[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]
COASTAL ZON0 INFORMATION CENTEIt Application Design Document Number :1 HAWAII COUNTY SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT Hawt Perit App1icion and Support SYStem A 6Oemonstration Project of the Hawaii Coastal Zone Management ProSram This document was preparled by the State of Hawaii Department of Planning and Economic Development and the Urban and Regional Planning Program 0+ the University o+ Hawaii HT 392 All may 1980 1980 he preparation of- this report was financed in part througqh a Coasta I Zone Management Program Imp1pmentoton Grant from the Uiited States Department of Cmnerc Application Design Document Number : 1 HAWAII COUNTY SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT Hawaii Permit Application and Support Systerm A Demonstrattion Project of the Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program This document was prepared by the State of Hawaii Department of Planning and Economic Development and the Urban and Regional Planning Program of the University of Hawaii May 1980 The preparation of this report was financed in part through a Coastal Zone Management Program Implementation Grant from the United States Department of Commerce LA Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................... I-1 A. Purposes of Application Design Document ............ 1-2 B. Organization of the Draft D esign Document .......... 1-2 C. Hawaii Permit Application and Support System ....... 1-3 1. Purposes of the Project ........................ I-S 2. H-PASS System Design ........................... 1-9 3. Users and Applications ......................... I-11 OVERVIEW QF THE SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT ........ II-1 A. Background ......................................... II-1 B. Statutory Authority ............................... 11-2 C. Guidelines for Development Review ................. 11-3 D. Application Processing Procedures ................. II-E, III. H-PASS SYSTEM FUNCTION RELATED TO SMA PERMITS ........ JI-I-1 A. Data Entry/Update Subsystem ...................... III-1 B. Reporting Subsystem .............................. 111-3 C. Word Processing Subsystem ........................ III-E. D. Electronic Mail Subsystem ........................ rII-E. IV. COUNTY OF HAWAII SMA PERMIT PROCESS ................... IV-1 V. SYSTEM OUTPUTS AND INPUTS .............................. V-1 A. Summary Listing of SMA Reports ..................... V-1 B. Standard Reports .................................... V-2 C. Data Entry Screens ................................. V-17 VI. SYSTEM DESIGN FOR SMA PERMIT .......................... VI-1 A. Hardware and Software Environment ................. VI-1 B. System Design Overview ............................ VI-3 VII. PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS ............................... VII-1 A. Table Maintenance SUbsystem ...................... VII-1 B. Data Entry/Update Programs ....................... VII-3 C. Report Progress & Report Definition Files ........ VII-4 VIII. COMPUTER FI-LE SP ECIFICATIONS ...................... VIII-1 A. File & Library Management on the H-PASS ......... VIII-1 B. Specific HCSMA Files ............................. VIII-E, IX. DATA ACCESS AND SECURITY ...... ........................ IX-1 4 h Appendix A: Data Dictionary Appendix 8: Report Formats, Appendix C User Codebook Appendix D: Control File Layout Appendix E: SMA Permit Application Forms Appendix F SMIA Rules and ReqUlations A. Purposes of Application Design Document B. Organization of the Draft Design Document C. Hawaii Permit Application and Support SYSteM 1. Purposes of the ProJect 2. H-PASS System Design A 3. Users and Applications DESIGN DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit This application -design document for the -Special Management Area Permits is the first in a series of design documents prepared for agencies participating in the Hawaii. Permit Ar-Plication and Support System (H-PASS). The H-PASS is a demonstration project of the Hawaii Coastal Zone Management (HCZM) Program which proposes eventually to include up to seven-teen coastal related permits and data bases into an automated system of in+ormation flow and exchanqe. This particular design document focuses on the design requirements relating to processing and tracking the Special Management Area (SMA) Rermits administered by the four counties in the state. Because of variations among the counties in their administrative procedures and information requirements for processing the SMA permit, the application designs prepared for each county will ultimately be tailored a-s necessary to suit the individual county's requirements and processing p,rocedures. The application design presented here includes a brief description of the WPASS and user networky an overview of the subject application, and an explanation of how the application is to be implemented to meet a range of agency needs. In addition, final design considerations are addressed, including operational procedures (how the system will work), access and security provisions, a listing and description of relevant data elements, and an initial set of report formats' to meet staff and management information needs. This document was prepared for circulation to all interested agencies. The design document constitutes the basis from which detailed systems design, programming and testing will proceed. DESIGN DOCUMENT 1-2 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 6_JL The primary purpose of'the design document is to provide a means of communication between the user agencies and the developers of the H-PASS so that a common agreement and understanding may be reached as to what the system should do and how it will do it. The subject design document was developed to identify the anticipated data and reporting needs of the County of Hawaii Planning Department. The design document serves to accomplish the following tasks: identifying user requirements and functions to be performed by the H-PASS; describing' the flow of information and necessary updates associated with the processing and monitoring of permit applications; determining the reports to be produced by the H-PASS; identifying the data elements to be entered, stored, and retrieved from the system; and developing the necessary screens for data input and retrieval. The development. of a final design document actually represents the fourth of seven steps-in the'-total design and implementation cycle for each system application on the Hz-PASS. This design cycle specifies a sequence of steps which will be followed in the application's development and implementation. The seven general steps are as follows: (1) Concept Initiation and Approval (2) Draft Design' Document (3) Review and'Revision (4) E.1Ni@L_QE51QN (S) Programming (E.) Installation and Training (7) Post Installation Evaluation EL. The organization and presentation of materials in this design document for the SMA Permits is briefly described as f 0 11 ows Part I.Cp the Hawaii Permit Application and Support Systemy and Part IIy Overview of the SMA Permit Processy are included to provide some background and context on the H-PASS I general design and purposey and the SMA Permit process as adminstered by the four counties in the State. D "IGN DOCUMENT 1-3 EE)' Haviaii County Special Management Area Permit Part IIly H-PASS System Functions Related to Permit Processing, provides a general description of how the H-PASS will operate to automate 'SMA permit information. Specific references are made with respect to the SMA/H-PASS linkage. Part IV on Information Flow and Cyclesy describes the @basic steps in the present SMA permit and review process from the'standpoint of the county SMA agencies, indicating as well the appropriate points of data entry and update on the H-PASS. Part V on System Outputs and Inputs contains initially developed H-PASS outputs in the form of standard reports and the SMA permit data to be inputted through formatted screens on 'the county word processing terminals. Part VIy System Design for the SMA Permity describes the hardware and software capabilities of the H-PASSy with some discussion on specific system design considerations. Part VII, Program Specifications and Part VIIIy Computer File Specifications, identifies and describes. the necessary programs and how the ,files are to be organized and maintained H-PASS. Part IX, Data Access and Security, describes generally the system security options available to.the H-PASS and provisions for controlling access to data stored on the system. IiQ12-and-SUP-P-2r-�-SY-.a�m The Hawaii Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program is presently undertaking a research and demonstration project to improve information management for coastal planning and land use processes. The project is entitled the Hawaii Permit Application and Support System, or H-PASS. The H-PASS is an automated permit tracking and information support system using a network of r.emote terminals throughout the State for data input and output. The system is designed to enhance the operation and capabilities of the various State and county agencies with,coastal zone responsibilities. DESIGN DOCUMENT 1-4 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Th'e system has been developed in partial response to increasing information requirements and the accompanying problems which are esPecially evident in our land use regulatory system. A myriad of permit requirements have evolved over the years to regulate various aspects of development activity in Hawaii. The net result of this evolution has been an increasingly complex and inefficient permit processing system. Applicants proposing development activity in Hawaii are faced with a maze of government-imposed controls over the use of their land. The proliferation of permit requirements has created a situation where an i6creasing number of per'mit applications are being filed. As a resulty processing of permits is relatively slow, and review of permits for consistency with lawsy rules and regulatidns is impeded. While this situation may be partially addressed by streamlining the permit processy a complementary approach is proposed by this project to provide for computerizing the permit application and processing system. The present des.iqn of H-PASS involves a system of word processors or remote terminals located at each of the agencies v@ithin the user network. These word processors possess sophisticated text editing capability and in that regard function much like mini-computers. In addition, they are to be equipped with telecommunications capability which wi 11 enable the transmission of electronic messages th,rough existing telephone lines. Agencies within the H-PASS user network will be able to communicate with each other as well as perform data manipulation and access permit-related information through linkage with a central computer located at the University of Hawaii. The H-PASS project is in the first phase* of a projected three-year program of research and development. Its scope is ambitious and comprehensivey involving up to ten agencies and seventeen land use and development permits and approvals. The H-PAS13 is envisioned to eventually have far-reaching effects in terms of coordinating planning and permit activities on a Statewide basis. Data processing capability should enhance individual agency operations and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of development review procedures. The major benefit of the systemy however, will be the ready access to a shared data base of planning, land use, and permit Information from the various agencies networked in the system. DESIGN DOCUMENT 1-5 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit The H-PASS is designed to be a computer-based processing system which will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of development review procedures primarily by providing the means for access to -important and relevant permit-related information. There are four major objectives of the Hawaii Permit Application and Support Sys-tem. These objectives are (1) to support agency permit processingy (2) to support interagency communication and coordinationy (3) assist in the management and external reporting needsy and (4) to assist gencies in improving their internal efficiency and operational capabilities. H-PASS is designed to assist the networked state and county. agencies in the administrative management of the various land and water development permits and approvals. A range of capabilities is offered to support the agency's staff in. the review and proc'essing of permits. 6P Plic a tiau-Ir-ar-kina. The H-PASS will have a major impact on the efficiency and -effectiveness of permit processing by providing an index of permits or- approvals previously processed. Of all of the steps in the permit application review processy the analysis of the proposed project is the most complex step for agency staff since it is often necessary or desirable for the reviewer to consider prior applications for'the same permit type, geographic areay type of project, or applicant. A major function of the system will be to maintain an automated index of permit application files. Each file will be indexed by many key identification attributes including countyy islandy districty tax map keyp applicant name, project type, and permit type, to list some of the major aspects. The' system will thus allow staff reviewers to easily and efficiently identify similar applications on the basis of project typey geographic area, or other application attribute. This will assist the analysis of the project under consideration in several ways. Firsty the environmental impact of conducting a project may be affected by current and previous projects in the area. Secondy a permit for a project should not be issued when an application for a similar project has @een rejected recently -- unless differences between the two applications can be identified. Third, certain types of projects or geographic areas may be considered environmentally DESIGN DOCUMENT 1-6 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit sensitive such that a more comprehensive review may be required. In each of these circumstancesy it would be desirable for, the staff "reviewer to obtain a listing of previous applications within the same geographic area. or which has similar project characteristics. Often it is useful for management or staff to determine the status of a pending permit internally or with another agency in terms of its stage in the review process. For H-PASS, agency staff will be updating the file on the individual permit application at several designated points in the review-process. With multiple projects pending reviewy a listing'of the active permits* for which final decision is pending can be easily retrieved. The status of a given project undergoing review in another networked agency may also be similarly obtained. In response to these needs, the system will- be capable of generating special status,reports for these agencies. H-PASS proposes to incorporate the land use inventory data files for each of the fou'r counties. Using the tax map key as the base, the Special Management Area boundaries may also be incorporated into the inventory. At a later pointy the inclusion of flood hazard areas and historic sites. by TMK may be incorporated as well. This will prove useful to the planning staff in determining whether the project falls in any of these categories Through the network of user agencies and the inclusion of coastal-related land and water development permits within an integrated system, multiple benefits will be derived. The shared management approach through which H-PASS. must be developed encourages an improved cooperative, environment that will have bene@its in many agency and management activities. Apart from these general benefits, more specific coordinative benefits may be identified. Nearly every development activity has aspects which are subject to regulation by two or more public agencies. The coordination of permit review is at the time impeded by a lack of communication between present agencies, which contributes to the lengthy review process. H-PASS has the potential to facilitate simultaneous reviews of DESIGN DOCUMENT 1-7 Hawaii- County Special Management Area Permit permits by separate agencies by providing a means for agencies to share permit-related information, including staff findings and recommendations. This could not only reduce the length of time required to process permits required for a projecty but also may avoid or minimize duplication of effort by the participating agencies. TlIaLlirie.a. It is often- desirable to contact another agency regarding specific concerns or comments on aspects of a project undergoing multiple agency review. By means of a telecommunications capability among the word processors or terminals in the H-PASS network, agencies will be 'able to quickly send queries about a given project and likewise be able to receive responses in an efficient manner. Because the timely receipt "of comments from other' agencies is equally important, reminder-type inquiries may be rapidly transmitted to networked agencies. In a similar mannery the ability to telecommunicate messages, reportsy and other material- to -other .agencies in an efficient manner should generally- speed up the review of documents and referrals to other agencies in the network. The necessity for public hearings or public notifications is often one of the principal contributory factors in the lengthy review process. The H-PASS may eventually enable an interagency-1isting of required public hearings to be produced on a regular basis to facilitate the coordination of public hearings for a given project. This capability would be dependent upon the number of agencies networkedy and would require a master file to link pr F with their associated pgLmi�.-. The report-generating capability of the H-PASS will' enable the production of summary tabulations of project and permit data as required to meet the particular needs of the agencies in the H-PASS network. Many agencies often receive phone calls and written inquiries from the Legislaturej iInterested citizens or other agencies and organizations regarding the status of a particular project or permit activity. Specially designed report and data retrieval DESIGN DOCUMENT 1-8 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit features will enable agency staff to rapidly respond to these inquiries. Moreovery the retrieval and report generating capabilities of H-PASS will-enable various types and formats of listing summary tabulations of the approvals process. Thus for exampley special requests from legislators regarding the number and type of projects in their areap or an environmental organization's concern regarding the status of particular projects or public hearing schedule may quickly b-e retrieved and reported. Increasing ly, regulatory activities often require the reporting in Summary tabulations to federal agenciesy legislaturey councils, commissions and boards the results of the permitting or regulatory process. Increasing concern about the efficiency and effectiveness of review procedures result in greater attention being focused on these summary reports. Through H-PASS9 the production of monthlyp quarterly, or yearly summary .information about the final disposition of active permits may be reported in whatever format desired to facilitate both regular-and special types of reporting needs. N.Qni�orin2@- Part of the Department of Planning and Economic Development's responsibility as lead agency for the Hawaii CZM Proqram involves the mandate to monitor federaly state and county agencies for compliance with the objectives and policies of Chapter 20SAY. HRSY the Hawaii CZM law. This monitoring responsibility includes the review of permit and o'ther approval actions by the various agencies having coastal-related responsibilities. The H-PASS network will facilitate the retrieval of such monitoring information as may be necessary by the ready access to permit data with minimal disruption to ongoi ng agency operations. The extensive nature of the administrative and regulatory processes toda@ places ever greater demands on the typical agency's professional and support staff.- The overall increase in information needsp coupled with a recent trend of reluctance of government agencies to hire more staff, will inevitably result in greater workloads? slower response time, and less efficient operations. In the long runr the automated capabilities of the H-PASS design as an integrated word processing and data processing system will operate to the mutual benefit of both clerical support staff and the professional staff by increasing their capabilities for coping with infor mation demands. DESIGN DOCUMENT. I _9 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit For the support staffy the word processors located at each of the user agencies will facilitate the typingy editin97 and compilation of lengthy reportsy the assembly of repetitive letters and documents, and the filing and storage of materials produced. The word processors in the H-PASS network consist of a standard typewriter keyboar&with a video screen onto which text is entered and edited. Additional keys and operations including math and sort capabilites (subsequently explained) will facilitate the man,ipulation of text and numbers. Creatingy updatingy and computing agency budget and expenditures are enabled with the math functions on the word processors. Agency logs of permits and files, once entered, may be manipulated in a variety of fashions, witti subsets of log entries or re-ordering of the log easily accomplished. The result is more efficient administrative record-keeping. In effecty what may ordinarily be minor data processing operations may be routinely accomplished through each agency's word processing workstation. For the agency Is professional staff, data processing -capability will enable management tracking of applicationsy generation of r.,eport summaries of permit actions, and data manipulation and analysis. The H-PASS computer will be in communication with th6 University's main computery which will allow networked agencies access to the various statistical packages available. The overall design concept for H-PASS involves a network of word processors located at user agencies and which are linked through telecommunications to a 'central computer. At each of the user agenciesy data (e.g. permit information, land use inventory parcel information, and text) would be entered into the user's word processor and then transmitted to the host computer for storage. Special H'PASS programsy referred to as s ubsystems, will perform the tasks of passing data to and from the central computer. The Data Entry subs-stem handles initial creation of application data, and the Update subsystem handles revisions. The user agencies would be able to request reports through the Reporting -or Inquiry subsystems of the host computer. The host computer will manipulate the data and send the information back to the user agencies. Data entry and updating will be performed by user-agencies on the word processing or remote terminals. DESIGN DOCUMENT I-10 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit The hardware (physical devices) of H-PASS consists of (1) a network of word processors and remote terminals which are capable of communicating ov,6- telephone lines with a central computery (2) the central computer and its associated devices7 and (3) equipment to provide communication capabilities between the word processors and the computer. The word processing stations located at user a gencies will have moderate storage capacities, a printer, and some sorting and mathematical capabilities. The central processing unit at the University will be supported by a moderate disk storage capacity, tape drive backup, three workstationsy and be linked to the University's Computing Center for added ca*pa bilities. The system software (computer. programs) consists of (1) programming languages, (2) operating system programs which control the operation of the computer system , (3) general purpose utility programs for manipulating data, (4) programs written to provide H-PASS users with certain general capabilities (such as entering or retrieving data)y and (5) programs tailored to each specific H-PASS application (such as SMA permit processing). Three types of reports will be provided for by the system: standard reports, inquiriesy and special reports. Standard reports will be both generated by the user-agencies through the report programs or by mailed reports provided by URPP. Inquiries which allow agencies to search a data base for cases meeting certain criteria or havin� certain characteristics will be provided for on.a limited basis. Howevery this capability will not be immediately available. Inquiry will be developed in later phases of system development. Special reports will be generated by H-PASS staff to respond to the unique needs of agencies. This servicey however, will also not be immediately available and will be dependent on the available resources of system staff. Although networks of computer terminals serviced by a central computer are commonp the use of word processors as user terminals is an important and innovative aspect of the H-PASS design. A word processor terminal has important Is stand-alone's capabilities which are available to the user even when the word processor is not connected to a computer. A conventional computer terminal, referred to herein as a remote terminaly has much more limited capabilities. Most remote terminals must be in communication with a computer to provide any useful functions. DESIGN DOCUMENT I-11 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Some aqencies which will be a part of the H-PASS network will be using word processors instead of remote terminals. The use of word processors as terminals instead of remote terminalsy for most agenciesy was provided for in this design for several reasons. Firsty the costs of telecommunications to the neighbor island county --planning departmentsy if--handled through remote terminalsy would be considerable. Secondy using word processors would provide user agencies with limited data handling capabilities which would be valuable even when their w or dprocesso; wa s not communicating w i t hthe central computer. Third, the applications proposed for H-PASS require text transmission which would have to be re-entered if a remote terminal were used. Fourthy the general word processing capabilities and mass mailing and budgeting capabilities support other objectives of the HCZM Program. When fully developed, the H-PASS will involve a collection of at least seventeen separate and discrete applications 'sharing a host computer and software. Each of these applications will have its own independent data file (or files)y its own tailor-ed reporting programsy and-its own unique output reports. The system will have shared programs or s-ubsystemsy howevery to perform many of the H-PASS functions such as Data Entry/Update, Reporting, Inquiry, Word Processing, and Electronic Mail. The creation of a telecommunications network linking H-PASS users is a key concept of the H-PASS system. The network will facilitate the flow of information such as documentsy messagesy and memoranda, and will support data collection, analysisy and retrieval. The network will also facilitate the lead agency's monitoring responsibilities for CZM permit activities since current data an CZM-related permits will be maintained by the system. The proposed H-PASS network is' illustrated in Figure 1. It will consist of user terminals linked to a central, or host, computer. User terminals will be located at each of the county @lanning departments and at several state agenciesy including DPED. Users will be able to send data to and receive data from the host computer by means of telecommunications DESIGN DOCUMENT HAWAII'COUNTY SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT FIGURE 1 H-PASS SYSTEM HARDWARE.CONFIGURATION STAI URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING PROGRAM MODE r 240 UH COMPUTER CENTER TAPE DISK IBM* MOD DRIVE' DRIVE 370/158 240 75 IPS 90 MEGA COMPUTER BYTES MOD 240 MOD MODEM, MOD H 240 I@OOBPS 120 BPS H-PASS MOD COMPUTER MODEM 240 - 2400BPS -I- MODEM MODEM MOD - 2400BPS 2400BPS 240 MODEM PUSPP COU - 2400BPS MOD WORD PROCESSOR 240 MOD 240 SERIAL OPERATOR PRINTER WORKSTATION. CONSOLE F I SK IV R E go ME& BYT ODEt@ip 00 S @12 @E tl 0BPS F2C4 MOD 240 Direct Connection MOD 240 Telecommunications Li'nk . . . . . . DESIGN DOCUMENT 1-13 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit In additiong the host will be capable of communicati ng with other computers such as the IBM 370/!S'--3 at the University of Hawaii Computing Center -(UHCC). The host's communication with larger computers extends the potential of the H-PASS to include capabilities not available on the host computer, and would permit authorized access to data bases stored on other computers. For exampley H-PASS users would have access to general-purpose programs such as SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), SAS (Statistical Analysis System), and TPL (Table Producing Language) which are stored on the University of Hawaii IBM 370/1S8. They may also have access to data stored on other computer data bases available for public use. A. Background B. Statutory Authority C. -Guidelines for Development-Review D. Application Processing Procedures DESIGN DOCUM6,3T I I'- t Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit I 1 0 Y E R'Y-1 I E: W- - 0 E - i H E PA SEE Q16L-NnNAQENENI-ABJ6 rJ-EER MI! Special Management Area (SMA) permits represent the single most important management tool for implementing the objectives and policies of the Hawaii- Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program. Issuance of the SMA permit is administered by each of the four counties (Cit- & County of Honolulu, Kauai-y Mauiy and Hawaii) to regulate coastal development. As opposed to permits which address specific activities regardless of locationy SMA permits are restricted to a specific geographic area and address a broad range of development activities. Current SMA boundaries generally include lands extending a minimum of 100 yards inland from the upper wash of the wavesy although in some areas the SMA's exten d up to several miles inland, This section describes the general nature of the SMA permit '. its background, statutory authorityy guidelines for dwielopment reviewy and general processing procedures. 6.. El a r@ k a r- -Q u n d The County administered SMA permits are part of the Hawaii CZM Program network-of land management controls. The permit was initially established by the Shoreline Protection Act in 1975 in order to provide interim control measures along the shoreline while the Hawaii CZM Program was being developed. it was based on a legislative finding that: "Special interim contr'ols on developments within an area along the shoreline are necessary to avoid permanent losses of valuable resources and the foreclosur.e of management options and to ensure that adequate accessy by dedication or ther means, to public owned or used beachesy recreation areasy and natural reserves is provided. Chapter 20SA thus declared it State policy 11to preservey protect, and where possible, to restore the natural resources of the coastal zone of Hawaii." DESIGN DOCUMENT 11-2 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit In Mayy 1977, Act 188, SLH 1977 (revising Chapter 20SA, HRS) was signed into lawy establishing a permanent CZM program for Hawaii. Chapter 20SA, Hawaii's CZM law, retained most of the interim measures established by the Shoreline Protection Acty including the SMA permity while making minor modifications of County responsibilities existing under the old law. The SMA permit is designed to regulate land uses within c-M area along the shorelines of the State. This "Special Management Area" is delineated by the county SMA authoritiesy and is regulated by rules,- regulations, and procedures developed by'each county pursuant to' the objectives, policies and guidelines of the Hawaii CZM Law. No development is allowed in any county within the special management area without prior! SMA permit review. Through the SMA permity counties are required to ensure that p@oposed developments minimize adverse environmental impacts to coastal resourcesy protect public recreation areas and wildlife preserves, an @-- ensure adequate public access to these areas. The counties are authorized to designate the special management areas along the - shorelines within their jurisdictions, and to require permits for development in these areas. There are essentially three types of SMA permits issued by the counties: 1. Uap--P-pr-mi�5. (also called 'Major' permits), used to regulate development activities of $2SyOOO or more, or which or. which "may have a substantial adverse environmental or ecological effecty taking into account potential cumulative impacts"; 2. bin2r E-ermi�ray used to regulate structural development not in excess of $2SrOOO which has not substantial adverse environmental or ecological effect; and 3. Empar-apmry-Earmila, authorized "in cases of emergency requiring immediate action to prevent substantial physical harm to persons or property." The authority to issue SMA major use permits is vested in the planning commissions for Kauaip Maui and Hawaii countiesy and in the City Council for the City and County of Honolulu. The planning departments in each county (the Department of Land DESIGN DOCUMENT 11-3 Hawaii County ESPecial Management Area Permit Utili zation. for Honolulu) admin ster permit proce--s-ina and m-7- k e staff recommendations to the aLlIthority. M inor and emercency permits are processed and issued by the respective county planning departments. Perm i ss i b 1. euses within the SM4-'s are identified by the regulatory requirements of the Shoreline Protection Act of 197S which have subsequently been incorporated i n the Hawa i i CZM law. SPecific types of development covered by the SMA permit include: .1. The placement or erection of any solid material or any gaseous, liquid, solid, or thermal waste; 2. Grading, removing, dredgingy mining, or extraction of any materials; 3. Change in the density or intensit, -of land usey including but not limited to, the division or subdivision of land; 4. Change in intensity -of use of water, ecology related theretol, or of access thereto; S. Construction, reconstruction, demoiition, or alteration of the size of any structure, including any facility of any private or public utility, and the extensive removal of vegetation, except crops. Amendments to the CZM law in 1.979 also expanded on the list of activities exempted from the definition of development. "Dev.elopment" does not include the following: 1. Construction of a single-family residence that is not part of a larger development; 2. Repair or maintenance of roads and highways within existing rights-of-way; 3. Routine maintenance dredging of existing streamsy channels, and drainage ways; 4. The repair and maintenance-of underground' utility lines, including but not limited t-o watery sewer, power, and telephone and minor appurtenant structures such as pad mounted transformers and sewer pump stations; DESIGN DOCUMENT 11-4 Hawaii County Special Manaqement aera Permit S. Zoning variancesy except for heighty density parkinap and shoreline setback; E. Repai meintcnancer or interior alterations to existing structures; T. Demolition or removal Of Structures, except those structures located on any historic site a2 designated in national or state registers; S. The use of any land for he purpose of cultivating, planting, growingy and harvesting of plants, cropsy' trees, and other agricultural, horticultural, or forestry products or animal husbandry, or aquaculture or mariculture of plants or animalsy or other agricultural purposes; 9. The transfer of title to land; 10. The creation or termination of easements covenants, or Other rights in structures or land; and 11. The subdivision of land into lots gveater than twenty acres in size. The Cause of Action Provision County decisions on SMA permits can be challenged pursuant to Section 20SA-Ey HRS, relating to "Cause of Action." Section 20SA-E. provides that any person or agency may commence a civil action alleging that any agency: 1. Is not in compliance with one or more of the objectives, policies, and quidelines provided or authorized by this chapter within the special manaement area and the waters from the shoreline to the seaward limit of the State's jurisdiction; or 2. Has failed to perform any act or duty required to be performed under this Chapter; or 3. In exercising any duty reqquired to be performed under this Chaptery has not complied with t4he provisions of this Chapter. DESIGN DOCUMENT IIS Hawaii County SPecial Management Area Permit Incorporated in the 1377 Hwaii CZM 0Act are guidelines to revit-, dvelOPMOnt pr0p0szqis in the SMA. These quidelines provide that all deve1opient Ljit Vl n the SMA be subject to reasonable terms and conditions to ensure: 1. Adequate accessy by dedication or other peans to Publicly Owmed or used beaches recreation areas, and tural reserves is provided to the extent consistent with sound conservation principles. 2. Adequate and properly located public recreation areas and Wildlire preserves are reserved. 3. Provisions are made for solid and liquid waste treatment, disposition, and management which will minimize adverse effects upon special management area resources. 4. Alterations to existing land forms and vegetation except crops, and construction of structures shall cause minimum adverse effect to water resources and scenic and recreational. amenities and minimum danger of floodsp andslidesy erosion, siltationy or failure in the event of earthquake. The Hawaii CZM law also provides that no development shall be approved unless the authority has first found: S. That the development wi11 not have any substantial adverse environmental or ecological effect, except as such. adverse effect is, minimized to the extent practicable and clearly outweighed by public health and safety, or compelling public interest. Such adverse effects shall include, but not be limited to,the potential cumulative impact of individual developments, each one of which taken in itself might not have a substantial adverse effecty and the elimination of planning options. E. That the development is- consistent w i t h the objectives, policiesy and MA guidelines of this chapter and any guidelines enacted by the leqistiature (includes the C7M policies with DESIGN DOCUMENT 11-6 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit respect to recreationy historic preservationy scenic and open space resourcesy coastal ecosystemsy economic usesy coastal hazards, and managing developmen@). 7. That the development is consistent with the county general plany zoning and subdivision codes and other applicable ordinances. The law also specifies that the SMA permit authority shall seek to minimize, where reasonable: 13. Dredgingy filling or otherwise altering any bayy estuaryy salt marsh, river mouth, slough, or lagoon. 9. Any development which would reduce the -size of any beach or -,other area usable for public recreation. 10. Any developme nt which would reduce or impose restrictions upon public access to tidal and submerged lands, beaches, portions of rivers and stream4 within the special management areas and the mean high tide line where there is no beach. 11. Any development which would substantially interfere with or detract from the line of sight toward the sea from the state highway nearest the coast. 12. Any development which would adversely affect water quality, existing areas of open water free of visible structures, existing and potential fisheries and fishing grounds, wildlife habitatsy or potential or existing agricultural uses of land. Q_. 6P-P- I i F..'ati aaain_q_P_r_.Q rp. -dur- aa Each county is authorized and has promulgated separate rules and regulations to administer the SMA provisions contained in the Hawaii CZM law. The permit application procedures are generally the same across counties, although there are slight variations on time limitationsy public hearings, public notice, and review and appeal procedures. The SMA major permit generally is processed within 120 days from DEFIGNI DD4U"ENT 11-7 Hawaii CountY Special Management Area Permit the time the county accepts the application to the final decision on the permit. The basic steps in SMA permit procesinq which are common, to all, of the counties are deccribed below. Assessment and Determination. Fach county has an assessment process b which a project proposal is reviewed to determine whether it will: 1. Require an SMA use permit (referred to as the SMA Use Permit by Maui, Hawaii and Kauai Counties, and as the Shoreline Managemen Permit by the City and County of Honolulu); 2. Required.Minor Permit; or 3. Be exempt from the rules and regulations because it is not defined as a "development". In Kqaua4y Maui and Hawaii Counties, the assessment process may be waived if the applicant determines on his ovin that an SMA permit is required. In the City and County of Honolulup the applicant must additionally submit an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) accepted under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) or Chapter 343y the State EIS law; or he must submit a "negative declaration" indicating that an EIS was not required under state law. When a SMA permit application is submitted for processingy each County reviews it to ensure that all of the information requirements have been fulfilled. Information requirements vary slightly among the Counties. Basicallyy all require: 1. The affected property's location, sizey present usey tax map key number, zoningy and general plan designation; 2. A shoreline survey when the property abuts the shoreline; 3. A description of the propsed development and its objectives; 4. The estimated total cost or market value of the project; DESICN DOCUMENT Hawii County special Manaaeuient Area Permit S. A plot plan with scale drawings of property lines and existing and proposed land uses"; andy 6. Information relatina to. the applicant's legal interest in the property. Other application requirements v a r y from county to county. Both the City and County of Honolulu and the County of Hiaii reqire an assessTT1Ent 0f the project's technicaly economic, social and environmental effects. The counties of Kauai and Maui do riot alItMnaticallyl require an assessment, although in practice applicants are usually requested to prepare one. All of the county planning departments may in addition request whatever special studies they feel are necessary prior to acceptance of the application. c h special analyses requested include. historic sites, hazards, topographyr vievi planesy trafficy and water quality. Under limited circumstancesy pursuant to Chapter 343, HRSy all county planning departments have authority to require a State Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The State EIS law applies to agency and applicant actions if the project or program: proposes the use of State or county funds or lands; is in the State's conservation district; is in the shoreline setback area (20 to 40 feet from the shoreline); is* located in certain parts of Waikiki; is located on a listed historic site; or requires a county. general plan amendment. Agency Consultation As a standard practicey the administering agency will refer the application to State and County agencies with interest or expertise bearing on aspects of a project, for review, comment and recommendations. Unique to the County of Maui, a special Urban Design Review Board is employed for recommending conditions to improve the appearance of development proposed in the.SMA. A public hearing is required before action can be taken on an SMA permit. A formal public notification procedure precedes the hearing in which property owners surrounding the proJect must be notified by certified mail of the 4jearing. Further morey the administering agency must publish notices of the hearing in newspapers of Statewide and Countywide circulation at least 20 days in advance of the hearing, and also to persons who have pSIGN4 DCUMENT Howaii County Special Manaement Area Permit quested in writing to be so notified. The public hear1q formats vary among counties in their types and possible CL)HIPlexitiest (See Section IV and' Appendix E detailed description of a particular county's hearinqg process Application Assessment Depending on the County, a staff ascssment of the project will be prepared either before o r after the public hearing. The assesSment is prepared by the administering aency and contains basic project information, a vrioprsis of the isues and findings of critical conccrnvnd rcommendations for action, including specific conditions for approval, if any. Action on the Permit Within a specified time limit, which varies among the Counties, the SMA authority will decide the final disposition of the permit.The permit may be 1pproved,approved subject to comp1iaice with specific conditions or denied. app15, Any person, including the applicant, aggrieved by a decision of the SMA permit authoritw has the right to a judicial review by the circuit court in accordance with Chapter 91,HRS. In Part IV of this document, the SMA permit process for a particular county is illustrated in greater detail on flow diarams with an accompanying narrative.These diagrams show the relationship of the process to H-PASS operations. Each county's process is prefaced by an overview diagram which generally parallels the process as described in this Part. A. Data Entry./Update Subsystem B. Reporting Subs-stem C. Word Processing Subsystem D. Electronic Mail Subsystem DESIGN DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit III. H PASS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS RELATED TO THE SMA PERMIT PROCESS The Hawaii Permit Application and Support System performs a rane of functions in order to meet the multiple objectives of permit trackigngy monitoringy and coordination. The system provides a relatively ezsy method for transmitting and maintaining information about the land use and permitting systems. It also allows for the easy development and sharing of standard reports. specialized inquiriesF and special reports. Lastly. it allows for creation and transmission of general documents. To perform these functions. the H-PASS will have several discrete subsystems to support the user. "Subsystem" is a term which basically refers to a functional routine which is part of a larger-system. The H-PASS application design for the SMA Permit process basically consists of four major subs-stems:(1)Data Entry/Update, (2) Reporting, (3) Word Processingy and (4) Electronic Mail. The-capabilities of each of these subsystems are described below. A. DATA ENTRY/UPdate Subsystem Permit and land use information for storage on the H-PASS computer will be entered by the county SMA agencies through the Data Entry/Update Subsystem. The subsystem will provide formatted screens for data entry at word processor terminals located at the county planning departments. Basicallyp formatted screens are pre-defined information forms which may be displayed on the word processing terminal. Either clerical or professional staff may fill in the fields (spaces set aside for inputting permit or land use data) provided on the screens - each field being of a predetermined length. The formatted screens for the Special Management Area PerMiT to add and update information is contained in Section V. The SMA application consists of multiple screens which must be filled in. The user will key in the data required for DESIGN DOCUMENT 111-2 Hawaii Count- Special Management Area Permit each field of the screen, with the data then stored on the word processor's archive or s-stem disk for subsequent transmission to the central computer. The central computer system or "host" (located at the University of Hawaii Urban and Regional Planning Program) will perform a validation check on the data received, to ensure that all required data is present and there are no invalid or inconsistent code entries. If-errors are found, the host. will send the user appropriate error messages so the data can be corrected and resubmitted. Once the data is verified, it is stored in the appropriate file on th'e host system. Each SMA Permit application or Petition (called here a record") is to be updated a minimum of three. times dur ing the Processing of the permit. The process as generally conceived for entering and updating SMA records is as follows: (1) the user will- enter and update records from alread- formatted screens on documents obtained from an appropriate archive diskette; (2) the updated record will be stored on the system or on diskette f@r subsequent transmittal to the host computer at designated times; (3) through the word processor Is telecommunications capabilityy the screen documents will be sent to the hosty where a It Message Processinq@ System" will be used to If strip" (extr-@ct) and convert'the data for processing and storage on the. computer; (4) an error check will be performed on the computer to detect any invalid entries, and an error message sent back informing the user; . (S) the user will perform the necessary editing and updating of the record using the word processor; and (E.) the user will transmit the updated record back to the host for validation and storage. When the data is verifiedy the application record on the host file will be updated. The procedural model of the Data Entry/Updating activities in relationship to the overall SMA permit process is provided in Section IV. DESIGN DOCUMENT 111-3 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit For the Special Management Area Permit processy a minimum of three data entry/update points are requiredy as follows: a. County SMA agency acceptance of the completed application or petition. At this timey the Data Entry/Update Subsystem will be used to ADD a computer record to the H-PASS. The purpose of this record to document that an application has been received in a complete and acceptable form for processing and review by the SMA age-icy. b. Completion of the public notice process. The second time the subsystem will be used is when applicable public notices have' been issued. The Data Entry/Update Subsystem will be used then to modify an already existing computer record. -C. Fina.1 action on the permit by the planning department or commission. The last time the Data Entry/Update Subsystem will be used is when the final action has been taken. At this time, the agency will also transmit a copy of the staff report to the computer as a document. Additional update points, when applicable or desirabley include the continuation of the public hearing, a postponement of final actiony initiation of contested case proceedings, and appeal of the SMA authority's decision. The updates of the computer record will, in addition to enhancing the internal permit tracking and management capabilities of the county SMA agency, allow sufficient points for lead agency monitoring as well as enable other agencies to be kept informed on the status of various applications as they proceed through the permit review process. EL. There are basically three types of reports which will be made available through the H-PASS system, (1) standard reportsy (2) inquiriesy and (3) special reports from computers other than the H-PASS host computer. Each report type is briefly discussed below. DESIGN DOCUMENT 111-4 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Standard Reports The Reporting Subsystem will provide standard reports to users on a scheduled basis - weekly? monthly, or annual - or upon request. The frequency of reporting will be based on user needs as identified in the application design process. These reports will indicate the status of permits, provide management information, and provide monitoring information for DPED. The number of standard reports will vary by application. For land development permissions, there are essentially five types of standard reports which will be developed.These include (1) a list of new applications by geographic areas; (2) permit processing dates, (3) a year-to-date listing by geographic area of applications and their disposition, (4) a listing of permits involving potential coastal impacts; and (2) other specialized reports, such as listings of conditions attached to permits and the expiration dates of the conditions. Different types of reports will be developed for H-PASS applications which do not involve permits. such as a listing of historic sites by Tax Map Key (TMK) Parcely Cultural Resources Activities by TMK Zone and Section, and tables which cross tabulate State Land Use Districts by County Zoning. The number of agencies receiving these standard reports will also vary from report to report. Some reports will be limited to a few agencies. Others will have wide dissemination. The specific agencies receiving various reports will be determined through the application design cycle. Thus far the following agencies have been initially identified as receiving H-PASS-generated reports: Department of Planning and Econmic Development Planning Division State Plans Branch Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program Special Plans Branch Capital Improvements Program Branch Land Use Division Economic Research and Analysis Division Department of Land and Na tural Resoeurces DC'SIGN DOCUMENT III-S Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Planning Office Historic Sites Division I th Pollution and Technical Control Division UP- aar-�ma n �-2�-Ir-an a P-2r-�a�i2n r D-nm.--n� a Planning Department Planning Department Planning Department Department of Land Utilization. Department of General Planning The second type of report will be those which are developed through inquiries. H-PASS'will provide for limited inquiries by a usery although these capabilities will not be available immediately. Inquiries are specialized reports which are developed through searches of files by a user. These inquiries are specialized and developed for a particular purpose and will be handled throug@, an Inquiry Subsystem The Inquiry Subsystem will provide the capability to produce tailored reports using H-PASS datay in response to user requests transmitted from the user's word processing terminal. The user will provide the necessary report keys to define which range and types of data are to be included in the report retrieval. From a summary level inquiryp the user may then decide to request standard application profile reports to review specific permits in more detail. DESIGN DOCUMENT Area Permit Hawaii'County Special Management There are numerous inquiry capabilities 'which might be consideredr but the economics and technical feasibility of the H-PASS project will requir;-that the scope and depth of the Inquiry Subsystem be carefully defined. The implementation Of this subsystem will require development of appropriate screens and the use of programs and,utilities on the host computer for extractinqy sortingy and formatting data into reports for transmission to users. Specialized reports are those reports requiring the use of statistical package's at the University of Ha-waii Computing Center. This type of report will be especially useful for yearly summary reports? special cross-tabulation reportsy or for time seri.es analyses. W ac E r- _Q fzffa@.@- n aE u n r- 12 n a: One of the unique concepts of the H-PAGS 'is the use of 'Word processing units as user terminals within the telecommunication network. This concept greatly increases the usefulness of the user terminal to perform important tasks when not in direct communication with the host computer. The capabilities of the word processor for creating and manipulating text data will be used by a variety' of users including both secretarial and professional staff;. il of In addition, "sort" and math capabilities enable agencies to perform internal tracking of activity or permit processing/monitoring deadlinesp budgets, and generally facilitate other useful management'functions. . Word Processing capabilities are be provided both at the user locationsand at the host computer. The user terminals are, word Processors, and the host computer's word processing capabilities will be provided by software available from the computer manufacturer. The Electronic Mail Subsystem will provide the important capability of sending and receiving messagesy documents, and D(H.SIGN DOCUMENT 111-7 Hawaii County Special Management Arealpermit..- memoranda to others within the H-PASS network. This capability will facilitate communication and coordination among the agencies served by H-PASS. The host computer will provide the capability for routing mail" to users within the system. Messages could be created at either the host or user terminals. Documents for transmission would have to be available either from a word processor file or from the host-computer's files. One important application which - is presently under investigation is the use of the Electronic Mail Subsystem to maintain a general notice of public hearings and meetings for all agencies. Such an application would be of considerable value in keeping agencies informed about governmental activities. In addition, agencies with word processing terminals will be able to trans-nit messages and documents to other agencies by-passing the H-PASS c-ompLLter. This may be accomplished through a direct dial-up to the user agency and transmission of a system disk file from one word processor to another. DESIGN DOCUMENT IV-1 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Initial Screening and Log-In For H- PASS purposes the SMA process begins when the applicant initially submits written information on his project and requests processing by the Hawaii County Planning Department (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"). This first stage "Initial Screening and Log-In" identifies what type of application is being made, and when a new record is added to the H-PASS file. 1. The process begins with a decision by the applicant as to whether or not he will directly petition the County Planning Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Authority") for an SMA Use Permit. 2. If he.decides to petition for an SMA Use Permit the applicant (who is hereafter the petitioner" for an SMA Use Permit) submits to the Department the appropriate application form and the required information about the project (his petition). 3-4. Upon screening and insuring completeness of the petition the Department creates a new record for the Project, assigns it a file number and enters H-PASS relevant information including: a. Petitioner and land owner information; b. Tax Map Key number of the parcels' involved; C. A. project description; d. Receipt of the following: 1) A plot plan of the land involved; 2) A shoreline survey if the project abuts the shoreline; 3) A plan of the development; DESIGN DOCU@1ENT IV-2 Hawaii County Speci al Management Area Permit 4) An Environmental Impact Statement, if required pursuant to Chapter 343y Hawaii Revised Statutes, or if required by the Director; S) A description of the anticipated impacts of the project; and, 6 Any other information as required by the Director. 5. After this initial log-in stagey the petition is processed according to procedures continued in B. E.. If the applicant (as opposed to a. "petitioner") does not direct!y petition the Authorityr he will submit his application and supporting information to the Planning Department. 7. This deci-ion point separates- requests for SMA V Emergenc, Permits from information submitted by an applicant for an Assessment and Determination. 8. If aT@- SMA Emergency Permit is required, the Director of the Planning Department (hereinafter referred to as the "Director") issue@= such a permit. 9. This log-in creates a new record which is assigned'a file numbery and SMA Emergenc@ Permit information is entered. 10. This concludes all H-Pass related inputs for SMA Emergency Permits. 11. If the project does not involve emergency repairsy the applicant submits to the Director information on his project for an assessment and deter,mination. The Assessment and Determination stage is limited to 21 days (unless the time limit is waived by the applicant) during whi,ch the Director determines if a project: 1. Is exempt from the permit process; 2. Requires a minor permit; 3. Requires an SMA Use Permit. DESIGN DOCUMENT IV-3 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 12. This decision point separates procedures for projects determined to be exempt from the rules and regulations. 13-1b. Projects determined to be exempt are noted as such in a new record and the record is closed. IS. If the project is n ot exempt, this decision point determines if the project requires an SMA Use permit. 16. If the project does not require an SMA Use permit, the Directory upon consultation with the Chief Engineers of the Department of Public Works, issues a Minor Permit. 17-13. Upon issuance of a Minor Permit a new record is createdy H-PASS relevant information inputted, and--.-:then- the. -r-.ecord- is closed. 19. If an SIMA Use Permit is requiredy the applicant (hereinafter referred to as the petitioner) will submit-his petition following the same procedure beginning at (2). 20. At this point two concurrent procedures are followed. On one handy agencies with interest or expertise bearing on aspects of the project are consulted.. Meanwhile public notification for the public hearing proceeds. 21. Upon accep tance of the petitiony the Department refers it to agencies for review and comment.- 22. Upon receiving commentsy the Depar tment will prepare a background report and draft recommendations for consideration by the Authority. 23. Upon acceptance of a petition, the Authority schedules the hearing date. 24. The Department will then notify the petitioner of the hearing date so he may mail out the required public hearing notices to surrounding property owners. DESIGN DOCUMENT IV-4 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 2S. The petitioner sends those notices by certified mail so that the mailing can be verified. The notices must be provided 20 days prior to the hearing. 2E.. After the hearing date is schedul'edy the Department will log it in the record through an update. 27. The Department is required to publish notice of the hearing in newspapers of Countywide and Statewide circulation atleast 20 days prior to the public hearing. 28. At this decision point, public response on the project may require that the hearing follow contested case procedures. 29. If contested case procedures, are requiredp the record is updated to reflect this requirement. 30. The hearing process follows -contested case proceedings. These proceedings are not detailed in thi4 flow diagram. .31. The Authority holds its public hearing. 32. Following a public hearingy contested case procedures may be required if objections to the projectare raised. 33. Following the public hearing or the contested case hearing, the Authority will act on the permit. 34. The Authopity's action will be logged into the record through an update. 3S. This decision point identi fies decisions which are ap@pealed. 36. If the decision is not appealed, the record- is closed. 37. If the decision is a ppealedy the appeal is noted through an update and the record is closed. DESIGN DOCUMENT IV-5 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit START 1 Yes ETIT10 DIRECT1LY County of Hawaii No SMA Permit Process 6 APP SU&MITS APPLICAT1014 INTO 7 DIR EMERGENCY Yes ISSUES 10 EMERGENCY PERMIT PERMIT No DIR INITIAL ASSESSMENT AND F INAL 6 LOG-IN DETERMINATION 0 PAU 12 13 is Yes INITIAL PROJECT AND FIRAL XEKPT LOG-it" ? 14 PALI 110 15 DIR 16 QUIRE No ISSUES SMA US, 10 SMA MINOR PERMIT PERMIT Yes 19 17 PET 2 INITIAL SUBMITS AND FINAL P IT ET ION LOG-IN PD PAU SCREENS/ INSURES ICOMPLETENESS I 4 INITIAL LOG-IN 5 B 'o 12 ;,, 1. :@7 Y No No s I @e 4 5' DESIGN DOCUMENT IV-6 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit County of Hawaii SMA Permit Process 4, 23 Y'O 21 AUT PD SETS CONSULTS HEARING AGENCIES DATE ON PETITIONS 24 25 PD PET PD NOTIFY NOTIFIES PREPARE BACK- PET OF PROPERTY GROUND REPORT HEARING OW14ERS R.ECOMMENDA- T1014S 26 LOG-IN SCHEDULED HEARING DATE PD PUBLISH 140TICE IN NEWSPAPERS 28 29 Yes LOG-IN NITIA CONTESTED CONTESTED CASE CASE.RE- ? QUIRMiENT NO AUT 31 30 HOLD HEARINGS 32 NITIATE Yes CONTESTED CASE No __j '13 AUT ACTS 014 PERMIT 34 LOG-IN DECISION/ OTHER INFO 35 36 DECISION No APPEALED Yes 37 LOG-IN APPEAL "o '10 FOLLOW CONTESTED CASE PRO- CEEDI14GS 32 Yjes NO 38 PAU A. SUMMARY LISTING OF SMA REPORTS B. STANDARD REPORTS C. DATA ENTRY SCREENS DESIC-N DOCUMENT V-1 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit USES-EUB J6RY RECORIS 1. PERMIT PROFILE Answer citizens' inquiries. County SMA Agency All data Provide reference informaton Other agencies elements for staff of SMA Agency. included. SUmmarizes Permit information for other agen6iesr Planning Commission. 2. MTW.)R PERMIT Summary reporting. County SMA Agency Application DPED Status & Date. 3. MAJOR PERMIT Summary' reporting of denials County SMA Agency Applie'ation FItW\L ty approvals. DPED Status Date. Ct Track major permits County SMA Agency, Tax Map occur.rinq in the same Key locale. Zone Number. 5. FI-HrIRF I T NE A5sist county monitoring of County SMA Agency Abutting PP., OJI: C TS projects abutting shoreline. DPED Shoreline. Assist lead agency monitoring. Proj. Size E.. FFFCfAL Information recordkeeping. County SMA Agency Reports RE POR T S Submitted 4383 DESIGN DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit DESIGN DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Report No. 1: Profile of Special Management Area Permit Description The permit profile contains case-specific information about SMA major,minor, and emergency permit applications. it provides basic information about the proposed project and current status of the application in the permitting process.. The profile report can be used to answcr most public or agency inquiries regarding a particular project. It provides. a current,easily accessible source of information presented in a consistent format to serve a variety of management, monitoring, and reporting purposes. Data provided in the profile will be he basis for all other reports generated. Case-specific by County. Frequency of Production On demand. Access No restrictions on access. County SMA Agency. DPED Variables All data elements are included in this report. MEL-AMR DESIGN DOCUMENT V-3 Hawaii'County Speclal Management Area Permit REPORT NO. 1: PROFILE OF SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT COUNTY OF HAWoII APPLICATION INFORMATION FILE 10: SMA/H78-069 HC FILE NO.: SMA OS2 PROJECT TITLE: PERMIT TYPE: MAJOR APPLICANT NAME: GEORGE NORWOOD ADDRESS: CITY: HILLSBOROUGH STATE: CA ZIP: 94010 ORGANIZATION: TYPE OF APPLICANT: PRIVATE APPLICANT'S INTEREST IN LAND: OWNER LANOOWNER'S NAME: GEORGE NORWOOD TYPE OF LANDOWNER: PRIVATE. LOCATION OF PROPOSED ACTION COUNTY: HAWAII LOCAL17Y: KAILUA-i@ONA PARCEL ABUTS SHORELINE: YES TAX MAP REY: 7-6-014-007 LAND USE INFORMATION STATE LAND USE DISTRICT: URBAN COUNTY GENERAL PLAN.: RESORT COUNTY-ZONING: RESORT/HOTEL EXIST114C LAND USE: VACANT LAND SURROUNDING LAND USE: MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPABLE OPEN SPACE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROPOSED ACTIVITY: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATED COST DF PROJECT: $ ESTIMATED PROJECT SIZE: 4706 @Q FT: UNIT OF MEASUREMENT NO. BLOCS.: I NO. FLOORS: 3 NO. NEW DWELLING UNITS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENCE WITH THREE APARTMENT UNITS AND PRIVATE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OESIGN'DOCUMENT Hawaii County Spevial Management Area Permit ASSESSMENT APPLICATION EMERGENCY APPLICATION APPLICATION DATE: APPLICATION DATE: DETERMINATION DATE: DECISION DATE: NULL AND VOID: EXPIRED: STATUS: STATUS: SMA USE PERMIT PETITION PETITION STATUS: APPROVED DATE FILED: 04/04/78 PUBLIC HEARING: 07/1 DATE ACCEPTED: 04/13/78 CONTINUED: DECISION: 07/13/78. CONTESTED CASE HEARING: WITHDRAWN: NULL AND VOID: AMENDED: PUBLIC NOTIFICATION DATES HILO HERALD TRIBUNE : 06/23 78 HONOLULU ADVERTISER HILO HERALD TRIBUNE : 07/11/78 LETTERS TO PROPERTY OWNERS SPECIAL REPORTS/INFORMATION,SUBMITTED 1. SHORELINE SURVEY 2. 3. 4. 5. E.. 7. B. 9. REFERRALS 1. AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE REQUESTED: OA/13/7 2. ACENCY: DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY DATE REQUESTED: 011/13/7 3. AC NCY: DFPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, HIGHWAYS DIVISION DATE REQUESTED: 04/13/7 4. A(. NCY: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DATE REQUESTED: 04/13/7 5. AC:-N(:Y: POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE REGUESTED: 04/13/7 E.. AG-NCY: FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE-REGUESTED: 04/13/7 7. AG---NCY: SOIL AND CONSERVATION SERVICE DATE REQUESTED: 04/13/7 DESIGM DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 8. ArFN(",': ''ILO ELECTRIC AND LIGHT DATE REQUESTED: 04/13/ 9. AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCESP HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFC DATE REQUESTED: 04/13/ 10. ACFNCY: DATE RFOUESTED: 11. DATE REQUESTED: 12. ACEHCY: DATE REQUESTED: 13. ACIENC-e: DATE REQUESTED: 14. AGE.W;Y: DATE REQUESTED: 15. AGENCY: DATE REQUESTED: POTENTIAL CZM IMPACTS SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE RESOURCES RECREATION RESOURCES COASTAL HAZARDS TSU,'JAMI HAZARD AREA ECONOMIC USES COAST,tL ECOSYSTEMS DESIGN..DOC1 1: "Itk NT Hawa i iCounty Special Management Area Permit ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIC RESOURCES CONDITIONS IMPOSED ON PERMIT 1. CEASE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES & NOTIFY COUNTY IF ANY ARCHAEOLOGICAL OR HISTORIC RESOURCES UNCOVERED. 2. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MUST APPROVE-PROJECT PLANS 3. COHFIRLICTION MUITT COMMENCE WITHIN I YEAR OF,FINAL PLAN APPROVAL & BE COMPLETED WITHIN 2 YEARS THEREAFT 4. ACTICH SHALL CONFORM SUBSTANTIALLY TO THE REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY THE PETITIONER S. ALL OT i IER APPLICABLE RULES MUST BE COMPLIED WITH v-7 i i C OU n t y Sp c, ca. Q C-MCT It -,- ea P e rTTI it Report No. 2: N in-rir-Ef: -r,.Tj i�-Ei I. Li i-Qm-4 -The minor permit decisions report Contains a Cumulative l1stinQ of all final decisions rc-cardinq -S-MA, minor permit applications. The reports cGn be used for permit tracking and for summary reporting purposes. n_r county. 1-jum-nary listing, state-jide or by In sequence by File 1.D. on demand. No restrictions. E r- i ID L -Y County SEMA Agency. DPED. File IDY Typey Applicant N-amey Propo sed Activityy TMK Zoney Localityy Date Filed, Decision Date. --,NNW DESIGN DOC agement Area Permit REPORT NO. 2: MINOR PERMIT FINAL DECISIONS COUNTY OF HAWAII FILE ID APPLICANT NAME PROPOSED ACTIVITY EST. COST TMOCALITY FILED DECISION COMPANY ENERGY DEVELOPMENT $ 10 PUNA 12/23/77 01/M1p0 TRANS LAND TRANSP LAND ACGUISITION 00 NORTH HILO HUMUULA 01/12/78 01/17/78 Sp'p-TER STUEFLOTEN RESIDENTIAL 24,000 SOUTH KONA 01/03/7 YE TRUCKING INC.. LAND TRANSPORTATION $ WAIA18 DESION DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Report No. 3: Major Permit Final Decisions Description The final decisions report contains a cumulative listing of all SMA major Permit applliications.Basic project information rr r i or :-t on is included in the 1ist in order to provide a reference, by which users can locate more detailed information regarding a specific activity. The reports can be used for permit tracking and for summary reporting purpose;. Summary listing statewide or by county. In sequence by decision date. Frequency of Production On demand. Access No restrictions. Primary Users County SMA agency. DPED. Variables File ID, Permit Type, Applicant Name Proposed Activity, TMK Zone Acceptance Date, Petition Status., Decision Date. DESIGN DOCUMP.NT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit REPORT NO. 3: MAJOR PERMIT FINAL DECISIONS COUNTY OF HAWAII AS OF: 99/99Y99 FILE ID' APPLICANT NAME PROPOSED ACTIVITY TMK ZONE LOCALITY ACCEPTED SMA/H78-OSI PACIFTC WAREHOUSE SHOPPING COMPLEX NORTH KONA KAILUA-KONA 12/06/77 StWH79-05a REX MATSLINO INDUSTRIAL FACILITES NORTH HILO WAIAKEA 01/12/7S StlA/1478-053 BRATTON DEVELOPMENT CORP RESIDENTIAL DEVELPMT NORTH KONA KEAUHOU Of/18/78 SMA/H78-051 KAILUA KONA VILLAGE DEV GROUP SHOPPING COMPLEX NORTH KONA KAILUA-KONA 01/19/78 DECISION DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Report No. 4: Major Permits by Geographic Area Description This report lists SMA major permit applications by judicial district. as identified by Tax Map Key Zone number. The listing can be used by county planners for reference purposes or to obtain information for assessing, and planning for the cumulative impacts resulting from development in a particular locale. Organization Summary listing 7 by county or statewide . In sequence by File I.D. Frequency of Production On demand Access No restrictions. Primary Use County SMA Agency. Other agencies. File IDY Permit Type, TMK Zone Locality Applicant Namey Proposed Activity, Status, Decision Date. DESIGN DOCUMENT Hawaii.County Special Management Area Permit REPORT NO. 4: MAJOR PERMITS BY GEOGRAPHIC AREA COUNTY OF HAWAII AS OF: 99/99/439 FILE ID TMK ZONE LOCALITY APPLICANT NAME PROPOSED ACTIVITY STATU SMA/H79-OSI NOPTH KONA 'KAILUA-KONA PACIFIC WAREHOUSE SHOPPING COMPLEX APPROVE SMA/H78-07-3 NORTH KONA. KEAL114OU ' BRATTON DEVELOPMENT CORP RESIDENTIAL DEVELPMT APPROVE SMA/H78-054 NORTH MONA KAILUA-HONA KAILUA KONA VILLAGE DEV GROUP SHOPPING COMPLEX APPROVE DESICION DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Report No. 5 The shoreline projects report lists all major permit applications for projects which abut the shoreline. The reports can be used by county SMA and DPED lead agencies to monitor and to anticipate the 1ong-term impacts on coastal recreation resources or public access resulting from these types of projects. Summary listing, by county. Grouped by Tax Map Key Zone Number. Frequency of Production On demand. Access No restrictions. Primary Users County SMA Agency. DPED. File ID, Project Abutting Shoreline Permit Type, TMK Zone, Proposed Activity Procject Size, Unit of Measurement, No. of buildings, Maximum Heght.in Floors, Petition Status, Decision Date. DESIGN'DOCLIMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit REPORT NO. 5: SHORELINE PROJECTS COUNTY OF HAWAII AS OF: 99/99/99 FILE 10 PROPOSED ACTIVITY TMK ZONE LOCALITY PROJ SIZE UNIT SLOGS FLOORS STAT SMA/H78@OSI SHOPPING COMPLEX NnRTH KONA KAILUA-KONA 20POOO SO FT 21 2 APPROV 5MA/H78-0c-;2 INDUSTRIAL FA@@ILITES NILIRT14 HILO WAIAKEA- 12,000 SO FT 1 1 APPROV SMA/H78-OS3 RESIDENTIAL DEVELPMT NORTH KONA KEAUHOU 2 ACRES 5 3 APPROV SMA/H78-OS4 SHOPPING COMPLEX NORTH KONA KAILUA-KONA 4,302 SO FT - - APPROV Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Report No. 6: Special Reports. Information Submitted Description This report contains the special reports or other types of information submitted to the county SMA Agency in conjunction with the SMA permit application. The listing of these additiorial information documents will provide the SMA Agency with a useful reference and summary of the resource information available. Orginization Summary listing, by county. Frequency of Production On demand. Access No restrictions on access. Primary Users County SMA.Agency. File ID, Permit Type Acceptance Date, Applicant Name, Tax Map Key and Special Peports/Information Submitted data elements., DESIGN DOC Hawaii County Spe Area Permit REPORT NO. 6: SPECIAL REPORTS, INFORMATION SUBMITTED 'COUNTY OF HAWAII FILE ID ACCEPTED APPLICANT NAME TAX MAP KEY E HAZDS SCEN SHORE OTHER OTHER OTHER ACIFIC WAREHOUSE 7-5-007 REX MATS 1pH71p8 ELOPMENT CORP 7-7 H71ONA VILLAGE DEV GROUP 7- DESIGN DOCUMENT V-17 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit COUNTY OF HAWAII SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT SCREENS FILE ID: SMA/H99-999 HC FILE NO. XXXXXXXXXX PROJECT TITLE: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx APPt ICANT NAME: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ORGANIZATION: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ADDRESS: XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CITY. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX STATE: XX ZIP CODE: 99999 APPLICANT INTEREST: 9 .(Codes:) I=Landowner 2=Lessee 3=Dev. Rights 4=0ther TYPE OF APPLICANT: 9 (Codes:) I=State 2=County 3=Private 4=Dther OWNER'S NAME: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TYPE OF OWNER: 9 (Codes:) i=Federal 2=State 3=Hawn Home L-ands 4=County S-Private 6-Mixed TAX MAP KEY IDENTIFICATION: COUNTY ZONE SECTION PLAT PARCEL 3 9 999 9 9 999 999 9 9 999 999 9 9 999 999 9 9 999 999 9 9 999 999 Additional tax map key listings continued in "Special Management Area Permit Application Supplemental Tax Map Key File"? 9 (Codes:) O=No 1=Yes, LOCALITY: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PARCEL ABUTS SHORELINE: 9 (Codes:) O=No@, I-Yes DESIGN DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit .t prpi PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY*: 99 (*See cok) ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT: $999 ESTIMATED PROJECT SIZE: 9 UNIT OF MEASUREMENT" 2=Acres (to Nearest .01 Acre) 3=Fe 3=M IF -FAMILY RESIRCIALMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF BUILDINGS: 99 MAXIMUM RS 99 NUMBER OF LODGING UNITS: 999 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STATE LAND USE: 9 (Codes:) 2=Rural 3 4=Conservation COUNTY GENERAL PLAN: 99 99 (Codes:) 1 Urban erva 2=Urban 7=Resort 3= Urban ban Expansion 4= 9=University Use 99 99 99 99 COUNTY ZONING: (Codes:) mily 7=C 2=sidential 3=Residential Agricultural 9=ve 4=AgriCU y S A 1 EXISTING LAND USE*: 99 SURROUNDING LAND USE*-. 99 99 99 99 DESIGN DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit DATE: 99/9 DETERMINATION DATE: 99/99/99 NULL AND VOID: 99/9 STATUS: 9 (Codes:) Significant Impact/ Under 2=Major Req1p=Withdrawn 4=Ex APPLICATION DATE: : EXPIRED:. 99/99/99 STATUS: 9 (Codes:) pty Permit Issued 2rmit Denied 3=Expired 4= S=Waived Requirements PERMIT TYPE: 9 (Codes:) 2=Minor 3 PETITION STATUS: 9 (Codes:) 2=Appr 3 4=Withdrawn 6=Exempt 7= PETITION PR DATES: DATE FILED: 99/ PUBLIC HEARING: 99/99/99 DATE ACCEPTED: 99/99/99 CONTINUED: 9 DECISION: 9ESTED CASE HEARING: 99/99/99 WITHDRAWN: 99/99/99 NULL AND VOID: 99/99/99 AMENDED,. 99/99/ PUBLIC NOTIFICATION DATES: NOTIFICATION TYPE* PUBLICATION DATE PUBLICATION DATE. 99/9 2. 9 99/99/99 99/99/99 3. 9 99/99/99 99/99/99 4. 9 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 99/99/99 Hawaii Management Area Permit REPORTSITTED: 9 9 (Codes:) EY 3=COA 4 6=SHORELINE SURVEY 7=OTHER 9=OTHER Epal. AGENCY* DATE SENT DATE RECEIVED 2p: 3. 99/99/99 9 99/99/99 10. 99/99/99 99/99/99 99 12. 9 13. 99/99/99 99/99/99 14. 99/99/99 99/99/99 IS. 9 9 99/99/99 9 99 99 HIC RE 99 99 99 99 99 99 N SPACE RESOURCES*: 99 99 99 99 COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS*: 99 99 99 99 99 99 ECONOMIC USES*: 99 99 99 99 99 99 COASTAL HAZARDS*: 99 99 99 99 99 99 ~0 DESIGN~T ~ii County Special Management Are~ NATURE OF CONDITION EXPANDED TEXT? ~s) I ~xxxx~~~~~ 9 2. X~~ ~~~~~~~ 3. 4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXX 9 ~p'~~~~~~~~~ 9 E~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~ 9 7. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXXXXX ~~~~~~~~~~ 9 ~~~~~~~~~~ 9 4~2px~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 9 12. ~~~~~~~~~ 9 13.~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9 14. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~~~~~~ 9 15. ~~~~~~~~~ 9 ~~~~~~~~~~ 17. ~~~~~~~~~ 9 ~X~~px~~~~~~ ~p@~~~~~~~~~ 9 20. ~~~~~xxxxxxx ~ORE CONDITIONS IMPOSED? 9 (Codes: ~) A. Hardware and Software Environment B. System Design Overview DESIGN DOCUMENT VI-1 Hawaii'County-Special Management Area Permit The H-PASS hardware configuration is described in detail in Sy.a�am prepared previously. Some key features of the systems environment for this -application are noted be.low since the systems design is based on certain hardware and software capabilities provided bythe computer vendor.. 1. The H-PASS host computer is a Wang VS system which supports telecommunication with either (a) word processors, or (b) "remote workstation" terminals. Some H-PASS applicationsy including "the Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit application, will be implemented usinq word processors at the user locations. This design approach has been recommended in order to minimize telephone line costs to neighbor island users, and to provide the user with a device which can be productive when not "on-line" to a computer system. The major operational differences between use of a remote terminal versus a word processor are as follows.:, a. a remote terminal interacts with the host computer in a conversational" mode, with the host computer responding interactively with the user as the user proceeds through the various steps of a function such as data entry. This mode allows for validity checking of user entries while the user is still at the terminal, which permits easy correction of,erroneous entries. The Wang utilities are designed primarily to be operated by operators at workstation" terminalsy typically DESIGN DOCUMENT VI-2 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit located within a short distance physically from the computer. A "remote workstation" terminal has the same advantages of interfacing directly with the Wang file management and reporting utilities, even though it is operated from a distance over telephone lines. b. The H-PASS word processor terminals are noty at presenty equipped to act as remote workstation terminals to the Wang host computer. Rather than performing in an interactive mode with the host computer, the word processor sends complete blocks of data to the host computer for processing. In data processing terminologyy the word processor acts as a remote job entry device, sending data and job request parameters to the host processor for subsequent processing in "batch" mode. Unlike the remote workstationp a word processor -cannot directly execute the standard Wang utilities. Use of the utilities is indirecty through the transmissibn of job commands and data to the host computer for subsequent processing. The H-PASS design approach is to make max'imum -use of the Wang utilities in order to minimize- custom programming and reduce development time. A Message Processing System will be developed to process messages received from word processors and pass job control commands and data to the appropriate application programs or standard utilities. The REPORT utility, for exampley could be operated relatively easily from parameters passed to the utility using Wang's PROCEDURE language. Use of the data entry/update utilities would be more difficulty but should be feasible with the proper interface routines. DESIGN DOCUMENT VI-3 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 2. The design approach is based on the following utilitiesy available on the H-PASS Wang VS computer: A. CONTROL - allows creation of control files which define the format and use of data files. B. DATENTRY - allows the user to create and maintain data files described by control files. This utility is used primarily for maintenance of simple table files. C. REPORT - is a general purpose report generator which uses the data definitions contained in the control files. D. EZFORMAT. - allows creation of tailored data entry screens for data files described by control.files. This utility-is-similar to the DATENTRY utility, but allows more flexibility in the formatting of screens and is'used for creating data entry screens for creating and maintaining the SMA permit file. The amo unt of custom programming required for this application is minimized by the use of the above utilities. Required functions not available through utilities will be provide@d' by modifications to programs generated by the utilitiesy or by special It user exit" program modules written in COBOL. The major use of special program routines will be for table lookups and editing of certain@ fields" for -output printing. The propo@ed system design for this application is illustrated in Figures 6.1 through 6.3. The system consists of the following subsystems: DESIGN DOCUMENT VI-4 Hawaii'County Special Management Area Permit 1. Table File Maintenance Subsystem This application makes extensive use of data codes to facilitate ease of data entry and to allow retrievals and analysis by' selective use of coded data descriptors. Tables are stored on the system to provide - text descriptions corresponding to the values of the coded variablesy in order to provide easily readable output reports. The system is summarized in Figure 6.1. Some tables referred to as system tables will be shared by more than one user application. Other tables, such as the table containing descriptions of the various categories of SMA applications willbe unique to one application. The Table Maintenance subsystem will allow the user to maintain all tables used by the application. All tables will be stored external to the application programs to minimize the need for special programming t6 accomodate additions to tables or chanqes in their contents. 2. Data Entry/Update Subsystem The "Data Entry/Update Subsystem, shown in Fig ure 6.27 will allow the user to add new records to the application data file or update (modify) the contents of existing records. The user will key in,data on the appropriate screens on the word processor terminal to create a word processor "document" for transmission to the host compute. The Data Entry/Update Subsystem, in conjunction with the Message Processing System, will extract user-entered data for validation according to editing criteria provided in the control file. Valid data transactions will be processed to add or update application data file records. DESIGN DOCUMENT VI-5 Hawaii*County Special Ma'naqement Area Permit a_,- Ra2QL�in _QZ_ Ina ui-E.-Y-Su-b a -L-5-A.- am The ReportinqVinquiry Subsystem, shown in Figure 6.3, will print standard reports or individual inquiries based on user requests. -Each separate report is defined in a report definition file, with the exception of the permit profile report, which will be created by a tailored COBOL program I e For most reports, report generation will L performed by- -the .- REPORT utility in conjunction with a Report-Definition file and a user-exit module to -perform table lookups if required. the c'ase of inquiry reportsy the user. will be provided with a screen which will allow entry of a specific key value or range of key values for which report' records are to be selected. Some reportsy especially 11profiles" of permits (logical records)y will require customized programs. These reports will be createdlin either COBOLy BASIC or RPG II. The design for,these. reports. is illustrated in Figure 6.4. More detailed'descriptions of the programs and file5 which will comprise the Special Mangement Area Permit system are provided in the following two sections of-this document. DESIGN D'OCUMENT VI-6 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit TABLE FILE MAINTENANCE'SUBSYSTEM CONTROL CREATE/ FILE MAINTAIN LISTING CONTROL FILE @ CONTROL FILE CREATE/ TABLE MA I N TAI N FILE TABLE FILES TABLE' LISTI14G Figure 6.1 NROI I ILE LTABL LISTI 14G DESIGN DOCUMENT VI-7 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit DATA ENTRY/UPDATE SUBSYSTEM CREATE C014TROL DATA E14TRY FILE. PROGRAM USER DATA ENTRY TERMINAL UPDATE PROGRAM DATA FILE- Figure 6.2 (@NLTROI I E: DA@A DESIGN DOCUMENT VI-8 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit STANDARD REPORTS/OTHER INQUIRIES REPORT CONTROL APP SYS DATA FILE DEFINITION FILES TABLES TABLES FILE (.'S) USER GENERATE USER- TERMINAL REPORTS; EXIT MODULE STANDARD REPORTS INQUIRIES Figure 6.3 REPORT NTRO] INI TI ILE FDATA FIL FDEF FF 'S FILE (.,S @ U SER- IT E X ODU", STANDARD PORTS] DESIGN DOCUMENT VI-9 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit INQUIRY/REPORT SUBSYSTEM PERMIT PROFILE REPORT APPLICATIO14 TABLE FILE(S) USER DATA TERMINAL PERMIT FILE' PROFILE REPORT -PERMIT PROFILE REPORT Figure 6.4 f PLI CATI TABLE FILE (S) 'A. Table Maintenance Subsystem Data Entry/Update Progress C. Report Progress & Report Definition Files DESIGN DOCUMENT VII-1 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit VIT. PEO This section lists the programs required by the Special Manaqement Area Permit application and describes their general functions. The H-PASS conventions adopted for program naming are described in Section VIII. The reader is encouraged to review that section to obtain an understanding of file description conventions. Jalija -Mai �aaan-e Sut-atem All H-PASS tables are maintained through use of the WANG DATENTRY utility, in--conjunction with control--files which describe the individual table file contents. Special programs for table file maintenance are not required under this approach. % There are @hree classes of table files maintained by the table maintenance subsystem. The first class of table files wil"l be those -system level files utilized by one or more H-PASS applications. These will be labeled in the "HPSYS" series. The second class of table files are those which will be utilized by all of the H-PASS/SMA applications. These will be labeled in the "HPSMA" series. Finally, there are those table files which will be only utilized by the Hawaii County SMA application.- These will be labeled "HCSMA" (Hawaii County Special Manaqement Area). eelow are listed the table files used by this application, together with the control files which are used to describe and maintain the data in the table files. HPSYSC01 HPSYST01 STATE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGN DOCUMENT VII-2 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit HPSYSC10 HPSYST10 COMMON NAME LOCALITY HPSYSCI21 HPSYST21 COUNTY OF HAWAII COUNTY GENERAL PLAN HPSYSC22 HPSYST22 COUNTY OF HAWAII ZONING HPSYSC23 HPSYST23 COUNTY OF HAWAII TMK ZONE HPSYSC61 HPSYST6I DEPARTMENT HPSYSC62 HPSY0ST62 DIVISION WITHIN DEPARTMENT HPSYSC70 HPSYST70 TYPE OF APPLICANT HPSYSC71 HPSYST71 APPLICANT INTEREST IN LAND HPSYSC72 HPSYST72 TYPE OF LANDOWNER HPSYSC80 HPSYSTS8O PROPOSED ACTIVITY HPSYSC82 HPSYST82 2 DIGIT GENERAL,LAND USE HPSYSC90 HPSYST90 RECREATIONAL IMPACTS, HPSYSC91 HPSYST91 CULTURAL RESOURCE IMPACTS HPSYSC92 HPSYST92 SCENIC RESOURCE IMPACTS HPSYSC93 HPSYST93 COASTAL ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS HPSYSC94 HPSYST94 ECONOMIC USES IMPACTS HPSYSC9S HPSYST89 COASTAL HAZARD IMPACTS 2. HPASS SMA System Control Files - HPSMA Control Table File ID File ID Table Description HPSMAC70 HPSMAT70 APPLICATION STATEMENT TYPE HPSMAC72 HPSMAT72 STATUS OF PETITION HPSMAC73 HPSMAT73 LAND UNIT OF MEASUREMENT HPSMAC74 HPSMAT74 TYPE OF PERMIT DESIGN DOCUMENT VII3 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 3. HPASS Hawaii County SMA System Control Files- HCSMA Control Table File ID File ID Table Description HCSMACOI HCSMAMT01 ASSESSMENT APPLICATION STATUS HCSMAC02 HCSMAT02 STATUS OF EMERGENCY PERMIT HCSMAC03 HCSMAT03 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION TYPES HCSMAC04 HCSMAT04 SPECIAL REPORT OR INFORMATION SUBMISSION 8. Data Entry/Update Programs Program ID Processes word processor document messages to extract data entrqy/update transactions for processing. Processes the "mesaaes" contained in the header of a WP document transmitted in 2780 TC made and moves the records into a temporary workfile. (It should be noted that this is part of the Message Processing System which is a H-PASS System-Level Function) HCSMAO01 "Strips down" the SMA WP screens extracts data elements from word processor documents, edits and validates -transactions records created from the documents and moves the data which is submitted to an update transaction file (HCSMAD02). HCSMAO02. Performs adds and updates to File HCSMAD001 based on transactions received from HCSMAD02. Creates edit listing report file HCSMAR03 for transmission to the user terminal to inform user of data entry/update results. HCSMAD03 Displays data entry screens to create or modify File HCSMAD01 data in backup made. it should be explained that "backup" made essentially means utilizing interactive VS terminals (serial or remote) for data entry and upating. DESIGN DOCUMENT VII-4 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit HCSMADO4 Takes print files from a report program and converts them to WP documents. C. Report Programs and Report Definiton Files There will basically be two types of report program files which will be created. The first type of report program will be the customized programs which create the master permit profile, perform table lookup functions, and other report functions which cannot be the standard report utility. The second type of report proqram files will be report definition files which are utilized by the REPORT utility. Report definition files are read by the REPORT utility to specify the parameters for reports. 1. Report Programs Program ID Functions HCSMAO21 Creates and prints Report HCSMAR01 - SMA Permit Profile. Performs necessary table-lookups to convert record codes into equivalent text descriptions as required. Accesses individual permit records based on SMA Permit ID provided by the user. HCSMA022 Master user-exit program CALLED by program REPORT to perform table lookup functions as required to convert codes for the HCSMA application to text descriptions. The table lookup subroutines to be performed will be determined by the Report ID contained within the first data record passed by the REPORT program. HCSMAR01 Specifies the SMA minor permit actions summary report. It is used by the REPORT utility. in conjunction with HCSMAR02, which is the USER-EXIT COBOL program for table lookup. HCSMAR02 Specifies the SMA major permit actions and status report. It is used by the REPORT DESIGN DOCUMENT VII-S Hawaii Count,- Special Management Area Permit utility in conjunction with HCSM'R02, which is the USER--EXIT COBOL program for table lookup. HCSMAR03 Specifies the geographic listing of SMA major permit actions. It generates a status REPORT for pending permits within this area. The file is used by the REPORT utility in c.onjunction with HCSMAR02Y which is the USER-EXIT COBOL program for table lookup. HCSMAR04 Specifies the listing of SMA major permit actions which abut a shoreline. It generates a status REPORT for these pending permits. The file is used by the REPORT utility in conjunction with HCSMAR02, which is the USER-EXIT COBOL program, for table lookup. A variet- of other standard reports will be provided through the combination of the REPORT utility, Report -Definition file entries, and the user-exit program HCSMAR02. Report selection will be determined as user requests are.made. A. File & Library Management on the H-PASS B. Specific HCSMA Files C. Hawaii County SMA Permit Data File DESIGN DDCUMENT VIII-1 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit This section describes (a) the general system of file management used by HPASS and (b) the specific computer files which will be used for this application. Detailed contents of each file will be found in control file listings found in Appendix D. Each report and data file within the H-PASS system will have a corresponding Control File entry, which provides a standardized means for describing data elements and the edit/validation criteria -to be a.-Plied to each data element. A-, The purpose of this section is to outline the file mqna9ement proc@dures and naming conventions to be used for the H-PA'__1S system. The WANG system library utilities treat all data stored on the system as "files"y whether the data is a source program, object program, data sety or other type of data. A formal system for assigning file identifications will be implemented for HPASS in order to properly manage the numerous files whic-h will be created for HPASS applications. Ei1e_Naming._Cun%,2i2�iai2a - The VS file name may contain up to eight characters, the first of which must be an alpha character. After the first alpha character, th@e file name may include any combination of alphabetic and numeric characters except for special characters such as slashes and dashes. Application development files are those which are created for any of the H-PASS application programs. Generally, any of the H-PASS applicatons will require the creation of a number of different types of files for applications utilized by various agencies. The conventions for naming these files are as follows. DESIGN DOCUMENT VIII-2 Hawaii C.ounty Special Management Area Permit The first two characters of a file will be utilized to denote the agency wh i c hen t e r sa nd updates an H-PASS application (HPASS system files accessible by all agencies are identified by- a the characters "W"). Although more than fourteen governmental units will be networked into the H-PASS system, the, units fall within ten state and county agencies. These agencies and their application codes are listed below: N_ANE_QE - 6Q BE KN QL Y EILE-CODE HPASS SYSTEM FILES HP STATE AGENCIES Department of Planning and Economic Development DP Coastal Zone Management Program CZ Department of Health DH Department.of Transportation DT Department of Land and Natural Resources DL Office of Environmental Quality Control OE COUNTY AGENCIES Hawaii County Planning Department HC Maui County Planning Department MC Kauai County Planning Department KC City and County of Honolulu (DLU) cc 6RP Following the two characters for agency designation will be a -three character identifier to denote the application type (acronyms will be used where. possible). There are approximately seventeen applications which will be part of the H-PASS system. The names of these applications and identifiers are as follows: DESIGN DOCUMENT VIII-3 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit APPLICATION --- COLE---- L_J Special Management Area- Permit SMA (Four SMA Applications 1 per county) Federal Consistency@. FED Land Use inventor- LUI (Three Land Use Inventories) Capital Improvements Program CIP ASS A-9S Project Notification and Review System Conservation District Use Application CDU Cultural Resource Information CRS (Historic and Archaeological Sites) (Historic/Archeological Surveys) (Bibliography of Hawaiian Archaeology/His'Lopy Zone of Mixing Permit mix National Pollution Discharge Elimination System NPD Solid Waste sow Sewage and Cesspools SEW Environmental Impact Statement EIS Land Use District Boundary Changes LUD H-PASS System-Level Application SYS H-PASS Message Processing System MPS Eila-IY-p-p- Following the three characters which identifies the H-PASS application of a particular agency, a one character code will be used to designate the file type. A number of, different types of files (e.g. programy data, tabl-e, or screens) will be required for each HPASS application. Below is a table of the 4@ile types and their corresponding one-character codes DESIGN DOCUMENT Vii-1-4 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit EILE-IYPE Eatch Files for Telecommunications B Control File C Qata File D Menu M Executable Object Program 0 aeport Definition File R Jables (Data 'Lookup Files) T Screens S Source Program (Cobol, RPGI BASIC, etc.) P The six characters described thus far are used to identify the agency rest3onsible for maintenance of a particular data base, the name of the specific H-PASS application under developmenty and the type of file. The last two characters will be used to designat e each specific file within the category of files described by the first E. characters of the file identification field. Alphabetic characters may be used- in the event that more than 99 unique files are required within a particular application file type. In summapyr the use of the above naming conventions will make the nature of a file easily recognizable. to system users or programmers. The first two characters will represent the agency which is primarily responsible for the data entry/update of the data base. The next three characters will represent the name of the application. The sixth character will represent the file typq. And, the last two characters are used to uniquely identify each separate file. There may be special instances where the established conventions might be inadequate. In those cases, the files will be renamed as appropriate. DESIGN DOCUMENT VIII-S Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit aa a a a _Qf_Ei lh_e5i There will generally be three classes of files for the H-PASS system. The first class of files are those which are systematically utilized by many H-PASS applications. The prefix for these files will be "HPSYS". The second class of files will be labled "HP---," where the --- will represent similar applications. These files will contain information which is uitilized by multiple users of a particular application. An example of these are the Special Management Area Permits and land use inventories. These applications will have many shared programs and table lookup files. The third class of files are those which will be only utilized by a,particular application. These programs and files will be labeled with the appropriate agency and -application codes. The WANG VS, system stores all files within JjLtr and a L. I provides utilities for managing and listing library contents. The use of various classes of file libraries allows control over access to files and facilitates the separation of development activities from operational activities. The Rurpose of this section is to outline the library management procedures for the.H--PASS system. The VS library name may contain up to eight characters. As in the naming of filesy the first of these eight characters must be an alpha character. After the first alpha charactery the library name may include any set of alpha and numeric characters, excluding special.characters- such as slashes and dashes. Application developi-nent libraries are those which are created during the development phase of an H-PASS application. Each application will have its own library. The name of the library will be structured similar to the name of filesy except for the last three characters. The first two characters, as in DESIGN DOCUMENT VIII-6 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit the name of files, will represent the agency which is responsible for data entry/update. The next three characters of the library name will represent the application. The last three characters of a library will be called DEV for development libraries. This is to designate the development versions of an application's files, which may differ from those released to production. In general, development libraries are used by HPASS programmers and systems developers and users will not have access to these files. Operarional Libraries When an application becomes operational the last three characters of the library name will be changed to PRO. PRO stands for PR0DUCTION MODE, and will represent the operational nature of the system. In general, no modifications to programs in the production library will be allowed. Program development and modifications will occur within the development library and tested programs will be "released" (copied) to the production library B. Specific HCSMA Files The files which will be used for the Special Management Are Permit Application are as follows: 1. Program Files What follows is a list of the executable program (object) files which will utilized in the execution of the SMA permit application (source program files are not listed here). These files have been described in Section VI of this report. File ID Type of File File Description HPMPSD01 Objecct-Program Message Processor HCSMAO01 Object-Program "Stripping Program" HCSMAD02 Object-Program Update Program DESIGN DOCUMENT VI11-7 Hawaii County Specia1 Management Area Permit HCSMA0003 Object-Program backup- Update System HCSMAO04 Object-Proqram Convert VS-WP SMA files 2. Data Files What follows is a list of the data files which will be operated for the 6SMA process. There are basically three data files which will be needed. These files are described below. File Id Type of File File Description HCSMAD01. Indexed This' file holds tqhe most current SMA permit data. Reports will be created from this file. HCSMAD02 Consecutive This is a temporary file which stores transactional data submitted by the County. It will be operated on by the update program and merged with HCSMADO1. HCSMADO3 Consecutive This is a sequential file which is created on an as-needed basis. It will be used by the SPSS and TPL Programs to obtain monitoring information required by the DPED. 3. Control Files What follows is a brief description of the control file which will be utilized in the HCSMA application. The control file is important because it defines and describes the SMA data files, and is used by the REPORT utility in generating reports. DESIGN DOCUMENT VIII-8 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit File ID Type of File File Description HCSMACAI Control This control file describes the current (HCSMADO1) A HCS0MACA2 Control This control file describes the tranaction data file (HCSMAD02) HPSYSC10 Control Control File Describes HPSYST01 Table File - State Land Use Designation HPSYSC21) Control Control File Describes HPSYST21 Table File COMMON NAME LOCALITY HPSYSC61 Control Control Files Describes HPSYST21 Table File - COUNTY OF HAWAII COUNTY GENERAL PLAN A HPSYSC62 Control Control File Describes HPYST22 Table File " COUNTY OF HAWAII ZONING HPSYSC70 Control Control File Describes HPSYST23 Table File - COUNTY OF HAWAII TMK ZONE HPSYSCE61 Control Control File Describes HPSYSTE61, Table File - DEPARTMENT HPSY0SC62 Control Control File Describes HPSYSTE-2 Table File - DIVISION WITHIN DEPARTMENT HPSYSC70 Control Control Files Describes HPSYST70 Table File TYPE OF APPLICANT HPSYSC71 Control Control Files Describes HPSYST71 Table File - APPLICANT INTEREST IN LAND HPSYSC72 Control Control File Describes HPSYST72 Table File TYPE OF LANDOWNER DESIGN DOCUMENT V I 11 -9 Hawaii-County Special Management Area Permit HPSYSC80 Control Control File Describes HPSYST80 Table File - PROPOSED ACTIVITY HPSYSCS2 Control Control File Describes HPSYST82 Table File - 2 DIGIT GENERAL LAND USE HPSYSC90 Control Control File Describes HPSYST90 Table File - RECREATIONAL IMPACTS HPL-JYSC91 Control Control File Describes HPSYST91 Table File -' CULTURAL RESOURCE IMPACTS HPSYSC92 Control Control File Describes HPSYST92 Table File SCENIC RESOURCE IMPACTS HPSYSC93 Control Control File Describes HPSYST93 Table.File - COASTAL ECOSYSTEM A IMPACTS HPSYSC94 Control Control File Describes HPSYST94 Table File - ECONOMIC USES IMPACTS HPSYSC9S Control Control File Describes HPSYST95 Table File - COASTAL HAZARD IMPACTS HPSMAC70 Control Control File Describes HPSMAT70 Table File APPLICATION STATEMENT TYPE HPSMAC72 Control Control File Describes HPSMAT72 Table File STATUS OF PETITION DESIGN DOCUMENT VIII10 Hawaii Countv Special Managment Area Permit HPSMAC73 Control Control Files Describes HPSMAT73 Table File - LAND UNIT OF MEASUREMENT HPSMAC74 Control Control File Describes HPSMAT74 Table File - TYPE OF PERMIT 3. HPASS Hawaii County SMA System Files - HCSM Program ID Functions HCSMAC01 Contro1 Control File Describes HCSMATOI Table File ASSESSMENT APPLICATION STATUS HCSMAC02 Control Control File Describes HCSMAT02 Table File - STATUS OF EMERGENCY PERMIT HCSMAC03 Control Control File Describes HCSMAT03 Table File - PUBLIC NOTIFICATION TYPES HCSMACO3 Control Control File Describes HCSMAT04 Table File - SPECIAL REPORT OR INFORMATION SUBMISSION 4. Report Programs Files What follows is a list of the report program files. It should be noted that these report program files are executable object files which are generated by the REPORT utility. The REPORT utility, unfortunately does not provide source listings. Thus, only those reports which are unique (i.e. cannot be generated by the REPORT utility) and the table lookup portions of the report program will have source listings. File ID Type of File File Description HCSMAD21 Object-Program PERMIT PROFILE DESIGN DOCUMENT VIII-11 Hawaii County, Special Management Area Permit HCSMA022 0bject-Proqram MASTER TABLE LOOKUP ROUTINE HCSMARO1 Report Definition STATUS OF SMA PERMITS HCSMAR02 Report Definition GEOGRAPHIC LISTING OF SMA ACTIONS HCSMAR03 Report Definition SMA ACTIONS ON SHORELINE There will be many other special reports which have not yet been finalized among the user agencies. When these reports have been finalized they will be added to this listing of report programs. 5. Table Files What follows is a list of the tables files which will enable the use of the user exit facility, in the REPORT utility to place value labels in reports. This will minimize the amount of the "codes" in reports. The number of table files may be reduced for those tables with less than 9 values. In these cases, the values will be embedded within the appropriate programs. 1. File ID Type of File File Description HPSYST01 Consecutive STATE LAND USE DESIGNATION HPSYST10 Consecutive COMMON NAME LOCALITY HPSYST21 Consecutive COUNTY OF HAWAII COUNTY GENERAL PLAN HPSYST22 Consecutive COUNTY OF HAWAII ZONING HPSYST23 Consecutive COUNTY OF HAWAII TMK ZONE HPSYSTE61 Consecutive DEPARTMENT HPSYSTE62 Consecutive DIVISION WITHIN DEPARTMENT HPSYST70 Consecutive TYPE OF APPLICANT DESIGN DOCUMENT VIII-12 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit HPSYST71 Consecutive APPLICANT INTEREST IN LAND HPSYST72 Consecutive TYPE OF LANDOWNER HPSYST80 Consecutive PROPOSED ACTIVITY HPSYST82 Consecutive 2 DIGIT GENERAL LAND USE HPSYST90 Consecutive RECREATIONAL IMPACTS HPSYST91 Consecutive CULTURAL RESOURCE IMPACTS HPSYST92 Consecutive SCENIC RESOURCE IMPACTS HPSYST93 Consecutive COASTAL ECOSYSTEM IMPACTS' HPSYST94 Consecutive ECONOMIC USES IMPACTS HPSYST95 Consecutive COASTAL HAZARD IMPACTS 2. HPASS SMA System Table Files - HPSMA Program 10 Functions HPSMAT70 Consecutive APPLICATION STATEMENT TYPE HPSMAT72 Consecutive STATUS OF PETITION HPSMAT73 Consecutive LAND UNIT OF MEASUREMENT HPSMAT74 Consecutive TYPE OF PERMIT HCSMATOI Consecutive ASSESSMENT APPLICATION STATUS HCSMAT02 Consecutive STATUS OF EMERGENCY PERMIT HCSMAT03 Consecutive PUBLIC NOTIFICATION TYPES HCSMAT04 Consecutive SPECIAL REPORT OR INFORMATION SUBMISSION [)(:.f_.',IGN DOCUMEENT IX-1 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Control over access to data is an important issue in any multi-user system. The H-PASS data files will contain (a) data which will. be available to anyone, (b) data which will be restricted to a group of usersy and (c) data which will be restricted to a select few. To implement a system for data access and securityy procedures for determining 'data access and security will be developed and implemented. Data File Organization Each of the-applications which will be developed Linder the Hawaii Permit Application and Support System will have an independent data file. The organization of the data in independent files instead of a common or shared data base is provided for in this design to enhance security as well as speed up application development time.. Data Access Data access and security procedures must be specified for. each application, including specification of which users have access to the various classes of data and which'users are authorized to update data in their files. Data access arrangements shall be specified in a.formal agreement between DPED and the H-PASS users to avoid user conflicts over data use. Restrictions on data access are contained in Section V.A which describes th e output re.ports. The categories of data access are as follows: the data in here are available to all users without restrictions for reading. 2. the data are available for @use but the data donor requests notification.and authorization before releasing data for use. )3. access is restricted to only those who are authorized. DESIGN DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit IX-2 In addition to considerations as to which users will be allowed access to data, there are the related considerations of controllinq access to the system itself, to the use of various programs within the system, and control over the updating of data within the system files. This section describes the various types of security measures to be implemented on the Hawaii Permit Application Support System. Password System To use any terminal in H-PASS, a user will be required by the system to enter a valid password. The user password represents an initial barrier to an unauthorized user. Passwords will be maintained in a system file and printing of the password at a user terminal will be suppressed in order to ] maintain confidentiallity of the password, It will be necessary to delete passwords upon termination of formally authorized users. Security by Terminal Location Access to H-PASS will be controlled to some extent by the limited number of terminals within the system and the physical control over access to the terminals. In addition, the permissible types of access to programs and data will be specified for each terminal location. For example, an authorized user on a terminal located in Hawaii County would be permitted to update Hawaii County data files only. Control of File Updating The ability to alter file contents, referred to as write authorizationy will be strictly controlled through the use of user passwords Remote Job Entry Mode of System Operation The proposed remote job entry (RJE) mode of operation of user terminals limits the nature of possible interaction between the user and the main computer. The main computer will respond only to specified requests from a remote terminal, as opposed to an interactive mode of operation where a remote user could issue commands directly to the computer operating system. DESIGN DOCUMENT IX-3 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Physical Data Security To protect against loss of data through hardware or software problems, the contents of the system files will be periodically copied to magnetic tape or a removable disk. This procedure is known as a system backup. In the event of a system failure affecting the system files, the system files can be restored to the point at which the last back up was performed by re-loading from the backup tape or disk. Any data transmitted between the time of the system failure and the previous backup would be re-transmitted as necessary to fully restore the system files. APPENDIX A: DATA DICTIONARY - - - -- - ----- - ---------- ------------------------------------------------------ HAWAII PERMIT APPLICATION AND SUPPORT SYSTEM DATA DICTIONARY FOR APPLICATION DESIGN DOCUMENT 1: SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMI1 - - ------ ------- - -------- - ----------- - -- - ----- - ------------------- - Data Length Type Range/ Element ''of Record of Table Ref. Name Field Location Data Full Name Description and Data Codes Check Key Ri ---- - ------------- ---- ----------- - --- 001 FILEID it A/N File Identifcation File Identification Number Range X 002 HCF 1 LEND 10 AM HC File No. Hawaii County File.Number 003. PRdJTITLE. 30 A Project Name Name of Project Range 004 PERTYPE 01 N Permit Type Type of Permit Application. 0-3 0 = Undetermined I = Major 2 = Minor 3 = Emergency 005 PETSTAT .01 N Petition Status, Status of Permit Petition O@9 0 =Undetermined 1 =Pending. 2 =Approved. 3 =Denied. 4 Withdrawn. S Null/Void. 6 Exempt. 7 Contested. 8, Appealed. OOS ASSESS 06 N Application Date Date of Applicant's Request 1-12 for Assessment 007 DETERM 06 N Determination Date Assessment Determination Date 008 ASSNULL 06 N Null and Void Assessment Null & Void Date 1-12 009 ASTATUS 01 N Status Assessment Status I-S I =Minor issued 2 =Major Required 8 =Withdrawn 4 =Exempt 5 Null and Void 010 EMER 06 N Application Date Emergency Application Date 1-12 Oll EMDEC 06 N Decision Date Emergency Decision Date 1-12. 012 EXPIRED 06 N Expired Emergency Application Expired 1-12 013 ENSTAT 01 N Status Emergency Status I-S 1 w Emergency Permit issued. 2 - Emergency Permit'denied. 3 a Expired. A -Pr . - - --- - - --- - - - --------- - ------------------------------------ --------------------------- HAWAII PERMIT APPLICATION AND SUPPORT SYSTEM DATA DICTIONARY FOR APPLICATION DESIGN DOCUMENT 1: SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMI -- - - - - ------------------- - --- ------- - --- - - ---- ------- Data Length Type Range/ Element of Record of Table Ref. Mame Field Location Data Full Name Description and Data Codes Check Key R ----------------- - - - - - - - - -------------- 014 FILING. 06 N Application Filing Date Application Filed 1-12 015 ACCEPT 06 N Application Accepted Date Application Accepted 1-12 for Processing 016 PUSHEAR 06 N Public Hearing Date of Permit Hearing 1-12 017 HEARCON 06 N Hearing Continuance Date of Hearing 1-12 Continuance 018 OECISION 06 N Final Decision Date of Final Decision 1-12 019 WITHDRAW 06. N Application Withdrawn Date Application Withdrawn 1-12 020 TYPEI(I) 14 A/N Notification Type I Type of Public Range Notification (I) NOTE: Up to 6 types of notification media are provided. e.g.r ADVERTISER TRIBUNE-HERALD LETTERS (letters sent to surrounding property owners) for Hawaii County. SEE CODEBOOK FOR EACH LIST. 021. PJBINOTE(I) 06 N Public Notification(I) Date of first Public 1-12 Notification (1) NOTE: THIS ELEMENT OCCURS 6 TIMES. 022 PQB2NOTE(I) 06 N Public Notification2(l) Date of second Public 1-12 Notification (1) NOTE: THIS ELEMENT OCCURS 6 TIMES. 023 APPNAME 30 A/N Applicant Name Name of Applicant Range 024 APPORG 30 A/N Applicant Organization Applicantis Organization Range 02S APPADDR 30 A/N Applicant Address Street Address of Applicant Range 02E. APPCITY Is A/N Applicant City Applicant's City Location Range 027 OPSTATE 02 A Applicant.State Applicant's State Location Range 028 A@PZIP. 05 N Applicant Zip Code Applicant's Zip Code 0-99999 - ------- - ------------ - ----------------------- - -------------------------- HAWAII PERMIT APPLICATION AND SUPPORT SYSTEM APP-A -4 DATA DICTIONARY FOR DESIGN DOCUMENT 1: SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT -------------------- ----------- --------------- Data Length Type Range/ Number Element of Record of Table of Ref. Name Field Location Data Full Name Description and Data Codes Check Key Req'd Updates 029 APPTYPE 01 N Applicant Type Type of Applicant 0-4 0 0 Undetermined I State 2 = County 3 = Private 4 = Other 030 INTEREST 01 N Applicant Interest Applicant's Interest 0-4 o 0 in Land 0 Undetermined 1 Owner 2 Lessee 3 Development Rights 4 Other .031 OWNER 30 A/N Major Landowner Name of Major Landowner Range o 0 032 DWNTYPE 01 N Landowner Type Type of Landowner 0 o 0 Undetermined I= Federal 2= 3= Hawaiian Home Lands 4.= County 5= Private 0LITY Is A Place Name Place Name Location Range o 0 034 Shore N Abutting Shoreline Parcel Abuts Shoreline 0 o 0 I Yes 035 COUNTY 01 N County County A 0 1 Honolulu 2 Maui 3 Hawaii 4 E1p0 N Tax Map Key (1) Zone Tax Map Key (1) Zone 0 X 037 N Tax Mao Key (Tax Map Key ( 0 A 0 038 pLAT 1 N Tax Map Key (1) Plat Tax Map Key (1) Plat 0 p.039 03 N Tax Map Key (I )Parcel Tax MaParcel 0 2po 0 NOTE: THIS SET OF ELEMENTS OCCURS 6 TIMES. ---------- - - - -------- - ----- - - - --- - -------------------------------- - -------- HAWAII PERMIT APPLICATION AND SUPPORT SYSTEM DATA DICTIONARY FOR APPLICATION DESIGN DOCUMENT 1: SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMI - -- - ---- - -- - -------------------- - -------- Data Length Type Range/ Element of Record of Table Rvf@ Name Field Location Data Full Name Description and Data Codes Check Key R -------- - - - --------- .040 AODTMK 01 N Additional Tax Map Key Additional Tax Map Key 0-1 Listings in Separate File 0 No I Yes 041. STLANDI 01 N -State Land Use District State Land Use District .0-4 I = Agriculture 2 = Conservation 3 - Rural = Urban NOTE: SEE CODEBOOK THIS SET OF ELEMENTS OCCURS 3 TIMES. 042 GENPLAN 02 A/N General Plan County General Plan Range Designation NOTE: SEE CODEBOOK THIS SET OF ELEMENTS OCCURS 4 TIMES Oa3 ZONING 02 A/N* Zoning County Zoning Designation Range NOTE: SEE CODEBOOK THIS SET OF ELEMENTS OCCURS 4 TIMES 3 TIMES. 044 EXUSE(I) 03 N Existing Use(l) Existing Land Use(l) Table NOTE: SEE CODEBOOK. THIS ELEMENT OCCURS 4 TIMES. 04S SURRUSE(l) 03 N Surrounding Use(I) Surrounding Land Use(I) Table NOTE: THIS VARIABLE USES THE SAME CODES AS "EXISTING LAND USE". SEE CODEBOOK. THIS ELEMENT OCCURS 4 TIMES. 046 ACTIVITY 02 N Proposed Activity Proposed Development Table Activity NOTE: SEE CODEBOOK. 047 COST 09 N Estimated Cost Estimated Cost of Project 0-999999999 048 SIZE 07 N Estimated Project Size Site of Project Area 0-9999999 q ------------------------------------------------------------ HAWAII PERMIT APPLICATION AND SUPPORT SYSTEM APP-A -6 DATA DICTIONARY FOR APPLICATION DESIGN DOCUMENT 1: SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT ---- - --- - ------- -- Data Type Range/ Number Element of Record- of Table of Ref. Name Field Location Data Full Name Description and Data Codes Check Key Req Updates - --------- 01 01 N Unit of Measurement Unit of Measure used 0-4 I = Square feet 2 Acres to nearest .01 acre 3 Whole acres 4 Linear miles 02 N Buildings Number of New Buildings 0 0 Proposed 051 F 02 N Floors Number of Floors 1 DG 0 N Dwelling Units Number of Dwelling/ 1 pp 0 Lodging Units Proposed 053 D240 A/N Project Description Text of project description Range 0 05 N Reports/Info (1) Special Reports or ile 0 .submitted my the applicant. I= EIS. 2 3- Coastal Hazards. 4 5 6y. 7= Other.. 8 9 055 R 03 A Referral( Name of Referral A Table 0 Files NOTE: SEE CO THIS SET OF FIELDS OCCURS 1 056 0 N Referral(Date Referral(I) Sent 1-12 Agency NOTE: THIS SET OF FIELDS Files OCCURS 1 057 R 0 N Reply(I) Date Reply( 1 Agency 0 NOTE: THIS SET OF FIELDS Files OCCURS IS TIMES (N pource(tential Impact to Table X Staff 0 Scenic Res Report NOTE: SEE C THIS ELEMENT OCCURS 6 TIMES A DATA DICTIONARY FOR APPLICATION DESIGN DOCUMENT 1: SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT - ----- - - ------------ - -------- -- - ------- -- - ----------------- - ---------------- - D Length Type Range/ Number Element of Record of Table Name Field Location Data Full Name 'Description and Data Codes Check Key Req Updates ------ --- - - - --- ------------- 1p: N Recreation Resource(I) Potential Impact to. Table 0 Recreation Resources(I Report NOTE: SEE COp. THIS ELEMENT OCCURS E. TIMES 0 N Coastal Haz Potential Coastal Hazard(I) Table 0 NOTE: SEE C Report THIS ELEMENT OCCURS 6 TIMES pON 0 N Econ Potential Impact to Table E Uses( Report NOTE: SEE CODE THIS ELEMENT OCCURS 02p,0 N Coastal Ecosystem(ential Impact to Table 0 Coastal Ecpl) Report NOTE: SEE CODE THIS ELEMENT OCCURS 6 TIMES (I) 02 Potential Impact to Table 0 Archaeological or Report Historic Resources (1) NOTE: SEE CODE THIS ELEMENT MES 1pD A/N Condition( Cposed Range 0 on Permit EXT( N Additional Text(I) Additional Text for 0 0 Condition in Supplemental File 0 No I Yes 01 N More Conditions To List More Conditions Improved. in Supp. File I No 2 Yes APPENDIX B: REPORT FORMATS lift DESIGN I APP/ecial Management Area permit REPORT NO. 1: PROFILE OF SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT COUNTY OF HAWAII APPLICATION INFORMATION, FILE 10: SMA/H99-999 HC FILE NO.: XXXXXXXXXX PROJECT TITLE: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PERMIT TYPE: xxxxx APPLICANT NAME: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ADDRESS: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CITY: XXXXXXXXXTATE: XX ZIP: 99999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX TYPE OF APPLICANT: XXXXXXX APPLICANT'S INTEREST IN LAND: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LANDOWN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TYPE OF LANDOWNER: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LOCATION OF PROPOSED ACTION COUNTY: HAawaii LOCALITY: XXXXXXXXXXXX PARCEL ABUTS SHORELINE: XXX 9-9-999-999 LAND USE INFORMATION STATE LAND USE DISTRICT: XYXXXXX COUNTY GENERAL PLAN: XXXXXXXXXXXX COUNTY ZONING: XXXXXXXXXXXX EXISTING LAND USE: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROPOSED ACTIVITY: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT: $999,999,999,000 ESTIMATED SIZE: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX BLDGS.: 999 NO. FLOORS: 99 NO. NEW DWELLING UNITS: 999,999 DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/B-2 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit ASSESSEMENT APPLICATION EMERGENCY APPLICATION APPLICATION DATE: 99/99/99 APPLICATION DATE: 99/99/99 DETERMINATION DATE: 99/99/99 DECISION DATE: 99/99/99 NULL AND VOID: 99/99/99 EXPIRED: 99/99/99 STATUS: XXXXXXXXX STATUS: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SMA USE PERMIT PETITION XXXXXXXXXXXX DATE FILED: 99/99/99 PUBLIC HEARING: 99/99/99 DATE ACCEPTED: 99/99/39 CONTINUED: 99/99/99 DECISION: 99/99/99 CONTESTED CASE HEARING: 99/99/99 WITH 99/99/99 NULL AND VOID: 99/99/99 AMENDED: 99/99/99 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION DATES 99/99/99 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 99/99/99 SPECIAL REPDRTS/INFORMATION SUBMITTED 1. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 4. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 5. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 7. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 8. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX REFERRALS DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/99 DATE RECEIVED: DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/99 DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/99 DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/99 DATE RECEIVED: 99/99/99 DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/99 RECEIVED: DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/99 99/99/99 DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/99 DATE RECEIVED: 99/99/99. DESIGN DOCCIMENIT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permi.t S. A(,r--NCY: XXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/ 1. A.CFNCY: XYXXX'XXXXXXXXXXXXXYYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/, -Y* a 10. AC-Ullo . X*.XXX@XXXXXXX)(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DATE RE UESTED: 99/99/ 11. AGI.-TNCY: )(Y)()t, X 'X XY *XXX)(Y, XX YXXXY X Y XXXKXY,-XXXXXYXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/ 12. or,-CIFticy: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@,XXXXXXXXXX DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/ 13. A,'-'FNCY: 'XXXX@'XYXXXXX',KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/ 14. ACr.-riCY:...:XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/ IS. AGENCY: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXX.XXX DATE REQUESTED: 99/99/ POTENTIAL CZM IMPACTS SCENIC AND OFEN SPACE PESOURCES XXXXXYYYYXXV@Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXY, ,I,YXYXXXYXYXX XYXXXXXXXXYXIIKXX'XXXxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RECREATION1 PEFC!URCES XXXYYYXXXXXXXXXXXXX XYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx,ixxxxxxxYxxxxxxx XXXXYXXYXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXYXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXX xxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx COASTAL W xxxY-@XYY-X-XYYXXYXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx*xxxxxxxxxxxYx.xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XYXXYXXXXXX@Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ECCUOMIC I!SIES XXXYYYYYXXXYXXYYXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXYXXYXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx COASTAt- Er-oz")YsrEm@7) jx XYXXXXXYXYYXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - -XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4 ..Xxxxxxxxxxxyxxxxxxx XXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx DESIGN DOCt IMF N't Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit ARCHAEOLOCICAL AND HISTORIC RESOURCES Xxx,.4xxx.xxxxxxlxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxyyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CONDITIONS IMPOSED ON PERMIT XXXXXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YXXXXXXXXXXXXXZXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxyxxyxxxxxyyxxxxxx,<xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXZXYXXX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXY@XXXXYYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -W AM W DES I CN DOCLIK-N7 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit REPORT NO. 2: MINOR PERMIT FINAL DECISIONS COUNTY OF HAWAII FILE ID APPLICANT NAME PROPOSED ACTIVITY EST. COST TMK SECTION LOCALITY SMA/H-D9-999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx SMA/1499-993 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx SMA/H?9-999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx T'9-39, 9-)-a, 999 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx SMA/H99-99-9 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $999,999,999 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx SMA/H9-9-99-9 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $999,999,999 xxxxxxxxxxxxx* xxxxxxxxxx DESICN DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit REPORT NO-3: MAJOR PERMIT FINAL DECISIONS COUNTY. OF HAWAII AS OF: 99/99/99 FILE ID APPLICANT NAME PROPOSED ACTIVITY TMK SECTION LOCALITY ACCEPTED Sr1A/H?3-9,-)9 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 99/913/99 Sr!A/H9'3-99-) X XXXXXXXXXXXX)(,XXXXXXXXXXXXXm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 99/99/9-9 St1A/H?3-9*?9 XXXXXXXXXXXXX<XXXXXY.XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 99/99/99 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 99/99/9<3 E11A/H,i9-9,39 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 99/99/99 SMA/H99-999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 99/99/99 DESIGN DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit REPORT NO.'4: MAJOR PERMITS BY GEOGRAPHIC AREA COUNTY OF HAWAII AS OF: 99/99/9,3 FILE ID TMK SECTION LOCALITY APPLICANT NAME PROPOSED ACTIVITY STATUS SMA/HS,3-999 XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxix xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx swN/H--3,4-9q.3 xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx SMA/H-5--.1-999 xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxmxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx SMA/1-09-99*31 XXXXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx SMAiH,33-999 XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXiXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXOxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx SMA/H39-999 XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)cxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx .DES I GN DOCUMENT .Haoaii County Special Management Area Permit REPORT NO. 5:. SHORELINE PROJECTS COUNTY OF HAWAII AS OF: 99/99/99 FILE ID PROPOSED ACTIVITY TMK SEICTION LOCALITY PROJ SIZE UNIT- BLOCS FLOORS STATU SMA/H99-1999 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9,999,999 xxxxx 99 99 xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9,999,999 xxxxx 99 99 xxxxxxx E,JIA@ 14'39 - 9,31) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx XXXXXXXXXXXx XxXXxXxxXXXXxxx 9,999,9-39 XxxxX 99 -99 xxxxxxx SIIA/H99-999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@ xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9,999,999 xxxxx 99 99 xxxxxxx SMA/H'39-99-3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9,999,999 XXXXX <313 99 xxxxxxx SMA/H99-999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9,.999,999, XXXXX 99 99 xxxxxxx ,DESIGN DOCUMENT Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit, REPORT NO. 6: SPECIAL REPORTS, INFORMATION SUBMITTED COUNTY OF HAWAII FILE ID ACCEPTED APPLICANT NAME TAX MAP KEY EIS ARCH HAZDS SCEN SHORE OT SMA/H-39-S-)9 99/9-3/99 XXXXXX@XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9-9-9,39-9913 X X x X X SMA/H*39-9*33 99/99/99 )(XXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9-9-999-999 X, X x X X SriA/H*39-999 99/9,3/99 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9-9-99-3-999 X X X X X Sr1A/H'9*9-9')3 99/99/99 XXXXX,XXXX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9-9-999-999 X X X X x SMA/H'-)9-9')'3 99/93/99 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9-9-999-999- X x X x x SMA/H99-999 99/99/99 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXkXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9-9-999-999 X X X x X APPENDIX C USER CODEBOOK FOR THE HAWAWII COUNTY SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-1 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit I. DEFINITIONS OF TYPES OF ACTIONS Actions subject to EIS system requirements are typified as they pertain particularly, to the design, planning, cOnstruction, maintenance or operation of facilities or the performance of functions as follows: 01. AGRICULTURE: Farms, ranches, agricultural parks, post control on farms and ranches, poultry, livestock, irrigation, and species introduction. 02. AIR TRANSPORTATION: Modes of air transportation and airport facilities. 03. AGUACULTURE: Cultivation of aquatic (fresh and marine) plants-and animals for the purpose of food production. Includes site selection and species introduction. 04. BASEYARDS: Facilities for storage and maintenance of vehicles and, equipment and their operation. O5. COMMUNICATIONS: Telephone, television and similar means of transmission and reception of audio and visual information and associated facilities including transmission lines, antennas and satellites. 06. DEFENSE OPERATION: Military maneuvers, target practice, ordinance storage, use of military bases and headquarters. 07. DREDGE DISPOSAL: Collection and disposition of sediments. 08. EDUCATIONAL FACILITY: Schools, colleges, libraries, and other learning facilities. 09. ENERGY DEVELOPMENT: Energy conversion facilities and transmission of energy. 10. FLOOD CONTROL/DRAIN: Stream modification, flood proofing, and flood protection facilities and programs. APP/ C-2 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 11. MARINE' RESOURCES: Conservation, u 'tilization, and protection of marine flora and fauna'for -@ood production and other beneficial purposes. 12. FORESTRY: Protection, development and use of forest resources. 13. HAZARDOUS WASTE MGT: Storagey handling and disposal of radioactive w--mste materials defined under Federal Resource Recovery Act. 14. HEALTH FACILITIES: Hospitalsy clinicsy nursing homesy and other facilities or programs to maintain health. 15. HISTORIC RESTORATION: Reconstruction, maintenancey and use of historical/archaelogical sites. 16. HOTELS/RESORTS: Hotels and/or resort complexesy including golf coursesy marinasy and other resort amenities. 17. GRADING/FILLING: Causing changes in elevation of land. 18. INDUSTRIAL FACILITY: Industrial use and developmenty including industrial parks. 19- LAND ACGUISITION: Obtaining use of land throuqh purchasey gifty exchangey or lease. Also includes land consolidation/subdivision. 20. LAND TRANSPORTATION: Modes of land transportation and facilities. 21. LAND USE CHANGE: Changes in the land use designation such as zoningy general plan amendments, and variance. 22. OFFICE FACILITIES: Buildings used primarily for officesy legislative chamber, courtroomy auditorium, etc. D APP/C-3 EEIGN DOCUIli-ENT Hawaii County Special Management Ar.ea Permit 23. PARKING FACILITIES: Parking Lots and structures. 24. POLICE/FIRE FACILITY: Police and fire stationsy support facilitiesy and programs. 2S. EXCAVATIOi'41/MINING: Extraction of mineral resources from the land or sea. 26. RECREATION FACILITY: Parks, including use of land and cons.truction of fac.ilities for indoor and outdoor recreation. 27. RESEARCH: Investigation and experimentation. 28. RESIDENTIAL: Single or multifamily housing developments and related facilities. 29. SHOPP.ING COMPLEX: Centers,fdr retail operations and as,sociated service facilities. 30. SHORELINE MANAGEMENT: Use or modification of coastal areas. 31. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL: Collectiony treatmenty disposal or recycling of solid waste through burning, land filling or other means. 32. WASTEWATER MANAGEMNT: Collectiony treatmenty disposaly or recycling of wastewater. 33. WATER SUPPLY: Diversiony storage, transmission and treatment of water for water supply. 34. WATER TRANSPORTATION: Modes of water transportation and water facilities. 35. WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT: Conservation of terrestrial fauna and flora for preservationy user and protection of marine fauna other than for fishing. DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-4 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permi II. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION TYPES COUNTY OF HAWAII *********************************************************************** CHOOSE FROM AMONG THE FOLLOWING CODES TO IDENTIFY THE TYPES OF PUBLIC NOTIFICATION USED. *********************************************************************** 1=HERALD-TRIBUNE = Classified notice in the 2=ADVERTISER Classified notice in the Honolulu Advertiser. 3=STAR-BULLETIN Classified notice in the Sunday Honolulu Star-Bulletins. 4=SUNDAY ADV= Classified notice in the Sunday Honolulu Advertoser & Star-Bullentin. 5=LETTERS = Letters sent to surrounding property owners. III. DETAILED COUNTY LAND USE CODES *********************************************************************** Choose from among the following land use codes in order to complete the questions regarding: 1) Existing Land Use. 2) Surrounding Land Use. ************************************************************************ A. Residential 01. Single-family residential (parcel's with one-family . structure) 02. Duplex-residential (parcels with one or more duplex structures). 03. Multi-family residential. 04. Miscellaneous residential. 10. Manufacturing - durable goods. 15. Manufacturing - non-durable goods. DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-S Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit C. Industrial Services 20. Industrial non-manufacturing services - construction. 21. Industrial non-manufacturing services - utilities. D. TRADE 30. Retail trade. 35. Wholesale trade. E. Non-Industrial Services 40. Consumer services. 41. Professional services. 42. Government services. 44. Health and welfare services., E. Personal Development 50. Personal Development G. Recreation 60. Recreation - public. 65. Recreation - private. H. Agriculture 70. Agriculture I. Mining and Guarry 71. Mining and Quarry J. Forestry 72. Forestry K.. Fisheries, Hunting and Trapping 73. Fisheries L. Transportation Transportation (including land, air and sea transportation) DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-6 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Developable open space areas. 91. Unsubdivided vacant land. Area being developed (includes structure under construction). 93. Undevelopable open space areas. 94. Street areas. 5. _r a I -1d, a M_ a 2 u a 99. Estabishment activity unknown. 01 = Project site abuts a state park. 02 = Project site abuts a county park. 03 = Project site abuts a dedicated public right-of-way. 04 = Project site abuts a perennial stream. 05 = Project site is located within an area'designated for recreational use on a county General Plan. OE.= Project site is located within an area designated for recreational use on a county Community Development Plan. 07 = Proposed use involves a dedicated public right-of-way. 08 = Proposed use requires a county grading permit. 01 = Project site is located wi thin a county or state-designated historic or cultural district. 02 = Project site contains an archaeological or historic site listed on the Hawaii Register of Historic Places. 03 = Project site contains an archaeological or historic site listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 04 = Project site contains an archaeological or historic site nominated to the Hawaii Register of Historic Places. Os = Project site contains an'a-rchaeological or historic site nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. OE, Project site is located on pre%;iously undeveloped land and has not been surveyed by an archaeologist for the presence of archaeological or historic resources. DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-7 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 07 Project site contains a natural landform of historic or cultural importance. Scenic and Open Space Resouces 01 = Project Site is located makai of the nearest coastal roadway. 02 = Project site abuts a scenic landmark. 03 = Proposed action involves the construction of a multi-story structure or structures. 04 = Project site is surrounded by undeveloped land. O5 = Proposed action involves the construction of structures visible between the nearest coastal roadway and the shoreline. Coastal Ecosystems 01 = Intermittent stream is located on the project site. 02 = Intermittent stream abuts the project site. 03 = Perennial stream is located on the project site. 04 = Perennial stream abuts the project site. O5 = Habitat for endangered or threatened species is located on the project site. 06 = Habitat for endangered or threatened species abuts the project site. 07 = Project site is in a Natural Area Reserve. 08 = Project site abuts a Natural Area Reserve. 09 = Project site is located within a Marine Life Conservation District. 10 = Project site abuts a Marine Life Conservation District. 11 = Project site is located within an estuarine sanctuary. 12 = Project site abuts an-estuarine sanctuary. 13 = Proposed action requires a NPDES permit. 14 = Proposed action requires a county grading permit. 15 = Proposed action includes the construction of special waste treatment facilities,such as injection wells discharge pipes, or cesspools. 16 = Project site is located on previously undeveloped land. Economic Uses 01 = Proposed action requires a State Land Use District boundary change. 02 = Proposed action requires a county General Plan amendment. 03 = Proposed action requires a Land Use Commission Special Use Permit. 04 = Project site is located within an area under the jurisdiction of the Hawaii Community Development Authority. DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-8 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit O5 = Proposed action requires a Conservation District Use, Application permit. 01 = Project site located within 100 yards of a sandy beach. (potential beach erosion hazards.) 02 = Project site is located on a tsunami hazard map (NFIP map) as falling within a potential tsunami inundation area. 03 Project site is located on a flood hazard map (NFIP map) as falling within a potential flood inundation area. 04 Project site is located on a subsidence hazard map as falling within a potential subsidence hazard area. O5 Project site abuts a perennial stream. 06. Project site abuts an intermittent stream. VI. ISLANDS AND JUDICIAL DISTRICTS Islands 01. Statewide 05. Maui 09. Niihau 02. Oahu 06. Molokai 10. Midway 03. Hawaii 07. Lanai 11. Leeward-Others 04. Kauai 08. Kahoolawe 12. Other Judicial Districts 01. Qabu-Islandwide 02. Ewa 03. Honolulu 04. Koolauloa O5. Koolialupoko 06. Wahiawa 07. Waialua 08. Waianae 09. Maui-Islandwide 10. Hana 11. Lahaina 12. Makawao 13. Wailuku 14. Lanai DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-9 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 15. Molokai-Islandwide 16. Molokai 17. Kalawao 18. Hawaii-Islandwide 19. Hamakua 20. Ka'u 21. Puna 22. North Hilo 23. South Hilo 24. North Kohala 25. South Kohala 26. North Kona 27. South Kona 28. Kauai-Islandwide 29. Hanalei 30. Kawaihau 31. Koloa 32. Lihue 33. Waimea 34. Not Applicable VII. LOCALITIES OAHU Ewa Aiea Barbers Point Cam-bell Industrial Park Ewa Beach Ewa Town Halawa (parts also in Honolulu) Honouliuli Makakilo Mililani Pacific Palisades Pearl City Pohakea-Kunia Waiau Waiawa Waimalu Waipahu Waipio DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C10 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Honolulu Aina Haina Ala Wai harbor Aina Koa Aliamanu China Town (Pauahi) Diamond Head Fort Armstrong Fort Ruger *Halawa (parts also in Ewa) Hawaii Kai Hawaii Loa Ridge Honolulu (Downtown) Kakaako Kahala Kalama Valley Kapahulu Kapalama Keehi Lagoon Koko Head Kuliouou Valley Leeward Islands Manoa McCully Moanalua Valley *Pearl City-Aiea (parts also in Ewa) Pearl Harbor-Middle Street Pearl Harbor Punchbowl St. Louis Heights Salt Lake Sand Island Shfter Flats Waikiki Koolauloa Hauula Kaaawa Kahana Valley Kahuku Koolaupoko Ahuimanu Castle Junction Haiku Valley DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-11 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Halekou Heeia KaalaEa Kahaluu Kailua Kaneohe Bay Kawainui Kualoa Waihee Waikane Waimanalo Wabiawa Whitmore Wahiawa Waialua Haleiwa *Makua - Kaena (parts also in Waianae) Mokuleia Waimea Waianae Kahe Point Lualualei Maile Makaha *Makua - Kaena (parts also in Waialua) Nanakuli Pokai Bay Waianae Valley Waianae HAWAII Hamakua Hale Pohaku - Mauna Kea Honokaa - Waipio Kaohe (Mauna Kea Summit) Pohakuloa Mauna Kea Keaa Waimanu Valley Ka'u *Volcanoes National Park (also in other districts) Kilauea Forest Reserve Waiohinu DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-12 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Kaimu Mountain View Pahoa Pohoiki Puna Keaau North Hilo Hmuu1a Laupahoehoe Kapehu Camp South Hilo Hilo (Wailulu Alenaio) UH at Hilo General Lyman Field Keaukaha (Onekahakaha Beach Park) Panaewa Papaikou Papaikou - Kaieie - Kalaoa Uiversity Heights Waiakea Waieakea -Uka North Kohala Kawaihae Waimea South Kohala Kawaihae Harbor *Keahole to Kawaihae (parts also in North Kona) Waimea Puukapu North Kona Holualoa Houokhau Kailua Kona Kaloko *Keahole to Kawaihae (parts also in South Kohala) Keahole Kealakehe Keauhou DEOTGN DOCUMENT APP/C-13 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Holualoa to Papa c e i Napopo Honaunau KAUAI Kalihiwai to Haena Hanalei Hanamaulu Hanamaulu - Ahupini Lihue Ahukini Navii 1 iwi 1 i Niumalu Puhi Wailua Kapaa Eleele Hanapepe Koloa Poipu Kekaha Na Pali Coast Waimea MAUI Hana Honolua Honokowai to Lahaina Lahaina Mala Wharf DESIGN DOCUMENT App/C-14 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit McGreaor's Point Napili Wahikuli Makawao *Haleakala (parts also in Wailuku) Kahoolawe Kihei - Makena Kula Lower Paia Waiohuli - Keokea Mt.Haleakala Summit Puka1ani Waiehu to Makena Waihou Wailuku Iao Stream Kahakuloa Kahu1qui Kealia Pond (Wailuku) Kalaupapay Molokai Kihei Kihei - Makena Omapio, Waiale Waiehu to Makena Waikuku MOLOKAI Molokai Kaunakakai Kapaakea Wehelau'ulu,Manawai *Designates areas which lie in two Judicial Districts. DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-15 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit VIII. FEDERAL, STATE, AND COUNTY AGENCIES IT rEqL Number Code Letter Code Explanation STATE OF HAWAII AGENCIES 100 Governor Governor State of Hawaii 101 S-OG-H0E0 Office of the Governor, Hawaii Office of Economic Opportunity 102 S-OG-EQC Office of the Governor, Environmental Quality Commission 103 S-OG-EQC Office of the Governor, Office of Environmental Quality Control 104 S-DAGS Dept. of Accounting and General Services 105 S-DOA Dept. of Agriculture 106 S-BOA Board of Agriculture 107 S-BNF Dept. of Budget and Finance 108 S-DOD Dept. of Defense 109 S-DOE Dept. of Education 110 S-DHHL Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands ill S-HHC Hawaiian Homes Commission 112 S-DOH Dept. of Health 113 S-DLIR Dept. of Labor and Industrial Relations 114 S-BLNR Board of Land and Natural Resources 115 S-DLNR Dept. of Land and Natural Resources 116 S-DLNR-FG Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Fish and Game Division DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-16 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 117 S-DLNR-F Dept. of Land and Natural Resources Forestry Division 118 S-DLNR-SP Dept. of Land and Natural Resources,State Parks Outdoor Recreation and Historic Sites Division 119 S-DLNR-dowald Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Water and Land Division 120 S-DPS Dept. of Personnel Ser vices. 121 S-DPED Dept. of Planning and Economic Development 122 S-LUC Land Use Commission 123 S-DRA Dept. of Regulatory Agencies 124 S-PUC Public Utilities Commission 125 S-REC Real Estate Commission 126 S-DSSH Dept. of Social Services and Housing 127 S-DSSH-HHA Dept of Social Services and Housing, Hawaii Housing Authority 128 S-DTAX Dept. of Taxation 129 S-DOT Dept. of Transportation 130 S-DOT-ATFD Dept. of Transportation, Air Transportation Facilities Division 131 Dept. of Transportation, Land Transportation Facilities Division 132 S-DOT-WTFD Dept. of Transportation, Water Tranportation Facilities Division DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-17 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 150 S-UHM University of Hawaii at Manoa, Environmental Center 152 S-UHM-MP University of Hawaii at Manoa, Marine Programs 153 S-UHM-WRRC University of Hawaii at Manoa, Water Resources Research Center 154 S-UH-RC University of Hawaii at Manoa, Research Corporation 155 S-UHM-PPO University of Hawaii at Manoa, Physical Planning Office 160 S-UH-LCC University of Hawaii, Leeward Community College 161 S-UH-HCC University of Hawaii Honolulu Community College 162 S-UH-WCC University of Hawaii, Windward Community College 163 S-UH-KCC University of Hawaii Kapiolani Community College 164 S-UH-WOC University of Hawaii West Oahu College 170 S-UHH University of Hawaii at Hilo 171 S-UHH-AG University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Agriculture 172 S-UH-HICC University of Hawaiiy Hawaii Community College 180 S-UH-KUCC University of Hawaii, Kauai Community College 190 S-UH-MCC University of Hawaii, Maui Community College DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-18 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit FEDERAL AGENCIES 200 F-USAF Dept. of the Air Force, 15th Air Base Wing (PACAF) 201 F-DAFE Dept. of the Army, U.S. Army Support Command, Hawaii, Facilities Engineering 202 F-USCG Dept. of the Army, U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers, Honolulu District 203 F-USCG U.S. Coast Guard, 14th Coast Guard District 204 F-USN U.S. Navy, 14th Naval District 210 F-DOT-FAA Dept. of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration 211 F-DOT-FHWA Dept. of Transportation, Feder al Highways Administration 212 F-DOT-NHTSA Dept. of Transportation, National Highways Traffic and Safety Administration 213 F-DOT-UMTA Dept. of Transportation, Urban Mass Transit Administration 220 F-DOI-FWS Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service 221 F-DOI-HCRS Dept. of the Interior, Heritage, Conservation, and Recreation Service 222 F-DOI-NPS Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service 223 F-DOI-USGS Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey 230 F-DOA-FHAD Dept. of Agriculture Farmers Home Administration DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit 231 F-DOA-SCS Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service 240 F-DOC-NOAA Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 241 F-DOC-FZB Dept. of Commerce, Foreign Trade Zones Board 250 F-DOS Dept. of State 251 F-HUD Dept. of Housing and Urban Development 252 F-NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission 253 F-EPA Environmental Protection Agency 254 F-DOE Dept. of Energy 255 F-WRC Water Resources Council COUNTY OF KAUAI AGENCIES 300 K-MAYOR Mayor, County of Kauai 301 K-OM Office of the Mayor 302 K-CC County Council 310 K-PD Planning Department 320 K-DPW Dept. of Public Works 330 K-PAD Parks Dept. 340 K-DWS Dept. of Water Supply 350 K-FD Fire Dept. 351 K-POD Police Dept. 352 K-PC Planning Commission DESIGN APP/C-20 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit CITY AND COUNTY OF H0NOLULU AGENCIES 400 O-MAYOR Mayor, City and County of Honolulu 401 O-OM Office of the Mayor 402 O-CC City Council 410 O-DLU Dept. of Land Utilization 420 O-DGP Dept. of General Planning 430 O-DPW Dept. of Public Works 440 O-DPR Dept. of Parks and Recreation 450 O-BD Building Dept. 460 O-BWS Board of Water Supply 470 O-DHCD Dept. of Housing and Community Development 471 O-HRA Honolulu Redevelopment Agency 480 O-FD Fire Dept. 481 O-POD Police Dept. 482 O-OHR Office of Human Resources 483 O-DTS Dept. of Transportation Services 484 O-PC Planning Commission 485 O-ZBA Zoning Board of Appeals 486 O-DOF Dept. of Finance COUNTY OF HAWAII AGENCIES 5oo H-MAYOR Mayor, County of Hawaii 501 H-OM Office of the Mayor DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C-21 Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit County Council 502 H-CC County Council 510 H-PD Planning Dept. 520 H-DPW Dept. of Public Works 530 H-DPR Dept. of Parks and Recreation 540 H-DWS Dept. of Water Supply 550 H-FD Fire Dept. 551 H-POD Police Dept. 552 H-DRD Dept. of Research and Development 553 H-OHCD Office of Housing and Community Development 554 H-PC Planning Commission COUNTY OF MAUI AGENCIES 600 M-MAYOR Mayor, County of Maui 601 M-OM Office of the Mayor 602 M-CC County Council 603 M-HC Maui Historic Commission 604 M-PC Maui Planning Commission 610 M-PD Planning Dept. 620 M-DPW Dept. of Public Works 630 M-DWS Dept. of Water Supply 640 M-DED Dept. of Economic Development 650 M-DPR Dept. Parks and Recreation 660 M-FD Fire Dept. 661 M-POD Police Dept. 662 M-DHC Dept. of Human Concerns OTHER AGENCIES 700 APPENDIX D: CONTROL FILE LAYOUT DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/C Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit CONTROL FILE UTILITY PROGRAM List of Control File Control File Characteristics File Name: HCSMACOI Records are fixed-length, record size is 0982 File organization is indexed, with key field FILEID OPERATION ALLOWEP? File report YES Record update YES Record deletion YES Description: "HAWAII COUNTY SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA PERMIT" - ------------ - - - --- Field ST-ar-t--In-t--I-n-t--E-x-t--R-ep --- O_e_c_Oc_cu_rR_e`po_rt/ 6_1a_n_k_D_a_t_e_/ Valid- Table Control Filf-IQ FILEID I C 11 11 11 0 1 R/U YES HCFILENO 12 C 10 10 10 0 1 R/U YES PROTITLE 22 C 30 30 30 .0 1 R/U YES PERTYPE S2 P I I 1 0 1 R/U YES PETSTAT S3 P 1 1 1 0 1 R/U YES ASSESS S4 C E. E. 6 0 1 R/U YES DETERM Flo C 6 6 G 0 1 R/U YES ASSNULL E.E.C E. E. E. 0 1 R /U YES ASTATUS 72 P 1 2 1 0 1 R/U YES EMER. 73 C 6 6 6 0 1 R/U YES EMDEC 79 C 6 6 6 0 1 R/U YES EXPIRED 8s* C 6 6 6 0 1 R/U YES ENSTAT 91 P 1 1 1 0 1 R/U YES FILEING 92 C - E. E. .6 0 1 R/U YES ACCEPT 92 C E. 6 E. 0 1 R/U YES PUBHEAR 104 C E. 6 6 0 1 R/U YES HEARCON 110 C 6 6 6 0 1 R/U YES DECISION 116 C 6 6 E. 0 1 R/U YES WITHDRAW I E?2C E. 6. 6 0 1 R/U YES TYPEII 128 C 14 14 14 0 1 R/U YES PUBINOTE 142 C 6 6 6 0 6 R/U YES PUB2NOTE 178 C E. E. 6 0 6 R/U YES APPNAME 214 C 30 30 30 0 1 R/U YES APPDRG 244 C 30 30 30 0 1 R/U YES APPADDR 274 C 30 30 30 0 1 R/U YES APPCITY 304 C is is is 0 1 R/U YES DESIGN DOCUMENT APP/D Hawaii County Special Management Area Permit Field Start Int Int Ext Rep Dec Occur Report/ Blank Date/ Valid- Table Control APPSTATE 319 C .2 2 2 0 1 R/U YES APPZIP 321 C 5 5 s 0 1 R/U YES APPTYPE 326 P I I 1 0 1 R/U YES INTEREST 327 P 1 1. 1 0 1 R/U YES OWNER 328 C 30 30 30 0 1 R/U YES OWNTYPE 3SE P I I 1 0 1 R/U, YES LOCALITY 359 C 15 is is 0 1 R/U YES SHORE 374 P I 1 1 0 1 R/U YES COUNTY 375 P 1 1 1 0 1 YES ZONEI 376 P I I 1 0 1 R/U YES PLATI 322 P. 2 3 3 0 6 R/U YES PARCELI 400 P 2 3 3 0 6 R/U YES ADDTMK 412 P 1 1 1 0 1 R/U YES STLAND1 413 P 1 1 1 0 3 R/U YES GENPLAN -416 P 2 2 3 0 4 R/U YES ZONING 424 P 2 2 3 0 4 R/U YES EXUSEI 432 P 2 3 3 0 4 R/U YES SURRUSEI 440 P 2 3 3 0 4 R/U YES ACTIVITY 448 P 2 2 3 0 1 R/U YES COST 450 P 5 9 9 0 1 R/U YES SIZE 45S @P 4 7 7 0 1 R/U YES UNIT 4S9 P I I 1 0 1 R/U YES eLDGS 460 P 2 2 3 0 1 R/U YES FLOORS 462 P 2 2 3 0 1 R/U YES DWELLING 470 P 4 6 7 0 1 R/U YES DESCRI 474 C 60 so 60 0 1 R/U YES DESCR2 S34 C 60 60 E.0 0 1 R YES DESCR3 594 C so SO E-0 0 1 R YES DESCR4 E.S4 C E.0 60 60 0 1 R/U YES INFOI 714 P I I 1 0 6 R/U YES REFERI 720 P 2 3 3 0 is R/U YES SENTI 750 P 4 6 7 0 15 R/U YES REPLYI 810 P 4 6 7 0 is R/U 'YES SCENICI 870 2 2 3 0 6 R/U YES RECREAI SE2 P 2 2 3 0 6 R/U YES HAZARDI 8,_@ 4P 2 2 3 0. 6 R/U YES ECONOMI 130S P 2 2 2 0 6 R/U YES ECOSYSI 918 P I I 1 0 6 R/U YES ARCHI 924 P 2 2 3 0 6 R/U YES CONDITI 936 C 45 4S 45 0 1 R/U YES TEXTI 921 P I I 1 0 1 R/U YES MOREI 982 P 1 1 1 0 1 R/U YES APPENDIX E: SMA PERMIT APPLICATION FORMS SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA USE PERMIT APPLICATION COUNTY OF HAWAII PLANNING DEPARTMENT - PLANNING COMMISION APPLICANT: APPLICATION'S SIGNATURE: APPLICANT'S INTEREST, IF NOT THE OWENER; ADDRESS; TELEPHONE; business home OWNER; OWNER'S SIGNATURE TAX MAP KEY; NATURE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICANT'S REASON (s) for requesting the use permit (Please attach) Applicant must show that the following conditions exist: (1). that the develolment will not have any substantial, adverde environmtal or ecological effect except as such adverse effect is clearly outweighed by public health, afoty and-welfare. Such adverse effect shall include, but not linited to, the potential cumulative impact of-individual developments, each one of which taken in itself might not have a suhstantiz-adverse effect and the elimination of planning options; and (2) that tho development is ccnsistent with the findings and policies set forth in Mile 9.1 and 9.3, Rules and Regulations Relating to Environmental Shoreline Protection. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY: (1) 15 copies of the completed application form with attachments. (2) 15 copies of the location map. (3) 15 copies of a plot plan, drawn to scale, with all existing and proposed strctures shown thereon. (4) $100.00 filing fee. (5) in the case of the applicant whose proposal has been assessed, 15 copies of the Planning Director's assessment and determination, and any adclition regarding the areas of critical concern as delineated by the Director. (6 In the case of the applicant whose proposal has not been - aassessed, 15 copies of an EIS or an equivalent impact document as outlined in rule 9.7.A(1-7), Rules and Regulations Relating to Enviromental Shoreline Protection. (7) Any other plans or information required by the Planning Director. FOR OFFICIAL USE: Date received 21st day Public Hearing SPECIAL 11.k@LXGEMENT AREA USE PERMIT ASSESSMENT FORM COUNTY OF HAWAII PLANNING DEPARTMENT - PLANNING COMMISSION Any person-subject to-assessment shall be responsible for filing the followin.- with the Planning Department. (Please attach) 1. A tax map key description of the property involved. 2. A plot plan of the property, drawn to scale, with all proposed-structures shown thereon and any other informia- tion necessary to a proper deternination relative to the specific request. 3. A Vrritten description of the proposed project and a statement of objectives, 4. A written description of the affected environment which addresses the project's technical, economic, social, and environmental characteristics.' 5. A statement of the total cost or fair market Yalue of the development. 6. *A shoreline survey when the parcel abuts the shoreline. 7. Any other plans or information required-by-the.Planning -7-Director. An EIS that has been declared adequate under the National Environ- mental Policy Act (NEPA) or under Chapter 343, HRS, may constitute a valid filing under this section. NAME: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: DATE: FOR OFFICIAL USE: Date received 21st day APPENDIX F: SMA RULES AND REGULATIONS (7) "Cropa* meann- egricultural produce or part(s) of plants or trees cultivated for commercial or personal t use including but not limited to the raising of livestock. RULFS RCLATING To ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES (8) "Debris Line" means a line marking the landward limit of debris deposits, resulting froin wave uprush. EULE NO. 9, SPECIAL MANACEMENT AREA RULES AND PFCULATTONNS (9) "Department" means the County of 11awaii Planning OF THE COUNITY OF PAWAIII Department. 1 9.1 AuthoritX (10) "Development" means any of the following uses, activities, or operations on land, in or under water, Pursuant to authority conferred.,by Chapter 205A, Hawaii within the Special Management Area: keviscd Statutes, the Rules and Regulations I hereinafter A. "Development* includes the following: contained are hereby established and shall i@qply to all lands within the Special management Area of the County of (i) The placement or erection of any solid Hawaii. material or any gaseous, liquid, solid, or thermal waste; 9.2 Pur20se (ii) Grading, removing, dredging, mining, or It is the State policy to preserve, protect; and where extraction of any materials; possible, to restore the natural resources of the coastal zone of Hawaii. Therefore, special controls on development (iii) Change in the density or intensity of use of within the area along th,! shoreline are necessary to avoid land, including but not limited to the permanent loss of valuable resources and the foreclosure of division or subdivision of land; management options, and to insure that adequate* public access is provided to public-owned or used Leaches, (iv) Change in the intensity of use of water, recreation areas, and natural reserves, by dedication or ecology related thereto, or of access other means. theretol and 9.3 Title (v) Construction, reconstruction, or alteration of the size of any structure. These Rules and Regulations shall be known as the "Special Management Atea Rules and Regulations of the County of B. 'Development" does not'include the following uses, Hawaii". activities or operations: 9.4 Definitions (i) Construction of a single-family residence that is not part of a larger development; For the purpose of these Rules and Regulati@ns,'unless it is plainly evident from the content that a different (ii) Repair or maintenance of roads and highways ri.caning is intended, certain words and phrases used herein within existing rights-of-ways; are defined as foilows; (iii) Routine maintenance!dredging of existing (1) "Agency" means any board, commission, department, or streams, channels, and drainage ways; officer of a county government or state government including the Authority. (iv) The repair and main tenance of utility lines, including but not limited to water, sewer, (2) 'Applicant" means and includes any person who seeks power, and telephone and minor appurtenant perminsion or authorization which the Director may structures such as-pad mounted transformers grant under these Vules and Regulations. and sewer pump stations; (3) "Asnessment" means an evaluAtion by the Department of (v) Zoning variances, except for height,, a proposed use, activity, or operation,to determine density, parking, and shoreline-setback; whether a Special management Area Use Permit is required. (Vi) Repair, maintenance, or interior alterations to existing structures or relating to (4) "Authority" means the Planning Corinission of the existing uses; County of Hawaii. (vii) Demolition or removal of structures, except (5) *Chief Engineer" means the Chief Engineer of the those structures located on any historic Department of Public Works oC the CnanLy of flawaii. site as de,.,i(jnated in national or state J6) 'County" meatis the County of IlAwaii. registers or, Lhoce I isted in the flistor ic SiLO5 Element of the General Plan; (vi i i) The use of any land for the purpose of (17) "Person" means,and include cultivating, planting, grow@ng, and organization, partnership, harvesting of plants, crops, I trees, and any utility and any agency other agricultural, horticultural, or forestry products or animai,!husband.ry, or (16) "Petitioner" means and inc aquaculture or mariculture of plants or permission or authorizatio animals, or other agricultural purposes grant under these Rules an subject to review by the De6artment in accordance with Rule 9.4(10)C., (19) "Shoreline" means the uppe waves, other than storm or (ix) The transfer of title of land; -evidenced by the edge of v I upper limit of debris left (X) The creation or termination,of easements, covenants, or other rights in structures or (20) "Shoreline Survey" means t land; 'the shoreline in accordanc along with the existing pr (xi) The subdivision of land into lots greater, located and platted by ins than twenty acres in size; and property corners or approp f along the shoreline be mar (xii) The amendment of the''General Plan, State. registered land surveyor i Land Use Boundary amendments and changes of survey maps developed by t zone. shall bear the surveyor's survey and the confirming C. Whenever the Director finds thatiany use, the Board-of Land and Natu activity, or operation as excludFd in paragraph B is or may become part of a largef project, the (21) *Single-Family Residence" cumulative impact.of which may have a significant designed for and/or used a adverse environmental or ecological effect on the cooking, sleeping and livi Special Management Area, that use, activity, or only and occupied by no mo operation shall be defined as "development" for uses normally considered a the purpose of these Rules and Regulations. family facilities provided i compliance with all requir (11) *Director" means the Planning Director or his state r'egulation,-staEute authorized designee of the County Planning Department family shall include all I related by blood, marriage (12) 'EIS" means an informational document@prepared in comprised of not more tha complianc 'e with Chapter 343, HRS, andithe blood, marriage or by ado Environmental Quality Commission's Rules and Regulations, and which discloses the environmental (22) "Special Management Area" effects of a proposed action, effectsioE a proposed inland from the shoreline action on the economic and social welfare of the, filed with the Authority a community and State, effects of economic activities amended pursuant to Rule arising out of the proposed action, m 'easures proposed to minimize adverse effects and alternatives to the (23) "Special Management Me. action and their environmental effects. action by the Director au cases of emergency requir (13) -Estuary- means that part of a river or stream,or prevent substantial harm other body of water having unimpaired.connection with the open sea, where the sea water is measurably (24) ."Special Management Area t diluted with fresh Water derived from land drainage. by the Director authorizi cost or fair market value (14) 'Estuarine Sanctuary" means a research area which may $25,000 and which has no include any part or all of an estuary, adjoining environmental or ecologic transitional areas, and adjacent uplands, constituting account potential cumulat to ttic extent feasible a natural unit, set aside to provide scientists and students the opportunity to (25) 'Special Management Area examine over a period of time the ecological by the Authority authoriz relationships within the area. cost or fair market value (15) *General Plan" means the adopted General .Plan of the which may have a signific ecological effect, taking County, as reflected in County Ordinance No. 439, and cumulative effects. any amendinents thereto. (26) 'SLate Plan" means the ad (16) 'Owner" m,@ans all equitable and legal holders or of Hawaii ar reflected by lessee!; of real pcoperty. Lessees shall prenent amendments thereto. certificatioti of annroval trnm th- lecaL (N-npr. (27) 'Structure' meant; and includes, but is not limited to, i Proiecting any building, road, pipe, flume, conouit, siphon, suited for aquaduct, teleplione line, and electrical power cannot be p tranrmission and distribution line. ii. Requiring r (28) 'Use" means any purpose for which a structure or a resources h tract of land is designed, arranged, intended, ;value, incl maintained or occupied or any activity, occupation, surfing rit business, or operation carried on or intended to be such resour carried on in any structure or on a tract of land. damaged by rearonable (29) 'Vegetation Growth" means any plant, tree, shrub, State for r grass, or groups, clusters or patches of the same, is not feas naturally rooted and growing. iii. Providing a 9.5 Special Management Area access, con natural res Special Management Area of the County shall be as shorelines delineated on such maps filed with the Authority as of June 8, 1977 or as may be amended pursuant to Rule 9.19, and iv. Providing a shall be the official Special management Area to be shoreline p administered and enforced under these Rules and Regul&tions. facilities recreation; 9.6 Obiectives and Policies of Chapter 205A, HRS A. Objectives: V. Encouraging recreationa opportunit .Les Federally o 1. Provide coastal recreational lands and w accessible to the public. value; 2. Protect, preserve, and where desirable" restore vi. Adopting wa those natural and man-made historic!and regulating pre-historic resources in the coastal zone of pollutio management area that ace significant in Hawaiian feasible, r and American history and culture. value of co 3. Protect, preserve, and where desirable, restore vii. Developing or improve the quality of coastal scenic and open opportuniti space resources. as artifici beaches, ar 4. Protect valuable coastal ecosystems from and fishing disruption and minimize adverse impacts on all coastal ecosystems. viii. Encouraging shoreline a 5. Provide public or private facilities and for public improvements important to the State's economy in approvals o suitable locations. commission, resources 6. Reduce hazard to life and property from tsunami, storm waves, streilm flooding, erosion, and and crediti the require subsidence. 2. Historic Resources: 7. Improve the development review process, communication, and public participation in the a. identify and ana management of coastal resources and hazards. archaeological r B. Policies: b. Maximize informa 1. Recceational resources: preservation of salvage operatio a. Improve coordination and funding of coastal C. Support State go recreation planning and managementl and restoration, int historic resoucc b. Provide adequate, accessible, and diverse. recreational oppor tuni ties in the coastal !im 3. Scenic and Open Space Resources: Adverse e minimized; a. Identify valued scenic resources in the coastal zone management area; iii. important b. Insure that new developments are compatible 6. Coastal 11azards:' with their visual environment by designing and locating such,developmentslto minimize a.'' Develop and co the alteration of natural landfocms and on storm wave, existing public views to and along the subsidence haz shoreline; b. Control de4elo C. Preserve, maintain, and, where desirable, storm wave, ts improve and restore shoreline open space and subsidence,haz scenic resources;land C. Ensure that de d. Encourage those developments which are not requirements o coastal dependent to locate in inland areas. Program; and 4. Coastal Ecosystems: d. Prevent coasta projects. a. Improve the technical basis for natural resource management; 7. Managing Developmen b. Preserve valuable coastal ecosystems of a. Effectively ut significant biological or economic law to the max importance; managing prese development; C. Minimize disruption or degradation of coastal water ecosystems by effective b. Facilitate tim regulation of stream diversions, ; . I for developmen channelization, and similar land,and water overlapping or uses, recognizing competing wa@er needs; and requirements; d. Promote water quantity and quality planning c.. Communicate th and management practices whichreflect the long-term impa tolerance of fresh water and marine@@ coastal develo ecosystems and prohibit land and water uses life-cycle and which violate State water quality standards. the'general pu participation 5. Economic Uses: process. Concentrate in appropriate areas the 9.7 Special Management Area Guid location of coastal dependent d.evelopment necessary to the State's economy; The followitig guidelines shal developments proposed in the b. Insure that coastal dependent development such as harbors and ports, visitor!industry A. The Authority and/or the facilities, and energy generating facilities proposed development, sh are located, designed, and constructed to reasonable: minimize adverse social, visual, and environmental impacts in the coastal zone 1. Dredging, filling o management area; and estuary, salt marsh lagoon. C. Direct the location and expansion of coastal dependent developments to areas presently 2. Any development whi designated and used for such developments any beach or other and permit reasonable long-term growth at recreation. such areas, and permit coast aI dependent development outside of presently designated 3. Any development whi areas when: restrictiaits upon p submerged lands, be i. Utilization of presently designated streanis within the locations is not feasible; A the mean high tide 4. hny devalopment which would substantially The proposed de'velopme interfere with or detract from the line of sight goals, policies, and s toward the sea from the State highway nearest t 'be Plan. coast or from otrer scenic areas identified in ? the General Plan. I .'.I. . . 9.8 Permits Required for Develonmen 5. Any development which would adversely affect A. No*dcvclopment shall be all water quality, existing areas of open water free Management Area without obt of visible structures, existing andipotential accordance with there Rules fisheries and fishing grounds, wildlife habitats, estuarine sanctuaries, potential or existing B. No State or County Agency a agricultural uses of land. within the Special Manageme development unless appreval B. No development shall be approved by the Authority or accordance with these Rules the Director unless it is first found that; 9.9 Authority of the Departmen t in 1. The development will not have any significant adverse environmental or ecological effect* All development within the Speci except as such adverse effect is minimized to the administered through the Departm extent practicable and clearly outweighed by Regulations pursuant to the obje public hea 'Ith, safety, or compelling public provided by Chapter 205A, IIRS, a interest. Such adverse effect shall-include, but Area guidelines as contained her not be limited to, the potential cumulative impact of individual developments, each one of 9.10 Assessment which taken in itself might not have a substantial adverse effect and the elimination of A. The Department shall assess planning options; in*the Special Management I which the applicant determ 2. The development is consistent with the objectives proposed development will: and policies as provided by Chapter'205A# HRS, cost or fair market value; and the Special Management Area guidelines as adverse effect on the Spec contained herein; and @ Ii this case, the assessment 3. The development is consistent with the 6ene'ral the applicant shall petiti Special Management Area Use Plan, zoning and subdivision codes and other 9.11. applicable ordinances. B. For proposed developments C. All development permitted in the SpeciallManagement assessment, the applicant Area shall be subject to reasonable terms and filing the following with conditions as necessary in order to ensure thatt I1 1. A tax map d escription 1. Adequate access, by dedication or other means, to the applicant propose publicly owned or used beaches, recreation areas, and natural reserves is provided to:the extent 2. A plot plan of the pr consistent with sound conservation pr.inciples; all proposed and exis I thereon and any other 2. Adequate and properly located public recreation proper determination areas and wildlife preserves are reserveds request. 3.- Provisions are made for solid and liquid .waste 3. A written description treatment, disposition, and management which will a statement of object minimize adverse effects upon Special Management Area resources; 4. An EIS if required un when required by the 4. Alterations to existing land forms and vegetation, except crops, and construction of 5. A written description str uctures shall cause minimum adverse effect to of the proposed devel water resources and scenic and recreational Management Area inclu amenities and minimum danger of floods, landslides, erosion, siltation, or failure in the a. ' Description of e event of earthquake; b.". The relationship Adverse environmental or ecological! impacts are land use plans, minimized to the extent practicable; and affected area; -9- _10- C. The probable impact of the proposed actiolk E. Where the Director finds on the environment; not in excess of $25,000 value; and will'nOL have d. Any probable adverse environmental effects on the Special Management which cannot be avoided; review and recommendation a Special Management Area e. Alternatives to the proposed action;. i The issuance of such f mitigating measures proposed to minimize subject to any reaso impact; and accordance with the guidelines as establ 9. Any irreversible and irretrievable cortmitment of resources. 2. The Director shall f 1: actions in writing t 6. A written statement discussing the proposed shall include the re development in relation to the objective@ and policies as provided by Chapter 205A@ HRS, and F The Dir.ector shall declar the Special Management Area guidelines as Area Use Permit is,requir contained herein. proposed development has value in excess of,$25,00 7. A statement of the total cost or fair market adverse effecton,the Spe value of the proposed development@ i G. The Director shall declar 8. A shoreline survey when the parcel abuts,the exempt from these Rules a shoreline, except as may be waived by,the the proposal is exempt un Director when the proposed development is clearly and unmistakably located on a shoreline parcel at H. Significance Criteria a considerable distance from the shoreline. .In'considering.the@signif 9. Any other plans or information required by the enVironmental effects, th Director. suni of those effects that An EIS that has been declared adequate:under the of!the environment and sh cumulative effects'of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) or under Chapter 343, HRS, may constitute a valid filing under A I@significant adverse ef this section. pecific circumstances of r, Mermining whether a pro C. The Director shall assess the proposedIdevelopment ad@erse effect on the env upon the applicant's compliance with Rule 9.10-B based co@sider every phase of a on the following criteria; 1 : . consequences, either prin 1. The total cost or fair market value of the, cumulative as well as the proposed development. the proposal. The Direc in'MOSL instances, the Et proposal, although not li 2. The potential effects and significance of each according to the significance criteria a significant adverse ef the proposed development established by Rule 9.10-11. 1. involves an irrevoc D. The Director, within twenty one (21) calenaar;:days destruction of any after the receipt of all filing requirements or within including but not 1 a longer period as may be agreed to by,the applicant, view planes outlinec shall notify the applicant in writing that he,has adopted plans; determined the proposed development to: 2. curtails the range 1. Require a Special Management Area Minor Permit; environment; 2. Require a Special Management Area Use Permit; or 3. conflicts with the 3. Be exempt from the requirements o'f these Rules policies or goals o and Regulations. State Plan-' 4. substantially affec If the Director fails to act within the twenty one welfare @nd activit (21) calendar day period Or Within such longer period or State; an may have tj-@en agreed to by the applicant, the prolarj!;cd devcl0l)rri@-nt sliall be subject to review under involves substantia @;sa chAn(ies CnLablished b7 Rule 9.11. -faicilities; -12 6. in itself has no significant adverse effect but cumulatively has considerable adverse effect upon the envireonment or imvolves a commitment for larger actions; 7. substantially affects a rare, threatened, or endangered species of animal or plant, or its bhabitat; 8. detrimentally affects air or water quality or ambient noise levels; 9. affects an environmentally sensitive area, such as flood plain, tsunomi zone, erosion-prone area. geologically hazardous land, estuary, fresh water or coastal waterl or 10. is contrary to the objctives and policies of Chapter i9kA, HRS, and the Special Management Area Guidelines as contained herein. 9.11 Special Management Area Use Permit Procedures A. Petition Any person who has received a determination that his proposed development does not conform to the] requirements for a minor permit, or any person who has determined on his own that his proposed development will exceed $25,000 in cost or will have a significant adverse effect on the environment,shall petition the Authority through the Director for a Special Management Area Use Permit. The petitioner shall submit the following to the Director: l. The original and fifteen (15) copies of the completed petition including the following: a. A tax key description of the property on which the petitioner proposes his project: b. A plot plan of the property, drawn to scale, with all existing and proposed structures ` shown thereon and any other information\ necessary to make a proper determination of the impacts relative to the specific request: c. A written description of the proposed project and statement of the objectives: d. An EIS if required under Chapter 343, HRS, of when required by the Director: e. A written description of the anticipated impacts of the proposed development on the Special Management Area, including but not limited to: i. Description of enviromental setting: 11. The relationship of the proposed action to land use plans, policios, and control of the affected areas. action on 9011ment cumulatively has considerable adverse effect upon effects which cannot lly affects a tened V. 2pe proposed action endangered species of animal or plant# or its -13- 111. The probable impact of the proposed action on the environment: iv. Any probable adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided: v. Alternatives to the proposed action: vi. Mitigating measures proposed to mininize impact; and vii. Any irreversible and irretrievable commtment of resources. f. A written statement discusing the proposed development in relationship to the objectives and policies as provided by Chapter 205A, HRTS, and the Special Management Area guidelines as contained herein; g. A statement of the total cost or fair market value; h. A shoreline survey when the parcel abuts the shoreline, except as may be waived by the Director when the proposed development is clearly and unmistakably located on a shoreline parcel at a considerable distance from the shoreline; and i. Any other plans or information required by the Director; 2. A plot plan of the property with the information required under paragraph l,b, above and furthermore which shall be a minimun of two (2) feet by three (3) feet or of similar dimensions as may be agreed to by the Director. 3. In the case of petitioner whose proposed development has been assessed, any information as to the area of critical concern delineated by the Director. 4. One hundred dollars ($100) filing fee to cover pulication and other administration costs. PUBLIC HEARINGS Upon receipt and acceptance of a properly filed and completed petition, the Department shall place the petition on the agenda of the Authority for its consideration and action. Promptly after the Authority's fixing date for the public hearing, the petitioner shall mail a notice of the hearing setting foth the time, date, and place of the hearing to the owners of properties within three hundred (300) feet of the perimeter boundary of the affect property, and to any other person or agency that has made a written request to the Department for advance notice of the public hearing, not less then twenty (20) calender days prior to the date set for the hearing, the -14 - 20SA, 2pjial nt of the total cost or fair Upon receipt and acceptance of a properly filed and peitioner shall file with,the Authority, through the Director, an affidavit or other similar-proof of mailiny of said notice.- In addition to@said notice A decision to defe and at least twenty (20) calendar days prior to the require a majority date of the hearing, the@ Authority shaU publish Authority present notice ot the time, date, and place of'the hearing. the event the Auth once in a newspaper of general circulation in the decision to defer State and once in a newspaper of general circulation time Iiinitl the re in the County. Any failure to mail or to receive said denied. written notice shall not invalidate the@proceedings, provided further that the proceedings conform to the 2. Notice of Decision requirements of Chapter 91, HRS, as amended. be promptly given thereof or by mail The public hearing shall be conducted within a period petitioner's last of ninety (90) calendar days from the receipt of the properly filed petition unless the ninety (90) day .3. Reconsideration: period is waived by the petitioner. At@the hearing, denied due to the all interested persons shaLl be afforded an decision within th opportunity to be neard. The proceedings shall comply Paragraph D.I. abo with the requirements of Chapter 91, HRS, as amended. ten (10) calendar the denial, reques Any such hearing shall whenever possibli, be held decision. Upon su jointly and concurrently with other applicable shall place the pe hearings for the proposed development. Authority for its mee t i ng .In the e C. Grounds for Approval of Special Management Area Use render a decision Permits: membership at the shall be considere The Authority may permit the prop .... de --pment only upon finding that; 4. Refiling: Wheneve Management Area Us 1. The development will not have any significant new petition for t adverse environmental or ecological effect except covering all or an as such adverse effect is minimized to the extent involved in the or practicable and is clearly outweighed by public accepted by the Au health, safety, or compelling public interest; for a period of tw date of the denial 2. The development is consistent with1the objectives provided, however, and policies as provided by Chapter 205A, HRS,. *substantial change and the Special Management Area guidelines as may permit the fil contained herein; and the expiration.of 3. The development is consistent with the General Judicial Review: Plan, Zoning and Subdivision Codes and other petition shall be applicable ordinances. Third Circuit Cour accordance with Ch Any development permitted shall be subject to @easonable terms and conditions set by the Authority E. Amendments of Condition in accordance with the Special Management Area guidelines as contained in Rule 9.7. 1. Petition: The pet Authority through D. Decision and Order to the condition(s Mdnagement Area Us 1. in general: within a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty,(30) calendar days after the In the case of tim conclusion of the public hearing,,or within a petitioner shall s periou not less than ten (10) nor more than length of time req forty-five (45) cal,@ndac days from the receipt of for the time exten the hearing officer's report, or within a longer period an may be agreed to by the petitioner, the in the case of add ituthority shall render a deci-sion. The decision, deletions of condi wheLher to grant or to deny the petition, shall forth in writing: require a mijority vote OC the total membership amended; and (b) of Lho Authurity. In the event the Authority fails to render a decision to approve or deny The petitioner sha liZI-L. Ihc zz-;@;Cztt Department the sum shall be con-.iideLed denied. to cover publicati Costs. 2. Notices and Hearings: The hearing and notice procedures shall be the same as under Rule 9.11-u, provided further that the Authority shall conduct a public hearing within a period of forty five (45) calendar days from the receipt of a properly filed petition. 3. Decision and Order: The procedures shall be the same s provided for under Rule 9.11-D. 9.12 Special Management Area Emerency Permits A. A Special Management Area Emergency Permit may be issued for emergency repairs to existing public utilities including but not limited to water, sewer, gas and electric transmission lines and highways, or similar emergencies which may otherwise not be exempt from the Special Management Area permit requirements. Upon finding that an emergency exists and requires immediate action, the Director shall issue a Special Management Area Emergency Permit subject to reasonable terms and conditons including an expiration date. Such permits shall be filed with the Authority in writing. B. In cases of inminent substantial harm to public health, safety, or walfare in the County, including declared states of emergency by the Governor, the Mayor may waive the requirements of obtaining a permit pursuant to those Rules and Regulations. 9.15 Penalties Any person who violates any provison of these Rules and Regulations may be subject ot a civil fine not to exceed $10,000. In addition to any other penalties, any person -17- who performs anay development in violation of these Rules and Regulations may be subject to a civil fine not to exceed $500 a day for each day in which such violation persists. 9.16 Injunction Any person violating any provision of these Rules and Regulations may be enjoined by the circuit court of the State by mandatory or restraining order necessary or proper to effectuate the purposes of these Rules and Regulations in a suit brought by the County. 9.17 Hearing Officer A. The Authority may designate and authorize a hearing officer to conduct a hearing for the purpose of taking testimony and to report his findings of facts and conclusions of law with his recommendation to the Authority on proceedings under the jurisdiction of the Authority as provided by these Rules and Regulations. B. The notice and public hearing requirements for hearings conducted by a hearing officer shall be same as provided under Rule 9.11-B, 9.18-B,9.19-A(2), or 9.19-B(2), as may be applicable. C. Post hearing procedures for hearings conducted by a hearing officer: l. Recommendation of hearing officer: Upon completion of taking of the evidence the hearing officer shall prepare a report setting forth findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the reasons therefor, and a recommendedd order and submit the report of the case to the Authority. 2. Contents of the record: The record shall include the petition, transcripts of the hearing, stipulations, documentary evidence, proposed findings, or other documents submitted by the persons involved, objections to conduct of the hearing and the reports of the hearing officer and all other matters placed into evidence. 3. Within forty five (45) calendar days after the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall complete the report and submit it to the Authority and to all persons involved in the proceedings. D. Exections to the Heaaring Officer's Report and Recommendation: l. Within ten (10) working days after receipt of the report and recommendation by the hearing officer, a person involved in the procedddings may submit to the Authority his exceptions to the report and his reasons in support therein. 2. The exception shall; a. Set forth specifically the procedure, fact, law or policy to which exceptions are taken; -18- persons involved, objections to conduct of the b. Identify the' part of the hea ring officer's B Notice and Hearing report and recommended order to which objections are made; and The notice and hearing proc stipulated under Rule 9.11- C. State specifically the reasons for the Authority shall conduct exceptions to the ruling, finding, public hearings within a pe conclusion, or recommendation. calendar days from the rece petition., E. 'Testimony Before the Authority: C. Decision and Order 1. - If a person involved in the proceedings desires to testify before the Authority, a written I The procedures shall be the request with reasons therefor shall accompany the exceptions and the Authority may grant such. .9.19 Amendment of Special Managem2n request. A. Amendments.initiated by the 2. The Authority may on its own motion re-open the' hearing to allow the taking of additional 1. Ini.tiation: testimony and further evidence. a. The Director may Authority Action: amendments to the Boundaries. 1. In the event no statement of exception is liled, the Authority may proceed to reverse, modify or b. The Authority, b) adopt the recommendation of the hearing officer. its total members Director to initi 2.. Upon the submittal of exceptions and the taking Special Managemen of further evidence, if any, the Authority shall render its decision pursuant to Rule 9.11-D. C The Director sha i. to amend the Spec 9.18 Petition for the Adoption, Amendment or Reoeal of Rule 9, boundaries to the Special Manaaement Area Rules and Regulations of.the public and the S County of Hawaii Planning and Eco 1 the initiation 6 A. Petition date of review. completion of hi Any person may petition the Authority through the proposed amendme Director requesting the adoption, amendment or repeal of any provision of these Rules and Regulations. 2. Notice and Hearing: The petitioner s hall be responsible for.submitting the The notice and hearin following to the Director: same as stipulated un further that the Auth 1. The original and fifteen (15) copies of the hearing in the Counci completed petition including: amendment is sought w calendar days from th a. A statement of the nature of the amendments by the Dir petitioner's interest. 3. Grounds for Approval b. A draft of the substance of the proposed Boundary Amtndments: rule or amendment or a designation of the provisions sought to be repealed. The Authority may ame Area Boundaries only C. An explicit statement of the reasons in amendments will furth support of the proposed rule, amendment or policies as provided repeal. Said reasons shall include a will be consistent wi d,iscussion of the relationship of the other applicable ordi proposed change with Chapter 205A, HRS, Relating to Coastal Zone Management, and 4. Decision and Order: other applicable State and County Ordinances or regulations including the General Plan. The procedures shall 9.11-D. 2. One hundred dollar ($100) filing fee to cover publication and other administrative costs. B. Special Management Area,Do by the General Public: -20- mm M M "M M 1 Pe t i t i o n 9.21 Effective Date Any person may petition the Authority through the These Rules and Regulations shall Director requesting the amendment of the Special approval. Management 1,rea boundaries. The petitioner shall submit the LUIIU-LI14 to the Department: The Planning Commission of the Co a. The original and fifteen (15) @opies of the Hawaii approved and adopted these Rul completed petition including the following: day of i. A statement of the nature of the petitioner's interest. ii. A description of the properties PLA involved in sufficient detail to cou determine the' precise location. iii. An explicit statement of the reasons in support of the request including a discussion of how the amendment wi-11 CHA further the Special Management Area objectives and policies as well as be consistent with the General Plan and other applicable ordinances. Notice of Public Hearing-. Hawaii T iv. A statement discussing the proposed use Oct of the parcel and any other information Nov necessary to render a proper decision Dec relating to the specific request. Dec b. one hundred dollar ($100) fili Ing fee to Honolulu cover publication and other administrative Oct costs. 2. Notice and Hearing The notice and hearing procedures shall be the APPROVED: same as stipulated under Rule 9.11-D,' provided further that the Authority shall conduct a public hearing in the Council District in which the Amendment is sought. MAYOR 3. Grounds for Approval of Special Management Area Boundary Amendments: The Grounds for approval of Special Management DATE Area boundary amendments shall be the same as provided tor in Rule 9.19-A(3). 4. Decision and Order: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: The procedures shall be the same as provided for in Rule 9.11-D. 9.20 Severability PORATIOWUN @L DEPUTY COR SU If any provision of these Rules and Regulations oi to the application thereof- to any person or circumstance iis held DATE 0 to be invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of these Rules and Regulations which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or appl iCaLions, and to this end the provisions of these Rules and Regulations are s-everakile. -21- -22- 3 6668 14108 8684