[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]
Chowan County COASTAL ZICY11ME INFORMIATION City of Edenton North Carolina 10 k owl X" Cama 1976 13665 COASTAL ZONE INFORMATION CENTER PREPARED FOR CHOWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C. A. Phillips, Chairman David T. Bateman Alton G. Elmore N. J. George J. D. Peele Dallas Jethro, County Coordinator Prepared by the CHOWAN COUNTY PLANNING BOARD George Lewis, Chairman T. D. Berryman, Jr. Carroll Evans A. C. Hudson Charles Overman Wilbur J. Privott Van Small J. A. Webb, Jr. Pete Thompson, Ex-Officio PREPARED FOR THE TOWN OF EDENTON) NORTH CAROLINA TOWN COUNCIL Roy L. Harrell, Mayor Jesse L. Harrell James C. Dail Harry Spruill, Jr. Errol Flynn Allen Hornthal W. H. Hollowell, Jr. W. B. Gardner,, Town Administrator Prepared by the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Joe Lee, Chairman C. B. Smith Novella Wilson Jimmie M. Parrish Robert L. Bunch, Jr. Ruth Vaughan Robert Weintraub Henry A. Powell -Worth Hare Asa Griffin TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES George Little, Secretary DIVISION OF COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE Billy Ray Hall, Chief NORTHEASTERN FIELD OFFICE Thomas B. Richter, Chief Planner Justin Little, Community Development Planner Debbie Branch, Typist Peggy Sawyer, Typist Wilber J. Walker, Draftsman CHOWAN COUNTY - EDE'NTON LAND USE PLAN Tabl.e of Contents INTRODUCTION I. LAND USE POLICY A. TOWN AND COUNTY CHARACTERISTICS: the context of the pZan ........................... 3' B. MAJOR LAND USE ISSUES: what people are concerned about ........................ 8 C. CURRENT PLANS, POLICIES, AND REGULATIONS: what is curPently being done ........................................ 18 D. LAND USE OBJECTIVES: direction for the future .................................... 24 E. ACHIEVING THE OBJECTIVES: implementation .................................... 26 1. Policies and standards ........................ @6 2. Land Classification map ....................... 29 3. Protection of fragile areas ................... 33 II. FACTORS AFFECTING FUTURE LAND USE: Detailed Reports A. NATURAL FACTORS INFLUENCING DEVELOPMENT: land use constraints ................ 49 Z. Physical limitations .......................... 5Q a.. Climate ................................... 51 b. Flood hazard areas ........................ 54 c. Soil limitation areas ..................... 55 1) Septic tank limitat.ions ............... 56 2) Drainage limitations .................. S8 3) Foundation limitati.ons (Uw-elling suitabil-i-t-y7 ................ 60 d. Estuarine erosive areas ................... 62 2. Fragile areas ................................. 64 a. Surf ace waters ............................ 65 1) Estuarine waters ...................... 69 2) Public trust waters ................... 71 b. Water supply sources ....................... 72 C. Complex natural areas ..................... 74 d. Areas sustaining remnant species ................................... 76 e. Coastal wetlands .......................... 77 f. Areas containing unique geological formations .................... 79 3. Areas of resou'rce potential .................. 80 a. Publicly owned land ...................... 81 b. Productive agricultural soils ............ 82 c. Potentially valuable mineral sites .................................... 85 B. MAN-MADE FACTORS INFLUENCING DEVELOPMENT ......... 86 1. History ............................. o ....... 88 2. Existing land use ............................ 9S a. Chowan County .... 9S 1) Summary description, ............. 2) Significant land use compatibiTity p-r-ob-T-ems ............... 96 3) Problems from un-pl-anned development .......................... 96 4) Man-made Hazard areas ................ 98 5) Areas experiencing or likely to experience major land us-e --- c-17a-nge ...................... 99 b. Edenton 1) Summary descript on .................. 99 2) Significant land use compatibility,,pr-o--67-ems ............... 100@ 3) Problems from un-pTa-nned development ........................... 101 4) Man-made hazard areas ................ 101 S) Areas experiencing or likely to exp rience major lanE- use change ........................... 102 3. Population and e@i_onomy ....................... 104 a. Population 1) Characteristics and brief analysis ............................. 104 2) Populatl7on projection ................ 110 b. Economy 1) Existing economy ..................... 114 2) Economic projecfion .................. 127 4. Community facilities - -: ....................... 138, a. Water .................................... 139 b. Sewer ......... ............. 141 c. Solid waste di sposal .... o............. 1.. 143 d. Thoroughfares ............................ 144 e. Schools ............. o .................... 147 f. Fire protection .......................... 148 g. Rescue squad/ambulance service ........... 150 h. Law enforcement .............. o ........... 151 i. Health services .......................... 154 j. Housing ..................... I ............. 1S6 k. Recreation ....................... o ....... 158 1. Financial capability ................... o . 160 APPENDICES A. DATA SUMMARY AND RELATIONSHIP TO PLAN to Major conclusions ............................ 165 2* information used in the plan ................. 165 B. PUBLIC PART1UYPA=0y Z. History -of CAMA planning effort .............. 170 2. Process use-d-to determine objectives, policies a tandards and alternatives considered .................. *.171 30 Survey resutts ............................... 174 INDEX TO STANDARD FORMAT ................................... 190,- INTRODUCTION In 1974, the General Assembly passed the Coastal Area Man- agement Act into law. The provisions of the act are many, but the underlying reason for its passage is as stated in the law: The General Assembly therefore finds that an immediate and pressing need exists to establish a comprehensive plan for the protection, preservation, orderly develop- ment and management of the coastal area of North Carolina. The law requires, as the basis for this comprehensive plan, each coastal county to prepare its own land-use plan. All the coastal counties are submitting their plans to the Coastal Re- sources Commission, a group created to administer the provisions of the legislation. This document is the land use plan for Chowan County and Edenton, the major municipality in Chowan County. The town and county have separate. jurisdictions. The town has adopted an extraterritorial limit and controls development within that area. The county government has jurisdiction over all develop- ment in the rest of the county. Although the county and town have separate jurisdictions, obviously developments in one affect the other. For this reason and because the county and town have worked well together previously, the land use plan was prepared jointly by the town and county. The plan consists of two major parts. The first section discusses land use policy. After a summary of the existing conditions, the major land issues in the county and town are noted. The current land development policies and regulations are summarized and objectives are set for the future. Areas in the county and town suitable for future development have been mapped. Areas that need to be closely protected from adverse development have also been identified. The second major section brings together information on the many factors influencing future development in the county and town. The opportunities and limitations of the natural resources are examined. Analyses are also made of the local population, economy, community facilities and existing land use. Much of the information was provided by people in the county and town. Also since Edenton and Chowan County had considered land-use issues before, there was information avail-able from several pre- vious reports. This plan will need to be updated and revised in the future. The Coastal Area Management Act requires that the plan be updated every five years at least. As time passes and conditions change, much of the information gathered here will be outdated. New priorities will,demand attention; new situations may require new policies. Because of the many topics considered, the Edenton and Chowan County Land Use Plan is a lengthy document. A summary or synopsis has been prepared for those who want an overview of the plan. A great deal of work by the planning boards went into the preparation of this land use plan, but it is just a start. The citizens of Edenton and Chowan County still have to make the decisions and live with the results. -k w I. LAND USE POLICY -.1 00 A. TOWN AND COUNTV CHARACTERISTICS: the context oj the ptan No one knows what Chowan County and Edenton will look like in 25 or even 10 years. However, by closely looking at the county's natural and man-made environments we can determine what would be most likely to happen in the future. Detailed information about the natural and man-made environ- ments has been assembled in the second section of the plan. The most important facts are summarized below. Natural Environment The natural resources of the county set limits on and also provide opportunities for development. Chowan County still is influenced by the fact that, ages ago, it was at the bottom of the ocean. As a result, the topography is quite flat and drainage is quite poor in large areas of the county. The county's topography and location on a coastal sound and river result in extensive floor-hazard areas. The sediments deposited in that extensive, ancient ocean are now the soils of Chowan County. Many of these fine marine sediments are unsuitable for wastewater disposal or foundations. The extensive high water table areas in the county limit the land that can be used for productive agri- cultural land or residential development unless efforts are made to drain these areas. Yet, undrained, certain of the county's wetlands provide protection against erosion and flooding, a sink for sediments 3 and cleansing action for polluted waters. These wetlands are also wildlife habitat and fish spawning areas. Both commercial and sport fishing have been important in Chowan County for many years. Like the county's wetlands, most of Chowan County's other resources offer opportunities and pose restrictions. The soils of Chowan County not only set limi- tations, but also provide the base for the county's thriving agriculture and forestry activities. In addition, some soils are quite well suited for residential development. The Chowan River and Albemarle Sound offer more than flood hazards and erosion; besides the fishing and recreation opportunities, the river and sound provide a beautiful physical setting for the town and county that is highly valued by county and town residents. Man-made Environment While the natural environment sets the context of limi- tations and opportunities for land use, the activities of the residents are the determining factor in how land is developed in the county and town. How the land has already been developed to date is certainly important. Edenton and Chowan County are fortunate in that much of the past land use has not been poor, but, in fact, has been carefully done and well preserved. The town and county are famous for their historic sites. A large part of the town has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places in recognition of the town's many fine buildings of previous years that are remarkably well conserved and pleas- ing in appearance, 4 Nevertheless, not all of the past and existing land use in the county and town is of good quality. Subdivisions of land unsuitable for development have been made, platted and lots have been sold. Wastewater disposal and water supply have been problems. Certain roads have been poorly designed and maintained. Substandard dwellings have been constructed and are still occupied. Others have been abandoned, but are still a health hazard. The rate of land development in the county and town is controlled by the local,population and economy. Edenton, after its colonial days of prominence,became a local center for an agricultural area. The county is still rural and predominantly agricultural. Changes in farming practices have had impacts on the county's population. As farms became more mechanized, less jobs were available and, as a result, many people left Chowan County to find employment elsewhere. Of the people that have stayed in the county many have below poverty-level incomes and can only afford inadequate housing. The trend of declining population and job opportunities may be reversed by recent changes in the county's economy. Several industries have located in and around Edenton in recent years, diversifying the county's economic base. Recent economic studies project that the county will not continue to decline in population but in fact will grow in the next 25 years. The Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis made the following projections as a result of its OBERS "Ell series of population projections. 1980 1990 2000 10,900 11,400 11,800 Town officials feel that these projections are low; they expect the town to grow by 1000-1500 residents in the next ten years. Assuming the rest of the county grows moderately or stays stable, the following projections are closer to local estimations. 1980 1990 2000 12,000 13,500 14,SOO Population projections for an area as small as Chowan Coun- ty are difficult to do and risky to make. It would be best to say that local officials are expecting a moderate amount of growth in the county and town. Local officials have considered it foolish to speculate on actual population levels 50 years from now, as required by the guidelines for the Coastal Area Manage- ment Act, but they have repeatedly stated their commitment to orderly development. Edenton has had a substantial percentage of the county's population and this percentage has been increasing. Neverthe- less, recent developments in the county have blurred the old distinction between the densely settled town and the rural, farming county. Industry has located out in the county. New subdivisions have been developed outside of the city limits. Although farmworkers have migrated out of the county, other peo- ple have moved in that commute to industrial or retail and ser- 6 vice jobs. Increasing numbers of people have been coming into Chowan County to visit the historic sites or enjoy water recreation on the Albemarle Sound and Chowan River. Some have weekend homes in the county. Others have come to settle permanently and retire. To date, however, the seasonal and retired population increase has not been large, especially in comparison to other coastal counties of the state. This section merely provides an overview of the data that has been gathered about the characteristics and trends of the county and town to put the following land use policy discussion into perspective. Much more detail on all the characteristics and trends of the town and county make up the entire second section of the plan. 7 B. MAJOR LAND USE ISSUES: what people are concerned about One of the goals of the Coastal Area Management Act sums up many of the concerns in the coastal area. The goal is: To insure that the development or preservation of the land and water resources of the coastal area proceeds in a manner consistent with the capability of the land and water for development, use or preservation .... In other words, development or use should take place only to the extent that the land is capable of supporting development or use. This idea implies that there is a limit beyond which any development would be extremely expensive, damaging or impossible. Unfortunately these limits are hard to define. The scientific knowledge is not complete. Also changes in technology, economics or values held by the residents can change limits to development. Probably the major controversy about the capability of land in Chowan County centers on the issue of septic tanks. The fact that septic tanks do not function properly in many coastal soils has caused considerable arguments. The current rules and regulations of the state Division of Health Services have been criticized by some as being too strict and by others. as being too lenient. The Sanitary Engineering Section of the division itself has stated that existing rules and regu- lations regarding septic tanks are not adequate to control 8 possible problems,,particularly where development is adjacent to bodies of water. Researchers from North Carolina State University say that septic systems in these areas may function in the sense that the effluent does not always appear on the ground surface; however in many cases the effluent is merely passing into shallow groundwater and moving laterally into the surface waters. At this time little information exists as to whether this type of pollution has taken place on a broad scale in Chowan County. The Cape Colony area is one of the highest density areas that uses septic tanks and alsois an area that has some soils unsuitable for septic tanks. Surface water analyses done in the adjacent waters show the water clean enough for swimming, so evidently pollution has not been significant. It also should be noted that while certain officials and scientists have been criticizing Health 0 Department regulations, homebuilders and lot owners have complained that the regulations are too stringent. If the Cape Colony area is sewered as the 201 study for Edenton has proposed, the septic tank problem would no longer exist--an example of how technology can change environmental limits. Also important is the fact that much of the county including Cape Colony is served by deep water well community water systems, so that shallow groundwater.pollution is not as serious as a problem as it is in areas that use shallow groundwater-for.water supply. While arguments are being made as to whether the limits 9 of groundwater pollution have been reached, few argue that the limit for surface water pollution has been reached and, in fact, has been exceeded at certain times in the recent past. Here the problem is determining the cause of pollution. Runoff of chemicals and manure from farms has been blamed along with septic tank pollution and industrial discharges. Data as to how much each source is contributing, if any, is lacking. Several years ago, an incident of algal blooms and water degrad- ation was solved when an agricultural chemical firm in Hertford Countyvas forced to shut down. The fact that a source outside of the county was responsible points out the limited ability of the county and town to control pollution of the sound and river. Nevertheless, the concern expressed by Chowan County residents was important in action being taken. The importance of other limits to development has been stressed by the Coastal Area Management Act; namely, the ability of community facilities to support further development and the impact that development has on the life styles of the town and county. However, the figures on the cost of providing services to the residential growth that officials expect are hard to determine. For various reasons, the costs of additional residential development are different for the county and town. Costs to the town will.be determined first. Once the town's sewer plant is upgraded, certain capacity for gkowth will exist. In addition, if the infiltration problem 10 can be solved, as is planned in the 201 study, much more of the existing capacity could be utilized. Since the subdivi- sion regulations require installed improvements and sewer rates cover the cost of operation and maintenance, the town can provide additional service for little net cost up to the capacity of the plant. The capacity of the sewer system cannot really be determined until the results of the 201 study and construction are known, including the treatment plant upgrading and the infiltration correction. The water system of the town currently has a higher rate of capacity than it does use. Determining the added costs imposed on fire, police, and solid waste collection of addi- tional residential development depends to a great extent on the type of development that takes place. The face that the town enforces the North Carolina Building Code and utilizes zoni ng and subdivision regulations keeps poor development to a minimum. Several other considerations must be made about costs of new development for Edenton. Edenton does not have the resort residential growth like certain other coastal North Carolina communities. If Edenton's residential growth is the result of industrial location, and the industry is a well-sited, pollution free industry, the overall result will probably be a rise in revenues for the community. Also, it should be noted that the town does not make expenditures for welfare or schools, facilities that can be very sensitive to population growth. The town is in the electricity business and raises close to a third of its revenue from the sale of power. Like most utilities, electricity revenues would rise from additionaf customers. Tn addition, the pr'operty tak is sufficiently high t'hat the costs of develop ment are somewhat offset by revenues provided, particularly with high value developments. All things considered, because of the services it does not provide, the utility sales, the subdivision regulations and the existing facilities, Edenton is in an excellent position to undergo a moderate rate of residential development without straining the community facilities and finances. The county is in an altogether different position regard- ing new residential development. The county currently does not operate any facilities that provide net. revenue, although the county water system is predicted to be able to pay for itself. The county does provide certain social and welfare services that could be sensitive to increased population, but this would depend on the characteristics of the in-migrating population. Chowan County operates the school facilities under a complicated arrangement that also involves Federal and state funds. Per pupil costs are currently about $1200 of which the county pays about 20%. However the county's outlays are not as sensitive to school population changes as first might be assumed. Under North Carolina law, the county is only re- sponsible for the facilities. Thus increases in the number of pupils would theoretically not greatly increase the coun- 12 ty's outlays until the capacity of the schools was reached. In actual practice, the county does pay for certain per pupil expenditures, salary supplements and supplies, but the large percentage is fixed cost. In addition to schools and social service, the county also provides for fire protection in the county, law en- forcement outside of Edenton, solid waste collection (by means of dispersed dumpsters that are emptied periodically) and recently, county water. Also the county contributes toward library expenses, recreation activities, health department expenses and the ambulance service. The effect of increased residential growth on these expenditures can- not be determined with any degree of precision. Too much depends on when the growth takes place, where, how and who moves in. However as has been pointed out repeatedly, the low density sprawl that has occurred and is occurring in much of the county is the most expensive type of development to provide services for. Certain costs result for the county regardless of whether the development occurs inside or outside of Edenton. However, since the county duplicates certain services that the town also provides, residential development in Edenton probably costs the county less money than residential developments out- side of Edenton. There has been some weekend and retirement home develop- ment in the subdivisions along the Sound and river. (Details 13 on these subdivisions are included elsewhere in the plan.) Fur- ther development of both seasonal, retirement and permanent family homes is likely; but, to date, the few seasonal residents have not posed major problems for the county's services. Also, retired residents have had no major impacts on the county services. The numbers involved are much fewer than in other areas of the coastal region. Several points should be made in summary about the costs of growth to the county. The county, to date, has not provided exten- sive services to new developments. The rate of new development outside of Edenton has been slow,and currently there is little evidence that the rate will increase substantially. The main problem is that the development that is taking place is a very low density,-unplanned sprawl that is costly to provide services for. Although the Coastal Area Management Act is concerned with facility problems from growth, Chowan County may be facing the reverse problem--community facility problems caused by decrease. The elementary school population has decreased considerably. If no new students enter, Chowan High School in eight years will have 150 students, a size that the superintendent feels will be insuffi- cient to operate a high school curriculum. Elementary school population has declined, not just in the county, but in the town, too--a fact that runs somewhat contrary to town officials' con- tentions of continuing growth. The problems of the school sys- tem will be solved by the commissioners, but growth control 14 measures are hardly the most relevant. While the limits to growth are hard to define for communi- ty facilities and natural resources, definitions are close to impossible when considering the impact on people's attitudes and life styles. The community survey revealed that many citi- zens value the small town atmosphere and rural character of the county: Contrarily, the majority of respondents favored a moderate rate of growth. Trying to determine at what point small town and rural values are destroyed is extremely diffi- cult because it would vary from person to person. It should be mentioned that while environmental issues and preserving small town and rural character are issues, the lack of job opportunities, commercial facilities, cultural facilities, and extensive public services has also been brought up in the survey and in public meetings. Far from discussing limits., much evidence can be presented that the town and coun- ty have considerable agricultural, industrial, tourist, and commercial potential that can be developed. Poverty, lack of job opportunities, and outmigration of the young are all prob- lems that could be at least partially solved by further devel- opment. As is evidenced by the current policies, the objec- tives and the implementation section, the people of the town and county want to guide growth, but they do not want to cap it. Not everyone in the town and county are concerned with broad questions of growth and development, but, in fact, have 15 specific concerns that are equally important, Outside of the Edenton city limits, county citizens have expressed concern about developments that may conflict. The Cape Colony section southeast of Edenton is being developed for industrial and residential use. Residents want to insure that future industrial development does not interfere with the residential areas. Also farmers have expressed concern about the non-farm residential growth in the county; they are worried about possible rising taxes for frontage and conflicts between farming and residential activities. Conflicts between land uses are not the only development issues that concern county residents. Drainage and mosquito control are an issue of importance to many rural residents. Several subdivisions were made before proper subdivision reg- ulations were in effect. Currently these areas have many problems--street maintenance, right-of-way and easement diffi- culties, lots unsuitable for development and building code violations. Throughout the county, poverty is probably the primary cause of the widespread substandard housing, but unplanned development and the lack of code enforcement are contributing factors. Within the city limits of Edenton many of the land use issues are similar to the issues out in the county. Conflicts between residential, commercial, and industrial land uses are a concern to those affected. Substandard housing and code 16 violations are prevalent problems in certain areas. Storm water drainage is a problem both in the county and town but the adverse effects are more pronounced in the town because of its higher density. Preservation of the town's many fine historic buildings has been a concern for some time and,in fact, is an issue that has been dealt with successfully, though more could be done. 17 C. CURRENT PLANS., POLICIES., AND REGULATIONS: what is currentZy being done The town, county, state and Federal governments all are influencing land use in the county and town. Each level of government has prepared studies of the area to guide its authority, and, in certain cases, has enacted regulations to control development. Many members of the community became concerned about the town's development when the Marine Corps Air Base closed in 1959. A development corporation was formed and industrial prospects were sought. The town initiated a population and economy study (1967) and prepared a land development plan (1968). Studies and recommendations were made about the town's housing and neighborhoods (1970 & 1972). The town has looked closely at its community facilities and has pre- pared a schedule of public improvements (1970 & 1976). In addition to analyzing its operations and preparing plans for improvements, Edenton has adopted regulations to guide development. Based on the land development plan, the town established a zoning ordinance in 1969 and subdivision regulations in 1972. These regulations have been revised since their inception. The zoning ordinance has the usual provisions about matters such as district divisions, allowed uses, and non-conforming uses, but, in addition "has regula- tions concerning floodplain developments., mobile homes and 18 historic district developments.. The subdivision regulations set design and improvement standards for new developments. Special provisions are included about waterfront developments, open space acquisitions, and community facility sites. REGULATIONS IN EFFECT Current Edcnton Chowan Other Regulations County Authority Zoning ordinances x Subdivision regulations x x Floodway ordinances x x Building codes x Septic. tank regulations Chowan County Board of Health Historic district x regulations Nuisance regulations U.S. EPA, N.C. Division of Environmental Management Sedimentation codes N.C. Division of Environmental Management Dredge-and-fill U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, N.C. Division of Marine Fish- eries 19 The subdivision regulations also require that the devel- oper install, at his expense, streets and utilities. The town will extend its sewer and water to the development, if the area is already within the city limits or is annexed by the town. The town wahts-to insure that these areas receiving town services are under the town's jurisdiction. The zoning administrator of the town also acts as a building inspector. The town enforces the North Carolina Building Code sections relating to construction, electrical work, and plumbing. In addition to insuring that new con- struction is done properly, the inspection department works to remove or upgrade substandard housing. The county has also been involved in assessing its situation and guiding development. Subdivision regulations were established in 1971 and revised recently. The regula- tions set design standards and require certain installed improvements. The planning board also prepared a sketch development plan in 1973. The county health department enforces the State Ground Absorption Sewage Disposal Systems Act (1973). Before any residence can install a septic tank, the site and the tank have to be approved as suitable. Since the county health department can approve or not approve a building site for septic tanks, the health department has a great deal of land use control in the county. A complete report on Federal and State land use controls 20 in the coastal area is being prepared by the Coastal Resources Commission, but some of the more significant legislation will be discussed below. The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission administers several state laws that have an impact on land .use in the county and town. The commission has approval authority over all septic tanks over 3000 gallons and any point discharge into surface waters. Another section of the commission supervises sedimentation control. Any one under- taking a land disturbing activity must file a plan for erosion and sedimentation control with the commission 30 days before the activity is started. Dredge-and-fill and certain shoreline projects require a permit from the state Division of Marine Fisheries. Any public road that is to be constructed must have its design and paving approved by the state Department of Transportation. Many other state activities in areas such as grant administration, historic preservation, industrial development and road construction have direct and indirect impacts on land use in the county and town. The Federal government had its most direct influence on land use in Chowan County when it operated the Marine Air Base. Since that time, Federal influence has been felt mainly through grants and regulations. The Army Corps of Engineers has permit approval over dredge-and-fill projects and certain shoreline developments. Environmental impact 21 statements are required for many projects involving federal funds. The Federal Insurance Administration requires local government control over floodplain developments that involve .Federal funds. The Soil Conservation Service has been involved in local water,management, erosion control, and drainage pro- jects. Federal grants and loans have made possible a variety of land uses--transportation, housing, water and sewer facili- ties, and recreation areas to name a few. Other public and private organizations are having a definite impact on the county's land use. The Farmers Home Administra- tion is using Federal funds to provide loans for housing, particu- larly for low and moderate income families. The Federal Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development has provided financing for low-income housing units in Edenton. The industrial develop- ment of the town.and county has been guided by the industrial committee of the local Chamber of Commerce which provides infor- mation to possible industries and handles contact between the potential industry and the local government. 22 Planning studies and regulations (that have been prepared up to June, 19761 Edenton Population and Economy 5/67 Land Development Plan S/68 Zoning Ordinance 5/69 Updated 8/7S Neighborhood Analysis 1/70 Community Facilities Plan Public Improvements Program 5/70 Capital Improvements Budget 8/70 Subdivision Regulations 3/72 Housing Element Update 4/72 Environmental Improvement Program S/73 Industrial Park Feasibility Study 12/7S Community Facilities Report 6/76 Chowan County Subdivision Regulations 4/71 Updated S/76 Land Potential Study and Sketch Development Plan S/73 Zoning Ordinance (not in effect) 4/74 Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance (not in effect) 4/74 Recreation Potential Study Not Dated Community Facilities Report 6/76 23 D. LAND USE OBJECTIVES: direction for the future In preparing the land use plan as required for the Coastal Area Management Act, the county and town planning boards with their citizen advisory groups held public meetings and distrib- uted a questionnaire throughout the county and town. Many of the previously mentioned land use issues were brought out. As a result of this information and their own experience, the planning boards and citizen advisory groups set the following objectives that were approved by the town council and the county commissioners. Chowan County 1. Obtain a detailed soils map of the county to use as a basis for planning. 2. Develop a county-wide drainage plan. 3. Protect shorelines and waterfront of the county from poor development and increased erosion. 4. Improve the quality of the Chowan River. S. Obtain a waterfront recreation site. 6. Plan for and obtain the needed facility sites. 7. Protect agricultural land. 8. Develop and protect local fishing industry. 9. Attract:.sound and small industry with increased attention to proper industrial siting. 10. Develop tourist potential. 11. Improve code enforcement in the county. 12. Improve the existing subdivisions in the county. 24 13. Plan county and town development together through coordinated planning and ordinances. Edenton 1. Plan economic growth through industrial, fishing and agricultural sectors. 2. Concentrate industry around existing industrial zones. 3. Harmonize industry with existing life patterns. 4. Protect the environment (water, air and land) espe- cially from poor industrial development. S. Promote tourism; provide better information and facilities to tourists. 6. Improve historic preservation. 7. Improve shopping facilities. 8. Provide waterfront recreation. 9. Provide more and better recreation for the young people of the town and county. 10. Provide better drainage in the town. 11. Improve the appearance of the town and county. 12. Improve code enforcement in the town. 13. Plan town and county development together. 25 E. ACHIEVING THE OBJECTIVES: impZementation 1. PoZicies and standards Many of these objectives can be achieved by continued work with existing policies and standards. The Edenton zoning ordi- nance provides for industrial siting, and the town has been active in promoting further industrial growth in the designated area. The town has an existing policy of reviewing industrial prospects to'insure that they will fit in with the natural and social environments of the town. All further development will continue to be guided by the subdivision regulations and zoning ordinance. The county in the Sketch Development Plan (1973) adopted the following general standards for future growth. For specific developments, other factors may be taken into consideration. Residential areas should-- --have minimum lot size s; where community water and sewer facilities are unavailable - 201000 square feet; either water or sewer facilities are available but not both - 1S.000 square feet, --be bound but not crossed by major thoroughfares, --construct utilities including electric wires underground, --not locate in flood prone areas, --not be adjacent to airports, --provide locations for churches, schools, recrea- tion, and neighborhood-serving stores near their center, and --be buffered from other land uses. 26 Commercial areas should-- --locate near intersections of major thorough- fares to better serve trade areas, --provide adequate off-street parking with designated entrances and exits, --not be allowed to develop in strips but, rather in compact, grouped and consoli- dated into functional units, and --have adequate space; neighborhood shopping centers should range from 3 to 6 acres in size while for community shopping centers 1.0 to 30 acres in size. Office and Institutional Areas should-- --serve as buffers between residential areas and commercial or industrial uses, --locate in planned office and institutional parks, and --have adequate off-street parking facilities. Industrial Areas should-- --locate on nearly level ground, --be well drained and on good load-bearing soils, --locate near railroads, major thoroughfares, airports, navigable waterways, and major utility and transmission lines, and --provide sites large enough for expansion. In addition to utilizing ciirrent policies, the town and county have taken further steps toward achieving these objec- tives. The county planning board is studying the costs in- volved in a detailed soils survey and drainage management study. The planning board feels that a detailed soils survey 27 will provide much better information on the suitability of vari- ous areas for development including septic tank installation. If the necessary arrangements can be made, the county will soon start a building inspection program. County zoning and mobile.,home ordinances are being considered as possible guides for future development. The county subdivision regulations were recently updated. The concerned observation and reporting of county citi- zens have been important in maintaining local environmental qual- ity and this concern will continue. The county recently completed a county-wide water system. The next priority for facilities is a new courthouse; the coun- ty has already considered several sites and possible funding sources. Depending on decisions about class size and the curric- ulum to be taught, new school facilities may be needed within the next ten years. The county is becoming involved in the Fed- eral flood insurance program, and as a result certain adverse shoreline developments will be controlled. The town has been equally active in undertaking programs that would achieve these objectives. The town has already com- pleted a downtown project-that improves the historic district's commercial area and makes it attractive to visitors. A conven- tion center for conferences is a development town officials are working hard to bring about. Landscaping and building renova- tion studies may be prepared for suggestions to further improve the town's appearance. Building codes are being strictly en- forced and substandard vacant housing is being upgraded or re- 28 moved. The town has completed a waterfront park and is studying ways to expand its recently established recreation department. If funds are available, the town will have an engineering study prepared for solutions to its drainage problems. Once mapping is completed, floodplain development will be controlled. The town has recently finished a feasibility study to guide the dev- elopment of its industrial park. The town and county have cooperated in a number of ways that meet the objectives set by the planning boards. The rec- reation department is supported by both town and county funds and provides services available to all the residents in Edenton and Chowa-n County. Both the town and county support the activ- ities of Historic Edenton, Inc.; this organization promotes the tourist potential the town and county are most interested in-- tourists who come to view the historic sites and utilize commer- cial facilities in the town and county. The town and county are also cooperating in many other areas such as fire protection, water supply and law enforcement. Certain objectives may be reached fairly soon; others are long range goals. More important than any specific policy is the fact that Chowan County and Edenton citizens have shown a continued interest in their local affairs. 2. Land Classification map As a further development guide and in keeping with the re- *See land classification map in pocket inside back cover. 29 quirements of the Coastal Area Management Act, the county com- missioners and the town council, with their planning boards, have prepared a land classification map that summarizes existing land use and suggests areas where future growth should occur. The town council and planning board have prepared the map for the area of its jurisdiction, up to the extraterritorial limits of Edenton. The county commissioners and planning board, having 40 jurisdiction over the rest of the county, have prepared the county map. Major development affecting both areas will be coordinated. 40 The classification maps were based on previous maps that the town and county prepared suggesting commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural and conservation areas.1 However 0 these classification maps deal with future development densities. The classification used is as follows: a. Developed -- lands where existing population density 9 is moderate to high and where there are a variety of land uses which have the necessary public services. The land in this category is completely within the corporate limits of Edenton. b. Transition Lands where local government plans to accommodate moderate to high density devel-opittent during the following ten year period and where necessary public serviccs will be provided to accommodate that growth. Transition lands have been designated adjacent to the corporate limits of Edenton where, in keeping with the town's utility extension policies, services could be provided if the need 1 Land Development Plan, Edenton, North Carolina (1968) Sketch Development Plan, Chowan County (1973) 30 arises. The county has not designated any transition because, at this time, it does not plan to provide sewer to county residents. If a suitable arrangement can be made, areas of the county adjacent to Edenton and in the Cape Colony section may receive sewer during the Edenton 201 wastewater ser- vices construction program. c. Community Lands where low density development is grouped in existing settlements or will occur in such settlements during the following ten year period and which will. not require extensive public ser- vices now or in the future. This cat- egory is not applicable to Edenton; within Chowan County there are several such communities -- Valhalla, Tyner, Cape Colony and others shown on the map. d. Rural Lands whose highest use is for agri- culture., forestry, mining, water supply, etc. based on their natural resources potential. The majority of land in Chowan County falls into this category. Certain areas within Edenton's extra- territorial limits not likely to develop also have been categorized as rural. e. Conservation--- Fragile, hazard or other lands neces- sary to maintain a healthy natural environment and necessary to provide. for the public health, safety and wel- fare. The areas within Chowan County that are considered sensitive to devel- opment are certain shoreline areas and the millponds in the northern part of the county. Within the extraterritorial limits of Edenton, the conservation lands are the wooded swamp areas south- west of town. Future residential, industrial and commercial uses should be concentrated in transition and community areas. The combined growth for the town and county for the next ten years probably has an upper limit of 1SOO people or approximately 430 house- 31 holds. The county has allocated approximately 11,000 acres of com- munity land. The allocation of future growth cannot be done pre- cisely on a one household to- one parcel basis. The county's allocation of community land basically delineates existing rural communities and suggests that further growth should take place in these areas, since none are fully developed. If development is limited to these areas, the standards set in the sketch develop- ment plan would be met. Also the objective of protecting agri- cultural land would be furthered. However,-where growth in the county does,in fact,take place in community areas depends to a large extent on the land use controls the county decides to im- plement. The final decisions have not Veen made to date. The town has allocated 900 acres of transition land. The preliminary 201 wastewater planning report indicates that the transition lands that are not already sewered will be. Like the county, the population growth expected cannot be allocated exactly on a household to acre ba.sis; but in considering the land development plan of the town, the transition areas along 17 North will probably be developed for industrial purposes with commercial and residential growth occurring in the other transi- tion areas. This would meet the objectives of concentrating in- dustry around existing industrial zones and would harmonize in- dustry with the rest of the community. 32 3. Protection of fragiZe areas Another method of achieving the land use objectives is the protection of valuable or fragile areas. The Coastal Area Management Act requires that this be done. The Coastal Re- sources Commission, the administrators of the act, have pre- pared a list of the areas that should be considered in coastal North Carolina. These areas are: 1.0 Coastal Wetlands 1.1 Low Tidal Marshlands 1.2 Other Coastal Marshlands 2.0 Estuarine Waters 3.0 Resource Areas-Watersheds or Aquifers 3.1 Sma.ll'Surface Water Supplies 3.2 Special Aquifers Areas - Outer Banks and Barrier Islands 4.0 Fragile, Historic Or Natural Resource Areas 4.1 Existing National or State Parks 4.2 Complex Natural Areas 4.3 Areas that Sustain Remnant Species 4.4 Areas Containing Unique Geologic Formations 4.5 Historic Places 4.6 Registered Natural Landmarks 5.0 Areas Subject to Public Rights S.1 Certain Public Trust Areas 6.0 Natural Hazard Areas 6.1 Sand Dunes Along the Outer Banks 6.2 Ocean Beaches and Shorelines (on the Outer Banks) 6.3 Excessive Erosion Areas 6.3.1 Coastal Inlet Lands 6.3.2 Ocean Erodible Areas 6.3.3 Estuarine, Sound and River Erodible Areas Not all of these areas are found in Chowan County and Edenton. However a preliminary identification of the areas in 33 the town and county that might be designated as areas of environ- mental concern has been made. These areas are: 1.0 Coastal wetlands 2.0 Estuarine waters 4.2 Complex natural areas 4.3 Remnant species areas 4.4 Areas containing unique geologic formations 4.5 Historic places 5.0 Areas subject to public rights 6.3.3 Estuarine, sound and river erodible areas These areas are defined, their significance is explained, and appropriate land uses are discussed below. Since these areas may be delineated legally, the information is quoted directly from the Coastal Area Management Act guidelines or relevant revisions: 1.0 Coastal Wetlands General Coastal wetlands are defined as "any salt marsh or other marsh subject to regular or occasional flooding by tides, in- cluding wind tides (whether or not the tide waters reach the marshland areas through natural or artificial watercourses), provided this shall not include hurricane or tropical storm tides. Salt marshland or other marsh shall be those areas upon which grow some, but not necessarily all, of the following salt marsh and marsh plant species: Smooth or salt water Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora); Black Needlerush (Juncus roemerianus); Glasswort (Salicornia spp.); Salt Grass (Distichlis Spicata); Sea Lavender (Limonium spp.); Bulrush (Scirpus spp.); Saw Grass (Cladium Jamaicense); Cat-Tail (Typha spp.); Salt-Meadow Grass 34 z (Spartina Patens); and Salt Reed Grass (Spartina cynosuroides)." Included in this statutory definition of wetlands is "such con- tiguous land as the Secretary of NER reasonably deems necessary to affect by any such order in carrying out the purposes of this Section." (G.S. 113-230 (a)) For policy purposes, coastal wetlands may be considered in two categories: (1) low tidal marsh; (2) other coastal marshlands which have different significance and policy impli- cations. 1.1 Coastal Wetlands - Low Tidal Marshland a. Description. Defined as marshland consisting primarily of Spartina. alterniflora and usually subject to inundation by the normal rise and fall of lunar tides. b. Significance. Low tidal marshland serves as a critical component in the coastal ecosystem. The marsh is the basis for the high net yield system of the estuary through the production of organic detritus (partially decomposed plant material) which is the primary input source for the food chain of the entire estuarine system. Estuarine dependent species of fish and shellfish such as menhaden, shrimp, flounder, oysters and crabs currently make up over 90 percent of the total value of North Carolina's commercial catch. In addition) the roots and rhizomes of the -partina alter- niflora serve as waterfowl food and the stems as wildlife nest- ing material. Low tidal marsh also serves as the first line 35 of defense in retarding shoreline erosion. The plant stems and leaves tend to dissipate wave action while the vast network of roots resists soil erosion. Marshes of this type operate addi- tionally as traps for sediment originating from upland runoff thus reducing siltation of the estuarine bottoms and consequent detriment to marine organisms. C. Policy Objective. To give the highest priority to the preservation of low tidal marshland. d. Appropriate Land Uses. Appropriate land uses shall be those consistent with the above policy objective. These marshes should be considered unsuitable for all development which will alter their natural functions. Inappropriate land uses include, but are not limited to the following examples: restaurants and businesses; residences, apartments, motels, hotels, and trailer parks; parking lots and offices; spoil and dump sites; wastewater lagoons; public and private roads and highways; and factories. Examples of acceptable land uses may include utility easements, fishing piers, docks, certain agricultural uses except when ex- cavation or filling affecting estuarine or navigable waters is C involved, and such other uses which do not significantly alter the natural functions of the marsh. 1.2 Coastal Wetlands - Other Coastal Marshland a. Description. All other marshland which is not low tidal marshland and which contains the species of vegetation as listed in the first paragraph under Section 1.0. 36 b. Significance. This marshland type also contributes to the detritus supply necessary to the highly productive estu- arine system essential to North Carolina's economically valuable commercial. and sports fisheries. The higher marsh types offer quality wildlife and water- fowl habitat depending on the biological and physical conditions of the marsh. The vegetative diversity in the higher marshes usually supports a greater diversity of wildlife types than the limited habitat of the low tidal.. marsh,. This marshland type also serves as an important deterrent to shoreline erosion especially in those marshes contai-ning heavily rooted species. The dense system of rhizomes and roots of Juncus roemerianus are highly resistant to erosion. Tn addition, the higher marshes are effective sediment traps. C. Policy Objective. To give a high priority to the preservation and management of the marsh so as to safeguard and perpetuate their biological, economic and aesthetic values. d. Appropriate Land Uses. Appropriate land uses shall be those consistent with the above policy objective. Highest priority shall. be allocated to the conservation of existing marshlands. Second priority for land uses allocation of this type shall be given to development which requires water access and cannot function anywhere else, such as ports, docks and marinas, provided that the actual location of such facilities within the marsh consider coastal, physical and biological sys- tems and further provided that feasible alternatives regarding 37 location and design have been adequately considered and need for such development can be demonstrated. Such allocation may only he justified by the projected land use demands and by community development objectives, but in no case shall the allocation ex- ceed the capacity of the marshland system to sustain losses with- out harm to the estuarine ecosystem unless the losses would be offset by a clear and substantial benefit to the public. 2.0 Estuarine Waters a. Descr,iption. Estuarine waters are defined in G.S. 113- 229 (n) (2) as, "all the water of the Atlantic Ocean within the boundary of North Carolina and al] the waters of the bays, sounds, rivers, and tributaries thereto seaward of the dividing line between coastal fishing waters and inland fishing waters, as set forth in an agreement adopted by the Wildlife Resources Commission and the Department of Cons'ervation and Development filed with the Secretary of State entitled.'Boundary Lines, North Carolina Commercial Fishing-Inland Fishing Waters, revised March 1, 1965,11, Am or as it may be subsequently revised by the Legislature. b. Significance. Estuaries are among the most productive natural environments of North Carolina. They not only support valuable commercial and sports fisheries, but are also utilized for commercial navigation, recreation, and aesthetic purposes. Species dependent upon estuaries such as menhaden, shrimp, flounder, oysters and crabs make up over 90 percent of the total value of North Carolina's commercial catch. These species must 38 spend all or some part of their life cycle in the estuary. The high level of commercial and sports fisheries and the aesthetic appeal of coastal North Carolina is dependent upon the protec- tion and sustained quality of our estuarine areas. C. Policy Objective. To preserve and manage estuarine waters so as to safeguard and perpetuate their biological, eco- nomic and aesthetic values. d. Appropriate Uses. Appropriate uses shall be those consistent with the above policy objective. Highest priority shall be allocated to the conservation of estuarine waters. The development of navigational channels, the use of bulkheads to prevent erosion, and the building of piers or wharfs where no other feasible alternative exists are examples of land uses appropriate within estuarine waters, provided that such land uses will not be detrimental to the biological and physical estuarine functions and public trust rights. Projects which would directly or indirectly block or impair existing navigation channels, increase shoreline erosion, deposit spoils below mean high tide, cause adverse water circulation patterns, violate water quality standards, or cause degradation of shellfish waters are generally considered incompatible with the management of estuarine waters. 4.2 Fragile, Historic or NatUT@11 Resource Areas - Complex Natural Areas a. Description. Complex natural areas are defined as lands that support native plant and animal communities and pro- 39 vide habitat conditions or characteristics that have remained essentially unchanged by human activity. Such areas are surrounded by landscapes that have been modified but that do not drastically alter the conditions within the natural areas or their scientific or educational. value. Such areas will be determined by the Com- mission, after consideration of written reports or testimony of competent experts, to be rare within a county or to be of particu- lar scientific or educational value. b. Significance. Complex natural areas provide the few re- maining examples of conditions that existed within the coastal areas prior to settlement by Western man. Often these natural areas provide habitat conditions suitable for rare or endangered species or they support plant and animal communities representative of presettlement conditions. These areas help provide a historical perspective to changing natural conditions in the coastal areas and together are important and irreplaceable scientific and educa- tional resources. c. Policy Objective. To preserve the natural conditions of the site so as to safeguard its existence as an example of naturally occurring, relatively undisturbed plant and animal communities of major scientific or educational value. d. Appropriate Land Uses. Appropriate land uses shall be those consistent with the above policy objective. Lands within the AEC shall not be planned for uses or kinds of development that will unnecessarily jeopardize the natural or primitive character of 40 the natural area directly or indirectly through increased acces- sibility. Additionally, lands adjacent to the complex natural area should not be planned for additional development that would unnecessarily endanger the recognized value of the AEC. The variability between kinds of complex natural areas and between land uses adjacent to those natural areas means that the range of permissible uses and intensity of use must be carefully tailored to the individual area. 4 . 3Fragi.'Ic, IHstoric or Natural Resource Areas - Areas that S -- -ies Sustain Remnant pec a. Description. Areas that sustain remnant species are those places that support native plants or animals, rare or en- dangered, within the coastal area. Such places provide habitat conditions necessary for the survival of existing populations or communities of rare or endangered species within the county. Determination will be by the Commission based upon accepted lists published by the State or Federal Government and written reports or testimony of competent experts indicating that a species is rare or endangered within the coastal area. b. Significance. The continued survival of certain native plants-and animals in the coastal area that are now rare or endangered cannot be assured unless the relatively few well defined areas providing necessary habitat conditions are protected from development or land uses that might alter these conditions. These habitats and the species they support provide a valuable educational and scientiEic -resource. 41 c. Policy Objective. To preserve habitat conditions nec- essary to the continued survival of rare or endangered native plants and animals' and minimize development or land uses that might jeopardize known areas that support remnant species. . d. Appropriate Land Uses. Appropriate land uses shall be those consistent with the above policy objective. Lands within the AEC shall not be planned for uses or kinds of development that will unnecessarily jeopardize the habitat conditions re- sponsible for the continued survival of the respective plants or animals. 4.4 Fragile, Historic or Natural Resource Areas - Areas Contain- ing Unique Geological Formations a. Description. Areas containing unique geological forma- tions will be identified by the State Ge ologist. These places contain surface or near surface formations that are either them- selves unique or are especially unusual or notable examples of geologic formations or processes in the coastal area. b. Significance. Unique geological areas provide surface or near surface exposures of unique geologic formations or pro- cesses of the coastal area. They are important educational, scientific, or scenic resources that would be jeopardized by un- controlled or incompatible development. C. Policy Objectives. To preserve the scientific, educa- tional or scenic values of unique geological formations so that they may be available for future study and-enjoyment.- d. Appropriate Land Uses. Appropriate land uses shall be 42 those consistent with the above policy objective. Uses within areas containing unique geological formations shall be tailored to the particular unique qualities of the individual area. 4.5 Fragile, Historic or Natural Resource Areas - Historic Places a. Description. Historic places are those historical, archaelogical and other properties owned, managed, or assisted by the State of North Carolina pursuant to G.S. 121 and those properties or areas that are designated by the Secretary of the Interior as National Historic Landmarks. b. Significance. Historic resources are both non-renew- able and fragile. They owe their significance to their associa- tion with American history, architecture, archaeology, and cul- ture. Properties on or approved Eor the National Register of Historic Places may be of national, state, or local signifi- cance. c. Policy Objective. To protect and/or preserve the integrity of districts, sites, buildings, and objects in the above categories. d. Appropriate Land Uses. Appropriate land uses shall be those consistent with the above stated policy objective. Land use which will result in substantial irreversible damage to the historic value of the area is i-nappropriate. 5.0 Areas Subject to Public Rights - General Areas such as waterways and lands under or flowed by 43 0 tidal waters or navigable waters, to which the public may have rights of access or public trust rights and areas which the State of North Carolina may be authorized to preserve, conserve, or protectunder Article XIV, Section 5, of the North Carolina Con- stitution. 5.1 Areas Subject to Public*Rights - Certain Public Trust Areas a. Description. All waters of the. Atlantic Ocean and the lands thereunder from the mean high water mark to the seaward limit of State jurisdiction; all natural bodies of water subject to measurable lunar tides and lands thereunder to the mean high water mark; all navigable natural bodies of water and lands there under to the mean high water mark or ordinary high water mark as the case may be, except privately owned lakes to which the public has no right of access; all waters in artificially created bodies of water in which exists significant public fish- ing resources or other public resources', which are accessible to the public by navigation from bodies of water in which the public has rights of navigation; all waters in artificially created bodies of water in.which the public has acquired rights by pre- scription, custom, usage, dedication or any other means. In determining whether the public has acquired rights in artifi- cially.created bodies of water, the following factors shall be considered: (i) the use of the body of water by the public; (ii) the length of time the public has used the area; (iii) 41 the value of public resources in the body of water; (iv) wheth- 44 er the public resources in the body of water are mobile to the extent that they can move into natural bodies of water; (v) whether the creation of the artificial body of water required permission from the State; and from one public area to another public area. For purposes of the description in 5.0 and 5.1 the follow- ing definitions shall apply: (1) Mean High Water Mark means the line on the-shore established by the average of all high tides. It is established by survey based on available tidal datum. In the absence of such datum, the mean high water mark shall be determined by physical markings or comparison of the area in question with an area having similar physical characteristics for which tidal datum is readily available. (2) Navigable means navigable-in-fact. (3) Navigable-in-fact means capable of being navigated in its natural condition by the ordinary modes of navi- gation including modes of navigation used for recre- ational purposes. The natural condition of a body of water for purposes of determining navigability shall be the condition of the body of water at mean high water or ordinary high water as the case may be, and the condition of the body of water without man-made obstructions and without temporary natural obstruc- tions. Temporary natural conditions such as water level fluctuation and temporary natural obstructions which do not permanently or totally prevent navigation do not make an otherwise navigable stream non-naviga- ble. (4) Ordinary High Water Mark means the natural or clear line impressed on the land adjacent to the waterbody. It may be established by erosion or other easily recognized characteristics such as shelving, change in the character of the soil., C.lestruction.of terres- trial vegetation or its inability to grow, the pres- ence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means which consider the characteristics of the surrounding area. The ordinary high water mark does not extend beyond the well defined banks of a river-where such banks exist. 45 b. Significance. The public has rights in these waters including navigation and recreation. In addition, these waters support valuable commercial and sports fisheries, have aesthetic value, and are important potential resources for economic devel- opment. C. Policy Object'ive. To protect public rights for naviga- tion and recreation and to preserve and manage the public trust waters so as to safeguard and perpetuate their' biological, eco- nomic and aesthetic value. d. Appropriate Uses. Appropriate uses shall be those con- sistent with the above policy objective. Any land use which interferes with the public right of navigation, or other public trust rights, which the public may be found to have in these waters, shall not be allowed. The development of navigational channels, drainage ditches, the use of bulkheads to prevent erosion, and the building of piers or wharfs are examples of land uses appropriate within public trust waters provided that such land uses will not be detrimental to the biological and physical functions and public trust rights. Projects which would directly or indirectly block or impair existing navigation chan- nels, increase shoreline erosion, deposit spoils below mean high tide, cause adverse water circulation patterns, violate water quality standards, or cause degradation of shellfish waters are generally considered incompatible with the management of public trust waters. 46 6.0 Natural Hazard Areas - General Natural hazard areas are areas where uncontrolled or incompatible,development could un.-Oeasonably endanger life or property, and other areas especially-vulnerable to erosion, flooding, or other adverse effects of sand, wind and water. 6.3.3 Natural Hazard Areas - Excessive Erosion Areas - Estua- rine and River Erodible Areas a. Description. Defined as the area above ordinary high water where excessive erosion has a high probability of occur- ring. In delineating the landward extent of this area a reasonable 25-year recession line shall be determined using.the best available information. The information necessary to iden- tify these areas will be supplied by the State Geologist. b. Significance. The estuarine and sound and river erodible areas are natural hazard areas especially vulnerable to erosion. Development within this type AEC is subjected to the damaging process of erosion unless special development standards and preventive measures are employed. c. Policy Objective. To insure that development occurring within these areas is compatible with the dynamic nature of the erodible lands thus minimizing the likelihood of significant loss of property. d. Appropriate Land U ses. Appropriate land uses shall be those consistent with the above policy objective. Permanent or substantial residential, commercial, institutional or industrial 47 structures are not appropriate uses in estuarine and sound and river erodible areas unless stabilization has been achieved along the affected reach. Recreational, rural and conservation activi- ties represent appropriate land uses in those erodible areas where shoreline protective construction has not been completed. 7.0 Development Standards Applicable to All AEC's a. No development should be allowed in a.ny AEC which would result in a contravention or violation of any rules, regulations, or laws of the State of North Carolina or of local government in which the development takes place. b. No development should be allowed in any AEC which would have a substantial likelihood of causing pollution of the waters of the State to the extent that such waters would be closed to the taking of shellfish under standards set by the Commission for Health Services pursuant to G.S. 130-169.01. The final designation of areas of environmental concern and the determination of appropriate uses will be made by the Coastal Resources Commission. 48 II. FACTORS AFFECTING FUTURE LAND USE Ddtailed Reports v -1 -Y I .4 A. NATURAL FACTORS INFLUENCING DEVELOPMENT: Zand use constraints 4. PhysicaZ Zimitations a. Climate 27 b. Flood hazard area's 29 c. Soil limitation areas 29 1) Septic tank limitations 30 2) Drainage limitations @1 3) Foundation 11mif-a-tions (dwelling suitability) 32 d. Estuarine erosive areas 33 2. FragiZe areas a. Surface waters 34 1) Estuarine waters 36 2) Public trust wat-ers 37. b. Water supply sources 38 C. Complex natural areas 39 d. Areas sustaining remnant species 40 e. Coastal wetlands 40 f. Areas containing unique geological formations 41 3. Areas of resource potentiaZ a. Publicly owned land 42 b. Productive agricultural soils 43 c. Potentially valuable mineral sites 44 49 Physical Zimitations 0 Certain areas have characteristics that make the area un- developable or developable only at high cost. Tf develop- ment does not take these limiting characteristics into account, subsequent problems will arise, often quite serious. Within Chowan County the following factors pose limitations for development. a. Climate b. Flood hazard areas C. Soil limitation areas 1) Septic tank limitations 2) Drainage*limitations 3) Foundation limitiFf-Ions (dwelling suitability) d. Estuarine erosive areas so a Climate (from the March 1973 'Lah"d''Potential Study and'Sketch Dev- elopment Plan for Chowan County) The State Climatologist for the U. S. Environmental Science Services Administration reports that the Elizabeth City station serves as a good approximation for Chowan County.1 Thus, weather in Chowan County is generally similar to that of Elizabeth City some 30 miles northeast of Edenton. The Edenton area enjoys a moderate climate, with mild winters and warm summers. The nearness of the ocean and the large water areas of the Albemarle Sound has a moderating effect on temperatures, both winter and summer. This is pro- nounced when winds are blowing from northeast through south- east, but is of little consequence when offshore winds pre- vail. In the warm season, the cooling effect of the sea breeze is-greatest in late spring and early summer, when coastal waters are still cool, but it still brings some moderatian of high temperatures in July and August. Temperatures drop below freezing in this area on a little less than half of the days in December, January, and February, but daytime temperatures almost invariably rise above 32 de- grees. There is,on the average, only one or two days per 1 Albert V. Hardy, "Climatological Summary" Elizabeth City, N. C. Station, U. S. Environmental Science Services Ad- ministration and N.C.S.U. Raleigh, N. C., 1965. 51 year on which the mercury remains below the freezing point throughout an entire day Readings as high as 80 degrees can occur at any time of year, but are very rare in winter. Tem- peratures as low as zero very rarely occur. Intermittent cool spells of several days duration occur through June, but the weather is usually quite warm during July and August. Although the average daily maximum temperature is nearly 90 degrees in July, extremes of heat are comparatively rare; on the average a reading of 100 degrees is reached on only one day per year and sometimes two or three years pass without any such occurrence. The proximity of large bodies of water results in a longer growing season than is the case over inland areas of North Caro- lina. The average length of the freeze-free growing season in the Edenton area is over 225 days. The average date of last occurrence in spring of a temperature as low as 32 degrees is March 27; of 28 degrees, March 12; of 20 degrees, February 12. The average date of first occurrence in fall of a temperature as low as 32 degrees is November 9; of 28 degrees, November 19; of 20 degrees, December 17. Rainfall is usually ample and well-distributed throughout the year. Average rainfall is greatest during the summer months when the need for water to support crops and industry is greatest. The driest weather usually comes in the fall, at the harvest season. Winter rainfall comes from the effects of moving low pressure storm systems, resulting in intermittent 52 rainy periods of from one to occasionally two or three days in length. Summer rains come principally in the form of brief showers and thunderstorms, which are seldom of more than a few hours duration. While there are occasional dry spells of several weeks in spring or summer, prolonged or severe drought during the growing season is very rare. A series of closely-spaced thundershowers or a storm moving northward in the coastal area will occasionally cause a period of excessive rainfall. While there is an occasional snowfall in the Edenton area, it is usually very light, often melting as it falls. Some snow falls during most winters, but no month receives an average of as much as two inches. Heavy snowstorms have occurred, but they are a rarity. Only very infrequently does any appreciable amount of snow remain on the ground more than a few days. Winds blow more frequently from the southwest than any other (tirection during most of the year, but prevailing winds are from the northeast in autumn. The average speed of the wind is about eight or nine miles per hour. While the relative humidity varies considerably with the time of day; on an average it raises to 80 percent or a little higher in the early morning hours, dropping off steadily after sunrise and reaching 60 percent or lower at mid-afternoon. More than half the daylight hours are sunny at all seasons, and in summer the sun shines, on the average, about twomthirds of the daytime period. In summary, although development must take climate into account, Edenton and Chowan County's warm temperate climate 53 poses few limitations on most types of development. b. Flood hazard areas Due to its flat topography and the large adjacent water bodies Chowan County has extensive areas that are prone to flooding. The areas mapped are those prone to flooding with an annual probability of one percent (100 year storm). However, this mapping is not accurate and is only preliminary.' Detail- edmaps of the flood prone area in the county and town will be completed for the Federal flood insurance program. Because these areas have a certain probability of flooding, inappropriate development within the flood plain can unreason- ably endanger life and property. Buildings within the flood plain should be properly designed and built to withstand the 100 year storm. Buildings should be prohibited from the flood- way, that area immediately adjacent to the water. These devel- opment policies will be undertaken when the county and town become involved in the second phase of the Federal Flood Insur- ance Administration's program. 1 Prepared by United States Geological Survey for Chowan County. Prepared by the Flood Insurance Administration for Edenton. 54 CHOWAN COUNTY C 0 U N I Y NORTH CAROLINA. 34 91)I I . i - KAU I F R 0 C 0 u I y FLOOD PRONE AREAS AVY 0M. e4 Legend Flood Prone Areas > Source: United States Geological Survey in Cooperation z %ith the Federal insurance Administration. 0 4f -9 + Ile PER C I NS --00 YEI@ r 73 + C@j 41 J 9 .M 29 N" 1\ CP Legend Rood-Prone Areas Within Town Limit Source. Map prepared by the Federal insurance Administration, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Route 17 SY-P @g c. Soil limitation areas Soils are among the most important factors in determining the appropriate land use for a site. Characteristics of soil such as its porosity, permeability, depth to water table, drain- age, and shrink-swell potential affect development and suitabil- ity. Soils throughout Chowan County pose moderate to severe limitations on development that can be overcome by higher expen- ditures and special construction measures; in certain county soils , the limitations are so severe that development is almost impos- sible. The Soil Conservation Service's generalized soils map for Chowan County is reproduced on the following page. Soils infor- mation is available only at this broad scale, thus this map can- not be used for site information. Nevertheless the generalized information available can be used to consider the overall soil characteristics of the county and how these characteristics will affect future development. Note: Much of the soils information in this report is based on a regional soils report, Soil Associations of the Coastal Area Management Region prepared by N.C. State University and the Soil Conservation Service. Since the time the land use plan's information was gathered, a revised Chowan County soils report has been published. This county report should be utilized for more specific and complete infor- ination. CHOWAN COUNTY 0 u N T r NORTH CAROLINA SCALE twAAQt.W$ 000 2 R 6 110 R 0 UH I y GENERAL SOIL ASSOCIATION MAP 6 F ;z Legend constol-wando-Drogston Blodeft-Leftalf-CrOoft 3 Madan- Bayboro. Portsmouth 4 Bertio-Tomolloy-Altovista @2 5 Wickham -Altavista -Wobse 7 Dom-Ponter-Wasdo 6( 6 r Ij4 3 Nfi?Q 2 Z 4, .4 2 6 04A I-V _2@ 1) Septic tank' limitations A septic tank discharges water containing solids and bac- teria into the soil. The soil acts as a filter and, as the water passes through, the soil particles remove the bacteria and waste material. However,not all soils perform this filter function well. Water passes too quickly through certain sands and not at all or too slowly through certain clays. If the wastewater is discharged into soils with a high water table, the wastewater is not filtered sufficiently before it enters the groundwater. According to information from N. C. State, many of the soils found in Chowan are not suitable for septic tanks in their natural state. The septic tank limitations are presented on the following chart.1 Only the Conetoe-Wando-Dragston asso- ciation has greater than 50% of a suitable soil type in the association. Certain soils in the county can be modified to make a site provisionally suitable depending on the density of the development in the area. The District Health Department requires on-site inspections to obtain more specific information. The sanitarian takes into account the filtering ability of the soil, surface drainage, the size of the lot and other factors. Since only the area within the corporate limits of Edenton is sewered, the suitability of a site for septic tank installation is important for any pro- posed development. 1 Source: Soil Associations of the Coastal Area Manage- ment Region N. C. State University, SCS June 1975 56 SEPTIC LIMITATIONS ssoc.'s % Association Soil Types % of Soil Type Suitability Suitability of f Cty. Soil in Assoc. in Association of Soil Type Soil Association for Septic Tanks for Septic Tanks 30 Conetoe-Wando-Dragston Suitable Conetoe so Suitable Wando 25 Provisionally suitable Dragston is Unsuitable* Other soils 10 43 Bladen-Lenoir-Craven Unsuitable Bladen 50 Unspitable Lenoir 20 Unsuitable Craven 20 Unsuitable Other soils 10 12 Bladen-Bayboro-Portsmouth Unsuitable Bladen 40 Unsuitable Bayboro 20 Unsuitable Portsmouth 15 Unsuitable Other soils 25 5 Bertie-Tomotley-Altavista Unsuitable Bertie 30 Unsuitable* Tomotley 30 Unsuitable Altavista 20 Unsuitable Other soils 20 2 Wickham-Altavista-Wahee Unsuitable Wickham 30 Suitable Altavista 30 Unsuitable* Wahee 20 Unsuitable Other soils 20 7 Dorovan-Johnston Unsuitable Dorovan 70 Unsuitable Johnston 10 Unsuitable Other soils 20 1 Dare--Ponzer-Wasd'a Unsuitable Dare 0 Unsuitable Ponzer 5 Unsuitable Wasda .8s Unsuitable Other soils 10 Provisionally suitable with modifications 41 t I A I a a a 0 40 41 CHOWAN COUNTY C 0 U N T y NORTH CAROLINA :d d SC."# FOR 0 .o" H f R I F R D SEPTIC LIMITATIONS C 0 U N Iy Y Suitable Solis 7 Unsuitable Soils Z Source: USDA,soil Conservation service Soil As-sociotfc@ns & t --@-*9-0QqtQl Are. ... ... @QnOgSmGnt Region.N.C. State Univ. n> z 0 couvr J '-T m A N, A 2) Drainage limitations Drainage is controlled by topography, rainfall duration and the soil characteristics. A soil that is poorly drained and prone to flooding poses limitations for many uses--roads, buildings and even agriculture. However artificial measures can be taken in certain cases to improve the drainage of a soil and overcome its limitations for development. Poor drain- age is a problem in many areas of the county as the accompanying chart and map show. The drainage characteristics of SO% of the soil types in the association are used to determine the drainage character- istics of the association. Ex. W.D. Extremely Well Drained W.D. Well Drained M.W.D. Moderately Well Drained S.P.D. Somewhat Poorly Drained P.D. Poorly Drained V.P.D. Very Poorly Drained 58 DRAINAGL LIMITATIONS Assoc.'s Association Soil Types t of Soil Type Drainage Drainage of Cty. Soils in Assoc. in Association Characteristics Characteristics of Soil Type of Association 30 Conetoe-Wando-Dragston Well Drained Conetoe so Well Drained Wando 2S Ex. W. D. Dragston is S.P.D. Other soils 10 43 Bladen-Lenoir-Craven Poorly Drained Bladen so P.D. Lenoir 20 S.P.D. Craven 20 M.W.D. Other soils 10 12 Bladen-Bayboro-Portsmouth Bladen 40 P.D. Poorly Drained Rayboro 20 V.P.D. Portsmouth is V.P.D. Other soils 2S 5 Bertie-Tomotley-Altavista Somewhat Poorly Hertie 30 S.P.D. Drained Tomotley 30 P.D Altavista 20 N.W:D. Other soils 20 2 Wiclbum-Altavista-Wabee Well Drained Wickham 30 W.D. Altavista 30 M.W.D. Wahee 20 S.P.D. Other soils 20 7 Dorovun-Johnston Very Poorly Drained Dorovan 70 V.P.D. Johnston 10 V.P.D. Other soils 20 I Dare-Ponzer-Wasda Very Poorly Drained Dare 0 V.P.D. Ponzer 5 V.P.D. Wasda 8S V.P.D. Other soils 10 S9 0 U Y UNTY :HOWAN CO @4ORTH CAROUNA z jc@'u too ""GtM!N110 Ve Legend Well Drained H E 0 1 f 0 Poorly Drained 0 u N I Y d somewhat P oft, 010 very Poorly Drained f 0 08AINAGE LIMITATIONS "'A 0 W A PEROU 14 ti f 3) Foundation limita't*ions (dwelling suitability) Building construction can be limited by several soil char- acteristics. Certain types of clay may shrink and swell putting stress on foundations. Certain clays also do not bear a load well. Soils that have a seasonally high water table and are subject to flooding also pose limitations for dwellings. Or- ganic soils probably have the most severe limitations for dwell- ings, because these soils will subside markedly under loads. Soils that have limitations for foundations or dwellings are not impossible to develop. Lowering the site's water table, the construction of special Eootings, and the use of special materials can modify the site's limitations. Certain limita- tions can be overcome easily; for others the costs necessary would be so high that the site is completely unsuitable. Only the Conetoe-Wando-Dragston association has greater than 50% of the soils in the association suitable for founda- tions. Special measures to modify the site are necessary in the other soils. For certain soils these special measures are minimal; for other soils, particularly the organic soils, the special measures would have to be quite extensive. 60 CHOWAN COUNTY C 0 U N T y NORTH CAROLINA + A-, SLMf FOUNDATION LIMITATIONS 0 H ER I f 0 RD $0 No Limitations C 0 U N I y Moderate to Severe Limitations @7 Source: US D@,S,il conservation service z 0 IA lc_w J + 4" CO(, ..Op A .... ...... 1 r4 0 M A DWELLINGS (BUILDING FOUNDATIONS) Assoc.'s % Association Soil Types % of Soil Type Suitability Limitations of Cty. Soils in Assoc. in Association 30 Conetoe-Wando-Dragston Conetoe so Suitable Wando 25 Suitable Dragston is Unsuitable SHWT Other soils 10 43 Bladen-Lenoir-Craven Bladen so Unsuitable Floods SHWT Lenoir 20 Unsuitable Shrink-swell SHWT Craven 20 Unsuitable Shrink swell Other soils 10 12 Bladen-Bayboro-Portsmouth Bladen 40 Unsuitable Floods SHWT Bayboro 20 Unsuitable Shrink-swell SHWT Portsmouth is Unsuitable SHWT Other soils 25 5 Bertie-Tomotley-Altavista Bertie 30 Suitable Tomotley 30 Unsuitable Flooding SHWT Altavista 20 Unsuitable Flooding SHWT Other soils 20 2 Wickham-Altavista-Wahee Wickham 25 Suitable Altavista 20 Suitable Wahee 20 Unsuitable SHWT Other soils 30 7 Dorovan-Johnston Dorovan 75 Unsuitable Organic soils SHWT Johnston 20 Unsuitable Organic soils SHWT Other soils 5 1 Belhaven-Ponzer-Wasda Belhaven 10% Unsuitable Organic soils SHWT Ponzer Unsuitable Organic soils SIJWT Wasda 60% Unsuitable Organic soils SHWT *SHWT-Seasonally High Water Table Other soils 30% 0 d. Estuarine erosive areas 0 The Guidelines for the Coastal Area Management Act describe these sites as the area above ordinary high water where exces- sive erosion has a high probability of occurring. 0 The land in Chowan County bordering the Albemarle Sound and the Chowan River is eroding. In a recent study completed by the Soil Conservation Service,l it was determined that over 149 acres of land has been lost to the sound and river since 1938. Although the study is continuing, certain conclusions have been reached 1) Soil type does not seem to be as important a factor as the exposure and fetch of the shoreline. 2) The long term cause or the erosion is the rising sea level. In the short term, storms are the primary cause. 3) Land use along the shoreline is important. All other things being equal, open crop land has lost more than forest covered shorelines. The rate of erosion varies along the shorelines of the county. In Chowan County the most severe erosion has taken place in the Yeopim area near Drummond's Point and Nixon's Beach. Making certain assumptions, the rate of erosion and the width of shoreline lost can be projected for the next 25 years. 1 Shore Erosion Inventory USDA, Soil Conservation Service 62 Reach Annual Average Width Projected Erosion (refer to map) of Shoreline Eroded (Annual average x (1938-1969) 25 yrs.) (1) 1.62 ft. (per year) 40.50 ft. (2) 1.14 ft. (per year) 28.50 ft. (3) 1.64 ft. (per year) 41.00 ft. (4) 1.38 ft. (per year) 34.50 ft. (5) .77 ft. (per year) 19.25 ft. (6) .20 ft. (per year) 5.00 ft. Construction along an eroding shoreline is in danger of being lost and can, in fact, increase the rate of erosion. The added expense of bulkheading can protect the property but ero- sion will increase on either side of the bulkhead. Thus one indiv.idual can affect the property of another. A unified approach is needed but can be considerably expensive. Leaving the shoreline in wooded cover, particularly cypress groves, is perhaps the most effective, least cost method of deterring erosion. Note: Estuarine erosive areas may be designated as an Area of Environmental Concern. The Coastal Resources Commission's deFinition and policies iii the implementation section of this report should be reCerred to. 63 CHOWAN COUNTY C 0 U T y NORTH CAROLINA sc@t fox 0 p 0R D C 0 UN I Y ESTUARINE EROSIVE AREAS hy Iz 0 Legend Low Erosion Reaches Medium Erosion Reaches (4)W High Erosion Reaches "FtQ V. 5 < Y 4 2 mug 2. Fragite areas Fragile areas are areas that are important in an ecosystem, or valuable for other reasons, that can be destroyed by poor or inappropriate development. Fragile areas do not necessarily pose the problems or threats to development that physical limitations do, but inappropriate development within a fragile area can cause destructive effects that are felt beyond that particular site. Among the fragile areas in Chowan County are: a. Surface waters 1) Estuarine waters 2) Public trust waters b. Water supply sources C. Complex natural areas d. Areas sustaining remnant species e. Coastal wetlands f. Areas containing unique geologic formations 64 Surface waters The pollution and degradation that have occurred in the natioii's surface waters definitely points the fragility of these important resources. Surface water is prevalent throughout and around the county, the major bodies being the Albemarle Sound and Chowan River; the smaller creeks are tributaries of the sound and river. The Chowan River has been the subject of considerable study. The N. C, Division of Environmental Management, EPA, USGS and the Virginia Water Control Board have joined with uni- versity researchers to Study the POIALItiOll Of the river. In recent years the river has had algal blooms and fish kills that have caused considerable concern among area residents. One of the results of the study will be recommendations for preventing further pollution of the river. As part of environmental protection policy, the surface .waters of the state have been classified. The intent of the classification system is to set minimum acceptable quality requirements for streams in order for them to be maintained for their present intended and best uses. Major surface waters are monitored for degradation below their classification. Dis- charges should not degrade a stream below its classification. Briefly the classification system is: 65 CLASS DBSIGNATIONS FOR WATBR -QUALITY STANDARDS FRESH WATERS: Class A-1 Suitable as source of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes after treat- ment by approved disinfection only, and any other usage requiring waters of lower quality. Class A-11 Suitable as a source of water supply for drinking, culinary or food processing purposes after approved treatment equal coagulation, sedimentation, fil- tration, and disinfection, etc. and any other usage requiring waters of lower quality. Class B Suitable for outdoor bathing and any other usage requiring waters of lower quality. Class C Suitable for fishing and fish propagation, and any other usage requiring waters of lower quality. Class D Suitable for agriculture and for industrial cooling and process water after treatment by the user as may be required under each particular circumstance. SW Swamp waters that have pH and dissolved oxygen standards different from the standards for other streams. TIDAL SALT WATERS: Class SA Suitable for shellfishing for market purposes and any other usage requiring water of lower quality. Class SB Suitable for bathing and any other usage except shellfishing for market purposes. Class SC Suitable for fishing and any other usage except bathing and shellfishing for market purposes. Class SD Suitable for navigation and any other usage except fishing, bathing, and shellfishing for market puy- poses. Data Source: NCDNER, EnViTonmental Management Division 66 Currently the Albemarle Sound and Chowan River have been separated into different sections for monitoring. In the Chowan County area the Division of Environmental Management estimates that between 6% and 13% of the segments are degraded below the standards. The Divisions of Environmental Management has sup- plied the following information about the surface waters in Chowan County: Name Description Class Catherine Creek From source to Chowan River C Catherine Creek drains principally agricultural lands. There are no point sources tributary to the stream. While no data is available, it can be assumed that the quality of water in Cath- erine Creek is that of a natural stream in the area. Warwick Creek From source to Catherine Creek C Same as above. Stumpy Creek From source to Chowan River B This is tributary to Chowan River, which is classified "B" for recreation. Stumpy Creek, like numerous other streams in the area tributary to Chowan River, are for the most part backwaters of Chowan River. Therefore, the quality of water in Stumpy Creek, which receives no pollution other than that from woodlands and agricultural lands, is not subject to man-made pollution and is, therefore, considered to be of natural water quality. Dillard Creek From source to Chowan River B Same as Stumpy Creek above. Indian Creek From source to Dillard Creek B Same as Stumpy Creek above. 67 Rocky Hock Creek From source to Chowan River B Same as Stumpy Creek,above. Albemarle Sound Section at mouth of Chowan River B Monitored water quality data available. Edenton Bay Entire Bay C Monitored water quality data available. Pembroke Creek From source to Edenton Bay B No water quality data available. Pollock Swamp From source to Edenton Bay C No water quality data available. gueen Ann Creek From source to Edenton Bay C No water quality data available. Yeopim River From source to Albemarle Sound SC No water quality data available. Burnt Mill Creek From source to Albemarle Sound C SW No water quality data available. Middleton Creek From source to Yeopim River C Sw No water quality data available. Except for Chowan River at Eden House and Chowan River (Edenton Bay) at Edenton, no water quality data is available. These streanis that are not routinely sampled are protected for their I)est uszige, as indicated by the ztssj.gncd classification. The r e are no plans to initiate, routine sampling of these streams at the present time. 68 1) Estuarine waters Although there are several technical definitions of an estuary, in general,estuarine waters are the waters in the coastal zone that meet the ocean. In North Carolina the bound- aries of the estuarine waters have been delineated legally. Estuarine waters are defined in G.S. 113-229 (n) (2) as, "all the water of the Atlantic Ocean within the boundary of North Carolina and all the waters of the bays, sounds, rivers, and C tributaries thereto seaward of the dividing line between coastal fishing waters and inland fishing waters, as set forth in an agreement adopted by the Wildlife Resources Commission and the Department of Conservation and Development filed with the Secre- tary of State entitled 'Boundary Lines, North Carolina Commercial Fishing-Inland Fishing Waters, revised March 1, 1965,111 or as it may be subsequently revised by the Legislature. In Chowan County, the Albemarle Sound, the creeks that flow into the sound, the Chowan River and part of the Yeopim River are defined as estuarine waters. Estuaries are among the most productive natural environ- ments in North Carolina and the North Carolina estuaries are among the most productive in the world. The estuarine waters support valuable commercial and sports fisheries and are im- portant in navigation and recreation. Estuarine waters are a sensitive, fragile environment. Man's activities can greatly harm the estuarine ecosystem by pollution, sedimentation and nutrient overload. Recently sev- eral agencies at the state and Federal level have taken steps 69 C6 to control the effect of man's activities in and by the estua- rine waters. Dredging and filling of the shallow areas has caused serious problems and now is subject to review as are channelization projects, bulkheading and pier construction. While these activities can be done properly in certain areas with few adverse effects, it is necessary to ensure that these valuable waters are not further destroyed. Chowan-County and Edenton residents have expressed considerable concern about their estuarine waters. Note: Estuarine waters may be designated as an Area of Environ- mental Concern. The Coastal Resources Commission's defi- nition and policies in the implementation section of this report should be referred to. Of 70 2) Public trust waters Public trust waters are more specifically called "areas subject to public rights, certain public trust areas", in the guidelines of the Coastal Area Management Act. Since these waters may be designated as areas of environmental concern, the Coastal Resources Commission's definition and policies concern- or ing these waters are quoted in the land use policy section. The definition of public trust waters is among the most complicated in natural resource law. Although generally speak- ing, public trust waters are navigable waters and other waters used by the public, drawing boundary lines as to where they occur is-extremely difficult. For the purposes of this report, waters that have been identified and classified by the Environmental Management Commission are assumed to be public trust waters. In spite of the fact that boundary lines are hard to define,, the public's right to use surface waters is an important right that has been recognized since ancient times. Any development within or along these waters should not significantly alter the waters or deny the public's right for continued use. As a spe- cific example, water that is navigable and used for recreation and commercial purposes should not be made impassable by an in- div-idualls or corporation's activityunless the project is judged to be in the public interest. 71 b. Water supply sources The importance of water supply sources. is obvious and this importance is increasing as more surface waters and ground- water becomes polluted. Inadequately operating waste disposal systems have caused shallow groundwater pollution in certain regions of the coastal area according to N. C. State researchers. However, problems with local contamination of water supply are limited to shallow welIs of 30 feet or less. The wells for the Edenton and Chowan County water systems draw water from strata about 100-300 feet below the surface (the wells are multi- screen). Although the wat er has to be treated for iron content and hardness, the systems do not have problems with groundwater pollution. Aquifer recharge areas of the county are extensive and shown on the accompanying maps. 1 Although the community systems of the town and county utilize deep wells, shallow groundwater pollution still should be avoided. Properly designed and located septic tanks should be the only septic tanks allowed. There are still iiiaily households in the county that use shallow water wells. Deep injection of wastes is a problem in certain areas of the country but not in Chowan County. Such injections would be a definite threat to the water supply. Aquifer recharge can be Iiinited when development is so dense that a large percentage of impeTvious surfaces prevents Geology and Groundwater Report for Chowan County N. C. Department of Water Resources. recharge. This is not likely to be a problem in Chowan County within the Foreseeable future. Certain water supply sources may be designated as areas of environmental concern for the Cozistal Are@i Winagement Act but these areas are either special aquifers along the coast or surface water supplies. Neither applies to Chowan County. 73 CHOWAN COUNTY C 0 U N T y NORTH CAROLINA SL-f fOR t@*GIWMS lo) 17 0 A 1P R I OR D C a U N I y AV- WLIL z WATER SUPPLY AREAS A P z 0 'Alf Area of seepage IDigehorge 4A Recharge Areas Well sites Ck Sources: Rivers and Associates, Inc. Greenville 9-roundwater Resources of c howan County, I" Pl. of Natural and Economic Resources at la Fou. X 71- E A at A - - - - - - - - - - - C. Complex natural areas The guidelines of the Coastal Area Management Act provide the following definition of complex natural areas: Complex natural areas are defined as lands that support native plant and animal communities and provide habitat conditions or characteristics that have remained essentially unchanged by human activity. Such areas are surrounded by landscapes that have been modified but that do not drastically alter the conditions within the natural areas or their scientific or educational value. Since man has developed and altered so much of the coastal area, the few remaining natural areas are quite valuable. Nat- ural areas are important [or monitoring the changing natural conditions in the coastal area. Certain natural areas can provide a sink for run-off, protect against erosion and provide habitat for wildlife including endangered species. Recreation and scientific study are often compatible uses; but1for the most part, there are few activities that man can undertake in a natural area without destroying its value. A report by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commis- sion]. has identified the following important natural areas in Chowan County: wooded swamps, bogs and pocosins, and fish spawn- ing areas. Another important natural area. that has been iden- tified I'or the Coastal Area Management Act are certain coastal wetlands (defined in a following section). Wildlife and Land Use Planning, Barick and Critcher N. C. Wildlife Resources-C-ommission Xpril 1975. 74 Complex natural areas are a constraint on development that may be designated as an area of environmental concern. The Coastal Resources Commission's definitions and policies are presented in the land use policy section. 7S TY C C, U N T Y CHOWAN COUN NORTH CAROLINA f I 0 H f R I P 0R C 0 U N I v aq -f !A COMPLEX NATURAL AREAS 0 Legend Z Boos and pocasins Wooded Swamps A Coastal Wetlands L Flsh Spawning Areas Souroe:Wlldlllo and d Use Planni 00 90,1CU N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission N.C. Dapt. of Natural and Economic Resours-80 z COV, q., d. Areas stistaining remnant species The guidelines for the Coastal Area Management Act have defined areas that sustain remnant species as "those places that support native plants or animals, rare or endangered, within the coastal area". There has not been definite identification of any remnant species areas within Chowan County, but any that do occur would probably be within the complex natural areas previously noted. The sensitivity to development noted in the discussion of complex natural areas applies to remnant species areas. In fact, -remnant species areas may be even more sensitive because if the rare or endangered species is lost or destroyed, it is usually irretrievable. Areas sustaining remnant species may be designated as areas of environmental concern; the Coastal Resources Commission's definitions and policies are stated in the land use policy section. 76 e. Coastal. wetlands The guidelines for the Coastal Area Management Act define coastal wetlands as: any salt marsh or other marsh subject to regular or occasional flooding by tides, including wind tides (whether or not the tide waters reach the marshland areas through natural or artificial watercourses), provided this shall not include hurricane or tropical. storm tides. Salt marsh- land or other marsh shall be those areas upon which grow some, but not necessairly all, of the follow- ing salt marsh and marsh plant species: Smooth or salt water Cordgrass (Spart.hia al.terniflora) Black Needlerush (Juncus roemerianus); Glasswort (Salicornia sppl); Salt Grass (Distichlis Spicata); is Sea Lavender (Limonium spp.); Bulrush (@ci_rpus spp.) ; Saw Gras-@@Clac ibm Jamaicense) ; Cz_tt-rail (Typha spp.); Salt-Nl-eado--w Grass (SpErtina Patens); an@'Salt Reed Grass (Spartina cy .nosuroides). Included in this statutory definition of wetlands is "such con-, tiguous land as the Secretary of NER reasonably deems necessary to affect by any such order in carrying out the purposes of this Section." (G.S. 113-230 (a)) For policy purposes, coastal wetlands may be considered in two categories: (1) low tidal marsh; (2) other coastal marsh- lands which have different significance and policy implications. Using aerial photography, these areas have been identified in Chowan County and occur along Dillard Creek., Queen Anne's Creek and Pembroke Creek. The value of these areas for fish and other aquatic wild- life has been well established. This marshland also serves as an important sediment trap and deterrent to erosion. Few uses can be made of these areas that do not destroy their value. In 77 certain few instances piers, docks and marinas can be construct- ed that are not overly destructive of the area. Additional in- formation about these areas is included in the section on areas of environmental concern. 78 1'. Areas coiitaining unique goologi.c Foi-mati.ons These places contain sur.-Face or neai- surface formations that are either themselves unique or are especially unusual or notable examples of geologic formations or processes in the coastal area. Chowan County has several- distinctive geologic features--the beach ridge that runs through Tyner and the bogs or pocosins near S. R. 1218 and 121.3. The most outstanding geologic formation is probably the marine molluscan fossil site of Miocene Age at 360051 N. Lit. 760401 W. Long. Outstanding geologic formations are important for scientif- iC Study. Although the value must be preserved, often develop- ment can take place in a geologic formation that allows contin- ued scientific study. The development must be carefully plan- ned to preserve the characteristics of the site. Development within unique geologic formations may require a permit, if these areas are designated as areas of environ- mental concern. Definitions and policies are included in the previous ].and use policy section. 79 3. Areas of resource potentiaZ Areas of resource potential are clearly valuable. Certain resource areas, like publicly owned parks and fish and game lands, can be utilized with few effects on the resource. Other resource areas, like prime agricultural soils, can be continu- ally productive. Certain resource areas, such as mineral sites, can only be used once and then the resource is irretrievable. The areas of resource potential with Chowan County are: a. Publicly owned land b. Productive agricultural soils C. Potentially valuable mineral sites 80 a'. Publicly owned land The publicly owned lands with the greatest resource poten- tial are publicly owned forests, parks, -fish and gamelands and. other non-intensive outdoor recreation lands. Chowan Coun- ty has few such areas; the county government owns none; the town of Edenton has several sites. Edenton has just finished a waterfront park that, although only an acre, provides recreation and access to the water in a centrally located place. The town also owns 700+ acres outside the city limits on the sound that has great resource potential for recreation. The town has plans to develop a park at the site some time in the future. Edenton also has several neighborhood mini-parks that are used primarily For active recreation. The Cliowan High School facilities are used by county residents for recreation. Parks are a constraint only in that they usually should not be developed for any purpose other than for the recreation and enjoyment of the citizens. Sometimes peripheral develop- ment can adversely affect a park, but this does not seem likely to be a problem in Chowan County and Edenton. b. Productive agricultural lands Productive farmland is generally defined as land suited and available for'producing food, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops. Examples of productive farmland are cropland, pasture- land, rangeland, farm forest lots and other land. Productive farmland has the soil quality, growing season and moisture supply needed to economically produce significant and sustained crop yields when treated and managed according to modern farming methods, including water management. Unique farmland, in addition to other productive farmland, is land that is suited and available for the production of specific hit'h-value food and fiber crops. lixamples of such crops are citrus fruits, olives, cranberries, fruit and vege- tables. Productive farmland areas can be identified and located by interpreting modern detailed soi.1 maps published by agencies such as the USDA Soil Conservation Service. However, a detailed soils survey has not been prepared for Chowan County. The best information avail-able is a generalized soils report of soil associations. Although none of the soil associations in Chowan County are in the group that has been identified by N.C. State as tho best :in the coastal area, sev- eral of the county's associations are good agricultural lands: the Conctoe-Dragston-Wando, the lVickham-Altavista-Wahee, and the Bertie-Tomotley-Altavista. 82 Also some of the soils that are not suitable in their natural state for agriculture can be quite productive if proper- Y Throughout the nation as more fari-fland becomes urbanized, there is increasing concern over protecting valuable agricultur- al land. Prime agriculture land is a resource that is contin- ually productive. However, many of the same soil characteristics 41 that are important for agriculture are also important for devel- opment with the result that these productive agricultural lands are SUbJect to development pressure. One of the objectives set for planning in the county is protecting agricultural 'Land. 83 AGRICULTURAL POTENTIAL Assoc.'s % Association Soil Tvpes % of Soil Types Bu/acre (corn) Bu/acre (corn) of Cty.'s Soils in Assoc. in Association Undrained Drained 30 Conetoe-lVando-Dragston Conetoe so 70 Wando 25 ss - Dragston is 100 125 Other soils 10 43 Bladen-Lenoir-Craven Bladen so Not Suitable 80 Lenoir 20 90 - Craven 20 115 - Other soils 10 12 Bladen-Bayboro-Portsmouth Bladen 40 NS 80 Ba-\-boro 20 NS 95 Portsmouth is NIS 105 Other soils 25 5 Bertie-Tomotley-Altavista Bertie 30 NS 90 Tomotley 30 NS lis Altavista 20 110-120 Other soils 20 2 Wickham-Altavista-Wahee Wickham 30 95-130 Altavista 30 110-120 Wahee 20 90 Other soils 20 7 Dorovan-Johnston Dorovan 70 NS NS Johnston 10 NS 80 Other soils 20 Dare-Ponzer-lVasda Dare 0 NS 120 Ponzer 5 NS 90 Wasda 85 NS 130 Other soils 10 CHOWAN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA St Alt + -4- 41! 'so y z AGRICULTURAL POTENTIAL Agricultural Potential (drained soil*) Not Suitable 55-80 Bushols/Acro (corn) 80 - 100 9 u s he 1*/Ac r e (corn) 100-up Bushels/Acre (corn) Source: USDA, Soil Conservation $*,Vice Soil$ A@@acLatikna at the cool'tal + ArsayppLa 10mo nt Re ion,N@C, to Univ#rsity Vgv,@, :,4 all @7 C. Potentially valuable mineral sites A mineral resource is a concentration of an element, a chemical compound, or a rock such that a usable mineral commodi- ty can be extracted and marketed at a profit. Mineral resources include undiscovered deposits as well as identified deposits that cannot be recovered now. The mineral resources with recog- nized economic value that occur in the coastal area are lime- stone, phosphate, and sand. Sand is the only one of the resources that has been identi- fied as occurring in Chowan County. The beach ridge that runs through Tyner and is classified as the Conetoe-Wando-Dragston Association has retrievable deposits of sand. To date only a few sma'll horrow pits, in the vicinity oF Macedonia and. I-I'mperor's Landing, have used these deposits. If the demand for building materials increases, more borrow pits will undoubtedly use this resource. 85 B. MAN-MADE FACTORS INFLUENCING DEVELOPMENT 1. History 46 2. Existing land use a. Chowan County 1) Summary description 49 2) Significant land use compatibility problems 50 3) Problems from unplanned development 50 4) Man-made hazard areas 51 5) Areas experiencing or likely to experience 51 major land use change b. Edenton 1) Summary description 51 2) Significant land use compatibility problems 52 3) Problems from unplanned development 52 4) Man-made hazard areas 52 5) Areas experiencing or likely to experience 53 major land use changes 3. Population and economy a. Population 1) Characteristics and brief analysis 54 2) Population Projections 57 b. Economy 1) Existing economy 59 2) Economic projection 65 4. Community facilities a. Water 71 b. Sewer 72 c. Solid waste disposal 73 d. Thoroughfares 74 e. Schools 75 f. Fire protection 76 g. Rescue squad/ambulance service 77 86 h. Law enforcement 77 i. Health services 79 j. Housing 80 k. Recreation 81 1. Financial capability 82 87 Z History Chowan County was considered a favorable place to live long before white settlers arrived from Europe. One of the earliest expeditions of Sir Walter Raleigh in 1586 reported a st-O)staii- tial Settlement of Chowanoke Tndians numbering over 800. Sev- eral sites along the Chowan River provide extensive archeologi- cal evidence of these first inhabitants of Chowan County. Many settlers from the Virginia colony moved southward into the Chowan area but by 1700 no towns had developed. In the years 1712-1722 "the town on Queen's Creek," or Edenton as it was named, was laid out and settled. The original street pattern is still in effect through much ol' the town. Located on a fine natural harbor., the town became a focal point for the area and was named the capital of the colony. Although the colonial capital subsequently was relocated, Edenton was, at the time of Revolution 'one of the most prosperous settlements in the colony. Many fine homes were built at this time and still exist today. Edenton was the home of citizens important in post Revolution natioiial and state affairs. Among these early prominent citizens were: James Tredell - U. S. Supreme Court Justice appointed by George Washington James Iredell, Jr. and Samuel Johnston - early gover- nors of the State of North Carolina At the time of the Revolution, Edenton was an active port. The West Tndies trade was brisk; corn, beans, oats and tobacco 88 were exchanged for sugar, rum, hats and silks. However in the early years of the 19th century several developments occurred that caused Edenton's trade to decline. The construction of the Dismal Swamp Canal resulted in much of the area's produce being shipped to Norfolk. In addition the increasing size of ships and the closing of certain inlets on the Outer Banks forced shipping elsewhere. The shift on the Outer Banks was considered a crisis in the Albemarle area. A delegation head- ed by President James Monroe inspected the Outer Banks and con- 2 sidered opening an inlet to the ocean, but the project was never undertaken. Because of the decline in trade, Edenton did not regain its colonial prominence. However the economic pinch was eased by the growth of the fishing in(lustry in the county. The largest fisheries were also plantations and some of the fine houses in the county are the product of the fishing/farming economy which developed in the area in the period prior to the Civil War. An example is the Greenfield Plantation House, which though built in the late 18th century, was expanded as the economic fortunes of the owners increased. The town of Edenton also has several fi.ne examples of architecture From the pre-Civil War period including Beverly Hall and the Wessington House. Although Edenton and Chowan County were basically untouch- ed by the direct ravages of the Civil War,the fortunes of the county and town took a decided down swing at that time. Not 89 the least of its problems was the continued isolation of the county From niajor transportation routes. Tlie agriculturally based economy suffered because the farm land lia.d. been contin- uously planted in cotton, and as a result, the land was starved for nitrogen. Once again the productivity of the local waters softened the economic hardship of Chowan County residents. The introduction of the pound net, which could be worked by rela- tively few men, increased fishing activity, and in 1880 local fisheriiien were netting a billion herring a season. Complete economic resurgence required a solution to the transportation problem and began, in 1881, with the extension of the Norfolk and Southern Railway to Edenton. Shortly after the railroad was extended, the Branning Manufacturing Company located in Edenton and subsequently employed almost half the town population. The industry utilized the resources of the surrounding area and operated saw mills, planing mills, grist mills, shingle mills and cotton gins. Conservation and sustain- ed yield were unheard of and within ten years all the best stands of timber in the county had been cut. Late 19th century tastes are still evident in many of the houses in Edenton and in the county. Lath turned and scroll- sawn ornaments were ordered by the foot from mail-order houses to modernize homes. Late 19th century and early 20th century architecture has several fine examples in Edenton's commercial district. A fire destroyed a collection of 18th century com- inercial structures in the "Cheapside" district; the recon- 90 struction provided the town with several notable 19th century structures such as the Leary Building, whicli now houses the local newspaper. Farming, forestry and fishing continued to be the dominant activities into the twentieth century. After the Second World War, the Marines operated an air base southeast of Edenton. The base was closed in,1959. The runways themselves are still in use as a municipal airport. The town acquired a large tract of land at the base and still holds it. When the base closed, the citizens in the town actively sought indudustrial development and several manufacturing firms have located at the base and within the city limits. As the twentieth century progressed, Edenton continued to grow without sacrificing its priceless links with the past. The downtown area is still the coamiercial center and parking is accommodated in an off-street hidden section. Trees have not been cut for power lines. Streets have not been sidened and the town retains its intimate scale with the Cupola House and St. Paul's Church still the tallest structures. In addition to avoiding much of the more destructive aspects of modern development, the citizens of Edenton and the county have made constructive efforts to preserve the his- toric heritage of the town and county. Using private and pub- lic funds, much restoration work has been successfully accom- plished. Development in the town's historic district is re- 91 viewed to avoid development that would destroy the quality of that area. The results of these efforts are an outstandingly handsome town that is attractive to visitors and residents alike. The town's appearance is of inestimable value in attract- ing industry and tourism. Edenton may be, as a writer in a re- cent issue of Travel & Leisure Magazine put it, "the South's prettiest town." 92 His.tor-ic Sites Outstanding buildings have been constructed in Chowan Coun- ty and Edenton from colonial times to the present. Many have been listed or nominated for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. These sites are: Chowan County 1. Martinique 2. Briols 3. Shelton Plantation 4. Wood Hall S. Athol Plantatioti 6. Mti I ber ry Ili 1 1 7. GreenEield Plantation Edenton 1. Albania Plantation 2. Edenton Historic District 3. Peanut Factory 4. Strawberry Hill 5. Speight House 6. Hayes Plantation The designation as a National Historic Landmark is given to sites of exceptional quality. Hayes Plantation and two buildings within the Fdcnton Historic District, the Cupola House and the Chowan County Courthouse, have been designated as Nzitioiial. Historic Latichimrks. Historic sites provide an invaluable link with the past and are (IUite important for education and historic rusearch. In addition, the craftmanship and tastes of past periods pro- vide aesthetic benefits that are highly valued and can seldom 93 CHOWAN COUNTY C 0 U N t y NORTH CAROLINA U Al I Y Ana: 0 C 0 U N I Y Im HISTORIC SITES k. Historic Sites I Martinique 2 Briols 3 Shelton Plantation 4 Wood Ho I I 5 Athol Plantation 6 Mulberry Hit I IAJ2 7 Greenfield Plantation Source: Historic Edenton Inc. A pego 2 'j Dal J "01 E( q .'30 & /< .00, v) 1100' IN, 0 s Ilk LIN FN 11 Historic Sites I Albania Plantation 2 Edenton Historic District 3 Peanut Factory 4 Strawberry Hi I I 5 Speight House 6 Hayes Plantation Source: Historic Edento'n,lnc. R L@t e IT BY-POSS rK To- be reproduced. Edenton recognizes the value of its historic sites and has done much to preserve and enhance them. As has been mentioned, development within the historic district must meet the special provisions set up in the town's zoning ordinance. Citizen groups have been quite active in historic preservation. The Coastal Area Management Act may provide additional pro- tection for certain historic sites--those state supported, assisted or maintained and the National Historic Landmarks. In Edenton and Chowan County, the Tredell House, the Barker House, the Cupola House, the Chowan County Courthouse and Hayes Planta- tion all fall within this category. Definitions and policies for these sites are discussed in the section on areas of envi- ronmental concern. 94 2. E isting 7and use a. Chowan County 1) Simmiary description Chowan County is still a predominantly rural county with the large majority-of land being used for agriculture and for- estry. Farming is done in all sections of the county; a great deal of the commercial forest land is in the eastern section bordering Perquimans County. A considerable amount oE land has been left in natural cover along the shorelines of the creeks and river. Commercial development is located primarily along the two primary roads, U.S. 17 and N.C. 32. Commercial fishing opera- tions are located along the Chowan River at several different landings. Industrial development has taken plac.e at the air base southeast of Edenton. A textile plant, United Piece Dye, operates at a site near the Arrowhead subdivision along the Chowan River. Residential development has occurred at low densities throughout the county. Tn cert,-On areas development occurs at somewhat higher densities in communities like Tyner or in the subdivisions along the Sound and River. The larger subdivisions are Chowan Beach, Arrowhead and Cape Colony. Substandard housing is prevalent throughout the county-I Many older houses I See section on housing 95 have been abandoned; mobile homes have replaced small frame structures as low and moderate income housing. 2) Significant land use compatibility problems Compatibility 'problems exist wherever residents feel that their ownership and use of the land is being affected by another person's or firm's use of land. The area near the Cape Colony subdivision has undergone both industrial and residential development. Residents in the area have urged that additional development be regulated to avoid conflicts between residential and industrial activities. In other areas of the county that have undergone residential development, farmers have expressed concern about possible con- flicts between residential and agricultural uses of the land. 3) Proble .ms from unplanned development Several of the issues mentioned above will continue to be problems until an adequate solution is found. Other existing developments in the county have problems that may affect future land use. The subdivisions of Cape Colony, Chowan Beach and Arrow- head Beach were made before subdivision regulations were in effect. A minimum of improvements were installed by the devel- oper. Since that time the residents have had to work through 96 property owners associations to insure that certain roads and utilities are maintained and other improvements are made. Chowan Beach lacks the necessary right-of-way for state main- tenance of its roads and the easements necessary for utilities. Cape Colony has had lots that were platted and sold that do not meet the county's health department septic tank regulations. Not all of the property owners in these subdivisions have built structures. If these lots are developed, existing prob- lems of unpaved roads, and isolation from police and fire ser- vices might be exacerbated. The potential for further growth in these subdivisions is summarized below. Arrowhead Cape Colony Chowan Beach Lots 1698 1352 469 Property owners 9S7 72S U Structures 300+ 200+ 30-50 Year round 105 over SO% over 50% households Seasonal households 200+ U U Property owners Yes Yes No association U = Unknown Assuming all property owners developed and 3.5 persons per household, over 6000 people would move into the county. While these Subdivisions will probably undergo rurther development, there is no evidence to suggest that these areas will be com- pletely developed soon. I.-ach of these subdivisions has been in existence since the early 1960's. 97 Substandard housing is a problem prevalent throughout the county. County incomes have been low with the result that adequate housing has been too expensive for many. Code enforce- ment might have prevented certain problems, but poverty is un- doubtedly the major cause. 4) Man-made hazard areas The guidelines for the Coastal Area Management Act have required the identification of iiian-maLlc hazard areas. No major man-made hazard areas like nuclear power plants exist in the county. However there are certain land uses in the county that have a potential for accidents that could affect nearby land uses. These man-made hazard areas are bulk plants, railroads, airports, and major highways. These areas have been identified as hazard areas for sev- eral reasons. Bulk plants store certain materials that are flammable and explosive. Railroads transfer materials that are Ela.mi-flable or potentially dangerou s in other ways, like chemical toxins. Airports and airstrips have a certain probability of crashes or other accidents that could affect nearby land uses. Due to the volume of traffic and its use as a iiiajor route for transferring materials, U.S. Highway 17 also has a higher potential for accidents that may have an impact on other land uses. 98 S) Area,s_ experiencing or likely to experience major land use 0 c"Fange The entire area around Edenton is the area most like-ly to undergo continued developi-aent-including residential, industrial and commercial development. Not only is this area closest to the major population center in the county, but also the major transportation routes are in this area. 40 Although soils and public utilities are a constraint, the Cape Colony area probably will continue to develop. Sewer ser- vice is being considered for this area and other areas east and 41 north of the city limits. Sewer service would be a great impe- tus to growth in all these areas. The coastline areas oE the Chowan River and Albemarle Sound will continue to be attractive to residential development. Large tracts of the county's shoreline are held by relatively few land owners. Whether this land is developed will depend on the decisions of the individual landowners. b. Edenton 1) Summary description Most of the area within the city limits of Edenton is already developed, however, there zire several large undeveloped tracts and scattered small ones. Industrial development has oc- curred along 17 North in an industrial park and at various other sites in the town. Commercial development is concentrated in a 99 central business district and also occurs along the major thoroughfare, U.S. Highway 17. Residential land use is the highest percentage of develop- ed land and total land. DensitJos vary; the highest are in the older sections of town; the lowest are on the outskirts. Few multi-family structures have been built. The ones that have been are low and moderate income government supported housing units. Edenton has a fairly high percentage of substandard housing (see section on housing). Government and institutional land use occurs in several different areas of the town. The hospital operates on a site on N.C. 32 near the 17 Bypass. The town's office building is located in the central busines-; district. The town also owns buildings for the fire department, street department, and elec- tric and water department. Recreation opportunities are avail- able at the school sites in town, the national guard armory, the neighborhood parks and at the town's recently completed waterfront park. 2) Significant land use compatibility problems 11cf-oro the town instituted zoning, industrial develol)IIIent occurred near existing residential areas. Zoning did establish districts For future growth but coul.d not remove past 1)roblems. There are industrial-residential land use conflicts associated to a greater or lesser degree with all the older industrial 100 devel.opment in E@denton. Complaints often arise about coniinercial. -residential. land use conflicts particularly in the commercial areas outside of the central business district. Although the conflicts noted above are real concerns to the residents involved'. Edenton's land use conflicts are not unusu- al or markedly different from any other town's. 3) Problems from unplanned devel.opment The conflicts that are noted in the preceding section may have impact on future land uses, As an example, a deterrent to solutions to the substandard housing problem is that the areasqare located near existing industrial sites, making the housing less attractive for renovation or rehabilitation. Subdivisions of land were made in the town before the town had subdivision regul-ations. Potential problems could arise from these subdivisions. The Eden Heights subdivision has ex- tremely small (2S foot) lots, but current-Ly the land is held in large blocks of many lots by a Few owner,,. Edenton has had problems with flooding in the past and development still exists within the floodplain that is not con- structed adequately to withstand flooding. 4) Man-made hazard areas Edenton has the same hazard areas noted in the county dis- 101 Alb cussion of man-made hazard areas with the exception of the municipal airport which is located outside the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the town. The importance of identifying these areas.is discussed in the county section, but, as noted in that discussion, neither Edenton nor Chowan County have man-made hazards that require elaborate land-use planning efforts. The completion of the U.S. 17 By-Pass will ease the problems that existed when that highway ran thrOLIgh the center of the town. S) Areas experiencing or likely to experience maji?_r land U-s-echanges The completion of the U.S 17 By-Pass will have an effect on areas on the outskirts of town particularly on the access roads--existing U.S. 1.7, and N.C. 32. Rezoning for commercial development along N.C. 32 has been contested in the town. The area to the west of Edenton along U.S. 17 South will probably continue to be developed for residential purposes. Residential development north oF the bypass will be hindered by the difficulty and cost of getting sewer lines beyond the bypass. To the east of the townV industrial development will probably continue along U.S. 17 North in the town's industrial park. The area north oF Queen Anne's Crock and south of U.S. 17 has potential for industrial, residential and commercial development. 10 102 elf," ROULt a 17 BY- @a S" ;,.o,0- oor roll The construction of interceptor sewers as part of Edenton's 201 program will have a great impact on future land LISO in the areas that will receive service. At this time it appears likely that the areas to the west and east of town will be most affected. 103 P_O_P_'_I'&tt-e0Yt and econon'iy a Population 1) Characteristics and brief analysis The last official U.S. Census (1970) counL of the popula- tion in Chowan County set the number of residents at 10,764 persons. The population in the county has declined since 1950, due to outmigration. Although the factors involved are complex, certainly a large part of the outmiqration was caused by the decline in agricultural employment and the increasing employ- ment opportunities elsewhere. These factors are reflected in the high population losses in the Second Township. According to the census, the Town of Edenton gained slightly in population. For the entire county, outmigration was particularly high among the younger residents and the black residents. The black popu- lation has declined in the county overall and risen slightly in Edenton. The black population in both the town and county is about 4.0% of the total. The 1970 Census figures for the town of Edenton are a subject of some dispute. Although the census adjusted its original figure of 4,766 to 4,956, town officials still do not feel that the count was accurate. The 1970 Census relied much more on mail responses than previous censuses and did not do as much door-to-door survey work. The accuracy of the figures may have suffered. The shift toward larger farms and less agricultural em- ployment is shown in the accompanying tables.. The farm popu- 104 lation dropped in 1970 to less than half its 1960 figure. Al- though urban population also increased, the greatest increase was in the number of rural non-farm residents. Chowan County is not becoming urbanized, but suburbanized. Like many rural areas of ti-ie country, the income levels are low in Chowa-n County, particularly among the black population. Chowan County's median family income is lower than the median incomes of the state and nation. The median income of Chowan County's black population is even lower. At the last census, 25% of all the families in Chowan County were under the 1970 poverty level. The age of residents in the townships is important infor- mation for the delivery of public services. Of particular in- terest is the number of residents under 21 years of age and the number of elderly--the total population aged 65 and over. Chowan County's percentage of people under 21 is similar to the figures for the state as a whole. Chowan County has a somewhat higher proportion of elderly population that seems to be in- creasing. The Coastal Area Managei,nent Act guidelines call for con- sideration of the seasonal population. Unfortunately the Cen- sus does not gather information on seasonal population so accurate figures are not available. It is certain that Chowan County and Edenton do not have the influx of seasonal residents that certain other North Carolina coastal counties do. The seasonal residejits that do come to the couiity live chiefly in the Shorcline 10S 0 subdivisions. Judging by information from property owners' associations, there are about 300 seasonal residences in the county. Assuming 3.5 perople per household, the county has a seasonal population of about 1000 people. Not all of these 0 people live for extended periods in the county, many use their residences only on summer weekends and during vacations. 106 Table 1 '1950 1960 197 0 Chowan County Total 123540 11$729 10,764 Table 2 1960 1970 Change in Population 1960 1970 % Chang Chowan County 11,729 10,764 - 8.2 First Township 7,294 6P814 - 6.6 Second Township Middle 2,224 11840 -17.3 Third Township Upper 1,449 1,278 -11.8 Fourth Township Yeopim 762 832 9.2 Edenton (within city limits) 4$458 4,956 11.1 Table 3 Racial Characteristics of Chowan County and Edenton 1960 Total Pop. Black Pop. % Chowan County 11$729 5,464 46 Edenton 4P458 1,698 38 1970 Total Pop. Black Pop. % Chowan County 1OP764 4,499 42 Edenton 4)9S6 2,063 42 1 Corrected figure, Bureau of Census gource: U. S. Bur'eau' 'o'-r the Gensus ... ... 107 Table 4 Chowan County Farm, Rural Non-farm,Urban Population 1960 1970 Rural Farm Popu la tion 3635 1294 Rural Non-farm Population 3636 4704 Urban 4458 4766 Table S Median Family Income (All Families) 1970 North Carolina $7)774 Chowan County 6,397 Edenton 7312SO ,rablo 6 Age of Population by Township Total First Edenton Second Third Fourth under 5 787 S04 112 86 85 357 S-14 years 2,319 11sil. 372 2S3 183 1010 15-24 years 1,927 1,164 376 226 161 801 2S-34 years 1Y061 693 1S4 141 73 478 35-44 years 1,206 768 211 134 93 514 4S-54 years 1,284 798 228 169 89 S82 SS-64 years 1.9063 649 204 134 76 467 65 and over 1,117 727 183 135 72 S57 Source: U-. S*.' 'Burbad of .'th'e' 'C'e'nsu*s* ... 108 CIAMAJAN COUNTY POPULATION FORECAST 13)000 13)000 12154 ZAN %N 1411 W@A12@ 10 121000 111729 0 111400 04 11300". 1 11000 104, 7 ---- 10,90C 'S.101175 101000 91556 It 91000 /0 @460 8)000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 SOURCE; 1950-1970 U.S. Census of Population 1970-2000 (Economic Projection) - U.S. Dept. of Conunerce, Office of Business Economics 1970-1980 (Trend Projection) -N.C. DL@pt. of Adm., Office of ann i n@; 1980-1990 (Trend Project) N. D(-@pt. of M'R, DCS @2, <54 0 109 2) Population projection Determining the future population oE an area is difficult despite the sophicated techniques often used. The reliability of the projection decreases greatly the longer the time span and the smaller the area. For instance, the state population projection made in 1962 estimated the actual 1970 state popula- tion within 2%. However) for individual counties the estimate was off as much as 73%. The state population projections are based on what is known as a modified cohort-survi.vzil method. The populzition in each age group is projected to the next age group after sub- tracting out the number of deatlis probable for that age. Women of child bearing age are projected to have children acco-rding to the determined birth rate. Finally usin g past information about migration rates, the population of each age group is ad- justed upward or downward according to the in-migration or out- migration rates. While this method is far superior to merely extending lines on a graph, it has several drawbacks. Birth rates have undergone a drastic change recently and future rates seem un- certain. Migration rates are most significant for smaller areas but difficult to predict because they are subject to local economy fluctuations. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note the projections of 1960-1970 trends for Chowan County. The overall.population would decline to 95S6 in 1980 and 81,470 in 1990. Net outmi- 110 gration among young whites would be close to one out of every Ahree and among young blacks, two out of every three. The only age group with significant net in-migration is the 60 years and older group. Persons 60 years and older would make up about 20% of the population, according to this projection of past trends. The U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Anal- ysis has made population projections based on its predictions of future economic growth. First the economic growth of various regions was projected using industrial sector trends, and then by using birth rate and work force information, population pro- jections were derived. As a final step, the economic area pro- jections were disaggregated into smaller political jurisdictions. Two projections have been made, OBERS "C" assuming 2777 births per 1000 women and OBERS "E" assuming 2100 births per 1000 women. The higher birth rate assumption results in a higher population prediction for the county. Although the trend projects decreasing population and the Bureau of Economic Analysis predicts very slight gains, town officials feel that the population in Edenton will grow 1,000 to 1,500 people per decade. If this is true the town's population would grow acco"rding to the Following series 1970 1980 1985 1990 2000 2025 4956 6000 6500 7000 8000 10500 N.C. Department of Administration, Office of State Plan- ning ill 0 County officials concur that Edenton. is the major growth area in the county and also feel that outmigration has slowed considerably, with the result that outside of Edenton the county's population may be fairly stable with possible moderate increases in the future. The following table shows possible population growth for the county incl uding the town of Edenton. 1970 1-980 198S 1990 2000 202S 10764. 11800 12400 13000 14-000 16SOO Th e s eare not meant to be exact figures but indicative of the growth that is expected. Most citizens involved in the Coastal Area Management Act planning felt that the county and town had potential for growth and that a moderate amount was desirable.1 Seasonal population may grow somewhat in the future, as more of the shoreline subdivision lots are developed. However there is no evidence that seasonal population will be a major factor in the county's populatioji. Bcach resorts catering more closely to a seasonal population are close by; also there are many environments similar to ChOWMI County's elsewhere iii the region. Unless there is a great increase in the seasonal popu- lation of the region,including zill the inland coastal counties, Chowan County's seasonal population will probably be small. Due to increasing attention by the press, Edenton's historic 1 See community survey results Appendix A 112 sites will probably draw more visitors. However, these people are most likely to be day visitors,-not seasonal residents. Edenton and Chowan County have the capability and potential for further development. As explained in a previous section on the natural environment, much land in the county is suitable for development or has limitations that can fairly easily be over- come by certain measures. Surface water quality is at a criti- cal point but if the development is done properly, water quali- ty will not be degraded.. The fiscal capability of the county and town and possible impacts on community Facilities will be discussed in a following section. 113 c o n o ni Y I Existing economy _'1 Before Chowan County was settled, iiiuch oF its land was in forests. Although many acres have been cleared and settled, forest resources are still important in Chowan County. Har- vested amounts vary from year to year depending on markets and county lot maturities. The exact economic importance is diffi- cult to determine. The stumpage price for sawtimber varied from $80-$100 per mbf. (thousand board feet). The finished product was worth over 10 times as,much. Similarly the stumpage value of the pulpwood averaged about $4.SO per cord and the finished product had a niuch higher value. Chowan County forest products provide income not only to companies like Weyerhauser and Union Camp but also to ind-iviclual lanJowners who have farm woodlots. Fisheries are another natural resource that has continued to be important in Chowan County's economy. Herring and Striped Bass (Rock fish) have been of particular significance. Both the quantity landed and the value of the catch has varied from year to year, but in recent years the quantity landed has tend- ed to decrease although its value has increased. This decrease in landings due to a decrease in fish populations may be a nat- ural cycle that will reverse itself. The factors that determine the size of fish populations are complex. In studying the fig- ures, it must be remembered that these figures do not include the value of sport fishing to the county. The predominant economic activity in Chowan County is 114 agriculture. Although farm population and agricultural employ- ment has declined in recent years, the value of agricultural output has increased. The amount of land in farmland has also increased since 1960. The soils and climate of Chowan County make possible a wide variety of agricultural activities. Field crops such as corn, peanuts, soybeans, and tobacco have the highest sales totals. Livestock (especially hog farming) and vegetable farming are also important income producers. The markets for vegetable (or truck) farming have increased in recent years. Poultry, nursery stock, and farm wo'odlots supplement the local farm income. Chowan County's productive agricultural sector probably was instrumental in the locational decision of several county indus- tries. Jimbos Jumbos, Fisher Nut Company, and Seabrook Blanching are all involved in processing the area's peanut crop. The area's forestry resources are utilized by several industries, Chowan Veneer and Towson Lumber. The largest employers in the county are the textile indus- tries., Edenton Cotton Mills., United Piece Dye Works and George C. Moore Company, together employing close to 700 workers. Chowan County's diversified economic base also includes boat builders., Grampian Marine and Fiberform, and a carbon paper and ribbon manufacturer, Carter's Ink. The agriculture, forestry and industrial activities form the base of Chcwan County and Edenton's economy. The wholesale, retail and service industries provide goods- and services to lis these basic employers and their erfiployeus. Rutail. sales have grown continuously in Chowan County, priiiiarily in Edenton, which has become a commercial center for several counties. Only limi- ted. statistics were available on banking, wholesale, and ser- 0 2 vice industries but those available indicate continued growth. The local construction industry is an important source of local income and employment. ftli_lding permit applicati.ons are an indication of activities in this sector. Most or the con- struction activity takes place in and around Edenton. The figures in the following table rep-vesent not only new construc- tion starts but also major alterations. The local construction industry is sensitive to fluctuations in mortgage and interest rates, and also may be affected by the recent increase in modu- lar and mobile home sales. Chowan County and Edenton also have much potential for tourism because of the extensive waterfronts and historic sites. It is hard to determine to what extent this potential is being realized, but travelers expenditures have increased through the years. The number of visitors tak-ini@ the Edenton tour has been recorded informally. Last year the number was estimated at 10,000 and each year the number of visitors has been increasing at about S per cent. As noted previously, statistics are not available on seasonal population, thus their expenditures in the local economy are not known. 2 Edenton Chamber of Commerce 116 The present labor force is a good economic indicator because it reflects the current employment opportunities. This labor force is also the pool of potential employees for future industry. The occupational breakdown of Chowan County and Edenton is changing. The numbers of farmers, farm managers, farm laborers, and private household workers is declining. The number of professional workers, craftsmen and clerical workers is increasing. The wages received by the various occupations in Chowan County are lower than those in the state and nation. Lower wages are typical for rural areas and to some extent this reflects differences in the cost of living. In judging the area's labor force and economy, other coun- ties besides Chowan County are important. More workers commute into Chowan County than commute out. Chowan County is fairly close to the Norfolk metropolitan area but few residents commute there to work. Given rising gasoline costs, the number of com- muters to the Norfolk area may not increase a great deal. Unemployment statistics can vary greatly over time. While they are a crude indication of the strength of the local economy, fluctuations can be a result of changes in seasonal employment. Also local unemployment figures are sensitive to changes in the nation's economy. In addition, unemployment statistics do not measure those underemployed or who have given up looking for work. For these .117 reasons, unemployment statistics should be interpreted with care. In Chowan. County, as in the nation, unemployment is most serious among the [Aack population. Note: The dollar figures in the following tables have not been adjusted for inflation. Some ol@ the increase over time iS LILIC to chinging values of the dollar. Table 9 Forest Products 1973 Sawtimber Pine 17,874 mbf Hardwood 32097 mbf Veneer Pine 4,892 mbf Hardwood 3,214 mbf Pulpwood Pine 6,S32 cords Hardwood 10,444 cords mbf = thousand board feet Source: North Carolina Department of Natural @ Economic Re- Sources, Division o[ Forest Resources 118 Table-10 Chowan County Commercial Fisheries Quanti tya Receiptsb (Pounds) (Dollars) 1968 10)6SO,400 3S4@592 1969 16,226,100 4S8)S64 1970 JOPS7SPOOO 393.TS62 1971 10,321,600 381)084 1972 9,821$SOO 411,212 1973 7,SSS,700 473$071 1974 6,985,200 491,881 Source: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service a Does not include sport fishing b Receipts represent those to the fishermen Table 11 Agriculture .Acres of Harvested Estimated Farm Income & Idle Cropland 1963 36,209 $ 6$189ilOS3 1964 35,647 59630,77S 196S 3SP973 7)361,S84 1966 363,349 7)028,049 1967 36,821 6.4473,SOS 1968 37,091 8,058@298 1969 ?;(),961 91666,6S9 1970 37,17S 10,062,109 1971 38)280 9)SS9)843 10 Source: North Carolina Cooperative'Extension''Service 119 Table 12 Farm Income for 1974. AL Field Crops 61897,41S Peanuts 3)1733174S Soybeans 1,425,000 Corn (for grain) 1,224,000 Tobacco (flue-cured) 792,9880 Livestock 3,07S,180 Hogs 2)900,000 Vegetables 2,806,218 Poultry 983,7SO Nursery 17S31000 Forestry 132,000 Sourc*e:' North' Carb'llna' Gobpe'rativ'e' Ext'eh*ston Service 120 Table 13 Major Industrial Employers by Standard Industrial Code Employment* 20 Food and Kindred Products Fisher Nut Company 100-150 Seabrook Blanching 100 Jimbos Jumbos 35-50 22 Textile Mill Products United Piece Dye Works 25O-300 George C. Moore 200-250 Edenton Cotton Mills 200 24 Lumber and Wood Products Chowan Veneer Company 100 Towson Lumber Company 25-50 MacMillan Bloedell 150 37 Transportation Equipment Fiberform, Inc. 150 Grampian Marine 50-100 39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Carter's Ink 100-150 Source: Edenton Chamber of Commerce Table 14 Gross Retail Sales Fiscal Retail Sales 1963-64 $14,563,594 1964-65 15,191,282 1965-66 17,000,976 1966-67 17,503,101 1967-68 18,407,278 1968-69 20,206,725 1969-70 21,395,130 1970-71 22,880,835 1971-72 24,758,626 1972-73 26,184,847 1973-74 29,028,868 1974-75 34,822,639 Source: North Carolina County Business Patterns 121 Table 15 Building Permits Ch-ow@in County Edenton 1.970 S3 79 1971 68 98 1972 76 109 1973 S8 246 1974 32 86 197S Source: Town of Edenton Bui-ld-ing Inspector Chouran Couhty Tax Office Table 16 Tot,,A Tr@ivelersl Expenditures (in 0001s) 1969 1,036 1969 1)128 1970 1,290 1971 1)350 1972 1 )470 1973 1 318* 1974 1:0463 In 1973 the methodology for deternd-niiig these figures changed z Source: North rz@i-in-a Deparit-Tn-e-n-t-oT Natural anU Economic Resources Division of Travel. 'and Promotion 122 Table 17 Total Employed 1960 1970 Professional, Technical, and Kindred 254 375 workers Farmers and Farm Managers 504 187 Managers, Officials, and Proprietors 306 316 (exc. farm) Craftsmen, Foremen, and Kindred 378 606 Workers Operatives and Kindred 701 790 Private Household 287 165 Service workers except private 234 339 household Farm laborers and farm foremen 440 173 Laborers except farm and mine 329 396 Clerical and kindred workers 225 470 Sales workers 272 202 TOTAL 3,930 4,019 Occupation not reported 120 TOTAL 4,050 4,019 Source: U. S. Bureau of the Census 123 Table 18 Median Earning of Selected Occupation Groups State County State County (1960) (1960) (1970) (1970) Male Total with Earnings 2972 1925 5627 4663 Professional, Managerial 5374 5279 8831 7724 and Kindred workers Farmers and farm Managers 1249 1465 6128 5492 Craftsmen, foremen and 3587 3083 4937 4366 kindred workers Operatives and kindred 2888 2034 3406 3253 workers Farm laborers exc. un- 616 484 3110 3786 paid and farm foremen Laborers, exc. farm and 1740 1157 1828 1568 swine Female, total with earn- 1807 792 3413 2394 ings Clerical and kindred 3894 3480 workers Operatives and kindred 2179 539 3524 3641 workers Source: U. S. Bureau of the Census 124 COMMUTING PATTERN 1970 CHOWAN COUNTY Gates 74 Isle of WightIT Gates 3O Nansemondl3 Hertford 29 Tidewater 60 Perquimans 186 Perquimans 71 Bertie 249 Pasquotank 56 Pasquotank 15 Camden5 Bertie 12 Martin 12 Washington 73 Tyrrell 45 Total in commuting 782 Total out commuting 617 Live 8 work in county 3409 125 Table 20 Chowan County Unemployment.Rates PTO] iminary Chowan County 1974- 1973. 1972 1971 1970 Unemployment Rate S.5 3.2 5.3 S.0 4.6 White Unemployment Rate 2.S l.s 2.4 2.3 2.0 Black Unemployment Rate 10.s 6.4 10.1 4.S 8.9 Female Unemployment Rate 8.6 @J.l 8.3 7.8 7.2 Male Unemployment Rate 3.7 2.2 3.6 3.3 3.1 [email protected] -C. CCLI I* I ty III-.L S s I on -nt 126 2 Economic Projection Economic projections are difficult to make for any area. Projections for a relatively sfliall- area like Chowan County and Edenton are even harder. Chowan Countyis economic growth will undoubtedly be affected by trends and developments in the region- al, state and national economies that cannot be definitely be foreseen now. The U. S. Department of Commerce's Bureau oF Eco- nomic Analysis, which has better data than any local source on national and regional trends, has predicted that Chowan County and Edenton's economy will grow. The prospects of each of the important sectors of Chowan County's economy will be discussed below. Agriculture Undoubtedly one of the most important factors in Chowan County's future is the future of its agriculture. National demand for food is increa,sinL and the overall prospects are good. However, yearly market fluctuations have important effects, but these are unforeseeable at this time. If the Washington and Norfolk metropolitan areas continue to grow, the profits received from local produce (truck) farming will increase. In addition, if food processing plant s locate in or close to the county, pro- duce farming will be even more profitable. A possible constraint for continued agricultural development is competition from resi- denti.al- land development. Even if the income derived per acre 127 increases considerably, agriculture most likely will not be able to compete with residential development for land. If the popu- lation projections discussed elsewhere are not exceeded, this conflict will be limited. Forestry The economic outlook for the county's forestry is quite similar. Like Chowan County's agriculture, new technology and improved methods of management are increasing the yields derived. However, because of the exteEded times between regeneration and harvest, woodland is less able than agriculture to COT,'Ipete with residential development for land. Fishing The increasing demand for food will also affect the. fishing industry. The value of fish landeJ will most likely continue to increase. To date, little investnient has been made in fish processing (i.e. freezing and dressing) in North Carolina., al- though there has been increased interest. Expanded investment in fish processing would probably increase commercial fishing in Chowan County. Although the prospects for fishing seem good, a COTIStraining factor is the pollution or- the Chowan River and Albemarle Sound. Currently the Chowan Pivey has as much nu- trients as it can hold without a recurveiiL.e of the algal blooms of several. years ago. Future land and water users may have 128 severe impacts on the commercial fishing industry. r-ishing and continued utilization oF the area's forestry and agriculture lands will have only slight impacts on other land use in the county. Obviously, this is not true for future industrial growth. Industrial growth will. stimulate further growth in con- struction., retail and service sectors by bringing new residents to the county; thus future industrial growth is a subJect of much concern because the impacts, good and bad, are felt by many. Manufacturing Ndustrial growth..like any economic activity is dependent on both supply and demand. Information is lacking about the levels of demand. However-the cotnity can analyze the supply factors it has. Tmportant SLIPPIY factors are: 1) Access to raw materials to mayke4-S 2) Access 3) Site costs 4) Local facilitios and local tax structure 5) Labor force 6) Climate and environment Each of these factors will be considered as they relate to Eden- ton's and Chow:in's industrial Future. 1) Access to raw materials Chowan County and Edenton are producers of and close to 129 other sources of agricultural and forestry raw materials. More specifically, the agriculture of Chowan County and the surround- ing region could supply frozen and dehydrated vegetable processing, ham, sausage and other prepared pork production, soybean processing, and candy and snack type manufacturing epsecially those using peanuts or flaked sweet potatoes. The forestry and associated mills of the region could supply many wood products ifidustries -- such as furniture, box and crate, plywood and wood chemical manufacturers. Typically, those plants that locate near raw materials are those that the shipping cost of the raw material exceeds that of the -finished product. Related to the decision to locate near raw materials is the decision to locate near another manufacturer to utilize their product. For instance, Fisher Nut in Edenton recently expanded to utilize the blanching processing of Seabrook. Other industries in Edenton and the region may serve as attractions for new industrial plant location. 2) Access to markets Chowan County is located just south of one of the most exten-ive and affluent metropolitan concentrations in the world (Washington to Boston). The Norfolk-Portsmouth Metropoli- tan area is less than two hours away. The following map shows Chowan County in relation to major metropolitan centers. Straight-line mileage to metropolitan areas gives only a 1,30 WIT11IN A 500-NIII-E RADIUS OF C1 IOWAN COUNTY 111ORTI-I CAROLINA 04 E. VT. mi-" Boston 0 Totonto 0 Syracuse MASS. Providujic@ Buffalo N. Y. 'H. L CONN. MICH. New@40'ven D'troit 0 PA. New York Chic9go % m J. Cloveland Philadelphia OH 0 0 Pittsburgh IND. 801timore Columbus No- a (-.@ @X, Washington W. VA. Indianapolis Cincinnati VA. C'-.rluston /* Richwond Nur folk oui-ville Roanoke K Y. 10 kMN COUNTY N.C. 013aleigh KnoYvilllz.@ a ov Charlotte Nushvill TENN. /11' - a I -- - -'-<Vilmington Cliatfunoogo -Y % S. C. Columbia Aflanio Z50 t4l. Birmingham Charleston \@Columbus ALA. '@avannah. Mo'bile r--- iacksonville FLA. 50 IAI. J @KOOD.a HAS.SELL.__._ 131 rough indication of market access. The existing transportation system is quite important. Chowan County has a daily freight service on the Norfolk Southern Railway. The town is located on U. S. Highway 17 and on North Carolina State Highway 32. Seven major truck carriers service the town. The nearest major commercial airport is Norfolk (75 miles away). However, the Edenton Municipal Airport previously a government air base, has better facilities than -many -municipal airports. The fact that Chowan County is not located on the inter- state highway system does limit its transportation links some- what, but quality oF access to markets is relative. Given its location on the eastern seaboard quite near major populatinn centers, Chowan County's access to markets is superior to that of most rural areas in the nation. 3) Site costs The rural character of the Chowan County mentioned above makes it Far easier for industries to assemble a suitably sized site in Chowan County than in most metropolitan areas. Changes in industrial technology have made most manufacturing processes more horizontally oriented and land consumptive. In addition, since most people commute by car, parking requirements make a larger site necessary. The growth of the trucking industry has freed many industries from locating on railroads and in highly urbanized areas. An additional factor in site costs is the cost of obtain- 132 ing information and the cost of site preparation. Edenton has a clear advantage over much of the region and-many other communi- ties by having an active Chamber of Commerce and a planned in- dustrial park. The Chamber of Commerce has information on all available sites; the industrial park has sites available with most oF the necessary utilities. 4) Local facilities/utilities/tax Structure The cost of the cleared land is not the only consideration in industrial site selection. Utilities such as sewer, water) electricity are important and available in Chowan County near Edenton for most light industries that do not have unusual re- quirements. Other local facilities such as schools, housing, and hospitals are also important. These Facilities in Chowan County and Edenton are discussed in detail. elsewhere in this re- port. Tt is not possible to determine whether future industries will find the necessary facilities in Chowan County without knowing the scale of these future industries and the phasing of development. Much would depend on careful planning in the com- munity. Neither Chowan County nor Edenton provide special tax breaks or bonding programs as enticement to industrial location. The current local tax rate could hardly be considered burdensome to industry. 133 S) Labor force Obviously any industry is interested in whether an area can supply the necessary labor force with. the proper skills. The availability of labor in and around Chowan County and Eden- ton depends greatly on the type of industry and the scale of the industry. The North Carolina Employment Security Commission maintains detailed characteristics about the available labor force in the area. Industrial workers experienced in textiles, apparel, food, chemicals and pulp and paper manufacture are available. Industries employing 100-200 workers have had little trouble obtaining the necessary labor force in the area. At the moment industries employing highly-skilled labor in various occupations would have to import much of the labor Force. The College of The Albemarle and Elizabeth City State University are training area students in various technical and business skills. It is not certain what effect labor unions have on the locational decisions of industries, although some economists have proposed that this is an important reason for industries locating in the South and overseas. Labor unions are not active in Chowan County. 6) Climate, environment, town and county character Detailed information about the climate of Chowan County is presented elsewhere in this report. Until recently, except for climatic extremes, most modern industries have been able to 134 ignore climatic variations because of technology. Rising costs .in energy and building materials-may veil reverse this trend. The South has an advantage in climate*over many parts of the coun- try. Tn addition to providing excellent raw materials for indus- trial use, Chowan County's location on the Albemarle Sound and Chowan River and near the Outer Banks provides an attractive en- vironment. The importance of Chowan County's environment is hard .to estimate., but if two sites were'equal in other respects, an industry might well choose an area with a superior environment. Recreation opportunities are excellent for boating and fishing as is the opportunity for a rural and small town lifestyle. Eden- ton, because of its historic character and small town atmosphere is quite attractive. The friendliness of the people and the re- laxed pace is hard to produce statistics on., but has been re- marked by many. If an index could be deve'loped on the "liveabil- ity" of a community, Edenton and Chowan County would rank quite high. Another difficult to define factor may be important. An industry will seldom locate in an area that is hostile to its interests; citizens in Chowan County and Edenton have actively sought industry that meet local criteria for favorable develop- ment. Although it might be hard to verify, Edenton's relative success in the region may be in part due to its having shown that the town is interested in particular kinds of development and is willing to work to make theiii happen. Also, the town has developed .13S regulations to prevent development it does not want. Because of these policies, Edenton may appear to industrial prospects .to be a better organized and administered municipality than many. Tourism and Second Home Development Besides agriculture) forestry, and industry, an iinportant fac tor in Chowan County's economic future is its potential for tourism, recreation, and even second home developments. To a certain extent, these activities have already been developed in Edenton and Chowan County and there is no reason to believe that this trend will not continue. The national demand for leisure activities and travel has increased despite recessions and rising fuel costs. The entire coastal region of North Carolina is a favored area, and Edenton and Cliowan County have attractive qualities. Fishing and.boating in the Chowan River and Albemarle Sound will undoubtedly continue and most likely increase. The historical tour of Edenton will undoubted- ly continue to be popular; the distinctive architecture of past periods if of interest to many. Second home and retirement home developments have potential because of the climate, rivers, and sound. Whether these developments are an economic asset to the community or a cost depends greatly on Chowan County's planning. Tourists interested in the historic sites have had few adverse impacts on the community. Tf these tourists greatly increased in 136 number, they could have adverseimpact on the town's traffic pat- terns. This amount of tourism is not foreseeable at this time. When the 17 By-pass is completed, traffic in the town will de- crease considerably; it will probably be several years after the completion before traffic numbers rise again to-current levels. Second home development may have adverse financial effects on the community that out weigh its benefits. However, both- Edenton and Chowan County require that-many services like streets and utilities be provided by the'subdivider. Other services are paid for by user charges*. Properly developed second home communi- ties may be beneficial to the'retail and service sectors of the community. 137 4. Community facitities The services and facilities provided by the town of Edenton and Chowan County are essential to the residents. The quality of these services and facilities are an important factor in the overall quality of life in the town and county. Because these services are paid for by local tax revenues and transfers of funds from other levels of government, budget constraints exist on the amount of services that can be provided. The impact of future population growth on the services and facilities depends on many factors. The capacity of the exist- ing facilities for future growth is important. The number of future residents and their socioeconomic characteristics also determine the impact on community services and facilities. In addition, the timing and spatial location of future development is important. The Federal population projections for the county predict an increase that would have little impact. Town officials feel that the projections may be underestimates; they predict that the town itself will grow by more than the entire amount that has been projected for the county. Growth.has different fiscal effects on the county and town. Financial considerations will be discussed after the services and facilities. The following discussion of community services and facili- ties briefly describes the existing situation and also consid- ers possible future impacts. These future impacts are much more easily determined for services like water and sewer than 138 for services such as police, fire, recreation, and schools. Planning for all community services and facilities require de@ tailed study; this discussion is not intended to be complete but merely serves to raise the issues involved. Detailed community facility plans are being prepared for both town and county. a. Water Edenton The town of Edenton has one of the' better water supply sys- tems in the region. Each of the wells in the town have produced up to SOO gallons per'minute. Although the water is somewhat hard, the water does not require extensive treatment. The town water system provides service throughout the city Lip to the city limits. Water service has been extended only to areas that are annexed by the town. This policy will change soiiiewliit with the completion of the Chowan County water system; when an area is annexed the town probably will. take over the county lines, not lay new ones. The maximum daily capacity of the water system is 1,72S,000 GPD and the peak load to date has been 83S,000 GPD. Thus over 890,000 GPD are available for future demands. Additional capac- ity is available from the metered hook-ups into the county water system which make buy-sell transactions possible. The town water system certainly has capacity for growth. User charges cover the cost of operating the system. 139 Chowan County Although there'are few problems with the quantity of water available from subsurface supplies in Chowan County, the quality of water from individual wells in the county is often inferior. High iron content, pollution from privies or septic tanks, and high water tables are common problems. To overcome these problems, Chowan County has planned for and is completing a coun- ty-wide water system. The Chowan County water system will serve most of the coun- ty. The system has been financed in part by a Farmers 11ome Administration loan and grant and also by a grant from the North Carolina State Board of Health. User charges will retire the debt over time. The wells, treatment'plants, and elevated tanks will supply over 5,000 people in the county with high quality water. In addition, the wells and tanks have capacity for future growth. The exact capacity of the Chowan County water system is difficult to determine. The water system is flexible because of the technology involved and the quantity of subsurface water. In fact, this flexibility is an asset to the county. Additional elevated tanks can be added for storage and ad ditional wells could be dug. The pipe sizes may be the most constraining fac- tor but even these are the polyvinyl choride type that are rel- atively easy to lay. Also institutional arrangements will make the capacity of the Chowan County water system Flexible. The system will tie 140 into the Town of Edenton's system and buy and sell relationships could be established. If the Chowan County system is hooked in- to the similar proposed system of Perquimans County, additional flexibility will be obtained. ignoring for the moment future'structural changes or insti- tutional arrangements, one can make a rough estimate of the ca- pacity of the current syst-em. The four wells operating a 12 hobr day, producing 220 GPM as designed, will supply the county with over 600,000 gallons of water. Assuming that 5,000 people will be served currently and that each will use 100 gallons a day (a liberal assumption) over 1,000 additional people could be accommodated on the county water system. This is probably a minimum figure. The adequacy of the water system for future industrial dev- elopment depenis to a great extent on what the industry's water requirements are. If an industry had special water requirements, an elevated storage tank could be constructed at the site and hooked into the county.water system. In conclusion, water supply most likely will not be a prob" lem in the county for some time. Currently the more important problem is the proper disposal of water once it is used for do- mestic or industrial purposes. b. Sewer Currently the Town of Edenton is sewered over most of the area within the city limits. Because of residential, commercial, 141. and industrial use-'and also infiltration problems, the current treatment plant is operating at its one million gallons per day capacity. J. N. Pease Associates of Charlotte, N. C. is currently studying wastewater disposal over a larger area beyond the town in planning for new' interceptor sewers and an upgraded treatment plant. The''study is in its initial phases and the construction of new facilities is most likely several years away. The firm is using the OBERS "Ell projections cited earlier (see Population Projections) to determine the most likely future growth in the area. The wastewater constructioji program will not be lim-ited to new interceptors and plant, but will also attempt to coriect severe infiltration and inflow problems. If these problems can be solved, additional capacity would be available at the plant. The new interceptors are proposed for areas outside the city limits. Until now sewer service has only been extended to areas that are annexed by the town. The institutional and fi- nancial arrangements for new sewer service outside the city limits have not been made. The county at present is not inter- ested in providing sewer to county residents. A sewer district, large annexations, or some alternative arrangement may be necessary. The plant itself needs improvements to meet wastewater standards set by the State and Federal Governments. The Federal construction grants program (1120111) will not fund large amounts 142 of excess capacity. The Edenton plant may be allowed to build a 10% growth factor into the capacity of the plant, but this would be the limit. However, as mentioned previously, the town may get additional capacity at the plant if its infiltration and inflow problems are solved. The total project costs- have been estimated at$4.0 million (including infiltration rehabilitation) with the Federal govern- ment paying 75%, the' State government 121-,% and the local govern- ment 12'-,%. The planning for this project is only in its initial stages. Sewer facilities' may solve some of the problems in the county regarding wastewater disposal, but sewer facilities will also make areas moreattractive For development. Since future development will respond to the location of sewer interceptors, sewer facilities can be an excellent tool for guiding growth in the county. C. Solid Waste Disposal Chowan County and Perquimans County operate@a joint landfill on land leased from Union Camp near Cisco. The fifteen acres of land will probably be used up sometime this year long before the lease runs out in three years. Negotiations are currently under way for additional land in the county. The investment in equipment was shared by the two counties and funded in part by grants From the Farmers' Home Administration. There are no doorstep collections in the county, but about 60 four-yard containers or dumpsters are dispersed throughout the coun- 143 CHOWAN COUNTY C 0 U ?q t Y NORTH CAROLINA U Ait SCMI K)l ENLARGtWNtS IA It. It 31 H R IF OR D C 0 U N I Y PRELIMINARY SEWER SYSTEM DESIGN Legend 0 Existing Lift Station 9 Existing Lif t Station (to be upgraded) Existing Plant (to be upgraded) Proposed Lift Station Existing outfall Sewer Proposed Outfoll Sewer z Proposed Force Main Source: Edenton Complex 201 Facilities Plan J. N. Pease May ISTS R-,,-, c@ +4 .0/ lo 'JN4A,, -It j& w; )'D A L ty. The collection system has ameliorated the problem of the open dumps in "th-&-county. Edenton also uses the Perquimans-Chowan Landfill and,be- cause of the town's population density, provides more complete collection. The four compactor trucks collect at commercial areas once a day and at residences twice a week. An open truck is used to collect limbs and other large objects. The District Health Department supervises the operation of the landfill. Statistics relating the number of acres used per year to the population serviced were unavailable, so future needs are hard to determine , however approximately five acres per year are currently being used. Local officials hope to locate a site of 25-30 acres that will last four to five years. As a municipality Edenton does not pay for the use of land- fill, the revenues used come solely from the county taxes. d. Thoroughfares The three primary roads serving Edenton and Chowan County are U. S. 17, N. C. 32 and N. C. 37. U. S. Highway 17 serves a major connector for Edenton with Elizabeth City, Norfolk and points north and with Washington and Williamston to the south. State Highway 32 connects Chowan County to Gates and Washington County. State Highway 37 runs through Chowan from Perquimans County to Gates County, to the north and connects with N.C. 32S. U. S. Highway 17's route right through the center of Edenton has caused many problems. A limited access bypass that 144 is currently being constructed around Edenton should solve many current traffic problems by casi.jig congestion and reducing acci- dents. Outside of Edenton, U. S. Highway 17's average daily traffic is exceeding the Department of Transportation's design capacity for a road of that width (22-24 feet). Long range plans have been made to make U. S. Highway 17 four lanes from Edenton to Norfolk, but this change is not definite. The other primary roads, N. C. 32 and 37, at the last traf- fic counts are not exceeding capacity; however, land use trends in the county may cause problems that are not reflected in the average daily traffic figures. Residential development in recent years has often located in strips along the primary and major coun- ty roads. The on-turiiing and off-turniiig traffic from these resi- dences can cause traffic problems that will increase as the strip development increases. A road cannot function both as a local road for residents and as a major arterial for through traffic. A road that has to serve both purposes functions poorly in all respects. Although the primary roads of the county are probably the most important transportation routes in the county, there is a great deal of concern over the secondary roads and local streets in the county. Many roads in the county are unpaved, narrow and poorly drained. Several subdivisions in the county were laid out and built before the county had adequate subdivision regulations. The state has the primary responsibility for maintaining secondary roads, but does not accept all roads for mai.ntenance. 145 Requirements for population density and design standards have to be met. Recently the state passed legislation stating that all subdivision streets must be paved before they will be accepted into the state system. Many roads in Chowan County do not have sufficient density along them to be accepted into the state system. Several roads and streets do not have the required right-of-way width. The county subdivision regulations were recently amended to require that all future subdivision streets be paved and designed to state standards. Recently additional options have been made available for the county to improve its roads. Roads that are on the state system, but not improved, can he improved by the county through the use of special assessments. On roads that are not part of the state system, the county can improve the street or road if it has a petition signed by the majority of the property owners who agree to be assessed for the purpose of improving the road. The Town of Edenton has had similar powers of assessment for streets for some time. The town street department maintains those streets not on the state highway system. Because of the density of population within the town, curbing and sidewalks are needed in several areas. As in the county, drainage of the streets is not adequate in many places. Public meeti.ngs, the questionnaire resLilts, and the town and county planning boards have stressed. the importance of im- proving the existing street and -road system. 146 e. Schools Chowan County operates a county-wide school system. The county Board of Education and the superintendent set the policies for the school system. Currently several of the Chowan County schools are operating close to capacity. Table 21 Chowan County School Population Enrollment Holmes High School 689 Swain School 405 Walker School 836 White Oak School 237 Chowan High School 509 1975-76 Regardless of future growth in the county, new school facili- ties will probably be considered in the near future. Not only is Swain School quite old (1916); but also there has been continuing discussion over the high school facilities. Due to decreased enrollment in the elementary schools, if no new students enter the schools outside of Edenton, enrollment at Chowan High School will drop to 150 students in 1983, an insufficient size for a high school curriculum, according to the superintendent of schools. A consolidated high school for the town and county has been debated for years and may be a solution to the decrease at Chowan High School. However, no final decisions have been made. 147 Because of the current county concern over decreases in the school system, discussion of the impacts of growth seem irrelevant. However, if there were a considerable in-migra- tion of households with children in the next few years, the county would have to consider the costs to the school system. Because of North Carolina law, schools are not administered as they are in many parts of the country. In principle the State of North Carolina pays salaries and operating expenses, and the county pays for the physical,plant. As a municipality, Edenton pays nothing and has no jurisdiction. Thus growth would not cost the county more money until new facilities were needed. In actual practice, the county does contribute some toward the operating expenses and salaries, but is not as sen- sitive to pupil increases as many communities in other states. f. Fire protection Edenton's Fire Department is responsible for fire pro- tection within the city limits and for much of the county. The county receives this coverage by paying a certain percentage of the department's operating expenses and by providing a truck. The department employs S full-time men and has at least 2 men on duty 24 hours a day. The department also equips and utilizes 20 volunteers who are alerted by the town sirens and dispatched to the fire by the radios in their automobiles. The town has three pumpers, one water tanker a service pick-up, and an cqiii.pment panel truck. An adclitional pumper is on order and 148 will soon be in service. The activities of the fire department have earned the town a fire insurance rating of 6 for the area within the city limits, a rating considered good for a town of Edentonis size. At present, the Edenton fire department officials do not anticipate any problems caused by future developments within the city limits. Fire protection in the section of the county that is not served by the Edenton Fire Department is served by the volunteer fire company that operates out of Center Hill Crossroads. The Center Hill Department has a force of 28 men and three trucks- two pumpers and one water tanker. Fire calls go into the Edenton Department which then turns on the Center Hill siren and rings the phones in all the volunteer's homes simultaneously. The area w ith- in a few miles of the department has a fire insurance rating of 9A and the rest of the Center Hill Department's area has a rating of 10--meaning no protection at all. All county residents outside of the city limits pay a special assessment for fire protection that is added onto their ad valorem tax rate. 'in 1975 their rate was $.03/$1.00. The county water system should help fire protection in the county. Over 90 hydrants will be installed thrOUghOLIt the system. Another aid to fire protection in the county has been the self reliance of the local. industries. Many of the plants have in- stalled sprinkler systems. Some have their own fire departments. Obviously further development in the county outside of the 149 city limits of Edenton will increase fire protection problems. The Cape Colony--Municipal Airport area in particular may need additional fire protection if the population and industry in that area increases. g. Rescue squad/ambulance service The Chowan-Edenton Rescue Squad answers emergency calls and also provides transportation for convalescents. The squad does receive some money from the county, but primarily it de- pends on volunteers to do the work and on donations to pay for the operating expenses. Edenton currently does not provide revenues for the squad's operation. The squad operates S radio equipped ambulances and also owns a jeep, 18 foot boat and 5 kw generator. The squad operates buildings in Rockyhock and Edenton and has use of a building in Gliden. Most calls are received by the hospital on a special emer- gency line and the personnel are dispatched by the hospital, although the transmitter can also be operated by the police, sheriff or Civil Preparedness Office. The Edenton-Chowan Rescue Squad is separated into three units and each serves a different area. The squad serves not only Chowa.n County but also parts of Perquimans, Washington, and Bertie if the Chowan squad can reach the point faster. The squad usually services about 4SO calls a year. The Majority of these are emergency calls but a sizable number are convalescent services, that is, moving a ISO patient From one hospital to another. The squad is administered by the Civil Preparedness Office. This office estimates that paid personnel- may be needed in the future. The state has incr eased its training requirements for rescue workers considerably. The Chowan-Edenton volunteers have to take time off from work, pay their own transportation, and make a considerable sacrifice to attend the required number of training sessions. Volunteers have limited time. Paid person- nel may be a necessity; both the Chowan County and Edenton Plan- ning Boards have noted that providing Cor a paid rescue squad operation may be necessary soon. h. Law enforcement The Edenton Police Department is responsible for law en- forcement within the city limits of Edenton. Of the 16 employ- ees, 13 are uniformed officers., and 3 are dispatchers. Two of the dispatchers.are also qualified to serve as officers and, in addition, one of these officer-dispatchers serves as a secretary. The department also trains reserve officers that can be used in emergency situations. The police force operates on three shifts providing 24-hour patrols of- the town. The police force has offices in the Edenton Municipal Building equipped with radio facilities and also has five radio-equipped cars. The offices in the Municipal Building are equipped with temporary lock-up facilities. The force also uses the Chowan County Jail for any long-term detention. In addition to coop- 151 eration with jail facilities, the Edenton police cooperate with county law enforcement on pursuits, emergencies, and in other activities where necessary. The cooperation between the town and county law enforcement is quite good. The Edenton Police Force has the primary responsibility in town, but if necessary can also utilize the county sheriff's force. The town currently has plans to construct new police head- quarters within the next two years. A new communication system should be installed this year. The department is planning to increase its crime'prevention community and youth relations activities in the future. Residential growth in the town could affect the police force in a variety of ways. A rising population does not nec- essarily mean a rising crime rate, but a more urbanized popula- tion has more contact with each other, with perhaps a higher probability For criminal activities. Edenton is already fairly densely settled; criminal activities will be determined by the characteristics of the future population. Law enforcement services are much more flexible in meeting changing situations than many other community service expendi- tures like utilities or schools. The personnel and equipment can be changed and added to fairly easily if the need arises. The Chowan County Sheriff's Department has changed consid- erably in recent years. The personnel has grown to five full- time officers, and two part-time deputies. The sheriff's de- partiiient now has three autos @ind a picktij), al] radio equ-ipped. 152 The sheriff's office is located next to the county courthouse and near the county jail. The most pressing need for the sheriff's department is new detention facilities. Several possibilities are being considered. With the 95% Federal funding available, the sheriff's department and town police should have a new communications system soon. Also on the near future the sheriff's department may require another man and vehicle and dispatchers/jailers to fill a 24 hour shift. A full time matron may be needed. Detention facilities for juveniles and women are'not now adequate. Growth in the county has already affected the sheriff's depart- ment. The subdivisions in the county have changed the sheriff's dut ies beyond that of a rural. law enforcement officer. Complaints from the subdivisions are much more frequent than complaints from the rural areas of the county. The week-end and seasonal residents are sometimes a problem because they feel the private roads in the subdivisions are not subject to the same laws as other roads in the county. Minibikes especially have caused many nuisance complaints. Future growth'in the county could have considerable effect on the sheriff's department. Since future development is most likely to be more suburban than rural, at the very least, nui- sance complaints will increase because of the closer proximity of residents. If future residential development is scattered throughout the county, the sheriff's departments problems will be even more complicated due to the extent of the county's 153 area. However, similar to the town's police force, the sher- iff's department is a flexible community service and it can in- crease its personnel and equipment as the need arises. i. Health services A variety of organizations and facilities offer health ser- vices to the citizens of Chowan County and Edenton. The county is fortunate to have the Chowan Hospital, a private, non-profit medical institution located on Route 32 on the outskirts of Eden- ton. The three buildings at the hospital complex house a com- plete general hospital facility with obstetrics, pediatrics, sur- gery, physical therapy, laboratory x-ray and emergency room fa- cilities. The hospital has cooperated with the District Mental Health Department in a detoxification program for alcoholics. The hospital serves a much broader area than Chowan County, Residents of Perquimans, Tyrrell, Gates, Hyde and other counties use the Chowan Hospital. The occupancy rate has been averaging about 78%, but utilization of the hospital has recently been increasing. Additions are being considered. The hospital currently does not receive any funds from the county, although the county is retiring a hospital bond. The Chowan County Health Department located on King Street provides a variety of services primarily in periodic clinics -- among them are orthopedic, eye, child health, pre-natal, family planning and immunization clinics. The Chowan County Health Department is part of a four county district health department 154 that is administered out of the main offices in Elizabeth City. The four counties contribute funds to the district office which administers the programs. In addition to medical programs, the health department per- forms a variety of sanitation activities. As has been mentioned previously, the health department has approval authority over septic tanks. Soil percolation, drainage and other site factors are taken into account. Among the other sanitation services per- formed are: Institution inspection hospitals schools nursing homes Commercial facility inspection restaurants motels/hotels food services slaughterhouses/poultry processing milk sampling markets Residential inspections camps migrant labor housing mobile home parks wells Other functions landfill operation supervision rabies control complaint investigation Health services are also offei-ed through the district mental health agency that serves six counties. An extensive program of mental health services is available including mental retardation, iss alcoholism and drug programs. The agency operates indivi- dual and group therapy programs, marital advisory services and care for those released from mental institutions. The agency maintains residential homes for emotionally disturbed children. In Chowan County the mental health agency operates a day care adult activity center and a group home for mentally retarded adults. Edenton also has a satellite mental health center with a psychologist, nurse and social worker with back-up staff if necessary from Elizabeth City. j. Housing Housing has become a service that is provided to those too poor to afford the rising cost of living quarters. In today's housing market, many cannot afford the $33,000 national median price of a new house. Every $2500 increment in housing costs eliminates another one-half million families from the national housing market.1 Most of the funding for housing has been supplied by the federal government. The government offers mortgage assistance through the Veterans Administration and the Federal Housing Administration, and through the years has operated a variety of programs to provide for low-income households. Currently the Farmer's Home Administration and the Department of Housing and Urban Development are operating programs that have been and 1Statistics supplied by National Association of Regional Councils. 1S6 could be of assistance for housing problems in the county and town. The town and county do have severe housing problems. Over 25% of the families were below the 1970 poverty level. There is a high percentage of overcrowded units and units lacking adequate plumbing facilities. Edenton (township) Chowan County % of overcrowded units 11.36 11.67 (of all occupied units) % lacking complete plumbing 21.17 28.89 facilities (of all occupied units) Source: U. S. Census The Edenton Housing Authority has used I-IUD f-unding to con- struct 100 housing units at four sites. Plans are being prepared to construct 80 more units. Tn addition to the activities of the housing authority, the town is attempting to upgrade its housing stock through code enforcement and intends to apply for community development funds. Housing programs are harder to initiate in the county because of the lack of funds for rural housing problems. The Farmer's Home Administration has worked directly with individuals providing preferred interest loans for rehabilitation and new construction. The county is also hoping to initiate code enforcement soon. Tncreased residential growth in the county and town probably will have little h. egative impact on the existing housing stock. 157 ~0 ~qo~qd ~qb~qf~ql~qj~qo~q@~q) ~qC~ql~2qie ~0qn w~*-~qow~-~-~:income housing units planned can o~8qf~8qtly improve a ~-~qf~f~q)~4qV~0qO ~qo~l~c~qo~4qv~qf~)~qa ~qe~4qv~qs~l~qi of) ~6qX~_~,f~i~qo~qo~qo b~4qn~.~qG f~qi~qv~qf~qo~ql ~@~)~2qAT seriou~q@ pro) ~_~qL ~q0~-~qt~qe~f~ql~,~q"~, ~qI~qe~8qv~qo~ql ~4qX~0qv~qI~qs~4qv~qo~0qq ~qO~0qM~qI ~qS~2qA~qJ~- ~'~qg~qo~ql~qe~qd ~qe~qs~qi~ql~ql~0qm~l~,~q"~q! ~qa~qf~qt~qi~. ~q1~q0 ~q@~'~q2~qS ~qD ~q1~q0 ~qo~qg~qr~'~@~qI~0qf~0qf~t~)~qD~-~r~e~0qq ~q(~q1~4 ~qI~qf~qf ~'~U ~J~qM~qO~qI~qD~I ~OV~qO ~1~q1 Recreation facilities and programs were a frequently men- tioned issue in the land use questionnaire and at the public ~0qx~q1~qf~,~U~qO~qD ~qa~f~qv~w~r~qo~qd~qD ~qC~0qq~qi~4qA~qa~f~rwo~qt~q) ~qf~qf~qo~ql~qi~ql~qs~j~qb~q3 meetings. ~q@~(~q) If ~qO,~qF-.I~qf ~qa~ql~qi~8qf~8qf~4qu ~qb~qs~8qb~8qW~q0~q1~q5~q7~q0~8qv~qo ~q1~q0 The Edenton Recreation Depart-~qmen~q(~qz~0qz~2q&~qadnli~0qs~0qt~t~qr~4qw~4qr~q@~8q% ~-~2qU~0q4 ~q4~q7~8qW~8q@re- atio~0qp~qgp~2qF~2q9gram for th ~'t~6qD~qt e ~8qm~ql~0qand cou~4qn~0ql~0qy~qid~qn~qi~6qf~6qf~0qh~0qq d~6qk~0qp~0qi~q(~qt~4qM~qU~qt~4qZn ~qA~6qK~2qA~qI~qA~-~qS~6qf~6qis~i~qe~l~' of the National Guard Armory with a m~6qt~qI~8qI~qi~8qpur~6q@~q0~qi~0qq~L~4qW~0q4~0qM~qa~J~4qU~.~-~qf~w~qM~qI~qQ~q@~q)~qid of- fice. The adjacent six tennis courts are maintained by t~qh~e ~qL~-d e~4qpa~, r t - ~ ~.~q5~q0 ~. ~92;76q, department has aggree~4qments with the school department for the ~qf~qt~qo~qD ~q0 i ~q@~@~qf~l~qf~qj~ql (full [;ff ~)~q(~.~qj ~qi -~1~qo~qf~qf~ql~I~J~0qA ~1~,~q1~q1~q1 ~p~1~qj~qo~ql~ql ~qn~qo~'~q1~q1~1 I use o~ql eir facilit~"ies, particularly the lit outdoor space at ~b ~qo~-~'~0qB~. ~I~~qI~qj~r ~'~qt ~q1~3 ~qe~@ ~qZ~q@ ~qiam ~I~qg~0qn~qI~P~-~qL~qi~qo~qd ~q0~q0~q1 ~qJ~-~q0~U~*~j~-~qI~qa ~0qU~q6~4 CAP ~qj~. ~8qI~"a~6qf~6qi~6qe~0qr ~qF a~qf~in~qr~4qX~qfHo~0qi~4qm~e e~@~) s~-~qI ~-~qis~qecho~qo'~qlls . Thegymnasium at Chowan ~~qf~ql~qj ~q10 ~P~-~4q0 I* 'I ~-~)~qI~qI~-~qt ~q0~.~q1 ~qf~ql~qo~.~qi~. ~qj~.~qi ~q1~,~1~q1~.~) ~1~@ ~qf~I~qT ~@~i~@~qj~7~qi~8qj~l~u ~0~.~q@~q0~1~q1~q1 ~q0~q9 ~qo~ql High ~qc~qr~qi~qo~'~qo~8qf~qi~'s~'~; "used for recreation programs outside the city ~qg~qr~qi ~qau~6qo~6qf ~qe~ql~qi ~qO~qb~qL~qi~qn~8qq~8qu ~qa~qi ~qf~qt~8qw~qo~'~qt Offs ~'~8qX~q:~qr~q@~-~qf~qo~qI~4qL~qT~0qU~qr~' ~qA~qn~qi~q?~.~I~qj~8qo~qf~qf ~4qR~4qm~qi S. ~q?n a diti~6qon to the armory, tennis courts and school facili~- ~qa~qb~0qau~ql ~qj~4qa~qo~qmq~qo~qf~qt~@~4qv~qob ties, the Recreation Department has six mini-parks dispersed ~~)~a~0qu~qa~p~qod ~0qx~qj~-~qn~4qu~qo~qo ~q5~q,~q1~q1 ~4qA,~qi ~qe~qj~qs~ql~@~q@~qi~0qf~0qf~qj ~qo~qj ~-~qf~qo~qb~,r~q(~qj~qf~qj ~qs~-~qr~qf~s ~qe~0qm~p~qr~qr~qg~qo-~qrq ~qa~qf~qr~ql~qp~a~0qu~qo~ql~-~ql ~8qffiroughout the town. These small parks have basketball courts ~i~qj~,I ~qT~qo~ql ~qe~qL~8qf~8qt~8qu~ql "Ito ~4qA~:~qD~qL~;~.~qr ~qo~ql~qf~ql ~q1~q0 and playground equipment. Although accurate statistics are not ~qT~qI~qr~4qt~2qib~4qivo~4qi~0qq ~4qe~0ql~0qi~q.~q@~12qw~52qUv~2qib~04qa~2ql d~8ql~4qiw ~q@~8q(~-~4q1~8q3~8q0~8q5~q'~0qx~ql~qb Log-TOW ~2qR~8qB~0q'~qf ~q!~4qT0~qi~qJ~0q/~4q3~q.~q.~q'~qj~8q2~qi~8qf~8ql~8qh~8qf~8qft~qJA ~4qa~08qm~0qo~ql~ql available, these neighbo ~q,~00qrhood recreation areas seem to be heavi- ~.~qf~0qr~4qo~4ql~8qj~8qo~0qu~0ql~8ql~qi~q'~4qA~4qO~0qD won ~4qL~04qf~04qf~0qs ~4qj~4qc~2q)~q'~8qI ~q,~qt~q@~12qjt~4qe~4qo~4ql~q' ~4qs~8qz~4qo~q-~qf~8qs~4ql~4qa~4qi b~qi~4q@~04qr~4qr~q-~00qn~qa~4ql~8qo~q'~0qr~44qq ly used. .~0qf~0ql~4qo~0qo~0qe ~8qj~4qf~4ql~4qo~4qf~4ql~qf~4qq~0q@~qj~q-~4qf~4qo~ql~qk~4qn~4q@~q) ~4qob~0qo~8qo ~4q5~8q1~4qn~4qi~6ql~4ql~04qa~8qi o~4ql ~qr~qI~4qr~0qt~4qI~0qq~4qo~qf~4q! ~0q0~q1~8q@~32q4~q!~4qa ~0qz~q:~4qi ~52qV~0qn~qIJO~0qD ~0qu~0qf~0ql~0ql~q' Through a grant from the Economic Development Administra- ~qX~q.~2ql~q'~0qd~qI,d~4qo~q-~4qf~qf~8qj ~4qf~0qlw~qo~q:~4qt ~4qb~8qn~0ql~8q; ~40qx~0q3~qf~0qi~ql~0ql~4qo~4qo ~0qo~0qf~0qf~q-~4qI ~0qr~ql~4qf~q@ ~8qd~0qI~qV~0qI~qQ~q'~qI~4q"~0qI ~~0 tion arranged by the Coastal Plains Regional Commission, the ~q.~q;~6q4~0qz~0q)~0qO~0qj~qr~qe~q- ~q'~2qI~qn~6qi~0q2~0qi~0qj~qo~ql~0ql ~q'~qT~2qi~qf~qf~6qi~0ql~4qaj~0q:~04qX~4qe ~q!~4q5~0qJ~q:~6qt. f~0qf.~0qo ~6qJ~0q@~qf~q@~36qq~04qm~4ql ~0qov~4qi~4ql~ql~q-~q,~0qg~qs~q)~00qa ~qe~6ql~4ql~0qJ~4qi~6ql ~0qOv~qB~0qd ~2q1~32q1~q.~4qiw town has constructed a municipal park on the waterfront by the 158 municipal building. Th.6playground, pier, and picnic tables have been heavily used in the 'short time since the park opened. The Recreation Dep'artment supervises programs for various ages of both sexes. The program is greatly expanded during the summer. The department is considering activities that will serve a broader range of the population than the current athletic pro-- grams. Additional activities for girl s and women are a priority as are programs for spedial populations like the elderly and men- tally retarded. in addition to expanding its programs, the Edenton Recre- ation Department has plans for-more extensive facilities. The town and county do have use'of the Armory, but do not own the facility. Acquisition and renovation is being planned for. The town also is considering preparing a public beach on the land it owns near the municipal airport. While the town supervises the programs, the county has par- ticipated by contributing one third of the funds for the operation of the department. The state has several boat access areas in the county. The state has also prepared a State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) that presents ideas for addition- al recreation areas in the region. Recreation in the county is also provided by private in- terests. The Chowan Golf and Country Club provides opportunities to those that join the club. A commercial swimming beach and marina are available. Several youth-oriented businesse s operate in, Edenton offering pin ball, pool and similar activities. 1S9 Because a great deal of interest in recreation was express- ed in both the survey responses and in the public meetings, the town and county planning boards set objectives relating to rec- reation. 1. Financial capability The ability of the town and county to provide for increased growth is summarized by the accompanying charts that show the current status and policies of the town's and county's facili- ties and services and also show the Ci_naiicial condition of each. Additional points need to be made. The town is in excel- lent financial shape because it operates an electric utility. Like any utility, the town's has a decreasing marginal cost so that any new customers provide additional profits. The town's subdivision regulations place much of the cost of new residences on the developer. The zoning regulations ensure good commercial and industrial development. User charges for various services relieve the property tax burden. Because of the town's regula- tions and operation of an electric utility, town officials es- timate that the predicted growth in Edenton will provide net revenues. In other words, now growth will make money Cor the town. The county is not in as favorable a position since it does not operate a revenue producing utility. Nevertheless, the county appears to be in sound financial shape. The tax valu- 160 ation has grown considerably in recent years. The county has pro- vided services to county residents at one of the lowest tax rates in the region. If, as has occurred in the' past, moderate rates of residential growth are associated with economic growth in the county,there will not be a particular strain on the tax rate. Neither the town or county officials have expressed concern about the ability of their government to pay for necessary ser- vices for the predicted growth. Both governments have stressed their desire for orderly development and are working to ensure it. FINANCIAL SUMMARY (1976 figures) Edenton Chowan County Assessed valuation $41)000,000 $105,000,000 Tax rate $.64/100 $.70/100 Special districts None Fire $.03/100 Debt $660,000 $ 2)784,000 Debt limit 33-280,000 8,400,000 (8%) Bond Rating BB BAA 161 Existing User Developers Plans for Capacity Charges Subdivision community for growth expense investment Edenton Water 890POOO Yes Yes No system gallons local expansion per day service it this lines time Sewer None Yes Yes 201 local Planning service system lines improvement and expansion Solid C'Iose to No No New location waste present being sought disposal capacity by county Roads and U. S. 17 No Yes Complete 17 streets exceeds capacity By Pass all others (state below ftinds) (2) Exten- sions for better flow. Routine up keep Fire Undetermined No No No major protection ones at this time Police Undetermined No No New police protection headquarters Recreation Undetermined No No Recreation center 162 Existing User Developers Plans for Capacity Charges Subdivision coimunity for growth expense investment Chowan County Water 200)000+ Yes Yes None gallons System per day recently completed Solid waste Close to No No New location disposal existing being sought capacity Roads and All below No Yes None (not a streets capacity county service) Fire Undetermined Yes No None at protection special present taxes Police Undetermined No No New courthouse protection Recreation Undetermined No No None at present Schools At existing No No None at capacity present 163 Legend Medical Facilities Schools 'Fire Station Police Station A Recreation Areas Primary Roads Well Site$ ......... Sewer and Water Service Area Rom 17 sy-poss f 47 TK ID^ APPENDICES A. DATA SUMMARY AND RELATIONSHIP TO PLAN 1. Major conclusions 2. Information used in the plan B. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1. History of CAMA planning effort 2. Process used to determine objectives, policies and standards and alternatives considered 3. Survey results 164 A. DATA SUMMARY AND RELATIONSHIP TO THE PLAN 4. Major Conclusions (outZine form) A. NATURAL FACTORS INFLUENCING DEVELOPMENT Z. Physical limitations a. Climate is not a severe constraint on develop- ment in the county. b. Due to its flat topography and location adja- cent to large bodies of surface water, the coun- ty has extensive f-lood hazard areas. C, Only certain associations in the county soils are suitable for septic tanks. There are large poorly drained areas. Certain measures must be taken in order to construct a dwelling due to characteristics of the county's soils. d. Although not at rates as high as neighboring counties, Chowan County is losing land along its shoreline to sound and river erosion. 2. Fragile areas a. The surr-Tare waters of the county are extensive; the primary ones are the Chowan River and Albe- marle Sound. Water is of generally acceptable quality although pollution incidents have oc- curred in the past. b. The county has an extensive recharge area. Municipal systems tap the aquifer at 100-300 feet below the surface. C, Certain areas of the county have been relative- ly untouched by development. These primarily wetland natural areas support a variety of wild- life and vegetation. d. Although there are the above natural areas, no positive identification of an area sustaining remnant species has been made. e. A Miocene Fossil site has been identified northwest of Edenton. 3. Areas with resource potential a, Chowan. County has a great deal of productive agricultural land that produces soybeans, corn, peanuts, and other crops, b. No outstanding mineral resources have been identified in the county but one soil associa- tion could be utilized for borrow pit opera- tions. c. There are no state or Federal parks in the coun- ty, but the town has developed several. small parks. d. Although the natural. areas are in private owner- 165 ship, there are no designated wildlife sanctu- aries privately or publicly owned. B. MAN-MADE FACTORS INFLUENCING DEVELOPMENT 1. Hlstory M'e'_nton was one of the first settlements in colo- nial North Carolina and was an influential com- 0 munity throughout the Revolutionary era. In the 19th century a decline in its trade and isolation from the transportation network resulted in the town's becoming a local center for predominantly rural, agricultural area. -xisting Land Use a. The county is still rural and the town is still small. Agriculture and forest land are the pre- dominant land uses. Residential, commercial, and industrial land use occur mainly in the vi- cinity of Edenton. b. Residents in certain areas have expressed concern about adjacent industrial development. Some farmers feel that continued residential growth in certain areas may iiiipede agricultural activi- ties. c. Poorly designed subdivisions of land have been made without improvements. Substandard housing is a problem in both the county and the town. d. The entire area around Edenton is the area most likely to undergo continued development--includ- ing residential, industrial and commercial dev- elopment. Not only is this area closest to the major population center in the county, but also the major transportation routes are in this area. 3. Population d1nd Economy 'ET Population 1) Poverty and low education levels are charac- teristics of a substantial percentage of Chowan County's population. In both the town and county, the black population makes up close to 40% of the total. The age dis- tribution is not strikingly different froT6 most other communities. The number of rarmers Is decliiiing, while the -rural non- farm population has risen. Although precise data is lacking, the seasonal population appears to be insignificant. 2) In the last ten years, the town's population increased slightly while overall the coun- ty's population decreased. Both outside population projections and local officials feel that this trend has reversed. Moderate 166 growth is both projected and desired for SP 10$ 25 and SO years in the future. 3) As the natural resource section explains in detail, Chowan County does have the natural resource capability for moderate growth. Soil limitations are a constraint in certain areas. b. Economy 1) Chowan County has a diversified economic base that includes agriculture, forestry, fishing and industrial activities. 2) All the above sectors appear to be stable or growing. The county, in comparison to the rest of the region, has had particular success in attracting small industry and probably will continue to grow in this sector. 4. Community facilities a. The town is plaFning for several community facilities. Its sewer system is going to be extended and upgraded. The town has plans for a new police headquarters and recreation center. New streets will be laid out in conformance with the town's thoroughfare plan. b. The top priority for the county is a new court- house and jail. The county recently completed a county-wide water system. Officials are looking for a new landfill site. c. The town is in excellent financial shape to provide for additional growth. The subdivision regulations place the financial burden on the developer. The zoning ordinance guides where development takes place. Most important, the town operates a revenue-producing electric utility with the result that additional growth provides added revenue for the town. d. Chowan County does not have a revenue-producing utility, but does seem to be in sound financial shape. Its tax base has grown considerably while its tax rate is among the lowest in the region. The county is in a good position to provide for the moderate growth that is expected and desired. 2. Information Used In The Plan: discussion of the application of the data to the plan's formulation The existing facts summarized above are so well known by 167 0o local officials and planning boards that the information is taken for granted. Local decision makers in Chowan County and 13denton understand the context they are working in. Many of the ideas, policies and proposals stated in this plan do not address the data directly, but do show an implicit awareness of the existing situation. For instance, the county's designation of conservation land is based on the location of remaining natural areas in the coun- ty. The large allocation to rural lands reflects knowledge about existing land use and the value of the county's agricultural lands. Land that is already more densely settled is designated as community. Because future high dens-ity development i.s most likely and most desirable adjacent to Edenton, the commissioners did not designate transition land outside the extraterritorial limits of the town. The town officials also show an awareness of the facts of the town's situation. The wooded swamp southwest of Edenton is not only a natural area but also poses extreme limitations on development. Thus the land has been designated as conservation. The areas classified as transition are areas that are being planned for interceptor sewers in the 201. study. Land that is not likely to be developed at higher densities has been classi- fied as rural. The relationship between the characteristics of the town and county and the land use plan is best seen in the objectives that have been set. Both the town's and county's objectives are 168 based on an awareness of existing problems and opportunities. A. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Z. Physical Zimitations a. Obtain a detailed soils map of the county to use as a basis for planning. b. Develop a county-wide drainage plan. C. Provide better drainage in the town. d. Protect shorelines and waterfront of the county from poor development and increased erosion. 2. Fragile areas a. Improve the quality of the Chowan River. b. Protect the environment (water, air and land) especially from poor industrial development. 3. Areas with resource potential a. Protect agricultural land. b. Obtain a waterfront recreation site. B. MAN-MADE ENVIRONMENT 1. HIS torY lm@ ove historic preservation. 2. Existing land use a. improve coJe enforcement in the county. b. Improve the existing subdivisions in the county. C. Improve code enforcement in the town. d. Improve the appearance of the town and county. e. Concentrate industry around existing indus- trial zones. f. Harmonize industry with existing life patterns. g. Plan town and county development together. 3. Population and economy a. Develop and protect local fishing industry. b. Attract sound and small industry with in- creased attention to proper industrial siting. c. Plan economic growth through industrial, fishing and agricultural sectors. d. Improve shopping facilities. e. Promote tourism; provide better information and facilities to tourists. 4. Community facilities a. lan for and obtain the needed facility sites. 169 b. Provide waterfront recreation. C. Provide more and better recreation for the young C people of the town and county. B. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Z. History of CAMA planning effort -- a detailed statement outlining the method@; L!mployed in securing public partic- ipation achieved and the results obtained. After studying the requirements of the Coastal Area Manage- ment Act., the Chowan County Commissioners and the Edenton Town Council decided to delegate the responsibility for directing the public participation program to a joint Citizens Advisory Com- mittee. Citizens from Edenton and the other areas of the county were choser. so that the town and county could work together on the planning effort. The group,nominated included farmers, mer- chants, blacks, housewives and other members of the community to ensure representation of Lind involvement w-ith all groups i.n the county. The group met and, at the start, did not have a planner to provide aid. Moving ahead on its own, the Citizen Advisory Com- mittee decided on two basic approaches to inform and involve the citizens: a series of public meetings and a survey that would be distributed throughout the county. The pUblic meetings were held over a several month period. Several of the meetings were scheduled with civic groups; others were open iiiectings for anyone to attend. Although concerii wLjs 170 expressed about reaching everyone including those not in civic groups; the meetings that were held in conjunction with regu- larly scheduled organization Meetings were by Car better atiended. A Citizen Advisory Committee member would first inform the group about the Coastal Area Management Act, often with the use of the Extension Service slide show. A presenta- tion of the law's relevance to Chowan County usually followed with a discussion and question-and-answer period. Many specif- ic problems were brought out in these meetings. Over a dozen such meetings were held. Reports on the progress of the plan were made at County Commissioners Meetings and Town Coun- cil Meetings and further citizen input was obtained at these meetings. A questionnaire concerning land use and the future of Chowan County was mailed to everyone listed on the tax rolls of Chowan County including non-residents. The 14 percent that responded represented a diversity of ages, and of communities throughout the county. Many of the issues that were raised in the public meetings also were noted in the questionnaire re- sponses. The results of the questionnaire are summarized at the end of this section. 2. A brief description of the process used to determine objectives, policies, and standards, emphasizing public participation. A discussion of alternatives considered in the development of the objectives, policies and standards. Using the results of the questionnaire and the public 171 meeiings, the Citizen Advisory Committee met with the town and county planning boards and discussed the major land use and dev- elopment issues in the county. Recognizing the requirements of the Coastal Area Management Act, objectives for the plan were then set. One alternative for setting objectives would have been to set the objectives at the public meetings. However, a serious obstacle was the difficulty of getting different groups repre- sented and all issues considered in a public meeting forum. It was felt that the commissioners and town council should approve the final set but not make the objectives. Since town and coun- ty policy is to have planning-related matters referred first to the planning boards and then to the council and commissioners, this was the method that was decided upon for the development of the objectives, policies and standards. After these meetings, the planning board of Edenton met with the town council to consider the objectives, the land classification map and areas of environmental concern. The Chowan County Planning Board held a similar meeting with the county commissioners. With minor revisions, the objectives and policies suggested by the planning boards were accepted by the governing bodies. Land classification maps were established and areas of environmental concern were discussed. As a result, the first draft of the Chowan-Edenton Land Use Plan was prepared and submitted to the Coastal Resources Commission in November, 1975. After studying the Commission's comments on the draft sub- 172 mission, changes were made in the plan. More public meetings were held and the public provided further comment on the plan. After a public.hearing on May 11, 1976, the town council and county eommissioners approved the plan for its final submission to the Coastal Resources Commission. 173 3. SURVEY RESULTS - 2 - Sent 4010 Returned 538 13.4% I. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS (You may omit any questions on this page if you prefer) 98.9% 1.1% 1. Are you presently a resident of Chowan County or Edenton? Yes 523 No 6 1. 57 11.2% 2. In which community do you live? (Circle One) 6. 8 1. 2. 51 10.0% 7. 10 2. 3. 31 6.1% 1. Yeopim 2. Rocky Hock 3. Center Hill 8. 6 1. 4. 23 4.5% 4. Small X Roads 5. Ryland 6. Gliden 9. 290 56 5. 19 3.7% 7. Valhalla 8. Green Hall 9. Edenton 10. 16 31 10. Advance 3. Age (Circle One) 5 - 1.0% 47 - 9.0% 109 - 20.9% 140 - 26.8% 29 - 5.6% 1. 15-18 2. 19-25 3. 26-35 4. 46-55 age 36-45 5. 56-65 6. 66 and over 98 - 18.8% 94 - 18.0% 4. Occupation results attached 5. Sex Male 382 Female 149 71.9% 28.1% 6. Race (Circle One) 1. Black 2. Caucasian 3. Other 7 - 1.3% 119 - 22.7% 398 - 76.0% 7. Number of years you have resided in county or town over 20 years - 57% 8. Which of the following applies to you? (Circle One) 402 - 77.0% 97 - 18.6% 23 - 4.4% 1. Own Home 2. Rent Home 3. Own other property in county 9. Marital Status (Circle One) 43 - 8.1% 417 - 78.5% 58 - 10.9% 13 - 2.4% 1. Single 2. Married 3. Widow or Widower 4. Divorced 10. Where is most or all of your income derived? (Circle One) 193 - 37.5% 33 - 6.4% 11 - 2.1% 1. Chowan County 2. Adjacent County 3. Tidewater Virginia 4. Edenton 5. Other 125-24.3% 152 - 29.6% 11. How do you obtain most of your information about activities in the county or town? (Circle One) 308 - 58.1% 79 - 14.9% 13 - 2.5% 1. Newspaper 2. Through radio 3. Through TV 4. By word of mouth E. Other 15 - 2.8% 115 - 21.7% 12. How long do you anticipate living in Chowan County or Edenton?___________________ Signature (If you so desire) ________________________________________________________ 174 3 COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT 1. What do you like most about Chowan County or Edenton? results attached 2. What do you like least about Chowan County or Edenton! results attached -3. What are the three most serious problems in the county or town? results attached 2. 3. 4. In your opinion, which of the following should the county adopt as its policy for county population growth during the next 10 years? (Circle One) 1. Remain the same size 63 - 13. 5% 2. Small increase 236 - 50. 8% 3. Substantial increase 153 - 32. 9% 4. Reduce population 13 - 2.8% 5. Would you like to see more tourists come to Chowan County and Edenton? Yes 370 - 79. 1% No 98 - 20. 9% 6. What, if any, type of tourist facilities do you think should be developed in this area? results attached 7. What, if any, additional recreational facilities would you like to see in Chowan County and Edenton? results attached 8. In your opinion, do you think that the county or town has any environmental problems? Yes Z06 No 173 If so, what? "results attached 54,45o 45.6% 9. In your opinion, is there a problem of insufficient or inadequate shopping facilities in the county and town? Yes 305 No 143 If so* what is needed? 68. 1% 31. 9% results attached 10. In your opinion, do the citizens of Chowan County and Edenton have adequate opportunity to participate in local government and co unity affairs? Yes 314 No 142 68.9% 31.1% 17r, 4 III.; COUNTY GOAL FORMUIATION 1. What is your attitude toward the following statements: A 01o D% Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neutr al Disag. Strong ly 29.5 50.0 (a) Economic development is more important than 51 87 96 134 100 environmental protec- tion 70 10.9 18.6 20.5 28.6 21.4 94.5 2.0 (b) The county and town's future development - 259 221 18 6 4 must be planned. % 51.0 43. 5 3.5 1.2 0.9 94.3 o.6 W Our natural resources and wildlife should 288 192 26 0 - 3 be protected. % 56.6 37.7 5. 1 o.6 86.8 2 (d) Our historic assets should be preserved. 224 212 40 12 14 % 44.6 42.2 8.1.) 2.4 2. 8 76.6 8.0 (e) The appearance of our county and town needs to be 142 245 78 25 15 improved. % 28.1 48.5 15.4 5.0 3.0 74.4 11-.0 (f) More industry is V needed to supplement existing agricultu- 162 211 73 42 13 ral base. 0/6 32.3 42.1 14.6 8.4' 2. 6 57.9 12.8 (g) Emphasis on future growth should be con- 0 centrated in 'existing communities (ex. Yeopim, Rocky Hock, 95 180 139 42 19 Center Hill, etc.) % 20.0 37.9 29.3 8.8 4.0 75.3 W The area needs more W agricultural related 117 Z53 89 24 8 industries. % 23.8 51.5 18. 1 4.9 1.6 (i) The county'sLagri- 79.4 8.6 cultural lands are very important and must be protected 205 191 60 30 13 or maintained from % 41.1 38.3 12.0 6.o 2.6 uncontrolled or unrestrained resi- dential, commercial, or industrial develop- ment. 1.76 5 A D Agree Disagree Strongly Agiee Neutral Disag. S 59.7 24.5 Q Chowan County is primarily rural/agricultural oriented. 113 179 77 91 20 It'should remain this way. % 23. 1 36.6 15.7 18.6 5.9 64.8 15. 8 (k) Since the agricultural lands of the county are of 131 181 94 51 21 primary importance and drainage is essential, the county should strongly ulo 27.2 37.6 19.5 lo.6 5.2 push for a federally sup- ported comprehensive drainage program. 2. Do you feel the following are adequate in Chowan County and Edenton? - Agree Disagree Ajo D% Strongly Agree Neutral Disag. Strongly 60.1 30.Z (a) Road maintenance and up- 59 234 47 96 51 grading. 12. 1 48.0 9.7 19.7 10.5 48 (b) Water facilities. 59 189 55 130 -1.6 37.0 12. 3 39.3 11.4 Z7. 0 10. 0 49.6 32.3 (c) Sewer facilities. 55 - 114 3t % 11, 8 37.8 18.2 Z4.4 7.9 (d) Fire protection. 83 287 49 57 13 75.7 14.4 % 17 -58.7 10.0 11.7 2.7 88 265 74 33 15 @4.3 10.1 (e), Historic pr .es.ervation. 0/1 is- ;9;_ A I C;_ @ (). 9 3@ 2 65 281 60 51 17 73. 0 14.4 (f) Electrical utilities. % 13.7 59.3 12.7 10.8 3.6 43.6 35.6 (g) Storm water drainage 44 165 100 125 46 - and flooding control. 0/0 9.2 34.4 20.8 26. 0 9.6 @5.7 31.1 (h) Community appearance. 55 213 63 119 31 % 11.4 44.'3 13.1 24.7 6.4 62.8 21.3 (1) Protection of the natural 65 240 77 78 26 environment and wildlife % 13.4 49.4 15.8 16.0 5.3 54 169 82 bu -5.9 37.1 (J) Proper housing. % 11. 1 34.8 16.9 24.7 12.4 46.5 Z9.6 (k) Planning and community 56 164 113 103 37 development. 11. 8 34.7 23.9 21.8 7.8 41.2 28.7 (1) Zoning and land use 53 140 141 99 35 controls. % 11.3 29.9 30.1 21.2 7.5 47.6 28.8 (m) Relationship between the 51 177 113 100 38 county and towns. % 10.6 37.0 23.6 20.9 7.9 ,,6.o 21.2 (n) Code enforcement and 45 166 .151 65 32 141.2 inspection. 0/. 9. 8 36 '12 32.9 @4 71 7.0 78 16.0 (o) Refuse collection or 61 ZZ 7 74 7Z 36 _iI.3 23.0 disposal. % 13. 0 t4 8 .3 1 15. 7 15.3 7.7 177 -6- Agree Disagree A% Djo Strongly Agree Neutral Disag. Strongly (p) Educational facilities. O/o 15. 3 33.5 11.6 75 164 57 124 70 48.8 39. 3 25.3 14. 3 39.6 33. 3 (q) Cultural facilitieso 50 139 130 53 % -J-Q,5- ?9.1 Z7-Z 2Z.Z 11. 1 81.9 10.0 .(r) Rescue & ambulance service. 1 128 Z79 40 33 17 6.6 3.4 3. Re: Chowan County Waterfront O/o 25.8 56.1 8.0 What is your attitude toward the following statements? Agree Disagree ka/0 D76 Strongly Agree Neutral Disag. Strongly 31.7 2.4 (a) The growth and development L of Chowan County waterfront should be carefully planned. Z49 216 30 7 5 % 49.1 42.6 5.9 1.4 1 1.0 (b) More waterfront sites should 37. 2 43.8 be made available for 68 117 95 119 99 industry, '/'o 13.7 Z3. 5 19. 1 23. 9 19.9 79.0 9.8 -(c) Public beaches should be - made available. 196 196 57 28 21 % 39.4 39.4 1 11.4 5.6 4.2 ')6.o 13.1 (d) More public boat ramps'are needed. 137 i86 102 37 27 4. 6 16. 9 (e) Public fishing piers shoul 28, 0 38. 0. 20.9 7.6 5.5 be built 140 173 90 54 28 9/0 28.9 35.7 18.6 Ili 1 5. 8 @9.4 65.3 (f) Chowan County has adequate ---I- waterfront recreational 31 63 70 197 122 facilities at the presenT. 6.4 13.0 14.5 40.8 25.3 (g) Chowan County waters are 13. 3 47.1 clean and safe for fishing, 35 129 96 167 65 skiing, swimming, and 10 7. 1 26.Z 19.5 33. 9 13. 2 boating. (h) Waterfront residential i6. 8 IZ.3 sites should have a 92 180 148 43 16 minimum of 100' on the % 19.2 37.6 30.9 9.0 3.3 water. (i) Chowan County should @1. 7 33. 9 encourage waterfront 57 140' 119 94 71 Land Developers to % 11.7 30.0 24.4 19.3 14.6' build "retirement and week-end communities." Chowan County should 11.9 8.Z actively seek government assistance to prevent 195 212 49 zz 19 further shorelines % 39.2 42.7 9. 9. 4.4 3.8 erosion. 178 -7- 4. Re: County And Town As A Place To Work Indicate the degree of encouragement or discouragement you believe should be given the following: Encourage Encourage No Discourage A% 'D% Strongly Moderately Change Moderately Strongly 83.9 6.4 (a) Agriculture & 249 155 47 28 3 Related % 51.7 32.2 9. 8 5.8 o.6 78.7 -6.8 (b) Fishing Indus- 208 172 70 28 5 try & Related % 43. 1 35.6 14.5 5.8 1.0 70.6 10.7 (c) Tourism & 190 147 89 34 17 Related 016 39.8 30.8 18.7 7. 1 3.6 (d) Forestry & 199 159 82 26 5 76.1 6.6 Related 10 42.3 33.8 17.4 5.5 1. 1 72.4 13.0 (e) Construction & Related 148 190 68 51 10 % 31.7 40.7 14.6 10.9 2. 1 81.3 9.8 (f) Research/Dev- elopment Ind- 190 194 40 33 13 ustry % 40.4 41.3 8.5 7.0 2.8 (g) Light Industry :;6. 6 11.4 (warehousing, 151 213 57 45 9 assembly, etc.)/, 31.8 44.8 12.0 9.5 1.9 62.1 24.3 (h) Heavy Industry (conversion of 140 151 64 52 62 raw materials) 1/6 29. 9 1 32.2 1 13. 6 1 11. 1 13.2 5. In general, are there any other comments or concerns you have about this county and town which were not covered by this questionnaire? regqults attached 179 1. 4. Occupation Unemployed 2 Student 2 Military/Government 22 Housewife 40 Service 26 Professional 74 Craft 34 Operative 49 Clerical 21 Administrative 24 Sales 33 General Labor 17 Driver/Delivery 6 Farm labor 3 Farm owner/manager 51 Retired 83 180 1. What do you like most about Chowan County or Edenton? Friendliness/people 141 Environment/a nice place to live 126 On the water/near Sound and Chowan River 58 Size/small town/not crowded 46 Appearance 43 Historic aspects 38 Rural/good agricultural land 28 It's home 19 Police protection/fire protection 12 School system 11 Community pride 10 Good government 9 Progressive/constructive growth 9 Climate 9 Churches 9 Fishes/Hunting 6 Medical facilities 4 Taxes 4 Freedom - 3 181 2. What do you like least about Chowan County or Edenton? Lack of youth activities 44 General recreation activities/entertainment 25 Leisure activities 19 Shopping facilities 65 Not enough jobs 37 Education quality/schools 34 Government 32 Class structure/people relationships 21 Housing 20 Racial problems 18 Poor development practices 15 Trash collection/litter 14 Historic preservation 14 Growing too slowly/not enough industry 11 County water system 5 Too much growth 5 Traffic congestion 4 Mosquitoes 4 182 3. What are the three most serious problems in the county or town? No jobs/low wages 83 Schools 75 General recreation facilities/no parks/no entertainment 68 Poor development practices (especially water front/zoning 60 enforcement) Needs supervised youth center 46 Parking in Edenton 45 Shopping facilities 36 Race relations 36 Local Government 35 Road/street conditions 34 Crime/law enforcement activities 30 Sewer/septic tanks 19 Utility rates 19 Drugs 18 Medical services/facilities 18 Taxes 17 Drainage 16 Alcohol 15 Conflict of county/city goverrunent 14 Litter/trash collection 13 Housing 12 Water pollution 12 Food prices 11 Welfare misuse 11 Drinking water 10 Dogs 10 183 IT, L Also mentioned Edenton downtown project 9 "Small minded" or "backward" people 9 Public transportation 9 Historic preservation needed 8 Poor communications/people relations 8 Overpopulation 6 Pollution 6 Economy 6 Restaurants 5 Labor not available 5 Social services 5 Citizen apathy 5 Needs growth 4 Courthouse 4 184 IT. 6. What, if any, type of tourist facilitio-.ri do you think r3hould b@ developed in this area? Motels/hotels 83 Restaurants 81 Waterfront recreation 68 Parks/picnic areas/camping 64 More historic preservation/tours 26 Rest areas 16 Information center/advertising/promotion 9 Souvenir shops/craft shops 7 Other recreation 6 Many other suggestions made, among them: Fairs, pageant, carriage tour, museum, black history, public transportation, zoo, Bicentennial flower garden 18S 7. WhatV if any, additional recreational facilities would you like to see in Chowan County and Edenton? Recreation center 93 Bowling 92 Parks & Playgrounds (need for lights often mentioned) 79 Swimming Pool 69 Boating/beaches/fishing 59 Skating rink 43 Tennis courts 23 Boys club/Girls club 19 Nightclub/dance hall/coffeehouse 14 Movie/drive-in 13 Bike/walking trails 12 Recreation activities for elderly 9 Trailer parks 7 Softball fields 7 Car tracks 5 Concerts/entertainment 4 Theater group 4 Many other suggestions, among them: dance studio, miniature golf, bingo, handball, rest areas 186 IT. 8. In your opinion, do you think that the county or town has any environmental problems? If so, what Water pollution 68 Roadside trash 16 Air pollution 12 Drainage 11 Septic-tanks/sewer .9 Industry 5 Waterfront 4 Needs zoning 4 Shoreline erosion 4 Many other mentioned among them: noise, weeds/brush, mosquito control, fish stakes; in river, roads 187 9. In your opinion, is there a problem of insufficient or inadequate shopping facilities in the coutity and town? If so, what is needed? Shopping center 124 Department store 55 Parking 20 Clothing 19 Shoe store/shoe repair 18 Discount stores 12 Young people's shop 8 Discount drug store 8 Dress shop 7 Discount grocery 6 Restaurant 5 Among many other suggestions: need for more variety and competition, sporting goods, book store, construction and electrical supplies, hobby shop, music store 1-88 5. In general, are there any other comments or concerns you have about this county and town which were not covered by this questionnaire? Comments about need for careful planning 24 Local government comments/need for more responsiveness 17 and communication Waterfront/public beaches/fishing/boating 15 Streets-roads (paving, mowing) 10 Shopping 10 Health care 9 Parks/playgrounds/recreation 8 City/county conflicts 8 Schools 8 Questionnaire comments 8 Edenton downtown project complaints 7 Low wages/jobs 7 Law enforcement/police 7 Housing 6 Dilapidated building removal 5 Cultural activities 5 More industry 5 Pro-growth/substantial population increase 5 Among many other issues mentioned were: Bulkhead erosion, the Courthouse, pollution, parking, stdcwalks, race relatfolls, utility rates, water system opposition 189 INDEX TO STANDARD FORMAT (a) The Land Use Plan must comply with the following standards as to form: Table of Contents with page numbers. I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purpose of the plan, history of CAMA planning eff*or't,* etc. II. Description of Present Conditions A. Population and Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 (brief analysis) B. Exitting Land Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9S 1. Legible map of existing land uses 2. Analysis a. significant compatibility problems b. problems from unplanned development with implications for future land use C. areas experiencing or likely to experience major land use change C. Current Plans, Policies, and Regulations . . . . . 18 1. Plans and Policies a. transportation plans b. community facilities plans c. utilities extension policies d. open space policies e. recreation policies f. prior land use plans g. prior land use policies 2. Local Regulations a. zoning ordinances b. subdivision regulations C. floodway ordinances d. building codes e. septic tank regulations f. historic districts regulations g. nuisance regulations h. dune protection ordinances i. sedimentation codes j. environiiiental hiipact statement ordinances ,of 3. Federal and State Regulations 190 III. Public Participation Activities A. Identification and analysis of iiiajor land use issues . . . . . 8 also I . The impactpf population and economic trends . . . . . . . 104 2. The provision of adequate housing and other services . . . 156 3. The coiiservation of productive natural resources . . . . . 34 4. The protection of important natural environments . . . . . 39 S. The protection of cultural and historic resources. - ' . . 43 B. Alternatives considered in the development of the objec- tives, policies and standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 C. Land use objectives, policies and standards for dealing with each identified major issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 D. A brief description of the process used to determine objectives, policies and standards, emphasizing public participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 E. A detailed statement outlining the methods employed in securing public participation, and the degree of participation achieved and the results obtained. ; . . . . . . 170 IV. Constraints Z A. Land Potential 1. Physical Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 a. hazard. areas b. soil limitations c. water supply areas d. steep slopes 2. Fragile Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 a. coastal wetlands b. outer banks sand dunes C. ocean beaches and shorelines d. estuarine waters e. public trust waters f. complex natural areas g. areas sustaining remnant species h. areas containing unique geologic formations i. registered natural landmarks j. archeologic and historic sites 3. Areas with Resource Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 a. productive agricultural lands b. potentially valuable mineral sites c. publicly-owned lands and other non-intensive outdoor recreation lands d. privately-owned wildlife sanctuaries 191 V. Estimated Demand A. Population and Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 1. Population Ilk a. ten-year population projection b. considerations taken into account in preparing ten-year projection (seasonal populat 'i.ons, local objectives, social and economic change) C. S,10,2S and 50 year projections d. relationship of long-term projections to desires oC the people e. relationship of the capabilities of the land and water to sustain them f. examination of seasonal population and economic impacts 2. Economy 114 Identification of @a3or -tr-en4s'a@dfacto@s' in economy B. Future Land Needs . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 31 Use of the ten-year population proje@tion to determine land demand for land classification C. Community Facilities Demand . . . . . . . . . . . 138 1. Teri-year population projection used to deter- mine facilities demand 2. Consideration of the type and cost of services needed to accommodate projected population 3. Consideration of the ability of the local economy to finance service expansion VI. Plan Description A. Description of the Land Classification System 29 B. Projected population growth allocation to Transi- tion, Community and Rural land classes, based upon local objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 C. Gross population densities used to allocate Transition and Community classifications . . . . . 31 D. A legible Land Classification Map which isconsis- tent with local objectives, policies and standards 29 -.01 - 192 VII. Summary A. Discussion of the manner of data assembly, analysis, and a statement of major conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . 165 B. Discussion of the.application of the data to the plan's formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 VTTT. City-County Plan Relationship Defined . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 aZso 31 IX. Appendices (if any) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Iw 193 B= RATE U. S. Postage Paid SUMMARY HERTFORD, N. C. Adopted May 11, 1976 1 Permit No. 12 CHOWAN COUNTY of the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS C. A. Phillips, Chairman David Bateman CHOWAN COUNTY-EDENTON Alton Elmore LAND USE PLAN N. J. George J. D. Peele Dallas Jethro, County Coordinator "T'o PLANNING BOARD George Lewis, Chairman Wilbur J. Privott T. D. Berryman, Jr. Van Small A. C. Hudson J. A. Webb, Jr. Charles Overman Pete Thompson, Ex-officio TOWN OF EDENTON TOWN COUNCIL Roy L. Harrell, Mayor James C. (Pete) Dail W. H. Hollowell, Jr. Errol Flynn Allen Hornthal Jesse L. Harrell Harry A. Spruill 'WA W. B. Gardner, Town Administrator 14 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Joe Lee, Chairman lug suit In Robert L. Bunch, Jr. Henry A. Powell d11 dow ago log III a an all Asa Griffin C. B. Smith 0 IMF moo' son Worth Hare Ruth Vaughan Jimmie M. Parrish Robert Weintraub Novella Wilson With Assistance From mail The Local Planning and Management Services Section Department of Natural and Economic Resources I'V31i U@@:"_ INTRODUCTION That extensive ancient ocean also deposited sediments \ that became the soils of Chowan County. Many of the soil types that In 1974, the General Assembly passed the Coastal Area developed contain fine-grain sediments. Although these pose Management Act into law. The provisions of the act are many, difficulties for wastewater disposal or foundations, they provide but the underlying reasons for its passage are as stated in the the base for the county's thriving agricultural and forestry law: activities. Other soils within the county are quite well-suited for residential development. The General Assembly therefore finds that an immediate Extensive wetlands border the County's river and sound and pressing need exists to establish a comprehensive shorelines. Unless efforts are made to drain or fill these areas, plan for the protection, preservation, orderly develop- they will limit the land that can be used for productive ment and management of the coastal area of North agriculture or residential development. Yet undrained, these Carolina. same wetlands provide protection against erosion and flooding, a sink for sediments, and cleansing action for polluted waters. The law requires, as the basis for this comprehensive plan, that These wetlands are also wildlife habitat. As well, their use as a each coastal county prepare its own land use plan. All the coastal natural spawning area helps to support the commercial and counties are to submit their plans to the Coastal Resources sport fishing interests in the county. Commission, a group created to administer the provisions of the legislation. Man-made Environment The land use plan consists of several major parts. One section While the natural environment sets the context of limitations summarizes current land development policies and regulations, and opportunities for land use, the activities of the residents are and sets objectives for the future. Areas in the town and county the determining factor in how land is developed in the county suitable for future development are mapped. Another section and town. How the land has already been developed to date is examines the natural resources of the county and the effect that certainly important. Edenton and Chowan County are fortunate they have on future development. Analyses are also made of the in that much of the past land use has not been poor; but in fact local population, economy, community facilities, and existing has been carefully done, and well preserved. The town and land use. Many of the ideas and much of the information was county are famous fortheir historicsites. A largepartof thetown provided by people in the county and town. Also, since Edenton has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places in and Chowan County had considered land use issues before, recognition of the town's many fine buildings of previous years there was information available from several previous reports. that are remarkably well conserved and pleasing in appearance. Because of the many topics considered, the Edenton and Nevertheless, not all of the past and existing land use in the Chowan County Land use Plan is a lengthy document. Citizens county and town is of good quality. Subdivisions of land are urged to consult it if they have specific questions. The unsuitable for development have been made, platted and lots purpose of these following pages is to summarize the Edenton- have been sold. Wastewater disposal and water supply have Chowan County Land Use Plan; the major issues and important been problems. Certain roads have been poorly designed and policies are presented. Any comments or questions you have maintained. Substandard dwellings have been constructed and should be brought up with local officials. Planning for the future are still occupied. Others have been adandoned but are still a of the town and county requires the participation and interest of health hazard. all the citizens. Through the county's history to the present, Edenton hasbeen the county's largest community and, in fact, is its only FACTORS AFFECTING FUTURE LAND USE IN CHOWAN incorporated town. Although other areas have houses grouped COUNTY AND EDENTON together in small communities; most of the county is rural, with agriculture and forestry being the major land uses. Almost all No one knows what Chowan County and Edenton will look commercial and industrial development has taken place in or like-i-n 25 or even 10 years. However, by closely looking at the- near Edenton, locating near the major population center and- county's natural and manmade environments, we can determine along the primary transportation routes. what would be most likely and most desirable to happen in the The rate of land development in the county and town is future. Detailed information about the natural and manmade controlled by the local population and economy. Edenton, after environments have been assembled in the complete land use its colonial days of prominence, became a local center for an plan. The most important facts are summarized below. agricultural area. Changes in farming practices have had impacts on the county's population. As farms became more mechanized, Natural Environment fewer jobs were available. As a result, many people left Chowan County to find employment elsewhere. Of the people who -level incomes stayed in the county, many have below poverty and can only afford inadequate housing. t The trend of declining population and job opportunities may It be reversed by recent changes in the county's economy. Several industries have located in and around Edenton in recent years, diversifying the county's economic base. Recent economic studies project that the county will not continue to decline in lation, but in fact will grow in the next 25 years. The possible popu impacts of further growth isan issue throughout the coastal area. These recent developments have blurred the old distinction between the densely settled town and the rural, farming county. industry has located out in the county. New subdivisions have been developed outside the city limits. Many residents outside A, the city limits are not farmers, but commute to industrial or retail and service jobs. Increasing numbers of people have been coming into Chowan County to visit the historic sites or enjoy 4i, water recreation on the Albemarle Sound and Chowan River. Some have weekend homes in the County. Others have come to A@A settle permanently and retire. 4 Some of the natural resources of Chowan County limit the various uses of an area. Yet, these same resources can also provide opportunities for alternative types of development. Chowan County is still influenced by the fact that ages ago itwas A at the bottom of the ocean. As a result, the county is quite flat and its drainage is quite poor. This ancient ocean bottom 910urs % topography, coupled with the County's location on a coastal sound and river, result in extensive flood-hazard areas. The 1.3 Chowan River and the Albemarle Sound, however, offer more mum than flood-hazards and erosion. Besides the excellent fishing and recreational opportunities, the river and sound provide a beautiful setting for the town and county which is highly valued by the area resid.ents. Major Land Use Issues The town is in an excellent position to provide for future de- Many people have expressed concern about the impacts of velopment. The subdivision regulations require the developer growth on the coastal area of North Carolina. One of the goals of to pay much of the costs; the zoning ordinance guides the the Coastal Area Mangement Act is: location of development. The town's water system has excess capacity; its sewer system is currently being upgraded and To insure that the development or preservation of the expanded. An important element in the town's strong financial land and water resources of the coastal area proceeds in a capability is the fact that it owns and operates a revenue- manner consistent with the capability of the land and producing electric-utility system. Overall, besides being able to water for development, use or preservation. . . pay for growth, the town may make money from increased development. in other words, development or use should take place only to The county does not have the advantage of a revenue the extent that the land is capable of supporting it. This idea producing utility, but it does seem to be in sound financial shape implies that there is a limit beyond which any development and capable of providing a variety of services. Its main expendi- would be extremely expensive, damaging, or impossible. tures are on schools and social services. Future population Unfortunately, these limits are hard to define. The scientific growth could affect these services depending on the charac- knowledge is not complete. Also, changes in technology, teristics of in-migrating households. However, currently, the economics or values held by the residents can change limits to county is more concerned with the problem of a declining development. school population. It should be noted that Chowan County has When considering the capacity for growth, one problem is had one of the most rapidly expanding tax bases, and also one of determining what rate of future growth is most likely, and what the lowest tax rates in the region. rate of growth is most desirable. Federal population projections In summary, provided they keep their commitment to orderly predict a very modest growth rate for the county-1,000-2,000 development, both the county and town have the capability for people in 25 years. Edenton officials think that this is an future growth. underestimate, that the town itself will grow 1000-1500 people Although the Coastal Area Management Act requires @on- every decade. County officials have declined to speculate on sideration of resource capabilities, most town and county actual numbers, but have stressed their commitment to orderly citizens do not concern themselves with broad, hard-to-define development. Assurningasmall increase outside of thetownand questions about the limits to growth; but they do have specific moderate increases in Edenton, the growth rate would be concerns that are equally important. approximately: Outside of the Edenton city limits, county citizens have expressed concern about developments that may conflict. The 1970 1980 1985 1990 2000 2025 Cape Colony section southeast of Edenton is being developed for industrial and residential use. Residents want to insure that 10,764 11,800 12,400 13,000 14,000 16,500 future industrial development does not interfere with the residential areas. Also, farmers have expressed concern about These estimates are only guesses that may notbeaccurate; how- the non-farm residential growth in the county.- they are worried ever, a moderate rate of growth seems to be in agreement with about possible rising taxes for frontage, and conflicts between what many of the town and county residents want. farming and residential activities. In many areas of the country, particularly in coastal areas, Conflicts between land uses are not the only development rapid residential growth has resulted in drastic environmental issues that concern county residents. Several subdivisions were degradation and severe strains on community facilities and made before proper subdivision regulations were in effect. services. There are several reasons why this appears unlikely to Currently these areas have many problems-street mainte- happen in Chowan County and Edenton. As mentioned above, nance, right-of-way and easement difficulties, lots unsuitable for greatly accelerated rates of population growth appear doubtful. development, and building code violations. Poverty is probably Also, there are ir of tht- tnxun'q the primacy cause of the wi despreAd-suhsla ndard,ho usi-ng,- but- environrKe-nt,_fa 11i i olicies that provide the capacity for unplanned development and the lack of code enforcement are well planned growth. contributing factors. Within the city limits of Edenton many of the land use issues One of the major controversies about the capability of land in are similar to the issues out in the county. Conflicts between coastal North Carolina centers on the issue of septic tanks. The residential, commercial, and industrial land uses are a concern to fact that septic tanks do not function properly in many coastal those affected. Substandard housing and code violations are soils has caused considerable arguments. The cu,rrent rules and prevalent problems in certain areas. Storm water drainage is a regulations of the state Division of Health Serv ces have been problem both in the county and town, but the adverse effects criticized by certain officials and scientists as being too lenient; are more pronounced in town because of its higher density. while homebuilders and lot owners have complained that the Preservation of the town's many fine historic buildings has been regulations are too stringent. However, no matter whose a concern for some time and, in fact, is an issue that has been standards are used, much of the area in Chowan County has soil dealt with successfully. suitable for septic tanks, making the county different from other counties in the coastal area. Also, the majority of residential development has taken place in the vicinity of Edenton, in areas that are, or may soon be serviced by sewer facilities. Although there are arguments about the limitations of different soils, few argue that the limit for surface water pollution has been reached and, in fact, has been exceeded at certain times in the recent past. Here the problem is determining the cause of pollution. Runoff of chemicals and manure from farms has been blamed, along with septic tank pollution and industrial discharges. Data as to how much each source is contributing, if any, is lacking. A recent case of algal blooms and water degradation was solved when an agricultural chemical firm in Hertford County was forced to shut down. The fact that a source outside of the county was responsible points out the INN limited ability of the county and town to control pollution of the sound and river. Nevertheless, the concern expressed by Chowan County residents was important in action now being taken. Future development will not necessarily further degrade the surface waters; the Federal, state, and local governments are all working to insure that this does not happen. Determining the impact of future growth on community facilities is as difficult as considering the effect on the natural resources. Nevertheless, Chowan County and Edenton are again in a much more favorable position than many coastal commu- nities. Large population fluctuations due to seasonal residents is not currently a problem, nor is it likely to become one. The growth that the town and county have experienced recently is the result of well-planned efforts to expand the economic base of the community, not the results of resort residential development. Growth that is the result of planned economic expansion provides revenues as well as costs, and is an important objective in an area of widespread poverty and limited job opportunities. CURRENT PLANS AND POLICIES Edenton 1. Plan economic growth through industrial, fishing and agri- Edenton and Chowan County have already adopted certain cultural sectors. measures that guide new growth in the county and the town. 2. Concentrate industry around existing industrial zones. Edenton has adopted an extraterritorial limit that in some areas 3. Harmonize industry with existing life patterns. extends one mile from the city limits; the town now has 4. Protect the environment (water, air and land) especially jurisdiction over all development within that area. from poor industrial development. Edenton prepared a Land Development Plan in 1968, and on 5. Promote tourism; provide better information and facilities the basis of this plan instituted zoning. The town also enforces to tourists. subdivision regulations and the North Carolina Bulding Code. In 6. Improve historic preservation. its zoning and subdivision regulations the town has made special 7. Improve shopping facilities. provisions for historic districts, mobile homes, and waterfront 8. Provide waterfront recreation. development. The town has also conducted housing studies and 9. Provide more and better recreation for the young people of public improvements programs. the town and county. Chowan County has had subdivision regulations in effect 10. Provide better drainage in the town. since 1971 and recently updated them. The county has also 11. Improve the appearance of the town and county. prepared a sketch development plan. 12. Improve code enforcement in the town. Other agencies have jurisdiction in Chowan County. The 13. Plan town and county development together. health department controls residential location through its septic tank permit authority. The State Division of Marine Fisheries has jurisdiction over certain waterfront developments. The State Environmental Management Commission controls point discharges, septic tanks over 3,000 gallons, and supervises sedimentation control. The State Department of Transportation has approval authority over all public roads including subdivi- sion streets. At the Federal level, the Army Corps of Engineers has permit approval over dredge-and-fill projects, and certain shoreline ACHIEVING THE OBJECTIVES: IMPLEMENTATION developments. Environmental impact statements are required for many projects involving federal funds. The Federal Insurance Without the necessary steps to reach the objectives, the state- Administration requires local government control over flood- ments are of little value. in the short time since the county and plain developments that involve Federal funds. The Soil Conser- town adopted these objectives, both governments have moved vation Service has been involved in local water management, toward achieving them. erosion control, and drainage projects. Housing, especially for The county planning board is studying the costs involved in a low and moderate income families, has been subsidized through detailed soils survey and drainage management study. The programs of the Farmers Home Administration and the county is completing a county-wide water system. The county is Department of Housing and Urban Development. also working on the site preparation and construction of a new Although many programs and agencies have been mentioned courthouse. Depending on decisions about class size and the above, there are still others that have direct and indirect impacts curriculum to be taught, new school facilities may be needed on the land use in the town and county. within the next ten years. Application will soon be made to the Federal flood insurance program, and as a result certain adverse LAND USE OBJECTIVES shoreline developments will be controlled. if the necessary arrangements can be made, the county will start a building Co@----------inspection program.-County zoning-and-rnobile-h@orpe-ord'i @-I_h_P7r_ePj_rih9_tK_e_I_afi-a -use l5l-an`a_sn@qui@@dfb& the sta I Area Management Act, the county 'and town planning boards with nances are being considered as possible guides for future their citizen advisory groups held public meetings and development. The concerned observation and reporting of distributed a questionnaire throughout the county and town. county citizens have been important in maintaining local Many of the previously mentioned land use issues were brought environmental quality, and most likely this concern will out. As a result of this information and their own experience, the continue. planning boards and citizen advisory groups set the following The town has been equally active in undertaking programs objectives that were approved by the town council and the that would achieve these objectives. The town has already county commissioners. completed a downtown project that improves the commercial a. ea and makes it attractive to visitors. A convention center for Chowan County conferences is a development that town officials are working 1. Obtain a detailed soils map of the county to use as a basis for hard to bring about. Landscaping and building renovation planning. studies may be prepared for suggestions to further improve the 2. Develop a county-wide drainage pian. town's appearance. The potential of the town's industrial sites 3. Protect shorelines and waterfront of the county from poor has recently been studied with recommendations made for development and increased erosion. future industrial development. Building codes are being strictly 4. Improve the quality of the Chowan River. enforced, and substandard vacant housing is being upgraded or 5. Obtain a waterfront recreation site. removed. The town has completed a waterfront park and is 6. Plan for and obtain the needed facility sites. studying ways to expand its recently established recreation 7. Protect agricultural land. department. if funds are available, the town will have an 8. Develop and protect the local fishing industry. engineering study prepared for solutions to its drainage 9. Attract sound and small industry -with increased attention to problems. Once mapping is completed, floodplain develop- proper industrial siting. ment will be controlled. The town has continued to promote 10. Develop tourist potential. industrial and commercial growth that meet criteria for 11. Improve code enforcement in the county. favorable development. 12. Improve the existing subdivisions in the county. Both the town and county recognize that cooperation is 13. Plan county and town development together through coor- essential and to date have worked together in many areas such as din-ated planning and ordinances. fire protection, water supply, recreation and law enforcement. Certain objectives may be reached fairly soon; others are long range goals. Planning for the town and county is a never ending activity; more important than any ordinance, study, or program is the continued interest of the town and county citizens. Protection of fragile areas Another method of achieving the land use objectives is the protection of valuable or fragile areas. The Coastal Area Management Act requires that this be done. The Coastal Resources Commission, the administrators of the act, have prepared a list of the areas that should be considered in coastal North Carolina. ASO. Not all of these areas are found in Chowan County and Edenton. However a preliminary identification of the areas in the town and county that might be designated as Areas of Environmental Concern has been made. These areas are broadly cletined below. The appropriate land uses for these areas, as determined by the Coastal Resources Commission, are also briefly described. COASTAL WETLANDS-are marshlands that have vege- tation that make them highly valuable for wildlife and fish populations. Conservation of these areas is impor- tant; some appropriate land uses are properly designed ports, docks and marinas that do not have a possible alternative location. ESTUARINE WATERS-are those waters that have been defined as commercial waters by the State Division of Marine Fisheries. The development of navigational channels, the use of bulkheads to prevent erosion, and the building of piers or wharfs where no feasible alternative exists are examples of land uses appropriate within estuarine waters, provided that such land uses will not be detrimental to the waters and the use of the water. COMPLEX NATURAL AREAS-are areas undisturbed by man that are important for wildlife and vegetation. Appropriate land uses depend greatly on the individual area' but any development that destroys the natural character of the area would destroy the value of the area. REMNANT SPECIES AREAS-are natural areas that are habitat for species of plants and animals that are rare or endangered. Alterations of the environment that would threaten a .species close to extinction would not be allowed. The habitat conditions should be preserved. AREAS CONTAINING UNIQUE GEOLOGIC FORMA- TIONS-have surface features or earth resources that are highly unusual. Appropriate uses would depend on the characteristics of the site such as the extent of the formation and the materials contained. HISTORIC PLACES-are National Historic Landma-rks or publicly owned, assisted or maintained sites that have been listed in the National Register of Historic Places. AREAS SUBJECT TO PUBLIC RIGHTS-are basically navigable waters but the definition is quite complicated. Any land use which interferes with the public right of navigation or other public trust right shall not be allowed. The clevelopment-of na@;igational cha_n_n_eIs,______, drainage ditches, the use of bulkheads to prevent erosion, and the building of piers and wharfs are examples of land uses appropriate within public trust waters provided such development is not detrimental to the waters or use of the waters. ESTUARINE, SOUND AND RIVER ERODIBLE AREAS- are shorelines that are subject to erosion. Permanent or substantial residential, commercial, estuarine, sound and river erodible areas unless stabilization has been achieved along the affected reach. Recreational, rural and conservation activities represent appropriate land uses in those erodible areas where shoreline protective consideration has not been completed. More precise definitions and appropriate land uses are in the complete Edenton-Chowan County Land use Plan. it must be clearly understood that the areas mentioned above may be designated as Areas of Environmental Concern. Before the areas are finally designated, legal definitions and boundaries will be established and public hearings will be held. Final decisions will be made by the Coastal Resources Commission. Land Classification Map As a further development guide, and in keeping with the requirements of the Coastal Area Management Act, land classification maps that summarize existing land use and suggest areas where future growth should occur have been drawn up. The town council and planning board have prepared the map for the area of its jurisdiction, up to the extraterritorial limits of Edenton. The county commissioners and planning board, having jurisdiction over the rest of the county, have prepared the county map. Major development affecting both areas will be coordinated. (continued on other side) IMSTMG LANDUSE MAP Residential poo commorciel 'pClLW,&d e 40 Govemmert, ImMutional A cuituvoi,Entortainfuteala Recroation Agricultura '00 Fovestland 40 WGte r 00 Wetland s, aoo 1*0 00 Ito to 00 solo @o wolso PASS low low swoo Wawa aw" '0000100 00 wo 100,0000 100 it AR Goo. @j Lay of, . if,. .011 ol Av ------------------ ------------------ Ito lo --sIALEWMT EDENTON BAY if, .01t, THE 00 SAS We.. TA Uop ..=u I A:@.. ...... I U !%l;. @VVZA: IN ClTlINftINC*QFllC--NCEDlNIIL-VI IRANI I`RftINElEAKRTlElT0@NQllIlQ DAN 1-11-MVII-E -lNENRRISl.GtV f'...-AR-I.. 114 IV LAND CLASSIRCAT@ON MAP Legend RM Developed Tranoition Community Rural Consomfion 100 ",zoo solo '00 Sy-PASS 00 0000000000 V wwww"m 0000,0000000000 000000 %*0 00 '0000 AOO 00 001, 40 ------------------ pemofto E pe 0 loo -------------------- 4A -- ---- V.19 EDENTON SAY T or. I. aj "Cy Q;6.; W1.41 CHOWAN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA C 0 U IN T y SCALE 0 P, SCALE FOR ENLARGEMENTS G 0 32 Z 0 % 0 E R T F 0 R D RA-i COUNT'I IC W DOCU Lo C oi- 6 Concluding Remarks The planning that is being done for the Coastal Area L222 2 Management Act is quite important for the futureof the county 0 cm-amcninc andtown. Citizens are urged to consult the complete plan at the J/ county courthouse and town municipal building for detailed information on land use policy; and for information on natural filovi2cNead 22% 211 resources, population, economy, existing land use and com g 0 1, 121 munity facilities. -7!Ct, -@C Af@ While the plan discusses current problems and possible 121 solutions, and estimates future developments; the report will 2 k Oh, 36 1'voo' not be useful unless it is revised and updated as new situations '3URNE arise and new information becomes available. The Coastal Area Management Act requires that the plan be updated at least every h, f ive years. The planning boards will need to continue working on guiding development in the town and county, and supervise -2 necessary plan revisions. Chowan County and Edenton have been fortunate in not Ua ------------------- having the land development problemsthat many other areas of thestate and nation do have. Nevertheless, the town and county have problems that need work. in the near future more problems may arise, or the existing situation may be improved. The outcome is in the hands of the town and county citizens. Changes will not be the best, or even good, unless the citizens become involved in the local decisions that will shape their future. I-n.b4l "31 nX % -A ----------- F A E A A E 4 J 0 0 A S H N G CHOWAN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA LAND CLASSIFICATION MAP town and county prepared suggesting commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural and conservation areas. 1 However these classification maps deal with future development densities. The classification used is as follows: a. DEVELOPED-lands where existing population density is moderate to high, and where there are a variety of land uses which have the necessary public services. The land in this category is completely within the corporate limits of Edenton. b. TRANSITION-Lands where local government plan to accommodate moderate to high density development during the following ten year period, and where necessary, public services will be provided to accommodate that growth. Transition lands have been designated adjacent to the corporate limits of Edenton where, in keeping with the town's utility extension policies, services could be pro- vided to accommodate that growth. Transition lands have been designated adjacent to the corporate limits of Edenton where, in keeping with the town's utility extension policies, services could be provided if the need arises. The county has not designated any transition because, at this time, it does not plan to provide sewer to county residents. If a suitable arrangement can be made, areas of the county adjacent to Edenton and in the Cape Colony section may receive sewer during the Edenton 201 waste water services construction program. c. COMMUNITY-Lands where low density development is grouped in existing settlements or will occur in such settlements during the following ten year period and which will not require extensive public services now or in the future. This category is not applicable to Eden- ton; within Chowan County there are several such communities-Valhalla, Tyner, Cape Colony and others shown on the map. d. RURAL-lands whose highest use is for agriculture, forestry, mining, water supply, etc. based on their natural resources potential. The majority of land in Chowan County falls into this category. Certain areas within Edenton's extraterritorial limits not likely to develop also have been categorized as rural. e. CONSERVATION-Fragile, hazard or other lands neces- sary to maintain a healthy natural environmental and necessary to provide for the public health, saftey and welfare. The areas within Chowan County that are considered sensitive to development are certain shoreline areas and the millponds in the northern part of the county. Within the extraterritorial limits of Edenton, the conserva- tion lands are the wooded swamp areas southwest of town. Future residential, industrial and commercial development should be concentrated in transition and community areas. The combined growth of the town and county for the next ten years probably has an upper limit of 1500 people, or approximately 430 households. The county has allocated approximately 11,000 acres of community land. The allocation of future growth cannot be done precisely on a one household to one parcel basis. The county's allocation of community land basically delineates existing rural communities and suggests that further growth should take place in these areas, since none are fully developed. If development is limited to these areas, the standards set in the sketch development plan would be furthered. However, whether growth in the county does in fact take place in community areas depends to a large extent on the land use controls the county decides to implement. The final decisions have not been made to date. The town has allocated 900 acres of transition land. The preliminary 201 wastewater planning report indicates that the transition lands that are not already sewered will be. Like the county, the population growth expected cannot be allocated exactly on a household to acre basis, but in considering the land development plan of the town, the transition area along 17 North will probably be developed for industrial purposes, with commercial and residential growth occurring in the other transition areas. This would meet the objectives of concentrating industry around existing industrial zones, and would harmonize industry with the rest of the community. Land Development Plan Edenton North Carolina NOAA COASTAL SERVICES CTR LIBRARY @ 3 6668 14111643 6 lw