_, mahimahi_, opakapaka-, and gindai are reported from area 331. Catch and CPUE curves are shown for kaZikaZi_, ehu_, mahimahi., and opakapaka in Figures 6.25 through 6.28. man mm m m m m m m m w Table 6.5-- Distribution of'the bottomfish catches by island areas for the years 1966-77. (after Ralston, 1979) Maui, Lanai N..Molokai, Kauai, Species Hawaii Kahoolawe Penguin Bank Oahu Niihau Necker Opakapaka 20.2% 39.2%@ 25.8% 1.6% 5.2% Kalikali 23.8% 6.6% 50.5% 3.6% 9.6% 5.0% Onaga 12.6% 13.1% 64.9% 3.6% 4.7% 1.1% Ehu 17.6% 8.6% 40.4% 4.6% 8.6% 19.3% Uku 13.1% 11.0% 47.@% 12.0% 13.5% 2.4% Lehi 45.7% 48.2% 4.4% 1.6% 0.1% Gindai 24.4% 8.2% 24.7% 3.5% 15.4% 21.8% Taape 42.1% 7.5% 11.3% 31.4% 7.7% - Hapuupuu 10.4% 6.8% 12.5% 3.5% 12.7% 51.8% Kahal.a .30.9% 5.9% 20.9% 13.4% 20.1% 8.7% Ulua 20.4% 19.1% .8.9% 16.5% 8.4% 26.5% Weke-uia 10.2% 1.5% 6.1% 68.3% 13.8% 0.1% Moelua 99.4% 0.1% 0.5% TOTAL 18.7% 19.9% 29.4% 10.6% 8.9% 12.1% Figure 6.24 BOTTOMFISH CLUSTER ANALYSIS Fish & Game Data (Ralston 1980) Approximate Depth Rangj .(Fathoms) Groups by Species* 0 .20 a'awa .40 taape uku kahala - ulua hapuupuu 60 nohu lehi -80 opakapaka -100 gindai kalikali -120 ehu - -140, onaga *Species within blocks are not ranked according to depth found. 1160 Figure 6.25 AREA 331 'KALIKALI 100 80 60. 40 .20 0 3a 0 9 0 4 0 a s --r- r-' -T- C-) 2. 0 CD 1. 0 0.0 .. . . . . . . 1960 19 6 5 1970 1980 YEARS op Fi gure 6.26 ABER 331 EHU 100 . . . . 1 9 80 60 LU 40 20 C-A cm 4 cm M: cm 2 cc 0 . . . . . . . . 1960 1970 1975 1980 YEARS Figure 6.27 ARER 331 MAHIMAHI 100 . . . . . . . 80 Uj .60 40 20 0. . . . . . . 30 cm C) 20 CD cn CD 10 0L . . . . .. . 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS Figure 6.28 ABER .331F I OPRKAPAKA 200 . . . . . . 150 Uj n" 100 50 0 so Cl CE 40 CD to 30 20 C= 10 cc C-j 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 j 980 YEARS 137 @Fisheries of Lanai The people of Lanai love fresh fish, but, as in the case of Molokai, demand is quickly filled by the available supply. Lanai is known as the pineapple island and much of the leisure time of the people there corresponds to the pineapple schedule. There are no peren nial streams which reach the coast and, although there are some valleys, there are no bays at their mouths and, consequently, little protection for boating operations. Stretches of sandy beach with no fringing reefs provide beach landing for small craft. Kaumalapau Harbor, on the west side of Lanai, is the best harbor available in all but westerly and kona weather and is generally used for pineapple transport to- Oahu., Many of the local fishing craft moor to buoys in the harbor where fuel is available. Small craft may be hoisted by derrick to a wharf for repairs. Manele Bay houses a small-boat harbor which was the first joint state-federally funded small-boat harbor to be constructed in Hawaii. Launching facilities are available as well as berthing facilities for about 20 boats. Many of the Lanai residents enjoy fishing for akule and hahalaZu in this harbor. Manele-Hulopoe is a marine life conservation district which restricts certain fishing activities. In 1903, seines and lines were used exclusively by the commercial fishermen of Lanai. The principal species were akule, ulua, c7naama, and nehu. In 1977, trolling was the major gear type followed by nets and handlines. The principal species taken were uku, akule, opakapaka, ono, aku, onaga, and kawakawa. See Table 6.3 for a list of top-ranking species by area in 1977. 138 Area 328 is the fourth ranking.area in the State with regard to total pounds reported (Fig. 6.1). This area has the highest yields of kalikaZi. ehu, onaga, hapuupuu, and gindai, and the second highest yield of big-eye ahi. Most of the landings are by Oahu-based fisher- men. Catch and CPUE curves for most of these species in this impor- tant fishing area are found in Figures 6.29 through 6.32. Figure 6.29 RBER 328 RHI 1000 800 600 LU 400 200 0 . ...... -A --A- @.L- A-. 500 CD 400 CD 300 200 CD 100 0 6- . . .. . . . . . 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS Fi gure 6.30 200 a @v a A.R E A 1328 H.A P U 150 ui 100 CL- u 50 I r il- C= 7, C=) 3 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEARS Cl- CT 00 CME CD CD CD CD CD CD co (0 CD co I(D -41 (SONAOd A SONUSAOHi) H @njj Figure .6.32 AREA 328 -EHU 200 . . . . . . . . . . 150 100 50 12 lo CD U- cm 8 UI 6 4 2 0 .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . .1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEABS Vil . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A MAP 1111111 11,111 1111, ...... . ........... MIN -1111111@0141111 14 1 COASTAL ZONE ISSUES CHAPTER VII COASTAL ZONE ISSUES Perhaps Hawaii's greatest physical attribute is the place where the land meets the sea - the coastal zone. It is also at this interface that the land and ocean worlds are most vulnerable. The shorelines are a dynamic, ever-changing area and the sea, at this point, is most susceptible to man's influence from the land. This unique environ- ment has attracted the artists, poets, and musicians who have been inspired by the beauty of this area; the tourists who associate Hawaii with the Pacific beaches; the developers and builders who wish to construct houses, condominiums or hotel on this land, the recre- ational enthusiasts who enjoy surfing, fishing, picnicking, boating, and swimming; the birds, crabs, fish and other shore life which make their homes in this habitat; sewage disposal and urban and industrial runoff which utilize this water to dilute their waste products; and the commercial fishermen who make their livelihood from the sea. It can easily be seen that the place where land meets sea is fraught with a variety of competing coastal use demands, all vying with each other for a foothold. Frequently, these competing uses are unable to coexist peacefully since they either share too limited a commodity, or one use alters or destroys the area needed by another. For instance, there are a number of potential conflicts between fishermen and endangered or protected species which may surface with the possible designation of a marine sanctuary for humpback whales in 144 145 Hawaii. Other potential restrictions to fishermen may occur should a critical habitat for monk seals be designated in the Northw estern Hawaiian Islands. Conflicts among the variety of interests in the nearshore environment are growing significantly. The difficulties are frequently magnified on Waikiki beach during unexpected fish runs. At that time, one might-see the comical, and discordant sight of local fishermen with their nets and poles, swimmers, surfers, putrigger canoe teams and moored sail boats framed against the backdrop of strolling tourists and mammoth hotels and condominiums. The contemplation of resolving all this elbowing of.one another on the same territory seems overwhelming. In some cases, conflicts between fisher- .men themselves have been resolved by the State by dividing off areas,around piers to separate net from pole and*line fishermen. In other parts of the island,:',coral harvesters, boat anchors, and pollution all work together to destroy the coral reefs of Hawaii. Hawaii's_@ pollution stems.largely from sewage discharge and water runoff, with rela- tively low levels of industry-related substances in the water. However, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's), heavy metals, pesticides and radioactivity have been found in our marine sediments in such places as the Ala Wai Canal, Kapalama Canal, Pearl Harbor, and in Hilo Bay but do not exceed federal limits. There is no commercial production of oysters from our marine waters. The oysters and clams found in the waters of Kaneohe Bay and Pearl Harbor are prohibited from being taken due to high bacterial contamination. Destruction of o.Ur nearshore environment a_1_sq_-_o_ccur-s=.through dredging and filling operations which artificially alter the natural shoreline. Sediments deposited in these areas reduce the amount of 146 light which normally penetrates into the sea and'can affect photosyn- thesis. The water quality its thereby affected and can have an impact on the species of fish (primarily juvenile) found there. See figures 7.1-7.6 for maps depicting red water runoff areas. Many fishermen fear that any major alteration of the marine environment may shift the ecological balance sufficiently to create conditions favorable for toxic organisms which produce ciguatera in fish. Human interfer- ence with the environment has been impficated, although not conclusively, to ciguatera toxin production. Other fishermen, meanwhile, have found certain benefits to habitat alteration (sugar cane bagasse disposal) when their preferred fishes are attracted to the altered sites. Unknown benefits or losses to fishing activities may result from the proposed GIEC (offshore thermal energy conversion) facilities presently scheduled for siting either off the Kona coast (area 122) or off the Oahu coast (area 423). Present indications are that the mini-OTEC facility attracts fish and is a boon to fishermen. Whether or not this trend will persist with larger scale operationsis presently unknown. Coastal development in Hawaii holds the promise of high economical gains. Recent shoreline setback laws and special shoreline management area permit applications are acting to somewhat retard the rampant shoreline transformation. Even destruction of coastal wetlands near, but not on, the shoreline is known to degrade the marine environment which, invariably, impact on our fisheries. At some point, it may even become desireable to maintain the difficulties in accessing the shoreline to help reduce the pressures on the nearshore environment. 147 Distinction, of course, shouldbe made between consumptive and non-consumptive uses of the nearshore waters with prq-fe-r-en-ca@-eing given to activities which-are least destructive to-the environment. However, non-consumptive uses often require support facilities and even recreational interests can create stresses on the environment when heavily concentrated. The development of Hawaii's Coastal Zone Management Program was born of these conflicts and issues and has as its chief purpose to "lead to an improved decision-making process for determining appropriate coastal land and water uses in light of resource considerations." Almost one-half of Hawaii's total land area is within five miles of the shoreline with no point in the State more than 29 miles from the ocean. Hawaii is uniquely an ocean state with ever increasing challenges to protect and enhance its oceanic environment. Fisheries as a component of Coastal Zone Management. Fishing is in many respects the central thread weaving through all phases of coastal zone issues. The need to protect Hawaii's valuable coastal ecosystem, an objective of the CZM program, is paramount to the fisheries of the State. These ecosystems,, outlined in a previous.section, serve as essential natural environments for a variety of fish and other wildlife providing the basis for the recreational and commercial fishing industries. The commercial fishing industry grosses approximatel-y $11 million per year with projections as high as $100 million. The value of the recre- ational fishing i ndustry, estimated at over $16 mill ion in 1970, is probably closer to 25 million today. 148 Attempts are being made to improve the marine environment for a variety of fishermen by treating fis-h habitats in the form of artificial reefs and aggregating devices. Many of these objects work to congregate the more migratory species of fish which orient themselves to the arti- ficial structures in an otherwise featureless environment. The fish aggregating buoys should significantly reduce the amount of time spent by fishermen in search of fish. Each island shares common problems regarding shoreline ownership and corresponding use needs. These similarities can be seen in Table 7.1 which outlines the shoreline characteristics of each island and the relationship of fishing activities to other coastal land use features. Figure 7.1-- Oahu red waters after a storm KAHUKU POINT SUNSET KAHuKu BEACH LAIE 0 HAUULA HALEIWA KANE POINT WAIALUA KAAAWA W.uTMORE "Awl W HIAWA KANEOHE SAY MAKAHA MILILANI TOWN MOKAPU POINT WAIANAE MAILI PEACL CITY KA OEONE KAfLUA NANAKULI WAI H MAKAKI E* WAIMANALO 00 MAKAPUU POINT EWA BEACH BARBERS POINT HONOLULU 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SCALE IN MILES monmananvomm Oman on I Figure 7.2-- Hawaii red waters after m a storm, UPOLU POINT AW N O@ KAPUSENAI HONOKAA KAWAIHAE PAAuILO.,* XAWAIHAE OOKALA 8AY WAIMEA LAUPAHOEHOE HONOMINA HAKALAU HONOMU HILO SAY .HONOKOHAU% HILO KAILUA HOLUALOA ;KXIAAUo 0 XURTIS 0WN KEAUHOU % 00 @MOUNTAIN KEALAXEKUA VIEW * CAPTAIN COOK NAPOOPOO 9 GLENWOOD 0 PANO HONAUNAUO 0 00 0 KALAPANA KAENA POINT AHAL MILOLII PUNALUU KAUNA NAALEmu 0 POINT LEGEND AREAS WITH RED WATZR KA LAE AFTER sToRm 5 0 5 10 15 20 SCALE IN MILES wo so 00 wp- a red waters after figure jAaul %AKALELE P01141 0,40VA14UA t4otlotAoWAI WXWEE PAUA IKU KAUpA ULO jEAtAAE KAAHApA%.% VIAILUKU pJULU% AICAWA LA14AI"A \VAIKAPU* pUKALA" OLOqvALU tAAALAE Kj"El WCULA KEOKEA lopp"AULU VIAILEA 0- 'AAUPO POINT 1,014AKUEAEA polt4T 0 1 Z 12 SCALE MILE I in I tin I I I Nil I'm Figure 7.4-- Kauai red waters after a storm HAENA K 11 LA UEA HANALEI Sep MAKAM 0 *4j POINT ANAHOLA KEALIA KAPAA IVA, I LUA MA14A KEKAHA WAIMEA Ll LA I HANAPE KOLOA LEE 0 1 2 41. POW SCALE IN MILES MM low Figure 7'5-- M070kaj red waters a fte r #LSO Ate, t, Posts T A KA A J '"U"A LAA(p room Kot 0 Wif,4011F _-KAUftAOtAP(Al AM 4 4 41 JW$cS 111 101 IM IMF wIn IMF Ins; IiiiiIii M Figure 7.6-- Lanai red waters after a storm -e.()HAKULQA KAENA POINTr.-- LIE AR At HONOP LANAI DAY CITY _@IKOA POINT zzz,-- KAUMALAPA "ARBOR AIKI POINT zr_,_ PALAOA 0 1 2 3 4 5 SCALE IN MILES @mmmmmmm m"mmmmm man m m Table 7.1 LAND USE-4 OF SHORELINE 2 LAND OWNERSHIP-Z OF SHORELINE 0=3 (D -.a W -0 TOTAL S a- @ @ 3 :3 C:0 of co mm RECREATIONAL fishing 73 MILES OF NON-RECR(ATIONAL FEDERAL PUBLIC PRIVA E :3 0 ,ISLAND POPULATION SHORELINE 0 LO 0 'a Public Private DevelopeiUndevelp (non-Fed licenses LANAI 2,000 52.3 1.3% 0 1.5% 97.2% .3% 99% 24 5 7 0 MOLOKAI 6,000 105.9 0.9% 0 7.4% 91.7% 2.17, 15.6% 82.3% 44 12 31 ill@ cy, 215 25 222 1., 'T KAUAI 36,500 113.4 9.7% 0 19.9% 70.0% 9.0% 40.0% 51.0% Cn C:) MAUI 67,000 158.8 5.1% 0 9.6% 85.3% 0.9% 38.2% 60.9% 217 27 160 C' co J C) OAHU 685,933 198.5 16.2% 2.3% 55.7% 25.8% 30.7% 21.0% 48.3% 1,235 47 588 Ln HAWAII 85,000 305.5 13.4% 0 15.3% 71.3% 10.3% 33.6% 56.1% 712 34 369 .t. -J C:o 41 co C CL 0 c+ CL 0 1State of Hawaii Data Book, 1978 (projection for 1980) Total. 0C 0 CW - !@ =r n 2,247 -01 C 2 :3 _J Hawaii Regional Inventory of the National Shoreline Study, 1971 (F & G c+ co m 1+ 0. 1978/@9) co (D Vill 0 RECOMMENDAT IONS RECOMMENDATIONS It would be premature to establish a rigid set of recommendations for managing our nearshore fisheries since a variety of evolving issues are still shaping the fisheries of Hawaii. In addition, management recommendations, if not considered carefully, could alter those character- istics of fishing which people value most highly. These characteristics differ among the various user groups and we are still woefully ignorant of the impact each of the user groups has on the fisheries.- Some user groups may feel that economic security is their greatest need while others may feel that fishing for relaxation or subsistence living are more important needs. The following recommendations.are appropriate to all user groups anLtd@n_t if y -rqblem areas of common interest to all. PLANNING: There is a greatneed for a unified approach to the management and development of Hawaii's fisheries. This requires improved governmental agency coordination. Long range planning can help predict potential problems before they arise and promote the development of possible solutions.. Conflicts can be avoided if there is input from all fisheries user groups. A system of checks and balances would be useful whereby the fisheries cannot be dominated by any particular user group without general agreement. Should conflicts arise, a mechanism should exist to settle them which is rapid and politically insulated. Enforcement of the outcome must occur. 157 158 ACTION: Frequently, action must be taken to protect resources and resolve conflicts at early stages. Decisions may,need to be made before a completely satisfactory level of confidence is reached. Severe declines in the fishery should not be the "sufficient evidence" needed to support regulations. No decision, in times of crisis, is, in ftself, a decision by default. Appropriate management must be concerned with socio-economic as well as environmental points of view. r, ENFORCEMENT: There exists a great need for an impM_yed_en.-forc_ement program. This could include in-service officer training programs, emphasizing training in conservation laws and regulations as well as training in M laiq enforcement. The.development of volunteer programs to supplement existing enforcement activities should be extremely valuable. PUBLIC INFORMATION AND EDUCATION: Enforcement officers can never be present at all locations where violations occur. Even with increased numbers of officers, violators will persist. Consequently, enforcement activities will perpetually lag in effectiveness without better public information and marine education programs. Greater emphasis should be placed on programs in public schools which deal with fisheries conservation, and teach concern for protecting our natural resources. 159 DATA: One of the most important aspects which lies at the very heart of fisheries management, concerns the need for improved fisheries data collection and processing. Part of this problem has evolved in the fisheries community itself, which has failed to recognize the value of statistical data. This is understandable, since all too often, the data are collected with minimal explanation and/or feedback to the fishermen and resentment has surfaced because of it. Aside from this issue, many commercial fishermen, fearing the IRS, rebel by eit her not reporting accurately or by not reporting at all. Although the fish dealers are required to report their fish purchases, the major emphasis is placed on the reporting system of the commercial fishermen. Consideration should bi given to placing greater emphasis.on the reports of fish dealers, as has the State of California. Special logbooks, which simplify the reporting of information, should be developed. .There are a variety of weaknesses in the existing fisheries data reporting and collection process, not the least.of which concerns the data accuracy question. Improvements in data collection and processing are presently being planned and are the subjects of interest to both state and federal fisheries managers. The existing data collection section of the State Division of Fish and Game is understaffed and heavily bur- dened with a variety of data responsibilities. Only with increased budget- ing and staffing for programs concerning fisheries data, can advancements be made in this important area. Maximum authority at the State level should be maintained in the area of data collection and enforcement. 160 Initially, the need exists to determine how the present fisheries data collection program can be improved to be more reflective of state, federal, regional council, industry, and general, public concerns. These needs would range from the desire to obtain an MSY.(maximum sustainable yield) for each fishery, as outlined by the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, to simplifying record-keeping procedures essen- tial to enforcement activities of the State. Data should also be pro- vided for research purposes which have historically lacked sufficien t biological and environmental fisheries information. There are a number of additional sound reasons for improving the collection and evaluation of fisheries statistical data. These include the desire to: 1. evaluate the extent of pressure placed upon our fisheries resources by the multiple user groups, including the non- commercial sector. Much of the confusion could be elimi- nated by improved licensing procedures which more clearly identify the user groups. A substantial increase in com- mercial license fees would likely separate the full-time commercialfisherman from the part-time commercial/recre- ational fisherman. Consideration should also be given to implementing a saltwater fishing license in Hawaii for both commercial and recreational fishermen. By licensing all marine fishermen, a better understanding of the amount and type of pressure being placed on our nearshore resources can be developed. Harvest guidelines could then be estab- lished. Fees from this increased licensed population could 161 be used to furth er recreational and commercial fishing pro- grams in the State. 2. design management plans to permit increased commercial and recreational fishing ef ficiency and lower production costs. 3. understand the fundamental biology of a particular species. a. size structure (age, length, weight) b. growth characteristics C. catch by area (reflective of carrying capacity) 4. continue assessment of the impact of fishing on stocks of fish. a. catch per unit of effort (CPUE) b. size and age structure changes of the stocks 5. predict and forecast. a. prediction of available and future harvests b. forecast changes of harvest regulations on fish catches 6. establish programs to enable the fishery to enlarge its share of markets through increased productivity, lower costs, and increased acceptability of fishing products to the consumer. 7. broaden stock assessment activities especially with presently underutilized stocks. 8. serve economic purposes which enhance net economic yield and maximize fleet efficiency: a. quantity and value of catch b. market values by area and season c. improve distribution and marketing benefits to fishermen and public alike 162 Of course, along with an improved data collection and evaluation pro- gram, there exists the need for a faster feedback reporting system. Con- siderable delays have always existed between the time data is received and the ti-me use is made of it in a practical sense. Much of the problem lies in outdated forms which require personal interpretations and lengthy hand calculations. A more sophisticated catch data reporting and processing system would be invaluable in improving data reliability and processing efficiency. Log books which aid the fishermen and fish dealers as much as pos- sible in accurately depicting their catches and transactions would minimize the all too prevalent rumors that reported information is not representative. Certainly, the historical custom of protecting the confidentiality of this information must be continued with greater em- phasis on reducing the fears of fishermen. Much of the need for accurate information and data is shared by a number of state and federal agencies whose duties are to follow our fisheries and recommend management schemes when appropriate. Efforts are presently underway to outline the data needs of various agencies, including State Fish and Game, National Marine Fisheries Service, Western Pacific Regional Fisheries'Managemeht Council, Sea Grant, and the:Ufiiver- sity of Hawaii, in order to accomplish appropriate data sharing with minimal redundancy and in a spirit of cooperation POSSIBLE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES: As nearshore fish stocks continue to receive heavy pressure, a number of strategies will need to be explored to further protect these 163 resources. Presently, there are a number of fishing laws and regulations for managing our nearshore species. These include seasonal closures for a number of crustaceans, mollusks, and fishes; minimum sizes; bag limits; and a variety of other restrictions including a ban on spearing of lob- ster, and use of small net sizes, poisons, explosives and firearms. A number of marine life conservation districts have been established to preserve marine resources in especially sensitive or unique habitats in the State. An innovative m anagement scheme called the Kapuku Pl,an'(Hawaiian translation - "to restore life"), is in its trial phase for Hawaii. There are- a number of difficulties associated with the conventional management practices dealing with species by species regulation. A pr atiops is si-If-deFeating ,gliferation of countless fishing laws ai,d regul light of inadequate education and enforcement activities. *rhe Kapuku solution being tried off Waikiki is based upon control of indiscriminate and excessive fishing effort. Implementation of this program permitting closing and opening of cenain areas to fishing on a rotating basis may offer a simple control mechanism., There are additional management programs which may prove successful to our commercial fishing industry, especially in light of potential Northwestern Hawaiian Islands fisheries expansion. One of these progra,..ns involves the concept of limited entry. Economic viability is the primary motivating force for suggesting a limited entry program into a fishery. The major issues deal with the fact that the fishermen have no control over the entrance of other fish- ermen into the same fishery, as well as their lack of ownership rights 164 over fish resources. Consequently, there are numerous examples of economic declines and'impoverished resources associated with overcap- italization and overfish ing. The incentive for a commercial fisherman to enter the industry is profit. The profit is available to all those who wish to fish, due to the lack of exclusive property rights. Fishermen, as individuals, will carefully manage their favorite fishing spots year after year until others discover the grounds. At such time, the incentive to self-man- agement is lost and fishing pressure increases immediately. As long as everyone is free to enter the fishery, there is no incentive for any individual or groups of individuals to control fishing intensity. That would just leave larger catches and greater profit for someone else. Fishermen tend to respond to other resource management regulations with strategies designed to increase their personal share of the catch by using faster boats or better gear. Much of this leads to overcapital- ization and poorer prospects for fishermen to make a decent living. The two types of fisheries which would profit most by utilizing limited entry are: 1) the traditional high dollar value fishery; and, 2) a newly developing fishery in which considerable growth of fishing effort is expected. There are a number of reasons why limited entry may be appropriate for some of the developing fisheries in the Northwestern Hawaiian islands: 1. There is already some thought that the new lobster fishery is overcapitalized with six large vessels expected to fish lobster in the near future. 165 2. The NWHI contain a U.S. National Wildlife Refuge which may result in conflicts over protection versus utili- zation of fisheries resources. 3. The State of Hawaii has some,precedents to help it establish such a program (special licensing permits for seasonal freshwater fishing). 4. Bait fishing programs and tournament participation may eventually become limited entry programs. The issue of limited entry is fraught with difficulty and con- stitutional uncertainty. Nevertheless, there may be a number of ways to accomplish this goal with as much equity and fairness as possible. The concept of limited entry has been presented here as food for thought. 166 REFERENCES Clark, John. 1977. Coastal ecosystem management: a technical manual for the conservationlof coastal zone resources. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 928 pp. Cobb, John N. 1905. The commercial fisheries of the Hawaiian Islands in 1903. Bureau of Fisheries, Government Printing Office. pp. 433-512. Department of Health. 1977. An ecosystem approach to water quality standards; report of the technical committee on water quality standards - State of Hawaii. Department of Planning and Economic Development. 1977. The potential for mullet and milkfish culture in Hawaiian fish- ponds. 54 pp. Department of Planning and Economic Development.. 1*978. State of Hawaii Data Book. 379 pp. Department of Planning and Economic:Development. 1.978. Aqyaculture Development for Hawaii. Gosline, W. and V.E. Brock. 1965. Handbook of Hawaiian Fishes. University of Hawaii Press. Honolulu. 372 pp. Hobson, E. S. 1974. Feeding relationships of teleostean fishes on coral reefs in Kona, Hawaii. Fishery Bulletin 72(4): 915-1031. Hoffman, R. and H. Yamauchi. 1973. Impact of Recreational Fishing Expenditures on the State and Local Economies of-Hawaii. UNIHI-SEAGRANT-AR 72-02. 28 pp. Hollis, Robert. 1979. Lack of space in state harbors creates black market in berths. Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Sept. 30, 1979.-- @A-3. Key, Gerald. 1973. Reef fishes of Kaneohe Bay. In: Atlas of Kaneohe Bay. A reef ecosystem under stress. Univ. of Hawaii Sea Grant Program. UNIHI-SG-TR-72-01. pp. 51-66. Marine Atlas of Hawaii. 1974. Bays and Harbors. University of Hawaii Press. 241 pp. Maui Island Coral Reef Inventory - Part C. Prepared for U.S. Army Engineer Division. Pacific Ocean. 167 Moberly, R. , Jr. , and TChamberlain. 1964. Hawaiian Beach Systems. Univ. of Hawaii Inst. of Geophysics. .177 pp. Ralston, Steve. 1979. A description of the bottomfish fisheries of Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, and the northern Marianas. A report submitted to the Western Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Council. 102 pp. Squire, James Jr. and Smith, Susan E. 1977. Anglers' Guide to the Uni ted States Paci f i c Coast. U. S. Dept. of Commerce NOAA, NMFS. 139 pp. Stahl, M., J. Maragos, E. Alison Kay,.and A. Cattell. 1977. Class- ification of Hawaiian Marine Waters. In: Proceedings of the 208 Water Quality Management Seminar, ffew Standards for Hawaii, State Department of Health. pp. 72-101. Titcomb, Margaret. 1972., Native use of Fish in Hawaii. University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu. 175 pp. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1971. Hawaii Regional Inventory of the National Shoreline Study. Honolulu, Hawaii. 110 pp. 00 168 APPENDIX Local, Common and Scientific Names of Fishes 01 and Other Aquatic Animals Commonly taught in,Hawaiian Watersi Local Name Common Name Scientific Name alawa spot wrasse, table bass Bodianus bilunulatus ahaaha needle fish Belonidae (3 species) ahi (menpachi shibi) bigeye tuna, menpachi Thunnus obesus ahi (maguro) bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus ahi yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares ahipalaha (tonbo) albacore tuna Thunnus alalunga aholehole mountain bass Kuhlia sandvicensis aku (katsuwo) skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis akule (aji) bigeyed scad Trachurops crumenopthalmus alaihi squirrel fish Holocentridae (15 species) lamalama mullet Mugil cephalus a'u (kajiki) Pacific blue marlin Makaira nigricans alu (naraigi) striped marlin Tetrapterus audax alu broadbill Xiphias gladius alu (hebe) shortnosed spearfish Tetrapterus angustirostris .alu black marlin Makaira indica alu (misc.) unclassified Istiophoridae a'u lepe sailfish Istiophorus platypterus awa milkfish Chanos chanos awalawa ten pounder, lady fish Elops hawaiiensis aweoweo red bigeye Priacanthidae (4 species) ela wrasse Labridae hanui parrot fish Scaridae hapu'upu'u sea bass Epinephelus quernus 169 Local Name Common Name .Scientific Name hauliuli snake mackerel Gempylus serpens hihimanu ray Dasyatidae hflu wrasse Coris flavovittata hinalea wrasse Labridae humuhumu triggerfish Balistidae 'iao (togoro) silverside Pranesus insularum 'emir amphidae iheihe halfbeak f. kahala amberjack Seriola dumerilii kaku barracuda Sphyraena barracuda kala surgeon fish Naso unicornis kalikali pink snapper Pristipomoides sieboldii kamanu Hawaiian salmon Oagatis bipinnulatus kawakawa little tuna. Euthynnus yaito kawelea Japanese barracuda Sphyraena helleri kihikihi Moorish idol Zanclus cornutus kole surgeon fish Ctenochaetus strigos us kumu red goat fish Parupeneus porphyreus kupipi damsel fish Abudefduf sordidus kupoupou mongoose fish Cheilio inermis lae leatherback Scomberoides lysan laenihi (nabeta) razor fish Hemipteronotus pavoninus lauwiliwil i (Y. manini) long nose butterfly fish Forcipiger flavissimus lehi snapper Aphareus rutilans. mahimahi dolphin Coryphaena hippurus mai'i surgeon fish Acanthurus nigrofuscus maiko surgeon fish Acanthurus nigroris 170 Local Name Common Name Scientific Name makoiko surgeon fish Acanthurus leucopareius makiawa sardine Etrumeus micropus malolo flying fish Exocoetidae malu goat fish Parupeneus pleurostigma manini convict tang Acanthurus triostegus mano shark mano kihikihi hammerhead shark. Sphyrna lewini (S. zygaena) maomao (mamo) sargeant major Abudefduf abdominalis mano (moana) goat fish Parupeneus multifasciatus moano kali(kea) goat fish Parupeneus cyclostomus moelua red goat fish Mull6idichthys pflugeri mola mola ocean sunfish Molidae (Mola mola) moi thread fin 'Polydactylus sexfilis mu porgy Monotaxis grandoculis munu goat--fish Parupeneus bifasciatus nalenale orange spot *tang Acanthurus olivaceus nehu anchovy Stolephorus purpureus nenue rudder fish Kyphosus bigibbus nohu (hogo) common scorpin sc.orpaenopsis cacopsis and gibbosa nunu stick or trumpet fish Aulostomus chinensis oililepa file fish, broom tail Alutera scripta oio bonefish Albula vulpes omaka yellow tailed scad Caranx mate ono wahoo Acanthocybium solandri 171 Local Name Common Name Scientific Name 'O'opuhue balloon fish Arothron hispidus & Diodontidae opah ocean moonfish Lampris guttatus opakapaka pink snapper Pristipomoides filamentosus opelu Mackerel Scad Decapterus macarellus opelu Mackerel Scad Decapterus maruadsi opule spotted wrasse Anampses cuvieri pakii flounder Bothus mancus, B. panterinus pakuikui achilles tang Acanthurus achilles la'ipala yellow tang Zebrasoma fla.vescens palani surgeon fish Acanthurus dussumieri panuhu nuhu parrot fish Scarus perspicillatus, (femzle) paopao yellow ulua Cciranx speciosus papio jack crevalle Carangidae pau'u squirrel fish Myripristis chryseres piha small round herring Spratelloides delicatulus po'ou Cheilinus rhodochrous pualu surgeon fish Acanthurus xanthopterus and A. mata puhi eel Muraenidae puhi (tohe) white eel Conger cinereus rol blue spotted grouper Cephalopholis argus saba Japanese mackerel Scomber japonicus taape blue-lined snapper Lutjanus kasmira toau snapper Lutjanus fulvus uhu parrot fish Scaridae 172 Local Name Common Name Scientific Name ukikiki (Gindai) snapper Pristipomoides zonatus uku gray snapper Aprion virescens ulaula (ehu) red snapper Etelis marshi ulaula koae (onaga) red snapper Etelis carbunculus, ulua jack crevalle Carangidae ulua kihikihi (kagami) thread crevalle Alectis ciliaris and A. indica ulua omilu (hoshi) blue crevalle Caranx melampygus uouoa false mullet Neomyxus leuciscus upapalu cardinal fish Apogon kallopterus U'u (menpachi) squirrel fish Myripristis amaenus, M. murdiam, M. kuntee U'ukanipo squirrel fish Holocentridae V walu oil fish Ruvettus pretiosus weke goat fish Mulloidichthys sp. weke a'a spotted goat fish Mulloidichthys flavolineatus weke-pueo (pahula) goat fish Upeneus arge weke-ula red goat fish Mulloidichthys pflugeri, and M. vanicolensis State of Hawaii, Division of Fish and Game Acknowledgements This report was prepared by Margo Stahl under the direction of Stanley Swerdloff and with assistance from Glenn Higashi, Anders Sweetland, Cynthia Baca,' Skippy Hau, and Katharine Price. Many of the drawings are reproduced from illustrations prepared by Robert Hill, under contract with the University of Hawaii Pacific Urban Studies and Planning Program, and have appeared in various issues of the Sea Grant Hawaii Coastal Zone Newsletter. The preparation of this report was financed in part by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce. In the State of Hawaii, the lead agency for the Coastal Zone Management Program is the Department of Planning Eid Economic Development. illiellillilliffill I - 3 6668 14104 0743 1 1 I t I .I I I I I I I I I I I -1 I J I -- -1 1 @ I I