[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]
Coastal Zone Information UNIVERS17Y CURRICULA IN OCEANOGIMPHY AND REL A FIELDS COASTAL ZONE INFORMATION CENTER @01 COW kk, ON"Ag UMCE4 OCIRECOMM@c WCE DIMMER N 7HE 9W @4 GC 57 X52) 19. TED FOREWORD Covering nearly three-quarters of the surface of the Earth, the oceans play a unique role in sustaining life and in shaping human objectives. As our understanding of the oceans and their influence on our physical world increases, opportunities for human enrichment also increase. The future well-being of the human race is inextricably linked to knowledge of the oceans, the seafloor, and the airspaces above. The Navy has a special interest in the character and behavior of the oceans because they are our operational environment. "University Curricula in Oceanography and Related Fields" serves as a guide for men and women interested in educational opportunities to enhance their general understanding of how the oceans affect our daily lives. We will gain a full measure-of,the benefits of such knowledge only if we are ready, willing and able to apply our skills to the challenges of the ocean world. We wish to acknowledge the cooperation of the many educational institutions and agencies that provided the information compiled in this edition. J. R. SEESHOLTZ Commodore, U.S. y U S . DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NOAA Oceanographer of the Navy COASTAL SERVICES CENTER 2234 SOUTH HOBSON AVENUE CHARLESTON , SC 29405-2413 Prolperty Of CSC Library L"ARTMENT OF COMMERCE @AL SERVICES CENTER @'IUTH HOBSON AVEW,!- TON, SC 29405- CJ INTRODUCTION General This edition of University Curricula in Oceanography and Related Fields, the tenth in a series Inaugurated by the Interagency Committee on Oceanography, is designed to inform students and guidance counselors which colleges and universities offer marine courses. The purpose of the catalog is to provide a guide to, ratherthan adefinitive description of, current offerings in the marine field. Students, counselors and others should use this publication to select institutions to contact for complete information concerning admission requirements, scholarship- fellowship availability, specific courses which are being offered during particular semesters and related matters. Information was provided by officials at each college, university or institution listed. As the material was gathered during the early part of 1982, references in some of the program descrip- tions to "this year" likely mean the 1981-82 academic year. The criterion for including a college, university or institution in this edition was that it offer a program of at least 25 semester hours (broadly defined) in the marine field. Although the number of responding institutions has increased since the last edition, several institutions which would otherwise qualify were not able to prepare their material in time for inclusion. Institutions were to include programs in all areas of marine studies, from two-year technology training courses to Ph.D. offerings. Programs in marine law, fisheries and food science, the maritime field and naval architecture were specifically included, as well as any new inter- disciplinary programs that might fall outside traditional organizational structures. Reports from the institutions are listed alphabetically and are organized as follows: A description of the facilities available, including research labs and vessels; the degree programs in the marine field, usually with the entrance and course requirements specified; an address for further information, and a geographic index to help identify facilities in a particular region is also given. Scholarship Information There are a number of excellent guides to scholarship information available. Without exception, they point to the institutions themselves as the principal source of information, but nonetheless, provide useful descriptions of the different types of aid programs available. "Need a Lift?", one of the best guides, is published annually by the American Legion. It is pub- lished each fall and one copy is available free by writing to the American Legion National Headquarters, P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206. Additional copies are available for 50(t each. While this brochure is naturally heavy in emphasis on aid to children of veterans, it is a comprehensive listing of government, business and organ ization-provided aid. Included in the American Legion publication is a list of books carried in most libraries which provide guides to colleges and scholarship assistance. The booklet also provides a state-by-state list of educa- tional benefits and eligibility requirements for each. III Students and counselors would also. be wel I advised to contact a U.S. Representative or Senator from their home state for copies of available Federal Government documents describing cur- rent aid programs. Such programs often undergo change and it would be important to obtain the most recent information available. The U.S. Office of Education currently makes available a one-page fact sheet outlining its aid programs. High School guidance offices will have information available about sources of financial aid and can provide leads to publications available in their local area which provide further information. Career Guidance Students looking into the marine field as a possible future career would do well to talk to as many people familiar with the field as possible. Oceanography has attracted considerable worldwide attention and has also been the object of some exaggerated estimates of future growth as a field of endeavor. The booklet, "The Oceans and You," published by the Marine Technology Society $3.00 prepaid), 1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 412, Washington, D.C. 20036, is a realistic guide to the field from the career standpoint. Included are two introductory discussions of the field, job descriptions from sample employers among private industry, government agencies and universities; a cap- sule list of institutions offering marine programs; a comprehensive reading list; a description of marine technician training programs; a list of sources of additional information about the field, and some suggestions about personal actions for any interested individual. Other career guidance publications which have been produced in recent years and might still be available include: So You Want to Be a Marine Scientist, Miami Seaquarium, Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149; Geophysics, the Earth in Space, American Geophysical Union, 1707 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; Your Career in Oceanology, by Norman H. Gaber, Richards Rosen Press, New York, 1967; and Training and Careers in Marine Science, International Oceanographic Foundation, Virginia Key, Miami, Florida 33149. Good sources of general information are the Federal Government agencies with marine programs. Among them are: Department of Commerce; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Maritime Administration, Department of the Interior; Geological Survey and Bureau of Sport Fish and Wildlife, Department of the Navy; Office of Naval Research, Naval Oceanographic Office and Naval Oceanography Command, and Department of Transportation; U.S. Coast Guard. Additional information may be obtained from such diverse sources as the Department of State, Smithsonian Institution and Environmental Protection Agency. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ............................................................... ............. ....... ....... Introduction ... .......................................................................... ......... I........ M Alphabetical Listing ......................................................................... I ............... v Geographical Listing .................................................................................... ix INSTITUTIONS (Listed in alphabetical order) Adelphl University ........................................................... ................. .......... Alabama State University ............................................................................... American University ............................................................... ................... 1 Barrington College ......................................................................................... 3 Bellingham Vocational-Technical Institute ........................................................... -.1 .......... 3 Boston University Marine Biological Laboratory ....................................................................... 4 Bowdoin College ............................. ...................................... r ............... ! I ...... 4 Bowling Green State University ...................... I........... L ............................... I.... .......... 5 .Brazosport College ...................................................................... e ................. 5 University ..................................................................................... ....... 6 California Maritime Academy ...................................... e.............. ............... a....... . 6 California Polytechnic State University ........ ....................................... ............... 6 California State College, Stanislaus ........................................... I....... I., .............. 7 California State University and Colleges Moss Landing Marine Laboratories ........................................................................ 7 California State University and Colleges Southern California Oceans Studies Consortium ....; ................................... .................. 8 California State University, Fullerton ........................................................................ 8 California State University, Long Beach ............................................ I ........................... 9 California State University, Northridge .................................................................... 9 California State University, Sacramento ....................................................................... 10 Cape Fear Technical Institute ........................................................................... 1 10 Case Western Reserve University ........................................................................ 11 Catholic University of America .......... Charles County Community College ...................................................................... 12 Cheyney State College ................................................................................. 13 City University of New York City College of New York ........................................................................... 13 City University of New York Queens College ................................................................ i .................... 14 Clark University ....................................................................................... 14 Clatsop Community College ................................................................. I............. 14 Clemson University .................................................................................... 15 Clover Park Education Center .......................... L ................................................. 15 College Center of the Finger Lakes ........................................................................... 16 College of the Virgin Islands ............................................................................ 16 Columbia University The Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory .......................................................... 16 Cornell University ...................................................................................... 18 Dowling College ........................................................................................ 20 Drake University ....................................................................................... 20 Duke University ........................................................................................ 21 East Carolina University ................................................................................ 22 V Eastern Illinois University ................................ .................................... .22 Eastern Kentucky University ........................................................................ 22 Evergreen State College .................................................................................... 23 Fairleigh Dickinson University West Indies Laboratory, Fairleigh Dickinson University ...................................................... 23 Florida At:antic University ....................................... ............... I ......................... 24 Florida Institute of Technology .......... ..................... ............................................. 25 Florida International University .............................................................................. 27 Florida State University .............................................................. ! .................... 28 Fullerton College ......................................................................................... 28 George Washington University ......................................... I.................................... 29 Georgia Institute of Technology Marine Science Center and S.kidaway Institute of Oceanography ............ I.......... V ....... 29 Grays Harbor College ................................................... ........ I..................... ... 30 Gulf Coast Community College ........................................... ............................. ........ 31 Gulf Coast Research Laboratory .......................................................... I................ 31 Harvard University ..................................................................................... 32 Highline Community College ................................................................................ 33 Humboldt State University .., ............................................................................ 34 The Johns Hopkins University ........................................... t .................................. 35 Kutztown State College ........................................................ ............. I........... 35 Lamar University .................................................. ...... ......t ............... 36 Lehigh University .................................................. ................................. @36 Long Island University, Southampton College ..................................... .................... ....... 37 'Louisiana State University ....................... ! ........................................................ 37 Maine Maritime Academy .......... ........ V ....! ................................... ...................... . 40 Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium of Alabama Dauphin Island Sea Lab .................................. .......................................... *40 Marine Science Consortium, Inc . ............................................................................ 41 Marist College .................... I ....................................................................... 41 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ............. ................................... !.................. 41 Massachusetts Maritime Academy .............. ............ ! ................ ......... .44 McGill University ............ ........................... ...... .................................... G........... 44 Miami Dade Community College ............ P ..................................................... ......... 44 Michigan State University ........................ !....... ................................. e...... ......... 45 Mississippi State University ..............?............................................................... 46 Montana State University .................................................................. I........... 46 ,-Naval Postgraduate School .......................................................... I.............. 47 New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium .................................................................... 49 New York Ocean Science Laboratory ........................................................... ................ 49 Nicholls State University ........................ ......................................................... 50 North Carolina State University .......................................................................... 50 .-,Northeastern Illinois University ............................................................................. 1.. 51 Northeastern University .......................... ....................................................... 51 Nova University ................................................................................ I......... 52 "Ohio State University ...................................................................................... 52 Old Dominion University ............................................................................... 1.153 Orange Coast College ......................................................... ................. I............ 55 Oregon State University ................................................................................. . 55 Peninsula College ................................................................ ......................... 58 Pennsylvania State University .................................................... i ......................... 59 Pierce College ............................................................................................. 59 Pomona College ............................................... 59 ........................................ Princeton University .................................................................................... 60 Rice University ......... :.............................................. r.................................. 60 Roger Williams College .................................................. ?,! .......... .......... ........... 61 Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey .................................................. I ............ 61 .-Vi St. J 'ohn's University ................................. ................................................. 62 Salem State College .................... ............. ........... ..................................... 62 San Diego Community Colleges .................... I .............................................. 63 San Diego State University ................... ............................................................. 63 San Francisco State, University ............. ......................................................... 64 San Jose State University ............................. .................................................. 64 Santa Barbara City College ................... I................. .......................................... 65 Sea Education Association ................................................................................. 65 Seattle Central Community College ......... ......II ................................................. 66 Seattle Pacific University .................................... ...................................... 67 Sheldon Jackson College ............................. ....................................................... 67 Shoreline Community College ............... ......... .............. ......... n .................. . 67 Sonoma State- University ........................ ................ ....................................... 68 Southeastern Massachusetts University ............. 69 Southern Maine Vocational Technical Institute ..... o.'@ ..................................................... 69 Southwest Missouri State University ... o ....... o............................................................. 70 70 Southwest Texas State University .................. .................................................... Stanford University Hopkins Marine Station ................... .......................................................... 70 State University of New York (Farmingdale) Agriculture and Technical College ................ ............... o................................ 71 State University of New York (Ft. Schuyler, Bronx) The Maritime College ....................... o..................................................... 71 State University of New York (Oswego) College of Arts and Science ...... .......... I..................I......................................... 73 State University of New York at Stony Brook ............... o .............. .......................... o ..... 74 State University of New York (Syracuse) College of Environmental Science and Forestry .........o .............................................. 75 Stephens College .......... ........................................... o ...... 76 76 Stevens Institute of Technology ....................... 77 Stockton State College ........................ i......i. . . . .. ................................... Suffolk County Community College .............................. o................. 0 ....................... 77 Suffolk University ............... o........................ ............... W ............................... 77 Talladega College .......................... ......... .............................................. 78 Tarleton State University ...................................................................................... 178 Texas A&M University .................................. 0 ................................................ 79 Texas Christian University ......................................... $.-@ .................................... 85 United States Coast Guard Academy ........................ ........ I ...................................... 85 United States Merchant Marine Academy ......... ........................................................ 85 United States Naval Academy ................................................................................ 86 Unity College ......................................... 0.0 ................................................. 87 University of Alabama .... I..................................... I ..................................... ...... .87 University of Alaska ................................. *** ................. S .............................. 1 88 University of Arizona ................................ .88 89 University of Bridgeport ...................................... .... .................................... University of British Columbia ........................ ............................................. . 89 University of California ................................. @f ........... o .................................. 90 University of California, Berkeley ............. ............................................................ . 90 University of California BodegaMarine Laboratory .......... I.............. ........ 0 ................... 91 University of California, Davis .......................... 91 .................................................. University ol''California, Irvine ............ ...... I.................................. 92 University of California, Los Angeles ...... ........................................................ 92 University of California, Riverside ..................... ........................................ 93 University of California, San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography ......................................... 93 University of California, Santa Barbara .... ........... ... 0....................................... 94 University of California, Santa Cruz ....... ....... ...... ........... ...................................... 94 V11 University of Chicago ......................... .................... ....................................... 95 University of Connecticut Marine Sciences Institute ................... ........................................................ 95 University of Delaware .................................................................................. 96 University of Florida ................................................................................... 97 University of Georgia ................................................................................... 99 University of Guam ..................................................................................... 100 University of Hawaii ..................................................................................... 100 University of Houston .................................................................................. 105 University of Maine .................................................................................... 106 University of Maryland .................................................................................. 106 University of Massachusetts ............................................................................. 107 University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science .................................................. jo8 University of Michigan .................................................................................. 109 University of Minnesota ................................................................................. 114 University of Mississippi ............................. 114 University of New England, Saint Francis College .......................................................... 114 University of New Hampshire ............................................................................. 115 University of North Alabama ........ '-* ..... ***''*'"**'***'**"***''****'******''*''****'**""****'*' 117 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .......................................................... I... - 117 University of North Carolina at Wilmington ................................................................ 118 University of North Dakota .................................... I .......................................... 118 University of Oregon ................................................................................... 120 University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez .................................... I ................................. 120 University of the Pacific Pacific Marine Station ............................................................................. 121 ,University of Rhode I 'sland .............................................................................. 122 University of South Carolina ............................................................................ 124 University of South Florida 124 University of Southern California Institute for Marine and Coastal Studies .......I ......................................................... 125 University of Southern Mississippi ........................................................................ 127 University of Southwestern Louisiana .............................. ....................................... 128 University of Tampa .................................................................................... 128 University of Texas .................................................................................... 129 University of Texas Medical Branch The Marine Biomedical Institute ..................................................................... 130 University of Virginia ................................................................................... 130 University of Washington ............................................................................... 131 University of West Florida ............................................................................... 135 University of Wisconsin-Madison ........................................................................ 1;36 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ....................................................................... 139 Virginia Institute of Marine Science College of William and Mary ........................................................................ 140 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ........................................................... 141 Walla Walla College ..................................................................................... 141 Washington Technical Institute ............................................................................ 142 Webb Institute of Naval Architecture ...................................................................... 142 Wesleyan University ........................................................ I............................... 142 Western Connecticut State College ......................................................... I .............. 142 Western Kentucky University ............................................................................. 143 Western Michigan University .................................................. .......................... 143 Western Washington University .......................................................................... 143 West Virginia University ........................................................................... I ..... 144 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution .................................................................... 144 Yale University ......................................................................................... 145 Vill GEOGRAPHICAL LISTING (United States and U.S. Territories) ALABAMA Alabama State University ............................................................................ 1 Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium of Alabama Dauphin Island Sea Lab ........................................................................ 40 Talladega College ....................................... ; ......................................... 78 University of Alabama .............................................................................. 87 University of North Alabama ......................................................................... 117 ALASKA Sheldon Jackson College ........................................................................... 67 University of Alaska ................................................................................. .88 ARIZONA University of Arizona ............................................................................... 88 CALIFORNIA California Maritime Academy ........................................................................ 6 California Polytechnic State University ............................................................... 6 California State College, Stanislaus .......... .......................................................... 7 California State University and Colleges . Moss Landing Marine Laboratories .................................................... ........... 7 California State University and Colleges Southern California Ocean Studies Consortium ...................................................... 8 California State University, Fullerton .................................................................. 8 California State University, Long Beach .............................................................. 9 California State University, Northridge ............................................................... 9 California State University, Sacramento ............................................................... 10 Fullerton College ............................... I................................................... 28 Humboldt State University .......................................................................... 34 Naval Postgraduate School .......................................................................... 47 Orange Coast College .............................................................................. 55 Pierce College .................................................................................... 59 Pomona College ..................................................................... ................ 59 CALIFORNIA San Diego Community Colleges ........ 63 San Diego State University ............. 6@ San Francisco State University ...................................................................... 64 San Jose State University ........................................................................... 64 Santa Barbara City College ......................................................................... 65 Sonoma State University ............................................................................ 68 Stanford University Hopkins Marine Station ........................................................................ 70 University of California ............... .............................................................. 90 University of California, Berkeley ..................... I.............................. ............... 90 University of California Bodega Marine Laboratory ....................................................................... 91 University of California, Davis ........................................................................ 91 University of California, Irvine ....................................................................... 92 University of California, Los Angeles .................................................................. 92 University of California, Riverside ................ a.............................. ; ..................... 93 University of California, San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography ............................................................. 93 University of California, Santa Barbara ................................................................. 94 University of California, Santa Cruz ......................................................... ; ......... 94 University of the Pacific Pacific Marine Station ... .................................................. 121 University of Southern California Institute for Marine and Coastair Studies .......................................................... 125 Ix CONNECTICUT United States Coast Guard Academy .................................. .......................... 85 University of Bridgeport ....... I............. ....................................................... 89 University of Connecticut Marine Sciences Institute ............... .......................................... 95 Wesleyan University .......................... ..................................... 142 Western Connecticut State College ........... ....................... I.......................... 142 Yale University .................. I............ ................................................. 145 DELAWARE University of Delaware .................... .......................................................... 96 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA American University ................................. 0! .................. I.......................... I Catholic University of America ................................... .................................. 11 George Washington University ............. I .......................................................... 29 Washington Technical Institute ... ..................................................................... 142 FLORIDA Florida Atlantic University ................. A ........................................................ 24 Florida Institute of Technology ...................................................................... 25 Florida International University ........................................................................ 27 Florida State University ......................................... ! .................................... 28 Gulf Coast Community College ........................................................................ 31 Miami Dade Community College ...................................................................... 44 Nova University ........................................ : ................... ** ........................ 52 University of Florida ....................... ......................................................... 97 .University of Miami Rosenstlel School of Marine and Atmosoheric Science ............................ ................ 108 University of South Florida ............................................................................ 124 University of Tampa ............................................................ .............. 128 University of West Florida ....................... ...................................................... 135 GEORGIA Georgia Institute of Technology Marine Science Center and Skidaway,11ned6fie of-Ocesn"raphy ...................................... 29 UnIversit y of Georgia .............................................................................. 99 GUAM University of Guam .................. ................... 6............... P ............................ 100 HAWAII University of Hawaii ................................................................................ 100 ILLINOIS Eastern Illinois University .............................................................................. 22 Northeastern Illinois University ........................................................................ 51 University of Chicago ................................ e............................................. . 95 IOWA Drake University ....................................... ............................ .............. 20 KENTUCKY Eastern Kentucky University ......................... ! ................................................ 22 Western Kentucky University ................................... ................................... 143 LOUISIANA Louisiana State University ............ ............................................... I .... 37 Nicholls State University ................... i ................................................. so University of Southwestern Louisiana .................................................................... 128 MAINE Bowdoln College ................... ............. 0 .............................................. 4 Maine Maritime Academy ........................................................................... 40 MAINE Southern Maine Vocational Technical Institute ........................................................... 69 Unity College ....................... ............................. .............................. 87 University of Maine ............ I...... ........ .............................................. 106 University of New England, Saint Francis Callep .......... .......... ................................. 114 x MARYLAND Charles County Community College ... .............................. ........ 12 .......... The Johns Hopkins University ............................................. ............... ;................... 35 United States Naval Academy ............................................................. .......... ... 86 University of Maryland ........................................................ ........ 106 MASSACHUSETTS Boston University Marine Biological Laboratory ...... ....................... ............... .............. 4 Clark University ........................ 1.4 Harvard University .................................................................... ............... 32 Massachusetts Institute of Technology .............................................................. 41 Massachusetts Maritime Academy ...... I..................................................... 44 Northeastern Universit .................. ......... 51 y .............................................. . Salem State College ....................................................... ................ ........ 62 Sea Education Association ............................................................................. 65 Southeastern Massachusetts University ......................... .................................... 69 Suffalk University ............................................................................... 77' University of Massachusetts ...4............................................................... 107 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ........................ ................................................... 144 MICHIGAN Michigan State University ............................................... .............. 45 University of Michigan ................................................... ................................ Western Michigan University ................ ......................................................... 143 M fNNESOTA University of Minnesota .............................. .................................. 114 MISSISSIPPI Gulf Coast Research Laboratory ........... 4................. ........................................ Mississippi State University .................................. m. I . I . - 46 ................. ............... University of Mississippi ............... 114 University of Southern Mississippi .......................................... ..................... 127.,. MISSOURI Southwest* Missouri State University ................................. ....................... 70 Stephens College .............................. .......................................... ........... 76 MONTANA Montana State University ... 4 ...................... r....... I.................................................... 46 NEW HAMPSHIRE University of New Hampshire .......................................................... ............. 115 NEW JERSEY Fairleigh Dickinson University West Indies Laboratory of Fairleigh Dickinson University ................. ........... ................ 23 New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium .................. I............... I., ............. I., .............. 49 Princeton University ................................................................................ 60- Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey ............................... ............. 61 Stevens Institute of Technology ........................................................................ 76 Stockton State College ......................................................... 77 NEW YORK Adelphi University ..... 1 City University of NewYoW-*-*-**- City College of New York .............. .......................................... ............: 13 City University of New York Queens College ..... 14 College Center of the Finger Lakes .................................................................. 16 Columbia University The Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory ................. 1. .1 ................. 131;0 ." ......... 16 Cornell University ................ ................................................................. 18 " Dowling College ....................................... I...... 20 Long Island University, Southampton, College ........................................................ I ...... 37 Marist College ................................. ............... 41 New York Ocean Science Laboratory ........ ............ ....................... 49 A St. John's University ............................................................................... . 62 State University of New York (Farmingdale) Agriculture and Technical College .................................................................. 71 State University of New York (Ft. Schuyler/Bronx) The Maritime College ............................................................................... 71 State University of New York (Oswego) College of Arts and Science ........................................................ 73 State University of New York at Stony Brook .................................................. r ......... 74 State University. of New,York (Syracuse) College of Environmental Science and Forestry ................................................... 75 Suffolk County Community College .................................................................. 77 United States Merchant Marine Academy ............................................................... 85 Webb Institute of Naval Architecture ................................................................ 142 NORTH CAROLINA Cape Fear Technical. Institute ....................................................................... 10 Duke University ..................................................................................... 21 East Carolina University ................................................... i .......................... 22 North Carolina State University ......................................................... ............. 50 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ............................................................. 117 University of North Carolina at Wilmington ......................................................... .... 118 NORTH DAKOTA University of North Dakota ............................................................................ 118 OHIO Bowling Green State University ...................................................................... 5 Case Western Reserve University ................................................................... 11 Ohio State University .............................................................................. 52 OREGON Clatsop Community College ........................................................................ 14 Oregon State University ............................................................................ 55 University of Oregon ............................................................................... 120 University of Oregon School of Law ................................................................. 120 PENNSYLVANIA Cheyney State College .............................................................................. 13 Lehigh University .................................................................................. 36 Kutztown State College ............................................................................ 35 Pennsylvania State University ....................................................................... 59 PUERTO RICO University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez .................................................................. 120 RHODE ISLAND Barrington College ................................................................................ 3 Brown University .................................................................................. 6 Roger Williams College ............................................................................. 61 RHODE ISLAND University of Rhode Island .......................................................................... 122 SOUTH CAROLINA Clemson University ................................................................................ 15 University of South Carolina ........................................................................ 124 TEXAS Brazosport College ... 5 Lamar University .................................................................................. 36 Rice University .................................................................................... 60 Southwest Texas State University .................................................................... 70 Tarleton State University ........................................................................... 78 Texas A&M University .............................................................................. 79 Texas Christian University .......................................................................... 85 University of Houston .............................................................................. 105 University of Texas ........................................ i ........................................ 129 University of Texas Medical Branch The Marine Biomedical Institute ................................................................. 130 x1i VIRGINIA Marine Science Consortium, Inc . ..................................................................... 41 Old Dominion University ............................................................................. 53 University of Virginia ......................................................................... I..' .... 130 Virginia Institute of Marine Science College of William and Mary ........................................................................ 140 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ................................................... I ..... 141 VIRGIN ISLANDS College of the Virgin Islands ........................................................................ 16 Fairleigh Dickinson University West Indies Laboratory of Fairleigh Dickinson University ................................................. 23 WASHINGTON Bellingham Vocational-Technical Institute ............................................................. 3 Clover Park Education Center ............................ I............... ... 15 Evergreen State College ................................................. 23 Grays Harbor College .................................................. 30 Highline Community College ............................................ ***** ....................... 33 Peninsula College ................... ...................................... 58 Seattle Central Community College ................................................................... 66 Seattle Pacific University *' ........ ***''*''''***'** ..... ******"****** *---***-**----- 67 Shoreline Community College ....................................................................... 67 University of Washington ............................... ...... 131 Walla Walla College .................................. ...... 141 Western Washington University ...................................................................... 143 WEST VIRGINIA I West Virginia University ...... I........................................................................ 144 WISCONSIN University of Wisconsin-Madison .................................................................... 136 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ................................................................... 139 Canada BRITISH COLUMBIA University of British Columbia ....................................................................... 89 QUEBEC McGill University ................................................................................... 44 xill ADELPHI UNIVERSITY students interested in this area. Students pursuing this Garden City, Long Island, New York 11530 program are required to complete the general college requirements and a minimum of 25 quarter hours of Marine related activities at Adelphi University are Marine Science courses. The courses in Marine Biolo- centered in the Departments of Biology, Earth Science gy are offered only at the Dauphin Island Sea Labora- and Physics. Currently, the instructional and research tory (see citation for Marine Environmental Sciences energies of eight faculty are marine oriented. The De- Consortium of Alabama/Dauphin Island Sea Lab.) partments of Biology and Earth Science offer the Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Marine Science degree with a marine orientation. The Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. University maintains the RIV Shuttle, and a Boston Whaler, to implement programs of research and educa- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: tion. Opportunities for oceanographic cruise experience Chairman and research are available and encouraged. Department of Biology Equipment available for estuarine and ocean teach- Alabama State University ing and research include induction salinometers, sub- P.O. Box 271 marine photometer, otter trawl, seine nets, oxygen Montgomery, AL 36195 analyzers, specific-ion probes, pH meters, spectropho- (205) 832-6072 x467 tometers microscopes, photographic equipment, scuba gear, climate control chambers, centrifuges, a seismic hammer with six chambers, and water and bacteriologi- cal samplers. THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY The Following degrees are offered: Washington, D.C. 20016 1. S.A. Interdisciplinary Major In Marine and En- vironmental Science, sponsored by the Biology and The American University offers to students one of Earth Science Departments and the Institute'of Marine the most unique and diverse marine science academic Science. Degrees granted: 12. programs in the nation. Nearly one hundred courses a) Biology 20 credits are offered in environmental and marine sciences, with b) Earth Science 20 credits about half on campus and half at field stations or c) Chemistry 12 credits marine laboratories or aboard ship. d) Physics 8 credits The American University (A.U.) has affiliations or e) Mathematics 8 credits memberships with selected regional marine institutions 2. M.S. in Biology with specialization in Marine including: (1) the Marine Science Consortium, (2) Sea Biology. Degrees granted: 62. Education Association, (3) the U.S. National Park Ser- Thirty-three credits including 6 for thesis research. vice (Lightship Chesapeake), (4) U.S. National Aquar- Comprehensive examination, oral or written. ium. Affiliations are pending with (1) the Gulf Coast 3. M.S. in Earth Science with specialization in M'a- Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, and rine Science and Environmental Science. Degrees (2) the Jean-Michel Cousteau Institute (Project Ocean granted: 15. Search Expeditions). Participation in these numerous Successful completion of 33 graduate credits as and diverse programs provides students with a multi- follows: habitat (world-wide) marine academic experience. a) Earth Science 21-24 credits Students register for all course work and research (on b) Mathematics 3-6 credits and off campus) through A.U. c) Electives 3-6 credits The variety of field research facilities enables long- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. term studies of diverse aquatic environments including the ocean, lakes, estuaries, rivers, lagoons, wetlands, Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. and forests. Partly and wholly-funded graduate and To obtain further information, address inquiries to: undergraduate internships allow local work-study pro- Marine Program Coordinator jects in aquaculture, limnology, and environmental ed- Department of Biology ucation. Research and teaching fellowships are avail- Adelphi University able at the graduate level. Coursework and research Garden City, Long Island, NY 11530 facilities are also available through numerous govern- ment agencies in the area and through the Washington Area Consortium of Universities (Georgetown Uni- versity, George Washington University, Howard Univer- ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY sity, Catholic University and others). In each case, the Montgomery, Alabama 36195-0301 academic registration is made through A.U. A.U. faculty funded research interests include remote Alabama State University, through affiliation with the sensing (wetland mapping, water quality and land use Marine and Environmental Sciences Consortium at in national parks); ocean dumping of municipal and In- Dauphin Island, Alabama, offers a major in Biology dustrial wastes; environmental assessment and mon- with an emphasis in Marine Biology, designed for those itoring in lakes, reservoirs, rivers (Columbia, Missis- sippi, Potomac and the Amazon), estuaries (Chesa- degree plan must be approved by a faculty member of peake Bay, Delaware Bay and Chincoteague Bay), and the student's department and the Environmental Stud- oceans (North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and ies Committee when the double major is declared. Mediterranean); distribution and abundance of organ- a) A total of 36 credit hours is required for the isms; invertebrate zoology; fisheries; ecological stud- double major ies in salt marshes; nationally recognized Project b) Required courses - 18 credits IBIS (intensive Blometric Intertidal Survey); marine c) Of the 18 remaining credit hours, 12 hours optics/spectral d istri butions/p rod uctivity/resp I ration must be outside the student's major department and and many others. his major degree requirements SEA Semester: Students spend six weeks at Woods d) Of these 18 remaining credit hours, nine credit Hole, Massachusetts, and six weeks aboard the West- hours must be .300 level or above ward (a 110-foot sailing Ship). in the Atlantic or Carib- 6. M.S.T.M. in Environmental Systems Management bean, for 16 undergraduate credit hours. Thesis-option degree offered by the College of Public . The Marine Science Consortium at Wallops Island, Affairs, Center for Technology and Administration. Re- Virginia: About 25 courses are offered in the field dur- quires the completion of all foundation requirements or ing summers. Opportunities for independent research. their equivalent (approximately nine credit hours), and Research cruises and Project IBIS (salt marsh re- completion of 36 graduate semester hours in core re- .search) are especially well known (see citation for The quirements, field requirements, and thesis requirements Marine Science Consortium, Inc.). or research and/or seminar. Students must success- G.raduate and undergraduate degrees in Ocean- fully complete one comprehensive examination in the ography, Marine Biology and other similar fields may main field of concentration. be arranged as interdisciplinary programs, or as degree 7. Graduate Certificate in Environmental Systems programs in the Department of Biology. Marine and Management environmental specializations are also available in The Environmental Systems Management Program chemistry, physics and other departments. The Biology offers graduate certificate programs in general En- requirements are given as representatives of many vironmental Systems Management, Ocean Affairs Man- departments; some interdepartmental degree programs agement, and Toxic and Hazardous Materials Manage- also are listed. ment: 18 credit hours. 1. B.A. In Biology 8. Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry a) University Liberal Arts and English A minimum of 72 semester hours of graduate work Is requirements 24 credits required. b) Core courses In Biology 37 credits a) At least 60 graduate semester hours of chem- c) Elective courses in Biology 3 credits istry including seven specified courses d) Related requirements 8 credits b) Two semester hours of a seminar in chemistry e) Electives to complete a minim um. of c) Twelve to 24 semester hours of Doctoral Dis- 120 credits sertation Research 2. B.S..In Biology d) Eighteen of the graduate semester hours must a) Free elective courses in Biology 12 credits be chosen from the environmental systems manage- b) University Liberal Arts and English ment courses offered by the Center for Technology requirements 24 credits and Administration c) Core courses in Biology 26 credits 9. Ph.D. in Science Education d) Related requirements (chemistry, a) A minimum of 72 semester hours of graduate physics, math and statistics) 34 credits credit beyond a bachelor's degree, with at least 12 e) Electives to complete a minimum of 120 credits of these hours being devoted to the dissertation which includes an oral defense. Specific courses may 3. Two new degrees: B.S. in Marine Biology and be necessary for certain study areas. B.S. in Marine Science have been submitted for Uni- b) Tools of research versity approval. c) Qualifying examination must be taken before 4. M.S. in Biology completion of 24 hours of course work Thesis degree with specialization in Marine Biology, . d) Three written comprehensive examinations and Marine Science, or Oceanography. one oral comprehensive examination are required a) Minimum of 32 hours of approved graduate Curriculum offered. available in school catalog. work inclU ding six hours Master's Thesis Research Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. and two hours of Graduate Seminar To obtain further information, address inquiries to: b) A written comprehensive examination Director, Environmental and Marine Science c) Successful completion, defense and accep- tance of a Master's Thesis Department of Biology 5. B.A. In Environmental Studies The American University May only be taken as a second major, combined with Washington, D.C. 20016 a traditional B.A. or B.S. degree. The student's final (202) 686-2177 2 BARRINGTON COLLEGE BELLINGHAM Barrington, Rhode Island 02806 VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL. INSTITUTE Pellingham, Washington 98225 The Marine Biology program at Barrington College not only serves the students of New England, but stu- A 41-foot boat, BelleTech, is rigged for trawling.and dents from as far west as California. This program was purse seine. A net loft is also used at Bellingham harbor started in the summer of 1970. Narragansett Bay was for net work. the perfect place for marine studies, and the first Sum- The Commercal Fishing Course at Bellingham Vo- mer Institute attracted twenty-five students. These were cational-Technical Institute is designed to prepare per- college students, college professors, and businessmen. sons with little or no previous experience to -enter From this enthusiastic beginning the Summer Institutes employment as crew members on commercial fishing began to accept high school students. It soon became vessels. The graduate will be able to serve on board a clear that an undergraduate program was needed in variety of fishing ships, including those used for purse Marine Biology. In the mid-1079's a B.A. degree was seining, otter trawling, gillnetting, reef-netting, trolling made available, and has continued to be an outstand- and halibut fishing. ing program at Barrington College. I The Commercial Fishing Course is nine months long- The Summer Institutes provide long periods of time Classes operate five days per week for a total of 1,080. to be involved in study, and time to specialize. The stu- hours. The class schedule is as follows: morning -8:30 dents are with highly-qualified faculty members for a.m. to 11:36 a.m.; lunch 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm.;, after- about eight hours each day, five days a week. Each noon 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Students may also enroll Marine Biology Institute lasts three weeks. Three In" on a half-time basis, taking either the. morning or after- stitutes are held each summer. Two of these Institutes noon class. are campus-based with study being done in Narragan- sett Bay and in the waters of Cape Cod. The third The program encompasses: Institute is held at the College's field station in Nova 11. Introduction to Commercial Fishing Scotia to.learn the ecology and physiology of colder a) Overview of fishing industry waters. In the January Winterim, a course in Tropical b) Common methods of commercial fishing Coastal Waters is held off the coast of Central America. Besides these concentrated courses taken during the 2. Orientation to theYessel Summer Institutes, the students are required to take a) Teamwork marine biology courses, and other basic biology courses b) Common deck equipment during the regular semesters. The students majoring C) Navigation aids d) Marine terminology in marine biology must also take at least a year of mathematics, a year of physics, and two years of e) Work stations chemistry. The students are also urged to take courses f) Crew members.and their responsibilities in computer science. 3. Seamanship The regular college faculty is assisted by an out- a) Skiff handling and operation standing guest and affiliate faculty. Much emphasis b) Docking, anchoring, and line handling, is put on field experience and laboratory methods. Sys- c) Stowage of equipment tematics and physiology are also stressed. Organismal d) Clothing and protective gear, biology and ecology are considered important. The e) Health and personal hygiene essential nature of the intertidal zone is the focus in f) Conservation of. water, electrical power, and many of the courses. Special field trips are taken to other resources other Marine Study facilities where students have an 4. Navigation and "Rules of the Road" opportunity to meet and hear other scientists. The a) Use of navigation aids motto for this area of study at Barrington College is: -b) Plotting a course "Our second decade of successful outdoor marine ed- c) Channel markers, passing, signaling, etc. ucation." d) Distress signals Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. 5. Safety Rules a) As applies to all "on-board" 'activities' (Inte- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. grated throughout instruction) To obtain further information, address inquiries to: b) Emergency procedures, Director of Mari .ne Biology 6. Species of Common Commercial F ish a) Identification Barrington College b) Use Middle Highway 7. Care and Handling of Fish Barrington, RI 02806 a) Federal and state regulations b) Icing (401) 246-1200 c) Loading and unloading techniques 3 8. Types of Fishing Gear 2. Ph.D. in Biology, specializing in marine biology, a) Purse seine requiring successful completion of eight graduate-level b) Otter trawl semester courses (32 credit hours) beyond the A.M., c) Gillnet a reading knowledge of one major modern foreign d) Trolling and tuna fishing language (if not already demonstrated for the A.M.), e) Reefnet , successful completion of a qualifying examination, and f) Long-line (halibut fishing) presentation of a Ph.D. thesis, with an oral examination. g) Crab fishing Exceptionally well-qualified candidates may be ad- 9. Assembling and Repairing Gear mitted to the Ph.D. program without the A.M. as a pre- a) Lacing and hanging requisite. In such cases the A.M. thesis is waived. b) Mending web c) Net materials Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. d) Mesh sizes Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 10. Marine Engines and Power Driven Equipment To obtain further information, address inquiries to: a) Starting and basic operating procedures Director b) Hydraulic units Boston University Marine Program c) Safety rules Marine Biological Laboratory To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Woods Hole, MA 02543 Admissions (617) 540-1979 Bellingham Vocational-Technical Institute 3028 Lindbergh Bellingham, WA 98225 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Brunswick, Maine 04011 BOSTON UNIVERSITY MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Bowdoin College is a private, undergraduate liberal Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 arts college with an enrollment of 1400 students. It maintains a Marine Research Laboratory located 11 The Boston University Marine Program (BUMP) is miles from the college on a 15 acre tract of land which a program in marine biological sciences primarily for includes a meadow, pond, woodland, and shore front- graduate students but open to a small number of age. The lab is equipped with running seawater, ex- selected advanced undergraduates. It includes the fol- perimental tanks, two 18-foot boats, sampling gear, lowing: and a variety of analytical instruments for research. Basic courses in Marine Biology presented annually The on-going research concentrates on the fate and during the academic year (September-May) by BUMP effects of pollutants in the marine environment. Heavy faculty in residence at the Marine Biologiciii'Laboratory metals and petroleum are the two pollutants studied at Woods Hole. with respect to physiological stress on bivalve mol- luscs, diversity/density analysis of benthic and plank- Seminars in Marine Biology with the participation of tonic invertebrates, and effects on mangrove forests. BUMP faculty and visiting marine scientisi'.' Field work has been conducted in tropical, temperate,' Opportunities for research and for research training and arctic environments. in marine prob!ems, made possible by the availability of The Marine Research Laboratory collaborates closely facilities at the MBL, on campus in Boston, and at the with Bowdoin's Hydrocarbon Research Center (HRC) New England Aquarium in Boston. which is actively studying the response of the cyto- Opportunities for qualified graduate students and chrome P450-dependent mixed function oxidase system undergraduates from other institutions to take courses in fish and crabs to pollutants as well as the effect of and seminars in BUMP on a "leave of absence" basis heavy metals on bivalve molluscs. The HRC performs from their home institution with academic credit avail- the chemical analysis of all water, sediment, and tissue able for transfer from the Boston University Graduate samples as part of a close interdisciplinary effort with School. the Marine Research Laboratory. A 65-foot vessel, RIV A.E. Verrill, and the library at No Marine Science degrees are offered at Bowdoln;- the MBL, among the finest marine biological libraries however, students concentrating in biology and chem- in the country, are available to BUMP students. istry are able to receive credit for@ work in marine The following degrees are offered: science. Marine related courses are offered through 1. A.M. in Biology, specializing in marine biology, Bowdoln's Environmental Studies Program. requiring eight graduate-level semester courses (32 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. credit hours), a reading knowledge of one major mod- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ern language (French, German or Russian), and the presentation of a master's thesis. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: 4 Director 3. M.S. In Biology or Geology. Requirements: 30 Marine Research Laboratory semester hours minimum degree program and a formal Cleaveland Hall thesis. Bowdoin College Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Brunswick, ME 04011 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: (207) 725-8731 x602 Marine Science Coordinator Department of Biological Sciences Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY (419) 372-0330 Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 Bowling Green State University offers courses in marine science within the framework of the Depart- BRAZOSPORT COLLEGE ments of Biological Sciences and Geology. Lake Jackson, Texas 77566 The Department of Biological Sciences is located in the modern Life Sciences Building which is well The Department of Oceanic and Marine Technology equipped with research and teaching instruments and has shore laboratory facilities and major equipment at facilities commensurate to a Ph.D. degree-granting Lake Jackson, Texas. Regular classrooms average 830 department. The facilities include a sizeable marine square feet in area and are utilized on a flexible basis; laboratory equipped with numerous fiberglass aquaria i.e., drafting classroom equipment with drafting tables of 10, 30, and 250 gallon capacity, refrigerated aquaria and stools are utilized for navigation classes, electronic units, pH meters, precision balance, refractometer, laboratory and classrooms for marine electronics, etc., spectrophoto meter, temperature control incubators and contingent upon project needs and classroom/labora- refrigerators. Additional equipment for research proj- tory availability. Office space specifically assigned to ects is available in the department. The department the program is programmed at 768 square feet. Equip- offers a number of aquatic oriented courses inclu 'ding ment in the categories of navigation, seamanship, en- a marine closed-system course and a marine biology gineering, marine electronics, scuba diving, firefighting, course with field trip. The University is affiliated with furniture, and reference material are available for stu- the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, dent's use. Mississippi, and with its summer courses in addition to those. in the department, students can gain a back- Students enrolled in the program receive actual ex- ground in marine biological science. perience on vessels during each semester as well as. a required practicurn during which a student works on a The Department of Geology offers both courses and vessel for a semester. Shortly after enrollment, fresh- research opportunities in the general areas of marine men receive Merchant Ordinary Seaman papers from geology and marine paleobiology. The facilities include the U.S. Coast Guard permitting them to work in the a research marine laboratory for conducting experl- marine inclu'shry. Upon completion of the sophomore ments with small organisms, as well as modern labora- year, students receive an Associate of Applied Science tories for paleontology, sedimentology, geochemistry, degree and':r6ceive, reduced sea time credits to set for x-ray analysis, and electron microscopy. A summer the Able Bodied Seaman Examination administered by field course in modern marine environments has been the U.S. Coast Guard. Unlike many other fields, the offered in the Florida Keys on demand. A foraminiferal employmeff outlook for persons in the offshore oil and research program concentrates on the fauna of Ber- mineral industry along the Gulf Coast is projected to muda, Florida, and the West Indies. be excellent. Opportunities for advancement are usually The Departments of Biological Sciences and Geology limited only by an individual's abilities and ambition. offer both the B.S. and M.S. degrees with concentra- The following degree/certificates are awarded: tions in marine science. The following degrees are 1. Associate of Applied Sciencel, Marine Technology; offered: sponsored by the Oceanic and Marine Technology De- l. B.S. in Biology. Requirements: 32 semester hours partnient. A total of 69 credit hours are required for (minimum) in Biology; plus required courses: organic this two-year program. chemistry (biochemistry highly re"commended), calcu- 2. Additional certificates that may be acquired dur- lus and physics. The student may elect to do readings ing the two-year program: on marine science topics and an independent research a) Loran "C" project. b) Radar 2. B.S. in Geology. Requirements: 38 semester c) Lifeboatman hours; plus prescribed courses in mathematics, chem-. d) Open Waters Scuba. istry, and physics. A student may elect to specialize e) First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in paleobiology, which requires courses in biology and (CPR) a senior research project. f) Firefighting 5 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. State of California with supplemental funds from the Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. U.S. Maritime Administration. Co-ed, 11 months per To obtain further information, address inquiries to: year for four years. Enrollment: 480. Director The Academy offers two curriculums. One leads to Oceanic and Marine Technology a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nautical Industrial Technology. The other leads to the Bachelor of Science Brazosport College Degree in Marine Engineering Technology. Graduates 500 College Drive serve as licensed deck or engineering officers in the Lake Jackson, TX 77566 U.S. Merchant Marine and also in shore-based mad- (713) 265-6131 x254 time industry. The curriculums are *directed primarily toward preparation for service as maritime officers; however, optional concentrations are available in Ma- rine Transportation, Marine Business Management, Maritime Specialties, Instrumentation and Automation, BROWN UNIVERSITY Ocean Technology, Ship Construction Technology and Nuclear Technology. Providence, Rhode Island 02912 A special facility is the training ship, Golden Bear, Research and training in the marine sciences Is un- a 7,987 gross-ton vessel which can cruise at 16 knots dertaken at Brown in the Department of Geological and serves as a "floating laboratory" during the annual Sciences. Most work is concerned with the history and two-month training cruise. evolution of the oceans, their circulation, and climate. Approximate number of degree recipients each year: In, addition to programs within the department, a co- operative effort in the marine sciences exists between 1. Marine Engineering -55 Brown University and the Woods Hole Oceanographic 2. Nautical Science -55 Institution. As needed by individual students, coopera- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. tive programs of study and research programs oper- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ated jointly by Brown, Lamont-Doherty Geological To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Observatory and Oreogon State University, the student Director of Admissions has access to extensive collections of deep-sea cores. California Maritime Academy The following degrees are offered: Vallejo, CA 94590 1. A.B., Sc.B., in Marine Sciences. This is an inde- pendent concentration program that can be structured in consultation with the departmental undergraduate advisor. Courses from chemistry, biology, geology, and CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC physics are included. 2. M.Sc. in Geological Sciences, specializing In Ma- STATE UNIVERSITY rine Sciences. Requirements: successful completion of San Luis Obispo, California 93407 an integrated program including a minimum of eight semester courses, no more than two of which shall be The University is located in an area which offers stu- research courses, and demonstration of research capa- dents of marine sciences an unequaled, unspoiled bility. variety of marine environments including open and .3. Ph.D..In Geological Sciences, specializing In Ma- protected rocky coastlines, mud and sand flats, sandy rine Sciences. Requirements: successful completion of beaches, dunes and estuaries - all within easy driving course work and original thesis research. distance from the campus. A recirculating sea-water Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. system is maintained in the teaching laboratory, student Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. research 'laboratory and faculty office-p reparation room To obtain further information, address inquiries to: complex in the Science North building. A boat and gear Chairman storage building is adjacent, housing 17-foot and 14- Department of Geological Sciences foot outboard dories with trailers, overhead crane, net Brown University drying racks and gear storage lockers. Fishing boats Providence, Rhode Island 02912 at Morro Bay and Port San Luis are available for charter for open-water work. An extensive algal col- lection inventory of up-to-date scientific and photo- graphic equipment is available for both undergraduate and graduate student research. The University com- CALIFORNIA MARITIME ACADEMY puter facilities are also available for student use. Vallejo, California 94590 The following degrees are offered: 1. B.S. In Biological Sciences with a concentration Located on the north shore of Carquinez Strait, 25 in Marine Biology. miles from San Francisco, the California Maritime 2. M.S. In Biological Sciences with an emphasis in Academy was founded in 1929. It is supported by the Marine Biology. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. terey Bay at the head of the,Monterey Submarine Can- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. yon, the largest such canyon on the west coast of the To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Americas. To the east, Moss Landing Harbor opens Head upon the diversified intertidal marsh and mudflat habitats of Elkhorn Slough. The buildings provide Biological Sciences Department 14,000 square feet of classroom, research, laboratory, California Polytechnic State University office and library space, equipped to support the di- San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 versified curriculum research needs of a multi-dis- ciplinary operation. Skiffs and small boats (8-24') pro- vide access to the near-shore marine and estuarine environments upon which MLML focuses primary In- structional and research emphasis. An 80' oceanog-, CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE, raphic research vessel, on contract from the National STANISLAUS Science Foundation, is used for deeper water instruc- Turlock, California 95380 tion and research work on the continental shelf. Since MLML is an integral part of six separate sup- The Department of Biological Sciences at California porting institutions, degrees are earned through those State College, Stanislaus (CSCS) offers a marine biol- schools. Baccalaureate and Master's degrees in the ogy concentration within the B.A. or B.S. in Biological basic sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, geology) may Sciences. One requirement for completion of this con- include marine concentrations, with one or more se- centration is to take a semester of classes at a marine mesters of study at the Laboratories. While details station, usually at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. differ in the six institutions, the following general notes Requirements for the degree, including the concentra- apply: tion, can be found in the current CSCS catalog. 1. B.A. or' B.S. In Biology, B .ot@ny, or Zoology In conjunction with Moss Land Marine Laboratory, Marine science requirements at MLML include gen- CSCS offers a Masters of Science in Marine Science eral oceanography, marine science techniques, marine degree, with a concentration in marine biology. Pros- ecology, and quantitative marine science, plus electives pective students should apply to the Admissions and appropriate to the major interest. In the California State Records Office, CSCS for graduate standing and to the Universities, a minimum of 124 units are required for Department of Biological Sciences foir specific require- the Bachelor's degree, of which 45 must be in broad ments for this program. A description of the Master of general education areas. Science in Marine Science program can be found in the current CSCS catalog. 2. B.A. or B.S. in Geology Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. The marine sciences concentration will be similar to Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. that for biology with recommended electives including To obtain further information, address inquiries to: marine blogenic sedimentation, geological oceanog- raphy, and coastal geornorphology. Marine Biology Advisor Department of Biological Sciences 3. M.A.-or M.S. in Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or California State College, Stanislaus Marine Sciences Turlock, CA 95380 Thirty graduate units, to include 8-12 units of required (209) 667-3467 core courses, research and thesis units, are required for the Master's degree. The marine concentration usually includes a full year or more of work at MLML, with research and thesis on a marine environmental topic. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY MLML's curriculum supports three primary disci- MOSS LANDING plines: Marine Biology, Marine Geology, and Oceanog- MARINE LABORATORIES raphy for all six participating consortium campuses. Moss Landing, California 95039 Special summer workshops and year-round seminar courses are occasionally offered for in-service marine science instruction of teachers at all levels. Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) is oper- ated by a consortium of six of the California State Uni- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. versity campuses (CSU Fresno, Hayward, Sacramento, Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. San Francisco State University, San Jose State Uni- To obtain further information, Address inquiries to: versity, and CSC Stanislaus) as a field station for upper Director division and graduate level education and research in the marine sciences. An average of 40 units of course M 'oss Landing Marine Laboratories work, plus master's research and thesis, are provided P.O. Box 223 fall and spring semesters. MLML faces west. on Mon- Moss Landing, CA 95039 7 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY in conjunction with these degree programs, at each of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA the member State Universities. it is a major goal of the OCEAN STUDIES CONSORTIUM SCOSC to offer new courses at the new facility. Long Beach, California 90840 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Six California State Universities (Dominguez Hills, To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Fullerton, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Northridge, Director, Southern California Ocean Studies Con- Pomona) have joined to provide an educational and re- sortiurn search outlet for their growing marine programs. Pres- PHl-217 California State University, Long Beach ently the Southern California Ocean Studies Consor- 1250 Beliflower Boulevard tium (SCOSC) has administrative offices on the campus Long Beach, CA 90840 at California State University, Long Beach. Future plans call for facilities to be housed in a 15,000 square foot (213) 498-5343 building along the waterfront in the Long Beach/Los Angeles area. Facilities will include laboratories with running seawater, constant temperature rooms, lecture rooms, and offices. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SCOSC owns and operates the 50-fo6t vessel, RIV FULLERTON Nautilus, a converted purse seiner with a range of 1,000 miles. The vessel is equipped with an Omega Navigator, Fullerton, California 92634 radio/telephone, fathometer, oceanographic winch with 3,000 feet of cable, otter trawl, Isaacs-Kidd midwater California State University, Fullerton (CSUF), founded trawl, plankton nets, dredges, corers, reversing ther- in 1957, is located on 225 acres in northern Orange mometers, bathythermographs, water quality monitor- County, approximately 35 miles southeast of Los An- ing systems, Nansen bottles, dissecting microscope, geles. The University is the largest institution of higher Secch! Disk, Avon inflatable boat, scuba equipment education in, rapWly-growing Orange County, currently and diving platform. In addition, the Consortium oper- enrolling in excess of 20,000 students. The campus ates several small boats. is located within 30 minutes driving time of Newport SbOSC is supportive to each member campus. De- Bay, an important habitat in Southern California for grees are granted through the individual campuses. estaurine life, and 45-50 minutes of the rich rocky Degrees available at member institutions. include: shorelines of the Irvine Coast and Laguna Beach. Dominguez Hills The Department of Biological Science, which occu- B.A. - Biological Science pies approximately 50,000 square feet on two floors M.A. -Biological Science of the natural science building, offers undergraduate M.S. -Environmental Studies and graduate emphasis in Marine Biology. Ad 'ditionally, Fullerton the Department of Earth Science offers undergraduate B.A. - Biological Science, Earth Science, Engineer- coursework in Marine Geology and Oceanography. Facilities in the Department of Biological Science in- ing M.A. - Biology clude several teaching and research laboratories, walk M.S. - Engineering, Environmental Studie"i in laboratory cold rooms, three darkrooms, two animal rooms, and a separate aquarium room. Also, electronics, Long Beach wood and metal shops are available for use, as well as a B.A. - Biology greenhouse complex including outdoor ecological pens B.S. - Marine Biology, Geology, Earth Science, Mic- and tanks. Marine plant, invertebrate and fish collec- robiology, Zoology tions are maintained for study. Two well-equipped 16- M.A. - Biology foot Boston Whaler vessels are utilized in teaching and M.S. - Geologicpl Sciences, Microbiology research, along with a 50-foot converted fishing boat Los Angeles (RIV Nautilus), which is berthed in nearby Long Beach. B.A. -Biology, Microbiology, Geology Research equipment includes salinometers, oxygen B.S. - Biology, Engineering, Geology @nalyzers, submarine photometers, pH meters, specific M.S:- Biology, Microbiology, Engineering, Geology ion probes, spectrophotometers, liquid scintillation counters, and numerous environmental growth cham- Northridge bers, standard and inverted microscopes and cameras. B.A. - Biology, Earth Science Additionally, a large inventory of -oceanographic sam- B.S. -Geology, Engineering pling gear is available; e.g., neuston nets, otter trawl M.S. - Geology, Biology, Engineering nets, seins, Isaac-Kidd midwater and Tucker trawl Ponoma nets, phytoplankton and zooplankton closing nets, Nis-mi B.S. - Biology, Microbiology, Zoology" Earth Sci- kin bacteriological samplers, biological dredges and ence, Engineering grabs, Phleger corer, Nansen and Van Dorn bottles M.S. - Bilogical Sciences, Engineering equipped with reversing thermometers, depth record- A large variety of marine-related courses are offered ers, and bathythermographs. The Department of Biological Science offers the a) Mathematics 12 credits following degrees specializing in Marine Biology: b) Chemistry 10 credits 1. S.A. in Biological Science, with an emphasis in c) Biology 5 credits Marine Biology. A total of 124 units, including general d) Geology 69 credits education, 38 units in biological science, and support- e) Physics 8 credits ing coursework in physical science and mathematics 2. B.S. in Earth Science are required for the undergraduate degree. At least a) Mathematics 3 credits 18 elective units in upper division courses in biological b) Physics 8 credits science are required. c) Chemistry 10 credits 2. M.A. in Biological Science, with an emphasis in d) Astronomy 3 credits Marine Biology. A total of 30 units of advisor-app roved G) Biology 3 credits coursework, at least 15 of which must be at the gradu- Q Geology 27 credits ate level, are required for the degree, along with the g) Geography 3 credits successful completion and oral defense of a thesis or 3. M.S. in Geology, specialization in Marine Geology published paper covering a research problem. and Environmental Science (minimum of 30 semester The Department of Earth Science offers undergrad- units of credits). uate coursework leading to the B.A. Degree: 4. B.S. in Marine Biology, Biology Department. B.A. in Earth Science, with an emphasis in Earth a) Mathematics 6 credits Fluids. Students may emphasize Meteorology or Ocean- b) Chemistry 13 credits ography within the general field of Earth Science. Of c) Physics 8 credits the 124 units required for graduation, 40 are to be d) Geology 3 credits taken in Earth Science and 37 in related fields. e) Biology 43 credits Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. 5. M.S. In Biology, specialization in Marine Biology Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. (minimum of 24 semester units of credits). To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Chairman 6. B.S. in Engineering with Ocean Engineering op- Department of Biological Science tion, Electrical Engineering Department. California State University a) Chemistry 5 credits Fullerton, CA 92634 b) Physics 8 credits (714) 773-3614 c) Geology 3 credits d) Mechanical Engineering 18 credits e) Electrical Engineering 34 credits f) Ocean Engineering Electives 9 credits g) Science Electives 3 credits CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, h) Engineering Electives 8 credits @LONG BEACH 1) Civil Engineering 7, credits Long Beach, California 90840 7. M.S. in'Erigineering with specialization in Ocean Engineering (minimum of 30 semester units of credits). California State University, Long Beach, has research Curriculum offere d: available in school catalog. facilities and teaching programs in marine science at Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. the main campus and in cooperation with other Cali- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: fornia State Colleges and Universities, operates the Chairman Southern California Ocean Studies Consortium. A 40- Department of Geological Sciences foot research vessel, Tovan, a 50-foot purse seiner, California State University Nautilus, and a number of small crafts are available for Long Beach, CA 90840 field trips and related research activities. Courses are taught on campus in several departments and research projects are also conducted in departmental laborator- les. Special research facilities, e.g., current meter, salinometer, specific-ion analyzer, atomic absorption ..CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY,- spectrometer, carbon-sulphur analyzer, electron micro- NORTHRIDGE scopes, gas chromatographs, water quality analyzer, Northridge, California 91330 Niskin bottles, nets, bottom samplers, and many other types of general laboratory equipment, plus an inven- The campus is, in the heart of the San Fernando tory of modern electronic and acoustic systems are Valley, less than a one-hour drive to the berth of the available. RIV Nautilus. The Natilus, a 50-foot seiner, is equipped The following degrees are offered: with A-frame and hydraulic winches, radar, Omega navigation system, and fathometer. The boat, owned 1. B.S. in Geology with emphasis in Marine Geology, and maintained by the Southern California Ocean Stud- Department of Geological Sciences. ies Consortium, is utilized for class-related field trips, research grant work, and graduate student research. these aggregate about 69,000 square feet of floor Research equipment includes a complete seismic pro- space, 45,000 in the larger building and 24,000 in the filing system, gravity corer, Peterson and Shipek grab, smaller. The Geology Department takes up approxi- bathythermographs, Nansen and Niskin bottles, Martek mately a half-story of space. Laboratories are modern TDC meter, as well as other physical and biological and functional. The Biological Sciences Department oceanographic sampling equipment and meters. maintains a 23-foot research inboard power cruiser Campus facilities include three laboratories with a and several smaller boats, and the science building standard compliment of equipment (fume hoods, micro- has salt water facilities. The Sacramento campus is scopes, glassware, and chemicals), core x-ray photo- located within an hour's drive of estuarine environ- graphic unit, a well-equipped dark room, and facilities ments and within two hour's drive of the Pacific Ocean. for maintaining living marine organisms. The University has a library of approximately 700,000 The following degrees are offered@ total holdings, and is strong in science and technology, 1. B.S. in Geology. A degree with a possible con- as is the nearby California State Resources Library. centration in Oceanography. The following degrees are offered: 2. B.A. in Biology. A degree with several areas of 1. B.A. in Biological Sciences. A broad based, norm- concentration, with a possible minor in Marine Biology. al 124 semester-unit baccalaureate degree. Chemistry, 3. B.A. in Geography. A degree with a possible con- Physics, Mathematics, and Statistics are required as centration in Climatology and with a possible minor in supporting subjects. For the marine sciences specialty, Oceanography. certain core courses are recommended. 4. B.A. in Earth Science. A degree with a possible 2. B.S. in Biological Sciences (Biological Conserva- concentration in Oceanography, or with a possible tion (Fish and Game). This is a 132 semester@unit de- minor in Oceanography. gree, which consists of the basic biology curriculum, 5. A minor program in Oceanography is available for with the addition of certain fish and game and other all baccalaureate degrees (30-32 credits). conservation courses. 6. M.S. in Geology. Thesis with possible emphasis 3. M.A. in Biological Sciences. Students take several in Oceanography (30 credits). required courses in biological sciences, as well as sup- porting courses. A thesis is required. Certain courses 7. M.S. in Biology. Thesis degree with possible em- and the thesis research can be done at Moss Landing phasis in Marine Biology (30 credits). Marine Laboratories. 8. M.S. in Geography. Thesis degree with possible Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. emphasis in Marine Climatology (30 credits). Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catal Iog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Chairman To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Dean Department of Biological Sciences School of Science and Mathematics California State University, Sacramento California State University, Northridge Sacramento, CA 95819 Northridge, CA 91330 (213) 885-2004 CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO Cape Fear Technical Institute's Marine Division has Sacramento, California 95819 training and both large and small vessel docking fa- cilities at its main campus on the Cape Fear River in The University offers marine science courses on the downtown Wilmington, 20 miles from the Atlantic Sacramento campus in the Departments of Biological Ocean. Physical facilities include classrooms, labora- Sciences and Physics-Physical Sciences (as part of the tories, a photographic darkroom and faculty and staff curricula in Environmental Biology and Geology, re- offices in the new seven-story wing of the Malcom J. spectively). The University. also participates in the McLeod Building - in addition to classrooms, wood- operation of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in working and welding shops, a net loft and an ocean- Moss Landing, California (on Monterey Bay), as a part ographic instrument laboratory on the Alton A. Lennon of a consortium of six California State Universities de- floating classroom barge. The division has 15 small- scribed in another citation in this publication. The craft, ranging from 12 to 26 feet, and the 85 foot RIV science departments at-the University occupy a five- Don Moore, which is equipped with radar, radiotele- story building completed in 1967; the Biological phones, fathometers, scanning sonar, and LORAN C. Sciences Department occupies approximately one and Scientific instrumentation used in the program's class- one-half floors of space in this large building, as well room instruction and on training cruises includes: as retaining the two-story building occupied earlier; winches, PDR's, CTD Systems, photometers and ir- 10 radiameters, a sub-bottom profiling system, current optical microscopy, aquaria experiments, etc. A de- meters, corers, flow meters, salinometers, D.O. ana- partmentally owned power boat, scuba gear, and lyzers, pH and specific-ion analyzer, microscopes, sampling equipment are used extensively for studies incubators, autoclaves, spectrophotometers, fluor- of Lake Erie. Computer terminals located in or near ometer, and atomic absorption spectrophoto meter. the Department provide access to several computa- The marine division also enjoys cooperative arrange- tional facilities on campus ranging from HP-3000 to ments with the North Carolina Marine Resource Center DEC-20. Access is also readily available to an SEM at Fort Fisher, the North Carolina Division of Marine unit and to equipment for x-radiography of cores. Fisheries Laboratory, the North Carolina Underwater Graduate programs leading to M.S. and Ph.D. de- Archaeology and Marine Preservation Laboratory, and grees in Geological Sciences are offered. General re- the International Nickel Company's Frances L. LaQue quirement for the degrees follow guidelines of the Marine Corrosion Laboratory, all located within 20 School of Graduate Studies of Case Western Reserve miles of the CFTI campus. University, as set forth in the University Bulletin. The following degree is offered: Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. A.A.S. in Marine Technology. This is an ocean- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. oriented scientific support program designed to pre- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: pare one for vocational and technical work in all as- pects of the offshore industry. Shipboard training Chairman aboard a research vessel is the most unique require- Department of Geological Sciences ment of this program. The approach is "hands-on." Case Western Reserve University Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Director of Admissions Cape Fear Technical Institute CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA 411 N. Front Street Washington, D.C. 20017 Wilmington, NC 28401-3993 or, The Institute of Ocean Science and Engineering was Director established at the University in 1967 to foster research Marine Division and academic programs in the marine Sciences. The Cape Fear Technical Institute major areas of marine-related research are: underwater 411 N. Front Street acoustics, properties of transducers, structure and physical properties of salt water, marine cables, instru- Wilmington, NC 28401-3993 mentation, fluid dynamics, soil mechanics and physical (919) 343-0481 properties of water laboratories. The University has participated in a cooperative program with thre 'e local Naval laboratories since 1967. This program sponsors mutual use of research facilities and oceanographic CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY ships. Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Computer facilities include IBM 1620 and 1130 com- puters and a PDP-10 computer. The University is a The Department of Geological Sciences at Case member of the Washington Consortium of Universities Western Reserve University conducts research and and The Marine Science Consortium of Pennsylvania graduate training in Paleoceanography, Isotope Paleo- Colleges and Universities. The University offers under- climatology, Sediment-Water Interactions, and Aquatic graduate and graduate programs at its main campus in Geochemistry. Methodologies include stable isotope northeast Washington, D.C. and at the Delaware Bay ratio geochemistry, stratigraphic analysis of sediment Marine Science Center of the Marine Science Consor- cores, major and trace element analyses of sediments tium in Lewes, Delaware. and pore waters, modelling of ocean temperature and The following degrees are offered in Ocean Engin- surface climate regimes, thermodynamic and diffu- eering and related fields: sional modelling of chemical transport, observational 1. D. Engr. or Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering (Depart- and experimental studies of animal-sediment inter- ment of Civil and Mechanical Engineering). Candidates actions, and flume studies of sediment -transport and for the doctorate in Ocean Engineering must satis- deposition. factorily complete, two years of full-time resident grad- Major facilities housed in the Department include uate study beyond the master's degree or its equivalent mass spectrometers for H, 0, C, and S isotope ratios, on a part-time or three-quarter time basis. Degree re- X-ray diffractometer, a well-equipped laboratory for quirements may be summarized as follows: a major sediment and pore water chemical analysis circular course program (a minimum of 35 credit hours beyond flume, cathode-luminescence and fluorescence micro- the bachelor's degree), 18 credit hours in a minor field scopy, and standard equipment for sample preparation, (usually Mathematics) or 12 credit hours in a first minor field and six credit hours in a second minor field, of electives In the senior year may be selected from written comprehensive 'examinations in the major and the list of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering courses first minor fields, a reading knowledge of one foreign at the senior and the beginning graduate level. language, a dissertation, and an oral defense of dis- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. sertation. Doctoral programs in Ocean Engineering are Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. tailored to meet the needs of the individual student. Candidates may specialize in fluid or solid mechanics, To obtain further information, address inquiries to: heat transfer or thermodynamics, control system or Director underwater acoustics. All doctoral candidates in Ocean Institute of Ocean Science and Engineering Engineering must take a minimum of nine credit hours Catholic University of America in p-ure or applied Oceanography, six one-semester Washington, D.C. 20017 upper-level graduate courses in their specialty area, and acquire appropriate at-sea experience. _2. M.S.E. in Ocean Engineering (Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering). Candidates for the CHARLES COUNTY degree of Master of Science in Ocean Engineering are .required to satisfactorily complete one year of full-time COMMUNITY COLLEGE graduate study (a minimum of 24 credit hours including La Plata, Maryland 20646 research and seminars), or its equivalent on a part- time or three-quarter time basis. A comprehensive Marine Sciences,* a department of the Division of examination in the major field plus a thesis is required. Biological Sciences, operates teaching and research There are no foreign language requirements for the facilities at Benedict, Maryland, and at the main cam- M.S.E. degree. pus in La Plata, Maryland. I 3;--D. Engr. or Ph.D. in Engineering Acoustics (De- The Center for Marine and Estuarine Education at partment of Civil and Mechanical Engineering). Can- Benedict is located on the Patuxent River, an arm of didates for the Doctorate in Engineering Acoustics the Chesapeake Bay. The Benedict Center, soon to be must satisfactorily complete two years of full-time resi- expanded to include residence facilities, is composed dent graduate study beyond the master's degree, or its of four buildings. One building has been specifically equivalent on a part-time or three-quarter time basis. equipped for physical and chemical studies while the Degree requirements may be summarized as follows: others are geared for biological studies. Two research a major course program (a minimum of 35 credit hours vessels, the RIV Truitt and RIV Menedia are based beyond the bachelor's degree), 18 credit hours in a at Benedict and used in training cruises on the Patu- minor field (usually Mathematics) or 12 credit hours xent Rixer and Chesapeake Bay. in a first minor field and six credit hours in a second Facilities at the main campus include an aquatics minor field, written comprehensive examinations in the lab, diving locker with 115 complete sets of scuba gear, major and first minor fields, a reading knowledge of environmental microbiology lab, chemical instrumenta- one foreign language, a dissertation, and an oral de- tion lab, analytical water chemistry lab, and data proc- "M! fense of the dissertation. essing center equipped with an IBM 370-165 computer. Specialized water quality equipment located at the 4. M.S.E. in Engineering Acoustics (Department of main campus includes infrared, ultraviolet, visible, and Civil and Mechanical Engineering). Candidates for the atomic absorption, spectrophotometers; gas chroma- degree of Master of Science in Engineering Acoustics tography; total carbon analyze; and pesticide monitor- are required to satisfactorily complete one year of full- ing units. time graduate study (a minimum of 24 credit hours The Estuarine Resources Technology (ERT) Program including research and seminars), or its equivalent on of the Department of Marine Sciences is designated to a part-time or three-quarter time basis. A comprehen- train personnel for all aspects of coastal zone research. sive examination in the major field plus a thesis is re- Classroom and laboratory, training is reinforced quired. There are no foreign language, requirements through practical field studies aboard the research for the M.S.E. degree. vessels. A graduate of the ERT program will have the 5. B.S.E. (Ocean Engineering Option) (Department scientific skills to qualify for field and laboratory posi- of Civil and Mechanical Engineering). Undergraduate tions with federal or state governments or with private students in this program follow the same curriculum industry. as other mechanical engineering students during the The ERT program is well suited for students trans- freshman and sophomore years. Required Ocean En- ferring to a four-year institution as the curriculum has gineering courses in the junior and senior year are been designed to maximize the transfer of academic Engineering Properties of Materials, Physical Ocean- credit. In addition, the exposure to all areas of phy- ography and Dynamic Measurements. The other re- sical, chemical, and biological marine research allows quired courses follow the C.M.E. curriculum. Projects the student to choose their particular field of interest related to Ocean Engineering are included In the early in their academic training. laboratory and design courses. Fifteen semester hours An Associate of Arts degree in Estuarine Resources 12 Technology is granted students completing the 66- and atmospheric sciences that reaches out to many credit hour program. of the individual campuses ofthe City University of Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. New York. The Institute is located at City College, and Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. a 90-foot research vessel, the RIV Atlantic Twin, is To obtain further information, address inquiries to: -based at Staten Island. Research facilities at City Col- Director lege include a weather station; laboratories specializ- Department of Marine Sciences ing in microbial, planktonic, and benthic ecology; and Charles County Community College P.O. Box 910 laboratories specializing in meteorology, satellite La Plata, MD 20646 oceanography, sedimentation and hydraulics. City Col- lege and City University maintain cooperative arrange- ments with the American Museum of Natural History, the Lamont-Doherty. Geological Observatory, the Os- CHEYNEY STATE COLLEGE borne Marine Laboratory, and other research facilities. Cheyney, Pennsylvania 19319 The following degree programs exist in conjunction with the above programs: Cheyney State College is the only school in the 1. Bachelor of Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Pennsylvania State College and University system that Earth and Planetary Sciences). Undergraduate students offers a baccalaureate degree in Marine Biology. The major in one of the above disciplines, and may elect to objective of the program is to bridge the gap between take undergraduate and some graduate courses in two-year technical school training and graduate school. marine and atmospheric sciences. A program In me- Requirements for the degree are courses in Ocean- teorology is an interdisciplinary effort of the Earth and ography, Marine Biology, and field experiences during Planetary Sciences and Physics Departments. summers at an approved marine facility. Electives provided for majors include Ichthyology, Marine In- 2. Master of Arts (Biology, Earth and Planetary vertebrates, Marine Botany, Physical Geology, and re- Sciences). Students must complete 30 credits bf an search experience at nearby institutions. Related re- Approved program of study with a grade of "B" or quirements are Organic Chemistry, Physiology, Phys- better, including a research thesis. Areas of specializa- ics and Statistics. Students will be 'Advised to choose tion. include Biological, Physical and Geological Ocean- electives which will give specific preparation for grad- ography and Meteorology. uate school or any other career objective. Students must have a, minimum of 128 hours to graduate. Ros- 3. Doctor of Philosophy. A program in Biological ters must be signed by students' marine biology ad- Oceanography is centered at City College, but course visor. Marine Science Consortium summer experiences offerings and faculty advisors also exist at Lehman, may be taken any summer after the freshman year. Brooklyn, Queens and Hunter Colleges. Students must Facilities include an instruction laboratory which Is complete 60 credits of an approved program, including adequately supplied for maintenance of marine organ- dissertation study. In addition, students must pass a isms. Majors meet periodically for informal seminars written co4feihensive examination centered about the with the marine biology faculty. Graduate school op- thesis proposal, a proficiency examination in one for- portunities are provided by affiliates. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. eign language, or computer, and the defense of thesis. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. A Ph.D. M7,physical Oceanography and Meteorology To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Is obtainable under the Fluid Geophysics option in Pro'fessor Robert Sutcliffe Physics. The program is centered at City College. De- Director, Marine Biology gree requirements. are generally the same as for Bio- or, logical Oceanography. Professor John Robinson Chairperson, Biology Department A Ph.D. program in Earth and Environmental Sciences Cheyney State College offers subprograms in hydrology, geochemistry, sedl- Cheyney, PA 19319 mentology, and structural geology. Degree require- (215) 758-2324 ments are generally the same as for Biology. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK To obtain further information, address inquiries to: CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK Director NewYork, New York 10031 Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences City College of New York The City University Institute of Marine and Atmo- Convent Avenue at 138 Street spheric Sciences is the focus for a program in marine New York, NY 10031 13 THE'' CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK of physical and biological situations. Cooperative ar- QUEENS COLLEGE rangements; may be made for study and research at Flushing, New York 11367 marine laboratories such as the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, the Marine Science Center of Northeastern University at Nahant, and the Bermuda Queens College is a part-of the City University of Biological Station in the mid-Atlantic. New York and offers a number of programs with ocean- The following degrees are offered: ographic orientation. The College has use of institute 1. B.A. in Biology. facilities, including the 90-foot research vessel Atlantic Twin, a wide range of equipment for oceanographic re- 2. B.A. in Student-Designed Major. In consultation search and dock-side laboratories at St. George, Staten with a faculty advisory committee, a student may de- Island. Research equipment at Queens College includes sign his or her own program of study in the marine instruments for stable and radioisotope studies, an sciences. Courses in marine sciences are available atomic absorption spectrometer, infrared gas analyzers, in the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Geography g-as-chromatographs and x-ray diffraction and spec- and Geology. trometry equipment. A wide range of other equipment 3. M.A. in Biology. The student must complete 8 for chemical, biological and geological investigations courses, four of which may be research courses beyond Is also available in the laboratories of the college. the B.A. degree, that are agreed upon by the student The following degrees are offered: and his or her faculty advisor. An acceptable thesis 1. B.A. and B.S. degrees are offered in Geology and is required which the student must defend during a two- In Environmental Science. Students with an interest in hour oral examination. oceanography can take appropriate advanced courses 4. Ph.D. in Biology. The student must complete 8 from other departments. Generally, the thrust of the courses beyond the M.A. degree and complete an ac- program is marine geology, marine chemistry, and ceptable thesis which must be defended during a two- coastal processes. hour oral examination. A reading knowledge of one for- 2.'@he M.A. in Geology includes the following re- eign language is required. quirenients: 30 credits of approved graduate courses, Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. a written dissertation and oral defense, and a written Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. comprehensive examination. Specialization in Marine To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Geology is possible through selection of courses and Chairman choice of thesis topic. Department of Bi ology 3. The Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences is Clark University offered by City University, Graduate Center. Appropri- Worcester, MA 01610 ate specialization can be arranged by selection of courses and thesis topic in consultation with an ad- (617) 793-7173 visor. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address'! nqu 1 ries to: CLATSOP COMMUNITY COLLEGE Chairman Astoria, Oregon 97103 Department of Earth and Environmental Clatsop Community College, the only two-year insti- Queens College tution in Oregon providing comprehensive maritime Flushing, NY 11367 technical training, has participated since 1968 in the (212) 520-7267 National Sea Grant Program in cooperation with Ore- gon State University. The geographic location of Clat- sop Community College, 12 miles from the Pacific Ocean on the Columbia River, is extremely well suited for preliminary training in seamanship, commercial CLARK UNIVERSITY fishing, and oceanographic techniques. The area pro- Worcester., Massachusetts 01610 vides sheltered water for training in techniques of handling instruments, plankton tows, water sampling, Clark University offers graduate and undergraduate salinity tests, etc. Proximity to the Pacific Ocean is an programs for those interested in the marine sciences. important asset for training the more advanced stu- The programs offer a base of essential courses in dents in oceanographic techniques as well as extensive marine studies and research training under the guid- commercial fishing practicums. ance of specialists in the marine environment and Oceanographic indoor classes are held in a specially related fields. Participants in the marine science pro- designed facility located on the main campus. Com- gram at Clark University have ready access to the mercial Fishing and Marine Technology indoor classes cooler waters north of Cape Code and the warmer are held at the Maritime Sciences Center, located on waters south of it, which together provide a diversity the shores of Youngs Bay, approximately one mile 14 south of the main campus. Much of the laboratory work The Belle W. Baruch Forest Science Institute of is conducted on one of the College's boats. The Col- Clemson University sponsors research and education lege operates two boats, one is 55 feet long and the programs in areas related to marine science. Current other is 30 feet long. The MIV Forerunner, a 55-foot research involves dune stabilization, spoils bank rec- steel hull, commercial fishing vessel, is fully equipped lamation, flora and fauna of rice fields, fresh-water with electronics, including: sonar, radar, and Loran. In marshes, and management of maritime forests for op- addition, it is rigged for dragging, trolling (tuna and timum aesthetic and productive values. The Institute salmon), longlining and crabbing. A boom and other manages 7,500 acres encompassing all of the habitats gear have been added to complement oceanographic mentioned above. research activities. In addition to the facilities of the Belle W. Baruch The following degrees are offered: Forest Science Institute at Georgetown, South Carolina, 1. Associate in Science Clemson University utilizes facilities at Morehead City, a) Ninety credits minimum of approved course- North Carolina and Charleston, South Carolina, through work cooperation with other institutions. On the main cam- b) Cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or pus, lecture and laboratory space in the areas of above for all college-level work geology, zoology, microbiology, and biochemistry are c) Six credits minimum of communications available for teaching and research in marine science. courses The Marine Resources Division of the South Carolina d) Six credits minimum of mathematics or science Wildlife and Marine Resources Department has 5,826 e) Six credits minimum of social science courses square feet of laboratory and office space. These facili- f) Required courses prescribed for specific major ties will be jointly used with educational institutions curriculum including library, auditorium, wet laboratory, storage, g) Attendance at Clatsop Community College at lounge and canteen, research laboratories, teaching least two terms (including the last term before the laboratories, offices, boats and boat storage, and the Associate in Science degree is awarded) RIV Dolphin owned and operated by this department. h) One credit physical education (unless ex- Clemson will utilize the lecture-laboratory room pri- cused) marily in the summer. Research space for graduate 1) Three credits Personal Health or Advanced students and staff are used on an irregular basis. First Aid with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. 2. Associate in General Studle& Same requirements Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. as Associate in Science degree, except a student does To obtain further information, address inquiries to: not have to complete all required courses prescribed Dean of the Graduate School for the specific major curriculum. Students desiring Clemson University an "emphasis in" degree must complete twom-thirds of Clemson, SC 29631 the credits of required courses prescribed for that program. The following "emphasis" programs are of- fered: a) Associate in Science, Commercial Fishing CLOVER PARKEDUCATION CENTER Technology I @@ I Lakewood, Washington 98499 b) Associate in Science, Marine Technology c) Associate in Science, Oceanographic Tech- nology The Clover Park Education Center has focused on Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. serving the'commercial. fishing industry of Washington Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. by providing technical assistance and training to the To obtain further information, address inquiries to: people who man the nearly 10,000 fishing vessels Director of Admissions licensed in the state. Clatsop Community College The Center provides training on a continuing educa- 16th and Jerome tion basis through courses and seminars concerning Astoria, OR 97103 such topics as new laws and regulations, net mending, (503) 325-0910 cable splicing, net construction, hydraulics, electronic equipment operation, and maintenance of depth sound- Ing equipment such as Loran, radar, sonar, depth recorder, plus engine maintenance and operation. Emergency first aid, accounting and income tax Is also CLEMSON UNIVERSITY included. Clemson, South Carolina 29631 To obtain further information, add ress; inquiries to: Director Clemson University offers programs in, the College of Clover Park Education Center Agricultural Sciences, the College of Sciences, and The 4500 Steilacoom Boulevard Southwest Belle W. Baruch Forest Science Institute which is ad- ministered by the College of Forest and Recreation Tacoma, WA 98499 Resources. (206) 584-7611 15 COLLEGE CENTER COLLEGE OF OF THE FINGER LAKES THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Corning, New York 14830 St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00801 Undergraduates are able to pursue studies and re- The College of the Virgin Islands offers a B.A. in search in the marine sciences and the freshwater en- Marine Biology and plans to institute a B.S. in Marine vironment at two field sites operated by this con- Biology starting in Fall 1983. Approximately a dozen sortium. One is the College Center of the Finger Lakes students are pursuing the B.A. at this time. Class size .(CCFL) campus on San Salvador Island, the base for ranges from 40 in general sciences courses, through field projects in the Bahamas; the second is the Finger a maximum of 20 in courses required of all biology Lakes Institute at Seneca Lake near Watkins Glen, majors, down to six in optional upper class courses. New York. On-campus scientific resources are avail- Field experiences are emphasized: SCUBA training able to undergraduates and faculty from the CCFL and weekly exploratory dives are offered, as are field- members - Corning Community College, Elmira Col- oriented summer courses. The Marine Science program lege and Hartwick College. operates three research vessels and supports various Courses in the Bahamas are open to undergraduates marine research programs. from other institutions, and faculty outside the con- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. sortium are invited to propose teach i ng-researc h proj- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ects. Colleges also contract to use campus facilities on To obtain further information, address inquiries to: San Salvador Island for their own field studies. An in- Director of Admissions terdisciplinary curriculum is stressed, in which the marine sciences play a major role. College of the Virgin Islands The_CCFL campus on San Salvador Island is based St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. 00801 on a former U.S. naval installation at Graham's Har- (809) 774-9200 x222 bour, at the invitation of the Bahamian government. Facilities include dormitories for 70 students, three class room-I aborato ries, a wet lab housing a circulat- ing sea water aquarium, faculty living quarters, a com-, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY -plete dining facility and a library. Projects studying THE LAMONT-DOHERTY 'near-shore San Salvador waters are done aboard 18- GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY !.oot outboards. Palisades, New York 10964 Credit for studies in the Bahamas is awarded by co- operating colleges or students may obtain credit from Graduate students in marine sciences at Columbia their home institutions. Tuition, room and board are University normally enroll in the Department of Geo- paid to CCFL. logical Sciences, those in marine biology enroll in the At the Finger Lakes Institute, studies are'tindertaken Department of Biological Sciences. Students follow year-round on ice-free Seneca Lake. Academic year a program of study based on the varied courses offered use is primarily for field work, and the surnim"er for limn- within these departments. The major research facilities ological field courses and courses in -sailing. Field for the marine sciences (along with an extensive station facilities include a laboratory, dormitory for 20 oceanographic library and com 'puter facilities) are people, 73-foot dock, and equipment room. located at the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory A listing of the degrees that the CCFL members campus of Columbia University in Palisades, New York. award follows: 'The Observatory is located in Rockland County, New 1. A.A.S., A.S. - Corning Community College York, on top of the cliffs of the Palisades sill overlook- ing the west bank of the Hudson River, about 15 miles 2. B.A., B.S., M.Ed., A.A.S. - Elmira College north of New York City. The 150-acre estate on which 3. B.A., B.S. - Hartwick College it is located was originally the home of the famous Curriculum offered: available in school(s) catalog(s). botanist, John Torrey. In 1928, the property was ac- quired by financier Thomas W. Lamont. His country Faculty appointments: available in school(s) cata- house today serves as a library for the Observatory. log(s). After Thomas Lamont's death, the estate was given to To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Columbia University, which designated it for use as a Executive Director research center in the earth sciences in 1949. Since the College of the Finger Lakes Observatory grew out of the Department of Geology Houghton House, 22 West Third Street of Columbia University it has always maintained a Corning, NY 14830 strong bond with the department. The faculty members 16 of the department are members of the senior research MARINE GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS: Marine geb- staff at the Observatory, and about 85% of the depart- physical investigation is carried out by the Observa- ment's graduate students conduct research there. Many tory on board the research vessel the ROBERT D. CON- classes are also held at the Observatory, and the Uni- RAD (208-foot, 1,370-ton Agor-3) and vessels of other versity provides a shuttle-bus service to and from the laboratories or government agencies throughout the Morningside Campus. world and often in conjunction with ships and scien- Research activities at the Observatory have as their tists of other countries. Instruments have been de- basic objective the study of the solid earth and its veloped for measuring the magnetic and gravitational oceans. Disciplines of immediate relevance are gdo- fields, making precision soundings, seismic-reflection physics, oceanography, geology, and geochemistry,. and seismic-refraction determinations of the nature of but a thorough approach is based on the fundamentals the materials beneath the ocean floor, photographing of physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Spe- the bottom, measuring light scattering at all depths, cialists in major activities at the Observatory fall into determining the flow of heat through the ocean floor, the categories described below. A student usually and studying the propagation of sound in the ocean. specializes in one of them. This does not preclude the Lamont-Doherty is also an active participant in the possibility of engaging in related activities not listed JOIDESAPOD deep sea drilling program. Graduate or in disciplines which cross the boundaries of several students are expected to participate in scientific pro- fields. @grams aboard the research vessels in preparation for The degrees of B.A., M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in the thesis work and as a part of their general education. Geological Sciences are offered by Columbia Univer- Major areas of specialization in Marine Geology and sity. Geophysics are: Marine Seismology, Gravity and Geo- desy; Marine Magnetism; Marine Geothermal Studies; Ocean Basin Stratigraphy; and Near Bottom Processes. OBSERVATIONAL SEISMOLOGY: Lamont-Doherty conducts a large and vigorous research program in GEOCHEMISTRY: The active areas of geochernical observational earthquake seismology and maintains six research include the investigation of circulation and major networks of seismometers located in tectonically material transport in the oceans, estuaries, rivers and interesting regions of the world: Alaska, Egypt, the lakes using chemical and radioactive/stable isotope Caribbean, Tadjikistan and Kirgizia (USSR), and New tracers, chemistry and chemical alterations of oceanic York State. The Alaskan and Caribbean networks, to- crust and sediments, gas exchange processes across gether with data from the World-Wide Standard Seis- the air-water interface, and transfer rates and mechan- mograph Network (WWSSN), are used to monitor isms of major and trace elements in the natural and spatio-temporal changes in seismic activity along experimental sedimentary environments. In the re- some of the major tectonic regions. Observatory scien- tists and researchers have also been involved in earth- search projects being conducted, a combination of quake prediction, the verification of a comprehensive field observations and their interpretations using math- nuclear test ban and the development of new instru- ematical models is emphasized. A numb@er of advanced ments, such as the recently completed long-base tilt- equipment including mass spectrometers, multi-channel meters, tide gauges for earthquake prediction research radiation spectrometers, gas chromatographs, electron and a fluid device to replace standard geodetic level- microprobe,,. scanning electron microscope, plasma ing. A photographic and magnetic tape library of seis- emission spe ,ctrometers, colorimetric spectrometers, mograms at Lamont-Doherty contains the world's most X-ray diff and various types of electronic extensive collection of basic seismic data, including computers , a,re available for researchers and stu,dents. the original data of the seismograph station networks operated by the Observatory and the Dominion Observ- atory of Canada, a variety of digital data, microfilm WORLD OCEAN CIRCULATION STUDIES: The physi- copies of all data from WWSSN, and the data from the cal oceanography group at Lamont-Doherty is primar- major networks run by Lamont. ily concerned with the circulation and mixing of the ocean waters. One of the more important aspects of THEORETICAL SEISMOLOGY: Active work is in prog- this work deals with the heat and water flux between ress at Lamont in wave-propagation studies to under- ocean and atmosphere, which has an influence on the stand the structure of the earth's interior. A general atmosphere, climate, and ocean water mass renewal. computer program using full-wave theory to construct Attention is largely focussed on (1) the ocean south synthetic seismograms has been developed. This and of 300S (the Southern Ocean); (2) the equatorial At- other methods for constructing synthetic seismograms lantic; and (3) various smaller-scale studies, including can be used to study the structure of the earth's in- the Agulhas current off South Africa and the coastal terior at different depths. Projects range from the highly theoretical to the chiefly experimental. Students waters of the eastern United States. are involved at all levels of research, and a large por- tion of the student's training in earthquake seismology PALEOCLIMATOLOGY/CLIMATOLOGY: The princi- comes from research activities and association with ple focus of this highly interdisciplinary area of re- the Observatory staff. search is on major glacial/interglacial climatic fluctu- 17 ations during the last million years. These include the BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY: Research is con- study of frequency and phase relationship of different ducted in both coastal and open-ocean biological parts of the climatic system defined from biotic, min- oceanography in many areas of the world, with con- eralogic and chemical parameters measured in deep- centration on phytoplankton ecology, marine micro- sea.cores. The Lamont core collection, largest in the biology, benthic ecology and zooplankton ecology. world, is supplemented by cruises to specific areas of detailed interest. Other paleoclimatic studies based on TECTONOPHYSICS: The study of tectonophysics has deep sea drilling program (DSDP) cores cover the last as its goal an understanding of the fundamental phy- 100 million years and include changes in sea level, sical processes that govern the deformation of rock bottom-water flow, and the evolution of marine plank- and the manifestation of those processes in the various ton. Studies of modern climatology include: satellite- deformations within the solid part of the earth. At based analyses of snow-cover and sea-ice extent and Lamont-Doherty, the tectonophysics program is con- tree-ring analyses to measure air temperature and cerned largely with the deformational properties of precipitation. the lithosphere of the earth. The basic courses in marine sciences are offered by ATMOSPHERIC. -AND SPACE SCIENCES: Studies in the Department of Geological Sciences. The exact the atmospheric sciences include investigations of curriculum to be followed by each student depends on wave propagation in the atmosphere and . interface his field of specialization and is decided upon by the phenomena among air, earth and water. Investigation student and his advisor. Other relevant courses are of,the upper Atmosphere is being carried out by means offered in the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Bio- of sound from natur ial and artificial sources including logical Sciences and in the School of Engineering and the Concorde supersonic airplane. The space science Applied Science. program is conducted in cooperation with the Institute Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. of Space Studies (located near Columbia University), a theoretical research institute of the Goddard Space Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Flight Center, NASA. To obtain further information, address inquiries to PETROLOGY: An active research group is studying Director the. characteristics and origins of a wide range of Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of volcanic and plutonic igneous rocks. Techniques ull- Columbia University lized* include XRF and atomic absorption analysis for Palisades, NY 10964 mino -r and trace elements, atomic absorption analysis (914) 359-2900 for Major elements, mass spectrometric analysis for rare earth elements, strontium and lead isotopes, or, electron microphobe, and x-ray diffraction, analysis of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences mineral phases. Office of Admissions and Financial Aid PALEOMAGNETIC STUDIES: Pale6magnetic studies 106 Low Memorial Library range over the complete spectrum of research in this Columbia University field. Research is concentrated in the magnetic stra- New York, NY 10027 tigraphy of sediments, both on land and'in the world (212) 280-3808 ocean; this research contributes toward an under- standing. of the evolutionary history of.,.marine and terrestrial organisms and toward unraveling-'the climatic record of the earth during the past five million years. CORNELL UNIVERSITY POLAR STUDIES: The problems of marine geophy- Ithaca, New York 14853 sics and geology are being explored in the Arctic and Antarctic with techniques adapted from operations in There are many disciplines and courses at Cornell other oceans. Certain aspects of the polar seas, such University that can prepare students for both general As their floating ice cover, their intense magnetic ac- understanding and careers in various areas of aquatic tivity, and their importance in climatic changes make and marine studies. The programs encompass basic them of special interest to students 'of oceanography, and applied studies in the College of Agriculture and geophysics, and paleoclimatology. A continuing investi- Life Sciences, Arts and Sciences, Engineering, and gation of the Arctic Ocean is being,carried out by staff Veterinary Medicine. Departments and Divisions of- and graduate students on floating ice research stations. fering work in aquatic studies include: Agronomy, . STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY: Avian and Aquatic Animal Medicine, Biological Graduate students at Lamont-Doherty have an unusual Sciences, Entomology and Limnology, Food Science, opportunity to study the nature and origin of geologic Geological Sciences, Natural Resources, and Nutri structures. The backgrounds and interests of staff mem- tional Sciences. Inter-departmental coordination is pro- bers facilitate attempts to understand the relations of vided through several multidisciplinary programs, in- mountain building processes to ocean floor tectonics, cluding the Aquaculture Program, Aquatic Sciences, And.the origin of ancient mountain belts in terms of Environmental Studies Program, and the Center for recent and current tectonic activity., Environmental Research. Facilities on or adjacent to the main campus include up to 35 feet. The station provides a full-year research fully equipped laboratories for studies in aquatic medi- program and a summer teaching program in aquatic cine, aquatic plants, fish biology, fishery sciences, ecology. limnology, phycology, aquatic entomology, ichthyology, Cornell University and the State University of New aquatic microbiology, invertebrate zoology, fish nutri- York are partners in the New York Sea Grant Institute, tion, environmental engineering, sanitary engineering, New York's Sea Grant College, and conduct a broad hydraulics, eutrophication, and water pollution. Sup- program of research and extension on coastal prob- port facilities in the form of library holdings, computer lems through the Institute. facilities, radiobiology facilities, water quality analysis The Tunison Laboratory of Fish Nutrition at Cortland, services, and disease diagnostic services are extensive New York, conducts studies on salmonid nutrition and and readily available. A fishway, fish collecting facility, related fish cultural problems. The Laboratory operates and spawning channel on Cayuga Lake, operated by under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Fish the New York State Department of Environmental Con- and Wildlife Service and Cornell University. The New servation are availab!e for research studies. Research York Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, located on vessels, the J.G. Needham and the Maritime, plus sev- campus at Ithaca, also operates under a cooperative eral small vessels are available for studies on Cayuga agreement among the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lake. Approximately 100 small ponds designed for Cornell University, and the New York State Depart- research studies are located near campus. The Cornell ment of Environmental Conservation. area has large aquifers of ground water available, a Educational programs at Cornell University empha- Fishery Laboratory, including wet labs; a radiation size maximum flexibility and freedom of choice for the laboratory; a larval fish building and ponds; and the student. Specific programs of study are developed by Munz Laboratory on Cayuga Lake. The ichthyology the student in consultation with his advisor-or Special collection at Langmuir Laboratory i's an especially com- Committee, in the case of graduate students. General plete collection of freshwater fishes from the north- eastern United States. degree requirements are kept to a minimum in order to provide the desired flexibility. Individual departments Cornell University, in cooperation with the Sea Edu- and advisors may, however, develop suggested pro- cation Association, State University of New York, and grams within their areas of specialization. Under- the University of New Hampshire, operates the Shoals graduate students must complete 120 credits with at Marine Laboratory on Appledore Island, the largest least a C- average, and generally maintain eight terms of the Isles of Shoals, located 10 miles offshore from in residence. Marine or aquatic programs are generally Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Facilities include two developed with advisors in the Division of Biological teaching laboratories equipped with running sea water, Sciences or the Department of Natural Resources. a dormitory, and a commons building. The laboratory At graduate level, major and minor thesis areas are is served by the 100-foot ferry Viking Queen, the 45- available in the following programs: botany (phycol- foot research vessel, Jere A. Chase, the 35-foot re- ogy); ecology and evolutionary biology (aquatic ecol- search vessel, Wrack, the 20-foot diesel launch, Scomber, the 22-foot sloop, Minnow, and several small- ogy; limnology; marine biology; oceanography; com- er vessels. Summer courses are offered in marine sci- munity and ecosystem ecology; paleo-ecology; verte- ence and in nautical science. brate zoology, including herpetology and ichthyology); Also offered through the Shoals Laboratory and the entomology and limnology (limnology); food science Sea Education Association is a semester-length se- (aquatic microbiology); microbiology (aquaticc micro- quence of courses designed to provide college under- biology; natural resources (aquaculture, aquatic ecol- graduates with a thorough academic, scientific and ogy, fishery management, fishery science); nutritional practical understanding of the sea' Repeated approxi- sciences (fish nutrition, fish technology); veterinary mately every two months, the 12-week sequence is medicine (fish and shellfish pathology); biochemical comprised of a shore component (six weeks at Woods engineering; environmental systems engineering; hy- Hole, Massachusetts) and a sea component (six weeks draulic-hydrology; and sanitary engineering. Two terms aboard the RIV Westward). While at Woods Hole, stu- in residence are normally required for the master's dents receive instruction in marine and nautical science degree program and six terms in residence (previous and-study the relationship of man with the sea. En- graduate study may be counted) for the doctoral pro- rollment is open to men and women judged capable gram. of benefitting from SEA Semester, and no specific prior Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. training or study is required. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. A freshwater biological station, equipped for fisheries To obtain further information, address inquiries to: and limnological studies, is located at Shackelton Field Representative Point on Oneida Lake. The laboratory has one and one- Field of Water Resources half miles of shoreline, 400 acres of land, fuily- 223 Hollister Hall equipped laboratories, dormitories, and extensive field, Cornell University equipment including research vessels of various sizes Ithaca, NY 14853 19 DOWLING COLLEGE Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Oakdale, Long Island, New York 11769 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Director, Marine Sciences Dowling College offers a comprehensive selection of Dowling College marifie.scien6e courses affording students flexibility Oakdale, Long Island, NY 11769 in meeting career objectives and interests. S 'tudents (516) 589-6100 are encouraged to combine studies in a minor, such as computer science, business management, educa- tion, etc., with their concentration in Marine Sciences. Courses combine practice with theory, and field and laboratory experiences are stressed. DRAKE UNIVERSITY . Dowling College is located on the south shore of Des Moines, Iowa 50311 Long Island with direct access to Great.South Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. A wide variety of marine environ- The Science Division of the College of Liberal Arts, ments comprising the coastal zone and adjacent con- in cooperation with Southampton College (New York), tinental margin are readily accessible for study and offers three undergraduate degree 'programs in the research. The RIV Dolphin, a diesel-powered, 40-foot, marine sciences. These degree programs combine ocean-going vessel, owned and operated by the Col- elements of existing biology, chemistry and earth lege, is .'used extensively for class instruction and science majors, offered at Drake, with marine science research. Shipboard equipment includes an A-frame courses appropriate to those majors that are offered by and. gallows; hydrographic winch with double drum Southampton College. an'd double capstan; stainless steel hydrographic wire; The principle teaching and research facilities in the recording-echo sounders; in situ salinometers, temper- marine sciences are located at Southampton College, ature meters, depth recorder, conductivity meters, and Southampton, New York, 11968. (Southampton College dissolved oxygen meter; water sampling bottles; re- is a division of Long Island University.) The campus versing thermometers; current meters, a variety of is located on the south shore of Long Island; vessels bottom sediment grab samplers; plankton nets with operated by the College's Marine Science Center have flow meters; otter trawl; mid-water trawl'; and bottom direct access to Shinnecock and Peconic Bays and the biology trawl., Navigation equipment includes Loran-C Atlantic Ocean. A complete description of facilities and receivers, Sperry radar, radio direction finder, auto- equipment is given under the Southampton College matic pilot, and radio-telephone. The vessel has a div- entry. ing platform, and scuba diving and underwater photo- The following degrees are offered: (NOTE: In every graphic equipment. Several small boats powered by case, students will transfer to Southampton, typically outboard engines are available for estuarine and shal- for one semester and a summer session. It is expected ,low water investigation. that the transfer will usually occur for the spring se- . Physical facilities include 11 laboratories and two mester of the junior year. Students return to Drake walk-in cold rooms with aquarium tanks. Laboratory for the senior year.) equipment, includes two large seawater tanks, Tech- 1. B.A. in Marine Science/Biology nicon autoanalyzer, Beckman atomic absorption spec- a) Related coursework taken at Drake: trophotometer, infrared spectrop hoto meter, gas chrom- Biology 29 credits atograph, specific-ion meter, ro-tap sieve shaker, and Chemistry 20 credits 10-foot wave tank. Mathematics 8 credits A marine field station and laboratory located on an Physics 8 credits island at the eastern end of Long Island Sound serves b) Coursework taken at Southampton: Biology and Marine Science 22 credits as a base of operations for intensive summer field 2. B.A. in Marine Science/Chemistry courses and scuba diving instruction. a) Related coursework taken at Drake: The following degrees are offered: Chemistry 34 credits 1. B.A. in Biology with concentration in Marine Biol- Biology 11 credits ogy. Requires 35 credits in Biology. Mathematics 12 credits Z B.A. in Natural Sciences and Mathematics with Physics 8 credits concentration in Marine Sciences. Requires 25 credits Geology 4 credits in Marine Science and a total of 25 credits in two other b) Coursework taken at Southampton: disciplines within the Natural Sciences and Mathe- Geology and Marine Science 22 credits matics Division. 3. B.A. in Marine Science/Earth Science a) Related coursework taken at Drake: NOTE: A proposal to offer a B.A. degree in Marine Geology and Geography 28 credits Studies has been submitted to the New York State Chemistry 12, credits Education Department for approval. Physics 8 credits Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Mathematics 4 credits 20 b) Related courseWork taken at Southampton: In botany, the student's g,iaduate program is'Pianned I Geology and Marine Science 22 credits to provide broad basic training in various fields of Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. botany, plus intensive specialization in the field of Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. the research problem. Graduate courses in the Depart- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: ment of Geology are designed to provide training in the field of sedimentary geology and microplaeontology. Chairman Areas of specialization in thesis research include con- Department of Geology tinental shelf sedimentation, deep-sea sedimentation, Drake University micropaleontology of deep-sea sediments and carbo- Des Moines, IA 50311 nate sedimentation. Required work for the A.M. degree in zoology ordi- narily includes 12 units of advanced coursework in zoology, six units of coursework in a minor department and an additional six units of advanced work in a DUKE UNIVERSITY major or minor department or in other pertinent depart- Durham, North .Carolina 27706 ments. Furthermore, an acceptable thesis is necessary for the fulfillment of the degree requirements. The Duke University Marine Laboratory (DUML) at Normally the degree program for the Ph.D. includes Beaufort, North Carolina, is an interdepartmental and graduate courses in biochemistry, botany, physiology, interuniversity facility for training and research in the and zoology, courses in the minor subject, wide reading marine sciences. It is open throughout the year with in science in general and in biology in particular, re- an academic and technical staff in residence. It pres- search and a dissertation based on original work. Minor ently occupies 15 acres on the southern portion of work is also available in the same fields plus anatomy, Pivers Island near Beaufort; the U.S. Department of chemistry, geology, physics and engineering. Commerce, NOAA, National Marine Fi 'sheries Service, A graduate student working for the Ph.D. degree and the Center for Menhaden Research are located usually takes coursework on the main Durham campus on the remainder of the island. in that particular department during the academic year The physical plant consists of twenty-four buildings and then goes to the marine laboratory for more special- including five dormitories, a large dining hall, one ized courses during the summer. By the end of the residence, boathouse, storehouse for ship's gear, class- second year, he or she is expected to have passed room laboratories, seven research buildings, and a an oral preliminary examination in his department. maintenance complex. The research laboratories and Thereafter, the student is free to do thesis research five dormitories are heated, and three dormitories are without further course requirements on the Durham air conditioned, thereby providing favorable conditions and/or the DUML campus. for'year-round research. Training in the marine sciences at Duke University The station operates a well-equipped 118-foot re- and at the Duke University Marine Laboratory is at search vessel, the Eastward, for training. and research the senior-graduate level in the Departments of Botany, in oceanography, a 67-foot, steel-hull trawler, the John Geology and Zoology, with the exception of the under- de Wolf for shelf research, a 55-foot trawler for inshore graduate spring term in the marine sciences which and sound investigations and a 39-foot cabin power boat for trawling and dredging in the shallower por- accepts students who have completed the sophomore ti.ons of the estuary. Also available are a number of requirements. Students are free to elect courses In small power boats and rowboats with outboard motors any of the science departments including those in the and collecting gear, including dredges, bottom grabs, School of Medicine and Engineering. Research and water sampler, *coring devices, salinometers and fluoro- courses exist in the School of Engineering in the areas meters. The DUML library receives 155 current periodi- of communication theory, stochastic information pro- cals and is complemented by the added holdings of cessing, decision theory, digital computer systems, the NOAA library and the library of the University of ocean structures and coastal formations. The under- North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences, located graduate spring term provides students at the junior in the Beaufort-Morehead City area. An auditorium pro- or senior level to spend an entire spring term at the vides seating for 280 people plus smaller conference rooms. A stack area and a reading room are available. marine laboratory, taking two courses, one seminar and one independent research program supervised Separate degrees are not offered in the marine by one of the resident staff. sciences, but a student may pursue work for the A.M. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. and Ph.D. degrees in biochemistry, botany, chemistry, Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. physiology and zoology. For the A.M. degree in geology, To obtain further information, address inquiries to: coursework may be taken and a thesis,written in marine geology or geological oceanography. A B.S. in geology Director is offered with a curriculum preparatory to advanced Duke University Marine Laboratory studies in oceanography. Beaufort, NC 28516 21 EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY city of 21,000 and near the heart of the Bluegrass Re- Greenville, North Carolina 27834 gion and Appalachian Mountains, the University is readily accessible from major or interstate highways. East Carolina University offers an undergraduate The Program of Study: Fisheries Management In- program in Coastal Marine Studies. This multidiscipli- cludes basic courses in botany, zoology, physiology, nary program is designed to broaden students' per- genetics, morphology, ichthyology and fisheries biol- spective and understanding of coastal and marine re- ogy courses and supporting courses in chemistry, sources beyond that normally provided within the stu- physics and mathematics to meet the requirements dents' own discipline. The program is organized for a Bachelor of Science degree. In keeping with the around a small number of multidisciplinary courses philosophy that a scientist must be educated as well that form the core of the program. This core is supple- as trained, the general education courses in English, mented by a larger assemblage of courses from various humanities and social studies are strongly emphasized academic departments of the University. Degrees in this program. The Fisheries Management Program, specifically designated as ocean sciences are not having a strong emphasis in the basic biology courses offered. Students may elect to minor in Coastal Marine and aquatic biology, and being strongly based in chem- Studies, or take coastal marine courses as electives. istry, physics and mathematics, prepares students for Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. advanced studies in marine biology and oceanography. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. The facilities consigned to the department are rela- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: tively new, consisting of ample classroom and labora- Director tory units and research modules which are fully equipped. The Fisheries Management Program has Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources specifically available a large fisheries biology labora- East Carolina University tory, a room for aquatics and specimen room housing Greenville, NC 27834 representative genera and species of fishes. The equip- (919) 757-6779 ment available to support the Fisheries Management Program include the typical ones: boats, seining, col- lecting and capture devices, field recorders and probes, field pH meters, temperature measuring devices, telem- EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY etry equipment, oxygen analyzers and support equip- Charleston, Illinois 61920 ment such as spectrophotometers, centrifuges, liquid scintillation counter, environmental chambers and Eastern Illinois University offers B.S. and M.S. de- other specialized equipment for research. grees in Environmental Biology, with emphasis (among For course instruction and student research projects other areas) in aquatic biology, fisheries, and ichthy- in the Fisheries Management Program, which require ology. While not strictly a marine curriculum, the pro- an "out-of-doors" laboratory setting, the department grams have marine applications and provide sound has available several thousand acres of land, through biological background for the students interested in the University's Division of Natural Areas. The variety marine work. The B.S. degree requires 120 semester of habitats of streams and rivers, both in the Bluegrass hours, and the M.S. degree requires 32 hours beyond region and Applachian Mountains, provide ample en- the baccalaureate degree. The M.S. has either a thesis vironmental resources for fisheries management prac- option or internship option. tice. Additional opportunities for specialized studies Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. in fisheries biology, at the undergraduate and graduate Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. levels, are available through the University's affiliation To obtain further information, address inquiries to: with the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Director of Environmental Programs Springs, Mississippi, and Tech Aqua Biological Station, Eastern Illinois University Cookeville, Tennessee. Life Sciences Building The following degrees are offered: Charleston, IL 61920 1. B.S. in Fisheries Management a) Biology 58-59 credits b) Chemistry 26-27 credits c) Mathematics 3-5 credits EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY d) Statistics 3 credits Richmond, Kentucky 40475 e) Physics 10 credits Eastern Kentucky University is a regional coeduca- 2. M.S. in Biological Sciences. A planned curricuium tional public institution of higher education which pro- of study, based on individual needs, is selected by the vides programs of study at both the undergraduate student in consultation with the student's graduate and graduate levels and currently has an enrollment committee. Course work and research for thesis may of more than 14,000. Located In historic Richmond, a be pursued which relates to fisheries management 22 and aquatic biology. A minimum of 30 semester hours WEST MIES LABORATORY of graduate credit is required: FAMLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSM a) Biology core 3 hours Christiansted, St. Croix b) Thesis research 6 hours U.S. Virgin Islands 00820 c) Electives 21 hours d) One foreign language or an option in statistics and computer science The West Indies Laboratory is a tropical teaching e) Written comprehensive examination and research facility of Fairleigh Dickinson University f) Presentation of thesis research of New Jersey. It is not a degree granting part of the In addition, the student may choose to pursue the University although it provides support for degree pro- Applied Ecology Option of 11 semester hours as part grams offered in marine biology and earth sciences of their program elective hours for the M.S. degree. options in marine geology. Courses are offered at both Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. undergraduate and graduate levels throughout the Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. year and college credit may be transferred to other To obtain further information, address inquiries to: universities. Director, Fisheries Management Program The Laboratory occupies an eight-acre tract facing Eastern Kentucky University coral reef-bordered Tague Bay and Buck Island Reef Richmond, KY 40475 National Monument. The present Laboratory consists (606) 622-2212 of 12 buildings, including a four-wing dormitory, dining hall, machine shop, library, four staff residences, dock- site dive locker and research laboratories, and a class- room and research laboratory building. A tertiary sew- THE EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE age treatment plant and auxiliary power plant are also Olympia, Washington 98505 on the site. Although it is a teaching laboratory, it also serves The Evergreen State College campus has 3,000 feet as a center for tropical environmental research. Under of waterfront on Eld Inlet, an arm of Puget Sound. For contract with the federal government, the West Indies marine studies, the main laboratory building and a resi- Laboratory operates the United States' only functional dence converted to a field facility on the waterfront underwater habitat. The OCEANLAB project is com- are used. The main laboratory building is well equipped mitted to the exploration and harnessing of the ocean's for chemical analyses including capability for trace resources for the future good of mankind. The Faile organic substances and trace metals. There is a variety Marine Science Center, an estate recently donated to of marine field sampling gear and field instruments the University, supports the research efforts of the West for water quality measurements. The College has five Indies Laboratory and serves as a backup for the un- small boats ranging in size from a 14-foot to a 17-foot derwater habitat. Boston Whaler, all with outboard engines. The princi- St. Croix is the largest of the U.S. Virgin Islands (85 ple research vessel is the 38-foot motor sailer, SEA- square miles) and is readily reached by several major WULFF. airlines with daily direct jet flights from New York and Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees Miami. San Juan, Puerto Rico is only 45 minutes away are offered. Evergreen's curriculum emphasizes full- by air and frequent daily flights are available. time, team-taught, multidisciplinary or theme-oriented The Laboratory operates under its own director and programs of studies more than single subject, part- maintains a permanent resident staff including two time courses. The specific programs offered vary each marine biologists, a marine geologist, and various year. Specialization in Marine Studies is done within technical and maintenance personnel. The Laboratory the Environmental Studies curriculum. is open during the entire year. It offers formal courses Pending approval by the Legislature of the State of of instruction during the Summer, Fall, January and Washington, a graduate program in Environmental Spring periods. It also provides year-round facilities for Studies is slated to begin in the 1984/85 school year. graduate and undergraduate students and visiting in- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. vestigators who wish to take advantage of specific St. Croix environments for research and special project Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. work. University Affiliate and Visiting Group Programs To obtain further information, address inquiries to: are also available. Director, Environmental Studies Program A wide variety of basic biologic and geologic labora- The Evergreen State College tory and field equipment is available for use. Running Olympia, WA 98505 sea water is pumped directly from the ocean to the Lab. (206) 866-6730 Scuba facilities, eight boats and four field vehicles are maintained for scientific use. Numerous intertidal, la- goonal/shelf and shelf edge environments are readily available for study. NAUI certification is available for FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY student and faculty wishing to develop scuba profi- Madison, New Jersey 07940 ciency. 23 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. engineering tasks in the ocean environment. Graduates Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. of this program are prepared for graduate studies in To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Ocean Engineering and for professional -positions in Office of the Director industry and government. West Indies Laboratory This. program requires a firm foundation in English Teague Bay, Christiansted composition and grammar, mathematics, chemistry and St. Croix, U.SX.I. 00820 physics at the lower division level, plus courses in the (809) 773-3339 social sciences and humanities for a balanced educa- or, tional background for the engineering profession. These Coordinator are provided in the pre-engineering or pre-ocean en- Overseas Programs Office, WIL gineering (unversity parallel) programs of junior col- Fairleigh Dickinson University leges and the lower division pre-engineering programs Rutherford, NJ 07070 of most four year colleges. (201) 933-5000 x426 The Ocean Engineering program includes integrated courses encompassing basic engineering sciences and @mathematics; study of the ocean environment and its .relationship to other sciences and engineering; pro- cessing of ocean engineering data; and the application FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY of these elements to the solution of engineering prob- Boca Raton, Florida 33431 lems connected with work.in or on the ocean and in developing the resources of the ocean. Florida Atlantic University offers ocean engineering Emphasis is' placed on the solution of problems re- and marine science courses at its main campus in Boca lated to working in the ocean in such areas as under- Raton, Florida. Florida Atlantic University is an upper water acoustics, fluid mechanics, structures, electron- division university (junior and senior years plus grad- ics, and materials. An optional Cooperative Work- uate work) which includes Colleges of Science and study Program is offered which provides, practical ex- Engineering. It is a part of the State of Florid 'a -Uni- perience in industry or government laboratories to stu- versity System. Students entering FAU must have suc- dents who can qualify. cessfully completed two years at a junior college or . The Ocean Engineering Program at FAU was de- the equivalent at a four year institution and meet the signed a "State University System Program of Dis- prerequisites of the department they desire to enter. tinction" by the Board of Regents in October 1974. Courses in the marine sciences are offered during the The designation was one of the five originally made academic year by the departments of Biological throughout the entire State University System. Sciences, Geography, Geology and Ocean Engineering. The follIowing degrees are offered: . Both Biological Sciences and Ocean Engineering offer 1. M.S. in Ocean Engineering. The Department of regular summer and special workshop courses on the Boca Raton campus. Ocean Engineering offers programs of graduate study leading to a Master's degree in Ocean Engineering. A DEPARTMENT OF OCEAN ENGINEERING: Florida thesis option requires a minimum of 45 credits of work, Atlantic University offers Bachelors and Masters de- including a thesis, and leads to a Master of Science in grees in the Department of Ocean Engineering. The Engineering degree. The non-thesis option requires University is located in Boca Raton on the southeast a minimum of 54 credits of work and leads to a Master coast of the Florida peninsula and the Dep artment's of Engineering degree. facilities are two miles from shord and two and one- Students who wish to specialize may pursue in-depth half miles from the Florida Current (Gulf Stream). The studies in the areas of marine materials and corrosion, 33-foot research vessel, OCEANEER IV, is operated underwater communication and acoustics, ocean struc- along with numerous small crafts. Special laboratory tures, and hydrodynamics. facilities include: scanning electron microscope, wave tanks, specialized computer facilities for acoustic data At feast one-half of all graduate work must be 6000 analysis, anechoic chambers - wet and dry, com- level courses. The balance may be either undergrad- pression tanks for depth simulation, sub-bottom acous- uate, 5000 or 6000 level as approved by the student's tic profiler, side scan sonar, magnetometers, sediment advisory committee, Students who enter the graduate analysis equipment, computer terminals with graphics p .rogram from undergraduate curricula which do not capabilities, complete laboratories for metallurgy, fluid provide an engineering background or adequate prep- mechanics, vibrations, and ocean structural experi- aration for required graduate courses will be expected ments. A complete dive locker with diver propulsion, to complete additional undergraduate courses for wet submarines, and wireless communication equip- which no graduate credit may. be received. ment is maintained. .2. B.S. in Ocean Engineering. The Department of The Department of Ocean Engineering 'provides a Ocean Engineering provides a comprehensive, practical comprehensive, practical curriculum in science and undergraduate curriculum in science and engineering engineering which will prepare the student to perform which will prepare the student to perform engineering 24 work in the ocean. Graduates of this program are pre- 2. M.S. in Biological Sciences with emphasis In pared for graduate studies in Ocean Engineering and Marine Biology. professional positions in industry and government. a) A minimum of 45 quarter credits including nine As Florida Atlantic University is an upper division for thesis research. university, it admits students at the junior year level. b) Presentation of three graduate seminars. The program requires a firm foundation in English com- c) Presentation of a Master's Thesis. position and grammar, mathematics, chemistry and d) Reading skills in French, German, or Spanish. physics at the lower division level, plus courses in the e) A written comprehensive examination. social sciences and humanities for a balanced educa- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. tional background for the engineering profession. These Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. are provided in the pre-engineering or pre-ocean en- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: gineering (university parallel) programs of junior col- Chairman leges and the lower division pre-engineering programs Department of Biological Sciences of most four year colleges. Florida Atlantic University The curricula leading to the baccalaureate degree In Boca Raton, FL 33431 Ocean Engineering, both regular and cooperative pro- (305) 395-5100 x2706 grams, are accredited by the Engineers' Council for Professional Development (ECPD). Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Chairman FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Ocean Engineering Melbourne, Florida 32901 Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL 33431 FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF APPLIED TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE: The De- Jensen, Beach, Florida 33457 partment of Biological Sciences of Florida Atlantic University, an upper-division State university, has its DEPARTMENT OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND OCEAN research and teaching facilities on the main campus ENGINEERING: The Oceanography programs combine in Boca Raton. The facilities are housed in the modern classroom and laboratory work, at the main campus In five-story Biological Sciences building located approxi- Melbourne, with the analysis of oceanographic data mately two miles from the Florida Straits of the Atlantic collected by students using departmental Ocean, where the Gulf Stream reaches its closest vessels and boats. point to the U.S. mainland. Research facilities for Much of the instructional work on estuarine and botany, ecology, ichthyology, and invertebrate zoology coastal waters is conducted as part of applied research are located on the upper three floors of the building contracts utilizing the department's small motor pow- while laboratories for microbiology and cell biology ered skiffs and a twin-diesel powered research boat are centered on the second floor. Facilities for trans- (42-feet). Offshore work is done from larger ships (42- mission and scanning electron microscopy are on the feet to 65-feet) owned and operated by F.I.T. These first floor. Construction of an oceanside teaching and ships, located at F.I.T.'s Link Port base near Fort Pierce research laboratory in Boca Raton is anticipated for to the south, provide the student with access, through the near future. the Fort Pierce Inlet, to the Gulf Stream in about two The following degrees are offered: hours. This route to the sea also supplies convenient 1. B.S. in Biological Sciences with emphasis In access to the Bahamas and the Florida Keys. The larg -er ships are equipped for overnight operations and are Marine Biology. fitted with appropriate instrumentation. a) Completion of a core curriculum of approxi- Six laboratories (Biological Oceanography, Chemical mately 40 quarter credit hours including cell biology, Oceanography, Geological Oceanography, Physical Mendelian genetics, microbiology, organic chem- Oceanography, Coastal Processes and Ocean Engi- istry, blo-organic chemistry, biochemistry, blophy- neering Design) are located at the main campus' in sical chemistry, and statistics. Melbourne. b) Completion of the required emphasis courses. During the first two years the oceanography student c) Completion of a reading skills course in a mod- concentrates on building a strong foundation in math- ern foreign language. ematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and humanities. d) Completion of a minimum of 18 out-of-college The student may choose one of four options: Physical, Chemical, Biological, or Geological Oceanography. quarter credits. Transferring from one option to another during the first e) Completion of free electives for a minimum of two years will incure little loss of academic credit. In 90 upper-division quarter credits. all options, emphasis has been placed on a broad 25 scientific background for the student so that he is pre- equivalent preparation is eligible to apply for admis- pared for more advanced studies in graduate school sion to the Ph.D. program. All applicants should have or employment by industry or government. The de- an excellent scholastic record in their Master's degree partment promotes the concept of applied research program (3.30/4.00) from an institution of acceptable through a required summer shipboard program (Ma- academic standing. If special circumstances exist, the rine Field Projects). The program is conducted un- applicant. may appeal to the Graduate Faculty for a der the direction of faculty members and is designed waiver of the 3.30/4.00 requirement. to help the student utilize previous academic course- The degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Oceanography work in a relevant manner. The Bachelor of Science may be conferred upon students who satisfy the fol- degree conferred through the Department of Ocean- lowing requirements: ography and Ocean Engineering on the Melbourne 1. Successfully complete 72 credits beyond the re- campus is designed to prepare students to work quirements for the M.S. degree; as professional scientists and enables the individ- 2. Meet the foreign language requ irement; ual to pursue graduate studies. Non-departmental 3. Pass a comprehensive examination; Technician-technology oriented marine programs are 4. Complete a program of significant original re- offered in the School of Applied Technology on the search; and Jensen Beach Campus for those students not pursuing 5. Prepare and defend orally a dissertation con- a professional science-oriented curriculum. cerning the research. The Ocean Engineering curriculum is designed to The program of study must be approved by the stu- explore the engineering implications of man's relation- dent's advisory committee and the Head of the De- ship to the oceans. The first two years of study are partment of Oceanography and Ocean Engineering. devoted to giving the student a scientific foundation Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. in mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, and Faculty appointment: available in school catalog. humanities. In the junior year the student will gain a To obtain further information, address Inquiries to: knowledge of oceanographic parameters and the Graduate Admissions' basics of engineering analysis. The fourth year is Florida Institute of Technology oriented towards the application of these basics to Melbourne, FL 32901 accomplish work in the oceans. The program requires or, a student to participate in an ocean engineering proj- Head ect. The student may schedule this requirement during Department of Oceanography and the summer between the junior and senior years in the Ocean Engineering Marine Field Projects program; if necessary a limited Florida Institute of Technology number of students may conduct a project during the Melbourne, FL 32901 senior academic year. These student projects encour- age the analysis, design, construction, installation, and DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: Degrees operation of equipment in the ocean to a designated in marine biology are offered at the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. task., levels. Specific degree requirements and programs are The degree of Master of Science in Oceanography or described in the F.I.T. catalog. Research programs in Ocean Engineering may be conferred upon students concentrate on the biology of coastal marine and es- who have successfully completed a minimum of forty- tuarine invertebrates and fish, with emphasis on phy- eight quarter hours (including thesis) of required and siological ecology, community ecology, energetics, elective work. (Applicants seeking admission informa- life history analysis, biochemistry, and reproductive tion to one of the programs should have a Bachelor's biology. degree in the related sciences from an institution ac- Special research facilities include three boats (14 ft., ceptable to the Graduate School.) The programs of- 17 ft., and twin-engine 21 ft.), and field stations in Vero fered are: Beach, Florida, and Deepwater Cay, Bahamas. The I .B io-Envi ron mental, Oceanography department is well equipped for modern laboratory 2. Chemical Oceanography analysis including gas, infrared, and HPLC chromatog- 3. Geological Oceanography raphy, two electron microscopes, specialized calori- 4. Physical Oceanography meters and respirometers, and a wide range of field 5. Ocean Engineering sampling equipment. Computation facilities include 6. Coastal Zone Management hard-wired access to VAX and PDP-11/34 minicom- puters and a system of 11 microcomputers. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Oceanography Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. may be taken in either of two options, Physical Ocean- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ography or Bio-Environmental Oceanography. A stu- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: dent choosing one of these areas as his major field Department Head will, in addition, be expected to develop a general Biological Sciences Department knowledge of the various areas of oceanography. A Florida Institute of Technology student who has received a Master of Science degree Melbourne, FL 32901 in mathematics, natural science, engineering, or the (305) 723-3701 x306 26 JENSEN BEACH CAMPUS: The Jensen Beach cam- board Mechanics, Diesel Mechanics and Diving are pus of the Florida Institute of Technology borders the also offered. Indian River in the town of Jensen Beach on Florida's Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. east coast. On its 84 acres are 22 buildings, including Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. two modern residence halls, classrooms, laboratories, To obtain further information, address inquiries to: shop facilities, auditorium, chapel, library, student cen- ter, swimming pool, tennis courts and athletic fields. A Director of Admissions cafeteria, snack bar and rathskeller are open while the Florida Institute of Technology students are in residence. Small sailboats are located School of Applied Technology on campus for student use. The Student Center con- 1707 N.E. Indian River Drive tains Student Affairs offices, Admissions, Lounges, Jensen Beach, Florida 33457 Post Office, and exercise room. The Rathskeller con- tains a game room, beer and wine bar, dance floor and (305) 334-4200 x84 is the center of most student functions. In addition to its classrooms, laboratories, and a new port facility, the school has three ocean vessels. The LCM-6, a 58-foot landing craft was acquired from the FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY U.S. Navy and is modified to serve as a diver training Miami, Florida 33199 vessel. She is twin-screw diesel powered and will ac- commodate diver trainees and instructors. The Joie de Florida International University is one of the newest Vivre, a 45-foot, diesel powered vessel, is equipped of the nine institutions in the State University System with oceanographic equipment and marine electronic of Florida. There are currently two campuses with a instrumentation and accommodates a scientific party combined enrollment of over 11,000 students. Most of ten, plus the ship's crew. The Aquarius, a 65-foot, of these are advanced undergraduates although the steel hull, diesel powered research vessel is fully University has recently admitted a select group of equipped and designed for long-range ocean cruises freshman and sophomores as well. Several departments and accommodates a scientific party of twelve, plus have ongoing master's degree programs. the ship's crew. The school also maintains a number The marine science curriculum is designed as an of small river craft that are used for training purposes undergraduate certificate program. The concept of a and river research projects. Among the many@l fine certificate is similar to a "minor" except that it is facilities located on the campus is the fully equipped multidisciplinary in its approach. While it is not nec- Dive Complex. This facility consists of a scuba equip- essary to declare a major to obtain the certificate, most ment dive-'locker, a surface supplied diving equipment students in the program are pursuing degrees in locker, maintenance and repair work areas, a swimming natural sciences, environmental sciences or engineer- pool, a 20-foot deep training tank, a 15-foot deep under- ing. The traditional disciplines of biology, chemistry, water cutting and welding tank. Two recompression physics and geology are reflected in the four courses chambers are also located in this facility. required for the certificate in marine sciences. The broad background, in turn, prepares students for work The degrees currently offered include: in technical fields, for advanced graduate work, or for 1. Associate of Science: Oceanographic Technology, secondary school teaching. All of these major disci- plines have ongoing or beginning master's degree pro- Marine Technology, Electronics Technology, Under- grams. water (Commercial Diving) Technology, Petroleum Florida International University (FIU) is a member Technology, Medical Technology, Photographic Tech- nology, Diesel Technology, Marine Propulsion, Com- of the Florida Institute of Oceanography, headquar- puter Technology, and Environmental Technology. tered at the University of South Florida in St. Peters- burg. FIO's 65-foot research vessel Bellows is available 2. Bachelor of Science: Oceanographic Technology, for use in conjunction with coursework and research. Environmental-Aquaculture, Environmental Science In conjunction with some coursew6rk, students will Technology, Nursing, Computer Technology, Medical spend several days at sea performing a variety of Technology, Applied Technology. oceanographic operations. All candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science Laboratory fadlities at FIU are available for tissue or Associate of Science must complete the minimum culture, electron microscopy, virology and microbiol- course requirements as outlined in the appropriate ogy. A recirculating seawater system and radioisotope curricula with a 2.0 cumulative average. laboratory are also available. Chemistry facilities in- Approximately three quarters of the 900 students at clude mass, IR, NMR and UV-visible spectrometers, gas the Jensen Beach Campus are enrolled in marine- and liquid chromatographs and glass-blowing facilities. oriented programs. Special summer programs in div- The earth sciences, physics and engineering programs ing, underwater photography and marine ecology are have additional facilities which serve to meet the needs frequently available. Certification programs in Out- of students with interests in these fields. 27 In preparation for the certification program, two as the CDC CYBER 17.0/760 in the University Com- semesters of Inorganic Chemistry with a laboratory And puting Center. The research activities of the faculty are two semesters of Biological Science with laboratory. heavily supported by federal funding, and these pro- A minimum of 18-19 credits will be required for the grams involve fieldwork, usually at sea, in all the certificate program. Courses taken here will count world's oceans. Faculty and students have worked toward science e!ectives within the major as well as aboard a great many of the major research vessels of toward the 120 semester hours required for the bach- the U.S. fleet; because this kind of active collaboration elor's degree. works so well, it has not seemed necessary for the Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. University to have its own major research vessel. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. A graduate program in oceanography has existed at To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Florida State University since 1949, first in an inter- Marine Science Program Coordinator disciplinary institute and later (since 1966) in a depart- ment within the College of Arts and Sciences. The Department of Biological Sciences Department of Oceanography, which offers both the Florida International University M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in oceanography, is the center Tamiami Campus for marine studies at the University. Additional marine Miami, FL 33199 and environmental research is conducted by the De- (305) 554-2201 partments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics and Computer Science, Meteorology, Phy- sics and Statics, as well as the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute and the Institute of Molecular Bio- physics. Both formal and informal cooperative efforts FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY between these science departments and the Depart- Tallahassee, Florida 32306 ment of Oceanography have flourished for years. The M.S. degree program requires the completion of Florida State University is a public, coeducational 30 semester hours of course work and a thesis covering institution founded in 1857. Current enrollment is over an original research topic. Students pursuing the Ph.D. 22,400. The University'has great diversity in its cultural degree must complete 18 semester hours of formal offerings and is rich in traditions. It has outstanding course work beyond the master's degree and perform science departments and excellent schools and depart- original research leading to a dissertation that makes ments in such varied areas as law, music, theater, and religion. Florida State University (FSU) is located in a contribution to the science of oceanography. Tallahassee, the state capital, and is less than an hour's The first year of graduate study is gene'rally con- drive from the Gulf of Mexico. cerned with required course work and examinations. A Oceanography department headquarters, offices, and supervisory committee, chosen for the individual stu- laboratories are located in the Oceanog rap hy-Statistics dent, directs such examinations and supervises the Building in the science area of the campus. Some of the student's progress. Under its direction, the student laboratories currently in operation include water quality begins thesis research as soon as possible but no later analysis, organic geochemistry, trace-element analysis, than the fourth semester in residence. There is no radiochemistry, microbial ecology, mariculture, phyto- foreign language requirement for. either the M.S. or plankton ecology, numerical modeling, fluid dynamics, Ph.D. and more. The department also has the benefit of a The department currently has 39 graduate students fully equipped machine shop and a current-meter enrolled in the program (20 M.S., 19 Ph.D.). Of these, facility using standard current meters with modern 34 are full-time. The students come from all areas of state-of-the-art instruments. The Florida State Uni- the country, the greatest number representing the versity Marine Laboratory on the Gulf of Mexico is Northeast, South, and Midwest. During the last five located at Turkey Point near Carrabelle, about 45 miles years, there were fifty-nine M.S. and twenty Ph.D. de- southwest of Tallahassee. The RIV Bellows, a 65-foot grees awarded in oceanography. Graduates have taken research vessel, is currently being shared by FSU and positions in federal and state agencies, universities, other campuses of the Florida University System. and private companies. Departmental facilities are augmented by the sup- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. port received from other FSU departments and insti- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. tutes, such as the Van de Graaff accelerator in the To obtain further information, address inquiries to: physics department, the Antarctic Marine Geology Re- Admissions Committee search Facility and Core Library in the Geology De- Department of Oceanography partment, the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute Laboratories, the Electron Microscopy Laboratory in the Florida State University Biological Sciences Department, and the Statistical Tallahassee, FL 32306 6onsulting Center in the Statistics Department, as well (904) 644-6700 28 FULLERTON COLLEGE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE: Fullerton, California 92634 Physical facilities include: hydromechanics laboratory (tilting bed water channel, cavitation tunnel), sedimen- The Fullerton College program in oceanographic tation laboratory, water treatment laboratory, materials technician tr .aining is a Community College, (four se- science laboratory (MTS fatigue testing system, scan- mester/two summers) program designed to prepare ning electron microscope, computing facilities (HP entry-level technicians in marine-oriented operations. 3000, VAX-11, computer graphics). Some thesis re- The curriculum grants the Associate in Arts degree search is carried out at the David Taylor Ship Research enabling students to transfer to senior institutions to and Development Center, Carderock, Maryland, and at pursue an academic rather than a vocational-technical the U.S. Corps of Engineers Coastal Engineering Re- goal. search Center, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Standard laboratory facilities and classrooms, ship The Department of Civil, Mechanical and Environ- time donated by local institutions and government mental Engineering offers programs of graduate study agencies and visits to regional industrial facilities pro- in.hydromechanics, ocean, marine and coastal engi- vide instructional situations. In-year and summer ex- neering leading to the Master of Science, Professional periences with shipboard or on-shore work programs and Doctor of Science degrees. Each program is ar- provide the student with actual on-the-job conditions ranged to fit a student's individual needs and interests and credits for up to eight units. and to utilize previous experience and background. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. This background should normally include an under- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. graduate degree in engineering, the physical sciences, To obtain further information, address inquiries to: or applied mathematics. Coordinator Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Oceanographic Technology Program Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Ful.erton College To obtain further information, address inquiries to: 321 East Chapman Avenue Associate Dean Fullerton, CA 92634 School of Engineering and Applied Science The George Washington University Washington, D.C. 20052 THE GEORGE WASHINGTON (202) 676-7179 UNIVERSITY Washington, D.C. 20006 The University offers marine science courses at its main campus in downtown Washington, D.C. and at a number of off-campus facilities within easy reach of the University. GEORGIA. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Bachelor of Science degree in Oceanography is Atlanta, Georgia 30332 offered by and under the jurisdiction of the Columbian College, the liberal arts college of the University, and MARINE SCIENCE CENTER AND is administered by the College of General Studies. All SKIDAWAY INSTITUTE OF students are required to satisfy the undergraduate re- OCEANOGRAPHY quirements for the Bachelor of Science degree., In Skidaway Island, Savannah, Georgia 31406 addition, specialization in oceanography is obtained, by taking a minimum of 21 hours in oceanography and additional work in biology, chemistry, geology, geo- The Georgia Institute of Technology offers programs physics, mathematics and physics. The students take of Marine Science and Engineering at the Marine the professional courses in oceanography at the off- Science Center of the University System of Georgia campus facilities. Students attending these classes are located on the north end of Skidaway Island. Skiclaway expected to make their own arrangements for trans- Island covers an area of 12 square miles, including portation. The balance are taken onrcampus by fulltime highlands, estuaries, and salt marshes, and is approxi- students; these students participate in all normal Uni- mately 18 miles from downtown Savannah. It is con- versity activities. nected to the mainland by a bridge and causeway. The Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. open sea is eight miles away via the Wilmington River. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. The Center includes the University of Georgia's Marine To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Resources Center and the Skidaway, Institute of Ocean- Program Advisor ography, a research facility of the University System. College of General Studies Courses are conducted in the Marine Resources The George Washington University Center which has four teaching laboratories, a running 706 20th Street, N.W. seawater laboratory, lecture and conference rooms, Washington, D.C. 20006 offices, two general laboratories, educational exhibits, 29 and 12 large aquaria containing examples of the fauna Aberdeen and Hoquiam, the Grays Harbor Estuary (one in Georgia coastal waters. The library, located in the of the three largest on the West Coast of the United Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, includes over States), and in the distance, the Pacific Ocean. 7,000 volumes, 350 serials, and has access to the The College offers a Fisheries and Game Technician Computer Center on the University of Georgia campus program designed to give students the skills needed at Athens. to carry on field and laboratory research studies in A 32-foot (14, beam) flat-top boat, powered by twin fisheries, wildlife management, water quality and pol- outboard motors, and equipped for hauling shrimp lution control. nets, plankton nets, dredges, etc., is reserved for in- structional purposes. Other University System boats in- There is a four-acre lake on campus which drains clude the 75-foot Bluefin and the 36-foot Morgan J. at into Grays Harbor through the Chehalis River system. Skidaway Island. The Georgia Tech School of Biology A valuable asset, the lake is utilized in salmon rearing maintains a 22-foot research boat, the RIV Thurston, at projects. In addition to Grays Harbor, the College the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography. district includes Willapa Harbor, plus hundreds of The following degrees are offered: lakes, rivers, and streams in its wooded terrain which provide both study and recreational opportunities. 1. M.S. in Biology with specialization in Marine Grays Harbor College is involved in numerous con- Biology. tractual research projects that employ student tech- a) Thirty-three quarter hours of approved course- nicians. Equipment for student use includes two Boston work and a minimum of 17 quarter hours of thesis. Whaler boats and 50-hp. motor, three canoes, two jon b) Completion of a thesis based upon original re- boats, backpact electroshocker, beach seines, variable search. mesh gill nets, four salmon gravel incubators, rearing c) A comprehensive written examination and a troughs, veiticle incubators, floating rearing pen, and thesis defense. a vast assortment of biological sampling devices. Spec- 2. M.S. in Geophysical Sciences with specialization ialized water quality sampling equipment includes in Marine Geochemistry or Marine Geology. atomic absorption spectrophotometer, IR spectropho- a) Thirty-three quarter hours of approved course- tometer, turbidometer, transmissometer, and several work and a minimum of 17 quarter hours of thesis. types of dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH meters. Larger 50-60-foot ocean going vessels are based b) Completion of a thesis based upon original re- through the local commercial and charter boat fleet search. (over 400 vessels combined) at Westport (the salmon c) A thesis defense. and soon-to-be-bottom fishing capital of the U.S. lo- 3. Ph.D. in Geophysical Sciences with specialization cated 25 miles from campus). in Marine Geochernistry and Marine Geology. Grays Harbor offers a technical and professional a) A program of study including a major area degree program. All two-year graduates receive an with no specified requirements and a minor area of Associate of Science degree. Technical graduates find at least 15 quarter hours. employment with various state and federal agencies b) Demonstration of proficiency in a foreign lan- and private industry. Other students, following the guage. professional track-which involves taking higher c) Completion of a dissertation based upon orig- level science courses -transfer to four year insti- inal research, generally carried out at the Skidaway tutions in pursuit of a bachelor of science degree in Institute. fisheries, wildlife management and/or environmental d) A comprehensive examination and a final oral science. defense of dissertation. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. The following degrees are offered: Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 1. Associate of Applied Arts. Ninety-three credit To obtain further information, address inquiries to: hours including three hours of physical education and Director School of Biology a major in a technical field. or, 2. Associate of Science. Ninety-three credit hours Director School of Geophysical Sciences including three hours of physical education and com- Georgia Institute of Technology pletion of a major in an approved curriculum. Atlanta, GA 30332 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Director GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE Fish and Game Management Program Aberdeen, Washington, 98520 Grays Harbor College The Grays Harbor College campus is located on a Aberdeen, WA 98520 hill commanding an impressive view of the cities of (206) 532-9020 x317/318 30 GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Laboratory has a permanent full-time staff of Panama City, Florida 32401 approximately 150 people, augmented in summer by visiting professors and part-time help. Special facilities are housed in the new Division of A fleet of vessels used for research and teaching in- Mathematics and Science Building. The College bor- cludes the 90-foot RIV Tommy Munro, the 40-foot ders on a large bay and has two freshwater lakes on Hermes, the 36-foot Nereus and ten power craft having the campus. Two new biology laboratories have just 50-210 hp engines and ranging from 17 to 30 feet long, been completed. Plankton nets, beach nets, trawls, seven 14-foot skiffs and several aluminum boats under testing sampling equipment, saltwater aquarium and a 14 feet. Marine Technology Boat are available for collecting specimens. OTHER FACILITIES: A research collection contains The following degrees are offered: over 200,000 specimens and over 2,577 species of 1. Associate of Science in Marine Technology. This tropical and subtropical fishes. is a two-year degree. Students have two options in the A reference library devoted chiefly to the marine sophomore year: the physical or the biological option. sciences is considered one of the finest on the north Students are encouraged to obtain practical field ex- central Gulf coast. perience through the Cooperative Education courses The Laboratory operates the Marine Education Cen- for credit. Sixty-three semester hours are required to ter located six miles away in Biloxi. The Center is complete this program. housed in a new two-story masonry building which 2. Associate of Arts in Pre-Oceanography. This pro- provides a 314 seat auditorium for various audio-visual gram is intended to be preparation for transfer to and presentations in the marine sciences, and a large completion of a four-year program in oceanography. aquarium room for exhibiting live specimens of marine The student is required to take chemistry, physics, al- plants and animals as a means of promoting interest gebra, and trigonometry. It is recommended that the in and knowledge of coastal zone life and habitats. student take biology electives. Sixty-five semester Additiona!ly, spaces for both research and teaching are hours are required to complete this program. located in this building. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Also located on the Biloxi campus is an oyster biol- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ogy laboratory and a blue crab research facility. Re- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: search and teaching related to the culture of oysters, Chairman, Technical Division crabs, clams and other marine invertebrates are carried on here. Gulf Coast Community College The campus in Biloxi also provides a 150-foot dock 5230 W. Highway 98 with deep water to serve the larger vessels. Panama City, FL 32401 (904) 769-1551, x215 RESEARCH EOUIPMENT: Siemens 1A electron mi- croscope; Slee cryostate; IBM 1130 computer; LKB ultrotone; atomic absorption spectrophotometer; IR spectrophotometer; two gas chromatographs for pes- GULF COAST ticide, hydrocarbon and organic analysis and equipped with interface for data computer printout; ultraviolet RESEARCH LABORATORY spectrophotometer; gasfiow Geiger counter; Zeiss pho- Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 tomicroscope 11; fully-equipped photograhpic labora- tory; total carbon analyzer; salinometer; bathythermo- The Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL) is a graph; specific ion meter; fully-equipped microbiology full-time research facility for the State of Mississippi laboratory; electrophoresis apparatus; microfilm read- and offers education and research in the marine er-printer; Marsh-McBriney current meter; recorder sciences at both the undergraduate and graduate, and probes; nansen bottles with reversing thermom- levels. eters; Graf pan and tablet digitizer; Warburg respirom- Located on the coast of the north central Gulf of eter; digimatic osometer; chloridometer; thermostatic Mexico, the Laboratory has 50 acres on its main cam- aquaria for controlled environment studies; closed pus in Ocean Springs, and another 21 acres in Biloxi. controlled habitats for holding live fish for experiments; The main campus plant consists of modern well-equip- microsomputer; Zeiss invertoscope; refrigerated heavy ped experimental laboratories, teaching laboratories, duty centrifuge; Beckman refrigerated ultracentrifuge; lecture rooms, living quarters, and maintenance shops. Whirlpool portable dryer; chlorine titrimeter; Beckman Nine large buildings are of brick, glass and masonry oxygen analyzer, three syringe pumps; Orion specific construction, air-conditioned and equipped with diesel generators for emergency electrical power. There is ion analyzer; Orion printer for ion analyzer; Sartorious dormitory space for 70 students, a seven-room faculty balance (on order); STD profiler; ZBT launcher; residence, and a dining hall that serves three meals a printer for Sartorious balance; fluorescence spectro- day in summer. photometer; and research pH meters. 31 AFFILIATED INSTITUTIONS: The Laboratory is not a Tennessee Wesleyan College, Athens, TN degree-granting institution, but credit for courses and/ Union University, Jackson, TN or thesis research is transferred to a student's home University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanoo- institution. ga, TN Educational institutions affiliated with GCRL are as University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, TN follows: Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN In State: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI Alcorn State University, Lorman, MS Belhaven College, Jackson, MS COURSES OF INSTRUCTION: Some courses are of- Delta State University, Cleveland, MS fered only during the summer. Also offered the year- Jackson State University, Jackson, MS round are instruction and research programs leading to Millsaps College, Jackson, MS the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in such areas as botany, Mississippi College, Clinton, MS chemistry, ecology, fisheries biology, microbiology, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS microscopy, morphology, parasitology, physiology, Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS taxonomy and zoology. Mississippi Valley State University,, Itta Bena, MS Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. The University of Mississippi, University, MS Faculty ap Ipointments: available in school catalog. The University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jack- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: son, MS The Director's Room University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS Gulf Coast Research Laboratory William Carey College, Hattiesburg, MS Ocean Springs, MS 39564 Out-of-State: Auburn University, Auburn, AL The College of the Ozarks, Clarksville, AR University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, AR HARVARD UNIVERSITY Hendrix College, Conway, AR Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 University of Tampa, Tampa, FL Berry College, Mount Berry, GA The program in oceanographic education at Harvard North Central College, Naperville, IL University is primarily concerned with the training of University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY scientists who wish to prepare for careers involving Morehead State University, Morehead, KY the pursuit or application of knowledge of modern Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY ocean science at its research frontiers. The underlying Iowa State University, Ames, [A educational philosophy is based upon the principle Wartburg College, Waverly, IA that such professional oceanographic scientists must Westmar College, LeMars, IA necessarily be thoroughly trained in one. of the basic St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, IN exact sciences in which oceanography is rooted, while Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA at the same time made aware of the breadth of ocean Louisiana State University Medical Center, New sciences and the special problems of dealing with Orleans, LA the real natural medium. It is predominantly a graduate McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA educational program with students pursuing the regu- Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe, LA larly offered advanced degrees in the basic scientific Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA departments of the University, but with a special Central Methodist College, Fayette, MO oceanic orientation. Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, MO The University maintains a cross-departmental Com- Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO mittee on Oceanography, but teaching and research Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardau, in oceanography are carried out directly in the de- mo partments of the university devoted to the basic scien- Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO tific field to which a particular branch of oceanography Jamestown College, Jamestown, ND is related. The extensive laboratories of each of the Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH science departments are available and equipped for Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Weather- work in almost all branches of physics, engineering and applied physics, applied mathematics, chemistry. ford, OK geology and biology. The study collections in the bo- Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC tanical, zoological and geological museums are ex- Belmont College, Nashville, TN tremely rich in marine material, and the library facilities Lambuth College, Jackson, TN are unexcelled; especially valuable in these respects Memphis State University, Memphis, TN is the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN Extensive computer. facilities are available at Southwestern at Memphis, Memphis, TN the University through the Center for Research in Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN Computing Technology, the Office for Information 32 Technology and via terminals directly linked to large 2.- Chemical Oceanography and Marine Geochem- computers elsewhere, e.g., the National Center for istry. M.S. (or M.A.) and Ph.D. in Applied Sciences from Atmospheric Research at Boulder, Colorado. the Division of Applied Sciences, or A.M. and Ph.D. Of especial interest to graduate students in physical in Geophysics from the Department of Geological oceanography and geophysics is the Center for Earth Sciences. Master's granted per year, one; Ph.D.'s and Planetary Physics, which consists of a group of granted per year, one. faculty drawn from the Departments' of Astronomy, 3. Marine Geology and Geophysics. A.M. and Ph.D. Geological Sciences, -and Physics, and the Division in Geology or Geophysics from the Department of Geo- of Applied Sciences with common interest in the appli- logical Sciences. Master's granted per year, one; Ph.D.'s cation of physical and mathematical methods to the granted per year, one. investigation of large-scale natural phenomena of the 4. Physical Oceanography. M.S. (or M.A.),in Applied earth and solar systems. Geophysics, atmospheric Sciences, Ph.D. in Applied Physics or Applied Mathe- physics, and oceanography are all represented in the matics from the Division of Applied Sciences; Ph.D. Center and interdisciplinary work is encouraged. in Applied Mathematics from the Committee on Applied A fleet of sea-going ships and staff members ex- Mathematics; Ph.D. in Physics from,the Department of perienced in the broad aspects of practical work at Physics. Master's granted per year, three; Ph.D.'s sea are available under the cooperative education pro- granted per year, two. gram in oceanography between Harvard and the Woods Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Hole Oceanographic Institution. Under this program, Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. qualified students registered for graduate work at Har- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: vard or at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Chairman have access; as appropriate; to courses of instruction, Committee on Oceanography advice of staff, and use of research facilities at the Harvard University, Pierce Hall other institution. 29 Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Other oceanographic facilities and courses of In- (617) 495-2819 struction are available through cooperative agreements with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, the Ber- muda Biological Station for Research, and the Massa- chusetts Department of Conservation (Division of Ma- HIGHLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE' rine Fisheries), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Midway, Washington 98031 and other oceanographic institutions. j. The Faculty of the Committee on Oceanography at Highline Community College offers a two-year (seven Harvard University adheres to the principle that the quarter) diving technology program to prepare students oceanographer should be thoroughly qualified in one for employment in the offshore oil fields or in 'the of the classical scientific disciplines. His studies of ocean-related construction industries. The program, the phenomena of the ocean proceed as a. specialty which leads to the Associate in Applied Science degree, within, or as an extension of, one of these fields of utilizes comprehensive training in the underwater en- learning. As a consequence, there is no Department of vironment to give the student sufficient theoretical and Oceanography at Harvard, but members of the Com- practical education to obtain a starting job in the mittee on Oceanography will assist students who wish diving industry. to prepare themselves for work in this special field. A diving pier on Puget Sound is owned-and operated At the undergraduate level, the student is expected to by the College as an integral part of the diving tech- arrange courses within the framework provided in the nology program. Year-round diving in open water allows the student to gain experience with contempo- usual fields of concentration. Graduate students will rary diving helmets, masks, gas recirculators, and ordinarily meet the requirement for the higher degrees scuba gear. within one of the existing divisions of the faculty, but The Wilson Mark IV Deep Diving System is used if their programs necessarily bridge two or more for training in Diver/Bell lock-outs and transfer under established departments, their degrees may be ad- pressure, mixed-gas and console operations,' and ministered by a joint committee composed of members treatment/decompression procedures. In addition to of the departments concerned. ' instruction in diving, strong emphasis is placed on The following degrees are offered for studies in: rigging, seamanship, ship construction, and salvage 1. Biological Oceanography and Marine Biology: M.S. principles. A course on blasting, with underwater application, is (or M.A.) and Ph.D. in Biology from the Department taught up to the level required for a state blaster's of .,Biology and M.S. (or M.A.) and Ph.D. in Applied license. Students are required to obtain Lifesaving and Physics or Applied Mathematics from the Division of Industrial First Aid certification as part of the course. Applied Sciences. Master's granted per year, four; Various engineering, welding, communications, and Ph.D.'s per year, two. science courses are included in the program. 33 Special Admission'Requirements: Before applying for. and some seniors -through programs on marine sport admission, students must look beyond the glamour and fisheries conducted by the California Cooperative excitement of the program to the realities of long hours Fisheries Research Unit on campus. of. study,, physical exertion, and the potential hazards - The University offers the following degrees through inherent in the undersea environment. Applicants for the Colleges indicated: the diving technology program must complete a rigor- ous series of medical tests before they are admitted, COLLEGE OF SCIENCE/Department of Biological and basic scuba certification is pre-requisite for entry. Sciences: Thorough screening for the program allows a maxi- 1', Bachetor of Arts in Biology with an option in mum of 45 students to enroll for the first year and, of Marine Biology. Requirements:. general education (to that number, only the top 24 are admitted to the ensure breadth in thehumanities, social sciences and second year. The risk factor must also be considered; communications); lower division courses in mathe- water is a hostile environment- claustrophobia and matics, chemistry, physics, and biology; upper division temptation to panic are ever present. Students are requirements in general and intertidal ecology, genet- required to carry health and accident insurance and ics, evolution, bacteriology, physiology, invertebrate to sign a liability waiver. Minimum age for application zoology, vertebrate zoology, marine phycology, gen- Is 18. era[ oceanography, special problems, and organic Obtain College application and Diving Technician chemistry. application from the Office of Admissions. Applications 2. Master of Arts in Biology. Requirements: appro- will be accepted Decemberrl through March 31 for the priate undergraduate degree with an overall under- following Fall. Applicants will be notified of acceptance graduate grade point average of 2.5 or a grade point or rejection by April 30. average of 3.0 for the last ninety quarter units; semi- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. n6rs and either completion of an approved thesis, or Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. an approved project; completion of 45 units selected To obtain further information, address inquiries to: in consultation with a graduate committee; a final oral Ad missions Office examination. Highline Community College Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Midway, WA 98031 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. (206) 878-3710 x361 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: or, Chairman Program Director Department of Biological Sciences Highline Community College Humboldt State University Midway, WA 98031 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 826-3245 COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES/Department of Fisheries: HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY 1. Bachelor of Science in Fisheries. Requirements: Arcata, California 95521 general education (to ensure breadth in the humanities, social sciences, and communications); lower division The Marine Science Program at Humboldt State Uni- requirements in mathematics, chemistry, biology, versity offers instructional and research opportunities physics, computer usage, statistics and technical writ- in oceanography, marine fisheries and various aspects ing; upper division requirements include courses in of marine biology. The proximity of the school and the physiology, invertebrate zoology, fish ecology and HSU Marine Laboratory to a wide variety of marine water properties, plus 20, units of approved electives environments offers the students ample field trip op- and free electives to bring total to 192 quarter units portunity both for research and classroom work. The for the B.S. degree. Upper division requirements are laboratory, located at Trinidad on the Pacific Ocean, aranged to provide for options in freshwater fisheries, 15 miles north of the main campus, includes a lecture marine fisheries, or aquaculture. room, three large teaching laboratories, a large re- 2. Master of Science in Fisheries. Requirements: search wet laboratory, graduate research space and appropriate undergraduate degree; research topics, A shop. A modern seawater system and various types seminar and thesis required, plus courses up to 45 of aquaria and trays serve the needs of the staff and quarter units selected in consultation with a graduate students. Research vessels are chartered to support committee. the Marine Science Program. The on-campus facilities Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. include a fish hatchery, water chemistry and ichthy- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ology laboratories. An area including fresh water and To obtain further information, address inquiries to: salt water marshes and a brackish water lake is readily Chairman accessible adjacent to and in Humboldt Bay'for estua- Department of Fisheries rine studies. In addition a data processing cdnter'is Humboldt State University available for student us@. Equipment, technical guid- Arcata, CA 95521 ance and financial aid are provided graduate students (707) 826-3951 34 COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES/Department of odraphic contract research, are availableto students. Oceanography: The C.B.I. research vessels are docked At the Institute's Bachelor of Science in Oceanography. Requirements: field laboratory in Annapolis, Maryland, about an hour's general education (required and elective courses to drive frorn campus. The fleet includes the 106-foot ensure cultural breadth in the humanities, social catamaran RIV Ridgely Warfi6ld, specifically designed sciences, English, and speech); lower division re- for research in estuarine and coastal waters, as well quirements in mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, as.several smaller. vessels. geology, and statistics; upper division requirements The Department has an. agreement which permits (core courses plus 24 units of approved science elec- students to use the facilities of the Smithsonian Institu- tives); and free electives to bring the total number of tion in Washington, D.C. should this be, required for units for the B.S. degree to 192 quarter units. their research. , Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. . .The Department acce Ipts candidates for,either an Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. M.A. or Ph.D.,program. Candidates for the M.A. pro- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: gram in oceanography must complete a prescribed Chairman program of coursework; demonstrate a reading knowl- Department of Oceanography edge in French, German, or Russian;' complete an Humoldt State University essay based on original work; and pass an oral examl- nation before a. committee of the department. Candi- Arcata, CA 95521 dat es for thd'Ph.D. will take such courses and meet (707) 826-3328 such requirements as deemed necessary by their advisory committee, must satisfy the Department for- COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES/interdisciplinary eign language requirement, and must pass a compre- Option: hensive examination before a committee of department Master of Science in Natural Resources. Require- faculty as'well as. an oral examination administered ments: appropriate undergraduate degree (e.g., a natu-, by the Graduate Board of the University, and must ral resources discipline, a life science discipline, a submit an -acceptable dissertation based on original physical science discipline, etc.). research. A year- of residence at the University 16 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog . required for, all advanced degrees Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Curriculum, offered: Available in 'school catalog. To obtain further information, address Inquiries to: Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Director of Graduate Studies To, obtain further information, address inquiries to:. Chairman. College of Natural Resources Humboldt State University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Arcata, CA 95521 The Johns Hopkins University (707) 826-4155 Baltimore, MD 21218 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY KUTZTOWN STATE COLLEGE Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Kutztown, Pennsylvania 19530 The program in oceanography in the Department of 'A unique cooperative agreement between Kutztown Earth and Planetary Sciences at Johns Hopkins empha- State Co.lege and 12 other academic institutions allows sizes physical oceanography, and is closely linked to Kutztown State College to offer a comprehensive MA-_ the program in geophysical fluid dynamics. It also rine Science program. The Marine Science Consortium- Inc., a non-profit corporation created by the membe; provides opportunities for exploring chemical ocean- institutions, allows them to pool their resources of ography (through the geochernistry.program within the facilities, instructors, and equipment. These concen- department) and marine biology (through the ecology trated assets have been used to establish the Wallops program within the department). The department lab- Island Marine Science Center adjaceint to Chinco- oratories and shops are in Olin Hall, and are equipped teague Bay and National Wildlife Refuge, Assateague with the general and specialized equipment required Island, Virginia. Primary facilities include: biology for oceanographic research. Photographic, drafting laboratories, marine geology and chemistry labora- and data reduction facilities are available to the stu- toriesI, classrooms, library, administrative offices, cafe- dents; an extensive and active Computer Center Is teria, equipment rooms, plus housing for 200 students and faculty. Extensive teaching and research. facilities maintained on campus. are available at the center for marine investigations in In addition, the resources of the Chesapeake Bay geology, physics, chemistry and biology. Four vessels, Institute, a division of the University engaged in ocean- from .30-feet to 60-feet, are available for educational 35 and research purposes inshore or on the high seas. nets, pH meters, atomic absorption spectrometer, x-ray Numerous small boats are also available for projects diffraction, microscopes and photographic equipment. near the station. Twenty-three separate Marine Science .The following degree is offered: courses are offered each summer by the consortium B.S. in Oceanographic Technology. The require- which draws its teaching staff from the academic de- ments for this degree are as follows: partments of the member schools. 1. Meet general University degree requirements. The S.A. degree in Marine Science at Kutztown State 2. Completion of 131-134 semester hours. College prepares students for. admission to graduate 3. Specialization of 21-28 semester hours in Biology, schools, employment in industry, government or edu- Geology or Engineering option. cation. The degree is broad-based, requiring success- ful completion of 11/2 years of mathematics, and one Curriculum offered: availab:e in school catalog. year each of classical college biology, chemistry, and Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. physics. Additionally, each student is required to com- To obtain further information, address inquires to: plete one course in marine biology, marine geology, Dean, College of Sciences physical oceanography and/or chemical oceanography. Lamar University Students are encouraged, to elect five courses in one P. 0. Box 10022 of the above interdisciplinary areas of oceanography. Beaumont, TX 77710 A senior level research project. is also required. A minimum of three summer courses are required at the Marine Science Consortium, Wallops Island, Virginia. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. LEHIGH UNIVERSITY Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Chairman Lehigh University has teaching and research facilities Physical Science Department on the, main campus at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and Kutztown, PA 19530 at a marine field station near Stone Harbor, New (215) 683-4447 Jersey. The principal research facility is the Center for Marine and Environmental Studies at the main campus, including a marine biology laboratory and a marine geology laboratory. The off-campus facility. The Wet- lands Institute, is equipped with a running salt water LAMAR UNIVERSITY system, a Boston Whaler with outboard motor, and an Beaumont, Texas 77710 inboard skiff. Research equipment includes salino- meters, spectrophotometers, pH meters, microscopes, and biological sampling apparatus. On campus there Lamar University, through its Department of Biology, is access to major items of research equipment through offers interdisciplinary work leading to the degree of academic departments and other centers including Bachelor of Science in Oceanographic' Technology, atomic absorption spectroph oto meter, gas chromatog- with options in 'Marine Biology, Marine Geology, and raphy/mass spectrometer, scanning electron micro- Ocean Engineering. While most of the classroom and scope, electron microprobe, x-ray diffractometer, and laboratory facilities are on the main campus in Beau- sediment size-analysis apparatus. month, the field work is based on a site in Port Arthur, The following degrees are offered through the re- on Sabine Lake, which is an excellent example of a spective academic departments: coastal or estuarine environment. Teaching and re- 1. M.S. In Biology, specializing in Marine Biology. search laboratories are equipped for both instructional 2. M.S. in Geological Science, specializing in Marine work and stud ent-oriented projects. Geology. "Most of the field activity is related to coastal en- @ 3. M.S. in Civil Engineering, specializing in Coastal vironmental problems and is centered at the 40,000 Engineering. square foot Pleasure Island facility where geological' 4. Ph.D. in Biology, specializing in Marine Biology. biologica land geochernical laboratories are estab-! 5. Ph.D. in Geological Sciences, specializing in lished. Berthing facilities lie adjacent to the Pleasure Marine Geology. Island laboratory where the 34-foot twin engine steel 6. Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, specializing in Coastal catamaran, 20-foot glass inboard-outboard, and 23-foot Engineering. twin outboard boats are kept. Smal!er glass boats and The minimum requirements for the master's degree aluminum skiffs are also available for river and shallow include: bay collection. 1. Not less than 30 semester hours of graduate work; 2. Not less than 18 hours of 400-level coursework; The 34-foot catamaran is rigged for shallow water 3. Not less than 18 hours in the major field, -of which coring, trawling, and dredging. Research equipment at least 15 hours must be in 400-level courses; and includes an induction salinometer, dissolved oxygen, 4. A thesis or a report based on a research course meter, Ekman current meter, otter and plankton traw[ of at least three credit hours or no more than six 36 hours (Biology also requires passing a departmental gas chromatography apparatus, x-ray crystallography qualifying examination). apparatus, a salinometer, a sediment size analyzer The minimum requirements for the doctorate are: and a fluorometer. 1. Passing a departmental general examination; The Bachelor of Science in Marine Science is offered 2. Sixty credit hours beyond the master's degree with concentrations in biological, chemical or geologi- based on -a program of work formulated by the candi- cal areas of study. date and a special committee, including research for The number of marine science majors graduating in a dissertation; 1982 was 78. In addition to the above programs an 3. Oral and written presentation of a dissertation environmental science major is offered which com-@ approved by the candidate's special committee; and bines training in specific discipline and broad expo- 4. Passing a foreign language proficiency exami- sure to the social science aspects of environmental nation. problems. In the past academic year there were 3 marine- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. related master's degrees granted in Biology, and 5 in Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Geological Sciences; 2 marine-related Ph.D's in Biol- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: ogy, and 1 in Geological Sciences. Director Prospective graduate students should communicate Marine Science Program directly with the chairman of the academic depart- Southampton Col!ege ment of their choice (Biology, Civil Engineering, or Southampton, NY 11968 Geological Sciences), as applicants must meet the (516) 283-4000, x161 requirements of, and be accepted by, the academic department in which they plan to earn an advanced degree. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Director, Center for Marine Marine Sciences education in the Center for Wet- and Environmental Studies land Resources (CWR) of Louisiana State University Chandler-Ullmann #17 (LSU) is focused on the study, management and de- Lehigh University velopment of marshlands, estuaries, shallow-water Bethlehem, PA 18015 environments and related resources typical of the coastal zone. The department and cooperating Uni- versity organizations provide extensive aerial photo- graph and map collections, nuclear and computer science facilities, chemical analysis capabilities, bio- LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY/ logical and sedimentological laboratories and samp- SOUTHAMPTON COLLEGE ling equipment, boats and skiffs for nearshore opera- Southampton, New York 11968 tions, machine shops, photographic laboratories and library facilities. The division of Natural Sciences instructional, lab- Field operations in Louisiana are conducted from oratory and research space occupies approximately University-leased facilities near work sites or from 22,800 square feet which includes a one-acre campus those provided through cooperation with the extensive marine station of 5,800 square feet with dockside fa- marshland refuge system operated by the Louisiana cilities. Vessels owned and operated by the division Wildlife and, Fisheries Commission. A typical operations Include the Shawna IV, a 38-foot twin diesel research base may include living space for four to six people vessel which is equipped with radar, Loran, recording and a portable laboratory building. Although larger fathorneter, s1s and CB radio, electrically driven one- boats can be berthed at nearby marinas, most field ton capacity hydrographic winch with 1,000 feet of work is conducted with boats in the 16-foot to 24-foot wire and a small wet laboratory. Additional research class. vessels include one 34-foot platform outboard powered The Center for Wetland Resources at LSU serves vessel; one 30-foot sea skiff; four 19-foot and three 17- as the University's primary agency for research and foot fiberblass utility boats. These vessels are equipped education in the marine and wetland fields. The Center with winch, davit or A-frame and metering wheel, was founded in 1970 and it brought together three of fathometers, and specialized sampling and collecting the University's marine-oriented agencies: Coastal e@quipment as required for shallow water and estuarine Studies Institute (CSI), Department of Marine Sciences, work. Major marine laboratory instruments available and Office of Sea Grant Development. Recent addi- include a three-channel Technico Auto-analyzer, a tions are the Laboratory for Wetland Soils and Sedi- multichannel scintillation spectrophotometer, atomic ments (LWSS), the Coastal Ecology Laboratory (CEL), furnace absorption spectrophoto meter, anodic stripper, and the Ports and Waterways Institute. In addition to 37 its own education, research, and advisory services, the Development is responsible for effectively conducting Center is committed to the encouragement and support the research, training, and information programs ap- of activities related to coastal systems throughout the proved by NOAA for Sea Grant funding in Louisiana. University and State. Emphasis is given to the encouragement and develop- The Coastal Studies Institute, a research organiza- ment of programs involving scientific and economic tion established in 1954 with major emphasis on physi- aspects of marine environments, usually described as shallow-water, nearshore, coastal, or estuarine. cal systems, has received primary and continuing fund- ing support from the Coastal Science Program, Office of In 1978, LSU was named a Sea Grant College -the Naval Research. Its research is interdisciplinary, ex- 13th university in the nation so designated and the tending into geography, geology, geophysics, hydro- highest classification attainable in the national pro- dynamics, dynamical meteorology, remote sensing, gram. and chemistry. Field investigations have been under- The Laboratory for Wetland Soils and Sediments taken on all continents, except Antarctica, but includ- studies sediment chemistry and plant relations in nat- ing the coast of the Arctic Ocean. The program is field ural wetland ecosystems@salt marshes, fresh and oriented, and concentrates on form-process relation- brackish marshes and swamps, and floodplains. Nu- ships in coastal and continental-shelf environments. trient cycling, the fate and effects of pesticides, toxic The emphasis of the marine geology program is on heavy metals, and petroleum hydrocarbons in wetlands deltaic and shelf sedimentary environments and sedi- are major areas of study. The Laboratory plays a sig- ment transport mechanisms, including mass-move- nificant role in research funded by the Louisiana Sea ment processes. The coastal dynamics program fo- Grant College Program and also in contract research cuses on geophysics of water and sediment movement supported by several other federal and state agencies and dynamical meteorology. An Industrial Associates that deal with important soil and sediment problems in Research Program supplements contractual research wetlands. funds. The Department of Marine Sciences, created in 1968, The faculty and staff of the Coastal Ecology Labo- has developed masters and doctoral programs for ratory endeavor to understand coastal environments as students interested in careers involving marine-related ecological systems. The shallow continental shelf, the research, technology, resource utilization and educa- coastline, inshore estuaries, and wetlands from a tion. Although afew of the department's courses are boundary between upland ecological systems and the open to undergraduates, no baccalaureate degree pro- open ocean. This highly active region is neither oceanic gram is offered. Courses and curricula in the depart- nor upland, but a complex blend that incorporates func- ment are concerned mainly with the marsh and shallow tional aspects of both extremes and also unique prop- water environments of the Louisiana coast rather than erties of its own. Its organic production is as high as the "bluewater" courses stressed elsewhere. The aca- that of our most productive farmlands, and the attrac- demic program is augmented by a wide choince of tion of this zone for fish, waterfowl, and furbearing marine-related courses taught in other departments mammals makes it a major fishery and hunting re- of the University. CSI, LWSS and CEL personnel serve source. At the same time, the coastal zone is heavily populated by man, and his activities permeate it and also as faculty members of the Department of Marine alter its normal functioning. Current research em- Sciences. phases include the functional analysis of whole ecolo- The Office of Sea Grant Development administers gical systems; the productivity and ecophysiology of the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, a part of wetlands; the primary productivity of offshore conti- the National Sea Grant Program, National Oceanic and nental shelf waters; the structure and function of Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the U.S. De- benthic systems; nutrient cycles in coastal ecosystems; partment of Commerce. The Sea Grant concept uses fishery population dynamics and management; analysis the capabilities of many kinds of institutions, labora- of systems under stress; ecological impact analysis; tories, and public and private agencies to solve the and the interactions between ecology and economics. practical problems related to the development of ma- The Ports and Waterways Institute, created in April rine and coastal resources. Three general categories 1981, will focus, promote, and administer the Univer- of activities are called for under the Sea Grant man- sity's maritime-related research, education, and ad- date: training and education, with emphasis on provid- visory activities. Emphasis will be given to the solution ing people with the knowledge and skills necessary of practical problems confronting the martime trans- for the development of marine resources; applied re- portation and offshore supply industries of Louisiana search, aimed at developing practices, techniques, and the United States. The University, in establishing and equipment to facilitate the use of marine resources; the nation's first Ports and Waterways Institute, has and advisory and information programs to provide an outstanding opportunity to achieve national and scientists, engineersl@ educators, industrialists, and the international recognition in a variety of scientific and general public with useful information on marine re- technological fields associated with the study, manage- sources and discoveries through publications and the ment, and development of ports, waterways, and off- marine extension service. LSU's Office of Sea Grant shore support operations. 38 The following degrees are offered: b) An average grade not lower than B 'and no MARINE SCIENCES: lower than C in the courses offered for the degree. 1. M.S.: In conjunction with requirements and sched- c) A reading knowledge of at least one language uling specified in the current issue of the Bulletin of other than his native language. The language is the Louisiana State University Graduate School the normally to be selected from the following: German, Master of Science degree in Marine Sciences requires: Russian, French, Spanish, English. The candidate's a) A pro Igram of study approved by the Depart- selection should be based upon the abundance of ment Chairman and the student's major professor. foreign-language scientific literature in his field of The program will normally consist of a minimum of specialization. 24 hours of graduate-level courses and at least four d) Passing a comprehensive qualifying examina- 7000 or 8000-level courses. In addition, a proficiency tion covering the student's scientific background in calculus is required. Electives may be chosen and training, coursework, and general capabilities with the consent of the student's major professor in the scientific field. This examination should be from appropriate courses in the Department of Ma- taken during the first semester after the Master's rine Sciences or other departments. degree is awarded. b) Research culminating in the preparation of an e) Passing a comprehensive general examination acceptable Master's thesis which should demonstrate in a manner that conclusively demonstrates the stu- the capacity for originality of thought, research, and dent's competence over broad segments of marine facility in organizing material. sciences and a high degree of familiarity with cur- c) An average grade not lower than B and no rent progress in one or more minor fields. lower than C in the courses offered for the degree. f) Passing an oral final examination based on the d) Passing a final oral examination based large- dissertation rese'arch. ly on the student's area of specialization, aspects Concurrent degree programs are available with Pub- of his research program and past coursework. lic Administration (MPA) and Experimental Statistics. e) Although a reading knowledge of a foreign The concurrent MPA-MS program enables a student language is not required of a candidate for the to obtain the Master of Public Administration and the Master's degree, the major professor may recom- Master of Science in Marine Sciences in five or six mend some exposure to a particular language if a semesters, depending on his academic preparation. large body of foreign-language literature exists in the The purpose of the program is to prepare students for candidate's specialty field. In some specialty fields, positions in the public sector dealing with coastal zone recommendations may be made to develop the stu- management, wetland resources, and marine life. dent's proficiency in statistics, computer sciences, The MApStat-MS program enables a student to ob- etc., rather than in a foreign language. tain the Master of Science in Marine Sciences and the A 36-hour nonthesis degree option is also available, Master of Applied Statistics degree concurrently. The designed primarily for students who do not contem- combined program provides a strong background for plate completing a doctoral program. In addition to research and for statistical consulting in the marine the required core courses, students in this program field. must complete six hours of advanced course-work in Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. one marine science specialty; six hours of courses Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: in a minor field outside of marine sciences; and at Chairman least three hours in research. Department of Marine Sciences 2. Ph.D.: In conjunction with requirements and Louisiana State University scheduling specified in the current issue of the Bulle- Baton Rouge, LA 70803 tin of the Louisiana State University Graduate School (504) 388-1558 the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Marine Sciences SCHOOL OF FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE MANAGE- requires: MENT: The School of Forestry and Wildlife Manage- a) A program of study approved by the student's ment has four laboratories on the LSU campus avail- major professor and advisory committee consisting of able for marine and marine-related research in the (1) at least 48 hours of coursework beyond the bac- field of fisheries. The School also has access to various calaureate. (Coursework will include four core facilities of the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Com- courses plus a minimum of 24 hours of appropriate mission. Most notable is the marine lab at Grand Terre, 7000 or 8000-level courses. In addition, the student Louisiana, and the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge at Grand Chenier, Louisiana. At Grand Terre the facility has been must select a minor in another department-or an used to study the effects of oil pollution on shrimp. At internal minor approved by the Graduate Council. Rockefeller, cooperative research on mariculture Is Electives may be selected from courses designed being conducted in some 60 ponds. to complete the student's program of study.) (2) A The School offers a Master of Science with a major maximum of 12 hours of research leading to a dis- in fisheries and a Ph.D. in Wildlife and Fishery Science. sertation in some area of marine science. Requirements for the M.S. degree include 30 semester 39 hours of graduate,.work, including six 'semester hours ing 'a commission and beginning a career@as a U.S. of thiesis research. There are no language require- Naval or Marine Corps officers. Minor areas of study ments, and a minor is optional. The Ph.D. requires 48 include Business Transportation, Humanities, Ocean- semester hours of coursework plus at least 9 hours of ography, Ocean Engineering, Marine Industrial Manage- dissertation research. menti Naval Science and Nuclear Engineering. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. The Academy graduates anywhere between 140 and Faculty appointments: available in catalog ' 1.60 individual' per year, all of.whorn receive excellent To obtain further information, address inquiries to: placement service into careers as deck or engineering Assistant Director officers on vessels such as tankers, dry cargo carriers, ore carriers and tugs. Many graduates also obtain School of Forestry and Wild.life Management positions ashore in marine-related businesses such as Louisiana State University shipbuilding and other industrial add management Baton Rouge, LA 70803 endeavors. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. SCHOOL OF LAW: The Louisiana State University To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Law School gives particular emphasis to teaching and Director of Admissions research in coastal and marine resources law. The Maine Maritime Academy proximity of the state to the northern Gulf of Mexico Castine, ME 04421 region, where considerable marine resource activity occurs, encourages interest and expertise in 'these matters. LSU law professors, associates and students are active in offshore oil and gas issues, mineral and fishery resource management problems, wetlands and MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES shorelands bound 'ary issues, recreation and environ- CONSORTIUM OF ALABAMA mental protection problems, etc. Law School personnel DAUPHIN ISLAND SEA LA13 work closely with other departments of the University concerned with coastal and marine resources issues, Dauphin Island, Alabama 36528 especially the Center for Wetlands Resources and the Department of Marine Sciences. An LL.M. (Master of The Marine@ Environmental Sciences Consortium is Laws) program with specialization in Marine Resources located at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, adjacent to Law-and Policy has been authorized in the Law School, Mobile Inlet. The Consortium has a membership of but has not as yet been implemented. 19 Alabama four-year colleges and universities in- Curriculum offered: available in school. catalog. cluding: Alabama State University, Montgomery; Au- Facu-Ity appointments: available in school catalog. burn University, Auburn; Birmingham-Southern College, To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Birmingham; Huntingdon College, Montgomery; Jack- sonville State University, Jacksonville; Livingston Uni- Marine Law versity, Livingston; Mobile College, Mobile; Samford Louisiana State University Law Center University, Birmingham; Spring Hill College, Mobile; Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Talladega College, Tallade 'ga; Troy State University, Troy Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee; The University of Alabama, University; The University of Alabama in Birm- ingham, University Station; The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville; University of Montevallo, MAINE MARITIME ACADEMY Montevallo; University of North Alabama, Florence; Castine, Maine 04421 Auburn University, Montgomery; and the University of South Alabama, Mobile. The Marine Maritime Academy is a four-year program Total facilities available include the Dauphin Island which offers a Bachelor of Science degree with majors Sea Lab, the Point Aux Pins Marsh Lab at Point Aux in-Nautical Science and Marine Engineering. The cur- Pins, three marine research vessels and.several skiffs. riculum also includes the classroom instruction, voca- The Dauphin Island Sea Lab consists of 27 buildings tional training and seatime that prepares future deck on the east end of Dauphin Island. Among these is a and engineering officers for the U.S. Merchant Ma- large instructional building containing well-equipped rine. The U.S. Coast Guard administers the unrestricted research labs, classrooms and library, a combination license examination (third mate, third assistant engi- administration-recreation building, two 84-person dorm- neer) to all students at the end of their senior year. itories, a two-story efficency apartment building, a Special features of the program includetwo month cafeteria, support buildings, an oceanographic equip- training cruises for freshman and juh'ior -midshipmen ment building, 1 .3 three-bedroom houses and a diver aboard the 13,300 ton Training Ves@el State ot Maine. training pool. Second year students receive two months training aboard a merchant vessel giving them practical on- The University of Alabama owns the 250-acre marsh job training. The NROTC scholarship program is also lab, the vessel maintenance facility and three diesel- available to qualified applicants interested in obtain- powered research vessels including the 65-foot RIV 40 Rounsefell and several vessels in the 35- to 454oot Vessels owned and operated by.the Consortium In- class. These facilities are made available as a part of clude: The RIV Delaware Bay, a 50-foot, low-magnetic the total MESC complex. ex-mine diving tender equipped with radar, Loran, CBR MESC is a public non-profit corporation chartered and VHF radios, several winches, and diving lockers; by the state legislature in 1971. It is not. a degree- the Chincoteague Bay, a 40-foot flat-bottom monitor for granting institution; one of its principal functions is to use in shallow waters; the RIV Laughing Gull, a 28-foot support its 19 degree-granting schools with necessary shallow draught aluminum boat for estuarine and bay marine related course offerings to satisfy their degree work. programs. All 19 schools have at least a B.S. in Biology Deg rees are granted only through the participating with emphasis in Marine Science. Those schools with institutions and include B.A. and B.S. in Biology, Geol- graduate programs have marine science-related de- ogy, Geography, Earth Sciences and M.A., M.S., M.Ed., grees through the Ph.D. in some cases. and Ph.D. degrees. Curriculum offered: available in catalog. Curriculum offered: available in catalog. Faculty appointments: available in catalog. Faculty appointments: available in catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: To obtain further information, address inquiries.to: Director Director Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium The Marine Science Consortium, Inc. Dauphin Island Sea Lab P.O. Box 16 Dauphin Island, AL 36528 Wallops Island, VA 23337 824-5636 THE MARINE SCIENCE CONSORTIUM, INC. Wallops Island, Virginia 23337 MARIST COLLEGE Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 PARTICIPATING INSTITUTIONS: A program leading to a B.S. In Environmental Science The American University, Washington, D.C. 20016 with particular emphasis on aquatic studies is offered Bloomsburg State College, Bloomsburg PA 17815 at Marist College. The curriculum is designed to pre- California State College, California, PA 15419 pare students to enter the job market as environmental The Catholic University of America, Washington, technicians following graduation. D.C. 20017 A breakdown of the science requirements follows: Catonsville Community College, Catonsville, 1. Credit requirement in environmental science 23 MD 21228 Cheyney State College, Cheyney, PA 19319 2. Credit requirement in related fields (Biology, 51 East Stroudsburg State College, East Stroudsburg, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, PA 18301 Economics, Internships) Edinboro State College, Edinboro, PA 16412 Facilities include a laboratory directly on the Hudson Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 17551. River for the assembly and preparation of river samples Kutztown State College, Kutztown, PA 19530 as Iwell as an array of chemistry (including analytical) Millersville State College, Millersville, PA 17551 and biology labs on the main campus, which is 250 The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, yards from the river. PA 16802 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. NY 14623 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg, PA 17527 Chairman, Division of Science Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rok, PA 16057 Marist College West Chester State Colege, West Chester, PA 19380 West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Each of the participating institutions offers courses (914) 471-3240 x287 in oceanography, for which classroom facilities, labo- ratory space, library and computer support are avail- able on the various campuses. The Consortium operates a field station at Wallops MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE Island Marine Science Center, Wallops Island, Vir- OF TECHNOLOGY ginia, where more than 200 participants can be ac- Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 commated. The physical facilities at the center consist of lecture Over the past two decades the Massachusetts Insti- rooms, wet and dry laboratories, dormitories, cafe- tute of Technology has developed a wide range of terias, docking spaces and auxiliary buildings. facilities for basic and applied research related to the 41 development of new oceanic knowledge and to the planned elective subject must be selected in f iour out utilization of the oceans to meet societal needs. of these nine areas: acoustics, design, hydrodynamics, In addition to the facilities in basic and engineering instrumentation, materials and fabrication, ocean en- research in the various departments of the institute, the vironment, power and propulsion, probability and facilities of the Draper Laboratory as well as those of structures. the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) 2. B.S. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineer- (Available to MIT through the joint MIT/WHOI Pro@ ing. Requirements are the same for the B.S. in Ocean grams in both oceanographic engineering and in ocean- Engineering except that out of the 72 units of planned ography), the following special marine-oriented facili- electives at least one subject must be selected in each ties are available at the MIT campus: variable pressure of the following areas: design, hydrodynamics, mate- water tunnel, ship model towing tank, acoustics and rials and fabrication, power and propulsion and struct- vibration laboratory, ship design laboratory, RIV Ed- ures. gerton, pressure testing facility, marine data systems The following graduate degrees are offered by the laboratory, marine structural dynamics laboratory, a, Department of Ocean Engineering: stroboscopic light laboratory and the water resources 3. M.S. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. and hydrodynamics laboratory containing over 30,000 41. M.S. in Ocean Engineering. square feet devoted to teaching and research and in- 5. M.S. in Shipping and Shipbuilding Management. cluding such facilities as a 100-foot wave channel, 6. M.S. without specification. various channels for sediment studies, a coastal model basin, special flumes for variable density experiments, Preparation for these graduate degree programs a special purpose digital computer for experimental usually includes an undergraduate degree in a field of control and data reduction, a special purpose analog engineering. Students with a background in physics, computer for the analysis of random signals, plus in- mathematics, or chemistry may also be accepted with strumentation for the laboratory and field measurement the proviso that they complete background areas in of turbulence, wave profile and forces, entrained sedi- which they are deficient. For students who lack the ments, salinity, heat, dissolved oxygen, B.O.D., etc. complete range of background requirements the de- Large scale digital computer facilities are available partment is prepared to consider the M.S. degree with- through the Engineering Departments and the MIT In- out specification. formation Processing Center. 7. Ocean Engineer. The objective of a program lead- The Department of Ocean Engineering concentrates ing to an engineer degree is a more advanced level on "engineering for the ocean environment." It empha- and a broader range of competence in engineering and sizes the scientific background and those engineering science than that required for the master's degree, but sciences necessary to applications in the marine field with less emphasis on creative research than that as well as engineering fundamentals and their applic@_' characterizing a doctoral program. In general terms, tion tda wide spectrum of engineering for modern the master's degree requires a minimum of one aca- ocean sciences, ocean exploration, ocean transporta- demic year and the engineer degree without a con- tion, ship and naval engineering, and the utilization of current M.S. degree requires two academic years be- ocean and coastal zone resources. A flexible curricu- yond a baccalaurate in the same field. lum, a departmental faculty with wide and continuing The requirements for.an engineer degree are the research and industrial experience, and close faculty- satisfactory completion of a program of advanced study student contact all contribute to a sound and effective and research approved by the department. The mini- education. mum program consists of at least 162 subject units The following two undergraduate degrees are offered and the completion of an acceptable thesis. A depart- in the Department of Ocean Engineering: ment may accept a master's thesis of superior quality 4. B.S. in Ocean Engineering. All undergraduate stu- for the engineer degree. dents are required to take 72 units in the academic A program for an. engineer degree ordinarily includes area of humanities and social science. In addition, 12 two subjects in the area of economics, industrial man- units of biology or chemistry subject matter, 24 units agement, or political science, and at least 12 units of of physics and 24 units of calculus are required. Each comprehensive design, such as Design of a Water- student must fulfill the requirement of satisfactorily borne Vehicle or the equivalent. completing 12 units of credit in a laboratory course. All of the foregoing requirements involve subjects out- 8. Doctor of Science. side the Department of Ocean Engineering. The depart- 9. Doctor of Philosophy. mental requirements include the following mandatory The basic requirements for a doctorate degree are: subjects: Marine Applied Mechanics, A Survey of Ocean completion of a program of advanced study, including Engineering, Applied Ocean Engineering, Differential a two-part 'general examination, and completion and Equations, Dynamics, and Linear Systems and Proba- oral defense of a thesis on original research. bility. The, program of advanced study and research may Also 70 units of unrestricted electives plus at least be selected in any field approved by the department. 72 units of planned electives are required. At least one The thesis is in this same field. The program often. 42 comprises subject areas reaching into several depart- the candidate's major area of specialization. It is for ments. If the field requires substantial participation by this core material that the candidate is responsible on two or more departments, an interdepartmental faculty the general examination. Doctoral candidates are no committee may be appointed by the dean of the Grad- longer required to demonstrate a proficiency in foreign uate School to advise with a graduate registration of- languages. ficer in the administration of the student's program. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Candidates for a doctorate -are no longer required Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. to demonstrate a proficiency in foreign languages. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: The Department of Ocean Engineering also offers a (Chairman, Appropriate Department) joint program in. oceanographic engineering with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution leading to the Cambridge, MA 02139 degrees of Ocean Engineer, Ph.D., or Sc.D. awarded jointly by the two institutions. Students in this program The graduate program in oceanography is conducted choose to specialize in those areas of oceanographic jointly by MIT - those of Earth and Planetary Sciences, engineering related to advancements in marine geo- Meterology and Biology - are involved in instruction physics, geology, oceanography, or oceanographic in- in physical oceanography,' marine geology, marine geo- strumentation. Requirements for the joint degrees are physics, marine chemistry and geochemistry, and bio- similar to those of the corresponding degree awarded logical oceanography. Each student has a primary af- by the department above. filiation with one of the three departments. The Department of Civil Engineering also offers MIT provides instruction in many fields of science, marine-related graduate degree programs in civil en- engineering and the humanities, as well as laboratories, gineering. The focus of these programs is on coastal libraries, and computer and data processing services; problems of the marine environment and on constructed additionally, a small research boat which is used for marine facilities. local observations and for instrument testing is docked Preparation for these programs of graduate study at the MIT facility at Lewis Wharf in Boston. WHOI usually includes an undergraduate degree in civil, brings to the program a large scientific staff involved in many phases of oceanography, along with exten- mechanical or electrical engineering or oceanography; sive laboratory facilities on shore and a fleet of sea- but, recognizing the possible need for some additional going ships devoted to research and instruction. Stu- work, students with a background in physics, mathe- dents may take courses simultaneously at both insti- matics, chemistry, and biology may al .so be accepted. tutions, and transportation between the two campuses The degrees offered, and their requirements are as is provided. Thesis research may be undertaken at follows: either institute, the locations of the thesis advisor and 1. M.S. in Civil Engineering. This requires comple- the needed facilities usually being the determining tion of an approved program of at least 66 subject factors. units, of which. 42 units must be in "A" subjects, and the completion of* an acceptable thesis. All MIT doctoral candidates in oceanography are 2. M.S. This "unspecified" degree is awarded in considered to be in the joint program and are awarded cases,ih which at least 34 units of "A" subjects plus a joint degree of Ph.D. or Sc.D. in Oceanography. (No the thesis are not from within the Department of Civil distinction is made between the two and a student may Engineering. This provides one mechanism for pur- choose whichever seems more appropriate to him.) In suing interdepartmental fields of interest. the first phase of the doctoral program, the student 3. Civil Engineer. The "professional" degree, Civil prepares himself for the general examination in the Engineer, is awarded for completion of a program at a field of his degree; after successfully passing this, he more advanced level and over a broader range than, enters the second phase, that of thesis research. The that for the master's degree but with less emphasis successful defense of a thesis of high quality marks on creative research than that characterizing a doctoral the completion of the program. program. The program content is worked out by the The degree of Master of Science is awarded only by student in consultation with his faculty advisor but most contain at least 162 subject units plus an ac- MIT. Minimum requirements arethe completion of an ceptable thesis. approved program of 66 units, of which at least 42 4. Sc.D. or Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. The basic must be graduate "A" subjects and the presentation requirements for the doctorate are: completion of a of an acceptable thesis. program of advanced study, including a general ex- All applicants to the graduate program should have amination consisting of a written and an oral portion; a strong background in basic mathematics and physics; and completion and oral defense of a thesis based on chemistry is required for students of marine chemistry original research. and biological oceanography while geology is needed The total doctoral program must include at least 150 for marine geology. units of graduate subjects units up to half of which may Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. be specified by the graduate committee in charge of Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 43 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Joint Program in Oceanography Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Massachusetts -institute of Technology To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Room 54-912 Academic Dean Cambridge, MA 02139 Massachusetts Marine Academy or, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 (617) 548-1400 McGILL UNIVERSITY Montreal, Quebec, Canada MASSACHUSETTS Research at the Institute of Oceanography of McGill MARITIME ACADEMY University is carried out in a broad diversity of marine Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts 02532 environments, including the Arctic regions, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the estuary of the St. Lawrence River, The Massachusetts Maritime Academy offers an ac- ind the Caribbean Sea. Biological collections are avail- credited, four year degree program to undergraduates able at the Redpath Museum of McGill University, with preparing them for licensed service in the U.S. Mer- special laboratory facilities for the study of marine in- chant Marine. The Academy also offers a summer pro- vertebrates. An up-to-date collection of publications in gram of courses in the marine sciences to other inter- oceanography and related matters, as well as many ested students. The four year program includes three journals in the marine fields, is kept in the library of the summers of practical training on board the Academy's Institute. 480-foot training ship Say State. The summer program The Bellairs Research Institute of McGill University is supported by several power boats used to conduct in Barbados, West Indies, which opened in 1954, is a field trips in the adjacent waters of the Cape Cod Canal, research center specializing in tropical marine ecology. Buzzards Bay and Cape Cod Bay. The physical facili- Masters and doctoral degrees are offered in the fol- ties of the Academy include a classroom building; ad- lowing subjects: marine biology, physical oceanogra- ministrative offices; laboratories in the physical phy and marine geology. Graduate students are ex- sciences, engineering, and marine sciences; dormi- pected to take certain basic courses, including those tories accommodating 800 students, a library of 50,000 considered necessary for their training and for the volumes, gymnasium, dining hall and a computer center development of their particular fields of specialization. with seven terminals tied into a central computer ser- Primary emphasis for both the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees vicing the Massachusetts State College System. is placed upon research and thesis presentation. Ph.D. The following degrees are offered: candidates are required to pass a comprehensive ex- 1. B.S. in Marine Transportation leading to a Third amination within two years of registering in the pro- Mate License. gram; this examination covers the whole field of marine a) Humanities 9 credits science, but allows for the specialized interests and b) Social Sciences 14 credits training of each student. Ph.D. candidates are also required to defend their thesis at an oral examination. c) Basic Sciences 26 credits Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. d) Naval Science (Qualification for Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Naval Research Commission) 6 credits To obtain further information, address inquiries to: e) Marine Engineering Science 2 credits Chairman f) Nautical Science (Major) 63 credits Institute of Oceanography McGill University g) Elective 11 credits 3620 University Street h) Sea Terms (three two-month cruises) 24 credits Montreal, Quebec 2. B.S. in Marine Engineering leading to Third As- Canada H3A 2132 sistant Engineer's License. a) Humanities 9 credits b) Social Sciences 10 credits c) Basic Sciences 31 credits MIAMI DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE d) Naval Science (Qualification for Naval Miami, Florida 33136 Research Commission) 6 credits e) Nautical Science 6 credits Miami Dade Community College has a marine tech- f) Marine .Engineering Science (Major) 61 credits nicia .n training facility located on the Miami River ap- proximately 3.5 miles from the Downtown Campus. In g) Electives 11 credits conjunction with the Marine Science Technology De- h) Sea Term (three two-month cruises) 24 credits partment, students are eligible to take courses at North 44 and South Campus respectively, All marine science probe; an x-ray diffraction m 'eter; x-ray fluoresce.nce courses must be,taken at the Marine Science Facility. equipment; an infrared spectrometer; a Coulter count- The departrTient owns and operates a 46-foot re- er; chromatograp@hs, a seismic play-back center; bomb search vessel, the RIV Martech, two 20-foot outboards calorimeter; and a carbon analyzer. Field equipment - RIV Explorer and RIV Observer. These vessels are includes a 20-foot launch and many smaller boats; used extensively for survey and field work in Biscayne biological-, sediment- and water-sampling devices; Bay, the coral reefs located in the Florida Keys, as well magnetometers; gravity meters; a seismic van and as in the Gulf Stream off Miami. The RIV Martech is requisite support equipment. The W.K. Kellogg Bio- equipped with FM-VHF radiotelephone, MF-AM radio- logical Station is a separate entity affiliated through telephone, Decca radar, Loran, Raytheon fathometer, teaching and research programs with the College of Ross bottom profiler, 7.5 kw'Onan generator, hydraulic Natural Science. Courses are offered during the sum- winch and A-frame. It carries 400 gallons of diesel fuel mer session and research conducted throughout the and 200 gallons of fresh water. Cruising speed is 14 year. Laboratory and boat facilities are duplicated at knots. This vessel is capable of light duty trawling, the station. light hydraulic tool operation and as a hard-hat diving The following"degrees are offered: support vessel. The smaller 20-f6ot vessels act as sup- 1. B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife, specializing In port vessels. Fishery Biology and Limnology. Requirements: 43 cred- The research equipment within the department con- its in the social sciences and humanities; completion sists of an STD (Salinity, Temperature and Depth) re- o.f 6.redits in biological sciences, chemistry, geology, cording system, XBT (Expendable Bathythermograph), mathematics, physics and so!] science; 40 to 43 credits analog recorder with computer interface capabilities, in professional core curriculum for specialty, and 23 proton ma gnetometer, submarine photometer, bongo to '49 other elective credits. nets, otter trawls, seine nets, microscopes, scuba equipment, KMB-9 band mask, Helle communications 2. M.S.. in Fisheries and Wildlife, specializing in Fish equipment, Aquadynd Air-Hat,, Swindell Air-Hat, Ni- Management, Fishery Bib:ogy, Limnology or Pollution konos 11 camera equipment, underwater 16mm movie Biology. Requiremen 'ts: completion of 45 credits past cameras, Sony video-recorder with underwater housing, the bachelor's degree of which 8 to 22 hours must be hydraulic/pneumatic tools, underwater welding-cutting in research and completion and defense of a master's capabilities, metal fabrication shop (machine welding), thesis.. "boat engine repair shop, fiberglass-plastics fabrication, 3. Ph.D. in Fisheries and Wildlife, with specialties spectro photometer, centrifuge induction salinometer listed above. Requirements: completion of a minimum and electronic instrumentation repair laboratory. of 36 credits above the equivalent of a master's de- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. gree; 12 credits in thesis research and successful com- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. pletion of a dissertation; competence in one or two of To obtain further information, address i nquiries to: the following areas for which nine credit hours may be Department Chairman taken: education, communications, foreign language, .Marine Science Technology Program computer science, systems science, philosophy, mathe- Miami Dade Community College matics or any other discipline acceptable to the stu- North Campus dent's- committee, and oral or written examinations for Miami, Florida 33136 degree candidacy and for defense of the dissertation. 4. B.S. in Geology, with specialization in Marine Geology, Geophysics or Geochemistry. Requir6ments: 60 non-science credits; mathematics through Calculus III or Calculus 11 plus a course in statistics; chemistry MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY equivalent to three quarters of study; 12 credits in East Lansing, Michigan 48823 physics; geology courses and a total of at least 180 Michigan State University has research and te,3ching hours. Courses in marine and aquatic. sciences offered facilities for work in limnology and oceanography on in fisheries and wildlife are considered as non-science the main campus in East Lansing and at the W.K. electives and are strongly encouraged. Kellogg Biological Station at Hickory Corners, Michi- 5. M.S. in Geology, with specialization in Marine gan. In addition, use is made of the nearby Great Lakes Geology, Geophysics or Geochemistry.'Requirements: and of affiliations with several marine stations. minimum of 45 credits of which up to 10 can be for Facilities on the main campus are available through thesis research and completion and defense of a mas- the Departments of Fisheries and Wildlife and Geology. ter's thesis. The facilities include numerous laboratories with stan- 6. M.A.T. In Geology with specialization as above. dard analytical equipment; a special laboratory with Requirements: candidates must have a teaching cer- 19 ponds for controlled experiments on the banks of the Red Cedar River on the main campus; a nuclear tificate prior to receipt of the degree, a minimum of 45 credits, in.addition to those required for the teaching reactor; an automated, multichannel gamma counter I for neutron activation analysis and isotope analyses; :certificate, and successful completion of, a compre- a scanning electron microscope; an electron micro- hensive examination, oral or,written. 45 7. Ph.D. in Geology with specialization as above. Re- 3. College of Arts and Sciences: Master of Science quirements: completion of a suitable curriculum as with marine specialties in Botany, Geology, Micro- determined by the candidate and his guidance com- biology or Zoology. Requirements: 30 semester hours, miftee, completion of a foreign language requirement one foreign language and thesis. Ph.D. with marine or a suitable substitute as approved by the guidance specialties in Botany, Microbiology, or Zoology. Re- committee, oral and/or written examinations for de- quirements: varied coursework, minimum of one for- gree candidacy, which must be passed prior to initia- eign language and dissertation. tion of dissertation research, and for defense of the Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. dissertation, and successful submission of a disserta- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. tion. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Marine Engineering Program Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Mississippi State University To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Drawer ME Chairman Mississippi State, MS 39762 Department of Geology Michigan State University East Lansing, Ml 48823 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana 59717 MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY A Bachelor's degree in Fish and Wildlife Manage- Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762 ment is offered to undergraduate students with special interest in these fields. The curriculum is concentrated Mississippi State University has marine-related re- on fundamental biology with considerable - work in search and teaching facilities on the main campus near related sciences, resulting in a firm grounding in bio- Starkville and on site at the National Space Technology logical sciences with an ecologic emphasis. Laboratory (NSTL) of NASA at Bay St. Louis, Missis- Students graduating with a bachelor's degree will be sippi. Facilities on campus include classrooms, com- qualified for such positions as conservation officers, puters, an electron microscopy lab, chemical and bio- refuge managers, park naturalists, and assistant fishery logical analysis laboratories, and related support ser- and wildlife technicians. The curriculum is not designed vices. At NSTL, MSU operates field experiments, chem- to give sufficient preparation for undertaking indepen- ical and biological laboratories, land and water trans- dent fish and wildlife investigations or management portation services, and conference facilities. MSU also but is intended to give prospective fish and wildlife utilizes Mississippi's Gulf Coast Research Laboratory biologists adequate background for graduate study. in marine-related education, research, and advisory Those desiring opportunities as fish or wildlife biol- services programs (see GCRL for facilities). ogists should undertake graduate study which includes The following degrees or marine science related op- management courses, field experience and work on tions are offered: practical problems. The Department will not recom- 1. College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical mend students for positions requiring independent in- Engineering: Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with vestigation without graduate study and experience. Marine Engineering option. M.A. programs in Fish and Wildlife Management and M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Biological Sclencei are 2. Mississippi State University offers a degree in available to students in fishery science and aquatic Marine Engineering at its main campus location. The biology. Research wihin the Fish and Wildlife Manage- Marine Engineering curriculum leads to the degree of ment M.S. program is generally directed toward applied Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Marine aspects with state and federal natural resource agen- Engineering option). The program is designed to pre- cies commonly sponsoring and cooperating in projects. pare students to enter the marine construction industry. The locale offers exceptional opportunities for study Primary emphasis is placed on the many engineering of stream and lake fisheries and limnology in a variety and management aspects of ship construction. Labora- of settings varying from lowland to alpine. The U.S. tory facilities are shared with other departments in the Fish and Wildlife Service Cooperative Fishery Research College of Engineering which have a total laboratory Unit for Montana is housed in the Department, and the space of 170,000 square feet. USFWS Bozeman Fish Cultural Development Center A 134 semester-hour curriculum constitutes the re- is located nearby. quirements for the degree. The first two years of the The six aquatic faculty members represent expertise curriculum may be taken at a junior college or com- in the biology, ecology and management of fishes, lim- munity college. Coursework taken during these two nology, stream ecology, aquatic invertebrates, and years should consist of usual pre-engineering graphics, quantitative ecology, and adjunct staff teaches aqua- physics, descriptive geometry, etc. culture. This aquatic concentration is broadly sup- 46 ported by other faculty in related fields such as botany. lets, technical management assignments and policy- zoology, genetics, wildlife science, chemistry and mic- making positions. Students develop sound graduate robiology. level technical ability based on general engineering and Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. scientific principles, build a new appreciation for con- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. tinuing education, acquire diverse professional knowl- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: edge, develop analytical ability for practical problem solving, broaden their capacity for original thought and Head, Department of Biology discover a new professional -confidence that leads to Lewis Hall productive achievement throughout their careers. Montana State University The Air-Ocean Science Curriculum is interdisciplin- Bozeman, MT 59717 ary in nature and encompasses those areas of meteor- (406) 994-4548 ology, oceanography, and hydrographic sciences which are directly related to environmental support of military operations. Classroom instruction is supplemented by laboratory exercises both ashore and afloat. The Re- search Vessel Acania is sponsored by the Oceanog- NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL rapher of the Navy for class laboratory experience as Monterey, California 93940 well as for individual research efforts. Guest lectures, seminars, sponsored research chairs, visiting eminent Air-Ocean Sciences Programs at the Naval Post- scientists, and field trips serve to round out the cur- graduate School (NAVPGSCOL), Monterey, California, riculum. Close proximity of the Fleet Numerical Ocean- are designed to provide graduates with a thorough un- ography Center and the Naval Environmental Prediction derstanding of either air-ocean, atmospheric, ocean- Research Facility are most conducive to effective ographic, or hydrographic sciences and to develop the liaison on operationally significant problems and ger- technical expertise necessary to apply the knowledge mane..research. A master's thesis is required. Upon of these sciences in support of all aspects of military completion of this program, a student is qualified to operations. Currently Air-Ocean Curricula are open independently serve as a meterological and oceanog- to U.S. officers of all uniformed services, allied officers raphical forecaster in support of military operations. and civilian employees of the U.S. federal government. Matriculation may occur any quarter with preferred Curricula include: Air-Ocean Science, Air-Ocean Tac- entry in the fall and spring. A typical program for a well- tical Environmental Support, Hydrographic Sciences, qualified student is eight quarters (two years). Oceanography and Meteorology. Qualifications for admission common to all curricula HYDROGRAPHIC SCIENCES: This curriculum is open include a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent with to all Naval officer unrestricted line communities (sur-. above average grades in mathematics and the physical face, sub-surface and aviation), officers of other U.S. sciences. For admission to the Air-Ocean Science services, allied officers and qualified civilian em- Curriculum, the undergraduate degree should be in ployees of the U.S. Federal Government. Successful meteorology, oceanography or the equivalent if pos- program completion leads to the award of the degree sible. Completion of mathematics through differential of Master of Science in Meteorology and Oceanog- and integral calculus and one year of college physics is raphy. Naval officers are also awarded the XX49P sub- considered minimal preparation. A year of college specialty billet code upon succecssful prograrn-com- chemistry is also required for all curricula with the pletion. exception of meteorology. The program's principal objective is to provide stu- dents with a thorough understanding of the air-sea AIR-OCEAN SCIENCE: While this curriculum is open environment and operations analysis principles to fore- to officers of the other U.S. military services, allied cast atmospheric, oceanic and acoustic conditions officers and qualified civilian employees of the U.S. which affect operations, tactics and strategy in all areas Federal Government, its availability to U.S. Naval of- of Naval warfare (air, surface, and sub-surface). Primary ficers is limited to those of the Restricted Line (Special emphasis is placed on the understanding of the impact Duty/ Geophysics) Successful program completion leads of the environment (atmosphere, ocean and their inter- to the award of the degree of Master of Science in face) on weapons systems, sensors, platforms, and Meteorology and Oceanography. Naval officers are communication systems (including electromagnetic, op- also awarded the XX47P subspecialty billet code upon tical and acoustic propagation). The program recog- successful program completion. nizes the importance of interactions between the at- This program's objective is to provide qualified per- mosphere and the oceans, and deals with the relation- sonnel a thorough understanding of the air-sea environ- ship at the air-sea interface. A master's thesis is ment and to develop the technical expertise to provide required. and utilize meteorological and oceanographic data and Interdisciplinary in content, this curriculum provides knowledge in support of all aspects of military opera- a firm foundation in meteorology and oceanography. tions. This education enhances performance in all Though similar in content to the Air-Ocean Science duties throughout a career including operational bil- curriculum, this curriculum provides a sequence of 47 courses in operations research and physics germane including operational billets, technical management to stated program objectives. assignments and policy-making p9sitions. A master's Matriculation may occur any quarter; preferred entry thesis is required. is in the fall or spring. The program is eight quarters The focus in this program is on modern Physical (two years) in length. Oceanography. Topic areas which are addressed in- HYDROGRAPHIC SCIENCES: This program is open clude: dynamical oceanography and meteorology; phy- to officers of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric sical oceanography and marine meteorology; satellite' Administration, Coast Guard, Corps of Engineers, allied oceanography and meteorology; acoustic and non- officers and qualified civilian employees of the U.S. acoustic anti-submarine warfare principles; shallow Federal Government. Successful program completion water and nearshore oceanography of extended juris- leads to the award of the degree Master of Science in diction zones; all scales of oceanic variability; methods Hydrographic Sciences. of ocean prediction; regional and synoptic oceanog- This program's objective is to provide students with raphy and. meteorology - including polar, tropical, a sound understanding of oceanography, geodetic and other areas; air-sea interaction; oceanic data sys- science, and hydrography. Hydrography (a subdisci- tems; methods of optimum - track ship routing, search pline of mapping, charting and geodesy (MC&G) is and rescue modeling, spectral wave modeling, tidal the science of the measurement, description and chart- level and current modeling, and storm surge modeling; ing of the sea floor with special reference to navi- influence of physical oceanic phenomena on marine gation' and marine operations. This interdisciplinary resources and their management; and, interaction of program integrates the scientific principles of ocean- ships with waves. ography with the practical engineering procedures of Matriculation may occur any quarter; preferred entry hydrography. Students achieve the technical expertise is in the fall. The program is typically eight quarters to provide and utilize hydrographic data in support of (two years) in length but may be adjusted depending all aspects of hydrographic operations. This education on invididuaf student's qualification. A Ph.D. program enhances performance in duties associated with oper- is also available. ational billets, technical management assignments and METEOROLOGY: This program is open to officers of policy-making positions. other U.S. military services, allied officers and qualified This curriculum recognizes the importance of precise civilian emp'oyees of the U.S. Federal Government. Suc- positioning systems, error budget analysis, accuracy cessful program completion leads to the award of the requirements, data collection methods and data reduc- degree Master of Science in Meteorology. tion techniques as applied to the planning, conduct Atmospheric conditions that prevail throughout the -and evaluation of hydrographic, magnetic and gravity world are frequently important, even critical, to the surveys. Graduates are prepared to make optimum use planning and execution of military and civil operations. of the ocean environment in the course of their duties The objective of the Meteorolgy curriculum is to pro- and to conduct and evaluate research in oceanography vide students with a sound understanding of the science and hydrography, both basic and applied. Classroom of meteorology and to develop the necessary expertise instruction is supplemented by laboratory exercises to provide and utilize meteorological data in support of both ashore and afloat. The Research Vessel Acania all aspects of weather-dependent operations. Interdis- and a hydrographic launch are available for class lab- ciplinary in content, this program encompasses those oratory experience as well as for individual research areas of meteorology which are directly related to the efforts. Additionally, the National Oceanic and Atmos- environmental support of operations. Course sequences pheric Administration provides laboratory time aboard in synoptic and dynamic meteorology as well as numer- workin hydrographic survey ships. Each student is ical prediction are included. The importance of the air- _9 required to complete a master's thesis, the subject of sea interface is also recognized and addressed directly. which often addresses a problem of scientific interest Classroom instruction is supplemented by laboratory and practical value to the student's sponsoring agency. exercises, computer solutions to various problems and Typical program length is eight quarters (two years). guest lectures and seminars. A master's thesis is re- Preferred matriculation is in the fall. quired. Upon completion of the program, the student OCEANOGRAPHY: This program is open to officers is qualified to serve independently as a meteorological of other U.S. military services, allied officers and qual- forecaster. ified civilian employees of the U.S. Federal Government. Matriculation may occur any quarter with preferred Successful program completion leads to the award of entry in the fall. Typical program length is six to seven the degree-Master of Science in Oceanography. quarters (11/2 to 13/4 years). A Ph.D. program is also The Oceanography curriculum's objective is to pro- available. vide students with sound understanding of the science Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. of physical oceanography and to develop the technical Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. expertise to provide and utilize oceanographic and To obtain further information, address inquiries to: acoustical data in support of all aspects of military Air-Ocean Sciences Curricular Officer operations. Particular emphasis is placed on the un- Code 35 derstanding of oceanic effects on the solution of the Naval Postgraduate School undersea warfare problem. This education enhances Monterey, CA 93940 performance in all duties throughout a military career (408) 646-2044/AUTOVON 878-2044 48 NEW JERSEY MARINE NEW YORK 0 CEAN SCIENCES CONSORTIUM SCIENCE LABORATORY Ft. Hancock, Sandy Hook, New Jersey 07732 Montauk, New York 11954 The New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium op- The New York Ocean Science Laboratory (NYOSQ, erates two field stations for teaching and research. The a center for integrated programs of research and de- northern field station is located at Sandy Hook within velopment in the marine sciences, was founded by its the Gateway National Recreation area; the southern present director, Dr. John C. Baiardi. The Laboratory is field station is in Seaville, Cape May County. Both operated under the auspices of a consortium of eight field stations provide teaching and research labora- metropolitan colleges and universities known as Affil- tories, classrooms, and libraries. Housing and food ser- iated Colleges and Universities, Inc. vices are available all year at Seaville and during the The member institutions of the consortium include: summer months at Sandy Hook. Vessels range from 15 Adelphi University, Fordham University, Hofstra Uni- feet to 34 feet. Both field stations provide laboratory, versity, Long island University, New York University, field equipment, and sampling gear for use on the St. John's University, New Yorrk Institute of Technology vessels. and State University of New York. The Laboratory sup- The NJMSC is a non-profit corporation comprised plements and augments the programs provided by the of 23 member institutions: consortium. Courses are offered at the Laboratory -in Atlantic Community College, Mays Landing, NJ conjunction with them. However, NYOSL does not itself Bergen Community College, Paramus, NJ grant degrees. Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ It does provide opportunity for sponsored thesis. re- Cumberland County College, Vineland, NJ search which is applicable towards an M.S. and Ph.D. Essex County College, Newark, NJ degree granted by the member institution. It also of- Fairleigh Dickinson University, Rutherford, NJ fers: Glassboro State College, Glassboro, NJ 1. Internship Program in effect with several colleges Jersey City State College, Jersey City, NJ where qualified students are admitted to a one-semes- .Kean College of New Jersey, Union, NJ ter work experience at NYOSL.. The student receives up Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA to 16 hours of credit from the home institutiom Monmouth College, W. Long Branch, NJ 2. A Minimester Program where research experience Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, NJ is provided during the three-four week period in-31he New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ Winter recess. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 13. Trainee-volunteer program for qualified graduate Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ and undergraduate students for research experience Rider College, Lawrenceville, NJ during the Fall, Spring or Summer periods. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ The Laboratory supports multi-disciplined research Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ and education in various facets of marine science. It Stockton State College, Pomona, NJ has laboratories and research programs in micro- Trenton State College, Trenton, NJ biology, phytoplanktonology, zooplanktonology, ichthy- Union College, Cranford, NJ ology, macroalgae, chemical oceanography, natural William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ products chemistry, physical oceanography, meteorol- ogy, vertebrate and invertebrate marine biology and Graduate and undergraduate courses for credit are mariculture of lobsters, clams, mussels and finfisfi, taught at the NJMSC field stations. Students must register through a member institution to gain credit. such as striped bass, flounder and eels. While the NJMSC is not a degree-granting institu- The New York Ocean Science Laboratory also has tion, credits for the courses offered are applied to the necessary basic laboratory equipment and supplies undergraduate or graduate degree programs at the to support its programs. Among the special equipment member institutions or transferred to another institu- are: electron microscopes, both penetrating (RCA) and tion. Students from out of state and from non-member scanning (JEOL-S25), with the necessary specimen- institutions may take courses provided they register preparation and film-processing- facilities; gas chro- through a member institution. matography equipment for hydrocarbon analysis; con- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. trolled temperature environmental chambers of various Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. sizes; two atomic absorption machines; ultraviolet, in- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: frared and DU spectrophotometers; gamma and beta Director, Education Programs scintillators; Technicon (four channel) and a high pres- New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium sure liquid chromatography unit. The data generated Ft. Hancok is stored by means of a telephone tie-line to the Brook- Sandy Hook, NJ 07732 haven National Laboratory's computer bank. 49 There are several running seawater laboratories con- phoresis, oxygen analyzers, BOD and COD analyzers, taining both indoor and outdoor tanks. These can be sediment analysis equipment, incubators, centrifuges, managed in flowthrough or recycled modes and the microscopes and photographic equipment. water can be filtered and temperature controlled.. These The University awards the Bachelor of Science de- 'facilities are associated with the mariculture programs gree, with a major in Marine Biology, to a student who, as are the greenhouses for the growth of algae and in addition to satisfying the minimum requirements for baby bivalves. graduation from the College of Life Sciences and Tech- A weather station measures wind speed, barometric nology, meets the following requirements: pressure, temperature-humidity and solar radiation. 1. Completion of the curriculum outlined for Marine The NYOSL library has more than 8,000 volumes and Biology majors with a grade of "C" or better in all includes the Long Island Collection Which Was funded science courses. through a grant from the Hayden Foundation. This col- lection provides .a complete library of all the research 2. Completion of 49 hours of biological science known to the Laboratory involving the Iwaters around cours es and 12 hours of Biological Science electives. Long -Island. A Biological Science elective includes those courses titled: Biology, Botany, Microbiology, and Zoology. Located on 36 acres at Fort Pond Bay, Montauk, New York, the site and accommodations of the various 3. Students wishing to minor in Chemistry must take buildings, with morethan 300,000 square feet, of avail- core courses outlined in the school catalog, and at able floor space, make them well suited for an ocean- least three additional hours in other Chemistry courses ology complex. An 850-foot L-shaped pie'r and hell-. approved by the Head of the Chemistry Department. copter pad are available. More than, 80,000 square feet A student wishing to minor in some other academic of available space have been converted into ocean field must consult with his advisor. science and research laboratories. Undergraduate marine, geology and geography Among the vessels used by the Laboratory are: a courses also are offered to prepare students for grad- 42-foot refitted sports fisherman, three Boston Whalers uate work in the marine environment or simply to add and a catarmaran fitted for inshore seining. depth to their general background. Curriculum offered: available in catalog. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. --To obtain further information, address inquiries to: To obtain further information, address inquiries to: President-Di rector Director New York Ocean Science, Laboratory Nicholls State University Marine Laboratory Edgemere Road Department of Biological Sciences Montauk, NY 11954 P.O. Box 2021 (514) 668-5800 Thibodaux, LA 70301 NICHOLLS STATE UNIVERSITY Thibodaux, Louisiana 70301 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY Raleigh, North Carolina 27650 Nicholls State University has a marine science lab- The graduate program in Marine Science is offered oratory at Port Fourchon (near Grand Isle), Louisiana by the Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric This facility is used for marine and estuarine research Sciences. The laboratories and teaching facilities of projects and for field trips by the University's students the Department are located on the Raleigh campus. and faculty. The physical facility includes a portable Access to coastal facilities are available through co- walk-in cold room, a shop, instrument and storage operative arrangements with others organizations. Such, rooms, a dry laboratory and a1arge area which is uti- arrangements have been made with Duke University lized as a wet laboratory. The facility has complete and the National Marine Fisheries Laboratory at Beau- dining and sleeping, facilities for sixteen persons. A fort, the North Carolina Marine Resources Center at Boston Whaler equipped with two 70 horsepower out- Manteo, Bogue Banks and Ft. Fisher at UNC's Marine board motors, along with several aluminum skiffs are Institute at Morehead City, North Carolina. ..available. In addition to these vessels, the University The Department is a member of a consortium which leases a 65-foot shrimp trawler for use In conducting operates the UNOLS vessel RIV Cape Hatteras. marine research on the Louisiana' continental shelf. Other research cruises take place in Duke's John De- Specialized equipment located either at the laboratory Wolf or Cape Fear Technical Institute's vessel Advance or at' the University's main campus includes sali- 11. Research cruises have also been done cooperatively nometer, pH meters, spectrophototrieters,@. gas-liquid with institutions outside the State, such as the Univer- chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, electro- sity of Georgia and the University of Rhode Island. 50 The M.S. and Ph.D. degrees are offered in the areas useful to the student interested in oceanography. Grad- of Biological, Chemical, Geological and Physical Ocean- uate students may obtain a Master's degree in Geog- ography. The M.S. degree normally requires a minimum raphy and Environmental Studies or Earth Sciences of 30 credit hours with concentration in one of the with a concentration in oceanography. above areas. It is possible to obtain the M.S. degree The following degrees are offered: - with or without a thesis. The Ph.D. requirements are 1. B.S. in Earth Sciences. Three semester hours in normally determined by the student's advisory com- each of the following areas: Geology, Meteorology, mittee and is intended to provide some breadth in the Oceanography and one field course; 18 semester hours student's program. Each student is expected to partici- in Earth Science electives; and 15 hours in other nat- pate in the graduate seminar course and in field work ural sciences and Mathematics. or an oceanographic cruise. 2. M.S. in Earth Sciences. Thirty semester hours in The student will normally take most of his course- graduate Earth Science courses and a total of at least work from those offered by the Department. However, 45 semester hours of combined graduate and under- courses that are of interest to our students are also graduate level Earth Science credit. A thesis is required. offered by the Departments of Civil Engineering, Me- 3. B.A. in Geography and Environmental Studies. chanical and Aerospace Engineering, Zoology, Mathe- Nine semester hours in each of the following areas: matics and Statistics. Physical Geography, Human Geography and six hours During the past year one Ph.D. and five M.S. degrees in Regional Geography and three of the nine hours of were granted by the Department. Physical Geography may be taken in Marine Science Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. courses. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 4. M.A. in Geography and Environmental Studies. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: The requirements include 33 hours in Geography and Graduate Administrator Environmental Studies (six hours of which may be taken Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric for thesis credit). Three courses (three credits each) Sciences are required: Cartography, Statistics for Earth Sciences North Carolina State University and Geography, and Scope of Philosophy of the Geo- P.O. Box 5068 graphical Sciences. The remaining 18 hours may be Raleigh, NC 27650 taken in Marine Science courses, and the program must be organized systematically under the guidance (919) 737-3711 of the faculty advisor. 5. Kaskaskia B.A. Experimental Plan/Marine Sciences. The requirements stipulate that the student plan his/her total four year curriculum in conjunction with a Univer- NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY sity advisor and an outside advisor. This would allow a Chicago, Illinois 60625 strong concentration in the physical sciences. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Northeastern Illinois University offers an interdis- Faculty appointments: available in.school catalog. ciplinary program in limnology and the marine sciences. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: The principal teaching and research center is located Chairman, Department of Earth Sciences on the university campus approximately four miles Northeastern Illinois University from Lake Michigan. Because of the proximity, size and 5500 N. St. Louis Avenue regional importance of. the lake, a number of year- Chicago, IL 60625 round projects are being pursued in this area. Facilities (313) 583-4050 at the University include several research vessels up to 400 gross tons, water and sediment sampling gear, underwater photography equipment, a complete sedi- ment analysis lab (including X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction), three large laboratory-lecture rooms, NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY a photography lab, a weaiher facsimile recorder and Boston, Massachusetts 02115 a seismology lab. Coastal oceanography courses and research projects are run during the summer at field Northeastern University's Marine Science and Mari- camps on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and on Lake time Studies Center, established in 1982 in the College Michigan at the main campus. of Arts and Sciences, encompasses the College's sev- The undergraduate students interested in ocean- eral marine educational program. The Center (formerly ography may follow a program leading to a Bachelor's the Marine Science Institute) is based at the Marine degree in the Earth Sciences, Geography and Environ- Science Laboratory, occupying a 16-acre site on the mental Studies, or the Kaskaskia Plan, with a con- shore at Nahant, Massachusetts. Faculty, graduate centration in oceanography. The Kaskaskia Plan for students and advanced undergraduates utilize the facil- Individualized Curricula, allows the undergradute to ity for research in marine biology, ecology, experimen- plan his/her total academic career using the facilities tal biology, and coastal geology. During summers, available at Northeastern and thus would be particularly special courses are offered wholly at Nahant; during the regular academic year, laboratories of . marine- living resources in open coastal regions, estuaries, related courses are held there. large inland bodies of water bounded by shorelines, Although the Center has no graduate. program of wetlands, and other environments associated with these its own, graduate students, in Biology and.occasionally resources.. The program places emphasis on the de- in other departments may .sIpecialize with both course velopment and evaluation of alternative solutions to work and research in marine -topics. About 3 or 4 policy and management issues at the international, Ph.D.'s and., 8-10 M.S.'s annually are -awarded in this national, regional, and local levels. area. The Oceanographic Center is located on a 10-acre Undergraduates majoring in the various *sciences (as site in Port Everglades, near the entrance to the Port well as those majoring in other disciplines) may pursue from the Atlantic Ocean. Its proximity to the Gulf Stream a formal minor -in Marine Studies. SeaQuarter, a pro- and the Florida Straits makes it an ideal location for gram of academic study aboard a sailing vessel, was oceanographic research. The Center's major facilities initiated in 1982. include a 20,000 square foot building which contains a large warehouse bay area, machine shop, wood shop, Northeastern University's cooperative education darkroom, electron microscope laboratory, biological (work/study) program gives many undergraduates. job laboratory, computing center, offices, the William experience with placements at marine laboratories and Springer Richardson Library, and the Institute of Coast- m.arine-related businesses.' al Studies classroom and* offices. Faculty and admin- The College is in the process of further developing istrative offices are located on a two-story houseboat its marine programs, including potential student and moored in the Center's boat basin. A one-st6ry build- faculty-exchange with the University of Oregon. ing houses a marine biology laboratory, coral work- Curriculum offered: av aIliable in 6cho.ol catalog. shop, and sea turtle conservation and incubation area. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Large trailers house an additional biochemistry lab- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: oratory and a classroom for the Institute of Sea Sur- Director vival. Marine -Science & Maritime Studies Center Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Northeastern University Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. East Point, Nahant, MA 01908 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: (617).5811-7370 Director or, Director of Admissions Nova University Northeastern University Oceanographic Center 360 Huntington Avenue 8000 North Ocean Drive Boston, MA 02115 Dania, FL 33004 4.37-2200 (305) 475-7487 NOVA UNIVERSITY THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Dania, Florida 33004 Columbus, Ohio 43210 The Oceanographic Center of Nova University is The Ohio State University maintains teaching and re- concerned with studies and investigation in experi- search facilities in the marine and aquatic sciences and mental and theoretical oceanography. Stud 'ies include related fields at the Franz Theodore Stone Laboratory modeling of large-scale ocean circulation, coastal dy- on Gibralter Island in Lake Erie and at the main campus namics, ocean-atmosp here coupling, coral growth and of the University of Columbus. The research activities coral reef assessment, physiology of marine phyto- in marine and aquatic sciences and related fields are plankton, calcification of invertebrates, cell ultrastruc- coordinated through the University's Center for Lake ture, fouling effects, marine fisheries, lobster migra- Erie Area Research (CLEAR) with laboratories and of- tion and larval recruitment. Primary regions of interest fices at Port Clinton, Put-in-Bay, and Sandusky, Ohio, include Florida's coastal waters, the continental shelf on South Bass Island in Lake Erie, and the Columbus and slope waters of the southeastern U.S., the waters campus. of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, and the equatorial Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The principal teaching facilities for aquatic sciences are located on Gibralter Island overlooking Put-in-Bay The Instit'ute of. Coastal Studies is an academic and Harbor. These facilities provide ample laboratory, research Unit of Nova University located at the Ocean- classroom, and office space for the summer teaching .ographic Center. Multidisciplinary studies focus on con- program. The equipment supply for the program is temporary problems and conflicts arising from in- extensive; in addition to the usual modern laboratory creased use of coastal.areas. Emphasis is on the use, equipment, two large lake vessels and numerous out- management, and policy affecting the living and non- board and manually propelled small boats are avail- 52 able. The island library provides a valuable study tool d) Presentation of an acceptable dissertation em- containing books, pe 'riodicals, and reprints related to bodying the results of an Original investigation. all categories of aquatic science. Dormitories for e) The passing of a final oral -examination on students, housing for faculty and a U n ive rsity-ope rated the dissertation and on the immediate field of In- eating facility are a part of the physical plant. vestigation. Degrees offered with emphasis in marine or aquatic The research unit of the aquatic and marine program. sciences: at The Ohio State University is@ the Center for the Lake 1. B.S. and B.A. The student, together with his/her Erie Area Research (CLEAR) which maintains labora- advisor may design a baccalaureate program in one tories and offices in Columbus,; Port Clinton, Put-in- of several disciplines with emphasis on aquatic science Bay, and Sandusky. CLEAR serves the University as and a balanced academic background for graduate a focal point for action directed toward solutions of study in marine science: The general requirements scientific and engineering problems of the lake as well for a baccalaureate degree are: as societal and economic conditions of the adjacent a) Not less than 40 quarter hours in the chosen coastal zone. CLEAR's objective is to encourage and major area; promote individual multidisciplinary research on all b) Fifteen quarter hours in each of the three aspects of Lake Erie and its environs. The Center co- basic areas of academic study: the humanities, the ordinates sponsored research in several major areas of -social sciences and the natural sciences. man's concern, contemporary examples of which are: c) English, a foreign language, mathematics and/ 1. Food resources from the lake; or philosophy and history; 2. Impact of the energy crisis; d) A total minimum of 180 quarter hours. 3. Costal zone management and erosion control; and The baccalaureate degree with emphasis in and/or 4., Pollution and eutrophication preparation for advanced aquatic studies may be taken The research phase of th .e Lake Erie Program Is in the following areas: Biochemistry, Biology, Botany, closely linked to instruction by providing students with Entomology, Genetics, Microbiology, Zoology, Natural financial support and, stimulating,, topics for theses, Resources, Anthropology, Geology, Civil Engineering, dissertations, and other individual study efforts. CLEAR Chemical Engineering, and Mathematics and Science also serves as an inter@university coordination center Education. for faculty and students from -other area institutions 2. Master's Degree. The Master of Science degree with common interests in Lake Erie and marine studies. may be earned in each of the above disciplines, plus Public service efforts are jointly sponsored by the Environmental Biology, Development Biology, and Bio- instructional and research units. These services include physics. special interest courses, conferences, seminars, work- The general requirements for the M.S. degrees as shops, publications, and advisory assistance to groups stipulated by the Graduate School of The Ohio State and individuals on a wide range of subjects related to University are: completion of a minimum of 45 hours Lake Erie. Advisory services are coordinated through of graduate coursework within six calendar years with the Ohio Sea Grant Program. a cumulative point-hour ration of 3.0 (of 4.0) in all Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. courses taken for graduate credit; successful com- Faculty appointments:, available in school catalog. pletion of a final comprehensive examination; an ap- To obtain further- information, address inquiries to: proved thesis. Director Certain of the academic areas listed above provide Center for Lake Erie Area Research an alternate M.S. degree program without thesis but The Ohio State University with more extensive graduate course requirements. 484 West 12th Avenue 3. Doctor of Philosophy Degree. The Doctor of Columbus, OH 43210 Philosophy degree may be earned in all academic areas or, listed above as offering the M.S. degree except Natural Associate Dean Resources. The general requirements for the Doctor College of Biological Sciences of Philosophy Degree are: The Ohio State University a) Completion of a minimum of 135 quarter hours 484 West 1 2th Avenue of graduate coursework (including credit for disser- Columbus, OH 43210 tation research) beyond the baccalaureate degree, with cumulative point-hour ratio of at least 3.0 (of 4.0). b) A period of concentrated graduate study be- yond the master's degree, at the Columbus Campus, OLD DOMINION UNIVIERSITY during three of four consecutive quarters with at Norfolk, Virginia 2350.8 least 10 graduate credit hours a quarter. c) Successful completion of a general compre- The staff of the Center for Marine Studies of Old hensive examination no later than two quarters prior Dominion University coordinates university-wide' marine to the date on which the candidate expects to receive research and educational activities and is enlarging the degree. the University's involvement in marine science. 53 APPLIED MARINE RESEARCH LABORATORY: tion at the completion of coursework, and a defense Housed in 20,000 square feet of rental space adjacent of the dissertation. Twentyfour credits of Post-M.S. to the campus, AMRL was established in 1981 to pro- coursework are required and 24 credit hours or more vide research facilities for faculty grants and contracts of dissertation work. Students who are very well quali- in applied marine science. Field and laboratory studies fied may be offered the option of by-passing the M.S. are conducted in water quality, bioassays, sediment and degree and entering the Ph.D. program after completion water chemistry, sedimentology, and marine pollution. of at least 18 credit hours of M.S.-level work. To obtain further information address inquiries to: Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Director Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Applied Marine Research Laboratory To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Old Dominion University Graduate Program Director Norfolk, VA 23508-8512 Department of Oceanography (804) 440-4692 Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23508-8512 DEPARTMENT OF OCEANOGRAPHY: The depart- (804) 440-4285 ment occupies a 20,000 square foot building on the campus of Old Dominion University with eight labora- DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: The tories for biological, chemical, geological, and physical Department of Biological Sciences offers a wide based oceanography. An additional marine culture facility is marine curriculum on the undergraduate and graduate located. across campus and houses equipment for hold- levels. The Department has a full-time faculty of 31 ing and culturing fish, macroi rive rteb rates and plank- with specialty areas in marine and terrestrial ecology, ton. A large radiogeochemistry lab supports research biomedical sciences, microbiology, and physiology. involving radioisotopes. Computer terminals are located Campus facilities include the departmental location in in the building. The department maintains docking a new Life Science Building that contains an electron facilities at the Naval Amphibious Base at Little Creek, microscopy suite, a radiobiology laboratory and con- Norfolk, Virginia, A 65-foot former Army T-boat, RIV trolled environmental rooms. Other resources are five Lindwood Holten, has been converted for use in coastal laboratories assigned to marine courses and research, and estuarine studies. The vessel contains oceano- an herbarium collection of wetlands and aquatic plants, .graphic winches, a crane, sampling equipment, and and a vertebrate museum for animals of the coastal laboratory facilities. Smaller vessels are also operated plain. Departmental facilities include an animal holding by the department. Investigators with requirements for and research facility, a greenhouse, and a biology larger vessels have access to those of nearby institu- laboratory support facility for culture and media prep tions. needs. The Department also has four general purpose Master of Science degrees in Oceanography are of- power boats, and an array of collection gear, with fered with the choice of emphasis in Physical Ocean- faculty using a variety of local vessels for coastal and ography, Chemical Oceanography, Geological Ocean- shelf studies. The Department operates a fully equipped ography, or Biological Oceanography. In order to. qual- mobile field laboratory, two departmental vans, and a ity for a degree of Master of Science with a concentra- service truck. Off campus facilities include two field tion in oceanography, a student must satisfactorily complete either affiesis program consisting of 32 se- stations: one located in the Barrier Island complex, the mester hours of graduate study or a non-thesis program other in the Great Dismal Swamp. consisting of 38 semester hours of graduate study. In the Biology B.S. and M.S. programs students may The student's program must conform to the following take a concentration in Marine Biology that includes outline: course selections from a large number of specialty 1. Fifteen hours of basic coursework is required. areas. In the M.S. program, the student has an option This core program consists of Physical Oceanography, of a thesis (31 hours) or non-thesis (34 hours) tract. Chemical Oceanography, Geological Oceanography, Course selection is coordinated by the student's ad- and Biological Oceanography. visory committee. Marine specialty areas include ich- 2. Participation in seminars for a minimum of two thyology, microbiology, benthic invertebrates, plankton, semesters is required of each degree candidate. and wetlands plants. 3. Three hours of research is required. No more The Department offers the Ph.D. in Ecological than three credit hours of research may be applied to the semester hour requirement for the Master's degree. Sciences which includes a major tract option in Marine 4. Three hours of thesis is required. No more than Biology. This program emphasizes interdisciplinary ap- three credit hours of thesis may be applied to the proaches to the study of environmental conditions in semester' hour requirement for the Master's degree. marine or terrestrial ecosystems. The department also (Not required for the non-thesis program.) has a second doctoral degree program in Biomedical I In order to qualify for the degree of Ph.D. In Ocean- Sciences. ography, a student must pass a diagnostic examination Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. during the first semester, a comprehensive examine- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 64 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Chairman (or Graduate Program Director) Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Department of Biological Sciences Old Dominion University SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY: The School of Norfolk, VA 23508-8503 Oceanography offers only graduate degrees. Students (804) 440-3595 may specialize at the master's level and the doctoral Additional marine related courses are given in the level in biological chemical, geological and physical Departments of Geophysical Sciences (Geology and oceanography as well as in geophysics. A program in Meteorology), Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sci- marine resource management is available at the mas- ences, Economics, and Political Scidnce and Geog- ter's level. A joint program in air-sea interaction is raphy. available, either through the School of Oceanography Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. or the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, at the Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. master's level. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Director Research vessels are operated by the School through Center for Marine Studies the facilities at the Marine Science Center In Newport Old Dominion University (about 90 km west of Corvallis). Students may do re- Norfolk, VA 23508-8512 search at the center in Newport, however most ocean- (804) 440-3989 ography courses are normally offered only on the main campus in Corvallis. Applicants must have an undergraduate major In an ORANGE COAST COLLEGE appropriate discipline and calculus. Selection of Costa Mesa, California 92626 students is based on undergraduate record, graduate record examination (GRE) scores, and letters of recom- The Marine Science Department was formed in the mendation. Foreign students are required to score 500 Fall of 1968, with a working complement of one in- or better on the Test of English as a Foreign Language structor, very little hardware, and three potential ma- (TOEFL). rine technicians formally enrolled in a new and ex- - perimental two-year curriculum. In May of 1971, the 1. M.A. or M.S. in Oceanography. A minimum of 45 expanding department moved to new quarters in the hours including thesis work is required for the master's recently completed Center for Applied Science. Equip- program. Approximately two-thirds of the work must ment currently available for training includes a 10,000 be taken in the School of Oceanography. In special gallon circulating marine aquarium system for display cases, the thesis requirement may be waived. and specimen storage, a "wet" marine laboratory with No foreign language is required for the.M.S. degree. ,cold-room capability, equipment such as spectrophoto- For the M.A. degree, the student must show, by exam- meters, pH meters,, oxygen tension analyzers,, water- immersion Nikon microscopes, dissection microscopes ination or by adequate undergraduate courses (not and optics; Questar optical system for long-range less than two years), a reading knowledge of one study, telemicroscopy, telephotography and navigation, foreign language, usually Russian, German, or French. Gilson differential respirometer, absorption spectrom- Candidates must pass a two-hour final oral examina- eter, gas chromatograph, on-line computing capability tion including a thesis defense. with the College's IBM System/370, two 16-foot Boston Whalers and two 23-foot SeaCraft inboard-outboard 2. Ph.D. In Oceanography. Credits earned in the vessels,for field work, dredges, water sampling equip- M.S. or M.A. program may be transferred into the Ph.D. ment, instruments for lab and field use in the measure- program. Ph.D. candidates are required to have the ment of physical parameters such as salinity, pH, con- equivalent of at least three years of full-time graduate ductivity, trace elements, etc. Other equipment is work after receiving an undergraduate (B.S. or B.A.) planned or available on loan from other College de- degree. The credit hours in a program are determined partments on a part-time basis. The Department also by the student's doctoral committee (five or six mem- purchases time on large, ocean-going research vessels when appropriate. bers of the OSU graduate faculty). A foreign language Degree offered: Associate in Arts,with specialization is sometimes required. Normally one year is needed for in Marine Technology. thesis work. Each candidate may be required to pass Curriculum offfered: available in school catalog. a departmental discipline examination near the end of Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. the first year in the program. In addition, the university To obtain further information, address inquiries to: requires all Ph.D. candidates to pass a preliminary ex- Department Coordinator amination and a final oral examination (thesis defense). Department of Marine Sciences Orange Coast College 3. M.S., M.A., and Ph.D. in Geophysics. Programs In 2701 Fairview Road geophysics are offered within the School of Ocean- Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ography and In cooperation with the Departments of (714) 556-5647 Physics, Geology, and Mathematics. A student studying 65 for a degree under this program works out a course of The Marine Science Center has research facilities study upon consultation With his/her committee. This for investigations in marine fisheries, commercial fish- program must include a minimum of two courses in eries engineering, aquaculture, water quality, marine ocea 'nography. Examination procedures and foreign biology, botany, microbiology, zoology, and oceanog- language requirements are the same as for oceanog- raphy. The Center is equipped with cold rooms, a raphy degrees. freezer room, dark rooms, a data processing facility 4. M.A. or M.S. in Marine Resource Management. with punch card equipment and a link to the OSU cam- This program is designed to prepare sttidents for ca- pus computer, and instrument rooms housing such reers in marine and co?stal resource management. Each major items of equipment as autoclaves, centrifuges, program is planned to fit the needs of the individual balances, spectrophotometers, flame photometers, gas student. All proprams include a basic set of courses chromatographs, an atomic absorption spectrophoto- meter, and rad lation-measu ring equipment. Wet labora- in oceanography. The remainder of the programs may tories are provided with running fresh and sea water. include courses in any or all of the following disciplines: Meeting rooms and lecture rooms are located in close economics, fisheries, business, geography, political proximity to the laboratories. science, engineering, natural sciences or other rele- vant fields. Most programs also include an internship. An ocean-going research vessel, the 54-meter We- A thesis is not required. Students normally complete coma, is docked at the Center. The Sacalawea, an the program within two years. A final oral examination 11-meter vessel, is used within the bay and nearshore is required. waters, and several small boats are available for work Applicants may have an undergraduate degree In within the bay. any of the following general areas: fisheries, eco- Although the Marine Science Center does not offer nomics, engineering, political science, business, natural degrees itself, graduate and senior level courses are science, et al. The undergraduate work should include offered Winter, Spring, and Summer terms. Departments one year each of chemistry, calculus, and physics. involved with research and teaching at the Marine . 5. M.A. or M.S. in Air-Sea Interaction. This program Science Center are: Agricultural Engineering, Agricul- is jointly administered by the School of Oceanography tural and Resource Economics, Botany and Plant Path- and the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. It is an ology, Food Science and Technology. Fisheries and integrated program, including appropriate courses In Wildlife, Microbiology, Oceanography, Pharmacology physical oceanography, atmospheric sciences, mathe- and Toxicology, and Zoology. matics, statistics and engineering. Students may enroll Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. either in the School of Oceanography or the Depart- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ment of Atmospheric Sciences (College of Science). A To obtain further information, address inquiries to: final oral examination is required. Director Oregon State University Applicants need an undergraduate degree with a Marine Science Center major in one of the following: physics, mathematics, Newport, OR 97365 meteorology, engineering, or similar fields. The under- 867-3011 graduate work should include mathematics through ordinary and partial differential equations. DEPART MENT OF FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE: The Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife is headquartered Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. in Nash Hall on the Corvallis campus of Oregon State To obtain further information, address inquiries to: University. Construction of Nash Hall was completed Student Advisor in 1970 and contains 66,304 net square feet of space School of Oceanography for use by the Department. Oregon State University Facilities include lecture rooms, teaching and re- Corvallis, OR 97331 search laboratories, constant temperature rooms, self- learning center, walk-in freezer, shop, ichthyological (503) 754-3504 museum, radiation laboratory, offices for staff and graduate students and numerous supporting facilities. Research into all aspects of fisheries are carried out OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY at the following facilities which are not located on the MARINE SCIENCE CENTER Corvallis campus: Marine Science Center, Netarts Bay Newport, Oregon 97365 Laboratory, Soap Creek Experimental Ponds, Berry Creek Experimental Stream, Oak Creek Laboratory, and FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: The Marine Science a fish culture laboratory. Center, a 130,000 square foot research and teaching The following degrees are off ered by the Department: facility operated year-round by Oregon State Univer- 1. B.S. in Fisheries Science. All- undergraduate stu- sity, is located on Yaquina Bay, a mile from the open dents must complete the core courses prescribed by waters of the Pacific Ocean. The main campus of Ore- the Department. Additionally, non-departmental require- gon State University is 55 miles to the east of Corvallis. ments include: 56 a) Communications 12 credits The Food Science Seafoods Laboratory is located at b) Humanities 12 credits Astoria, Oregon, on the Columbia-Youngs River estuary. c) Social Sciences 12 credits This research center has been operated as an integral d) Economics 3 credits part of the department since 1940. The facility provides e) Biological and Physical Sciences 83 credits 7,000 square feet of laboratory and office space and serves as a center for marine food science research. A total of 192 term hours of undergraduate credit is Adjacent to the central university campus, the de- required for the B.S. degree. partment operates the Food Toxicology and Nutrition 2. M.S. in Fisheries Science. All students must com- Laboratory. This laboratory is especially designed for plete a program of study totaling not less than 45 term studies of toxicity, nutrition and carcinogenesis in'fish. hours including thesis (six to nine hours) and courses Its .5,500 square feet of laboratory and office space approved for graduate credit. Approximately two-thirds includes a complete histopathological laboratory and of the work (30 term hours) must be in the major and 140 separate fish rearing tanks abundantly supplied one-third (15 term hours) in the minor. A residence of with a constant temperature water supply. one academic year or fair equivalent is required. There Food science and technology is the application of is no foreign language requirement for the M.S. degree. the sciences and engineering to the manufacture, pre- 3. M. Agr. degree in Aquaculture. The Master of Agri- servation, storage, transportation and consumer use of culture degree emphasizing Aquaculture is a non-thesis food products. The food science program is concerned degree based on coursework and a paper. The student with the science and research involving the chemical, will be required to participate in some practical aspect physical, biological microbiological, toxicological and of aquaculture. It requires a minimum of 45 credits, no nutritive properties of foods. more than 21 of which can be in the major department. The University offers the following degrees in food The remaining 24 are to be divided between two addi- science and technology: tional agriculture-related departments, with a minimum of nine in any department. Part of the major require- 1. B.S. in Food Science and Technology. The mini- ments is a research paper of three to five credits, reg- mum course requirements consist of the following: istered as Reading and Conference. This degree can Food Science and Technology, Communications, Hu- be completed in twelve to eighteen months. manities and Social Sciences, Biological and Physical The Ph.D. degree is granted primarily for attainments Sciences, Physical Education, and electives, for a total and proved ability. There is no rigid credit require- of 192 term hours. ment. The equuivalent of at least three years full-time 2. M.S. in Food Science. Students must complete a graduate work beyond the bachelor's degree is a uni- program of study totaling not less than 45 term hours versity requirement, but programs in this department including thesis and courses approved for graduate usually take longer. At least one academic year must credit. Approximately two-thirds of the work (30 term be spent in continuous residence at OSU with a mini- hours) must be in the major or be composed of courses mum of 36 hours of graduate work. The foreign lan- approved by the major department in the basic sciences guage requirement is determined by the student's doc- and one-third (15 term hours) in the minor. Three credit toral committee subject to approval by the major de- hours of seminar are recommended with the thesis partment and the Dean of the Graduate School. A com- representing nine to 12 hours of major credit, which prehensive preliminiary examination is required for must be the result of the student's independent re- admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. Every search and preparation., No qualifying examination is candidate must submit a thesis embodying the results required for the M.S. degree. A final oral examination of research and giving evidence of originality and of not less than two hours is required for presentation ability in independent investigation (usually 30-45 term of the student's thesis and examination of this thesis hours). All candidates must pass a final examination, and field of study. part of which must be oral. . 3. Ph.D. in Food Science. The degree of Ph.D. is Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. granted primarily for attainments and proved ability Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. and prepares the student for research in a specialized To obtain further information, address inquiries to: field of study. A M.S. degree or equivalent (as evaluated Head, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife by the graduate faculty of the department) is required Oregon State University for a student who intends to work toward a Ph.D. de- Corvallis, OR 97331 gree. The student and his major professor formulate the Ph.D. study program. The Ph.D. program usually DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECH- consists of 75 to 85 term hours beyond that required NOLOGY: The Department of Food Science and Tech- for a M.S. degree and is composed of approximately no(ogy is housed in two modern buildings on the Cor- two-third's formal coursework and one-third thesis re- vallis campus. These buildings contain 78,000 square search. For the Ph.D. degree, the student's doctoral feet of office, teaching and research laboratory and committee determines on the basis of the student's pilot plant space. The facilities are designed and well needs and the foreign language scientific literature in equipped to carry out teaching and research activities his field of specialization if two, one or no foreign.lan- peculiar to most areas in the food field. guage(s) will be required or permitted. If no foreign 57 language requirement is recommended by the student's Engineering: civil, chemical, electrical, industrial, me- doctoral committee, the foreign language requirement chanical and metallurgical or nuclear engineering. A will be satisfied by (1) the taking of a course or courses program of study is then designed to fit the individual's (undergraduate or graduate) which are in subjects not professional objectives and to achieve a high degree usually included for credit in the major or minor and of engineering competence related to the ocean en- which will have as their purpose the broadening of the vironment. The following requirements are to be met student or to provide a "tool" of particular value, and/or in obtaining a degree through the ocean engineering (2) a special project, other than laboratory research, program: which would distinctly benefit the student. Written and 1. Major: An area of ocean engineering specializa- oral preliminary examinations are required. A thesis tion within one or more of the established engineering which is the result of the student's independent re- disciplines. search and preparation is required to demonstrate an 2. Minor: Supporting coursework in ocean engl- independent research capability. The candidate is ex- neering and/or oceanography plus other appropriate pected to defend his thesis and knowledge of his field courses to prepare the student for professional work in a final oral examination. in the ocean-oriented industries and agencies. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. 3. Thesis research: Each student must conduct re- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. search and prepare a thesis on a pertinent subject To obtain further information, address inquiries to: concerning engineering in the marine environment. .Head, Department of Food Science and Technology 4. Program of study: The program must meet ap- Oregon State University proval of the ocean engineering committee of the Corvallis, OR 97331 School of Engineering. (503) 754-3131 The Ph.D. program requires at least three years ot study beyond the baccalaureate degree and includes SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING: The School of Engi- about 135 quarter credit hours of course and thesis neering has a variety of specialized laboratories and work. The Master of Ocean Engineering and the complementary facilities for use in the ocean engi- Master of Science in Engineering degrees require 45 neering research and training programs. The following quarter credit hours, including research. major facilities are used for student training and re- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. search needs: environmental fluid dynamics laboratory Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. wave basin, hydraulic laboratory, fluid measurements To obtain further information, address inquiries to: laboratory, hydrologic facilities, marine science center Assistant Dean engineering laboratory, sanitary engineering labora- School of Engineering tories, photogrammetry laboratory, soil mechanics lab- Oregon State University oratory, structural engineering laboratoy, engineering Corvallis, OR 97331 materials laboratory, mechanical engineering labora- tory, instrumentation laboratory, electrochemical en- gineering laboratory, underwater acoustics laboratory and simulation laboratory. PENINSULA COLLEGE The computer center, oceanography laboratories, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 radiation center and Marine'Science Center are also extensively used in the ocean engineering program, to- gether with vessels of the Oceanography School and The College is located only one mile from the Strait facilities of the Pacific Northwest Water Laboratory of of Juan de Fuca, has four large lakes within 15 miles, the Environmental Protection Agency. and state fish hatcheries and rearing ponds nearby.- . The principal research areas for studies on estuarine The fisheries complex contains one classroom, one hydraulics, water resources and ocean engineering are lab-classrooom, office for two instructors, an equip- the rivers, lakes, reservoirs, estuaries, and coast of ment room, museum, workshop, and small fish hatchery., Oregon. Where convenient, temporary field research of- Numerous small boats are available. Field projects and fices have been established; in other cases, depart- work with state and federal agencies is emphasized. mental vehicles and ocean engineering boats (six craft The degree of Associate of Applied Sciences (Fish- up to 25 feet long) have provided temporary instru- eries Certificate) is offered. ment shelters for environmental research. Graduate study in ocean engineering is offered at FISHERIES TECHNOLOGY: This program prepares a Oregon State University through the School of Engi- student to.perform assignments as a scientific or blb@ neering. This program of study leads to the degrees of logical aid under the direction of a fisheries biologist. Master of Ocean Engineering or Master of Science and Completion of the curriculum specified in the catalog Doctor of Philosophy in engineering with an emphasis (or equivalent) qualifies the student for the fisheries on ocean engineering. The graduate student in ocean certificate and the AAS degree. engineering, depending on his specific interests, is ad- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. mitted to an established department in the School of Faculty appointments: available in school catalog., 58 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Director, Vocational Education Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Peninsula College To obtain further information, address inquiries to: 1502 East Lauridsen Boulevard Chairman, Earth Science Department Pori Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 452-9277 (or Biological Science) Pierce College 6201 Winnetka Avenue Woodland Hills, CA 91371 THE PENNSYLVANIA (213) 347-0551 STATE UNIVERSITY University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 The following specialized facilities are available at POMONA COLLEGE the University: laboratories in marine geology, special Claremont, CA 91711 meteorological equipment for courses in marine mete- orology, and a laboratory for underwater acoustics. In addition, the University is a member of the Marine Facilities for undergraduate study in marine science Science Consortium, and through the Consortium has include the undergraduate teaching and research lab- access to facilities at Wallops Island, Virginia. oratories in biology, geology and physics. Research No formal @degree programs are offered in marine equipment includes apparatus for analyzing chemical science; however, a marine science minor is available and physical properties of the marine environment, such to students in allied major fields. Baccalaureate and as oxygen and other dissolved gases, salinity, chlo- advanced degrees are offered in the allied fields of rinity, specific ions, trace nutrients, and pH; centrifuges, geological sciences (geology, geophysics, mineralogy, including a continuous-flow centrifuge; osometers; and geochemistry), meteorology, geography, biology spectro photometers; flame photometers; equipment for and physics. Students who are candidates for degrees x-ray diffraction, x-ray fluorescence spectrography, in these disciplines can schedule certain courses in electron microprobe analysis, and atomic absorption the marine sciences. analysis; gas and liquid chromatography including Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. HPLC; electron (SEM, TEM), phase-contrast, fluores- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. cence, compound, and dissecting microscopes; photo- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: graphy equipment, including an underwater Nikonos Marine Science Committee camera and complete darkroom facilities; walk-in con- The Pennsylvania State University stant temperature and control I ed-envi ron ment rooms; a 117 Old Main recirculating sea-water aquarium system with nine 35- University Park, PA 16802 gallon aquaria, two 250-gallon capacity storage tanks, and filtration and cooling units. A well-equipped shop is available for construction of specialized equipment, including electronics. An IBM 4341 computer supports PIIERCE COLLEGE some 37 terminals and printers distributed in clusters Woodland Hills, California 91371 throughout the campus. Both sudents and faculty have unlimited use of the computer in teaching and research. Pierce College is one of nine community colleges in Field equipment available includes a variety of small the Los Angeles Community College district, and as boats, plankton nets, biological grabs and dredges, such grants an Associate of Arts degree with an em- water samplers, etc. The nearby Bernard Field Station of the Claremont Colleges includes a small artificial phasis in oceanography. Classroom and laboratory ex- perience is supplemented by field work and ship time. lake useful for developing techniques for sampling and Pierce College does not own its own research vessel, studying aquatic habitats. There is ready access to but utilizes the RIV Vantuna of the University of South- the RIV Vantuna, an 85-foot tuna clipper equipped with ern California for research purposes. a wide variety of equipment for research and teaching ..At the present time work is underway to construct in biological, physical, chemical, and geological ocean- a new building to accommodate the audio/tutorial bio- ography. logical laboratory program at Pierce. This is a unique Pomona College is a four-year liberal arts college, program whereby the student can schedule his own offering the Bachelor of Arts degree in a number of time via audio/visual presentations of lectures and fields. In the sciences, basic background and broad laboratories. knowledge are emphasized, rather than specialization ,As of Fall, 1982, 72 declared majors in Oceanography in particular narrow fields. About four to six students were working toward the A.A. degree at Pierce. The each year graduate with a B.A. degree in fields related program is geared to the student who is 'planning to to marine science and go on to graduate study. In go on to complete a degree in oceanography at a addition to the more standard concentrations in bio- four-year institution, rather than the more vocationally logy, geology and physics, special concentrations such oriented 2-year programs for marine technicians. as environmental sciences, biology-mathematics and marine biology have been arranged for individual stu- lems from around the world are underway and others dents. Thirty-two courses (128 semester hours) are planned. The Department of Geology is equipped with required for the B.A. degree, with distribution depend- laboratory facilities and oceanographic instrumentation ing on the concentration chosen. Usually about one- mainly for programs in oceanic micropaleontology fourth to one-third of the program must be within the (studies on Radiolaria and Foraminifers), trace fossil major field and closely related fields. studies, coral studies, land use studies, and marine Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. geophysics. To this end the facilities In the Geology Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Department include two sedimentation labs, a micro- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: paleontology lab with all major microfossil catalogues, Coordinator a paleobiology laboratory, and a geophysics laboratory. Marine Biology Program Theserlabs are adequately equipped, and marine col- Biology Department lecting equipment includes a variety of plankton col- .Pomona College lecting devices, coring equipment, geophysical equip- Claremont, CA 91711 ment, etc. The University does not maintain a research (714) 621-8000 x2950/2993/2948 vessel but ship time is customarily available on a variety of research vessels operated by other institutions, and a number of cooperative projects are currently under- way. The Department of Biology is active In wetlands and estuarine research and is equipped for such un- PRINCETON UNIVERSITY dertakings. The Department of Mechanical Engineer- Princeton, New Jersey 08544 Ing is active in ocean engineering research problems and is equipped for such undertakings. The principal facilities are the geological, paleonto- The following degrees are offered: logical and geophysical laboratories of the Department 1. B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with option In of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, and the Geo- Ocean Engineering, through the Department of Me- physical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of NOAA on the chanical Engineering. Forrestal Campus. Princeton University is a member of a) 134 semester hours total the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium with teaching and research laboratories and small boats at b) At least 42 semester hours on an advanced the Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory and the Seaville level (300 or higher) Field Station. c) Two years math, one year physics, and one The following degrees are offered: year chemistry plus recommended courses. 2. M.S. in Mechanical Engineering with option In 1. A.B. in Geol iogy. Normally 12 one-term courses In Ocean Engineering, through the Department of Me- a department or related fields, and a senior thesis. Re- chanical Engineering. cipients, per year: 20. a) Fifth-year program 2. B.SE. (Geological Engineering). Normally 12 one- b) Ten advanced courses (300 or higher), at least term courses in engineering, geology and related four courses 500 or above and four for additional sciences, and a senior thesis. Recipients per year: 10. professional concentration 3. Ph.D. in Geology. Completion of one year of resi- 3. Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with option In dence, passing general examination, and completion Ocean Engineering, through the Department of Me- and defense of dissertation. Recipients per year: 6. chanical and Aerospace Engineering. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. a) Normally three or more years of study are Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. required To obtain *further information, address inquiries to: b) At least two years of full-time study, or the Chairman, Department of Geological and equivalent of 60 semester hours in residence at Rice Geophysical Sciences c) Pass public oral examination 114 Guyot Hall d) Approved thesis Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 4. M.A. in Geology, through the Department of Geology. a) 30 semester hours, 24 of which must be In residence at Rice (includes thesis) RICE UNIVERSITY Thesis and thesis defense Houston, Texas 77001 5. Ph.D. in Geology, through the Department of Geology. Rice's current activities in marine science range a) Sixty semester hours, in residence at Rice (in- from wetlands research in the near-shore environment cludes thesis) to open ocean micropaleontological, sedimentological b) Language and geophysical research. Most of the activity is in the c) Candidacy exam Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and the Antarctic, but prob- d) Thesis and,thesis defense. 60 6. M.A. in Biology, through the Department of Bio- chromatography equipment, pH_ meters, environmental logy. (Same as above in Geology). chambers and a gas chromatograph. A new micro 7. Ph.D. in Biology, through the Department of Bio- computer has been added for student use in their in- logy. (Same as above in Geology). terpretation of data. The following degrees are offered- COOPERATIVE PROGRAM IN GEOPHYSICS AND 1. B.A. and B.S. degree in Biology with an oppor- MARINE SCIENCE: A cooperative program exists be- tunity to concentrate in molecular and cellular, organ tween. Rice University and The University of Texas, and organismal biology, field biology, and horticulture. Marine Science Institute, Galveston. Programs for ad- 2. B.A. or B.S. degree in, the Marine Sciences. vanced study may be worked out by contacting either the Rice Geology Department or the Marine Science CO-OP PROGRAMS: Cooperative Education pro- Institute, Galveston, Texas. grams are available to students. In the past several Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. years, individuals have been working under the Co-op Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Program with National Marine Fisheries; state 'and To obtain further information, address inquiries to: local environmental groups and various industries. The Chairman student has found that the field experience has been Department of Geology (Biology) of extreme value while obtaining college credit. Rice University Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Houston, TX 77001 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. or, To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Director Chairman Galveston Geophysical Laboratory Natural Science Division Marine Science Institute Roger Williams College The University of Texas Bristol, RI 02809 Galveston, TX 77550 (401) 255-2165 ROGER WILLIAMS COLLEGE RUTGERS -THE STATE UNIVERSITY Bristol, Rhode Island 02809 OF NEW JERSEY New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 Roger Williams College's main campus is in Bristol, Modern laboratory facilities in the basic sciences are Rhode Island with approximately 800 feet of shoreline on Mount Hope Bay, a portion of Narragansett Bay. A available on the three city campuses at, New Brunswick, wide variety of marine environments are within 10 Camden, and Newark, New Jersey. In addition, the miles of the campus including water depths of over University operates several small laboratories on the 150 feet, rocky ocean shorelines, tidal marshes, es- New Jersey coast involved with various aspects of tuaries with a wide variety of salinities, and a wide shellfish research and a large laboratory on Great Bay variety of bottom types. Waters near the campus range which is designed to work on the full range of marine from heavy pollution with both industrial and human inquiry. A 62-foot research vessel was recently ac- waste to relatively pollution free ocean waters. Gen- quired and will work out of the Great Bay Station. A erally, small classes of six to 15 students in upper 40-foot research vessel, based at one of the labora- level courses make field work, laboratory work and tories on Delaware Bay, operates year-round, providing ' hydrographic sampling, .special projects an important part of the curriculum. facilities for power dredging, A paper or other evidence of the student's ability to etc, within the estuary. A small fleet of outboards Is conduct investigation, use library resources and write available for a variety of studies in the coastal bays and a report is usually required in each upper level course. sounds, throughout the length of the State. An ancient Physical facilities used by students taking courses houseboat laboratory is another base for summer work related to marine science include six laboratories, one in one of the estuaries. The research programs u 'nder- preparation room, one instrument and storage room, way in these laboratories provide coastal marine ex- dark room, an audio-tutorial laboratory and numerous periences for approximately 25 students annually. classrooms and lecture halls, library, dining hall and Undergraduate students planning to do advanced dormitories. Staff members include scuba divers and a work in the marine sciences usually major in one of licensed boat captain. The Marine Program utilizes a several undergraduate degree programs such as Bio- 20-foot johnboat for most laboratory investigations. logy, Geology, Environmental Science, Chemistry, etc. Equipment includes various mesh size plankton nets, At the graduate level no degree program is specifi- seines, NMR, atomic absorption unit, spectrophoto- cally labeled "marine," but graduate students in Ph.D. meters, microscopes including binocular phase types, programs in Zoology, Botany, Environmental Science, water sampling equipment, three small refrigerated sea Ecology, Microbiology, Geology, etc., can galn marine water tanks, photographic equipment, a flame photo- experience in the coastal research programs underway meter, refrigerated centrifuge, electrophoresis and here. A now Ph.D. program in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics the bachelor's degree must be taken in the program. is now offered through the cooperative efforts of the At present there is no formal dissertation or language Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering requirement for this degree. and the Department of Meteorology. Teaching and re- 3. B.S. in Biology; B.S., B.A. in Environental Studies. search concentrate on fluid dynamics problems of the This is the regular program for biology majors who may geosphere, i.e., on meterological and oceanographic elect to take some courses and research in marine fluid dynamics and related problems. The program biology and related subjects . draws on research and graduate courses in the fields Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. of meterology, engineering, mathematics, information Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. sciences and others as necessary. Specializations To obtain further information, address inquiries to: available within the program include meteorology, phy- Chairman sical oceanography, Upper atmosphere dynamics, air Department of Biology pollution, turbulence, turbulent dispersion, and rotating St. John's University and stratified flow. Grand Central and Utopia Parkways Students select from courses in meterology, physical Jamaica, NY 11439 oceanography, mechanical and aerospace engineering and related graduate offerings. .Rutgers has established the Marine Sciences Center as a research arm of the University. The Center will interact with the variety of departments on campus SALEM STATE COLLEGE but will not develop its own curriculum at this time. Salem, Massachusetts 01915 Rather, faculty and students will work through the Marine Sciences Center while retaining their affiliations Salem State College, founded in 1854, is a multi- with their academic departments. purpose institution located on a 27-acre campus, two Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. miles from the center of Salem and 20 miles from Bos- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ton. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: The ocean and marshes of Massachusetts's North Director Shore, where Salem State is located, provide a unique Marine Sciences Center and immediately accessable learning environment for Rutgers -The State University of New Jersey students who choose to work toward a Bachelor of New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Science degree in Biology with a concentration In (201) 932-3080 Marine Biology. Students in any Bachelor of Arts or Science degree seeking program are eligible to select a program that allows for a minor in Marine Studies. The Marine Stud- ies minor provides courses which allow students to ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY explore areas of special interest in marine studies and Jamaica, New York 11439 provides curricula which aquaints the individual with both the humanitarian and technological aspects of The University offers marine science courses at the marine environments. Queens campus. The science building opened in 1958. In addition to coursework, general science labora- The departments of biology, chemistry and physics and tories are available for research, as well as the natural the College of Pharmacy are located in this building habitats in the surrounding area. Salem State College which contains complete laboratory and classroom is part of a collaborative program with other nearby facilities for instruction and research. The marine wa- institutions, and has access to research vessels through ters of Long Island Sound, Jamaica Bay, Great South cooperative efforts with these institutions. Bay and the Atlantic Ocean are easily accessible for collecting samples and specimens. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. The following degrees are offered: To obtain further information, address inquiries to: 1. Ph.D. in Biology (Department of Biology). The Chairperson course requirements are determined by a special faculty Department of Biology committee on the basis of the professional objectives Salem State College of the individual student. A minimum of 69 semester Salem, MA 01915 hours of graduate coursework beyond the bachelor's (617) 745-0556 degree or a minimum of 36 semester hours beyond the or, master's degree must be taken in the program. The stu- Chairperson dent must also demonstrate an ability to read two of Department of Interdisciplinary Studies the following languages: French, German or Russian. Salem State College 2. M.S. in Biology (Department of Biology). A mini- Salem, MA 01915 mum of 33 semester hours of graduate courses beyond (617) 745-0556 62 SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY COLLEGES search facilities at Sea World are available through Mesa College, San Diego, California 92112 cooperative arrangements with the Hubbs-Sea World Evening College, San Diego, California 92101 Research Institute. Specialized laboratories for re- search in aquaculture and thermal effects are operated These colleges each offer a two-year program lead- by SDSU at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography ing to either an Associate of Science degree or cer- 'and the San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Encina tificate in Marine Technology. Shop facilities are uti- Power Plant in Carlsbad, California. lized for practical instruction in refrigeration, welding, Boat facilities are maintained on Mission Bay, where propulsion machinery, drafting and other allied indus- seven small craft are available for coastal sampling trial arts that have relevance to marine work. Biological, operations. The Laura C., a 30-foot research boat, is physical and chemical laboratories are used for class- used in conjunction with the Hubbs-Sea World Re- work needed to develop skills related to basic tasks search Institute. It is equipped with a recording fathom- needed in the marine environment. Initially, instruction eter, radar, Loran C., radio direction finder, hydro- began in 1967 and the full program began in 1969. A graphic and trawling winches, an "A" frame, and a wide range of marine science, ocean engineering and cabin with laboratory space and berthing for 4-6 per- business enterprises are carried on in San Diego, and sons. The use of larger oceanographic vessels and many of these are frequently visited in the course of some specialized laboratory facilities are arranged in field trips. Vessels are chartered for all-day at-sea cooperation with the Scripps Institution of Oceanog- instruction. A shoreside technology institute jointly ad- raphy, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and other ministered by a county-wide alliance of higher educa- university, state and federal laboratories. tion institutions is to be designed in 1984. By choice of the faculty, SDSU does not offer separ- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. ate degrees in Oceanography or Marine Studies. In- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. stead, students emphasize marine studies within the To obtain further information, address inquiries to: traditional departmental degree programs through ad- Coordinator, Vocational Education vanced, marine-related course wor 'k and research. San Diego Community College District Courses in general oceanography are offered by the 3375 Camino del Rio South College of Sciences under an Oceanography listing (see General Catalog), with the cooperation of faculty San Diego, CA 92108 from the Departments of Geological Sciences, Chem- istry, Natural Science, Biology, and Zoology. Advanced course work and research in geological and physical oceanography are conducted in the Geological Sciences Department. An option in marine geology is SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY offered as part of the undergraduate major in Geo- San Diego, California 92182 logical Sciences. The Chemistry Department offers work in chemical oceanography. Advanced courses The Marine Studies Program at San Diego State and research in biological oceanography and marine University is a multidisciplinary program offered by biology are conducted in the life sciences departments. departments in the natural sciences, engineering, eco- An oceanography minor is offered for all undergraduate nomics, geography, political science, and other fields. science majors through the Department of Geological More than 70 faculty members are involved in the pro- Sciences. Similar marine-related coursework and re- gram. The Center for Marine Studies coordinates the search are offered in the Departments of Economics program and provides supporting services to the fac- and Geography and in the School of Engineering. uity, staff, and students involved. Services provided by The following degrees are offered with emphasis in the Center include advising students concerning marine Marine Studies: studies and employment opportunities, assistance to faculty and students, and support of the SDSU Diving 1. A.B. and B.S. in Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Geo- Safety Program. logical Sciences, Microbiology, Physics and Zoology; All participating science departments have modern, B.S. in Civil and Mechanical Engineering; A.B. in Geog- well-equipped classroom, laboratory, and shop facili- raphy and Economics. All students are required to fulfill ties, including standard physical and biological ocean- the general education requirements of the university ographic equipment, laboratories for the analysis of and to complete a series of core courses in their major seawater and sediment characteristics, radioisotope field and in related areas of science and mathematics. and electron microscope facilities, computer facilities, Students are encouraged to obtain practical research constant temperature rooms, and experimental aquar- experience through senior investigation and special ium laboratories. Library holdings are well-rep resented studies courses. An option in'Marine Geology is avail- in the area of marine studies. The extensive libraries able to Geological Sciences majors and a minor in of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Oceanography is available to all science majors. National Marine Fisheries Service at La Jolla are readily accessible. The SDSU Marine Laboratory is 2. M.A. and M.S. in Biology, Chemistry and Physics; located adjacent to Sea World on Mission Bay. Re- M.S. in Geological Sciences, Microbiology and. in Civil 63 and Mechanical, Engineering; M.A. in Geography and rine Biology. The general requirements of all students Economics. All students are required to obtain research are as follows: experience and to demonstrate competence in their a) Thirty units of upper division and/or graduate major field. They must also complete examinations and credit (may include up to six units of experimental research leading to a thesis. courses in Biology) 3. Ph.D. in Chemistry, Ecology and Genetics, offered b) A minimum of 16 units of credit in graduate- jointly with the University of California. In order to level courses qualify for this program the student must be admitted c) A minimum of two department seminars to regular graduate standing by the University of Cali- d) Graduate English Proficiency Test fornia and SDSU. The student must be prepared to take Two alternates for the M.A. degree are available. orientation examinations covering the specific fields in 1. M.A. by research and thesis. 30 units of required each discipline that are administered by a joint guid- coursework plus acceptable thesis and an oral de- ance committee.. After formal admission to the program, fense of thesis research. the student must spend at least one year in full-time 2. M.A. by research and examinations. Requires a residence in each of the two campuses. A dissertation maximum of four units of Biology research; a written on A,subject chosen by the student related to his field examination taken during the student's first or second of specialization_ demonstrating his ability to conduct semester (which may be repeated with a three-semester independent research, is required of all candidates. time limit for satisfactory passage); a comprehensive A joint doctoral committee, consisting of faculty mem- oral examination (unacceptable portions may be re- bers from each institution, conducts the qualifying and peated once). final oral examinations and guides the research. The The Marine Biology Program offers the Master of degree is awarded jointly by the participating institu- Arts degree in Biology with a concentration in Marine tions. Biology. Programs in this area reflect the fact that Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Marine Biology is a meeting place for all the biological Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. sciences and some of the physical sciences. Graduate To obtain further information, address inquiries to: work may be broad or follow specific program areas Director as ecology, systematics, functional morphology, phy- siology and ethology. Center for Marine Studies- The marine program and facilities of San Francisco San Diego State University. State University are strongly supported by the Moss San Diego, CA 92182-0408 Landing Marine Laboratories, a modern seashore (619) 265-6523 laboratory which is operated cooperatively with four other State Universities. Students interested in study through this program are urged to observe the general requirements in the Bulletin as well as the specific requirements stated SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY here and, more fully, in the Marine Biology catalog San Francisco, California 94116 which is available from the Program Office upon're- quest. The Lake Merced campus of San Francisco State The applicant must have the equivalent of the Bache- University houses a complete and modern educational lor of Arts degree in the Department of Marine Biology community. In addition to the well-equipped class- at San Francisco State University or the approval of rooms and laboratories, there are numerous specialized the Marine Biology advisor. instructional rooms, a large library and audio-visual Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. center, two theaters and a wide range of recreational Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. and athletic facilities. Recently completed buildings To obtain further information, address inquiries to: greatly enhance the rUniversity's capabilities in the Dean, School of Science science disciplines. Building in the planning stages San Francisco State University will include more classroom space for the humanities San Francisco, CA 94132 and education. In addition to activities at its San Fran- cisco site, the University participates in three off-cam- pus activities: The Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies, the J. Paul Leonard Sierra Nevada Science SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY Field Campus, and the Moss Landing Marine Labora- San Jose, California 95192 @tories. The University also operates an extension pro- gram serving more than 3,000 students as well as con- ducting short courses,- conferences, institutes and San Jose State University is part of the California workshops. system of higher education. It is the oldest of such institutions in the State, established over 120 years ago. The following degrees are.offered: It is located in San Jose, at the southern end of San 1. Master of Arts in Biology: Concentration in Ma- Francisco Bay, approximately 50 miles southeast of 64 the city of San Francisco, and about 30 miles inland Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. from the Pacific Ocean. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. The undergraduate program leading to the Bachelor's To obtain further information, address inquiries to: degree in Meteorology began at San Jose State Uni- Chairman versity in 1960, and the Master's degree in Meteorology Department of Meteorology program was inaugurated in 1964. The primary function San Jose State University of the meteorology program is to train the student for San Jose, CA 95192 a professional career in meteorology. The four year (408) 277-2311 program leading to the Bachelor's degree provides graduates with the knowledge and training needed for work with various industrial concerns, aviation com- panies, and government agencies such as the National SANTA BARBARA CITY COLLEGE Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Forestry Santa Barbara, California 93109-9990 Service, various air pollution agencies, the armed forces, and the Federal Aeronautics Administration. The program leading to the Master's degree provides Santa Barbara City College offers a two-year voca- the student with greater compentency in theoretical tional program in Marine Diving Technology with em- phasis on contemporary commercial diving. and applied meteorology in order to qualify him or her for research work and higher levels of professional The progratri consists of three types of courses. The responsibility and the necessary background for further first is designed to develop the skills and knowledge study in a Ph.D. program. required of a diving technician. The -second serles'of .These programs of instruction are complemented by courses is designed to give students an understanding a growing research endeavor. Present'studies are pri- of the environment in which they' will be working.The marily directed towards solution of practical problems third typq consists of general education courses to increase the student's knowledge and communicative in applied meteorology; however research of a more ability. theoretical nature is not overlooked. Among the current investigations are studies of air pollution, the wind Successful completion of the program qualifies drad- circulation in the San Francisco Bay area, relationships uates for a Certificate of Completion or an A.S. Degree between weather and health, stratospheric circulations, and employment in a variety of jobs mainly'centered in urban climate studies, atmospheric gravity waves, the commercial diving industry. ocean-atmosphere interactions, cloud physics, and ag- Curriculum offered@ available in school catalog. ricultural meteorology. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Special facilities of the department include: (1) A To obtaln'further* information, address inquiries to: large meteorological observatory, equipped with di- Department Chairman verse instrumentation, such as radar, radiosonde, air Marine Diving Technician Program pollutant sampling devices. An automatic data acquisi- Santa Barbara City College -tion system is installed. (2) A complete synoptic labora- 721 Cliff Drive tory, including teletypes; facsimile, satellite picture Santa Barbara, CA 93109-9990 receiving system, microfilm library, etc. (3) a marine (805) 965-0581 x426 laboratory on the Pacific Coast (Moss Landing), includ- ing a vessel for oceanographic studies. (4) 'A mobile micro-meteorological laboratory with an automatic data acquisition system. (5) Two mobile radar tracking sys- SEA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION* tems, each equipped with automatic data acquisition Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 systems. (6) A small departmental computer system (apart from the campus computer center). (7) A small The Sea Education Association offers Se a Semester, instrumented aircraft for mesoscale studies. (8) Hydro- a one-semester undergraduate program in oceanog- dynamics laboratory. (9) A cloud physics laboratory is raphy, nautical science, and maritime studies. It is a being developed. (10) Mt. Sutro Meteoroligical Tower; rigorous academic, scientific and practical experience an 80-foot TV tower atop an 800-foot hill in the center of designed to form a regular part of a college undergrad- the City of San Francisco has been instrumented to uate education. Courses are taught at the Sophomore/ study internal gravity-shear waves in the west coast in- Junior level. Students spend the first half of Sea Se- version, the structure of fog, depletion of radiation in mester (the six week Shore Component) in Woods the marine layer, and vertical profiles and fluxes of pol- Hole, Massachusetts, receiving instruction in ocean- lutants. Instruments for measurement of wind, tempera- ography, nautical science and maritime studies. They ture, humidity, pressure, net and total radiation, ozone then go to sea for the second half of Sea Semester (the and carbon monoxide concentrations, and cloud drop- six week Sea Component) aboard the RIV Westward for practical laboratory experience. There are six ses- let characteristics have been installed at six levels. (11) sions each year, a new one beginning about every two Satellite data depository for Western U.S.A. months. 65 No degree is granted. The more than 80 colleges and introduced to the tools and techniques of the practic- universities which accept 17 semester hours of trans- ing oceanographer. During two lectures daily and dur- fer credit from Boston University upon successful com- ing watch standings, students are instructed in the pletion of Sea Semester include: Williams, Princeton, operation of basic oceanographic equipment, in the Reed, Stanford, Kenyon and the University of Michigan. methodologies involved in the collection, reduction, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania and Colgate, among and analysis of oceanographic data, and in the atten- others, grant credit directly from their registrars. dant operations of a sailing oceanographc research During the Shore Component students study the vessel. In the advanced course, students assume in- characteristics and processes . of the global ocean. creasing responsibility for conducting oceanographic Oceanographic concepts are introduced and developed research and the attendant operations of the vessel. from their bases in biology, physics, chemistry and Ultimately, the individual student is responsible direct- geology. Prerequisite: One semester of a college lab- ly to the Chief Scientist and the Master of the vessel oratory course in a physical or biological science or its for the safe and orderly conduct of research activities equivalent. This is designed to provide a broad back- and related operations of the vessel. Each student ground in oceanography. In addition, students are undertakes an individual research project designed required to specialize by developing individual re- during the Shore Component. search projects in their own area of interest which are The RIV Westward is a 125-foot staysail schooner then carried out on the subsequent Westward cruise. which is operated in waters of the western North At- Guest lecturers drawn from the Woods Hole research lantic, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico, making community provide insight into current trends and ac- annual transects between Newfoundland and the South tivities in this rapidly evolving field. Additionally, stu- American coast, Designed for deep-sea instruction and dents undertake a multidisciplinary study of the his- research, Westward's laboratory is equipped with mod- tory, literature, and art of our maritime heritage, and ern sampling and analytical gear for research on phy- the political and economic problems of contemporary sical, chemical, geological, and biological oceanog- maritime affairs. raphy to a depth of 3000 meters. Students are also introduced to the technologies of Curriculum offered: available in catalog. operation at sea. The concepts of'navigation (piloting, Faculty appointments: available in catalog. celestial and electronic), naval architecture, ship con- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: struction, marine engineering systems, and the physics Dean of sail are taught from their bases in astronomy, mathe- Sea Education Association matics and physics. Prerequisite: One semester of col- Box 6 M lege mathematics or its equivalent. The course pro- Woods Hole, MA 02543 vides the theoretical foundation for the operation of (617) 540-3954 the RIV Westward at sea. Students may take the Shore Component alone,. for nine credits, without enrolling in the Sea Component. The Sea Component complements the theoretical and Intellectual understanding of the oceans introduced in SEATTLE CENTRAL the Shore Component with the practical skills which COMMUNITY COLLEGE only actual experience at sea can provide. Seattle, Washington 98107 Instruction at sea includes lectures and laboratory exercises designed mainly to develop a better under- The Seattle Central Community College offers the standing of oceanography and related subjects to Associate of Applied Science degree in three two-year which students are introduced ashore. Topics treated programs. vary with the cruise track but include attention to all of the major subdisciplines of oceanography. Two MARINE CARPENTRY: The Marine Carpentry Pro- hours each day are devoted to lectures, examinations, gram develops basic skills for entry (apprentice) level reports and other class-related activities. In addition, into the boatbuilding trade. Training in the construction students spend eight hours each day, on watch, re- and repair of boats includes both wood and fiberglass technology. The Marine Carpentry course includes in- celving instruction and assuming progressively increas- struction in joiner-work, lofting and layout, planking Ing responsibilities for oceanographic research and and related technical information. Length of a class attendant vessel operations. Periodically, visiting scien- is five to eight quarters (depending on student ability). tists from government and university laboratories pro- The Marine Carpentry Program develops entry level vide additional expertise and instruction in the process skills for employment in the boatbuilding and boat re- of their own research work. pair trade. Each Sea Component consists of a basic and an ad- MARINE DECK TECHNOLOGY: The Marine Deck vanced laboratory course. In the basic course, theories Technology Program offers the opportunity for students and problems raised in the Shore Component are tested to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the in the practice of oceanography at sea. Students are operation and maintenance of commercial vessels. It is 66 mainly oriented towards those sea-going occupations SHELDON JACKSON COLLEGE found on fishing boats, tugboats, and ferry boats. Train- Sitka, Alaska 99835 ing is accomplished through a combination of class- room and "hands-on" experience in shops and vessels. Sheldon Jackson College has marine science teach- Successful completion of this U.S. Coast Guard ap- ing facilities on its campus located at Sitka on Baranof proved two-year course will be credited by the govern- Island in southeast Alaska. The physical facilities In- ment toward the sea service requirement for an ap- clude a freshwater-seawater . laboratory and indoor propriate Federal Merchant Marine Mate's license. and outdoor salmon hatchery incubation capacity tQr- 12 million eggs or alevins. Physical, chemical and bio- MARINE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: The Marine logical sciences share the same building located on Engineering Technology program emphasizes the train- the Pacific seashore as well as modern teaching labo- ing necessary for the efficient operation and mainten- ratorles built and equipped within the last four years. ance of sea-going vessels. Training consists of labora- In addition, the College owns a 38-foot, twin engine tory experiments and shipboard :operation and main- cabin. cruiser, an 18-foot Boston Whaler with an 80 tenance. Career opportunities include employment in horsepower outboard motor, a 16-foot Livingston with vessel operation, vessel maintenance and repair, ship 80-horsepower outboard motor, and several smaller operations management, and as marine engineering skiffs. Numerous teaching and research equipment is aides. available'for study of marine and freshwater environ- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. ments. Practical experience is emphasized in the hatch- ery and field technician training courses for fisheries Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. students. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: The following degrees areoffered: Director, Marine Technology Program 1. A.S. in Science, specializing in Fisheries and Seattle Central Community College Aquaculture. Two years, 64 semester credits. 1701 Broadway 2. Two-year Certificate in Fisheries Technology. Seattle, WA 98122 a) Two years, 64 semester credits (206) 587-3800 b) Includes requirements of one-year certificate 3. One-year Certificate In Fish Culture Technology. 6) One year, 34 credits b) Includes late summer salmon spawning ex- perience SEATTLE PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Seattle, Washington 98119 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: The University offers Marine Biology courses at its Academic Dean main campus in Seattle, Casey Campus on Whidbey Box 479 Island and at its field station on Blakely Island. The Sheldon Jackson College Casey Campus encompasses more than 100 acres of Sitka, AK 99835 wooded lands, with a mile of private beach facing the straits of Juan de Fuca. Accommodations include bar- racks, kitchen and dining facilities, classrooms and a seawater laboratory. A small field station with labora- tory, dining and housing facilities for 25 students and SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE faculty is under development. The field station will be Seattle, Washington 98133 used for research and field studies in Marine Biology. Summer programs in Marine Biology are offered each Shoreline Community College has a complete two- year. The Casey Campus is used extensively by public year Oceanography and Marine Science Technology schools during the academic year for outdoor educa- Program. Teaching and research facilities are located tion programs. at the main campus site. the College also owns a The B.S. in Biology is offered by the University. All vessel which is used in collecting samples and training students are required to take general Biology, Genetics, students in operations. The degree offered is Associate of Applied Arts In Ecology, Developmental Biology, Cell Biology, Seminar Oceanography or an Associate of Applied Arts in Ma- and 20 additional quarter hours in upper-division. Blol- rine Sciences. All courses are offered in the science' ogy. Chemistry through organic is required. division. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Chairman, Science Division Director Shoreline Community College Marine Biology Program 16101 Greenwood Avenue North Seattle Pacific University Seattle, WA98133 Seattle, WAI 98119 (206) 5464576 67 SONOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Rohnert Park, California 94928 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Sonoma State University is well situated for the study Biology Department Chair of marine sciences. It is located in southern Sonoma Sonoma State University County within an hour's drive of all parts of the Point Rohnert'Park, CA 94928 Reyes National Seashore, Golden Gate National Rec- rehition Area, Northern San Francisco Bay, Tomales (707) 664-2189 Say, and the Sonoma Coast State Beaches which ex- tend from Bodega Bay - where the University of Cali- SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AND fornia has its marine laboratory - to the Russian PLANNING: The school offers a program designed to River - where the Bohemian Club comes to play. integrate the biological and physical sciences, the The University offers a distinctive education in the social sciences, and the humanities as they relate to liberal arts and sciences. With approximately 6,000 stu- environmental problems. .dents, it Is one of the 19 campuses of the California A Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies and State University. The emphasis is on quality under- Planning is offered. The student must fulfill a general graduate education. Master's degrees are offered in education requirement to ensure breadth in other aca- selected areas of study. demic disciplines. He may then choose from a number of options within the major. The major options are: Environment Education, Natural Resources and Parks, DEPARTMENT OF. BIOLOGY: This department is Water Quality,. Energy, Health and the Environment, especially strong in Marine Biology. Among the 14 and City and Regional Planning. The student must department faculty are an ichthyologist, two inverte- also design his own individual plan to support an in- brate zoologists and two phycologists. The department terest in marine environmental problems. He must also is well equipped and closely supported by the Depart- complete a senior project or internship. ments of Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Environ- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. mental Studies and Planning. The department owns a Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. variety of instruments as well as marine aquaria, light To obtain further information, address inquiries to: microscopes, an electron microscope and a 22-foot Provost, Environmental Studies & Planning Boston Whaler for dredging and sampling in the nearby Sonoma State University bays and coastal waters. Rohnert Park, CA 94928 The following degrees are offered: (707) 664-2306 1. Bachelor of Arts in Biology with emphasis on Ma- rine Biology. The student must fulfill a general educa- DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY: A small department tion requirement to ensure breadth in other academic with close student-faculty relationships, geography pro- disciplines. He may then choose from a number of vides a course of study that is well rounded yet flexible courses in biology, mathematics, physics, chernistry enough to fit specific educational goals. Students,can and geology to ensure breadth in biology and the other pursue climatology, meteorology or oceanography within the major. ..natural sciences, and to meet the general requirements for the Biology major. He may then elect to take courses To earn a Bachelor of Arts in Geography the student in marine ecology, phycology, invertebrate natural his- must fulfill a general education requirement to ensure tory, functional morphology of the marine invertebrates, breadth in other academic disciplines, a core require- myco:ogy, bacteriology, and ichthyology which support ment for basic grounding in geography, and choose the marine biology option within the major (see catalog from a number of options those courses in geography, for details and write to the department chair for a copy and other subjects that best meet the needs of the of the Marine Biology Advisory Plan). student interested in marine studies. These include 2. Master of Arts in Biology - Thesis Option. The courses in remote sensing, meteorology, geomorphol- student must complete 30 units of approved graduate ogy, climatology, soils, ecology, oceanography, blo- studies, take an assessment examination, write a geography, geological oceanography, field mapping, thesis, present it orally, pass an oral exam on the environmental geology and hydrology. general principles of biology and demonstrate pro- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. ficiency in a foreign language. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 1 3. *Master of Arts in Biology - Examination Option. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: The student must complete 30 units of approved gradu- Geography Department Chair ate studies, take an assessment examination, demon- Sonoma State University strate proficiency in a foreign language, pass an essay Rohnert Park, CA 94928 and an objective examination. Phone: (707) 664-2194 68 SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS With option (1), the student must successfully com- UNIVERSITY plete 30 hours of prescribed coursework as well as North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 successfully defend his/her thesis. Option (2) requires a total of 35 hours of prescribed coursework plus pas- The proximity of the University to the marine environ- sage of a comprehensive examination. The comprehen- ment has resulted in a special emphasis in both faculty sive examination may be written and/or oral at the research and course orientation toward the estuaries discretion of the examining committee. The student and near-shore waters of the Buzzards Bay region of shall demonstrate a satisfactory knowledge of General the Massachusetts coast. The University is also within Biology and three of the following: Botany, Genetics, a one-hour drive of the important libraries, museums, Microbiology, Physiology, Ecology, Zoology, or Statis- and research institutions of the Boston and Woods tics. Hole area. Each graduate student plans his curse of study with the assistance of an advisory committee. Graduate stu- The University supports several teaching and re- dents will be urged to complete most of.their course search laboratories which are completely equipped for requirements during their first year. After completion most standard physiological and ecological analyses of nine credits, a student will apply by petitioning his including gas chromatography, automated CHN ana- advisory committee, for degree candidacy. Degree lyses, scanning and transmission electron micriscopy, candidacy will be granted on the recommendation of liquid scintillation radiometry and computer analyses. this advisory committee. Several constant temperature rooms, a greenhouse and Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. a 63-foot oceanographic research vessel, Corsair, sup- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog.. plement the general laboratories. The Department also To obtain further information, address inquiries to: maintains active museum and herbarium collections of Chairman, Department of Biology the fish, invertebrates, diatoms and seaweeds of the Southeastern Massachusetts University southeastern Massachusetts region. North Dartmouth, MA 02747 In addition, the department is in the final planning or, stages of building a coastal marine laboratory within Dean of Faculty 15 miles of the North Dartmouth campus,. A summer Southeastern Massachusetts University program in marine biology is being considered for the North Dartmouth, MA 02747 near future. The following degrees are offered by the Biology De- partment at Southeastern Massachusetts University: 1. B.S. in Biology with option for a degree in higher SOUTHERN MAINE General Biology or Marine Biology and Coastal Zone VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE ,Ecology. South Portland, Maine 04106 2. M.S. in Biology. 3. M.S. in Marine Biology. Southern Maine Vocational Technical Institute Is a public, two-year co-educational institute at the post- The Department of Biology offers programs leading secondary level, offering technical curricula In a broad to the Master of Science degree in either Biology or variety of fields. Marine Biology under either a thesis or non-thesis The Marine Science Department is located on the program of study. Individualized programs of study South Portland campus, overlooking Casco Bay. Phy- reflect the research interests of the faculty. Students sical facilities include general classrooms and separate interested in a research career or continued graduate laboratory spaces for navigation, engineering, seaman- education may elect a program culminating in a labo- ship, chemistry, marine biology, and oceanography. ratory/field research thesis. Secondary educators in- The department maintains and operates a 146-foot terested in broadening their background in biology training ship, Aqualab I//, a 40-foot fishing boat and may elect a program of study culminating in a library several small craft. research paper. The Department of Marine Science and Technology The Department of Biology offers two options in Its offers Associate Degree and/or Diploma programs in program which reflect the general research interests Applied Marine Biology and Oceanography (AMBO) @nd of its faculty: (1) a marine biology option culminating Marine Sciences (MS). in a Master of Science with specialization in Marine The Applied Marine Biology and Oceanography pro- Biology, and (2) a general biology option leading to a gram provides a 73 credit hour curriculum which In- Master of Science with emphasis in one of the tra- cludes oceanographic sciences with emphasis placed ditional areas of General Biology. Both options em- on developing a wide range of laboratory and field phasize the development of fundamentals-of biology sampling skills. by means of lectures, laboratories, field trips and The Marine Science program provides a broad back- seminars, and each encourages student engagement ground in deck, engineering and oceanographic skills in original research leading to the Master's Thesis. and allows for specialization in one of these areas. The 69 program includes 70 credits and focuses around the SOUTHTWEST TEXAS operation and maintenance of the Institute's training STATE UNIVERSITY ship Aqualab 1/1. Students serve as apprentice officers San Marcos, Texas 78666 and crew aboard the vessel and gain practical experi- ence in aspects of navigation, seamanship, engineer- Southwest Texas State University has a cooperative ing, and oceanography sampling. program in Marine Biology with Moody College of Graduates who have followed the prescribed curricu- Marine Science, Texas A&M University, Galveston, lum, and meet physical and sea time requirements are Texas, and The University of Texas Marine Institute, eligible to take the United States Coast Guard license Port Aransas, Texas. examination for Mate, Uninspected Vessels, Mineral A student completes all of his college work at So ,uth- and Oil Vessels, and/or Freight and Towing Vessels, west Texas State University except nine semester hours or for Assistant Engineer, Uninspected Vessels and of marine biology which is taken at one or both of the Mineral and Oil Vessels not more than 1000 gross tons. aforementioned marine stations. While at Southwest All deck and engine graduates are eligible for endorse- Texas State University, students take three courses in ment as Ordinary Seaman, Wiper and Stewards De- or related to marine biology and are closely associated partment and with additional sea time as Able Seaman with students pursuing a major in aquatic biology. Stu- Special or Oiler. dents earn a B.S. with a major in Marine Biology. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. This program makes accessible for student use the Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. equipment and facilities at Moody College of Marine To obtain further information, address Inquiries to: Science and The University of Texas Marine institute. .Director of Admissions Research equipment at the Aquatic Station, Southwest Southern Maine Vocational Technical Institute Texas State University, includes a submarine photom- Fort Road eter, seine nets, boats and motors, oxygen analyers, South Portland, ME 04106 conductivity meters, pH meters, spectrophotometers, microscopes, photographic equipment, climate control chamber, centrifuges, flow meters, AA spectrophotom- eter, and nutrient analysis equipment. Aquatic eco- systems include a holding house, raceways, 12 ponds, SOUTHWEST MISSOURI and a constant temperature river. Different type reser- STATE UNIVERSITY voirs are within a 20-minute drive from the Station. The Springfield, Missouri 65802 University library is across the street and housing is available within walking distance from the Station. The Marine Science program offered at Southwest Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Missouri 'State University is provided partly on the local Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. campus, but principally in cooperation with the Gulf To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Coast Research Laboratory located at Ocean Springs, Chairman Mississippi. A number of courses are offered on the Biology Department Springfield campus and a number of specialized marine Southwest Texas State University courses are provided at the Gulf Coast Research Lab- San Marcos, TX 78666 oratory. The Springfield facility is equipped with a (512) 245-2171 250 gallon marine aquarium, various research type equipment for analytical and physiological work and an electron microscope for studying ultrastructure. The Gulf Coast Research Laboratory has nine build- ings, most of which have been rebuilt after Hurricane STANFORD UNIVERSITY Camille demolished the old ones in August, 1969. In HOPKINS MARINE STATIONS addition, 11 vessels are available from a 64Y2-foot re- Pacific Grove, California 93950 search vessel, Gulf Researcher, down to two 161/2-foot Boston Whalers. Research equipment, library facilities, The station occupies an exposed rocky headland, electron microscopes are all available for doing ad- Mussel Point. The University holds title to about 11 vanced undergraduate and graduate research work. acres on and around that point, which includes ap- The B.A. or B.S. degree may be, completed with an proximately one mile of shoreline. The intertidal and emphasis in Marine Biology. offshore waters surrounding the marine station are pro- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. tected by law as a marine reserve and provide excel- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. lent resources for research and teaching In marine biol- ogy. The station operates as a branch of the Depart- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: ment of Biological Sciences of the University. The Head teaching and research facilities at the station are Department of Life Sciences housed in three main buildings. The Agassiz Laboratory Southwest Missouri State University provides space and equipment for studies in the biol- Springfield, MO 65802 ogy and ecology of marine invertebrates, fishes and 70 algae. Special facilities include rooms equipped for nicians in the mar! ne-envi ron mental field. The degree microtechnique and photomicrography, a large aquar- earned is the Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) In ium room, a reference collection of marine inverte- Biological Technology. brates and the Gilbert M. Smith herbarium of marine The teaching facilities consist of seven well-equipped algae. The two-story Jacques Loeb Laboratory provides laboratories - one specifically containing modern rooms and other facilities for experimental studies on equipment 'to teach marine science, as well as the the development, physiology and biochemistry of ma- latest environmental testing techniques.- Additional fa- rine animals, plants and mocroorganisms. Cold rooms, cilities include a large walk-in cold room, and a modi- constant temperature rooms and a photographic dark- fied van which serves as a mobile environmental lab@ room are available. The laboratories are equipped with oratory, together with a boat for on-site estuarine a wide variety of specialized equipment including a studies; The College has access to several larger mass spectrometer, gas chromatography, recording vessels from neighboring institutions (Maritime, Stony- spectrophotometers, radiation counting equipment, brook, etc.) for instruction and work in deeper offshore high-speed refrigerated centrifuges, a preparative ul- areas. tra-centrifuge, neurophysiological equipment and fa- cilities for electrophoresis and chromatography. Requirements for graduation are the successful com- The Lawrence Blinks Laboratory houses two large pletion of 65 credits, including nine in Social Science. laboratories, nine smaller research rooms, and five six in English, six in Mathematics, and 12 in Chemistry. dark laboratories, some equipped for experimental Curriculum offered. available in school catalog. temperature and light regimes. All laboratories are Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. equipped with running seawater. To obtain further information, address inquiries to- The Monterey Boatworks is an historic building that Chairman for years was the site of a thriving boatworks opera- Department of Biological Sciences tion. In 1977 it was entirely rebuilt and now houses the State University of New York Walter K. Fisher Lecture Hall, the C.B. van Niel Library Agricultural and Technical College and a suite of lockers and showers for scuba divers. Farmingdale, NY 11735 The library contains a constantly expanding collection of books in the fields most under study (algology, in- vertebrate zoology, development, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, and biological oceanog- STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK raphy). About 450 serial publications in these fields THE MARITIME COLLEGE are received. The collection currently consists o f some Fort Schuyler, Bronx, New York 10465 15,000 volumes. Students can work toward the Ph.D. or M.S. degrees, The Maritime College is a specialized College of the with specialization in algology, invertebrate zoology, State University of New York located at historic Fort cellular and developmental biology, immunology, neu- Schuyler on the Throgs Neck peninsula in the Bronx robiology, comparative physiology, behavior, population at the junction of the East River and Long Island Sound. biology, and ecology. Programs related to the merchant marine and the ma- In addition, the Station provides courses in marine rine industry are offered. Excellent laboratory facilities biology designed for matriculated and non-matriculated for the undergraduate program are on campus. The undergraduates and graduates in biology during each College also operates the 533-foot, 17,630-ton Training quarter. Ship Empire State. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Degrees offered: Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 1. Bachelor of Science: To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Director a) In Marine Transportation Hopkins Marine Station b) In Meteorology and Oceanography Stanford University c) In Computer Science-Mathematics Pacific Grove, CA 93950 2. Bachelor of Engineering: a) In Electrical Engineering b) In Marine Engineering STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK c) In Naval Architecture AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL d) In Ocean Engineering COLLEGE e) In Nuclear Science and Engineering Farmingdale, New York 11735 3. Master of Science. in (Marine) Transportation Man- agement The two-year Biological Technology curriculum at The Maritime College is organized. as an academy State University of New York, at Farmingdale, offers where men and women cadets prepare for ftensure a second year specialization in the training of tech- as officers for the Merchant Marine while they earn 71 bachelor's degrees in business, engineering, or sci- design of systems and devices which can operate in ence. SUNY Maritime College is the only maritime the marine environment such as energy conversion academy in the United States to offer multiple engineer- systems, power plants, cargo systems, life support ing degree programs that are ABET accredited, and systems for deep submergence operations, and ship- Professional Engineer (PE) license registered. The pro- board machinery. Devices which operate in the marine fessional license as either a deck or engineering officer environment are subject to the special problems im- for the Merchant Marine gives graduates access to the posed by corrosion, electrolysis, motion, pressures, ful*I.,spectrum of civilian seagoing employment. Grad- and radically changing environmental conditions. The uates of all curriculums are fully prepared for reward- study of marine engineering places heavy emphasis on ing careers ashore as well as at sea because of their the study of transport processes (thermodynamics, academic preparation. Navy ROTC with its scholarship fluid dynamics, and heat transfer) as well as solid program is available to cadets seeking active duty as mechanics (statics, dynamics, and strength of mate- officers in the Navy at graduation. Graduates@ are eli- rials). gible for commissions as officers in the Navy and Coast Guard Reserve and the Commissioned Corps of the NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: Naval Architecture is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration field of engineering concerned with the design, con- (NOAA). struction, repair, and operation of ships and structures An integral part of all Maritime curricula is the which operate in the marine environment. It is closely annual Summer Sea Term aboard the college training associated with marine engineering because of the ship Empire State. It is during the training cruises to relationship of machinery to hull systems. Ships are foreign and domestic ports each summer that cadets the largest self-sufficient mobile structures made by obtain the necessary practical experience to be eli- man. To design such complex systems requires a broad gible to sit for the Coast Guard-administered license education in most branches of engineering, math and examinations during the senior year. To help offset science. the added expense of a maritime education, all cadets The study of naval architecture stresses fluid dy- who are U.S. citizens and qualified for both the Mer- namics, mechanics, strength of materials, structures, chant Marine license and for Midshipman status in the and ship dynamics. The Naval Architecture design core Navy Reserve are eligible for a federal incentive pay- is complemented by courses in. operational marine en- ment of $1200/year paid by the Maritime Administra- gineering and the summer sea term experiences oper- tion. The full range of financial aid programs that are ating the training ship in preparation for the license based on need are also available. as Third Assistant Engineer. In the senior year the student participates in a comprehensive design se- METEOROLGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY: The Meteo- quence involving the production of an original design rology and Oceanography curriculum is designed for of a commercial vessel such as a container ship, super- the deck officer who desires an undergraduate degree tanker, offshore tug/supply vessel or fishing vessel, in physical science. It is particularly well suited to the etc. graduate who plans to "sail on his license" And is interested in how the ocean and the atmosphere affect OCEAN ENGINEERING: Ocean Engineering is a rap- the operation and safety of ships. The curriculum also idly developing field responding to the challenges pre- provides a thorough traditional academic study of the sented as man explores and develops the ocean as a atmosphere and the ocean which can be used as a natural resource. It is the ocean engineer who Is de- base for graduate study. veloping the technology for ocean research, off-shore oWand mineral. resource recovery, energy conversion, Students completing the program of studies earn the etc. Bachelor ot Science degree and the license as Third Mate (Oceans Unlimited). In addition to sailing on their The ocean engineering major draws from traditional licenses in traditional Merchant. Marine (Commercial) electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering, and in- operations as a deck officer, graduates are especially cludes the study of the ocean environment. In the well qualified to sail as mate/scientist aboard ocean- senior year design project the student can focus on ographic research ships using both their professional structural or mechanical or electrical problems, or a training and their acquired scientific knowledge. Many combination of technological factors such as would graduates have pursued employment with the National be needed in designing, for instance, an underwater Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration including habitat, an offshore structure, or an ocean thermal sailing with the NOAA Commissioned Corps. ene Irgy conversion (OTEC) power plant. MARINE ENGINEERING: Marine Engineering is often MARINE TRANSPORTATION: Marine Transportation referred to as "salty" mechanical engineering. There is the curriculum most commonly associated with Deck are two facets to marine engineering: (1) the operation, Officer license preparation as it addresses the com- maintenance, and repair of ma Irine propulsion and mercial operations of ships and the management and power systems and other machinery aboard ship - the economics of the transportation industry. primary work of the merchant marine engineering of- Studies in the humanities and sciences are combined ficer - and (2) mechanical engineering applied to the with nautical and marine transportation subjects to 72 achieve a well-rounded collegiate program which will cluded. In the mathematics area there are calculus, equip the graduate to meet the present and future differential equations, finite mathematics, linear alge- needs of life and of the maritime industry, afloat and bra, probability, statistics, and other courses. Various ashore. electives in both computer science and mathematics The deck license candidate pursuing Marine Trans- are available. portation can concentrate in either Transportation Economics or Transportation Management. Approxi- TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT (MS) PROGRAM: mately eight percent of the coursework is common to A Master of Science degree program in Transportation both concentrations. Those who pursue Transportation Management is offered by the Maritime College and is Economics concentrate on the broader concepts of particularly useful to graduates of other curriculums economic theory and examination of the forces which and colleges who enter the transportation facet of the affect international trade, commerce, and business or- marine industry. It also provides opportunities for ganization. Cadets who follow the Transportation Man- additional studies in transportation management to agement concentration direct their studies to the graduates of the undergraduate program. principles and practices of transportation industry or- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. ganization, management, and operations. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: The Nu- Director of Admissions clear Science and Engineering major is designed to State University of New York meet the needs of engineering students who are par- ticularly interested in the applications of nuclear en- Maritime College ergy. This engineering major leads to the engineering Fort Schuyler, Bronx, NY 10465 officer license and the Bachelor of Engineering degree. (212) 892-3000 Following the two-year core common to all engineering programs, the sequence of courses in the field of nu- clear science and engineering includes nuclear reactor theory, metallurgy, radiation science, and nuclear re- actor design. The courses dealing with engineering STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK operation include steam generators, electrical systems, COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE and propulsion systems. The complete set of courses Oswego, New York 13126 is designed to establish a firm foundation for a pro- fessional career in the conversion of energy, both fossil The State University College at Oswego is located and nuclear. on the shores of Lake Ontario. A number of labora- tories are used for oceanographic and limnologic re- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: The Bachelor.of Engi- search and teaching. Some of the equipment available neering degree in Electrical Engineering is available to includes: atomic absorption spectrophotometer, gas- cadets preparing for either the deck or engine officer liquid chromatography, salinity-conductivity meter, dis- license. While the academic core for both electrical solved oxygen meters, photometer, mapping equip- engineering degree programs is essentially the same, ment, sieve and rapid sediment analysis equipment, the license preparation is quite different. Deck license bathythermograph, semi-dip-gill and trap nets, specific candidates augment their electrical engineering studies Ion. probe, microscopes, spectro photo meters, and var- with the study of navigation, nautical science, and com- lous grabs and coring devices. munications, while the engine license candidates aug- Some of the equipment and facilities are provided ment their electrical engineering studies with the study by the State University Research Center at Oswego of thermal energy conversion devices such as diesel, (SURCO) and Rice Creek Biological Field Station. Two gas turbine, and steam turbine power plants, and elec- trical power systems and electronic controls. Boston Whalers and several smaller boats are available for research in Lake Ontario near shore waters and COMPUTER SCIENCE-MATHEMATICS: The Com- lagoons. puter Science-Mathematics major is available to cadets A field course is offered in January at the Dis- preparing for either the.deck or engine officer license covery. Bay Laboratory of the University of West Indies and leads to the Bachelor of Science degree. in Jamaica. This is primarily a biology course dealing The course of study includes the practical and with the ecology of the coral reef and near shore trop- theoretical nautical training required for such officers, ical environments. together with a series of courses which includes a com- A Marine Sciences Minor is offered by completing prehensive study of computer hardware and software, 19 hours in approved courses plus six hours of mathe- and programming applications in both scientific and business areas. Programming languages such as a matics,'eight hours of chemistry, and eight hours of Fortran, Basic, and COBOL, and assembly language, physics. It is expected that most students will major are studied in detail. Numerical analysis, simulation in Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Meteorology, or Zool- methods, and information processing courses are in- ogy. .73 The following degrees are offered: tionall methods of pollution abatement and coastal zone@ 1. B.A. in Biology. 30 hours in biology; 24 hours in management. They also present an exciting and de- chemistry, mathematics and physics. Degrees granted manding challenge to the most imaginative and in- in 1982: 55. novative scientists and planners to, develop more ef- 2. B.A. in Chemistry. 32 to 33 hours in chemistry; fective ways of accommodating the manifold uses of these valuable natural resources. 20 hours in mathematics and physics. Degrees granted in 1982: 4. Since oceanography depends heavily upon its parent 3. B.S. in Chemistry. 44 hours in chemistry; 29 hours sciences, and since an undergraduate degree does not In mathematics, physics and foreign language. Degrees qualify the holder at a professional level, graduate granted in 1982: 24. students in oceanography, while concentrating on the 4. B.A. in Geology. 33 hours in geology; 32 hours In special problems posed for scientists who work at sea, chemistry, mathematics and physics. Degrees granted must, in addition, progress to professional competence in 1982: 8. within physics, chemistry, biology, geology, or engi- neering. This means close association with the prac-m 5. B.A. in Meteorology. 24 hours in meteorology, 9 titioners of those disciplines; the kind made possible hours in earth science, 31 hours in chemistry, mathe- by the presence of strong graduate programs in those matics and physics. Degrees granted in 1982: 2. fields. A graduate program in oceanography of superior 6. B.S. in Meteorology. 27 hours in meteorofogy, 9 excellence is difficult, if not impossible, to maintain in hours in earth science, 31 hours in chemistry, mathe- the absence of equally strong graduate programs In' matics and physics. Degrees granted in 1982: 18. the basic parent sciences. 7. B.A. in Zoology. 31 hours in zoology; 29-30 hours At Stony Brook students at the Marine Sciences Re- in chemistry, mathematics and physics. Degrees search Center are fortunate. Strong programs in phy- granted in 1982: 30. sics, chemistry, biology, and geology as well as In Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and engineer- Faculty appointments: available in s 'chool catalog. ing exist on campus. Not only do they exist, but they To obtain further information, address inquiries to: are open to oceanographers who want to increase. Chairman their professional competence. Opportunities for learnT. Department of Earth Sciences Ing and for collaborative research in these disciplines State University of New York are unlimited. Oswego, NY 13126 The main laboratories and offices of the Marine (315) 341-3065 Sciences Research Center (MSRC) are housed in a cluster of buildings with more than 4,500 square meters, of usable floor space. Laboratories are well-equipped for most analyses, and students and faculty have ac- STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK cess, with special arrangements, to equipment and facilities elsewhere on the main campus and at nearby AT STONY BROOK Brookhaven National Laboratory and Cold Spring Har-_ Long Island, New York 11794 bor Laboratory. Center and University Computing fa- cilities are excellent. The University Library has ex-. The Marine Sciences Research Center (MSRC) is the tensive. holdings in oceanography and environmental center for research, graduate education, and. public sciences as well as in the basic sciences. ... service in the marine sciences for the State Univerifty MSRC owns and manages Flax Pond jointly with the of New York system. It offers the only SUNY graduif6 New York State Department of Environmental Con- degree programs in oceanography and marine environ- servation. An 0.6 square kilometer salt marsh located,. mental sciences. MSRC has programs of research in approximately seven kilometers from campus, Flax biological, chemical, geological, and physical ocean- Pond is surrounded by large estates and has retained ography; in coastal zone management, and in fishery a relatively pristine character. Approximately three- management. MSRC scientists have a strong commit- fourths of the marsh has been set aside for research ment to translate the results of research into forms and education, and competing activities are prohibited readily usable for management, and when possible, The MSRC maintains a well-equipped laboratory with solution of environmental problems. Emphasis in the a continuous seawater system at the Pond. The Center research and educational programs is on the coastal operates an 18-meter research vessel, the RIV Onrust, ocean, approximately to the seaward edge of the con- which was completed in late 1974. The RIV Onrust, de- tinental shelf. signed specifically for oceanographic research, is one MSRC is located on the South Campus of the State of the finest vessels of her kind. She is outfitted for University of New York at Stony Brook. The.Center is virtually every kind of oceanographic sampling. MSRC ideally situated for studies of a variety of coastal en- also maintains a number of smaller boats. vironments including estuaries, lagoons, salt marshes, barrier islands, and continental shelf waters. The. prox- The following degrees are offered: imity of New York City and the burgeoning populations 1. M.S. in Marine Environmental Sciences. The -pro- of Long Island and Connecticut make New York coastal gram has the traditional tracks in biological, chemical,@ waters an excellent laboratory for evaluating conven- geological, and physical oceanography, and a special 74 track designed to prepare students for careers in en- extensive exploration of opportunities in the field. Stu- vironmental management. The emphasis is on coastal dents are free to emphasize their own interests, and shelf -processes. Formal instruction consists of a whether they be in the biological, chemical, geological, thoroughly interdisciplinary, problem-oriented curric- physical, or management aspects of the coastal ocean, ulum. Students also must take courses selected from but they will also acquire a broad understanding of the other departments on campus. processes that characterize the coastal ocean. Pro- .Requirements .for a degree include successful com- ductive work in coastal oceanography requires a gen- pletion with a "B" average of an approved course of eral understanding of the disciplines and a profound study totaling 30'credits, of which not more than Fix knowledge of at least one basic science. may be seminar and/or research. Students are re- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. quired to take a core curriculum and to write a thesis Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. of publishable quality. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: In addition.to full-time admission, the program offers Director part-time training to professionals who wish to improve Marine Sciences Research Center or broaden their skills, or redirect their careers. Re- State University of New York quired courses are alternated yearly between the day Stony Brook, NY 11794 and evening schools, and are arranged so that during any given year, half of the required core courses are (516) 246-7710. given in the evening. @ The Department of Earth and Space Sciences and the Marine Sciences Research Center jointly sponsor a special five-year B.S.IM.S. program for outstanding STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK students who wish to pursue a specialty in geological COLLEGE OF ENVIRONMENTAL oceanography. The Center has a similar five-year pro- SCIENCE AND FORESTRY gram with the College of Engineering and Applied Syracuse, New York 13210 Sciences for outstanding Engineering Science majors who wish to pursue a specialty in ocean engineering and coastal oceanography. The College operates a multiple campus system with regional campuses and field stations located at Syra- -2. Ph.D. in Coastal Oceanography. The doctoral pro- cuse, Tully, Wanakena, Warrensburg, Cranberry Lake, gram in coastal oceanography is a new program de- Newcomb and Clayton. This system is composed of signed to give students professional command of about one million square feet of facilities in 179 build- oceanography at the highest level and to provide them ings and 25,000 acres of land. with the. means to develop their capacity for creative The main campus is in Syracuse, and lies on 12 acres research. It prepares students to formulate and attack adjacent to Syracuse University, in an' area that tra- coastal oceanographic problems - biological, chem- ditionally has been known as "The Hill." Specialized Ical *1 geological, and physical - practically and theo- facilities at the Syracuse campus include electron reti;ally. It builds on a flexible, interdisciplinary pro- microscopes, plant growth chambers, air-conditioned gram and offers students the opportunity to extend greenhouses, an animal environmental simulating their command of the tools of scholarship and to ma- chamber, a bio-acoustical laboratory, a 1000-curie ture their judgement so that they may become inde- pendent, effective solvers of problems. cobalt-60 radiation source, radioisotope laboratory, computer center, and specialized instrumentation in- Every student is required to complete successfully cluding nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, or*to demonstrate proficiency in, core courses in bio- electron spin resonance spectrometer, mass spectrom- logical, chemical, geological, and physical oceanog- eter, ultracentrifuge, x-ray and infrared spectrophotom- raphy. Advanced courses offered by the MSRC are eter. Photogrammatic and geodetic facilities of the required as are courses in related disciplines offered forest engineering department include one of the most by other departments on campus. extensive arrays of equipment in the United States, with .Normally the master's degree, which requires the a Nistri TA-3 stereocomparator, Mann comparator, com- preparation of an essay of publishable quality, is re- puterized Nistri photocartography, and nine other var- quired of all candidates for the doctor's degree. A ieties of plotters. Extensive collection are available doctoral dissertation is required of 'all candidates. It for study, including wood samples from all over the must demonstrate the ability to formulate an important world, botanical materials, insects, birds, mammals orjginal problem and to deal with it effectively to in- and fishes. crease, the student's understanding of oceanography The Cranberry Lake Campus, accessible only by and enrich the scientists whose peer he or she aspires water, is the site of the College's biological station, to be. where, every year, a cooperative program in environ- The entire program is flexible and well suited to the mental biology is sponsored jointly by the College and other institutions of higher education. Bounded by mature student whose professional goals are clearly 150,000 acres of forest preserve, by Cranberry Lake, formulated. It also provides, in its earlier stages, for and by isolated forest bogs and beaver meadows, the 75 extensive facilities are intensely utilized in a compre- laboratory equipment and a library, are moved from hensive curriculum of upper-level and graduate courses. the main campus to Key Largo to conduct the program. The Ellis International Laboratory, a magnificent The program is designed for the female undergraduate island, is situated in the heart of the Thousand Islands- student who wishes a biological science program with St. Lawrence River area off the village of Clayton. Ac- an emphasis in marine biology. cessible only by water, this laboratory, which is the The following degrees are offered: College's most recent property acquisition, is an un- 1. Associate in Arts degree concentrating in Biology usually appropriate site for the College-wide, coopera- with an emphasis in marine biology (two-year pro- tive and international environmental monitoring and gram). research activities. 2. Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in biology with The College maintains a fleet of approximately 60 an emphasis in marine biology (four-year program). canoes and 25 registered outboard motor boats ranging Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. from 3-90 hp., located at various campus sites. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. The Graduate Program in Environmental Science is To obtain further information, address inquiries to: a trans-d iscipl i nary graduate program devoted to en- Director, Marine Sciences vironmental science in most of its major fields of spec- Department of Natural Science ialization. Programs are mounted in freshwater ecology, Stephens College hydraulics, steam regimes, meteorological and climatic Columbia, MO 65201 impacts on water systems, limnology, wetland ecology, (314) 442-2211 x475 as examples. Student programs are devised by a faculty committee consisting of experts in the various fields of emphasis desired by the students. Students may enter the pro- STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY gram from backgrounds in Law, Political Science, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Marine and Environmental Chemistry, the various sciences, or the humanities. An integral part of the The Davidson Laboratory is the center for research program is intensive research on issues confronting in ocean engineering at Stevens. The major facilities government and industry. include: a 320-foot towing tank suitable for model stud- The College maintains the Ellis International Labora- ies of -ships and other structures in regular or irregu- tory on a College-owned island in the Middle of the lar seas; a 75-foot square basin for mooel tests on Thousand Island region of the St. Lawrence River. This course. stability and maneuvering characteristics of campus is devoted to research and education relating ships and submersibles; a 130-foot towing tank for to the Great Lakes system. Equipment adequate for yacht testing; and an enclosed wind tunnel with 2.5 x most studies is available - including boats, sampling 3.5 x 12-foot test section and a maximum wind speed devices, and laboratory analytical tools. capability of 200 feet/second. Stevens has recently joined the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium. Both the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees are offered in this program. The facilities and resources of the Consortium will be available to faculty and students in the Ocean Engi- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. neering Department for both research and instruction. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. A 26-foot catamaran is also available for field work in To obtain further information, address inquiries to: the adjacent rivers and bays. Director, Graduate Program in The following degrees are offered: Environmental Science 1. Doctor of Philosophy. The program leading to the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Doctor of Philosophy degree is designed to develop Syracuse, NY 13210 a student's capability to perform basic research or high-level design in ocean engineering. All students entering the doctoral program must have a Master's degree or equivalent. Students who have not earned their Master's degree in the Department of STEPHENS COLLEGE Ocean Engineering must take all of the required Columbia, Missouri 65215 courses of the Master of Engineering (Ocean) degree, except if they have taken comparable courses in other Stephens College, a private college for women, of- Institutions. fers marine sciences courses at its temporary marine In addition to having completed courses equivalent station at Key Largo, Florida, during each summer to a Master's degree, all doctoral students must pass session. Supporting coursework is offered on the main an oral qualifying examination to test the student's campus at Columbia, Missouri. Boats and facilities, in- capability for advanced study. The doctoral candidate cluding both dormitory and laboratory space, are will be expected to participate in the department's ad- rented at Key Largo for the program. Faculty, with vanced seminar course. The balance of the candidate's 76 coursework should be composed of advanced ocean activity. Students have access to the College Computer engineering courses and electives in other engineering Center which is lied into the statewide Educational departments as prescribed in his study, plan. Upon Computer Network. completion of formal coursework and before starting Courses offered: available in school catalog. dissertation research, the doctoral candidate must pass Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. the written preliminary examination. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: 2. Master of Engineering (Ocean). A program of Program Coordinator study leading to a Master's degree should contain at least eight courses in ocean engineering. Four courses, Marine Science Program which are core courses for. this program, are consid- Stockton State College ered basic to all areas within this field of study. The Pomona, NJ 08240 remaining credits required for the Master's degree can (609) 652-1776 x546 be obtained by either taking all coursework or by ad- ditional work including a Master's thesis. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. SUFFOLK COUNTY To obtain further information, address inquiries to: COMMUNITY COLLEGE Chairman Riverhead, New York Department of Ocean Engineering Stevens Institute of Technology The fundamental goal of the Marine Technology Pro- Castle Point Station grarn at Suffolk County Community College is to pro- Hoboken, NJ 07030 vide high school graduates with two years coordinated (201) 792-2700 x571 technical and general courses at the college level that will enable them to.function as technicians in marine and allied industries. Also, students may transfer to a 4-year college for a Bachelor's degree. Studies are carried on in Marine Ecology, Oceanography, Marl- STOCKTON STATE COLL IEGE culture and Marine Pollution. The Marine Science and Pomona, New Jersey 08240 Technology Center at Cedar Beach, Southold, New York, contains two laboratories, classrooms, offices Stockton State College is one of a few undergraduate and mariculture facilities on a 50-acre site of marsh- institutions which offers a degree program in Marine land and beachfront. A 24-foot cruiser and several Science. Stockton's Marine Science Program encom- small boats are available for research purposes. passes three major areas of study: Marine Biology, Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Marine Geology, and Oceanography. A variety of field Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. courses, laboratory courses, seminars, independent To obtain further inforimation, address inquiries to: studies and tutorials are offered with a strong emphasis Director, Marine Technology Program on teaching in the field. The program is highly inter- Suffolk County Community College disciplinary and requires student competence in more Eastern Campus than one area of science. Upper level students have the Speonk Riverhead Road opportunity to design and implement their own -inde- Riverhead, NY 11901 pendent study projects on local marine organisms and/ (516) 369-2600 or chemical or physical processes. One rOf the major objectives of Stockton's Marine Science Program is to demonstrate that students, as undergraduates, can be- come actively involved in research and make con.tri- SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY butions to the field. Boston, Massachusetts 02114 The minimum requirement for the Bachelor of Sci- ence degree in Marine Science is 80 credits of Marine A program in Marine Sciences is offered through the Science and cognate courses. These program credits Department of Biology of Suffolk University. The dis- are applied toward the minimum of 128 semester credits tinguishing feature of the program is the completion of -necessary for a Stockton degree. The cognate pro- five field courses in marine science, with two of the grams to Marine Science include: Biology, Chemistry, courses in non-biology disciplines (e.g., geology, chem- Geology, Mathematics, Applied Physics, Environmental istry, physical oceanography). The principal identity is Studies and Information and Systems Sciences. Each that gained by field-course experiences comparable to student in a given track must successfully complete that taught each summer at the Robert S. Friedman each of the courses listed as required for that track., Cobscook Bay Laboratory. The three biology field Stockton has a small marine station located on courses may be used in partial fulfillment of the 30 Brigantine Island, a fleet of small boats and various semester hours requirement in Biology. All College kinds of sampling gear for field courses and research requirements for the A.B. or B.S. degrees apply. 77 The Robert S. Friedman Cobscook Bay Laboratory Instrumentation available includes gas chromatography, is a forty acre field station on the shores of Cobscook atomic absorption spectrophotometer, balances, thin- Bay in Edmunds, Maine. The station exists as a camp- layer chromatography, calculators, and the usual com- ing field station which features wooden tents that plement of laboratory materials. Field gear includes serve as sleeping facilities, a central multi-purpose current meters, oxygen meter, plankton nets, corers, building, laboratory facilities, a classroom, circulating data buoys, transmissometers, water quality monitors, sea water system and several water craft. The facility a variety of trawls and other nets for collecting, bottom provides a base for field and course work in the biology grabs, photometer, refractometer, pH meter and a department and the marine science program. variety of water samplers. The Sea Lab can accom- The Laboratory has the advantage of being in the modate 250 persons in residence; support facilities lower Bay of Fundy region in the northernmost coastal include an apartment building, two dormitories, cafe- region of Maine. The Bay has the greatest fluctuation teria, 13 three-bedroom family houses, and mainten- of tide anywhere in the continental United States and ance shops. Research vessels available for class and allows for ready access to the collecting of many ma- research activities include: RIV G.A. Rounsefell, 65- rine organisms. foot, diesel powered; RIV Flying Tiger, 40-foot fiber- glass, twin diesel powered; a 33-foot wood, diesel Through the affiliation of Suffolk University with the powered shallow water vessel; three outboards (14- Ocean Research and Education Society, Inc., the de- feet to 23-feet). partment offers an interterm program on the RIV Regina No degrees in marine sciences are offered; however, Marls. The RIV Regina Maris is a tall ship which takes a student may earn a certificate of attainment after students enrolled in a special marine course to the completing two summers of marine science courses. Caribbean during the break between Fall and Spring The certificate will accompany a degree in a traditional semesters. This trip is combined with a course, semi- major in one of the academic disciplines at Talladega nar, and research project to give the student an on- College. hands experience with ocean life and ship work. Other opportunities are available on this research vessel Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. from time to time. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. The University also is a member of the Massachu- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: setts Bay Marine Studies Consortium, Inc., and the Chairman, Biology Department and Massachusetts Marine Educators, Inc, These affilia- Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics tions provide the department with additional educa- Talladega College tional experiences for the biology student. Talladega, AL 35160 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Director of Admissions TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY Suffolk University Stephenville, Texas 76402 8 Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108 Tarleton State University offers a B.S. degree in Bio- (617) 7.23-4700 logical Science with emphasis in Marine Biology. The marine program is offered in cooperation with Texas A&M University at Galveston, Texas. All basic course- work is taken on the Tarleton campus with summer courses available from A&M's Galveston laboratory. TALLADEGA COLLEGE In. addition to general university requirements for Talladega, Alabama 35160 graduation, students take courses in general biology, microbiology, heredity, irivertebrate zoology, ecology, Talladega College Marine Sciences Program employs oceanography,- introduction to marine biology, marine the teaching and research facilities of the Marine En- ecology, physical geology, biostatistics, physics, and vironmental Sciences Consortium (MESC). chemistry through organic. Science electives may be The principal facilities are at the Dauphin Island Re- selected from: invertebrate paleontology, sedimentol- search Laboratories on Dauphin Island in Mobile Bay. ogy, ichthyology, population dynamics, limnology, The Dauphin Island Sea Lab is located on a 36-acre aquatic environment, parasitology, -animal or plant phy- portion of a former U.S. Air Force radar base with siology, biology of mammals, and systematic zoology. seven permanent and five temporary buildings. The Other electives are available in the Department of Marine Science Hall contains over 5,000 square feet of Physical Sciences. Instructional labs and classrooms, over 2,000 square Tarleton State University is part of the Texas A&M feet of research space and 850 square feet of office University System and is located on a 125-acre campus space. A scientific collection of over 1,000 species Is at Stephenville, 65 miles southwest of Fort Worth, within easy access of laboratories and classrooms. Texas. Biological and physical sciences are housed In 78 a 56,423-square foot science building. Facilities are The division's research program includes analytical well equipped for systematic, ecological and physio- water quality models for coastal and estuarine areas, logical studies. Current marine research includes: sys- evaluation of pollutant and quality 'parameter mass tematics, ecology, and distribution of brachy-uran balances in coastal aquatic systems, water quality crabs of the West Indies; and ecological studies of management methods, reaeration, hazardous materials Caribbean coral reefs. control, advanced waste treatment and water reclama- A M.S.T. is offered in Biological Sciences. Resdarch tion. and non-research programs are offered. Grants, work The Hydromechanics Laboratory serving the Ocean programs, loans, assistantships and scholarships are Engineering program was established in February, available through the student financial aid office. 1969, to study the major Gulf Coast bays and estuaries. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. The Laboratory has facilities for research and teaching, Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. including large, equipped wave tanks, wave-sediment To obtain further information, address inquiries to: basins, recirculating flumes and wave/current flumes, Director of Marine Studies and field measurement equipment such. as current Department of Biological Sciences meters, "wave-rider" buoys and pressure-type wave Tarleton State University gauges. Tarleton Station @ The Center for Dredging Studies'was established In Stephenville,.TX 76402 June, 1968, in response to renewed interest in greater utilization and exploitation of minerals from the ocean floor and increased dredging activities in estuaries and offshore. A modern dredging laboratory was added In 1970. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY College Station, Texas 77843 Moody College, created in 1971, is the marine and maritime component of The Texas A&M University Texas A&M University's major marine facilities are System and is located on two campuses, Mitchell Cam- located on the main campus at College Station and at pus and Fort Crockett Campus, in Galveston. The Col- the Mitchell Campus and Fort Crockett in Galveston. lege consists of the School of Marine Technology, Texas Maritime Academy, and Coastal Zone Labora- The University's Departments of Oceanography and tory. The degree programs offered are four-year Meteorology are housed in a 15-story building on the courses of study with majors in Marine Biology, Marine main campus. This well-equipped teaching and re- Engineering, Marine Sciences, Marine Transportation, search complex is complemented by a staging and Maritime Administration and Maritime Systems En- docking facility at the Mitchell Campus on Pelican gineering. All programs, except Maritime Administra- Island, Galveston. The Oceanography Department tion and Maritime Systems Engineering, offer directly, operates. RIV Gyre, a 170-foot oceangoing ship which or as an option, training leading toward qualification is outfitted for deep-sea studies. It carries a crew of for a U.S. Coast Guard license as a Third Mate or Third 11 and a scientific party of 18 and has a cruising range Assistant Engineer. of 8,000 miles. In 1974, the Department's teaching and The Mitchell Campus of Moody College encompasses research activities were expanded with the delivery of 100 acres on Pelican Island in Galveston Bay and has a 20-foot, two-man submersible, DRV Diaphus. The vessel can operate at depths of 1,200 feet and can seven buildings: a dormkory, student center, class- sustain a maximum speed of approximately two knots room/laboratory building, classroom building, engi- for one hour, a slower speed for four hours, and can neering building, central services building, and Texas remain stationary for extended periods. A new wing A&M University Department of Oceanography's marine to the Biological Sciences Building provides additional staging and storing facility, as well as wharfage for the laboratory facilities for biology and wildlife and fish- 473-foot, 15,000 ton, Texas Maritime Academy training eries sciences. Cooperative programs exist to provide ship Texas Clipper. field laboratories for students and faculty. For example, The Fort Crockett campus consists of a three-story the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences is building on one and one-half acres of Galveston Island. working with Houston Lighting and Power Company to The College's primary resea rch laboratory, the labora- study problems associated with new and existing power tory facilities for the upper-level biology courses, the generating plants. Radar Observer School, the Coastal Zone Laboratory The Environmental Engineering Division of the Civil and various support activities occupy this campus. Engineering Department carries out a broad teaching The College also features a Summer-School-at-Sea and research program with particular emphasis in program where students can earn six college credits estuarine water quality. The division operates a field during the months between high school graduation laboratory on Galveston Bay. A well-equipped labora- and enrollment as a College Freshman in a regular tory on the College Station campus supports the field academic year. The training vessel, TIS Texas Clipper, programs. The division operates two research vessels which dock at the field laboratory. The 72-foot RIV serves as a classroom for the work/study program. The Excellence 11, and the 48-foot RIV Quest. Clipper, a converted cargo/passenger liner has an 79 annual cruise to foreign ports for cadets and summer during the freshman and sophomore years provides a school freshman participants. foundation for specialization during the junior and @ The Maritime Academy, one of six State Maritime senior years through a liberal program of electives. Academies in the country, administers the license cur- This curriculum emphasizes mathematics, life sciences, riculum for its students. Students are part of a cadet physical sciences and earth sciences. corp and live either aboard the TIS Texas Clipper or High school preparation should include: biology, in the Moody College dormitory. Cadets in the license chemistry, physical sciences, and mathematics. program may apply for one of the 35 federal subsidies awarded to eligible incoming freshman in the U.S. Graduates of this program will be prepared for gen- Maritime Service Corp of Cadets. eral marine science careers or may wish to further their studies at the graduate level. Potential career The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences areas include: marine geology, marine biology, ocean- has research and extension programs in marine fish- ography, marine geography, environmental sciences, erios at the Corpus Christi Research and Extension and various levels of teaching in marine science. Center. This facility has laboratories and offices that house and support faculty and student research in 3. B.S. in Maritime Systems Engineering. This pro- mariculture. Shrimp mariculture and environmental re- gram is for the students inclined toward the physical search are equally important activities in the marine ocean sciences and ocean engineering. The Maritime orientation of this center. Its proximity to the estuaries, Systems Engineering curriculum concentrates on the bays, and ports make it an especially attractive site fundamental engineering design in combination with for research in the Lower Gulf Coast region of the humanities, sciences and various marine subjects. The state. general core of courses in humanities, sciences and engineering during the freshman and sophomore years The Department of Animal Science has research and provides a foundation,for specialization in one of the extension programs in seafood technology located in options (Ocean Engineering, Coastal Structures, or the new Kleberg Center on the West Campus. These Hydro-Mechanics) during the junior and senior years. facilities consist of modern, well-equipped laboratories The program is designed to train students for work or to perform chemical, microbiological and technological further study in any marine oriented engineering field. studies of seafoods and seafood products. It also has A thorough preparation in mathematics, sciences and offices and facilities for the seafood extension special- basic applied engineering subjects is recommended ist and consumer education specialist. A seafood for students pursuing this degree program. technology laboratory is located at the Texas A&M Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Corpus Graduates are prepared for numerous jobs in the Christi. maritime and ocean in dustri es. Job opportunities in this The following degrees are offered: area include design of various coastal and offshore structures, undersea pipelines, mobile drilling vessels, 1-. B.S. in Marine Biology. This program offers train- offshore ports, surface effect vehicles, hydrofoil ve- ing in the biology of coastal and marine environments. hicles, etc. Students may also further their studies at It is structured to provide the student with not only a the graduate level in areas of physical oceanography, strong basis of formal academic instruction, but also advanced ocean engineering and environmental engi- considerable hands-on field and collection experience neering. by taking advantage of the coastal location of the College. A general core of courses during the freshman 4. B.S. in Marine Transportation. This license-orient- and sophomore years provides foundation for speciali- ed academic program consists of eight academic zation during junior and senior year's through the liberal semesters and three summer training cruises. Cruises program of electives. are 10-weeks in duration and are taken aboard the TIS High school preparation should include: biology, Texas Clipper. This program combines studies in hu- chemistry, physical sciences and mathematics. manities and sciences with instruction and training in maritime disciplines to provide the U.S. Maritime Ser- Graduates of this program will be prepared for gen- vice cadet with a broad-based education. The student eral marine biology careers or may wish to further their who successfully completes the license program will studies at the graduate level. Potential career areas in- be qualified to take the U.S. Coast Guard license as a clude: marine biology, marine pharmacology, marine Third Mate, Steam and Motor Vessels, Oceans, Un- medicine, fisheries biology, biological oceanography, limited. aquatic ecology, environmental sciences and various High school preparation should include mathematics, levels of teaching in marine biology. English and chemistry. 2. B.S. in Marine Sciences. This program takes the 5. B.S. in Marine Engineering. The Marine Engineer- generalist approach with a combination of courses in ing program emphasizes the theory, design, operation humanities, sciences, and various marine subjects. The and maintenance of maritime power plants and as- program takes advantage of the coastal location of the College to provide the student with extensive hand-on sociated equipment. Engineering theory and practice experience in addition to a solid base of formal aca- are coordinated by relating classroom study to the stu- demic instruction in the science of the coastal, estuar- dents' practical experience aboard the TIS Texas Clip- ine and marine environments. A general core of courses per. Thorough preparation in mathematics, sciences 80 and basic and applied engineering subjects is rec- tered by the student's graduate committee and may ommended for students pursuing this degree program. be either written or oral. An option leading toward U.S. Coast Guard licensing 11. Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with a program in is available to U.S. Maritime Service Cadets through environmental engineering. The doctoral degree re- the Marine Engineering curriculum. The student who quires a minimum of six full semesters of acceptable successfully comp:etes the license program will be advanced study (96 hours of research and formal qualified to take the U.S. Coast Guard license examina- courses above a bachelor's degree). To qualify for the tion for Third Assistant Engineer, Steam and Motor preliminary examination, the student must have com- Vessels, Unlimited Horsepower. pleted all but approximately six hours of the formal 6. B.S. in Maritime Administration. This curriculum coursework on his degree program excluding dis- administered by the Department of Marine Transporta- sertation research credits. The examination is both tion, is designed to prepare the graduate for work in the oral and written unless otherwise recommended and administration of the coastal and maritime industries approved. Following completion of the preliminary or government organizations involved in coastal marine examination, the student pursues a dissertation prob- and maritime affairs. The curriculum provides a strong lem to demonstrate his capability for independent foundation in manage 'ment, finance, marketing, . ac-, research. counting, and economics. This foundation then ; be- 12. B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences with an comes a basis for courses that specialize in various, option in wildlife ecology, natural history, fisheries aspects of marine and maritime industries such as port ecology, acquaculture, teaching or museum science. operations, brokerage and chartering, maritime law and Entering freshman enroll in a program of two semes- inland waterways. ters of basic courses. At the beginning of the sopho- 7. M.S. in Biology, Botany, Microbiology or Zoology more year, the student selects one of seven options. (marine emphasis); Students who are candidates for The junior and senior years are oriented toward an M.S. degree are required to obtain practical ex- specialization in the option selected. Emphasis Is on perience in some phase of marine biology and to dem- programs which are designed to train individuals in onstrate competence by satisfactorily completing a the science of wildlife and fishery management and comprehensive examination and a thesis project. Each ecology, aquaculture and mariculture; for research student is required to satisfactorily complete 32 hours in the ecology, systematics, zoogeography and general of coursework, eight of which will be credited for suc- science, conservation of natural resources, biology, cessfully completing an acceptable research thesis. and zoology; and for positions as exhibit specialists, curators and allied work in museums and nature 8. Ph.D. in Biology, Botany, Microbiology or Zoology centers. (marine emphasis). Students are required to obtain practical research experience in areas of marine em- 13. M. Agr. in Fisheries Science or Wildlife Science. phasis. Though there are no absolute course require- In this non-thesis degree, approximately 12 of the 36 ments, each doctoral candidate is expected to com- required credit hours are taken outside the student's plete at least 96 semester hours above a B.S. (B.A.) option. Each candidate is required to obtain practical or 64 semester hours beyond an M.S. (M.A.). To qualify experience in his chosen option by fulfilling an intern- for the preliminary examination, the student must ship and is required to prepare one or more written satisfy the language work, excluding dissertation re- reports on the internship experience. The reports are search credits. The examination is both oral and writ- expected to be of a 'scholarly nature and may carry ten unless otherwise recommended and approved. Fol- up to four hours of credit. lowing completion of the preliminary examination, the 14. M.S.' in Wildlife and Fisheries Science. Students student pursues a dissertation problem to demonstrate who are candidates for an M.S. degree are required his capability for independent research. to demonstrate competence by satisfactorily complet- 9. M.E. in Civil Engineering with a program in envi- ing a comprehensive examination and a thesis project. ronmental engineering. The Master of Engineering de- Each student is required to satisfactorily complete 32 gree requires a minimum of 36 semester hours of which hours of coursework, eight of which will be credited for one third is taken in fields other than the major field. successfully completing an acceptable research thesis. A thesis is not required. With these exceptions, re- 15. Ph.D. in Wildlife and Fisheries Science. Students quirements are the same as those for the Master of are required to obrtain research experience in the areas Science degree. of fisheries science or wildlife science emphasis. 10. M.S. in Civil Engineering with a program in envi- Though there are no absolute course requirements, ronmental engineering. The Master of Science degree, each doctoral candidate is expected to complete at program requires a minimum of two full semesters of least 96 semester hours above a B.S. or (B A) or 64 approved courses and research (32 semester hours). semester hours beyond an M.S. (M.A.) to qualify for the This requirement is ordinarily met by completing at preliminary examination, the student must complete all least 24 hours of coursework and up to eight hours of but approximately six hours of his formal coursework, research. A thesis embodying original work is required. excluding dissertation research credits. The examina- The student is required to pass a final examination, tion is both oral and written unless otherwise recom- covering his graduate programs, which is adminis- mended or approved. Following completion of the 81 preliminary examination, the student pursues a dis- search if the thesis option is selected and a well- sertation problem to demonstrate his capability for documented research paper if the non-thesis option independent research. is selected. An oral examination covering both the 16. M.S. in Food Technology. In addition to Food research and coursework is required. Technology courses, students in the Department.of 21. Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics. The doctoral Animal Science can take Marine Biology-or Fishery program in Agricultural Economics is designed to courses subject to approval of the student's Graduate develop competence in advanced economic theory, Committee. The student conducts research on techno- in techniques' of analysis and in the application of logical problems of handling, preservation and utiliza- both "to economic problems in agriculture. These tion of marine organisms. Each student is required to programs have been designed to take advantage of complete 32 hours of coursework. the strengths of the Department of Agricultural Eco- 17. Ph.D. in Food Technology. Student's majoring in nomics and the supporting disciplines of Economics, Food Technology in the Department of Animal Science Statistics, and Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. A may take Marine Biology and Fisheries courses, sub- program with different emphasis in the supporting ject to the approval of the student's Graduate Com- areas is possible with the approval of the Depart- mittee. The student conducts research on technologi- mental Graduate Advisory Committee. Each candi- cal problems of handling, preservation and utilization date is expected to demonstrate competency by sat- of marine organisms. isfactorily completing (1) a comprehensive written examination in each specialty field of study chosen, 18. B.S. in Agricultural Economics.The curricula in (2) a dissertation demonstrating original independent agricultural economics is designed to train graduates scholarly research, and (3) a final oral examination. for a wide variety of jobs in agriculturally-oriented business firms and government agencies. Sufficient 22. M.S. in Management with a Marine Resources flexibility is included in Ahe curricula so that a student, Management Specialization. The curriculum consists in co 'nsultation with his faculty advisor, can develop of a minimum of 36 semester hours to a maximum of a degree program, which best fits personal career 51 hours, depending upon business-related courses objectives. the student has previously completed. Of this total, Options available in agricutural economics are: (1) a minimum of 24 hours needs to be in management, largely focusing on various aspects of marine resources agribusiness, (2) farm and ranch management, (3) food management, and a minimum of six hours in a sup- and fiber marketing, (4) resources economics, and porting field. Students with no prior background in (5) rural development. The course requirements are business administration subjects may be required to the same during the freshman and sophomore years take up to 27 semester hours of foundation course- for all options. Students may select an option at'dny work in areas such as accounting, business analysis, time, but must do so prior to registering for their economics, finance, management, and marketing. junior year. The M.S. degree also provides the opportunity to 19. M.S. in Agriculture Economics. The program of complete a thesis (six semester hours) as well as a study leading to the degree of Masters of Agric 'ulture professional paper (three semester hours). These in Agricultural Economics is designed to serve those activities may be substituted for coursework. who desire graduate professional training without re- search orientation. The objective of the degree is to 23. M.B.A. with a Marine Resources Management provide graduate studies for students interested in Specialization. The basic curriculum consists of a managerial or service careers in agriculture and re- minimum of 36 to a maximum of 60 semester hours, lated businesses. Students electing this option normally depending upon the business-related courses the stu- do not plan to do graduate work beyond the ' Masters. dent has previously completed. Regardless of back- A professional internship and a written problems paper ground, all students complete the "professional core," are required. The minimum 36 credit hours are from which consists of 21 semester hours in the fields of both Agricultural Economics courses and from other accounting, business analysis, economics, finance, departments, depending upon the program of study management, and marketing. Fifteen semester hours selected by the student. Considerable flexibility in are normally taken in the marine resources manage- course requirements is permitted to meet special ment specialization area. A limited number of elective interests. hours of coursework may also be taken in other areas. 20. M.S. in Agricultural Economics. The Degree of Master of Science in Agricultural Economics is de- 24. M.P.A with supporting area in Marine Resources signed to provide the student with training in eco- Policy and Administration. Through the Department of nomic theory and application of theory to the agricul- Political Science, the College of Liberal Arts offers an tural and marine sector of the economy. Training helps interdisciplinary, non-thesis program leading to the students identify the basic nature of problems and degree of Master of Public Administration under joint conduct and interpret research. There are two Master auspices with the College of Business Administration of Science Options-thesis and non-thesis. Each can- and the, cooperation of the College of Engineering. didate is expected to demonstrate competency by sas- This 36-hour program usually includes an additional isfactorily completing a thesis based on original re- six hours of internship, and consists of a general ad- 82 ministrative core, an analytical core, six hours of time will. be devoted to the dissertation and closely electives, and nine-15 hours in a supporting area, one allied topics. of which is Marine Resources Policy and Administra- 29. Ph.D. in Engineering. The Doctor of Engineering tion in the Department of Management. The normal Program has as its objective the education of men core of activity for this supporting area includes study and women to function at the highest levels of the in Marine Resources Management, Marine and Coastal engineering profession, with emphasis on solving Zone Law, and Coastal Zone Management, and it problems which arise in the utilization of technology occurs in the broader context of other requirements to benefit mankind. The curriculum includes a 68 for the M.P.A. degree. semester-hour pre-professional program and 160 sem- 25. B.S. in Ocean Engineering. This degree program ester credit-hour professional program which includes is oriented toward the student who desires an engi- an internship. The professional programs are admin- neering degree which will prepare him for designing istered by the departments in the College of Engineer- and constructing structures and other works in the ing, together with the College of Engineering and the estuaries, along the shore and offshore. The program Graduate College. is structured so that basic and applied engineering 30. M.S. in Oceanography. A minimum of two full is combined with courses in all branches of oceanog- semesters of approved courses and research (32 sem- raphy to acquaint the student with the ocean environ- ester hours) are required for the Master of Science ment. A large number of elective courses are available' degree. Ordinarily the student devotes the major por- to permit the student a certain degree of specialization. tion of this time to work in one field or two closely The degree is fully accredited by E.C.P.D. related fields. Other work is in supporting fields of 26. M.S. in Ocean Engineering. Students can spe- interest. Generally, not less than one-third of the cialize in any area of ocean engineering after taking coursework, excluding research, is taken In one or 15 credit hours of required courses in mathematics, more fields outside the major field. hydromechanics, coastal engineering and physical Specialization may be undertaken by both the M.S. oceanography. The Master of Science degree pro- and Ph.D. degrees in biological, chemical, geological, gram requires a minimum of two full semesters of meteorological and physical oceanography. An effort approved courses and research (32 semester hours). is made to mtaintain a balance between the biological, This requirement is ordinarily met by completing at chemical, geological, geophysical and physical aspects least 27 hours of coursework and up to five hours of of oceanography both in teaching and research. research. A thesis embodying original work is re- quired. The student is required to pass a final examina- 31. Ph.D. in Oceanography. To qualify for the pre- tion which may be written and oral, or oral and is liminary examination, the student must have satisfied conducted by the student's Advisory Committee. the language requirement and have completed all but 27. M.E. in Ocean Engineering. Approximately one approximately six hours of the formal coursework on third of the required 36 credit hours of coursework his degree program, excluding dissertation research is taken in fields outside of the major field for the M.E. credits. The examination is both oral and written un- degree. A thesis is not required, but the work in the less otherwise recommended or approved. Following major field will include one or two written reports completion of the preliminary examination, the stu- for which up to four hours of credit is permissable. dent pursues a dissertation problem to demonstrate his capability for independent research. With these exceptions, requirements are the same as those for the Master of Science degree. 32. B.S. in Geophysics. Students may obtain a B.S. 28. Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering. The student can degree in Geophysics with a marine emphasis by spcialize in one or more areas of ocean engineering taking various oceanography courses as electives. and are guided by the Advisory Committee consisting The program includes strong prepaparation in geology, of not fewer than four members of the Graduate Fac- mathematics and physics as well as geophysics. Grad- ulty representative of the student's several fields of uates would be qualified to participate in offshore study and research. The students with baccalaureate geophysical exploration programs designed to search degrees must spend two academic years in resident for minerals. study on the main campus in College Station. Those 33. M.S. in Geophysics. Students interested in ma- who hold a Master's degree must spend one academic rine aspects of geophysics would take courses In year in resident study on the main campus. A mini- oceanography and perform research in the marine mum of 96 credit hours beyond the baccalaureate environment. The M.S. program requires a thesis which degree or 64 credit hours beyond the Master's degree would relate to marine aspects of geophysics, such is normally required for the degree of Doctor of Phil- as geophysical exploration at sea, measurement and osophy. A qualifying examination and a preliminary analysis of marine seismic, magnetic, gravity and examination (both written and oral) are required. Fol- bathymetric data and its geological/geophysical in- lowing successful completion of the preliminary exami- terpretation. nation, the student pursues a dissertation problem to 34. Ph.D. in Geophysics. Students with interests In demonstrate his capability for independent research. marine geophysics may elect to complete a Ph.D. pro- The final examination may cover the broad field of gram in this subject area. The program is similar to the candidate's training, but the major portion of the the M.S. program except that the Ph.D. dissertation 83 research topic would be more substantive than that gional Planning students in the case of a person with treated for the M.S. this specialty ordinarily be solved with a regional 36. M. Agr. in Recreation and Resources Develop- planning agency in a coastal area or with a state or ment with a specialization in marine recreation man- federal agency administering coastal zone programs. agement/development. A minimum of 40 hours of 40. D.E.D. in Regional Science. The Doctor of En- graduate credit beyond the bach Ielors is required for vironmental Design degree in Urban and Regional the professional degree. Coursework is split between Science is an academic degree comparable to a major and supporting fields. Each candidate is required Ph.D. The student has wide latitude in selecting a spe- to prepare two professional papers for credit in addi- cific research topic which relates to marine or coastal tion to a six-month internship. zone issues. Typically students with this interest come 36. M.S. in Recreation and Resources Development to the department from geography, marine sciences, environmental sciences, and other disciplines con- with a specialization in marine recreation manage- cerned with ecological systems in sensitive coastal ment/deveWment. This degree requires the satis- areas. The student will concentrate on a specific topic; factory completion of 32 hours of coursework, eight for example, the utilization of sensitive areas for recrea- hours of which will be credited upon completion of tion purposes by nearby urban population centers an acceptable thesis. The remaining coursework may without undue adverse impacts upon biosystems Im- be split between the Rec reation and Parks Department portant for agriculture and fishing or energy resources and supporting fields. to meet individual coursework exploration. A total of 96 credit hours beyond the needs.. baccalaureate are required or 64 hours beyond a 37. Ph.D. in Recreation and Resources Development Master's program or equivalent. The student Is required with a specialization in marine recreation manage- to spend two consecutive semesters in residence and ment/development. Each doctoral candidate must com- may pursue other research efforts related to his dis- plete a minimum of 64 hours beyond the Master's de- seration away from the main campus. Acceptable grad- gree. Coursework may be divided between major and uate courses taken elsewhere may be transferred into two supporting fields by agreement with the student's this degree program in accordance with the regula- Graduate Committee. To qualify for the preliminary tions of the Graduate College. examination, the student must have completed all but 41. M.S. in Veterinary Microbiology with primary approximately six hours of the formal coursework on emphasis on diseases of fish and shellfish. The pro- his degree program, excluding dissertation research gram is available to Doctors of Veterinary Medicine credits. The examination is both oral and written. Fol- and others with exceptional qualifications. The basic lowing the preliminary examination, the candidate curriculum consists of at least 24 hours of course- pursues a dissertation problem to demonstrate his work and up to eight hours of research in the areas research capability. of bacteriology, virology, mycology or immunology of 38. M.A. in Anthropology (nautical archaeology em- aquatic animals. A thesis embodying original work phasis). Students who are candidates for this degree is required. The student is required to pass a final are expected to gain a general background in the oral examination administered by his Graduate Com- history of seafaring, wooden hull construction, con- mittee. servation of underwater antiquities, and underwater 42. Ph.D. in Veterinary Microbiology with primary excavation techniques. Most decide to specialize in emphasis on diseases of fish and shellfish. The pro- Old World or New World shipping. Knowledge of one gram is available to Doctors of Veterinary Medicine modern foreign language, 30 hours of coursework, and and others with exceptional qualifications. The doc- a thesis are required. Opportunities for field experience exist both from University projects, and from joint toral degree program requires a minimum of six full projects with the Institute of Nautical Archaeology semesters advanced study (96 hours of research and which is affiliated with Texas A&M University. formal courses above a bachelor's degree). The stu- 39. Master of Urban Planning. The Master of Urban dent will have completed most of his formal course- Planning graduate program as accredited by the Amer- work prior to the preliminary examination. The exami- ican Institute of Certified Planners provides for special- nation is both written and oral unless otherwise recom- ization in coastal zone management. This specialization mended and approved. Following completion of, the follows completion of the student's 26 hours.of required preliminary examination, the student pursues a dis- core courses. Coastal zone management is taught as seration to demonstrate his capability for independent a special application of planning within the context research. of the state and federal legislation in the field. Approx- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. imately 16 hours of additional graduate work and a six credit hour internship are required.. The, degree Faculty appoinments, available in schoo I catalog: program is typically developed' in interdisciplinary To obtain further information, address inquiries to: fashion in close cooperation with geology, oceanog- Registrar raphy, business management, civil engineering and Texas A&M University others. The internship required'of all Urban and' Re- College Station, TX 77843 84 TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY The courses at the Acadamey lead to a Beachelor Fort Worth, Texas 76129 of Science degree, with designation of the major study area. For marine science, the course offerings are Several large laboratories have been designated designed to give the student a taste of deep-sea for marine-oriented research and include four large oceanography and biology as well as an appreciation seawater systems. Facilities are well equipped for for the coastal environment and its problems. Students systematic ecological, chemical and physiological ma- who select a marine science area as a study option rine studies. Studies of rivers, estuaries and shallow- complete a basic pre-science/engineering background water marine habitats are emphasized. The University program which consists of five semesters of mathe- also has made arrangements for field research on matics, three semesters of physics, three semesters Swan Island in the Caribbean. each of nautical science and marine law, two semes- ters of chemistry and one semester each of mechanics, M.S. degrees are available in Biology, Envionmental electrical science' and basic naval architecture. In Science and Geology with emphasis on maine porb- addition there is the program of required oceanography lems. courses. M.S. in Environmental Science. This program is Ocean Engineering and Marine Engineering pro- an interdisciplinary one between the Departments of' grams are offered by the Department of Engineering. Biology and Geology. All students must complete four Both curricula are accredited by the Engineering graduate core courses. Nine hours of electives may Council for Professional Development. be chosen from biology, geology or approved by the Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Environmental Sciences Committee. Three hours of seminar and six hours of thesis must also be com- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. pleted. Regardless of prior major discipline, the stu- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: dent should have a minimum of one year each of Office of the Director of Admissions biology and chemistry and one course in physical geol- U.S. Coast Guard Academy.' ogy. Students who do not have credit must complete New London, CT 06320 at least one course in calculus and one in metropolitan and regional planning prior to completion of the degree. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: UNITED STATES Chairman MERCHANT MARINE ACADEMY Department of Biology Kings Point, New York 11024 Texas Christian University The academy's 39 building and marine facilities Fort Worth, TX 76129 occupy 65 acres 'on, the north shore of Long Island overlooking Long Island Sound and include academic buildings, resident halls, shops and laboratories. In ad dition, the academy operates miscellaneous small UNITED STATES training draft on Long Island Sound. COAST GUARD ACADEMY The United States Merchant Marine Academy offers New London, Connecticut 06320 a four-year undergraduate program which leads to a Bachelor of Science degree and a Merchant Marine The U.S. Coast Guard Academy is the federal service license as a Third Mate or Third Assistant Engineer. academy for the education and training of Coast Guard In addition, graduates are commissioned as Ensigns Officers. The entire curriculum is designed around the in the United States Naval Reserve. The Academy is sea and marine maritime affairs. Of particular interest accredited by the Middle States Association of Col- are programs in marine science, marine engineering leges and Secondary Schools. and ocean engineering. Three major curricula are offered: Nautical Sci- Marine science courses are offered under the De- ence for the preparation of deck officers, Marine. partment of Physical and Ocean Sciences. Special fa- Engineering for st 'udents interested in becoming en- cilities include refrigerated aquariums and a series of gineering officers, and a combination of the two, a culture tanks for marine organisms, estuarine models, Dual.License curriculum, which leads to a license in a weather satellite photo receiver and a completely each specialty. In addition to a, major, each midship- equipped fleet of small craft for oceanographic studies man may also take a minor or a concentrate elective of Long Island Sound and adjacent waters. The Dart- program in such specialized fields as oceanography, mouth Time Sharing Computer System is used in most science courses and research projects. Summer pro- nuclear engineering, management science, computer grams utilize the large vessels of the Coast Guard for science, mathematics, chemistry and naval architec- high seas and polar expeditions. ture. General education courses make up about one 85 third of each of the professional curriculums and all The Naval Academy's purpose is to educate mid- midshipmen are required to take naval science courses shipmen in preparation for commissioning as career prescribed-by the Department of the Navy. naval officers. Accordingly, midshipmen receive more The academic year at the Academy is divided into than 30 semester hours of professional education in four academic quarters which span 11 months, from the fields of seamanship, tactics, navigation, weaponry, the first week of August to the end of June. As an history, law and leadership. Additionally, midshipmen integral part of the academic program, midshipmen receive a broad liberal arts education in social science spend the first half of their sophomore year and the and humanities. These studies supplement the normal last half of their junior year at sea. course of study in an engineering or environmental major and provide a sound foundation for professional The curriculum at the Academy is thus stimulating development as a naval officer. and comprehensive. It is designed to assure that each The degrees offered are a B.S. in Marine Engineer- midshipman, upon graduation, will be professionally ing, a B.S. in Naval Architecture, a B.S. in Ocean Engl- competent, trained for leadership and responsibility, and well-rounded intellectually. neering, and a B.S. with a designated major in Curriculum offered: available in school cataog. Oceanography. Facuty appointments: available in school catalog. The marine engineering program places major em- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: phasis on the principles of energy conversion and Director of Admissions marine propulsion systems design and analysis for United States Merchant Marine Academy both nuclear and fossil fuel plants. Each student is Kings Point, NY 11024 required to complete at least 30 semester hours of courses in the field of marine engineering. The naval architecture program encompasses a com- prehensive analysis and design of vehicles that operate on, under or just above the air-sea interface. The UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY curriculum covers the static and dynamic analyses of Annapolis, Maryland 21402 ships, both theoretically and experimentally, as well as basic design techniques. Thirty hours of courses The location of the Naval Academy, at the mouth in the field of naval architecture are required. of the Severn River on the Chesapeake Bay, is ideal The ocean engineering program provides the stu- for the conduct of field studies in oceanography, ocean systems engineering and meteorology. An 81-foot, 71- dent with a fundamental introduction to the applica- ton research vessel, supported by a pierside labora- tion of engineering in the undersea environment, with tory facility, is available for group or individual in- particular emphasis, on structures, materials, wave struction and research. The vessel is fully instrumented mechanics, power, acoustics and life-support systems. for oceanographic and bathymetric data collection, At least 31 semester hours are required in the field including among its equipment an automatic precision of ocean engineering. positioning system, an automatic salinity/temperature/ The oceanography program is primarily oriented depth/sound velocity sensor-recorder, and a precision hydrographic echo sounder. toward achievement in the areas of physical oceanog- Laboratory and computer utilization play a dominant raphy and meteorology. Majors in oceanography must role in the programs. Computer equipment available complete courses in mathematics through differential equations, chemistry, physics, biology, geology, naval includes a Honeywell 6060, a PDP 1576-1540 hybrid engineering, fluid physics, and' fluid dynamics. The computer and several PDP 8, 11, and 15's. A wide basic course sequence within a major includes general variety of modern laboratory equipment is provided, meteorology, general oceanography, and environmental including a subcritical nuclear reactor, an oceanog- dynamics. Additionally, a midshipman must complete raphic wave tank, an 85-foot towing tank with wave three elective courses from within those offered in generating and on-line data acquisition and analysis the department or from course offerings acceptable capability, automatic chemical analysis equipment, ma- to the department chairman, given in the mathematics, rine aquaria, a semi-automatic weather station, a com- physics, chemistry or engineerfing departments. A plete geology laboratory, and a wide variety of total of 34 semester hours are required in major oceanographic and meteorological instruments. Among subjects. the expanded laboratory facilities to be provided in Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. the new engineering complex are a 380-foot and 120- foot towing tank (both with random wave generators), Faculty appointments: available in school catalog.. on-line data acquisition and analysis capabilities, a To obtain further information, address inquiries to: coastal engineering basin, a large hyperbaric deep- Dean of Admissions ocean simulation facility, and a greatly expanded United States Naval Academy aquarium system for biological oceanographic studies. Annapolis, MD 21402 86 UNITY COLLEGE mittee agrees, you may take an independent study Unity, Maine 04988 and the senior thesis for up to twelve credits. The thesis generally includes literature research, problem Unity College places great emphasis upon the formulation, and problem resolution using basic scion- Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries Programs. A grant from tific research methods. the National Science Foundation has provided the 2. Associate in Applied Science. The College offers college With a mobile aquatic ecology laboratory. The three Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degrees college is one of a handful that offer an undergraduate designed to prepare students for employment in the degree in aquatic ecology and student interns work areas of Forest Technology, Wildlife and Fisheries for state operated and private fish hatcheries and the Technology, and Conservation Law Enforcement. Be- Atlantic Salmon Commission. cause these programs are specifically designed to With a Unity Bachelor of Science degree in Environ- meet professional requirements, they are not as broad- mental Science with an option in Fisheries or Aquatic ly based as the other academic degrees. This pro- Ecology, you will have a broad foundation in natural gram requires that a minimum of 72 credit hours be sciences and strong quantitative skills, together with earned, of which at least 36 have been earned in resi- extensive preparation in your area of interest. An dence at the College. Twenty-four credit-hours (mini- off-campus internship adds full-time work experience mum) must be earned at the Sophomore level or above, to your professional preparation. and all degree candidates must have an overall G.P.A. of 2.0, be in good standing, and have passed the Unity College offers a diverse range of technical minimum skills requirement. The last terms must be environmental science degrees: forest technology, spent on campus, unless specific approval is granted wildlife technology, fisheries technology and conser- by the Dean of the College. vation law enforcement. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. For students who have field oriented goals, Unity Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. College can provide the training necessary to step into a job within the natural resource management To obtain further information, address inquiries to: profession. It must.be emphasized that the Associate Chairman, Environmental Studies Center of Applied Science and Associate of Science degrees Unity College are not the first half of a Bachelor's degree. Unity, ME 04988 The following degrees are offered: (207) 948-3131 1. Bachelor of Science in Envirorunental Sciences prepares students for professional opportunities or graduate study in natural science. The required courses give all students a fundamental background in the chemical, physical and biological aspects of THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA our environment. If you are a candidate for a Bachelor's University, Alabama 35486 degree, you must develop a specialization within the environmental sciences. You can structure your own The University of -Alabama Marine Science Program program or select one of the following: ecology, fish- is a component of the Marine Environmental Sciences eries, wildlife, aquatic ecology, or forestry. Consortium (Alabama). Laboratories, instructional fa- To meet the requirements for a Bachelor of Science cilities, faculty offices and the Office of the Director in Environmental Science degree, the student must are located at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. The marine take the 40-credit Environmental Science core, take science program operates the Point aux Pins Marsh 40 credits to develop a program of specialization, and Laboratory on a 250-acre natural marsh, and a 75-foot meet the college's general degree requirements. If coastal vessel. you structure your own program, you must develop a An undergraduate, interdisciplinary, double major plan of study that is acceptable to two faculty mem- program in Marine Science is available at The Uni- bers (who become your Advisory Committee), the versity of Alabama. Program components include: Dean of the College, and the Faculty Academic Com- general academic requirements, a single department .mittee. The approved plan must be filed with the major in biology, chemistry, or geology, and an inter- Dean's Office prior to completion of your 60th credit- disciplinary major composed of Marine Science and hour at the college. The plan must include a statement related courses. Students must plan to spend a por- of goals, a schedule of projects and courses, a list tion of their academic studies in residence at the of resources required, and meeting the minimum re- Dauphin Island Sea Lab in order to complete Marine quirements of the College for the Bachelor of Science Science course -requirements. in Environmental Science degree. At least 30 hours at the 3000 level or above must be taken in residence; A Master's degree in Marine Science (Biology) is a minimum of 120 hours are required for the degree. offered through the Department of Biology's Acquatic If you choose to do an honors thesis, you must Biology Program. also choose an honors committee to oversee and Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. evaluate this work. If you so choose, and the com- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 87 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Chairperson, Department of Biology Head, Marine Science Program The University of Alabama Institute of Marine Science P. 0. Box 1927 University of Alaska or, University, AL 35486 Fairbanks, AK 99701 Coordinator of Graduate Studies (907) 474-7895 Dauphin Island Sea Lab P. 0. Box 369 Dauphin Island, AL 36528 UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Tucson, Arizona 85721 The University of Arizona Marine Sciences Program UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA functions as a teaching, research and advslory unit Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 within the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of the College of Liberal Arts. Its chief aca- Education in the marine sciences is offered through demic functions are to aid undergraduates in pre- the Marine Science Program in cooperation with the paring for graduate studies in the marine biological Institute of Marine Science. sciences, and to provide faculty and graduate stu- The Institute occupies large areas of two buildings dents with the means to conduct advanced rese .arch in the research complex of the Fairbanks campus. On in marine ecology in the nearby Gulf of California. three floors of one building, custom built in 1974, are The Marine Sciences Program, begun formally in located the principle inorganic and organic chemical 1958, was officially established in 1965 with the con- and biological laboratories and the Institute library. struction of a small marine biology laboratory at The Resources Building houses the administrative Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico, and a grant from the offices and physical, geological, and additional radio- Office of Naval Research for a visiting investigator chemical, chemical and benthic biological laboratories. program. Since then laboratory facilities have expand- Facilities for biochemistry and marine mammal research ed at Puerto Penasco, largely due to the Environmental are located separately. A full range of modern re- Research Laboratory's programs in desalination, horti- search equipment is maintained for student and fa- culture and shrimp mariculture in cooperation with the 'culty research. Support facilities in Fairbanks include Universidad de Sonora, Hermosilla, Sonora. The Puerto publications and drafting departments, glass and elec- Penasco Marine Biological Station is part of a com- tronics shops. Marine facilities are located on the coast plex of facilities maintained by the UA Environmental at Seward. This is the home port of the 133-foot RIV Research Laboratory. This includes an extensive sea Alpha Helix, and full staging and support shop fa- water system which uses naturally filtered water from cilities are maintained together, with the necessary beach wells, which flow at a constant temperature of administrative offices. This field station also includes about 250 C--t 20C. The marine station has has a wet three new laboratory and teaching buildings with and a dry lab as well as a beach house used as a running seawater facilities, and there is an active dorm itory-class room for visitors. In addition, the UA permanent biological research group in addition to Marine Sciences Program operates the RIV La Sirena, temporary relocations from Fairbanks. Various other a 31 -foot converted trawler for shallow water oceanog- small field stations around the state are utilized as raphy and scuba. needed. The following degrees are offered: The Program offers M.S. degrees in Biological Chem- 1. M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. This Ical, Fisheries, Geological, and Physical Oceanography, degree is offered through the Department of Ecology and in Marine Biology; the Ph.D. degree is offered in and Evolutionary Biology. Intended candidates for the Oceanography. All M.S. degrees require a minimum of M.S. must present a minimum of about 32 hours of 30 graduate credits, including a thesis. Depending on undergraduate preparation in biological sciences the discipline, students are required to take certain equivalent to the requirements for an undergraduate combinations of graduate core courses, and shipboard major in this department. They should have completed experience is mandatory. Formal training for the Ph.D. at least one year of chemistry (inorganic), mathe- degree is tailored to the individual needs by each matics, through calculus, and a year of physics. De- graduate advisory committee, and candidates are ficiencies in undergraduate preparation must be made sometimes sent to other institutions for specialized up. An official record of the student's performance In courses. The mean population is about 45 graduate the Graduate Record Examination (Aptitude and Ad- students and about two Ph.D. degrees are conferred vanced test in Biology), a full transcript of under- annually. graduate coursework, and three letters of recommen- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. dation are required of all applicants. The student must Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. complete 30 graduate credit units in an approved 88 graduate study program. Both thesis and non-thesis Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. M.S. programs are available. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 2. Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. In- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: tended candidates for the Ph.D. must present under- Chairman graduate coursework as for the M.S. degree. GRE Biology Department scores, transcripts, and letters of recommendation as University of Bridgeport described for the M.S. degree are required of all Bridgeport, CT 06601 applicants. In addition to the major, a suitable minor (203) 576-4270 area must be selected, and the student must complete an approved, individually-planned graduate study pro- gram Including coursework in the minor field. An approved dissertation problem is required of all stu- dents, and each must pass qualifying, preliminary and UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA final oral examinations, and demonstrate achieved Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T IW5 proficiency in one foreign language. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. The Department of Oceanography is part of the Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Faculty of Science of the University of British Colum- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: bia and provides facilities for work toward Combined Chairman Honours B.Sc., Master of Science and Doctor of Phil- Marine Sciences Program osophy degrees in Oceanography. Offices and labora- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology tories are on the university campus at Point Grey about The University of Arizona six miles west of the center of Vancouver. Field work Tucson, AR 85721 is carried out on research vessels made available by or, to obtain information about the mariculture program federal government agencies from the 40-meter C.S.S. at Puerto Penasco, address inquiries to: Vector to the 77-meter C.N.A.V. Endeavor. Facilities Director are available for work in biological, chemical, and Environmental Research Laboratory physical oceanography, marine geology, geophysics Tucson International Airport and geochemistry. The department has two LSI-11 com- puters and the University has an Amdahl 470 V8 Com- Tucson, AR 85706 puter. The present research emphases are on phyto- plankton ecology and physiology; zoolplankton, pri- mary and secondary production; controlled ecosystem experiments, coastal and fjord oceanography; waves and tides; mathematical modelling; dynamics of the UNIVERSITY OF BRIDGEPORT upper ocean; satellite remote sensing; sediment geo- Bridgeport, Connecticut 06601 chemistry;. ferromanganese nodules; seafloor hydro- thermal processes, structure and tectonics of the Juan The Marine Biology Program of the University of de Fuca ridge and plate; and ocean-continent crustal Bridgeport offers B.A., B.S., and M.S. degrees with structure. emphasis in Marine Biology. The following degrees are offered: The B.A. curriculum provides a firm subject matter 1. Combined Honours B.Sc. in Oceanography and training in basic background sciences: chemistry, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Geophysics, geology, mathematics, oceanology, and physics, as Physics or Zoology. Four-year program. well as biology. The student is also introduced to a) Entrance requirement is successful graduation the diversity of humanities: art, literature, music, phi- for a B.C. Secondary School or equivalent with C+ losophy, and of the social sciences: history, psychol- average with the following required: Algebra 12, ogy, sociology and economics. Chemistry 11, Physics 11 and an additional Science The B.S. curriculum provides an additional training 12. to students in the form of cooperative education or b) Sixty-six units of credit (one unit of credit is internship study at a marine institution such as the given for a 25-hour lecture course). At least 15 units U.S. Marine Fisheries Service Laboratory and Con- with a minimum overall second-class (at least 65%) necticut Shellfish Commission in Milford, Ct., and the standing in each academic year. Bermuda Biological Station for Research. 2. M.Sc. in Oceanogaphy. I A part of the Bachelor's and Master's curricula is a) Entrance requirement is an honours B.Sc. In the Semester in Bermuda. Graduate students and ad- an appropriate field. vanced undergraduate students spend eight weeks b) Program with thesis requires fifteen units of at the Bermuda Biological Station for Research during a fall semester. There they examine the marine life credit, including at least three and no more than nine in the laboratory and field working with the research units for thesis research. scientists at the station. Four courses totaling 14 c) Research and thesis. credits are offered during the student's stay in Bermuda. d) Final Departmental Thesis defense. 89 e) Program without Thesis requires fifteen units the Berkeley campus and the Bodega Marine Labora- of credit, a major essay (carrying no credit) and a to ry (BMQ. comprehensive examination. 3. Ph.D. in Oceanography. BIOLOGY WITH MARINE SPECIALIZATION: Univer- a) Entrance requirement is a Master's degree or sity of California, Berkeley, offers a Bachelor of Science a Bachelor's degree with first class honours stand- degree program in Biology with specialization in Marine ing, or a successful first graduate year in a Master's Biology. The program is billed as a field major, and program with clear evidence of research ability. it serves the needs of students who want a broader b) Courses as required by supervising committee training in the biological sciences than is possible (minimum of 15 units if directly from B.Sc. degree in a departmental major. Students enrolled in the pro- including first class average for nine units minimum gram take courses from several fields, including biolo- in the first year). gy, zoology, botany, genetics, chemistry, mathematics, c) Comprehensive examination. physics, and molecular biology. They must complete d) Original research and presentation of thesis. a one-quarter course or summer course at a marine e) Language requirement as determined by sup- laboratory, and at least one course in statistics is ervising committee. strongly advised. To complete the program, students f) Public examination and defense of thesis. must have at least 45 units of upper division work Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. in the major. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Facilities in the biological sciences include a 500 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: gallon recirculating seawater system, and a number Head of small craft for subtidal research maintained by the Department of Oceonagraphy Zoology Department. The University Herbarium houses The University of British Columbia one of the largest collections of marine algae in the 6270 University Boulevard United States. The Naval Biomedical Research Labo- Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1W5 ratory, a unit attached to the School of Public Health, has facilities for research on environmental biology and other topics of interest to the U.S. Navy. There Is UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA also a research diving program which trains and pro- vides support to faculty and students performing Instruction in marine-related topics is available on scientific work underwater using scuba. all interdepartmental UC campuses. Degree programs Research in the marine biology field is conducted in the marine sciences or programs with marine at the Richmond Field Station and the Bodega Marine specialization are offered at Berkeley (B.S. in Marine Laboratory. Oceanographic research vessels and ship Biology and Masters' and Doctoral programs in Ocean time are availab!e locally throught arrangements with Engineering), Davis (B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries the California Maritime Academy and other local Biology), Irvine (M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Develop- sources. In San Diego, research is conducted through mental and Cellular Biology or in Ecology and Evolu- the University's marine facilities at the Scripps Insti- tionary Biology with marine specialization), Santa Bar- tution of Oceanography . bara (B.A. in Aquatic Biology) and San Diego (grad- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. uate instruction leading to M.S. and Ph.D. in Oceonog- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. raphy, Marine Biology and Earth Sciences at Scripps To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Institution of Oceanography). Institutions, at which no Chairman specific marine programs are offered but at which Department of Botany coursework and independent study in marine sciences University of California, Berkeley are possible, are Irvine (B.S. in Biol6gy), Santa Bar- Berkeley, CA 94720 bara (M.A. and Ph.D. in Biology), and Santa Cruz (415) 642-1487 (B.A. in Environmental Studies). Since course credits are transferable by consent, OCEAN ENGINEERING: The University of California, all UC campuses offering marine-related instruction Berkeley, offers several graduate level degree pro- are listed. In addition to the campuses listed above, grams in Ocean Engineering: M.S., M.E., Doctor of University of California entries for Bodega Marine Lab, Engineering, and Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering. Los Angeles and Riverside are included. The Ocean Engineering program is interdisciplinary; it incorporates a wide range of engineering disc 'ip- lines, including civil engineering, materials science, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA mineral engineering, mechanical engineering, and naval BERKELEY architecture. Berkeley, California 94720 Graduate students in the ocean engineering- pro- gram study a multitude of marine-related engine 'bring UC Berkeley offers marine-related programs in the programs, such, as air-sea interactions, coastal engi- biological sciences and in engineering. In the life neering, corrosion in sea water, desalination, marine sciences, instruction and research are shared between and offshore construction, habor design, marine geo- 90 physics, waste disposal, engineering properties of ogy, aquaculture, microbiology, ecology, botany, zool- marine@ sediments, ocean mining and prospecting, ogy, and marine geology. Most individual laboratories oceanographic data analyses, marine sediment trans- and classrooms are provided with running filtered sea- port, ocean energy, oceanographic instrumentation, water and seawater tables for experiments and for offshore platforms and pipelines, marine and estuarine holding animals. Additional larger tanks and seawater pollution control, oceanographic vehicles, and prop- facilities are available in special aquarium rooms. In- erties of engineering materials in sea water. board and outboard powered vessels are available to Research is conducted chiefly in the various labora- support shallow water coastal research as well as tories on the Berkeley campus and at the Richmond harbor and estuary work. Field Station, Bodega Marine Laboratory, and Scripps The degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philos- Institution of Oceanography. Oceanographic research ophy in botany, zoology, geology, endocrinology, nu- vessels and ship time are available locally through trion, pathology and genetics are offered by the grad- working arrangements with the California Maritime uate division of the Berkeley and Davis campuses for Academy and other sources, and in San Diego for research conducted at the Bodega Marine Laboratory. world-wide operations through the University's marine Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. facilities at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Curriculum offered: Available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Director To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Bodega Marine Laboratory Chairman P.O. Box 247 Department of Civil Engineering Bodega Bay, CA 94923 M7 McLaughlin Hall University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 (415) 642-5672 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS or, Davis, California 95616 Chairman Department of Naval Architecture WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES BIOLOGY: The University 210 Naval Architecture Building of California, Davis, offers a Bachelor of Science de- University of California, Berkeley gree program in wildlife and fisheries biology with Berkeley, CA 94720 specialization in fisheries. Although the program is not (415) 642-5464 clearly defined as a marine science-oriented program, students can take marine-oriented options to complete major requirements in fisheries (e.g., oceanography, invertebrate biology). Elective courses are also avail- able at the Bodega Marine Laboratory. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, The following degrees are offered: BODEGA MARINE LABORATORY 1. B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology with a Fish- Bodega Bay, California 94923 eries option. The Bodega Marinue Laboratory (BMQ is a research 2. M.A. and Ph.D. degrees are available through and teaching facility of the University of California Ecology, Physiology, and Animal Behavior Graduate which provides support for degree programs offered by Groups. the academic departments of the Berkeley and Davis Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. campuses. Undergraduate and graduate courses are Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. offered at BML and graduate students are in full-time To obtain further information, address inquiries to: residence conducting thesis research. Admission of Chairperson students to the degree programs is controlled by the Wildlife and Fisheries Biology Department academic departments and graduate divisions of the University of California, Davis university campuses. Davis, CA 95616 The laboratory is situated on a 326-acre biological (916) 752-6586 refuge located on the outer coast of Bodega Head; GEOLOGY DEPARTMENT: No specific facilities for the property includes more than a mile of rocky shore- geological studies are available within the department, line, short stretches of sandy beach, and mixed mud however, facilities at Bodega Marine Laboratory are and sand flats in Bodega Harbor. The main laboratory available to our students. building houses 25 modern research laboratories and two teaching laboratories. A newer Aquaculture Facility The following degrees are offered: contains Additional research laboratories devoted to a 1. A.S. and B.S. degrees in Geology (specialization variety of projects investigating aspects of marine in Marine Geology is available). aquaculture. Equipment and facilities are available for 2. M.S. degree in Geology with Marine Science em- work in biochemistry, physiology, developmental biol- phasis; 30 units required, plus thesis. 3. Ph.D. degree in Geology with Marine Science em- rine biology (nine upper division or graduate courses, phasis; dissertation required. followed by a comprehensive examination). Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. b) Thesis degree with specialization in marine Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. biology (seven upper division or graduate courses To obtain further information, address inquiries to: with presentation of a thesis). Graduate Advisor 3. Ph.D. (Developmental and Cell Biology or Ecology Department of Geology and Evolutionary Biology). Requires nine upper division University of California, Davis or graduate courses, followed by a comprehensive ex- Davis, CA 95616 amination and presentation of a thesis. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY: The following degrees Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. are offered: Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 1. M.A. in Zoology To obtain further information, address inquiries to: a) Thirty-six credits including credit for thesis Chair research. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology b) Successful completion of a First Year Ex- University of California, Irvine amination in General Zoology. Irvine, CA 92616 c) Presentation of a Master's thesis. (714) 833-6006 2. Ph.D. in Zoology a) There are no course requirements; a First Year Advisory Committee advises;each Ph.D. student on the course of study. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, b) Successful completion of a First Year Examina- LOS ANGELES tion in General Zoology. Los Angeles, California 90024 c) Successful completion of an Oral Qualifying Examination at the beginning of the third year. Although there is no specific degree program at d) Presentation of a Ph.D. thesis . UCLA concerned only with marine science, it is possi- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. ble to specialize in many aspects of marine science Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. through existing undergraduate and graduate degree To obtain further information, address inquiries to: programs attached to individual departments and Graduate Advisor schools. In this way, the considerable faculty and ma- Department of Zoology terial resources of this large campus are brought to University of California, Davis bear on the marine environment, aided by resource- Davis, CA 95616 sharing arrangements with neighboring campuses, notably the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, San Diego, and other nearby institutions, such as the University of Southern Cali- fornia. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE Courses in marine science and related fields are of- Irvine, California 92717 fered through several major departments and schools, notably Biology, Engineering and Applied Science, The main campus is at Irvine, located four miles from Geography, Geology, Kinesiology, Microbiology and rocky intertidal and one mile from estuarine shores. Immunology, and Physiology. In addition, faculty in Research equipment includes numerous environmental several other departments and schools are actively growth chambers, specific ion probes, pH meters, oxy- engaged in marine-related research, notably in Archi- gen analyzers, spectroph oto meters, microscopes and tecture and Urban Planning, Law, Management, Nuclear photographic equipment. The School of Biological Medicine and Radiation Biology, and the Center for Sciences contains four departments (Molecular Biology Health Sciences with its many departments. and Biochemistry, Developmental and Cell Biology, Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Psychobiology). Un- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. dergraduate teaching is organized on a School basis To obtain further information, address inquiries to: with graduate programs in each department. Undergraduate Admissions and The following degrees are offered: Relations with Schools 1. B.S. (Biological Sciences) 45 course credits (180 University of California, Los Angeles quarter units). or, Los Angeles, CA 90024 2. M.S. (Developmental and Cell Biology or Ecology Graduate Admissions and Evolutionary Biology). University of California, Los Angeles a) Non-thesis degree with specialization in ma- Los Angeles, CA 90024 92 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, The Graduate Department of the Institution offers RIVERSIDE praduate instruction leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees Riverside, California 92502 in oceanography, marine biology and earth sciences. Approximately 25 doctorates are awarded each year. The University of California, Riverside is a member Emphasis is on the Ph.D. program, although the M.S. of the consortium that operates the Catalina Marine is awarded if circumstances warrant, either on a com- Biological Laboratory. (See listing for the University of prehensive examination plan or on a thesis plan. No Southern California for further information.) undergraduate major is offered in the department, al- though most courses are open to enrollment for quali- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. fied undergraduate students, with consent of the in- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. structor. Graduate students normally concentrate on To obtain further information, address inquiries to: one of several curricular programs within the depart- Chairman ment, including: biological oceanography, marine biol- Department of Earth Sciences ogy, marine chemistry, geology sciences, geophysics, physical oceanography, and applied ocean sciences. University of California, Riverside The last is carried out as a joint program with the De- Riverside, CA 92502 partment of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sci- ences and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. The interdisciplinary nature of research in marine sciences is emphasized, and UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, students are encouraged to take courses in several SAN DIEGO programs and departments and to select research prob- SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF lems of an interdisciplinary nature. The department OCEANOGRAPHY has no formal language requirements, although some curricular groups require one of two languages or La Jolla, California 92093 demonstration of ability to use certain foreign lan- The Scripps Institution' of Oceanography has been guages pertinent to a student's research. associated with the University of California since 1912. Candidates for admission should have a Bachelor's It is now part of the University of California, San Diego or Master's degree in one of the physical, biological or campus, with 11 major buildings clustered on the ocean earth sciences; in some cases, a degree in mathemat- shore north of the center of La Jolla. ics or engineering science is accepted. The student's Special facilities include: the SIO Library with more. praparation should include a solid background in than 140,000 volumes; radio station WWD, operated by mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service; the Scripps and prior study of at least one foreign language. All pier, 1,000 feet long, housing apparatus for a number students are normally required to take a departmental of serial oceanographic observations and used as a examination, and the student is expected to demon- landing place for skiffs; the salt water system providing strate a comprehension of required subject materials clean seawater to the aquarium and biological labora- tories; an underwater area for research and collecting and of the pertinent interactions of physical, chemical, offshore from the institution; deep-sea sediment cores biological or geological factors. After the student has from several thousand widely scattered localities and passed the departmental examination and has com- original echograms and underway geophysical data pleted an appropriate period of additional study, the along several hundred thousand miles of ships' tracks department recommends the appointment of a Doc- in the oceans of the world; an oceanographic data ar- toral Committee. This committee determines the stu- chive of some half a million bathythermograph observa- dent's qualification for independent research by means tions; electron microprobe laboratories; nine mass of a qualifying examination and supervises the studenVs spectrometers; several thousand samples of sea water performance and reporting of research. A requirement from the world oceans; an electron microscope labora- for the Ph.D. degree is the submission of a dissertation' tory; the Scripps fish collection of more than 2,000,000 specimens of some 3,100 species of marine fish, and based on original research and a final examination at oceanic samples of plankton. Scripps scientists have which time the thesis is publicly defended. access to the University's computer center and have Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. a shipboard computer group with computers on several Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. of the larger ships in the fleet as well as another on To obtain further information, address inquiries to: the SIO campus. Chairman The Institution operates four ships specially fitted Graduate Department A-008 for oceanographic research: E.B. Scripps, New Horizon, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Thomas Washington, and Melville, and two research platforms: FLIP (Floating Instrument Platform) and La Jolla, CA 92093 ORB (Oceanographic Research Buoy). (619) 452-3206 93 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, University of California, Santa Barbara SANTA BARBARA Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Santa Barbara, California 93106 (805) 961-3764 or, Chairman Marine research and teaching facilities are housed Department of Biological Sciences in a marine laboratory complex and portions of other University of California, Santa Barbara departmental buildings. These marine facilities form Santa Barbara, CA 93106 part of the general university campus - located at (805) 961-2415 seaside - and are in close proximity to other science and engineering departments, the library (1,200,000 volumes), and computer center. Marine laboratories in several buildings are provided with excellent seawater service, from a new seawater system, and are suitably UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, equipped for needs in a broad range of biological and other disciplines. Field-oriented work is supported by SANTA CRUZ boats, suitable for work in coastal waters (including Santa Cruz, California 95064 those around the Santa Barbara Channel Islands), and by diving and other field equipment. The University The Santa Cruz campus of the University of California operates a field station on Santa Cruz Island, the is located about 75 miles south of San Francisco on largest of the northern Channel Islands. The Depart- 2,000 acres overlooking Monterey Bay and the Pacific ment of Biological Sciences offers an undergraduate Ocean. The Center for Coastal Marine Studies is the major in Aquatic (marine and freshwater) Biology. multi-disciplinary unit responsible for coordination of Graduate students in Biology may take higher degrees activities concerned with marine problems and for the (M.A. or Ph.D.) with an emphasis in Marine Biology. development of facilities needed to support research Additional marine courses are offered by the Geological and instruction in the marine province. Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Geog- Research facilities include general-access analytical raphy, and History departments. There are 61 faculty laboratories, walk-in algal and invertebrate culture and professional researchers active in marine research. rooms, a histology room, a cruise-staging area and Marine activities in the biological and geological sci- storage rooms; all located on the main campus. The ences presently predominate, but there is increasing Joseph M. Long Marine Laboratory, an onshore ma- involvement of researchers from Political Science, En- rine station within a ten minute drive from campus, has gineering, Chemistry, Geography and History. two research buildings with running seawater and out- Degrees offered and their requirements are as fol- door tanks for small marine mammal research available, lows: as well as a small public aquarium, office, and shop. 1. The B.A. in Aquatic Biology requires as prepara- Plans are underway, which include a large tank for tion: 12 units General Chemistry; 10-16 units Organic marine mammal research, and education/bio-research Chemistry; 12-15 units Calculus; 12-15 units General building. Access to nearshore waters is provided by the Physics; 14 units Introductory Biology. In the junior RIV Scammon, a 40-foot vessel. Fund-raising for a and senior years students must complete at least 38 55-foot replacement, which would be specifically de- units in upper division Biology, Botany, and Zoology, signed for neritic research in central California, is un- of which 16 fall within specifically required courses. derway. A 16-foot Boston whaler and smaller craft are available. The Center also coordinates research ac- 2. The M.A. in Biology, Botany and Zoology is offered tivities at Ano Nuevo Island, a major pinniped rookery under two plans: and haul-out area about 19 miles north of Santa Cruz. a) Thesis degree with specialization in marine There is no undergraduate major in marine sciences. biology requires 30 units and acceptance of thesis. Undergraduate students interested in marine sciences b) Non-thesis degree with specialization in ma- should major in a discipline such as biology, chemistry, ,rine biology requires 36 units and passing of com- earth sciences, or physics, and take marine-related prehensive examinations. electives. Students with a bachelor's degree in one of the disciplines can apply for admission to the grad- 3. The Ph.D. in Biology specifies no minimum number uate program through the Graduate Division. Doctorate. of units but requires a minimum two-year residence, degrees are offered in the relevant science disciplines with at least four units to be undertaken per quarter. (i.e., biology, chemistry, earth sciences, physics), and Comprehensive examinations must be passed in major students must meet requirements of the department and minor fields, and competence must be demon- and undertake a marine-related thesis research prob- strated in a modern foreign language. lem. In addition, there is a Marine Sciences Master's Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Program. Qualified undergraduates may apply to the Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Master's program during their junior or senior year, complete their Bachelor's degree at the end of their To obtain further information, address inquiries to: senior year, and their Master of Science degree with Director, Marine Science Institute completion of their thesis in their fifth year. Students 94 with Bachelor's degrees from other Universities may student's advisory committee; pass a reading compre- also be e!igible for this program but it is expected that hension examination in a foreign language, a prelimi- the Master's will take two years to complete. Four nary examination consisting of a written part covering pathways are available: biology, chemistry, earth sci- fields that the student has selected for his program of ences, and physics, some of which are divided into study, followed by an oral part based on the student's several options. The degree combines specified proposal for a dissertation topic that he has sub- courses to provide breadth in marine sciences with a mitted as a research prospectus, and a dissertation by focused thesis to provide depth and experience in the candidate on the results of independent research origin5kl research. Graduates from the program are in a in the geophysical sciences, followed by an oral final good position to take research or management posi- examination on the dissertation and the field of spec- tions in organizations concerned with the marine en- ialization. vironment, or enter doctoral programs in one of the Curriculum offered: 'available in school catalog. marine sciences. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Chairman To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Department of Geophysical Sciences Director The University of Chicago Center for Coastal Marine Studies 5734 South Ellis Avenue University of California, Santa Cruz Chicago, IL 60637 Santa Cruz, CA 95064 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT Chicago, Illinois 60637 MARINE SCIENCES INSTITUTE Avery Point, Groton, Connecticut 06340 The marine sciences program at the University of Chicago is within the Department of the Geophysical The Marine Sciences Institute of the University of Sciences, located in the Henry Linds Laboratory for Connecticut is located at Avery Point in Groton, on the the Geophysical Sciences. The central. core of the campus of the Southeastern Branch of the University, building consists almost entirely of research labora- opposite New London, where the Thames River meets tories and associated shop facilities. Among these are Long Island Sound. Here the Institute occupies two several wave tank laboratories which include wave buildings, with a total of more than 50,000 square feet tanks up to 80 feet long used for impulse wave and of space, housing laboratories including a Class 100 ocean wave studies, random wave and interaction stud- Ultra Clean Laboratory for trace metal analysis, offices, ies, and internal wave investigations. Other facilities shops, and classrooms. The Avery Point facilities are include a flume, wind tunnel, paleoecology laboratory, used for research and teaching in chemical and phy- sedimentology laboratory, hydrodynamics laboratory, sical oceanography, marine geology, geophysics and geochemistry laboratories, an electron microprobe, and marine ecology. X-ray diffraction equipment. The University Computing A second facility is located in Noank at the mouth Center is nearby. Field facilities are available through of the Mystic River; it includes a 7,000 square foot cooperation with the Woods Hole Oceanographic In- building, housing laboratories, offices, a shop, and a stitution. marine biology library. The building is used exclusively Degrees are not offered specifically in the marine for biological studies; it contains a continuous salt- sciences or oceanography. The M.S. and Ph.D. degrees water system, a 1,500 gallon aquarium and conventional in the Geophysical Sciences are offered with specializa- laboratory equipment to conduct fisheries and biolo- tion in the areas included within the marine sciences. gical research. 1. Master of Science (Geophysical Sciences). The re- The Institute has a fleet of small boats docked quirements for this degree are: a program of study along a 125-foot long pier at the Noank facility. The approved by the departmental counselor, normally fleet consists of a 65-foot T-boat, the steel-hulled RIV consisting of nine graduate courses (at least three basic Uconn; a 34-foot lobster boat, the Libinia; a 24-foot science courses and at least three geophysical science Sea Ray, the Husky; a whaleboat, several Boston courses, and at least one research course); courses Whalers, and smaller skiffs. Personnel to man these in basic science may be taken in or outside the depart- ment, and an average grade of not lower than B and no boats are located at Noank. grade lower than C in the courses offered for the de- The Institute's marine library was started in 1969 gree. and has continued to grow; it now includes more than 2. Doctor of Philosophy (Geophysical Sciences). The 5,000 publications. An IBM 3774 reader/printer remote requirements are: a program of study approved by the computer terminal provides access to the University 95 IBM 370/155/168 computer over leased telephone offers programs in ecological, organismic, functional lines. The Institute has basic research equipment used or applied marine biology, and marine biochemistry. for conducting investigations in oceanography and Applied ocean science students may select an option related fields. Laboratory instruments include an x-ray in remote sensing, marine materials and corrosion, diffraction unit; a gas chromatograph, infra-red and living aquatic production systems, marine energy sys- UV-visible spectrophotometers, atomic absorption tems and instrumentation, coastal geology, marine spectrophotometers, anodic stripping equipment, and transportation systems, marine geophysics and acous- conventional equipment used in marine geological tics, or geophysical fluid dynamics. Students in the laboratories. Sea-going instruments include corers, marine policy program prepare themselves for pro- dredges, underwater cameras, plankton nets, current fessional work in managing the legal, political and meters, a towed magnetometer, a seismic air gun and economic aspects of the ocean, its coastline or its sparkers, and sonobuoy. resources. Students in one discipline are required to Also on hand are: magnetometers, an anemometer take introductory coursework in the other disciplines. and wind vane (to record windspeed and direction), a The College of Marine Studies is dedicated to the standard air temperature thermograph, a barograph conduct of marine research of significance to the and a tide gage. These data are available for research region, the state and the nation. Focusing primarily on purposes. At Noank, a tide gage and older meterolog- estuaries, the coastal zone and the continental shelf, ical Instruments have been making continuous record- research is an integral part of the student's program. ing since 1958. The student, working under the supervision of his ad- The following degrees are offered: viser, is expected to demonstrate ability to identify, 1. Master of Science in Marine Biology and Ocean- define, and solve a problem in his or her area of in- terest through the thesis presentation. Faculty re- ography - 15 credits of advanced coursework and a search, often sponsored by outside granting agencies thesis. such as the National Science Foundation, NASA, the 2. Doctor of Philosophy in Oceanography - comple '- National Sea Grant Program, various state agencies or tion of 24 credits of advanced coursework, a reading industry, may provide the funds for graduate assistant- knowledge of French, German or Russian, and a dis- ships. sertation. The facilities of the College of Marine Studies are Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. located on the main campus of the University of Dela- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ware in Newark and at its Marine Studies Complex in To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Lewes, Delaware. On the main campus, Robinson Hall The Director houses administrative and faculty offices, classrooms, Marine Sciences Institute and laboratories. The resources and facilities of allied The University of Connecticut departments, the University library, and the computing Avery Point, Groton, CT 06340 center are nearby. In Lewes, near the mouth of the Delaware River, the College has additional classrooms, faculty and administrative offices, laboratories, a con- ference center, and a small harbor where its 120-foot research vessel, RIV Cape Henlopen, as well as a few UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE other boats, are moored. A large wind/wave/current Newark (19711) and Lewes (119958), Delaware tank is also available in Lewes. Graduate programs in oceanography and marine The degrees offered are: studies are offered through the College of Marine 1. Master of Science in Marine Studies (with areas Studies. Other units in the University, such as the of concentration in oceanography, applied ocean sci- school of Life and Health Sciences and the Depart- ence, or marine biology and biochemistry) ments of Geology, Geography, and Civil Engineering 2. Master of Marine Policy offer undergraduate and graduate degrees with ma- 3. Doctor of Philosophy, Marine Studies (with con- rine specializations. A marine direction may also be taken in the Department of Physics and the Department centration in applied ocean science, marine biology of Food Science, and Nutrition. and biochemistry, or marine policy) 4. Doctor of Philosophy, Oceanography COLLEGE OF MARINE STUDIES: Interdisciplinary Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. programs of study leading to a master's or doctoral Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. degree are available in oceanography, applied ocean To obtain further information, address inquiries to: science, marine bio!ogy and biochemistry, and marine Academic Affairs Coordinator policy". The oceanography program uses an integrated approach to provide students with a blend of the basic College of Marine Studies and applied sciences necessary to conduct research University of Delaware in biological, chemical, physical, or geological ocean- Newark, DE 19711 ography. The marine biology and biochemistry program (302) 738-8166 96 SCHOOL OF LIFE AND HEALTH SCIENCES: offers Well equipped soil mechanics, metallurgical and the following degrees: structural laboratories are also available for marine- 1. Bachelor of Arts (with option in marine biology) oriented research. 2. Master of Science (with specialization in marine The degrees offered are: biology) . 1. Bachelor of Civil Engineering (with some special- 3. Doctor of Philosophy (with specialization in marine ization in Ocean Engineering) biology) 2. Master of Civil Engineering (with specialization Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. in Ocean Engineering) Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 3. Doctor of Philosophy In Applied Science (with To obtain further information, address inquiries to: specialzation in Ocean Engineering) Director Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. School of Life and Health Sciences Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ,University of Delaware To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Newark, DE 19711 Ocean Engineering Program (302) 738-2281 c/o Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT: offers the following de- University of Delaware grees: Newark, DE 19711 1. Bachelor of Arts (302) 738-2441 2. Master of Arts or Master of Science PHYSICS DEPARTMENT: offers the following de- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. grees: Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 1. Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science In Phys- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: ics Chairman 2. Bachelor of Science In Geophysics Department of Geopraphy 3. Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy In University of Delaware Physics Newark, DE 19711 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. (302) 738-2294 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. GEOLOGY DEPARTMENT: offers the following de- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: grees: Chairperson 1. Bachelor of Science Department of Physics 2. Ma .ster of Science in Geology University of Delaware 3. Doctor of Philosophy In Geology Newark, DE 19711 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. (302) 738-2261 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: FOOD SCIENCE AND HUMAN NUTRITION: offers the Chairperson following degrees: Department of Geology 1. Bachelor of Science (Food Science) University of Delaware 2. Master of Science (Food Science) Newark, DE 19711 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. (302) 738-8458 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: CIVIL ENGINEERING: Ocean engineering courses are Chairperson offered both at the main campus in Newark and at the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition College of Marine Studies complex in Lewes. On- College of Human Resources campus laboratory facilities are located primarily within University of Delaware the Departments of Civil Engineering and Mechanical Newark, DE 19711 and Aerospace Engineering. The fluid mechanics lab- (302) 738-8979 oratory contains a combined towing and wave tank with eight-foot by five-foot test section, a 90-foot long wave tank, a free surface hydrodynamic tank with a four-foot by six-foot test section, a rotating flow table UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA and a riple tank. A number of oceanic research vessels Gainesville, Florida 32611 and a 50-foot by 50-foot wave basin are frequently used facilities at Lewes. The University is involved in a broad array of marine- The environmental engineering laboratories are related activities beyond formal curricula. The special- equipped for chemical and biological analyses of water. ized facilities discussed below are directly used in Specialized equipment includes stability indicator, tur- education. For the most part, the University of Florida's bidimeter, BOD apparatus, Kjeldahl N viscometer, War- curricula in the marine sciences are formally estab- burg respirator, CHN analyzer, TOC analiyzer, biolog- lished at the graduate level, wherein a student con- ical process pilot plant, and a C.O. probe accurate to ducts research and is permitted broad flexibility in one part per billion of dissolved oxygen. coursework. 97 Off-campus laboratories provide easy access to both piing techniques, and analysis of marine community the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. Within-an hour's drive the structure. The Department of Zoology offers programs superb Variety of marine and estuarine communities of study leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees with of the Gulf of Mexico is available through the facilities research specializations in most areas of classical and of the University of Florida Marine Laboratory on Sea- experimental zoology, including a broadly based pro- horse Key, which is located three miles offshore, op- gram in marine biology. Among the areas of current posite Cedar Key. Living accommodations are provided emphasis are basic and applied studies in marine in a 10-room lighthouse and a 20- by 40-foot laboratory ecology, zoogeography, sensory physiology, ichthyol- building, complete with running sea water available for ogy, systematics, population genetics, and ethology. research use. The Laboratory maintains a 33-foot re- The Communication Sciences Laboratory is located search vessel equipped for dredging, trawling, and in the Department of Speech. Created in 1965, the lab- scuba work and a number of smaller outboard-powered oratory has a full-time faculty of 18 and is devoting boats for shallow water and inshore use. A dock and considerable effort to underwater speech communica- marine railway are situated next to the Laboratory. The tion. This work is supported by the U.S. Navy and location at Seahorse Key provides ease of access to utilizes six Navy laboratories including their research diverse habitats ranging from freshwater rivers, es- station at Bugg Springs in the central portion of the tuari'es and salt marshes to the marine water of the state. Gulf of Mexico. Clark Island and@ the surrounding waters, amounting to 41 acres, located near Seahorse The Florida State Museum serves as a center for re- Key belong to the University of Florida. This undis- search in anthropology and natural history. Strongly turbed area is available for use in intensive studies of oriented toward basic research, it carries a dual re- estuarine resources and processes. The Florida In- sponsibility as both the state and university museum. stitute for Oceanography (FIO) provides deep-water Of particular interest to the aquatic sciences are the oceanographic vessels for University personnel, thus collections of reptiles, amphibians, fishes and mollusks. extending the capabilities of the Laboratory. Ship time Completion of a new museum facility on the campus is obtained upon approval of submitted proposals to adjacent to the life sciences building complex has FIO. afforded a greatly increased opportunity for research, The C.V. Whitney Marine Research Laboratory at interpretive displays and an even greater level of co- Marineland in Flagler County on the Atlantic coast is operation with other units of the University. The new only two hours away from Gainesville and offers mod- facility includes aquarium rooms which will be of value ern facilities for biochemical, behavioral, biomedical, to many areas of the aquatic, estuarine and marine fish and marine mammal research. The habitats avail- sciences. able for study here include those associated with a The academic and research programs in the Coastal high-energy coastline as well as the unique coquina and Oceanographic Engineering Department are ori- rock outcrop. Both laboratories have accommodations ented toward the physical aspects of coastal and ocean for extended stays. engineering. Both basic and applied laboratory and The Marine Biology Program is part of the curriculum field studies are conducted in the Coastal Laboratory in of the Department of Zoology. On-campus facilities for Gainesville and at numerous locations on the coast of Florida. The Laboratory facilities include: large, en- a wide range of experimental programs include two closed areas for hydraulic model studies; an air-sea large saltwater aquarium rooms, controlled environ- interaction facility with random wave generation capa- mental chambers, culture rooms, data-sensing instru- bility; two stratified flow-internal wave facilities for mentation, standard analysis laboratories, scanning studying stratified shear flows, subsurface wave phe- and transmission electron microscopes, mini-com- nomena, flow stability, horizontal dispersion in bays, puters, and terminals for access to the University com- etc.; a wave tank in which the effects of waves on puter Center. The Florida State Museum, adjacent to structures, sand motion and other variables can be the Department's Bartram Hall, maintains significant investigated; a hydraulic tilting flume as well as a collections available for research purposes. The pro- rotating ring-channel system for basic studies of the gram in Marine Biology receives interdisciplinary sup- interaction of flows with sediments. A coastal data net- port from faculty and facilities drawn from other units work consisting of bottom mounted pressure trans- within the University, including Botany, Geology, Micro- ducers located approximately one kilometer offshore biology and Cell Science, Medicine, Pharmacy, Environ- at numerous locations around the state connected to mental Engineering, Florida State Museum, Biochemis- shore and the telephone system by underwater cables try, Communication Sciences, Coastal and Oceanog- allow real time wave and tide measurement from the raphic Engineering, Statistics, Computer Science, Food central computer in the Coastal Laboratory in Gaines- Sciences, Wildlife and Resource Management, Center ville. for Wetlands, Sea Grant and the Marine Advisory Ser- Research presently being conducted includes the vice. Research and class cruises, provided by FIO and following general areas: nearshore sediment transport, the University of Florida Marine Laboratory, give es- beach and dune erosion under storm conditions, waves, sential training and experience in gear handling, sam- friction factors associated with arrested salt wedges, 98 tidal inlet hydraulics and stability, marina siltation and Program, an interdisciplinary program established water quality problems, nature assisted beach nourish- several years ago to provide students with an oppor- ment, prediction of hurricane-associated sea severity, tunity to obtain the Ph.D. degree of the traditional and criterion for the establishment of a coastal con- department mode. struction setback line. Faculty members who participate in marine research The Florida Sea Grant College is administered at the and education at the University of Georgia and the University of Florida on behalf of the State University University System's Skidaway Institute of Oceanog- System of Florida and affiliated private institutions. raphy comprise a Marine Sciences Faculty. Represen- Faculty and their'students in many departments, in- tation in this Marine Sciences Faculty presently In- cluding food science, veterinary medicine, nursing, cludes the University of Georgia's Marine Institute on architecture, forestry, and others not offering many Sapelo Island and Marine Extension Service at Bruns- marine-oriented courses, have received Sea Grant wick and Savannah, the Departments of Botany, Zoolo- support. gy, Microbiology, and Geology, School of Forest Re- The following graduate degrees are offered: sources, and the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography at Savannah. 1. Master of Science and Ph.D. in Botany. Require- The University of Georgia's coastal facilities include ments include core undergraduate courses and rec- the Marine Institute on Sapelo Island, the Marine Re- ommendations of the supervisory committee. sources Center on Skidaway Island, and the Fisheries 2. Master of Science, Master of Engineering, Engi. Extension Station at Brunswick. Also located on Skid- neer in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering. The away Island is the University System's research facility, Ph.D. degree is offered through one of the other de- the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography. partments in the College of Engineering. A Bachelor's The Marine Institute is located on the southern end degree in engineering or physical sciences or articu- of Sapelo Island. Primarily a research facility, It Is lation work is necessary for acceptance to the program. involved mainly with marsh ecological research. CU_@- 3. Master of Science in Geolo1gy. Required are the rent interests are focused on energy flow in the marsh core undergraduate courses and a recommended sum- ecosystem, cycling of materials and nutrients through mer field course. the marshes, and factors regulating the metabolism of 4. Master of Science and Ph.D. in Zoology. Require- the marsh ecosystem. A staff of 36 scientists, tech- ments are the core curriculum and recommendations nicians, and support personnel is in residence through- of the supervisory committee based on written examina- out the year. The Marine Institute also serves as a tions. research site for faculty members and graduate stu- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. dents based on the main campus at Athens. Formal Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. courses are not offered at the Marine Institute. Physical To obtain further information, address inquiries to: facilities of the Marine Institute include several labora- Director tory buildings, residences, trailers, dormitories, dining Center for Aquatic Studies hall, boat house and maintenance shops. The Institute 2001 McCarty Hall operates the 44-foot Spartina and other small boats. University of Florida The Marine Resources Center is located on SkIda- Gainesville, FIL 32601 way Island, outside of Savannah. Since 1973, It has served as the major site in the State for marine educa- tional programs designed to supplement the curricula of pre-college, undergraduate and graduate level science classes. The building has aquarium facilities UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA for exhibiting live specimens common to Georgia coast- Athens, Georgia 30602 al waters, other instructional exhibits, seminar and lecture rooms, and laboratories with running seawater. At the University of Georgia, faculty members in Dormitory and dining facilities are available. A staff of several departments, including Botany, Zoology, Micro- 20, Including scientists, technicians, and support per- biology, and Geology, and the School of Forest Re- sonnel is in residence. sources, are actively involved in marine research and The Center serves as a field station for schools and offer marine-oriented courses. The University of colleges in Georgia'where teachers can bring their Georgia, however, does not offer a degree in marine science classes to obtain direct experience with the biology, marine ecology, oceanography, or other fields marine environment. of marine science at either the undergraduate or graduate level. The Fisheries Extension Center, with a staff of 17 Students interested in attending the University of Is located at Brunswick. It assists the seafood industry, Georgia to pursue marine sciences may apply for ad- Including fishermen and processors, and other marine- mission to the department of their primary interest. related industries to increase their e 'fficlency, and Another option available for students interested in a capabilities through programs of applied research, ad- Ph.D. degree in marine ecology is the Ecology Degree visory services, and training. The Brunswick area Is a 99 major site for the shrimp industry in Georgia. The equipment, including an atomic absorption spectro- Fisheries Center operates the 73-foot shrimp boat photometer and a gas chromatograph are available Georgia Bulldog to provide training, carry on gear in other research laboratories on the main campus. research, conduct resource assessment studies, and Extensive reference and research collections, con- exploratory offshore fishing. taining several thousand species of plants and animals, A major effort of the, Fisheries Center is to provide are available. The University publishes the journal advisory assistance to the seafood processing indus- Micronesica, devoted to the natural sciences of Mic- try in regard to seafood waste disposal, quality control, ronesia and related areas. and in plant sanitation. , The following degree is offered: The Skidaway Institute of 0 1ceanography serves as M.S. in Biology with an emphasis available in trop- a marine research facility for the University System. ical marine biology. The Skidaway Institute and the University of Georgia's a) Thirty graduate credits, including Biometrics, Marine Resources Center are located on the northern Biological. Literature and Writing, and six hours of end of Skidaway, Island. thesis research. A staff of 75 scientists, technicians, and support b) Comprehensive oral examination. personnel are in residence. The Institute operates the c) Completion of thesis and oral defense. RIV Bluefin, a 75-foot shrimp boat modified for coastal Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. oceanographic research, the 42-foot Morgan J, and a Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. number of small boats. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Research interests are focused on the continental Coordinator shelf and include studies of phytoplankton, zooplank- Graduate Program in Biology ton, and benthos, and physical, chemical and geologi- Marine Laboratory clal oceanography. Another major effort is devoted to University of Guam the study of pollutants (petroleum, heavy metals) in P.O. Box EK marine waters. Agana, Guam 96910 or, alternate address The Skidaway Institute does not offer courses or Coordinator, Graduate Program in Biology degrees, but many of its staff members hold adjunct University of Guam appointments at the University of Georgia, Georgia Marine Laboratory Institute of Technology, and Georgia Southern. They UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96913 serve as major advisors to graduate students from Cable: "UnivGuam" Telex: 721 6275 various universities and colleges.. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Graduate Coordinator UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII (Department of Interest) Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 Hawaii's unique location in the Pacific Ocean makes it inevitable that a marine orientation will appear in some aspect of all man's activities in these islands. The University of Hawaii, recognizing this all-encom- passing orientation, has structured its marine programs UNVERSITY OF GUAM, to insure that the students in all disciplines have an Agana, Guam 96910 opportunity to share fully in the marine resources of the University and the State. Hawaii's natural setting, The University of Guam Marine Laboratory has re- with beaches, coral reefs, and easy access to the open search and teaching facilities located on the shores ocean, and its numerous marine-oriented organiza- of Pago Bay adjacent to the main campus. tions, combines with the university facilities to provide . The 19,000 square-foot research building provides an unusual opportunity for marine studies. research and teaching laboratories and offices and No single department of the university has sole features a flowing-seawater system. The 3,300 square- responsibility for marine curricula. There is a univer- foot technical building provides workshop facilities and sity-side focus on marine activities, with coordination maintenance and storage space. Fourteen, 18 and 21- through a Marine Council reporting to the Chancellor foot boats are available for nearshore and reef studies, of the Manoa Campus. Marine interests involve the which are the main emphasis of the laboratory. Re- Departments of Botany, Zoology, Geology, Geophy- search equipment includes oxygen and pH meters, sics, Oceanography, Agriculture and Resource Eco- specification probes, spectrophotometers, microscopes, nomics, Architecture, History, Biochemistry and Bio- photographic equipment, diving gear, and a varlety.of physics, among others, in the College of Arts and field sampling gear. More sophisticated laboratory Sciences. Other marine-related programs and curricula 100 can be found in the School of Law, the School of University of Hawaii as a place for the education and Medicine, the College of Engineering, and the College recreation of Hawaii's residents and visitors. of Tropical Agriculture. HAWAII UNDERSEA RESEARCH LABORATORY: The An undergraduate marine non-degree program, the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory is located at the Marine Option Program, offers students from any major Makai Research Pier, Makapuu Point, Oahu, and is field of study the opportunity to acquire a marine orien- funded by the NOAA Undersea Research Program Of- tation during the pursuit of the associate or baccalau- fice through the University of Hawaii's Marine Pro- reate degree. Several marine-related research institu- grams. tions function both on and off campus, including the The Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL) Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, Pacific Biomedical provides support personnel and facilities, including the Research Center, Look Laboratory of Ocean Engineer- university-owned submersible, Makah'i for marine re- ing, Environmental Center, Water Resources Research search projects. The Makali'i is a two man, one atmo- Center, Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory, and the sphere vehicle capable of diving to 1200 feet, equipped Hawaii Natural Energy Institute. Although some depart- with black and white and color television, 35 mm still ments have a greater marine orientation than others, there is no section of the university untouched by ma- camera and strobe, CTD environmental monitoring ]n- rine influences. strument, manipulator and an array of sampling de- vices. THE SEA GRANT COLLEGE PROGRAM: Hawaii's Sea The Makai Research Pier, a privately owned facility Grant College Program is multidisciplinary and multi- built on state land is dedicated to supporting marine focused and addresses a wide spectrum of concerns research programs and provides offices, warehouse the state sees as immediate and vital to the well-being space and wharfage for conducting a variety of. ma- of its marine environment. Undergirding Sea Grant rine related projects. The university-owned habitat activities is the knowledge that Hawaii, because of its Aegir, Js presently deactivated, but is dedicated to the unique mid-ocean location, has access to vast re- HURL program, and is also housed at the facil.ity. sources which need to be studied and developed with- out harmful disruption of the marine ecosystem in which HAWAII INSTITUTE OF GEOPHYSICS (HIG): The such resources are found. Marine research and de- HIG conducts geological, geochemical, and geophy- velopment in Hawaii are, as yet, largely areas of dis- sical research in the broad field of the earth sciences. covery. As relevant and real needs within the state Programs embrace research and advanced training become identified, they will become concerns of the in geodesy, marine geology and geophysics, physical Sea Grant College Program at the University of Hawaii. oceanography, solid earth geophysics, geology, geo- Current Sea Grant activities encompass projects in chemistry, underwater acoustics, and tsunamis. The marine resources, including aquaculture and fisheries; Institute maintains a twin-engine PBY-type aircraft and socio-economic and legal studies which have a par- a seismographic observatory. ticular focus on the Pacific basin; marine technology HAWAII INSTITUTE OF MARINE BIOLOGY: The Ha- research and development; marine environmental re- waii Institute of Marine Biology, an administrative unit search; and marine education and training. under Organized Research of the University of Hawaii, The latter mission of the Sea Grant College Program provides research facilities for use by faculty with re- provides support for the development of curricula at search programs, graduate students with thesis re- all appropriate levels within the university system. search, visiting scientists, and inhouse research pro- Courses have been developed in marine technician grams. It serves as a base for field trips for courses in training, aquaculture, marine agronomy, ocean engi- marine sciences of the university. Research programs neering, the humanities, and biology. Public education, include studies in the ecology, physiology, behavior conducted under the marine extension service arm of and systematics of marine animals and plants, fresh- the Sea Grant College Program, serves both general water and marine aquaculture, pollution studies, biol- needs as well as problem-solving needs of the state's ogy, chemistry, and pharmacology of toxic marine marine constituency. organisms, fundamental research in the interrelation- UNIVERSITY MARINE FACILITIES AND INSTITUTES: ship of organisms and their environment, and other SHIP OPERATIONS: The university operates two varied research activities. large oceanographic research vessels from the. Uni- The Institute is about 17 miles from the University of versity Marine Center at Pier 45: RIV Kana Keoki (156 Hawaii campus, situated on a small island (Coconut feet) and RIV Moana Wave (175 feet). A smaller vessel, Island) in Kaneohe Bay. There are shop and mainten- RIV NO11 (65 feet) is used to provide instruction in ance facilities, a machine shop, a small dark room, a oceanographic research for undergraduate students computer room with time sharing equipment, analytical of the university and community colleges and high services, stenographic services. There are two 40-foot school students, as well as for instrument testing. diesel boats plus a number of 13-foot and 16-foot Boston Whalers. WAIKIKI AQUARIUM: The Waikiki Aquarium is a The Institute does not grant degrees, but provides state-owned museum specializing in Hawaiian aquatic research facilities for graduate students of the Uni- exhibits. It is located in Waikiki and is operated by the versity of Hawaii. In addition, the -Institute offers an 101 intensive training and -research summer course in tion and control of auditory and visual stimuli and auto- selected topic areas for specially qualified graduate matic programming of behavioral experiments. The re- students from throughout the world. search faculty represent several disciplines in both of To obtain further information, address inquiries to: these major programs. Director In addition, PBRC encourages investigations in the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology areas of reproductive biology, the assessment of the P.O. Box 1346 health hazards of pesticides and in newborn psychology Kaneohe, HI 96744 and behavioral biology. JAMES K.K. LOOK LABORATORY OF OCEANO- CENTER FOR ENGINEERING RESEARCH: The Cen- GHRAPHIC ENGINEERING: The J.K.K. Look Laboratory ter for Engineering Research encourages development in the research facility of the Department of Ocean of new engineering research programs in the College Engineering. Research is conducted on ocean engi- of Engineering and provides technical and administra- neering problems related to the coastal zone and the tive support to existing projects. The center provides deep ocean. The laboratory serves both as a modelling complete services for preparation of proposals and facility and as a base for field work. Also located at research reports. It participates in the planning, sup- Look Laboratory are facilities operated by the Depart- port services and operation of conferences, symposia ment of Physiology for conducting hyperbaric research and workshops. It keeps up-to-date records of all pro- and treatment. Other laboratory facilities include: water posals and active research grants and contracts. wave channels; water wave basin for study of hydraulic The center activities include research in structural models of coastal structures; basin for study of motion engineering, transportation engineering, earthquake of ship models; and a wind tunnel. engineering, water resources, waste water treatment The laboratory serves education through laboratory and disposal, geothermal energy, ocean thermal en- courses and student participation in its tasks and aids ergy, fuels from biomass, wind energy, solar energy, in the planning, analysis and design features of ocean- theoretical mechanics, heat and mass transfer, mate- related physical problems occurring throughout the rials science, coastal engineering, ocean structures, state. robotics, computer-aided design, bio-engineering, in- formation theory, solid state devices, multi-processor HAWAII COOPERATIVE FISHERY RESEARCH UNIT: computers and ionospheric dynamics. The center has The Hawaii Cooperative Fishery Research Unit pro- one full-time researcher and one visiting colleague, motes graduate training and research in fishery biology but all projects come from the college faculty. The by providing students with support, counseling, facili- Center for Engineering Research is simply the re- ties, and opportunities to participate in Unit research search arm of the college. projects. It functions academically as part of the De- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: partment of Zoology, and is linked administratively to Dean of the College of Engineering the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology. The research Center for Engineering Research program centers of fishery biology and ecology of in- 2540 Dole Street, shore marine and inland waters. The Unit operates Honolulu, HI 96822 under joint sponsorship of the University of Hawaii, (808) 948-8301 the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH CENTER: The Wa- THE PACIFIC BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH CENTER: ter Resources Research Center (WRRC) plans and con- The Pacific Biomedical Research Center (PBRC), an ducts research related to Hawaii's water resources, administrative unit under Organized Research at the assists and promotes instruction in water resources in University of Hawaii at Manoa, provides research facili- several academic departments, and provides for train- ties for use by faculty with research programs, gradu- ing opportunities of engineers and scientists through ate students, visiting scientists and in-house research research. Research is interdisciplinary with a broad programs. The institute does not grant degrees but base of physical sciences, technology, ecology, and provides research facilities for registered graduate social sciences. It involves hydrology and hydraulic students of various departments of the University of engineering and public health, climatology and soil Hawaii. physics, agricultural engineering and forestry, and socio-economic and legal aspects. The center operates The PBRC program activities center around cell research laboratories and field research facilities. structure and function, regulatory biology and neuro- biology, using marine invertebrate preparations as CURRICULUM RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT model systems. These programs are conducted in the GROUP: The Curriculum Research and Development Kewalo Marine Laboratory at Kewalo Basin and in the Group of the College of Education designs, develops, Bekesy Laboratory of Neurobiology on campus. These evaluates and disseminates curricular programs for buildings provide space, research equipment and re- elementary and secondary schools, primarily in Hawaii. search facilities, including darkrooms, machine shops, Prototype instructional materials are classroom tested electronic shops, electro-physiological equipment, first at the University Laboratory School, also a part of electron microscopes and equipment for the presenta- the Curriculum Research Group, and then in cooperat- 102 ing public and private schools of Hawaii. Curricular versity of Hawaii, the Sea Grant College Program, and programs typically undergo five to seven years of test- the State of Hawaii Ocean Resources Office. Numer- ing, evaluation and revision during which they are ous government agencies and private concerns from examined for pedagogical and subject matter validity. Hawaii's marine community participate by providing Curricular programs developed at the Curriculum Re- skill opportunities for MOP students. search and Development Group are disseminated To obtain further information, address inquiries to: through inservice teacher training workshops and in- Director, Marine Option Program stitutes. University of Hawaii, Manoa Of the more than twenty-five curricular programs de- 1000 Pope Road veloped here, three major programs and several smaller Marine Science Building, Room 208 units were developed for elementary and secondary Honolulu, HI 96822 marin education. These include the one-year High (808) 948-8433 School Marine Science Studies (HMSS) Program, the one-semester Coastal Problems and Resource Man- BOTANY: Because the University of Hawaii is located agement Program, and the "Reef and Shore" Teacher in the tropics, its Botanical Sciences Program offers a Resource Unit of the elementary Hawaii Nature Studies unique opportunity for the study of tropical terrestrial Program. Other marine-related units have also been and marine species in their environment. Hawaii also .developed in English, multi-cultural education and offers a unique ecological environment for the study other subject areas. Program-specific inservice teacher of tropical plant diseases. workshops are generally offered during the summer Special activities associated with the botanical sci- through the College of Continuing Education. ences program are a Sea Grant program in marine For further information, contact: agronomy, a Resources Studies Unit of the National Director Park Service, and a plant disease clinic. Ecology of Curriculum Research and Development Group marine algae and sea grasses, production ecology of College of Education-University of Hawaii marine plants and algal systematics are strong offer- 1776 University Avenue ings of the department and have won international rec- Honolulu, HI 96822 ognition. Among staff members are world leaders in (808) 948-7863 marine plant aquaculture. Special facilities at the university include the Hawaii UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS: Institute of Marine Biology for the study of marine algae MARINE OPTION PROGRAM: The Marine Option Pro- and other marine plants. gram of the University of Hawaii, is a program for un- Arrangements for study may also be made with re- dergraduates in all majors who are interested in the spective directors of the Honolulu Botanical Garden; marine and freshwater environments. Students who the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, which has extensive complete a core of marine-related courses,and a hands- reference material and plant collections; the Pacific on marine skill project/internship may earn a certificate Tropical Botanical Garden; and the Hawaiian Sugar. which complements their formal degree program. Past Planters' Association Experiment Station. skills include underwater photography, dolphin lan- guage training, research cruises, aquaculture, Hawaiian M.S. (Plan A/Thesis; Plan B/Non-thesis and Ph.D. .canoe paddling, marsh archaeology, marine cookbooks, degrees in the botanical sciences are offered. At the fisheries assessments, ecological baseline surveys, discretion of a candidate and his/her committee, the marketing surveys for the Wakiki Aquarium, electronics, degree may have the subtitle: Botanical Sciences underwater construction, computer modeling, beach (Plant Pathology). The graduate field of Botanical Sci- erosion, diving physiology, and marine education. En- ences combines the resources of the Departments of rollment is open year 'round and an experienced staff Botany and Piant Pathology to offer programs leading counsels students in marine curricula and careers. to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. In addition to the formal certificate program, the 1. The M.S. (Plan A) degree is intended for students Marine Option Program (MOP) sponsors various ac- pursuing research in botanical sciences as a profession tivities to bring together people who share a love for the and requires 12 credits for thesis work with a minimum oceans: a newsletter, films, seminars, field trips, a ma- of 18 additional credits for courses approved by the rine art fair, picnics, dives, workshops, an annual candidate's committee. Ocean Fair, and a fishing derby. In addition, the MOP 2. M.S. (Plan B) degree ephasizes the technologi- office serves as a home and resource center for stu- cal aspects of the botanical sciences and requires 30 dents on campus. credits, 15 of which must be in the major field or an MOP is available at seven campuses of the University approved related field in courses numbered 600 or of Hawaii system: University of Hawaii, Manoa, Uni- above. versity of Hawaii, Hilo, Windward Community College, 3. The Ph.D. degree in Botanical Sciences, besides Leeward Community College, Honolulu Community other basic requirements, requires a dissertation which College, Kauai Community College, and Maui Com- is to be an original contribution based on independent munity College. The program is sponsored by the Uni- research. 103 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. remote-sensing science. The Hawaii Institute of Geo- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. physics operates the deep-sea research vessels Kana To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Keoki and Moana Wave, the coastal vessel Noi'i, and Chairman a ship operations facility at Snug Harbor in Honolulu. Department of Botany The institute maintains support machine and electronic University of Hawaii shops, a library, core and rock storage, scientific data 3190 Maile Way archives, a Harris-800 computer system, a duplicate Honolulu, HI 96822 of the shipboard computers, radio communications, (808) 948-8369 and drafting, publications, and other facilities. The Water Resources Research Center conducts interdis- DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS: ciplinary research in hydrology of both a basic and Research and study leading to the M.S. and the Ph.D. practical nature related to Haawii's water resources. degrees in geology and geophysics are offered in Teaching and research assistantships, available to general geology (for teaching, technical or economic qualified students, provide tuition waivers and stipends careers), marine geology and geophysics, seismology, ranging from $5,364 to $8,900 per year. geodesy (including gravity), volcanology, petrology and Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. ge.ochemistry, experimental petrology, solid-state geo- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. physics, planetary science and remote sensing, and To obtain further information, address inquiries to: hydrology and engineering geology. Because of the Chairman, Graduate Work Committee university's location on an island in the middle of the Department of Geology and Geophysics Pacific Ocean, the department and research institutes University of Hawaii maintain an emphasis on topics related to the Pacific 2525 Correa Road Basin and its islands and margin. Honolulu, HI 96822 Incoming M.S. and Ph.D. candidates will have a preliminary conference with the Graduate Work Com- METEOROLOGY: Intended candidates for the M.S. mittee to guide them on first-semester course selec- or Ph.D. degree must present a thorough preparation tion and appointment of an interim adviser. M.S. stu- in general physics, chemistry, and mathematics through dents later will take a general examination; Ph.D. calculus, as well as a minimum of 14 hours of under- candidates a qualifying examination. M.S. students graduate credit in meteorolgy including courses in are urged to complete a research thesis, with a final climatology, instruments and observations, descriptive oral examination. Under guidance of an adviser, Ph.D. meteorology, and synoptic meteorology. Deficiencies candidates complete a dissertation, with a final oral in undergraduate preparation must be made up. Be- examination. A nonthesis option is available for stu- sides meteorology courses, courses may be allowed dents pursuing the M.S. degree. in the fields of oceanography, physics, and mathe- Entrance to the department is made through appli- matics. cation to the Graduate Division. All completed forms, 1. M.S. A minimum of 24 credit hours of coursework transcripts, the application fee, and in the case of and six credit hours of thesis research. General and foreign students, TOEFL results, are due by February thesis examinations are required. 1 for the Fall semester or September 1 for the Spring 2. Ph.D. A reading comprehension of one foreign semester. GRE resuls and three letters of reference language with useful scientific literature in the field should be sent direc@iy to the department. The depart- of the candidate. At some time during his first year ment encourages applications not only from under- of residence, the Ph.D. candidate may be required to graduates and master's level students who have pass a screening examination prerequisite to proceed majored in the earth sciences, but also from those in toward a degree. physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and en- gineering. OCEAN ENGINEERING: The Department of Ocean The department is housed in the Hawaii Institute Engineering is a graduate department and offers the of Geophysics, an institute that conducts multidiscipli- degrees of Master of Scence and Doctor of Philosophy nary research in marine, earth, and planetary sciences. in Ocean Engineering. Undergraduates who are in- Laboratory facilities are available for studies and/or terested in ocean engineering are encouraged to pursue data reduction in the fields of high pressure research; their studies in either civil or mechanical engineering, geochemistry, stable and radioactive isotope geology; where programs of study emphasizing coastal or ma- X-ray, microprobe, and scanning electron microscopy rine engineering are available. These programs may analysis; mineralogy; petrography; micropaleontology; be self-contained or may serve as an excellent prep- seidementology and paleomagnetism; earthquake and aration for graduate studies. In addition, the Depart- marine reflection and refraction seisology; ocean bot- ment of Ocean Engineering offers a number of senior tom and downhold seismometer development; geomag- level courses of an introductory nature. netism; gravity; bathymetry; high-precision laser rang- For admission to the graduate program, applicants ing; satellite geodesy as well as spacecraft, telescope, must have received a B.S. degree in engineering, or and remote-sensing field observations; laboratory in a related science with engineering prerequisites, and simulations; computer image and spectrum process-- have an adequate background in mathematics and ing; and instrument. development in planetary and physics. 104 The graduate program in ocean engineering is in- The M.S. program requires a minimum total of 30 tended to channel the student's previous engineering credit hours, including 18 credits of coursework and experience to ocean-related work. Students may pursue 12 credits of thesis research. their studies in either or two options: coastal engi- Candidates for the Ph.D. must pass a comprehensive neering or offshore engineering. Departmental inter- examination and a final oral examination in defense ests include: design of coastal and harbor structures, of the dissertation. They must qualify in one foreign beach and surf parameters, nearshore and estuary language. hydrodynamics, hydraulic modeling, numerical model- ing, analysis and design of fixed and floating structures, ZOOLOGY: The zoology program is designed for offshore ports, mooring systems, submersibles, semi- students working for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Be- submersible platforms, ocean acoustics. cause of our marine environment, strong programs have developed in many aspects of the biology of Career opportunities for graduates in ocean engi- marineI animals. Special competence is found in the neering exist in different areas. Depending on the areas of animal behavior, avian biology, comparative student's individual interest, employment may be sought endocrinology, comparative physiology, developmental with industry, government or universities. Government biology, evolutionary biology and systematics, ecology, positions are usually with the U.S. Army Corps of ichthylology, invertebrate zoology and neurophysiology. Engineers, or with state, city or county public works departments, and U.S. Naval Facilities Command. Intended candidates for the M.S. or Ph.D. degrees in Jobs in private industries are with the large oil com- zoology must present a minimum of 18 credits of under- panies, consulting and contracting firms, environmental graduate preparation in zoology and must have com- services firms or laboratories, offshore mining com- pleted two years of chemistry (inorganic and organic), panies, and large systems design companies. Graduates one year of physics and courses in calculus and with a Ph.D. degree in ocean engineering have found botany. An official record of the student's performance jobs in research-oriented positions with universities, on the GRE (apitude and advanced in biology) must government or private companies. be submitted to the chairperson of the zoology pro- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. gram before any action will be taken on applications Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. for admission. Application deadline is February 1. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Curricurrilum offered: available in school catalog. Chairman Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Department of Ocean Engineering To obtain further information, address inquiries to: University of Hawaii at Manoa Chairman 2540 Dole Street, Holmes Hall 402 Department of Zoology Honolulu, HI 96822 University of Hawaii (808) 948-7572 152 Edmondson Hall 2538 The Mail OCEANOGRAPHY: The university currently offers a Honolulu, HI 96822 Master's and a Doctoral program in physical, chemical, geological, and biological oceanography. Intended candidates should have an undergraduate major in physics, chemistry, geology, geophysics, en- UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON gineering, mathematics, biology, zoology, or botany. Houston, Texas 77004 A minimum of one year of calculus, physics, and chemistry is required of all students prior to admit- Graduate students interested in Marine biology may tance. A minimum of one semester each of geology participate in a program jointly administered by the and biology are recommended as well. Graduate University of Houston (UH) and the National Marine Record Examinations (advanced and aptitude) are re- Fisheries Service (NMFS). Students take advanced quired. Interested students should write to the depart- courses at the UH Central Campus in Houston and ment chairman for a brochure and further information. conduct research in laboratories at the NMFS facility Students pursuing a degree program must take a in Galveston, 45 miles south of Houston, A wide range core curriculum and other background courses during of research expertise encompassing both applied and the first year. Subsequently the student specializes, basic areas is available to participants. depending on his/her disciplinary inclination. A De- MARINE SCIENCE PROG .RAM FACILITIES AT GAL- partmental Oral Exam is administered to all students, VESTON: Graduate students have access to labora- usually at the end of the first year of study'. At this tories of UH and NMFS, as well as an estuarine area time the student may be admitted directly into the of 180 acres with wet laboratory managed by NMFS. Ph.D. program, or may be required to work initially The main laboratory facilities have a circulating sea- toward the M.S. degree. water system, several wet laboratories, algal culture All students must demonstrate qualification in digital rooms, aquaculture raceways, and a hatchery. Research computing, must accumulate (or have accumulated) at equipment available to UH students includes a trans- least one month of field experience, and must take mission electron microscope, critical point drying ap- at least one graduate seminar course in oceanography. paratus, photomicroscope, ultra and refrigerated centri- 105 fuges, recording spectrophotometer, densitometer, At the Darling Center, 100 miles south of Orono on scintillation counter, incubators, ultracold freezer, the coast, facilities on a 136-acre site include class- Coulter counter, electrophoresis equipment, IBM Copier rooms and research laboratories, access terminal for 11, and a field vehicle. the Orono computing equipment, library, year-round The following degrees are offered: accommodations for students, two 34-foot research 1. M.S. in Biology specializing in Marine Biology. vessels and small craft, a deepwater pier and water- front facilities. Open ocean research capability is a) Enrollment in in the Departmental Colloquium provided by the UNOLS fleet and cooperative use of during the first semester vessels at other institutions. b) Biochemistry or statistics (one semester) The Department of Oceanography, primarily located C) At least one of the following techniques at the Darling Center, offers a program of study and courses: Biometrics, Radioisotopes, Electron Micro- research leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. Specific fields scopy, Instrumental Biology, Ecological Methods, of research include planktology, benthic. and polar Genetics and Molecular Biology 11, or Tissue Culture ecology, aquaculture, marine fishes, phycology, pollu- Techniques tion, micropaleontology, paleomagnetics, tectonics,, d) Enrollment each year in one specialty seminar petrology and chemistry. In addition to required core' e) Thirty credits including: six hours thesis. six courses, candidates for the Ph.D. in Oceanography hours in a minor field of study, and a minimum of must present one major seminar a year, participate in two 6000 level, nonserninar courses regular oceanic cruises, demonstrate reading knowl- f) Candidacy Examination by 10th month edge of two foreign languages and complete and de- g) Presentation and defense of a Master's thesis. fend a research dissertation. 2. Ph.D. in Biology specializing in Marine Biology Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. (Ph.D. students entering with a M.S. degree need com- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. plete only (a), (d) and (e) below) To obtain further information, address inquiries to: a) Enrollment in the Departmental Colloquium Director during the first semester of enrollment Center for Marine Studies b.) Biochemistry or statistics (one semester) Coburn Hall c) At least one of the following courses: Bio- University of Maine at Orono metrics, Radioisotopes, Electron Microscopy, Instru- Orono, ME 04469 mental Biology, Ecological Methods, Genetics and Molecular Biology 11 or Tissue Culture Techniques d) Enrollment each year in one specialty seminar e) A minimum of four 6000 level non-seminar courses. No other specific course hour requirement UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND except as specified by committee College Park, Maryland 20742 f) Qualifying Examination by 20th month g) Presentation and defense of Ph.D. dissertation MARINE - ESTUARINE - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. PROGRAM: Students seeking a degree in Marine- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Estuarine-Environmental Science, the principal pro- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: gram for marine science, or in marine concentrations Director, Marine Science Program in other programs have access to the extensive re- University of Houston search facilities of the University's Center for Environ- 4700 Avenue U mental and Estuarine Studies. The Center has com- Galveston, TX 77550 plete laboratory facilities for research in marine sciences located on the Chesapeake Bay at the Horn Point Environmental Laboratory near Cambridge, Mary- land, and at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory at Solomons, Maryland. In addition to a Shellfish Aqua- UNIVERSITY OF MAINE culture Research Laboratory and a Controlled Environ- Orono, Maine 04469 ment Laboratory at these facilities, students also have access to a fleet of laboratory-equipped research ves- The University of Maine offers marine-related courses sels and smaller craft, which are available for work on both at the Orono campus and the university marine the Chesapeake Bay or other waters. station, the Ira C. Darling Center. The Orono campus In addition, students will find their work greatly en- provides classrooms, laboratories and courses which hanced by the special ties most faculty maintain to the integrate field work with study. Although no under- many government laboratories and agencies in- the graduate degree programs in marine science exist, the Washing to n-Balti more area. Library resources, which Center for Marine Studies at Orono suggests certain include the Library of Congress and the National Agri- elective courses to enhance major curricula by pro- cultural Library, are among the best in the nation. The viding an introduction to marine studies. University also has an active Sea Grant research pro- 106 gram, with its main office located on the College Park Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Campus. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. A University-wide program in Marine-Estuarine-En- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: vironmental Sciences (MEES) offers work leading to Chairman the M.S. (thesis option only) and Ph.D. degrees. Degree Department of Microbiology work may be pursued on a part-time basis. The pro- University of Maryland gram is interdisciplinary, and areas of specialization College Park, MD 20742 include marine and estuarine ecology, environmental biology, environmental chemistry, environmental mi- DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY: The Department of crobiology, environmental toxicology, environmental Zoology offers the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees with speciali- management, marine and environmental technology, zation in estuarine and marine biology. Research inter- and fisheries and wildlife management. ests of the faculty who instruct in this area include: Applicants are judged on the basis of their previous the distributional ecology of stream benthic inverte- academic work and scores on the GRE Apitude Test. brates; the morphology and behavior of elasmobranch Each student will work closely with an advisory com- fishes and marine teleost fishes of the Red Sea and mittee, and the course of study will be tailored to the western tropical and north Atlantic; the environmental individual student's needs and goals. physiology of marine invertebrates; the biology of estuarine and marine protozoa; biogeography; inter- The program includes a core curriculum of courses. tidal ecology; the developmental biology of marine selected from three (for the M.S.), or four (for the Ph.D.), invertebrates; and the reproductive strategies and evo- of the following areas: ecology and/or physiology of lutionary dynamics of marine host-parasite systems. plants or animals; biochemistry; ecology and/or physi- Students have access to research facilities of the ology of microorganisms; physical, chemical, engineer- Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies on the ing, or geological sciences; and management (eco- Chesapeake Bay, but they are encouraged to spend nomics, resource development, systems analysis, or at least one summer at a marine biological laboratory biology and management of various natural resources). outside the Bay for broader experience with marine Statistics is required of all degree candidates. Any environments. prerequisites for courses may be met through course- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. work after the student is admitted to the graduate Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. program. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Chairman Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Department of Zoology To obtain further information, address inquiries to: University of Maryland Director College Park, MD 20742 MEES Program Other programs at t he University of Maryland, Col- 0313 Symons Hall lege Park, which offer coursework in various areas University of Maryland of marine science include Agricultural and Resource College Park, MD 20742 Economics, Agricultural (and Aquacultural) Engineer- DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY: The Department of ing, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Botany offers M.S and Ph.D. degrees with a specialty To obtain further information, address inquiries to: in marine botany. A full complement of courses is Graduate School available for interested students. Students are urged South Administration Building to expand their training by summer study at the Marine University of Maryland Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. College Park, MD 20742 Purriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Chairman Department of Botany UNIVERSTY OF MASSACHUSETTS University of Maryland Amherst, Massachusetts 01003 College Park, MD 20742 The University of Massachusetts Marine Station, an DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY: The Depart- interdisciplinary research facility operated by the Grad- ment of Microbiology, which offers the M.S. and Ph.D. uate School, is located on the coast of Gloucester degrees, also has a specialty in marine microbiology. approximately 35 miles north of Boston. Deepwater Extensive research programs focus primarily on bio- mooring is provided for research vessels. The station chemical ecology, with emphasis on the following is equipped for a wide range of marine biochemical, areas: fish and shellfish diseases; the survival and biological, and chemical studies in laboratories with distribution of human pathogens through marine en- modern research equipment, cultural facilities, sea- vironments;. deep ocean research; the role of bacteria water systems, machine shop, and small library. Both in the breakdown of toxic chemical pollutants; and basic and applied research is conducted by faculty mineralization and nutrient cycling of marine life. and graduate students from the Amherst campus. 107 Short-term living accommodations are available in The Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Gloucester, for several students and researchers. Science (RSMAS) Library includes a collection of The Departments of Botany, Civil Engineering, Food more than 35,000 volumes covering all fields of marine Science and Nutrition, Geology/Geography, Wildlife science. Over 1,000 current journal titles are regularly and Fisheries Biology, and Zoology all offer courses received as well as reports from state, federal and related to marine science. international agencies. In addition, there are 26,000 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. catalogued reprints, more than 2,100 microforms, and Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. special collections of atlases, expedition reports, and To obtain further information, address inquiries to: rare books. The Library also offers computerized retrieval services. Dean of Graduate Studies and Research University of Massachusetts The Computing Facility provides computing support Amherst, MA 01003 to RSMAS faculty, students, and staff. It functions as a remote job-entry terminal to the University's UNIVAC system. It also accesses the computers of the Na- tionaf Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, as well as providing stand-alone computing THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI support. ROSENSTIEL SCHOOL OF MARINE In cooperation with the National Science Founda- AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE tion's University National Oceanographic Laboratory Miami, Florida 33149 System (UNOLS), the Rosenstiel School maintains a fleet of research vessels: Columbus Iselin, 170 feet; The Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Cape Florida, 135 feet; Calanus, 62 feet; and Orca 111, Science was. established in 1943 as the Marine Labora- 45 feet. tory of the University of Miami. A program of studies The following degrees are offered: leading to the Master of Science degree was initiated in 1949. In 1953, laboratory and classroom buildings 1. The M.S. degree is offered with a major in biol- were constructed on the School's present campus on ogy and living resources, marine and atmospheric Virginia Key, and in the late fifties, the Marine Labora- chemistry, marine geology and geophysics, meteorolo- tory expanded its staff and developed its oceanographic gy and physical oceanography, and applied marine capabilities in response to the increased interest in science, Twenty-four graduate course credits and six scientific research in the United States. credits hours of thesis research resulting in a thesis Today, the Rosenstiel School has a faculty of 70 representing original research are required. A compre- scientists who conduct aponsored research while offer- hensive examination covering general information in ing studies leading to the Master of Arts, Master of the major field, as well as courses taken, is admin- Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. With the istered to all students. An examination demonstrating University's College of Arts and Sciences, undergradu- a reading knowledge of a foreign language may also ate programs leading to the Bachelor of Science and be required. Bachelor of Arts degrees are offered. 2. The M.A. degree program is an interdisciplinary Facilities include the Gilbert H. Grosvenor Labora- program which offers broad advanced training in tory which houses modern scientific equipment for the marine sciences applicable to the varied uses of radiation detection, optical spectroscopy, atomic ab- the coastal zone and the development of marine re- sorption, electron microscopy, chromatography, and sources. The program will be beneficial to students spectrometry. Also located here are catalogued bio- who do not intend to pursue a career in science, but logical research collections. The Alfred C. Glassell who have interests in the areas of administration, Jr. Laboratory has circulating seawater aquaria through- management, and conservation of marine resources. out and is used for biological research on marine ani- Twenty-four graduate course credits and a six credit mals ranging from plankton to sharks. Within its walls, internship or research paper are required. A compre- it is possible to reproduce and maintain natural or hensive examination must be passed upon completion artificial marine environments controllable in such para- of all course work. meters as temperature, salinity, turbidity and pH. 3. The P.h.D. degree is offered with a major in biol- The unique Tritium Laboratory, is equipped for the ogy and living resources, marine and atmospheric global monitoring of tritium, a radioactive isotope chemistry, marine geology and geophysics, meteorol- important as a tracer in the environment. The Coop- ogy and physical oceanography, and applied marine erative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies is science. Thirty-six graduate course credits and twenty- intended to serve as a focal point for concentrated four credit hours of dissertation research resulting in research on specific problems of the ocean and atmos- a dissertation representing original research are re- phere by specialist from the Rosenstiel School and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and quired. A written qualifying examination is required of to strengthen local research activities with the added all students admitted to the doctoral program. An expertise of visiting scientists from the United States examination demonstrating a reading knowledge of a and around the world. foreign language may also be required. 108 4. The Certificate Program is offered in the areas Center (GLMWC) established in 1974 to coordinate of biology and living resources, and meteorology and Great Lakes research programs. The GLMWC operates physical oceanography. Admission to this program is the university research vesse'Is and many of the faculty- restricted to international students who want training teaching in the marine curricula participate in GLMWC in a specific research area but who do not require research activities. an advanced degree. Students take graduate courses At present, more than 150 scientists and staff carry and may engage in a research project. on research in areas of impacts of thermoelectric power 5. Undergraduate degree programs offered jointly plants on aquatic systems, the fate and impact of toxic with the College of Arts and Sciences include the substances, the relationship of nutrients cycling and Bachelor of Arts degree in marine affairs, and the loading on productivity, eutrophication processes, the Bachelor of Science degree in marine science/biology, design of monitoring programs, coastal processes, marine science/chemistry, marine science/geology, and sedimentary environment. and marine science/physics. These programs are The University of Michigan provides the Great Lakes designed for the students who wish to pursue scien- and Marine Waters Center with approximately 25,000 tific or technical careers in oceanography. Each of square feet of laboratories and offices. This space is these majors requires 130-140 credits. A full major divided among the three component groups of GLMWC: in one of the basic sciences is included with a major the Great Lakes Research Division; the Michigan Sea in Marine Science. The student therefore earns a double major and acquires a preparation for scientific and Grant Program; and the International Program. technical work with industry or government agencies Included in the facilities are well equipped labora- concerned with the ocean, as well as a preparation for tories for benthos, plankton, zooplankton, chemistry, graduate study. and fish studies, which include a scanning electron The University also offers a Bachelor of Arts degree microscope facility. The usual laboratory equipment with a major in Marine Affairs to students interested is available, and in addition we operate four auto- in the commercial, legal, industrial, and economic analyzers, an oscilloscope particle data counter, neu- aspects of the development and use of ocean re- tron activation equipment, and a computerized com- sources. Marine Affairs students may select either pre- bined gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. We have legal or business programs of studies, or may combine online computer equipment for laboratory and field use. a major in Marine Affairs with minors such as Com- I The Great Lakes and Marine Waters Center owns munication, Geography, Economics, or Politics and and operates a number of well-equipped research ves- Public Affairs to prepare themselves for their careers. sels, including: the RIV Laurentian, 80-foot steel hull; Financial aid is available to qualified students on the RIV Mysis, 50-foot steel hull; the RIV Coastal the basis of need through grants, loans and on-campus Spirit, 20-foot fiberglass hull and the RIV Outrage, employment. The University of Miami also annuilly 21-foot fiberglass hull. awards a number of scholarships to superior students The University of Michigan has operated ships on regardless of financial need. the Great Lakes since 1957 and has an extensive record Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. of lakes-related cooperative ventures with other insti- Faculty appoiritments: available in school catalog. tutions in the region. The Laurentian and the Mysis, To obtain further information, address inquires to: are available as a regional resource to help meet Graduate Studies Office the needs of academic scientists requiring capable Rosenstiel School of Marine and mobile platforms for research on the Great Lakes. Atmospheric Science The Laurentian, completed in 1974, is an 80-foot ves- 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway sel with accommodations for a scientific party of 10 Miami, FL 33149 in single, double, and four-person rooms. This ship (305) 350-7356 has two permanent laboratories (a 144 square foot or, below decks lab) and can accommodate portable lab- Undergraduate Marine Science Program oratories or large-self-contained instrument packages University of Miami on deck. It is capable of undertaking cruises of up 182 Science Building to ten days duration and ranges of 2,500 miles and is Coral Gables, FL 33124 ice-strengthened for winter operations. (305) 284-2180 The Mysis, built in 1963, is a 50-foot vessel with, accommodations for three scientists in common quar- ters. It is capable of cruises of three and one-half days duration and ranges of 800 miles. It has a single THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN deckhouse lab of 75 square feet of clear deck space. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109' Besides the facilities specific to each department, Marine and related programs at The University of the University of Michigan offers all the advantages Michigan are spread across a number of departments of a major university. An Amdahl research computer and interdisciplinary programs. One focus of marine- along with the Michigan Terminal System (MTS) operat- related activity is the Great Lakes and Marine Waters ing system, and local software libraries provide out- 109 standing computing capabilities. The library system in- geology, four terms of oceanography, and humani- eludes over four million volumes and 350,000 periodic- ties courses. als. Special collections like the Engineering-Transpor- Beyond the common requirements of the oceanic tation Library of 300,000 volumes and the Natural Re- science specialization in Atmospheric and Oceanic sources Library and Great Lakes Research Division Science, most students elect to concentrate their collection meet special needs of students in marine science preparation towards one of the major sub- fields. disciplines of oceanography: biological, chemical, geo- Also the university has a number of sites for re- logical, or physical. Such concentration coursework search and field experience, including Camp Filibert constitutes most of the last two years of the under- Roth, in the western Upper Peninsula and the Biologi-. graduate program. In addition to the advanced science cal Station in Cheboygan County with 9,000 acres and courses in one of these areas, students are expected five miles of frontage on Douglas Lake. to take at least one of the several advanced oceanog- The University maintains relationships with federal raphy courses that are offered in each of the four and state agencies with facilities in Ann Arbor includ- subdisciplines. In addition, field and laboratory ex- ing the Michigan DNR Institute of Fisheries Research, perience is available to those students who wish to the Great Lakes Fisheries Laboratory of the U.S. Fish participate in the various research projects of members and Wildlife Service, the NOAA Great Lakes Environ- of the oceanic science faculty. mental Research Laboratory, the Great Lakes Commis- IA total of 128 credit hours of coursework is required sion, and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. of undergraduate students. The distribution of the courses making up this total is determined by the ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE: The De- specific needs and interests of each individual, with partment of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science is part of the close supervision of a faculty counselor. The under- the College of Engineering and has laboratories for graduate program in oceanic science has considerable atmospheric and marine chemistry, synoptic meteorol- flexibility in course selection while retaining high aca- ogy, geophysical fluid dynamics, meteorological instru- demic integrity. mentation, upper atmosphere studies, and facilities for 2. M.S. in Oceanic Science. An applicant for the M.S. general physical oceanography and marine geology. degree in oceanic science is expected to hold a bache- In addition, the Space Physics. Research Laboratory lor's degree and to have completed requirements in is a part of this department. mathematics and physics, The bachelor's degree may Research activities of the faculty members and stu- be in any field of specialization, but students without dents in oceanography includes; air-water interfacial undergraduate courses in oceanic science may be phenomena, circulation and diffusion processes, sedi- required to make up for this deficiency by completing meints and sedimentation processes, geology of the undergraduate courses specified by their advisor. Great Lakes basins, marine mineral exploration, bio- Requirements for the degree include 30 credit hours geochemistry of sediments, coral reef ecology, ecology of graduate studies approved by one of the graduate of plankton and benthic communities, and coastal advisors, consisting of a minimum of at least 15 credit circulation processes. Recent studies have been con- hours of coursework in oceanic science and a mini- ducted in the Great Lakes region, the Caribbean, the mum of six credit hours of mathematics or three hours Gulf of Alaska, the Atlantic coast, and the central of mathematics and three hours of cognative science. Pacific. Members of the Department also participate The student's program will be adjusted to assure that in the Deep-Sea Drilling Project. An active program the student obtains some proficiency in each of several in underwater operations is aimed at developing un- core subject matter areas. For oceanic science, these dersea capabilities. core areas are physical and dynamical oceanography, Oceanography staff of the Department participate oceanographic observations and data analysis, marine in the Michigan Sea Grant Program and in cooperative chemistry and marine geology. A thesis based upon research with scientists from the NOAA Great Lakes original research is a normal part of the master's Environmental Research Laboratory. program. The following degrees are offered: 3. Ph.D. in Oceanic Science. Applicants for the de- l. B.S. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science. The gree of Doctor of Philosophy in oceanic science are ex- undergraduate program in oceanic science prepares pected to have ability and scholarship of a high order. the student for a career in science. The first year of Students must be able to satisfy core requirements the program consists of mathematics, physics, chemis- specified for the master's degree at a high level of com- try, computer and humanities courses taken in common petence and will elect additional courses to supplement by all beginning students in the College of Engineering. their backgrounds and provide knowledge and tech- Students begin to specialize in oceanic science in niques needed for carrying out independent inves- their second year of study while continuing to com- tigations. plete their foundation in mathematics and science. To satisfy the departmental requirements for doctoral All students are required to have calculus through in- candidacy, students must successfully pass a prelimi- troductory differential equations, one year each of nary examination. When the student has become a can- chemistry and physics, one term each of biology and didate, a dissertation committee will be appointed by 110 the department chairperson. The subject of the disserta- addition to a bachelor's degree in some other field tion may be in any area of oceanic science that is than that of engineering. The M.S.E. degree is logically approved by the dissertation committee. A satisfactory followed by one of the professional degrees. Students oral examination of the candidate on the dissertation anticipating careers in research, development, and and related material, conducted by the dissertation teaching will normally work for the M.S. degree, which committee, completes the requirements for the degree. may then be followed by the Ph.D. degree. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. The graduate advisor may allow certain courses in Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. other departments to be used In partial fulfillment of To obtain further information, address inquiries to: the requirement of 15 hours in naval architecture and Chairman Marine engineering, depending upon the background Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science and goals of the individual student. The program In 2233 Space Research Building Marine Systems, Operations and Design is normally The University of Michigan open only to applicants with a bachelor's degree or Ann Arbor, MI 48109 equivalent experience in the marine field. 3. Naval Architect, Marine Engineer (professional NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEER- degrees). The professional degree program requires ING: The department operates two model-testing a minimum of 30 credit hours of work beyond the facilities which are available for student projects at M.S.E. level or its equivalent, taken at this university all levels. A well-equipped shop and staff are main- with a grade average of B or better. Successful com- tained. The towing tank is 360 feet long, with a cross- pletion of a qualifying examination for admission to section of 22 feet by 10 feet. It is equipped with a candidacy is required. carriage, a wavemaker, a beach, and a false bottom for shallow-water tests. The maneuvering basin is 60 feet The total graduate program shall include: at least by 100 feet by 6 feet. Wave makers are installed on 24 hours in the area of the department or program cited one of the 60-foot sides, a beach on the opposite side, in the degree. The department or program advisors and a 14-foot wide towing carriage is also fitted along may satisfy these hours in greater detail. At least six the adjacent wall. Equipment for radio control of models hours devoted to a research, designed or development and telemetering is available. problem, including a written report covering the work. A committee of faculty members will supervise the The following degrees are offered: work, approve the report and conduct a final oral 1. Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Naval Archi- examination on this work. At least three courses In tecture and Marine Engineering). Candidates for the cognate fields other than mathematics are required, degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Naval Architecture and at least nine hours in mathematics beyond the and Marine Engineering) must complete 55 hours of B.S.E. mathematics requirements of the department general required core courses, 3 hours of advanced cited in the degree. mathematics, 22 hours of related technical subjects, 4. Ph.D. The Ph.D degree is conf .erred in recogni- 31 hours of program subjects, 14 hours of technical tion of marked ability and scholarship in some relatively electives, and 11 hours of suggested and free electives. broad field of knowledge. A part of the work consists 2. M.S. and M.S.E. in Naval Architecture and Marine of regularly announced graduate courses of instruc- Engineering. The applicant should have a bache- tion in the chosen field and in such cognate subjects lor's degree (or equivalent education) in engineering, as may be required by the student's committee. In physics or mathematics. Preparation should include addition, students must pursue independent investiga- introductory courses in differential equations, solid tions in some subdivision of the selected field and mechanics fluid mechanics and dynamics. Some ex- must present the results of their investigations in the perience with a large digital computer is desirable. form of a dissertation. The 30 credit hours required for the degree will Students become applicants for the doctorate when normally include at least 15 hours in naval architec- they have been admitted to the Horace H. Rackham ture and marine engineering beyond those required School of Graduate Studies and have been accepted for the bachelor's degree, as well as five or more in the field of specialization. No assurance is given hours of graduate-level mathematics courses. that they become candidates for the doctorate until There are no specific courses required of all stu- they have given evidence of superior scholarship and dents at this level. Most students will specialize in ability as original investigators. one or more of the following areas, including in their programs, the basic courses specified: ship hydrody- There is no general course or credit requirement namics, ship structures, marine engineering, ocean en- for the Ph.D. degree. Students must pass a compre- gineering, or marine systems. hensive examination in their major field or specializa- The programs leading to the M.S.E. degree are in- tion which tests their knowledge in that field and in tended to train students for careers in design, ship- the supporting fields before they will be recommended yard practice and management. Applicants for these for candidacy for the doctorate. A special doctoral programs should have obtained the B.S.E. degree committee is appointed for each applicant to super- in naval architecture and marine engineering, or they vise the work of the student both as to election of should have some experience in the marine field In courses and in preparation of the dissertation. A pamphlet that describes the general procedure lead- life management. The course of study is planned to ing to the doctorate can be obtained from the Graduate meet the needs of the individual. Specializations might School office upon request, and another for this include: aquaculture, international resources manage- department, specifically, is also available. ment, management of recreation areas and fisheries, Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. marine fishery development, natural resource biometry, Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. water quality management, water-fowl management, To obtain further information, address inquiries to: watershed management and others. Chairman Upon entering these areas of concentration, stu- Department of Naval Architecture and Marine dents will be expected to have a basic competence Engineering and balanced background in the biology-ecology, so- N.A.M.E. Building, North Campus ciology, economic, quantification-inventory, and man- The University of Michigan agerial concepts of renewable resources areas. This Ann Arbor, MI 48109 level of knowledge can be obtained by taking the recommended undergraduate program in one of these SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES: (Highlighting areas. specializations in fisheries and aquatic ecology.) The The graduate programs in fisheries are flexible School of Natural Resources is located in the Samuel enough to meet individual needs. The specific courses Trask Dana Building which offers 47,000 square feet to be taken are chosen by the student in consulta- of classrooms, laboratories and offices centrally lo- tion with his or her advisor, and must be approved cated near the University General Library and the by the chairperson of the Fisheries-Forestry and Wild- Natural Science Building. life Program. A committee of at least two faculty mem- Many natural resources courses are taught at the bers directs the student's program. University of Michigan Biological Station or at Camp Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Filibert Roth. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Since professional employment in natural resource To obtain further information, address inquiries to: fields usually requires preparation beyond the bache- Chairperson lor's degree, the School of Natural Resources offers Fisheries, Forestry and Wildlife Program a basic curriculum that provides necessary background University of Michigan for further study in marine sciences, or fishery Ann Arbor, Mi 48109 science, or aquatic ecology as well as offering master's and doctorate programs in natural resource areas. RESOURCE ECOLOGY: Coursework in the program The following degrees are offered: consists of distribution requirements to assure breadth 1. Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources. The in important areas of ecology and courses to provide School of Natural Resources has prepared suggested training in a special area of interest to develop appro- study programs for students on the undergraduate priate analytical techniques or to provide further work level who wish to pursue an interest in marine sciences, in basic biological or physical science. including biological oceanography or marine biology Each student must complete graduate or senior- or ecology; fisheries science; and natural resource level courses in four of the following five areas: systems ecology, including aquatic systems and biological ecology, animal ecology, plant ecology, physiological oceanography. ecology, or aquatic ecology. 2. Master of Science in Natural Resources. Kaster's At the beginning of the student's graduate study students in Natural Resources normally affiliate with program (specifically the proportion of credit hours one of five programmatic areas: Environmental Educa- in the distribution requirements above) must be de- tional and Outdoor Recreation; Fisheries, Forestry, and fined in consultation with the faculty advisor and be Wildlife; Landscape Architecture; Resource Ecology; or approved by the Resource Ecology Program chair- Resource Policy and Management. Opportunities to person. develop master's level programs which combine com- A committee consisting of at least two faculty mem- ponents of two or more program areas are available. bers directs the student's program. The chairperson Degree requirements are flexible and permit selection of the master's committee is ordinarily the student's of courses to meet individual needs. major advisor and is the faculty member under whom Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. the student wishes to concentrate his or, her work. The Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. other member or members are chosen to give a -To obtain further information, address inquiries to: balanced and logical representation of interests in- Dean volved in the program. School of Natural Resources University of Michigan DOCTORAL PROGRAMS: The Doctor of Philosoph .y Ann Arbor, M1 48109 degree is awarded by the Horace H. Rackharn School of Graduate Studies and may be earned for programs FISHERIES, FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE MANAGE. specializing in several areas of natural resources. A MENT: Master's students concentrate or have options student may embark upon 6 doctoral program whether in one or a combination of many specializations or not he or she has a professional degree in any within the disciplines of fisheries, forestry, or wild- natural resources field, but evidence must be given 112 of adequate preparation in the proposed field of maximum of six hours in thesis research may be specialization. applied toward the total of 32 hours, and two required Students in Natural Resources are normally expected courses are common to the three options. Other :re- to have completed requirements for the master's de- quirements are specified for each option. gree before admission to a doctoral program. Entering Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. students with the B.S. degree who wish to obtain the Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Ph.D. are usually first admitted to a master's program To obtain further information, address inquiries to: which is tailored to prepare them for later doctoral Chairman, Department of Geology and Mineralogy work. 1006 C. C. Little Building Evaluation of an applicant for the Doctor of Philoso- University of Michigan phy degree is normally based upon graduate academic Ann Arbor, MI 48109 performance, broad comprehension of the subject, or, and potential as an independent investigator. No Chairman, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science applicant is accepted until a faculty member agrees to Space Research Building act as that student's major advisor. The major advisor University of Michigan serves as chairman of the student's candidacy commit- Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tee that guides course selection and conducts the preliminary examinations. The candidacy committee is WATER RESOURCES PROGRAM: Program emphasis appointed by the Graduate Affairs Committee of the is placed on development of both technologic and School of Natural Resources. socio-economic concepts required for solution of a All doctoral students must elect, as graduate stu- variety of environmental and water resources prob- dents, at least two graduate-level cognate courses that lems. The Water Resources Program coordinates four carry two or more credits each and have been approved basic graduate programs; Water Resources Engineer- by a graduate advisor. Cognate courses taken as a ing, Water Resources Management, Water Resources master's degree candidate may, with approval, satis- Science, and Health Aspects of Water Quality. All fy the doctoral degree requirement. four draw upon the educational facilities of the Col- After a student has completed the course require- lege of Engineering, School of Natural Resources, ments established by the candidacy committee, a pre- School of Public Health, Law School, and College of liminary examination is administered by the committee. Literature, Science and the Arts. After passing this examination, the student becomes The program leading to the degree M.S.E. In Civil a candidate for the doctorate and is eligible to pro- Engineering, Water Resources is open to qualified ceed according to the rules stated in the Handbook candidates with a Bachelor of Science degree in any for Doctoral Candidates, Horace H. . Rackham School of the generally recognized fields of engineering. Pro- of Graduate Studies. All doctoral degrees require the gram emphasis is placed on development of both tech- completion of a dissertation in a format acceptable nological and socio-economic concepts required for to the student's dissertation commitee and the Dean solution of a variety of environmental and water re- of the Rackham Graduate School. The dissertation must sources problems. Candidates for the degree M.S.E. be defended successfully in a comprehensive oral must complete a minimum of 30 hours of graduate examination before the dissertation committee. work, planned in consultation with the program ad- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. visor, constituting an integrated program. A typical Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. program normally includes courses in: hydrology and To obtain further information, address inquiries to: water quality management; water quality and water pol- Admissions Office lution control; water and wastewater treatment, water Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies chemistry and limnology; air pollution and solid wastes The University of Michigan control; systems analysis, operations research tech- Ann Arbor, MI 48109 niques, and computer applications; political and insti- tutional factors in environmental and water resource INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS: systems.. The Master of Science program in Water Resources MARINE AND LACUSTRINE GEOLOGY: A master's Management provides the student with a working knowl- degree in Marine and Lacustrine Geology is offered edge of problems and approaches for managing the through a cooperative arrangement between the De- use and development of water resources and pro- partment of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science and vides specialization in one of the major aspects.of the Department of Geology and Mineralogy. Applica- water management through integrated training in tech- tions for submission may be made through either nical, economic, social, and institutional aspects in- department and will be considered from students with volved in public water management enterprises. It undergraduate degrees in the earth or physical is designed for individuals seeking careers in govern- sciences, oceanography, or engineering. Students mental and quasi-public agencies concerned with admitted to the program will ordinarily concentrate water resources planning and development. in one of three areas: Marine Sedimentation, Marine Geophysics, or Marine Geochemistry. A*minimum num- The Master of Science program in Water Resources ber of 32 credit hours and a thesis are required. A Science prepares the student in the fundamentals of 113 scientific investigation of natural and polluted waters, UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI emphasizing studies in the chemical and biological University, Mississippi 38677 sciences and including cognate courses designed to broaden the student's perspective of the total water The University of Mississippi has research and teach- resources field. The program is Intended for those ing facilities in fresh water and marine sciences on seeking positions in research and pollution control the main campus at University. Selected classes are laboratories -whether in industry or in federal, state also taught at the Tupelo branch campus and the or local government. Universities Center in Jackson. Marine research is All students are assured personal counseling to help conducted by University scientists and the University them select the program that will best meet their Is also affiliated with Mississippi's Gulf Coast Research individual interests. Students considering graduate Laboratory located at Ocean Springs, Mississippi. At study in water resources should consult as early as the main campus facilities available consist of class- possible with members of the Interdepartmental Pro- rooms, offices, laboratories, and computers. gram Committee on Water Resources. The University is part of the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Curriculum offered: available In school catalog. Grant Consortium. It is this affiliation which provides Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. the major emphasis for the present involvement of the To obtain further information, address inquiries to: University in marine science programs. Chairman, Water Resources Program The following degrees or marine science related Engineering Building 1-A The University of Michigan options are offered: Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 1. Bachelor of Science In Geological Engineering, marine geology option requires 135 semester hours. 2. Bachelor of Arts in Biology or Geology, or Bache- lor of Science in Biology requires 126 semester hours. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 3. Master of Science in Geology (School of Engi- Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 neering) requires 30 hours of graduate credit, of which six will be thesis credits. The University of Minnesota offers marine science 4. Master of Science in Geology (College of Liberal related courses on the Twin Cities'and Duluth Cam- Arts) requires 30 hours of graduate credit, of which six puses and at the Itasca Biology Station. Courses are will be thesis credits. offered in a 'number of departments. 15. Doctor of Philosophy: Coursework requirements To obtain further information, address Inquiries to: vary, one foreign language and a dissertation are Marine Education Agent required. Sea Grant Extension Program 109 Washburn Hall 6. Master of Marine Law and Science (School of University of Minnesota-Duluth Law) requires 30 hours of graduate credits, of which Duluth, MN 55812 9-12 will be in specified marine related science. Pre- The Fisheries Program is located on the St. Paul requisites include a Bachelor of Science in one of the sciences plus a first degree in law. Campus in the Department of Entomology, Fisheries Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. and Wildlife. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. The following degrees are offered: To obtain further information, address inquiries to: 1. B. S. in Fisheries (190 credits, minimum) Associate Director of @University Research 2. M.S. in Fisheries University of Mississippi a) Thesis plan - 28 credits minimum, plus thesis University, MS 38677 b) Non-thesis plan -.44 credit minimum, plus re- search papers 3. Ph.D. In Fisheries a) No credit minimum b) Nine quarters registration UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND c) Thesis SAINT FRANCIS COLLEGE d) Preliminary and final examinations Biddeford, Maine 04005 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Saint Francis College, the undergraduate college o.f Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. the University of New England, offers four-year degree To obtain further information, address inquiries to: programs in Marine Biology and Environmental Afialy- Director of Graduate Studies in Fisheries 219 Hodson Hall sis through its Center for Life Sciences. The 150-a.cre 1980 Folwell Avenue campus is located on the Saco River estuary on the St. Paul, MN 55108 coast of southern Maine. The programs utilize this loca- 114 tion for intensive study of, estuarine, open sea, salt UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE marsh, mud flat, rocky and sandy beach environments. Durham, New Hamphire 03824 These environments provide habitat for a wide variety of plants, invertebrates, fish, birds and other marine Near a variety of marine environments, the University organisms, for individual as well as class study. of New Hampshire is well-located for marine science Laboratory space of 2,500 square feet includes four and ocean engineering activities. The Great Bay estu- preparation laboratories, seven teaching laboratories, arine system is adjacent to the campus while the coast- line of the Atlantic is 15 miles away with the Isles of numerous office and storage rooms; equipment con- Shoals but a few miles offshore. The port,city of New sists of electrophoresis units, environmental sampling 7 devices, dredges, salinometer, bathythermograph, spec- Hampshire, Portsmouth, is centrally located on the trophotometer, pH meters, a gas chromatograph, an Gulf of Maine about 10 miles from the/University. otter trawl, seines and other types of fishing nets and The University's major marine facilities include the gear; plankton nets; a temperature controlled tank Jackon Estuarine Laboratory (JEL) on Great Bay, the room; and an aquarium room. In addition, a wide variety Marine Program Building on campus, the Diamond of bacteriological and chemical laboratory equipment Island facility on Lake Winnipesaukee 40 miles from and facilities exist along with the usual microcopes, campus, a research fleet composed of the 45-foot RIV refrigerators, and freezers. Jere A. Chase and several smaller craft, and their pier facilities at JEL and in Portsmouth near the ocean. The College maintains its own research vessel, 26- These facilities are available to all marine faculty and foot converted lobster boat, the Sawowcotuck. students. The University, in cooperation with Cornell Since our size and location do not permit an exten- University, also has facilities at the Shoals Marine Lab- sive research program, we encourage our students to oratory on Appledore Island of the Isles of Shoals, gain experience, often along with academic credit by which focuses on marine biology and related subjects. off-campus research placements. Those may be done Major items of equipment available include a cIrcu- through our Cooperative Education programs or during lating seawater system at JEL, electronic microscopes, January Winter term, internships or summer jobs. digital computers, a Beckman automatic amino acid analyzer, a liquid scintillation counter, a mass spec- Cooperative arrangements have been made in past trometer, an auto analyzer, spectrophotometers, wave years with students working with the Maine Department tanks and diving equipment. The RIV Jere A. Chase is of Marine Resources, West Boothbay Harbor; Maine De- equipped with radios, radar, Loran, an A-frame, and partment of Environmental Protection, Augusta; The carries portable research tools such as gravity coring Research Institute of the Gulf of Maine, Portland, devices and dredges. Maine; Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Marine science and oceanographic educational and Wildlife; National Marine Fisheries Laboratories at research programs involve the Departments of Bio- Sandy Hook, New Jersey, Panama City, Florida, Milford, chemistry, Botany and Plant Path o I ogy@,,Earth Sciences, Connecticut, Beaufort, North Carolina; United States Microbiology, and Zoology, while ocean engineering Environmental Protection Agency, Narragansett, Rhode education and research programs are conducted by Island; New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachu- the Departments of Chemical, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Additionally, marine research setts; Mystic Marine Life Aquarium, Mystic Connecti- is also conducted by the Departments of Anima'l cut; American Museum of Natural History, New York Sciences, Chemistry, Physical Education and Political city. Science. The University of New England, St. Francis-College Marine,research proceeds on both an intra and In- offers a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology degree. terdisciplinary basis, being supported by such organi- In addition to required core courses, the student must zations as the National Sea Grant Program Office, the choose one to three upper level biology courses in National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Re- consultation with an academic advisor. Other college search, the'National Institute of Health, the U.S. Coast Guard, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Re- requirements in Liberal Learning, Human Services and search activities take faculty and students far afield to Managerial Studies must also be completed to qualify such places as the Arctic, Antarctic, mid-Pacific Oceans, for the degree. and the North Sea, as well as to the neighboring marine Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. environments of Great Bay and the Gulf of Maine. Ex- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. amples of research studies include those relating to marine food chain, marine biotoxins, chemical, biolog- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: ical and thermal pollution, marine mineral resources, Director, Center for Life Sciences mariculture, marine resource management, marine University of New England law, environmental baseline data, arctic under-ice Saint Francis College systems, diving systems, submersibles and underwater 605 Pool Road habitats. Many of these research activities are sup- ported by an excellent diving program, which annually Biddeford, ME 04005 ',qualifies numerous faculty and student divers, in addi- (207) 282-1515 x15 tion to facilities previously mentioned. 115 The following degrees are offered: sciences graduate seminar and two or more courses 1. B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Biochemistry with s .pec- related to their specialty; an oral presentation of ialization in marine biochemistry. thesis work; a thesis b) Ph.D. degree requirements: reading knowledge 2. B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Botany with specialization of an appropriate foreign language, passing a quali- in marine botany, granted by the Department of Bot- fying examination, generally after two years of study; any and Plant Pathology. teaching experience equivalent to at least half-time a) B.S. Non-thesis degree requiring a minimum of for one year; completion of significant original re- 128 credits . search described in a dissertation; and passing an .b) M.S. Thesis degree requiring a minimum of oral defense of that work. Course requirements are 30 credits and defense of a thesis based on field flexible. or laboratory research 8. B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering with spec- c) Ph.D. Doctoral dissertation degree requiring ialization in ocean engineering, granted by the Depart- written and oral qualifying examination, defense ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering. of dissertation, a reading knowledge of at least a) B.S. Non-thesis degree requiring a minimum one- foreign language and, possible,, proficiency in of 133 credits. See Ocean Engineering Minor Pro- a cognate field such as computer techniques gram. 3. B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering with spec:- b) M.S. Thesis or independent research degree, lalization in ocean engineering, granted by -the De- unless waived by reason of equivalent experience, partment of Chemical Engineering. requiring a minimum of 30 credits. a) B.S. Non-thesis degree requiring a minimum of c) Ph.D. See Ph.D. in Engineering. 1.29 credits. See Ocean Engineering Minor Program 9. Ph.D. in Engineering with specialization in ocean b) M.S. 'Thesis degree requiring a minimum of engineering in the areas of Engineering Systems De- 30 credits. Thesis may be waived by reason of sign, Signal Processing, Theoretical and Applied Me- previous research chanics and Transport Phenomena, granted by the .c) Ph.D..See Ph.D. in Engineering Engineering Ph.D. Program representing the Depart- 4. B.S. and M.S. in Civil Engineering with special- ments of Chemical, Civil, Electrical and Computer, and ization in ocean engineering, granted by the Depart- Mechanical Engineering. -ment of Civil Engineering. A doctoral dissertation degree requiring a qualifying a) B.S. Non-thesis degree requiring a minimum of examination, defense of dissertation, a reading knowl- 131 credits. See Ocean Engineering Minor Program edge of at least one foreign language or, possibly, a b) M.S. Thesis or project degree, the thesis de- proficiency in a cognate field such as computer tech- gree requiring a thesis and 24 credits and the project niques in addition to prescribed coursework. degree requiring a written paper on a projects 10. B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering with course in addition to 30 credits of coursework and comprehensive examination specialization in ocean engineering, granted by the De- partment of Mechanical Engineering. 5. S.A. and B.S. in Geology and B.A. Science Major a) B.S. Non-thesis degree requiring a minimum of with Earth Science Concentration with specialization 128 credits. in the marine earth sciences, granted by the Depart- b) M.S. Thesis or project degree; the thesis re- ment of Earth Sciences. quires a thesis and 24 credits of coursework and a) B.A. in Geology. Non-thesis degree requiring the project degree requires a project and 28 credits a minimum of 128 credits, 32 credits being in the of coursework. Individuals with special 'qualifica- earth sciences tions may substitute coursework for the project. b) B.S. in Geology. Non-thesis degree requiring c) Ph.D. See Ph.D. in Engineering. a minimum of 128 credits, 48 credits being in the earh sciences 11. B.A., M.S. and Ph.D. in Microbiology with spec- c) B.A. Science Major. Non-thesis degree requir- ialization in marine microbiology, granted by the De- ing a minimum of 128 credits, 24 credits being in the partment of Microbiology. earth sciences a) B.A. Non-thesis degree requiring a minimum of 128 credits. 6. M.S. and Ph.D., in Earth Sciences/Oceanography b) M.S. Thesis degree requiring a minimum of 30 requires a major in geology, chemistry, physics, mathe- credits and an oral examination on thesis and grad- matics, engineering, or in the biological sciences, and uate coursework. requires completion of one year each of college chem- c) Ph.D. Doctoral dissertation degree requiring istry, calculus and physics. Undergraduate preparation qualifying examination, defense of dissertation, and will determine the area of specialization for the pro- one semester of teaching or previous equivalent gram. experience. 7. M.S. and Ph.D. in Geology (with specialization in 12. B.A., M.S. and Ph.D. in Zoology with specializa- one area of oceanography) requires completion of one tion in marine zoology, granted by the Department of year each of college chemistry, calculus, and physics. Zoology. a) M.S. degree requirements: a minimum of 30 a) B.A. Non-thesis requiring a minimum of 128 credits of a specific curriculum, including an earth credits. 116 b) M.S. Thesis or special problem degree requir- mington. Courses are taught on' campus in several ing a minimum of 30 credits and an oral examina- departments and research projects are also conducted tion on thesis and graduate coursework. in departmental laboratories. Special research facilities c) Ph.D. Doctoral dissertation degree requiring on campus include Uniboomer sub-bottom profiling sys- oral qualifying examination, defense of dissertation tem, Sal in ity/Temperatu re/Depth profiling system, radio and written examination demonstrating proficiency tracked current drogue, Radium-226/Radon-222 iso- in at least one foreign language. tope counting system; biological incubators; electron microscopes, gas chromatographs, infrared spectrorn- The Ocean Engineering Minor Program recognizes eter; gamma spectrometer; mass spectrometer, liquid undergraduate engineering students who acquire a scintillation counters, and computer center. The princi- nucleus of knowledge about engine 'ering pertaining to pal research facility is the Institute of Marine Sciences. the ocean and the coastal zone. In additional to meet- A. new laboratory building providing 20,000 square feet ing the University minor requirements of 20 semester of space was completed on the shore of Bogue Sound hours, students must complete satisfactorily a minimum in 1968. The RIV Machapunga, a 48-foot diesel-0ow- of 5 courses from a core curriculum of ocean-oriented ered vessel 'specialty built for estuarine research, Is courses in the earth sciences and engineering. equipped with radiotelephone, fathometer, generators Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. for 100 volt a.c. and 32 volt d.c., and a hydraulic winch Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. for handling gear; it has a 600-mile cruising range and To obtain further information, address inquiries to: living accommodations for four persons. Several out- Director, UNH Marine Program board-powered small boats are available. University of New Hampshire Additional facilities at this coastal laboratory include Durham, NH 03824 a library, research collections of fishes, decapod crus- (603) 862-2994 taceans, and mollusks, photographic darkroom, radio- isotope facilities, a large pier, a running saltwater system in a separate wing of the laboratory, large out- door seawater tanks, and experimental seawater ponds. Research equipment includes microscopes, in situ UNIVERSITY OF NORTH ALABAMA salinometers, sampling bottles, nets and trawls, pyre- Florence, Alabama 35632-0001 hellometers, submarine photometer, oxygen and car- bon dioxide analyzers, histological equipment, gas The University of North Alabama, through its partici- chromatograph,- spectrophotometers, and many other pation in the Marine Environmental Science Consortium types of general laboratory equipment. of Alabama which is housed at the Dauphin Island Sea Special equipment at Wrightsvill*e Marine Biomedical Lab, is able to present a major in Marine Biology. This Laboratory includes pressure chambers to simulate program represents a specific option within the pro- terrestrial environments from +30,000 to -6,000 feet fessional biology major and requires the student to above sea level, together with apparatus and instru- spend two 'summers at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab mentation for physiological and neurological studies; where they take a minimum of sixteen semester hours special problems in physical chemistry and strength of of marine science courses. Information on the research materials can also be undertaken. and support facilities available at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab is cited under the listing for the Marine En- The following degrees areoffered: vironmental Sciences Consortium of Alabama in this 1. Ph.D. in.Marine Sciences (Curriculum in Marine publication. Sciences). For the Ph.D. degree each student will ordi- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. narily take at least four of the following courses: Ocean- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ography, Physical Oceanography, Geological Ocean- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: ography, Biological Oceanography, and Chemical Dean, School of Arts and Sciences Oceanography, although his committee may approve University of North Alabama other courses as satisfactory substitutes. He must also Florence, AL 35632-0001 take Seminar in Marine Sciences at least twice and will study or do research. at.a marine laboratory or on (205) 766-4100 x288 an oceanographic cruise in a program approved by his committee. The dissertation will be on a marine topic. A minor is optional, A reading. knowledge of one foreign UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA language is required. Every student must gain some AT CHAPEL HILL Aeaching experience during his program. Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 2. M.S. in Marine Sciences (Curriculum in Marine Sciences). For the M.S. degree each student must earn The University of North 'Carolina has teaching and at least 30 semester hours of credit, including the four research facilities on the campus at Chapel Hill, at core courses in physical, biological, chemical and geo- the Institute of Marine Sciences at Morehead City, and logical oceanography degree or substitute courses at the Wrightsville Marine Biomedical Laboratory, Wil- that are satisfactory to his committee. He must take 117 Seminar in Marine Sciences at least once, and a period students for a doctoral program elsewhere, (3) to up- of residence at a marine station or on an oceanograph- grade proficiency of secondary public school teachers. ic cruise will ordinarily be required. A thesis on a ma- The program curriculum consists of three tracks, one rine topic is required. A minor is optional. Every student of which the student must elect: Marine Biology, Bio- must gain some teaching experience during his pro- logical Oceanography, and Coastal Biology. gram. The following UNC-W degrees are offered: Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. 1. B.S. in Marine Biology Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. a) At least 37 semester hours in biology and ma- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: rine biology Chairman b) Year courses in general chemistry and physics .Curriculum in Marine Sciences 045A c) Precalculus or calculus University of North Carolina d) Additional physical science electives Cha pal Hill, NC 27514 2. B.A. in Environmental Studies with a concentration in marine sciences a) Introduction to the environment and environ- mental studies senior seminar UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA b) Statistics and computer sciences AT WILMINGTON c) Four natural sciences environmental courses Wilmington, North Carolina 29403 d) Three social sciences environmental courses e) A minimum of 20 semester hours in upper ma- The University of North Carolina at Wilmington, lo- rine science courses. cated on a 600-acre campus adjacent to the Atlantic 3. M.S. in Marine Biology Ocean, Intracoastal Waterway and Cape Fear River a) At least 30 semester hours of graduate study; Estuary, has marine research and teaching facilities a minimum of 24 hours must be completed In on its main campus as well as specialized research residence facilities at its Institute for Marine Biomedical Research b) Demonstrate competency in a foreign language at Wrightsville Beach. The principal facility used for or a computer language marine science programs on campus is the 40,000 c) Written and oral comprehensive examinations square foot Marine Sciences Building which presently and a thesis based on original research are required houses the Department of Biological Sciences and d) Program must be completed within five years Earth Sciences and the Program for Environmental of the date of first registration for graduate study Studies. It contains several classrooms, 14 teaching and Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. research laboratories, specialized equipment and work Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. areas, and conference rooms. The Institute for Marine To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Biomedical Research is housed in an aggregate of four Chairman buildings totaling 12,000 square feet. More than a dozen Department of Biological Sciences specialized laboratories and various supporting facil- University of North Carolina at Wilmington ities, including an instrument and machine shop and Post Off ice Box 3725 animal quarters, are provided. The University owns a Wilmington, NC 28406 fleet of small boats ranging from 14 to 23 feet in length (919) 791-4330 x2470 and a 73-foot trawler used for research. Vessels are berthed at the U n iversity-I eased marina at Wrightsville Beach, a few minutes drive from the campus. Marine-related academic programs include a marine biology curriculum leading to the B.S. degree, an UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA environmental studies curriculum. with an emphasis in Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202 marine sciences leading to the B.A. degree, and a graduate program in marine biology leading to the The fisheries program at the University of North M.S. degree. Dakota does research in various freshwater bodies of The undergraduate marine biology curriculum in- water in North Dakota including Garrison Reservoir, cludes a basic introduction to the field of biology with Lake Ashtabula, and nearby streams and lakes. The an emphasis at the upper level in various aspects of department - has access to a recording depth finder, marine biology. The environmental studies curriculum limnology equipment, capture gear, electrical resis- is a multidisciplinary one in which students may elect tance thermometers and several small fishing boats. to emphasize marine sciences. This curriculum is de- The University of North Dakota offers a B.S. degree signed to expose the student to a broad range of re- in Fishery and Wildlife Management. The fisheries op- search procedures in the natural and social sciences, tion of this degree places emphasis on freshwater sport while allowing each student to develop in-depth capa- fishery management. It requires 51-54 semester hours bilities in marine science. The graduate program is in biology, and courses in geology, chemistry and designed (1) as a terminal degree program preparing mathematics. They also offer the M.S. and Ph.D. In students for a marine-related profession, (2) to prepare Biology with fisheries or limnology, options. lie DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY: dry woods and a section of the Forest River. The Oak- UNDERGRADUATE: The Department of Biology of- ville Prairie Station consists of 800 acres of virgin up- fers concentrated study in four areas: Biology, Botany, land and lowland prairies and is located 12 miles from Zoology and Fishery and Wildlife Management. The the carnpus. Both of these areas have laboratory and objective of these majors is to provide students with housing facilities and@in addition, Oakville Prairie has a broad knowledge of moderen biology through train- facilities for year-round bioclimatological studies. A ing in each of the major areas of biological science: fourth 'area consists of 600 acres of old fields located ecologic, genetic, molecular, morphologic and sys- 17 miles from the campus. This tract is used for studies tematic biology. of secondary succession and wildlife management. In addition to the classrooms and specialized teach- The North Dakota Fishery Research Unit, a coopera- ing laboratories, the Biology building houses an her- tive operation of the Biology Department and the North barium, animal rooms, greenhouses, a controlled en- Dakota Game and Fish Department, conducts research vironment laboratory, wet labs, a darkroom and grad- needed for and directed to"the management of sport uate student research laboratories. The Department and commercial fisheries and the protection of aquatic also maintains three natural areas for use in teaching environments in the State. The Department participates and research as well as the University Biological Sta- in the planning for the University of Minnesota Forestry tion at Devils Lake. and Biological Station in Itasca through representation Well qualified majors are used to participate in in- on the Itasca Advisory Council. dependent studies, honors work, or undergraduate The following degrees are offered: research. Normally, studies of this nature are initiated by invitation from a faculty member. Students selected 1. Master of Science. The requirements are a 20- for these programs usually carry out their studies in credit major (including research and thesis) and a 10- the research laboratories of the individual professors. credit minor. The minor may be taken within the De- Research assistantships financed by faculty research partment or from one of the other biological or physical grants may be available for part-time employment. The science departments in the University. Other require- department participates in the University Honors Pro- ments include two credits of seminar and satisfactory gram through certain interdisciplinary colloquia, by completion of a comprehensive examination by the honors credit in advanced courses, and by independent student's advisory committee. studies and tutorials in-advanced topics. 2. Doctor of Arts. This degree program is designed The following undergraduate degrees are offered: to produce broadly trained biology teachers for the 1. B.S. with major in Biology four-year and junior colleges. A dissertation is not 2. B.S. with a major in Botany required, but students must have some research and 3. B.S. in Fishery and Wildlife Management technical writing experience as part of their program. 4. B.S. with a major in Zoology Only those persons holding__a master's degree are 5. B.S.Ed. with a major in Biological and Physical eligible for admission to the program. A teac 'hing in- Sciences ternship is required as part of this program. 3. Doctor of Philosophy. The most important features GRADUATE SCHOOL: The Department of Biology of- of the Ph.D. program are the performance of an in- fers graduate studies leading to the Master of Science, dependent piece of research and the writing of a Doctor of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. These dissertation which is an original contribution to knowl- programs are designed to prepare students for aca- edge suitable for publication. Other requirements In- demic teaching and research, research in government clude six credits of seminar, reading knowledge of a service, and research and developmental opportunities foreign language, and attendance for one session at in industry. an approved field station, preferably marine or tropical Biology faculty and graduate students occupy all or A minor is not required but each student is expected portions of two buildings. Starcher Hall houses an her- to show competence in related areas as determined barium containing about 30,000 specimens, animal by the student's advisory committee. Work completed rooms, darkroom, greenhouses, vertebrate and inverte- on a master's degree program may be incorporated brate research museums, research laboratories for into the doctoral program if approved by the student's fisheries, limnology and biometry, and a controlled en- advisory committee. vironment room with growth chambers. Chandler Hall contains the Institute for Ecological Studies. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. The Biology Department is strongly oriented toward Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. studies in field biology, and the Department operates To obtain further information, address inquiries to: three field stations for research and class use. The Chairman, Department of Biology Devils Lake Station is located 90 miles west of Grand University of North Dakota Forks and is suited for aquatic research. The Forest River Biology Area is 40 miles from the campus. It Box 8238, University Station includes habitats suitable for studies in aquatic and Grand Forks, ND 58202 woodland biology; spring brook, swamp, moist and (701) 777-2621 lie UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Eugene, Oregon 97403 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: The University offers marine biology courses at Ocean Law Program both the main campus in Eugene and at Oregon Insti- University of Oregon School of Law tute of Marine Biology, Charleston, Oregon. Modern Eugene, OR 94703 science buildings in Eugene include laboratory facilities for Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Molecular Bio- logy and Physics. Oregon Institute of Marine B lology is located on UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO about 85 acres along Coos Bay. The Institute buildings Mayaguez, Puerto Rico,00708 include dormitories, dining hall, classrooms and lab- oratories. There are six laboratory classrooms with The Department of Marine Sciences on the Mayaguez running salt water, study tables and benches. One campus of the University of Puerto Rico is a graduate renovated building, used for year-round research, department, offering a program leading to Master of houses modern equipment such as a refrigerated cen- Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in marine trifuge, spectrophotometers, and scintillation systems, sciences. The aim is to train marine scientists for Zeiss microscope equipped with Nomarski optics. careers in teaching, research and development. Stu- No degrees are offered by the Institute; however, dents specialize in biological, physical, chemical, or the University of Oregon awards credit, including grad- geological oceanography, fisheries biology, aquacul- uate credit for all courses designated (G) or at the ture, or one of the areas within marine biology. They 500 level. Work done at the Institute may form an inte- also gain an overall appreciation of marine sciences gral part of the work towards Bachelor's, Masters, or through core course requirements and electives. Much Ph.D. degrees in Biology offered on the Eugene campus. of the teaching and research is carried out at the ma- Courses in the marine sciences are offered during rine station, 22 miles from Mayaguez, but students are the regular year at the main campus by the Department able to elect courses in other departments and to use of Biology. The Department of Biology also offers both facilities at the computer center and the Center for regular summer and special workshop courses at the Energy and Environmental Research on campus.. Institute. Independent studies and research have been A minimum of 30 semester hours of credit in ap- carried out on a year-round basis at the Institute since proved graduate courses is required for the Master 1968. A fall term program in biology includes Marine of Science degree; 72 for the Ph.D. Courses in the Ecology, Invertebrate Zoology, Estuarine Ecology, and Department of Marine Sciences are taught in English research credit. During the spring, a multi-disciplined and Spanish. Because Puerto Rico has a Spanish cul- approach to man and his environmental problems will ture and the University is bilingual, candidates are ex- be offered entitled "People and the Oregon Coast." pected to gain a functional knowledge of Spanish as This program will include courses,in biology, sociol- well as English before finishing their degree if they ogy, geography, landscape architecture and political are not already proficient in both languages. In addi- science. tion, all candidates are required to demonstrate, in an Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. examination administered by the University's language 'Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. departmen.t, the capacity to read and translate one To obtain further information, address inquiries to: other modern foreign language for the M.S. and two Director for the Ph.D. Further requirements for the M.S. and Oregon Institute of Marine Biology residence of at least one academic year, passing a Charleston, OR 97420 departmental examination, completing a satisfactory thesis, and passing a comprehensive final examination; (503) 888-5534 for the Ph.D., residence of at least two years, passing a comprehensive preliminary examination, completing The University of Oregon School of Law offers a satisfactory thesis, and passing a final examination courses at the- Legal Center building on the campus in in defense of the thesis. Eugene. An Ocean Law Library and the facilities of the New teaching and research facilities, complete with Law School Library are used for research. In conjqnc- ordinary and sophisticated equipment, exist both on tion with the Marine Advisory Program, the Law School campus and at the field station. A department library conducts seminars at the Law Center and at various specializing in marine science publications is located coastal locations, attended by members of Oregon in the campus building. The field station is on 18-acre ocean industries, Oregon State University oceanogra- Magueyes Island within a protected embayment off phers, other scientists, Oregon Law School faculty La Parguera, Puerto Rico. In addition to classroom- members and interested members of the bar and gov- laboratory facilities, the station has indoor and out- ment. door aquaria and tanks with running seawater, a muse- The Oregon Law School Ocean Law Program is part um containing reference collections of fish, inverte- of the Oregon State University Sea Grant College. brates, and algae, the 125-foot RIV Crawford, the 60- The J.D. degree is offered. foot RIV Medusa, the 52-foot RIV Pez Mar, and a 120 number of smaller boats. In conjunction with the under- evaluate the disturbances caused by man., The ecology water research and training activities, the department program provides both background data and a broader operates a hyperbaric chamber housed at La Concep- context for other scientific programs. cion Hospital in San German. Research facilities for Studies on the functional morphology of marine or- warm water aquacultures include some 8 acres of ganisms are aimed at a better understanding of the earthen ponds; sixty 10.5-square meter plastic pools; interrelationships between organ systems and environ- sixteen 4.7-square meter fiberglass tanks; thirty con- mental conditions. These studies are currently focused crete tanks, one hundred 10-gallon aquaria; and 110 on more complete knowledge of feeding and nutritional cylindrical hatching jars. biology in marine invertebrates, larvae, and the ecolog- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. ical implications of larval biology. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Graduate students are encouraged to participate In To obtain further information, address inquiries to: the research programs underway at the station. Re- Director, Graduate School search assistants work 50 percent of their time on the University of Puerto Rico various projects. From their contact with staff members Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00708 and the multitude of research problems that come to or, their attention during their involvement in the various Director, Department of Marine Sciences ecology research programs, students have little diffi- culty in finding thesis problems. University. of. Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00708 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS: The undergraduate program in marine science is designed for students of biology with upperclass standing. The 16 semester units are partitioned between two of the formal four- unit courses offered and eight units of research, UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC normally on a specific problem related to one of the PACIFIC MARINE STATION current research programs at the Pacific Marine Sta- Dillon Beach, California 94929 tion. There are three main objectives of this program: (1) it affords undergraduates the opportunity of having The marine station lies 60 miles north of San Fran- a marine experience, of studying marine biology and cisco on the southern shore of Bodega Bay adjacent ecology at the source; (2) the program provides an to Tornales Bay and just opposite the Point Reyes Na- opportunity to carry on original research either within tional Seashore. The high diversity of marine environ- the context of one of the current faculty research pro- ments close by renders the area very suitable as a grams or in some other area; (3) it is hoped that the laboratory site. Sand beaches, intertidal sand flats, scientific experience gained during this program will rocky shores, salt marsh, and kelp beds are within easy enable an individual to give thoughtful consideration access. The local flora and fauna are correspondingly to all of the parameters of complex environmental rich. problems. The station consists of three research and office Upon completion of the program it is expected that buildings and several auxiliary structures; the former a student will be able to: understand some of the house teaching, research and instrument laboratories, complex relationships between species of animals, photographic darkroom, museum, stockroom, and li- substrata, food chains, larval development and mor- brary. All laboratories are supplied with fresh seawater phological adaptations; evaluate the scientific basis for pumped directly from the ocean to two large holding statements in newspapers and magazines on conserva- tanks. The station maintains two research vessels: a tion and the development of the natural resources; 17-foot Boston Whaler and a 42-foot steel-hull vessel design a limited research program, and know how to designed for offshore research. apply scientific results to the solution of environmental problems. GRADUATE PROGRAM: The Pacific Marine Station, Undergraduate students with advanced standing in a division of the University of the Pacific, is a year- biology will take two courses selected from those of- round research center with a graduate program leading fered and spend the other two courses in participation to a Master of Science degree. The marine station's research program stresses in one of the station's on-going research projects. De- ecology and systematics in the broadest sense. The partures from this scheme, including initiation of new principal theme of the ecology program is to determine projects, is possible by special arrangement. the factors responsible for the seasonal and long-term Curriculum offered: avaifable in school catalog. changes in marine ecosystems. Current studies range Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. from analyzing the effects of a variety of physical To obtain further information, address inquiries to: stresses on sand -flat communities to evaluating the Director, Pacific Marine Station roll of predation in determining gastropod distribution on rocky shores. This program supplies the information University of the Pacific necessary to develop sound impact studies and to Dillon Beach, CA 94929 121 UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Kingston, Rhode Island 02881 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Marine-related education is an important function in To obtain further information, address inquiries to: several of the University's colleges. The most impor- Chairman, Department of Chemical Engineering tant fields are: Oceanography, Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island Marine Affairs, Fisheries and Marine Technology, Ma- Kingston, RI 02881 rine Resource Economics. In addition, there are faculty MECHANICAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING: This Is members with stro'ng marine interests in other science a B.S. degree offered jointly by the two departments. and Isocial science departments. The University is a Students enrolled in this curriculum will follow the Sea 'Grant College, and it operates several marine program of study for Mechanical Engineering and publ'ic service programs. Applied Mechanics until their senior year. At that Marine-related education, research, and public ser- point, a number of courses are elected from a larger vice programs operate under the cognizance of the number of ocean-related courses, some of which are ProvoIst for Marine Affairs. For information on specific given by the Ocean Engineering Department. Graduates programs, write tke individual departments listed of the program are thus equipped to move either into below. ocean industry or into traditional mechanical engineer- GRADUATE SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY: The ing positions. Graduate School of Oceanography maintains a group Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. of laboratories, offices, and support facilities at the Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Narragansett Bay Campus, a waterfront location in To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Narragansett, Rhode Island. Principal structures are Program Coordinator the Charles J. Fish Oceanographic Laboratory, the Mechanical and Ocean Engineering Program Francis H. Horn Laboratory, the Norman Watkins Ma- Department of Mechanical Engineering. rine Science Building, and the Claiborne Pell Marine University of Rhode Island Science Library. The graduate school operates the Kingston, RI 02881 RIV Endeavor, a 177-foot research vessel, and a num- CIVIL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING: Students enrolled ber of small craft. in this curriculum will follow the program of study The University offers the degrees of Master of for Civil Engineering until the latter part of the junior Science in Oceanography and Doctor of Philosophy in year and the senior year. At that point, a number of Oceanography. Both degrees are given with options in courses are elected from a larger number of ocean- biological, chemical, geological and physical ocean- related courses, some of which are given by the Ocean ography. Engineering Department. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: To obtain further information,, address inquiries to: Dean, Graduate School of Oceanography Program Chairman Narragansett Bay Campus Civil and Ocean Engineering Program University of Rhode Island Department of Civil Engineering Narragansett, RI 02882 University of Rhode Island DEPARTMENT OF OCEAN ENGINEERING: The De- Kingston, Rl 02881 partment of Ocean Engineering operates an excellent MARINE AFFAIRS PROGRAMS: coastal research vessel, an acoustics tank, a tow/wave GEOGRAPHY AND MARINE AFFAIRS: The Depart- tank, an excellent geotechnical laboratory, a corrosion ment of Geography and Marine Affairs offers a B.A. in laboratory, and a computer laboratory. All of these Geography and Marine Affairs. Thirty credits in this con- facilities are available to students and faculty and they centration, including courses in geog .raphy, marine are maintained on the Bay Campus, some 6 miles from policy, and oceanography,,are required for graduation. the main campus. The Department offers the M.S. and A total of 120 credits is required for graduation. Ph.D. degrees in Ocean Engineering. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. GRADUATE PROGRAM IN MARINE AFFAIRS: The Faculty appointments: availible in school catalog. Graduate Program in Marine Affairs, which offers two To obtain further information, address inquiries to: master's degree programs, was established in 1969 for Chairman" Department of Ocean Engineering individuals interested in the study of the complex University of Rhode Island issues of marine management. It focuses upon marine 201 Lippitt Hall policy in four functional areas: fisheries law and policy, Kingston, RI 02881 coastal zone m 'anagement, ports and shipping, and international law and policy of the oceans. Policy prob- CHEMICAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING: Students lems at the local, state, regional, national, and inter- enrolled in this curriculum follow the program of study national levels are examined. In recent years some of for chemical engineering during the freshman, sopho- the issues studied have'been: conflicting interests be- more, and junior years. The senior year student will tween offshore oil drilling and the fishing industry, pre- follow a core curriculum with concentration in ocean servation of wetlands versus' harbor development, the engineering applications. impacts of technological advances on the shipping 122 industry, and the developments in international ocean University of Rhode Island law at the Third United Nations Conference on the Kingston, RI 02881 Law of the Sea. (401) 792-2596 The following degrees are offered: DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND MARINE TE\CH- 1. Master of Marine Affairs (M.M.A.). Applicants for NOLOGY: The Department of Fisheries and Marine this program must have either a graduate degree in a Technology, located in the College of Resource De- field useful in ocean management, such as the behav- vei'6pment, maintains a mini-campus on the waterfront ioral sciences, ocean engineering, resources econom- in Wickford, Rhode Island, where training vessels are ics, political science, or public administration, or have berthed. Facilities contain classrooms and practical at least five years' experience in some ocean-related teaching laboratories for seamanship, navigation, ma- activity. Enrollment is limited to 25 candidates annually. rine electricity and electronics, electronic aids,, diesel In this program, students acquire basic knowledge and hydraulics technology. The 47-foot vessel, Gall and analytical skills through required and elective Ann, is fully equipped with electronic aids including courses. The core courses are General Oceanography, Loran C and sonar, being outfitted to provide training in Marine Geography, Economics of Marine Resources, all important fishing techniques. International Ocean Law, and the Marine Affairs Sem- inar. Students also take 12 credit hours of electives A two-year Associate Degree Program (Associate in marine affairs and in other fields such as: com- in Science) is directed primarily toward preparation munity planning, fisheries technology, organization- for the commercial fishing industry; an option aimed al management, geography, 'geology, oceanography, toward more general marine technology is available. ocean engineering, political science, and resource All students are required to complete 72 credits over economics. a two-year period-51 in professional commercial fish- Substantial independent effort is required in research eries and 21 in general education and background sub- projects and written work. The 30 non-thesis credits ject matter. required for the degree may be "Parned in nine months A four-year Bachelor Degree Program (B.S. In Ro- of intensive full-time resident study. The Marine Affairs source Development) is administered within the B.S. Seminar is ihe focus of interdisciplinary exchange. The curricula of the College of Resource Development. first segment relies heavily on outside speakers and Within the total requirement of 130 credit hours, stu- resident faculty members. The second segment re- dents may shape a program of studies to meet In- quires student presentations on specific problems se- dividual needs, professional objectives, and career lected from topics such as the various uses of the sea, goals by appropriate selection among requirements for international negotiations and the law of the sea, coast- a basic core, major area of concentration, directed al zone management, and ocean research and develop- electives, and free electives. ment. A major research paper is assigned early in the A Graduate Certificate Program in Commercial Fish- fall to be submitted toward the end of the spring eries is to be taken in conjunction with the Master of semester. Marine Affairs degree. Fifteen credits beyond the 30 The Master of Marine Affairs degree program does needed for the MMA are required, together with speci- not offer intensified specialization. It is intended to fied course selections for nine credits of MMA program give an overall familiarity with the subject, and to fill electives. Six credits of special problems in Fisheries in the gaps left by narrow specialization. and Marine Technology are mandatory. Students with- 2. Master of Arts in Marine Affairs (M.A.M.A.) Po- out previous in-depth background in applied commer- tential applicants who do not have a prior graduate cial fisheries are required to fulfill preparatory study degree or the requisite marine experience to qualify arranged to suit individual needs. for study toward the M.M.A. degree may make appli- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. cation for the degree of Master of Arts in Marine Af- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. fairs. This academic degree, counterpart to the pro- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: fessional M.M.A. degree, is a two-year, 45-credit thesis Chairman program. Candidates for the M.A. in Marine Affairs Department of Fisheries and Marine Technology take the 24 required course credits of the Master of University of Rhode Island Marine Affairs Program and 15 elective credits. This Kingston, RI 02118 combination enables a student to specialize in a given area and still receive the multidisciplinary influence DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCE ECONOMICS: The of the M.M.A. program. A six-credit master's thesis Department has an undergraduate (B.S.) program and of an interdisciplinary nature completes the program offers an M.S. in Resource Economics and a Ph.D. in of study. Economic-Marine Resources;JThe undergraduate pro- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. gram addresses the economics of marine and other Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. natural resources including commercial fisheries, aqua- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: culture, and land use. Undergraduate training in Re- Coordinator source Economics is preparation for positions in state, Graduate Program in Marine Affairs regional, and federal government, and for continuing Washburn Hall study at the graduate level. 123 . At the graduate level, the Department offers an Center on the University's main campus in Columbia M.S. degree in Resource Economics. Areas of con- and at Hobcaw Barony just north of Georgetown, South centration include aquaculture, fisheries management, Carolina. Modern field laboratories; a conference cen- the economics of recreation, offshore oil and gas, and ter; living quarters; environmental chambers; saltwater land use planning. This program trains students to as- holding systems; monitoring, sampling, and collecting sume positions with government agencies or in private gear; boats; and a launching ramp are available for industry concerned with marine resource management. the conduct of coastal marine research. The Depatment offers a non-thesis Master of Sci- The following degrees are offered: ence degree in Fisheries Business Economics with 1. B.S. in Marine Science. Upon completion of the cooperation from the College of Business Administra- freshman year, the student will select an area of spoc- tion. In this program about half the coursework is taken ialization consistent with his/her interests. Each stu- in the Department and about half in the College of dent will plan his/her individual program in consulta- Business Administration, and the purpose of the pro- tion with a faculty advisor. Requirements: gram is to prepare students for work in the private a) Basic core courses sector of the economy. b) Thirty hours in interdisciplinary major subjects The Ph.D. program in Economics-Marine Resources c) One year of chemistry and physics trains students in economic and resource economics d) Computer Science theory, marine policy and applied quantitative tech- e) A calculus sequence niques. Graduates of the program are hired in research 2. M.S. In Marine Science and teaching positions in government, industry and at a) Thirty credits including six for thesis research academic institutions. b) Four core courses in: biological, physical, geo- A close liaison exists with the University's Sea Grant logical, and chemical oceanography Program, Graduate School of Oceanography, Center for c) Presentation of a Master's Thesis Ocean Management Studies, and Intemational Center d) A comprehensive examination for Marine Resource Development. 3. Ph.D. In Marine Science Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. a) Completion of four core courses in Marine Sci- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ence To obtain further information, address inquiries to: b) Qualifying examination, written and oral Chairman c) Reading knowledge of one foreign language Department of Resource Economics d) Reading knowledge of a second foreign Ian- University of Rhode Island guage or six hours credit in either statistics or com- Kingston, R1 02881-0801 puter science (401) 792-2471 e) Comprehensive examination f) Presentation of a dissertation g) Dissertation defense Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Columbia, South Carolina 29208 Director, Marine Science Program University of South Carolina The Marine Science Program offers B.S., M.S. and Columbia, SC 29208 Ph.D. degrees. Additionally, graduate work in the Biol- (803) 777-2692 ogy of Geology Departments can have a marine em- phasis. The Marine Science Program provides an inter- disciplinary approach to the study of estuarine and coastal waters and includes several projects in deep ocean waters. Students may choose to specialize in UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA biological, chemical, geological or physical oceanog- Tampa (33620) and St. Petersburg (33701), Florida raphy. Within the curriculum, other specializations such as environmental modeling, oceanographic data pro- 'Marine Science is a unique interdisciplinary depart- cessing, coastal engineerng, and marine affairs, can be ment in the College of Natural Sciences of the Univer- developed. Each program is specifically tailored to the sity of South Florida. It is devoted to research, graduate indiividual's interest and career objectives. Instruction, and public service in biological, chemical, The Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and geological, and physical oceanography. Over seventy Coastal Research provides the research focus for M.S. degrees have been awarded since the formation of marine science projects at the University of South the department in 1967. In July, 1981, the Florida State Carolina and enables the Marine Science Program to University System Board of Regents approved an in- accommodate the research goals of individual students. dependent Ph.D. program for the Department of Ma- The research facilities of the Marine Science Program rine Science to complement the previously existing are located both in the new Earth and Water Sciences cooperative program with the Department of Oceanog- 124 raphy of Florida State University (FSU). Research em- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: phasis will continue to be placed on interdisciplinary Chairman, Department of Marine Science efforts in marine biology, chemistry, geology and University of South Florida physics. Some students, particularly in physical ocean- 140 Seventh Avenue South ography, may find it advantageous to work through the St. Petersburg, FL 33701 cooperative program with FSU. A minimum of 30 and 90 semester hours beyond the (813) 893-9130 baccalaureate are required for the M.S. and Ph.D. de- grees, respectively. Both degrees require the writing of a thesis or dissertation based on original research p.erformed by the student. The Master's degree in Ma- UNIVERSITY OF rine Science is intended for those who wish to qualify for positions in various state, federal government, or SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA private research laboratories and businesses, and for INSTITUTE FOR MARINE AND those who wish eventually to work toward the Ph.D. COASTAL STUDIES The Ph.D. program in Marine Science is intended pri- Los Angeles, California 90007 marily for those who have already earned the Master's degree and who wish to qualify for more responsible The Institute for Marine and Coastal Studies (IMCS) positions in marine related organizations including was established in 1975 by the University of Southern colleges and universities. Demonstration of ancillary California to manage and develop the University's ex- research skills in two areas (e.g., foreign languages, tensive marine programs and facilities, many of which computer programming) and satisfactory performance have been in existence since the early 1900's. The In- on a written and oral qualifying examination are re- stitute supports teaching and research in three princi- quired before a student may be admitted for candidacy pal areas; marine science (oceanography), ocean en- for the Ph.D. gineering, and marine policy (law, economics, politi- The Marine Science Department occupies a large cal science, etc.). More than 100 courses are taught building (82 000 square feet) located on a peninsula at in these disciplines in some 14 departments, colleges, and professional schools at USC. Many of the Insti- Bayboro Harbor, adjacent to downtown St. Petersburg. tute's professional staff hold joint appointments with The harbor is able to accommodate any ship in the U.S. fleet of oceanographic vessels, making the de- other departments. partment ideally situated for an oceanographic re- Marine science courses are offered at both the main search operation. Construction of a new machine shop campus in downtown Los Angeles and at the Catalina and warehouse building will be completed in 1983. Marine Science Center on Santa Catalina Island, 22 The Department of Marine Science operates a num- miles offshore from the Los Angeles coastal plain. In ber of boats, ranging in size up to 36 feet. Two larger addition, field work is conducted on the research ships, the 65-foot RIV Bellows, and the 110-foot RIV vessel, the Velero IV, a 100-foot Pacific Tuna Clipper Suncoaster, are generally available through the Florida Design vessel. The IMCS also operates a coastal re- Institute for Oceanography (FIO), which is located in the search vessel, the 65-foot Sea Watch; the 37-foot Gold- same building as the Department of Marine Science. en West, equipped for diving support and nearshore FIO serves faculty members at all the institutions of sampling; and the 28-foot Espoir, used for commuting the State University System by providing shiptime, equipment and personnel to and from the Catalina equipment, and, at times, coordination for multi-institu- Marine Science Center. All are located at the Marine tional proposals. The Department's specialized facilities Support Facility in Wilmington, which also houses an include laboratories for trace metal analysis, water Oceanographic Instrumentation Calibration Center, the quality, organic and isotope geochemistry, optical Harbors Research Laboratory for on-location harbor oceanography, sedimentology, micropaleontology, ben- studies, and the Marine Advisory Services component thic ecology, phycology, bacteriology, ichthyology, and of the Institute's Sea Grant Program. planktonology, and a flume laboratory for interdisciplin- The Catalina Marine Science Center provides ex-. ary boundary-layer studies. tensive laboratory and living facilities for scientists and Approximately nine state-supported assistantships students in a well-protected marine environment. The are available each year for beginning students. After Center includes a 30,000 square foot laborat "ory build- their first year, students are expected to work with a ing with classrooms, a lecture hall, and a library. Spe- professor on a grant-supported project. One-half time cific capabilities include: fresh water circulating sys- assistantships pay in the range of $5,000 to $6,000 for tems for all laboratories; microtechnique laboratories; the nine-month academic year. In addition, some out- herbarium; zoological museum; cold room; constant of-state tuition waivers are available to first-year stu- temperature room; two environmental chambers; elec- dents. tron microscope; and machine shop. The Center oper- ates several small boats, a diving support complex Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. (with air compressor, two diver-propulsion vehicles, Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. underwater television equipment, surface-air gear, and 125 underwater communications equipment), one of three Ing sound scientific information concerning the Los hyperbaric chambers on the west coast (used for treat- Angeles/Long Beach Harbor areas. Data from Harbor ment of diving victims and for physiological research), Projects' reports has been used extensively in environ- and a marine railway for launching and retrieving mental statements and assessments. manned submersibles. A larger pier to facilitate dock- Much of the Institute's research, however, deals with ing of large research vessels and a helipad to facilitate ocean problems of universal importance which extend emergency operations for incoming diving victims are beyond California's geographic boundaries. In addition recent improvements. to basic problems in marine biology, geology, ocean- The Center offers a year-round program of courses ography, and coastal engineering, there are complex in cooperation with the Department of Biological political and social issues which receive a great deal Sciences and the School of Medicine. One of these, of attention from the Institute's diverse professional the Catalina Semester, allows students the opportunity staff of marine engineers, biologists, geologists, social to spend a semester at the Center for two 71/2-week policy analysts, and legal experts, who frequently com- sessions. Formal classes are held 51/2 days a week, bine their skills in the search for adequate solutions. and sample courses include: Marine Phycology, Ma- This reflects the multidisciplinary approach to marine rine Biology, Marine Invertebrate Zoology, Biological studies at USC. Oceanography, I chthyo plankton, Underwater Research, Some of the Institute's programs have very specific Neurosciences, and Hyperbaric Physiology. research goals, such as the new Marine and Fresh- Also on Cat .alina Island is the Mt. Ada Marine Con- water Biomedical Center. In 1978, the National Insti- ference Center in Avalon. Mt. Ada was once the Cata- tutes of Environmental Health Sciences designated USC lina home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wrigley, Jr. It was as one of four universities nationwide to establish such donated to the University in 1978 for use as an aca- a center. The Center focuses its research on cardio- demic and cultural center, capable of accommodating vascular, neurobiologic, and carcinogenic problems in up to 100 conference participants. Ample commercial marine fish and mammals as they apply to humans. lodging facilities are located within walking distance A new Center for Marine Transportation Studies be- of the Center. gan teaching and research activities in early 1980. Designed to bring together the disciplines of public On-campus facilities for marine research range from administration, business administration, and marine a major central computing facility (along with several science, the Center offers graduate degrees and cer- auxiliary systems) to specialized laboratories for var- tificates in marine transportation. The Center's purpose ious areas of marine biology, marine geology, geo- is to train managers in various aspects of ocean trade, physics, geochemistry, ecology, oceanography, coastal transportation, and port and harbor management with- and ocean engineering, and paleontology. The Allan in the framework of a graduate academic program. Hancock Foundation's Library for Oceanography and The Center sponsors seminars, workshops, and short Marine Bio'ogy, aside from containing several thousand courses to bring together professionals already in the volumes on numerous marine science specialties, also field. produces a monography service devoted to 'basic and applied research, field surveys, and data reports in ACADEMIC PROGRAMS: USC offers a wide range the marine sciences. The Hancock Foundation posses- ses one of the largest collections of marine inverte- of academic possibilities for the prospective marine brates and algae on the Pacific Coast. sciences' student. Seven advanced degree programs are available in marine science specialties in the de- The Institute's diversified research program totals partments listed below: about $4 million yearly. Its largest single component, 1. M.S./Ph.D. in Biological Sciences with marine the Sea Grant Institutional Program, is concerned science emphases are offered by the Department of primarily with the planning and management of Cali- Biological Sciences. The Department offers approxi- fornia's coastal resources. Funded by the National mately 41 graduate and undergraduate courses in Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the State various marine science topics. Nearly 50 percent of of California, and other sources, Sea Grant deals with the department's faculty have marine biology special- marine resources development (living and non-living), izations. environmental quality, coastal zone management, and The M.S. requires three full biology graduate courses, marine education. two seminars, and additional graduate courses and/or The greater Los Angeles region is a virtual laboratory research units for a total of at least 24 units, as well for the student of marine science. Los Angeles has the as a thesis. The Ph.D. requires five full graduate second largest port complex in the United States,'the courses, six seminars and additional graduate units for largest fishing port, and segments of nearly every mari- a total of 60 units; qualifying examination and disserta- time industry. Thus, marine research problems abound tion are required as well. After admission into the in the local area and various IMCS programs address Ph.D. in Biological Sciences program, students are specific research problems endemic to the local area. given a background examination in the major fields of The Harbors Environmental Projects, for example, biology. Students prepare a curriculum of course and have played a major role in accumulating and analyz- research training in consultation with their advisory 126 and guidance committee. Although the qualifying exam- equivalent of nine courses. Thesis work at the master's ination in the second year is common to all doctoral level is optional. The program can be completed in students, consider/able specialization is allowed for three semesters of work, although it is possible to those engaged in,/ranne science areas. Shipboard and satisfy the' requirements in two semesters. Possible teaching assistance experience is required for students fields of specialization include: ocean dynamicsi involved in relevant oceanic biology areas. Thesis coastal engineering, and ocean structures. Other pos- topics and other specific areas of research will be sible areas include ocean communications, systems defined mainly by faculty interests, and an ability design, public administration, system safety, and ma- to undertake independent research is demanded. Lab- rine pollution. oratories exist in Science Hall, the Hancock Foundation Building, and the Ahmanson Center for Biological Re- 4. M.S. in Environmental Engineering. Offered by the search in addition to the extensive facilities of the Department of Environmental Engineering, the M.S. Catalina Marine Science Center. Courses are offered program is intended to prepare students for a profes- both on campus and at the Center. sional career in any one of many environmental engi- neering activities. It is interdisciplinary in nature; appli- 2. M.S. and Ph.D. in Geological Sciences with marine cants with a bachelor's degree in any area of engi- science specializations offered. The Department of neering or science who have the ability to pursue Geological Sciences has a faculty of over.50 percent graduate study are eligible for this program. Students in marine sciences, and 23 undergraduate and graduate are required to take coursework and pass a compre- courses in marine specialties are offered. Fourteen hensive examination. Normally it requires one academic faculty members teach and conduct research in a wide year of full-time study beyond the B.S. level. Possible range of areas from bottom topography to environ- areas of specialization include ocean waste manage- mental aspects of coastal geology. ment, water pollution problems and ecosystems. The requirements for the Ph.D. in Geology with 5. Marine Policy Programs. Arrangements have been specialization in Marine Geology, Geophysics and made to include a marine affairs program as an ac- Geochernistry of the Oceans follow the general re- ceptable field for specialized doctoral study in the quirements of the Graduate School and usually require School of International Relations, the School of Public a minimum of four years to complete. Only students Administration, the Department of Economics and the of high ability are accepted as candidates after demon- Department of Political Science. Students wishing to strating their competence in a screening examination do marine affairs work at the graduate level are en- in the first year, a comprehensive written and oral couraged to apply for enrollment into one of these more examination after two years, and the successful de- general disciplines at USC. In addition, joint programs Jense of the original dissertation. Usually the student is in Environmental Management can be arranged be- required to successfully demonstrate a reading knowl- tween the School of Urban and Regional Planning and edge of one foreign language, or they may substitute other schools and departments. Examples would be their competence in statistics, computer use or an joint Master's programs in Planning/Public Administra- advanced basic science minor. The path of the stu- tion, Planning/Law, or Planning/Business. dent's studies is directed by the Guidance Committee Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. following the successful passing of the screening exam- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ination. The M.S./M.A. in Geological Sciences with specialization in Marine Geology and Oceanography To obtain further information, address inquiries to: follows the same entrance qualifications as above and Director the candidate must have passed 24 hours of graduate Institute for Marine and Coastal Studies work with a grade point average of 3.0/4.0. A thesis University of Southern California is required. The master's committee is selected after University Park the screening examination of the first year is success- fully completed. The master's is generally required Los Angeles, CA 90007 before the Ph.D. can be sought except in cases of (213) 741-6840 exceptional ability. A master's degree normally re- quires two years to complete. 3. M.S. in Ocean Engineering. Offered by the De- partment of Aerospace Engineering, the M.S. in Ocean UNIVERSITY OF Engineering is directed toward preparing students for SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI a professional career in one of many ocean-engineering Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39406 oriented activities. The program is interdisciplinary in nature and flexible enough to satisfy the needs of in- The University, located less than 75 miles from the dividual students with a variety of backgrounds and northern Gulf of Mexico, has been granted a leader- Interests. Applicants with a bachelor's degree in any ship role for the development of marine science pro- area of engineering or science who have the ability grams in the State of Mississippi. Modern facilities for to pursue graduate study are eligible for this program. instruction and research in aquatc and marine science The program consists of 27 semester units or the are located on our main campus, and our close affilia- 127 tion with the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL) instrument laboratories, an SEM-TEM laboratory, and at Ocean Springs, Mississippi, provides the opportunity photography laboratories. Other specialized research for utilization of the facilities and personnel at this equipment available on campus includes highly ad- marine research laboratory (see GCRL listing). vanced computer facilities, instrumentation for chemi- In addition to our affiliation with GCRL, the Uni- cal and physiological analyses, sediment analysis versity maintains collaborative associations with agen- euqipment, and a variety of research quality light cies at the nearby National Space Technology Labora- microscopes. torles (NSTQ located at Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. No degrees are specifically entitled as marine These include the National Marine Fisheries Service science, but marine studies may be emphasized by (NMFS), Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO), students in choosing courses toward the following Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity degree programs: (NORDA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geo- 1. Bachelor of Science in Botany logical Survey (USGS), and the U.S. Coast Guard. 2. Bachelor of Science in Aquatic and Fishery Degree programs available at the University that Biology provide the opportunity to emphasize marine science 3. Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management are as follows: 4. Bachelor of Science in Zoology 1. The Department of Biology offers B.S., M.S. and 5. Bachelor of Science in Microbiology Ph.D. degrees with an emphasis in Marine Biology. 6. Bachelor of Science in Geology 2. The Department of Geology offers B.S. and M.S. General requirements for the above degrees include: degrees. aminimum of 124 semester hours successfully com- Curriculum offered: aval -lable in school catalog. pleted toward a degree program; a minimum grade Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. point average of 2.0; minimum residence requirements To obtain further information, address inquiries to: of two semesters and 30 credit hours; a minimum of Dean, College of Science and Technology 45 hours successfully completed in upper-level courses. University of Southern Mississippi Other requirements vary by department. Southern Station, Box 5165 At the graduate level, students may select marine- Hattiesburg, MS 29406-5165 oriented research projects and course programs in (601) 266-4883 pursuing the following degree programs: 1. Master of Science in Biology 2. Master of Science in Microbiology 3. Master of Science in Geologyy UNIVERSITY OF General requirements for the above degrees in- clude: a minimum of 30 graduate-level course hours; SOUTHWESTERN LOUISIANA completion of an acceptable thesis (exceptions may Lafayette, Louisiana 70504 be made in Geology); a minimum of 24 graduate-level hoU rs completed in residence; and successful com- The principal research and teaching facilities of the pletion of comprehensive and final examinations. The University are located on the main campus in Lafayette, student must also satisfy any specific department Louisiana,. The University is also an active participant requirements for the degree to which he aspires. in the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUM- The Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental and Evo- CON) and has access to Consortium laboratory facil- lutionary Biology is a new program as of 1983. ities and research vessels in Cocodrie, Louisiana, about Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. 120 miles from the main campus. Access is also avail- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. able to LUMCON's two satellite field stations, one near Grand Isle, .Louisiana, the other on Vermilion Bay, To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Louisiana, about 30 miles from the main campus. Ac- Head cess to other marine environments is often available Department of Biology, Box 42451 through cooperative programs with state and federal University of Southwestern Louisiana agencies. Marine research and education opportunities Lafayette, LA 70504 are also provided on an occasional basis through the (318) 231-6748 USL Tropical Field Expedition Program which to date has centered on studies along the east coast of Mexico. The University presently operates one 17-foot re- search vessel and several smaller outboards and skiffs. UNIVERSITY OF TAMPA A wide array of sampling equipment is available for Tampa, Florida 33606 marine field studies. Campus facilities include a variety of marine research and teaching laboratories in the The University of Tampa is located on the Hills- Biology, Geology, and Microbiology Departments. borough River a few miles from Tampa Bay and 18 Special facilities include a newly completed wing of miles from the Gulf of Mexico. A wide variety of ma- the Biology Department which houses wet labs, cold rine habitats are-located in the Tampa Bay area in- rooms, environmental room, systematic collections, cluding tidal marshes, sea grass meadows, oyster 128 reefs, sandy beaches, offshore areas, and live bottom Marine Science Institute. PAML is located on Aransas communities. The Marine Science Department main- Pass Inlet near Corpus Christi, Texas. It occupies tains a custom built 45-foot teach ing/research vessel buildings among the dunes at the tip of Mustang Is- equipped for trawling, dredging, scuba diving, snork- land, with easy access to bays, beaches, and the open eling, and hydrographic sampling. For those students Gulf. Environments readily accessible include the hy- interested in scuba experience, underwater techniques persaline Laguna Madre, oyster reefs, underwater are taught as an integral part of the program. Two grass flats, rock jetties, mud-bottom bays, beaches, smaller boats are available for work in shallow waters. and continental shelf. Laboratories are well-equipped with a variety of The Port Aransas facility includes a library, class-. ecological and physiological instrumentation. Chemical rooms, constant temperature growth chambers, sea facilities include gas and liquid chromatographs, nu- water facilities, shops, and garages. A dock laboratory clear magnetic resonance spectrometer, polarograph, is on pilings over Aransas Pass. Twenty outdoor ex- and infrared spectrometer. perimental ponds with filtered or raw seawater are An internship program provides with practical ex- available. The Laboratory provides a new air-condi- perience and credit in marine related programs in tioned 82-foot coastal research vessel, a 44-foot firms or agencies throughout the year. Through an trawler, a 40-foot self-propelled barge, and several affiliation with the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory in smaller boats and related equipment, in addition to Mississippi, a variety of marine courses are offered an assortment of vehicles-for field use. Dormitory fa- cilities are available. A recent expansion program has during the summer. provided a new laboratory building with complete The following degrees are offered: running seawater facilities for one-third of the floor- 1. B.S. in Biology with concentrations in ecology, space, a physical plant building, a dormitory, and an cell biology and preprofessional areas. Requirements apartment complex. A combination library-auditorium include nine biology courses, four chemistry courses building is nearing completion. (General and Organic), General Physics, and Pre- Graduate degrees in marine sciences are offered calculus. through affiliation with the Departments of Botany, 2. B.S. in Marine Science/Biology requires eight Microbiology, Zoology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, biology courses, six marine science courses, and the and Environmental Health Engineering (Civil Engi- courses listed above for chemistry, physics and mathe- neering) at the University of Texas, Austin. Course matics. requirements are those set by the particular department. 3. B.S. in Marine Science/Chemistry requires three The following degrees are offered: biology courses, six marine science courses, eight 1. Master of Arts and Doctor Philosophy programs chemistry courses, General Physics and Calculus 11. in biological or physical sciences may be concentrated . 4. B.S. in Marine Science/ Biology/Chemistry I re- in the area of marine science. Marine Science and quires eight biology courses, six marine science related courses listed in the various Austin campus courses, eight chemistry courses, General Physics and science departments may be used as supporting work Calculus 11. for marine science program.s. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. 2. M.A. in Biological Sciences (Botany and Zoology), Faculty appointments: available in school ca - talog. Chemistry or Microbiology with work concentrated in To obtain further information, address inquiries to: marine sciences. Nine to 12 hours of marine science Chairman as the minor may be combined with 12-15 hours of Division of Science and Mathematics the major and six hours of thesis registration for a total University of Tampa of 30 hours. The program of study and the thesis are Tampa, FL 33606 approved by a supervisory committee appointed by (813) 253-8861 the dean. 3. Ph.D. In Biological Sciences (Botany and Zoology), Chemistry or Microbiology with work concentrated in marine science. Requirements and examinations for THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS admission to candidacy vary according to the specifi- Austin, Texas 78712 cations of the graduate faculty of the major depart- ment at Austin. German, French or Russian is generally The University of Texas offers programs in marine- used to fulfill the language requirement in most of the related sciences through the Port Aransas Marine related science departments. There is no set number Laboratory of the Marine Science Institute and the of course hours required. The program of study, Institute for Geophysics, located at the main campus languages, final oral examination and doctoral disser- .in Austin. tation are approved by a supervisory committee and PORT ARANSAS MARINE LABORATORY: Facilities the dean. for graduate work in marine studies are located at Courses in marine studies are offered during the reg- the Port Aransas Marine Laboratory (PAML) of the ular long session at the Austin campus. The Marine Science Institute offers regular summer courses 'and ment for work in such fields as electrophysiology, blo- thesis research, as well as special problem courses, chemistry (including ma 'ss spectroscopy), transmission all year long at Port Aransas. Additionally, PAML offers and scanning electron microscopy, and behavioral continuing summer sessions composed of marine b1olo- analysis' In League Hall are facilities for the mainte- gy, oceanography and marine chemistry to upperldivi- nance of captured squid, and for experimental work sion and graduate level students (resident students in squid mariculture. There is also a collection of pro- or summer transient students). served marine organisms caught in the Gulf of Mexico. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. A separate building contains a hyperbaric medicine Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. facility, with a chamber for patients needing treatment T6*obtain further information, address inquiries to: with hyperbaric oxygen and also a laboratory for The Graduate Advisor experimental work in diving physiology. University of Texas Marine Science Institute The MBI has two research vessels: the RIV Erin Port Aransas Marine Laboratory Leddy-Jones and the RIV Virginia Blocker. The RIV Port Aransas, TX 78373 Erin Leddy-Jones is a 51-foot fiberglass stern trawler (512) 749-1267 esplecially designed for collecting marine organisms close to the shore of the Gulf of Mexico. The RIV INSTITUTE FOR GEOGHYSICS: The Institute for Geo- Virginia Blocker is a 41-foot Hatteras used particularly physics is closely associated with the Department of, for 6ollecting in the bay system and for explorations Geological Sciences in Austin, but also operates the requiring diving. There are also smaller boats for Galveston Marine Geophysical Lab and an associated diving operations and for estuarine work. The vessels marine operations base. Facilities include a VAX 11/780 are 6erthed at a dock belonging to The University of computer system with the DISCO seismic data pro- Texas adjacent to the Medical Branch. cessor, and the RIV Fred Moore, outfitted for multi- The MBI is not involved in undergraduate education. channel seismic data acquisition. Regions of interest However, members of the MBI belong to the faculty include the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, offshore Alaska, of the Medical Branch and the Graduate School of and Indon,6sia. Biomedical Sciences, and so they participate actively Graduate degrees (M.S., Ph.D.) are offered through In teaching the medical and graduate school curricula the appropriate academic departments of the Univer- and in residency training. In addition, there is a sub- sity with students pursuing courses and research in stantial postdoctoral research training program. Ph.D. the Institute for Geophysics and other closely related degrees are not offered through the MBI but rather departments. through regular graduate programs in which members Curriculum offered: available in schoolcatalog. participate. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. The Graduate Advisor To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Institute for Geophysics Director The University of Texas at Austin The Marine Biomedical Institute P. 0. Box 7456 200 University Boulevard Austin, TX 78712 Galveston, TX 77550 (512) 471-6156 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 MEDICAL BRANCH THE MARINE BIOMEDICAL INSTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES: Galveston, Texas 77550 The major facilities of the Department of Environmental Sciences are on the grounds of the University of Vir- The Marine Biomedical Institute (MBI) is a com- ginia,"Charloftesville. These consist of a major build- ponent of The University of Texas Medical Branch at Ing, Clark\ Hall, which houses classrooms, offices and laboratories, additional research laboratories in the Galveston, Texas. The MBI has three divisions. The Administrative and Comparative Neurobiology Divisions Chemistry Building, and several semi-permanent field are housed in the Sealy-Smith Professional Building, sites on tho\outer banks of North Carolina and the which is adjacent to the Medical Branch campus, and Virginia Barrier Islands, the Shenandoah National Park, and the Shenandoah Valley. the Marine Medicine Division occupies space in the same building and also in several buildings on the The Office of\th6 State Climatologist is housed with campus. The laboratories in the Sealy-Smith Building with the department as are all of the historical clima- are dedicated to research activities and include an several thousand salmon has been developed and is aquarium facility for maintenance of marine organisms, maintained by the School by the release of thousands both invertebrate and vertebrate, and a variety of equip- of fingerlings each spring. Brookstocks of rainbow 130 tological records of the Commonwealth. In addition Courses dealing with the ocean and its.use,to marine to modern analytical laboratories for environmental scientists are also offered in the Departments of 'At- chemistry and biochemistry and biogeochemistry the mospheric Sciences, Botany, Economics, Geography, department maintains a hydrodynamic and hydraulics Geological Sciences, Geophysics, and Zoology, and in laboratory and freshwater and marine aquaria systems. the College of Engineering. The department offers a Bachelor of Arts Which re- SCHOOL OF FISHERIES: The School of Fisheries quires 30 hours of coursework consisting of the stipu- in the College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences is con- lated core courses with their laboratories plus 14 cerned with research and training and investigation of additional hours within the department. In addition, possible ways to use stocks of fish and shellfish more calculus and biology, chemistry or physics are re- effectively, how to make better use of all waters - to quired. An undergraduate thesis is required for an produce more food from living organisms and how to honors degree. cultivate aquatic plants and animals more effectively. At the graduate level the Master of Arts, Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy are offered. All The School is also concerned with the impact of graduate degrees require demonstrated proficiency of pollution, of industry and of population pressure on the undergraduate core courses and a thesis or dis- the aquatic environment, both as these affect fisheries setation. For the Master of Arts, 33 hours of coursework and also other uses of our waters. In general, the pro- are required plus a library thesis. The Master of Science gram of the School provides opportunity for training requires 24 hours of coursework and an original thesis. not only in fisheries, but in the management of natural The, coursework and foreign language requirements resources and in the understanding and use of the for the Ph.D. are established by ihe graduate student's aquatic environment. individual committee. Founded in 1919, the former College of Fisheries, Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. now the School of Fisheries in the College of Ocean Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. and Fishery Sciences, has been intimately associated To obtain further information, address inquiries to: with the development and conservation of the fisheries Chairman, Department of Environmental Sciences of the northeastern Pacific Ocean. The School attempts Clark Hall to deal with the whole problem rather than with isolated University of Virginia technical questions, an approach which involves many Charlottesville, VA 22903 phases of biology with particular emphasis on the (804) 924-7761 quantitative aspects. Full attention is given to politi- cal, social, legal and economic problems associated GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES: The with the use of resources. Although fishery problems Graduate School of Arts and Sciences also offers the in the Northwest are emphasized, they are examined Master of Arts in Marine Affairs. This is an interdis- as case --histories, with many features applicable to ciplinary degree drawing on coursework in the Col- problems of harvesting aquatic resources throughout lege of Arts and Scences, the Law School (Center for the world and, as a result, many foreign students Oceans Law and Policy), the School of Architecture register in the School. (Planning), and the School of Engineering. The degree Fishing and fish products are an important part of requires 30 hours of coursework. A thesis is required the total food industry. The Institute of Food Science Admission to the program is through the Faculty Ad- and Technology offers undergraduate and graduate visory Committee on Marine Affairs. curricula to prepare food scientists for industry, gov- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. ernment and academia. The undergraduate program Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. provides a broad coverage of all phases of food To obtain further information, address inquiries to: technology with some additional specialization in fish- Chairman, Committee on Marine Affairs eries technology. Graduate programs are strongly Department of Environmental Sciences based on microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, physi- Clark Hall ology and engineering and emphasize an experimental University of Virginia approach to the solution of problems. There are four Charlottesville, VA 22903 major divisions in the new School, namely Aquaculture (804) 924-7761 and Invertebrate Fisheries, Quantitative Science In Fisheries, Food Science and Technology, and Fisheries Science and Aquatic Ecology in addition to the Fish- eries Research Institute. The Washington Cooperative. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Fishery Unit supported by the U.S. Department of the Seattle, Washington 98195 Interior, Washington State Department of Fisheries, and Dep-artment of Game is a part of the Fisheries The University of Washington offers a variety of Science and Aquatic Ecology Division. marine science-oriented programs through the College DIVISION OF AQUACULTURE AND INVERTEBRATE of Ocean and Fishery Sciences using teaching and re- FISHERIES: The Division in the, School of Fisheries has search facilities on its main campus and at several a major research and teaching program in both sal- marine facilities in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. monid and shellfish aquaculture. An annual run of 131 tr out, catfish and carp are maintained at the School fisheries resource management, aquatic ecology and facilities for research and training. ichthyology. Research on these subjects is carried out Current study areas include the effects of different by the Fisheries Research Institute and the Washing- culture methods on salmonids and warmwater fish, ton Cooperative Fishery Research Unit. response of developing salmonids and environmental Teaching in this Division is at both the undergraduate changes, dietary requirements of young, rapidly grow- and graduate level. The teaching emphasis is on the ing fish and maturing broodfish, genetic assessment biological and ecological processes which must be of cultured stocks, selective breeding . of cultured understood in order to successfully manage living strains, disease control, and fish biochemistry and aquatic resources. Such courses as functional anatomy, behavior. ichthology, fish physiology, fish ecology, and aquatic pollution teach basic information and principles while DIVISION OF QUANTITATIVE *SCIENCE IN FISH- advance courses on such topics as resource assess- ERIES: The Center of Quantitative Science in,Forestry, ment by hydroacoustics and the use of microcosms to Fisheries and Wildlife is an intercollege academic unit study ecological relationships, teach the theory and sponsored by the College of Forest Resources and the application of modern-day techniques used by fish- School of Fisheries. The Center offers a broad pro- eries scientists managing aquatic resources. gram in applied mathematics and in applied statistics directed principally to the College of Ocean and Fish- FISHERIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE: The' Fisheries ery Sciences and the College of Forest Resources and Research Institute is a research branch of the School to other life science departments of the University. of Fisheries. Many of the School's grants and con- The applied mathematics program of the Center of tracts in the field of fishery biology are handled by Quantitaive Science (CQS) is concerned with quanti- the Institute under the direction of both teaching and tative descriptions for the management of both aquatic research faculty. The research programs provide and terrestrial ecosystems. practical training opportunities for fisheries students as The teaching program of CQS consists of five areas well as support and thesis research under the guidance of course offerings. These include (1) computer pro- of the faculty with the assistance of the technical staff. gramming with particular emphasis on the problems The research projects in the Institute providea wide of the management of @living resources; (2) quantita- spectrum of opportunities for thesis research, and tive ecology including population, community and financial support for these activities comes from di- systems ecology; (3) operations research with 'par- verse sources. Annual reports of research are avail- tic' ula r focus on the utilization of renewable resources; able forn'the School of Fisheries upon request. (4) applied statistics with emphasis on statistical in- Basic requirements for admission to the graduate ferences and experimental design for the biological program in the College are a bachelor's degree from sciences; and (5) applied analysis consisting of dif- an instlitution of recognized standing with a grade point ferential and integral calculus applied to the life average of 3.00 in the junior and senior years of sciences. Courses in each of the five areas are inter- college work. related so. as to meet a wide range of student interests The following degrees are offered in the School of and-needs. Fisheries: 1. Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Science in ..DIVISION OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/ Fisheries. Bachelor's degrees require completion of a INSTITUTE FOR FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: common core curriculum in basic science (30 quarter The Division of Food Sciences and Technology and the Institute operate together, thus incorporating teach- credits), mathematics and statistics (9-11 quarter ing, research and advisory service programs in Food credits), environmental science (11 quarter credits), Science into a single unit. The teaching pogram in- and social science (11 quarter credits). In addition cludes undergraduate and graduate instruction. to the core curriculum, the student selects one or two sets of prescribed, courses from seven areas of The Research activities within the Institute are con- emphasis. The sets consist of 25-30 quarter credits. centrated in food microbiology, food chemistry, food The areas of emphasis are: fish culture, invertebrate engineering, seafood technology, food safety, environ- culture, recreational fisheries, aquatic resource man- mental.microbiology, and nutrition. At least one specific agement, water quality, fish processing, and general research project is usually active within each of these environmental study. areas. These projects provide opportunities for re- search training for both undergraduate and graduate 2. Bachelor of Science (Food Science). To obtain students in Food Science. Industrial research is car-' this degree in the food science program, the student ried out on an ad-hoc basis by the Institute at the must complete the requirements for university grad- request of food companies. Such research, which is uation with at least 10 credits in humanities and biologi- paid for by the companies, is encouraged. cal studies. Courses in biochemistry, chemistry, mathe- matics, physics, preventive medicine and specified fisheries and food science courses are requierd. DIVISION OF FISHERIES SCIENCE AND AQUATIC ECOLOGY: The Division of Fisheries Science and 3. Master of Science. At least one year of approved Aquatic Ecology is concerned with the teaching of study with a completion of a research project and 132 thesis leads to the master's degree. A minimum of. 45 disciplinary studies are possible. All requirements of upper-division or graduate credits must be presented the Graduate School must be satisfied. including 18 credits in specified fisheries or food The School offers a thesis and .a non-thesis program science courses and three additional credits in courses leading to the Master of Science degree. In both, numbered 500 or above. the student and his or her advisor prepare a program 4. Doctor of Philosophy. Students must complete of study to be apprsved by the student's supervisory at least three years of graduate study including a dis- committee. A departmental comprehensive written sertation. Credits earned for a master's degree may be examination is required. Language requirement is de- applied toward the doctor's degree. Students must termined by the student's faculty advisor.. demonstrate proficiency in translation of one foreign The School also offers a program leading to the language. Doctor of Philosophy degree. The student and his sup- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. ervisory committee prepare a program of study and Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. research and the student must pass a general exami- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: nation in oceanography and supporting fields. He then Director completes the research for his dissertation and pre- School of Fisheries, WH-10 pares for his final examination. University of Washington Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Seattle, WA 98195 Faculty appointments: available in school. catalog. (206) 543-4270 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Curriculum Advisor SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY: The School of School of Oceanography, WB-10 Oceanography has laboratory and ship facilities lo- University of Washington cated along the Lake Washington Ship Canal on the Seattle Washington 98195 main campus. The School occupies three permanent (206) 5@3-5039 buildings (two of which were constructed in 1967 and 1968). Research vessels ranging in size from 65 to INSTITUTE FOR MARINE STUDIES: The need for 208 feet (the RIV Hoh, RIV Onar, and RIV Thomas new approaches in education and research concern-, G. Thompson) are operated by the School for inshore ing marine policy arises from important recent devel- and deep-sea studies. opments at the national and international levels. These Special facilities include a closed saltwater system, . developments reflect an awakening public and private controlled environment room, a tidal model of Puget' interest in the accelerating needs and technological Sound, wave tanks and rotating models, shipboard capabilities of man to use and develop the ocean and coastal waters. and shore-based Prime 300 computers, a palemagnetics laboratory, a sea-ice laboratory, a gas chromatograph, The Institute for Marine Studies war, established to x-ray emission and gamaray spectrometers, particles expand opportunities for more comprehensive and counters, provisions for work with radioactive isotopes, interrelated study and research of contemporary marine a chemostat laboratory, and a scuba support facility. problems. The purpose of the Institute is to create Also avallab!e are an excellent Fisheries-Oceanography and to foster innovative interdisciplinary courses of Library, a well-equipped developmental laboratory, and study and new approaches to marine policy research. the University Computer Center. Teaching and research The Institute has 13 full-time faculty members, and facilities in the School also use the University's Friday a total of 28 faculty representing the fields of oceanog- Harbor Laboratories, a marine biological station on San raphy, environmental studies, fisheries sciences, at- Juan Island, about 80 miles north of the main campus. mospheric sciences, engineering, marine law, eco- . The School offers the Bachelor of Arts and the Bache- nomics, geography, political science and public policy lor of Science degrees. The student in either curricu- are currently associated with the Institute. lum must meet a set of fixed requirements outined in The Institute offers an academic program in the the University bulletin. following areas: Coastal Zone Management, Marine Students who have malored in oceanography or an- Policy, and Marine Resource Management. Students other science and appear likely to succeed in graduate with a particular interest in other areas of concen- study can be accepted in the program of the School tration (i.e., marine transportation and commerce, of Oceanography. Admission is based on grade records, offshore technology systems) may under some cir- letters of recommendation, and the results of the cumstances be able to make special arrangements to Graduate Record Examination. Students who have not pursue this interest. The programs are designed to majored in oceanography, should acquire a broad back- meet the needs of students with varied academic ground in science and mathematics equivalent to the backgrounds and different levels of educati6h 'and requirements for the baccalaureate degrees in ocean- experience. ography. Additional information can be obtained from The Institute has developed a program of study lead- the Graduate Program Office. ing to the Master of Marine Affairs (M.M.A.) degree. 'The student specializes. in biological, chemical, geo- An approved thesis and 69 credits of coursework in- logical, geophysical or physical oceanography; inter- cluding nine credits of thesis research are required. 133 Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Director, Ocean Engineering Program, FU-10 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: 126 Mechanical Engineeing Building Graduate Program Advisor University of Washington Institute for Marine Studies, HA-35 Seattle, WA 98195 University of Washington (206) 543-7446 Seattle, WA 98195 LAW AND MARINE AFFAIRS: For students who have (206) 543-7004 completed the first degree in law, the School of Law at the University of Washington offers a course of OCEAN ENGINEERING PROGRAM: The Ocean En- study in law and marine affairs leading to the LL.M. gineering Program based in the College of Engineering degree. Particular emphasis is placed upon the inter- at the University of Washington has been designed to disciplinary aspects of marine affairs. Curricular offer- take advantage of the breadth of marine and engineer- ings are available in the School of Law, the Institute for ing-oriented curricula on campus and of the proximity Marine Studies, the Graduate School of Public Affairs, of the campus to various marine environments. The the College of Engineering, the Department of Eco- undergraduate student may obtain a Bachelor of nomics, and the Department of Geography. Science in Engineering degree through the Interdis- Requirements for conferral to the LL.M. degree in- ciplinary Engineering Studies Program. Graduate stu- clude the satisfactory completion of 40 quarter credits dents may enroll in a graduate degree program offered of courework and research, of which a minimum of by the faculty of the engineering department that best 15 must be in the School of Law. fits their background and objectives, or may pursue Persons interested in applying for the LL.M. program a Master of Science degree through the Inter-Engi- should do so early in the school year because the dead- neering Program. The program for the particular stu- line for completed application occurs in Spring dent is arranged on an individual basis and includes Quarter. courses in the various engineering departments with Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. related coursework in the College of Ocean and Fish- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ery Sciences, Oceanography, Fisheries, and the Insti- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: tute for Marine Studies. Graduate Program Advisor Laboratory facilities on campus and in the field are Law and Marine Affairs used to support teaching and research in ocean engi- School of Law, JB-20 neering. A large Chemical Engineering Laboratory with University of Washington special facilities such as a 20-foot glass distillation Seattle, WA 98195 column, a 20-foot absorption column, and a fluid (air (206) 543-4550 and water) loop for research and calibration is avail- DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY:'The Department of Bo- able. Laboratories for hydraulics, wave studies, strud- tany is based in the College of Arts and Sciences. The tures, materials, soil mechanics, water biology, and Department's principal teaching and research facilities chemistry are located in Civil Engineering. Those for are located in Johnson Hall and the Biological Sciences acoustics, electronics and control systems, and energy Building on the main campus and at Friday Harbor conversion are in Electrical Engineering. Mechanical Laboratories. These include marine and freshwater Engineering has laboratories of heat transfer and algal culture facilities, numerous cultures of marine thermodynamics, experimental stress analyses, material algae, a collection of preserved algae in a special algal processing, and vibrations and acoustics. A ceramics herbarium, and scuba diving equipment. There are laboratory and those for material properties and min- boats for field work and a larger vessel is available at eral processing are available through Mining, Metal- the Friday Harbor Laboratories for dredging operations. lurgy, and Ceramics. Nuclear Engineering has a sepa- In addition to the Bachelor of Science degree pro- rate teaching and research facility. Part of the work gram in botany, the department offers both a Master of done by the Applied Physics Laboratory is marine- Science degree and a Ph.D. degree program, with spe- oriented and, when appropriate, a student's thesis research may be performed at this laboratory. A float- cial emphasis in ma 'rine algology and marine mycology. ing semi-submersible instrument platform is available Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. for field research. The platform is designed to minim- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. ize wave excited motions and is instrumented with wave To obtain further information, address inquiries to: staffs and an anemometer. Data collection and pro- Chairperson, Department of Botany cessing are controlled by an onboard data acquisi- 430 Biological Sciences Bldg. KB-15 tion --system. Outstanding collections of books and University of Washington periodicals of interest to the engineer and marine Seattle, WA 98195 scientist and a research computer laboratory round (206) 543-1942 out the facilities. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY: The Department of Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Zoology's offices and laboratories are in Kincaid Hall Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. on the main campus with facilities for advanced instruc- 134 tion and research including controlled environment Sciences and Political Science. Each of those dep art- seawater aquarium rooms. The modern facilities of the ments contributes to Coastal Zone Studies through Friday Harbor Laboratories on San Juan Island are also core and elective courses, research projects and a available for instruction and research on marine organ- faculty committee fo@med to ensure a comprehensive isms. yet integrated approach for the study of our coasts and While the depatment does not offer a degree in oceans. marine biology, students pursuing degree programs At present, two separate degrees at the master's may strongly emphasize this area by selecting a variety level are offered in Coastal Zone Studies: the Master of of marine biology courses in fulfilling the degree re- Science in Biology for marine-science-oriented stu- quirements. Two undergraduate degree programs are dents, and the Master in Publication Administration for offered: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science. Can- marine affairs-oriented students. These professionally didates for either must meet the requirements of the accredited degrees in fields of long standing and easy College of Arts and Sciences. recognition allow the student to have wide employment Graduate programs in the Department of Zoology in- opportunities. Son,6 students take all the coursework cluding coursework and research lead to the Master of necessary to obtain both the M.S. in Biology and the Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. A non-thesis M.P.A. in Public Administration for more indepth knowl- master's program is also offered. The major fields of in- edge in Coastal Zone Studies. terest in the department are cellular and developmental The curriculum in Coastal Zone Studies has been biology, general and comparative physiology, ecology designed to provide a balanced set of courses. Each and ethology, and vertebrate and invertebrate zoology. contributing dep6rtment offers a total of six hours. At A graduate student interested -in marine biology may the end of the 18 hour set, a seminar is offered that take several courses in the department or in one of a integrates the knowledge gained from the three dis- complex of departments of biological sciences at the ciplinary perspectives. Total hours required for either university. Entering students should have completed the master's degree is 36. As part of this program a paid following courses: organic and/or physical chemistry, internship is used in lieu of a thesis. one year of college physics, mathematics through cal- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. culus, and a survey of the plant kingdom. All students Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. are required to gain some teaching experience regard- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: less of source of support. With.the objective of insuring Director, Coastal Zone Studies a broad background in zoology, an entering graduate University of West Florida student participates in a diagnostic conference with a Pensacola, FL 32514 faculty committee. The student's academic strengths (904) 474 2330 and weaknesses are assessed in view of the student's interests and a course of studies is prescribed. A gen- MARINE: BIOLOGY: This program is based solely in eral oral examination taken in the third or fourth year the Biology Department and is offered at both under- includes the defense of an original research proposal graduate and graduate levels. The undergraduate 'cur- and precedes candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. riculum is@l based upon a core of required courses con- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. sidered b,@ the faculty to be fundamental to specializa- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. tion in the field of Biology. These core courses, which To obtain further information, address inquiries to: total 20 semester hours, are: biochemistry, genetics, Chairman, Department of Zoology developmental biology (embryology), ecology, and com- 106 Kincaid Hall, NJ-15 parative animal physiology. University of Washington The following departmental requirements must be Seattle, WA 98195 satisfied before a student receives a B.S. in Biology: a (206) 543-1620 grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or greater (on a 4- point sqale) in all biology courses taken; completion of the assigned biology core courses with no grade less than " "; completion of at least two academic terms UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA of orgai ic chemistry and a,course in statistics or cal- Pensacola, Florida 32514 culus; Tnd completion of the recommended number of elective biology courses to meet specific track re- The University of West Florida is an upper-level state quirements. university located atI the north end of Escambia Bay. In a@dltion to the core courses, the student must Two programs with a marine orientation are offered: complete 18 semester hours of biology electives which Coastal Zone Studies and Marine Biology. include one course in botany and 14 semester-hours of courses with a marine emphasis. Students also may elect to participate in directed studies on marine topics COASTAL ZONE STUDIES: Drawing upon the ex- pertise found in different disciplines, Coastal Zone for credit. Studies at the University of West Florida is based on Students completing the marine biology track re- three departments: Biology, Earth and Atmospheric ceive a B.S. degree with Marine Biology indicated as 136 the area of specialization. Few institutions offer a ma- The Center for Limnology was established July 1, rine biology program at the undergraduate level, and so 1982, to plan, conduct and facilitate the Ilmnological this degree is rather unique. and aquatic ecological research programs at the Lab- The Department of Biology offers graduate training oratory@ of Limnology on Lake Mendota and the Trout. culminating in the Master of Science degree. A majority Lake Station in the Northern Highlands of Wisconsin. of the faculty is engaged in grant-funded research in- The Center is a division of the College of Letters and volving marine, estuarine and freshwater organisms. Science and is used by faculty, staff and students from Currently there are about 35 graduate students in the various campus units for research on the lakes and program; Significant opportunities exist for cooperative streams of Wisconsin. The facilities are also available research with the staff at two major federal laborator- for visiting researchers interested in limnology and ies. A new program in Coastal Zone Studies has been aquatic ecology. established to train people who can contribute to The University Computer Center houses a UnIvac ecology/management problems in the coastal zone. 1110. Other computers read ily available across campus Faculty from biology, environmental sciences and,po- include the Geophysical and Polar Research Center's litical science are involved in the program. Harris 6024/3 which is available for marine and lim- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. nological data analysis. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Equipment and support facilities for research in a To obtain further information, address inquiries to: variety of specialized areas of microbiology is available Chair, Department of Biology through the Department of Bacteriology. These include University of West Florida an electron microscope laboratory, anaerobic labora- Pensacola, FL 32514 tory, isotope rooms, plant growth chambers, animal (904) 474-2746 quarters, high voltage electrophoresis room and a fermentation pilot plant. In addition, there are excellent opportunities for field work in the area of aquatic microbiology. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON The Department of Geology and Geophysics houses Madison, Wisconsin 53706 extensive facilities for chemical and mineralogical an- alysis. An automated electron microprobe, scanning The University of Wisconsin-Madison with its 100- electron microscope, stable isotope mass spectrom- year tradition in limnological research is recognized eter, atomic absorption spectrophotometers (2), allto worldwide as a leader in this field. analyzer system for nutrient chemistry, ion chromato- The Oc 'eanography and Limnology Graduate Program graph, UV-VIS spectrop hoto meters, single crystal and has been in existence at the University of Wisconsin- powder x-ray diffraction equipment, and computer Madison since 1962. An interdepartmental program facilities for data analysis/data reduction/data base leading to a M.A. or Ph.D. degree in Oceanography and management are all housed in Weeks Hall. Limnology or a minor in this field is available,and pro- The Great Lakes Research Facility operated by the vides graduate training in aquatic sciences with a Milwaukee campus is available to graduate students strong interdisciplinary flavor. This is not a campus on the Madison campus. It also offers a wide range of department, but rather a committee degree program de- laboratory and field access facilities to Southern Lake signed to meet the need for interdisciplinary work. Michigan. A complete understanding of the oceans and inland The Hydraulics Laboratory located on the engineer- waters - their origin, inhabitants, potential as pro- ing campus, has facilities for instruction and research, viders of food and minerals, and their social and eco- including a wave tank and a turntable for conducting nomic effects on humans - requires the application of Coriolis studies. nearly all the sciences. The University's main library reference facility, the Accordingly, the Oceanography and Limnology Grad- Memorial Library, catalogues over two million volumes. uate Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison The Kurt F. Wendt Engineering and Physical Sciences is interdepartmental, composed of faculty from the De- Library provides access to two computer terminals partments of Bacteriology, Botany, Civil and Environ- which allow direct entry into data bases at Lockheed mental Engineering (including Water Chemistry), Food in Palo Alto, California, and the Argonne National Li- Science, Geology and Geophysics, Meteorology, Plant brary in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. There are departmental Pathology and Zoology. Each of the faculty members libraries in biology, earth science, life science, Ilmnol- has active research programs. ogy and physical science. RESEARCH FACILITIES AND MAJOR PROGRAMS: The Northern Highlands of Wisconsin are one of the The Aquaculture Research and Demonstration Facility most diverse lake districts in the world. These lakes is well-equipped for studying cool-water species; pres- were- extensively studied by Birge, Juday and their ent research projects include fish nutrition, genetic colleagues in the early 1900's. The lakes around the selection for species improvement, reproductive phym Trout Lake Station are now a site for a National Science siology and engineering and economic aspects of perch Foundation long term research project. A balanced production for food markets via aquaculture. program is aimed at documenting long term trends 136 In physical, chemical and biological properties of lakes, passes three areas of activity - education, research understanding the interrelations among biological, phy- and advisory services - all focused on the utilization, sical and chemical processes and their relation to the conservation, and wise management of our marine and climatic and hydrologic environment, and determining' Great Lakes resources. The Sea Grant Program is or- the stability and resiliency of lake ecosystems to nat- ganized into sub-programs: Living Resources, Aqua- ural and anthropogenic disturbances. culture, Microcontaminants and Water Quality, Green The Marine Studies Center carries out research on Bay, Policy Studies, Diving Physiology, Ocean Engi- the oceans and Great Lakes and serves as an ocean- neering and New Applications. Advisory Services and ography information center for the University of Wis- Education are separate but are inherently included in consin-Madison. The center's research is directed the research subprograms. toward an understanding of ocean and Great Lakes The Water Chemistry Laboratory is situated on the environments, the solution of marine resource prob- shore of Lake Mendota in the Hydraulics Laboratory lems, and the study of marine resource policy. The Ma- Building. The Water Chemistry Program conducts re- rine Research Laboratory, the natural science arm of search on a wide range of water related problems. the Marine Studies Center is located in a separate The primary mission of the Water Resources Center building. is to encourage, plan, coordinate and administer re- The Geophysical and Polar Research Center includes search programs which are applicable to the solution a scanning electron microscope, an electron probe, and of present and emerging water resources problems. extensive sediment pore fluid chemical analysis center The personnel of the Center are charged with identi- and a pool and associated facility for testing sonic fying opportunities for advancing current research and devices. There are also portable instrument shelters information capabilities and promoting the transfer of for large ship programs on the Great Lakes and in the water resources information to the state, federal and oceans. Seagoing microprocessor systems for record- local agencies, the scientific community and the gen- ing data, logging navigation and processing data have eral public. been developed. A laboratory computer is also avail-, The Oceanography and Limnology Graduate Program able. emphasizes limnological studies and is based on the Field studies are particularly important to marine and premise th at limnology and oceanography is an Inter- aquatic research and the University of Wisconsin-Madi-7. grated field requiring the game broad base in the fun- son owns and operates several research vessels. The damental disciplines. Individuals may specialize in a RIV Aquarius is operated by the Sea Grant Institute and problem in limnology, oceanography or one common to is based at Sturgeon Bay on Lake Michigan. The Nees- both environments. Students entering the program are kay is operated on Lake Michigan by the Center for. requir'ed to have had mathematics through integral Great Lakes Studies at the University of Wisconsin- calculus and one year each in biology, chemistry and Milwaukee. Both of these vessels are specifically out- physics. Students without these requirements may be fitted for oceanographic survey work such as bottom admitted with deficiencies and are expected to make coring, hydrographic casts, BT surveys, dredging and them up early in the program. trawling, and chemical, physical, biological and me- Study plans are individually tailored for each student teorological observation. University of Wisconsin-Madi- by an Evaluation and Guidance Committee. This com- son scientists also use research vessels operated by mittee, set up in the first semester of residence, is the University of Michigan, the Environmental Protec- composed of at least three faculty members and in- tion Agency, vessels of the University National Ocean- cludes the major professor, one additional professor ographic Laboratory (UNOLS) fleet, and Army, Navy from the major field of interest and the third from an- and Coast Guard ships and we have also used vessels other discipline. At least two must be from1he Ocean- such as the RIV Eastward (Duke University) in the ography and Limnology faculty. This committee will oceans. The Limnos is based on Lake Mendota at meet with the student once each semester. The purpose Madison. Specially outfitted pontoon boats and num- of the committee is to design and review a program of erous smaller boats with outboards are used for lake study suited to the student's background, needs, re- study. search plan and career goals. A number of coordinated ship-aircraft operations The following degrees are offered: have been performed with the aid of research aircraft from the U.S. Navy, the Research Aviation Facility of 1. Master's Degree in Oceanography and Limnology. the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the A candidate for the M.S. degree in Oceanography and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Limnology must complete the following: Environmental Monitoring and Data Acquisition Group a) A minimum of nine credits in three formal of the Institute for Environmental Studies. courses, with two courses in one discipline within In 1968 the University of Wisconsin-Madison became the Oceanography and Limnology Program and-one one of the first of six universities to be designated as course in another discipline within the program*.' ' a Sea Grant Institution followed by designation as a b) One seminar each semester, including the Sea Grant College. Supported by the federal National Oceanography and Limnology Seminar at least once Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the State per year. of Wisconsin, the Sea Grant College Program encom- c) A Master's thesis or report. 137 d) An 'oral examination including defense' of the Oceanography and Limnology Program are coordinated Master's thesis or report to be administered by the by the Ocean Engineering Committee which consists Evaluation and. Guidance Committee. of members from various engineering departments. An e) Need for field experience to be determined by Ocean Engineering Master's Degree Program enables the Evaluation and Guidance Committee. engineers to enter the field of oceanography and f) Two semesters of residence on campus. thereby apply their technical skills to this important area. 2. Ph.D. Degree in Oceanography and Limnology. All Ph.D. candidates are expected to have or obtain 5. Master's Degree and Ph.D. Degree in Water Chem- a broad background in aquatic sciences and depth in istry. Water Chemistry involves the application of the their research area. A specific program will be de- principles and methods of chemistry together with a signed to meet the needs of the individual student by an knowledge of biology and the methods of engineering Evaluation and Guidance Committee. This committee to the understanding of the processes controlling the either formed or reconstituted in the first semester of chemical composition of natural waters, the relation- residence, has the responsibility for approval of the ships between natural waters and land-water and air- course program, recommendation of the minor, review water interactions, and the methods of altering the of research plan, conduct of comprehensive examina- composition of waters and wastewaters through chemi- tion and the defense of thesis. It will meet twice an- cal, physical, and biological treatment. nually, with additional members added for the purpose. The Water Chemistry Program is an interdepart- of examination. mental program within the Graduate School, offering The broad background in aquatic sciences should in- M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Water Chemistry. The pro- clude biology, chemistry, geology and physics. The gram faculty includes members from the Department of major by the nature of the program, will include ad- Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, Geol- vanced courses in several sub-disciplines in limnology ogy and Geophysics, and Soil Science. The program and oceanography. The minor may be used to obtain laboratories are in the Hydraulics Laboratory Building tools of research, to focus even more intently on a near Lake Mendota where the Water Chemistry faculty single discipline within limnology and oceariography,' in. Civil and Environmental Engineering together with or to open additional areas related to the field, such approximately 25 graduate students, several postdoc- as in the social sciences. torates, specialists, and technicians are conducting re- All students must take the Oceanography and Lim- search on a wide range of water-related problems. The nology Seminar at least one semester per year until water chemistry group works closely with engineers, graduation. limnologists, geochemists, soil scientists, meteorolo- gists, botanists, and others on various research projects Need for field experience is to be determined by the covering aspects beyond the scope of a single disc!- Evaluation and Guidance Committee. pline. The Ph.D. candidate must demonstrate competency The M.S. degree in @Water Chemistry requires 13 in a foreign language. Typically two years of college credits of core courses in Water Chemistry and elec- level coursework or an examination will suffice. The tive courses selected based on the area of water chem- language chosen shall be one represented by a sub- istry emphasized in the student's program. A thesis stantial body of relevant literature and must be ap- or research report is required. proved by the Student's Evaluation and Guidance Com- mittee. Exceptions may be sought from the Oceanog- For the Ph.D. degree in Water Chemistry, students raphy and Limnology Graduate Committee with the ap- must complete the courses required for the M.S. de- proval of the major professor. gree and additional water chemistry courses specified Financial assistance to qualified students is in the by the faculty committee. Ph.D. students also must form of research assistantships, fellowships and teach- complete graduate courses in two areas of chemistry. ing assistantships, as available. A minor in a department in the physical or biological sciences or a distributed minor is required. Comple- 3. Ph.D. Minor in Oceanography and Limnology. Stu- tion of an oral pr eliminary examination and a research dents working for a Ph.D. degree with a major in an- thesis are required. other department may elect to minor in Oceanography and Limnology. A minor program of at least 12 credits Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. is developed individually for each student. It should Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. strike a reasonable balance between the physical and To obtain furth@r information, address inquiries to: biological sciences. The proposed minor must be ap- Chairman proved by the Oceanography and Limnology Graduate Ocean and Lim.nology Graduate Program Committee and by the Graduate School not later than Center for Limnology halfway through the minor sequence. The Oceanog- 000 North Park -Street rapy arid Limnology Seminar should be taken at least once. University of Wisconsin-Madison 4. Master's Degree in Ocean Engineering. Ocean Madison, WI 53706 engineering activities and their integration with the (608) 263-3264 138 or, Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Chairman, Ocean Engineering Committee Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. College of Engineering To obtain further information, address inquiries to: 1415 Johnson Drive Director University of Wisconsin-Madison Water Resources Management Program Madison, WI 53706 Room 72, Science Hall 550 North Park Street THE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PRO- University of Wisconsin-Madison GRAM: This interdisciplinary program, administered by Madison, WI 53706 the Institute for Environmental Studies, leads to the. (608) 262-0651 - Master of Science degree in Water Resources Manage- ment; it is designed to prepare graduate students to manage water resources and solve water problems. The WRM Program requirements help students make connections between the biological and physical 'Sci- UNIVERSITY OF ences (which identify and measure problems), engi- WISCONSIN-MILWAUKEE neering (which defines technological alternatives), and Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 law and the social sciences (which assesses needs and potential for institutional responses). In its 30- Located at a major Lake Michigan port, the University credit, one year option, the WRM Program offers of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) has developed*sub- breadth in relevant management and planning concerns stantial capabilities for instruction and research on the to the returning agency professional or advanced stu- Great Lakes. In addition to the basic marine-related dent. Open to all applicants, the 45-credit, two year curriculum noted below, the emphasis here is on the option adds depth in the form of an area specialty. The hydrodynamics, biology, geology, and socio-technolog- WRM Program is designed to prepare graduate stu- ical management of the Gerat Lakes environment, now dents for employment in water resources management generally regarded as part of the nation's coastal zone. and planning activities. As of 1982, there have been An inter-departmental Center for Great Lakes Studies over 300 graduates of the program. Approximately 75% (CGLS) serves as a campus-wide coordinating focus of these have entered public service, obtaining admin- for marine and related research, particularly at the istrative and staff positions with federal agencies, num- graduate level. The Center's facilities include: a 65- erous state resource development and water agencies, foot research vessel, the RIV Neeskay; smaller vessels; urban planning departments, counties, cities, regional machine and instrument shops; fish-rearing laborator- planning and development bodies, universities, inter- ies; and a wide range of specialized equipment for state water authorities, international agencies and for- laboratory and field research in geophysical fluid dy- namics, marine geology and geophysics, geochemistry, eign governments. hydrobiology, environmental engineering, and marine This degree program does not require a thesis. or transportation economics. independent research project but requires instead a CGLS does not itself offer specific Lake- or marine- workshop. This interdisciplinary water management related undergraduate courses; these are taught by in- project is a team effort, involving usually 15-20 stu- dividual faculty members in their respective depart- dents, who culminate their program with this workshop ments and colleges. The CGLS instructional role begins during the 8 week summer session. at the graduate level with seminars, training cruises, and above all, education through ongoing research. Requirements for the 45 credit program include: nine The establishment of CGLS in its present form in 1966 credits of Natural Science and Technology (physical coincided with the decision to expand UWM into the and biological sciences and engineering courses); nine, second major doctoral university in what later became credits of Water Resources Institutions and Public De- the statewide University of Wisconsin System. The cision Making Processes; six credits of analytical and CGLS vessel base and research activities are located design tools in water resources management; six cred- at the UW Great Lakes Research Facility, a nine-acre site at 600 East Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, with its for the summer workshop and one credit for the spring planning seminar. The workshop, a culminating 1,300 feet of deep-water dock on the harbor water- experience in the Program, is usually held during the front. The moderm 125,000 square foot building was summer and involves a stud ent-f actil ty team project purchased from the Allen Bradley Company in 1973. on a contemporary issue in water resources. Fifteen In 1979, remodelling was undertaken with National Science Foundation and State of Wisconsin support, additional credits are required in area specialties, an and one third of the space has been transformed into intensive program of courses designed to provide the 17 specialized laboratories (including microbiological, individual with competence in a particular water-re- sedimentological, ice-research, and fishery research lated area. complexes, and laboratories for aquatic chemistry, 139 Ilmnology, and marine engineering) and also general Department of the College. The School now encom- services to support vessel operations, instrument de- passes the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, the velopment, and data analysis. principal marine research facility of the Commonwealth. The Facility not only houses CGLS; it also serves The School enrolls about 130 students; five to ten as a base of operations for some programs of the UW percent of the students are from foreign countries. The Sea Grant College, the Marine Studies Center in Madi- majority of students have a biological orientation. About son, and other UW System Great Lakes related activi- forty percent are women. Recruiting initiatives in the ties and provides a regional logistic base for the State coming years will be focused on increasing enrollment and Federal agencies, as well as for other universities in.the physical, geological, and chemical sciences and and individual investigators active in Great Lakes and increasing the number of minority students in all dis- aquatic research. In 1978 the Medical College of Wis- ciplines. In recent years, graduating students have consin and UWN were jointly awarded a grant.to es- primarily entered the governmental or industrial sector. tablish one of the National Marine and Freshwater Bio- Over ninety-five percent of the recent graduates hold medical Research Centers at the Facility. positions in which they use their graduate training. Specifically designated degrees in marine sciences The primary orientation of the approximately 50 per- are not offered, but the following programs provide the son faculty is towards estuarine, continental shelf and opportunity for graduate students to specialize in Great slope environments. Many of the faculty members are Lakes- or marine-related fields. actively engaged in applied research of direct concern The following degrees are. offered: to industry and management agencies. Students often 1. M.S. Programs in: Atmospheric Sciences, Botany, find their assistantship duties and/or research topics Engineering, Geography, Geological Sciences includ- bring them into close contact with industry and man- ing Atmospheric Sciences, and Zoology. agement agencies at state, federal, and regional levels. 2. Ph.D. in Biological Sciences The M.A. degree requires 24 semester hours com- 3. Ph.D. in Geosciences pleted with a grade of B or better, with at least 12 hours Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. In advanced courses and six hours of thesis work; Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. successful completion of a comprehensive examination To obtain further information, address inquiries to: and defense of. the thesis; and reading knowledge of Dean one foreign language. The Ph.D. requires three years The Graduate School of study beyond the baccalaureate, a reading knowl- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee edge of one foreign language, successful completion P.O. Box 413 of a course of study determined by the student's com- Milwaukee, WI 53201 mittee, and a comprehensive examination and a dis- sertation defense. Students working on both degrees must spend one academic year in residence (at least .12 hours each semester). The program is interdisci- plinary, and all students are required to take core VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF courses in biological, chemical, physical, and geolog- MARINE SCIENCE ical oceanography and statistics. Students interested 'COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY in careers in government and industry are encouraged Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062 to take environmental law and marine affairs. There is ample opportunity for students to engage The School of Marine Science at the Virginia Insti- in field-oriented theses and dissertation research, and tute of Marine Science offers the Master of Arts and the all students are encouraged to participate in field Doctor of Philosophy degrees in marine science. Majors studies to gain.experience in research at sea. in biological oceanography, physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, geological oceanography, fish- The main research campus of the School of Marine eries oceanography, and marine resource management Science/Virginia Institute of Marine Science is located (marine affairs) are available at both levels. A program at Gloucester P 'oint on the York River. There is a branch in marine education is through the School of Educa- laboratory at Wachapreague on Virginia's Eastern tion. Shore that is ideally suited for research on the barrier island and lagoon systems. The Institute is well equip- The College of William and Mary is the second-oldest ped with modern laboratory and seagoing instrumen- university in the United States. It is a state-supported tation. Computer support is provided by a PRIME 750 institution that prides itself on a dedication to excel- on campus with access to the main William and Mary lence in its undergraduate program and a few select computers in :Williamsburg and a number of micro- graduate programs. Graduate programs include marine processors. The Institute is equipped with running salt science, law, physics, business, history, education and water. The major equipment includes transmission and psychology. scanning electron microscopes, a gas chromatograph/ The School of Marine Science had its beginning in mass spectrometer, computer-interf aced gas chroma- 1940 as the Virginia Fisheries Laboratory in the Biology tographs, an atomic absorption spectrometer, Neil 140 Brown STDs, a hydraulic flume, and a wave test basin. 5. M.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences. Requires The Institute has a number of vessels for estuarine 45 quarter credits including a maximum of .15 for thesis, and coastal operations and an aircraft for remote- a comprehensive examination, and defense of thesis. sensing research. Meets educational requirements for certification . by Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. American Fisheries Society and as fisheries biologist with U.S. Civil Service Commission. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: 6. Ph.D. in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences. Requires Associate Dean 135 quarter credits including a maximum of 85 for-re- School of Marine Science search and dissertation; qualifying exam, compreLhqLn- Virginia Institute of Marine Science sive preliminary exam, and dissertation defense. College of William and Mary Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Gloucester Point, VA 23062 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. (804) 642-2111, or 642-6131 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Chairman Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Blacksburg, VA 24061 AND STATE UNVERSITY or, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 Chairman Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Science Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University has Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University research and teaching facilities located on the main Blacksburg, VA 24061 campus in Blacksburg and has a small marine labora- tory in Hampton, Virginia. Major campus research facilities in fisheries include seven laboratories and a cold storage room in Chea- tham Hall, as well as a large equipment storage build- WALLA WALLA COLLEGE ing and a fish culture building. In ocean engineering, College Place, Washington 9,9324 research facilities include a towing tank for shipr and submarine hydrodynamic studies; a cavi *tation tank, or The College offers marine science@ courses at its rotating ocean flow basin; a large, low-speed wind tunnel for air flow simulation of hydrodynamic phe- marine station on Puget Sound near Anacortes. Sup- nomena; and a wide range of'structural testing equip- porting coursework is offered on the main campus at ment. Two small power boats are used for studies on College Place. Facilities for the maintenance and use nearby deep lakes. of marine organisms in research are available in the life science complex completed on the main campus in The facility at Hampton, Virginia, includes a research 1967. The Walla Walla College Marine Station provides -laboratory, classroom and office space, with estuarine two teaching 'and research laboratory buildings ser- research carried out using an 18-foot electroshocking viced by a circulating saltwater system.. In addition, boat and six smaller craft. the marine station operates a research vessel, the 45- The following degrees are offered:' foot Seastar, and has a 16-foot Boston Whaler. A num- ber of smaller boats are available for research work 1. B.S. in Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. Re- quires 204 quarter credits, including 30 credits of associated with the courses being offered. Scuba humanities and 18 credits of approved technical elec- equipment is available. tives. The degree of M.S. in Biology with an emphasis in 2. M.S. in Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. Re- marine biology is offered in the Department of Biology. quires 45 quarter credits, including 9-15 for t Ihesis,- or All students must complete a minimum of 45 gradu- non-thesis option, and oral examinatlion. ate-approved credits, pass written and oral depart- 3. Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering with a specialty mental examinations, and demonstrate ability to carry in Ocean Engineering requires 135 quarter credits -in- out independent research fulfilling the thesis require- cluding 45-85 for thesis. ment. 4. B.S., in Forestry and Wildlife with Fisheries option. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Requires 200 quarter credits including mathematics Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. through one year of calculus and matrix algebra, sta- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: tistics, computer science, 25 credits of physical sci- Chairman, Department Iof Biology ence, 30 credits of biological science, 29 credits of fisheries and wildlife, and 39 credits of humanities and Walla -Walla College social sciences. College Place, WA 99324 141 WASHINGTON TECHNICAL INSTITUTE WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Washington, D.C. 20008 Middletown, Connecticut 06457 Washington Technical Institute has 'an Environmental The Department of Earth and Environmental Sci- Science Department which offers a program of tech- ences at Wesleyan University offers undergraduate nical training in Marine Science Technology. major programs both in earth science and in environ- The principal teaching facility is the main campus mental science. Focus on the latter is on marine sci- at'4100 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. ence, especially of the Connecticut River estuary and the near-shore and coastal zone. The field stations for research, laboratory, and ship Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. training are located at Wallops Island, Virginia, and at Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Lewes, Delaware. Courses of study at these two field stations are offered throughout the summer by the To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Marine Science Consortium, of which Washington Chairman Technical Institute is a member. Equipment use and Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences handling is taught aboard the RIV Annandale, a 90-foot Wesleyan University vessel and aboard Boston Whalers and MBT's. Equip- Middletown, CT 06457 ment includes salinometers, STD recorders, turbidi- meters, Nansen bottles, Nisken samplers, corers and (203) 347-9411 x2282 trawls. Scuba diving is offered during the summer at the main campus. An Associate of Applied Sciences (AAS) is offered. Curiculurn offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. WESTERN CONNECTICUT STATE To obtain further information, address inquiries to: UNIVERSITY Chairman, Environmental Science Department Danbury, Connecticut 06810 School of Agriculture and Natural Resources Washington Technical Institute The graduate program, Master of Arts in Oceanog- 4100 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. raphy and Limnology, is housed in the Department of Washington, D.C. 20008 Biological and Environmental Sciences. The program provides an opportunity for advanced study in biolog- ical, chemical, geological, and physical aspects of the aquatic environment through intensive classroom presentations and discussions, together with field and WEBB INSTITUTE OF laboratory experiences in marine and fresh water en- NAVAL ARCHITECTURE vironments. Glen Cove, New York 11542 The program prepares the student to: pursue ad- vanced studies in aquatic sciences; pursue a career in The College offers a course of study in naval archi- industrial, public, or technical services relating to tecture and marine engineering to train and educate aquatic sciences; and to upgrade his or her under- young persons who are interested in the design and standing in aquatic sciences for secondary school construction of ships. teaching. Specialized facilities include a 93-foot long model It is a unique program of the higher education sys- basin with wave maker, a flow channel, a marine engi- tem in Connecticut in that it combines both saltwater neering laboratory which includes operating com- and freshwater studies within the confines of one pro- ponents of commonly encountered marine machinery gram. A strong environmental approach is taken and a time-sharing computer facility. through our course and research offerings. Field stud- The Bachelor of Science in Naval Architecture and ies form an integral part of the program. We have con- Marine Engineering is offered by the Institute. ducted field studies in cooperation with the National In addition to required core courses in naval archi- Marine Fisheries Service, Milford Laboratory, Milford, tecture and marine engineering, mathematics, science, Connecticut, situated on the shore of Long Island Sound and Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, basic engineering and the humanities, which together 'York. Research collaboration is also with the required core total 148 credit hours, are re- Palisades, New quired for the degree. arranged with the Milford Laboratory and the Nature Conservatory at Lake Lacawac, Pennsylvania. Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. A total of 30 credits is required to complete the de- To obtain further information, address inquiries to: gree (M.A.). Two options are offered in the program, President with and without thesis. Webb Institute of Naval Architecture Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. Glen Cove, NY 11542 Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. 142 To obtain further information, address inquiries to: ments. Opportunities for summer field courses exist Dean in addition to the usual on-campus studies. The Univer- Graduate Studies and Extension Services sity is a member of two consortiums, each of which Western Connecticut State University has marine-oriented summer programs. These are Cen- Danbury, CT 06810 tral States Universities, Inc., and Associated Universi- ties for International Education. The latter operates out of St. John's College in Belize, British Honduras. The following degrees are offered. Concentrations in marine-related aspects of either are possible. WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101 1. M.A. in Biology. Requires 30 credit hours in 1361- ogy and related areas and completion and defense of Western Kentucky University is a charter member of a thesis. the Upper Cumberland Biological Field Station located 2. M.A. in Geology. Requires 30 credits hours (as at Tech Aqua on Center Hill Reservoir near Cookeville, many as nine hours may be outside the department), Tennessee. The Station offers at least four biology completion of a thesis, and defense of a.thesis. courses in each of two five-week summer sessions in- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. cluding such courses as Freshwater Algae, Limnology, Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Ichthyology, Freshwater Invertebrates and other To obtain further information, address inquiries to: courses emphasizing freshwater habitats of the central Chairman United States. Department of Geology The graduate program centers around the Master of Western Michigan University Science with a Cooperative Doctoral program with the Kalamazoo, MI 49001 University of Louisville. Marine science courses are limited to special summer courses offering investiga- tions in marine invertebrates at locations in the Gulf of Mexico and in Caribbean waters. WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY The prerequisites for the Master of Science Program Bellingham, Washington 98225 are: a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 2.50 (4.0 scale) and a combined verbal-quantitativem The Leona M. Sundquist Marine Laboratory is lo- qualitative score on the Graduate Record Examination cated on Shannon Point at the junction of Rosario Strait of at least 1200; and two courses each in physics and and Guemes Channel in Anacortes, Washington. The inorganic chemistry and one course in organic chem- Sundquist Laboratory is the marine facility that serves istry for unconditional acceptance to the graduate pro- the Shannon Point Marine Center Consortium consist- gram in biology. ing of Washington regional universities, the Evergreen Assistantships for teaching and research are awarded State College, and three local community colleges. It on a competitive basis and applicants are considered is administered by Western Washington University. prior to each fall and spring semester. Summer stipends The academic program of the Shannon Point Marine are usually available. Eligibility for assistantship re- Center consists of courses sponsored by the consor- quires a minimum undergraduate grade point average tium as well as those offered by individual member in- of 2.75. stitutions. Heaviest use of the laboratory occurs during Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. the spring and summer quarters. Students are mainly Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. undergraduates. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: The laboratory stands on a 73-acre tract of maturing, Director of Graduate Programs in Biology second-growth forest. There is about half a mile of Department of Biology mainly embedded cobble marine beach and a five-acre, Western Kentucky University freshwater pond. There are 7 individual research labor- Bowling Green, KY 42101 atories, 2 instructional laboratories with a combined capacity of 48 students, a seminar room, a small ref- erence collection and supporting facilities including more than 50 seawater tables. Boats available include: WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY rowboats; a Zodiak; three Boston Whalers; an 18-foot Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001 Fiberform, trihulled launch; and a diesel powered, 36- foot cruising vessel, Leona Ill. The laboratory is an Western Michigan University offers opportunities for hour's drive from the main campus in Bellingham. graduate students in either biology or'.geology to con- Western Washington University offers undergraduate centrate in aquatic sciences. This@may be in the Great concentrations in marine biology (B.S. in Biology Lakes or in marine waters. Active teaching and re- through the College of Arts and Sciences, or B.S. in search programs in both areas are in progress. Ex- Environmental Studies through Huxley College of En- cellent laboratory facilities are available in both depart- vironmental Studies). Oceanography-related courses 143 are also offered.in the Departments of Geology, Geog- diving submersible Alvin and mothership, and a small raphy and Psychology (behavior). coastal vessel. Computer services are provided within Curriculum offered: available Iin school catalog. the Institution and with necessary links to other insti- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. tutions, and the library facilities are shared with the To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Marine Biological Laboratory and supplemented by Director collections of the Northeast Fisheries Center of the Sundquist Marine Laboratory National Marine Fisheries Service and the Branch of 1900 Shannon Point Avenue Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico Geology of the U.S. Geological Anacortes, WA 98221 Survey, all located in Woods Hole. The village is lo- cated on the southwest corner of Cape Cod about 80 miles south of Boston. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in con- cert with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY and with cooperation from several other universities, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506 offers graduate degree programs in oceanography and oceanographic engineering. The MIT/WHOI Joint Pro- The West Virginia University program in Marine Sci- gram is the principle pathway for the majority of stu- ence is part of The Marine Science Consortium, Inc., dents entering graduate studies at Woods Hole. located at Wallops Island, Virginia. Various courses in Students admitted to the Joint Program in Oceanog- marine'science are offered during our summer term. raphy/Oceanographic Engineering have access to the Laboratory and teaching facilities are all located at the facilities and the staff, as well as the extensive physical Wallops Island Marine Science Center, Wallops Island, facilities of both institutions. All decisions from ad- Virginia. Research vessels include the 50-foot RIV mission to the conferring of the degree - a single Delaware Bay, and the 40-foot RIV Chincoteague Bay. document issued by both institutions - are made by Classrooms, wet and dry laboratories, workshops, concensus of the joint MIT/WHO[ committees. All stu- garages, dormitories, etc., are part of the center's dents applying to the Woods Hole Oceanographic In- facilities. In addition, all standard oceanographic equip- stitution for graduate degree programs are first con- ment is available. sidered for admission to the Joint Program. For quali- Although degrees are not offered In the specific fied students whose interests are not best served by areas of oceanography or marine biology, the B.S., the Joint Program, programs of advanced study M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Biology, Geology, and Wild- and research may be offered by the Woods Hole Ocean- life Biology are offered with an emphasis in the marine ographic Institution which lead to the Ph,D. in Ocean- ography, awarded by WHOI alone. Cross-registration (including coastal) sciences. arrangements With Harvard University and Brown Uni- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. versity, and other ,less formal cooperative agreements Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. with the Biology and Geology and Geophysics Depart- To obtain further info rmation, address inquiries to: ments at Yale University and other schools, provide Director opportunities to develop special academic study pro- Marine Science Program grams tailored ,to the individual needs of the student. 201 Brooks Hall West Virginia University The following degrees are offered in Oceanography: Morgantown, WV 26506 1. Ph.D. and Sc.D. in Oceanography, offered jointly (3o4) 293-5201 by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology. 2. Ph.D. in Oc@anography offered by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC Students in either doctoral degree program may con- INSTITUTION centrate in one or more of the following areas: biologi- Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 cal oceanography, chemical oceanography, marine geology, marine geophysics, or physical oceanogra- Research at the Institution encompasses the range phy. I' of basic sciences as they apply to the marine environ- The usual steps to a degree are: enter the program ment: biology, physics, chemistry, geology, and geo- the summer preceding the first academic year and work physics, as well as ocean engineering and marine as a research assistant in Woods Hole; follow an in- policy. Some 200 scientists and technicians and a sup- dividually designed program of advanced study and port staff of about 600 are housed in four large labora- research in pfeparation for a general examination to tories and a variety of smaller facilities located in the be taken before' the third year (the general examination village of Woods Hole and on the nearby Quissett tests for a coniprehensive knowledge of oceanography Campus. Another 75 people operate three research and ability to identify and explore research problems); vessels ranging from 177 to 245 feet in length, the deep- and submit a dissertation on significant original theo- 144 retical or experimental research and conduct an oral Doctoral degree candidates normally follow the defense of the thesis. same pattern of course requirements and residency a's Each student formulates, with the assistance of aca- the Engineer's degree candidates during their first two demic advisors (at least one from each institution), a years. By the end of their second year, doctoral can- program of studies involving courses, seminars, and didates will have had to pass a two7part examination research activities. There are no formal course re- and to present an acceptable plan for a dissertation. quirements, but each degree candidate is expected to At this time a student will take up residence at the gain some degree of familiarity with the principal areas institution most convenient for carrying out the dis- of oceanography, in addition to demonstrating a thor- sertation research. Doctoral degree candidates 'are ough knowledge of at least one major field of speciali- expected, under normal circumstances, to. complete zation. Place of residence is determined by the stu- the program in four years. dent's outlined program of study and research.. Courses available to students in the above programs In addition to the many courses offered at the Mas- include the many courses offered by the Massachusetts sachusetts Institute of Technology, students, in these Institute of Technology, and most specifically those programs are expected to take several of the ocean- offered by the Departments of Biology, Earth and ographic engineering courses offered by WHOI staff, Planetary Sciences, and Meteorology. In addition, as well as some of the oceanography courses listed course offerings are supplemented by numerous semi- under the oceanography degree programs. nars and directed studies based on the. individual needs of the students. Most courses are generally offered on Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. an alternate year schedule and are numbered and given Faculty appointments: available in school catalog.. credit hours in accordance with the MIT system. To obtain further information, address inquiries to: Education Office OCEANOGRAPHIC ENGINEERING: Joint degree pro- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution grams are offered by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Woods Hole, MA 02543 Institution and the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology for students interested in applying a basic en- (617) 548-1400 x2200, 2219 gineering knowledge to understandi 'ng and solving or, refer to listing under the Massachusetts Institute problems related to oceanography. ' The program is of Technology for additional information on the MIT/ conducted jointly by the two institutions through the WHOI Joint Program. Department of Ocean Engineering at WHO[ and through any one of the following engineering' departments at MIT: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Elec- trical Engineering, and Computer Sciences, Materials ,Science and Engineering, Mechanical @ Engineering, or YALE UNIVERSITY Ocean Engineering. New Haven, Connecticut 06520 The following degrees are offered: Instruction in the marine sciences is offered princi- 1. Engineer's degree in Oceanographic Engineering pally in the Departments of Geology and Geophysics (degree designates basic engineering discipline, e.g., "Electrical Engineer"), offered jointly by WHOI and and Biology. There is also a joint program in marine MIT. biology with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2. Ph.D. and Sc.D. in Oceanographic Engineering in which students may take courses or do research offered jointly by WHOI and MIT. at either institution. An interdepartmental program in . Specific degree requirements vary slightly depending geophysics is offered by the Departments of Geology on the student's department affiliatio.n at MIT. In gen- and Geophysics and Engineering and Applied Science. eral, however, all students for the Engineer's degree The. following degrees are offered: will be expected to: meet all formal 'requirembnts of the pertinent MIT department, which normally means 1. B.S. or B.A., generally after four years of under- a minimum of three academic terms :of residence at graduate study. MIT, primarily enrolled in required engineering courses; 2. Ph.D., geneIrally after four years of study and re- be in residence at WHOI for the first two summers (in- cludes entering program in June instead of September) search beyond the bachelor's level. participating in ongoing research activities; gain ex- Curriculum offered: available in school catalog. posure to oceanography and oceanographic engineer- Faculty appointments: available in school catalog. Ing by taking ocean-related courses (at least two) and To obtain further information, address inquiries to: working as a research assistant on oce@inographic proj- Director of Graduate Studies ects; preparing a thesis on an oceanographic engineer- Ing.topic that meets the approval of 6o-advisors from (Department of Interest) MIT and WHOI; and complete the piograrn in three Yale University years. New Haven, CT 06520 145 *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1984 774 574 0 For further' information contact: Civilian Personnel Office Naval Oceanographic Office Bay St. Louis NSTL Mississippi 39522-5000 01, -4030 (601)688 'Wit, 14 '17 R 3 6668 00000 9086 f-Zi "i'44! 4i h -@l 7