[House Report 115-404]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

115th Congress    }                                     {       Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session      }                                     {      115-404




                           CONFERENCE REPORT

                              to accompany

                               H.R. 2810




                November 9, 2017.--Ordered to be printed


115th Congress    }                                     {       Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session      }                                     {      115-404




                           CONFERENCE REPORT

                              to accompany

                               H.R. 2810



                November 9, 2017.--Ordered to be printed

                         U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 

27-384                         WASHINGTON : 2017                 
                            C O N T E N T S


CONFERENCE REPORT................................................     1
    Compliance with rules of the House of Representatives and 
      Senate regarding earmarks and congressionally directed 
      spending items.............................................   761
    Summary of discretionary authorizations and budget authority 
      implication................................................   761
    Budgetary effects of this Act (sec. 4).......................   762
TITLE I--PROCUREMENT.............................................   762
    Budget Items.................................................   762
        Virginia-class submarine advanced procurement............   762
    Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations..................   763
        Authorization of appropriations (sec. 101)...............   763
    Subtitle B--Army Programs....................................   763
        Authority to expedite procurement of 7.62mm rifles (sec. 
          111)...................................................   763
        Limitation on availability of funds for Increment 2 of 
          the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical program 
          (sec. 112).............................................   763
        Limitation on availability of funds for upgrade of M113 
          vehicles (sec. 113)....................................   764
    Subtitle C--Navy Programs....................................   764
        Aircraft carriers (sec. 121).............................   764
        Icebreaker vessel (sec. 122).............................   765
        Multiyear procurement authority for Arleigh Burke class 
          destroyers (sec. 123)..................................   766
        Multiyear procurement authority for Virginia class 
          submarine program (sec. 124)...........................   766
        Design and construction of the lead ship of the 
          amphibious ship replacement designated LX(R) or 
          amphibious transport dock designated LPD-30 (sec. 125).   767
        Multiyear procurement authority for V-22 Osprey aircraft 
          (sec. 126).............................................   767
        Extension of limitation on use of sole-source 
          shipbuilding contracts for certain vessels (sec. 127)..   767
        Limitation on availability of funds for the enhanced 
          multi-mission parachute system (sec. 128)..............   767
        Report on Navy capacity to increase production of certain 
          rotary wing aircraft (sec. 129)........................   768
    Subtitle D--Air Force Programs...............................   768
        Inventory requirement for Air Force fighter aircraft 
          (sec. 131).............................................   768
        Prohibition on availability of funds for retirement of E-
          8 JSTARS aircraft (sec. 132)...........................   768
        Requirement for continuation of JSTARS aircraft 
          recapitalization program (sec. 133)....................   768
        Limitation on selection of single contractor for C-130H 
          avionics modernization program increment 2 (sec. 134)..   770
        Limitation on availability of funds for EC-130H Compass 
          Call recapitalization program (sec. 135)...............   770
        Limitation on retirement of U-2 and RQ-4 aircraft (sec. 
          136)...................................................   771
        Cost-benefit analysis of upgrades to MQ-9 Reaper aircraft 
          (sec. 137).............................................   771
        Plan for modernization of the radar for F-16 fighter 
          aircraft of the National Guard (sec. 138)..............   772
        Comptroller General review of Air Force fielding plan for 
          HH-60 replacement programs (sec. 139)..................   772
    Subtitle E--Defense-Wide, Joint, and Multiservice Matters....   772
        F-35 economic order quantity contracting authority (sec. 
          141)...................................................   772
        Authority for explosive ordnance disposal units to 
          acquire new or emerging technologies and capabilities 
          (sec. 142).............................................   772
        Requirement that certain aircraft and unmanned aerial 
          vehicles use specified standard data link (sec. 143)...   772
        Reinstatement of requirement to preserve certain C-5 
          aircraft; mobility capability and requirements study 
          (sec. 144).............................................   773
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   773
        Limitation on availability of funds for Arleigh Burke 
          class destroyer........................................   773
        Extensions of authorities relating to construction of 
          certain vessels........................................   773
        Streamlining acquisition of intercontinental ballistic 
          missile security capability............................   773
        Authority to increase primary aircraft authorization of 
          Air Force and Air National Guard A-10 aircraft units 
          for purposes of facilitating A-10 conversion...........   774
        Increase in amounts for enhancing intelligence, 
          surveillance, and reconnaissance capability............   774
        Limitation on demilitarization of certain cluster 
          munitions..............................................   775
        Littoral Combat Ship.....................................   775
    Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations..................   776
        Authorization of appropriations (sec. 201)...............   776
    Subtitle B--Program Requirements, Restrictions, and 
      Limitations................................................   776
        Cost controls for presidential aircraft recapitalization 
          program (sec. 211).....................................   776
        Capital investment authority (sec. 212)..................   776
        Prizes for advanced technology achievements (sec. 213)...   776
        Joint Hypersonics Transition Office (sec. 214)...........   777
        Department of Defense directed energy weapon system 
          prototyping and demonstration program (sec. 215).......   777
        Appropriate use of authority for prototype projects (sec. 
          216)...................................................   777
        Mechanisms for expedited access to technical talent and 
          expertise at academic institutions to support 
          Department of Defense missions (sec. 217)..............   777
        Modification of laboratory quality enhancement program 
          (sec. 218).............................................   778
        Reauthorization of Department of Defense Established 
          Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (sec. 219)...   778
        Codification and enhancement of authorities to provide 
          funds for defense laboratories for research and 
          development of technologies for military missions (sec. 
          220)...................................................   778
        Expansion of definition of competitive procedures to 
          include competitive selection for award of science and 
          technology proposals (sec. 221)........................   778
        Inclusion of modeling and simulation in test and 
          evaluation activities for purposes of planning and 
          budget certification (sec. 222)........................   779
        Limitation on availability of funds for F-35 Joint Strike 
          Fighter Follow-On Modernization (sec. 223).............   779
        Improvement of update process for populating mission data 
          files used in advanced combat aircraft (sec. 224)......   779
        Support for national security innovation and 
          entrepreneurial education (sec. 225)...................   779
        Limitation on cancellation of designation Executive Agent 
          for a certain Defense Production Act program (sec. 226)   780
    Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters........................   780
        Columbia-class program accountability matrices (sec. 231)   780
        Review of barriers to innovation in research and 
          engineering activities of the Department of Defense 
          (sec. 232).............................................   781
        Pilot program to improve incentives for technology 
          transfer from Department of Defense laboratories (sec. 
          233)...................................................   781
        Competitive acquisition plan for low probability of 
          detection data link networks (sec. 234)................   782
        Clarification of selection dates for pilot program for 
          the enhancement of the research, development, test, and 
          evaluation centers of the Department of Defense (sec. 
          235)...................................................   782
        Requirement for a plan to build a prototype for a new 
          ground combat vehicle for the Army (sec. 236)..........   782
        Plan for successfully fielding the Integrated Air and 
          Missile Defense Battle Command System (sec. 237).......   783
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   783
        Codification and enhancement of authorities to provide 
          funds for defense laboratories for research and 
          development of technologies for military missions......   783
        Hypersonic airbreathing weapons capabilities.............   783
        Limitation on availability of funds for MQ-25 unmanned 
          air system.............................................   784
        Differentiation of research and development activities 
          from service activities................................   784
        Limitation on availability of funds for contract writing 
          systems................................................   784
        Strategy for use of virtual training technology..........   784
        Increase in funding for electronics and electronic 
          devices of the Army....................................   785
        Increase in funding for Historically Black Colleges and 
          Universities and Minority Institutions.................   785
        STEM(MM) jobs action plan................................   786
        Jet noise reduction program of the Navy..................   786
        Process for coordination of studies and analysis research 
          of the Department of Defense...........................   786
        Very-low profile hardware to interact with the Mobile 
          User Objective Systems and other systems...............   787
TITLE III--OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE.............................   787
    Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations..................   787
        Authorization of appropriations (sec. 301)...............   787
    Subtitle B--Energy and Environment...........................   787
        Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting 
          Clearinghouse (sec. 311)...............................   787
        Energy performance goals and master plan (sec. 312)......   787
        Payment to Environmental Protection Agency of stipulated 
          penalty in connection with Umatilla Chemical Depot, 
          Oregon (sec. 313)......................................   788
        Payment to Environmental Protection Agency of stipulated 
          penalty in connection with Longhorn Army Ammunition 
          Plant, Texas (sec. 314)................................   788
        Department of the Army cleanup and removal of petroleum, 
          oil, and lubricant associated with the Prinz Eugen 
          (sec. 315).............................................   788
        Centers for Disease Control study on health implications 
          of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances contamination in 
          drinking water (sec. 316)..............................   788
        Sentinel Landscapes Partnership (sec. 317)...............   788
        Report on release of radium or radioactive material into 
          the groundwater near the industrial reserve plant in 
          Bethpage, New York (sec. 318)..........................   789
    Subtitle C--Logistics and Sustainment........................   789
        Reauthorization of multi-trades demonstration project 
          (sec. 321).............................................   789
        Increased percentage of sustainment funds authorized for 
          realignment to restoration and modernization at each 
          installation (sec. 322)................................   789
        Guidance regarding use of organic industrial base (sec. 
          323)...................................................   789
    Subtitle D--Reports..........................................   790
        Quarterly reports on personnel and unit readiness (sec. 
          331)...................................................   790
        Biennial report on core depot-level maintenance and 
          repair capability (sec. 332)...........................   790
        Annual report on personnel, training, and equipment needs 
          of non-federalized National Guard (sec. 333)...........   790
        Annual report on military working dogs used by the 
          Department of Defense (sec. 334).......................   790
        Report on effects of climate change on Department of 
          Defense (sec. 335).....................................   791
        Report on optimization of training in and management of 
          special use airspace (sec. 336)........................   791
        Plan for modernized, dedicated Department of the Navy 
          adversary air training enterprise (sec. 337)...........   791
        Updated guidance regarding biennial core report (sec. 
          338)...................................................   791
    Subtitle E--Other Matters....................................   792
        Explosive safety board (sec. 341)........................   792
        Servicewomen's commemorative partnerships (sec. 342).....   792
        Limitation on availability of funds for advanced skills 
          management software system of the Navy (sec. 343)......   792
        Cost-benefit analysis of uniform specifications for 
          Afghan military or security forces (sec. 344)..........   792
        Temporary installation reutilization authority for 
          arsenals, depots, and plants (sec. 345)................   793
        Comprehensive plan for sharing depot-level maintenance 
          best practices (sec. 346)..............................   793
        Pilot program for operation and maintenance budget 
          presentation (sec. 347)................................   793
        Repurposing and reuse of surplus Army firearms (sec. 348)   793
        Department of the Navy marksmanship awards (sec. 349)....   794
        Civilian training for National Guard pilots and sensor 
          operator aircrews of MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicles 
          (sec. 350).............................................   794
        Training for National Guard personnel on wildfire 
          response (sec. 351)....................................   795
        Modification of the Second Division Memorial (sec. 352)..   795
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   795
        Prohibition on application of hiring freezes at 
          Department of Defense industrial base facilities.......   795
        Annual briefings on Army explosive ordnance disposal.....   795
        Report on Arctic readiness...............................   796
        Report on effects of increased automation of defense 
          industrial base on manufacturing workforce.............   796
        Comptroller General review of Department of Defense cost 
          models used in making personnel decisions..............   796
        Authority to carry out environmental restoration 
          activities at National Guard and Reserve locations.....   796
        Environmental oversight and remediation at Red Hill Bulk 
          Fuel Storage Facility..................................   796
        Increase in funding for civil military programs..........   797
        Report on maternity uniforms.............................   797
        Status of compliance with process for communicating 
          availability of surplus ammunition.....................   798
        Increase in funding for National Guard counter-drug 
          programs...............................................   798
        Facilities demolition plan of the Army...................   798
        Funding for environmental restoration, Navy..............   799
        Additional funding table matters.........................   799
        Funding for environmental restoration, Air Force.........   799
    Subtitle A--Active Forces....................................   799
        End strengths for active forces (sec. 401)...............   799
        Revisions in permanent active duty end strength minimum 
          levels (sec. 402)......................................   800
    Subtitle B--Reserve Forces...................................   800
        End strengths for Selected Reserve (sec. 411)............   800
        End strengths for Reserves on active duty in support of 
          the reserves (sec. 412)................................   800
        End strengths for military technicians (dual status) 
          (sec. 413).............................................   800
        Fiscal Year 2018 limitation on number of non-dual status 
          technicians (sec. 414).................................   801
        Maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on 
          active duty for operational support (sec. 415).........   801
        Number of members of the National Guard on full-time duty 
          in support of the reserves within the National Guard 
          Bureau (sec. 416)......................................   801
    Subtitle C--Authorization of Appropriations..................   802
        Military personnel (sec. 421)............................   802
TITLE V--MILITARY PERSONNEL POLICY...............................   802
    Subtitle A--Officer Personnel Policy.........................   802
        Modification of deadline for submittal by officers of 
          written communications to promotion selection boards on 
          matters of importance to their selection (sec. 501)....   802
        Clarification to exception for removal of officers from 
          list of officers recommended for promotion after 18 
          months without appointment (sec. 502)..................   802
        Modification of requirement for specification of number 
          of officers who may be recommended for early retirement 
          by a Selective Early Retirement Board (sec. 503).......   802
        Extension of service-in-grade waiver authority for 
          voluntary retirement of certain general and flag 
          officers for purposes of enhanced flexibility in 
          officer personnel management (sec. 504)................   803
        Inclusion of Principal Military Deputy to the Assistant 
          Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Technology, and 
          Logistics among officers subject to repeal of statutory 
          specification of general officer grade (sec. 505)......   803
        Clarification of effect of repeal of statutory 
          specification of general or flag officer grade for 
          various positions in the Armed Forces (sec. 506).......   803
        Standardization of authorities in connection with repeal 
          of statutory specification of general officer grade for 
          the Dean of the Academic Board of the United States 
          Military Academy and the Dean of the Faculty of the 
          United States Air Force Academy (sec. 507).............   804
        Flexibility in promotion of officers to positions of 
          Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine 
          Corps and Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Navy or 
          Air Force (sec. 508)...................................   804
        Grandfathering of retired grade of Assistant Judge 
          Advocates General of the Navy as of repeal of statutory 
          specification of general and flag officers grades in 
          the Armed Forces (sec. 509)............................   804
    Subtitle B--Reserve Component Management.....................   804
        Equal treatment of orders to serve on active duty under 
          section 12304a and 12304b of title 10, United States 
          Code (sec. 511)........................................   804
        Service credit for cyberspace experience or advanced 
          education upon original appointment as a commissioned 
          officer (sec. 512).....................................   805
        Consolidation of authorities to order members of the 
          reserve components of the Armed Forces to perform duty 
          (sec. 513).............................................   805
        Pilot program on use of retired senior enlisted members 
          of the Army National Guard as Army National Guard 
          recruiters (sec. 514)..................................   805
    Subtitle C--General Service Authorities......................   806
      Part I--Matters Relating to Discharge and Correction of 
      Military Records...........................................   806
        Consideration of additional medical evidence by boards 
          for the correction of military records and liberal 
          consideration of evidence relating to post-traumatic 
          stress disorder or traumatic brain injury (sec. 520)...   806
        Public availability of information related to disposition 
          of claims regarding discharge or release of members of 
          the Armed Forces when the claims involve sexual assault 
          (sec. 521).............................................   806
        Confidential review of characterization of terms of 
          discharge of members who are victims of sex-related 
          offenses (sec. 522)....................................   806
        Training requirements for members of boards for the 
          correction of military records and personnel who 
          investigate claims of retaliation (sec. 523)...........   807
        Pilot program on use of video teleconferencing technology 
          by boards for the correction of military records and 
          discharge review boards (sec. 524).....................   807
      Part II--Other General Service Authorities.................   807
        Modification of basis for extension of period for 
          enlistment in the Armed Forces under the Delayed Entry 
          Program (sec. 526).....................................   807
        Reauthorization of authority to order retired members to 
          active duty in high-demand, low-density assignments 
          (sec. 527).............................................   808
        Notification of members of the Armed Forces undergoing 
          certain administrative separations of potential 
          eligibility for veterans benefits (sec. 528)...........   808
        Extension of authority of the Secretary of Veterans 
          Affairs to provide for the conduct of medical 
          disability examinations by contract physicians (sec. 
          529)...................................................   808
        Provision of information on naturalization through 
          military service (sec. 530)............................   808
    Subtitle D--Military Justice and Other Legal Issues..........   809
        Clarifying amendments related to the Uniform Code of 
          Military Justice reform by the Military Justice Act of 
          2016 (sec. 531)........................................   809
        Enhancement of effective prosecution and defense in 
          courts-martial and related matters (sec. 532)..........   810
        Punitive article under the Uniform Code of Military 
          Justice on wrongful broadcast or distribution of 
          intimate visual images or visual images of sexually 
          explicit conduct (sec. 533)............................   810
        Garnishment to satisfy judgment rendered for physically, 
          sexually, or emotionally abusing a child (sec. 534)....   811
        Sexual assault prevention and response training for all 
          individuals enlisted in the Armed Forces under a 
          delayed entry program (sec. 535).......................   811
        Special Victims' Counsel training regarding the unique 
          challenges often faced by male victims of sexual 
          assault (sec. 536).....................................   811
        Inclusion of information in annual SAPRO reports 
          regarding military sexual harassment and incidents 
          involving nonconsensual distribution of private sexual 
          images (sec. 537)......................................   811
        Inclusion of information in annual SAPRO reports 
          regarding sexual assaults committed by a member of the 
          Armed Forces against the member's spouse or other 
          family member (sec. 538)...............................   812
    Subtitle E--Member Education, Training, Resilience, and 
      Transition.................................................   812
        Element in preseparation counseling for members of the 
          Armed Forces on assistance and support services for 
          caregivers of certain veterans through the Department 
          of Veterans Affairs (sec. 541).........................   812
        Improved employment assistance for members of the Army, 
          Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps and veterans (sec. 
          542)...................................................   812
        Limitation on release of military service academy 
          graduates to participate in professional athletics 
          (sec. 543).............................................   813
        Two-year extension of suicide prevention and resilience 
          program for the National Guard and Reserves (sec. 544).   813
        Annual certifications related to Ready, Relevant Learning 
          Initiative of the Navy (sec. 545)......................   813
        Authority to expand eligibility for the United States 
          Military Apprenticeship Program (sec. 546).............   814
        Limitation on availability of funds for attendance of Air 
          Force enlisted personnel at Air Force officer 
          professional military education in-residence courses 
          (sec. 547).............................................   814
        Lieutenant Henry Ossian Flipper Leadership Scholarships 
          (sec. 548).............................................   814
        Pilot programs on appointment in the excepted service in 
          the Department of Defense of physically disqualified 
          former cadets and midshipmen (sec. 549)................   814
    Subtitle F--Defense Dependents' Education and Military Family 
      Readiness Matters..........................................   815
      Part I--Defense Dependents' Education Matters..............   815
        Assistance to schools with military dependent students 
          (sec. 551).............................................   815
        Transitions of military dependent students from 
          Department of Defense dependent schools to other 
          schools and among schools of local educational agencies 
          (sec. 552).............................................   816
        Report on educational opportunities in science, 
          technology, engineering, and mathematics for children 
          who are dependents of members of the Armed Forces (sec. 
          553)...................................................   816
      Part II--Military Family Readiness Matters.................   817
        Codification of authority to conduct family support 
          programs for immediate family members of members of the 
          Armed Forces assigned to special operations forces 
          (sec. 555).............................................   817
        Reimbursement for State licensure and certification costs 
          of a spouse of a member of the Armed Forces arising 
          from relocation to another State (sec. 556)............   817
        Temporary extension of extended period of protections for 
          members of uniformed services relating to mortgages, 
          mortgage foreclosure, and eviction (sec. 557)..........   818
        Enhancing military childcare programs and activities of 
          the Department of Defense (sec. 558)...................   818
        Direct hire authority for Department of Defense for 
          childcare services providers for Department child 
          development centers (sec. 559).........................   818
        Pilot program on public-private partnerships for telework 
          facilities for military spouses on military 
          installations outside the United States (sec. 560).....   819
    Subtitle G--Decorations and Awards...........................   819
        Authorization for award of the Medal of Honor to Garlin 
          M. Conner for acts of valor during World War II (sec. 
          561)...................................................   819
        Authorization for award of Distinguished-Service Cross to 
          Specialist Frank M. Crary for acts of valor in Vietnam 
          (sec. 562).............................................   819
    Subtitle H--Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements.............   820
        Analysis and report on accompanied and unaccompanied 
          tours of duty in remote locations with high family 
          support costs (sec. 571)...............................   820
        Review and reports on policies for regular and reserve 
          officer career management (sec. 572)...................   820
        Review and report on effects of personnel requirements 
          and limitations on the availability of members of the 
          National Guard for the performance of funeral honors 
          duty for veterans (sec. 573)...........................   820
        Review and report on authorities for the employment, use, 
          and status of National Guard and Reserve technicians 
          (sec. 574).............................................   821
        Assessment and report on expanding and contracting for 
          childcare services of the Department of Defense (sec. 
          575)...................................................   821
        Review and report on compensation provided childcare 
          services providers of the Department of Defense (sec. 
          576)...................................................   821
        Comptroller General of the United States assessment and 
          report on the Office of Complex Investigations within 
          the National Guard Bureau (sec. 577)...................   822
        Modification of submittal date of Comptroller General of 
          the United States report on integrity of the Department 
          of Defense whistleblower program (sec. 578)............   822
    Subtitle I--Other Matters....................................   822
        Expansion of United States Air Force Institute of 
          Technology enrollment authority to include civilian 
          employees of the homeland security industry (sec. 581).   822
        Conditional designation of Explosive Ordnance Disposal 
          Corps as a basic branch of the Army (sec. 582).........   823
        Designation of office within Office of the Secretary of 
          Defense to oversee use of food assistance programs by 
          members of the Armed Forces on active duty (sec. 583)..   823
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   823
        Clarification of baselines for authorized numbers of 
          general and flag officers on active duty and in joint 
          duty assignments.......................................   823
        Authority of promotion boards to recommend officers of 
          particular merit be placed at the top of the promotion 
          list...................................................   823
        Direct employment pilot program for members of the 
          National Guard and Reserve.............................   824
        Authority for officers to opt-out of promotion board 
          consideration..........................................   824
        Inclusion of specific email address block on certificate 
          of release or discharge from active duty (DD Form 214).   824
        Plan to meet demand for cyberspace career fields in the 
          reserve components of the Armed Forces.................   824
        Responsibility of Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces for 
          standards and qualifications for military specialties 
          within the Armed Forces................................   824
        Revision to Manual for Courts-Martial with respect to 
          dissemination of visual depictions of private areas or 
          sexually explicit conduct without the consent of the 
          person depicted........................................   825
        Minimum confinement period required for conviction of 
          certain sex-related offenses committed by members of 
          the Armed Forces.......................................   825
        Information for the Special Victims' Counsel or Victims' 
          Legal Counsel..........................................   825
        Consistent access to Special Victims' Counsel for former 
          dependents of members of the Armed Forces..............   826
        Inclusion of additional information in annual SAPRO 
          reports................................................   826
        Sexual assault prevention and response...................   826
        Report on availability of postsecondary credit for skills 
          acquired during military service.......................   826
        ROTC Cyber Institutes at the senior military colleges....   826
        Program to assist members in obtaining professional 
          credentials............................................   827
        Pilot program on integration of Department of Defense and 
          non-Federal efforts for civilian employment of members 
          of the Armed Forces following transition from Active 
          Duty to civilian life..................................   827
        Use of assistance under Department of Defense Tuition 
          Assistance Program for non-traditional education to 
          develop cybersecurity and computer coding skills.......   827
        Sense of Senate on increasing enrollment in senior 
          reserve officers' training corps programs at minority-
          serving institutions...................................   828
        Education for dependents of certain retired members of 
          the Armed Forces.......................................   828
        Replacement of military decorations at the request of 
          relatives of deceased members of the Armed Forces......   828
        Congressional Defense Service Medal......................   828
        Limitations on authority to revoke certain military 
          decorations awarded to members of the Armed Forces.....   829
        Mechanisms to facilitate the obtaining by military 
          spouses of occupational licenses or credentials in 
          other states...........................................   829
        Award of Vietnam Service Medal to veterans who 
          participated in Mayaguez rescue operation..............   829
        Award of medals or other commendations to handlers of 
          military working dogs and military working dogs........   829
        Eligibility of veterans of Operation End Sweep for 
          Vietnam Service Medal..................................   830
        Expedited replacement of military decorations for 
          veterans of World War II and the Korean War............   830
        Atomic Veterans Service Medal............................   830
        Authority of Secretary of the Army to award the Personnel 
          Protection Equipment award of the Army to former 
          members of the Army....................................   830
        Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance.....................   830
        Voter registration.......................................   831
        Sense of Congress regarding section 504 of title 10, 
          United States Code, on existing authority of the 
          Department of Defense to enlist individuals, not 
          otherwise eligible for enlistment, whose enlistment is 
          vital to the national interest.........................   831
        Sense of Congress regarding nondiscrimination at United 
          States Military Academy................................   831
        Issuance of consolidated pregnancy and parenthood 
          instruction............................................   831
        Proof of period of military service for purposes of 
          interest rate limitation under the Servicemembers Civil 
          Relief Act.............................................   831
        Report regarding possible improvements to processing 
          retirements and medical discharges.....................   832
        Establishment of separation oath for members of the Armed 
          Forces.................................................   832
        Authorization of support for Beyond Yellow Ribbon program   832
        Criminal background checks of employees of the military 
          child care system and providers of child care services 
          and youth program services for military dependents.....   832
        Review of TAP for women..................................   833
        Annual report on participation in the Transition 
          Assistance Program for members of the Armed Forces.....   833
        Air Force pilot program on education and training and 
          certification of secondary and post-secondary students 
          as aircraft technicians................................   833
        Pilot program on integration of Department of Defense and 
          non-Federal efforts for civilian employment of members 
          of the Armed Forces....................................   834
    Subtitle A--Pay and Allowances...............................   834
        Annual adjustment of basic monthly pay (sec. 601)........   834
        Prohibiting collection of additional amounts from members 
          living in units under Military Housing Privatization 
          Initiative (sec. 602)..................................   834
        Limitation on modification of payment authority for 
          Military Housing Privatization Initiative housing (sec. 
          603)...................................................   834
        Housing treatment for certain members of the Armed 
          Forces, and their spouses and other dependents, 
          undergoing a permanent change of station within the 
          United States (sec. 604)...............................   835
        Extension of authority to provide temporary increase in 
          rates of basic allowance for housing under certain 
          circumstances (sec. 605)...............................   835
        Reevaluation of BAH for the military housing area 
          including Staten Island (sec. 606).....................   836
    Subtitle B--Bonus and Special and Incentive Pays.............   836
        One-year extension of certain bonus and special pay 
          authorities for reserve forces (sec. 611)..............   836
        One-year extension of certain bonus and special pay 
          authorities for health care professionals (sec. 612)...   836
        One-year extension of special pay and bonus authorities 
          for nuclear officers (sec. 613)........................   837
        One-year extension of authorities relating to title 37 
          consolidated special pay, incentive pay, and bonus 
          authorities (sec. 614).................................   837
        One-year extension of authorities relating to payment of 
          other title 37 bonuses and special pays (sec. 615).....   837
        Report regarding the national pilot shortage (sec. 616)..   837
        Special aviation incentive pay and bonus authorities for 
          enlisted members who pilot remotely piloted aircraft 
          (sec. 617).............................................   838
        Technical and conforming amendments relating to 2008 
          consolidation of special pay authorities (sec. 618)....   838
    Subtitle C--Disability Pay, Retired Pay, and Survivor 
      Benefits...................................................   838
        Permanent extension and cost-of-living adjustments of 
          special survivor indemnity allowances under the 
          Survivor Benefit Plan (sec. 621).......................   838
        Adjustments to the Survivor Benefit Plan for members 
          electing lump sum payments of retired pay under the 
          modernized retirement system for members of the 
          uniformed services (sec. 622)..........................   839
        Technical correction regarding election to participate in 
          modernized retirement system for reserve component 
          members experiencing a break in service (sec. 623).....   839
        Technical corrections to use of member's current pay 
          grade and years of service in a division of property 
          involving disposable retired pay (sec. 624)............   839
        Continuation pay for the Coast Guard (sec. 625)..........   839
    Subtitle D--Other Matters....................................   840
        Land conveyance authority, Army and Air Force Exchange 
          Service property, Dallas, Texas (sec. 631).............   840
        Authority for the Secretaries of the military departments 
          to provide for care of remains of those who die on 
          active duty and are interred in a foreign cemetery 
          (sec. 632).............................................   840
        Construction of domestic source requirement for footwear 
          furnished to enlisted members of the Armed Forces on 
          initial entry into the Armed Forces (sec. 633).........   840
        Review and update of regulations governing debt 
          collectors interactions with unit commanders of members 
          of the Armed Forces (sec. 634).........................   840
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   841
        Adjustment to Basic Allowance for Housing at with 
          dependents rate of certain members of the uniformed 
          services...............................................   841
        Per diem allowance policies..............................   841
        Modification of authority of President to determine 
          alternative pay adjustment in annual basic pay of 
          members of the uniformed services......................   842
        Application of basic allowance for housing to members of 
          the uniformed services in the Virgin Islands...........   842
        Reimbursement for state licensure and certification costs 
          of a member of the Armed Forces arising from separation 
          from the Armed Forces..................................   842
        Increase in maximum amount of aviation bonus for 12-month 
          period of obligated service............................   843
        Report regarding management of military commissaries and 
          exchanges..............................................   843
        Promotion of financial literacy concerning retirement 
          among members of the Armed Forces......................   844
        Inclusion of Department of Agriculture in Transition 
          Assistance Program.....................................   844
        Report on use of second-destination transportation to 
          transport fresh fruit and vegetables to commissaries in 
          the Asia-Pacific region................................   844
        Sense of Senate on the use by exchange stores of small 
          businesses as suppliers................................   844
        Element in next quadrennial review of military 
          compensation on value assigned by members of the Armed 
          Forces to various aspects of military compensation.....   844
TITLE VII--HEALTH CARE PROVISIONS................................   845
    Subtitle A--TRICARE and Other Health Care Benefits...........   845
        Continued access to medical care at facilities of the 
          uniformed services for certain members of the reserve 
          components (sec. 701)..................................   845
        Modifications of cost-sharing requirements for the 
          TRICARE Pharmacy Benefits Program and treatment of 
          certain pharmaceutical agents (sec. 702)...............   845
        Provision of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for certain 
          members of the Armed Forces (sec. 703).................   846
        Specification that individuals under the age of 21 are 
          eligible for hospice care services under the TRICARE 
          program (sec. 704).....................................   846
        Physical examinations for members of a reserve component 
          who are separating from the Armed Forces (sec. 705)....   846
        Mental health assessments before members separate from 
          the Armed Forces (sec. 706)............................   847
        Expansion of sexual trauma counseling and treatment for 
          members of the reserve components (sec. 707)...........   847
        Expedited evaluation and treatment for prenatal surgery 
          under the TRICARE program (sec. 708)...................   847
    Subtitle B--Health Care Administration.......................   848
        Maintenance of inpatient capabilities of military medical 
          treatment facilities located outside the United States 
          (sec. 711).............................................   848
        Modification of priority for evaluation and treatment of 
          individuals at military treatment facilities (sec. 712)   848
        Clarification of administration of military medical 
          treatment facilities (sec. 713)........................   849
        Regular update of prescription drug pricing standard 
          under TRICARE retail pharmacy program (sec. 714).......   850
        Modification of execution of TRICARE contracting 
          responsibilities (sec. 715)............................   850
        Additional emergency uses for medical products to reduce 
          deaths and severity of injuries caused by agents of war 
          (sec. 716).............................................   851
        Modification of determination of average wait times at 
          urgent care clinics and pharmacies at military medical 
          treatment facilities under pilot program (sec. 717)....   851
        Requirement for reimbursement by Department of Defense to 
          entities carrying out State vaccination programs for 
          costs of vaccines provided to covered beneficiaries 
          (sec. 718).............................................   851
        Extension of authority for Joint Department of Defense-
          Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility 
          Demonstration Fund (sec. 719)..........................   852
        Residency requirements for podiatrists (sec. 720)........   852
        Authorization of physical therapist assistants and 
          occupational therapy assistants to provide services 
          under the TRICARE program (sec. 721)...................   852
        Selection of military commanders and directors of 
          military medical treatment facilities (sec. 722).......   852
    Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters........................   853
        Pilot program on health care assistance system (sec. 731)   853
        Feasibility study on conduct of pilot program on mental 
          health readiness of part-time members of the reserve 
          components of the Armed Forces (sec. 732)..............   853
        Report on plan to improve pediatric care and related 
          services for children of members of the Armed Forces 
          (sec. 733).............................................   854
        Longitudinal medical study on blast pressure exposure of 
          members of the Armed Forces (sec. 734).................   854
        Study on safe opioid prescribing practices (sec. 735)....   854
        Report on implementation of GAO recommendations (sec. 
          736)...................................................   855
        Declassification by Department of Defense of certain 
          incidents of exposure of members of the Armed Forces to 
          toxic substances (sec. 737)............................   855
        Coordination by Veterans Health Administration of efforts 
          to understand effects of burn pits (sec. 738)..........   855
        TRICARE technical amendments (sec. 739)..................   855
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   855
        TRICARE Advantage demonstration program..................   855
        Modification of eligibility for TRICARE Reserve Select 
          and TRICARE Retired Reserve of certain members of the 
          reserve components.....................................   856
        Mental health assessments for members of the Armed Forces 
          deployed in support of a contingency operation.........   857
        Counseling and treatment for substance use disorders and 
          chronic pain management services for members who 
          separate from the Armed Forces.........................   857
        Consolidation of cost-sharing requirements under TRICARE 
          Select and TRICARE Prime...............................   857
        Contraception coverage parity under the TRICARE program..   858
        Training requirement for health care professionals 
          prescribing opioids for treatment of pain in the Armed 
          Forces.................................................   858
        One-year extension of pilot program for prescription drug 
          acquisition cost parity in the TRICARE pharmacy 
          benefits program.......................................   858
        Research of chronic traumatic encephalopathy.............   859
        Prohibition on availability of funds for termination of 
          Vets4Warriors crisis hotline program...................   859
        Pilot program on establishment of integrated health care 
          delivery systems.......................................   859
        Authorization of intergovernmental agreements for the 
          provision of health screenings.........................   860
        Tick-borne diseases......................................   860
        Report...................................................   860
        Provision of support by Department of Defense to 
          Department of Veterans Affairs regarding electronic 
          health record system...................................   860
        Increased collaboration with NIH to combat triple 
          negative breast cancer.................................   861
        Encouraging transition of military medical professionals 
          into employment with Veterans Health Administration....   861
        Prohibition on conduct of certain medical research and 
          development projects...................................   861
        Inclusion of gambling disorder in health assessments and 
          related research efforts of the Department of Defense..   862
  RELATED MATTERS................................................   862
    Subtitle A--Acquisition Policy and Management................   862
        Statements of purpose for Department of Defense 
          acquisition (sec. 801).................................   862
        Management of intellectual property matters within the 
          Department of Defense (sec. 802).......................   863
        Performance of incurred cost audits (sec. 803)...........   863
        Repeal of certain auditing requirements (sec. 804).......   864
        Increased simplified acquisition threshold (sec. 805)....   864
        Requirements related to the micro-purchase threshold 
          (sec. 806).............................................   865
        Process for enhanced supply chain scrutiny (sec. 807)....   865
        Defense policy advisory committee on technology (sec. 
          808)...................................................   865
        Report on extension of development, acquisition, and 
          sustainment authorities of the military departments to 
          the United States Special Operations Command (sec. 809)   866
        Technical and conforming amendments related to program 
          management provisions (sec. 810).......................   866
    Subtitle B--Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, 
      Procedures, and Limitations................................   866
        Modifications to cost or pricing data and reporting 
          requirements (sec. 811)................................   866
        Applicability of cost and pricing data certification 
          requirements (sec. 812)................................   867
        Sunset of certain provisions relating to the procurement 
          of goods other than United States goods (sec. 813).....   868
        Comptroller General report on health and safety records 
          (sec. 814).............................................   868
        Limitation on unilateral definitization (sec. 815).......   869
        Amendment to sustainment reviews (sec. 816)..............   869
        Use of program income by eligible entities that carry out 
          procurement technical assistance programs (sec. 817)...   869
        Enhanced post-award debriefing rights (sec. 818).........   870
        Amendments relating to information technology (sec. 819).   870
        Change to definition of subcontract in certain 
          circumstances (sec. 820)...............................   870
        Amendment relating to applicability of inflation 
          adjustments (sec. 821).................................   870
        Use of lowest price technically acceptable source 
          selection process (sec. 822)...........................   871
        Exemption from design-build selection procedures (sec. 
          823)...................................................   871
        Contract closeout authority (sec. 824)...................   871
        Elimination of cost underruns as factor in calculation of 
          penalties for cost overruns (sec. 825).................   871
        Modification to annual meeting requirement of 
          Configuration Steering Boards (sec. 826)...............   872
        Pilot program on payment of costs for denied Government 
          Accountability Office bid protests (sec. 827)..........   872
    Subtitle C--Provisions Relating to Major Defense Acquisition 
      Programs...................................................   872
        Revisions to definition of major defense acquisition 
          program (sec. 831).....................................   872
        Prohibition on use of lowest price technically acceptable 
          source selection process for major defense acquisition 
          programs (sec. 832)....................................   872
        Role of the Chief of the armed force in material 
          development decision and acquisition system milestones 
          (sec. 833).............................................   873
        Requirement to emphasize reliability and maintainability 
          in weapon system design (sec. 834).....................   873
        Licensing of appropriate intellectual property to support 
          major weapon systems (sec. 835)........................   874
        Codification of requirements pertaining to assessment, 
          management, and control of operating and support costs 
          for major weapon systems (sec. 836)....................   874
        Should-cost management (sec. 837)........................   874
        Improvements to test and evaluation processes and tools 
          (sec. 838).............................................   875
        Enhancements to transparency in test and evaluation 
          processes and data (sec. 839)..........................   875
    Subtitle D--Provisions Relating to Acquisition Workforce.....   876
        Enhancements to the civilian program management workforce 
          (sec. 841).............................................   876
        Credits to Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce 
          Development Fund (sec. 842)............................   877
        Improvements to the hiring and training of the 
          acquisition workforce (sec. 843).......................   877
        Extension and modifications to acquisition demonstration 
          project (sec. 844).....................................   878
    Subtitle E--Provisions Relating to Commercial Items..........   878
        Procurement through commercial e-commerce portals (sec. 
          846)...................................................   878
        Revision to definition of commercial item (sec. 847).....   879
        Commercial item determinations (sec. 848)................   879
        Review of regulations on commercial items (sec. 849).....   880
        Training in commercial items procurement (sec. 850)......   880
    Subtitle F--Provisions Relating to Services Contracting......   880
        Improvement of planning for acquisition of services (sec. 
          851)...................................................   880
        Standard guidelines for evaluation of requirements for 
          services contracts (sec. 852)..........................   881
        Report on outcome-based services contracts (sec. 853)....   881
        Pilot program for longer term multiyear service contracts 
          (sec. 854).............................................   882
    Subtitle G--Provisions Relating to Other Transaction 
      Authority and Prototyping..................................   882
        Contract authority for advanced development of initial or 
          additional prototype units (sec. 861)..................   882
        Methods for entering into research agreements (sec. 862).   883
        Education and training for transactions other than 
          contracts and grants (sec. 863)........................   883
        Other transaction authority for certain prototype 
          projects (sec. 864)....................................   883
        Amendment to nontraditional and small contractor 
          innovation prototyping program (sec. 865)..............   883
        Middle tier of acquisition for rapid prototype and rapid 
          fielding (sec. 866)....................................   884
        Preference for use of other transactions and experimental 
          authority (sec. 867)...................................   884
        Prototype projects to digitize defense acquisition 
          regulations, policies, and guidance, and empower user 
          tailoring of acquisition process (sec. 868)............   884
    Subtitle H--Provisions Relating to Software Acquisition......   885
        Noncommercial computer software acquisition 
          considerations (sec. 871)..............................   885
        Defense Innovation Board analysis of software acquisition 
          regulations (sec. 872).................................   885
        Pilot program to use agile or iterative development 
          methods to tailor major software-intensive warfighting 
          systems and defense business systems (sec. 873)........   885
        Software development pilot program using agile best 
          practices (sec. 874)...................................   886
        Pilot program for open source software (sec. 875)........   887
    Subtitle I--Other Matters....................................   888
        Extension of maximum duration of fuel storage contracts 
          (sec. 881).............................................   888
        Procurement of aviation critical safety items (sec. 882).   888
        Modifications to the advisory panel on streamlining and 
          codifying acquisition regulations (sec. 883)...........   888
        Repeal of expired pilot program for leasing commercial 
          utility cargo vehicles (sec. 884)......................   889
        Exception for business operations from requirement to 
          accept $1 coins (sec. 885).............................   889
        Development of Procurement Administrative Lead Time (sec. 
          886)...................................................   889
        Notional milestones and standard timelines for contracts 
          for foreign military sales (sec. 887)..................   889
        Assessment and authority to terminate or prohibit 
          contracts for procurement from Chinese companies 
          providing support to the Democratic People's Republic 
          of Korea (sec. 888)....................................   890
        Report on defense contracting fraud (sec. 889)...........   890
        Comptroller General report on contractor business system 
          requirements (sec. 890)................................   890
        Training on agile or iterative development methods (sec. 
          891)...................................................   890
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   891
        Repeal of temporary suspension of public-private 
          competitions for conversion of Department of Defense 
          functions to performance by contractors................   891
        Ensuring transparency in acquisition programs............   891
        Waiver authority for purposes of expanding competition...   891
        Treatment of independent research and development costs 
          on certain contracts...................................   891
        Nontraditional contractor definition.....................   891
        Repeal of domestic source restriction related to wearable 
          electronics............................................   892
        Identification of commercial services....................   892
        Acquisition positions in the Offices of the Secretaries 
          of the Military Departments............................   893
        Restriction on use of reverse auctions and lowest price 
          technically acceptable contracting methods for safety 
          equipment..............................................   893
        Department of Defense promotion of contractor compliance 
          with existing law......................................   893
        Major defense acquisition programs: display of budget 
          information............................................   893
        Modification to definition of commercial items...........   894
        Preference for acquisition of commercial items...........   894
        Exemption of certain contracts from inflation adjustments   894
        Procurement exception relating to agreements with foreign 
          governments............................................   894
        Enhancing program licensing..............................   894
        Temporary limitation on aggregate annual amount available 
          for contract services..................................   895
        Sense of Congress regarding steel produced in the United 
          States.................................................   895
        Improved transparency and oversight over Department of 
          Defense research, development, test, and evaluation 
          efforts and procurement activities related to medical 
          research...............................................   895
        Rights in technical data related to medical research.....   895
        Oversight, audit, and certification from the Defense 
          Contract Audit Agency for procurement activities 
          related to medical research............................   896
        Pilot program for adoption of acquisition strategy for 
          Defense Base Act insurance.............................   896
        Annual report on limitation of subcontractor intellectual 
          property rights........................................   896
        Comptroller General of the United States report on 
          Department of Defense critical telecommunications 
          equipment or services obtained from suppliers closely 
          linked to a leading cyber-threat actor.................   897
        Sense of Congress on the small turbine engine industrial 
          base...................................................   897
        Modification to the HUBZone program......................   897
        Buy American Act training for Defense acquisition 
          workforce..............................................   897
    Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Defense and Related 
      Matters....................................................   898
        Treatment of incumbent Under Secretary of Defense for 
          Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (sec. 901)......   898
        Clarification of authority of Under Secretary of Defense 
          for Acquisition and Sustainment with respect to service 
          acquisition programs for which the service acquisition 
          executive is the milestone decision authority (sec. 
          902)...................................................   898
        Executive Schedule matters relating to Under Secretary of 
          Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (sec. 903).....   899
        Consistent period of relief from active duty as a 
          commissioned officer of a regular component of the 
          Armed Forces for appointment to Under Secretary of 
          Defense positions (sec. 904)...........................   899
        Qualifications for appointment and additional duties and 
          powers of certain officials within the Office of the 
          Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (sec. 905)....   899
        Redesignation of Principal Deputy Under Secretaries of 
          Defense as Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense and 
          related matters (sec. 906).............................   900
        Reduction of number and elimination of specific 
          designations of Assistant Secretaries of Defense (sec. 
          907)...................................................   900
        Limitation on maximum number of Deputy Assistant 
          Secretaries of Defense (sec. 908)......................   900
        Appointment and responsibilities of Chief Information 
          Officer of the Department of Defense (sec. 909)........   900
        Chief Management Officer of the Department of Defense 
          (sec. 910).............................................   902
    Subtitle B--Data Management and Analytics....................   902
        Policy on treatment of defense business system data 
          related to business operations and management (sec. 
          911)...................................................   902
        Transparency of defense management data (sec. 912).......   902
        Establishment of set of activities that use data 
          analysis, measurement, and other evaluation-related 
          methods to improve acquisition program outcomes (sec. 
          913)...................................................   903
    Subtitle C--Organization of Other Department of Defense 
      Offices and Elements.......................................   903
        Qualifications for appointment of Assistant Secretaries 
          of the military departments for financial management 
          (sec. 921).............................................   903
        Manner of carrying out reductions in major Department of 
          Defense headquarters activities pursuant to 
          headquarters reduction plan (sec. 922).................   904
        Certifications on cost savings achieved by reductions in 
          major Department of Defense headquarters activities 
          (sec. 923).............................................   904
        Corrosion control and prevention executives matters (sec. 
          924)...................................................   904
        Background and security investigations for Department of 
          Defense personnel (sec. 925)...........................   904
    Subtitle D--Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements.............   906
        Additional elements in reports on policy, organization, 
          and management goals of the Secretary of Defense for 
          the Department of Defense (sec. 931)...................   906
        Report and sense of Congress on responsibility for 
          developmental test and evaluation within the Office of 
          the Secretary of Defense (sec. 932)....................   907
        Report on Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight (sec. 
          933)...................................................   907
    Subtitle E--Other Matters....................................   908
        Commission on the National Defense Strategy for the 
          United States (sec. 941)...............................   908
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   908
        Responsibility of the Chief Information Officer of the 
          Department of Defense for risk management activities 
          regarding supply chain for information technology 
          systems................................................   908
        Redesignation of Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel 
          and Readiness as Under Secretary of Defense for 
          Personnel and Health...................................   908
        Redesignation of the Department of the Navy as the 
          Department of the Navy and Marine Corps................   908
        Conforming amendments to title 10, United States Code....   908
        Modification of definition of OSD personnel for purposes 
          of limitation on number of Office of Secretary of 
          Defense personnel......................................   909
        Other provisions of law and other references.............   909
        Effective date...........................................   909
        Reduction in authorized number of Assistant Secretaries 
          of the military departments............................   909
        Briefing on force management level policy................   909
        Sense of Congress on cooperative program for information 
          security education.....................................   910
        Completion of Department of Defense Directive 2310.07E 
          regarding missing persons..............................   910
        Reduction in limitation of number of Department of 
          Defense SES positions..................................   910
        Transfer of lead of Guam Oversight Council from the 
          Deputy Secretary of Defense to the Secretary of the 
          Navy...................................................   910
        Requirement for National Language Service Corps..........   910
TITLE X--GENERAL PROVISIONS......................................   911
    Subtitle A--Financial Matters................................   911
        General transfer authority (sec. 1001)...................   911
        Consolidation, codification and improvement of certain 
          authorities and requirements in connection with the 
          audit of the financial statements of the Department of 
          Defense (sec. 1002)....................................   911
        Improper payment matters (sec. 1003).....................   912
        Rankings of auditability of financial statements of the 
          organizations and elements of the Department of Defense 
          (sec. 1004)............................................   912
        Financial operations dashboard for the Department of 
          Defense (sec. 1005)....................................   912
        Review and recommendations on efforts to obtain audit 
          opinion on full financial statements (sec. 1006).......   913
        Notification requirement for certain contracts for audit 
          services (sec. 1007)...................................   913
    Subtitle B--Counterdrug Activities...........................   913
        Extension of authority to support a unified counterdrug 
          and counterterrorism campaign in Colombia (sec. 1011)..   913
        Venue for prosecution of maritime drug trafficking (sec. 
          1012)..................................................   914
    Subtitle C--Naval Vessels and Shipyards......................   914
        National Defense Sealift Fund (sec. 1021)................   914
        Use of National Sea-Based Deterrence Fund for multiyear 
          procurement of certain critical components (sec. 1022).   916
        Operational readiness of littoral combat ships on 
          extended deployment (sec. 1023)........................   916
        Availability of funds for retirement or inactivation of 
          Ticonderoga-class cruisers or dock landing ships (sec. 
          1024)..................................................   917
        Policy of the United States on minimum number of battle 
          force ships (sec. 1025)................................   917
        Surveying ships (sec. 1026)..............................   918
    Subtitle D--Counterterrorism.................................   918
        Modification of authority on support of special 
          operations to combat terrorism (sec. 1031).............   918
        Termination of requirement to submit annual budget 
          justification display for Department of Defense 
          combating terrorism program (sec. 1032)................   918
        Prohibition on use of funds for transfer or release of 
          individuals detained at United States Naval Station, 
          Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the United States (sec. 1033).   918
        Prohibition on use of funds to construct or modify 
          facilities in the United States to house detainees 
          transferred from United States Naval Station, 
          Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (sec. 1034).......................   918
        Prohibition on use of funds for transfer or release of 
          individuals detained at United States Naval Station, 
          Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to certain countries (sec. 1035).   919
        Prohibition on use of funds to close or relinquish 
          control of United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, 
          Cuba (sec. 1036).......................................   919
        Sense of Congress regarding providing for timely victim 
          and family testimony in military commission trials 
          (sec. 1037)............................................   919
        Report on public availability of military commissions 
          proceedings (sec. 1038)................................   920
    Subtitle E--Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations........   920
        Limitation on expenditure of funds for emergency and 
          extraordinary expenses for intelligence and 
          counterintelligence activities (sec. 1041).............   920
        Matters relating to the submittal of future-years defense 
          programs (sec. 1042)...................................   920
        Modifications to humanitarian demining assistance 
          authorities (sec. 1043)................................   921
        Prohibition on charge of certain tariffs on aircraft 
          traveling through channel routes (sec. 1044)...........   921
        Prohibition on lobbying activities with respect to the 
          Department of Defense by certain officers of the Armed 
          Forces and civilian employees of the Department within 
          two years of separation from military service or 
          employment with the Department (sec. 1045).............   921
        Prohibition on use of funds for retirement of legacy 
          maritime mine countermeasures platforms (sec. 1046)....   921
        Report on western Pacific Ocean ship depot maintenance 
          capability and capacity (sec. 1047)....................   922
        Annual training regarding the influence campaign of the 
          Russian Federation (sec. 1048).........................   922
        Workforce issues for military realignments in the Pacific 
          (sec. 1049)............................................   922
    Subtitle F--Studies and Reports..............................   923
        Elimination of reporting requirements terminated after 
          November 25, 2017, pursuant to section 1080 of the 
          National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 
          (sec. 1051)............................................   923
        Report on transfer of defense articles to units 
          committing gross violations of human rights (sec. 1052)   923
        Report on the National Biodefense Analysis and 
          Countermeasures Center (sec. 1053).....................   924
        Report on Department of Defense Arctic capability and 
          resource gaps and required infrastructure (sec. 1054)..   924
        Review and assessment of Department of Defense personnel 
          recovery and nonconventional assisted recovery 
          mechanisms (sec. 1055).................................   924
        Mine warfare readiness inspection plan and report (sec. 
          1056)..................................................   925
        Annual report on civilian casualties in connection with 
          United States military operations (sec. 1057)..........   925
        Report on Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex 
          modernization (sec. 1058)..............................   925
        Report on alternatives to aqueous film forming foam (sec. 
          1059)..................................................   925
        Assessment of global force posture (sec. 1060)...........   925
        Army modernization strategy (sec. 1061)..................   926
        Report on Army plan to improve operational unit readiness 
          by reducing number of non-deployable soldiers assigned 
          to operational units (sec. 1062).......................   926
        Efforts to combat physiological episodes on certain Navy 
          aircraft (sec. 1063)...................................   927
        Studies on aircraft inventories for the Air Force (sec. 
          1064)..................................................   927
        Department of Defense review of Navy capabilities in the 
          Arctic region (sec. 1065)..............................   927
        Comprehensive review of maritime intelligence, 
          surveillance, reconnaissance, and targeting 
          capabilities (sec. 1066)...............................   927
        Report on the need for a Joint Chemical-Biological 
          Defense Logistics Center (sec. 1067)...................   928
        Missile Technology Control Regime Category I unmanned 
          aerial vehicle systems (sec. 1068).....................   928
        Recommendations for interagency vetting of foreign 
          investments affecting national security (sec. 1069)....   928
        Briefing on prior attempted Russian cyber attacks against 
          defense systems (sec. 1070)............................   929
        Enhanced analytical and monitoring capability of the 
          defense industrial base (sec. 1071)....................   929
        Report on defense of combat logistics and strategic 
          mobility forces (sec. 1072)............................   929
        Report on acquisition strategy to recapitalize the 
          existing system for undersea fixed surveillance (sec. 
          1073)..................................................   929
        Report on implementation of requirements in connection 
          with the organization of the Department of Defense for 
          management of special operations forces and special 
          operations (sec. 1074).................................   929
        Report on the global food system and vulnerabilities 
          relevant to Department of Defense missions (sec. 1075).   930
    Subtitle G--Modernizing Government Technology................   931
        Modernizing Government Technology Act (secs. 1076-1078)..   931
    Subtitle H--Other Matters....................................   931
        Technical, conforming, and clerical amendments (sec. 
          1081)..................................................   931
        Clarification of applicability of certain provisions of 
          law to civilian judges of the United States Court of 
          Military Commission Review (sec. 1082).................   931
        Modification of requirement relating to conversation of 
          certain military technician (dual status) positions to 
          civilian positions (sec. 1083).........................   931
        National Guard accessibility to Department of Defense 
          issued unmanned aircraft (sec. 1084)...................   932
        Sense of Congress regarding aircraft carriers (sec. 1085)   932
        Sense of Congress recognizing the United States Navy 
          Seabees (sec. 1086)....................................   932
        Construction of memorial to the crew of the Apollo I 
          launch test accident at Arlington National Cemetery 
          (sec. 1087)............................................   932
        Department of Defense engagement with covered non-Federal 
          entities (sec. 1088)...................................   933
        Prize competition to identify root cause of physiological 
          episodes on Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force training 
          and operational aircraft (sec. 1089)...................   933
        Providing assistance to House of Representatives in 
          response to cybersecurity events (sec. 1090)...........   933
        Transfer of surplus firearms to Corporation for the 
          Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety (sec. 
          1091)..................................................   934
        Collaboration between Federal Aviation Administration and 
          Department of Defense on unmanned aircraft systems 
          (sec. 1092)............................................   934
        Carriage of certain programming (sec. 1093)..............   935
        National strategy for countering violent extremism (sec. 
          1094)..................................................   935
        Sense of Congress regarding World War I (sec. 1095)......   935
        Notice to Congress of terms of Department of Defense 
          settlement agreements (sec. 1096)......................   935
        Office of Special Counsel reauthorization (sec. 1097)....   936
        Air transportation of civilian Department of Defense 
          personnel to and from Afghanistan (sec. 1098)..........   936
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   936
        Calculations for payments into Department of Defense 
          Military Retirement Fund using single level percentage 
          of basic pay determined on Armed Force-wide rather than 
          Armed Forces-wide basis................................   936
        Certifications on audit readiness of the Department of 
          Defense and the military departments, Defense Agencies, 
          and other organizations and elements of the Department 
          of Defense.............................................   937
        Information on Department of Defense funding in 
          Department press releases and related public statements 
          on programs, projects, and activities funded by the 
          Department.............................................   937
        Restrictions on the overhaul and repair of vessels in 
          foreign shipyards......................................   937
        Authority to use video teleconferencing technology in 
          military commission procedures.........................   938
        Authority to transfer individuals detained at United 
          States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the 
          United States temporarily for emergency or critical 
          medical treatment......................................   938
        National Guard flyovers of public events.................   938
        Transfer of funds to World War I Centennial Commission...   938
        Prohibition on use of funds to designate or expand 
          Federal National Heritage Areas........................   938
        Requirement relating to transfer of excess Department of 
          Defense equipment to Federal and State agencies........   938
        Department of Defense integration of information 
          operations and cyber-enabled information operations....   939
        Sense of Congress on the basing of KC-46A aircraft 
          outside the continental United States..................   939
        Sense of Congress on use of test sites for research and 
          development on countering unmanned aircraft systems....   939
        Reports on infrastructure and capabilities of Lajes 
          Field, Portugal........................................   940
        Report on project, program, and portfolio management 
          standards..............................................   940
        Protection of Second Amendment rights of military 
          families...............................................   940
        Recognition of the United States Special Operations 
          Command................................................   941
        Annual reports on approval of employment or compensation 
          of retired general or flag officers by foreign 
          governments for Emoluments Clause purposes.............   941
        Findings and sense of Congress regarding the National 
          Guard Youth Challenge Program..........................   941
        Report on large-scale, joint exercises involving the air 
          and land domains.......................................   941
        Sense of Congress regarding National Purple Heart 
          Recognition Day........................................   942
        Business case analysis on establishment of active duty 
          association and additional primary aircraft 
          authorization for the 168th Air Refueling Wing.........   942
        Sense of Congress regarding Pacific War Memorial.........   942
        Federal charter for Spirit of America....................   943
        Protection against misuse of Naval Special Warfare 
          Command insignia.......................................   943
        Reconsideration of claims for disability compensation for 
          veterans who were the subjects of mustard gas or 
          Lewisite experiments during World War II...............   943
        Exception to the interdepartmental waiver doctrine for 
          cleanup of vehicle crashes.............................   944
        Prevention of certain health care providers from 
          providing non-department health care services to 
          veterans...............................................   944
        Comptroller General report on Department of Defense 
          installation access control initiatives................   944
        Collaboration between Federal Aviation Administration and 
          Department of Defense on unmanned aircraft systems.....   945
        Report on the circumstances surrounding the 2016 attacks 
          on the U.S.S. Mason....................................   945
        Comptroller General review of Department of Defense 
          implementation of open recommendations.................   945
        Report on airports used by Mahan Air.....................   946
        Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary (OPEN) Government 
          Data Act...............................................   947
        Sense of Congress on use of Intergovernmental Personnel 
          Act Mobility Program and Department of Defense 
          Information Technology Exchange Program to obtain 
          personnel with cyber skills and abilities for the 
          Department of Defense..................................   947
TITLE XI--CIVILIAN PERSONNEL MATTERS.............................   947
        Direct hire authority for the Department of Defense for 
          personnel to assist in business transformation and 
          management innovation (sec. 1101)......................   947
        Extension of direct hire authority for Domestic Defense 
          Industrial Base Facilities and Major Range and Test 
          Facilities Base (sec. 1102)............................   948
        Extension of authority to provide voluntary separation 
          incentive pay for civilian employees of the Department 
          of Defense (sec. 1103).................................   948
        Additional Department of Defense science and technology 
          reinvention laboratories (sec. 1104)...................   948
        One-year extension of authority to waive annual 
          limitation on premium pay and aggregate limitation on 
          pay for Federal civilian employees working overseas 
          (sec. 1105)............................................   949
        Direct hire authority for financial management experts in 
          the Department of Defense workforce (sec. 1106)........   949
        Extension of authority for temporary personnel 
          flexibilities for Domestic Defense Industrial Base 
          Facilities and Major Range and Test Facilities Base 
          civilian personnel (sec. 1107).........................   949
        One-year extension of temporary authority to grant 
          allowances, benefits, and gratuities to civilian 
          personnel on official duty in a combat zone (sec. 1108)   950
        Extension of overtime rate authority for Department of 
          the Navy employees performing work aboard or dockside 
          in support of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier 
          forward deployed in Japan (sec. 1109)..................   950
        Pilot program on enhanced personnel management system for 
          cybersecurity and legal professionals in the Department 
          of Defense (sec. 1110).................................   950
        Establishment of senior scientific technical managers at 
          Major Range and Test Facility Base Facilities and 
          Defense Test Resource Management Center (sec. 1111)....   950
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   951
        Inclusion of Strategic Capabilities Office and Defense 
          Innovation Unit Experimental of the Department of 
          Defense in personnel management authority to attract 
          experts in science and engineering.....................   951
        Appointment of retired members of the Armed Forces to 
          positions in or under the Department of Defense........   951
        Authority for wavier of requirement for a baccalaureate 
          degree for positions in the Department of Defense on 
          cybersecurity and computer programming.................   951
        Briefing on diversity in the civilian workforce on Air 
          Force installations....................................   952
        Elimination of the foreign exemption provision in regard 
          to overtime for Federal civilian employees temporarily 
          assigned to a foreign area.............................   952
        Briefing on plans to develop and improve additive 
          manufacturing capabilities.............................   952
        Expansion of SkillBridge initiative to include 
          participation by Federal agencies......................   953
    Subtitle A--Assistance and Training..........................   954
        One-year extension of logistical support for coalition 
          forces supporting certain United States military 
          operations (sec. 1201).................................   954
        Support of special operations for irregular warfare (sec. 
          1202)..................................................   954
        Obligation of funds in Special Defense Acquisition Fund 
          for precision guided munitions (sec. 1203).............   955
        Modification of defense institution capacity building and 
          authority to build capacity of foreign security forces 
          (sec. 1204)............................................   955
        Extension and modification of authority on training for 
          Eastern European national security forces in the course 
          of multilateral exercises (sec. 1205)..................   955
        Global Security Contingency Fund (sec. 1206).............   956
        Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (sec. 
          1207)..................................................   956
        Extension of participation in and support of the Inter-
          American Defense College (sec. 1208)...................   956
        Plan on improvement of ability of national security 
          forces of foreign countries participating in United 
          States capacity building programs to protect civilians 
          (sec. 1209)............................................   957
    Subtitle B--Matters Relating to Afghanistan and Pakistan.....   957
        Extension of authority to transfer defense articles and 
          provide defense services to the military and security 
          forces of Afghanistan (sec. 1211)......................   957
        Extension and modification of authority for reimbursement 
          of certain coalition nations for support provided to 
          United States military operations (sec. 1212)..........   957
        Special immigrant visas for Afghan allies (sec. 1213)....   959
        Extension of authority to acquire products and services 
          produced in countries along a major route of supply to 
          Afghanistan (sec. 1214)................................   959
        Extension of semiannual report on enhancing security and 
          stability in Afghanistan (sec. 1215)...................   959
        Human rights vetting of Afghan National Defense and 
          Security Forces (sec. 1216)............................   959
    Subtitle C--Matters Relating to Syria, Iraq, and Iran........   959
        Report on United States strategy in Syria (sec. 1221)....   959
        Extension and modification of authority to provide 
          assistance to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and 
          Syria (sec. 1222)......................................   960
        Modification of authority to provide assistance to the 
          vetted Syrian opposition (sec. 1223)...................   961
        Extension and modification of authority to support 
          operations and activities of the Office of Security 
          Cooperation in Iraq (sec. 1224)........................   961
        Modification and additional elements in annual report on 
          the military power of Iran (sec. 1225).................   962
        Extension of quarterly reports on confirmed ballistic 
          missile launches from Iran and imposition of sanctions 
          in connection with those launches (sec. 1226)..........   962
        Limitation on use of funds for provision of man-portable 
          air defense systems to the vetted Syrian opposition 
          (sec. 1227)............................................   962
        Report on potential agreement with the Government of the 
          Russian Federation on the status of Syria (sec. 1228)..   963
    Subtitle D--Matters Relating to the Russian Federation.......   963
        Extension of limitation on military cooperation between 
          the United States and the Russian Federation (sec. 
          1231)..................................................   963
        Prohibition on availability of funds relating to 
          sovereignty of the Russian Federation over Crimea (sec. 
          1232)..................................................   963
        Sense of Congress on European security (sec. 1233).......   964
        Modification and extension of Ukraine Security Assistance 
          Initiative (sec. 1234).................................   964
        Limitation on availability of funds relating to 
          implementation of the Open Skies Treaty (sec. 1235)....   965
        Sense of Congress on importance of nuclear capabilities 
          of NATO (sec. 1236)....................................   965
        Report on Security Cooperation with respect to Western 
          Balkan countries (sec. 1237)...........................   965
        Plan to respond in case of Russian noncompliance with the 
          New START Treaty (sec. 1238)...........................   966
        Strategy to counter threats by the Russian Federation 
          (sec. 1239)............................................   966
        Strategy to counter the threat of malign influence by the 
          Russian Federation (sec. 1239A)........................   967
    Subtitle E--Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty 
      Preservation Act of 2017...................................   967
        INF Treaty Preservation Act of 2017 (secs. 1241-1242, 
          1246)..................................................   967
        Compliance enforcement regarding Russian violations of 
          the INF Treaty (sec. 1243).............................   968
        Notification requirement related to Russian Federation 
          development of noncompliant systems and United States 
          actions regarding material breach of INF Treaty by the 
          Russian Federation (sec. 1244).........................   969
        Review of RS-26 ballistic missile (sec. 1245)............   970
    Subtitle F--Matters Relating to the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region.   970
        Sense of Congress and Initiative on the Indo-Asia-Pacific 
          region (sec. 1251).....................................   970
        Report on strategy to prioritize United States defense 
          interests in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region (sec. 1252)..   971
        Assessment of United States force posture and basing 
          needs in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region (sec. 1253)......   971
        Plan to enhance the extended deterrence and assurance 
          capabilities of the United States in the Asia-Pacific 
          region (sec. 1254).....................................   972
        Sense of Congress reaffirming security commitments to the 
          Governments of Japan and South Korea and trilateral 
          cooperation between the United States, Japan, and South 
          Korea (sec. 1255)......................................   972
        Strategy on North Korea (sec. 1256)......................   973
        North Korean nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles 
          (sec. 1257)............................................   974
        Advancements in defense cooperation between the United 
          States and India (sec. 1258)...........................   974
        Strengthening the defense partnership between the United 
          States and Taiwan (sec. 1259)..........................   975
        Normalizing the transfer of defense articles and defense 
          services to Taiwan (sec. 1259A)........................   975
        Assessment on United States defense implications of 
          China's expanding global access (sec. 1259B)...........   976
        Agreement supplemental to Compact of Free Association 
          with Palau (sec. 1259C)................................   976
        Study on United States interests in the Freely Associated 
          States (sec. 1259D)....................................   976
    Subtitle G--Reports..........................................   976
        Modification of annual report on military and security 
          developments involving the People's Republic of China 
          (sec. 1261)............................................   976
        Modification of annual update of Department of Defense 
          Freedom of Navigation Operations report (sec. 1262)....   977
        Report on strategy to defeat Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the 
          Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and their 
          associated forces and co-belligerents (sec. 1263)......   977
        Report on and notice of changes made to the legal and 
          policy frameworks for the United States' use of 
          military force and related national security operations 
          (sec. 1264)............................................   977
        Report on military action of Saudi Arabia and its 
          coalition partners in Yemen (sec. 1265)................   978
        Submittal of Department of Defense Supplemental and Cost 
          of War Execution reports on quarterly basis (sec. 1266)   978
        Consolidation of reports on United States Armed Forces, 
          civilian employees, and contractors deployed in support 
          of Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Freedom's 
          Sentinel, and associated and successor operations (sec. 
          1267)..................................................   978
        Comptroller General of the United States report on 
          pricing and availability with respect to foreign 
          military sales (sec. 1268).............................   978
        Annual report on military and security developments 
          involving the Russian Federation (sec. 1269)...........   979
    Subtitle H--Other Matters....................................   979
        Security and stability strategy for Somalia (sec. 1271)..   979
        Global Theater Security Cooperation Management 
          Information System (sec. 1272).........................   979
        Future years plan for the European Deterrence Initiative 
          (sec. 1273)............................................   979
        Extension of authority to enter into agreements with 
          participating countries in the American, British, 
          Canadian, and Australian Armies' Program (sec. 1274)...   980
        United States military and diplomatic strategy for Yemen 
          (sec. 1275)............................................   980
        Transfer of excess high mobility multipurpose wheeled 
          vehicles to foreign countries (sec. 1276)..............   980
        Department of Defense program to protect United States 
          students against foreign agents (sec. 1277)............   982
        Limitation and extension of United States-Israel anti-
          tunnel cooperation authority (sec. 1278)...............   982
        Anticorruption strategy (sec. 1279)......................   982
        Strategy to improve defense institutions and security 
          sector forces in Nigeria (sec. 1279A)..................   983
        Limitation on availability of funds to implement the Arms 
          Trade Treaty (sec. 1279B)..............................   983
        Cultural Heritage Protection Coordinator (sec. 1279C)....   983
        Security assistance for Baltic nations for joint program 
          for joint interoperability and deterrence against 
          aggression (sec. 1279D)................................   984
        Restriction on funding for the Preparatory Commission for 
          the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization 
          (sec. 1279E)...........................................   984
        Clarification of authority to support border security 
          operations of certain foreign countries (sec. 1279F)...   984
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................   985
        Sense of Congress on cybersecurity cooperation with 
          Ukraine................................................   985
        Extension of Commanders' Emergency Response Program and 
          related authorities....................................   985
        Report on United States strategy in Afghanistan..........   985
        Sense of Congress relating to Dr. Shakil Afridi..........   986
        Sense of Congress regarding the Afghan special immigrant 
          visa program...........................................   986
        Report on impact of humanitarian crisis on achievement of 
          United States security objectives in Syria.............   986
        Sense of Congress on threats posed by the Government of 
          Iran...................................................   987
        Report on merits of an Incidents at Sea agreement between 
          the United States, Iran, and certain other countries...   987
        Report on steps and protocols related to the rescue, 
          care, and treatment of captives of the Islamic State...   987
        Report on use by the Government of Iran of commercial 
          aircraft and related services for illicit activities...   988
        Strategy for Syria and Iraq..............................   988
        Sense of Congress on support for Georgia.................   988
        Sense of Congress on support for Estonia, Latvia, and 
          Lithuania..............................................   989
        Russian aggression and the security environment in Europe   989
        Limitation on availability of funds to extend the 
          implementation of the New START Treaty.................   989
        Short title..............................................   991
        Sense of Congress on the importance of the North Atlantic 
          Treaty Organization Intelligence Fusion Center.........   991
        Findings and sense of Congress...........................   991
        Strategy to increase conventional precision strike weapon 
          stockpiles in the United States European Command's 
          areas of responsibility................................   991
        Plan to counter the military capabilities of the Russian 
          Federation.............................................   991
        Sense of Congress on enhancing maritime capabilities.....   992
        Plan to reduce the risks of miscalculation and unintended 
          consequences that could precipitate a nuclear war......   992
        Definitions..............................................   993
        Expansion of military-to-military engagement with the 
          Government of Burma....................................   993
        Sense of Congress on the importance of the rule of law in 
          the South China Sea....................................   993
        Sense of Congress on freedom of navigation operations in 
          the South China Sea....................................   994
        Sense of Congress on the Association of Southeast Asian 
          Nations................................................   994
        Sense of Congress on reaffirming the importance of the 
          United States-Australia defense alliance...............   995
        NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence......   995
        NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence.......   996
        Report by Defense Intelligence Agency on certain military 
          capabilities of China and Russia.......................   996
        Sense of Congress on the North Atlantic Treaty 
          Organization...........................................   997
        Sense of Congress on the export of defense articles to 
          Turkey.................................................   997
        Sense of Congress on reaffirming strategic partnerships 
          and allies.............................................   997
        Sense of Congress on consideration of impact of marine 
          debris in trade agreements.............................   997
        Sense of Congress regarding the Chibok schoolgirls and 
          Boko Haram.............................................   997
        Report on Iran and North Korea nuclear and ballistic 
          missile cooperation....................................   998
        Contingency plans relating to South Sudan................   998
        Sense of Congress on the Western Hemisphere region.......   998
        Sense of Congress relating to increases in defense 
          capabilities of United States allies...................   999
        Prohibition on use of funds to conduct military 
          operations in Yemen....................................   999
        Annual report on attempts of the Russian Federation to 
          provide disinformation and propaganda to members of the 
          Armed Forces by social media...........................   999
        Support of European Deterrence Initiative to deter 
          Russian aggression.....................................  1000
        Sense of Congress on the European Deterrence Initiative..  1000
        Enhancement of Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative....  1000
        Report on the capabilities and activities of the Islamic 
          State of Iraq and Syria and other violent extremist 
          groups in Southeast Asia...............................  1001
        Sense of Congress on the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.  1001
TITLE XIII--COOPERATIVE THREAT REDUCTION.........................  1001
        Specification of Cooperative Threat Reduction funds (sec. 
          1301)..................................................  1001
        Funding allocations (sec. 1302)..........................  1001
TITLE XIV--OTHER AUTHORIZATIONS..................................  1002
    Subtitle A--Military Programs................................  1002
        Working Capital Funds (sec. 1401)........................  1002
        Chemical agents and munitions destruction, Defense (sec. 
          1402)..................................................  1002
        Drug interdiction and counter-drug activities Defense-
          wide (sec. 1403).......................................  1002
        Defense Inspector General (sec. 1404)....................  1002
        Defense Health Program (sec. 1405).......................  1002
        National Defense Sealift Fund (sec. 1406)................  1002
    Subtitle B--Other Matters....................................  1003
        Authority for transfer of funds to joint Department of 
          Defense-Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility 
          Demonstration Fund for Captain James A. Lovell Health 
          Care Center, Illinois (sec. 1411)......................  1003
        Authorization of appropriations for Armed Forces 
          Retirement Home (sec. 1412)............................  1003
        Armed Forces Retirement Home matters (sec. 1413).........  1003
        Authority to dispose of certain materials from and to 
          acquire additional materials for the National Defense 
          Stockpile (sec. 1414)..................................  1003
        Acquisition reporting on major chemical demilitarization 
          programs of the Department of Defense (sec. 1415)......  1004
  CONTINGENCY OPERATIONS.........................................  1004
    Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations..................  1004
        Purpose and treatment of certain authorizations of 
          appropriations (sec. 1501).............................  1004
        Overseas contingency operations (sec. 1502)..............  1004
        Procurement (sec. 1503)..................................  1004
        Research, development, test, and evaluation (sec. 1504)..  1004
        Operation and maintenance (sec. 1505)....................  1005
        Military personnel (sec. 1506)...........................  1005
        Working capital funds (sec. 1507)........................  1005
        Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense-
          wide (sec. 1508).......................................  1005
        Defense Inspector General (sec. 1509)....................  1005
        Defense Health Program (sec. 1510).......................  1005
    Subtitle B--Financial Matters................................  1005
        Treatment as additional authorizations (sec. 1511).......  1006
        Special transfer authority (sec. 1512)...................  1006
    Subtitle C--Limitations, Reports, and Other Matters..........  1006
        Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (sec. 1521).............  1006
        Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Fund (sec. 1522)..........  1007
        Comptroller General report on feasibility of separation 
          of expenditures (sec. 1523)............................  1007
        Guidelines for budget items to be covered by overseas 
          contingency operations accounts (sec. 1524)............  1007
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................  1007
        Enhancement of database of emergency response 
          capabilities of the Department of Defense..............  1007
    Subtitle A--Space Activities.................................  1008
        Space acquisition and management and oversight (sec. 
          1601)..................................................  1008
        Codification, extension, and modification of limitation 
          on construction on United States territory of satellite 
          positioning ground monitoring stations of foreign 
          governments (sec. 1602)................................  1010
        Foreign commercial satellite services: cybersecurity 
          threats and launches (sec. 1603).......................  1010
        Extension of pilot program on commercial weather data 
          (sec. 1604)............................................  1010
        Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle modernization and 
          sustainment of assured access to space (sec. 1605).....  1010
        Demonstration of backup and complementary positioning, 
          navigation, and timing capabilities of Global 
          Positioning System (sec. 1606).........................  1011
        Enhancement of positioning, navigation, and timing 
          capacity (sec. 1607)...................................  1011
        Commercial satellite communications pathfinder program 
          (sec. 1608)............................................  1012
        Launch support and infrastructure modernization (sec. 
          1609)..................................................  1012
        Limitation on availability of funding for Joint Space 
          Operations Center mission system (sec. 1610)...........  1012
        Limitation on use of funds for Delta IV launch vehicle 
          (sec. 1611)............................................  1012
        Air Force space contractor responsibility watch list 
          (sec. 1612)............................................  1012
        Certification and briefing on operational and contingency 
          plans for loss or degradation of space capabilities 
          (sec. 1613)............................................  1013
        Report on protected satellite communications (sec. 1614).  1013
        Sense of Congress on establishment of Space Flag training 
          event (sec. 1615)......................................  1013
        Sense of Congress on coordinating efforts to prepare for 
          space weather events (sec. 1616).......................  1014
        Sense of Congress on National Space Defense Center (sec. 
          1617)..................................................  1014
    Subtitle B--Defense Intelligence and Intelligence-Related 
      Activities.................................................  1014
        Security clearances for facilities of certain contractors 
          (sec. 1621)............................................  1014
        Extension of authority to engage in certain commercial 
          activities (sec. 1622).................................  1014
        Submission of audits of commercial activity funds (sec. 
          1623)..................................................  1014
        Clarification of annual briefing on the intelligence, 
          surveillance, and reconnaissance requirements of the 
          combatant commands (sec. 1624).........................  1015
        Consideration of service by recipients of Boren 
          scholarships and fellowships in excepted service 
          positions as service by such recipients under career 
          appointments for purposes of career tenure (sec. 1625).  1015
        Review of support provided by Defense intelligence 
          elements to acquisition activities of the Department 
          (sec. 1626)............................................  1015
        Establishment of Chairman's controlled activity within 
          Joint Staff for intelligence, surveillance, and 
          reconnaissance (sec. 1627).............................  1015
        Requirements relating to multi-use sensitive 
          compartmented information facilities (sec. 1628).......  1016
        Limitation on availability of funds for certain offensive 
          counterintelligence activities (sec. 1629).............  1016
    Subtitle C--Cyberspace-Related Matters.......................  1016
      Part I--General Cyber Matters..............................  1016
        Notification requirements for sensitive military cyber 
          operations and cyber weapons (sec. 1631)...............  1016
        Modification to quarterly cyber operations briefings 
          (sec. 1632)............................................  1017
        Policy of the United States on cyberspace, cybersecurity, 
          and cyber warfare (sec. 1633)..........................  1017
        Prohibition on use of products and services developed or 
          provided by Kaspersky Lab (sec. 1634)..................  1018
        Modification of authorities relating to establishment of 
          unified combatant command for cyber operations (sec. 
          1635)..................................................  1018
        Modification of definition of acquisition workforce to 
          include personnel contributing to cybersecurity systems 
          (sec. 1636)............................................  1019
        Integration of strategic information operations and 
          cyber-enabled information operations (sec. 1637).......  1019
        Exercise on assessing cybersecurity support to election 
          systems of States (sec. 1638)..........................  1020
        Measurement of compliance with cybersecurity requirements 
          for industrial control systems (sec. 1639).............  1020
        Strategic Cybersecurity Program (sec. 1640)..............  1020
        Plan to increase cyber and information operations, 
          deterrence, and defense (sec. 1641)....................  1021
        Evaluation of agile or iterative development of cyber 
          tools and applications (sec. 1642).....................  1021
        Assessment of defense critical infrastructure (sec. 1643)  1021
        Cyber posture review (sec. 1644).........................  1021
        Briefing on cyber capability and readiness shortfalls 
          (sec. 1645)............................................  1022
        Briefing on cyber applications of blockchain technology 
          (sec. 1646)............................................  1022
        Briefing on training infrastructure for cyber mission 
          forces (sec. 1647).....................................  1022
        Report on termination of dual-hat arrangement for 
          Commander of the United States Cyber Command (sec. 
          1648)..................................................  1022
      Part II--Cybersecurity Education...........................  1023
        Cyber Scholarship Program (sec. 1649)....................  1023
        Community college cyber pilot program and assessment 
          (sec. 1649A)...........................................  1023
        Federal Cyber Scholarship-For-Service program updates 
          (sec. 1649B)...........................................  1023
        Cybersecurity teaching (sec. 1649C)......................  1023
    Subtitle D--Nuclear Forces...................................  1024
        Annual assessment of cyber resiliency of nuclear command 
          and control system (sec. 1651).........................  1024
        Collection, storage, and sharing of data relating to 
          nuclear security enterprise (sec. 1652)................  1024
        Notifications regarding dual-capable F-35A aircraft (sec. 
          1653)..................................................  1024
        Oversight of delayed acquisition programs by Council on 
          Oversight of the National Leadership Command, Control, 
          and Communications System (sec. 1654)..................  1024
        Establishment of Nuclear Command and Control Intelligence 
          Fusion Center (sec. 1655)..............................  1025
        Security of nuclear command, control, and communications 
          system from commercial dependencies (sec. 1656)........  1025
        Oversight of aerial-layer programs by Council on 
          Oversight of the National Leadership Command, Control, 
          and Communications System (sec. 1657)..................  1026
        Security classification guide for programs relating to 
          nuclear command, control, and communications and 
          nuclear deterrence (sec. 1658).........................  1026
        Evaluation and enhanced security of supply chain for 
          nuclear command, control, and communications and 
          continuity of government programs (sec. 1659)..........  1026
        Procurement authority for certain parts of 
          intercontinental ballistic missile fuzes (sec. 1660)...  1027
        Presidential National Voice Conferencing System and 
          Phoenix Air-to-Ground Communications Network (sec. 
          1661)..................................................  1027
        Limitation on pursuit of certain command and control 
          concept (sec. 1662)....................................  1027
        Prohibition on availability of funds for mobile variant 
          of ground-based strategic deterrent missile (sec. 1663)  1028
        Prohibition on reduction of the intercontinental 
          ballistic missiles of the United States (sec. 1664)....  1028
        Modification to annual report on plan for the nuclear 
          weapons stockpile, nuclear weapons complex, nuclear 
          weapons delivery systems, and nuclear weapons command 
          and control system (sec. 1665).........................  1028
        Establishment of procedures for implementation of Nuclear 
          Enterprise Review (sec. 1666)..........................  1028
        Report on impacts of nuclear proliferation (sec. 1667)...  1028
        Certification that the Nuclear Posture Review addresses 
          deterrent effect and operation of United States nuclear 
          forces in current and future security environments 
          (sec. 1668)............................................  1029
        Plan to manage Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack 
          Assessment System and multi-domain sensors (sec. 1669).  1029
        Certification requirement with respect to strategic 
          radiation hardened trusted microelectronics (sec. 1670)  1030
        Nuclear Posture Review (sec. 1671).......................  1030
        Sense of Congress on importance of independent nuclear 
          deterrent of United Kingdom (sec. 1672)................  1030
    Subtitle E--Missile Defense Programs.........................  1030
        Administration of missile defense and defeat programs 
          (sec. 1676)............................................  1030
        Condition for proceeding beyond low-rate initial 
          production (sec. 1677).................................  1031
        Preservation of the ballistic missile defense capacity of 
          the Army (sec. 1678)...................................  1031
        Modernization of Army lower tier air and missile defense 
          sensor (sec. 1679).....................................  1032
        Defense of Hawaii from North Korean ballistic missile 
          attack (sec. 1680).....................................  1032
        Designation of location of continental United States 
          interceptor site (sec. 1681)...........................  1033
        Aegis Ashore anti-air warfare capability (sec. 1682).....  1033
        Development of persistent space-based sensor architecture 
          (sec. 1683)............................................  1033
        Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system and Israeli 
          Cooperative Missile Defense Program co-development and 
          co-production (sec. 1684)..............................  1034
        Boost phase ballistic missile defense (sec. 1685)........  1035
        Ground-based interceptor capability, capacity, and 
          reliability (sec. 1686)................................  1036
        Limitation on availability of funds for ground-based 
          midcourse defense element of the ballistic missile 
          defense system (sec. 1687).............................  1036
        Plan for development of space-based ballistic missile 
          intercept layer (sec. 1688)............................  1037
        Sense of Congress on the state of the missile defense of 
          the United States (sec. 1689)..........................  1037
        Sense of Congress and report on ground-based midcourse 
          defense testing (sec. 1690)............................  1038
    Subtitle F--Other Matters....................................  1038
        Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from 
          Electromagnetic Pulse Attacks and Similar Events (sec. 
          1691)..................................................  1038
        Protection of certain facilities and assets from unmanned 
          aircraft (sec. 1692)...................................  1038
        Conventional prompt global strike weapons system (sec. 
          1693)..................................................  1040
        Business case analysis regarding ammonium perchlorate 
          (sec. 1694)............................................  1041
        Report on industrial base for large solid rocket motors 
          and related technologies (sec. 1695)...................  1041
        Pilot program on enhancing information sharing for 
          security of supply chain (sec. 1696)...................  1041
        Pilot program on electromagnetic spectrum mapping (sec. 
          1697)..................................................  1042
        Use of commercial items in Distributed Common Ground 
          Systems (sec. 1698)....................................  1042
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................  1042
        Establishment of subordinate unified command of the 
          United States Strategic Command........................  1042
        Policy of the United States with respect to 
          classification of space as a combat domain.............  1042
        Conditional transfer of acquisition and funding authority 
          of certain weather missions to National Reconnaissance 
          Office.................................................  1043
        Report on space-based nuclear detection..................  1043
        Sense of Congress on new commercial satellite servicing 
          activities.............................................  1043
        Prohibition on use of software platforms developed by 
          Kaspersky Lab..........................................  1043
        Prohibition on availability of funds for certain 
          relocation activities for NATO intelligence fusion 
          center.................................................  1044
        Sense of Congress and report on geospatial commercial 
          activities for basic and applied research and 
          development............................................  1044
        Department of Defense Counterintelligence polygraph 
          program................................................  1045
        Security clearance for dual-nationals....................  1045
        Suspension or revocation of security clearances based on 
          unlawful or inappropriate contacts with representatives 
          of a foreign government................................  1045
        Strategy for the offensive use of cyber capabilities.....  1045
        Definition of deterrence in the context of cyber 
          operations.............................................  1046
        Short title..............................................  1046
        Review of proposed ground-based midcourse defense system 
          contract...............................................  1046
        Short title..............................................  1046
        Evaluation and evolution of terrestrial ground-based 
          midcourse defense sensors..............................  1047
        Sense of Congress on establishing an award program for 
          the cyber community of the Department of Defense.......  1048
        Report on integration of modernization and sustainment of 
          nuclear triad..........................................  1048
        Report on progress made in implementing the Cyber 
          Excepted Personnel System..............................  1048
  MATTERS........................................................  1048
        Amendments to HUBZone provisions of the Small Business 
          Act (sec. 1701)........................................  1048
        Uniformity in procurement terminology (sec. 1702)........  1049
        Improving reporting on small business goals (sec. 1703)..  1049
        Responsibilities of Business Opportunity Specialists 
          (sec. 1704)............................................  1050
        Responsibilities of commercial market representatives 
          (sec. 1705)............................................  1050
        Modification of past performance pilot program to include 
          consideration of past performance with allies of the 
          United States (sec. 1706)..............................  1050
        Notice of cost-free Federal procurement technical 
          assistance in connection with registration of small 
          business concerns on procurement websites of the 
          Department of Defense (sec. 1707)......................  1050
        Inclusion of SBIR and STTR programs in technical 
          assistance (sec. 1708).................................  1050
        Requirements relating to competitive procedures and 
          justification for awards under the SBIR and STTR 
          programs (sec. 1709)...................................  1051
        Pilot program for streamlined technology transition from 
          the SBIR and STTR programs of the Department of Defense 
          (sec. 1710)............................................  1051
        Pilot program on strengthening manufacturing in the 
          defense industrial base (sec. 1711)....................  1051
        Review regarding applicability of foreign ownership, 
          control, or influence requirements of National 
          Industrial Security Program to national technology and 
          industrial base companies (sec. 1712)..................  1052
        Report on sourcing of tungsten and tungsten powders from 
          domestic producers (sec. 1713).........................  1052
        Report on utilization of small business concerns for 
          Federal contracts (sec. 1714)..........................  1052
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................  1052
        Office of Women's Business Ownership.....................  1052
        Women's Business Center Program..........................  1053
        Matching requirements under Women's Business Center 
          Program................................................  1053
        SCORE reauthorization....................................  1053
        SCORE program............................................  1053
        Online component.........................................  1053
        Study and report on the future role of the SCORE program.  1054
        Technical and conforming amendments......................  1054
        Use of authorized entrepreneurial development programs...  1054
        Marketing of services....................................  1054
        Data collection..........................................  1054
        Fees from private partnerships and cosponsorships........  1055
        Equity for small business development centers............  1055
        Confidentiality requirements.............................  1055
        Limitation on award of grants to small business 
          development centers....................................  1055
        Government purchase and travel cards (secs. 1801-1806)...  1056
        Summary..................................................  1056
        Short title (sec. 2001)..................................  1056
        Expiration of authorizations and amounts required to be 
          specified by law (sec. 2002)...........................  1056
        Effective date (sec. 2003)...............................  1056
TITLE XXI--ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION............................  1057
        Summary..................................................  1057
        Authorized Army construction and land acquisition 
          projects (sec. 2101)...................................  1057
        Family housing (sec. 2102)...............................  1057
        Improvements to military family housing units (sec. 2103)  1058
        Authorization of appropriations, Army (sec. 2104)........  1058
        Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal 
          year 2014 project (sec. 2105)..........................  1058
        Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal 
          year 2015 project (sec. 2106)..........................  1058
        Extension of authorization of certain fiscal year 2014 
          project (sec. 2107)....................................  1058
        Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2015 
          projects (sec. 2108)...................................  1059
        Additional authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
          2000, 2005, 2006, and 2007 projects (sec. 2109)........  1059
TITLE XXII--NAVY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION...........................  1059
        Summary..................................................  1059
        Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition 
          projects (sec. 2201)...................................  1060
        Family housing (sec. 2202)...............................  1060
        Improvements to military family housing units (sec. 2203)  1060
        Authorization of appropriations, Navy (sec. 2204)........  1060
        Extension of authorizations for certain fiscal year 2014 
          projects (sec. 2205)...................................  1060
        Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2015 
          projects (sec. 2206)...................................  1061
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................  1061
        Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal 
          year 2016 project......................................  1061
        Summary..................................................  1061
        Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition 
          projects (sec. 2301)...................................  1063
        Family housing (sec. 2302)...............................  1063
        Improvements to military family housing units (sec. 2303)  1063
        Authorization of appropriations, Air Force (sec. 2304)...  1063
        Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal 
          year 2017 projects (sec. 2305).........................  1063
        Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2015 
          projects (sec. 2306)...................................  1064
        Summary..................................................  1064
        Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land 
          acquisition projects (sec. 2401).......................  1066
        Authorized energy resiliency and conservation projects 
          (sec. 2402)............................................  1066
        Authorization of appropriations, Defense Agencies (sec. 
          2403)..................................................  1066
        Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal 
          year 2017 project (sec. 2404)..........................  1066
        Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2014 
          projects (sec. 2405)...................................  1066
        Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2015 
          projects (sec. 2406)...................................  1067
TITLE XXV--INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS................................  1067
        Summary..................................................  1067
    Subtitle A--North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security 
      Investment Program.........................................  1067
        Authorized NATO construction and land acquisition 
          projects (sec. 2501)...................................  1067
        Authorization of appropriations, NATO (sec. 2502)........  1067
    Subtitle B--Host Country In-Kind Contributions...............  1068
        Republic of Korea funded construction projects (sec. 
          2511)..................................................  1068
        Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal 
          year 2017 projects (sec. 2512).........................  1068
        Summary..................................................  1068
    Subtitle A--Project Authorizations and Authorization of 
      Appropriations.............................................  1069
        Authorized Army National Guard construction and land 
          acquisition projects (sec. 2601).......................  1069
        Authorized Army Reserve construction and land acquisition 
          projects (sec. 2602)...................................  1069
        Authorized Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve 
          construction and land acquisition projects (sec. 2603).  1069
        Authorized Air National Guard construction and land 
          acquisition projects (sec. 2604).......................  1069
        Authorized Air Force Reserve construction and land 
          acquisition projects (sec. 2605).......................  1070
        Authorization of appropriations, National Guard and 
          Reserve (sec. 2606)....................................  1070
    Subtitle B--Other Matters....................................  1070
        Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal 
          year 2015 project (sec. 2611)..........................  1070
        Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2014 
          projects (sec. 2612)...................................  1070
        Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2015 
          projects (sec. 2613)...................................  1070
        Authorization of appropriations for base realignment and 
          closure activities funded through Department of Defense 
          base closure account (sec. 2701).......................  1071
        Prohibition on conducting additional base realignment and 
          closure (BRAC) round (sec. 2702).......................  1071
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................  1071
        Update to report on infrastructure capacity..............  1071
    Subtitle A--Military Construction Program and Military Family 
      Housing....................................................  1071
        Elimination of written notice requirement for military 
          construction activities and reliance on electronic 
          submission of notifications and reports (sec. 2801)....  1071
        Modification of thresholds applicable to unspecified 
          minor construction projects (sec. 2802)................  1072
        Annual locality adjustment of dollar thresholds 
          applicable to unspecified minor military construction 
          authorities (sec. 2803)................................  1072
        Extension of temporary, limited authority to use 
          operation and maintenance funds for construction 
          projects outside the United States (sec. 2804).........  1072
        Use of operation and maintenance funds for military 
          construction projects to replace facilities damaged or 
          destroyed by natural disasters or terrorism incidents 
          (sec. 2805)............................................  1073
        Annual report on unfunded requirements for laboratory 
          military construction projects (sec. 2806).............  1073
    Subtitle B--Real Property and Facilities Administration......  1073
        Elimination of written notice requirement for military 
          real property transactions and reliance on electronic 
          submission of notifications and reports (sec. 2811)....  1073
        Certification related to certain acquisitions or leases 
          of real property (sec. 2812)...........................  1073
        Increased term limit for intergovernmental support 
          agreements to provide installation support services 
          (sec. 2813)............................................  1073
        Authorizing reimbursement of States for costs of 
          suppressing wildfires caused by Department of Defense 
          activities on State lands; restoration of lands of 
          other Federal agencies for damage caused by Department 
          of Defense vehicle mishaps (sec. 2814).................  1074
        Criteria for exchanges of property at military 
          installations (sec. 2815)..............................  1074
        Land exchange valuation of property with reduced 
          development that limits encroachment on military 
          installations (sec. 2816)..............................  1074
        Requirements for window fall prevention devices in 
          military family housing (sec. 2817)....................  1074
        Prohibiting use of updated assessment of public schools 
          on Department of Defense installations to supersede 
          funding of certain projects (sec. 2818)................  1075
        Access to military installations by transportation 
          network companies (sec. 2819)..........................  1075
    Subtitle C--Project Management and Oversight Reforms.........  1075
        Notification requirement for certain cost increases (sec. 
          2821)..................................................  1075
        Annual report on schedule delays (sec. 2822).............  1075
        Report on design errors and omissions related to Fort 
          Bliss hospital replacement project (sec. 2823).........  1076
        Report on cost increase and delay related to USSTRATCOM 
          command and control facility project at Offutt Air 
          Force Base (sec. 2824).................................  1076
    Subtitle D--Energy Resilience................................  1077
        Energy resilience (sec. 2831)............................  1077
        Authority to use energy cost savings for energy 
          resilience, mission assurance, and weather damage 
          repair and prevention measures (sec. 2832).............  1077
        Consideration of energy security and energy resilience in 
          awarding energy and fuel contracts for military 
          installations (sec. 2833)..............................  1077
        Requirement to address energy resilience in exercising 
          utility system conveyance authority (sec. 2834)........  1077
        In-kind lease payments; prioritization of utility 
          services that promote energy resilience (sec. 2835)....  1077
        Annual Department of Defense energy management reports 
          (sec. 2836)............................................  1077
        Aggregation of energy efficiency and energy resilience 
          projects in life cycle cost analyses (sec. 2837).......  1078
    Subtitle E--Land Conveyances.................................  1078
        Land exchange, Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant, 
          Sunnyvale, California (sec. 2841)......................  1078
        Land Conveyance, Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho 
          (sec. 2842)............................................  1078
        Lease of real property to the United States Naval Academy 
          Alumni Association and Naval Academy Foundation at 
          United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland (sec. 
          2843)..................................................  1078
        Land Conveyance, Natick Soldier Systems Center, 
          Massachusetts (sec. 2844)..............................  1078
        Land exchange, Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas 
          (sec. 2845)............................................  1079
        Imposition of additional conditions on future use of 
          Castner Range, Fort Bliss, Texas (sec. 2846)...........  1079
        Land conveyance, former missile alert facility known as 
          Quebec-01, Laramie County, Wyoming (sec. 2847).........  1079
    Subtitle F--Military Memorials, Monuments, and Museums.......  1079
        Recognition of the National Museum of World War II 
          Aviation (sec. 2861)...................................  1079
        Principal office of Aviation Hall of Fame (sec. 2862)....  1080
        Establishment of a visitor services facility on the 
          Arlington Ridge tract (sec. 2863)......................  1080
        Modification of prohibition on transfer of veterans 
          memorial objects to foreign governments without 
          specific authorization in law (sec. 2864)..............  1080
    Subtitle G--Other Matters....................................  1080
        Authority of the Secretary of the Air Force to accept 
          lessee improvements at Air Force Plant 42 (sec. 2871)..  1080
        Modification of Department of Defense guidance on use of 
          airfield pavement markings (sec. 2872).................  1081
        Authority of Chief Operating Officer of Armed Forces 
          Retirement Home to acquire and lease property (sec. 
          2873)..................................................  1081
        Restrictions on rehabilitation of Over-the-Horizon 
          Backscatter Radar Station (sec. 2874)..................  1081
        Permitting machine room-less elevators in Department of 
          Defense facilities (sec. 2875).........................  1081
        Disclosure of beneficial ownership by foreign persons of 
          high security space leased by the Department of Defense 
          (sec. 2876)............................................  1082
        Joint use of Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Marietta, Georgia, 
          with civil aviation (sec. 2877)........................  1082
        Report on hurricane damage to Department of Defense 
          assets (sec. 2878).....................................  1082
        Special rules for certain projects (sec. 2879)...........  1082
        Energy security for military installations in Europe 
          (sec. 2880)............................................  1083
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................  1083
        Authority to use expiring funds for certain military 
          construction projects..................................  1083
        Authorized cost increases................................  1083
        Clarification of applicability of fair market value 
          consideration in grants of easements on military lands 
          for rights-of-way......................................  1083
        Modification of unspecified minor military construction 
          project authority to cover correction of deficiencies 
          that are threats to installation resilience............  1084
        Improved process for disposal of Department of Defense 
          surplus real property located overseas.................  1084
        Land Conveyance, Naval Ship Repair Facility, Guam........  1084
        Removal of certain deed restrictions and reversions 
          associated with the conveyance of property of former 
          Defense Depot Ogden, Utah..............................  1085
        Land Conveyance, Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Rich 
          County, Utah...........................................  1085
        Indefinite duration of certain military land withdrawals 
          and reservations and improved management of withdrawn 
          and reserved lands.....................................  1085
        Temporary segregation from public land laws of property 
          subject to proposed military land withdrawal; temporary 
          use permits and transfers of small parcels of land 
          between Departments of Interior and military 
          departments; more efficient surveying of lands.........  1085
        Limited authority for private sector supervision of 
          military construction projects in event of extensive 
          cost overruns or project delays........................  1086
        Battleship preservation grant program....................  1086
        Short Title..............................................  1086
        Definitions..............................................  1086
        Areas to be added to Shiloh National Military Park.......  1086
        Establishment of affiliated area.........................  1086
        Private property protection..............................  1087
        Technical correction to authority for return of certain 
          lands at Fort Wingate, New Mexico, to original 
          inhabitants............................................  1087
        Report on compliance with runway clear zone requirements.  1087
        Sense of Congress on fire protection in Department of 
          Defense facilities.....................................  1088
        Summary..................................................  1088
        Authorized Army construction and land acquisition 
          projects (sec. 2901)...................................  1088
        Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition project 
          (sec. 2902)............................................  1088
        Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition 
          project (sec. 2903)....................................  1089
        Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land 
          acquisition project (sec. 2904)........................  1089
        Authorization of appropriations (sec. 2905)..............  1089
        Extension of authorization of certain fiscal year 2015 
          projects (sec. 2906)...................................  1089
  AND OTHER AUTHORIZATIONS.......................................  1089
    Subtitle A--National Security Programs Authorizations........  1089
        National Nuclear Security Administration (sec. 3101).....  1089
        Defense environmental cleanup (sec. 3102)................  1090
        Other defense activities (sec. 3103).....................  1090
        Nuclear energy (sec. 3104)...............................  1090
    Subtitle B--Program Authorizations, Restrictions, and 
      Limitations................................................  1090
        Nuclear security enterprise infrastructure modernization 
          initiative (sec. 3111).................................  1090
        Incorporation of integrated surety architecture in 
          transportation (sec. 3112).............................  1091
        Cost estimates for life extension program and major 
          alteration projects (sec. 3113)........................  1091
        Improved information relating to certain defense nuclear 
          nonproliferation programs (sec. 3114)..................  1091
        Research and development of advanced naval reactor fuel 
          based on low-enriched uranium (sec. 3115)..............  1092
        National Nuclear Security Administration pay and 
          performance system (sec. 3116).........................  1092
        Budget requests and certification regarding nuclear 
          weapons dismantlement (sec. 3117)......................  1093
        Nuclear warhead design competition (sec. 3118)...........  1093
        Modification of minor construction threshold for plant 
          projects (sec. 3119)...................................  1093
        Extension of authorization of Advisory Board on Toxic 
          Substances and Worker Health (sec. 3120)...............  1093
        Use of funds for construction and project support 
          activities relating to MOX facility (sec. 3121)........  1094
        Prohibition on availability of funds for programs in 
          Russian Federation (sec. 3122).........................  1094
    Subtitle C--Plans and Reports................................  1095
        Annual Selected Acquisition Reports on certain hardware 
          relating to defense nuclear nonproliferation (sec. 
          3131)..................................................  1095
        Annual reports on unfunded priorities of National Nuclear 
          Security Administration (sec. 3132)....................  1095
        Modification of certain reporting requirements (sec. 
          3133)..................................................  1095
        Modification to stockpile stewardship, management, and 
          responsiveness plan (sec. 3134)........................  1095
        Assessment and development of prototype nuclear weapons 
          of foreign countries (sec. 3135).......................  1096
        Plan for verification, detection, and monitoring of 
          nuclear weapons and fissile material (sec. 3136).......  1096
        Review of United States nuclear and radiological 
          terrorism prevention strategy (sec. 3137)..............  1096
        Assessment of management and operating contracts of 
          national security laboratories (sec. 3138).............  1097
        Evaluation of classification of certain defense nuclear 
          waste (sec. 3139)......................................  1097
        Improved reporting for anti-smuggling radiation detection 
          systems (sec. 3140)....................................  1097
        Plutonium capabilities (sec. 3141).......................  1098
        Report on critical decision 1 on Material Staging 
          Facility project (sec. 3142)...........................  1098
        Plan to further minimize the use of highly enriched 
          uranium for medical isotopes (sec. 3143)...............  1099
    Subtitle D--Other Matters....................................  1099
        Sense of Congress regarding uranium mining and nuclear 
          testing (sec. 3151)....................................  1099
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................  1099
        Department of Energy Counterintelligence polygraph 
          program................................................  1099
        Security clearance for dual-nationals employed by 
          National Nuclear Security Agency.......................  1099
        Assessment of design trade options of W80-4 warhead......  1099
        Authorization (sec. 3201)................................  1100
TITLE XXXIV--NAVAL PETROLEUM RESERVES............................  1100
        Authorization of appropriations (sec. 3401)..............  1100
TITLE XXXV--MARITIME ADMINISTRATION..............................  1100
    Legislative Provisions Adopted...............................  1100
        Authorization of the Maritime Administration (sec. 3501).  1100
        Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946 (sec. 3502)..............  1101
        Maritime Security Fleet Program; restriction on operation 
          for new entrants (sec. 3503)...........................  1101
        Codification of sections relating to acquisition, 
          charter, and requisition of vessels (sec. 3504)........  1101
        Assistance for small shipyards (sec. 3505)...............  1101
        Report on sexual assault victim recovery in the Coast 
          Guard (sec. 3506)......................................  1102
        Centers of excellence (sec. 3507)........................  1102
        Foreign spill protection (sec. 3508).....................  1102
        Removal of adjunct professor limit at United States 
          Merchant Marine Academy (sec. 3509)....................  1102
        Acceptance of guarantees in conjunction with partial 
          donations for major projects of the United States 
          Merchant Marine Academy (sec. 3510)....................  1103
        Authority to pay conveyance or transfer expenses in 
          connection with acceptance of a gift to the United 
          States Merchant Marine Academy (sec. 3511).............  1103
        Authority to participate in Federal, State or other 
          research grants (sec. 3512)............................  1103
        Provision of satellite communication devices during Sea 
          Year program (sec. 3513)...............................  1103
        Actions to address sexual harassment, dating violence, 
          domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking at the 
          United States Merchant Marine Academy (sec. 3514)......  1103
        Sexual assault prevention and response staff for the 
          United States Merchant Marine Academy (sec. 3515)......  1104
        Protection of cadets at the United States Merchant Marine 
          Academy from sexual assault onboard commercial vessels 
          (sec. 3516)............................................  1104
        Training requirement for sexual assault investigators 
          (sec. 3517)............................................  1104
    Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...........................  1104
        Maritime Administration..................................  1104
        Application of law.......................................  1104
        Recourse for non-U.S. seamen.............................  1105
DIVISION D--FUNDING TABLES.......................................  1105
        Authorization of amounts in funding tables (sec. 4001)...  1105
        Summary of National Defense Authorizations for Fiscal 
          Year 2018..............................................  1105
        National Defense Budget Authority Implication............  1110
TITLE XLI--PROCUREMENT...........................................  1112
        Procurement (sec. 4101)..................................  1112
        Procurement for overseas contingency operations (sec. 
          4102)..................................................  1160
        Research, development, test, and evaluation (sec. 4201)..  1170
        Research, development, test, and evaluation for overseas 
          contingency operations (sec. 4202).....................  1214
TITLE XLIII--OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE...........................  1217
        Operation and maintenance (sec. 4301)....................  1217
        Operation and maintenance for overseas contingency 
          operations (sec. 4302).................................  1243
TITLE XLIV--MILITARY PERSONNEL...................................  1253
        Military personnel (sec. 4401)...........................  1253
        Military personnel for overseas contingency operations 
          (sec. 4402)............................................  1254
TITLE XLV--OTHER AUTHORIZATIONS..................................  1254
        Other authorizations (sec. 4501).........................  1254
        Other authorizations for overseas contingency operations 
          (sec. 4502)............................................  1257
TITLE XLVI--MILITARY CONSTRUCTION................................  1259
        Military construction (sec. 4601)........................  1259
        Military construction for overseas contingency operations 
          (sec. 4602)............................................  1276
        Department of Energy national security programs (sec. 
          4701)..................................................  1278
Legislative Provisions Not Adopted...............................  1292
    Overseas contingency operations for base requirements........  1292

115th Congress    }                                     {       Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session      }                                     {      115-404




                November 9, 2017.--Ordered to be printed


    Mr. Thornberry, from the Committee on Conference, submitted the 

                           CONFERENCE REPORT

                        [To accompany H.R. 2810]

      The Committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of 
the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 
2810), to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2018 for 
military activities of the Department of Defense, for military 
construction, and for defense activities of the Department of 
Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such 
fiscal year, and for other purposes, having met, after full and 
free conference, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to 
their respective Houses as follows:
      That the House recede from its disagreement to the 
amendment of the Senate and agree to the same with an amendment 
as follows:
      In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the 
Senate amendment, insert the following:


    This Act may be cited as the ``National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018''.


    (a) Divisions.--This Act is organized into four divisions 
as follows:
            (1) Division A--Department of Defense 
            (2) Division B--Military Construction 
            (3) Division C--Department of Energy National 
        Security Authorizations and Other Authorizations.
            (4) Division D--Funding Tables.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act 
is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Organization of Act into divisions; table of contents.
Sec. 3. Congressional defense committees.
Sec. 4. Budgetary effects of this Act.


                          TITLE I--PROCUREMENT

               Subtitle A--Authorization Of Appropriations

Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations.

                        Subtitle B--Army Programs

Sec. 111. Authority to expedite procurement of 7.62mm rifles.
Sec. 112. Limitation on availability of funds for Increment 2 of the 
          Warfighter Information Network-Tactical program.
Sec. 113. Limitation on availability of funds for upgrade of M113 

                        Subtitle C--Navy Programs

Sec. 121. Aircraft carriers.
Sec. 122. Icebreaker vessel.
Sec. 123. Multiyear procurement authority for Arleigh Burke class 
Sec. 124. Multiyear procurement authority for Virginia class submarine 
Sec. 125. Design and construction of the lead ship of the amphibious 
          ship replacement designated LX(R) or amphibious transport dock 
          designated LPD-30.
Sec. 126. Multiyear procurement authority for V-22 Osprey aircraft.
Sec. 127. Extension of limitation on use of sole-source shipbuilding 
          contracts for certain vessels.
Sec. 128. Limitation on availability of funds for the enhanced multi-
          mission parachute system.
Sec. 129. Report on Navy capacity to increase production of certain 
          rotary wing aircraft.

                     Subtitle D--Air Force Programs

Sec. 131. Inventory requirement for Air Force fighter aircraft.
Sec. 132. Prohibition on availability of funds for retirement of E-8 
          JSTARS aircraft.
Sec. 133. Requirement for continuation of JSTARS aircraft 
          recapitalization program.
Sec. 134. Limitation on selection of single contractor for C-130H 
          avionics modernization program increment 2.
Sec. 135. Limitation on availability of funds for EC-130H Compass Call 
          recapitalization program.
Sec. 136. Limitation on retirement of U-2 and RQ-4 aircraft.
Sec. 137. Cost-benefit analysis of upgrades to MQ-9 Reaper aircraft.
Sec. 138. Plan for modernization of the radar for F-16 fighter aircraft 
          of the National Guard.
Sec. 139. Comptroller General review of Air Force fielding plan for HH-
          60 replacement programs.

        Subtitle E--Defense-wide, Joint, and Multiservice Matters

Sec. 141. F-35 economic order quantity contracting authority.
Sec. 142. Authority for explosive ordnance disposal units to acquire new 
          or emerging technologies and capabilities.
Sec. 143.  Requirement that certain aircraft and unmanned aerial 
          vehicles use specified standard data link.
Sec. 144. Reinstatement of requirement to preserve certain C-5 aircraft; 
          mobility capability and requirements study.


               Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations.

     Subtitle B--Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations

Sec. 211. Cost controls for presidential aircraft recapitalization 
Sec. 212. Capital investment authority.
Sec. 213. Prizes for advanced technology achievements.
Sec. 214. Joint Hypersonics Transition Office.
Sec. 215. Department of Defense directed energy weapon system 
          prototyping and demonstration program.
Sec. 216. Appropriate use of authority for prototype projects.
Sec. 217. Mechanisms for expedited access to technical talent and 
          expertise at academic institutions to support Department of 
          Defense missions.
Sec. 218. Modification of laboratory quality enhancement program.
Sec. 219. Reauthorization of Department of Defense Established Program 
          to Stimulate Competitive Research.
Sec. 220. Codification and enhancement of authorities to provide funds 
          for defense laboratories for research and development of 
          technologies for military missions.
Sec. 221. Expansion of definition of competitive procedures to include 
          competitive selection for award of science and technology 
Sec. 222. Inclusion of modeling and simulation in test and evaluation 
          activities for purposes of planning and budget certification.
Sec. 223. Limitation on availability of funds for F-35 Joint Strike 
          Fighter Follow-On Modernization.
Sec. 224. Improvement of update process for populating mission data 
          files used in advanced combat aircraft.
Sec. 225. Support for national security innovation and entrepreneurial 
Sec. 226. Limitation on cancellation of designation Executive Agent for 
          a certain Defense Production Act program.

                  Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters

Sec. 231. Columbia-class program accountability matrices.
Sec. 232. Review of barriers to innovation in research and engineering 
          activities of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 233. Pilot program to improve incentives for technology transfer 
          from Department of Defense laboratories.
Sec. 234. Competitive acquisition plan for low probability of detection 
          data link networks.
Sec. 235. Clarification of selection dates for pilot program for the 
          enhancement of the research, development, test, and evaluation 
          centers of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 236. Requirement for a plan to build a prototype for a new ground 
          combat vehicle for the Army.
Sec. 237. Plan for successfully fielding the Integrated Air and Missile 
          Defense Battle Command System.


               Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 301. Authorization of appropriations.

                   Subtitle B--Energy and Environment

Sec. 311. Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting 
Sec. 312. Energy performance goals and master plan.
Sec. 313. Payment to Environmental Protection Agency of stipulated 
          penalty in connection with Umatilla Chemical Depot, Oregon.
Sec. 314. Payment to Environmental Protection Agency of stipulated 
          penalty in connection with Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, 
Sec. 315. Department of the Army cleanup and removal of petroleum, oil, 
          and lubricant associated with the Prinz Eugen.
Sec. 316. Centers for Disease Control study on health implications of 
          per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances contamination in drinking 
Sec. 317. Sentinel Landscapes Partnership.
Sec. 318. Report on release of radium or radioactive material into the 
          groundwater near the industrial reserve plant in Bethpage, New 

                  Subtitle C--Logistics and Sustainment

Sec. 321. Reauthorization of multi-trades demonstration project.
Sec. 322. Increased percentage of sustainment funds authorized for 
          realignment to restoration and modernization at each 
Sec. 323. Guidance regarding use of organic industrial base.

                           Subtitle D--Reports

Sec. 331. Quarterly reports on personnel and unit readiness.
Sec. 332. Biennial report on core depot-level maintenance and repair 
Sec. 333. Annual report on personnel, training, and equipment needs of 
          non-federalized National Guard.
Sec. 334. Annual report on military working dogs used by the Department 
          of Defense.
Sec. 335. Report on effects of climate change on Department of Defense.
Sec. 336. Report on optimization of training in and management of 
          special use airspace.
Sec. 337. Plan for modernized, dedicated Department of the Navy 
          adversary air training enterprise.
Sec. 338. Updated guidance regarding biennial core report.

                        Subtitle E--Other Matters

Sec. 341. Explosive safety board.
Sec. 342. Servicewomen's commemorative partnerships.
Sec. 343. Limitation on availability of funds for advanced skills 
          management software system of the Navy.
Sec. 344. Cost-benefit analysis of uniform specifications for Afghan 
          military or security forces.
Sec. 345. Temporary installation reutilization authority for arsenals, 
          depots, and plants.
Sec. 346. Comprehensive plan for sharing depot-level maintenance best 
Sec. 347. Pilot program for operation and maintenance budget 
Sec. 348. Repurposing and reuse of surplus Army firearms.
Sec. 349. Department of the Navy marksmanship awards.
Sec. 350. Civilian training for National Guard pilots and sensor 
          operator aircrews of MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicles.
Sec. 351. Training for National Guard personnel on wildfire response.
Sec. 352. Modification of the Second Division Memorial.


                        Subtitle A--Active Forces

Sec. 401. End strengths for active forces.
Sec. 402. Revisions in permanent active duty end strength minimum 

                       Subtitle B--Reserve Forces

Sec. 411. End strengths for Selected Reserve.
Sec. 412. End strengths for Reserves on active duty in support of the 
Sec. 413. End strengths for military technicians (dual status).
Sec. 414. Fiscal year 2018 limitation on number of non-dual status 
Sec. 415. Maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on active 
          duty for operational support.
Sec. 416. Number of members of the National Guard on full-time duty in 
          support of the reserves within the National Guard Bureau.

               Subtitle C--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 421. Military personnel.


                  Subtitle A--Officer Personnel Policy

Sec. 501. Modification of deadline for submittal by officers of written 
          communications to promotion selection boards on matters of 
          importance to their selection.
Sec. 502. Clarification to exception for removal of officers from list 
          of officers recommended for promotion after 18 months without 
Sec. 503. Modification of requirement for specification of number of 
          officers who may be recommended for early retirement by a 
          Selective Early Retirement Board.
Sec. 504. Extension of service-in-grade waiver authority for voluntary 
          retirement of certain general and flag officers for purposes 
          of enhanced flexibility in officer personnel management.
Sec. 505. Inclusion of Principal Military Deputy to the Assistant 
          Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Technology, and 
          Logistics among officers subject to repeal of statutory 
          specification of general officer grade.
Sec. 506. Clarification of effect of repeal of statutory specification 
          of general or flag officer grade for various positions in the 
          Armed Forces.
Sec. 507. Standardization of authorities in connection with repeal of 
          statutory specification of general officer grade for the Dean 
          of the Academic Board of the United States Military Academy 
          and the Dean of the Faculty of the United States Air Force 
Sec. 508. Flexibility in promotion of officers to positions of Staff 
          Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps and 
          Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Navy or Air Force.
Sec. 509. Grandfathering of retired grade of Assistant Judge Advocates 
          General of the Navy as of repeal of statutory specification of 
          general and flag officers grades in the Armed Forces.

                Subtitle B--Reserve Component Management

Sec. 511. Equal treatment of orders to serve on active duty under 
          sections 12304a and 12304b of title 10, United States Code.
Sec. 512. Service credit for cyberspace experience or advanced education 
          upon original appointment as a commissioned officer.
Sec. 513. Consolidation of authorities to order members of the reserve 
          components of the Armed Forces to perform duty.
Sec. 514. Pilot program on use of retired senior enlisted members of the 
          Army National Guard as Army National Guard recruiters.

                 Subtitle C--General Service Authorities

Part I--Matters Relating to Discharge and Correction of Military Records

Sec. 520. Consideration of additional medical evidence by Boards for the 
          Correction of Military Records and liberal consideration of 
          evidence relating to post-traumatic stress disorder or 
          traumatic brain injury.
Sec. 521. Public availability of information related to disposition of 
          claims regarding discharge or release of members of the Armed 
          Forces when the claims involve sexual assault.
Sec. 522. Confidential review of characterization of terms of discharge 
          of members who are victims of sex-related offenses.
Sec. 523. Training requirements for members of boards for the correction 
          of military records and personnel who investigate claims of 
Sec. 524. Pilot program on use of video teleconferencing technology by 
          boards for the correction of military records and discharge 
          review boards.

               Part II--Other General Service Authorities

Sec. 526. Modification of basis for extension of period for enlistment 
          in the Armed Forces under the Delayed Entry Program.
Sec. 527. Reauthorization of authority to order retired members to 
          active duty in high-demand, low-density assignments.
Sec. 528. Notification of members of the Armed Forces undergoing certain 
          administrative separations of potential eligibility for 
          veterans benefits.
Sec. 529. Extension of authority of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to 
          provide for the conduct of medical disability examinations by 
          contract physicians.
Sec. 530. Provision of information on naturalization through military 

           Subtitle D--Military Justice and Other Legal Issues

Sec. 531. Clarifying amendments related to the Uniform Code of Military 
          Justice reform by the Military Justice Act of 2016.
Sec. 532. Enhancement of effective prosecution and defense in courts-
          martial and related matters.
Sec. 533. Punitive article under the Uniform Code of Military Justice on 
          wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate visual images 
          or visual images of sexually explicit conduct.
Sec. 534. Garnishment to satisfy judgment rendered for physically, 
          sexually, or emotionally abusing a child.
Sec. 535. Sexual assault prevention and response training for all 
          individuals enlisted in the Armed Forces under a delayed entry 
Sec. 536. Special Victims' Counsel training regarding the unique 
          challenges often faced by male victims of sexual assault.
Sec. 537. Inclusion of information in annual SAPRO reports regarding 
          military sexual harassment and incidents involving 
          nonconsensual distribution of private sexual images.
Sec. 538. Inclusion of information in annual SAPRO reports regarding 
          sexual assaults committed by a member of the Armed Forces 
          against the member's spouse or other family member.

   Subtitle E--Member Education, Training, Resilience, and Transition

Sec. 541. Element in preseparation counseling for members of the Armed 
          Forces on assistance and support services for caregivers of 
          certain veterans through the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sec. 542. Improved employment assistance for members of the Army, Navy, 
          Air Force, and Marine Corps and veterans.
Sec. 543. Limitation on release of military service academy graduates to 
          participate in professional athletics.
Sec. 544. Two-year extension of suicide prevention and resilience 
          program for the National Guard and Reserves.
Sec. 545. Annual certifications related to Ready, Relevant Learning 
          initiative of the Navy.
Sec. 546. Authority to expand eligibility for the United States Military 
          Apprenticeship Program.
Sec. 547. Limitation on availability of funds for attendance of Air 
          Force enlisted personnel at Air Force officer professional 
          military education in-residence courses.
Sec. 548. Lieutenant Henry Ossian Flipper Leadership Scholarships.
Sec. 549. Pilot programs on appointment in the excepted service in the 
          Department of Defense of physically disqualified former cadets 
          and midshipmen.

Subtitle F--Defense Dependents' Education and Military Family Readiness 

              Part I--Defense Dependents' Education Matters

Sec. 551. Assistance to schools with military dependent students.
Sec. 552. Transitions of military dependent students from Department of 
          Defense dependent schools to other schools and among schools 
          of local educational agencies.
Sec. 553. Report on educational opportunities in science, technology, 
          engineering, and mathematics for children who are dependents 
          of members of the Armed Forces.

               Part II--Military Family Readiness Matters

Sec. 555. Codification of authority to conduct family support programs 
          for immediate family members of members of the Armed Forces 
          assigned to special operations forces.
Sec. 556. Reimbursement for State licensure and certification costs of a 
          spouse of a member of the Armed Forces arising from relocation 
          to another State.
Sec. 557. Temporary extension of extended period of protections for 
          members of uniformed services relating to mortgages, mortgage 
          foreclosure, and eviction.
Sec. 558. Enhancing military childcare programs and activities of the 
          Department of Defense.
Sec. 559. Direct hire authority for Department of Defense for childcare 
          services providers for Department child development centers.
Sec. 560. Pilot program on public-private partnerships for telework 
          facilities for military spouses on military installations 
          outside the United States.

                   Subtitle G--Decorations and Awards

Sec. 561. Authorization for award of the Medal of Honor to Garlin M. 
          Conner for acts of valor during World War II.
Sec. 562. Authorization for award of Distinguished-Service Cross to 
          Specialist Frank M. Crary for acts of valor in Vietnam.

            Subtitle H--Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements

Sec. 571. Analysis and report on accompanied and unaccompanied tours of 
          duty in remote locations with high family support costs.
Sec. 572. Review and reports on policies for regular and reserve officer 
          career management.
Sec. 573. Review and report on effects of personnel requirements and 
          limitations on the availability of members of the National 
          Guard for the performance of funeral honors duty for veterans.
Sec. 574. Review and report on authorities for the employment, use, and 
          status of National Guard and Reserve technicians.
Sec. 575. Assessment and report on expanding and contracting for 
          childcare services of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 576. Review and report on compensation provided childcare services 
          providers of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 577. Comptroller General of the United States assessment and report 
          on the Office of Complex Investigations within the National 
          Guard Bureau.
Sec. 578. Modification of submittal date of Comptroller General of the 
          United States report on integrity of the Department of Defense 
          whistleblower program.

                        Subtitle I--Other Matters

Sec. 581. Expansion of United States Air Force Institute of Technology 
          enrollment authority to include civilian employees of the 
          homeland security industry.
Sec. 582. Conditional designation of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Corps 
          as a basic branch of the Army.
Sec. 583. Designation of office within Office of the Secretary of 
          Defense to oversee use of food assistance programs by members 
          of the Armed Forces on active duty.


                     Subtitle A--Pay and Allowances

Sec. 601. Annual adjustment of basic monthly pay.
Sec. 602. Prohibiting collection of additional amounts from members 
          living in units under Military Housing Privatization 
Sec. 603. Limitation on modification of payment authority for Military 
          Housing Privatization Initiative housing.
Sec. 604. Housing treatment for certain members of the Armed Forces, and 
          their spouses and other dependents, undergoing a permanent 
          change of station within the United States.
Sec. 605. Extension of authority to provide temporary increase in rates 
          of basic allowance for housing under certain circumstances.
Sec. 606. Reevaluation of BAH for the military housing area including 
          Staten Island.

            Subtitle B--Bonus and Special and Incentive Pays

Sec. 611. One-year extension of certain bonus and special pay 
          authorities for reserve forces.
Sec. 612. One-year extension of certain bonus and special pay 
          authorities for health care professionals.
Sec. 613. One-year extension of special pay and bonus authorities for 
          nuclear officers.
Sec. 614. One-year extension of authorities relating to title 37 
          consolidated special pay, incentive pay, and bonus 
Sec. 615. One-year extension of authorities relating to payment of other 
          title 37 bonuses and special pays.
Sec. 616. Report regarding the national pilot shortage.
Sec. 617. Special aviation incentive pay and bonus authorities for 
          enlisted members who operate remotely piloted aircraft.
Sec. 618. Technical and conforming amendments relating to 2008 
          consolidation of special pay authorities.

     Subtitle C--Disability Pay, Retired Pay, and Survivor Benefits

Sec. 621. Permanent extension and cost-of-living adjustments of special 
          survivor indemnity allowances under the Survivor Benefit Plan.
Sec. 622. Adjustments to Survivor Benefit Plan for members electing lump 
          sum payments of retired pay under the modernized retirement 
          system for members of the uniformed services.
Sec. 623. Technical correction regarding election to participate in 
          modernized retirement system for reserve component members 
          experiencing a break in service.
Sec. 624. Technical corrections to use of member's current pay grade and 
          years of service in a division of property involving 
          disposable retired pay.
Sec. 625. Continuation pay for the Coast Guard.

                        Subtitle D--Other Matters

Sec. 631. Land conveyance authority, Army and Air Force Exchange Service 
          property, Dallas, Texas.
Sec. 632. Authority for the Secretaries of the military departments to 
          provide for care of remains of those who die on active duty 
          and are interred in a foreign cemetery.
Sec. 633. Construction of domestic source requirement for footwear 
          furnished to enlisted members of the Armed Forces on initial 
          entry into the Armed Forces.
Sec. 634. Review and update of regulations governing debt collectors 
          interactions with unit commanders of members of the Armed 


           Subtitle A--TRICARE and Other Health Care Benefits

Sec. 701. Continued access to medical care at facilities of the 
          uniformed services for certain members of the reserve 
Sec. 702. Modifications of cost-sharing requirements for the TRICARE 
          Pharmacy Benefits Program and treatment of certain 
          pharmaceutical agents.
Sec. 703. Provision of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for certain members of 
          the Armed Forces.
Sec. 704. Specification that individuals under the age of 21 are 
          eligible for hospice care services under the TRICARE program.
Sec. 705. Physical examinations for members of a reserve component who 
          are separating from the Armed Forces.
Sec. 706. Mental health assessments before members separate from the 
          Armed Forces.
Sec. 707. Expansion of sexual trauma counseling and treatment for 
          members of the reserve components.
Sec. 708. Expedited evaluation and treatment for prenatal surgery under 
          the TRICARE program.

                 Subtitle B--Health Care Administration

Sec. 711. Maintenance of inpatient capabilities of military medical 
          treatment facilities located outside the United States.
Sec. 712. Modification of priority for evaluation and treatment of 
          individuals at military treatment facilities.
Sec. 713. Clarification of administration of military medical treatment 
Sec. 714. Regular update of prescription drug pricing standard under 
          TRICARE retail pharmacy program.
Sec. 715. Modification of execution of TRICARE contracting 
Sec. 716. Additional emergency uses for medical products to reduce 
          deaths and severity of injuries caused by agents of war.
Sec. 717. Modification of determination of average wait times at urgent 
          care clinics and pharmacies at military medical treatment 
          facilities under pilot program.
Sec. 718. Requirement for reimbursement by Department of Defense to 
          entities carrying out State vaccination programs for costs of 
          vaccines provided to covered beneficiaries.
Sec. 719. Extension of authority for Joint Department of Defense-
          Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility Demonstration 
Sec. 720. Residency requirements for podiatrists.
Sec. 721. Authorization of physical therapist assistants and 
          occupational therapy assistants to provide services under the 
          TRICARE program.
Sec. 722. Selection of military commanders and directors of military 
          medical treatment facilities.

                  Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters

Sec. 731. Pilot program on health care assistance system.
Sec. 732. Feasibility study on conduct of pilot program on mental health 
          readiness of part-time members of the reserve components of 
          the Armed Forces.
Sec. 733. Report on plan to improve pediatric care and related services 
          for children of members of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 734. Longitudinal medical study on blast pressure exposure of 
          members of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 735. Study on safe opioid prescribing practices.
Sec. 736. Report on implementation of GAO recommendations.
Sec. 737. Declassification by Department of Defense of certain incidents 
          of exposure of members of the Armed Forces to toxic 
Sec. 738. Coordination by Veterans Health Administration of efforts to 
          understand effects of burn pits.
Sec. 739. TRICARE technical amendments.


              Subtitle A--Acquisition Policy and Management

Sec. 801. Statements of purpose for Department of Defense acquisition.
Sec. 802. Management of intellectual property matters within the 
          Department of Defense.
Sec. 803. Performance of incurred cost audits.
Sec. 804. Repeal of certain auditing requirements.
Sec. 805. Increased simplified acquisition threshold.
Sec. 806. Requirements related to the micro-purchase threshold.
Sec. 807. Process for enhanced supply chain scrutiny.
Sec. 808. Defense policy advisory committee on technology.
Sec. 809. Report on extension of development, acquisition, and 
          sustainment authorities of the military departments to the 
          United States Special Operations Command.
Sec. 810 . Technical and conforming amendments related to program 
          management provisions.

 Subtitle B--Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures, 
                             and Limitations

Sec. 811. Modifications to cost or pricing data and reporting 
Sec. 812. Applicability of cost and pricing data certification 
Sec. 813. Sunset of certain provisions relating to the procurement of 
          goods other than United States goods.
Sec. 814. Comptroller General report on health and safety records.
Sec. 815. Limitation on unilateral definitization.
Sec. 816. Amendment to sustainment reviews.
Sec. 817. Use of program income by eligible entities that carry out 
          procurement technical assistance programs.
Sec. 818. Enhanced post-award debriefing rights.
Sec. 819. Amendments relating to information technology.
Sec. 820. Change to definition of subcontract in certain circumstances.
Sec. 821. Amendment relating to applicability of inflation adjustments.
Sec. 822. Use of lowest price technically acceptable source selection 
Sec. 823. Exemption from design-build selection procedures.
Sec. 824. Contract closeout authority.
Sec. 825. Elimination of cost underruns as factor in calculation of 
          penalties for cost overruns.
Sec. 826. Modification to annual meeting requirement of Configuration 
          Steering Boards.
Sec. 827. Pilot program on payment of costs for denied Government 
          Accountability Office bid protests.

  Subtitle C--Provisions Relating to Major Defense Acquisition Programs

Sec. 831. Revisions to definition of major defense acquisition program.
Sec. 832. Prohibition on use of lowest price technically acceptable 
          source selection process for major defense acquisition 
Sec. 833. Role of the Chief of the armed force in material development 
          decision and acquisition system milestones.
Sec. 834. Requirement to emphasize reliability and maintainability in 
          weapon system design.
Sec. 835. Licensing of appropriate intellectual property to support 
          major weapon systems.
Sec. 836. Codification of requirements pertaining to assessment, 
          management, and control of operating and support costs for 
          major weapon systems.
Sec. 837. Should-cost management.
Sec. 838. Improvements to test and evaluation processes and tools.
Sec. 839. Enhancements to transparency in test and evaluation processes 
          and data.

        Subtitle D--Provisions Relating to Acquisition Workforce

Sec. 841. Enhancements to the civilian program management workforce.
Sec. 842. Credits to Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce 
          Development Fund.
Sec. 843. Improvements to the hiring and training of the acquisition 
Sec. 844. Extension and modifications to acquisition demonstration 

           Subtitle E--Provisions Relating to Commercial Items

Sec. 846. Procurement through commercial e-commerce portals.
Sec. 847. Revision to definition of commercial item.
Sec. 848. Commercial item determinations.
Sec. 849. Review of regulations on commercial items.
Sec. 850. Training in commercial items procurement.

         Subtitle F--Provisions Relating to Services Contracting

Sec. 851. Improvement of planning for acquisition of services.
Sec. 852. Standard guidelines for evaluation of requirements for 
          services contracts.
Sec. 853. Report on outcome-based services contracts.
Sec. 854. Pilot program for longer term multiyear service contracts.

   Subtitle G--Provisions Relating to Other Transaction Authority and 

Sec. 861. Contract authority for advanced development of initial or 
          additional prototype units.
Sec. 862. Methods for entering into research agreements.
Sec. 863. Education and training for transactions other than contracts 
          and grants.
Sec. 864. Other transaction authority for certain prototype projects.
Sec. 865. Amendment to nontraditional and small contractor innovation 
          prototyping program.
Sec. 866. Middle tier of acquisition for rapid prototype and rapid 
Sec. 867. Preference for use of other transactions and experimental 
Sec. 868. Prototype projects to digitize defense acquisition 
          regulations, policies, and guidance, and empower user 
          tailoring of acquisition process.

         Subtitle H--Provisions Relating to Software Acquisition

Sec. 871. Noncommercial computer software acquisition considerations.
Sec. 872. Defense Innovation Board analysis of software acquisition 
Sec. 873. Pilot program to use agile or iterative development methods to 
          tailor major software-intensive warfighting systems and 
          defense business systems.
Sec. 874. Software development pilot program using agile best practices.
Sec. 875. Pilot program for open source software.

                        Subtitle I--Other Matters

Sec. 881. Extension of maximum duration of fuel storage contracts.
Sec. 882. Procurement of aviation critical safety items.
Sec. 883. Modifications to the advisory panel on streamlining and 
          codifying acquisition regulations.
Sec. 884. Repeal of expired pilot program for leasing commercial utility 
          cargo vehicles.
Sec. 885. Exception for business operations from requirement to accept 
          $1 coins.
Sec. 886. Development of Procurement Administrative Lead Time.
Sec. 887. Notional milestones and standard timelines for contracts for 
          foreign military sales.
Sec. 888. Assessment and authority to terminate or prohibit contracts 
          for procurement from Chinese companies providing support to 
          the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Sec. 889. Report on defense contracting fraud.
Sec. 890. Comptroller General report on contractor business system 
Sec. 891. Training on agile or iterative development methods.


   Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Defense and Related Matters

Sec. 901. Treatment of incumbent Under Secretary of Defense for 
          Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics.
Sec. 902. Clarification of authority of Under Secretary of Defense for 
          Acquisition and Sustainment with respect to service 
          acquisition programs for which the service acquisition 
          executive is the milestone decision authority.
Sec. 903. Executive Schedule matters relating to Under Secretary of 
          Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.
Sec. 904. Consistent period of relief from active duty as a commissioned 
          officer of a regular component of the Armed Forces for 
          appointment to Under Secretary of Defense positions.
Sec. 905. Qualifications for appointment and additional duties and 
          powers of certain officials within the Office of the Under 
          Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).
Sec. 906. Redesignation of Principal Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense 
          as Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense and related matters.
Sec. 907. Reduction of number and elimination of specific designations 
          of Assistant Secretaries of Defense.
Sec. 908. Limitation on maximum number of Deputy Assistant Secretaries 
          of Defense.
Sec. 909. Appointment and responsibilities of Chief Information Officer 
          of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 910. Chief Management Officer of the Department of Defense.

                Subtitle B--Data Management and Analytics

Sec. 911. Policy on treatment of defense business system data related to 
          business operations and management.
Sec. 912. Transparency of defense management data.
Sec. 913. Establishment of set of activities that use data analysis, 
          measurement, and other evaluation-related methods to improve 
          acquisition program outcomes.

  Subtitle C--Organization of Other Department of Defense Offices and 

Sec. 921. Qualifications for appointment of Assistant Secretaries of the 
          military departments for financial management.
Sec. 922. Manner of carrying out reductions in major Department of 
          Defense headquarters activities pursuant to headquarters 
          reduction plan.
Sec. 923. Certifications on cost savings achieved by reductions in major 
          Department of Defense headquarters activities.
Sec. 924. Corrosion control and prevention executives matters.
Sec. 925. Background and security investigations for Department of 
          Defense personnel.

            Subtitle D--Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements

Sec. 931. Additional elements in reports on policy, organization, and 
          management goals of the Secretary of Defense for the 
          Department of Defense.
Sec. 932. Report and sense of Congress on responsibility for 
          developmental test and evaluation within the Office of the 
          Secretary of Defense.
Sec. 933. Report on Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight.

                        Subtitle D--Other Matters

Sec. 941. Commission on the National Defense Strategy for the United 

                       TITLE X--GENERAL PROVISIONS

                      Subtitle A--Financial Matters

Sec. 1001. General transfer authority.
Sec. 1002. Consolidation, codification, and improvement of certain 
          authorities and requirements in connection with the audit of 
          the financial statements of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 1003. Improper payment matters.
Sec. 1004. Rankings of auditability of financial statements of the 
          organizations and elements of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 1005. Financial operations dashboard for the Department of Defense.
Sec. 1006. Review and recommendations on efforts to obtain audit opinion 
          on full financial statements.
Sec. 1007. Notification requirement for certain contracts for audit 

                   Subtitle B--Counterdrug Activities

Sec. 1011. Extension of authority to support a unified counterdrug and 
          counterterrorism campaign in Colombia.
Sec. 1012. Venue for prosecution of maritime drug trafficking.

                 Subtitle C--Naval Vessels and Shipyards

Sec. 1021. National Defense Sealift Fund.
Sec. 1022. Use of National Sea-Based Deterrence Fund for multiyear 
          procurement of certain critical components.
Sec. 1023. Operational readiness of littoral combat ships on extended 
Sec. 1024. Availability of funds for retirement or inactivation of 
          Ticonderoga-class cruisers or dock landing ships.
Sec. 1025. Policy of the United States on minimum number of battle force 
Sec. 1026. Surveying ships.

                      Subtitle D--Counterterrorism

Sec. 1031. Modification of authority on support of special operations to 
          combat terrorism.
Sec. 1032. Termination of requirement to submit annual budget 
          justification display for Department of Defense combating 
          terrorism program.
Sec. 1033. Prohibition on use of funds for transfer or release of 
          individuals detained at United States Naval Station, 
          Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to the United States.
Sec. 1034. Prohibition on use of funds to construct or modify facilities 
          in the United States to house detainees transferred from 
          United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Sec. 1035. Prohibition on use of funds for transfer or release of 
          individuals detained at United States Naval Station, 
          Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to certain countries.
Sec. 1036. Prohibition on use of funds to close or relinquish control of 
          United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Sec. 1037. Sense of Congress regarding providing for timely victim and 
          family testimony in military commission trials.
Sec. 1038. Report on public availability of military commissions 

          Subtitle E--Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations

Sec. 1041. Limitation on expenditure of funds for emergency and 
          extraordinary expenses for intelligence and counter-
          intelligence activities.
Sec. 1042. Matters relating to the submittal of future-years defense 
Sec. 1043. Modifications to humanitarian demining assistance 
Sec. 1044. Prohibition on charge of certain tariffs on aircraft 
          traveling through channel routes.
Sec. 1045. Prohibition on lobbying activities with respect to the 
          Department of Defense by certain officers of the Armed Forces 
          and civilian employees of the Department following separation 
          from military service or employment with the Department.
Sec. 1046. Prohibition on use of funds for retirement of legacy maritime 
          mine countermeasures platforms.
Sec. 1047. Report on western Pacific Ocean ship depot maintenance 
          capability and capacity.
Sec. 1048. Annual training regarding the influence campaign of the 
          Russian Federation.
Sec. 1049. Workforce issues for military realignments in the Pacific.

                     Subtitle F--Studies and Reports

Sec. 1051. Elimination of reporting requirements terminated after 
          November 25, 2017, pursuant to section 1080 of the National 
          Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016.
Sec. 1052. Report on transfer of defense articles to units committing 
          gross violations of human rights.
Sec. 1053. Report on the National Biodefense Analysis and 
          Countermeasures Center.
Sec. 1054. Report on Department of Defense Arctic capability and 
          resource gaps and required infrastructure.
Sec. 1055. Review and assessment of Department of Defense personnel 
          recovery and nonconventional assisted recovery mechanisms.
Sec. 1056. Mine warfare readiness inspection plan and report.
Sec. 1057. Annual report on civilian casualties in connection with 
          United States military operations.
Sec. 1058. Report on Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex modernization.
Sec. 1059. Report on alternatives to aqueous film forming foam.
Sec. 1060. Assessment of global force posture.
Sec. 1061. Army modernization strategy.
Sec. 1062. Report on Army plan to improve operational unit readiness by 
          reducing number of non-deployable soldiers assigned to 
          operational units.
Sec. 1063. Efforts to combat physiological episodes on certain Navy 
Sec. 1064. Studies on aircraft inventories for the Air Force.
Sec. 1065. Department of Defense review of Navy capabilities in the 
          Arctic region.
Sec. 1066. Comprehensive review of maritime intelligence, surveillance, 
          reconnaissance, and targeting capabilities.
Sec. 1067. Report on the need for a Joint Chemical-Biological Defense 
          Logistics Center.
Sec. 1068. Missile Technology Control Regime Category I unmanned aerial 
          vehicle systems.
Sec. 1069. Recommendations for interagency vetting of foreign 
          investments affecting national security.
Sec. 1070. Briefing on prior attempted Russian cyber attacks against 
          defense systems.
Sec. 1071. Enhanced analytical and monitoring capability of the defense 
          industrial base.
Sec. 1072. Report on defense of combat logistics and strategic mobility 
Sec. 1073. Report on acquisition strategy to recapitalize the existing 
          system for undersea fixed surveillance.
Sec. 1074. Report on implementation of requirements in connection with 
          the organization of the Department of Defense for management 
          of special operations forces and special operations.
Sec. 1075. Report on the global food system and vulnerabilities relevant 
          to Department of Defense missions.

              Subtitle G--Modernizing Government Technology

Sec. 1076. Definitions.
Sec. 1077. Establishment of agency information technology systems 
          modernization and working capital funds.
Sec. 1078. Establishment of technology modernization fund and board.

                        Subtitle H--Other Matters

Sec. 1081. Technical, conforming, and clerical amendments.
Sec. 1082. Clarification of applicability of certain provisions of law 
          to civilian judges of the United States Court of Military 
          Commission Review.
Sec. 1083. Modification of requirement relating to conversion of certain 
          military technician (dual status) positions to civilian 
Sec. 1084. National Guard accessibility to Department of Defense issued 
          unmanned aircraft.
Sec. 1085. Sense of Congress regarding aircraft carriers.
Sec. 1086. Sense of Congress recognizing the United States Navy Seabees.
Sec. 1087. Construction of memorial to the crew of the Apollo I launch 
          test accident at Arlington National Cemetery.
Sec. 1088. Department of Defense engagement with covered non-Federal 
Sec. 1089. Prize competition to identify root cause of physiological 
          episodes on Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force training and 
          operational aircraft.
Sec. 1090. Providing assistance to House of Representatives in response 
          to cybersecurity events.
Sec. 1091. Transfer of surplus firearms to Corporation for the Promotion 
          of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety.
Sec. 1092. Collaboration between Federal Aviation Administration and 
          Department of Defense on unmanned aircraft systems.
Sec. 1093. Carriage of certain programming.
Sec. 1094. National strategy for countering violent extremism.
Sec. 1095. Sense of Congress regarding World War I.
Sec. 1096. Notice to Congress of terms of Department of Defense 
          settlement agreements.
Sec. 1097. Office of Special Counsel reauthorization.
Sec. 1098. Air transportation of civilian Department of Defense 
          personnel to and from Afghanistan.


Sec. 1101. Direct hire authority for the Department of Defense for 
          personnel to assist in business transformation and management 
Sec. 1102. Extension of direct hire authority for Domestic Defense 
          Industrial Base Facilities and Major Range and Test Facilities 
Sec. 1103. Extension of authority to provide voluntary separation 
          incentive pay for civilian employees of the Department of 
Sec. 1104. Additional Department of Defense science and technology 
          reinvention laboratories.
Sec. 1105. One year extension of authority to waive annual limitation on 
          premium pay and aggregate limitation on pay for Federal 
          civilian employees working overseas.
Sec. 1106. Direct hire authority for financial management experts in the 
          Department of Defense workforce.
Sec. 1107. Extension of authority for temporary personnel flexibilities 
          for Domestic Defense Industrial Base Facilities and Major 
          Range and Test Facilities Base civilian personnel.
Sec. 1108. One-year extension of temporary authority to grant 
          allowances, benefits, and gratuities to civilian personnel on 
          official duty in a combat zone.
Sec. 1109. Extension of overtime rate authority for Department of the 
          Navy employees performing work aboard or dockside in support 
          of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier forward deployed in 
Sec. 1110. Pilot program on enhanced personnel management system for 
          cybsersecurity and legal professionals in the Department of 
Sec. 1111. Establishment of senior scientific technical managers at 
          Major Range and Test Facility Base Facilities and Defense Test 
          Resource Management Center.


                   Subtitle A--Assistance and Training

Sec. 1201. One-year extension of logistical support for coalition forces 
          supporting certain United States military operations.
Sec. 1202. Support of special operations for irregular warfare.
Sec. 1203. Obligation of funds in Special Defense Acquisition Fund for 
          precision guided munitions.
Sec. 1204. Modification of defense institution capacity building and 
          authority to build capacity of foreign security forces.
Sec. 1205. Extension and modification of authority on training for 
          Eastern European national security forces in the course of 
          multilateral exercises.
Sec. 1206. Global Security Contingency Fund.
Sec. 1207. Defense Institute of International Legal Studies.
Sec. 1208. Extension of participation in and support of the Inter-
          American Defense College.
Sec. 1209. Plan on improvement of ability of national security forces of 
          foreign countries participating in United States capacity 
          building programs to protect civilians.

        Subtitle B--Matters Relating to Afghanistan and Pakistan

Sec. 1211. Extension of authority to transfer defense articles and 
          provide defense services to the military and security forces 
          of Afghanistan.
Sec. 1212. Extension and modification of authority for reimbursement of 
          certain coalition nations for support provided to United 
          States military operations.
Sec. 1213. Special immigrant visas for Afghan allies.
Sec. 1214. Extension of authority to acquire products and services 
          produced in countries along a major route of supply to 
Sec. 1215. Extension of semiannual report on enhancing security and 
          stability in Afghanistan.
Sec. 1216. Human rights vetting of Afghan National Defense and Security 

          Subtitle C--Matters Relating to Syria, Iraq, and Iran

Sec. 1221. Report on United States strategy in Syria.
Sec. 1222. Extension and modification of authority to provide assistance 
          to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
Sec. 1223. Modification of authority to provide assistance to the vetted 
          Syrian opposition.
Sec. 1224. Extension and modification of authority to support operations 
          and activities of the Office of Security Cooperation in Iraq.
Sec. 1225. Modification and additional elements in annual report on the 
          military power of Iran.
Sec. 1226. Extension of quarterly reports on confirmed ballistic missile 
          launches from Iran and imposition of sanctions in connection 
          with those launches.
Sec. 1227. Limitation on use of funds for provision of man-portable air 
          defense systems to the vetted Syrian opposition.
Sec. 1228. Report on agreement with the Government of the Russian 
          Federation on the status of Syria.

         Subtitle D--Matters Relating to the Russian Federation

Sec. 1231. Extension of limitation on military cooperation between the 
          United States and the Russian Federation.
Sec. 1232. Prohibition on availability of funds relating to sovereignty 
          of the Russian Federation over Crimea.
Sec. 1233. Sense of Congress on European security.
Sec. 1234. Modification and extension of Ukraine Security Assistance 
Sec. 1235. Limitation on availability of funds relating to 
          implementation of the Open Skies Treaty.
Sec. 1236. Sense of Congress on importance of nuclear capabilities of 
Sec. 1237. Report on Security Cooperation with respect to Western Balkan 
Sec. 1238. Plan to respond in case of Russian noncompliance with the New 
          START Treaty.
Sec. 1239. Strategy to counter threats by the Russian Federation.
Sec. 1239A. Strategy to counter the threat of malign influence by the 
          Russian Federation.

Subtitle E--Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty Preservation 
                               Act of 2017

Sec. 1241. Short title.
Sec. 1242. Findings.
Sec. 1243. Compliance enforcement regarding Russian violations of the 
          INF Treaty.
Sec. 1244. Notification requirement related to Russian Federation 
          development of noncompliant systems and United States actions 
          regarding material breach of INF Treaty by the Russian 
Sec. 1245. Review of RS-26 ballistic missile.
Sec. 1246. Definitions.

      Subtitle F--Matters Relating to the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region

Sec. 1251. Sense of Congress and Initiative for the Indo-Asia-Pacific 
Sec. 1252. Report on strategy to prioritize United States defense 
          interests in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.
Sec. 1253. Assessment of United States force posture and basing needs in 
          the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.
Sec. 1254. Plan to enhance the extended deterrence and assurance 
          capabilities of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region.
Sec. 1255. Sense of Congress reaffirming security commitments to the 
          Governments of Japan and South Korea and trilateral 
          cooperation between the United States, Japan, and South Korea.
Sec. 1256. Strategy on North Korea.
Sec. 1257. North Korean nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Sec. 1258. Advancements in defense cooperation between the United States 
          and India.
Sec. 1259. Strengthening the defense partnership between the United 
          States and Taiwan.
Sec. 1259A. Normalizing the transfer of defense articles and defense 
          services to Taiwan.
Sec. 1259B. Assessment on United States defense implications of China's 
          expanding global access.
Sec. 1259C. Agreement supplemental to Compact of Free Association with 
Sec. 1259D. Study on United States interests in the Freely Associated 

                           Subtitle G--Reports

Sec. 1261. Modification of annual report on military and security 
          developments involving the People's Republic of China.
Sec. 1262. Modifications to annual update of Department of Defense 
          Freedom of Navigation Operations report.
Sec. 1263. Report on strategy to defeat Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the 
          Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and their associated 
          forces and co-belligerents.
Sec. 1264. Report on and notice of changes made to the legal and policy 
          frameworks for the United States' use of military force and 
          related national security operations.
Sec. 1265. Report on military action of Saudi Arabia and its coalition 
          partners in Yemen.
Sec. 1266. Submittal of Department of Defense Supplemental and Cost of 
          War Execution reports on quarterly basis.
Sec. 1267. Consolidation of reports on United States Armed Forces, 
          civilian employees, and contractors deployed in support of 
          Operation Inherent Resolve, Operation Freedom's Sentinel, and 
          associated and successor operations.
Sec. 1268. Comptroller General of the United States report on pricing 
          and availability with respect to foreign military sales.
Sec. 1269. Annual report on military and security developments involving 
          the Russian Federation.

                        Subtitle H--Other Matters

Sec. 1271. Security and stability strategy for Somalia.
Sec. 1272. Global Theater Security Cooperation Management Information 
Sec. 1273. Future years plan for the European Deterrence Initiative.
Sec. 1274. Extension of authority to enter into agreements with 
          participating countries in the American, British, Canadian, 
          and Australian Armies' Program.
Sec. 1275. United States military and diplomatic strategy for Yemen.
Sec. 1276. Transfer of excess high mobility multipurpose wheeled 
          vehicles to foreign countries.
Sec. 1277. Department of Defense program to protect United States 
          students against foreign agents.
Sec. 1278. Limitation and extension of United States-Israel anti-tunnel 
          cooperation authority.
Sec. 1279. Anticorruption strategy.
Sec. 1279A. Strategy to improve defense institutions and security sector 
          forces in Nigeria.
Sec. 1279B. Limitation on availability of funds to implement the Arms 
          Trade Treaty.
Sec. 1279C. Cultural Heritage Protection Coordinator.
Sec. 1279D. Security assistance for Baltic nations for joint program for 
          interoperability and deterrence against aggression.
Sec. 1279E. Restriction on funding for the Preparatory Commission for 
          the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.
Sec. 1279F. Clarification of authority to support border security 
          operations of certain foreign countries.


Sec. 1301. Specification of Cooperative Threat Reduction funds.
Sec. 1302. Funding allocations.


                      Subtitle A--Military Programs

Sec. 1401. Working capital funds.
Sec. 1402. Chemical agents and munitions destruction, defense.
Sec. 1403. Drug interdiction and counter-drug activities defense-wide.
Sec. 1404. Defense Inspector General.
Sec. 1405. Defense Health Program.
Sec. 1406. National Defense Sealift Fund.

                        Subtitle B--Other Matters

Sec. 1411. Authority for transfer of funds to joint Department of 
          Defense-Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility 
          Demonstration Fund for Captain James A. Lovell Health Care 
          Center, Illinois.
Sec. 1412. Authorization of appropriations for Armed Forces Retirement 
Sec. 1413. Armed Forces Retirement Home matters.
Sec. 1414. Authority to dispose of certain materials from and to acquire 
          additional materials for the National Defense Stockpile.
Sec. 1415. Acquisition reporting on major chemical demilitarization 
          programs of the Department of Defense.

                         CONTINGENCY OPERATIONS

               Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 1501. Purpose and treatment of certain authorizations of 
Sec. 1502. Overseas contingency operations.
Sec. 1503. Procurement.
Sec. 1504. Research, development, test, and evaluation.
Sec. 1505. Operation and maintenance.
Sec. 1506. Military personnel.
Sec. 1507. Working capital funds.
Sec. 1508. Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense-wide.
Sec. 1509. Defense Inspector General.
Sec. 1510. Defense Health program.

                      Subtitle B--Financial Matters

Sec. 1511. Treatment as additional authorizations.
Sec. 1512. Special transfer authority.

           Subtitle C--Limitations, Reports, and Other Matters

Sec. 1521. Afghanistan Security Forces Fund.
Sec. 1522. Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Fund.
Sec. 1523. Comptroller General report on feasibility of separation of 
Sec. 1524. Guidelines for budget items to be covered by overseas 
          contingency operations accounts.


                      Subtitle A--Space Activities

Sec. 1601. Space acquisition and management and oversight.
Sec. 1602. Codification, extension, and modification of limitation on 
          construction on United States territory of satellite 
          positioning ground monitoring stations of foreign governments.
Sec. 1603. Foreign commercial satellite services: cybersecurity threats 
          and launches.
Sec. 1604. Extension of pilot program on commercial weather data.
Sec. 1605. Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle modernization and 
          sustainment of assured access to space.
Sec. 1606. Demonstration of backup and complementary positioning, 
          navigation, and timing capabilities of Global Positioning 
Sec. 1607. Enhancement of positioning, navigation, and timing capacity.
Sec. 1608. Commercial satellite communications pathfinder program.
Sec. 1609. Launch support and infrastructure modernization.
Sec. 1610. Limitation on availability of funding for Joint Space 
          Operations Center mission system.
Sec. 1611. Limitation on use of funds for Delta IV launch vehicle.
Sec. 1612. Air Force space contractor responsibility watch list.
Sec. 1613. Certification and briefing on operational and contingency 
          plans for loss or degradation of space capabilities.
Sec. 1614. Report on protected satellite communications.
Sec. 1615. Sense of Congress on establishment of Space Flag training 
Sec. 1616. Sense of Congress on coordinating efforts to prepare for 
          space weather events.
Sec. 1617. Sense of Congress on National Space Defense Center.

  Subtitle B--Defense Intelligence and Intelligence-Related Activities

Sec. 1621. Security clearances for facilities of certain companies.
Sec. 1622. Extension of authority to engage in certain commercial 
Sec. 1623. Submission of audits of commercial activity funds.
Sec. 1624. Clarification of annual briefing on the intelligence, 
          surveillance, and reconnaissance requirements of the combatant 
Sec. 1625. Consideration of service by recipients of Boren scholarships 
          and fellowships in excepted service positions as service by 
          such recipients under career appointments for purposes of 
          career tenure.
Sec. 1626. Review of support provided by Defense intelligence elements 
          to acquisition activities of the Department.
Sec. 1627. Establishment of Chairman's controlled activity within Joint 
          Staff for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.
Sec. 1628. Requirements relating to multi-use sensitive compartmented 
          information facilities.
Sec. 1629. Limitation on availability of funds for certain 
          counterintelligence activities.

                 Subtitle C--Cyberspace-Related Matters

                      Part I--General Cyber Matters

Sec. 1631. Notification requirements for sensitive military cyber 
          operations and cyber weapons.
Sec. 1632. Modification to quarterly cyber operations briefings.
Sec. 1633. Policy of the United States on cyberspace, cybersecurity, and 
          cyber warfare.
Sec. 1634. Prohibition on use of products and services developed or 
          provided by Kaspersky Lab.
Sec. 1635. Modification of authorities relating to establishment of 
          unified combatant command for cyber operations.
Sec. 1636. Modification of definition of acquisition workforce to 
          include personnel contributing to cybersecurity systems.
Sec. 1637. Integration of strategic information operations and cyber-
          enabled information operations.
Sec. 1638. Exercise on assessing cybersecurity support to election 
          systems of States.
Sec. 1639. Measurement of compliance with cybersecurity requirements for 
          industrial control systems.
Sec. 1640. Strategic Cybersecurity Program.
Sec. 1641. Plan to increase cyber and information operations, 
          deterrence, and defense.
Sec. 1642. Evaluation of agile or iterative development of cyber tools 
          and applications.
Sec. 1643. Assessment of defense critical electric infrastructure.
Sec. 1644. Cyber posture review.
Sec. 1645. Briefing on cyber capability and readiness shortfalls.
Sec. 1646. Briefing on cyber applications of blockchain technology.
Sec. 1647. Briefing on training infrastructure for cyber mission forces.
Sec. 1648. Report on termination of dual-hat arrangement for Commander 
          of the United States Cyber Command.

                    Part II--Cybersecurity Education

Sec. 1649. Cyber Scholarship Program.
Sec. 1649A. Community college cyber pilot program and assessment.
Sec. 1649B. Federal Cyber Scholarship-for-Service program updates.
Sec. 1649C. Cybersecurity teaching.

                       Subtitle D--Nuclear Forces

Sec. 1651. Annual assessment of cyber resiliency of nuclear command and 
          control system.
Sec. 1652. Collection, storage, and sharing of data relating to nuclear 
          security enterprise.
Sec. 1653. Notifications regarding dual-capable F-35A aircraft.
Sec. 1654. Oversight of delayed acquisition programs by Council on 
          Oversight of the National Leadership Command, Control, and 
          Communications System.
Sec. 1655. Establishment of Nuclear Command and Control Intelligence 
          Fusion Center.
Sec. 1656. Security of nuclear command, control, and communications 
          system from commercial dependencies.
Sec. 1657. Oversight of aerial-layer programs by Council on Oversight of 
          the National Leadership Command, Control, and Communications 
Sec. 1658. Security classification guide for programs relating to 
          nuclear command, control, and communications and nuclear 
Sec. 1659. Evaluation and enhanced security of supply chain for nuclear 
          command, control, and communications and continuity of 
          government programs.
Sec. 1660. Procurement authority for certain parts of intercontinental 
          ballistic missile fuzes.
Sec. 1661. Presidential National Voice Conferencing System and Phoenix 
          Air-to-Ground Communications Network.
Sec. 1662. Limitation on pursuit of certain command and control concept.
Sec. 1663. Prohibition on availability of funds for mobile variant of 
          ground-based strategic deterrent missile.
Sec. 1664. Prohibition on reduction of the intercontinental ballistic 
          missiles of the United States.
Sec. 1665. Modification to annual report on plan for the nuclear weapons 
          stockpile, nuclear weapons complex, nuclear weapons delivery 
          systems, and nuclear weapons command and control system.
Sec. 1666. Establishment of procedures for implementation of Nuclear 
          Enterprise Review.
Sec. 1667. Report on impacts of nuclear proliferation.
Sec. 1668. Certification that the Nuclear Posture Review addresses 
          deterrent effect and operation of United States nuclear forces 
          in current and future security environments.
Sec. 1669. Plan to manage Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack 
          Assessment System and multi-domain sensors.
Sec. 1670. Certification requirement with respect to strategic radiation 
          hardened trusted microelectronics.
Sec. 1671. Nuclear Posture Review.
Sec. 1672. Sense of Congress on importance of independent nuclear 
          deterrent of United Kingdom.

                  Subtitle E--Missile Defense Programs

Sec. 1676. Administration of missile defense and defeat programs.
Sec. 1677. Condition for proceeding beyond low-rate initial production.
Sec. 1678. Preservation of the ballistic missile defense capacity of the 
Sec. 1679. Modernization of Army lower tier air and missile defense 
Sec. 1680. Defense of Hawaii from North Korean ballistic missile attack.
Sec. 1681. Designation of location of continental United States 
          interceptor site.
Sec. 1682. Aegis Ashore anti-air warfare capability.
Sec. 1683. Development of persistent space-based sensor architecture.
Sec. 1684. Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system and Israeli 
          Cooperative Missile Defense Program co-development and co-
Sec. 1685. Boost phase ballistic missile defense.
Sec. 1686. Ground-based interceptor capability, capacity, and 
Sec. 1687. Limitation on availability of funds for ground-based 
          midcourse defense element of the ballistic missile defense 
Sec. 1688. Plan for development of space-based ballistic missile 
          intercept layer.
Sec. 1689. Sense of Congress on the state of the missile defense of the 
          United States.
Sec. 1690.  Sense of Congress and report on ground-based midcourse 
          defense testing.

                        Subtitle F--Other Matters

Sec. 1691. Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States From 
          Electromagnetic Pulse Attacks and Similar Events.
Sec. 1692. Protection of certain facilities and assets from unmanned 
Sec. 1693. Conventional prompt global strike weapons system.
Sec. 1694. Business case analysis regarding ammonium perchlorate.
Sec. 1695. Report on industrial base for large solid rocket motors and 
          related technologies.
Sec. 1696. Pilot program on enhancing information sharing for security 
          of supply chain.
Sec. 1697. Pilot program on electromagnetic spectrum mapping.
Sec. 1698. Use of commercial items in Distributed Common Ground Systems.


Sec. 1701. Amendments to HUBZone provisions of the Small Business Act.
Sec. 1702. Uniformity in procurement terminology.
Sec. 1703. Improving reporting on small business goals.
Sec. 1704. Responsibilities of Business Opportunity Specialists.
Sec. 1705. Responsibilities of commercial market representatives.
Sec. 1706. Modification of past performance pilot program to include 
          consideration of past performance with allies of the United 
Sec. 1707. Notice of cost-free Federal procurement technical assistance 
          in connection with registration of small business concerns on 
          procurement websites of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 1708. Inclusion of SBIR and STTR programs in technical assistance.
Sec. 1709. Requirements relating to competitive procedures and 
          justification for awards under the SBIR and STTR programs.
Sec. 1710. Pilot program for streamlined technology transition from the 
          SBIR and STTR programs of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 1711. Pilot program on strengthening manufacturing in the defense 
          industrial base.
Sec. 1712. Review regarding applicability of foreign ownership, control, 
          or influence requirements of National Industrial Security 
          Program to national technology and industrial base companies.
Sec. 1713. Report on sourcing of tungsten and tungsten powders from 
          domestic producers.
Sec. 1714. Report on utilization of small business concerns for Federal 


Sec. 1801. Short title.
Sec. 1802. Definitions.
Sec. 1803. Expanded use of data analytics.
Sec. 1804. Guidance on improving information sharing to curb improper 
Sec. 1805. Interagency charge card data management group.
Sec. 1806. Reporting requirements.


Sec. 2001. Short title.
Sec. 2002. Expiration of authorizations and amounts required to be 
          specified by law.
Sec. 2003. Effective date.


Sec. 2101. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2102. Family housing.
Sec. 2103. Improvements to military family housing units.
Sec. 2104. Authorization of appropriations, Army.
Sec. 2105. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
          2014 project.
Sec. 2106. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
          2015 project.
Sec. 2107. Extension of authorization of certain fiscal year 2014 
Sec. 2108. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2015 
Sec. 2109. Additional authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2000, 
          2005, 2006, and 2007 projects.


Sec. 2201. Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2202. Family housing.
Sec. 2203. Improvements to military family housing units.
Sec. 2204. Authorization of appropriations, Navy.
Sec. 2205. Extension of authorizations for certain fiscal year 2014 
Sec. 2206. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2015 


Sec. 2301. Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition 
Sec. 2302. Family housing.
Sec. 2303. Improvements to military family housing units.
Sec. 2304. Authorization of appropriations, Air Force.
Sec. 2305. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
          2017 projects.
Sec. 2306. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2015 


Sec. 2401. Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition 
Sec. 2402. Authorized energy resiliency and conservation projects.
Sec. 2403. Authorization of appropriations, Defense Agencies.
Sec. 2404. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
          2017 project.
Sec. 2405. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2014 
Sec. 2406. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2015 


   Subtitle A--North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment 

Sec. 2501. Authorized NATO construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2502. Authorization of appropriations, NATO.

             Subtitle B--Host Country In-Kind Contributions

Sec. 2511. Republic of Korea funded construction projects.
Sec. 2512. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
          2017 projects.


 Subtitle A--Project Authorizations and Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 2601. Authorized Army National Guard construction and land 
          acquisition projects.
Sec. 2602. Authorized Army Reserve construction and land acquisition 
Sec. 2603. Authorized Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve construction 
          and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2604. Authorized Air National Guard construction and land 
          acquisition projects.
Sec. 2605. Authorized Air Force Reserve construction and land 
          acquisition projects.
Sec. 2606. Authorization of appropriations, National Guard and Reserve.

                        Subtitle B--Other Matters

Sec. 2611. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
          2015 project.
Sec. 2612. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2014 
Sec. 2613. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2015 


Sec. 2701. Authorization of appropriations for base realignment and 
          closure activities funded through Department of Defense base 
          closure account.
Sec. 2702. Prohibition on conducting additional base realignment and 
          closure (BRAC) round.


  Subtitle A--Military Construction Program and Military Family Housing

Sec. 2801. Elimination of written notice requirement for military 
          construction activities and reliance on electronic submission 
          of notifications and reports.
Sec. 2802. Modification of thresholds applicable to unspecified minor 
          construction projects.
Sec. 2803. Annual locality adjustment of dollar thresholds applicable to 
          unspecified minor military construction authorities.
Sec. 2804. Extension of temporary, limited authority to use operation 
          and maintenance funds for construction projects outside the 
          United States.
Sec. 2805. Use of operation and maintenance funds for military 
          construction projects to replace facilities damaged or 
          destroyed by natural disasters or terrorism incidents.
Sec. 2806. Annual report on unfunded requirements for laboratory 
          military construction projects.

         Subtitle B--Real Property and Facilities Administration

Sec. 2811. Elimination of written notice requirement for military real 
          property transactions and reliance on electronic submission of 
          notifications and reports.
Sec. 2812. Certification related to certain acquisitions or leases of 
          real property.
Sec. 2813. Increased term limit for intergovernmental support agreements 
          to provide installation support services.
Sec. 2814. Authorizing reimbursement of States for costs of suppressing 
          wildfires caused by Department of Defense activities on State 
          lands; restoration of lands of other Federal agencies for 
          damage caused by Department of Defense vehicle mishaps.
Sec. 2815. Criteria for exchanges of property at military installations.
Sec. 2816. Land exchange valuation of property with reduced development 
          that limits encroachment on military installations.
Sec. 2817. Requirements for window fall prevention devices in military 
          family housing.
Sec. 2818. Prohibiting use of updated assessment of public schools on 
          Department of Defense installations to supersede funding of 
          certain projects.
Sec. 2819. Access to military installations by transportation network 

          Subtitle C--Project Management and Oversight Reforms

Sec. 2821. Notification requirement for certain cost increases.
Sec. 2822. Annual report on schedule delays.
Sec. 2823. Report on design errors and omissions related to Fort Bliss 
          hospital replacement project.
Sec. 2824. Report on cost increase and delay related to USSTRATCOM 
          command and control facility project at Offutt Air Force Base.

                      Subtitle D--Energy Resilience

Sec. 2831. Energy resilience.
Sec. 2832. Authority to use energy cost savings for energy resilience, 
          mission assurance, and weather damage repair and prevention 
Sec. 2833. Consideration of energy security and energy resilience in 
          awarding energy and fuel contracts for military installations.
Sec. 2834. Requirement to address energy resilience in exercising 
          utility system conveyance authority.
Sec. 2835. In-kind lease payments; prioritization of utility services 
          that promote energy resilience.
Sec. 2836. Annual Department of Defense energy management reports.
Sec. 2837. Aggregation of energy efficiency and energy resilience 
          projects in life cycle cost analyses.

                      Subtitle E--Land Conveyances

Sec. 2841. Land exchange, Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant, 
          Sunnyvale, California.
Sec. 2842. Land conveyance, Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho.
Sec. 2843. Lease of real property to the United States Naval Academy 
          Alumni Association and Naval Academy Foundation at United 
          States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland.
Sec. 2844. Land Conveyance, Natick Soldier Systems Center, 
Sec. 2845. Land exchange, Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas.
Sec. 2846. Imposition of additional conditions on future use of Castner 
          Range, Fort Bliss, Texas.
Sec. 2847. Land conveyance, former missile alert facility known as 
          Quebec-01, Laramie County, Wyoming.

         Subtitle F--Military Memorials, Monuments, and Museums

Sec. 2861. Recognition of the National Museum of World War II Aviation.
Sec. 2862. Principal office of Aviation Hall of Fame.
Sec. 2863. Establishment of a visitor services facility on the Arlington 
          Ridge tract.
Sec. 2864. Modification of prohibition on transfer of veterans memorial 
          objects to foreign governments without specific authorization 
          in law.

                        Subtitle G--Other Matters

Sec. 2871. Authority of the Secretary of the Air Force to accept lessee 
          improvements at Air Force Plant 42.
Sec. 2872. Modification of Department of Defense guidance on use of 
          airfield pavement markings.
Sec. 2873. Authority of Chief Operating Officer of Armed Forces 
          Retirement Home to acquire and lease property.
Sec. 2874. Restrictions on rehabilitation of Over-the-Horizon 
          Backscatter Radar Station.
Sec. 2875. Permitting machine room-less elevators in Department of 
          Defense facilities.
Sec. 2876. Disclosure of beneficial ownership by foreign persons of high 
          security space leased by the Department of Defense.
Sec. 2877. Joint use of Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Marietta, Georgia, 
          with civil aviation.
Sec. 2878. Report on hurricane damage to Department of Defense assets.
Sec. 2879. Special rules for certain projects.
Sec. 2880. Energy security for military installations in Europe.


Sec. 2901. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2902. Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition project.
Sec. 2903. Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition 
Sec. 2904. Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition 
Sec. 2905. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 2906. Extension of authorization of certain fiscal year 2015 

                          OTHER AUTHORIZATIONS


        Subtitle A--National Security Programs and Authorizations

Sec. 3101. National Nuclear Security Administration.
Sec. 3102. Defense environmental cleanup.
Sec. 3103. Other defense activities.
Sec. 3104. Nuclear energy.

    Subtitle B--Program Authorizations, Restrictions, and Limitations

Sec. 3111. Nuclear security enterprise infrastructure modernization 
Sec. 3112. Incorporation of integrated surety architecture in 
Sec. 3113. Cost estimates for life extension program and major 
          alteration projects.
Sec. 3114. Improved information relating to certain defense nuclear 
          nonproliferation programs.
Sec. 3115. Research and development of advanced naval reactor fuel based 
          on low-enriched uranium.
Sec. 3116. National Nuclear Security Administration pay and performance 
Sec. 3117. Budget requests and certification regarding nuclear weapons 
Sec. 3118. Nuclear warhead design competition.
Sec. 3119. Modification of minor construction threshold for plant 
Sec. 3120. Extension of authorization of Advisory Board on Toxic 
          Substances and Worker Health.
Sec. 3121. Use of funds for construction and project support activities 
          relating to MOX facility.
Sec. 3122. Prohibition on availability of funds for programs in Russian 

                      Subtitle C--Plans and Reports

Sec. 3131. Annual Selected Acquisition Reports on certain hardware 
          relating to defense nuclear nonproliferation.
Sec. 3132. Annual reports on unfunded priorities of National Nuclear 
          Security Administration.
Sec. 3133. Modification of certain reporting requirements.
Sec. 3134. Modification to stockpile stewardship, management, and 
          responsiveness plan.
Sec. 3135. Assessment and development of prototype nuclear weapons of 
          foreign countries.
Sec. 3136. Plan for verification, detection, and monitoring of nuclear 
          weapons and fissile material.
Sec. 3137. Review of United States nuclear and radiological terrorism 
          prevention strategy.
Sec. 3138. Assessment of management and operating contracts of national 
          security laboratories.
Sec. 3139. Evaluation of classification of certain defense nuclear 
Sec. 3140. Improved reporting for anti-smuggling radiation detection 
Sec. 3141. Plutonium capabilities.
Sec. 3142. Report on critical decision 1 on Material Staging Facility 
Sec. 3143. Plan to further minimize the use of highly enriched uranium 
          for medical isotopes.

                        Subtitle D--Other Matters

Sec. 3151. Sense of Congress regarding compensation of individuals 
          relating to uranium mining and nuclear testing.


Sec. 3201. Authorization.


Sec. 3401. Authorization of appropriations.

                      TITLE XXXV--MARITIME MATTERS

Sec. 3501. Authorization of the Maritime Administration.
Sec. 3502. Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946.
Sec. 3503. Maritime Security Fleet Program; restriction on operation for 
          new entrants.
Sec. 3504. Codification of sections relating to acquisition, charter, 
          and requisition of vessels.
Sec. 3505. Assistance for small shipyards.
Sec. 3506. Report on sexual assault victim recovery in the Coast Guard.
Sec. 3507. Centers of excellence.
Sec. 3508. Foreign spill protection.
Sec. 3509. Removal of adjunct professor limit at United States Merchant 
          Marine Academy.
Sec. 3510. Acceptance of guarantees in conjunction with partial 
          donations for major projects of the United States Merchant 
          Marine Academy.
Sec. 3511. Authority to pay conveyance or transfer expenses in 
          connection with acceptance of a gift to the United States 
          Merchant Marine Academy.
Sec. 3512. Authority to participate in Federal, State or other research 
Sec. 3513. Provision of satellite communication devices during Sea Year 
Sec. 3514. Actions to address sexual harassment, dating violence, 
          domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking at the United 
          States Merchant Marine Academy.
Sec. 3515. Sexual assault prevention and response staff for the United 
          States Merchant Marine Academy.
Sec. 3516. Protection of cadets at the United States Merchant Marine 
          Academy from sexual assault onboard commercial vessels.
Sec. 3517. Training requirement for sexual assault investigators.

                       DIVISION D--FUNDING TABLES

Sec. 4001. Authorization of amounts in funding tables.

                         TITLE XLI--PROCUREMENT

Sec. 4101. Procurement.
Sec. 4102. Procurement for overseas contingency operations.


Sec. 4201. Research, development, test, and evaluation.
Sec. 4202. Research, development, test, and evaluation for overseas 
          contingency operations.


Sec. 4301. Operation and maintenance.
Sec. 4302. Operation and maintenance for overseas contingency 


Sec. 4401. Military personnel.
Sec. 4402. Military personnel for overseas contingency operations.


Sec. 4501. Other authorizations.
Sec. 4502. Other authorizations for overseas contingency operations.


Sec. 4601. Military construction.
Sec. 4602. Military construction for overseas contingency operations.


Sec. 4701. Department of Energy national security programs.


    In this Act, the term ``congressional defense committees'' 
has the meaning given that term in section 101(a)(16) of title 
10, United States Code.


    The budgetary effects of this Act, for the purposes of 
complying with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall 
be determined by reference to the latest statement titled 
``Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legislation'' for this Act, 
jointly submitted for printing in the Congressional Record by 
the Chairmen of the House and Senate Budget Committees, 
provided that such statement has been submitted prior to the 
vote on passage in the House acting first on the conference 
report or amendment between the Houses.


                          TITLE I--PROCUREMENT

               Subtitle A--Authorization Of Appropriations

Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations.

                        Subtitle B--Army Programs

Sec. 111. Authority to expedite procurement of 7.62mm rifles.
Sec. 112. Limitation on availability of funds for Increment 2 of the 
          Warfighter Information Network-Tactical program.
Sec. 113. Limitation on availability of funds for upgrade of M113 

                        Subtitle C--Navy Programs

Sec. 121. Aircraft carriers.
Sec. 122. Icebreaker vessel.
Sec. 123. Multiyear procurement authority for Arleigh Burke class 
Sec. 124. Multiyear procurement authority for Virginia class submarine 
Sec. 125. Design and construction of the lead ship of the amphibious 
          ship replacement designated LX(R) or amphibious transport dock 
          designated LPD-30.
Sec. 126. Multiyear procurement authority for V-22 Osprey aircraft.
Sec. 127. Extension of limitation on use of sole-source shipbuilding 
          contracts for certain vessels.
Sec. 128. Limitation on availability of funds for the enhanced multi-
          mission parachute system.
Sec. 129. Report on Navy capacity to increase production of certain 
          rotary wing aircraft.

                     Subtitle D--Air Force Programs

Sec. 131. Inventory requirement for Air Force fighter aircraft.
Sec. 132. Prohibition on availability of funds for retirement of E-8 
          JSTARS aircraft.
Sec. 133. Requirement for continuation of JSTARS aircraft 
          recapitalization program.
Sec. 134. Limitation on selection of single contractor for C-130H 
          avionics modernization program increment 2.
Sec. 135. Limitation on availability of funds for EC-130H Compass Call 
          recapitalization program.
Sec. 136. Limitation on retirement of U-2 and RQ-4 aircraft.
Sec. 137. Cost-benefit analysis of upgrades to MQ-9 Reaper aircraft.
Sec. 138. Plan for modernization of the radar for F-16 fighter aircraft 
          of the National Guard.
Sec. 139. Comptroller General review of Air Force fielding plan for HH-
          60 replacement programs.

        Subtitle E--Defense-wide, Joint, and Multiservice Matters

Sec. 141. F-35 economic order quantity contracting authority.
Sec. 142. Authority for explosive ordnance disposal units to acquire new 
          or emerging technologies and capabilities.
Sec. 143.  Requirement that certain aircraft and unmanned aerial 
          vehicles use specified standard data link.
Sec. 144. Reinstatement of requirement to preserve certain C-5 aircraft; 
          mobility capability and requirements study.

              Subtitle A--Authorization Of Appropriations


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal 
year 2018 for procurement for the Army, the Navy and the Marine 
Corps, the Air Force, and Defense-wide activities, as specified 
in the funding table in section 4101.

                       Subtitle B--Army Programs


    (a) 7.62mm Rifles.--
            (1) Procurement authority.--The Secretary of the 
        Army is authorized to expedite the procurement of a 
        commercially available off-the-shelf item or 
        nondevelopmental item for a 7.62mm rifle capability in 
        accordance with this section.
            (2) Limitation.--The Secretary of the Army may use 
        the authority under paragraph (1) to procure only the 
                    (A) Not more than 7,000 7.62mm rifles.
                    (B) Equipment and ammunition associated 
                with such rifles.
            (3) Contracting procedures.--
                    (A) Full and open competition.--In awarding 
                contracts under paragraph (1), the Secretary of 
                the Army shall use full and open competition to 
                the extent practicable.
                    (B) Procedures other than full and open 
                competition.--The Secretary of the Army may not 
                award a contract under paragraph (1) using 
                procedures other than full and open competition 
                until a period of 10 days has elapsed following 
                the date on which the Secretary submits to the 
                congressional committees the report described 
                in subparagraph (C).
                    (C) Report.--The report described in this 
                subparagraph is a report of the Secretary of 
                the Army that includes--
                            (i) a detailed justification for 
                        limiting full and open competition for 
                        the procurement authorized under 
                        paragraph (1);
                            (ii) a description of the 
                        objectives, costs, and timelines 
                        associated with the procurement; and
                            (iii) an assessment of the 
                        projected impact of the procurement on 
                        any related programs in terms of cost, 
                        schedule, and the use of full and open 
                        competition in such programs.
    (b) Related Programs.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of the Army is 
        authorized to use funds made available to carry out 
        subsection (a)--
                    (A) to accelerate by two years the squad 
                designated marksman rifle program of the Army;
                    (B) to accelerate by two years the advanced 
                armor piercing ammunition program of the Army; 
                    (C) subject to paragraph (2), to accelerate 
                the next generation squad weapon program of the 
            (2) Full and open competition.--Any contract 
        awarded under the next generation squad weapon program 
        of the Army shall be awarded using full and open 
    (c) Definitions.--In this section, the terms ``commercially 
available off-the-shelf item'', ``full and open competition'', 
and ``nondevelopmental item'' have the meanings given the terms 
in chapter 1 of title 41, United States Code.


    (a) Limitation.--Of the funds authorized to be appropriated 
by this Act or otherwise made available for the Department of 
Defense for fiscal year 2018 for Increment 2 of the Warfighter 
Information Network-Tactical program of the Army (referred to 
in this section as ``WIN-T Increment 2'') not more than 50 
percent may be used to enter into, or to prepare to enter into, 
a contract for the procurement of equipment under the program 
until the date on which the Secretary of the Army submits the 
report under subsection (b).
    (b) Report.--Not later than January 31, 2018, the Secretary 
of the Army, in consultation with the Chief of Staff of the 
Army, shall submit to the congressional defense committees a 
report on the strategy of the Army for modernizing air-land ad-
hoc, mobile tactical communications and data networks.
    (c) Elements.--The report under subsection (b) shall 
include the following:
            (1) A description of the strategy of the Army for 
        modernizing air-land ad-hoc, mobile tactical 
        communications and data networks.
            (2) The justification, rationale, and decision 
        points for the strategy, including how network 
        requirements are being redefined.
            (3) How the Army intends to implement the 
        recommendations accepted by the Secretary of the Army 
        related to air-land ad-hoc, mobile tactical 
        communications and data networks provided by the 
        Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation 
        pursuant to section 237 of the National Defense 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-
        92; 129 Stat. 781).
            (4) How the Army will address the vulnerabilities 
        identified by the report of the Director of Cost 
        Assessment and Program Evaluation on the mobile, ad-hoc 
        network against a modern peer adversary capable of 
        cyber and electronic warfare detection and intrusion.
            (5) A timeline and decision points for upgrading 
        fielded WIN-T Increment 1B systems.
            (6) A list of planned upgrades for components of 
        WIN-T Increment 2 designed to improve program 
        capabilities, including size, weight, and complexity, 
        including the impact of these improvements on the cost 
        of the program, as well as fielding schedules for Army 
        Brigade Combat Teams.
            (7) How the strategy will reduce Army reliance on 
        satellite communications, including procurement and 
        test strategies for more resilient and secure mid-tier 
        line of sight capability.
            (8) How the strategy will address identified joint 
        interoperability capability gaps, specifically for 
        units known as ``fight tonight'' units, including 
        procurement and test plans for identified solutions.
            (9) Decision points associated with the near term 
        modernization strategy for mitigating operational 
        capability gaps for such ``fight tonight'' units.
            (10) The decision points and timelines associated 
        with the fielding of modernized mobile tactical network 
        communications to the reserve components of the Army.
            (11) The planned funding and program realignments 
        required for fiscal year 2018 and across the future 
        years defense program that will be required to support 
        the new strategy.
            (12) Identification of the changes in acquisition 
        policy as well as operational requirements being 
        implemented to deliver an effective, suitable, and 
        survivable network to the warfighter.
            (13) Identification of the changes in leadership 
        and governance that will be associated with the new 
    (d) Form of Report.--The report required by section (b) 
shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a 
classified annex.


    (a) Limitation.--Of the funds authorized to be appropriated 
by this Act or otherwise made available for fiscal year 2018 
for the upgrade of M113 vehicles of the Army, not more than 50 
percent may be obligated or expended until the date on which 
Secretary of the Army submits to the congressional defense 
committees the report described in subsection (b).
    (b) Report.--The report described in this subsection is a 
report setting forth the strategy of the Army for the upgrade 
of M113 vehicles that includes the following:
            (1) A detailed strategy for upgrading and fielding 
        M113 vehicles.
            (2) An analysis of the manner in which the Army 
        plans to address M113 vehicle survivability and 
        maneuverability concerns.
            (3) An analysis of the historical costs associated 
        with upgrading M113 vehicles, and a validation of 
        current cost estimates for upgrading such vehicles.
            (4) A comparison of--
                    (A) the total procurement and life cycle 
                costs of adding an echelon above brigade 
                requirement to the Army Multi-Purpose Vehicle; 
                    (B) the total procurement and life cycle 
                costs of upgrading legacy M113 vehicles.
            (5) An analysis of the possibility of further 
        accelerating Army Multi-Purpose Vehicle production or 
        modifying the fielding strategy for the Army Multi-
        Purpose Vehicle to meet near-term echelon above brigade 

                       Subtitle C--Navy Programs


    (a) Modification of Cost Limitation Baseline for CVN-78 
Class Aircraft Carrier Program.--Section 122 of the John Warner 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public 
Law 109-364; 120 Stat. 2105), as most recently amended by 
section 122 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 749), is 
            (1) in subsection (a), by striking paragraph (2) 
        and inserting the following:
            ``(2) Carrier designated as cvn-79.--The total 
        amount obligated from funds appropriated or otherwise 
        made available for Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy, 
        or for any other procurement account, for the aircraft 
        carrier designated as CVN-79 may not exceed 
        $11,398,000,000 (as adjusted pursuant to subsection 
            ``(3) Follow-on ships.--The total amount obligated 
        from funds appropriated or otherwise made available for 
        Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy, or for any other 
        procurement account, for any ship that is constructed 
        in the CVN-78 class of aircraft carriers after the 
        aircraft carrier designated as CVN-79 may not exceed 
        $12,568,000,000 (as adjusted pursuant to subsection 
            (2) in subsection (b), by amending paragraph (1) to 
        read as follows:
            ``(1) The amounts of increases or decreases in 
        costs attributable to economic inflation--
                    ``(A) after September 30, 2013, in the case 
                of the aircraft carrier designated as CVN-79; 
                    ``(B) after September 30, 2017, in the case 
                of any ship that is constructed in the CVN-78 
                class of aircraft carriers after the aircraft 
                carrier designated as CVN-79.''; and
            (3) by adding at the end the following:
    ``(g) Exclusion of Battle and Interim Spares From Cost 
Limitation.--The Secretary of the Navy shall exclude from the 
determination of the amounts set forth in paragraphs (2) and 
(3) of subsection (a), the costs of the following items:
            ``(1) CVN-78 class battle spares.
            ``(2) Interim spares.''.
    (b) Waiver on Limitation of Availability of Funds for CVN-
79.--The Secretary of Defense may waive subsections (a) and (b) 
of section 128 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 751) after a 
period of 60 days has elapsed following the date on which the 
Secretary submits to the congressional defense committees a 
written notification of the intent of the Secretary to issue 
such a waiver. The Secretary shall include in any such 
notification the following:
            (1) The rationale of the Secretary for issuing the 
            (2) The revised test and evaluation master plan 
        that describes when full ship shock trials will be held 
        on Ford-class aircraft carriers.
            (3) A certification that the Secretary has analyzed 
        and accepted the operational risk of the U.S.S. Gerald 
        R. Ford deploying without having conducted full ship 
        shock trials, and that the Secretary has not delegated 
        the decision to issue such waiver.


    (a) Authority to Procure One Polar-class Heavy 
            (1) In general.--There is authorized to be procured 
        for the Coast Guard one polar-class heavy icebreaker 
            (2) Condition for out-year contract payments.--A 
        contract entered into under paragraph (1) shall provide 
        that any obligation of the United States to make a 
        payment under the contract for a fiscal year after 
        fiscal year 2018 is subject to the availability of 
        appropriations or funds for that purpose for such later 
        fiscal year.
    (b) Limitation on Availability of Funds for Procurement of 
Icebreaker Vessels.--None of the funds authorized to be 
appropriated by this Act or otherwise made available for the 
Department of Defense for any fiscal year that are unobligated 
as of the date of the enactment of this Act may be obligated or 
expended for the procurement of an icebreaker vessel other than 
the one polar-class heavy icebreaker vessel authorized to be 
procured under subsection (a)(1).
    (c) Contracting Authority.--
            (1) Coast guard.--If funds are appropriated to the 
        department in which the Coast Guard is operating to 
        carry out subsection (a)(1), the head of contracting 
        activity for the Coast Guard shall be responsible for 
        contracting actions carried out using such funds.
            (2) Navy.--If funds are appropriated to the 
        Department of Defense to carry out subsection (a)(1), 
        the head of contracting activity for the Navy, Naval 
        Sea Systems Command shall be responsible for 
        contracting actions carried out using such funds.
            (3) Interagency acquisition.--Notwithstanding 
        paragraphs (1) and (2), the head of contracting 
        activity for the Coast Guard or head of contracting 
        activity for the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command (as 
        the case may be) may authorize interagency acquisitions 
        that are within the authority of such head of 
        contracting activity.
    (d) Comptroller General Report.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than March 1, 2018, the 
        Comptroller General of the United States shall submit 
        to the congressional defense committees, the Committee 
        on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, 
        and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure 
        of the House of Representatives a report assessing the 
        cost of, and schedule for, the procurement of new 
        icebreaker vessels for the Federal Government.
            (2) Elements.--The report under paragraph (1) shall 
        include an analysis of the following:
                    (A) The status of the efforts of the Coast 
                Guard to acquire new icebreaking capability, 
                including an explanation of how such efforts 
                are coordinated through the integrated program 
                    (B) Actions taken by the Coast Guard to 
                incorporate key practices of other countries 
                with respect to the procurement of icebreaker 
                vessels to increase the Coast Guard's knowledge 
                of, and to reduce the costs and risks of, 
                procuring such vessels.
                    (C) The extent to which the cost and 
                schedule for the construction of Coast Guard 
                icebreakers differs from such cost and schedule 
                in other countries.
                    (D) The extent to which innovative 
                acquisition practices (such as multiyear 
                funding and block buys) may be applied to the 
                procurement of icebreaker vessels to reduce the 
                costs and accelerate the schedule of such 
                    (E) A capacity replacement plan to mitigate 
                a potential icebreaker capability gap if the 
                Polar Star cannot remain in service.
                    (F) Any other matters the Comptroller 
                General considers appropriate.


    (a) Authority for Multiyear Procurement.--Subject to 
section 2306b of title 10, United States Code, the Secretary of 
the Navy may enter into one or more multiyear contracts for the 
procurement of up to 15 Arleigh Burke class Flight III guided 
missile destroyers.
    (b) Authority for Advance Procurement.--The Secretary of 
the Navy may enter into one or more contracts, beginning in 
fiscal year 2018, for advance procurement associated with the 
destroyers for which authorization to enter into a multiyear 
procurement contract is provided under subsection (a), and for 
systems and subsystems associated with such destroyers in 
economic order quantities when cost savings are achievable.
    (c) Condition for Out-year Contract Payments.--A contract 
entered into under subsection (a) shall provide that any 
obligation of the United States to make a payment under the 
contract for a fiscal year after fiscal year 2018 is subject to 
the availability of appropriations or funds for that purpose 
for such later fiscal year.
    (d) Limitation.--The Secretary of the Navy may not modify a 
contract entered into under subsection (a) if the modification 
would increase the target price of the destroyer by more than 
10 percent above the target price specified in the original 
contract awarded for the destroyer under subsection (a).


    (a) Authority for Multiyear Procurement.--Subject to 
section 2306b of title 10, United States Code, the Secretary of 
the Navy may enter into one or more multiyear contracts for the 
procurement of not more than 13 Virginia class submarines.
    (b) Limitation.--The Secretary of the Navy may not modify a 
contract entered into under subsection (a) if the modification 
would increase the target price of the submarine by more than 
10 percent above the target price specified in the original 
contract awarded for the submarine under subsection (a).
    (c) Authority for Advance Procurement.--The Secretary of 
the Navy may enter into one or more contracts, beginning in 
fiscal year 2018, for advance procurement associated with the 
Virginia class submarines for which authorization to enter into 
a multiyear procurement contract is provided under subsection 
(a) and for equipment or subsystems associated with the 
Virginia class submarine program, including procurement of--
            (1) long lead time material; or
            (2) material or equipment in economic order 
        quantities when cost savings are achievable.
    (d) Condition for Out-year Contract Payments.--A contract 
entered into under subsection (a) shall provide that any 
obligation of the United States to make a payment under the 
contract for a fiscal year after fiscal year 2019 is subject to 
the availability of appropriations or funds for that purpose 
for such later fiscal year.
    (e) Limitation on Termination Liability.--A contract for 
the construction of Virginia class submarines entered into 
under subsection (a) shall include a clause that limits the 
liability of the United States to the contractor for any 
termination of the contract. The maximum liability of the 
United States under the clause shall be the amount appropriated 
for the submarines covered by the contract regardless of the 
amount obligated under the contract.
    (f) Virginia Class Submarine Defined.--The term ``Virginia 
class submarine'' means a block V configured Virginia class 

                    TRANSPORT DOCK DESIGNATED LPD-30.

    (a) In General.--Using funds authorized to be appropriated 
for the Department of Defense for Shipbuilding and Conversion, 
Navy, the Secretary of the Navy may enter into a contract, 
beginning with the fiscal year 2018 program year, for the 
design and construction of--
            (1) the lead ship of the amphibious ship 
        replacement class designated LX(R); or
            (2) the amphibious transport dock designated LPD-
    (b) Use of Incremental Funding.--With respect to the 
contract entered into under subsection (a), the Secretary may 
use incremental funding to make payments under the contract.
    (c) Condition for Out-year Contract Payments.--The contract 
entered into under subsection (a) shall provide that any 
obligation of the United States to make a payment under such 
contract for any fiscal year after fiscal year 2018 is subject 
to the availability of appropriations for that purpose for such 
later fiscal year.


    (a) Authority for Multiyear Procurement.--Subject to 
section 2306b of title 10, United States Code (except as 
provided in subsection (b)), the Secretary of the Navy may 
enter into one or more multiyear contracts, beginning with the 
2018 program year, for the procurement of the following:
            (1) V-22 Osprey aircraft.
            (2) Common configuration-readiness and 
        modernization upgrades for V-22 Osprey aircraft.
    (b) Contract Period.--Notwithstanding section 2306b(k) of 
title 10, United States Code, the period covered by a contract 
entered into on a multiyear basis under the authority of 
subsection (a) may exceed five years, but may not exceed seven 
    (c) Condition for Out-year Contract Payments.--A contract 
entered into under subsection (a) shall provide that any 
obligation of the United States to make a payment under the 
contract for a fiscal year after fiscal year 2018 is subject to 
the availability of appropriations or funds for that purpose 
for such later fiscal year.


    Section 124 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328) is amended by striking 
``2017'' and inserting ``2017 or fiscal year 2018''.

                    MISSION PARACHUTE SYSTEM.

    (a) Limitation.--Of the funds authorized to be appropriated 
by this Act or otherwise made available for the Department of 
Defense for fiscal year 2018 for the enhanced multi-mission 
parachute system, not more than 80 percent may be used to enter 
into, or to prepare to enter into, a contract for the 
procurement of such parachute system until the date on which 
the Secretary of the Navy submits to the congressional defense 
committees the certification under subsection (b) and the 
report under subsection (c).
    (b) Certification.--Not later than 90 days after the date 
of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Navy shall 
submit to the congressional defense committees a certification 
that states--
            (1) whether the multi-mission parachute system 
        fielded by the Marine Corps meets Marine Corps 
            (2) whether the RA-1 parachute system of the Army 
        meets Marine Corps requirements;
            (3) whether the PARIS, Special Application 
        Parachute of the Marine Corps meets Marine Corps 
            (4) whether the testing plan for the enhanced 
        multi-mission parachute system meets all applicable 
        regulatory requirements; and
            (5) whether the Department of the Navy has 
        determined that a high glide canopy parachute system is 
        as safe and effective as the fielded free fall 
        parachute systems.
    (c) Report.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Navy shall submit 
to the congressional defense committees a report that 
            (1) an explanation for using the Parachute Industry 
        Association specification for a military parachute 
        given that sports parachutes are deployed from 
        relatively slow flying civilian aircraft at altitudes 
        below 10,000 feet;
            (2) a cost estimate for any new equipment and 
        training that the Marine Corps will require in order to 
        use a high glide parachute;
            (3) justification for why the Department of the 
        Navy is not conducting any testing of parachutes until 
        first article testing; and
            (4) an assessment of the risks associated with high 
        glide canopy parachutes with a focus on how the 
        Department of the Navy will mitigate the risk of 
        malfunctions experienced in other high glide canopy 
        parachute programs.

                    ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT.

    (a) Report.--Not later than March 30, 2018, the Secretary 
of the Navy shall submit to the congressional defense 
committees a report that describes and assesses the capacity of 
the Navy to increase production of the aircraft described in 
subsection (b), taking into account an increase in the size of 
the surface fleet of the Navy to 355 ships.
    (b) Aircraft Described.--The aircraft described in this 
subsection are the following:
            (1) Anti-submarine warfare rotary wing aircraft.
            (2) Search and rescue rotary wing aircraft.

                     Subtitle D--Air Force Programs


    (a) Inventory Requirement.--Section 8062 of title 10, 
United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
following new subsection:
    ``(i)(1) During the period beginning on October 1, 2017, 
and ending on October 1, 2022, the Secretary of the Air Force 
shall maintain a total aircraft inventory of fighter aircraft 
of not less than 1,970 aircraft, and a total primary mission 
aircraft inventory (combat-coded) of not less than 1,145 
fighter aircraft.
    ``(2) In this subsection:
            ``(A) The term `fighter aircraft' means an aircraft 
                    ``(i) is designated by a mission design 
                series prefix of F- or A-;
                    ``(ii) is manned by one or two crewmembers; 
                    ``(iii) executes single-role or multi-role 
                missions, including air-to-air combat, air-to-
                ground attack, air interdiction, suppression or 
                destruction of enemy air defenses, close air 
                support, strike control and reconnaissance, 
                combat search and rescue support, or airborne 
                forward air control.
            ``(B) The term `primary mission aircraft inventory' 
        means aircraft assigned to meet the primary aircraft 
        authorization to a unit for the performance of its 
        wartime mission.''.
    (b) Limitation on Retirement of Air Force Fighter 
            (1) Limitation.--Except as provided in subsection 
        (c), during the period beginning on October 1, 2017, 
        and ending on October 1, 2022, the Secretary of the Air 
        Force may not proceed with a decision to retire fighter 
        aircraft in any number that would reduce the total 
        number of such aircraft in the Air Force total active 
        inventory below 1,970, and shall maintain a minimum of 
        1,145 fighter aircraft designated as primary mission 
        aircraft inventory.
            (2) Additional limitations on retirement of fighter 
        aircraft.--Except as provided in subsection (c), during 
        the period beginning on October 1, 2017, and ending on 
        October 1, 2022, the Secretary of the Air Force may not 
        retire fighter aircraft from the total active inventory 
        as of the date of the enactment of this Act until the 
        later of the following:
                    (A) The date that is 30 days after the date 
                on which the Secretary submits the report 
                required under paragraph (3).
                    (B) The date that is 30 days after the date 
                on which the Secretary certifies to the 
                congressional defense committees that--
                            (i) the retirement of such fighter 
                        aircraft will not increase the 
                        operational risk of meeting the 
                        National Defense Strategy; and
                            (ii) the retirement of such 
                        aircraft will not reduce the total 
                        fighter force structure below 1,970 
                        fighter aircraft or the primary mission 
                        aircraft inventory below 1,145.
            (3) Report on retirement of aircraft.--The 
        Secretary of the Air Force shall submit to the 
        congressional defense committees a report setting forth 
        the following:
                    (A) The rationale for the retirement of 
                existing fighter aircraft and an operational 
                analysis of the portfolio of capabilities of 
                the Air Force that demonstrates performance of 
                the designated mission at an equal or greater 
                level of effectiveness as the retiring 
                    (B) An assessment of the implications for 
                the Air Force, the Air National Guard, and the 
                Air Force Reserve of the force mix ratio of 
                fighter aircraft.
                    (C) Such other matters relating to the 
                retirement of fighter aircraft as the Secretary 
                considers appropriate.
    (c) Exception for Certain Aircraft.--The requirement of 
subsection (b) does not apply to individual fighter aircraft 
that the Secretary of the Air Force determines, on a case-by-
case basis, to be non-operational because of mishaps, other 
damage, or being uneconomical to repair.
    (d) Fighter Aircraft Defined.--In this section, the term 
``fighter aircraft'' has the meaning given the term in 
subsection (i)(2)(A) of section 8062 of title 10, United States 
Code, as added by subsection (a) of this section.

                    JSTARS AIRCRAFT.

    (a) Prohibition on Availability of Funds for Retirement.--
Except as provided by subsection (b), none of the funds 
authorized to be appropriated by this Act or otherwise made 
available for fiscal year 2018 for the Air Force may be 
obligated or expended to retire, or prepare to retire, any E-8 
Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System aircraft.
    (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not 
apply to individual E-8 Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar 
System aircraft that the Secretary of the Air Force determines, 
on a case-by-case basis, to be non-operational because of 
mishaps, other damage, or being uneconomical to repair.


    (a) In General.--If the budget request submitted to 
Congress for any fiscal year includes a request by the 
Secretary of the Air Force to cancel or modify the JSTARS 
aircraft recapitalization program, the Secretary of Defense 
shall submit, as part of such budget request, the report 
described in subsection (b).
    (b) Report.--The report described in this subsection, is a 
report that includes the following:
            (1) The assumptions, rationale, and all analysis 
        supporting the proposed cancellation or modification of 
        the JSTARS aircraft recapitalization program.
            (2) An assessment of the implications of such 
        cancellation or modification for meeting the mission 
        requirements for air battle management and moving 
        target indicator intelligence discipline of the Air 
        Force, the Air National Guard, the Army, the Army 
        National Guard, the Navy and Marine Corps, and the 
        combatant commands.
            (3) A certification that the plan for the 
        cancellation or modification of the recapitalization 
        program would not result in an increased time during 
        which there is a capability or capacity gap in 
        providing battlefield management, command and control 
        and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance 
        capabilities to the combatant commanders.
            (4) Such other matters relating to the proposed 
        cancellation or modification as the Secretary considers 
    (c) Form of Report.--The report under subsection (b) shall 
be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified 
    (d) Definitions.--In this section:
            (1) The term ``budget request'' means the budget 
        materials submitted by the Secretary of Defense in 
        support of the budget of the President for a fiscal 
        year (submitted to Congress pursuant to section 1105 of 
        title 31, United States Code).
            (2) The term ``JSTARS aircraft recapitalization 
        program'' means the recapitalization program for the E-
        8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System 
        aircraft as such program is proposed to be carried out 
        in the budget request submitted to Congress for fiscal 
        year 2018.


    (a) Limitation.--The Secretary of the Air Force may not 
select only a single prime contractor to carry out increment 2 
of the C-130H avionics modernization program until the 
Secretary submits to the congressional defense committees a 
written certification that, in selecting such a single prime 
            (1) the Secretary will ensure, to the extent 
        practicable, that commercially available off-the-shelf 
        items are used under the program, including technology 
        solutions and nondevelopmental items; and
            (2) excessively restrictive military specification 
        standards will not be used to restrict or eliminate 
        full and open competition in the selection process.
    (b) Definitions.--In this section, the terms ``commercially 
available off-the-shelf item'', ``full and open competition'', 
and ``nondevelopmental item'' have the meanings given the terms 
in chapter 1 of title 41, United States Code.


    (a) Limitation.--None of the funds authorized to be 
appropriated by this Act or otherwise made available for any 
fiscal year for the EC-130H Compass Call recapitalization 
program of the Air Force may be obligated until a period of 30 
days has elapsed following the date on which the Under 
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics 
submits to the congressional defense committees the 
certification described in subsection (b).
    (b) Certification.--The certification described in this 
subsection is a written statement certifying that--
            (1) an independent review of the acquisition 
        process for the EC-130H Compass Call recapitalization 
        program of the Air Force has been conducted; and
            (2) as a result of such review, it has been 
        determined that the acquisition process for such 
        program complies with all applicable laws, guidelines, 
        and best practices.


    (a) Limitation.--The Secretary of the Air Force may take no 
action that would prevent the Air Force from maintaining the 
fleets of U-2 aircraft or RQ-4 aircraft in their current, or 
improved, configurations and capabilities until--
            (1) the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, 
        Technology, and Logistics certifies in writing to the 
        appropriate committees of Congress that--
                    (A) in the case of the RQ-4 aircraft, the 
                validated operating and sustainment costs of 
                the capability developed to replace the RQ-4 
                aircraft are less than the validated operating 
                and sustainment costs for the RQ-4 aircraft on 
                a comparable flight-hour cost basis; or
                    (B) in the case of the U-2 aircraft, the 
                validated operating and sustainment costs of 
                the capability developed to replace the U-2 
                aircraft are less than the validated operating 
                and sustainment costs for the U-2 aircraft on a 
                comparable flight-hour cost basis; and
            (2) the Chairman of the Joint Requirements 
        Oversight Council certifies in writing to the 
        appropriate committees of Congress that the capability 
        to be fielded at the same time or before the retirement 
        of the U-2 aircraft or RQ-4 aircraft (as the case may 
        be) would result in equal or greater capability 
        available to the commanders of the combatant commands 
        and would not result in less capacity available to the 
        commanders of the combatant commands.
    (b) Waiver.--The Secretary of Defense may waive the 
certification requirement under subsection (a)(1) with respect 
to U-2 aircraft or RQ-4 aircraft if the Secretary--
            (1) determines, after analyzing sufficient and 
        relevant data, that a greater capability is worth 
        increased operating and sustainment costs; and
            (2) provides to the appropriate committees of 
        Congress a certification of such determination and 
        supporting analysis.
    (c) Appropriate Committees of Congress Defined.--In this 
section, the term ``appropriate committees of Congress'' 
            (1) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee 
        on Appropriations, and the Select Committee on 
        Intelligence of the Senate; and
            (2) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee 
        on Appropriations, and the Permanent Select Committee 
        on Intelligence of the House of Representatives.
    (d) Repeal.--Section 133 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Public Law 112-81; 125 
Stat. 1321) is repealed.


    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense, in consultation 
with the Secretary of the Air Force, shall conduct an analysis 
that compares the costs and benefits of the following:
            (1) Upgrading fielded MQ-9 Reaper aircraft to a 
        Block 5 configuration.
            (2) Proceeding with the procurement of MQ-9B 
        aircraft instead of upgrading fielded MQ-9 Reaper 
        aircraft to a Block 5 configuration.
    (b) Report Required.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
        Defense shall submit to the congressional defense 
        committees a report that includes the results of the 
        cost-benefit analysis conducted under subsection (a).
            (2) Form of report.--The report required by 
        paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified form, 
        but may include a classified annex.

                    OF THE NATIONAL GUARD.

    (a) Modernization Plan Required.--The Secretary of the Air 
Force shall develop a plan to modernize the radars of F-16 
fighter aircraft of the National Guard by replacing legacy 
mechanically-scanned radars for such aircraft with active 
electronically scanned array radars.
    (b) Report.--Not later 180 days after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Air Force shall 
submit to the congressional defense committees the plan 
developed under subsection (a).

                    60 REPLACEMENT PROGRAMS.

    (a) Comptroller General Review.--The Comptroller General of 
the United States shall conduct a review of the Air Force 
fielding plan for the HH-60 replacement programs.
    (b) Elements.--The review conducted under subsection (a) 
shall include, with respect to the HH-60 replacement programs, 
the following:
            (1) A description of the recommendations of the 
        National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force 
        regarding the use of concurrent and proportional 
        fielding and how the Air Force applied the 
        recommendations in the fielding plan for the HH-60G 
        replacement programs.
            (2) An evaluation of the fielding plan, including 
        an assessment of the Air Force rationale for the plan, 
        as well as the alternative fielding plans considered by 
        the Air Force.
            (3) An evaluation of the potential readiness impact 
        of the fielding plan on active duty, National Guard, 
        and Reserve units, including the impact of the plan on 
        the ability of such units to meet training, 
        maintenance, and deployment requirements, as well as 
        the implications for total force integration 
        initiatives should the fielding not be proportional.
    (c) Briefing.--Not later than March 1, 2018, the 
Comptroller General shall provide a briefing to the 
congressional defense committees on the review conducted under 
subsection (a).
    (d) Final Report.--Not later than June 30, 2018, the 
Comptroller General shall submit to the congressional 
committees a report that includes the results of the review 
conducted under subsection (a).
    (e) HH-60G Replacement Programs Defined.--In this section, 
the term ``HH-60G replacement programs'' means the HH-60G Ops 
Loss Replacement program and the HH-60W Combat Rescue 
Helicopter program.

       Subtitle E--Defense-wide, Joint, and Multiservice Matters


    (a) In General.--Subject to subsections (b) through (e), 
from amounts made available for obligation under the F-35 
aircraft program, the Secretary of Defense may enter into one 
or more contracts, beginning with the fiscal year 2018 program 
year, for the procurement of economic order quantities of 
material and equipment that has completed formal hardware 
qualification testing for the F-35 aircraft program for use in 
procurement contracts to be awarded for such program during 
fiscal years 2019 and 2020.
    (b) Limitation.--The total amount obligated under all 
contracts entered into under subsection (a) shall not exceed 
    (c) Preliminary Findings.--Before entering into a contract 
under subsection (a), the Secretary shall make each of the 
following findings with respect to such contract:
            (1) The use of such a contract will result in 
        significant savings of the total anticipated costs of 
        carrying out the program through annual contracts.
            (2) The minimum need for the property to be 
        procured is expected to remain substantially unchanged 
        during the contemplated contract period in terms of 
        production rate, procurement rate, and total 
            (3) There is a reasonable expectation that, 
        throughout the contemplated contract period, the 
        Secretary will request funding for the contract at the 
        level required to avoid contract cancellation.
            (4) That there is a stable design for the property 
        to be procured and that the technical risks associated 
        with such property are not excessive.
            (5) The estimates of both the cost of the contract 
        and the anticipated cost avoidance through the use of 
        an economic order quantity contract are realistic.
            (6) Entering into the contract will promote the 
        national security interests of the United States.
    (d) Certification Requirement.--Except as provided in 
subsection (e), the Secretary of Defense may not enter into a 
contract under subsection (a) until a period of 30 days has 
elapsed following the date on which the Secretary certifies to 
the congressional defense committees, in writing, that each of 
the following conditions is satisfied:
            (1) A sufficient number of end items of the system 
        being acquired under such contract have been delivered 
        at or within the most recently available estimates of 
        the program acquisition unit cost or procurement unit 
        cost for such system to determine that the estimates of 
        the unit costs are realistic.
            (2) During the fiscal year in which such contract 
        is to be awarded, sufficient funds will be available to 
        perform the contract in such fiscal year, and the 
        future-years defense program submitted to Congress 
        under section 221 of title 10, United States Code, for 
        that fiscal year will include the funding required to 
        execute the program without cancellation.
            (3) The contract is a fixed-price type contract.
            (4) The proposed contract provides for production 
        at not less than minimum economic rates given the 
        existing tooling and facilities.
            (5) The Secretary has determined that each of the 
        conditions described in paragraphs (1) through (6) of 
        subsection (c) will be met by such contract and has 
        provided the basis for such determination to the 
        congressional defense committees.
            (6) The determination under paragraph (5) was made 
        after the completion of a cost analysis performed by 
        the Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation 
        for the purpose of section 2334(e)(1) of title 10, 
        United States Code, and the analysis supports that 
    (e) Exception.--Notwithstanding subsection (d), the 
Secretary of Defense may enter into a contract under subsection 
(a) on or after March 1, 2018, if--
            (1) the Director of Cost Assessment and Program 
        Evaluation has not completed a cost analysis of the 
        preliminary findings made by the Secretary under 
        subsection (c) with respect to the contract;
            (2) the Secretary certifies to the congressional 
        defense committees, in writing, that each of the 
        conditions described in paragraphs (1) through (5) of 
        subsection (d) is satisfied; and
            (3) a period of 30 days has elapsed following the 
        date on which the Secretary submits the certification 
        under paragraph (2).


    The Secretary of Defense, after consultation with the head 
of each military service, may provide to an explosive ordnance 
disposal unit the authority to acquire new or emerging 
technologies and capabilities that are not specifically 
provided for in the authorized equipment allowance for the 
unit, as such allowance is set forth in the table of equipment 
and table of allowance for the unit.


    Section 157 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2013 (Public Law 112-239; 126 Stat. 1667) is 
            (1) by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:
    ``(b) Solicitations.--The Secretary of Defense shall--
            ``(1) ensure that any solicitation issued for a 
        Common Data Link described in subsection (a), 
        regardless of whether the solicitation is issued by a 
        military department or a contractor with respect to a 
                    ``(A) conforms to a Department of Defense 
                specification standard, including interfaces 
                and waveforms, existing as of the date of the 
                solicitation; and
                    ``(B) does not include any proprietary or 
                undocumented waveforms or control interfaces or 
                data interfaces as a requirement or criterion 
                for evaluation; and
            ``(2) notify the congressional defense committees 
        not later than 15 days after issuing a solicitation for 
        a Common Data Link to be sunset (CDL-TBS) waveform.''; 
            (2) in subsection (c), in the matter preceding 
        paragraph (1)--
                    (A) by striking ``Under Secretary of 
                Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and 
                Logistics'' and inserting ``Deputy Secretary of 
                    (B) by striking ``Under Secretary'' and 
                inserting ``Deputy Secretary of Defense''; and
                    (C) by inserting ``before October 1, 2023'' 
                after ``committees''.


    (a) Preservation of Retired Aircraft.--Section 141 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (Public 
Law 112-239; 126 Stat. 1659), as amended by section 132 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public 
Law 114-328), is amended by inserting after subsection (c) the 
    ``(d) Preservation of Certain Retired C-5 Aircraft.--
            ``(1) In general.--The Secretary of the Air Force 
        shall preserve eight retired C-5 aircraft until the 
        date that is 30 days after the date on which the 
        briefing under section 144(b) of the National Defense 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 is provided to 
        the congressional defense committees.
            ``(2) Manner of preservation.--The retired C-5 
        aircraft preserved under paragraph (1) shall be 
        preserved such that each aircraft--
                    ``(A) can be returned to service; and
                    ``(B) is not used to supply parts to other 
                aircraft unless specifically authorized by the 
                Secretary of Defense upon a request by the 
                Secretary of the Air Force.''.
    (b) Study and Briefing.--
            (1) Study.--The Secretary of Defense shall carry 
        out a mobility capability and requirements study that 
        estimates the number or airlift aircraft, tanker 
        aircraft, and sealift ships needed to meet combatant 
        commander requirements.
            (2) Briefing.--Not later than September 30, 2018, 
        the Secretary of Defense shall provide to the 
        congressional defense committees a briefing on the 
        results of the study carried out under paragraph (1). 
        The briefing shall include--
                    (A) a detailed explanation of the strategy 
                and associated force sizing and shaping 
                constructs, associated scenarios, and 
                assumptions used to conduct the analysis;
                    (B) estimated risk based on Chairman of the 
                Joint Chiefs of Staff risk management 
                classifications; and
                    (C) implications of operations in contested 
                areas with regard to the Civil Reserve Air 


               Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations.

     Subtitle B--Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations

Sec. 211. Cost controls for presidential aircraft recapitalization 
Sec. 212. Capital investment authority.
Sec. 213. Prizes for advanced technology achievements.
Sec. 214. Joint Hypersonics Transition Office.
Sec. 215. Department of Defense directed energy weapon system 
          prototyping and demonstration program.
Sec. 216. Appropriate use of authority for prototype projects.
Sec. 217. Mechanisms for expedited access to technical talent and 
          expertise at academic institutions to support Department of 
          Defense missions.
Sec. 218. Modification of laboratory quality enhancement program.
Sec. 219. Reauthorization of Department of Defense Established Program 
          to Stimulate Competitive Research.
Sec. 220. Codification and enhancement of authorities to provide funds 
          for defense laboratories for research and development of 
          technologies for military missions.
Sec. 221. Expansion of definition of competitive procedures to include 
          competitive selection for award of science and technology 
Sec. 222. Inclusion of modeling and simulation in test and evaluation 
          activities for purposes of planning and budget certification.
Sec. 223. Limitation on availability of funds for F-35 Joint Strike 
          Fighter Follow-On Modernization.
Sec. 224. Improvement of update process for populating mission data 
          files used in advanced combat aircraft.
Sec. 225. Support for national security innovation and entrepreneurial 
Sec. 226. Limitation on cancellation of designation Executive Agent for 
          a certain Defense Production Act program.

                  Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters

Sec. 231. Columbia-class program accountability matrices.
Sec. 232. Review of barriers to innovation in research and engineering 
          activities of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 233. Pilot program to improve incentives for technology transfer 
          from Department of Defense laboratories.
Sec. 234. Competitive acquisition plan for low probability of detection 
          data link networks.
Sec. 235. Clarification of selection dates for pilot program for the 
          enhancement of the research, development, test, and evaluation 
          centers of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 236. Requirement for a plan to build a prototype for a new ground 
          combat vehicle for the Army.
Sec. 237. Plan for successfully fielding the Integrated Air and Missile 
          Defense Battle Command System.

              Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal 
year 2018 for the use of the Department of Defense for 
research, development, test, and evaluation, as specified in 
the funding table in section 4201.

    Subtitle B--Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations


    (a) Fixed Capability Requirements.--Except as provided in 
subsection (b), the capability requirements for aircraft 
procured under the presidential aircraft recapitalization 
program of the Air Force (referred to in this section as the 
``PAR Program'') shall be the capability requirements 
identified in version 7.0.2 of the system requirement document 
for the PAR Program.
    (b) Adjustments.--The Chief of Staff of the Air Force may 
adjust the capability requirements described in subsection (a) 
only if the Chief of Staff submits to the congressional defense 
committees a written determination that such adjustment is 
            (1) to resolve an ambiguity relating to the 
        capability requirement;
            (2) to address a problem with the administration of 
        the capability requirement;
            (3) to lower the development cost or life-cycle 
        cost of the PAR program;
            (4) to comply with a change in international, 
        Federal, State, or local law or regulation that takes 
        effect after September 30, 2017;
            (5) to address a safety issue; or
            (6) subject to subsection (c), to address an 
        emerging threat or vulnerability.
    (c) Limitation on Adjustment for Emerging Threat or 
Vulnerability.--The Chief of Staff of the Air Force may use the 
authority under paragraph (6) of subsection (b) to adjust the 
requirements described in subsection (a) only if the Secretary 
and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, on a nondelegable 
            (1) jointly determine that such adjustment is 
        necessary and in the interests of the national security 
        of the United States; and
            (2) submit to the congressional defense committees 
        notice of such joint determination.
    (d) Analysis for Fixed-price Type Contracts.--The Secretary 
of the Air Force shall work with the contractor and conduct an 
analysis of risk and explore opportunities to enter into 
additional fixed price type contracts for engineering and 
manufacturing development beyond the procurement of the 
unmodified commercial aircraft as described in paragraph (1).
    (e) Quarterly Briefings.--
            (1) In general.--Beginning not later than October 
        1, 2017, and on a quarterly basis thereafter through 
        October 1, 2022, the Secretary of the Air Force shall 
        provide to the congressional defense committees a 
        briefing on the efforts of the Secretary to control 
        costs under the PAR Program.
            (2) Elements.--Each briefing under paragraph (1) 
        shall include, with respect to the PAR Program, the 
                    (A) An overview of the program schedule.
                    (B) A description of each contract awarded 
                under the program, including a description of 
                the type of contract and the status of the 
                    (C) An assessment of the status of the 
                program with respect to--
                            (i) modification;
                            (ii) testing;
                            (iii) delivery; and
                            (iv) sustainment.
    (f) Service Acquisition Executive Defined.--In this 
section, the term ``service acquisition executive'' has the 
meaning given that term in section 101(a)(10) of title 10, 
United States Code.


    Section 2208(k)(2) of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by striking ``$250,000'' and inserting ``$500,000 for 
procurements by a major range and test facility installation or 
a science and technology reinvention laboratory and not less 
than $250,000 for procurements at all other facilities''.


    Section 2374a of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``in recognition 
        of'' and inserting ``and other types of prizes that the 
        Secretary determines are appropriate to recognize'';
            (2) in subsection (c)--
                    (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``cash 
                prize of'' and inserting ``prize with a fair 
                market value of'';
                    (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``Under 
                Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, 
                Technology, and Logistics'' and inserting 
                ``Under Secretary of Defense for Research and 
                Engineering''; and
                    (C) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(3) No prize competition may result in the award of a 
solely nonmonetary prize with a fair market value of more than 
$10,000 without the approval of the Under Secretary of Defense 
for Research and Engineering.'';
            (3) in subsection (e)--
                    (A) by inserting ``or nonmonetary items'' 
                after ``accept funds'';
                    (B) by striking ``and from State and local 
                governments'' and inserting ``, from State and 
                local governments, and from the private 
                sector''; and
                    (C) by adding at the end the following: 
                ``The Secretary may not give any special 
                consideration to any private sector entity in 
                return for a donation.''; and
            (4) by amending subsection (f) to read as follows:
    ``(f) Use of Prize Authority.--Use of prize authority under 
this section shall be considered the use of competitive 
procedures for the purposes of section 2304 of this title.''.


    (a) Redesignation.--The joint technology office on 
hypersonics in the Office of the Secretary of Defense is 
redesignated as the ``Joint Hypersonics Transition Office''. 
Any reference in a law (other than this section), map, 
regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United 
States to the joint technology office on hypersonics shall be 
deemed to be a reference to the Joint Hypersonics Transition 
    (b) Hypersonics Development.--Section 218 of the John 
Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 
(Public Law 109-364; 10 U.S.C. 2358 note), as amended by 
section 1079(f) of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 999), is 
            (1) in the heading of subsection (a), by striking 
        ``Joint Technology Office on Hypersonics'' and 
        inserting ``Joint Hypersonics Transition Office'';
            (2) in subsection (a)--
                    (A) in the first sentence, by striking 
                ``joint technology office on hypersonics'' and 
                inserting ``Joint Hypersonics Transition Office 
                (in this section referred to as the 
                `Office')''; and
                    (B) in the second sentence, by striking 
                ``office'' and inserting ``Office'';
            (3) in subsection (b), by striking ``joint 
        technology office established under subsection (a)'' 
        and inserting ``Office''; and
            (4) by amending subsection (c) to read as follows:
    ``(c) Responsibilities.--In carrying out the program 
required by subsection (b), the Office shall do the following:
            ``(1) Expedite testing, evaluation, and acquisition 
        of hypersonic weapon systems to meet the stated needs 
        of the warfighter, including flight testing, ground-
        based-testing, and underwater launch testing.
            ``(2) Coordinate and integrate current and future 
        research, development, test, and evaluation programs 
        and system demonstration programs of the Department of 
        Defense on hypersonics.
            ``(3) Undertake appropriate actions to ensure--
                    ``(A) close and continuous integration of 
                the programs on hypersonics of the military 
                departments and the Defense Agencies with the 
                programs on hypersonics across the Federal 
                Government and with appropriate private sector 
                and foreign organizations; and
                    ``(B) that both foundational research and 
                developmental and operational testing resources 
                are adequate and well funded, and that 
                facilities are made available in a timely 
                manner to support hypersonics research, 
                demonstration programs, and system development.
            ``(4) Approve prototyping demonstration programs on 
        hypersonic systems to speed the maturation and 
        deployment of the systems to the warfighter,.
            ``(5) Ensure that any demonstration program on 
        hypersonic systems that is carried out in any year 
        after its approval under paragraph (3) is carried out 
        only if certified under subsection (e) as being 
        consistent with the roadmap under subsection (d).
            ``(6) Develop strategies and roadmaps for 
        hypersonic technologies to transition to operational 
        capabilities for the warfighter.
            ``(7) Coordinate with relevant stakeholders and 
        agencies to support United States technological 
        advantage in developing hypersonics.'';
            (5) in subsection (d)(1), by striking ``joint 
        technology office established under subsection (a)'' 
        and inserting ``Office''; and
            (6) in subsection (e)--
                    (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``joint 
                technology office established under subsection 
                (a)'' and inserting ``Office''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``joint 
                technology office'' and inserting ``Office''.


    (a) Designation of Under Secretary of Defense for Research 
and Engineering as the Official With Principal Responsibility 
for Development and Demonstration of Directed Energy Weapons.--
Subsection (a)(1) of section 219 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 10 
U.S.C. 2431 note) is amended by striking ``Not later'' and all 
that follows through ``Department of Defense'' and inserting 
``The Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering 
shall serve''.
    (b) Prototyping and Demonstration Program.--Such section is 
further amended by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(c) Prototyping and Demonstration Program.--
            ``(1) Establishment.--The Secretary of Defense, 
        acting through the Under Secretary, shall establish a 
        program on the prototyping and demonstration of 
        directed energy weapon systems to build and maintain 
        the military superiority of the United States by--
                    ``(A) accelerating, when feasible, the 
                fielding of directed energy weapon prototypes 
                that would help counter technological 
                advantages of potential adversaries of the 
                United States; and
                    ``(B) supporting the military departments, 
                the combatant commanders, and other relevant 
                defense agencies and entities in developing 
                prototypes and demonstrating operational 
                utility of high energy lasers and high powered 
                microwave weapon systems.
            ``(2) Guidelines.--(A) Not later than 180 days 
        after the date of the enactment of the National Defense 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018, the Under 
        Secretary shall issue guidelines for the operation of 
        the program established under paragraph (1), including 
        the following:
                    ``(i) Criteria required for an application 
                for funding by a military department, defense 
                agency or entity, or a combatant command.
                    ``(ii) The priorities, based on validated 
                requirements or capability gaps, for fielding 
                prototype directed energy weapon system 
                technologies developed by research funding of 
                the Department or industry.
                    ``(iii) Criteria for evaluation of an 
                application for funding or changes to policies 
                or acquisition and business practices by such a 
                department, agency, or command for purposes of 
                improving the effectiveness and efficiency of 
                the program.
            ``(B) Funding for a military department, defense 
        agency, or combatant command under the program 
        established under paragraph (1) may only be available 
        for advanced technology development, prototyping, and 
        demonstrations in which the Department of Defense 
        maintains management of the technical baseline and a 
        primary emphasis on technology transition and 
        evaluating military utility to enhance the likelihood 
        that the particular directed energy weapon system will 
        meet the Department end user's need.
            ``(3) Applications for funding.--(A) Not less 
        frequently than once each year, the Under Secretary 
        shall solicit from the heads of the military 
        departments, the defense agencies, and the combatant 
        commands applications for funding under the program 
        established under paragraph (1) to be used to enter 
        into contracts, cooperative agreements, or other 
        transaction agreements entered into pursuant to section 
        2371b of title 10, United States Code, with appropriate 
        entities for the prototyping or commercialization of 
            ``(B) Nothing in this section shall be construed to 
        require any official of the Department of Defense to 
        provide funding under the program to any congressional 
        earmark as defined pursuant to clause 9 of rule XXI of 
        the Rules of the House of Representatives or any 
        congressionally directed spending item as defined 
        pursuant to paragraph 5 of rule XLIV of the Standing 
        Rules of the Senate.
            ``(4) Funding.--(A) Except as provided in 
        subparagraph (B) and subject to the availability of 
        appropriations for such purpose, of the funds 
        authorized to be appropriated by the National Defense 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 or otherwise 
        made available for fiscal year 2018 for research, 
        development, test, and evaluation, defense-wide, up to 
        $100,000,000 may be available to the Under Secretary to 
        allocate to the military departments, the defense 
        agencies, and the combatant commands to carry out the 
        program established under paragraph (1).
            ``(B) Not more than half of the amounts made 
        available under subparagraph (A) may be allocated as 
        described in such paragraph until the Under Secretary--
                    ``(i) develops the strategic plan required 
                by subsection (a)(2)(A); and
                    ``(ii) submits such strategic plan to the 
                congressional defense committees.
            ``(5) Under secretary defined.--In this subsection, 
        the term `Under Secretary' means the Under Secretary of 
        Defense for Research and Engineering in the Under 
        Secretary's capacity as the official with principal 
        responsibility for the development and demonstration of 
        directed energy weapons pursuant to subsection 


    Section 2371b(d)(1)(A) of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by inserting ``or nonprofit research institution'' 
after ``defense contractor''.


    (a) Arrangements Authorized.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense and each 
        secretary of a military department may establish one or 
        more multi-institution task order contracts, consortia, 
        cooperative agreements, or other arrangements to 
        facilitate expedited access to university technical 
        expertise, including faculty, staff, and students, in 
        support of Department of Defense missions in the areas 
        specified in subsection (e).
            (2) Use for technical analyses and engineering 
        support.--The Secretary may use an arrangement under 
        paragraph (1) to fund technical analyses and other 
        engineering support as required to address acquisition, 
        management, and operational challenges, including 
        support for classified programs and activities.
    (b) Limitation.--An arrangement established under 
subsection (a)(1) may not be used to fund research programs 
that can be executed through other Department of Defense basic 
research activities.
    (c) Consultation With Other Department of Defense 
Activities.--An arrangement established under subsection (a)(1) 
shall, to the degree practicable, be made in consultation with 
other Department of Defense activities, including federally 
funded research and development centers (FFRDCs), university 
affiliated research centers (UARCs), and Defense laboratories 
and test centers, for purposes of providing technical expertise 
and reducing costs and duplicative efforts.
    (d) Policies and Procedures.--If the Secretary of Defense 
or a secretary of a military department establishes one or more 
arrangements under subsection (a)(1), the Secretary of Defense 
shall establish and implement policies and procedures to 
            (1) selection of participants in the arrangement or 
            (2) the awarding of task orders under the 
        arrangement or arrangements;
            (3) maximum award size for tasks under the 
        arrangement or arrangements;
            (4) the appropriate use of competitive awards and 
        sole source awards under the arrangement or 
        arrangements; and
            (5) technical areas under the arrangement or 
    (e) Mission Areas.--The areas specified in this subsection 
are as follows:
            (1) Cybersecurity.
            (2) Air and ground vehicles.
            (3) Shipbuilding.
            (4) Explosives detection and defeat.
            (5) Undersea warfare.
            (6) Trusted electronics.
            (7) Unmanned systems.
            (8) Directed energy.
            (9) Energy, power, and propulsion.
            (10) Management science and operations research.
            (11) Artificial intelligence.
            (12) Data analytics.
            (13) Business systems.
            (14) Technology transfer and transition.
            (15) Biological engineering and genetic 
            (16) High performance computing.
            (17) Materials science and engineering.
            (18) Quantum information sciences.
            (19) Special operations activities.
            (20) Modeling and simulation.
            (21) Autonomous systems.
            (22) Model based engineering.
            (23) Such other areas as the Secretary considers 
    (f) Sunset.--No new arrangements may be entered into under 
subsection (a)(1) after September 30, 2020.
    (g) Arrangements Established Under Subsection (a)(1) 
Defined.--In this section, the term ``arrangement established 
under subsection (a)(1)'' means a multi-institution task order 
contract, consortia, cooperative agreement, or other 
arrangement established under subsection (a)(1).


    (a) In General.--Section 211 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328) is 
            (1) in subsection (a)(1)--
                    (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``; 
                and'' and inserting a semicolon;
                    (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking the 
                semicolon and inserting ``; and''; and
                    (C) by adding at the end the following new 
                    ``(C) new interpretations of existing 
                statutes and regulations that would enhance the 
                ability of a director of a science and 
                technology reinvention laboratory to manage the 
                facility and discharge the mission of the 
            (2) in subsection (d), by adding at the end the 
        following new paragraph:
    ``(3)(A) Each panel described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3) 
of subsection (b) shall submit to the panel described in 
paragraph (4) of such subsection (relating to governance and 
oversight processes) the following:
            ``(i) The findings of the panel with respect to the 
        review conducted by the panel under subsection 
            ``(ii) The recommendations made by the panel under 
        such subsection.
            ``(iii) Such comments, findings, and 
        recommendations as the panel may have received by a 
        science and technology reinvention laboratory with 
        respect to--
                    ``(I) the review conducted by the panel 
                under such subsection; or
                    ``(II) recommendations made by the panel 
                under such subsection.
    ``(B)(i) The panel described in subsection (b)(4) shall 
review and refashion such recommendations as the panel may 
receive under subparagraph (A).
    ``(ii) In reviewing and refashioning recommendations under 
clause (i), the panel may, as the panel considers appropriate, 
consult with the science and technology executive of the 
affected service.
    ``(C) The panel described in subsection (b)(4) shall submit 
to the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering 
the recommendations made by the panel under subsection 
(a)(1)(C) and the recommendations refashioned by the panel 
under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.'';
            (3) by redesignating subsections (e) and (f) as 
        subsection (f) and (g), respectively; and
            (4) by inserting after subsection (d) the following 
        new subsection (e):
    ``(e) Interpretation of Provisions of Law.--(1) The Under 
Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, acting under 
the guidance of the Secretary, shall issue regulations 
regarding the meaning, scope, implementation, and applicability 
of any provision of a statute relating to a science and 
technology reinvention laboratory.
    ``(2) In interpreting or defining under paragraph (1), the 
Under Secretary shall, to the degree practicable, emphasize 
providing the maximum operational flexibility to the directors 
of the science and technology reinvention laboratories to 
discharge the missions of their laboratories.
    ``(3) In interpreting or defining under paragraph (1), the 
Under Secretary shall, to the extent practicable, consult and 
coordinate with the secretaries of the military departments and 
such other agencies or entities as the Under Secretary 
considers relevant, on any proposed revision to regulations 
under paragraph (1).
    ``(4) In interpreting or defining under paragraph (1), the 
Under Secretary shall seek recommendations from the panel 
described in subsection (b)(4).''.
    (b) Technical Corrections.--(1) Subsections (a), (c)(1)(C), 
and (d)(2) of such section are amended by striking ``Assistant 
Secretary'' each place it appears and inserting ``Under 
    (2) Subparagraph (C) of section 342(b)(3) of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 (Public Law 103-
337), as amended by section 211(f) of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328), as 
redesignated by subsection (a)(3) of this section, is amended 
by striking ``Assistant Secretary'' and inserting ``Under 


    (a) Modification of Program Objectives.--Subsection (b) of 
section 257 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 1995 (Public Law 103-337; 10 U.S.C. 2358 note) is 
            (1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as 
        paragraphs (2) and (3), respectively;
            (2) by inserting before paragraph (2), as 
        redesignated by paragraph (1), the following new 
        paragraph (1):
            ``(1) To increase the number of university 
        researchers in eligible States capable of performing 
        science and engineering research responsive to the 
        needs of the Department of Defense.''; and
            (3) in paragraph (2), as redesignated by paragraph 
        (1), by inserting ``relevant to the mission of the 
        Department of Defense and'' after ``that is''.
    (b) Modification of Program Activities.--Subsection (c) of 
such section is amended--
            (1) by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph 
        (4); and
            (2) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following 
        new paragraph (3):
            ``(3) To provide assistance to science and 
        engineering researchers at institutions of higher 
        education in eligible States through collaboration 
        between Department of Defense laboratories and such 
    (c) Modification of Eligibility Criteria for State 
Participation.--Subsection (d) of such section is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (2)(B), by inserting ``in areas 
        relevant to the mission of the Department of Defense'' 
        after ``programs''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(3) The Under Secretary shall not remove a designation of 
a State under paragraph (2) because the State exceeds the 
funding levels specified under subparagraph (A) of such 
paragraph unless the State has exceeded such funding levels for 
at least two consecutive years.''.
    (d) Modification of Coordination Requirement.--Subsection 
(e) of such section is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``shall'' each 
        place it appears and inserting ``may''; and
            (2) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``relevant to 
        the mission of the Department of Defense and'' after 
        ``Research are''.
    (e) Modification of Name.--
            (1) In general.--Such section is amended--
                    (A) in subsections (a) and (e) by striking 
                ``Experimental'' each place it appears and 
                inserting ``Established''; and
                    (B) in the section heading, by striking 
                ``experimental'' and inserting ``established''.
            (2) Clerical amendment.--Such Act is amended, in 
        the table of contents in section 2(b), by striking the 
        item relating to section 257 and inserting the 
        following new item:

``Sec. 257. Defense established program to stimulate competitive 
            (3) Conforming amendment.--Section 307 of the 1997 
        Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Recovery 
        from Natural Disasters, and for Overseas Peacekeeping 
        Efforts, Including Those in Bosnia (Public Law 105-18) 
        is amended by striking ``Experimental'' and inserting 


    (a) In General.--Chapter 139 of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended by inserting after section 2362 the following 
new section:

``Sec. 2363. Mechanisms to provide funds for defense laboratories for 
                    research and development of technologies for 
                    military missions

    ``(a) Mechanisms to Provide Funds.--(1) The Secretary of 
Defense, in consultation with the Secretaries of the military 
departments, shall establish mechanisms under which the 
director of a defense laboratory may use an amount of funds 
equal to not less than two percent and not more than four 
percent of all funds available to the defense laboratory for 
the following purposes:
            ``(A) To fund innovative basic and applied research 
        that is conducted at the defense laboratory and 
        supports military missions.
            ``(B) To fund development programs that support the 
        transition of technologies developed by the defense 
        laboratory into operational use.
            ``(C) To fund workforce development activities that 
        improve the capacity of the defense laboratory to 
        recruit and retain personnel with necessary scientific 
        and engineering expertise that support military 
            ``(D) To fund the repair or minor military 
        construction of the laboratory infrastructure and 
        equipment, in accordance with subsection (b).
    ``(2) The mechanisms established under paragraph (1) shall 
provide that funding shall be used under paragraph (1) at the 
discretion of the director of a defense laboratory in 
consultation with the science and technology executive of the 
military department concerned.
    ``(3) The science and technology executive of a military 
department may develop policies and guidance to leverage 
funding and promote cross-laboratory collaboration, including 
with laboratories of other military departments.
    ``(4) After consultation with the science and technology 
executive of the military department concerned, the director of 
a defense laboratory may charge customer activities a fixed 
percentage fee, in addition to normal costs of performance, in 
order to obtain funds to carry out activities authorized by 
this subsection. The fixed fee may not exceed four percent of 
    ``(b) Availability of Funds for Infrastructure Projects.--
Funds shall be available in accordance with subsection 
(a)(1)(D) only if--
            ``(1) the Secretary notifies the congressional 
        defense committees of the total cost of the project 
        before the date on which the Secretary uses the 
        mechanism under such subsection for such project; and
            ``(2) the Secretary ensures that the project 
        complies with the applicable cost limitations in--
                    ``(A) section 2805(d) of this title, with 
                respect to revitalization and recapitalization 
                projects; and
                    ``(B) section 2811 of this title, with 
                respect to repair projects.
    ``(c) Annual Report on Use of Authority.--(1) Not later 
than March 1 of each year until March 1, 2025, the Secretary of 
Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a 
report on the use of the authority under subsection (a) during 
the preceding year.
    ``(2) Each report under paragraph (1) shall include, with 
respect to the year covered by the report, the following:
            ``(A) A description of the mechanisms used to 
        provide funding under subsection (a)(1).
            ``(B) A statement of the amount of funding made 
        available to each defense laboratory for research 
        described under such subsection.
            ``(C) A description of the investments made by each 
        defense laboratory using funds under such subsection.
            ``(D) A description and assessment of any 
        improvements in the performance of the defense 
        laboratories as a result of investments under such 
            ``(E) A description and assessment of the 
        contributions to the development of needed military 
        capabilities provided by research using funds under 
        such subsection.
            ``(F) A description of any modification to the 
        mechanisms under subsection (a) that would improve the 
        efficiency of the authority under such subsection to 
        support military missions.''.
    (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the 
beginning of chapter 139 of such title is amended by inserting 
after the item relating to section 2362 the following new item:

``2363. Mechanisms to provide funds for defense laboratories for 
          research and development of technologies for military 
    (c) Conforming Amendments.--(1) Section 219 of the Duncan 
Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 
(Public Law 110-417; 10 U.S.C. 2358 note), is hereby repealed.
    (2) Section 2805(d)(1)(B) of title 10, United States Code, 
is amended by striking ``under section 219(a) of the Duncan 
Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 
(Public Law 110-417; 10 U.S.C. 2358 note)'' and inserting 
``section 2363(a) of this title''.

                    TECHNOLOGY PROPOSALS.

    Section 2302(2)(B) of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by striking ``basic research'' and inserting ``science 
and technology''.


    Section 196 of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (d)(1), in the first sentence, by 
        inserting ``, including modeling and simulation 
        capabilities'' after ``and resources''; and
            (2) in subsection (e)(1), by inserting ``, 
        including modeling and simulation activities,'' after 
        ``evaluation activities''.


    (a) In General.--Not more than 25 percent of the funds 
authorized to be appropriated by this Act or otherwise made 
available for fiscal year 2018 or any other fiscal year for the 
Department of Defense may be obligated for F-35 Joint Strike 
Fighter Follow-On Modernization until the Secretary of Defense 
provides the final report required under section 224(b) of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public 
Law 114-328).
    (b) Dual Capable Aircraft.--Neither the limitation in 
subsection (a) nor the limitation in section 224(a) of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 shall 
be construed to limit or otherwise restrict any funding that is 
required to develop, certify, or deliver F-35A dual capable 


    (a) Improvements To Update Process.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
        take such actions as may be necessary to improve the 
        process used to update the mission data files used in 
        advanced combat aircraft of the United States so that 
        such updates can occur more quickly.
            (2) Requirements.--In improving the process under 
        paragraph (1), the Secretary shall ensure the 
                    (A) That under such process, updates to the 
                mission data files are developed, operationally 
                tested, and loaded onto systems of advanced 
                combat aircraft while in theaters of operation 
                in a time-sensitive manner to allow for the 
                distinguishing of threats, including 
                distinguishing friends from foes, loading and 
                delivery of weapon suites, and coordination 
                with allied and coalition armed forces.
                    (B) When updates are made to the mission 
                data files, all areas of responsibility (AoRs) 
                are included.
                    (C) The process includes best practices 
                relating to such mission data files that have 
                been identified by industry and allies of the 
                United States.
                    (D) The process improves the exchange of 
                information between weapons systems of the 
                United States and weapon systems of allies and 
                partners of the United States, with respect to 
                such mission data files.
    (b) Consultation and Pilot Programs.--In carrying out 
subsection (a), the Secretary shall consult the innovation 
organizations resident in the Department of Defense and may 
consider carrying out a pilot program under another provision 
of this Act.
    (c) Report.--Not later than March 31, 2018, the Secretary 
shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report 
on the actions taken by the Secretary under subsection (a)(1) 
and how the process described in such subsection has been 


    (a) Support Authorized.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense may, 
        acting through the Under Secretary of Defense for 
        Research and Engineering, support national security 
        innovation and entrepreneurial education programs.
            (2) Elements.--Support under paragraph (1) may 
        include the following:
                    (A) Materials to recruit participants, 
                including veterans, for programs described in 
                paragraph (1).
                    (B) Model curriculum for such programs.
                    (C) Training materials for such programs.
                    (D) Best practices for the conduct of such 
                    (E) Experimental learning opportunities for 
                program participants to interact with 
                operational forces and better understand 
                national security challenges.
                    (F) Exchanges and partnerships with 
                Department of Defense science and technology 
                    (G) Activities consistent with the Proof of 
                Concept Commercialization Pilot Program 
                established under section 1603 of the National 
                Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 
                (Public Law 113-66; 10 U.S.C. 2359 note).
    (b) Consultation.--In carrying out subsection (a), the 
Secretary may consult with the heads of such Federal agencies, 
universities, and public and private entities engaged in the 
development of advanced technologies as the Secretary 
determines to be appropriate.
    (c) Authorities.--The Secretary may--
            (1) develop and maintain metrics to assess national 
        security innovation and entrepreneurial education 
        activities to ensure standards for programs supported 
        under subsection (b) are consistent and being met; and
            (2) ensure that any recipient of an award under the 
        Small Business Technology Transfer program, the Small 
        Business Innovation Research program, and science and 
        technology programs of the Department of Defense has 
        the option to participate in training under a national 
        security innovation and entrepreneurial education 
        program supported under subsection (b).
    (d) Participation by Federal Employees and Members of the 
Armed Forces.--The Secretary may encourage Federal employees 
and members of the Armed Forces to participate in a national 
security innovation and entrepreneurial education program 
supported under subsection (a) in order to gain exposure to 
modern innovation and entrepreneurial methodologies.
    (e) Coordination.--In carrying out this section, the 
Secretary shall consider coordinating and partnering with 
activities and organizations involved in the following:
            (1) Hack the Army.
            (2) Hack the Air Force.
            (3) Hack the Pentagon.
            (4) The Army Digital Service.
            (5) The Defense Digital Service.
            (6) The Air Force Digital Service.
            (7) Challenge and prize competitions of the Defense 
        Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
            (8) The Defense Science Study Group.
            (9) The Small Business Innovation Research Program 
            (10) The Small Business Technology Transfer Program 
            (11) War colleges of the military departments.
            (12) Hacking for Defense.
            (13) The National Security Science and Engineering 
        Faculty Fellowship (NSSEFF) program.
            (14) The Science, Mathematics and Research for 
        Transformation (SMART) scholarship program.
            (15) The young faculty award program of the Defense 
        Advanced Research Projects Agency.


    (a) Limitation on Cancellation of Designation.--The 
Secretary of Defense may not implement the decision, issued on 
July 1, 2017, to cancel the designation, under Department of 
Defense Directive 4400.1E, entitled ``Defense Production Act 
Programs'' and dated October 12, 2001, of the currently 
assigned Department of Defense Executive Agent for the program 
carried out under title III of the Defense Production Act of 
1950 (50 U.S.C. 4531 et seq.) until the Secretary has--
            (1) completed the review and assessment required by 
        subsection (b)(1); and
            (2) carried out the briefing required by subsection 
    (b) Review and Assessment Required.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense, in 
        consultation with the Secretary of the Air Force, shall 
        conduct a review and assessment of the program 
        described in subsection (a).
            (2) Elements.--The review and assessment required 
        by paragraph (1) shall include the following:
                    (A) Assessment of the current management 
                structure for the program, including analysis 
                of the mechanisms for accountability, as well 
                as cost and management controls currently in 
                    (B) Analysis of alternatives for proposals 
                to modify that management structure to increase 
                accountability, cost and management controls. 
                Such analysis of alternatives should consider 
                the relative merits of centralization and 
                decentralization, roles of other military 
                departments in program management and 
                contracting, as well as the different roles the 
                Office of the Secretary of Defense might play 
                in management, oversight and execution.
                    (C) Recommendations for improving the 
                assessment and selection of projects in order 
                            (i) ensure that projects selected 
                        are appropriate for use of funds 
                        appropriated to carry out title III of 
                        the Defense Production Act of 1950;
                            (ii) ensure that sufficient vetting 
                        and management controls are in place to 
                        ensure a reasonable degree of 
                        confidence that project ideas or the 
                        companies being supported will be 
                        viable; and
                            (iii) increase overall successful 
                        execution for selected projects.
                    (D) Such other matters as the Secretary 
                considers appropriate.
    (c) Briefing Required.--The Secretary shall brief the 
appropriate Committees of Congress on the findings of the 
Secretary with respect to the review and assessment conducted 
under subsection (b).
    (d) Notification Required.--In the event the Secretary of 
Defense decides to cancel the designation, under Department of 
Defense Directive 4400.1E, entitled ``Defense Production Act 
Programs'' and dated October 12, 2001, of the currently 
assigned Department of Defense Executive Agent for the program 
described in subsection (a), the Secretary shall submit to the 
appropriate committees of Congress a written notification of 
such decision at least 60 days before the decision goes into 
    (e) Appropriate Committees of Congress Defined.--In this 
section, the term ``appropriate committees of Congress'' means 
            (1) the Committee on Armed Services and the 
        Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the 
        Senate; and
            (2) the Committee on Armed Services and the 
        Committee on Financial Services of the House of 

                 Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters


    (a) Submittal of Matrices.--Concurrent with the President's 
annual budget request submitted to Congress under section 1105 
of title 31, United States Code, for fiscal year 2019, the 
Secretary of the Navy shall submit to the congressional defense 
committees and the Comptroller General of the United States the 
matrices described in subsection (b) relating to the Columbia-
class program.
    (b) Matrices Described.--The matrices described in this 
subsection are the following:
            (1) Design and construction goals.--A matrix that 
        identifies, in six-month increments, key milestones, 
        development events, and specific performance goals for 
        the design and construction of the Columbia-class 
        program, which shall be subdivided, at a minimum, 
        according to the following:
                    (A) Technology-readiness levels of major 
                components and key demonstration events.
                    (B) Design maturity.
                    (C) Manufacturing-readiness levels for 
                critical manufacturing operations and key 
                demonstration events.
                    (D) Manufacturing operations.
                    (E) Reliability.
            (2) Cost.--A matrix expressing, in annual 
        increments, the total cost phased over the entire 
        Columbia-class design and construction period of--
                    (A) the Navy service cost position for the 
                prime contractor's portion of Columbia-class 
                design and construction activities, including 
                the estimated price at completion for each 
                submarine and confidence level of this 
                    (B) the program manager's estimate for the 
                prime contractor's portion of Columbia-class 
                design and construction activities, including 
                the estimated price and variance at completion 
                for each submarine; and
                    (C) the prime contractor's estimate for the 
                prime contractor's portion of Columbia-class 
                design and construction activities, including 
                the estimated price and variance at completion 
                for each submarine.
    (c) Update of Matrices.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the 
        date on which the Secretary of the Navy submits the 
        matrices required by subsection (a), and concurrent 
        with the submittal of each annual budget request to 
        Congress under section 1105 of title 31, United States 
        Code, beginning with the fiscal year 2020 request, the 
        Secretary of the Navy shall submit to the congressional 
        defense committees and the Comptroller General of the 
        United States updates to the matrices described in 
        subsection (b).
            (2) Elements.--Each update submitted under 
        paragraph (1) shall detail progress made toward the 
        goals identified in the matrix described in subsection 
        (b)(1) and provide updated cost data as prescribed in 
        subsection (b)(2).
            (3) Treatment of initial matrices as baseline.--The 
        matrices submitted pursuant to subsection (a) shall be 
        treated as the baseline for the full Columbia-class 
        design and construction period for purposes of the 
        updates submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) of this 
            (4) Report termination.--The report required under 
        paragraph (1) shall terminate upon delivery of the 
        first Columbia-class submarine.
    (d) Assessment by Comptroller General of the United 
States.--Not later than 90 days after the date on which the 
Comptroller General of the United States receives an update to 
a matrix under subsection (c)(1), the Comptroller General shall 
review such matrix and provide to the congressional defense 
committees an assessment of such matrix in whatever form that 
the Comptroller General deems appropriate.
    (e) Repeal of Report Requirement.--Section 131 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (129 
Stat. 754; Public Law 114-92) is hereby repealed.
    (f) Major Component Defined.--In this section, the term 
``major component'' includes, at a minimum, the integrated 
power system, nuclear reactor, propulsor and related 
coordinated stern features, stern area system, and common 
missile compartment.


    (a) Review.--The Secretary of Defense, acting through the 
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, shall 
review directives, rules, regulations, and other policies that 
adversely affect the ability of the innovation, research, and 
engineering enterprise of the Department of Defense to 
effectively and efficiently execute its missions, including 
policies and practices concerning the following:
            (1) Personnel and talent management.
            (2) Financial management and budgeting.
            (3) Infrastructure, installations, and military 
            (4) Acquisition.
            (5) Management.
            (6) Such other areas as the Secretary may 
    (b) Report.--Not later than one year after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the 
congressional defense committees a report on--
            (1) the findings of the Secretary with respect to 
        the review conducted under subsection (a);
            (2) proposed changes in directives, rules, 
        regulations, and other policies that will enhance the 
        ability of the innovation, research, and engineering 
        enterprise of the Department to executive its 
        designated missions, including a description of how 
        proposed changes have been coordinated with other 
        appropriate Secretaries of the military departments and 
        the appropriate heads of the defense agencies; and
            (3) processes by which new directives, rules, 
        regulations, and other policies will be reviewed for 
        their potential to adversely affect the ability of the 
        innovation, research, and engineering enterprise of the 
        Department and the lead official designated to execute 
        such review in consultation with other relevant and 
        appropriate Secretaries of the military departments and 
        heads of defense agencies.


    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense shall establish a 
pilot program to assess the feasibility and advisability of 
distributing royalties and other payments as described in this 
section. Under the pilot program, except as provided in 
subsections (b) and (d), any royalties or other payments 
received by a Federal agency from the licensing and assignment 
of inventions under agreements entered into by Department of 
Defense laboratories, and from the licensing of inventions of 
Department of Defense laboratories, shall be retained by the 
laboratory which produced the invention and shall be disposed 
of as follows:
            (1)(A) The laboratory director shall pay each year 
        the first $2,000, and thereafter at least 20 percent, 
        of the royalties or other payments, other than payments 
        of patent costs as delineated by a license or 
        assignment agreement, to the inventor or coinventors, 
        if the inventor's or coinventor's rights are directly 
        assigned to the United States.
            (B) A laboratory director may provide appropriate 
        incentives, from royalties or other payments, to 
        laboratory employees who are not an inventor of such 
        inventions but who substantially increased the 
        technical value of the inventions.
            (C) The laboratory shall retain the royalties and 
        other payments received from an invention until the 
        laboratory makes payments to employees of a laboratory 
        under subparagraph (A) or (B).
            (2) The balance of the royalties or other payments 
        shall be transferred by the agency to its laboratories, 
        with the majority share of the royalties or other 
        payments from any invention going to the laboratory 
        where the invention occurred. The royalties or other 
        payments so transferred to any laboratory may be used 
        or obligated by that laboratory during the fiscal year 
        in which they are received or during the 2 succeeding 
        fiscal years--
                    (A) to reward scientific, engineering, and 
                technical employees of the laboratory, 
                including developers of sensitive or classified 
                technology, regardless of whether the 
                technology has commercial applications;
                    (B) to further scientific exchange among 
                the laboratories of the agency;
                    (C) for education and training of employees 
                consistent with the research and development 
                missions and objectives of the agency or 
                laboratory, and for other activities that 
                increase the potential for transfer of the 
                technology of the laboratories of the agency;
                    (D) for payment of expenses incidental to 
                the administration and licensing of 
                intellectual property by the agency or 
                laboratory with respect to inventions made at 
                that laboratory, including the fees or other 
                costs for the services of other agencies, 
                persons, or organizations for intellectual 
                property management and licensing services; or
                    (E) for scientific research and development 
                consistent with the research and development 
                missions and objectives of the laboratory.
            (3) All royalties or other payments retained by the 
        laboratory after payments have been made pursuant to 
        paragraphs (1) and (2) that are unobligated and 
        unexpended at the end of the second fiscal year 
        succeeding the fiscal year in which the royalties and 
        other payments were received shall be paid into the 
        Treasury of the United States.
    (b) Treatment of Payments to Employees.--
            (1) In general.--Any payment made to an employee 
        under the pilot program shall be in addition to the 
        regular pay of the employee and to any other awards 
        made to the employee, and shall not affect the 
        entitlement of the employee to any regular pay, 
        annuity, or award to which the employee is otherwise 
        entitled or for which the employee is otherwise 
        eligible or limit the amount thereof. Any payment made 
        to an inventor as such shall continue after the 
        inventor leaves the laboratory.
            (2) Cumulative payments.--(A) Cumulative payments 
        made under the pilot program while the inventor is 
        still employed at the laboratory shall not exceed 
        $500,000 per year to any one person, unless the 
        Secretary concerned (as defined in section 101(a) of 
        title 10, United States Code) approves a larger award.
            (B) Cumulative payments made under the pilot 
        program after the inventor leaves the laboratory shall 
        not exceed $150,000 per year to any one person, unless 
        the head of the agency approves a larger award (with 
        the excess over $150,000 being treated as an agency 
        award to a former employee under section 4505 of title 
        5, United States Code).
    (c) Invention Management Services.--Under the pilot 
program, a laboratory receiving royalties or other payments as 
a result of invention management services performed for another 
Federal agency or laboratory under section 207 of title 35, 
United States Code, may retain such royalties or payments to 
the extent required to offset payments to inventors under 
subparagraph (A) of subsection (a)(1), costs and expenses 
incurred under subparagraph (D) of subsection (a)(2), and the 
cost of foreign patenting and maintenance for any invention of 
the other agency. All royalties and other payments remaining 
after offsetting the payments to inventors, costs, and expenses 
described in the preceding sentence shall be transferred to the 
agency for which the services were performed, for distribution 
in accordance with subsection (a)(2).
    (d) Certain Assignments.--Under the pilot program, if the 
invention involved was one assigned to the laboratory--
            (1) by a contractor, grantee, or participant, or an 
        employee of a contractor, grantee, or participant, in 
        an agreement or other arrangement with the agency; or
            (2) by an employee of the agency who was not 
        working in the laboratory at the time the invention was 
the agency unit that was involved in such assignment shall be 
considered to be a laboratory for purposes of this section.
    (e) Sunset.--The pilot program under this section shall 
terminate 5 years after the date of the enactment of this Act.

                    DATA LINK NETWORKS.

    (a) Plan Required.--The Under Secretary of Defense for 
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and the Vice Chairman of 
the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall jointly, in consultation with 
the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Air Force, 
develop a plan to procure a secure, low probability of 
detection data link network capability with the ability to 
effectively operate in hostile jamming environments while 
preserving the low observable characteristics of the relevant 
platforms, between existing and planned--
            (1) fifth-generation combat aircraft;
            (2) fifth-generation and fourth-generation combat 
            (3) fifth-generation and fourth-generation combat 
        aircraft and appropriate support aircraft and other 
        network nodes for command, control, communications, 
        intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance 
        purposes; and
            (4) fifth-generation and fourth-generation combat 
        aircraft and their associated network-enabled precision 
    (b) Additional Plan Requirements.--The plan required by 
subsection (a) shall include--
            (1) nonproprietary and open systems approaches 
        compatible with the Rapid Capabilities Office Open 
        Mission Systems initiative of the Air Force and the 
        Future Airborne Capability Environment initiative of 
        the Navy;
            (2) a competitive acquisition process, to include 
        comparative flight demonstrations in realistic airborne 
        environments; and
            (3) low risk and affordable solutions with minimal 
        impact or changes to existing host platforms, and 
        minimal overall integration costs.
    (c) Briefing.--Not later than February 15, 2018, the Under 
Secretary and the Vice Chairman shall provide to the 
congressional defense committees a potential acquisition 
strategy and briefing on the plan developed under subsection 
    (d) Limitation.--Of the funds authorized to be appropriated 
by this Act or otherwise made available for fiscal year 2018 
for operations and maintenance for the Office of the Secretary 
of the Air Force and the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, 
not more than 85 percent may be obligated or expended until a 
period of 15 days has elapsed following the date on which the 
Under Secretary and Vice Chairman submits to the congressional 
defense committees the plan required by subsection (a).


    Section 233 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328) is amended--
            (1) in subsection (b)(2), by striking ``the 
        enactment of this Act'' both places it appears and 
        inserting ``such submittal''; and
            (2) in subsection (c)(1), by striking ``propose and 
        implement'' and inserting ``submit to the Assistant 
        Secretary concerned a proposal on, and implement,''.

                    COMBAT VEHICLE FOR THE ARMY.

    (a) In General.--Not later than February 1, 2018, the 
Secretary of the Army shall submit to the congressional defense 
committees a plan to build a prototype for a new ground combat 
vehicle for the Army.
    (b) Contents.--The plan required by subsection (a) shall 
include the following:
            (1) A description of how the Secretary intends to 
        exploit the latest enabling component technologies that 
        have the potential to dramatically change basic combat 
        vehicle design and improve lethality, protection, 
        mobility, range, and sustainment, including an analysis 
        of capabilities of the most advanced foreign ground 
        combat vehicles and whether any have characteristics 
        that should inform the development of the Army's 
        prototype vehicle, including whether any United States 
        allies or partners have advanced capabilities that 
        could be directly incorporated in the prototype.
            (2) The schedule, cost, key milestones, and 
        leadership plan to rapidly design and build the 
        prototype ground combat vehicle.


    (a) Plan Required.--Not later than February 1, 2018, the 
Secretary of the Army shall submit to the congressional defense 
committees a plan to successfully field a suitable, survivable, 
and effective Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command 
System program.
    (b) Limitation.--Not more than 50 percent of the funds 
authorized to be appropriated by this Act for research, 
development, test, and evaluation may be obligated by the 
Secretary of the Army for the Army Integrated Air and Missile 
Defense and the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle 
Command System until the date on which the plan is submitted 
under subsection (a).


               Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 301. Authorization of appropriations.

                   Subtitle B--Energy and Environment

Sec. 311. Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting 
Sec. 312. Energy performance goals and master plan.
Sec. 313. Payment to Environmental Protection Agency of stipulated 
          penalty in connection with Umatilla Chemical Depot, Oregon.
Sec. 314. Payment to Environmental Protection Agency of stipulated 
          penalty in connection with Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, 
Sec. 315. Department of the Army cleanup and removal of petroleum, oil, 
          and lubricant associated with the Prinz Eugen.
Sec. 316. Centers for Disease Control study on health implications of 
          per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances contamination in drinking 
Sec. 317. Sentinel Landscapes Partnership.
Sec. 318. Report on release of radium or radioactive material into the 
          groundwater near the industrial reserve plant in Bethpage, New 

                  Subtitle C--Logistics and Sustainment

Sec. 321. Reauthorization of multi-trades demonstration project.
Sec. 322. Increased percentage of sustainment funds authorized for 
          realignment to restoration and modernization at each 
Sec. 323. Guidance regarding use of organic industrial base.

                           Subtitle D--Reports

Sec. 331. Quarterly reports on personnel and unit readiness.
Sec. 332. Biennial report on core depot-level maintenance and repair 
Sec. 333. Annual report on personnel, training, and equipment needs of 
          non-federalized National Guard.
Sec. 334. Annual report on military working dogs used by the Department 
          of Defense.
Sec. 335. Report on effects of climate change on Department of Defense.
Sec. 336. Report on optimization of training in and management of 
          special use airspace.
Sec. 337. Plan for modernized, dedicated Department of the Navy 
          adversary air training enterprise.
Sec. 338. Updated guidance regarding biennial core report.

                        Subtitle E--Other Matters

Sec. 341. Explosive safety board.
Sec. 342. Servicewomen's commemorative partnerships.
Sec. 343. Limitation on availability of funds for advanced skills 
          management software system of the Navy.
Sec. 344. Cost-benefit analysis of uniform specifications for Afghan 
          military or security forces.
Sec. 345. Temporary installation reutilization authority for arsenals, 
          depots, and plants.
Sec. 346. Comprehensive plan for sharing depot-level maintenance best 
Sec. 347. Pilot program for operation and maintenance budget 
Sec. 348. Repurposing and reuse of surplus Army firearms.
Sec. 349. Department of the Navy marksmanship awards.
Sec. 350. Civilian training for National Guard pilots and sensor 
          operator aircrews of MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicles.
Sec. 351. Training for National Guard personnel on wildfire response.
Sec. 352. Modification of the Second Division Memorial.

              Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal 
year 2018 for the use of the Armed Forces and other activities 
and agencies of the Department of Defense for expenses, not 
otherwise provided for, for operation and maintenance, as 
specified in the funding table in section 4301.

                   Subtitle B--Energy and Environment


    (a) Codification.--Chapter 7 of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended by inserting after section 183 the following 
new section:

``Sec. 183a. Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Clearinghouse 
                    for review of mission obstructions

    ``(a) Establishment.--(1) The Secretary of Defense shall 
establish a Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting 
Clearinghouse (in this section referred to as the 
    ``(2) The Clearinghouse shall be--
            ``(A) organized under the authority, direction, and 
        control of an Assistant Secretary of Defense designated 
        by the Secretary; and
            ``(B) assigned such personnel and resources as the 
        Secretary considers appropriate to carry out this 
    ``(b) Functions.--(1) The Clearinghouse shall coordinate 
Department of Defense review of applications for energy 
projects filed with the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to 
section 44718 of title 49 and received by the Department of 
Defense from the Secretary of Transportation. In performing 
such coordination, the Clearinghouse shall provide procedures 
to ensure affected local military installations are consulted.
    ``(2) The Clearinghouse shall accelerate the development of 
planning tools necessary to determine the acceptability to the 
Department of Defense of proposals included in an application 
for an energy project submitted pursuant to such section.
    ``(3) The Clearinghouse shall perform such other functions 
as the Secretary of Defense assigns.
    ``(c) Review of Proposed Actions.--(1) Not later than 60 
days after receiving from the Secretary of Transportation a 
proper application for an energy project under section 44718 of 
title 49 that may have an adverse impact on military operations 
and readiness, the Clearinghouse shall conduct a preliminary 
review of such application. The review shall--
            ``(A) assess the likely scope, duration, and level 
        of risk of any adverse impact of such energy project on 
        military operations and readiness; and
            ``(B) identify any feasible and affordable actions 
        that could be taken by the Department, the developer of 
        such energy project, or others to mitigate the adverse 
        impact and to minimize risks to national security while 
        allowing the energy project to proceed with 
    ``(2) If the Clearinghouse finds under paragraph (1) that 
an energy project will have an adverse impact on military 
operations and readiness, the Clearinghouse shall issue to the 
applicant a notice of presumed risk that describes the concerns 
identified by the Department in the preliminary review and 
requests a discussion of possible mitigation actions.
    ``(3) At the same time that the Clearinghouse issues to the 
applicant a notice of presumed risk under paragraph (2), the 
Clearinghouse shall provide the same notice to the governor of 
the State in which the project is located and request that the 
governor provide the Clearinghouse any comments the governor 
believes of relevance to the application. The Secretary of 
Defense shall consider the comments of the governor in the 
Secretary's evaluation of whether the project presents an 
unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States 
and shall include the comments with the finding provided to the 
Secretary of Transportation pursuant to section 44718(f) of 
title 49.
    ``(4) The Clearinghouse shall develop, in coordination with 
other departments and agencies of the Federal Government, an 
integrated review process to ensure timely notification and 
consideration of energy projects filed with the Secretary of 
Transportation pursuant to section 44718 of title 49 that may 
have an adverse impact on military operations and readiness.
    ``(5) The Clearinghouse shall establish procedures for the 
Department of Defense for the coordinated consideration of and 
response to a request for a review received from another 
Federal agency, a State government, an Indian tribal 
government, a local government, a landowner, or the developer 
of an energy project, including guidance to personnel at each 
military installation in the United States on how to initiate 
such procedures and ensure a coordinated Department response.
    ``(6) The Clearinghouse shall develop procedures for 
conducting early outreach to parties carrying out energy 
projects that could have an adverse impact on military 
operations and readiness and to clearly communicate to such 
parties actions being taken by the Department of Defense under 
this section. The procedures shall provide for filing by such 
parties of a project area and preliminary project layout at 
least one year before expected construction of any project 
proposed within a military training route or within line-of-
sight of any air route surveillance radar or airport 
surveillance radar operated or used by the Department of 
Defense in order to provide adequate time for analysis and 
negotiation of mitigation options. Material marked as 
proprietary or competition sensitive by a party filing for this 
preliminary review shall be protected from public release by 
the Department of Defense.
    ``(d) Comprehensive Review.--(1) The Secretary of Defense 
shall develop a comprehensive strategy for addressing the 
impacts upon the military of projects filed with the Secretary 
of Transportation pursuant to section 44718 of title 49.
    ``(2) In developing the strategy required by paragraph (1), 
the Secretary shall--
            ``(A) assess the magnitude of interference posed by 
        projects filed with the Secretary of Transportation 
        pursuant to section 44718 of title 49;
            ``(B) solely for the purpose of informing 
        preliminary reviews under subsection (c)(1) and early 
        outreach efforts under subsection (c)(5), identify 
        distinct geographic areas selected as proposed 
        locations for projects filed, or for projects that are 
        reasonably expected to be filed in the near future, 
        with the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to 
        section 44718 of title 49 where the Secretary of 
        Defense can demonstrate such projects could have an 
        adverse impact on military operations and readiness, 
        including military training routes, and categorize the 
        risk of adverse impact in such areas;
            ``(C) develop procedures for the initial 
        identification of such geographic areas identified 
        under subparagraph (B), to include a process to provide 
        notice and seek public comment prior to making a final 
        designation of the geographic areas, including maps of 
        the area and the basis for identification;
            ``(D) develop procedures to periodically review and 
        modify, consistent with the notice and public comment 
        process under subparagraph (C), geographic areas 
        identified under subparagraph (B) and to solicit and 
        identify additional geographic areas as appropriate;
            ``(E) at the conclusion of the notice and public 
        comment period conducted under subparagraph (C), make a 
        final finding on the designation of a geographic area 
        of concern or delegate the authority to make such 
        finding to a Deputy Secretary of Defense, an Under 
        Secretary of Defense, or a Principal Deputy Under 
        Secretary of Defense; and
            ``(F) specifically identify feasible and affordable 
        long-term actions that may be taken to mitigate adverse 
        impacts of projects filed, or which may be filed in the 
        future, with the Secretary of Transportation pursuant 
        to section 44718 of title 49, on military operations 
        and readiness, including--
                    ``(i) investment priorities of the 
                Department of Defense with respect to research 
                and development;
                    ``(ii) modifications to military operations 
                to accommodate applications for such projects;
                    ``(iii) recommended upgrades or 
                modifications to existing systems or procedures 
                by the Department of Defense;
                    ``(iv) acquisition of new systems by the 
                Department and other departments and agencies 
                of the Federal Government and timelines for 
                fielding such new systems; and
                    ``(v) modifications to the projects for 
                which such applications are filed with the 
                Secretary of Transportation pursuant to section 
                44718 of title 49, including changes in size, 
                location, or technology.
    ``(3) The Clearinghouse shall make access to data 
reflecting geographic areas identified under subparagraph (B) 
of paragraph (2) and reviewed and modified under subparagraph 
(C) of such paragraph available online.
    ``(e) Department of Defense Finding of Unacceptable Risk.--
(1) The Secretary of Defense may not object to an energy 
project filed with the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to 
section 44718 of title 49, except in a case in which the 
Secretary of Defense determines, after giving full 
consideration to mitigation actions identified pursuant to this 
section, that such project, in isolation or cumulatively with 
other projects, would result in an unacceptable risk to the 
national security of the United States. The Secretary of 
Defense's finding of unacceptable risk to national security 
shall be transmitted to the Secretary of Transportation for 
inclusion in the report required under section 44718(b)(2) of 
title 49.
    ``(2)(A) Not later than 30 days after making a finding of 
unacceptable risk under paragraph (1), the Secretary of Defense 
shall submit to the congressional defense committees, the 
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the 
Senate, and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure 
of the House of Representatives a report on such finding and 
the basis for such finding. Such report shall include an 
explanation of the operational impact that led to the finding, 
a discussion of the mitigation options considered, and an 
explanation of why the mitigation options were not feasible or 
did not resolve the conflict. The report may include a 
classified annex. Unclassified reports shall also be provided 
to the project proponent. The Secretary of Defense may provide 
public notice through the Federal Register of the finding.
    ``(B) The Secretary of Defense shall notify the appropriate 
State agency of a finding made under paragraph (1).
    ``(3) The Secretary of Defense may only delegate the 
responsibility for making a finding of unacceptable risk under 
paragraph (1) to the Deputy Secretary of Defense, an under 
secretary of defense, or a deputy under secretary of defense.
    ``(4) The Clearinghouse shall develop procedures for making 
a finding of unacceptable risk, including with respect to how 
to implement cumulative effects analysis. Such procedures shall 
be subject to public comment prior to finalization.
    ``(f) Authority to Accept Contributions of Funds.--The 
Secretary of Defense is authorized to request and accept a 
voluntary contribution of funds from an applicant for a project 
filed with the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to section 
44718 of title 49. Amounts so accepted shall remain available 
until expended for the purpose of offsetting the cost of 
measures undertaken by the Secretary of Defense to mitigate 
adverse impacts of such a project on military operations and 
readiness or to conduct studies of potential measures to 
mitigate such impacts.
    ``(g) Effect of Department of Defense Hazard Assessment.--
An action taken pursuant to this section shall not be 
considered to be a substitute for any assessment or 
determination required of the Secretary of Transportation under 
section 44718 of title 49.
    ``(h) Definitions.--In this section:
            ``(1) The term `adverse impact on military 
        operations and readiness' means any adverse impact upon 
        military operations and readiness, including flight 
        operations, research, development, testing, and 
        evaluation, and training, that is demonstrable and is 
        likely to impair or degrade the ability of the armed 
        forces to perform their warfighting missions.
            ``(2) The term `energy project' means a project 
        that provides for the generation or transmission of 
        electrical energy.
            ``(3) The term `landowner' means a person that owns 
        a fee interest in real property on which a proposed 
        energy project is planned to be located.
            ``(4) The term `military installation' has the 
        meaning given that term in section 2801(c)(4) of this 
            ``(5) The term `military readiness' includes any 
        training or operation that could be related to combat 
        readiness, including testing and evaluation activities.
            ``(6) The term `military training route' means a 
        training route developed as part of the Military 
        Training Route Program, carried out jointly by the 
        Federal Aviation Administration and the Secretary of 
        Defense, for use by the armed forces for the purpose of 
        conducting low-altitude, high-speed military training.
            ``(7) The term `unacceptable risk to the national 
        security of the United States' means the construction, 
        alteration, establishment, or expansion, or the 
        proposed construction, alteration, establishment, or 
        expansion, of a structure or sanitary landfill, that 
        the Secretary of Defense can demonstrate would--
                    ``(A) endanger safety in air commerce 
                directly related to the activities of the 
                Department of Defense;
                    ``(B) interfere with the efficient use of 
                the navigable airspace directly related to the 
                activities of the Department of Defense; or
                    ``(C) significantly impair or degrade the 
                capability of the Department of Defense to 
                conduct training, research, development, 
                testing, and evaluation, and operations or to 
                maintain military readiness.''.
    (b) Conforming and Clerical Amendments.--
            (1) Repeal of existing provision.--Section 358 of 
        the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for 
        Fiscal Year 2011 (49 U.S.C. 44718 note) is repealed.
            (2) Cross-reference in title 49, united states 
        code.--Section 44718(f) of title 49, United States 
        Code, is amended by inserting ``and in accordance with 
        section 183a(e) of title 10'' after ``conducted under 
        subsection (b)''.
            (3) Reference to definitions.--Section 44718(g) of 
        title 49, United States Code, is amended by striking 
        ``211.3 of title 32, Code of Federal Regulations, as in 
        effect on January 6, 2014'' both places it appears and 
        inserting ``183a(g) of title 10''.
            (4) Table of sections amendment.--The table of 
        sections at the beginning of chapter 7 of title 10 is 
        amended by inserting after the item relating to section 
        183 the following new item:

``183a. Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting 
          Clearinghouse for review of mission obstructions.''.
    (c) Applicability of Existing Rules and Regulations.--
Notwithstanding the amendments made by subsection (a), any rule 
or regulation promulgated to carry out section 358 of the Ike 
Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 
(49 U.S.C. 44718 note), that is in effect on the day before the 
date of the enactment of this Act shall continue in effect and 
apply to the extent such rule or regulation is consistent with 
the authority under section 183a of title 10, United States 
Code, as added by subsection (a), until such rule or regulation 
is otherwise amended or repealed.
    (d) Deadline for Initial Identification of Geographic 
Areas.--The initial identification of geographic areas under 
section 183a(d)(2)(B) of title 10, United States Code, as added 
by subsection (a), shall be completed not later than 180 days 
after the date of the enactment of this Act.
    (e) Conforming Amendment Regarding Critical Military-use 
Airspace Areas.--Section 44718 of title 49, United States Code, 
as amended by subsection (b)(3), is further amended--
            (1) by redesignating subsection (g) as subsection 
        (h); and
            (2) by inserting after subsection (f) the following 
        new subsection:
    ``(g) Special Rule for Identified Geographic Areas.--In the 
case of a proposed structure to be located within a geographic 
area identified under section 183a(d)(2)(B) of title 10, the 
Secretary of Transportation may not issue a determination 
pursuant to this section until the Secretary of Defense issues 
a finding under section 183a(e) of title 10, the Secretary of 
Defense advises the Secretary of Transportation that no finding 
under section 183a(e) of title 10 will be forthcoming, or 180 
days have lapsed since the project was filed with the Secretary 
of Transportation pursuant to this section, whichever occurs 


    Section 2911(c) of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting before the 
        period at the end the following: ``, the future demand 
        for energy, and the requirements for the use of 
            (2) in paragraph (2), by striking ``reduce the 
        future demand and the requirements for the use of 
        energy'' and inserting ``enhance energy resilience to 
        ensure the Department of Defense has the ability to 
        prepare for and recover from energy disruptions that 
        affect mission assurance on military installations''; 
            (3) by adding at the end the following new 
            ``(13) Opportunities to leverage financing provided 
        by a non-Department entity to address installation 
        energy needs.''.


    (a) Authority to Transfer Funds.--
            (1) Transfer amount.--The Secretary of the Army may 
        transfer an amount of not more than $125,000 to the 
        Hazardous Substance Superfund established under 
        subchapter A of chapter 98 of the Internal Revenue Code 
        of 1986. Any such transfer shall be made without regard 
        to section 2215 of title 10, United States Code.
            (2) Source of funds.--Any transfer under subsection 
        (a) shall be made using funds authorized to be 
        appropriated by this Act or otherwise made available 
        for fiscal year 2018 for Base Realignment and Closure, 
    (b) Purpose of Transfer.--A transfer under subsection (a) 
shall be for the purpose of satisfying a stipulated penalty 
assessed by the Environmental Protection Agency in the 
settlement agreement approved by the Army on July 14, 2016, 
against the Umatilla Chemical Depot, Oregon under the Federal 
Facility Agreement between the Army and the Environmental 
Protection Agency dated September 19, 1989.
    (c) Acceptance of Payment.--If the Secretary of the Army 
makes a transfer under subsection (a), the Administrator of the 
Environmental Protection Agency shall accept the amount 
transferred as payment in full of the penalty referred to in 
subsection (b).

                    PLANT, TEXAS.

    (a) Authority to Transfer Funds.--
            (1) Transfer amount.--The Secretary of the Army may 
        transfer an amount of not more than $1,185,000 to the 
        Hazardous Substance Superfund established under 
        subchapter A of chapter 98 of the Internal Revenue Code 
        of 1986. Any such transfer shall be made without regard 
        to section 2215 of title 10, United States Code.
            (2) Source of funds.--Any transfer under subsection 
        (a) shall be made using funds authorized to be 
        appropriated by this Act or otherwise made available 
        for fiscal year 2018 for Environmental Restoration, 
    (b) Purpose of Transfer.--A transfer under subsection (a) 
shall be for the purpose of satisfying a stipulated penalty 
assessed by the Environmental Protection Agency on April 5, 
2013, against Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, Texas, under the 
Federal Facility Agreement for Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, 
which was entered into between the Army and the Environmental 
Protection Agency in 1991.
    (c) Acceptance of Payment.--If the Secretary of the Army 
makes a transfer under subsection (a), the Administrator of the 
Environmental Protection Agency shall accept the amount 
transferred as payment in full of the penalty referred to in 
subsection (b).


    (a) Authority.--Amounts authorized to be appropriated for 
the Department of the Army may by used for all necessary 
expenses for the removal and cleanup of petroleum, oil, and 
lubricants associated with the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, which 
was transferred from the United States to the Republic of the 
Marshall Islands in 1986.
    (b) Certification.--If the Secretary of the Army does not 
use the authority provided by subsection (a), the Secretary 
shall submit a certification to the congressional defense 
committees not later than September 30, 2018, that the 
petroleum, oil, and lubricants associated with the heavy 
cruiser Prinz Eugen do not adversely impact safety or military 

                    IN DRINKING WATER.

    (a) Study on Human Health Implications.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Health and Human 
        Services, acting through the Centers for Disease 
        Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic 
        Substances and Disease Registry, and, as appropriate, 
        the National Institute of Environmental Health 
        Sciences, and in consultation with the Department of 
        Defense, shall--
                    (A) commence a study on the human health 
                implications of per- and polyfluoroalkyl 
                substances (PFAS) contamination in drinking 
                water, ground water, and any other sources of 
                water and relevant exposure pathways, including 
                the cumulative human health implications of 
                multiple types of PFAS contamination at levels 
                above and below health advisory levels;
                    (B) not later than 5 years after the date 
                of enactment of this Act (or 7 years after such 
                date of enactment after providing notice to the 
                appropriate congressional committees of the 
                need for the delay)--
                            (i) complete such study and make 
                        any appropriate recommendations; and
                            (ii) submit a report to the 
                        appropriate congressional committees on 
                        the results of such study; and
                    (C) not later than one year after the date 
                of the enactment of this Act, and annually 
                thereafter until submission of the report under 
                subparagraph (B)(ii), submit to the appropriate 
                congressional committees a report on the 
                progress of the study.
            (2) Funding.--Of the amounts authorized to be 
        appropriated by this Act for the Department of Defense, 
        $7,000,000 shall be available to carry out the study 
        under this subsection.
            (3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--
        In this subsection, the term ``appropriate 
        congressional committees'' means--
                    (A) the congressional defense committees;
                    (B) the Committee on Heath, Education, 
                Labor, and Pensions, the Committee on 
                Environment and Public Works, and the Committee 
                on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate; and
                    (C) the Committee on Energy and Commerce 
                and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the 
                House of Representatives.
    (b) Exposure Assessment.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Health and Human 
        Services, acting through the Centers for Disease 
        Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic 
        Substances and Disease Registry, and, as appropriate, 
        the National Institute of Environmental Health 
        Sciences, and in consultation with the Department of 
        Defense, shall conduct an exposure assessment of no 
        less than 8 current or former domestic military 
        installations known to have PFAS contamination in 
        drinking water, ground water, and any other sources of 
        water and relevant exposure pathways.
            (2) Contents.--The exposure assessment required 
        under this subsection shall--
                    (A) include--
                            (i) for each military installation 
                        covered under the exposure assessment, 
                        a statistical sample to be determined 
                        by the Secretary of Health and Human 
                        Services in consultation with the 
                        relevant State health departments; and
                            (ii) bio-monitoring for assessing 
                        the contamination described in 
                        paragraph (1); and
                    (B) produce findings, which shall be--
                            (i) used to help design the study 
                        described in subsection (a)(1)(A); and
                            (ii) released to the appropriate 
                        congressional committees not later than 
                        1 year after the conclusion of such 
                        exposure assessment.
            (3) Timing.--The exposure assessment required under 
        this subsection shall--
                    (A) begin not later than 180 days after the 
                date of enactment of this Act; and
                    (B) conclude not later than 2 years after 
                such date of enactment.
    (c) Coordination With Other Agencies.--The Agency for Toxic 
Substance and Disease Registry may, as necessary, use staff and 
other resources from other Federal agencies in carrying out the 
study under subsection (a) and the assessment under subsection 
    (d) No Effect on Regulatory Process.--The study and 
assessment conducted under this section shall not interfere 
with any regulatory processes of the Environmental Protection 
Agency, including determinations of maximum contaminant levels.


    (a) Establishment.--The Secretary of Defense, in 
coordination with the Secretary of Agriculture and the 
Secretary of the Interior, may establish and carry out a 
program to preserve sentinel landscapes. The program shall be 
known as the ``Sentinel Landscapes Partnership''.
    (b) Designation of Sentinel Landscapes.--The Secretary of 
Defense, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of the 
Interior, may, as the Secretaries determine appropriate, 
collectively designate one or more sentinel landscapes.
    (c) Coordination of Activities.--The Secretaries may 
coordinate actions between their departments and with other 
agencies and private organizations to more efficiently work 
together for the mutual benefit of conservation, working lands, 
and national defense, and to encourage private landowners to 
engage in voluntary land management and conservation activities 
that contribute to the sustainment of military installations, 
ranges, and airspace.
    (d) Priority Consideration.--The Secretary of Agriculture 
and the Secretary of the Interior may give to any eligible 
landowner or agricultural producer within a designated sentinel 
landscape priority consideration for participation in any 
easement, grant, or assistance programs administered by that 
Secretary's department. Participation in any such program 
pursuant to this section shall be voluntary.
    (e) Definitions.--In this section:
            (1) Military installation.--The term ``military 
        installation'' has the same meaning as provided in 
        section 670(1) of title 16, United States Code.
            (2) State-owned national guard installation.--The 
        term ``State-owned National Guard installation'' has 
        the same meaning as provided in section 670(3) of title 
        16, United States Code.
            (3) Sentinel landscape.--The term ``sentinel 
        landscape'' means a landscape-scale area encompassing--
                    (A) one or more military installations or 
                state-owned National Guard installations and 
                associated airspace; and
                    (B) the working or natural lands that serve 
                to protect and support the rural economy, the 
                natural environment, outdoor recreation, and 
                the national defense test and training missions 
                of the military- or State-owned National Guard 
                installation or installations.
    (f) Conforming Amendment.--Section 312(b) of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (Public Law 113-
66; 127 Stat. 729; 10 U.S.C. 2684a note) is repealed.

                    BETHPAGE, NEW YORK.

    Not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress an 
addendum to the report submitted to Congress in June 2017 
entitled ``2017 Annual Report For Groundwater Impacts at Naval 
Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant Bethpage, New York'' that 
would detail any releases by the Department of Defense of 
radium or radioactive material into the groundwater within a 
75-mile radius of the industrial reserve plant in Bethpage, New 

                 Subtitle C--Logistics and Sustainment


    Section 338 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2004 (Public Law 108-136; 10 U.S.C. 5013 note), as 
most recently amended by section 321 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (Public Law 112-239; 126 
Stat. 1694) is amended--
            (1) in subsection (d), by striking ``2018'' and 
        inserting ``2023''; and
            (2) in subsection (e), by striking ``2019'' and 
        inserting ``2024''.

                    EACH INSTALLATION.

    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense may authorize an 
installation commander to realign up to 7.5 percent of an 
installation's sustainment funds to restoration and 
    (b) Sunset.--The authority under subsection (a) shall 
expire at the close of September 30, 2022.
    (c) Definitions.--The terms ``sustainment'', 
``restoration'', and ``modernization'' have the meanings given 
the terms in the Department of Defense Financial Management 


    Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of the Army shall establish clear and 
prescriptive guidance on the process for conducting make-or-buy 
analyses for Army requirements, including the use of the 
organic industrial base.

                          Subtitle D--Reports


    (a) Modification and Improvement.--Section 482 of title 10, 
United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (a)--
                    (A) by striking ``Each report'' and 
                inserting ``The reports for the first and third 
                quarters of a calendar year''; and
                    (B) by adding at the end the following new 
                sentence: ``The reports for the second and 
                fourth quarters of a calendar year shall 
                contain the information required by subsection 
            (2) in subsection (b)--
                    (A) in the subsection heading, by striking 
                ``and Remedial Actions'';
                    (B) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), 
                by striking ``Each report'' and inserting ``A 
                report for the second or fourth quarter of a 
                calendar year'';
                    (C) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``and'' 
                after the semicolon;
                    (D) by striking paragraph (2); and
                    (E) by redesignating paragraph (3) as 
                paragraph (2);
            (3) in subsection (d)(1), by striking ``Each 
        report'' and inserting ``A report for the second or 
        fourth quarter of a calendar year'';
            (4) in subsection (e), by striking ``Each report'' 
        and inserting ``A report for the second or fourth 
        quarter of a calendar year'';
            (5) in subsection (f)(1), by striking ``Each 
        report'' and inserting ``A report for the second or 
        fourth quarter of a calendar year'';
            (6) in subsection (g)(1), by striking ``Each 
        report'' and inserting ``A report for the second or 
        fourth quarter of a calendar year''; and
            (7) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(j) Remedial Actions.--A report for the first or third 
quarter of a calendar year shall include--
            ``(1) a description of the mitigation plans of the 
        Secretary to address readiness shortfalls and 
        operational deficiencies identified in the report 
        submitted for the preceding calendar quarter; and
            ``(2) for each such shortfall or deficiency, a 
        timeline for resolution, the cost necessary for such 
        resolution, the mitigation strategy the Department will 
        employ until the resolution is in place, and any 
        legislative remedies required.''.
    (b) Conforming Amendments.--Section 117 of title 10, United 
States Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (d)--
                    (A) in the subsection heading, by striking 
                ``Quarterly''and inserting ``Semi-annual''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (1)(A), by striking 
                ``quarterly'' and inserting ``semi-annual''; 
            (2) in subsection (e), by striking ``each quarter'' 
        and inserting ``semi-annually''.


    Section 2464(d) of title 10, United States Code, is amended 
by adding at the end the following new paragraphs:
            ``(4) Any workload shortfalls at any work breakdown 
        structure category designated as a lower-level category 
        pursuant to Department of Defense Instruction 4151.20, 
        or any successor instruction.
            ``(5) A description of any workload executed at a 
        category designated as a first-level category pursuant 
        to such Instruction, or any successor instruction, that 
        could be used to mitigate shortfalls in similar 
            ``(6) A description of any progress made on 
        implementing mitigation plans developed pursuant to 
        paragraph (3).
            ``(7) A description of core capability requirements 
        and corresponding workloads at the first level 
            ``(8) In the case of any shortfall that is 
        identified, a description of the shortfall and an 
        identification of the subcategory of the work breakdown 
        structure in which the shortfall occurred.
            ``(9) In the case of any work breakdown structure 
        category designated as a special interest item or other 
        pursuant to such Instruction, or any successor 
        instruction, an explanation for such designation.
            ``(10) Whether the core depot-level maintenance and 
        repair capability requirements described in the report 
        submitted under this subsection for the preceding 
        fiscal year have been executed.''.


    (a) Annual Report Required.--Section 10504 of title 10, 
United States Code, as amended by section 1051, is further 
            (1) in subsection (a)--
                    (A) in the subsection heading, by striking 
                ``Report'' and inserting ``Report on State of 
                the National Guard''; and
                    (B) by striking ``The report'' and 
                inserting the following:
            ``(2) The annual report required by paragraph 
        (1)''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(b) Annual Report on Non-federalized Service National 
Guard Personnel, Training, and Equipment Requirements.--(1) Not 
later than January 31 of each of calendar years 2018 through 
2020, the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, in coordination 
with the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the recipients 
described in paragraph (3) a report that identifies the 
personnel, training, and equipment required by the non-
Federalized National Guard--
                    ``(A) to support civilian authorities in 
                connection with natural and man-made disasters 
                during the covered period; and
                    ``(B) to carry out prevention, protection, 
                mitigation, response, and recovery activities 
                relating to such disasters during the covered 
    ``(2) In preparing each report under paragraph (1), the 
Chief of the National Guard Bureau shall--
            ``(A) consult with the chief executive of each 
        State, the Council of Governors, and other appropriate 
        civilian authorities;
            ``(B) collect and validate information from each 
        State relating to the personnel, training, and 
        equipment requirements described in paragraph (1);
            ``(C) set forth separately the personnel, training, 
        and equipment requirements for--
                    ``(i) each of the emergency support 
                functions of the National Response Framework; 
                    ``(ii) each of the Federal Emergency 
                Management Agency regions;
            ``(D) assess core civilian capability gaps relating 
        to natural and man-made disasters, as identified by 
        States in submissions to the Department of Homeland 
            ``(E) take into account threat and hazard 
        identifications and risk assessments of the Department 
        of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, and 
        the States; and
            ``(F) assess the budgets of each State to support 
        the personnel, training, and equipment requirements of 
        the non-Federalized National Guard.
    ``(3) The annual report required by paragraph (1) shall be 
submitted to the following officials:
            ``(A) The congressional defense committees, the 
        Committee on Homeland Security of the House of 
        Representatives, and the Committee on Homeland Security 
        and Governmental Affairs of the Senate.
            ``(B) The Secretary of Defense.
            ``(C) The Secretary of Homeland Security.
            ``(D) The Council of Governors.
            ``(E) The Secretary of the Army.
            ``(F) The Secretary of the Air Force.
            ``(G) The Commander of the United States Northern 
            ``(H) The Commander of the United States Pacific 
            ``(I) The Commander of the United States Cyber 
    ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered period' means 
the fiscal year beginning after the date on which a report is 
submitted under paragraph (1).''.
    (b) Clerical Amendments.--
            (1) Section heading.--The heading of such section 
        is amended to read as follows:

``Sec. 10504. Chief of National Guard Bureau: annual reports''.

            (2) Table of contents.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of chapter 1011 of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended by striking the item relating 
        to section 10504 and inserting the following:

``10504. Chief of National Guard Bureau: annual reports.''.

                    OF DEFENSE.

    (a) Capacity.--The Secretary of Defense, acting through the 
Executive Agent for Military Working Dogs (hereinafter in this 
section referred to as the ``Executive Agent''), shall--
            (1) identify the number of military working dogs 
        required to fulfill the various missions of the 
        Department of Defense for which such dogs are used, 
        including force protection, facility and check point 
        security, and explosives and drug detection;
            (2) take such steps as are practicable to ensure an 
        adequate number of military working dog teams are 
        available to meet and sustain the mission requirements 
        identified in paragraph (1);
            (3) ensure that the Department's needs and 
        performance standards with respect to military working 
        dogs are readily available to dog breeders and 
        trainers; and
            (4) coordinate with other Federal, State, and local 
        agencies, nonprofit organizations, universities, and 
        private sector entities, as appropriate, to increase 
        the training capacity for military working dog teams.
    (b) Military Working Dog Procurement.--The Secretary, 
acting through the Executive Agent, shall work to ensure that 
military working dogs are procured as efficiently as possible 
and at the best value to the Government, while maintaining the 
necessary level of quality and encouraging increased domestic 
    (c) Annual Report.--Not later than 90 days after the date 
of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter until 
September 30, 2021, the Secretary, acting through the Executive 
Agent, shall submit to the congressional defense committees a 
report on the procurement and retirement of military working 
dogs for the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year during which 
the report is submitted. Each report under this subsection 
shall include the following for the fiscal year covered by the 
            (1) The number of military working dogs procured, 
        by source, by each military department or Defense 
            (2) The cost of procuring military working dogs 
        incurred by each military department or Defense Agency.
            (3) The number of domestically-bred and sourced 
        military working dogs procured by each military 
        department or Defense Agency, including a list of 
        vendors, their location, cost, and the quantity of dogs 
        procured from each vendor.
            (4) The number of non-domestically-bred military 
        working dogs procured from non-domestic sources by each 
        military department or Defense Agency, including a list 
        of vendors, their location, cost, and the quantity of 
        dogs procured from each vendor.
            (5) The cost of procuring pre-trained and green 
        dogs for force protection, facility and checkpoint 
        security, and improvised explosive device, other 
        explosives, and drug detection.
            (6) An analysis of the procurement practices of 
        each military department or Defense Agency that limit 
        market access for domestic canine vendors and breeders.
            (7) The total cost of procuring domestically-bred 
        military working dogs versus the total cost of 
        procuring dogs from non-domestic sources.
            (8) The total number of domestically-bred dogs and 
        the number of dogs from foreign sources procured by 
        each military department or Defense Agency and the 
        number and percentage of those dogs that are ultimately 
        deployed for their intended use.
            (9) An explanation for any significant difference 
        in the cost of procuring military working dogs from 
        different sources.
            (10) An estimate of the number of military working 
        dogs expected to retire annually and an identification 
        of the primary cause of the retirement of such dogs.
            (11) An identification of the final disposition of 
        military working dogs no longer in service.
    (d) Military Working Dog Defined.--For purposes of this 
section, the term ``military working dog'' means a dog used in 
any official military capacity, as defined by the Secretary of 


    (a) Findings.--Congress makes the following findings:
            (1) Secretary of Defense James Mattis has stated: 
        ``It is appropriate for the Combatant Commands to 
        incorporate drivers of instability that impact the 
        security environment in their areas into their 
            (2) Secretary of Defense James Mattis has stated: 
        ``I agree that the effects of a changing climate -- 
        such as increased maritime access to the Arctic, rising 
        sea levels, desertification, among others -- impact our 
        security situation.''.
            (3) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph 
        Dunford has stated: ``It's a question, once again, of 
        being forward deployed, forward engaged, and be in a 
        position to respond to the kinds of natural disasters 
        that I think we see as a second or third order effect 
        of climate change.''.
            (4) Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has 
        stated: ``Over the next 20 years and more, certain 
        pressures-population, energy, climate, economic, 
        environmental-could combine with rapid cultural, 
        social, and technological change to produce new sources 
        of deprivation, rage, and instability.''.
            (5) Former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army Gordon 
        Sullivan has stated: ``Climate change is a national 
        security issue. We found that climate instability will 
        lead to instability in geopolitics and impact American 
        military operations around the world.''.
            (6) The Office of the Director of National 
        Intelligence (ODNI) has stated: ``Many countries will 
        encounter climate-induced disruptions--such as weather-
        related disasters, drought, famine, or damage to 
        infrastructure--that stress their capacity to respond, 
        cope with, or adapt. Climate-related impacts will also 
        contribute to increased migration, which can be 
        particularly disruptive if, for example, demand for 
        food and shelter outstrips the resources available to 
        assist those in need.''.
            (7) The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has 
        stated: ``DOD links changes in precipitation patterns 
        with potential climate change impacts such as changes 
        in the number of consecutive days of high or low 
        precipitation as well as increases in the extent and 
        duration of droughts, with an associated increase in 
        the risk of wildfire. . . this may result in mission 
        vulnerabilities such as reduced live-fire training due 
        to drought and increased wildfire risk.''.
            (8) A three-foot rise in sea levels will threaten 
        the operations of more than 128 United States military 
        sites, and it is possible that many of these at-risk 
        bases could be submerged in the coming years.
            (9) As global temperatures rise, droughts and 
        famines can lead to more failed states, which are 
        breeding grounds of extremist and terrorist 
            (10) In the Marshall Islands, an Air Force radar 
        installation built on an atoll at a cost of 
        $1,000,000,000 is projected to be underwater within two 
            (11) In the western United States, drought has 
        amplified the threat of wildfires, and floods have 
        damaged roads, runways, and buildings on military 
            (12) In the Arctic, the combination of melting sea 
        ice, thawing permafrost, and sea-level rise is eroding 
        shorelines, which is damaging radar and communication 
        installations, runways, seawalls, and training areas.
            (13) In the Yukon Training Area, units conducting 
        artillery training accidentally started a wildfire 
        despite observing the necessary practices during red 
        flag warning conditions.
    (b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that--
            (1) climate change is a direct threat to the 
        national security of the United States and is impacting 
        stability in areas of the world both where the United 
        States Armed Forces are operating today, and where 
        strategic implications for future conflict exist;
            (2) there are complexities in quantifying the cost 
        of climate change on mission resiliency, but the 
        Department of Defense must ensure that it is prepared 
        to conduct operations both today and in the future and 
        that it is prepared to address the effects of a 
        changing climate on threat assessments, resources, and 
        readiness; and
            (3) military installations must be able to 
        effectively prepare to mitigate climate damage in their 
        master planning and infrastructure planning and design, 
        so that they might best consider the weather and 
        natural resources most pertinent to them.
    (c) Report.--
            (1) Report required.--Not later than one year after 
        the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
        Defense shall submit to the Committees on Armed 
        Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives 
        a report on vulnerabilities to military installations 
        and combatant commander requirements resulting from 
        climate change over the next 20 years.
            (2) Elements.--The report on vulnerabilities to 
        military installations and combatant commander 
        requirements required by paragraph (1) shall include 
        the following:
                    (A) A list of the ten most vulnerable 
                military installations within each service 
                based on the effects of rising sea tides, 
                increased flooding, drought, desertification, 
                wildfires, thawing permafrost, and any other 
                categories the Secretary determines necessary.
                    (B) An overview of mitigations that may be 
                necessary to ensure the continued operational 
                viability and to increase the resiliency of the 
                identified vulnerable military installations 
                and the cost of such mitigations.
                    (C) A discussion of the climate-change 
                related effects on the Department, including 
                the increase in the frequency of humanitarian 
                assistance and disaster relief missions and the 
                theater campaign plans, contingency plans, and 
                global posture of the combatant commanders.
                    (D) An overview of mitigations that may be 
                necessary to ensure mission resiliency and the 
                cost of such mitigations.
            (3) Form.--The report required under paragraph (1) 
        shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may 
        contain a classified annex.

                    SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE.

    (a) In General.--Not later than 120 days after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Director of the Bases, Ranges, 
and Airspace Directorate of the Air Force and the Administrator 
of the Federal Aviation Administration shall submit to Congress 
a report on optimization of training in and management of 
special use airspace that includes the following:
            (1) Best practices for the management of special 
        use airspace, including practices that--
                    (A) result in cost savings relating to 
                    (B) increase training opportunities for 
                    (C) increase joint use of such airspace;
                    (D) improve coordination with respect to 
                such airspace with--
                            (i) the Federal Aviation 
                            (ii) Indian tribes;
                            (iii) airports, civilian aircraft 
                        operators, and local communities; and
                            (iv) private landowners and other 
                        stakeholders; or
                    (E) improve the coordination of large force 
                exercises, including the use of waivers or 
                other exceptional measures.
            (2) An assessment of whether the capacity of 
        ranges, including limitations on flight operations, is 
        adequate to meet current and future training needs.
            (3) An assessment of whether the establishment of a 
        dedicated squadron for the purpose of coordinating the 
        use of a special use airspace at the installation 
        located in that airspace would improve the achievement 
        of the objectives described in subparagraphs (A) 
        through (E) of paragraph (1).
            (4) An assessment of the processes in place to 
        consider, evaluate, and mitigate special use airspace 
        impacts to the public right of transit through 
        navigable airspace and the safe and efficient use of 
        the National Airspace System by commercial and general 
            (5) Recommendations for improving the management 
        and utilization of special use airspace to meet the 
        objectives described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) 
        of paragraph (1) and to address any gaps in capacity 
        identified under paragraph (2).
    (b) Special Use Airspace Defined.--In this section, the 
term ``special use airspace'' means special use airspace 
designated under part 73 of title 14, Code of Federal 


    (a) Plan Required.--The Chief of Naval Operations and the 
Commandant of the Marine Corps shall develop a plan--
            (1) to establish a modernized, dedicated adversary 
        air training enterprise for the Department of the Navy 
        in order to--
                    (A) maximize warfighting effectiveness and 
                synergies of the current and planned fourth and 
                fifth generation combat air forces through 
                optimized training and readiness; and
                    (B) harness intelligence analysis, emerging 
                live-virtual-constructive training 
                technologies, range infrastructure 
                improvements, and results of experimentation 
                and prototyping efforts in operational concept 
            (2) to explore all available opportunities to 
        challenge the combat air forces of the Department of 
        the Navy with threat representative adversary-to-
        friendly aircraft ratios, known and emerging adversary 
        tactics, and high-fidelity replication of threat 
        airborne and ground capabilities; and
            (3) to execute all means available to achieve 
        training and readiness goals and objectives of the Navy 
        and Marine Corps with demonstrated institutional 
        commitment to the adversary air training enterprise 
        through the application of Department of the Navy 
        policy and resources, partnering with the other Armed 
        Forces, allies, and friends, and employing the use of 
        industry contracted services.
    (b) Plan Elements.--The plan required under subsection (a) 
shall include enterprise goals, objectives, concepts of 
operations, phased implementation timelines, analysis of 
expected readiness improvements, prioritized resource 
requirements, and such other matters as the Chief of Naval 
Operations and Commandant of the Marine Corps consider 
    (c) Submittal of Plan and Briefing.--Not later than March 
1, 2018, the Chief of Naval Operations and Commandant of the 
Marine Corps shall provide to the Committees on Armed Services 
of the Senate and the House of Representatives a written plan 
and briefing on the plan required under subsection (a).


    To ensure that the biennial core reporting procedures of 
the Department of Defense align with the requirements of 
section 2464 of title 10, United States Code, and that each 
reporting agency provides accurate and complete information, 
the Secretary of Defense shall direct the Under Secretary of 
Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics to update the 
Department of Defense Guidance, in particular Department of 
Defense Instruction 4151.20, to require future biennial core 
reports include instructions to the reporting agencies on how 
            (1) report additional depot workload performed that 
        has not been identified as a core requirement;
            (2) accurately capture inter-service workload;
            (3) calculate shortfalls; and
            (4) estimate the cost of planned workload.

                       Subtitle E--Other Matters


    (a) Modification and Improvement of Ammunition Storage 
Board.--Section 172 of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) by striking ``The Secretaries of the military 
        departments'' and inserting ``(a) In General.--The 
        Secretary of Defense'';
            (2) by inserting ``that includes members'' after 
        ``joint board'';
            (3) by striking ``selected by them'' and inserting 
        ``selected by the Secretaries of the military 
            (4) by inserting ``military'' before ``officers'';
            (5) by inserting ``designated as the chair and 
        voting members of the board for each military 
        department'' after ``officers'';
            (6) by inserting ``and other'' before ``civilian 
            (7) by striking ``or both'' and inserting ``as 
            (8) by striking ``keep informed on stored'' and 
        inserting ``provide oversight on storage and 
        transportation of''; and
            (9) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(b) Oversight by Secretaries of the Military 
Departments.--The Secretaries of the military departments shall 
provide research, development, test, evaluation, and 
manufacturing oversight for energetic materials supporting 
military requirements.''.
    (b) Clerical Amendments.--
            (1) Section heading.--The heading of section 172 of 
        title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking 
        ``Ammunition storage'' and inserting ``Explosive 
            (2) Table of sections.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of chapter 7 of such title is amended by 
        striking the item relating to section 172 and inserting 
        the following new item:

``172. Explosive safety board.''.


    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense may provide not 
more than $5,000,000 in financial support for the acquisition, 
installation, and maintenance of exhibits, facilities, 
historical displays, and programs at military service memorials 
and museums that highlight the role of women in the military. 
The Secretary may enter into a contract, partnership, or grant 
with a non-profit organization for the purpose of performing 
such acquisition, installation, and maintenance.
    (b) Purposes.--The contracts, partnerships, or grants shall 
be limited to serving the purposes of--
            (1) preserving the history of the 3,000,000 women 
        who have served in the United States Armed Forces;
            (2) managing an archive of artifacts, historic 
        memorabilia, and documents related to servicewomen;
            (3) maintaining a women veterans' oral history 
        program; and
            (4) conducting other educational programs related 
        to women in service.


    (a) Limitation.--None of the funds authorized to be 
appropriated by this Act or otherwise made available for fiscal 
year 2018 for the Department of Defense may be obligated for 
the enhancement of the advanced skills management software 
system of the Navy until a period of 60 days has elapsed 
following the date on which Secretary of the Navy makes the 
submission required under subsection (b)(3).
    (b) Briefing and Certification.--The Secretary of the Navy 
            (1) provide to the Committees on Armed Services of 
        the Senate and the House of Representatives a briefing 
        on any enhancements that are needed for the advanced 
        skills management software system of the Navy;
            (2) after providing the briefing under paragraph 
        (1), issue a request for information for such 
        enhancements in accordance with part 15.2 of the 
        Federal Acquisition Regulation; and
            (3) submit to the Committees on Armed Services of 
        the Senate and the House of Representatives--
                    (A) the results of the request for 
                information issued under paragraph (2); and
                    (B) a written certification that--
                            (i) as part of the request for 
                        information, the Secretary solicited 
                        information on commercially available 
                        off-the-shelf software solutions that 
                        may be used to enhance the advanced 
                        skills management software system of 
                        the Navy; and
                            (ii) the Secretary has considered 
                        using such solutions.
    (c) Advanced Skills Management Software System Defined.--In 
this section, the term ``advanced skills management software 
system'' means a software application designed to--
            (1) identify job task requirements for Navy 
            (2) assist in determining the proficiencies of such 
            (3) document qualifications and certifications of 
        such personnel; and
            (4) track the technical training completed by Navy 
        aviation maintenance personnel.

                    MILITARY OR SECURITY FORCES.

    Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, 
whenever the Secretary of Defense enters into a contract for 
the provision of uniforms for Afghan military or security 
forces, the Secretary shall conduct a cost-benefit analysis of 
the uniform specification for the Afghan military or security 
forces uniform. Such analysis shall determine--
            (1) whether there is a more effective alternative 
        uniform specification, considering both operational 
        environment and cost, available to the Afghan military 
        or security forces;
            (2) the efficacy of the existing pattern compared 
        to other alternatives (both proprietary and non-
        proprietary patterns); and
            (3) the costs and feasibility of transitioning the 
        uniforms of the Afghan military or security forces to a 
        pattern owned by the United States, using existing 
        excess inventory where available, and acquiring the 
        rights to the Spec4ce Forest pattern.

                    DEPOTS, AND PLANTS.

    (a) Modified Authority.--In the case of a military 
manufacturing arsenal, depot, or plant, the Secretary of the 
Army may authorize up to 10 leases and contracts per fiscal 
year under section 2667 of title 10, United States Code, for a 
term of up to 25 years, notwithstanding subsection (b)(1) of 
such section, if the Secretary determines that a lease or 
contract of that duration will promote the national defense for 
the purpose of--
            (1) helping to maintain the viability of the 
        military manufacturing arsenal, depot, or plant and any 
        military installations on which it is located;
            (2) eliminating, or at least reducing, the cost of 
        Government ownership of the military manufacturing 
        arsenal, depot, or plant, including the costs of 
        operations and maintenance, the costs of environmental 
        remediation, and other costs; and
            (3) leveraging private investment at the military 
        manufacturing arsenal, depot, or plant through long-
        term facility use contracts, property management 
        contracts, leases, or other agreements that support and 
        advance the preceding purposes.
    (b) Delegation and Review Process.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of the Army may 
        delegate the authority provided by this section to the 
        commander of the major subordinate command of the Army 
        that has responsibility for the military manufacturing 
        arsenal, depot, or plant or, if part of a larger 
        military installation, the installation as a whole. The 
        commander may approve a lease or contract under such 
        authority on a case-by-case basis or a class basis.
            (2) Notice of approval.--Upon any approval of a 
        lease or contract by a commander pursuant to a 
        delegation of authority under paragraph (1), the 
        commander shall notify the Chief of the Army Corps of 
        Engineers and Congress of the approval.
            (3) Review period.--Any lease or contract that is 
        approved utilizing the delegation authority under 
        paragraph (1) is subject to a 90-day hold period so 
        that the Chief of the Army Corps of Engineers may 
        review the lease or contract pursuant to paragraph (4).
            (4) Disposition of review.--If the Chief of the 
        Army Corps of Engineers disapproves of a contract or 
        lease submitted for review under paragraph (3), the 
        agreement shall be null and void upon transmittal by 
        the Chief of the Army Corps of Engineers to the 
        delegating authority of a written disapproval, 
        including a justification for such disapproval, within 
        the 90-day hold period. If no such disapproval is 
        transmitted within the 90-day hold period, the 
        agreement shall be deemed approved.
            (5) Approval of revised agreement.--If, not later 
        than 60 days after receiving a disapproval under 
        paragraph (4), the delegating authority submits to the 
        Chief of the Army Corps of Engineers a new contract or 
        lease that addresses the concerns of the Chief of the 
        Army Corps of Engineers outlined in such disapproval, 
        the new contract or lease shall be deemed approved 
        unless the Chief of the Army Corps of Engineers 
        transmits to the delegating authority a disapproval of 
        the new contract or lease within 30 days of such 
    (c) Military Manufacturing Arsenal, Depot, or Plant 
Defined.--In this section, the term ``military manufacturing 
arsenal, depot, or plant'' means a Government-owned, 
Government-operated defense plant of the Army that manufactures 
weapons, weapon components, or both.
    (d) Sunset.--The authority under this section shall 
terminate at the close of September 30, 2020. Any contracts 
entered into on or before such date shall continue in effect 
according to their terms.


    (a) In General.--Not later than 90 days after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall 
submit to the congressional defense committees a comprehensive 
plan for the sharing of best practices for depot-level 
maintenance among the military services.
    (b) Elements.--The comprehensive plan required under 
subsection (a) shall cover the sharing of best practices with 
regard to--
            (1) programing and scheduling;
            (2) core capability requirements;
            (3) workload;
            (4) personnel management, development, and 
            (5) induction, duration, efficiency, and completion 
            (6) parts, supply, tool, and equipment management;
            (7) capital investment and manufacturing and 
        production capability; and
            (8) inspection and quality control.


    (a) In General.--Along with the budget for fiscal years 
2019, 2020, and 2021 submitted by the President pursuant to 
section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, the Secretary 
of Defense and the Secretaries of the military departments 
shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate 
and the House of Representatives an annex for the following 
Operation and Maintenance sub-activity groups (SAG):
            (1) For the Army:
                    (A) SAG 111 - Maneuver Units.
                    (B) SAG 123 - Land Forces Depot 
                    (C) SAG 131 - Base Operations Support.
                    (D) SAG 322 - Flight Training.
            (2) For the Navy:
                    (A) SAG 1A5A - Aircraft Depot Maintenance.
                    (B) SAG 1B1B - Mission and Other Ship 
                    (C) SAG 1B4B - Ship Depot Maintenance.
                    (D) SAG BSS1 - Base Operating Support.
            (3) For the Marine Corps:
                    (A) SAG 1A1A - Operational Forces.
                    (B) SAG 1A3A - Depot Maintenance.
                    (C) SAG 1B1B - Field Logistics.
                    (D) SAG BSS1 - Base Operating Support.
            (4) For the Air Force:
                    (A) SAG 011A - Primary Combat Forces.
                    (B) SAG 011Y - Flying Hour Program.
                    (C) SAG 011Z - Base Support.
                    (D) SAG 021M - Depot Maintenance.
    (b) Elements.--The annex required under subsection (a) 
shall include the following elements:
            (1) A summary by appropriation account with 
        subtotals for Department of Defense components.
            (2) A summary of each appropriation account by 
        budget activity, activity group, and sub-activity group 
        with budget activity and activity group subtotals and 
        an appropriation total.
            (3) A detailed sub-activity group by program 
        element and expense aggregate listing in budget 
        activity and activity group sequence.
            (4) A rollup document by sub-activity group with 
        accompanying program element funding with the PB-61 
        program element tags included.
            (5) A summary of each depot maintenance facility 
        with information on workload, work force, sources of 
        funding, and expenses similar to the exhibit on Mission 
        Funded Naval Shipyards included with the 2012 Navy 
        Budget Justification.
            (6) A summary of contractor logistics support for 
        each program element, including a measure of workload 
        and unit cost.
    (c) Formatting.--The annex required under subsection (a) 
shall be formatted in accordance with relevant Department of 
Defense financial management regulations that provide guidance 
for budget submissions to Congress.


    (a) Required Transfer.--Not later than 90 days after the 
date of the enactment of this Act, and subject to subsection 
(c), the Secretary of the Army shall transfer to a suitable 
organic facility all excess firearms, related spare parts and 
components, small arms ammunition, and ammunition components 
currently stored at Defense Distribution Depot, Anniston, 
Alabama, that are no longer actively issued for military 
service and that are otherwise prohibited from commercial sale, 
or distribution, under Federal law.
    (b) Repurposing and Reuse.--The items specified for 
transfer under subsection (a) shall be melted and repurposed 
for military use as determined by the Secretary of the Army, 
            (1) the reforging of new firearms or their 
        components; and
            (2) force protection barriers and security 
    (c) Items Exempt From Transfer.--M-1 Garand, caliber .45 
M1911/M1911A1 pistols, caliber .22 rimfire rifles, and such 
additional items as designated by the Secretary in the annual 
report required under subsection (d) are not subject to the 
transfer requirement under subsection (a).
    (d) Annual Report.--Not later than 5 days after the budget 
of the President for a fiscal year is submitted to Congress 
under section 1105 of title 31, United States Code, the 
Secretary of the Army, in coordination with the Director of the 
Defense Logistics Agency, shall submit to the Committees on 
Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives a 
report specifying additional excess firearms, related spare 
parts and components, small arms ammunition, and ammunition 
components designated as no longer actively issued for military 
service and that are otherwise prohibited from commercial sale, 
or distribution, under Federal law. The Secretary of the Army 
shall designate these items to either be added to the transfer 
list for the purposes described under subsection (b) or the 
list of items exempted under subsection (c). The report may not 
include the redesignation or change in status of items 
previously designated for transfer or exemption pursuant to 
subsections (a) or (c).
    (e) Actions Pursuant to Annual Report.--The Secretary of 
the Army may not take any action to transfer items designated 
in the report submitted under subsection (d) until the date of 
the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for the 
fiscal year following the year such report is submitted. Upon 
enactment of such Act, the Secretary shall transfer or exempt 
the items so designated.


    Section 40728 of title 36, United States Code, is amended 
by adding at the end the following new subsection:
    ``(i) Authorized Navy Transfers.--(1) Notwithstanding 
subsections (a) and (b), the Secretary of the Navy may transfer 
to the corporation, in accordance with the procedures 
prescribed in this subchapter, M-1 Garand and caliber .22 
rimfire rifles held within the inventories of the United States 
Navy and the United States Marine Corps and stored at Defense 
Distribution Depot, Anniston, Alabama, or Naval Surface Warfare 
Center, Crane, Indiana, as of the date of the enactment of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.
    ``(2) The items specified for transfer under paragraph 
            ``(A) shall be used as awards for competitors in 
        marksmanship competitions held by the United States 
        Marine Corps or the United States Navy and may not be 
        resold; and
            ``(B) shall be rendered inoperable prior to award 
        and transfer to marksmanship competitors.''.


    (a) Contracts for Training.--Subject to subsection (c), the 
Secretary of the Air Force may enter into one or more contracts 
with appropriate civilian entities in order to provide flying 
or operating training for Air National Guard pilots and sensor 
operator aircrew members in the MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle if 
the Secretary of the Air Force determines that--
            (1) Air Force training units lack sufficient 
        capacity to train such pilots or sensor operator 
        aircrew members for initial qualification in the MQ-9 
        unmanned aerial vehicle;
            (2) pilots or sensor operator aircrew members of 
        Air National Guard units require continuation training 
        in order to remain current and qualified in the MQ-9 
        unmanned aerial vehicle;
            (3) non-combat continuation training in the MQ-9 
        unmanned aerial vehicle is necessary for such pilots or 
        sensor operator aircrew members to achieve required 
        levels of flying or operating proficiency; and
            (4) such training for such pilots or sensor 
        operator aircrew members is necessary in order to meet 
        requirements for the Air National Guard to provide 
        pilots and sensor operator aircrew members qualified in 
        the MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle for operations on 
        active duty and in State status.
    (b) Nature of Training Under Contracts.--Any training 
provided pursuant to a contract under subsection (a) shall 
incorporate a level of instruction that is equivalent to the 
instruction in the MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle provided to 
pilots and sensor operator aircrew members at Air Force 
training units, as determined by the Secretary of the Air 
    (c) Authority Contingent on Certification and Notice and 
Wait Period.--The Secretary of the Air Force may not use the 
authority in subsection (a) unless and until the Secretary of 
the Air Force certifies to the congressional defense committees 
in writing, 90 days in advance of executing such authority 
provided in subsection (a), that the use of the authority is 
necessary to provide required flying or operating training for 
Air National Guard pilots and sensor operator aircrew members 
in the MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle.


    The Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air 
Force may, in consultation with the Chief of the National Guard 
Bureau, provide support for training of appropriate personnel 
of the National Guard on wildfire response and prevention, with 
preference given to military installations with the highest 
wildfire suppression need.


    (a) Authorization.--The Second Indianhead Division 
Association, Inc., Scholarship and Memorials Foundation, an 
organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal 
Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt from taxation under section 
501(a) of that Code, may place additional commemorative 
elements or engravings on the raised platform or stone work of 
the existing Second Division Memorial located in President's 
Park, between 17th Street Northwest and Constitution Avenue in 
the District of Columbia, to further honor the members of the 
Second Infantry Division who have given their lives in service 
to the United States.
    (b) Application of Commemorative Works Act.--Chapter 89 of 
title 40, United States Code (commonly known as the 
``Commemorative Works Act''), shall apply to the design and 
placement of the commemorative elements or engravings 
authorized under subsection (a).
    (c) Funding.--Federal funds may not be used for 
modifications of the Second Division Memorial authorized under 
subsection (a).


                        Subtitle A--Active Forces

Sec. 401. End strengths for active forces.
Sec. 402. Revisions in permanent active duty end strength minimum 

                       Subtitle B--Reserve Forces

Sec. 411. End strengths for Selected Reserve.
Sec. 412. End strengths for Reserves on active duty in support of the 
Sec. 413. End strengths for military technicians (dual status).
Sec. 414. Fiscal year 2018 limitation on number of non-dual status 
Sec. 415. Maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on active 
          duty for operational support.
Sec. 416. Number of members of the National Guard on full-time duty in 
          support of the reserves within the National Guard Bureau.

               Subtitle C--Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 421. Military personnel.

                       Subtitle A--Active Forces


    The Armed Forces are authorized strengths for active duty 
personnel as of September 30, 2018, as follows:
            (1) The Army, 483,500.
            (2) The Navy, 327,900.
            (3) The Marine Corps, 186,000.
            (4) The Air Force, 325,100.


    Section 691(b) of title 10, United States Code, is amended 
by striking paragraphs (1) through (4) and inserting the 
following new paragraphs:
            ``(1) For the Army, 483,500.
            ``(2) For the Navy, 327,900.
            ``(3) For the Marine Corps, 186,000.
            ``(4) For the Air Force, 325,100.''.

                       Subtitle B--Reserve Forces


    (a) In General.--The Armed Forces are authorized strengths 
for Selected Reserve personnel of the reserve components as of 
September 30, 2018, as follows:
            (1) The Army National Guard of the United States, 
            (2) The Army Reserve, 199,500.
            (3) The Navy Reserve, 59,000.
            (4) The Marine Corps Reserve, 38,500.
            (5) The Air National Guard of the United States, 
            (6) The Air Force Reserve, 69,800.
            (7) The Coast Guard Reserve, 7,000.
    (b) End Strength Reductions.--The end strengths prescribed 
by subsection (a) for the Selected Reserve of any reserve 
component shall be proportionately reduced by--
            (1) the total authorized strength of units 
        organized to serve as units of the Selected Reserve of 
        such component which are on active duty (other than for 
        training) at the end of the fiscal year; and
            (2) the total number of individual members not in 
        units organized to serve as units of the Selected 
        Reserve of such component who are on active duty (other 
        than for training or for unsatisfactory participation 
        in training) without their consent at the end of the 
        fiscal year.
    (c) End Strength Increases.--Whenever units or individual 
members of the Selected Reserve of any reserve component are 
released from active duty during any fiscal year, the end 
strength prescribed for such fiscal year for the Selected 
Reserve of such reserve component shall be increased 
proportionately by the total authorized strengths of such units 
and by the total number of such individual members.


    Within the end strengths prescribed in section 411(a), the 
reserve components of the Armed Forces are authorized, as of 
September 30, 2018, the following number of Reserves to be 
serving on full-time active duty or full-time duty, in the case 
of members of the National Guard, for the purpose of 
organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training 
the reserve components:
            (1) The Army National Guard of the United States, 
            (2) The Army Reserve, 16,261.
            (3) The Navy Reserve, 10,101.
            (4) The Marine Corps Reserve, 2,261.
            (5) The Air National Guard of the United States, 
            (6) The Air Force Reserve, 3,588.


    The minimum number of military technicians (dual status) as 
of the last day of fiscal year 2018 for the reserve components 
of the Army and the Air Force (notwithstanding section 129 of 
title 10, United States Code) shall be the following:
            (1) For the Army National Guard of the United 
        States, 22,294.
            (2) For the Army Reserve, 6,492.
            (3) For the Air National Guard of the United 
        States, 19,135.
            (4) For the Air Force Reserve, 8,880.


    (a) Limitations.--
            (1) National guard.--The number of non-dual status 
        technicians employed by the National Guard as of 
        September 30, 2018, may not exceed the following:
                    (A) For the Army National Guard of the 
                United States, 0.
                    (B) For the Air National Guard of the 
                United States, 0.
            (2) Army reserve.--The number of non-dual status 
        technicians employed by the Army Reserve as of 
        September 30, 2018, may not exceed 0.
            (3) Air force reserve.--The number of non-dual 
        status technicians employed by the Air Force Reserve as 
        of September 30, 2018, may not exceed 0.
    (b) Non-dual Status Technicians Defined.--In this section, 
the term ``non-dual status technician'' has the meaning given 
that term in section 10217(a) of title 10, United States Code.


    During fiscal year 2018, the maximum number of members of 
the reserve components of the Armed Forces who may be serving 
at any time on full-time operational support duty under section 
115(b) of title 10, United States Code, is the following:
            (1) The Army National Guard of the United States, 
            (2) The Army Reserve, 13,000.
            (3) The Navy Reserve, 6,200.
            (4) The Marine Corps Reserve, 3,000.
            (5) The Air National Guard of the United States, 
            (6) The Air Force Reserve, 14,000.


    (a) Army National Guard of the United States.--As of the 
end of fiscal year 2019, and as of the end of each fiscal year 
thereafter, the number of members of the Army National Guard of 
the United States serving with the National Guard Bureau on 
full-time duty for the purpose of organizing, administering, 
recruiting, instructing, or training the reserve components may 
not exceed the number equal to six percent of the total number 
of members of the Army National Guard of the United States 
authorized for service on full-time duty for that purpose in 
that fiscal year.
    (b) Air National Guard of the United States.--As of the end 
of fiscal year 2019, and as of the end of each fiscal year 
thereafter, the number of members of the Air National Guard of 
the United States serving with the National Guard Bureau on 
full-time duty for the purpose of organizing, administering, 
recruiting, instructing, or training the reserve components may 
not exceed the number equal to six percent of the total number 
of members of the Air National Guard of the United States 
authorized for service on full-time duty for that purpose in 
that fiscal year.

              Subtitle C--Authorization of Appropriations


    (a) Authorization of Appropriations.--Funds are hereby 
authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2018 for the use 
of the Armed Forces and other activities and agencies of the 
Department of Defense for expenses, not otherwise provided for, 
for military personnel, as specified in the funding table in 
section 4401.
    (b) Construction of Authorization.--The authorization of 
appropriations in subsection (a) supersedes any other 
authorization of appropriations (definite or indefinite) for 
such purpose for fiscal year 2018.


                  Subtitle A--Officer Personnel Policy

Sec. 501. Modification of deadline for submittal by officers of written 
          communications to promotion selection boards on matters of 
          importance to their selection.
Sec. 502. Clarification to exception for removal of officers from list 
          of officers recommended for promotion after 18 months without 
Sec. 503. Modification of requirement for specification of number of 
          officers who may be recommended for early retirement by a 
          Selective Early Retirement Board.
Sec. 504. Extension of service-in-grade waiver authority for voluntary 
          retirement of certain general and flag officers for purposes 
          of enhanced flexibility in officer personnel management.
Sec. 505. Inclusion of Principal Military Deputy to the Assistant 
          Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Technology, and 
          Logistics among officers subject to repeal of statutory 
          specification of general officer grade.
Sec. 506. Clarification of effect of repeal of statutory specification 
          of general or flag officer grade for various positions in the 
          Armed Forces.
Sec. 507. Standardization of authorities in connection with repeal of 
          statutory specification of general officer grade for the Dean 
          of the Academic Board of the United States Military Academy 
          and the Dean of the Faculty of the United States Air Force 
Sec. 508. Flexibility in promotion of officers to positions of Staff 
          Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps and 
          Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Navy or Air Force.
Sec. 509. Grandfathering of retired grade of Assistant Judge Advocates 
          General of the Navy as of repeal of statutory specification of 
          general and flag officers grades in the Armed Forces.

                Subtitle B--Reserve Component Management

Sec. 511. Equal treatment of orders to serve on active duty under 
          sections 12304a and 12304b of title 10, United States Code.
Sec. 512. Service credit for cyberspace experience or advanced education 
          upon original appointment as a commissioned officer.
Sec. 513. Consolidation of authorities to order members of the reserve 
          components of the Armed Forces to perform duty.
Sec. 514. Pilot program on use of retired senior enlisted members of the 
          Army National Guard as Army National Guard recruiters.

                 Subtitle C--General Service Authorities

Part I--Matters Relating to Discharge and Correction of Military Records

Sec. 520. Consideration of additional medical evidence by Boards for the 
          Correction of Military Records and liberal consideration of 
          evidence relating to post-traumatic stress disorder or 
          traumatic brain injury.
Sec. 521. Public availability of information related to disposition of 
          claims regarding discharge or release of members of the Armed 
          Forces when the claims involve sexual assault.
Sec. 522. Confidential review of characterization of terms of discharge 
          of members who are victims of sex-related offenses.
Sec. 523. Training requirements for members of boards for the correction 
          of military records and personnel who investigate claims of 
Sec. 524. Pilot program on use of video teleconferencing technology by 
          boards for the correction of military records and discharge 
          review boards.

               Part II--Other General Service Authorities

Sec. 526. Modification of basis for extension of period for enlistment 
          in the Armed Forces under the Delayed Entry Program.
Sec. 527. Reauthorization of authority to order retired members to 
          active duty in high-demand, low-density assignments.
Sec. 528. Notification of members of the Armed Forces undergoing certain 
          administrative separations of potential eligibility for 
          veterans benefits.
Sec. 529. Extension of authority of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to 
          provide for the conduct of medical disability examinations by 
          contract physicians.
Sec. 530. Provision of information on naturalization through military 

           Subtitle D--Military Justice and Other Legal Issues

Sec. 531. Clarifying amendments related to the Uniform Code of Military 
          Justice reform by the Military Justice Act of 2016.
Sec. 532. Enhancement of effective prosecution and defense in courts-
          martial and related matters.
Sec. 533. Punitive article under the Uniform Code of Military Justice on 
          wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate visual images 
          or visual images of sexually explicit conduct.
Sec. 534. Garnishment to satisfy judgment rendered for physically, 
          sexually, or emotionally abusing a child.
Sec. 535. Sexual assault prevention and response training for all 
          individuals enlisted in the Armed Forces under a delayed entry 
Sec. 536. Special Victims' Counsel training regarding the unique 
          challenges often faced by male victims of sexual assault.
Sec. 537. Inclusion of information in annual SAPRO reports regarding 
          military sexual harassment and incidents involving 
          nonconsensual distribution of private sexual images.
Sec. 538. Inclusion of information in annual SAPRO reports regarding 
          sexual assaults committed by a member of the Armed Forces 
          against the member's spouse or other family member.

   Subtitle E--Member Education, Training, Resilience, and Transition

Sec. 541. Element in preseparation counseling for members of the Armed 
          Forces on assistance and support services for caregivers of 
          certain veterans through the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sec. 542. Improved employment assistance for members of the Army, Navy, 
          Air Force, and Marine Corps and veterans.
Sec. 543. Limitation on release of military service academy graduates to 
          participate in professional athletics.
Sec. 544. Two-year extension of suicide prevention and resilience 
          program for the National Guard and Reserves.
Sec. 545. Annual certifications related to Ready, Relevant Learning 
          initiative of the Navy.
Sec. 546. Authority to expand eligibility for the United States Military 
          Apprenticeship Program.
Sec. 547. Limitation on availability of funds for attendance of Air 
          Force enlisted personnel at Air Force officer professional 
          military education in-residence courses.
Sec. 548. Lieutenant Henry Ossian Flipper Leadership Scholarships.
Sec. 549. Pilot programs on appointment in the excepted service in the 
          Department of Defense of physically disqualified former cadets 
          and midshipmen.

Subtitle F--Defense Dependents' Education and Military Family Readiness 

              Part I--Defense Dependents' Education Matters

Sec. 551. Assistance to schools with military dependent students.
Sec. 552. Transitions of military dependent students from Department of 
          Defense dependent schools to other schools and among schools 
          of local educational agencies.
Sec. 553. Report on educational opportunities in science, technology, 
          engineering, and mathematics for children who are dependents 
          of members of the Armed Forces.

               Part II--Military Family Readiness Matters

Sec. 555. Codification of authority to conduct family support programs 
          for immediate family members of members of the Armed Forces 
          assigned to special operations forces.
Sec. 556. Reimbursement for State licensure and certification costs of a 
          spouse of a member of the Armed Forces arising from relocation 
          to another State.
Sec. 557. Temporary extension of extended period of protections for 
          members of uniformed services relating to mortgages, mortgage 
          foreclosure, and eviction.
Sec. 558. Enhancing military childcare programs and activities of the 
          Department of Defense.
Sec. 559. Direct hire authority for Department of Defense for childcare 
          services providers for Department child development centers.
Sec. 560. Pilot program on public-private partnerships for telework 
          facilities for military spouses on military installations 
          outside the United States.

                   Subtitle G--Decorations and Awards

Sec. 561. Authorization for award of the Medal of Honor to Garlin M. 
          Conner for acts of valor during World War II.
Sec. 562. Authorization for award of Distinguished-Service Cross to 
          Specialist Frank M. Crary for acts of valor in Vietnam.

            Subtitle H--Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements

Sec. 571. Analysis and report on accompanied and unaccompanied tours of 
          duty in remote locations with high family support costs.
Sec. 572. Review and reports on policies for regular and reserve officer 
          career management.
Sec. 573. Review and report on effects of personnel requirements and 
          limitations on the availability of members of the National 
          Guard for the performance of funeral honors duty for veterans.
Sec. 574. Review and report on authorities for the employment, use, and 
          status of National Guard and Reserve technicians.
Sec. 575. Assessment and report on expanding and contracting for 
          childcare services of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 576. Review and report on compensation provided childcare services 
          providers of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 577. Comptroller General of the United States assessment and report 
          on the Office of Complex Investigations within the National 
          Guard Bureau.
Sec. 578. Modification of submittal date of Comptroller General of the 
          United States report on integrity of the Department of Defense 
          whistleblower program.

                        Subtitle I--Other Matters

Sec. 581. Expansion of United States Air Force Institute of Technology 
          enrollment authority to include civilian employees of the 
          homeland security industry.
Sec. 582. Conditional designation of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Corps 
          as a basic branch of the Army.
Sec. 583. Designation of office within Office of the Secretary of 
          Defense to oversee use of food assistance programs by members 
          of the Armed Forces on active duty.

                  Subtitle A--Officer Personnel Policy


    (a) Officers on Active-duty List.--Section 614(b) of title 
10, United States Code, is amended by striking ``the day'' and 
inserting ``10 calendar days''.
    (b) Officers in Reserve Active-status.--Section 14106 of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended in the second sentence 
by striking ``the day'' and inserting ``10 calendar days''.
    (c) Application of Amendments.--The amendments made by this 
section shall apply with respect to promotion selection boards 
convened on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.


    Section 629(c)(3) of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by striking ``the Senate is not able to obtain the 
information necessary'' and inserting ``the military department 
concerned is not able to obtain and provide to the Senate the 
information the Senate requires''.


    Section 638a of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (c), by striking paragraph (1) 
        and inserting the following new paragraph:
    ``(1) In the case of an action under subsection (b)(2), the 
total number of officers described in that subsection that a 
selection board convened under section 611(b) of this title 
pursuant to the authority of that subsection may recommend for 
early retirement may not be more than 30 percent of the number 
of officers considered in each grade in each competitive 
category.''; and
            (2) in subsection (d), by striking paragraph (2) 
        and inserting the following new paragraph:
    ``(2) The total number of officers to be recommended for 
discharge by a selection board convened pursuant to subsection 
(b)(3) may not be more than 30 percent of the number of 
officers considered.''.

                    PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT.

    Section 1370(a)(2)(G) of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by striking ``2017'' and inserting ``2025''.


    Section 3016(b)(5)(B) of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by striking ``a lieutenant general'' and inserting ``an 

                    POSITIONS IN THE ARMED FORCES.

    (a) Retention of Grade of Incumbents in Positions on 
Effective Date.--
            (1) In general.--Section 502 of the National 
        Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public 
        Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2102) is amended by adding at 
        the end the following new subsection:
    ``(tt) Retention of Grade of Incumbents in Positions on 
Effective Date.--The grade of service of an officer serving as 
of the date of the enactment of this Act in a position whose 
statutory grade is affected by an amendment made by this 
section may not be reduced after that date by reason of such 
amendment as long as the officer remains in continuous service 
in such position after that date.''.
            (2) Retroactive effective date.--The amendment made 
        by paragraph (1) shall take effect as of December 23, 
        2016, and be treated as if included in the enactment of 
        the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
        2017 (Public Law 114-328).
    (b) Clarifying Amendment to Chief of Veterinary Corps of 
the Army Repeal.--Section 3084 of title 10, United States Code, 
is amended by striking the last sentence.


    (a) Dean of Academic Board of Military Academy.--Section 
4335(c) of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by striking the first and third sentences; and
            (2) in the remaining sentence, by striking ``so 
        appointed'' and inserting ``appointed as Dean of the 
        Academic Board''.
    (b) Dean of Faculty of Air Force Academy.--Section 9335(b) 
of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking ``so 
appointed'' and inserting ``appointed as Dean of the Faculty''.

                    OR AIR FORCE.

    (a) Staff Judge Advocate to Commandant of the Marine 
Corps.--Section 5046(b) of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) by inserting ``(1)'' after ``(b)''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(2) If the Secretary of the Navy elects to convene a 
selection board under section 611(a) of this title to consider 
eligible officers for selection to appointment as Staff Judge 
Advocate, the Secretary may, in connection with such 
consideration for selection--
            ``(A) treat any section in chapter 36 of this title 
        referring to promotion to the next higher grade as if 
        such section referred to promotion to a higher grade; 
            ``(B) waive section 619(a)(2) of this title if the 
        Secretary determines that the needs of the Marine Corps 
        require the waiver.''.
    (b) Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Navy.--Section 
5149(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding 
at the end the following new paragraph:
    ``(3) If the Secretary of the Navy elects to convene a 
selection board under section 611(a) of this title to consider 
eligible officers for selection to appointment as Deputy Judge 
Advocate General, the Secretary may, in connection with such 
consideration for selection--
            ``(A) treat any section in chapter 36 of this title 
        referring to promotion to the next higher grade as if 
        such section referred to promotion to a higher grade; 
            ``(B) waive section 619(a)(2) of this title if the 
        Secretary determines that the needs of the Navy require 
        the waiver.''.
    (c) Deputy Judge Advocate of the Air Force.--Section 
8037(e) of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by inserting ``(1)'' after ``(e)''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(2) If the Secretary of the Air Force elects to convene a 
selection board under section 611(a) of this title to consider 
eligible officers for selection to appointment as Deputy Judge 
Advocate General, the Secretary may, in connection with such 
consideration for selection--
            ``(A) treat any section in chapter 36 of this title 
        referring to promotion to the next higher grade as if 
        such section referred to promotion to a higher grade; 
            ``(B) waive section 619(a)(2) of this title if the 
        Secretary determines that the needs of the Air Force 
        require the waiver.''.

                    IN THE ARMED FORCES.

    (a) In General.--Notwithstanding the amendments made by 
section 502(gg)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2105), an 
officer selected to hold a position specified in subsection (b) 
as of December 23, 2016, may be retired after that date in the 
grade of rear admiral (lower half) or brigadier general, as 
applicable, with the retired pay of such grade (unless entitled 
to higher pay under another provision of law).
    (b) Specified Positions.--Subsection (a) applies with 
respect to the Assistant Judge Advocates General of the Navy 
provided for by subsections (b) and (c) of section 5149 of 
title 10, United States Code.

                Subtitle B--Reserve Component Management

                    SECTIONS 12304A AND 12304B OF TITLE 10, UNITED 
                    STATES CODE.

    (a) Eligibility of Reserve Component Members for Pre-
mobilization Health Care.--Section 1074(d)(2) of title 10, 
United States Code, is amended by striking ``in support of a 
contingency operation under'' and inserting ``under section 
12304b of this title or''.
    (b) Eligibility of Reserve Component Members for 
Transitional Health Care.--Section 1145(a)(2)(B) of title 10, 
United States Code, is amended by striking ``in support of a 
contingency operation'' and inserting ``under section 12304b of 
this title or a provision of law referred to in section 
101(a)(13)(B) of this title''.

                    COMMISSIONED OFFICER.

    (a) Original Appointment as a Reserve Officer.--Section 
12207 of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (a)(2), by inserting ``or (e)'' 
        after ``subsection (b)'';
            (2) by redesignating subsections (e) and (f) as 
        subsections (f) and (g), respectively;
            (3) by inserting after subsection (d) the following 
        new subsection (e):
    ``(e)(1) Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of 
Defense, if the Secretary of a military department determines 
that the number of commissioned officers with cyberspace-
related experience or advanced education in reserve active-
status in an armed force under the jurisdiction of such 
Secretary is critically below the number needed, such Secretary 
may credit any person receiving an original appointment as a 
reserve commissioned officer with a period of constructive 
service for the following:
            ``(A) Special experience or training in a 
        particular cyberspace-related field if such experience 
        or training is directly related to the operational 
        needs of the armed force concerned.
            ``(B) Any period of advanced education in a 
        cyberspace-related field beyond the baccalaureate 
        degree level if such advanced education is directly 
        related to the operational needs of the armed force 
    ``(2) Constructive service credited an officer under this 
subsection shall not exceed one year for each year of special 
experience, training, or advanced education, and not more than 
three years total constructive service may be credited.
    ``(3) Constructive service credited an officer under this 
subsection is in addition to any service credited that officer 
under subsection (a) and shall be credited at the time of the 
original appointment of the officer.
    ``(4) The authority to award constructive service credit 
under this subsection expires on December 31, 2023.''; and
            (4) in subsection (f), as redesignated by paragraph 
        (2), by striking ``or (d)'' and inserting ``, (d), or 
    (b) Extension of Authority in Connection With Original 
Appointment of Regular Officers.--Section 533(g)(4) of title 
10, United States Code, is amended by striking ``December 31, 
2018'' and inserting ``December 31, 2023''.


    Section 515 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 810) is 
            (1) in the second sentence of subsection (b), by 
        striking ``such legislation as would be necessary to 
        amend titles 10, 14, 32, and 37 of the United States 
        Code and other provisions of law in order to implement 
        the Secretary's approach by October 1, 2018'' and 
        inserting ``legislation implementing the alternate 
        approach by April 30, 2019''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(c) Attributes of Alternate Approach.--The Secretary of 
Defense shall ensure the alternate approach described in 
subsection (b)--
            ``(1) reduces the number of statutory authorities 
        by which members of the reserve components of the Armed 
        Forces may be ordered to perform duty to not more than 
        8 statutory authorities grouped into 4 duty categories 
        to which specific pay and benefits may be aligned, 
        which categories shall include--
                    ``(A) one duty category that shall 
                generally reflect active service performed in 
                support of contingency type operations or other 
                military actions in support of the commander of 
                a combatant command;
                    ``(B) a second duty category that shall--
                            ``(i) generally reflect active 
                        service not described in subparagraph 
                        (A); and
                            ``(ii) consist of training, 
                        administration, operational support, 
                        and full-time support of the reserve 
                    ``(C) a third duty category that shall--
                            ``(i) generally reflect duty 
                        performed under direct military 
                        supervision while not in active 
                        service; and
                            ``(ii) include duty characterized 
                        by partial-day service; and
                    ``(D) a fourth duty category that shall--
                            ``(i) generally reflect remote duty 
                        completed while not under direct 
                        military supervision; and
                            ``(ii) include completion of 
                        correspondence courses and telework;
            ``(2) distinguishes among duty performed under 
        titles 10, 14, and 32, United States Code, and ensures 
        that the reasons the members of the reserve components 
        are utilized under the statutory authorities which 
        exist prior to the alternate approach are preserved and 
        can be tracked as separate and distinct purposes;
            ``(3) minimizes, to the maximum extent practicable, 
        disruptions in pay and benefits for members, and 
        adheres to the principle that a member should receive 
        pay and benefits commensurate with the nature and 
        performance of the member's duties;
            ``(4) ensures the Secretary has the flexibility to 
        meet emerging requirements and to effectively manage 
        the force; and
            ``(5) aligns Department of Defense programming and 
        budgeting to the types of duty members perform.''.


    (a) Pilot Program Authorized.--The Secretary of the Army 
may carry out a pilot program for the Army National Guard under 
which retired senior enlisted members of the Army National 
Guard would serve as contract recruiters for the Army National 
    (b) Objectives of Pilot Program.--The Secretary of the Army 
shall design any pilot program conducted under this section to 
determine the following:
            (1) The feasibility and effectiveness of hiring 
        retired senior enlisted members of the Army National 
        Guard who have retired within the previous two years to 
        serve as recruiters.
            (2) The merits of hiring such retired senior 
        enlisted members as contractors or as employees of the 
        Department of Defense.
            (3) The best method of providing a competitive 
        compensation package for such retired senior enlisted 
            (4) The merits of requiring such retired senior 
        enlisted members to wear a military uniform while 
        performing recruiting duties under the pilot program.
    (c) Consultation.--In developing a pilot program under this 
section, the Secretary of the Army shall consult with the 
operators of a previous pilot program carried out by the Army 
involving the use of contract recruiters.
    (d) Commencement and Duration.--The Secretary of the Army 
may commence a pilot program under this section on or after 
January 1, 2018, and all activities under such a pilot program 
shall terminate no later than December 31, 2020.
    (e) Funding Source.--If a pilot program is conducted under 
this section, the Secretary of the Army shall use funds 
otherwise available for the National Guard Bureau to carry out 
the program.
    (f) Reporting Requirement.--If a pilot program is conducted 
under this section, the Secretary of the Army shall submit to 
the Committees on Armed Services of the House of 
Representatives and the Senate a report containing an 
evaluation of the success of the pilot program, including the 
determinations described in subsection (b). The report shall be 
submitted not later than January 1, 2019.

                Subtitle C--General Service Authorities



    (a) In General.--Section 1552 of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended--
            (1) by redesignating subsections (h) and (i) as 
        subsections (i) and (j), respectively; and
            (2) by inserting after subsection (g) the following 
        new subsection (h):
    ``(h)(1) This subsection applies to a former member of the 
armed forces whose claim under this section for review of a 
discharge or dismissal is based in whole or in part on matters 
relating to post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain 
injury as supporting rationale, or as justification for 
priority consideration, and whose post-traumatic stress 
disorder or traumatic brain injury is related to combat or 
military sexual trauma, as determined by the Secretary 
    ``(2) In the case of a claimant described in paragraph (1), 
a board established under subsection (a)(1) shall--
            ``(A) review medical evidence of the Secretary of 
        Veterans Affairs or a civilian health care provider 
        that is presented by the claimant; and
            ``(B) review the claim with liberal consideration 
        to the claimant that post-traumatic stress disorder or 
        traumatic brain injury potentially contributed to the 
        circumstances resulting in the discharge or dismissal 
        or to the original characterization of the claimant's 
        discharge or dismissal.''.
    (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 1553(d)(3)(A)(ii) of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking 
``discharge of a lesser characterization'' and inserting 
``discharge or dismissal or to the original characterization of 
the member's discharge or dismissal''.


    (a) Boards for the Correction of Military Records.--
Subsection (i) of section 1552 of title 10, United States Code, 
as redesignated by section 520(a)(1), is amended by adding at 
the end the following new paragraph:
            ``(4) The number and disposition of claims decided 
        during the calendar quarter preceding the calendar 
        quarter in which such information is made available in 
        which sexual assault is alleged to have contributed, 
        whether in whole or in part, to the original 
        characterization of the discharge or release of the 
        former member.''.
    (b) Discharge Review Boards.--Section 1553(f) of title 10, 
United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
following new paragraph:
            ``(4) The number and disposition of claims decided 
        during the calendar quarter preceding the calendar 
        quarter in which such information is made available in 
        which sexual assault is alleged to have contributed, 
        whether in whole or in part, to the original 
        characterization of the discharge or release of the 
        former member.''.
    (c) Conforming Amendments.--
            (1) Boards for the correction of military 
        records.--Subsection (i) of section 1552 of title 10, 
        United States Code, as redesignated by section 
        520(a)(1) and amended by subsection (a), is further 
                    (A) in paragraph (1), by striking 
                ``claimant'' both places it appears and 
                inserting ``former member'';
                    (B) in paragraph (2), by striking 
                ``claimant'' and inserting ``former member''; 
                    (C) in paragraph (3), by striking 
                ``claimants'' and inserting ``former members''.
            (2) Discharge review boards.--Section 1553(f)(2) of 
        title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking 
        ``claimant'' and inserting ``former member''.


    (a) Codification of Current Confidential Process.--
            (1) Codification.--Chapter 79 of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended by inserting after section 
        1554a a new section 1554b consisting of--
                    (A) a heading as follows:

``Sec. 1554b. Confidential review of characterization of terms of 
                    discharge of members of the armed forces who are 
                    victims of sex-related offenses''; and

                    (B) a text consisting of the text of 
                section 547 of the National Defense 
                Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (Public 
                Law 113-291; 10 U.S.C. 1553 note).
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of chapter 79 of such title is amended by 
        inserting after the item relating to section 1554a the 
        following new item:

``1554b. Confidential review of characterization of terms of discharge 
          of members of the armed forces who are victims of sex-related 
            (3) Conforming repeal.--Section 547 of the National 
        Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (Public 
        Law 113-291; 10 U.S.C. 1553 note) is repealed.
    (b) Clarification of Applicability to Individuals Who 
Allege Sex-related Offenses During Military Service.--
Subsection (a) of section 1554b of title 10, United States 
Code, as added by subsection (a) of this section, is amended by 
striking ``sex-related offense'' and inserting the following: 
``sex-related offense, or alleges that the individual was the 
victim of a sex-related offense,''.
    (c) Conforming Amendments.--Section 1554b of title 10, 
United States Code, as added by subsection (a), is further 
            (1) by striking ``Armed Forces'' each place it 
        appears in subsections (a) and (b) and inserting 
        ``armed forces'';
            (2) in subsection (a)--
                    (A) by striking ``boards for the correction 
                of military records of the military department 
                concerned'' and inserting ``boards of the 
                military department concerned established in 
                accordance with this chapter''; and
                    (B) by striking ``such an offense'' and 
                inserting ``a sex-related offense'';
            (3) in subsection (b), striking ``boards for the 
        correction of military records'' in the matter 
        preceding paragraph (1) and inserting ``boards of the 
        military department concerned established in accordance 
        with this chapter''; and
            (4) in subsection (d)--
                    (B) in paragraph (1), by striking ``title 
                10, United States Code'' and inserting ``this 
                title''; and
                    (C) in paragraphs (2) and (3), by striking 
                ``such title'' and inserting ``this title''.


    (a) Members of Boards for the Correction of Military 
Records.--Section 534(c)(1) of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 10 
U.S.C. 1552 note) is amended by adding at the end the following 
new sentence: ``This curriculum shall also address the proper 
handling of claims in which a sex-related offense is alleged to 
have contributed to the original characterization of the 
discharge or release of the claimant, including guidelines for 
the consideration of evidence substantiating such allegations 
in accordance with the requirements of section 1554b(b) of 
title 10, United States Code, as added by section 522 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.''.
    (b) Department of Defense Personnel Who Investigate Claims 
of Retaliation.--Section 546(a) of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328) is 
amended by striking ``section.'' and inserting ``section, 
including guidelines for the consideration of evidence 
substantiating such allegations in accordance with the 
requirements of section 1554b(b) of title 10, United States 
Code, as added by section 522 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.''.

                    DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARDS.

    (a) Pilot Program Authorized.--The Secretary of Defense may 
carry out a pilot program under which boards for the correction 
of military records established under section 1552 of title 10, 
United States Code, and discharge review boards established 
under section 1553 of such title are authorized to utilize, in 
the performance of their duties, video teleconferencing 
technology, to the extent such technology is reasonably 
available and technically feasible.
    (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the pilot program is to 
evaluate the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of utilizing 
video teleconferencing technology to allow persons who raise a 
claim before a board for the correction of military records, 
persons who request a review by a discharge review board, and 
witnesses who present evidence to such a board to appear before 
such a board without being physically present.
    (c) Implementation.--As part of the pilot program, the 
Secretary of Defense shall make funds available to develop the 
capabilities of boards for the correction of military records 
and discharge review boards to effectively use video 
teleconferencing technology.
    (d) No Expansion of Eligibility.--Nothing in the pilot 
program is intended to alter the eligibility criteria of 
persons who may raise a claim before a board for the correction 
of military records, request a review by a discharge review 
board, or present evidence to such a board.
    (e) Termination.--The authority of the Secretary of Defense 
to carry out the pilot program shall terminate on December 31, 



    Section 513(b) of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (4) 
        and, in such paragraph, by striking ``paragraph (1)'' 
        and inserting ``this subsection'';
            (2) by designating the second sentence of paragraph 
        (1) as paragraph (2) and indenting the left margin of 
        such paragraph (2) two ems to the right;
            (3) in paragraph (2), as so designated, by 
        inserting ``described in paragraph (1)'' after ``the 
        365-day period''; and
            (4) by inserting after paragraph (2), as so 
        designated, the following new paragraph (3):
    ``(3)(A) The Secretary concerned may extend by up to an 
additional 365 days the period of extension under paragraph (2) 
for a person who enlisted before October 1, 2017, under section 
504(b)(2) of this title if the Secretary determines that the 
period of extension under this paragraph is required for the 
performance of adequate background and security reviews of that 
    ``(B) A person whose period of extension under paragraph 
(2) is extended under this paragraph shall undergo all security 
and suitability screening requirements and receive a favorable 
military security suitability determination before entering 
into service in a regular or reserve component. Screening 
priority shall be given to those persons who were enlisted for 
a military occupational specialty that requires specialized 
language or medical skills that are vital to the national 
    ``(C) The authority to make an extension under this 
paragraph shall expire one year after the date of the enactment 
of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018. 
The expiration of such authority shall not effect the validity 
of any extension made in accordance with this paragraph on or 
before that date.''.


    Section 688a(f) of title 10, United States Code, is amended 
by striking ``after December 31, 2011.'' and inserting 
``outside a period as follows:
            ``(1) The period beginning on December 2, 2002, and 
        ending on December 31, 2011.
            ``(2) The period beginning on the date of the 
        enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
        Fiscal Year 2018 and ending on December 31, 2022.''.


    (a) Notification Required.--A member of the Armed Forces 
who receives an administrative separation or mandatory 
discharge under conditions other than honorable shall be 
provided written notification that the member may petition the 
Veterans Benefits Administration of the Department of Veterans 
Affairs to receive, despite the characterization of the 
member's service, certain benefits under the laws administered 
by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
    (b) Deadline for Notification.--Notification under 
subsection (a) shall be provided to a member described in such 
subsection in conjunction with the member's notification of the 
administrative separation or mandatory discharge or as soon 
thereafter as practicable.


    Section 704(c) of the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003 (Public 
Law 108-183; 38 U.S.C. 5101 note) is amended by striking 
``December 31, 2017'' and inserting ``December 31, 2018''.


    The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that members of the 
Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps who are aliens lawfully 
admitted to the United States for permanent residence are 
informed of the availability of naturalization through service 
in the Armed Forces under section 328 of the Immigration and 
Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1439) and the process by which to 
pursue naturalization. The Secretary shall ensure that 
resources are available to assist qualified members of the 
Armed Forces to navigate the application and naturalization 

          Subtitle D--Military Justice and Other Legal Issues


    (a) Enforcement of Rights of Victims of Offenses Under 
UCMJ.--Section 806b(e)(3) of title 10, United States Code 
(article 6b(e)(3) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice), is 
            (1) by inserting ``(A)'' after ``(3)'';
            (2) by striking ``President, and, to the extent 
        practicable, shall have priority over all other 
        proceedings before the court.'' and inserting the 
        following; ``President, subject to section 830a of this 
        title (article 30a).''; and
            (3) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(B) To the extent practicable, a petition for a writ of 
mandamus described in this subsection shall have priority over 
all other proceedings before the Court of Criminal Appeals.
    ``(C) Review of any decision of the Court of Criminal 
Appeals on a petition for a writ of mandamus described in this 
subsection shall have priority in the Court of Appeals for the 
Armed Forces, as determined under the rules of the Court of 
Appeals for the Armed Forces.''.
    (b) Review of Certain Matters Before Referral of Charges 
and Specifications.--Subsection (a)(1) of section 830a of title 
10, United States Code (article 30a of the Uniform Code of 
Military Justice), as added by section 5202 of the Military 
Justice Act of 2016 (division E of Public Law 114-328; 130 
Stat. 2904), is amended--
            (1) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by 
        inserting ``, or otherwise act on,'' after ``to 
        review''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
            ``(D) Pre-referral matters under subsection (c) or 
        (e) of section 806b of this title (article 6b).''.
    (c) Defense Counsel Assistance in Post-trial Matters for 
Accused Convicted by Court-martial.--Section 838(c)(2) of title 
10, United States Code (article 38(c)(2) of the Uniform Code of 
Military Justice), is amended by striking ``section 860 of this 
title (article 60)'' and inserting ``section 860, 860a, or 860b 
of this title (article 60, 60a, or 60b)''.
    (d) Limitation on Acceptance of Plea Agreements.--Section 
853a of title 10, United States Code (article 53a of the 
Uniform Code of Military Justice), as added by section 5237 of 
the Military Justice Act of 2016 (division E of Public Law 114-
328; 130 Stat. 2917), is amended--
            (1) in subsection (b)--
                    (A) in paragraph (2), by striking ``or'' 
                after the semicolon;
                    (B) in paragraph (3), by striking the 
                period and inserting a semicolon; and
                    (C) by adding at the end the following new 
            ``(4) is prohibited by law; or
            ``(5) is contrary to, or is inconsistent with, a 
        regulation prescribed by the President with respect to 
        terms, conditions, or other aspects of plea 
        agreements.''; and
            (2) in subsection (d), by striking ``shall bind the 
        parties and the military judge'' and inserting ``shall 
        bind the parties and the court-martial''.
    (e) Applicability of Standards and Procedures to Sentence 
Appeal by the United States.--Subsection (d)(1) of section 856 
of title 10, United States Code (article 56 of the Uniform Code 
of Military Justice), as added by section 5301 of the Military 
Justice Act of 2016 (division E of Public Law 114-328; 130 
Stat. 2919), is amended--
            (1) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by 
        inserting after ``concerned,'' the following: ``and 
        consistent with standards and procedures set forth in 
        regulations prescribed by the President,''; and
            (2) in subparagraph (B), by inserting before the 
        period at the end the following: ``, as determined in 
        accordance with standards and procedures prescribed by 
        the President''.
    (f) Sentence of Reduction in Enlisted Grade.--
            (1) In general.--Subsection (a) of section 858a of 
        title 10, United States Code (article 58a of the 
        Uniform Code of Military Justice), as amended by 
        section 5303(1) of the Military Justice Act of 2016 
        (division E of Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2923), is 
        further amended in the matter after paragraph (3) by 
        striking ``, effective on the date'' and inserting the 
        following: ``, if such a reduction is authorized by 
        regulation prescribed by the President. The reduction 
        in pay grade shall take effect on the date''.
            (2) Section heading.--The heading of section 858a 
        of title 10, United States Code (article 58a of the 
        Uniform Code of Military Justice), is amended to read 
        as follows:

``Sec. 858a. Art. 58a. Sentences: reduction in enlisted grade''.

            (3) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of subchapter VIII of chapter 47 of title 
        10, United States Code (the Uniform Code of Military 
        Justice), is amended by striking the item relating to 
        section 858a (article 58a) and inserting the following 
        new item:

``858a. 58a. Sentences: reduction in enlisted grade.''.
    (g) Convening Authority Authorities.--Section 858b(b) of 
title 10, United States Code (article 58b(b) of the Uniform 
Code of Military Justice), is amended in the first sentence by 
striking ``section 860 of this title (article 60)'' and 
inserting ``section 860a or 860b of this title (article 60a or 
    (h) Appeal by the United States.--Section 862(b) of title 
10, United States Code (article 62(b) of the Uniform Code of 
Military Justice), is amended by striking ``, notwithstanding 
section 866(c) of this title (article 66(c))''.
    (i) Rehearing and Sentencing.--Subsection (b) of section 
863 of title 10, United States Code (article 63 of the Uniform 
Code of Military Justice), as added by section 5327 of the 
Military Justice Act of 2016 (division E of Public Law 114-328; 
130 Stat. 2929), is amended by inserting before the period at 
the end the following: ``, subject to such limitations as the 
President may prescribe by regulation''.
    (j) Courts of Criminal Appeals.--Section 866 of title 10, 
United States Code (article 66 of the Uniform Code of Military 
Justice), as amended by section 5330 of the Military Justice 
Act of 2016 (division E of Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2932), 
is further amended--
            (1) in subsection (e)(2)(C), by inserting after 
        ``required'' the following: ``by regulation prescribed 
        by the President or''; and
            (2) in subsection (f)(3)--
                    (A) by inserting ``of Criminal Appeals'' 
                after ``Court'' the first time it appears; and
                    (B) by adding at the end the following new 
                sentence: ``If the Court of Appeals for the 
                Armed Forces determines that additional 
                proceedings are warranted, the Court of 
                Criminal Appeals shall order a hearing or other 
                proceeding in accordance with the direction of 
                the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.''.
    (k) Military Justice Review Panel.--Subsection (f) of 
section 946 of title 10, United States Code (article 146 of the 
Uniform Code of Military Justice), as added by section 5521 of 
the Military Justice Act of 2016 (division E of Public Law 114-
328; 130 Stat. 2962), is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``fiscal year 
        2020'' in the first sentence and inserting ``fiscal 
        year 2021'';
            (2) in paragraph (2), by striking the sentence 
        beginning ``Not later than'' and inserting the 
        following new sentence: ``The analysis under this 
        paragraph shall be included in the assessment required 
        by paragraph (1).''; and
            (3) by striking paragraph (5) and inserting the 
        following new paragraph (5):
            ``(5) Reports.--With respect to each review and 
        assessment under this subsection, the Panel shall 
        submit a report to the Committees on Armed Services of 
        the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each 
                    ``(A) shall set forth the results of the 
                review and assessment concerned, including the 
                findings and recommendations of the Panel; and
                    ``(B) shall be submitted not later than 
                December 31 of the calendar year in which the 
                review and assessment is concluded.''.
    (l) Transitional Compensation for Dependents of Members 
Separated for Dependent Abuse.--Section 1059(e) of title 10, 
United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (1)(A)(ii), by striking ``the 
        approval of'' and all that follows through ``as 
        approved,'' and inserting ``entry of judgment under 
        section 860c of this title (article 60c of the Uniform 
        Code of Military Justice) if the sentence''; and
            (2) in paragraph (3)(A), by striking ``by a court-
        martial'' the second place it appears and all that 
        follows through ``include any such punishment,'' and 
        inserting ``for a dependent-abuse offense and the 
        conviction is disapproved or is otherwise not part of 
        the judgment under section 860c of this title (article 
        60c of the Uniform Code of Military Justice) or the 
        punishment is disapproved or is otherwise not part of 
        the judgment under such section (article),''.
    (m) Benefits for Dependents Who Are Victims of Abuse by 
Members Losing Right to Retired Pay.--Section 1408(h)(10)(A) of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking ``the 
approval'' and all that follows through the end of the 
subparagraph and inserting ``entry of judgment under section 
860c of this title (article 60c of the Uniform Code of Military 
    (n) Treatment of Certain Offenses Pending Execution of 
Military Justice Act of 2016 Amendments.--
            (1) Applicability to certain cases.--Section 
        5542(c)(1) of the Military Justice Act of 2016 
        (division E of Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2967) is 
        amended by inserting after ``shall apply to a case in 
        which'' the following: ``a specification alleges the 
        commission, before the effective date of such 
        amendments, of one or more offenses or to a case in 
            (2) Child abuse offenses.--With respect to offenses 
        committed before the date designated by the President 
        under section 5542(a) of the Military Justice Act of 
        2016 (division E of Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 
        2967), subsection (b)(2)(B) of section 843 of title 10, 
        United States Code (article 43 of the Uniform Code of 
        Military Justice), shall be applied as in effect on 
        December 22, 2016.
            (3) Fraudulent enlistment or appointment 
        offenses.--With respect to the period beginning on 
        December 23, 2016, and ending on the day before the 
        date designated by the President under section 5542(a) 
        of the Military Justice Act of 2016 (division E of 
        Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2967), in the application 
        of subsection (h) of section 843 of title 10, United 
        States Code (article 43 of the Uniform Code of Military 
        Justice), as added by section 5225(b) of that Act (130 
        Stat. 2909), the reference in such subsection (h) to 
        section 904a(1) of title 10, United States Code 
        (article 104a(1) of the Uniform Code of Military 
        Justice), shall be deemed to be a reference to section 
        883(1) of title 10, United States Code (article 83(1) 
        of the Uniform Code of Military Justice).
    (o) Sentencing in Certain Transitional Cases.--
            (1) In general.--In any transition-period court-
        martial, the relevant sentencing sections of chapter 47 
        of title 10, United States Code (the Uniform Code of 
        Military Justice), shall be applied as follows:
                    (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), 
                the relevant sentencing sections shall be 
                applied as if the amendments to such sections 
                made by the Military Justice Act of 2016 
                (division E of Public Law 114-328) and this 
                section had not been enacted.
                    (B) If the accused so requests, the 
                relevant sentencing sections shall be applied 
                as amended by the Military Justice Act of 2016 
                (division E of Public Law 114-328) and this 
            (2) Definitions.--In this subsection:
                    (A) Transition-period court-martial.--The 
                term ``transition-period court-martial'' means 
                a court-martial under chapter 47 of title 10, 
                United States Code (the Uniform Code of 
                Military Justice), that consists of both of the 
                            (i) A prosecution of one or more 
                        offenses committed before the date 
                        designated by the President under 
                        section 5542(a) of the Military Justice 
                        Act of 2016 (division E of Public Law 
                        114-328; 130 Stat. 2967).
                            (ii) A prosecution of one or more 
                        offenses committed on or after that 
                    (B) Relevant sentencing sections.--The term 
                ``relevant sentencing sections'' means section 
                856 of title 10, United States Code (article 56 
                of the Uniform Code of Military Justice), and 
                any other sections (articles) of chapter 47 of 
                title 10, United States Code (the Uniform Code 
                of Military Justice), that, by regulation 
                prescribed by the President, are designated as 
                relevant to sentencing for the purposes of 
                paragraph (1).
    (p) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
shall take effect immediately after the amendments made by the 
Military Justice Act of 2016 (division E of Public Law 114-328) 
take effect as provided for in section 5542 of that Act (130 
Stat. 2967).

                    MARTIAL AND RELATED MATTERS.

    (a) Additional Element in Program for Effective Prosecution 
and Defense.--Section 542(a)(1) of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 10 
U.S.C. 827 note) is amended by inserting before the semicolon 
the following: ``or there is adequate supervision and oversight 
of trial counsel and defense counsel so detailed to ensure 
effective prosecution and defense in the court-martial''.
    (b) Use of Civilian Employees to Advise Less Experienced 
Judge Advocates in Prosecution and Defense.--Section 542 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public 
Law 114-328; 10 U.S.C. 827 note) is further amended--
            (1) by redesignating subsections (c) and (d) as 
        subsections (d) and (e), respectively; and
            (2) by inserting after subsection (b) the following 
        new subsection (c):
    ``(c) Use of Civilian Employees to Advise Less Experienced 
Judge Advocates in Prosecution and Defense.--The Secretary 
concerned may use highly qualified experts and other civilian 
employees who are under the jurisdiction of the Secretary 
concerned, are available, and are experienced in the 
prosecution or defense of complex criminal cases to provide 
assistance to, and consult with, less experienced judge 
advocates throughout the court-martial process.''.
    (c) Pilot Programs on Professional Developmental Process 
for Judge Advocates.--Subsection (d) of section 542 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public 
Law 114-328; 10 U.S.C. 827 note), as redesignated by subsection 
(b)(1) of this section, is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``establishing'' 
        and all that follows and inserting ``a military justice 
        career track for judge advocates under the jurisdiction 
        of the Secretary.'';
            (2) by redesignating paragraph (4) as paragraph 
        (5); and
            (3) by inserting after paragraph (3) the following 
        new paragraph (4):
            ``(4) Elements.--Each pilot program shall include 
        the following:
                    ``(A) A military justice career track for 
                judge advocates that leads to judge advocates 
                with military justice expertise in the grade of 
                colonel, or in the grade of captain in the case 
                of judge advocates of the Navy.
                    ``(B) The use of skill identifiers to 
                identify judge advocates for participation in 
                the pilot program from among judge advocates 
                having appropriate skill and experience in 
                military justice matters.
                    ``(C) Guidance for promotion boards 
                considering the selection for promotion of 
                officers participating in the pilot program in 
                order to ensure that judge advocates who are 
                participating in the pilot program have the 
                same opportunity for promotion as all other 
                judge advocate officers being considered for 
                promotion by such boards.
                    ``(D) Such other matters as the Secretary 
                concerned considers appropriate.''.


    (a) Prohibition.--Subchapter X of chapter 47 of title 10, 
United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 917 
(article 117 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice) the 
following new section (article):

``Sec. 917a. Art. 117a. Wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate 
                    visual images

    ``(a) Prohibition.--Any person subject to this chapter--
            ``(1) who knowingly and wrongfully broadcasts or 
        distributes an intimate visual image of another person 
        or a visual image of sexually explicit conduct 
        involving a person who--
                    ``(A) is at least 18 years of age at the 
                time the intimate visual image or visual image 
                of sexually explicit conduct was created;
                    ``(B) is identifiable from the intimate 
                visual image or visual image of sexually 
                explicit conduct itself, or from information 
                displayed in connection with the intimate 
                visual image or visual image of sexually 
                explicit conduct; and
                    ``(C) does not explicitly consent to the 
                broadcast or distribution of the intimate 
                visual image or visual image of sexually 
                explicit conduct;
            ``(2) who knows or reasonably should have known 
        that the intimate visual image or visual image of 
        sexually explicit conduct was made under circumstances 
        in which the person depicted in the intimate visual 
        image or visual image of sexually explicit conduct 
        retained a reasonable expectation of privacy regarding 
        any broadcast or distribution of the intimate visual 
        image or visual image of sexually explicit conduct;
            ``(3) who knows or reasonably should have known 
        that the broadcast or distribution of the intimate 
        visual image or visual image of sexually explicit 
        conduct is likely--
                    ``(A) to cause harm, harassment, 
                intimidation, emotional distress, or financial 
                loss for the person depicted in the intimate 
                visual image or visual image of sexually 
                explicit conduct; or
                    ``(B) to harm substantially the depicted 
                person with respect to that person's health, 
                safety, business, calling, career, financial 
                condition, reputation, or personal 
                relationships; and
            ``(4) whose conduct, under the circumstances, had a 
        reasonably direct and palpable connection to a military 
        mission or military environment,
is guilty of wrongful distribution of intimate visual images or 
visual images of sexually explicit conduct and shall be 
punished as a court-martial may direct.
    ``(b) Definitions.--In this section:
            ``(1) Broadcast.--The term `broadcast' means to 
        electronically transmit a visual image with the intent 
        that it be viewed by a person or persons.
            ``(2) Distribute.--The term `distribute' means to 
        deliver to the actual or constructive possession of 
        another person, including transmission by mail or 
        electronic means.
            ``(3) Intimate visual image.--The term `intimate 
        visual image' means a visual image that depicts a 
        private area of a person.
            ``(4) Private area.--The term `private area' means 
        the naked or underwear-clad genitalia, anus, buttocks, 
        or female areola or nipple.
            ``(5) Reasonable expectation of privacy.--The term 
        `reasonable expectation of privacy' means circumstances 
        in which a reasonable person would believe that a 
        private area of the person, or sexually explicit 
        conduct involving the person, would not be visible to 
        the public.
            ``(6) Sexually explicit conduct.--The term 
        `sexually explicit conduct' means actual or simulated 
        genital-genital contact, oral-genital contact, anal-
        genital contact, or oral-anal contact, whether between 
        persons of the same or opposite sex, bestiality, 
        masturbation, or sadistic or masochistic abuse.
            ``(7) Visual image.--The term `visual image' means 
        the following:
                    ``(A) Any developed or undeveloped 
                photograph, picture, film, or video.
                    ``(B) Any digital or computer image, 
                picture, film, or video made by any means, 
                including those transmitted by any means, 
                including streaming media, even if not stored 
                in a permanent format.
                    ``(C) Any digital or electronic data 
                capable of conversion into a visual image.''.
    (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the 
beginning of subchapter X of chapter 47 of title 10, United 
States Code (the Uniform Code of Military Justice), is amended 
by inserting after the item relating to section 917 (article 
117) the following new item:

``917a. 117a. Wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate visual 


    (a) Garnishment Authority.--Section 1408 of title 10, 
United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
following new subsection:
    ``(l) Garnishment To Satisfy a Judgment Rendered for 
Physically, Sexually, or Emotionally Abusing a Child.--(1) 
Subject to paragraph (2), any payment of retired pay that would 
otherwise be made to a member shall be paid (in whole or in 
part) by the Secretary concerned to another person if and to 
the extent expressly provided for in the terms of a child abuse 
garnishment order.
    ``(2) A court order providing for the payment of child 
support or alimony or, with respect to a division of property, 
specifically providing for the payment of an amount of the 
disposable retired pay from a member to the spouse or a former 
spouse of the member, shall be given priority over a child 
abuse garnishment order. The total amount of the disposable 
retired pay of a member payable under a child abuse garnishment 
order shall not exceed 25 percent of the member's disposable 
retired pay.
    ``(3) In this subsection, the term `court order' includes a 
child abuse garnishment order.
    ``(4) In this subsection, the term `child abuse garnishment 
order' means a final decree issued by a court that--
            ``(A) is issued in accordance with the laws of the 
        jurisdiction of that court; and
            ``(B) provides in the nature of garnishment for the 
        enforcement of a judgment rendered against the member 
        for physically, sexually, or emotionally abusing a 
    ``(5) For purposes of this subsection, a judgment rendered 
for physically, sexually, or emotionally abusing a child is any 
legal claim perfected through a final enforceable judgment, 
which claim is based in whole or in part upon the physical, 
sexual, or emotional abuse of an individual under 18 years of 
age, whether or not that abuse is accompanied by other 
actionable wrongdoing, such as sexual exploitation or gross 
    ``(6) If the Secretary concerned is served with more than 
one court order with respect to the retired pay of a member, 
the disposable retired pay of the member shall be available to 
satisfy such court orders on a first-come, first-served basis, 
subject to the order of precedence specified in paragraph (2), 
with any such process being satisfied out of such monies as 
remain after the satisfaction of all such processes which have 
been previously served.
    ``(7) The Secretary concerned shall not be required to vary 
normal pay and disbursement cycles for retired pay in order to 
comply with a child abuse garnishment order.''.
    (b) Application of Amendment.--Subsection (l) of section 
1408 of title 10, United States Code, as added by subsection 
(a), shall apply with respect to a court order received by the 
Secretary concerned on or after the date of the enactment of 
this Act, regardless of the date of the court order.

                    DELAYED ENTRY PROGRAM.

    (a) Training Required.--Commencing not later than 180 days 
after the date of the enactment of this Act, each Secretary 
concerned shall, insofar as practicable, provide training on 
sexual assault prevention and response to each individual under 
the jurisdiction of such Secretary who is enlisted in the Armed 
Forces under a delayed entry program such that each such 
individual completes such training before the date of 
commencement of basic training or initial active duty for 
training in the Armed Forces.
    (b) Training Elements.--The training provided pursuant to 
subsection (a)--
            (1) shall, to the extent practicable, be uniform 
        across the Armed Forces;
            (2) should be provided through in-person 
        instruction, whenever possible;
            (3) should include instruction on the proper use of 
        social media; and
            (4) shall meet such other requirements as the 
        Secretary of Defense may establish.
    (c) Definitions.--In this section:
            (1) The term ``delayed entry program'' means the 
                    (A) The Future Soldiers Program of the 
                    (B) The Delayed Entry Program of the Navy 
                and the Marine Corps.
                    (C) The program of the Air Force for the 
                delayed entry of enlistees into the Air Force.
                    (D) The program of the Coast Guard for the 
                delayed entry of enlistees into the Coast 
                    (E) Any successor program to a program 
                referred to in subparagraphs (A) through (D).
            (2) The term ``Secretary concerned'' has the 
        meaning given that term in section 101(a)(9) of title 
        10, United States Code.


    The baseline Special Victims' Counsel training established 
under section 1044e(d)(2) of title 10, United States Code, 
shall include training for Special Victims' Counsel to 
recognize and deal with the unique challenges often faced by 
male victims of sexual assault.


    (a) Additional Reporting Requirements.--Section 1631(b) of 
the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2011 (Public Law 111-383; 10 U.S.C. 1561 note) is amended 
by adding at the end the following new paragraphs:
            ``(13) Information and data collected through 
        formal and informal reports of sexual harassment 
        involving members of the Armed Forces during the year 
        covered by the report, as follows:
                    ``(A) The number of substantiated and 
                unsubstantiated reports.
                    ``(B) A synopsis of each substantiated 
                    ``(C) The action taken in the case of each 
                substantiated report, including the type of 
                disciplinary or administrative sanction 
                imposed, if any, such as--
                            ``(i) conviction and sentence by 
                            ``(ii) imposition of non-judicial 
                        punishment under section 815 of title 
                        10, United States Code (article 15 of 
                        the Uniform Code of Military Justice); 
                            ``(iii) administrative separation 
                        or other type of administrative action 
            ``(14) Information and data collected during the 
        year covered by the report on each reported incident 
        involving the nonconsensual distribution by a person 
        subject to chapter 47 of title 10, United States Code 
        (the Uniform Code of Military Justice), of a private 
        sexual image of another person, including the 
                    ``(A) The number of substantiated and 
                unsubstantiated reports.
                    ``(B) A synopsis of each substantiated 
                    ``(C) The action taken in the case of each 
                substantiated report, including the type of 
                disciplinary or administrative sanction 
                imposed, if any, such as--
                            ``(i) conviction and sentence by 
                            ``(ii) imposition of non-judicial 
                        punishment under section 815 of title 
                        10, United States Code (article 15 of 
                        the Uniform Code of Military Justice); 
                            ``(iii) administrative separation 
                        or other type of administrative action 
    (b) Application of Amendment.--The amendment made by this 
section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this 
Act and apply beginning with the reports required to be 
submitted by March 1, 2020, under section 1631 of the Ike 
Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 
(Public Law 111-383; 10 U.S.C. 1561 note).


    Beginning with the reports required to be submitted by 
March 1, 2019, under section 1631 of the Ike Skelton National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (Public Law 111-
383; 10 U.S.C. 1561 note), information regarding a sexual 
assault committed by a member of the Armed Forces against the 
spouse or intimate partner of the member or another dependent 
of the member shall be included in such reports in addition to 
the annual Family Advocacy Program report. The information may 
be included as an annex to such reports.

   Subtitle E--Member Education, Training, Resilience, and Transition


    (a) In General.--Section 1142(b) of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new 
            ``(18) A description, developed in consultation 
        with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, of the 
        assistance and support services for family caregivers 
        of eligible veterans under the program conducted by the 
        Secretary of Veterans Affairs pursuant to section 1720G 
        of title 38, including the veterans covered by the 
        program, the caregivers eligible for assistance and 
        support through the program, and the assistance and 
        support available through the program.''.
    (b) Participation of Potential Caregivers in Appropriate 
Preseparation Counseling.--
            (1) In general.--In accordance with procedures 
        established by the Secretary of Defense, each Secretary 
        of a military department shall take appropriate actions 
        to achieve the following:
                    (A) To determine whether each member of the 
                Armed Forces under the jurisdiction of such 
                Secretary who is undergoing preseparation 
                counseling pursuant to section 1142 of title 
                10, United States Code (as amended by 
                subsection (a)), and who may require caregiver 
                services after separation from the Armed Forces 
                has identified an individual to provide such 
                services after the member's separation.
                    (B) In the case of a member described in 
                subparagraph (A) who has identified an 
                individual to provide caregiver services after 
                the member's separation, at the election of the 
                member, to permit such individual to 
                participate in appropriate sessions of the 
                member's preseparation counseling in order to 
                inform such individual of--
                            (i) the assistance and support 
                        services available to caregivers of 
                        members after separation from the Armed 
                        Forces; and
                            (ii) the manner in which the 
                        member's transition to civilian life 
                        after separation may likely affect such 
                        individual as a caregiver.
            (2) Caregivers.--For purposes of this subsection, 
        individuals who provide caregiver services refers to 
        individuals (including a spouse, partner, parent, 
        sibling, adult child, other relative, or friend) who 
        provide physical or emotional assistance to former 
        members of the Armed Forces during and after their 
        transition from military life to civilian life 
        following separation from the Armed Forces.
            (3) Deadline for commencement.--Each Secretary of a 
        miliary department shall commence the actions required 
        pursuant to this subsection by not later than 180 days 
        after the date of the enactment of this Act.


    (a) Improved Employment Skills Verification.--Section 
1143(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by inserting ``(1)'' before ``The Secretary of 
        Defense''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(2) In order to improve the accuracy and completeness of 
a certification or verification of job skills and experience 
required by paragraph (1), the Secretary of Defense shall--
            ``(A) establish a database to record all training 
        performed by members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and 
        Marine Corps that may have application to employment in 
        the civilian sector; and
            ``(B) make unclassified information regarding such 
        information available to States and other potential 
        employers referred to in subsection (c) so that State 
        and other entities may allow military training to 
        satisfy licensing or certification requirements to 
        engage in a civilian profession.''.
    (b) Improved Accuracy of Certificates of Training and 
Skills.--Section 1143(a) of title 10, United States Code, is 
further amended by inserting after paragraph (2), as added by 
subsection (a), the following new paragraph:
    ``(3) The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that a 
certification or verification of job skills and experience 
required by paragraph (1) is rendered in such a way that States 
and other potential employers can confirm the accuracy and 
authenticity of the certification or verification.''.
    (c) Improved Responsiveness to Certification Requests.--
Section 1143(c) of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by inserting ``(1)'' before ``For the 
        purpose''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(2)(A) A State may--
            ``(i) use a certification or verification of job 
        skills and experience provided to a member of the armed 
        forces under subsection (a); and
            ``(ii) in the case of members of the Army, Navy, 
        Air Force, and Marine Corps, request the Department of 
        Defense to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of the 
        certification or verification.
    ``(B) A response confirming or denying the information 
shall be provided within five business days.''.
    (d) Improved Notice to Members.--Section 1142(b)(4)(A) of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting before 
the semicolon the following: ``, including State-submitted and 
approved lists of military training and skills that satisfy 
occupational certifications and licenses''.


    (a) United States Military Academy.--Section 4348(a) of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end 
the following new paragraph:
            ``(5) That the cadet--
                    ``(A) will not seek release from the 
                cadet's commissioned service obligation to 
                obtain employment as a professional athlete 
                following graduation until the cadet completes 
                a period of at least two consecutive years of 
                commissioned service; and
                    ``(B) understands that the appointment 
                alternative described in paragraph (3) will not 
                be used to allow the cadet to obtain such 
                employment until at least the end of that two-
                year period.''.
    (b) United States Naval Academy.--Section 6959(a) of title 
10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
following new paragraph:
            ``(5) That the midshipman--
                    ``(A) will not seek release from the 
                midshipman's commissioned service obligation to 
                obtain employment as a professional athlete 
                following graduation until the midshipman 
                completes a period of at least two consecutive 
                years of commissioned service; and
                    ``(B) understands that the appointment 
                alternative described in paragraph (3) will not 
                be used to allow the midshipman to obtain such 
                employment until at least the end of that two-
                year period.''.
    (c) United States Air Force Academy.--Section 9348(a) of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end 
the following new paragraph:
            ``(5) That the cadet--
                    ``(A) will not seek release from the 
                cadet's commissioned service obligation to 
                obtain employment as a professional athlete 
                following graduation until the cadet completes 
                a period of at least two consecutive years of 
                commissioned service; and
                    ``(B) understands that the appointment 
                alternative described in paragraph (2) will not 
                be used to allow the cadet to obtain such 
                employment until at least the end of that two-
                year period.''.
    (d) Application of Amendments.--The Secretaries of the 
military departments shall promptly revise the cadet and 
midshipman service agreements under sections 4348, 6959, and 
9348 of title 10, United States Code, to reflect the amendments 
made by this section. The revised agreement shall apply to 
cadets and midshipmen who are attending the United States 
Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, or the 
United States Air Force Academy on the date of the enactment of 
this Act and to persons who begin attendance at such military 
service academies on or after that date.


    Section 10219(g) of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by striking ``October 1, 2018'' and inserting ``October 
1, 2020''.

                    INITIATIVE OF THE NAVY.

    (a) Annual Certifications Required.--Not later than March 
1, 2018, and each year thereafter, the Secretary of the Navy 
shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate 
and the House of Representatives a certification on the status 
of implementation of the Ready, Relevant Learning initiative of 
the Navy for each applicable enlisted rating.
    (b) Elements.--Each certification under subsection (a) 
shall include the following:
            (1) A certification by the Commander of the United 
        States Fleet Forces Command that the block learning and 
        modernized delivery methods of the Ready, Relevant 
        Learning initiative to be implemented during the fiscal 
        year beginning in which such certification is submitted 
        will meet or exceed the existing training delivery 
        approach for all associated training requirements.
            (2) A certification by the Secretary of the Navy 
        that the content re-engineering necessary to meet all 
        training objectives and transition from the traditional 
        training curriculum to the modernized delivery format 
        to be implemented during such fiscal year will be 
        complete prior to such transition, including full 
        functionality of all required course software and 
            (3) A detailed cost estimate of transitioning to 
        the block learning and modernized delivery approaches 
        to be implemented during such fiscal year with funding 
        listed by purpose, amount, appropriations account, 
        budget program element or line item, and end strength 
            (4) A detailed phasing plan associated with 
        transitioning to the block learning and modernized 
        delivery approaches to be implemented during such 
        fiscal year, including the current status, timing, and 
        identification of reductions in ``A'' school and ``C'' 
        school courses, curricula, funding, and personnel.
            (5) A certification by the Secretary of the Navy 
                    (A) the contracting strategy associated 
                with transitioning to the modernized delivery 
                approach to be implemented during such fiscal 
                year has been completed; and
                    (B) contracting actions contain sufficient 
                specification detail to enable a low risk 
                approach to receiving the deliverable end item 
                or items on-budget, on-schedule, and with 
                satisfactory performance.


    (a) Expansion Authorized.--The Secretary of Defense may 
expand eligibility for the United Services Military 
Apprenticeship Program to include any member of the uniformed 
    (b) Definition.--In this section, the term ``uniformed 
services'' has the meaning given such term in section 101(a)(5) 
of title 10, United States Code.


    (a) Limitation.--None of the funds authorized to be 
appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of 
the Air Force may be obligated or expended for the purpose of 
the attendance of Air Force enlisted personnel at Air Force 
officer professional military education (PME) in-residence 
courses until the later of--
            (1) the date on which the Secretary of the Air 
        Force submits to the Committees on Armed Services of 
        the Senate and the House of Representatives, and to the 
        Comptroller General of the United States, a report on 
        the attendance of such personnel at such courses as 
        described in subsection (b);
            (2) the date on which the Comptroller General 
        submits to such committees the report setting forth an 
        assessment of the report under paragraph (1) as 
        described in subsection (c); or
            (3) 180 days after the date of the enactment of 
        this Act.
    (b) Secretary of the Air Force Report.--The report of the 
Secretary described in subsection (a)(1) shall include the 
            (1) The purpose of the attendance of Air Force 
        enlisted personnel at Air Force officer professional 
        military education in-residence courses.
            (2) The objectives for the attendance of such 
        enlisted personnel at such officer professional 
        military education courses.
            (3) The required prerequisites for such enlisted 
        personnel to attend such officer professional military 
        education courses.
            (4) The process for selecting such enlisted 
        personnel to attend such officer professional military 
        education courses.
            (5) The impact of the attendance of such enlisted 
        personnel at such officer professional military 
        education courses on the availability of officer 
        allocations for the attendance of officers at such 
            (6) The impact of the attendance of such enlisted 
        personnel at such officer professional military 
        education courses on the morale and retention of 
        officers attending such courses.
            (7) The resources required for such enlisted 
        personnel to attend such officer professional military 
        education courses.
            (8) The impact on unit and overall Air Force 
        manning levels of the attendance of such enlisted 
        personnel at such officer professional military 
        education courses, especially at the statutorily-
        limited end strengths of grades E-8 and E-9.
            (9) The extent to which graduation by such enlisted 
        personnel from such officer professional military 
        education courses is a requirement for Air Force or 
        joint assignments.
            (10) The planned assignment utilization for Air 
        Force enlisted graduates of such officer professional 
        military education courses.
            (11) Any other matters in connection with the 
        attendance of such enlisted personnel at such officer 
        professional military education courses that the 
        Secretary considers appropriate.
    (c) Comptroller General of the United States Report.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the 
        date the Secretary submits the report described in 
        subsection (a)(1), the Comptroller General shall submit 
        to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and 
        the House of Representatives a briefing on an 
        assessment of the report by the Comptroller General. As 
        soon as practicable after the briefing, the Comptroller 
        General shall submit to such committees a report on 
        such assessment for purposes of subsection (a)(2).
            (2) Elements.--The report under paragraph (1) shall 
        include the following:
                    (A) An assessment of whether the 
                conclusions and assertions included in the 
                report of the Secretary under subsection (a) 
                are comprehensive, fully supported, and 
                sufficiently detailed.
                    (B) An identification of any shortcomings, 
                limitations, or other reportable matters that 
                affect the quality of the findings or 
                conclusions of the report of the Secretary.


    (a) In General.--The Secretary of the Army shall designate 
a number of scholarships under the Army Senior Reserve 
Officers' Training Corps (SROTC) program that are available to 
students at minority-serving institutions as ``Lieutenant Henry 
Ossian Flipper Leadership Scholarships''.
    (b) Number Designated.--The number of scholarships 
designated pursuant to subsection (a) shall be the number the 
Secretary determines appropriate to increase the number of 
Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps scholarships at 
minority-serving institutions. In making the determination, the 
Secretary shall give appropriate consideration to the 
            (1) The number of Senior Reserve Officers' Training 
        Corps scholarships available at all institutions 
        participating in the Senior Reserve Officer's Training 
        Corps program.
            (2) The number of such minority-serving 
        institutions that offer the Senior Reserve Officers' 
        Training Corps program to their students.
    (c) Amount of Scholarship.--The Secretary may increase any 
scholarship designated pursuant to subsection (a) to an amount 
in excess of the amount of the Senior Reserve Officers' 
Training Corps program scholarship that would otherwise be 
offered at the minority-serving institution concerned if the 
Secretary considers that a scholarship of such increased amount 
is appropriate for the purpose of the scholarship.
    (d) Minority-serving Institution Defined.--In this section, 
the term ``minority-serving institution'' means an institution 
of higher education described in section 371(a) of the Higher 
Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1067q(a)).


    (a) Pilot Programs Authorized.--
            (1) In general.--Each Secretary of a military 
        department may carry out a pilot program under which 
        former cadets or midshipmen described in paragraph (2) 
        (in this section referred to as ``eligible 
        individuals'') under the jurisdiction of such Secretary 
        may be appointed by the Secretary of Defense in the 
        excepted service under section 3320 of title 5, United 
        States Code, in the Department of Defense.
            (2) Cadets and midshipmen.--Except as provided in 
        paragraph (3), a former cadet or midshipman described 
        in this paragraph is any former cadet at the United 
        States Military Academy or the United States Air Force 
        Academy, and any former midshipman at the United States 
        Naval Academy, who--
                    (A) completed the prescribed course of 
                instruction and graduated from the applicable 
                service academy; and
                    (B) is determined to be medically 
                disqualified to complete a period of active 
                duty in the Armed Forces prescribed in an 
                agreement signed by such cadet or midshipman in 
                accordance with section 4348, 6959, or 9348 of 
                title 10, United States Code.
            (3) Exception.--A former cadet or midshipman whose 
        medical disqualification as described in paragraph 
        (2)(B) is the result of the gross negligence or 
        misconduct of the former cadet or midshipman is not an 
        eligible individual for purposes of appointment under a 
        pilot program.
    (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the pilot programs conducted 
under this section is to evaluate the feasibility and 
advisability of permitting eligible individuals who cannot 
accept a commission or complete a period of active duty in the 
Armed Forces prescribed by the Secretary of the military 
department concerned to fulfill an obligation for active duty 
service in the Armed Forces through service as a civilian 
employee of the Department of Defense.
    (c) Positions.--
            (1) In general.--The positions to which an eligible 
        individual may be appointed under a pilot program 
        conducted under this section are existing positions 
        within the Department of Defense in grades up to GS-9 
        under the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 
        5, United States Code (or equivalent). The authority in 
        subsection (a) does not authorize the creation of 
        additional positions, or create any vacancies to which 
        eligible individuals may be appointed under a pilot 
            (2) Term positions.--Any appointment under a pilot 
        program shall be to a position having a term of five 
        years or less.
    (d) Scope of Authority.--
            (1) Recruitment and retention of eligible 
        individuals.--The authority in subsection (a) may be 
        used only to the extent necessary to recruit and retain 
        on a non-competitive basis cadets and midshipmen who 
        are relieved of an obligation for active duty in the 
        Armed Forces due to becoming medically disqualified 
        from serving on active duty in the Armed Forces, and 
        may not be used to appoint any other individuals in the 
        excepted service.
            (2) Voluntary acceptance of appointments.--A pilot 
        program conducted under this section may not be used as 
        an implicit or explicit basis for compelling an 
        eligible individual to accept an appointment in the 
        excepted service in accordance with this section.
    (e) Relationship to Repayment Provisions.--Completion of a 
term appointment pursuant to a pilot program conducted under 
this section shall relieve the eligible individual concerned of 
any repayment obligation under section 303a(e) or 373 of title 
37, United States Code, with respect to the agreement of the 
individual described in subsection (a)(2)(B).
    (f) Termination.--
            (1) In general.--The authority to appoint eligible 
        individuals in the excepted service under a pilot 
        program conducted under this section shall expire on 
        the date that is four years after the date of the 
        enactment of this Act.
            (2) Effect on existing appointments.--The 
        termination by paragraph (1) of the authority in 
        subsection (a) shall not affect any appointment made 
        under that authority before the termination date 
        specified in paragraph (1) in accordance with the terms 
        of such appointment.
    (g) Reporting Requirement.--
            (1) Report required.--Not later than the date that 
        is three years after the date of the enactment of this 
        Act, each Secretary of a military department shall 
        submit to the appropriate congressional committees a 
        report containing an evaluation of the effectiveness of 
        the pilot program conducted by such Secretary under 
        this section, including the number of eligible 
        individuals appointed as civilian employees of the 
        Department of Defense under the program and the 
        retention rate for such employees.
            (2) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--
        In this section, the term ``appropriate congressional 
        committees'' means the Committee on Armed Services and 
        the Committee on Homeland Security and Government 
        Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Armed 
        Services and the Committee on Oversight and Government 
        Reform of the House of Representatives.

Subtitle F--Defense Dependents' Education and Military Family Readiness 



    (a) Impact Aid for Children With Severe Disabilities.--
            (1) In general.--Of the amount authorized to be 
        appropriated for fiscal year 2018 pursuant to section 
        301 and available for operation and maintenance for 
        Defense-wide activities as specified in the funding 
        table in section 4301, $10,000,000 shall be available 
        for payments under section 363 of the Floyd D. Spence 
        National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001 
        (20 U.S.C. 7703a).
            (2) Use of certain amount.--Of the amount available 
        under subsection (a) for payments as described in that 
        subsection, $5,000,000 shall be available for such 
        payments to local educational agencies determined by 
        the Secretary of Defense, in the discretion of the 
        Secretary, to have higher concentrations of military 
        children with severe disabilities.
    (b) Assistance to Schools With Significant Numbers of 
Military Dependent Students.--Of the amount authorized to be 
appropriated for fiscal year 2018 by section 301 and available 
for operation and maintenance for Defense-wide activities as 
specified in the funding table in section 4301, $40,000,000 
shall be available only for the purpose of providing assistance 
to local educational agencies under subsection (a) of section 
572 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
2006 (Public Law 109-163; 20 U.S.C. 7703b).
    (c) Local Educational Agency Defined.--In this section, the 
term ``local educational agency'' has the meaning given that 
term in section 7013(9) of the Elementary and Secondary 
Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7713(9)).


    (a) Permanent Support Authority.--Section 574(c) of the 
John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
2007 (Public Law 109-364; 20 U.S.C. 7703b note) is amended by 
striking paragraph (3).
    (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 572(b) of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-
328; 20 U.S.C. 7703b note) is amended by striking ``that 
includes a request for the extension of section 574(c) of the 
John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
2007 shall include'' and inserting ``shall include, with 
respect to section 574(c) of the John Warner National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law 109-364; 20 
U.S.C. 7703b note),''.


    Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the 
congressional defense committees a report containing a 
description and assessment of--
            (1) current Department of Defense programs intended 
        to improve educational opportunities and achievement in 
        science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for 
        children who are dependents of members of the Armed 
        Forces; and
            (2) Department of Defense efforts to increase 
        opportunities and achievement in science, technology, 
        engineering, and mathematics for children who are 
        dependents of members of the Armed Forces.



    (a) Codification of Existing Authority.--Chapter 88 of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after 
section 1788 a new section 1788a consisting of--
            (1) a heading as follows:

``Sec. 1788a. Family support programs: immediate family members of 
                    members of special operations forces''; and

            (2) a text consisting of subsections (a), (b), (d), 
        and (e) of section 554 of the National Defense 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (Public Law 113-
        66; 10 U.S.C. 1788 note).
    (b) Reporting Requirement.--Section 1788a of title 10, 
United States Code, as added by subsection (a) of this section, 
is further amended--
            (1) by redesignating subsection (d), as so added, 
        as subsection (c); and
            (2) by inserting after such subsection the 
        following new subsection (d):
    ``(d) Annual Report.--
            ``(1) Report required.--Not later than March 1, 
        2019, and each March 1 thereafter, the Commander, in 
        coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for 
        Personnel and Readiness, shall submit to the 
        congressional defense committees a report describing 
        the progress made in achieving the goals of the family 
        support programs conducted under this section.
            ``(2) Elements of reports.--Each report under this 
        subsection shall include the following:
                    ``(A) A detailed description of the 
                programs conducted under this section to 
                address family support requirements for family 
                members of members of the armed forces assigned 
                to special operations forces.
                    ``(B) An assessment of the impact of the 
                programs on military readiness and on family 
                members of members of the armed forces assigned 
                to special operations forces.
                    ``(C) A description of the special 
                operations-peculiar aspects of the programs and 
                a comparison and differentiation of these 
                programs with other programs conducted by the 
                Secretaries of the military departments to 
                provide family support services to immediate 
                family members of members of the armed forces.
                    ``(D) Recommendations for incorporating 
                lessons learned into other family support 
                    ``(E) Any other matters the Commander 
                considers appropriate regarding the 
    (c) Funding.--Subsection (c) of section 1788a of title 10, 
United States Code, as added by subsection (a) of this section 
and redesignated by subsection (b)(1) of this section, is 
amended by striking ``specified'' and all that follows through 
the end of the subsection and inserting ``, from funds 
available for Major Force Program 11, to carry out family 
support programs under this section.''.
    (d) Elimination of Pilot Program References and Other 
Conforming Amendments.--Section 1788a of title 10, United 
States Code, as added by subsection (a) of this section, is 
further amended--
            (1) by striking ``Armed Forces'' each place it 
        appears and inserting ``armed forces'';
            (2) by striking ``pilot'' each place it appears;
            (3) in subsection (a)--
                    (A) in the subsection heading, by striking 
                ``Pilot''; and
                    (B) by striking ``up to three'' and all 
                that follows through ``providing'' and 
                inserting ``programs to provide''; and
            (4) in subsection (e)--
                    (A) in paragraph (2), by striking ``title 
                10, United States Code'' and inserting ``this 
                title''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (3), by striking ``such 
                title'' and inserting ``this title''.
    (e) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the 
beginning of subchapter I of chapter 88 of title 10, United 
States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to 
section 1788 the following new item:

``1788a. Family support programs: immediate family members of members of 
          special operations forces.''.
    (f) Conforming Repeal.--Section 554 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (Public Law 113-66; 10 
U.S.C. 1788 note) is repealed.


    (a) Reimbursement Authorized.--Section 476 of title 37, 
United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
following new subsection:
    ``(p)(1) From amounts otherwise made available for a fiscal 
year to provide travel and transportation allowances under this 
chapter, the Secretary concerned may reimburse a member of the 
armed forces for qualified relicensing costs of the spouse of 
the member when--
            ``(A) the member is reassigned, either as a 
        permanent change of station or permanent change of 
        assignment, from a duty station in one State to a duty 
        station in another State; and
            ``(B) the movement of the member's dependents is 
        authorized at the expense of the United States under 
        this section as part of the reassignment.
    ``(2) Reimbursement provided to a member under this 
subsection may not exceed $500 in connection with each 
reassignment described in paragraph (1).
    ``(3) Not later than December 31, 2021, the Secretary of 
Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland 
Security with respect to the Coast Guard, shall submit to the 
congressional defense committees, the Committee on Homeland 
Security and Government Affairs of the Senate, and the 
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of 
Representatives a report--
            ``(A) describing the extent to which the 
        reimbursement authority provided by this subsection has 
        been used; and
            ``(B) containing a recommendation by the 
        Secretaries regarding whether the authority should be 
        extended beyond the date specified in paragraph (4).
    ``(4) No reimbursement may be provided under this 
subsection for qualified relicensing costs paid or incurred 
after December 31, 2022.
    ``(5) In this subsection, the term `qualified relicensing 
costs' means costs, including exam and registration fees, 
            ``(A) are imposed by the State of the new duty 
        station to secure a license or certification to engage 
        in the same profession that the spouse of the member 
        engaged in while in the State of the original duty 
        station; and
            ``(B) are paid or incurred by the member or spouse 
        to secure the license or certification from the State 
        of the new duty station after the date on which the 
        orders directing the reassignment described in 
        paragraph (1) are issued.''.
    (b) Development of Recommendations to Expedite License 
Portability for Military Spouses.--
            (1) Consultation with states.--The Secretary of 
        Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security with 
        respect to the Coast Guard, shall consult with States--
                    (A) to identify barriers to the portability 
                between States of a license, certification, or 
                other grant of permission held by the spouse of 
                a member of the Armed Forces to engage in an 
                occupation when the spouse moves between States 
                as part of a permanent change of station or 
                permanent change of assignment of the member; 
                    (B) to develop recommendations for the 
                Federal Government and the States, together or 
                separately, to expedite the portability of such 
                licenses, certifications, and other grants of 
                permission for military spouses.
            (2) Specific considerations.--In conducting the 
        consultation and preparing the recommendations under 
        paragraph (1), the Secretaries shall consider the 
        feasibility of--
                    (A) States accepting licenses, 
                certifications, and other grants of permission 
                described in paragraph (1) issued by another 
                State and in good standing in that State;
                    (B) the issuance of a temporary license 
                pending completion of State-specific 
                requirements; and
                    (C) the establishment of an expedited 
                review process for military spouses.
            (3) Report required.--Not later than March 15, 
        2018, the Secretaries shall submit to the appropriate 
        congressional committees and the States a report 
        containing the recommendations developed under this 
            (4) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--
        In this subsection, the term ``appropriate 
        congressional committees'' means the congressional 
        defense committees, the Committee on Homeland Security 
        and Government Affairs of the Senate, and the Committee 
        on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of 


    Section 710(d) of the Honoring America's Veterans and 
Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 (Public Law 112-
154; 50 U.S.C. 3953 note) is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``December 31, 
        2017'' and inserting ``December 31, 2019''; and
            (2) in paragraph (3), by striking ``January 1, 
        2018'' and inserting ``January 1, 2020''.

                    DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.

    (a) Hours of Operation of Military Childcare Development 
Centers.--Each Secretary of a military department shall ensure, 
to the extent practicable, that the hours of operation of each 
childcare development center under the jurisdiction of the 
Secretary are established and maintained in manner that takes 
into account the demands and circumstances of members of the 
Armed Forces, including members of the reserve components, who 
use such center in facilitation of the performance of their 
military duties.
    (b) Matters to Be Taken Into Account.--The demands and 
circumstances to be taken into account under subsection (a) for 
purposes of setting and maintaining the hours of operation of a 
childcare development center shall include the following:
            (1) Mission requirements of units whose members use 
        the childcare development center.
            (2) The unpredictability of work schedules, and 
        fluctuations in day-to-day work hours, of such members.
            (3) The potential for frequent and prolonged 
        absences of such members for training, operations, and 
            (4) The location of the childcare development 
        center on the military installation concerned, 
        including the location in connection with duty 
        locations of members and applicable military family 
            (5) Such other matters as the Secretary of the 
        military department concerned considers appropriate for 
        purposes of this section.
    (c) Childcare Coordinators for Military Installations.--
Each Secretary of a military department may provide for a 
childcare coordinator at each military installation under the 
jurisdiction of the Secretary at which are stationed 
significant numbers of members of the Armed Forces with 
accompanying dependent children, as determined by the 
Secretary. The childcare coordinator may work with the 
commander of the installation to ensure that childcare is 
available and responsive to the needs of members assigned to 
the installation.


    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense may appoint, 
without regard to any provision of subchapter I of chapter 33 
of title 5, United States Code, qualified childcare services 
providers in the competitive service if the Secretary 
determines that--
            (1) there is a critical hiring need for childcare 
        services providers for Department of Defense child 
        development centers; and
            (2) there is a shortage of childcare services 
    (b) Regulations.--The Secretary shall carry out this 
section in accordance with regulations prescribed by the 
Secretary for purposes of this section.
    (c) Deadline for Implementation.--The Secretary shall 
prescribe the regulations required by subsection (b), and 
commence implementation of subsection (a), by not later than 
May 1, 2018.
    (d) Briefing.--Not later than 90 days after the end of each 
of fiscal years 2019 and 2021, the Secretary of Defense shall 
provide a briefing to the Committee on Armed Services of the 
House of Representatives, the Committee on Armed Services of 
the Senate, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of 
the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Homeland 
Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate on the use of 
the appointment authority provided by subsection (a).
    (e) Childcare Services Provider Defined.--In this section, 
the term ``childcare services provider'' means a person who 
provides childcare services for dependent children of members 
of the Armed Forces and civilian employees of the Department of 
Defense in child development centers on Department 
    (f) Expiration of Authority.--The appointment authority 
provided by subsection (a) expires on September 30, 2021.


    (a) In General.--Commencing not later than one year after 
the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense 
shall carry out a pilot program to assess the feasability and 
advisability of providing telework facilities for military 
spouses on military installations outside the United States. 
The Secretary shall consult with the host nation or nations 
concerned in carrying out the pilot program.
    (b) Number of Installations.--The Secretary shall carry out 
the pilot program at not less than two military installations 
outside the United States selected by the Secretary for 
purposes of the pilot program.
    (c) Duration.--The duration of the pilot program shall be a 
period selected by the Secretary, but not more than three 
    (d) Elements.--The pilot program shall include the 
following elements:
            (1) The pilot program shall be conducted as one or 
        more public-private partnerships between the Department 
        of Defense and a private corporation or partnership of 
        private corporations.
            (2) The corporation or corporations participating 
        in the pilot program shall contribute to the carrying 
        out of the pilot program an amount equal to the amount 
        committed by the Secretary to the pilot program at the 
        time of its commencement.
            (3) The Secretary shall enter into one or more 
        memoranda of understanding with the corporation or 
        corporations participating in the pilot program for 
        purposes of the pilot program, including the amounts to 
        be contributed by such corporation or corporations 
        pursuant to paragraph (2).
            (4) The telework undertaken by military spouses 
        under the pilot program may only be for United States 
            (5) The pilot program shall permit military spouses 
        to provide administrative, informational technology, 
        professional, and other necessary support to companies 
        through telework from Department installations outside 
        the United States.
    (e) Funding.--Of the amount authorized to be appropriated 
for fiscal year 2018 by section 421 and available for military 
personnel as specified in the funding table in section 4401, up 
to $1,000,000 may be available to carry out the pilot program, 
including entry into memoranda of understanding pursuant to 
subsection (d)(3) and payment by the Secretary of the amount 
committed by the Secretary to the pilot program pursuant to 
subsection (d)(2).

                   Subtitle G--Decorations and Awards


    (a) Waiver of Time Limitations.--Notwithstanding the time 
limitations specified in section 3744 of title 10, United 
States Code, or any other time limitation with respect to the 
awarding of certain medals to persons who served in the Armed 
Forces, the President may award the Medal of Honor under 
section 3741 of such title to Garlin M. Conner for the acts of 
valor during World War II described in subsection (b).
    (b) Acts of Valor Described.--The acts of valor referred to 
in subsection (a) are the actions of Garlin M. Conner during 
combat on January 24, 1945, as a member of the United States 
Army in the grade of First Lieutenant in France while serving 
with Company K, 3d Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3d 
Infantry Division, for which he was previously awarded the 
Distinguished-Service Cross.


    (a) Authorization.--Notwithstanding the time limitations 
specified in section 3744 of title 10, United States Code, or 
any other time limitation with respect to the awarding of 
certain medals to persons who served in the Armed Forces, the 
President may award the Distinguished-Service Cross under 
section 3742 of such title to Specialist Frank M. Crary for the 
acts of valor in Vietnam described in subsection (b).
    (b) Acts of Valor Described.--The acts of valor referred to 
in subsection (a) are the actions of Frank M. Crary on April 7, 
1966, as a member of the Army serving in the grade of 
Specialist in Vietnam while serving with Company D, 1st 
Battalion (Airborne), 12th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry 

            Subtitle H--Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements


    (a) Analysis Required.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
conduct a comparative analysis of accompanied tours of duty and 
unaccompanied tours of duty of members of the Armed Forces in 
remote locations with high family support costs (including 
facility construction and operation costs), including--
            (1) the Azores;
            (2) United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, 
            (3) Okinawa, Japan;
            (4) the Republic of Korea;
            (5) Kwajalein Atoll;
            (6) Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar; and
            (7) such other locations as the Secretary considers 
        appropriate for purposes of the analysis.
    (b) Reporting Requirement.--Not later than one year after 
the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense 
shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report 
containing the results of the analysis conducted under 
subsection (a).

                    OFFICER CAREER MANAGEMENT.

    (a) Review Required.--The Secretary of Defense, in 
consultation with the Secretaries of the military departments, 
shall conduct a review of the policies of the Department of 
Defense for the career management of regular and reserve 
officers of the Armed Forces pursuant to the Defense Officer 
Personnel Management Act (commonly referred to as ``DOPMA'') 
and the Reserve Officer Personnel Management Act (commonly 
referred to as ``ROPMA'').
    (b) Elements of Review.--The review required by subsection 
(a) shall include the following:
            (1) A statistical analysis, based on exit surveys 
        and other data available to the military departments, 
        on the impact that current personnel policies under the 
        Defense Officer Personnel Management Act have on 
        recruiting and retention of qualified regular and 
        reserve officers of the Armed Forces. Specifically, the 
        statistical analysis shall include an estimate of the 
        number of officers who leave the Armed Forces each year 
        because of dissatisfaction with the current personnel 
        policies, including career progression, promotion 
        policies, and a perceived lack of opportunity for 
        schooling and broadening assignments.
            (2) An analysis of the extent to which current 
        personnel policies inhibit the professional development 
        of officers.
            (3) An analysis of the impact that increased 
        flexibility in promotion, assignments, and career 
        length would have on officer competency in their 
        military occupational specialties.
            (4) An analysis of the efficacy of officer talent 
        management systems currently used by the military 
            (5) An analysis of the benefits and limitations of 
        the current promotion timelines and the ``up-or-out'' 
        system required by policy and law.
            (6) An analysis of the reasons and frequency with 
        which officers in the grade of O-3 or above are passed 
        over for promotion to the next higher grade, 
        particularly those officers who have pursued advanced 
        degrees, broadening assignments, and non-traditional 
        career patterns.
            (7) The utility and feasibility of creating new 
        competitive categories or an independent career and 
        promotion path for officers in low-density military 
        occupational specialties.
            (8) An analysis of how best to encourage and 
        facilitate the recruitment and retention of officers 
        with technical expertise.
            (9) The utility and feasibility of encouraging 
        officers to pursue careers of lengths that vary from 
        the traditional 20-year military career and the 
        mechanisms that could be employed to encourage officers 
        to pursue these varying career lengths.
            (10) An analysis of what actions have been or could 
        be taken within current statutory authority to address 
        officer management challenges.
            (11) An analysis of what actions can be taken by 
        the Armed Forces to change the institutional culture 
        regarding commonly held perceptions on appropriate 
        promotion timelines, career progression, and 
        traditional career patterns.
            (12) An analysis of how the Armed Forces can avoid 
        an officer corps disproportionately weighted toward 
        officers serving in the grades of major, lieutenant 
        colonel, and colonel and Navy grades of lieutenant 
        commander, commander, and captain, if statutory officer 
        grade caps are relaxed.
            (13) The utility and feasibility of allowing 
        officers to repeatedly and seamlessly transition 
        between active duty and reserve active-status 
        throughout the course of their military careers.
            (14) An analysis of the current officer force-
        shaping authorities and any changes needed to these 
        authorities to improve recruiting, retention, and 
            (15) An analysis of any other matters the Secretary 
        of Defense considers appropriate to improve the 
        effective recruitment and retention of officers.
    (c) Reporting Requirements.--
            (1) Initial report.--Not later than March 1, 2018, 
        the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committees 
        on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of 
        Representatives a report evaluating the impact on 
        officer retention of granting promotion boards the 
        authority to recommend officers of particular merit be 
        placed at the top of the promotion list.
            (2) Complete report.--Not later than July 31, 2018, 
        the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committees 
        on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of 
        Representatives a report setting forth the results of 
        the review conducted under subsection (a).
            (3) Scope of report.--If any recommendation of the 
        Secretary of Defense in a report required by this 
        subsection requires legislative or administrative 
        action for implementation, the report shall include a 
        proposal for legislative action, or a description of 
        administrative action, as applicable, to implement such 

                    HONORS DUTY FOR VETERANS.

    (a) Review Required.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
undertake a review of the effects of the personnel requirements 
and limitations described in subsection (b) with respect to the 
members of the National Guard in order to determine whether or 
not such requirements unduly limit the ability of the Armed 
Forces to meet the demand for personnel to perform funeral 
honors in connection with funerals of veterans.
    (b) Personnel Requirements and Limitations.--The personnel 
requirements and limitations described in this subsection are 
the following:
            (1) Requirements, such as the ceiling on the 
        authorized number of members of the National Guard on 
        active duty pursuant to section 115(b)(2)(B) of title 
        10, United States Code, or end-strength limitations, 
        that may operate to limit the number of members of the 
        National Guard available for the performance of funeral 
        honors duty.
            (2) Any other requirements or limitations 
        applicable to the reserve components of the Armed 
        Forces in general, or the National Guard in particular, 
        that may operate to limit the number of members of the 
        National Guard available for the performance of funeral 
        honors duty.
    (c) Report.--Not later than six months after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the 
Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of 
Representatives a report on the review undertaken pursuant to 
subsection (a). The report shall include the following:
            (1) A description of the review.
            (2) Such recommendations as the Secretary considers 
        appropriate in light of the review for legislative or 
        administrative action to expand the number of members 
        of the National Guard available for the performance of 
        funeral honors functions at funerals of veterans.


    (a) Review Required.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
conduct a review of the following:
            (1) Authority for the employment, use, and status 
        of National Guard technicians under section 709 of 
        title 32, United States Code (commonly referred to as 
        the National Guard Technicians Act of 1968).
            (2) Authorities for the employment, use, and status 
        of National Guard and Reserve technicians under 
        sections 10216 through 10218 of title 10, United States 
            (3) Any other authorities on the employment, use, 
        and status of National Guard and Reserve technicians 
        under law.
    (b) Purposes.--The purposes of the review under subsection 
(a) shall be as follows:
            (1) To define the mission and requirements of 
        National Guard and Reserve technicians.
            (2) To identify means to improve the management and 
        administration of the National Guard and Reserve 
        technician workforce.
            (3) To identify means to enhance the capability of 
        the Department of Defense to recruit and retain 
        National Guard and Reserve technicians.
            (4) To assess the current career progression tracks 
        of National Guard and Reserve technicians.
    (c) Consultation.--In conducting the review under 
subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the 
Chief of the National Guard Bureau, the Chief of Army Reserve, 
the Chief of Air Force Reserve, and representatives of National 
Guard and Reserve technicians, including collective bargaining 
representatives of such technicians.
    (d) Inclusion of Recent Authorities in Review.--The 
Secretary of Defense shall ensure that the review conducted 
under subsection (a) takes into account authorities, and 
modifications of authorities, for the employment, use, and 
status of National Guard and Reserve technicians contained in 
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 
(Public Law 114-92) and the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328).
    (e) Required Review Elements.--In meeting the purposes of 
the review conducted under subsection (a), as set forth in 
subsection (b), the Secretary of Defense shall address, in 
particular, the following:
            (1) The extent to which National Guard and Reserve 
        technicians are assigned military duties inconsistent 
        with, or of a different nature than, their civilian 
        duties, the impact of such assignments on unit 
        readiness, and the effect of such assignments on the 
        career progression of technicians.
            (2) The use by the Department of Defense 
        (especially within the National Guard) of selective 
        retention boards to separate National Guard and Reserve 
        technicians from military service (with the effect of 
        thereby separating them from civilian service) before 
        they accrue a full, unreduced retirement annuity in 
        connection with Federal civilian service, and whether 
        that use is consistent with the authority in section 
        10216(f) of title 10, United States Code, that 
        technicians be permitted to remain in service past 
        their mandatory separation date until they qualify for 
        an unreduced retirement annuity.
            (3) The impact on recruitment and retention, and 
        the budgetary impact, of permitting National Guard and 
        Reserve technicians who receive an enlistment incentive 
        before becoming a technician to retain such incentive 
        upon becoming a technician.
    (f) Reporting Requirement.--Not later than April 1, 2018, 
the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committees on 
Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives a 
report containing--
            (1) the results of the review conducted under 
        subsection (a), including a discussion of the matters 
        set forth in subsections (b) and (e); and
            (2) such recommendations for legislative or 
        administrative action as the Secretary considers 
        appropriate in light of the review in order to improve 
        and enhance the employment, use, and status of National 
        Guard and Reserve technicians.


    (a) Assessment Required.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
conduct an assessment of the feasibility and advisability of 
the following:
            (1) Expanding the operating hours of childcare 
        facilities of the Department of Defense in order to 
        meet childcare services requirements for swing-shift, 
        night-shift, and weekend workers.
            (2) Using contracts with private-sector childcare 
        services providers to expand the availability of 
        childcare services for members of the Armed Forces at 
        locations outside military installations at costs 
        similar to the current costs for childcare services 
        through child development centers on military 
            (3) Contracting with private-sector childcare 
        services providers to operate childcare facilities of 
        the Department on military installations.
            (4) Expanding childcare services as described in 
        paragraphs (1) through (3) to members of the National 
        Guard and Reserves in a manner that does not 
        substantially raise costs of childcare services for the 
        military departments or conflict with others who have a 
        higher priority for space in childcare services 
        programs, such as members of the Armed Forces on active 
    (b) Reporting Requirement.--Not later than September 1, 
2018, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committees 
on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of 
Representatives a report containing the results of the 
assessment conducted under subsection (a).


    (a) Review Required.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
conduct a review of the compensation provided for childcare 
services providers within the Department of Defense, including 
positions subject to General Schedule pay grades and positions 
occupied by nonappropriated fund instrumentality employees.
    (b) Elements of Review.--The review conducted under 
subsection (a) shall include the following:
            (1) A comparison of the compensation provided for 
        childcare services provider positions within the 
        Department with the compensation provided to childcare 
        services providers in the private sector who provide 
        similar childcare services.
            (2) An assessment of the mix of General Schedule 
        pay grades and compensation levels for nonappropriated 
        fund instrumentality employees currently required by 
        the Department to most effectively recruit and retain 
        childcare services providers for dependents of members 
        of the Armed Forces.
            (3) A comparison of the budget implications of the 
        current General Schedule pay grade mix and 
        nonappropriated fund instrumentality compensation 
        levels with the pay grade mix and compensation levels 
        determined pursuant to paragraph (2) to be required by 
        the Department to most effectively recruit and retain 
        childcare services providers for dependents of members 
        of the Armed Forces.
    (c) Reporting Requirement.--Not later than September 1, 
2018, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committees 
on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of 
Representatives a report containing the results of the review 
conducted under subsection (a).


    (a) Assessment Required.--The Comptroller General of the 
United States shall conduct an assessment on the purpose, 
structure, and effectiveness of the Office of Complex 
Investigations within the National Guard Bureau.
    (b) Elements of Assessment.--The assessment conducted under 
subsection (a) shall address the following:
            (1) The purpose of the Office of Complex 
        Investigations and the criteria used to determine which 
        cases will be investigated by the office.
            (2) The services provided by the Office of Complex 
            (3) The authority under which the Office of Complex 
        Investigations may investigate violations of State law.
            (4) The structure of the Office of Complex 
        Investigations, including--
                    (A) the number of individuals assigned, 
                both permanently and temporarily, to the 
                    (B) the organizational structure of the 
                office; and
                    (C) the annual budget of the office, the 
                source of funding, and the extent to which 
                States are required to reimburse the Department 
                of Defense for activities conducted by the 
            (5) The extent to which the investigations 
        conducted by the Office of Complex Investigations could 
        be conducted by another State or Federal entity.
            (6) The policies governing the Office of Complex 
        Investigations, and the extent to which the office 
        adheres to these policies.
            (7) The training provided to investigators and 
        other employees of the Office of Complex 
            (8) Any other matters the Comptroller General 
        considers relevant to the assessment.
    (c) Reporting Requirement.--Not later than October 31, 
2018, the Comptroller General shall submit to the Committees on 
Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives a 
report containing the results of the assessment conducted under 
subsection (a).


    Section 536(a) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2124) is 
amended by striking ``18 months after the date of the enactment 
of this Act'' and inserting ``December 31, 2018''.

                       Subtitle I--Other Matters


    (a) Definition.--Subsection (b) of section 9314a of title 
10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
    ``(b) Covered Private Sector Employee Defined.--(1) In this 
section, the term `covered private sector employee' means--
            ``(A) an individual employed by a private firm that 
        is engaged in providing to the Department of Defense 
        significant and substantial defense-related systems, 
        products, or services; or
            ``(B) an individual employed by a private firm in 
        one of the critical infrastructure sectors identified 
        in Presidential Policy Directive 21 (Critical 
        Infrastructure Security and Resilience).
    ``(2) A covered private sector employee admitted for 
instruction at the United States Air Force Institute of 
Technology remains eligible for such instruction only so long 
as the person remains employed by the same firm.''.
    (b) Use of Defined Term.--Section 9314a of title 10, United 
States Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (a)--
                    (A) in paragraph (1)--
                            (i) by striking ``defense industry 
                        employees described in subsection (b)'' 
                        and inserting ``a covered private 
                        sector employee''; and
                            (ii) by striking ``Any such defense 
                        industry employee'' and inserting ``A 
                        covered private sector employee'';
                    (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``defense 
                industry employees'' and inserting ``covered 
                private sector employees''; and
                    (C) in paragraph (3), by striking ``defense 
                industry employee'' both places it appears and 
                inserting ``covered private sector employee'';
            (2) in subsection (c)--
                    (A) by striking ``Defense industry 
                employees'' and inserting ``A covered private 
                sector employee''; and
                    (B) by striking ``defense industry 
                employees'' and inserting ``covered private 
                sector employees'';
            (3) in subsection (d)(1), by striking ``defense 
        industry employees'' and inserting ``a covered private 
        sector employee''; and
            (4) in subsection (f), by striking ``defense 
        industry employees'' and inserting ``covered private 
        sector employees''.
    (c) Other Conforming Amendments.--Section 9314a of title 
10, United States Code, is further amended--
            (1) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ``a defense 
        focused'' and inserting ``a defense-focused or homeland 
        security-focused''; and
            (2) in subsection (d)--
                    (A) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``or 
                homeland security'' after ``and defense''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting before 
                the period at the end the following: ``or the 
                Department of Homeland Security, as 
    (d) Clerical Amendments.--
            (1) Section heading.--The heading of section 9314a 
        of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as 

``Sec. 9314a. United States Air Force Institute of Technology: 
                    admission of certain private sector civilians''.

            (2) Table of sections.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of chapter 901 of title 10, United States 
        Code, is amended by striking the item relating to 
        section 9314a and inserting the following new item:

``9314a. United States Air Force Institute of Technology: admission of 
          certain private sector civilians.''.

                    AS A BASIC BRANCH OF THE ARMY.

    (a) Conditional Designation.--Subject to subsection (b), 
section 3063(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (12), by striking ``and'';
            (2) by redesignating paragraph (13) as paragraph 
        (14); and
            (3) by inserting after paragraph (12) the following 
        new paragraph (13):
            ``(13) Explosive Ordnance Disposal Corps; and''.
    (b) Delayed Effective Date and Condition on Execution.--
            (1) Effective date.--The amendments made by 
        subsection (a) shall take effect on October 1, 2020, 
        but only if the report required by paragraph (2) is not 
        submitted before that date as required by such 
            (2) Reporting requirement.--Not later than 
        September 30, 2020, the Secretary of the Army shall 
        submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the 
        Senate and the House of Representatives a report 
        containing certifications that the following actions 
        have occurred as of that date:
                    (A) The defense budget materials display 
                funding requirements for explosive ordnance 
                disposal separately and a program of record is 
                established and maintained for explosive 
                ordnance disposal.
                    (B) A process has been established to 
                ensure that, by not later than five years after 
                the date of the enactment of this Act, there 
                is, and will continue to be, at least one 
                general officer in the Army qualified regarding 
                issues involving explosive ordnance disposal to 
                ensure officer professional development and 
                upward mobility.
                    (C) The Ordnance Personnel Proponency 
                Office is, and will continue to be, manned with 
                an explosive ordnance disposal officer to 
                oversee explosive ordnance disposal officer and 
                enlisted personnel proponency.
                    (D) Explosive ordnance disposal officer 
                education has been included in a basic officer 
                leadership course, a captains career course, 
                and a policy and planning course specific to 
                explosive ordnance disposal as part of 
                intermediate level education and pre-command 
                    (E) The office of the Army Deputy Chief of 
                Staff, G8, and the office of the Army Deputy 
                Chief of Staff, G3, have, and will continue to 
                be, manned with explosive ordnance disposal 
                officers responsible for the decision 
                management decision packages, ammunition 
                organizational integration, and force 
                modernization related to explosive ordnance 
                    (F) The Army has established and maintained 
                explosive ordnance disposal cells at the Army 
                Forces Command, Army Service Component 
                Commands, Army Special Operations Command, Army 
                Training and Doctrine Command, and the Army 
                Capability and Integration Center.
            (3) Notice of report.--The Secretary of the Army 
        shall notify the Law Revision Counsel of the House of 
        Representatives of the submission of the report under 
        paragraph (2) so that the Law Revision Counsel does not 
        execute the amendments made by subsection (a).


    Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall designate an office or 
official within the Office of the Secretary of Defense for 
purposes as follows:
            (1) To discharge responsibility for overseeing the 
        efforts of the Department of Defense to collect, 
        analyze, and monitor data on the use of food assistance 
        programs by members of the Armed Forces on active duty.
            (2) To establish and maintain relationships with 
        other departments and agencies of the Federal 
        Government to facilitate the discharge of the 
        responsibility specified in paragraph (1).


                     Subtitle A--Pay and Allowances

Sec. 601. Annual adjustment of basic monthly pay.
Sec. 602. Prohibiting collection of additional amounts from members 
          living in units under Military Housing Privatization 
Sec. 603. Limitation on modification of payment authority for Military 
          Housing Privatization Initiative housing.
Sec. 604. Housing treatment for certain members of the Armed Forces, and 
          their spouses and other dependents, undergoing a permanent 
          change of station within the United States.
Sec. 605. Extension of authority to provide temporary increase in rates 
          of basic allowance for housing under certain circumstances.
Sec. 606. Reevaluation of BAH for the military housing area including 
          Staten Island.

            Subtitle B--Bonus and Special and Incentive Pays

Sec. 611. One-year extension of certain bonus and special pay 
          authorities for reserve forces.
Sec. 612. One-year extension of certain bonus and special pay 
          authorities for health care professionals.
Sec. 613. One-year extension of special pay and bonus authorities for 
          nuclear officers.
Sec. 614. One-year extension of authorities relating to title 37 
          consolidated special pay, incentive pay, and bonus 
Sec. 615. One-year extension of authorities relating to payment of other 
          title 37 bonuses and special pays.
Sec. 616. Report regarding the national pilot shortage.
Sec. 617. Special aviation incentive pay and bonus authorities for 
          enlisted members who operate remotely piloted aircraft.
Sec. 618. Technical and conforming amendments relating to 2008 
          consolidation of special pay authorities.

     Subtitle C--Disability Pay, Retired Pay, and Survivor Benefits

Sec. 621. Permanent extension and cost-of-living adjustments of special 
          survivor indemnity allowances under the Survivor Benefit Plan.
Sec. 622. Adjustments to Survivor Benefit Plan for members electing lump 
          sum payments of retired pay under the modernized retirement 
          system for members of the uniformed services.
Sec. 623. Technical correction regarding election to participate in 
          modernized retirement system for reserve component members 
          experiencing a break in service.
Sec. 624. Technical corrections to use of member's current pay grade and 
          years of service in a division of property involving 
          disposable retired pay.
Sec. 625. Continuation pay for the Coast Guard.

                        Subtitle D--Other Matters

Sec. 631. Land conveyance authority, Army and Air Force Exchange Service 
          property, Dallas, Texas.
Sec. 632. Authority for the Secretaries of the military departments to 
          provide for care of remains of those who die on active duty 
          and are interred in a foreign cemetery.
Sec. 633. Construction of domestic source requirement for footwear 
          furnished to enlisted members of the Armed Forces on initial 
          entry into the Armed Forces.
Sec. 634. Review and update of regulations governing debt collectors 
          interactions with unit commanders of members of the Armed 

                     Subtitle A--Pay and Allowances


    The adjustment in the rates of monthly basic pay required 
by subsection (a) of section 1009 of title 37, United States 
Code, to be made on January 1, 2018, shall take effect, 
notwithstanding any determination made by the President under 
subsection (e) of such section with respect to an alternative 
pay adjustment to be made on such date.


    (a) Prohibition.--Subchapter IV of chapter 169 of title 10, 
United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
following new section:

``Sec. 2886. Prohibiting collection of amounts in addition to rent from 
                    members assigned to units

    ``(a) Prohibition.--An agreement for acquiring or 
constructing a military family housing unit or military 
unaccompanied housing unit under this subchapter which is 
entered into between the Secretary and an eligible entity shall 
prohibit the entity from imposing on a member of the armed 
forces who occupies the unit a supplemental payment, such as an 
out-of-pocket fee, in addition to the amount of rent the 
eligible entity charges for a unit of similar size and 
composition, without regard to whether or not the amount of the 
member's basic allowance for housing is less than the amount of 
the rent.
    ``(b) Permitting Certain Additional Payments.--Nothing in 
this section shall be construed to prohibit an eligible entity 
from imposing an additional payment for optional services 
provided to residents, such as access to a gym or a parking 
space, or an additional payment for non-essential utility 
services, as determined in accordance with regulations 
promulgated by the Secretary.
    ``(c) No Effect on Rental Guarantees or Differential Lease 
Payments.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit 
or otherwise affect the authority of the Secretary to enter 
into rental guarantee agreements under section 2876 of this 
title or to make differential lease payments under section 2877 
of this title, so long as such agreements or payments do not 
require a member of the armed forces who is assigned to a 
military family housing unit or military unaccompanied housing 
unit under this subchapter to pay an out-of-pocket fee or 
payment in addition to the member's basic housing allowance.''.
    (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for 
subchapter IV of chapter 169 of such title is amended by adding 
at the end the following new item:

``2886. Prohibiting collection of amounts in addition to rent from 
          members assigned to units.''.


    (a) In General.--For each month during 2018, the Secretary 
of Defense shall pay to a lessor of covered housing 1 percent 
of the amount calculated under section 403(b)(3)(A)(i) of title 
37, United States Code, for the area in which the covered 
housing exists.
    (b) Definition.--In this section, the term ``covered 
housing'' means a unit of housing--
            (1) acquired or constructed under the alternative 
        authority of subchapter IV of chapter 169 of title 10, 
        United States Code (known as the Military Housing 
        Privatization Initiative);
            (2) that is leased to a member of a uniformed 
        service who resides in such unit; and
            (3) for which the lessor charges such member rent 
        that equals or exceeds the amount calculated under 
        section 403(b)(3)(A) of title 37, United States Code.
    (c) GAO Review.--Not later than March 1, 2018, the 
Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the 
Committees on Armed Services of the House of Representatives 
and the Senate a review of the following:
            (1) The management of the Military Housing 
        Privatization Initiative to date.
            (2) Plans for the Military Housing Privatization 
        Initiative after March 1, 2018.
            (3) The viability of the Military Housing 
        Privatization Initiative after March 1, 2018.
            (4) Alternatives to the Military Housing 
        Privatization Initiative.


    (a) Housing Treatment.--
            (1) In general.--Chapter 7 of title 37, United 
        States Code, is amended by inserting after section 403 
        the following new section:

``Sec. 403a. Housing treatment for certain members of the armed forces, 
                    and their spouses and other dependents, undergoing 
                    a permanent change of station within the United 

    ``(a) Housing Treatment for Certain Members Who Have a 
Spouse or Other Dependents.--
            ``(1) Housing treatment regulations.--The Secretary 
        of Defense shall prescribe regulations that permit a 
        member of the armed forces described in paragraph (2) 
        who is undergoing a permanent change of station within 
        the United States to request the housing treatment 
        described in subsection (b) during the covered 
        relocation period of the member.
            ``(2) Eligible members.--A member described in this 
        paragraph is any member who--
                    ``(A) has a spouse who is gainfully 
                employed or enrolled in a degree, certificate 
                or license granting program at the beginning of 
                the covered relocation period;
                    ``(B) has one or more dependents attending 
                an elementary or secondary school at the 
                beginning of the covered relocation period;
                    ``(C) has one or more dependents enrolled 
                in the Exceptional Family Member Program; or
                    ``(D) is caring for an immediate family 
                member with a chronic or long-term illness at 
                the beginning of the covered relocation period.
    ``(b) Housing Treatment.--
            ``(1) Continuation of housing for the spouse and 
        other dependents.--If a spouse or other dependent of a 
        member whose request under subsection (a) is approved 
        resides in Government-owned or Government-leased 
        housing at the beginning of the covered relocation 
        period, the spouse or other dependent may continue to 
        reside in such housing during a period determined in 
        accordance with the regulations prescribed pursuant to 
        this section.
            ``(2) Early housing eligibility.--If a spouse or 
        other dependent of a member whose request under 
        subsection (a) is approved is eligible to reside in 
        Government-owned or Government-leased housing following 
        the member's permanent change of station within the 
        United States, the spouse or other dependent may 
        commence residing in such housing at any time during 
        the covered relocation period.
            ``(3) Temporary use of government-owned or 
        government-leased housing intended for members without 
        a spouse or dependent.--If a spouse or other dependent 
        of a member relocates at a time different from the 
        member in accordance with a request approved under 
        subsection (a), the member may be assigned to 
        Government-owned or Government-leased housing intended 
        for the permanent housing of members without a spouse 
        or dependent until the member's detachment date or the 
        spouse or other dependent's arrival date, but only if 
        such Government-owned or Government-leased housing is 
        available without displacing a member without a spouse 
        or dependent at such housing.
            ``(4) Equitable basic allowance for housing.--If a 
        spouse or other dependent of a member relocates at a 
        time different from the member in accordance with a 
        request approved under subsection (a), the amount of 
        basic allowance for housing payable may be based on 
        whichever of the following areas the Secretary 
        concerned determines to be the most equitable:
                    ``(A) The area of the duty station to which 
                the member is reassigned.
                    ``(B) The area in which the spouse or other 
                dependent resides, but only if the spouse or 
                other dependent resides in that area when the 
                member departs for the duty station to which 
                the member is reassigned, and only for the 
                period during which the spouse or other 
                dependent resides in that area.
                    ``(C) The area of the former duty station 
                of the member, but only if that area is 
                different from the area in which the spouse or 
                other dependent resides.
    ``(c) Rule of Construction Related to Certain Basic 
Allowance for Housing Payments.--Nothing in this section shall 
be construed to limit the payment or the amount of basic 
allowance for housing payable under section 403(d)(3)(A) of 
this title to a member whose request under subsection (a) is 
    ``(d) Housing Treatment Education.--The regulations 
prescribed pursuant to this section shall ensure the relocation 
assistance programs under section 1056 of title 10 include, as 
part of the assistance normally provided under such section, 
education about the housing treatment available under this 
    ``(e) Definitions.--In this section:
            ``(1) Covered relocation period.--(A) Subject to 
        subparagraph (B), the term `covered relocation period', 
        when used with respect to a permanent change of station 
        of a member of the armed forces, means the period 
                    ``(i) begins 180 days before the date of 
                the permanent change of station; and
                    ``(ii) ends 180 days after the date of the 
                permanent change of station.
            ``(B) The regulations prescribed pursuant to this 
        section may provide for a shortening or lengthening of 
        the covered relocation period of a member for purposes 
        of this section.
            ``(2) Dependent.--The term `dependent' has the 
        meaning given that term in section 401 of this title.
            ``(3) Permanent change of station.--The term 
        `permanent change of station' means a permanent change 
        of station described in section 452(b)(2) of t his 
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of chapter 7 such title is amended by 
        inserting after the item relating to section 403 the 
        following new item:

``403a. Housing treatment for certain members of the armed forces, and 
          their spouses and other dependents, undergoing a permanent 
          change of station within the United States.''.
    (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
shall take effect on October 1, 2018.


    Section 403(b)(7)(E) of title 37, United States Code, is 
amended by striking ``December 31, 2017'' and inserting 
``December 31, 2018''.

                    STATEN ISLAND.

    Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of Defense, using the most recent data 
available to the Secretary, shall reevaluate the basic housing 
allowance prescribed under section 403(b) of title 37, United 
States Code, for the military housing area that includes Staten 
Island, New York.

            Subtitle B--Bonus and Special and Incentive Pays


    The following sections of title 37, United States Code, are 
amended by striking ``December 31, 2017'' and inserting 
``December 31, 2018'':
            (1) Section 308b(g), relating to Selected Reserve 
        reenlistment bonus.
            (2) Section 308c(i), relating to Selected Reserve 
        affiliation or enlistment bonus.
            (3) Section 308d(c), relating to special pay for 
        enlisted members assigned to certain high-priority 
            (4) Section 308g(f)(2), relating to Ready Reserve 
        enlistment bonus for persons without prior service.
            (5) Section 308h(e), relating to Ready Reserve 
        enlistment and reenlistment bonus for persons with 
        prior service.
            (6) Section 308i(f), relating to Selected Reserve 
        enlistment and reenlistment bonus for persons with 
        prior service.
            (7) Section 478a(e), relating to reimbursement of 
        travel expenses for inactive-duty training outside of 
        normal commuting distance.
            (8) Section 910(g), relating to income replacement 
        payments for reserve component members experiencing 
        extended and frequent mobilization for active duty 


    (a) Title 10 Authorities.--The following sections of title 
10, United States Code, are amended by striking ``December 31, 
2017'' and inserting ``December 31, 2018'':
            (1) Section 2130a(a)(1), relating to nurse officer 
        candidate accession program.
            (2) Section 16302(d), relating to repayment of 
        education loans for certain health professionals who 
        serve in the Selected Reserve.
    (b) Title 37 Authorities.--The following sections of title 
37, United States Code, are amended by striking ``December 31, 
2017'' and inserting ``December 31, 2018'':
            (1) Section 302c-1(f), relating to accession and 
        retention bonuses for psychologists.
            (2) Section 302d(a)(1), relating to accession bonus 
        for registered nurses.
            (3) Section 302e(a)(1), relating to incentive 
        special pay for nurse anesthetists.
            (4) Section 302g(e), relating to special pay for 
        Selected Reserve health professionals in critically 
        short wartime specialties.
            (5) Section 302h(a)(1), relating to accession bonus 
        for dental officers.
            (6) Section 302j(a), relating to accession bonus 
        for pharmacy officers.
            (7) Section 302k(f), relating to accession bonus 
        for medical officers in critically short wartime 
            (8) Section 302l(g), relating to accession bonus 
        for dental specialist officers in critically short 
        wartime specialties.

                    NUCLEAR OFFICERS.

    The following sections of title 37, United States Code, are 
amended by striking ``December 31, 2017'' and inserting 
``December 31, 2018'':
            (1) Section 312(f), relating to special pay for 
        nuclear-qualified officers extending period of active 
            (2) Section 312b(c), relating to nuclear career 
        accession bonus.
            (3) Section 312c(d), relating to nuclear career 
        annual incentive bonus.


    The following sections of title 37, United States Code, are 
amended by striking ``December 31, 2017'' and inserting 
``December 31, 2018'':
            (1) Section 331(h), relating to general bonus 
        authority for enlisted members.
            (2) Section 332(g), relating to general bonus 
        authority for officers.
            (3) Section 333(i), relating to special bonus and 
        incentive pay authorities for nuclear officers.
            (4) Section 334(i), relating to special aviation 
        incentive pay and bonus authorities for officers.
            (5) Section 335(k), relating to special bonus and 
        incentive pay authorities for officers in health 
            (6) Section 336(g), relating to contracting bonus 
        for cadets and midshipmen enrolled in the Senior 
        Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
            (7) Section 351(h), relating to hazardous duty pay.
            (8) Section 352(g), relating to assignment pay or 
        special duty pay.
            (9) Section 353(i), relating to skill incentive pay 
        or proficiency bonus.
            (10) Section 355(h), relating to retention 
        incentives for members qualified in critical military 
        skills or assigned to high priority units.


    The following sections of title 37, United States Code, are 
amended by striking ``December 31, 2017'' and inserting 
``December 31, 2018'':
            (1) Section 301b(a), relating to aviation officer 
        retention bonus.
            (2) Section 307a(g), relating to assignment 
        incentive pay.
            (3) Section 308(g), relating to reenlistment bonus 
        for active members.
            (4) Section 309(e), relating to enlistment bonus.
            (5) Section 316a(g), relating to incentive pay for 
        members of precommissioning programs pursuing foreign 
        language proficiency.
            (6) Section 324(g), relating to accession bonus for 
        new officers in critical skills.
            (7) Section 326(g), relating to incentive bonus for 
        conversion to military occupational specialty to ease 
        personnel shortage.
            (8) Section 327(h), relating to incentive bonus for 
        transfer between Armed Forces.
            (9) Section 330(f), relating to accession bonus for 
        officer candidates.


    (a) In General.--Not later than April 30, 2018, the 
Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the 
Committees on Armed Services of the House of Representatives 
and the Senate a report regarding the extent of the national 
pilot shortage and the impact that such shortage has on the 
ability of the Department of Defense to retain pilots.
    (b) Elements.--The report under subsection (a) shall 
include assessments of the following:
            (1) The severity of the national pilot shortage, 
        including which of the following are most acutely 
        affected by such shortage--
                    (A) geographic areas of the United States; 
                    (B) sectors of the commercial aviation 
            (2) Compensation practices within the commercial 
        aviation industry, including whether and how such 
        practices affect the ability of the Department of 
        Defense to retain pilots.
            (3) The annual business case of the Secretary of 
        the Air Force for aviation bonus payments under section 
        334(c)(2) of title 37, United States Code, 
                    (A) whether the business case meets the 
                requirements under such section of title 37;
                    (B) whether the business case justifies the 
                bonus amount for each aircraft type category; 
                    (C) whether projections indicate that the 
                business case will reduce the pilot shortage, 
                and, if so, how quickly for each aircraft type 
            (4) Non-monetary incentives the Secretary of the 
        Air Force has used to retain pilots.
            (5) Other incentives available under current law 
        and policies of the Department of Defense to increase 
        retention of pilots.
            (6) Such other matters as the Comptroller General 
        considers appropriate.


    (a) In General.--Chapter 5 of title 37, United States Code, 
is amended by inserting after section 334 the following new 

``Sec. 334a. Special aviation incentive pay and bonus authorities: 
                    enlisted members who operate remotely piloted 

    ``(a) Aviation Incentive Pay.--
            ``(1) Incentive pay authorized.--The Secretary 
        concerned may pay aviation incentive pay under this 
        section to an enlisted member in a regular or reserve 
        component of a uniformed service who--
                    ``(A) is entitled to basic pay under 
                section 204 of this title or compensation under 
                206 of this title;
                    ``(B) is designated as a remotely piloted 
                aircraft pilot, or is in training leading to 
                such a designation;
                    ``(C) engages in, or is in training leading 
                to, frequent and regular performance of 
                operational flying duty or proficiency flying 
                    ``(D) engages in or remains in aviation 
                service for a specified period; and
                    ``(E) meets such other criteria as the 
                Secretary concerned determines appropriate.
            ``(2) Enlisted members not currently engaged in 
        flying duty.--The Secretary concerned may pay aviation 
        incentive pay under this section to an enlisted member 
        who is otherwise qualified for such pay but who is not 
        currently engaged in the performance of operational 
        flying duty or proficiency flying duty if the Secretary 
        determines, under regulations prescribed under section 
        374 of this title, that payment of aviation pay to that 
        enlisted member is in the best interests of the 
    ``(b) Aviation Bonus.--The Secretary concerned may pay an 
aviation bonus under this section to an enlisted member in a 
regular or reserve component of a uniformed service who--
            ``(1) is entitled to aviation incentive pay under 
        subsection (a);
            ``(2) is within one year of completing the 
        enlistment of the member;
            ``(3) reenlists or voluntarily extends the 
        enlistment of the member--
                    ``(A) for a period of at least one year; or
                    ``(B) in the case of an enlisted member 
                serving pursuant to an indefinite reenlistment, 
                executes a written agreement--
                            ``(i) to remain on active duty for 
                        a period of at least one year; or
                            ``(ii) to remain in an active 
                        status in a reserve component for a 
                        period of at least one year; and
            ``(4) meets such other criteria as the Secretary 
        concerned determines appropriate.
    ``(c) Maximum Amount and Method of Payment.--
            ``(1) Maximum amount.--The Secretary concerned 
        shall determine the amount of a bonus or incentive pay 
        to be paid under this section, except that--
                    ``(A) aviation incentive pay under 
                subsection (a) shall be paid at a monthly rate 
                not to exceed $1,000 per month; and
                    ``(B) an aviation bonus under subsection 
                (b) may not exceed $35,000 for each 12-month 
                period of obligated service agreed to under 
                subsection (d).
            ``(2) Lump sum or installments.--A bonus under this 
        section may be paid in a lump sum or in periodic 
        installments, as determined by the Secretary concerned.
            ``(3) Fixing bonus amount.--Upon acceptance by the 
        Secretary concerned of the written agreement required 
        by subsection (d), the total amount of the bonus to be 
        paid under the agreement shall be fixed.
    ``(d) Written Agreement for Bonus.--To receive an aviation 
bonus under this section, an enlisted member determined to be 
eligible for the bonus shall enter into a written agreement 
with the Secretary concerned that specifies--
            ``(1) the amount of the bonus;
            ``(2) the method of payment of the bonus under 
        subsection (c)(2);
            ``(3) the period of obligated service; and
            ``(4) the type or conditions of the service.
    ``(e) Reserve Component Enlisted Members Performing 
Inactive Duty Training.--An enlisted member of reserve 
component who is entitled to compensation under section 206 of 
this title and who is authorized aviation incentive pay under 
this section may be paid an amount of incentive pay that is 
proportionate to the compensation received under section 206 of 
this title for inactive-duty training.
    ``(f) Relationship to Other Pay and Allowances.--
            ``(1) Aviation incentive pay.--Aviation incentive 
        pay paid to an enlisted member under subsection (a) 
        shall be in addition to any other pay and allowance to 
        which the enlisted member is entitled, except that an 
        enlisted member may not receive a payment under such 
        subsection and section 351(a)(2) or 353(a) of this 
        title for the same skill and period of service.
            ``(2) Aviation bonus.--An aviation bonus paid to an 
        enlisted member under subsection (b) shall be in 
        addition to any other pay and allowance to which the 
        enlisted member is entitled, except that an enlisted 
        member may not receive a bonus payment under such 
        subsection and section 331 or 353(b) of this title for 
        the same skill and period of service.
    ``(g) Repayment.--An enlisted member who receives aviation 
incentive pay or an aviation bonus under this section and who 
fails to fulfill the eligibility requirements for the receipt 
of the incentive pay or bonus or complete the period of service 
for which the incentive pay or bonus is paid, as specified in 
the written agreement under subsection (d) in the case of a 
bonus, shall be subject to the repayment provisions of section 
373 of this title.
    ``(h) Definitions.--In this section:
            ``(1) Aviation service.--The term `aviation 
        service' means participation in aerial flight 
        performed, under regulations prescribed by the 
        Secretary concerned, by an eligible enlisted member who 
        is a remotely piloted aircraft pilot.
            ``(2) Operational flying duty.--The term 
        `operational flying duty' means flying performed under 
        competent orders by enlisted members of the regular or 
        reserve components while serving in assignments in 
        which basic flying skills are normally maintained in 
        the performance of assigned duties as determined by the 
        Secretary concerned, and flying duty performed by 
        members in training that leads to designation as a 
        remotely piloted aircraft pilot by the Secretary 
            ``(3) Proficiency flying duty.--The term 
        `proficiency flying duty' means flying performed under 
        competent orders by enlisted members of the regular or 
        reserve components while serving in assignments in 
        which such skills would normally not be maintained in 
        the performance of assigned duties.
    ``(i) Termination of Authority.--No agreement may be 
entered into under this section after December 31, 2018.''.
    (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the 
beginning of chapter 5 of such title is amended by inserting 
after the item relating to section 334 the following new item:

``334a. Special aviation incentive pay and bonus authorities: enlisted 
          members who operate remotely piloted aircraft.''.


    (a) Repayment Provisions.--
            (1) Title 10.--The following provisions of title 
        10, United States Code, are each amended by inserting 
        ``or 373'' before ``of title 37'':
                    (A) Section 510(i).
                    (B) Subsections (a)(3) and (c) of section 
                    (C) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 
                    (D) Section 2105.
                    (E) Section 2123(e)(1)(C).
                    (F) Section 2128(c).
                    (G) Section 2130a(d).
                    (H) Section 2171(g).
                    (I) Section 2173(g)(2).
                    (J) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 
                    (K) Section 4348(f).
                    (L) Section 6959(f).
                    (M) Section 9348(f).
                    (N) Subsections (a)(2) and (b) of section 
                    (O) Section 16203(a)(1)(B).
                    (P) Section 16301(h).
                    (Q) Section 16303(d).
                    (R) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 
            (2) Title 14.--Section 182(g) of title 14, United 
        States Code, is amended by inserting ``or 373'' before 
        ``of title 37''.
    (b) Officers Appointed Pursuant to an Agreement Under 
Section 329 of Title 37.--Section 641 of title 10, United 
States Code, is amended by striking paragraph (6).
    (c) Reenlistment Leave.--The matter preceding paragraph (1) 
of section 703(b) of title 10, United States Code, is amended 
by inserting ``or paragraph (1) or (3) of section 351(a)'' 
after ``section 310(a)(2)''.
    (d) Rest and Recuperation Absence for Qualified Members 
Extending Duty at Designated Location Overseas.--The matter 
following paragraph (4) of section 705(a) of title 10, United 
States Code, is amended by inserting ``or 352'' after ``section 
    (e) Rest and Recuperation Absence for Certain Members 
Undergoing Extended Deployment to Combat Zone.--Section 
705a(b)(1)(B) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by 
inserting ``or 352(a)'' after ``section 305''.
    (f) Additional Incentives for Health Professionals of the 
Indian Health Service.--Section 116(a) of the Indian Health 
Care Improvement Act (25 U.S.C. 1616i(a)) is amended by 
inserting ``or 335(b)'' after ``section 302(b)''.
    (g) Military Pay and Allowances Continuance While in a 
Missing Status.--Section 552(a)(2) of title 37, United States 
Code, is amended by inserting ``or section 351(a)(2)'' after 
``section 301''.
    (h) Military Pay and Allowances.--Section 907(d) of title 
37, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (1)--
                    (A) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ``or 
                351'' after ``section 301'';
                    (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``or 
                352'' after ``section 301c'';
                    (C) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ``or 
                353(a)'' after ``section 304'';
                    (D) in subparagraph (D), by inserting ``or 
                352'' after ``section 305'';
                    (E) in subparagraph (E), by inserting ``or 
                352'' after ``section 305a'';
                    (F) in subparagraph (F), by inserting ``or 
                352'' after ``section 305b'';
                    (G) in subparagraph (G), by inserting ``or 
                352'' after ``section 307a'';
                    (H) in subparagraph (I), by inserting ``or 
                352'' after ``section 314'';
                    (I) in subparagraph (J), by striking 
                ``316'' and inserting ``353(b)''; and
                    (J) in subparagraph (K), by striking 
                ``323'' and inserting ``section 355''; and
            (2) in paragraph (2)--
                    (A) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ``or 
                352'' after ``section 307'';
                    (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking 
                ``308'' and inserting ``331'';
                    (C) in subparagraph (C), by striking 
                ``309'' and inserting ``331''; and
                    (D) in subparagraph (D), by inserting ``or 
                353'' after ``section 320''.
    (i) Pay and Allowances of Officers of the Public Health 
Service.--Section 208(a)(2) of the Public Health Service Act 
(42 U.S.C. 210(a)(2)) is amended by inserting ``or 373'' after 

     Subtitle C--Disability Pay, Retired Pay, and Survivor Benefits

                    BENEFIT PLAN.

    Section 1450(m) of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) in paragraph (2)--
                    (A) in subparagraph (H), by striking 
                ``and'' at the end; and
                    (B) by striking subparagraph (I) and 
                inserting the following new subparagraphs:
                    ``(I) for months from October 2016 through 
                December 2018, $310; and
                    ``(J) for months during any calendar year 
                after 2018, the amount determined in accordance 
                with paragraph (6).''; and
            (2) by striking paragraph (6) and inserting the 
        following new paragraph (6):
            ``(6) Cost-of-living adjustments after 2018.--
                    ``(A) In general.--The amount of the 
                allowance payable under paragraph (1) for 
                months during any calendar year beginning after 
                2018 shall be--
                            ``(i) the amount payable pursuant 
                        to paragraph (2) for months during the 
                        preceding calendar year, plus
                            ``(ii) an amount equal to the 
                        percentage of the amount determined 
                        pursuant to clause (i) which percentage 
                        is equal to the percentage increase in 
                        retired pay of members and former 
                        members of the armed forces for such 
                        calendar year under section 1401a of 
                        this title.
                    ``(B) Public notice on amount of allowance 
                payable.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
                publish in the Federal Register each year the 
                amount of the allowance payable under paragraph 
                (1) for months in such year by reason of the 
                operation of this paragraph.''.

                    UNIFORMED SERVICES.

    (a) Definition of Base Amount.--Section 1447(6)(A) of title 
10, United States Code, is amended in the matter preceding 
clause (i) by inserting ``or 1415(b)(1)(B)'' after ``section 
    (b) Coordination With Reductions in Retired Pay.--Section 
1452 of such title is amended--
            (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``, other 
        than retired pay received as a lump sum under section 
        1415(b)(1)(A) of this title,'' in the matter preceding 
        subparagraph (A) after ``, the retired pay'';
            (2) in subsection (b)(1), by inserting ``, other 
        than retired pay received as a lump sum under section 
        1415(b)(1)(A) of this title,'' after ``The retired 
        pay''; and
            (3) in subsection (c)--
                    (A) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``, 
                other than retired pay received as a lump sum 
                under section 1415(b)(1)(A) of this title,'' 
                after ``The retired pay''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (4), by inserting ``or 
                1415(b)(1)(B)'' after ``section 1409(b)(2)''.


    (a) Persons Experiencing a Break in Service.--Section 
12739(f)(2)(B)(iii) of title 10, United States Code, is amended 
by striking ``on the date of the reentry'' and inserting 
``within 30 days after the date of the reentry''.
    (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) 
shall take effect on January 1, 2018, immediately after the 
coming into effect of the amendment made by section 631(b) of 
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 
(Public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 843), to which the amendment made 
by subsection (a) relates.


    (a) In General.--Section 1408 of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (a)(4)--
                    (A) in the matter preceding clause (i) of 
                subparagraph (A), by striking ``(as determined 
                pursuant to subparagraph (B)''; and
                    (B) by striking subparagraph (B) and 
                inserting the following new subparagraph (B):
            ``(B) For purposes of subparagraph (A), in the case 
        of a division of property as part of a final decree of 
        divorce, dissolution, annulment, or legal separation 
        that becomes final prior to the date of a member's 
        retirement, the total monthly retired pay to which the 
        member is entitled shall be--
                    ``(i) in the case of a member not described 
                in clause (ii), the amount of retired pay to 
                which the member would have been entitled using 
                the member's retired pay base and years of 
                service on the date of the decree of divorce, 
                dissolution, annulment, or legal separation, as 
                computed under section 1406 or 1407 of this 
                title, whichever is applicable, increased by 
                the sum of the cost-of-living adjustments 
                            ``(I) would have occurred under 
                        section 1401a(b) of this title between 
                        the date of the decree of divorce, 
                        dissolution, annulment, or legal 
                        separation and the time of the member's 
                        retirement using the adjustment 
                        provisions under section 1401a of this 
                        title applicable to the member upon 
                        retirement; and
                            ``(II) occur under 1401a of this 
                        title after the member's retirement; or
                    ``(ii) in the case of a member who becomes 
                entitled to retired pay pursuant to chapter 
                1223 of this title, the amount of retired pay 
                to which the member would have been entitled 
                using the member's retired pay base and 
                creditable service points on the date of the 
                decree of divorce, dissolution, annulment, or 
                legal separation, as computer under chapter 
                1223 of this title, increased by the sum of the 
                cost-of-living adjustments as described in 
                clause (i) that apply with respect to the 
                member.''; and
            (2) in subsection (d), by adding at the end the 
        following new paragraph:
    ``(8) A division of property award computed as a percentage 
of a member's disposable retired pay shall be increased by the 
same percentage as any cost-of-living adjustment made under 
section 1401a after the member's retirement.''.
    (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by subsection (a) 
shall take effect on December 23, 2016, as if enacted 
immediately following the enactment of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328) to 
which such amendments relate.
    (c) Applicability.--The amendments made by subsection (a) 
shall apply with respect to any division of property as part of 
a final decree of divorce, dissolution, annulment, or legal 
separation involving a member of the Armed Forces to which 
section 1408 of title 10, United States Code, applies that 
becomes final after December 23, 2016.


    For providing continuation pay for the United States Coast 
Guard under section 356 of title 37, United States Code, funds 
are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2018 
in the amount of $3,286,277.

                       Subtitle D--Other Matters

                    SERVICE PROPERTY, DALLAS, TEXAS.

    (a) Conveyance Authorized.--The Army and Air Force Exchange 
Service may convey, by sale, exchange, or a combination 
thereof, all right, title, and interest of the United States in 
and to a parcel of real property, including improvements 
thereon, that--
            (1) is located at 8901 Autobahn Drive in Dallas, 
        Texas; and
            (2) was purchased using nonappropriated funds of 
        the Army and Air Force Exchange Service.
    (b) Consideration.--
            (1) In general.--Consideration for the real 
        property conveyed under subsection (a) shall be at 
        least equal to the fair market value of the property, 
        as determined by the Army and Air Force Exchange 
            (2) Treatment of cash consideration.--
        Notwithstanding section 574 of title 40, United States 
        Code, any cash consideration received from the 
        conveyance of the property under subsection (a) may be 
        retained by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service 
        because the property was acquired using nonappropriated 
    (c) Description of Property.--The exact acreage and legal 
description of the real property to be conveyed under 
subsection (a) shall be determined by a survey satisfactory to 
the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. The recipient of the 
property shall be required to cover the cost of the survey.
    (d) Additional Terms and Conditions.--The Army and Air 
Force Exchange Service may require such additional terms and 
conditions in connection with the conveyance under subsection 
(a) as the Army and Air Force Exchange Service considers 
appropriate to protect the interests of the United States.
    (e) Inapplicability of Certain Provisions of Law.--Section 
2696 of title 10, United States Code, shall not apply to a 
conveyance of property under this section.


    Section 1482(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended 
by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
            ``(10) In the case of a decedent under the 
        jurisdiction of a Secretary of a military department at 
        the time of death, enduring care of remains interred in 
        a foreign cemetery if the burial location was 
        designated by such Secretary.''.


    Section 418(d) of title 37, United States Code, is amended 
by adding at the end the following new paragraphs:
    ``(4) This subsection does not apply to the furnishing of 
athletic footwear to members of the Army, the Navy, the Air 
Force, or the Marine Corps upon their initial entry into the 
armed forces, or prohibit the provision of a cash allowance to 
such members for such purpose, if the Secretary of Defense 
determines that compliance with paragraph (2) would result in a 
sole source contract for procurement of athletic footwear for 
the purpose stated in paragraph (1) because there would be only 
a sole certified source of supply for such footwear.
    ``(5) The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that all 
procurements of athletic footwear to which this subsection 
applies are made using firm fixed price contracts.''.

                    ARMED FORCES.

    Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall review and update 
Department of Defense Directive 1344.09 and any associated 
regulations to ensure that such regulations comply with Federal 
consumer protection laws with respect to the collection of 


           Subtitle A--TRICARE and Other Health Care Benefits

Sec. 701. Continued access to medical care at facilities of the 
          uniformed services for certain members of the reserve 
Sec. 702. Modifications of cost-sharing requirements for the TRICARE 
          Pharmacy Benefits Program and treatment of certain 
          pharmaceutical agents.
Sec. 703. Provision of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for certain members of 
          the Armed Forces.
Sec. 704. Specification that individuals under the age of 21 are 
          eligible for hospice care services under the TRICARE program.
Sec. 705. Physical examinations for members of a reserve component who 
          are separating from the Armed Forces.
Sec. 706. Mental health assessments before members separate from the 
          Armed Forces.
Sec. 707. Expansion of sexual trauma counseling and treatment for 
          members of the reserve components.
Sec. 708. Expedited evaluation and treatment for prenatal surgery under 
          the TRICARE program.

                 Subtitle B--Health Care Administration

Sec. 711. Maintenance of inpatient capabilities of military medical 
          treatment facilities located outside the United States.
Sec. 712. Modification of priority for evaluation and treatment of 
          individuals at military treatment facilities.
Sec. 713. Clarification of administration of military medical treatment 
Sec. 714. Regular update of prescription drug pricing standard under 
          TRICARE retail pharmacy program.
Sec. 715. Modification of execution of TRICARE contracting 
Sec. 716. Additional emergency uses for medical products to reduce 
          deaths and severity of injuries caused by agents of war.
Sec. 717. Modification of determination of average wait times at urgent 
          care clinics and pharmacies at military medical treatment 
          facilities under pilot program.
Sec. 718. Requirement for reimbursement by Department of Defense to 
          entities carrying out State vaccination programs for costs of 
          vaccines provided to covered beneficiaries.
Sec. 719. Extension of authority for Joint Department of Defense-
          Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility Demonstration 
Sec. 720. Residency requirements for podiatrists.
Sec. 721. Authorization of physical therapist assistants and 
          occupational therapy assistants to provide services under the 
          TRICARE program.
Sec. 722. Selection of military commanders and directors of military 
          medical treatment facilities.

                  Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters

Sec. 731. Pilot program on health care assistance system.
Sec. 732. Feasibility study on conduct of pilot program on mental health 
          readiness of part-time members of the reserve components of 
          the Armed Forces.
Sec. 733. Report on plan to improve pediatric care and related services 
          for children of members of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 734. Longitudinal medical study on blast pressure exposure of 
          members of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 735. Study on safe opioid prescribing practices.
Sec. 736. Report on implementation of GAO recommendations.
Sec. 737. Declassification by Department of Defense of certain incidents 
          of exposure of members of the Armed Forces to toxic 
Sec. 738. Coordination by Veterans Health Administration of efforts to 
          understand effects of burn pits.
Sec. 739. TRICARE technical amendments.

           Subtitle A--TRICARE and Other Health Care Benefits

                    RESERVE COMPONENTS.

    (a) TRICARE Reserve Select.--Paragraph (2) of section 
1076d(f) of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as 
            ``(2) The term `TRICARE Reserve Select' means--
                    ``(A) medical care at facilities of the 
                uniformed services to which a dependent 
                described in section 1076(a)(2) of this title 
                is entitled; and
                    ``(B) health benefits under the TRICARE 
                Select self-managed, preferred provider network 
                option under section 1075 of this title made 
                available to beneficiaries by reason of this 
                section and subject to the cost-sharing 
                requirements set forth in such section 1075.''.
    (b) TRICARE Retired Reserve.--Section 1076e is amended--
            (1) In subsection (b), in the subsection heading, 
        by striking ``Retired Reserve'';
            (2) In subsection (c), by striking ``Retired 
        Reserve'' the last place it appears; and
            (3) in subsection (f), by striking paragraph (2) 
        and inserting the following:
            ``(2) The term `TRICARE Retired Reserve' means--
                    ``(A) medical care at facilities of the 
                uniformed services to which a dependent 
                described in section 1076(a)(2) of this title 
                is entitled; and
                    ``(B) health benefits under the TRICARE 
                Select self-managed, preferred provider network 
                option under section 1075 of this title made 
                available to beneficiaries by reason of this 
                section and subject to the cost-sharing 
                requirements set forth in such section 1075.''.

                    PHARMACEUTICAL AGENTS.

    (a) In General.--Paragraph (6) of section 1074g(a) of title 
10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
    ``(6)(A) In the case of any of the years 2018 through 2027, 
the cost-sharing amounts under this subsection for eligible 
covered beneficiaries shall be determined in accordance with 
the following table:

                                     The cost-
             The cost-                sharing                 The cost-
              sharing    The cost-     amount    The cost-     sharing
               amount     sharing    for a 90-    sharing     amount for
             for a 30-   amount for     day      amount for    a 90-day
   ``For:       day       a 30-day   supply of    a 90-day   supply of a
             supply of  supply of a    a mail   supply of a   mail order
              a retail     retail      order     mail order      non-
              generic    formulary    generic    formulary    formulary
                is:         is:         is:         is:          is:
    2018          $11         $28          $7         $24          $53
    2019          $11         $28          $7         $24          $53
    2020          $13         $33         $10         $29          $60
    2021          $13         $33         $10         $29          $60
    2022          $14         $38         $12         $34          $68
    2023          $14         $38         $12         $34          $68
    2024          $16         $43         $13         $38          $76
    2025          $16         $43         $13         $38          $76
    2026          $16         $48         $14         $44          $85
    2027          $16         $48         $14         $44          $85

    ``(B) For any year after 2027, the cost-sharing amounts 
under this subsection for eligible covered beneficiaries shall 
be equal to the cost-sharing amounts for the previous year 
adjusted by an amount, if any, determined by the Secretary to 
reflect changes in the costs of pharmaceutical agents and 
prescription dispensing, rounded to the nearest dollar.
    ``(C) Notwithstanding subparagraphs (A) and (B), the cost-
sharing amounts under this subsection for a dependent of a 
member of the uniformed services who dies while on active duty, 
a member retired under chapter 61 of this title, or a dependent 
of a member retired under such chapter shall be equal to the 
cost-sharing amounts, if any, for 2017.''.
    (b) Treatment of Certain Pharmaceutical Agents.--
            (1) Pharmacy benefits program.--Such section is 
        amended by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(10) Notwithstanding paragraphs (2), (5), and (6), in 
order to encourage the use by covered beneficiaries of 
pharmaceutical agents that provide the best clinical 
effectiveness to covered beneficiaries and the Department of 
Defense (as determined by the Secretary, including 
considerations of better care, healthier people, and smarter 
spending), the Secretary may, upon the recommendation of the 
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee established under 
subsection (b) and review by the Uniform Formulary Beneficiary 
Advisory Panel established under subsection (c)--
            ``(A) exclude from the pharmacy benefits program 
        any pharmaceutical agent that the Secretary determines 
        provides very little or no clinical effectiveness to 
        covered beneficiaries and the Department under the 
        program; and
            ``(B) give preferential status to any non-generic 
        pharmaceutical agent on the uniform formulary by 
        treating it, for purposes of cost-sharing under 
        paragraph (6), as a generic product under the TRICARE 
        retail pharmacy program and mail order pharmacy 
            (2) Medical contracts.--Section 1079 of such title 
        is amended by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(q) In the case of any pharmaceutical agent (as defined 
in section 1074g(g) of this title) provided under a contract 
entered into under this section by a physician, in an 
outpatient department of a hospital, or otherwise as part of 
any medical services provided under such a contract, the 
Secretary of Defense may, under regulations prescribed by the 
Secretary, adopt special reimbursement methods, amounts, and 
procedures to encourage the use of high-value products and 
discourage the use of low-value products, as determined by the 
            (3) Regulations.--In order to implement 
        expeditiously the reforms authorized by the amendments 
        made by paragraphs (1) and (2), the Secretary of 
        Defense may prescribe such changes to the regulations 
        implementing the TRICARE program (as defined in section 
        1072 of title 10, United States Code) as the Secretary 
        considers appropriate--
                    (A) by prescribing an interim final rule; 
                    (B) not later than one year after 
                prescribing such interim final rule and 
                considering public comments with respect to 
                such interim final rule, by prescribing a final 

                    THE ARMED FORCES.

    (a) HBOT Treatment.--
            (1) In general.--Chapter 55 of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended by inserting after section 
        1074n the following new section:

``Sec. 1074o. Provision of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for certain 

    ``(a) In General.--The Secretary may furnish hyperbaric 
oxygen therapy available at a military medical treatment 
facility to a covered member if such therapy is prescribed by a 
physician to treat post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic 
brain injury.
    ``(b) Covered Member Defined.--In this section, the term 
`covered member' means a member of the armed forces who is--
            ``(1) serving on active duty; and
            ``(2) diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder 
        or traumatic brain injury.''.
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting 
        after the item relating to section 1074n the following 
        new item:

``1074o. Provision of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for certain members.''.
    (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by subsection (a) 
shall take effect 90 days after the date of the enactment of 
this Act.

                    TRICARE PROGRAM.

    Section 1079(a)(15) of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by inserting before the period at the end the 
following: ``, except that hospice care may be provided to an 
individual under the age of 21 concurrently with health care 
services or hospitalization for the same condition''.


    Section 1145 of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by redesignating subsections (d) and (e) as 
        subsections (e) and (f), respectively; and
            (2) by inserting after subsection (c) the following 
        new subsection (d):
    ``(d) Physical Examinations for Certain Members of a 
Reserve Component.--(1) The Secretary concerned shall provide a 
physical examination pursuant to subsection (a)(5) to each 
member of a reserve component who--
            ``(A) during the two-year period before the date on 
        which the member is scheduled to be separated from the 
        armed forces served on active duty in support of a 
        contingency operation for a period of more than 30 
            ``(B) will not otherwise receive such an 
        examination under such subsection; and
            ``(C) elects to receive such a physical 
    ``(2) The Secretary concerned shall--
            ``(A) provide the physical examination under 
        paragraph (1) to a member during the 90-day period 
        before the date on which the member is scheduled to be 
        separated from the armed forces; and
            ``(B) issue orders to such a member to receive such 
        physical examination.
    ``(3) A member may not be entitled to health care benefits 
pursuant to subsection (a), (b), or (c) solely by reason of 
being provided a physical examination under paragraph (1).
    ``(4) In providing to a member a physical examination under 
paragraph (1), the Secretary concerned shall provide to the 
member a record of the physical examination.''.

                    ARMED FORCES.

    (a) In General.--Section 1145(a)(5)(A) of title 10, United 
States Code, is amended by inserting ``and a mental health 
assessment conducted pursuant to section 1074n of this title'' 
after ``a physical examination''.
    (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 1074n(a) of such title 
is amended by inserting ``(and before separation from active 
duty pursuant to section 1145(a)(5)(A) of this title)'' after 
``each calendar year''.


    Section 1720D(a)(2)(A) of title 38, United States Code, is 
            (1) by striking ``on active duty''; and
            (2) by inserting before the period at the end the 
        following: ``that was suffered by the member while 
        serving on active duty, active duty for training, or 
        inactive duty training''.

                    THE TRICARE PROGRAM.

    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense shall implement 
processes and procedures to ensure that a covered beneficiary 
under the TRICARE program whose pregnancy is complicated with 
(or suspected of complication with) a fetal condition may elect 
to receive expedited evaluation, nondirective counseling, and 
medical treatment from a perinatal or pediatric specialist 
capable of providing surgical management and intervention in 
    (b) Definitions.--In this section, the terms ``covered 
beneficiary'' and ``TRICARE program'' have the meanings given 
those terms in section 1072 of title 10, United States Code.

                 Subtitle B--Health Care Administration


    Section 1073d of title 10, United States Code, is amended 
by adding at the end the following new subsection:
    ``(e) Maintenance of Inpatient Capabilities at Military 
Medical Treatment Facilities Located Outside the United 
States.--(1) In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary of 
Defense shall ensure that each covered facility maintains, at a 
minimum, inpatient capabilities that the Secretary determines 
are similar to the inpatient capabilities of such facility on 
September 30, 2016.
    ``(2) The Secretary may not eliminate the inpatient 
capabilities of a covered facility until the day that is 180 
days after the Secretary provides a briefing to the Committees 
on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of 
Representatives regarding the proposed elimination. During any 
such briefing, the Secretary shall certify the following:
            ``(A) The Secretary has entered into agreements 
        with hospitals or medical centers in the host nation of 
        such covered facility that--
                    ``(i) replace the inpatient capabilities 
                the Secretary proposes to eliminate; and
                    ``(ii) ensure members of the armed forces 
                and covered beneficiaries who receive health 
                care from such covered facility, have, within a 
                distance the Secretary determines is 
                reasonable, access to quality health care, 
                including case management and translation 
            ``(B) The Secretary has consulted with the 
        commander of the geographic combatant command in which 
        such covered facility is located to ensure that the 
        proposed elimination would have no impact on the 
        operational plan for such geographic combatant command.
            ``(C) Before the Secretary eliminates the inpatient 
        capabilities of such covered facility, the Secretary 
        shall provide each member of the armed forces or 
        covered beneficiary who receives health care from the 
        covered facility with--
                    ``(i) a transition plan for continuity of 
                health care for such member or covered 
                beneficiary; and
                    ``(ii) a public forum to discuss the 
                concerns of the member or covered beneficiary 
                regarding the proposed reduction.
    ``(3) In this subsection, the term `covered facility' means 
a military medical treatment facility located outside the 
United States.''.


    Subsection (b) of section 717 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328) is 
amended to read as follows:
    ``(b) Priority of Covered Beneficiaries.--
            ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph 
        (2), the evaluation and treatment of covered 
        beneficiaries at military treatment facilities shall be 
        prioritized ahead of the evaluation and treatment of 
        veterans and civilians at such facilities under 
        subsection (a).
            ``(2) Waiver.--The Secretary may waive the 
        requirement under paragraph (1) in order to provide 
        timely evaluation and treatment for individuals who 
                    ``(A) severely wounded or injured by acts 
                of terror that occur in the United States; or
                    ``(B) residents of the United States who 
                are severely wounded or injured by acts of 
                terror outside the United States.''.


    Section 1073c(a) of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) in paragraph (1)(E), by striking ``miliary'' 
        and inserting ``military'';
            (2) in paragraph (2), in the matter preceding 
        subparagraph (A), by striking ``commander'' and 
        inserting ``military commander or director''; and
            (3) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(4) If the Secretary of Defense determines it 
appropriate, a military director (or any other senior military 
officer or officers) of a military medical treatment facility 
may be a commanding officer for purposes of chapter 47 of this 
title (the Uniform Code of Military Justice) with respect to 
military personnel assigned to the military medical treatment 


    Section 1074g(d) of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
    ``(3) With respect to the TRICARE retail pharmacy program 
described in subsection (a)(2)(E)(ii), the Secretary shall 
ensure that a contract entered into with a TRICARE pharmacy 
program contractor includes requirements described in section 
1860D-12(b)(6) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w-
112(b)(6)) to ensure the provision of information regarding the 
pricing standard for prescription drugs.''.


    Subsection (b) of section 705 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328) is 
amended to read as follows:
    ``(b) Execution of Contracting Responsibility.--With 
respect to any acquisition of managed care support services 
under the TRICARE program initiated after the date of the 
enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2018, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and 
Sustainment shall be responsible for--
            ``(1) decisions relating to such acquisition;
            ``(2) approving the acquisition strategy; and
            ``(3) conducting pre-solicitation, pre-award, and 
        post-award acquisition reviews.''.


    Section 1107a of title 10, United States Code, is amended 
by adding at the end the following new subsection:
    ``(d) Additional Authority to Reduce Deaths and Severity of 
Injuries Caused by Agents of War.--(1) In a case in which an 
emergency use of an unapproved product or an emergency 
unapproved use of an approved product cannot be authorized 
under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 
(21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3) because the emergency does not involve an 
actual or threatened attack with a biological, chemical, 
radiological, or nuclear agent or agents, the Secretary of 
Defense may authorize an emergency use outside the United 
States of the product to reduce the number of deaths or the 
severity of harm to members of the armed forces (or individuals 
associated with deployed members of the armed forces) caused by 
a risk or agent of war.
    ``(2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an 
authorization by the Secretary under paragraph (1) shall have 
the same effect with respect to the armed forces as an 
emergency use authorization under section 564 of the Federal 
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
    ``(3) The Secretary may issue an authorization under 
paragraph (1) with respect to the emergency use of an 
unapproved product or the emergency unapproved use of an 
approved product only if--
            ``(A) the committee established under paragraph (5) 
        has recommended that the Secretary issue the 
        authorization; and
            ``(B) the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health 
        Affairs makes a written determination, after 
        consultation with the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, 
        that, based on the totality of scientific evidence 
        available to the Assistant Secretary, criteria 
        comparable to those specified in section 564(c) of the 
        Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-
        3(c)) have been met.
    ``(4) With respect to the emergency use of an unapproved 
product or the emergency unapproved use of an approved product 
under this subsection, the Secretary of Defense shall establish 
such scope, conditions, and terms under this subsection as the 
Secretary considers appropriate, including scope, conditions, 
and terms comparable to those specified in section 564 of the 
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
    ``(5)(A) There is established in the Department of Defense 
a Department of Defense Emergency Use Authorization Committee 
(in this paragraph referred to as the `Committee') to advise 
the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs on 
proposed authorizations under this subsection.
    ``(B) Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the 
Secretary of Defense and shall consist of prominent health care 
professionals who are not employees of the Department of 
Defense (other than for purposes of serving as a member of the 
    ``(C) The Committee may be established as a subcommittee of 
another Federal advisory committee.
    ``(6) In this subsection:
            ``(A) The term `biological product' has the meaning 
        given that term in section 351(i) of the Public Health 
        Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(i)).
            ``(B) The terms `device' and `drug' have the 
        meanings given those terms in section 201 of the 
        Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321).
            ``(C) The term `product' means a drug, device, or 
        biological product.
            ``(D) The terms `unapproved product' and 
        `unapproved use of an approved product' have the 
        meanings given those terms in section 564(a)(4) of the 
        Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-


    (a) Urgent Care Clinics.--Subsection (c)(2) of section 744 
of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 
(Public Law 114-328) is amended to read as follows:
            ``(2) Determination.--In carrying out paragraph 
        (1), the Secretary shall determine the average wait 
        time to display under such paragraph by using a formula 
        derived from best practices in the health care 
    (b) Pharmacies.--Subsection (d)(2) of such section is 
amended to read as follows:
            ``(2) Determination.--In carrying out paragraph 
        (1), the Secretary shall determine the average wait 
        time to display under such paragraph by using a formula 
        derived from best practices in the health care 


    Section 719 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 10 U.S.C. 1074g note) is 
            (1) in the section heading, by striking 
        ``authorization of reimbursement'' and inserting 
        ``reimbursement''; and
            (2) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ``may'' and 
        inserting ``shall''.

                    DEMONSTRATION FUND.

    Section 1704(e) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2010 (Public Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2573), as 
amended by section 722 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. ``Buck'' 
McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 
(Public Law 113-291), section 723 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92), and 
section 741(a) of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328), is further amended by 
striking ``September 30, 2018'' and inserting ``September 30, 


    (a) Requirement.--In addition to any other qualification 
required by law or regulation, the Secretary of Defense shall 
ensure that to serve as a podiatrist in the Armed Forces, an 
individual must have successfully completed a three-year 
podiatric medicine and surgical residency.
    (b) Application.--Subsection (a) shall apply with respect 
to an individual who is commissioned as an officer in the Armed 
Forces on or after the date that is one year after the date of 
the enactment of this Act.

                    UNDER THE TRICARE PROGRAM.

    (a) Addition to List of Authorized Professional Providers 
of Care.--The Secretary of Defense shall revise section 
199.6(c) of title 32, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect 
on the date of the enactment of this Act, to add to the list of 
individual professional providers of care who are authorized to 
provide services to beneficiaries under the TRICARE program, as 
defined in section 1072 of title 10, United States Code, the 
following types of health care practitioners:
            (1) Licensed or certified physical therapist 
        assistants who meet the qualifications for physical 
        therapist assistants specified in section 484.4 of 
        title 42, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor 
        regulation, to furnish services under the supervision 
        of a physical therapist.
            (2) Licensed or certified occupational therapy 
        assistants who meet the qualifications for occupational 
        therapy assistants specified in such section 484.4, or 
        any successor regulation, to furnish services under the 
        supervision of an occupational therapist.
    (b) Supervision.--The Secretary of Defense shall establish 
in regulations requirements for the supervision of physical 
therapist assistants and occupational therapy assistants, 
respectively, by physical therapists and occupational 
therapists, respectively.
    (c) Manuals and Other Guidance.--The Secretary of Defense 
shall update the CHAMPVA Policy Manual and other relevant 
manuals and subregulatory guidance of the Department of Defense 
to carry out the revisions and requirements of this section.


    (a) In General.--Not later than January 1, 2019, the 
Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretaries of 
the military departments, shall establish the common 
qualifications and core competencies required for an individual 
to serve as a military commander or director of a military 
medical treatment facility.
    (b) Objective.--The objective of the Secretary under this 
section shall be to ensure that each individual selected to 
serve as a military commander or director of a military medical 
treatment facility is highly qualified to serve as health 
system executive.
    (c) Standards.--In establishing common qualifications and 
core competencies under subsection (a), the Secretary shall 
include standards with respect to the following:
            (1) Professional competence.
            (2) Moral and ethical integrity and character.
            (3) Formal education in health care executive 
        leadership and in health care management.
            (4) Such other matters the Secretary determines to 
        be appropriate.

                 Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters


    (a) Pilot Program.--The Secretary of Defense shall carry 
out a pilot program to provide a health care assistance service 
to certain covered beneficiaries enrolled in TRICARE Select 
using purchased care to improve the health outcomes and patient 
experience for covered beneficiaries with complex medical 
    (b) Elements.--The pilot program under subsection (a) may 
include the following elements:
            (1) Assisting beneficiaries with complex medical 
        conditions to understand and use the health benefits 
        under the TRICARE program.
            (2) Supporting such beneficiaries in accessing and 
        navigating the purchased care health care delivery 
            (3) Providing such beneficiaries with information 
        to allow the beneficiaries to make informed decisions 
        regarding the quality, safety, and cost of available 
        health care services.
            (4) Improving the health outcomes for such 
    (c) Duration.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot 
program for an amount of time determined appropriate by the 
Secretary during the five-year period beginning 180 days after 
the date of the enactment of this Act.
    (d) Report.--Not later than January 1, 2021, the Secretary 
shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the House 
of Representatives and the Senate a report containing an 
evaluation of the success of the pilot program under subsection 
(a), including--
            (1) an analysis of the implementation of the 
        elements under subsection (b); and
            (2) the feasibility of incorporating such elements 
        into TRICARE support contracts.
    (e) Definitions.--In this section, the terms ``covered 
beneficiary'', ``TRICARE program'', and ``TRICARE Select'' have 
the meaning given those terms in section 1072 of title 10, 
United States Code.


    (a) In General.--Not later than one year after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall 
conduct a feasibility study and cost estimate for a pilot 
program that uses predictive analytics and screening to 
identify mental health risk and provide early, targeted 
intervention for part-time members of the reserve components of 
the Armed Forces to improve readiness and mission success.
    (b) Elements.--The feasibility study conducted under 
subsection (a) shall include elements to assess the following 
with respect to the pilot program studied under such 
            (1) The anticipated improvement in quality of 
        behavioral health services for part-time members of the 
        reserve components of the Armed Forces and the impact 
        of such improvement in quality of behavioral health 
        services on their families and employers.
            (2) The anticipated impact on the culture 
        surrounding behavioral health treatment and help-
        seeking behavior.
            (3) The feasibility of embedding mental health 
        professionals with units that--
                    (A) perform core mission sets and 
                capabilities; and
                    (B) carry out high-risk and high-demand 
            (4) The particular preventative mental health needs 
        of units at different states of their operational 
        readiness cycle.
            (5) The need for additional personnel of the 
        Department of Defense to implement the pilot program.
            (6) The cost of implementing the pilot program 
        throughout the reserve components of the Armed Forces.
            (7) The benefits of an integrated operational 
        support team for the Air National Guard and Army 
        National Guard units.
    (c) Comparison to Full-time Members of Reserve 
Components.--As part of the feasibility study conducted under 
subsection (a), the Secretary shall assess the mental health 
risk of part-time members of the reserve components of the 
Armed Forces as compared to full-time members of the reserve 
components of the Armed Forces.
    (d) Use of Existing Models.--In conducting the feasibility 
study under subsection (a), the Secretary, to the extent 
practicable, shall make use of existing models for preventative 
mental health care.


    (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall 
submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and 
the House of Representatives a report setting forth a plan of 
the Department of Defense to improve pediatric care and related 
services for children of members of the Armed Forces.
    (b) Elements.--The report required by subsection (a) shall 
include the following:
            (1) In order to ensure that children receive 
        developmentally appropriate and age-appropriate health 
        care services from the Department, a plan to align 
        preventive pediatric care under the TRICARE program 
                    (A) standards for such care as required by 
                the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 
                (Public Law 111-148);
                    (B) guidelines established for such care by 
                the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, 
                and Treatment program under the Medicaid 
                program carried out under title XIX of the 
                Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.); 
                    (C) recommendations by organizations that 
                specialize in pediatrics.
            (2) A plan to develop a uniform definition of 
        ``pediatric medical necessity'' for the Department that 
        aligns with recommendations of organizations that 
        specialize in pediatrics in order to ensure that a 
        consistent definition of such term is used in providing 
        health care in military treatment facilities and by 
        health care providers under the TRICARE program.
            (3) A plan to develop measures to evaluate and 
        improve access to pediatric care, coordination of 
        pediatric care, and health outcomes for such children.
            (4) A plan to include an assessment of access to 
        pediatric specialty care in the annual report to 
        Congress on the effectiveness of the TRICARE program.
            (5) A plan to improve the quality of and access to 
        behavioral health care under the TRICARE program for 
        children of members of the Armed Forces, including 
        intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization 
            (6) A plan to mitigate the impact of permanent 
        changes of station and other service-related 
        relocations of members of the Armed Forces on the 
        continuity of health care services received by such 
        children who have special medical or behavioral health 
            (7) A plan to mitigate deficiencies in data 
        collection, data utilization, and data analysis to 
        improve pediatric care and related services for 
        children of members of the Armed Forces.
    (c) TRICARE Program Defined.--In this section, the term 
``TRICARE program'' has the meaning given such term in section 
1072 of title 10, United States Code.

                    MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES.

    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense shall conduct a 
longitudinal medical study on blast pressure exposure of 
members of the Armed Forces during combat and training, 
including members who train with any high overpressure weapon 
system, such as anti-tank recoilless rifles or heavy-caliber 
sniper rifles.
    (b) Elements.--The study required under subsection (a) 
            (1) monitor, record, and analyze data on blast 
        pressure exposure for any member of the Armed Forces 
        who is likely to be exposed to a blast in training or 
            (2) assess the feasibility and advisability of 
        including blast exposure history as part of the service 
        record of a member, as a blast exposure log, in order 
        to ensure that, if medical issues arise later, the 
        member receives care for any service-connected 
        injuries; and
            (3) review the safety precautions surrounding heavy 
        weapons training to account for emerging research on 
        blast exposure and the effects of such exposure on 
        cognitive performance of members of the Armed Forces.
    (c) Reports.--
            (1) Interim report.--Not later than one year after 
        the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
        shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the 
        Senate and the House of Representatives an interim 
        report on the study methods and action plan for the 
        study under subsection (a).
            (2) Final report.--Not later than four years after 
        the date the Secretary begins the study under 
        subsection (a), the Secretary shall submit to the 
        Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the 
        House of Representatives a report on the results of 
        such study.


    (a) Study.--The Secretary of Defense shall conduct a study 
on the effectiveness of the training provided to military 
health care providers regarding opioid prescribing practices, 
initiatives in opioid safety, the use of the VA/DOD Clinical 
Practice Guideline for Management of Opioid Therapy for Chronic 
Pain, and other related training.
    (b) Elements.--The study under subsection (a) shall address 
the effectiveness of training with respect to the following:
            (1) Identifying and treating individuals with 
        chronic pain.
            (2) Reducing the total number of prescription 
        opioids dispensed by the Department of Defense to 
        beneficiaries of health care furnished by the 
            (3) Prescribing practices for opioid analgesic 
        therapy, including--
                    (A) reducing average dosage sizes;
                    (B) reducing the average number of dosages;
                    (C) reducing initial and average durations 
                of opioid analgesic therapy;
                    (D) reducing dose escalation when opioid 
                analgesic therapy results in adequate pain 
                reduction; and
                    (E) reducing the average number of 
                prescription opioid analgesics dispensed by the 
                Department of Defense.
            (4) Reducing the number of overdoses due to 
        prescription opioids for patients with acute pain and 
        patients undergoing opioid therapy for chronic pain.
            (5) Providing counseling and referrals to treatment 
        alternatives to opioid analgesics.
            (6) Providing education on the risks of opioid 
        medications to individuals for whom such medications 
        are prescribed, and to their families, with special 
        consideration given to raising awareness among 
        adolescents on such risks.
            (7) Effectiveness in communicating to military 
        health care providers changes in policies of the 
        Department of Defense regarding opioid safety and 
        prescribing practices.
    (c) Assessment.--The Secretary of Defense shall also 
consider the feasibility and advisability of further 
strengthening opioid prescribing practices by means of the 
            (1) Developing and implementing a physician 
        advisory committee of the Department of Defense 
        regarding education programs for prescribers of opioid 
            (2) Developing methods to encourage health care 
        providers of the Department to use physical therapy or 
        alternative methods to treat acute or chronic pain.
            (3) Developing curricula regarding pain management 
        and safe opioid analgesic prescription practices that 
        incorporate opioid analgesic prescribing guidelines 
        issued by the Centers for Disease Control and 
    (d) Briefing.--Not later than one year after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall provide to the 
Committees on Armed Services of the House of Representatives 
and the Senate a briefing on the results of the study under 
subsection (a) and the assessment under subsection (c).


    Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit a report to the 
congressional defense committees on the implementation by the 
Department of Defense of the recommendations from the 
Government Accountability Office report entitled ``Actions 
Needed to Ensure Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic 
Brain Injury Are Considered in Misconduct Separations'' and 
published May 16, 2017.

                    FORCES TO TOXIC SUBSTANCES.

    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense shall conduct a 
declassification review of documents related to any known 
incident in which not fewer than 100 members of the Armed 
Forces were intentionally exposed to a toxic substance that 
resulted in at least one case of a disability that a member of 
the medical profession has determined to be associated with 
that toxic substance.
    (b) Limitation.--The declassification required by 
subsection (a) shall be limited to information necessary for an 
individual who was potentially exposed to a toxic substance to 
determine the following:
            (1) Whether that individual was exposed to that 
        toxic substance.
            (2) The potential severity of the exposure of that 
        individual to that toxic substance.
            (3) Any potential health conditions that may have 
        resulted from exposure to that toxic substance.
    (c) Exception.--The Secretary of Defense is not required to 
declassify documents under subsection (a) if the Secretary 
determines that declassification of those documents would 
materially and immediately threaten the security of the United 
    (d) Definitions.--In this section:
            (1) Armed forces.--The term ``Armed Forces'' has 
        the meaning given that term in section 101 of title 10, 
        United States Code.
            (2) Exposed.--The term ``exposed'' means, with 
        respect to a toxic substance, that an individual came 
        into contact with that toxic substance in a manner that 
        could be hazardous to the health of that individual, 
        that may include if that toxic substance was inhaled, 
        ingested, or touched the skin or eyes.
            (3) Exposure.--The term ``exposure'' means, with 
        respect to a toxic substance, an event during which an 
        individual was exposed to that toxic substance.
            (4) Toxic substance.--The term ``toxic substance'' 
        means any substance determined by the Administrator of 
        the Environmental Protection Agency to be harmful to 
        the environment or hazardous to the health of an 
        individual if inhaled or ingested by or absorbed 
        through the skin of that individual.


    The Under Secretary for Health of the Department of 
Veterans Affairs, acting through the Office of Public Health of 
the Veterans Health Administration, shall coordinate efforts 
related to furthering understanding of burn pits, the effect of 
burn pits on veterans, and effective treatments relating to 
such effects, including with respect to research efforts and 
training of clinical staff on related matters.


    (a) Definition of TRICARE Standard.--Paragraph (15) of 
section 1072 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to 
read as follows:
            ``(15) The term `TRICARE Standard' means the 
        TRICARE program made available prior to January 1, 
        2018, covering health benefits contracted for under the 
        authority of section 1079(a) or 1086(a) of this title 
        and subject to the same rates and conditions as apply 
        to persons covered under those sections.''.
    (b) Cost-sharing Amounts.--
            (1) TRICARE select.--
                    (A) Allowance of cost-sharing amounts as 
                determined by the secretary.--Subsection (d) of 
                section 1075 of such title is amended by adding 
                at the end the following new paragraph:
    ``(4) The cost-sharing requirements applicable to services 
not specifically addressed in the table set forth in paragraph 
(1) shall be established by the Secretary.''.
                    (B) Modification of reference to ambulance 
                civilian network.--Paragraph (1) of such 
                subsection is amended, in the first column of 
                the table, by striking ``Ambulance civilian 
                network'' and inserting ``Ground ambulance 
                civilian network''.
            (2) TRICARE prime.--
                    (A) Allowance of cost-sharing amounts as 
                determined by the secretary.--Subsection (b) of 
                section 1075a of such title is amended by 
                adding at the end the following new paragraph:
    ``(4) The cost-sharing requirements applicable to services 
not specifically addressed in the table set forth in paragraph 
(1) shall be established by the Secretary.''.
                    (B) Modification of reference to ambulance 
                civilian network.--Paragraph (1) of such 
                section is amended, in the first column of the 
                table, by striking ``Ambulance civilian 
                network'' and inserting ``Ground ambulance 
                civilian network''.
    (c) Medical Care for Dependents.--
            (1) Reference to medically necessary vitamins.--
        Paragraphs (3) and (18) of section 1077(a) of such 
        title are amended by striking ``subsection (g)'' each 
        place it appears and inserting ``subsection (h)''.
            (2) Eligibility of dependents to purchase hearing 
        aids.--Section 1077(g) of such title is amended by 
        striking ``of former members of the uniformed 
        services'' and inserting ``eligible for care under this 
    (d) Modification of Reference to Fiscal Year.--
            (1) Contracts for medical care for spouses and 
        children.--Section 1079(b) such title is amended by 
        striking ``fiscal year'' each place it appears and 
        inserting ``calendar year''.
            (2) Contracts for health benefits for certain 
        members, former members, and their dependents.--Section 
        1086(b) of such title is amended by striking ``fiscal 
        year'' each place it appears and inserting ``calendar 
    (e) Referrals and Preauthorizations for TRICARE Prime.--
            (1) Preauthorization for care at residential 
        treatment centers.--Section 1095f(b) of such title is 
        amended by adding at the end the following new 
            ``(4) Inpatient care at a residential treatment 
            (2) Reference.--Section 1075a(c) of such title is 
        amended by striking ``section 1075f(a)'' and inserting 
        ``section 1095f(a)''.
    (f) Applicability of Premium for Dependent Coverage.--
Section 1110b(c)(1) of such title is amended by striking 
``section 1075 of this section'' and inserting ``section 1075 
or 1075a of this title, as appropriate''.


              Subtitle A--Acquisition Policy and Management

Sec. 801. Statements of purpose for Department of Defense acquisition.
Sec. 802. Management of intellectual property matters within the 
          Department of Defense.
Sec. 803. Performance of incurred cost audits.
Sec. 804. Repeal of certain auditing requirements.
Sec. 805. Increased simplified acquisition threshold.
Sec. 806. Requirements related to the micro-purchase threshold.
Sec. 807. Process for enhanced supply chain scrutiny.
Sec. 808. Defense policy advisory committee on technology.
Sec. 809. Report on extension of development, acquisition, and 
          sustainment authorities of the military departments to the 
          United States Special Operations Command.
Sec. 810 . Technical and conforming amendments related to program 
          management provisions.

 Subtitle B--Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures, 
                             and Limitations

Sec. 811. Modifications to cost or pricing data and reporting 
Sec. 812. Applicability of cost and pricing data certification 
Sec. 813. Sunset of certain provisions relating to the procurement of 
          goods other than United States goods.
Sec. 814. Comptroller General report on health and safety records.
Sec. 815. Limitation on unilateral definitization.
Sec. 816. Amendment to sustainment reviews.
Sec. 817. Use of program income by eligible entities that carry out 
          procurement technical assistance programs.
Sec. 818. Enhanced post-award debriefing rights.
Sec. 819. Amendments relating to information technology.
Sec. 820. Change to definition of subcontract in certain circumstances.
Sec. 821. Amendment relating to applicability of inflation adjustments.
Sec. 822. Use of lowest price technically acceptable source selection 
Sec. 823. Exemption from design-build selection procedures.
Sec. 824. Contract closeout authority.
Sec. 825. Elimination of cost underruns as factor in calculation of 
          penalties for cost overruns.
Sec. 826. Modification to annual meeting requirement of Configuration 
          Steering Boards.
Sec. 827. Pilot program on payment of costs for denied Government 
          Accountability Office bid protests.

  Subtitle C--Provisions Relating to Major Defense Acquisition Programs

Sec. 831. Revisions to definition of major defense acquisition program.
Sec. 832. Prohibition on use of lowest price technically acceptable 
          source selection process for major defense acquisition 
Sec. 833. Role of the Chief of the armed force in material development 
          decision and acquisition system milestones.
Sec. 834. Requirement to emphasize reliability and maintainability in 
          weapon system design.
Sec. 835. Licensing of appropriate intellectual property to support 
          major weapon systems.
Sec. 836. Codification of requirements pertaining to assessment, 
          management, and control of operating and support costs for 
          major weapon systems.
Sec. 837. Should-cost management.
Sec. 838. Improvements to test and evaluation processes and tools.
Sec. 839. Enhancements to transparency in test and evaluation processes 
          and data.

        Subtitle D--Provisions Relating to Acquisition Workforce

Sec. 841. Enhancements to the civilian program management workforce.
Sec. 842. Credits to Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce 
          Development Fund.
Sec. 843. Improvements to the hiring and training of the acquisition 
Sec. 844. Extension and modifications to acquisition demonstration 

           Subtitle E--Provisions Relating to Commercial Items

Sec. 846. Procurement through commercial e-commerce portals.
Sec. 847. Revision to definition of commercial item.
Sec. 848. Commercial item determinations.
Sec. 849. Review of regulations on commercial items.
Sec. 850. Training in commercial items procurement.

         Subtitle F--Provisions Relating to Services Contracting

Sec. 851. Improvement of planning for acquisition of services.
Sec. 852. Standard guidelines for evaluation of requirements for 
          services contracts.
Sec. 853. Report on outcome-based services contracts.
Sec. 854. Pilot program for longer term multiyear service contracts.

   Subtitle G--Provisions Relating to Other Transaction Authority and 

Sec. 861. Contract authority for advanced development of initial or 
          additional prototype units.
Sec. 862. Methods for entering into research agreements.
Sec. 863. Education and training for transactions other than contracts 
          and grants.
Sec. 864. Other transaction authority for certain prototype projects.
Sec. 865. Amendment to nontraditional and small contractor innovation 
          prototyping program.
Sec. 866. Middle tier of acquisition for rapid prototype and rapid 
Sec. 867. Preference for use of other transactions and experimental 
Sec. 868. Prototype projects to digitize defense acquisition 
          regulations, policies, and guidance, and empower user 
          tailoring of acquisition process.

         Subtitle H--Provisions Relating to Software Acquisition

Sec. 871. Noncommercial computer software acquisition considerations.
Sec. 872. Defense Innovation Board analysis of software acquisition 
Sec. 873. Pilot program to use agile or iterative development methods to 
          tailor major software-intensive warfighting systems and 
          defense business systems.
Sec. 874. Software development pilot program using agile best practices.
Sec. 875. Pilot program for open source software.

                        Subtitle I--Other Matters

Sec. 881. Extension of maximum duration of fuel storage contracts.
Sec. 882. Procurement of aviation critical safety items.
Sec. 883. Modifications to the advisory panel on streamlining and 
          codifying acquisition regulations.
Sec. 884. Repeal of expired pilot program for leasing commercial utility 
          cargo vehicles.
Sec. 885. Exception for business operations from requirement to accept 
          $1 coins.
Sec. 886. Development of Procurement Administrative Lead Time.
Sec. 887. Notional milestones and standard timelines for contracts for 
          foreign military sales.
Sec. 888. Assessment and authority to terminate or prohibit contracts 
          for procurement from Chinese companies providing support to 
          the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Sec. 889. Report on defense contracting fraud.
Sec. 890. Comptroller General report on contractor business system 
Sec. 891. Training on agile or iterative development methods.

             Subtitle A--Acquisition Policy and Management


    Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall revise the Defense 
Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement to include the 
following statements of purpose:
            (1) The defense acquisition system (as defined in 
        section 2545 of title 10, United States Code) exists to 
        manage the investments of the United States in 
        technologies, programs, and product support necessary 
        to achieve the national security strategy prescribed by 
        the President pursuant to section 108 of the National 
        Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3043) and to support 
        the United States Armed Forces.
            (2) The investment strategy of the Department of 
        Defense shall be postured to support not only the 
        current United States Armed Forces, but also future 
        Armed Forces of the United States.
            (3) The primary objective of Department of Defense 
        acquisition is to acquire quality products that satisfy 
        user needs with measurable improvements to mission 
        capability and operational support, in a timely manner, 
        and at a fair and reasonable price.

                    DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.

    (a) Management of Intellectual Property.--
            (1) In general.--Chapter 137 of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2321 
        the following new section:

``Sec. 2322. Management of intellectual property matters within the 
                    Department of Defense

    ``(a) Policy Required.--The Secretary of Defense, acting 
through the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and 
Sustainment, shall develop policy on the acquisition or 
licensing of intellectual property--
            ``(1) to enable coordination and consistency across 
        the military departments and the Department of Defense 
        in strategies for acquiring or licensing intellectual 
        property and communicating with industry;
            ``(2) to ensure that program managers are aware of 
        the rights afforded the Federal Government and 
        contractors in intellectual property and that program 
        managers fully consider and use all available 
        techniques and best practices for acquiring or 
        licensing intellectual property early in the 
        acquisition process; and
            ``(3) to encourage customized intellectual property 
        strategies for each system based on, at a minimum, the 
        unique characteristics of the system and its 
        components, the product support strategy for the 
        system, the organic industrial base strategy of the 
        military department concerned, and the commercial 
    ``(b) Cadre of Intellectual Property Experts.--(1) The 
Secretary of Defense, acting through the Under Secretary of 
Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, shall establish a 
cadre of personnel who are experts in intellectual property 
matters. The purpose of the cadre is to ensure a consistent, 
strategic, and highly knowledgeable approach to acquiring or 
licensing intellectual property by providing expert advice, 
assistance, and resources to the acquisition workforce on 
intellectual property matters, including acquiring or licensing 
intellectual property.
    ``(2) The Under Secretary shall establish an appropriate 
leadership structure and office within which the cadre shall be 
managed, and shall determine the appropriate official to whom 
members of the cadre shall report.
    ``(3) The cadre of experts shall be assigned to a program 
office or an acquisition command within a military department 
to advise, assist, and provide resources to a program manager 
or program executive officer on intellectual property matters 
at various stages of the life cycle of a system. In performing 
such duties, the experts shall--
            ``(A) interpret and provide counsel on laws, 
        regulations, and policies relating to intellectual 
            ``(B) advise and assist in the development of an 
        acquisition strategy, product support strategy, and 
        intellectual property strategy for a system;
            ``(C) conduct or assist with financial analysis and 
        valuation of intellectual property;
            ``(D) assist in the drafting of a solicitation, 
        contract, or other transaction;
            ``(E) interact with or assist in interactions with 
        contractors, including communications and negotiations 
        with contractors on solicitations and awards; and
            ``(F) conduct or assist with mediation if technical 
        data delivered pursuant to a contract is incomplete or 
        does not comply with the terms of agreements.
    ``(4)(A) In order to achieve the purpose set forth in 
paragraph (1), the Under Secretary shall ensure the cadre has 
the appropriate number of staff and such staff possesses the 
necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to carry out the 
duties under paragraph (2), including in relevant areas of law, 
contracting, acquisition, logistics, engineering, financial 
analysis, and valuation. The Under Secretary, in coordination 
with the Defense Acquisition University and in consultation 
with academia and industry, shall develop a career path, 
including development opportunities, exchanges, talent 
management programs, and training, for the cadre. The Under 
Secretary may use existing authorities to staff the cadre, 
including those in subparagraphs (B), (C), (D), and (F).
    ``(B) Civilian personnel from within the Office of the 
Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff, military departments, 
Defense Agencies, and combatant commands may be assigned to 
serve as members of the cadre, upon request of the Director.
    ``(C) The Under Secretary may use the authorities for 
highly qualified experts under section 9903 of title 5, to hire 
experts as members of the cadre who are skilled professionals 
in intellectual property and related matters.
    ``(D) The Under Secretary may enter into a contract with a 
private-sector entity for specialized expertise to support the 
cadre. Such entity may be considered a covered Government 
support contractor, as defined in section 2320 of this title.
    ``(E) In establishing the cadre, the Under Secretary shall 
give preference to civilian employees of the Department of 
Defense, rather than members of the armed forces, to maintain 
continuity in the cadre.
    ``(F) The Under Secretary is authorized to use amounts in 
the Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund for the 
purpose of recruitment, training, and retention of the cadre, 
including paying salaries of newly hired members of the cadre 
for up to three years.''.
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding at 
        the end the following new item:

``2322. Management of intellectual property matters within the 
          Department of Defense.''.
    (b) Additional Acquisition Position.--Subsection 1721(b) of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end 
the following new paragraph:
            ``(12) Intellectual property.''.


    (a) In General.--Chapter 137 of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended by inserting after section 2313a the following 
new section:

``Sec. 2313b. Performance of incurred cost audits

    ``(a) Compliance With Standards of Risk and Materiality.--
Not later than October 1, 2020, the Secretary of Defense shall 
comply with commercially accepted standards of risk and 
materiality in the performance of each incurred cost audit of 
costs associated with a contract of the Department of Defense.
    ``(b) Conditions for the Use of Qualified Auditors to 
Perform Incurred Cost Audits.--(1) To support the need of the 
Department of Defense for timely and effective incurred cost 
audits, and to ensure that the Defense Contract Audit Agency is 
able to allocate resources to higher-risk and more complex 
audits, the Secretary of Defense shall use qualified private 
auditors to perform a sufficient number of incurred cost audits 
of contracts of the Department of Defense to--
            ``(A) eliminate, by October 1, 2020, any backlog of 
        incurred cost audits of the Defense Contract Audit 
            ``(B) ensure that incurred cost audits are 
        completed not later than one year after the date of 
        receipt of a qualified incurred cost submission;
            ``(C) maintain an appropriate mix of Government and 
        private sector capacity to meet the current and future 
        needs of the Department of Defense for the performance 
        of incurred cost audits;
            ``(D) ensure that qualified private auditors 
        perform incurred cost audits on an ongoing basis to 
        improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the 
        performance of incurred cost audits; and
            ``(E) limit multiyear auditing to ensure that 
        multiyear auditing is conducted only--
                    ``(A) to address outstanding incurred cost 
                audits for which a qualified incurred cost 
                submission was submitted to the Defense 
                Contract Audit Agency more than 12 months 
                before the date of the enactment of this 
                section; or
                    ``(B) when the contractor being audited 
                submits a written request, including a 
                justification for the use of multiyear 
                auditing, to the Under Secretary of Defense 
    ``(2) The Secretary of Defense shall consult with Federal 
agencies that have awarded contracts or task orders to 
qualified private auditors to ensure that the Department of 
Defense is using, as appropriate, best practices relating to 
contracting with qualified private auditors.
    ``(3) The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that a 
qualified private auditor performing an incurred cost audit 
under this section--
            ``(A) has no conflict of interest in performing 
        such an audit, as defined by generally accepted 
        government auditing standards;
            ``(B) possesses the necessary independence to 
        perform such an audit, as defined by generally accepted 
        government auditing standards;
            ``(C) signs a nondisclosure agreement, as 
        appropriate, to protect proprietary or nonpublic data;
            ``(D) accesses and uses proprietary or nonpublic 
        data furnished to the qualified private auditor only 
        for the purposes stated in the contract;
            ``(E) takes all reasonable steps to protect 
        proprietary and nonpublic data furnished during the 
        audit; and
            ``(F) does not use proprietary or nonpublic data 
        provided to the qualified private auditor under the 
        authority of this section to compete for Government or 
        nongovernment contracts.
    ``(c) Procedures for the Use of Qualified Private 
Auditors.--(1) Not later than October 1, 2018, the Secretary of 
Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a 
plan to implement the requirements of subsection (b). Such plan 
shall include, at a minimum--
            ``(A) a description of the incurred cost audits 
        that the Secretary determines are appropriate to be 
        conducted by qualified private auditors, including the 
        approximate number and dollar value of such incurred 
        cost audits;
            ``(B) an estimate of the number and dollar value of 
        incurred cost audits to be conducted by qualified 
        private auditors for each of the fiscal years 2019 
        through 2025 necessary to meet the requirements of 
        subsection (b); and
            ``(C) all other elements of an acquisition plan as 
        required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
    ``(2) Not later than April 1, 2019, the Secretary of 
Defense or a Federal department or agency authorized by the 
Secretary shall award a contract or issue a task order under an 
existing contract to two or more qualified private auditors to 
perform incurred cost audits of costs associated with contracts 
of the Department of Defense. The Defense Contract Management 
Agency or a contract administration office of a military 
department shall use a contract or a task order awarded or 
issued pursuant to this paragraph for the performance of an 
incurred cost audit, if doing so will assist the Secretary in 
meeting the requirements in subsection (b).
    ``(3) To improve the quality of incurred cost audits and 
reduce duplication of performance of such audits, the Secretary 
of Defense may provide a qualified private auditor with 
information on past or ongoing audit results or other relevant 
information on the entities the qualified private auditor is 
    ``(4) The Secretary of Defense shall consider the results 
of an incurred cost audit performed under this section without 
regard to whether the Defense Contract Audit Agency or a 
qualified private auditor performed the audit.
    ``(5) The contracting officer for a contract that is the 
subject of an incurred cost audit shall have the sole 
discretion to determine what action should be taken based on an 
audit finding on direct costs of the contract.
    ``(d) Qualified Private Auditor Requirements.--(1) A 
qualified private auditor awarded a contract or issued an task 
order under subsection (c)(2) shall conduct an incurred cost 
audit in accordance with the generally accepted government 
auditing standards.
    ``(2) A qualified private auditor awarded a contract or 
issued an task order under subsection (c)(2) shall develop and 
maintain complete and accurate working papers on each incurred 
cost audit. All working papers and reports on the incurred cost 
audit prepared by such qualified private auditor shall be the 
property of the Department of Defense, except that the 
qualified private auditor may retain a complete copy of all 
working papers to support such reports made pursuant to this 
    ``(3) A breach of contract by a qualified private auditor 
with respect to use of proprietary or nonpublic data may 
subject the qualified private auditor to--
            ``(A) criminal, civil, administrative, and 
        contractual actions for penalties, damages, and other 
        appropriate remedies by the United States; and
            ``(B) civil actions for damages and other 
        appropriate remedies by the contractor or subcontractor 
        whose data are affected by the breach.
    ``(e) Peer Review.--(1) Effective October 1, 2022, the 
Defense Contract Audit Agency may issue unqualified audit 
findings for an incurred cost audit only if the Defense 
Contract Audit Agency is peer reviewed by a commercial auditor 
and passes such peer review. Such peer review shall be 
conducted in accordance with the peer review requirements of 
generally accepted government auditing standards, including the 
requirements related to frequency of peer reviews, and shall be 
deemed to meet the requirements of the Defense Contract Audit 
Agency for a peer review under such standards.
    ``(2) Not later than October 1, 2019, the Secretary of 
Defense shall provide to the Committees on Armed Services of 
the Senate and the House of Representatives an update on the 
process of securing a commercial auditor to perform the peer 
review referred to in paragraph (1).
    ``(f) Numeric Materiality Standards for Incurred Cost 
Audits.--(1) Not later than October 1, 2020, the Department of 
Defense shall implement numeric materiality standards for 
incurred cost audits to be used by auditors that are consistent 
with commercially accepted standards of risk and materiality.
    ``(2) Not later than October 1, 2019, the Secretary of 
Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a 
report containing proposed numeric materiality standards 
required under paragraph (1). In developing such standards, the 
Secretary shall consult with commercial auditors that conduct 
incurred cost audits, the advisory panel authorized under 
section 809 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 889), and other 
governmental and nongovernmental entities with relevant 
    ``(g) Timeliness of Incurred Cost Audits.--(1) The 
Secretary of Defense shall ensure that all incurred cost audits 
performed by qualified private auditors or the Defense Contract 
Audit Agency are performed in a timely manner.
    ``(2) The Secretary of Defense shall notify a contractor of 
the Department of Defense within 60 days after receipt of an 
incurred cost submission from the contractor whether the 
submission is a qualified incurred cost submission.
    ``(3) With respect to qualified incurred cost submissions 
received on or after the date of the enactment of this section, 
audit findings shall be issued for an incurred cost audit not 
later than one year after the date of receipt of such qualified 
incurred cost submission.
    ``(4) Not later than October 1, 2020, and subject to 
paragraph (5), if audit findings are not issued within one year 
after the date of receipt of a qualified incurred cost 
submission, the audit shall be considered to be complete and no 
additional audit work shall be conducted.
    ``(5) The Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) may 
waive the requirements of paragraph (4) on a case-by-case basis 
if the Director of the Defense Contract Audit Agency submits a 
written request. The Director of the Defense Contract Audit 
Agency shall include in the report required under section 2313a 
of this title the total number of waivers issued and the 
reasons for issuing each such waiver.
    ``(h) Review of Audit Performance.--Not later than April 1, 
2025, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit 
to the congressional defense committees a report that evaluates 
for the period beginning on October 1, 2019, and ending on 
August 31, 2023--
            ``(1) the timeliness, individual cost, and quality 
        of incurred cost audits, set forth separately by 
        incurred cost audits performed by the Defense Contract 
        Audit Agency and by qualified private auditors;
            ``(2) the cost to contractors of the Department of 
        Defense for incurred cost audits, set forth separately 
        by incurred cost audits performed by the Defense 
        Contract Audit Agency and by qualified private 
            ``(3) the effect, if any, on other types of audits 
        conducted by the Defense Contract Audit Agency that 
        results from incurred cost audits conducted by 
        qualified private auditors; and
            ``(4) the capability and capacity of qualified 
        private auditors to conduct incurred cost audits for 
        the Department of Defense.
    ``(i) Definitions.--In this section:
            ``(1) The term `commercial auditor' means a private 
        entity engaged in the business of performing audits.
            ``(2) The term `incurred cost audit' means an audit 
        of charges to the Government by a contractor under a 
        flexibly priced contract.
            ``(3) The term `flexibly priced contract' has the 
        meaning given the term `flexibly-priced contracts and 
        subcontracts' in part 30 of the Federal Acquisition 
        Regulation (section 30.001 of title 48, Code of Federal 
            ``(4) The term `generally accepted government 
        auditing standards' means the generally accepted 
        government auditing standards of the Comptroller 
        General of the United States.
            ``(5) The term `numeric materiality standard' means 
        a dollar amount of misstatements, including omissions, 
        contained in an incurred cost audit that would be 
        material if the misstatements, individually or in the 
        aggregate, could reasonably be expected to influence 
        the economic decisions of the Government made on the 
        basis of the incurred cost audit.
            ``(6) The term `qualified incurred cost submission' 
        means a submission by a contractor of costs incurred 
        under a flexibly priced contract that has been 
        qualified by the Department of Defense as sufficient to 
        conduct an incurred cost audit.
            ``(7) The term `qualified private auditor' means a 
        commercial auditor--
                    ``(A) that performs audits in accordance 
                with generally accepted government auditing 
                standards; and
                    ``(B) that has received a passing peer 
                review rating, as defined by generally accepted 
                government auditing standards.''.
    (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the 
beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting after the 
item relating to section 2313a the following new item:

``2313b. Performance of incurred cost audits.''.
    (c) Amendment to Duties of the Advisory Panel on 
Streamlining and Codifying Acquisition Regulations.--Subsection 
(c)(2) of section 809 of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 889), as 
amended by section 863(d) of the National Defense Authorization 
Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2303), 
is amended--
            (1) in subparagraph (D) by striking ``and'' at the 
            (2) by redesignating subparagraph (E) as 
        subparagraph (F);
            (3) by adding after subparagraph (D) the following 
        new subparagraph:
                    ``(E) improve the efficiency of the 
                contract auditing process, including through 
                the development of risk-based materiality 
                standards; and''; and
            (4) in subparagraph (F) (as so redesignated), by 
        striking ``subparagraphs (A) through (D)'' and 
        inserting ``subparagraphs (A) through (E)''.


    Section 190 of title 10, United States Code, as proposed to 
be added by section 820(b)(1) of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 
Stat. 2274), is amended by striking subsection (f).


    Section 134 of title 41, United States Code, is amended by 
striking ``$100,000'' and inserting ``$250,000''.


    (a) Increase in Threshold.--Section 1902(a)(1) of title 41, 
United States Code, is amended by striking ``$3,000'' and 
inserting ``$10,000''.
    (b) Convenience Checks.--A convenience check may not be 
used for an amount in excess of one half of the micro-purchase 
threshold under section 1902(a) of title 41, United States 
Code, or a lower amount established by the head of the agency.


    (a) Process.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall establish 
a process for enhancing scrutiny of acquisition decisions in 
order to improve the integration of supply chain risk 
management into the overall acquisition decision cycle.
    (b) Elements.--The process under subsection (a) shall 
include the following elements:
            (1) Designation of a senior official responsible 
        for overseeing the development and implementation of 
        the process.
            (2) Development or integration of tools to support 
        commercial due-diligence, business intelligence, or 
        otherwise analyze and monitor commercial activity to 
        understand business relationships with entities 
        determined to be threats to the United States.
            (3) Development of risk profiles of products or 
        services based on commercial due-diligence tools and 
        data services.
            (4) Development of education and training curricula 
        for the acquisition workforce that supports the 
            (5) Integration, as needed, with intelligence 
        sources to develop threat profiles of entities 
        determined to be threats to the United States.
            (6) Periodic review and assessment of software 
        products and services on computer networks of the 
        Department of Defense to remove prohibited products or 
            (7) Synchronization of the use of current 
        authorities for making supply chain decisions, 
        including section 806 of Public Law 111-383 (10 U.S.C. 
        2304 note) or improved use of suspension and debarment 
            (8) Coordination with interagency, industrial, and 
        international partners, as appropriate, to share 
        information, develop Government-wide strategies for 
        dealing with significant entities determined to be 
        significant threats to the United States, and 
        effectively use authorities in other departments and 
        agencies to provide consistent, Government-wide 
        approaches to supply chain threats.
            (9) Other matters as the Secretary considers 
    (c) Notification.--Not later than 90 days after 
establishing the process required by subsection (a), the 
Secretary shall provide a written notification to the 
Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of 
Representatives that the process has been established. The 
notification also shall include the following:
            (1) Identification of the official designated under 
        subsection (b)(1).
            (2) Identification of tools and services currently 
        available to the Department of Defense under subsection 
            (3) Assessment of additional tools and services 
        available under subsection (b)(2) that the Department 
        of Defense should evaluate.
            (4) Identification of, or recommendations for, any 
        statutory changes needed to improve the effectiveness 
        of the process.
            (5) Projected resource needs for implementing any 
        recommendations made by the Secretary.


    (a) Establishment.--Not later than 180 days after the date 
of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense, acting 
through the Chief Management Officer, shall form a committee of 
senior executives from United States firms in the national 
technology and industrial base to meet with the Secretary, the 
Secretaries of the military departments, and members of the 
Joint Chiefs of Staff to exchange information, including, as 
appropriate, classified information, on technology threats to 
the national security of the United States and on the emerging 
technologies from the national technology and industrial base 
that may become available to counter such threats in a timely 
    (b) Meetings.--The defense policy advisory committee on 
technology formed pursuant to subsection (a) shall meet with 
the Secretary and the other Department of Defense officials 
specified in such subsection collectively at least once 
annually in each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022. The 
Secretary of Defense shall provide the congressional defense 
committees annual briefings on the meetings.
    (c) Federal Advisory Committee Act.--The Federal Advisory 
Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall not apply to the defense 
policy advisory committee on technology established pursuant to 
this section.


    (a) Review.--The Secretary of Defense shall carry out a 
review of the authorities available to the Secretaries of the 
military departments and the acquisition executives of the 
military departments for the development, acquisition, and 
sustainment of technology, equipment, and services for the 
military departments in order to determine the feasibility and 
advisability of the provision of such authorities to the 
Commander of the United States Special Operations Command and 
the acquisition executive of the Command for the development, 
acquisition, and sustainment of special operations-peculiar 
technology, equipment, and services.
    (b) Report.--Not later than 120 days after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the 
Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of 
Representatives a report on the review required by subsection 
(a). The report shall include the following:
            (1) A description of the review.
            (2) An identification of the authorities the 
        Secretary recommends for provision to the Commander of 
        the United States Special Operations Command and the 
        acquisition executive of the Command as described in 
        subsection (a), and recommendations for any 
        modifications of such authorities that the Secretary 
        considers appropriate for purposes of the United States 
        Special Operations Command.
            (3) Such recommendations for legislative or 
        administrative action as the Secretary considers 
        appropriate for the provision of authorities identified 
        pursuant to paragraph (2) as described in subsection 
            (4) Such other matters as the Secretary considers 
        appropriate in light of the review.

                    MANAGEMENT PROVISIONS.

    (a) Repeal of Duplicative Provision Related to Program and 
Project Management.--Subsection (c) of section 503 of title 31, 
United States Code, as added by section 861(a)(1) of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public 
Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2298), is repealed.
    (b) Repeal of Duplicative Provision Related to Program 
Management Officers and Program Management Policy Council.--
Section 1126 of title 31, United States Code, as added by 
section 861(b)(1) of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2299), is 
    (c) Repeal of Obsolete Provisions.--Section 861 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public 
Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2299) is repealed.

Subtitle B--Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures, 
                            and Limitations


    (a) Modifications to Submissions of Cost or Pricing Data.--
            (1) Title 10.--Subsection (a) of section 2306a of 
        title 10, United States Code, is amended--
                    (A) by striking ``December 5, 1990'' each 
                place it appears and inserting ``June 30, 
                    (B) by striking ``December 5, 1991'' each 
                place it appears and inserting ``July 1, 
                    (C) by striking ``$100,000'' each place it 
                appears and inserting ``$750,000'';
                    (D) in paragraph (1)--
                            (i) in subparagraphs (A)(i), 
                        (B)(i), (C)(i), (C)(ii), and (D)(i), by 
                        striking ``$500,000'' and inserting 
                        ``$2,000,000''; and
                            (ii) in subparagraph (B)(ii), by 
                        striking ``$500,000'' and inserting 
                    (E) in paragraph (6), by striking 
                ``December 5, 1990'' and inserting ``June 30, 
                2018''; and
                    (F) in paragraph (7), by striking ``to the 
                amount'' and all that follows through ``higher 
                multiple of $50,000.'' and inserting ``in 
                accordance with section 1908 of title 41.''.
            (2) Title 41.--Section 3502 of title 41, United 
        States Code, is amended--
                    (A) in subsection (a)--
                            (i) by striking ``October 13, 
                        1994'' each place it appears and 
                        inserting ``June 30, 2018'';
                            (ii) by striking ``$100,000'' each 
                        place it appears and inserting 
                            (iii) in paragraphs (1)(A), (2)(A), 
                        (3)(A), (3)(B), and (4)(A), by striking 
                        ``$500,000'' and inserting 
                        ``$2,000,000''; and
                            (iv) in paragraph (2)(B), by 
                        striking ``$500,000'' and inserting 
                    (B) in subsection (f), by striking 
                ``October 13, 1994'' and inserting ``June 30, 
                2018''; and
                    (C) in subsection (g), by striking ``to the 
                amount'' and all that follows through ``higher 
                multiple of $50,000.'' and inserting ``in 
                accordance with section 1908.''.
    (b) Modification to Authority to Require Submission.--
Paragraph (1) of section 2306a(d) of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended by striking ``the contracting officer shall 
require submission of'' and all the follows through ``to the 
extent necessary'' and inserting ``the offeror shall be 
required to submit to the contracting officer data other than 
certified cost or pricing data (if requested by the contracting 
officer), to the extent necessary''.
    (c) Comptroller General Review of Modifications to Cost or 
Pricing Data Submission Requirements.--Not later than March 1, 
2022, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit 
to the congressional defense committees a report on the 
implementation and effect of the amendments made by subsections 
(a) and (b).
    (d) Requirements for Defense Contract Audit Agency 
            (1) In general.--Section 2313a of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended--
                    (A) in subsection (a)(2)--
                            (i) in subparagraph (A)--
                                    (I) by inserting ``and 
                                dollar value'' after 
                                ``number''; and
                                    (II) by inserting ``, set 
                                forth separately by type of 
                                audit'' after ``pending'';
                            (ii) in subparagraph (C), by 
                        inserting ``, both from the date of 
                        receipt of a qualified incurred cost 
                        submission and from the date the audit 
                        begins'' after ``audit'';
                            (iii) by amending subparagraph (D) 
                        to read as follows:
                    ``(D) the sustained questioned costs, set 
                forth separately by type of audit, both as a 
                total value and as a percentage of the total 
                questioned costs for the audit;'';
                            (iv) by striking subparagraph (E); 
                            (v) by inserting after subparagraph 
                        (D) the following new subparagraphs:
                    ``(E) the total number and dollar value of 
                incurred cost audits completed, and the method 
                by which such incurred cost audits were 
                    ``(F) the aggregate cost of performing 
                audits, set forth separately by type of audit;
                    ``(G) the ratio of sustained questioned 
                costs to the aggregate costs of performing 
                audits, set forth separately by type of audit; 
                    ``(H) the total number and dollar value of 
                audits that are pending for a period longer 
                than one year as of the end of the fiscal year 
                covered by the report, and the fiscal year in 
                which the qualified submission was received, 
                set forth separately by type of audit;''; and
                    (B) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(d) Definitions.--
            ``(1) The terms `incurred cost audit' and 
        `qualified incurred cost submission' have the meaning 
        given those terms in section 2313b of this title.
            ``(2) The term `sustained questioned costs' means 
        questioned costs that were recovered by the Federal 
        Government as a result of contract negotiations related 
        to such questioned costs.''.
            (2) Exemption to report termination requirements.--
        Section 1080(a) of the National Defense Authorization 
        Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 
        1000; 10 U.S.C. 111 note), as amended by section 
        1061(j) of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
        Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2405; 
        10 U.S.C. 111 note), does not apply to the report 
        required to be submitted to Congress under section 
        2313a of title 10, United States Code.
    (e) Adjustment to Value of Covered Contracts for 
Requirements Relating to Allowable Costs.--Subparagraph (B) of 
section 2324(l)(1) of title 10, United States Code, is amended 
by striking ``to the equivalent'' and all that follows through 
``higher multiple of $50,000.'' and inserting ``in accordance 
with section 1908 of title 41.''.


    Section 830(d) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2286) is 
            (1) in paragraph (1)(A), by striking ``same 
        product'' and inserting ``same or similar product'';
            (2) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph 
        (4); and
            (3) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following 
        new paragraphs:
            ``(2) Determination of same or similar product.--
        The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State 
        shall jointly determine whether a product is considered 
        to be a similar product for the purposes of this pilot 
            ``(3) Waiver of cost or pricing certification.--The 
        Secretary of Defense may waive the certification 
        requirement under section 2306a(a)(2) of title 10, 
        United States Code, if the Secretary determines that 
        the Federal Government has sufficient data and 
        information regarding the reasonableness of the 


    (a) Chemical Weapons Antidote.--Section 2534(c) of title 
10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
following new paragraph:
            ``(5) Chemical weapons antidote.--Subsections 
        (a)(2) and (b)(2) shall cease to be effective on 
        October 1, 2018.''.
    (b) Photovoltaic Devices.--Effective October 1, 2018, 
section 858 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (Public 
Law 113-291; 10 U.S.C. 2534 note) is repealed.


            (1) In general.--Not later than one year after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller 
        General of the United States shall submit to the 
        Secretary of Defense and the congressional defense 
        committees a report on the safety and health records of 
        Department of Defense contractors.
            (2) Elements.--The report required under paragraph 
        (1) shall include the following elements:
                    (A) A description of the existing 
                procedures of the Department of Defense to 
                evaluate the safety and health records of 
                current and prospective contractors.
                    (B) An evaluation of the adherence of the 
                Department of Defense to such procedures.
                    (C) An assessment of the current incidence 
                of safety and health violations by Department 
                of Defense contractors.
                    (D) An assessment of whether the Secretary 
                of Labor has the resources to investigate and 
                identify safety and health violations by 
                Department of Defense contractors.
                    (E) An assessment of whether the Secretary 
                of Labor should consider assuming an expanded 
                investigatory role or a targeted enforcement 
                program for ensuring the safety and health of 
                individuals working under Department of Defense 


    (a) Limitation.--Section 2326 of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended--
            (1) by redesignating subsections (c), (d), (e), 
        (f), (g), (h), and (i) as subsections (d), (e), (f), 
        (g), (h), (i), and (j) respectively; and
            (2) by inserting after subsection (b) the following 
        new subsection (c):
    ``(c) Limitation on Unilateral Definitization by 
Contracting Officer.--With respect to any undefinitized 
contractual action with a value greater than $50,000,000, if 
agreement is not reached on contractual terms, specifications, 
and price within the period or by the date provided in 
subsection (b)(1), the contracting officer may not unilaterally 
definitize those terms, specifications, or price over the 
objection of the contractor until--
            ``(1) the service acquisition executive for the 
        military department that awarded the contract, or the 
        Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and 
        Sustainment if the contract was awarded by a Defense 
        Agency or other component of the Department of Defense, 
        approves the definitization in writing;
            ``(2) the contracting officer provides a copy of 
        the written approval to the contractor; and
            ``(3) a period of 30 calendar days has elapsed 
        after the written approval is provided to the 
    (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 2326(b)(3) of such title 
is amended by striking ``subsection (g)'' and inserting 
``subsection (h)''.
    (c) Conforming Regulations.--Not later than 120 days after 
the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense 
shall revise the Department of Defense Supplement to the 
Federal Acquisition Regulation to implement section 2326 of 
title 10, United States Code, as amended by this section.


    Section 2441(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended 
by adding at the end the following: ``The Secretary concerned 
shall make the memorandum and supporting documentation for each 
sustainment review available to the Under Secretary of Defense 
for Acquisition and Sustainment within 30 days after the review 
is completed.''.


    Section 2414 of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in the section heading, by striking 
        ``limitation'' and inserting ``funding''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(d) Use of Program Income.--
            ``(1) An eligible entity that earned income in a 
        specified fiscal year from activities carried out 
        pursuant to a procurement technical assistance program 
        funded under this chapter may expend an amount of such 
        income, not to exceed 25 percent of the cost of 
        furnishing procurement technical assistance in such 
        specified fiscal year, during the fiscal year following 
        such specified fiscal year, to carry out a procurement 
        technical assistance program funded under this chapter.
            ``(2) An eligible entity that does not enter into a 
        cooperative agreement with the Secretary for a fiscal 
                    ``(A) shall notify the Secretary of the 
                amount of any income the eligible entity 
                carried over from the previous fiscal year; and
                    ``(B) may retain an amount of such income 
                equal to 10 percent of the value of assistance 
                furnished by the Secretary under this section 
                during the previous fiscal year.
            ``(3) In determining the value of assistance 
        furnished by the Secretary under this section for any 
        fiscal year, the Secretary shall account for the amount 
        of any income the eligible entity carried over from the 
        previous fiscal year.''.


    (a) Release of Contract Award Information.--Not later than 
180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary of Defense shall revise the Department of Defense 
Supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation to require 
that all required post-award debriefings, while protecting the 
confidential and proprietary information of other offerors, 
include, at a minimum, the following:
            (1) In the case of a contract award in excess of 
        $100,000,000, a requirement for disclosure of the 
        agency's written source selection award determination, 
        redacted to protect the confidential and proprietary 
        information of other offerors for the contract award, 
        and, in the case of a contract award in excess of 
        $10,000,000 and not in excess of $100,000,000 with a 
        small business or nontraditional contractor, an option 
        for the small business or nontraditional contractor to 
        request such disclosure.
            (2) A requirement for a written or oral debriefing 
        for all contract awards and task or delivery orders 
        valued at $10,000,000 or higher.
            (3) Provisions ensuring that both unsuccessful and 
        winning offerors are entitled to the disclosure 
        described in paragraph (1) and the debriefing described 
        in paragraph (2).
            (4) Robust procedures, consistent with section 
        2305(b)(5)(D) of title 10, United States Code, and 
        provisions implementing that section in the Federal 
        Acquisition Regulation, to protect the confidential and 
        proprietary information of other offerors.
    (b) Opportunity for Follow-up Questions.--Section 
2305(b)(5) of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by redesignating subparagraphs (C), (D), and 
        (E) as subparagraphs (D), (E), and (F), respectively;
            (2) in subparagraph (B)--
                    (A) in clause (v), by striking ``; and'' 
                and inserting a semicolon;
                    (B) in clause (vi), by striking the period 
                at the end and inserting ``; and''; and
                    (C) by adding at the end the following new 
            ``(vii) an opportunity for a disappointed offeror 
        to submit, within two business days after receiving a 
        post-award debriefing, additional questions related to 
        the debriefing.''; and
            (3) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the 
        following new subparagraph:
    ``(C) The agency shall respond in writing to any additional 
question submitted under subparagraph (B)(vii) within five 
business days after receipt of the question. The agency shall 
not consider the debriefing to be concluded until the agency 
delivers its written responses to the disappointed offeror.''.
    (c) Commencement of Post-briefing Period.--Section 
3553(d)(4) of title 31, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) and (B) as 
        clauses (i) and (ii) respectively;
            (2) by striking ``The period'' and inserting ``(A) 
        The period''; and
            (3) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(B) For procurements conducted by any component of the 
Department of Defense, the 5-day period described in 
subparagraph (A)(ii) does not commence until the day the 
Government delivers to a disappointed offeror the written 
responses to any questions submitted pursuant to section 
2305(b)(5)(B)(vii) of title 10.''.


    (a) Elimination of Sunset Relating to Transparency and Risk 
Management of Major Information Technology Investments.--
Subsection (c) of section 11302 of title 40, United States 
Code, is amended by striking the first paragraph (5).
    (b) Elimination of Sunset Relating to Information 
Technology Portfolio, Program, and Resource Reviews.--Section 
11319 of title 40, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by redesignating the second subsection (c) as 
        subsection (d); and
            (2) in subsection (d), as so redesignated, by 
        striking paragraph (6).
    (c) Extension of Sunset Relating to Federal Data Center 
Consolidation Initiative.--Subsection (e) of section 834 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (Public 
Law 113-291; 44 U.S.C. 3601 note) is amended by striking 
``2018'' and inserting ``2020''.


    Section 1906(c)(1) of title 41, United States Code, is 
amended by adding at the end the following: ``The term does not 
include agreements entered into by a contractor for the supply 
of commodities that are intended for use in the performance of 
multiple contracts with the Federal Government and other 
parties and are not identifiable to any particular contract.''.


    Section 1908(d) of title 41, United States Code, is amended 
by inserting before the period at the end the following: ``and 
shall apply, in the case of the procurement of property or 
services by contract, to a contract, and any subcontract at any 
tier under the contract, in effect on that date without regard 
to the date of award of the contract or subcontract.''.


    (a) Additional Requirements.--Subsection (b) of section 813 
of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 
(Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat 2270; 10 U.S.C. 2305 note) is 
            (1) in paragraph (5), by striking ``; and'' and 
        inserting a semicolon;
            (2) in paragraph (6), by striking the period at the 
        end and inserting a semicolon; and
            (3) by adding at the end the following new 
            ``(7) the Department of Defense would realize no, 
        or minimal, additional innovation or future 
        technological advantage by using a different 
        methodology; and
            ``(8) with respect to a contract for procurement of 
        goods, the goods procured are predominantly expendable 
        in nature, nontechnical, or have a short life 
        expectancy or short shelf life.''.
    (b) Reporting Requirement.--
            (1) In general.--Subsection (d) of such section is 
        amended by striking ``contract exceeding $10,000,000'' 
        and inserting ``contract exceeding $5,000,000''.
            (2) Applicability.--The amendment made by this 
        subsection shall apply with respect to the second, 
        third, and fourth reports submitted under subsection 
        (d) of section 813 of the National Defense 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-
        328; 130 Stat 2271; 10 U.S.C. 2305 note).


    Subsection (d) of section 2305a of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended by striking the second and third sentences and 
inserting the following: ``If the contract value exceeds 
$4,000,000, the maximum number specified in the solicitation 
shall not exceed 5 unless--
            ``(1) the solicitation is issued pursuant to a 
        indefinite delivery-indefinite quantity contract for 
        design-build construction; or
            ``(2)(A) the head of the contracting activity, 
        delegable to a level no lower than the senior 
        contracting official within the contracting activity, 
        approves the contracting officer's justification with 
        respect to an individual solicitation that a maximum 
        number greater than 5 is in the interest of the Federal 
        Government; and
            ``(B) the contracting officer provides written 
        documentation of how a maximum number greater than 5 is 
        consistent with the purposes and objectives of the two-
        phase selection procedures.''.


    Section 836(b)(1) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2286) is 
amended by striking ``entered into prior to fiscal year 2000'' 
and inserting ``entered into on a date that is at least 17 
fiscal years before the current fiscal year''.

                    PENALTIES FOR COST OVERRUNS.

    (a) In General.--Section 828 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 10 
U.S.C. 2430 note) is amended--
            (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``each fiscal 
        year beginning with fiscal year 2015'' and inserting 
        ``each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'';
            (2) in subsection (b)--
                    (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``or 
                    (B) in paragraph (2)--
                            (i) by striking ``or underruns''; 
                            (ii) by striking ``,Technology, and 
                        Logistics'' and inserting ``and 
                    (C) in paragraph (3)--
                            (i) by striking ``and cost 
                        underruns''; and
                            (ii) by striking ``or underruns''; 
                    (D) in paragraph (4), by striking ``, 
                except that the cost overrun penalty may not be 
                a negative amount'';
            (3) by redesignating subsections (c) and (d) as 
        subsections (d) and (e), respectively;
            (4) by inserting after subsection (b) the following 
        new subsection:
    ``(c) Total Cost Overrun Penalty.--Notwithstanding the 
amount of a cost overrun penalty determined in (b), the total 
cost overrun penalty for a military department (including any 
cost overrun penalty for joint programs of military 
departments) for a fiscal year may not exceed $50,000,000.''; 
            (5) in subsection (d) (as so redesignated)--
                    (A) in paragraph (1)--
                            (i) in the paragraph heading, by 
                        inserting ``or procurement'' after 
                            (ii) by striking ``each fiscal year 
                        beginning with fiscal year 2015'' and 
                        inserting ``each of fiscal years 2018 
                        through 2022'';
                            (iii) by striking ``each research'' 
                        and inserting ``the research'';
                            (iv) by striking ``evaluation 
                        account'' and inserting ``evaluation or 
                        procurement accounts''; and
                            (v) by striking ``percentage'' and 
                        inserting ``amount''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (2)--
                            (i) in the paragraph heading, by 
                        striking ``amount'' and inserting 
                            (ii) by striking ``percentage 
                        reduction'' and inserting 
                            (iii) by striking ``evaluation 
                        accounts'' and inserting ``evaluation 
                        or procurement accounts'';
                            (iv) by striking ``paragraph (1) is 
                        the percentage reduction'' and 
                        inserting ``paragraph (1) are the 
                        reductions''; and
                            (v) by inserting ``, when 
                        combined,'' after ``equal''.
    (b) Prior Fiscal Years.--The requirements of section 828 of 
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 
(Public Law 114-92; 10 U.S.C. 2430 note), as in effect on the 
day before the date of the enactment of this Act, shall 
continue to apply with respect to fiscal years beginning on or 
before October 1, 2016.

                    STEERING BOARDS.

    Section 814(c)(4) of the Duncan Hunter National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (Public Law 110-417; 122 
Stat. 4529; 10 U.S.C. 2430 note) is amended--
            (1) by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting
                    ``(A) Annual meeting.--Except as provided 
                in subparagraph (B), the Secretary''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
                    ``(B) Exception.--If the service 
                acquisition executive of the military 
                department concerned determines, in writing, 
                that there have been no changes to the program 
                requirements of a major defense acquisition 
                program during the preceding year, the 
                Configuration Steering Board for such major 
                defense acquisition program is not required to 
                meet as described in subparagraph (A).''.


    (a) Pilot Program Required.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
carry out a pilot program to determine the effectiveness of 
requiring contractors to reimburse the Department of Defense 
for costs incurred in processing covered protests.
    (b) Duration.--The pilot program shall--
            (1) begin on the date that is two years after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act; and
            (2) end on the date that is five years after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act.
    (c) Report.--Not later than 90 days after the date on which 
the pilot program under subsection (a) ends, the Secretary 
shall provide a report to the Committees on Armed Services of 
the House of Representatives and the Senate assessing the 
feasibility of making permanent such pilot program.
    (d) Covered Protest Defined.--In this section, the term 
``covered protest'' means a bid protest that was--
            (1) denied in an opinion issued by the Government 
        Accountability Office;
            (2) filed by a party with revenues in excess of 
        $250,000,000 (based on fiscal year 2017 constant 
        dollars) during the previous year; and
            (3) filed on or after October 1, 2019 and on or 
        before September 30, 2022.

 Subtitle C--Provisions Relating to Major Defense Acquisition Programs


    Section 2430(a) of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) in paragraph (1)(B), by inserting ``in the case 
        of a program that is not a program for the acquisition 
        of an automated information system (either a product or 
        a service),'' after ``(B)''; and
            (2) in paragraph (2)--
                    (A) by striking ``does not include an 
                acquisition program'' and inserting the 
                following: ``does not include--
            ``(A) an acquisition program''; and
                    (B) by striking the period at the end and 
                inserting the following: ``; or
            ``(B) an acquisition program for a defense business 
        system (as defined in section 2222(i)(1) of this title) 
        carried out using the acquisition guidance issued 
        pursuant to section 883(e) of the National Defense 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-
        92; 10 U.S.C. 2223a note).''.

                    ACQUISITION PROGRAMS.

    (a) Prohibition.--
            (1) In general.--Chapter 144 of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2441 
        the following new section:

``Sec. 2442. Prohibition on use of lowest price technically acceptable 
                    source selection process

    ``(a) In General.--The Department of Defense shall not use 
a lowest price technically acceptable source selection process 
for the engineering and manufacturing development contract of a 
major defense acquisition program.
    ``(b) Definitions.--In this section:
            ``(1) Lowest price technically acceptable source 
        selection process.--The term `lowest price technically 
        acceptable source selection process' has the meaning 
        given that term in part 15 of the Federal Acquisition 
            ``(2) Major defense acquisition program.--The term 
        `major defense acquisition program' has the meaning 
        given that term in section 2430 of this title.
            ``(3) Engineering and manufacturing development 
        contract.--The term `engineering and manufacturing 
        development contract' means a prime contract for the 
        engineering and manufacturing development of a major 
        defense acquisition program.''.
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting 
        after the item relating to section 2441 the following 
        new item:

``2442. Prohibition on use of lowest price technically acceptable source 
          selection process.''.
    (b) Applicability.--The requirements of section 2442 of 
title 10, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), shall 
apply to major defense acquisition programs for which budgetary 
authority is requested for fiscal year 2019 or a subsequent 
fiscal year.


    Section 2547(b) of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting 
        ``(1) The Secretary''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(2) Consistent with the performance of duties under 
subsection (a), the Chief of the armed force concerned, or in 
the case of a joint program the chiefs of the armed forces 
concerned, with respect to major defense acquisition programs, 
            ``(A) concur with the need for a material solution 
        as identified in the Material Development Decision 
        Review prior to entry into the Material Solution 
        Analysis Phase under Department of Defense Instruction 
            ``(B) concur with the cost, schedule, technical 
        feasibility, and performance trade-offs that have been 
        made with regard to the program before Milestone A 
        approval is granted under section 2366a of this title;
            ``(C) concur that appropriate trade-offs among 
        cost, schedule, technical feasibility, and performance 
        objectives have been made to ensure that the program is 
        affordable when considering the per unit cost and the 
        total life-cycle cost before Milestone B approval is 
        granted under section 2366b of this title; and
            ``(D) concur that the requirements in the program 
        capability document are necessary and realistic in 
        relation to program cost and fielding targets as 
        required by paragraph (1) before Milestone C approval 
        is granted.''.

                    WEAPON SYSTEM DESIGN.

    (a) Sustainment Factors in Weapon System Design.--
            (1) In general.--Chapter 144 of title 10, United 
        States Code, as amended by section 832, is further 
        amended by adding at the end the following new section:

``Sec. 2443. Sustainment factors in weapon system design

    ``(a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense shall ensure 
that the defense acquisition system gives ample emphasis to 
sustainment factors, particularly those factors that are 
affected principally by the design of a weapon system, in the 
development of a weapon system.
    ``(b) Requirements Process.--The Secretary shall ensure 
that reliability and maintainability are included in the 
performance attributes of the key performance parameter on 
sustainment during the development of capabilities 
    ``(c) Solicitation and Award of Contracts.--
            ``(1) Requirement.--The program manager of a weapon 
        system shall include in the solicitation for and terms 
        of a covered contract for the weapon system clearly 
        defined and measurable requirements for engineering 
        activities and design specifications for reliability 
        and maintainability.
            ``(2) Exception.--If the program manager determines 
        that engineering activities and design specifications 
        for reliability or maintainability should not be a 
        requirement in a covered contract or a solicitation for 
        such a contract, the program manager shall document in 
        writing the justification for the decision.
            ``(3) Source selection criteria.--The Secretary 
        shall ensure that sustainment factors, including 
        reliability and maintainability, are given ample 
        emphasis in the process for source selection. The 
        Secretary shall encourage the use of objective 
        reliability and maintainability criteria in the 
        evaluation of competitive proposals.
    ``(d) Contract Performance.--
            ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall ensure that 
        the Department of Defense uses best practices for 
        responding to the positive or negative performance of a 
        contractor in meeting the sustainment requirements of a 
        covered contract for a weapon system. The Secretary 
        shall encourage the use of incentive fees and penalties 
        as appropriate and authorized in paragraph (2) in all 
        covered contracts for weapons systems.
            ``(2) Authority for incentive fees and penalties.--
        The Secretary of Defense is authorized to include in 
        any covered contract provisions for the payment of 
        incentive fees to the contractor based on achievement 
        of design specification requirements for reliability 
        and maintainability of weapons systems under the 
        contract, or the imposition of penalties to be paid by 
        the contractor to the Government for failure to achieve 
        such design specification requirements. Information 
        about such fees or penalties shall be included in the 
        solicitation for any covered contract that includes 
        such fees or penalties.
            ``(3) Measurement of reliability and 
        maintainability.--In carrying out paragraph (2), the 
        program manager shall base determinations of a 
        contractor's performance on reliability and 
        maintainability data collected during the program. Such 
        data collection and associated evaluation metrics shall 
        be described in detail in the covered contract. To the 
        maximum extent practicable, such data shall be shared 
        with appropriate contractor and government 
            ``(4) Notification.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
        notify the congressional defense committees upon 
        entering into a covered contract that includes 
        incentive fees or penalties authorized in paragraph 
    ``(e) Covered Contract Defined.--In this section, the term 
`covered contract', with respect to a weapon system, means a 
            ``(1) for the engineering and manufacturing 
        development of a weapon system, including embedded 
        software; or
            ``(2) for the production of a weapon system, 
        including embedded software.''.
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of subchapter I of such chapter, as 
        amended by section 832, is further amended by adding at 
        the end the following new item:

``2443. Sustainment factors in weapon system design.''.
    (b) Effective Date for Certain Provisions.--Subsections (c) 
and (d) of section 2443 of title 10, United States Code, as 
added by subsection (a), shall apply with respect to any 
covered contract (as defined in that section) for which the 
contract solicitation is issued on or after the date occurring 
one year after the date of the enactment of this Act.
    (c) Engineering Change Authorized.--Subject to the 
availability of appropriations, the Secretary of Defense may 
fund engineering changes to the design of a weapon system in 
the engineering and manufacturing development phase or in the 
production phase of an acquisition program to improve 
reliability or maintainability of the weapon system and reduce 
projected operating and support costs.

                    MAJOR WEAPON SYSTEMS.

    (a) Negotiation of Price for Technical Data Before 
Development or Production of Major Weapon System.--
            (1) Requirement.--Chapter 144 of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2438 
        the following new section:

``Sec. 2439. Negotiation of price for technical data before development 
                    or production of major weapon systems

    ``The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that the Department 
of Defense, before selecting a contractor for the engineering 
and manufacturing development of a major weapon system, or for 
the production of a major weapon system, negotiates a price for 
technical data to be delivered under a contract for such 
development or production.''.
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting 
        after the item relating to section 2438 the following 
        new item:

``2439. Negotiation of price for technical data before development or 
          production of major weapon systems.''.
            (3) Effective date.--Section 2439 of title 10, 
        United States Code, as added by paragraph (1), shall 
        apply with respect to any contract for engineering and 
        manufacturing development of a major weapon system, or 
        for the production of a major weapon system, for which 
        the contract solicitation is issued on or after the 
        date occurring one year after the date of the enactment 
        of this Act.
    (b) Written Determination for Milestone B Approval.--
            (1) In general.--Subsection (a)(3) of section 2366b 
        of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
                    (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of 
                subparagraph (M); and
                    (B) by inserting after subparagraph (N) the 
                following new subparagraph:
                    ``(O) appropriate actions have been taken 
                to negotiate and enter into a contract or 
                contract options for the technical data 
                required to support the program; and''.
            (2) Effective date.--Section 2366b(a)(3)(O) of 
        title 10, United States Code, as added by paragraph 
        (1), shall apply with respect to any major defense 
        acquisition program receiving Milestone B approval on 
        or after the date occurring one year after the date of 
        the enactment of this Act.
    (c) Preference for Negotiation of Customized License 
Agreements.--Section 2320 of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) by redesignating subsections (f) and (g) as 
        subsections (g) and (h), respectively; and
            (2) by inserting after subsection (e) the following 
        new subsection (f):
    ``(f) Preference for Specially Negotiated Licenses.--The 
Secretary of Defense shall, to the maximum extent practicable, 
negotiate and enter into a contract with a contractor for a 
specially negotiated license for technical data to support the 
product support strategy of a major weapon system or subsystem 
of a major weapon system. In performing the assessment and 
developing the corresponding strategy required under subsection 
(e) for such a system or subsystem, a program manager shall 
consider the use of specially negotiated licenses to acquire 
customized technical data appropriate for the particular 
elements of the product support strategy.''.


    (a) Codification and Amendment.--
            (1) In general.--Chapter 137 of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2337 
        the following new section:

``Sec. 2337a. Assessment, management, and control of operating and 
                    support costs for major weapon systems

    ``(a) Guidance Required.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
issue and maintain guidance on actions to be taken to assess, 
manage, and control Department of Defense costs for the 
operation and support of major weapon systems.
    ``(b) Elements.--The guidance required by subsection (a) 
shall, at a minimum--
            ``(1) be issued in conjunction with the 
        comprehensive guidance on life-cycle management and the 
        development and implementation of product support 
        strategies for major weapon systems required by section 
        2337 of this title;
            ``(2) require the military departments to retain 
        each estimate of operating and support costs that is 
        developed at any time during the life cycle of a major 
        weapon system, together with supporting documentation 
        used to develop the estimate;
            ``(3) require the military departments to update 
        estimates of operating and support costs periodically 
        throughout the life cycle of a major weapon system, to 
        determine whether preliminary information and 
        assumptions remain relevant and accurate, and identify 
        and record reasons for variances;
            ``(4) establish policies and procedures for the 
        collection, organization, maintenance, and availability 
        of standardized data on operating and support costs for 
        major weapon systems in accordance with section 2222 of 
        this title;
            ``(5) establish standard requirements for the 
        collection and reporting of data on operating and 
        support costs for major weapon systems by contractors 
        performing weapon system sustainment functions in an 
        appropriate format, and develop contract clauses to 
        ensure that contractors comply with such requirements;
            ``(6) require the military departments--
                    ``(A) to collect and retain data from 
                operational and developmental testing and 
                evaluation on the reliability and 
                maintainability of major weapon systems; and
                    ``(B) to use such data to inform system 
                design decisions, provide insight into 
                sustainment costs, and inform estimates of 
                operating and support costs for such systems;
            ``(7) require the military departments to ensure 
        that sustainment factors are fully considered at key 
        life-cycle management decision points and that 
        appropriate measures are taken to reduce operating and 
        support costs by influencing system design early in 
        development, developing sound sustainment strategies, 
        and addressing key drivers of costs;
            ``(8) require the military departments to conduct 
        an independent logistics assessment of each major 
        weapon system prior to key acquisition decision points 
        (including milestone decisions) to identify features 
        that are likely to drive future operating and support 
        costs, changes to system design that could reduce such 
        costs, and effective strategies for managing such 
            ``(9) include--
                    ``(A) reliability metrics for major weapon 
                systems; and
                    ``(B) requirements on the use of metrics 
                under subparagraph (A) as triggers--
                            ``(i) to conduct further 
                        investigation and analysis into drivers 
                        of those metrics; and
                            ``(ii) to develop strategies for 
                        improving reliability, availability, 
                        and maintainability of such systems at 
                        an affordable cost; and
            ``(10) require the military departments to conduct 
        periodic reviews of operating and support costs of 
        major weapon systems after such systems achieve initial 
        operational capability to identify and address factors 
        resulting in growth in operating and support costs and 
        adapt support strategies to reduce such costs.
    ``(c) Retention of Data on Operating and Support Costs.--
            ``(1) In general.--The Director of Cost Assessment 
        and Program Evaluation shall be responsible for 
        developing and maintaining a database on operating and 
        support estimates, supporting documentation, and actual 
        operating and support costs for major weapon systems.
            ``(2) Support.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
        ensure that the Director, in carrying out such 
                    ``(A) promptly receives the results of all 
                cost estimates and cost analyses conducted by 
                the military departments with regard to 
                operating and support costs of major weapon 
                    ``(B) has timely access to any records and 
                data of the military departments (including 
                classified and proprietary information) that 
                the Director considers necessary to carry out 
                such responsibility; and
                    ``(C) with the concurrence of the Under 
                Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and 
                Sustainment, may direct the military 
                departments to collect and retain information 
                necessary to support the database.
    ``(d) Major Weapon System Defined.--In this section, the 
term `major weapon system' has the meaning given that term in 
section 2379(f) of title 10, United States Code.''.
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of chapter 137 of such title is amended 
        by adding after the item relating to section 2337 the 
        following new item:

``2337a. Assessment, management, and control of operating and support 
          costs for major weapon systems.''.
    (b) Repeal of Superseded Section.--
            (1) Repeal.--Section 832 of the National Defense 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Public Law 112-
        81; 10 U.S.C. 2430 note) is repealed.
            (2) Conforming amendment.--Section 2441(c) of title 
        10, United States Code, is amended by striking 
        ``section 2337 of this title'' and all that follows 
        through the period and inserting ``sections 2337 and 
        2337a of this title.''.


    (a) Requirement for Regulations.--Not later than 180 days 
after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
Defense shall amend the Defense Supplement to the Federal 
Acquisition Regulation to provide for the appropriate use of 
the should-cost review process of a major weapon system in a 
manner that is transparent, objective, and provides for the 
efficiency of the systems acquisition process in the Department 
of the Defense.
    (b) Required Elements.--The regulations required under 
subsection (a) shall incorporate, at a minimum, the following 
            (1) A description of the features of the should-
        cost review process.
            (2) Establishment of a process for communicating 
        with the prime contractor on the program the elements 
        of a proposed should-cost review.
            (3) A method for ensuring that identified should-
        cost savings opportunities are based on accurate, 
        complete, and current information and can be quantified 
        and tracked.
            (4) A description of the training, skills, and 
        experience that Department of Defense and contractor 
        officials carrying out a should-cost review in 
        subsection (a) should possess.
            (5) A method for ensuring appropriate collaboration 
        with the contractor throughout the review process.
            (6) Establishment of review process requirements 
        that provide for sufficient analysis and minimize any 
        impact on program schedule.


    (a) Developmental Test Plan Sufficiency Assessments.--
            (1) Addition to milestone b brief summary report.--
        Section 2366b(c)(1) of title 10, United States Code, is 
                    (A) by redesignating subparagraph (G) as 
                subparagraph (H); and
                    (B) by inserting after subparagraph (F) the 
                following new subparagraph (G):
                    ``(G) An assessment of the sufficiency of 
                developmental test and evaluation plans, 
                including the use of automated data analytics 
                or modeling and simulation tools and 
            (2) Addition to milestone c brief summary report.--
        Section 2366c(a) of such title is amended by inserting 
        after paragraph (3) the following new paragraph:
            ``(4) An assessment of the sufficiency of the 
        developmental test and evaluation completed, including 
        the use of automated data analytics or modeling and 
        simulation tools and methodologies.''.
            (3) Responsibility for conducting assessments.--For 
        purposes of the sufficiency assessments required by 
        section 2366b(c)(1) and section 2366c(a)(4) of such 
        title, as added by paragraphs (1) and (2), with respect 
        to a major defense acquisition program--
                    (A) if the milestone decision authority for 
                the program is the service acquisition 
                executive of the military department that is 
                managing the program, the sufficiency 
                assessment shall be conducted by the senior 
                official within the military department with 
                responsibility for developmental testing; and
                    (B) if the milestone decision authority for 
                the program is the Under Secretary of Defense 
                for Acquisition and Sustainment, the 
                sufficiency assessment shall be conducted by 
                the senior Department of Defense official with 
                responsibility for developmental testing.
            (4) Guidance required.--Within one year after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act, the senior 
        Department of Defense official with responsibility for 
        developmental testing shall develop guidance for the 
        sufficiency assessments required by section 2366b(c)(1) 
        and section 2366c(a)(4) of title 10, United States 
        Code, as added by paragraphs (1) and (2). At a minimum, 
        the guidance shall require--
                    (A) for the sufficiency assessment required 
                by section 2366b(c)(1) of such title, that the 
                assessment address the sufficiency of--
                            (i) the developmental test and 
                        evaluation plan;
                            (ii) the developmental test and 
                        evaluation schedule, including a 
                        comparison to historic analogous 
                            (iii) the developmental test and 
                        evaluation resources (facilities, 
                        personnel, test assets, data analytics 
                        tools, and modeling and simulation 
                            (iv) the risks of developmental 
                        test and production concurrency; and
                            (v) the developmental test criteria 
                        for entering the production phase; and
                    (B) for the sufficiency assessment required 
                by section 2366c(a)(4) of such title, that the 
                assessment address--
                            (i) the sufficiency of the 
                        developmental test and evaluation 
                            (ii) the sufficiency of the plans 
                        and resources available for remaining 
                        developmental test and evaluation;
                            (iii) the risks identified during 
                        developmental testing to the production 
                        and deployment phase;
                            (iv) the sufficiency of the plans 
                        and resources for remaining 
                        developmental test and evaluation; and
                            (v) the readiness of the system to 
                        perform scheduled initial operational 
                        test and evaluation.
    (b) Evaluation of Department of Defense Need for 
Centralized Tools for Developmental Test and Evaluation.--The 
Secretary of Defense shall evaluate the strategy of the 
Department of Defense for developing and expanding the use of 
tools designed to facilitate the cost effectiveness and 
efficiency of developmental testing, including automated test 
methods and tools, modeling and simulation tools, and data 
analytics technologies. The evaluation shall include a 
determination of the appropriate role of the senior Department 
of Defense official with responsibility for developmental 
testing in developing enterprise level strategies related to 
such types of testing tools.

                    AND DATA.

    (a) Additional Test and Evaluation Duties of Military 
Secretaries and Defense Agency Heads.--
            (1) Report on comparison of operational test and 
        evaluation results to legacy items or components.--
        Concurrent with the submission of a report required 
        under section 2399(b)(2) of title 10, United States 
        Code, the Secretary of a military department or the 
        head of a Defense Agency may provide to the 
        congressional defense committees and the Secretary of 
        Defense a report describing of the performance of the 
        items or components evaluated as part of the 
        operational test and evaluation for each major defense 
        acquisition program conducted under such section by the 
        Director of Operational Test and Evaluation in relation 
        to comparable legacy items or components, if such items 
        or components exist and relevant data are available 
        without requiring additional testing.
            (2) Additional report on operational test and 
        evaluation activities.--Within 45 days after the 
        submission of an annual report required by section 
        139(h) of title 10, United States Code, the Secretaries 
        of the military departments may each submit to the 
        congressional defense committees a report addressing 
        any concerns related to information included in the 
        annual report, or providing updated or additional 
        information, as appropriate.
    (b) Requirements for Collection of Cost Data on Test and 
            (1) In general.--Not later than one year after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act and subject to 
        paragraph (2), the Director of Operational Test and 
        Evaluation, the senior official of the Department of 
        Defense with responsibility for developmental testing, 
        and the Director of the Test Resource Management Center 
        shall jointly develop policies, procedures, guidance, 
        and a method to collect data that ensures that 
        consistent and high quality data are collected on the 
        full range of estimated and actual developmental, live 
        fire, and operational testing costs for major defense 
        acquisition programs.
            (2) Concurrence and coordination required.--Before 
        implementing the policies, procedures, guidance, and 
        method developed under paragraph (1), the Director of 
        Operational Test and Evaluation, the senior official of 
        the Department of Defense with responsibility for 
        developmental testing, and the Director of the Test 
        Resource Management Center shall--
                    (A) obtain the concurrence of the Director 
                for Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation; and
                    (B) coordinate with the Secretaries of the 
                military departments.
            (3) Data requirements.--
                    (A) Electronic database.--Data on estimated 
                and actual developmental, live fire, and 
                operational testing costs shall be maintained 
                in an electronic database maintained by the 
                Director for Cost Assessment and Program 
                Evaluation or another appropriate official of 
                the Department of Defense, and shall be made 
                available for analysis by testing, acquisition, 
                and other appropriate officials of the 
                Department of Defense, as determined by the 
                Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, 
                the senior official of the Department of 
                Defense with responsibility for developmental 
                testing, or the Director of the Test Resource 
                Management Center.
                    (B) Diaggregation by costs.--To the maximum 
                extent practicable, data collected under this 
                subsection shall be set forth separately by 
                costs for developmental testing, operational 
                testing, and training.
    (c) Major Defense Acquisition Program Defined.--In this 
section, the term ``major defense acquisition program'' has the 
meaning provided in section 2430 of title 10, United States 

        Subtitle D--Provisions Relating to Acquisition Workforce


    (a) Establishment of Program Manager Development Program.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense, in 
        consultation with the Secretaries of the military 
        departments, shall implement a program manager 
        development program to provide for the professional 
        development of high-potential, experienced civilian 
        personnel. Personnel shall be competitively selected 
        for the program based on their potential to become a 
        program manager of a major defense acquisition program, 
        as defined in section 2430 of title 10, United States 
        Code. The program shall be administered and overseen by 
        the Secretary of each military department, acting 
        through the service acquisition executive for the 
        department concerned.
            (2) Plan required.--Not later than one year after 
        the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
        Defense shall provide to the Committees on Armed 
        Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives 
        a comprehensive plan to implement the program 
        established under paragraph (1). In developing the 
        plan, the Secretary of Defense shall seek the input of 
        relevant external parties, including professional 
        associations, other government entities, and industry. 
        The plan shall include the following elements:
                    (A) An assessment of the minimum level of 
                subject matter experience, education, years of 
                experience, certifications, and other 
                qualifications required to be selected into the 
                program, set forth separately for current 
                Department of Defense employees and for 
                personnel hired into the program from outside 
                the Department of Defense.
                    (B) A description of hiring flexibilities 
                to be used to recruit qualified personnel from 
                outside the Department of Defense.
                    (C) A description of the extent to which 
                mobility agreements will be required to be 
                signed by personnel selected for the program 
                during their participation in the program and 
                after their completion of the program. The use 
                of mobility agreements shall be applied to help 
                maximize the flexibility of the Department of 
                Defense in assigning personnel, while not 
                inhibiting the participation of the most 
                capable candidates.
                    (D) A description of the tenure obligation 
                required of personnel selected for the program.
                    (E) A plan for training during the course 
                of the program, including training in 
                leadership, program management, engineering, 
                finance and budgeting, market research, 
                business acumen, contracting, supplier 
                management, requirement setting and tradeoffs, 
                intellectual property matters, and software.
                    (F) A description of career paths to be 
                followed by personnel in the program in order 
                to ensure that personnel in the program gain 
                expertise in the program management functional 
                career field competencies identified by the 
                Department in existing guidance and the topics 
                listed in subparagraph (E), including--
                            (i) a determination of the types of 
                        advanced educational degrees that 
                        enhance program management skills and 
                        the mechanisms available to the 
                        Department of Defense to facilitate the 
                        attainment of those degrees by 
                        personnel in the program;
                            (ii) a determination of required 
                        assignments to positions within 
                        acquisition programs, including 
                        position type and acquisition category 
                        of the program office;
                            (iii) a determination of required 
                        or encouraged rotations to career 
                        broadening positions outside of 
                        acquisition programs; and
                            (iv) a determination of how the 
                        program will ensure the opportunity for 
                        a required rotation to industry of at 
                        least six months to develop an 
                        understanding of industry motivation 
                        and business acumen, such as by 
                        developing an industry exchange program 
                        for civilian program managers, similar 
                        to the Corporate Fellows Program of the 
                        Secretary of Defense.
                    (G) A general description of the number of 
                personnel anticipated to be selected into the 
                program, how frequently selections will occur, 
                how long personnel selected into the program 
                will participate in the program, and how 
                personnel will be placed into an assignment at 
                the completion of the program.
                    (H) A description of benefits that will be 
                offered under the program using existing human 
                capital flexibilities to retain qualified 
                employees, such as student loan repayments, 
                bonuses, or pay banding.
                    (I) An assessment of personnel 
                flexibilities needed to allow the military 
                departments and the Defense Agencies to 
                reassign or remove program managers that do not 
                perform effectively.
                    (J) A description of how the program will 
                be administered and overseen by the Secretaries 
                of each military department, acting through the 
                service acquisition executive for the 
                department concerned.
                    (K) A description of how the program will 
                be integrated with existing program manager 
                development efforts at each military 
            (3) Use of defense acquisition workforce 
        development fund.--Amounts in the Department of Defense 
        Acquisition Workforce Development Fund (established 
        under section 1705 of title 10, United States Code) may 
        be used to pay the base salary of personnel in the 
        program established under paragraph (1) during the 
        period of time such personnel are temporarily assigned 
        to a developmental rotation or training program 
        anticipated to last at least six months.
            (4) Implementation.--The program established under 
        paragraph (1) shall be implemented not later than 
        September 30, 2019.
    (b) Independent Study of Incentives for Program Managers.--
            (1) Requirement for study.--Not later than 30 days 
        after the date of the enactment of this Act, the 
        Secretary of Defense shall enter into a contract with 
        an independent research entity described in paragraph 
        (2) to carry out a comprehensive study of incentives 
        for Department of Defense civilian and military program 
        managers for major defense acquisition programs, 
                    (A) additional pay options for program 
                managers to provide incentives to senior 
                civilian employees and military officers to 
                accept and remain in program manager roles;
                    (B) a financial incentive structure to 
                reward program managers for delivering 
                capabilities on budget and on time; and
                    (C) a comparison between financial and non-
                financial incentive structures for program 
                managers in the Department of Defense and an 
                appropriate comparison group of private 
                industry companies.
            (2) Independent research entity.--The entity 
        described in this subsection is an independent research 
        entity that is a not-for-profit entity or a federally 
        funded research and development center with appropriate 
        expertise and analytical capability.
            (3) Reports.--
                    (A) To secretary.--Not later than nine 
                months after the date of the enactment of this 
                Act, the independent research entity shall 
                provide to the Secretary a report containing--
                            (i) the results of the study 
                        required by paragraph (1); and
                            (ii) such recommendations to 
                        improve the financial incentive 
                        structure of program managers for major 
                        defense acquisition programs as the 
                        independent research entity considers 
                        to be appropriate.
                    (B) To congress.--Not later than 30 days 
                after receipt of the report under subparagraph 
                (A), the Secretary of Defense shall submit such 
                report, together with any additional views or 
                recommendations of the Secretary, to the 
                congressional defense committees.

                    DEVELOPMENT FUND.

    Section 1705(d)(2)(D) of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
            ``(D) The Secretary of Defense may adjust the 
        amount specified in subparagraph (C) for a fiscal year 
        if the Secretary determines that the amount is greater 
        or less than reasonably needed for purposes of the Fund 
        for such fiscal year. The Secretary may not adjust the 
        amount for a fiscal year to an amount that is more than 
        $600,000,000 or less than $400,000,000.''.


    (a) Use of Funds From the Defense Acquisition Workforce 
Development Fund to Pay Salaries of Personnel to Manage the 
            (1) In general.--Subsection 1705(e) of title 10, 
        United States Code, is amended--
                    (A) in paragraph (1)--
                            (i) by inserting ``(A)'' before 
                        ``Subject to the provisions of this 
                        subsection''; and
                            (ii) by adding at the end the 
                        following new subparagraph:
            ``(B) Amounts in the Fund also may be used to pay 
        salaries of personnel at the Office of the Secretary of 
        Defense, military departments, and Defense Agencies to 
        manage the Fund.''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (3)--
                            (i) by striking ``and'' at the end 
                        of subparagraph (C);
                            (ii) by striking the period and 
                        inserting ``; and'' at the end of 
                        subparagraph (D); and
                            (iii) by adding at the end the 
                        following new subparagraph:
                    ``(E) describing the amount from the Fund 
                that may be used to pay salaries of personnel 
                at the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 
                military departments, and Defense Agencies to 
                manage the Fund and the circumstances under 
                which such amounts may be used for such 
            (2) Guidance.--Not later than 180 days after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
        Defense shall issue, and submit to the congressional 
        defense committees, the policy guidance required by 
        subparagraph (E) of section 1705(e)(3) of title 10, 
        United States Code, as added by paragraph (1).
    (b) Comptroller General Review of Effectiveness of Hiring 
and Retention Flexibilities for Acquisition Workforce 
            (1) In general.--Not later than June 30, 2019, the 
        Comptroller General of the United States shall submit 
        to the congressional defense committees a report on the 
        effectiveness of hiring and retention flexibilities for 
        the acquisition workforce.
            (2) Elements.--The report under this subsection 
        shall include the following:
                    (A) A determination of the extent to which 
                the Department of Defense experiences 
                challenges with recruitment and retention of 
                the acquisition workforce, such as post-
                employment restrictions.
                    (B) A description of the hiring and 
                retention flexibilities available to the 
                Department to fill civilian acquisition 
                positions and the extent to which the 
                Department has used the flexibilities available 
                to it to target critical or understaffed career 
                    (C) A determination of the extent to which 
                the Department has the necessary data and 
                metrics on its use of hiring and retention 
                flexibilities for the civilian acquisition 
                workforce to strategically manage the use of 
                such flexibilities.
                    (D) An identification of the factors that 
                affect the use of hiring and retention 
                flexibilities for the civilian acquisition 
                    (E) Recommendations for any necessary 
                changes to the hiring and retention 
                flexibilities available to the Department to 
                fill civilian acquisition positions.
                    (F) A description of the flexibilities 
                available to the Department to remove 
                underperforming members of the acquisition 
                workforce and the extent to which any such 
                flexibilities are used.
    (c) Assessment and Report Required on Business-related 
Training for the Acquisition Workforce.--
            (1) Assessment.--The Under Secretary of Defense for 
        Acquisition and Sustainment shall conduct an assessment 
        of the following:
                    (A) The effectiveness of industry 
                certifications, other industry training 
                programs, including fellowships, and training 
                and education programs at educational 
                institutions outside of the Defense Acquisition 
                University available to defense acquisition 
                workforce personnel.
                    (B) Gaps in knowledge of industry 
                operations, industry motivation, and business 
                acumen in the acquisition workforce.
            (2) Report.--Not later than December 31, 2018, the 
        Under Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Armed 
        Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives 
        a report containing the results of the assessment 
        conducted under this subsection.
            (3) Elements.--The assessment and report under 
        paragraphs (1) and (2) shall address the following:
                    (A) Current sources of training and career 
                development opportunities, industry rotations, 
                and other career development opportunities 
                related to knowledge of industry operations, 
                industry motivation, and business acumen for 
                each acquisition position, as designated under 
                section 1721 of title 10, United States Code.
                    (B) Gaps in training, industry rotations, 
                and other career development opportunities 
                related to knowledge of industry operations, 
                industry motivation, and business acumen for 
                each such acquisition position.
                    (C) Plans to address those gaps for each 
                such acquisition position.
                    (D) Consideration of the role industry-
                taught classes and classes taught at 
                educational institutions outside of the Defense 
                Acquisition University could play in addressing 
    (d) Comptroller General Review of Acquisition Training for 
Non-acquisition Workforce Personnel.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than June 30, 2019, the 
        Comptroller General of the United States shall submit 
        to the congressional defense committees a report on 
        acquisition-related training for personnel working on 
        acquisitions but not considered to be part of the 
        acquisition workforce (as defined in section 101(18) of 
        title 10, United States Code) (hereafter in this 
        subsection referred to as ``non-acquisition workforce 
            (2) Elements.--The report shall address the 
                    (A) The extent to which non-acquisition 
                workforce personnel play a significant role in 
                defining requirements, conducting market 
                research, participating in source selection and 
                contract negotiation efforts, and overseeing 
                contract performance.
                    (B) The extent to which the Department is 
                able to identify and track non-acquisition 
                workforce personnel performing the roles 
                identified in subparagraph (A).
                    (C) The extent to which non-acquisition 
                workforce personnel are taking acquisition 
                    (D) The extent to which the Defense 
                Acquisition Workforce Development Fund has been 
                used to provide acquisition training to non-
                acquisition workforce personnel.
                    (E) A description of sources of funding 
                other than the Fund that are available to and 
                used by the Department to provide non-
                acquisition workforce personnel with 
                acquisition training.
                    (F) The extent to which additional 
                acquisition training is needed for non-
                acquisition workforce personnel, including the 
                types of training needed, the positions that 
                need the training, and any challenges to 
                delivering necessary additional training.


    (a) Extension.--Section 1762(g) of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and 
inserting ``December 31, 2023''.
    (b) Increase in Limit on Number of Participants.--Section 
1762(c) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking 
``the demonstration project under this section may not exceed 
120,000'' and inserting ``at any one time the demonstration 
project under this section may not exceed 130,000''.
    (c) Implementation Strategy for Improvements in Acquisition 
Demonstration Project.--
            (1) Strategy required.--The Secretary of Defense 
        shall develop an implementation strategy to address 
        areas for improvement in the demonstration project 
        required by section 1762 of title 10, United States 
        Code, as identified in the second assessment of such 
        demonstration project required by section 1762(e) of 
        such title.
            (2) Elements.--The strategy shall include the 
        following elements:
                    (A) Actions that have been or will be taken 
                to assess whether the flexibility to set 
                starting salaries at different levels is being 
                used appropriately by supervisors and managers 
                to compete effectively for highly skilled and 
                motivated employees.
                    (B) Actions that have been or will be taken 
                to assess reasons for any disparities in career 
                outcomes across race and gender for employees 
                in the demonstration project.
                    (C) Actions that have been or will be taken 
                to strengthen the link between employee 
                contribution and compensation for employees in 
                the demonstration project.
                    (D) Actions that have been or will be taken 
                to enhance the transparency of the pay system 
                for employees in the demonstration project.
                    (E) A time frame and individual responsible 
                for each action identified under subparagraphs 
                (A) through (D).
            (3) Briefing required.--Not later than one year 
        after the date of the enactment of this Act, the 
        Secretary of Defense shall provide a briefing to the 
        Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of 
        Representatives and the Committee on Oversight and 
        Government Reform of the House of Representatives on 
        the implementation strategy required by paragraph (1).

          Subtitle E--Provisions Relating to Commercial Items


    (a) Establishment of Program.--The Administrator shall 
establish a program to procure commercial products through 
commercial e-commerce portals for purposes of enhancing 
competition, expediting procurement, enabling market research, 
and ensuring reasonable pricing of commercial products. The 
Administrator shall carry out the program in accordance with 
this section, through multiple contracts with multiple 
commercial e-commerce portal providers, and shall design the 
program to be implemented in phases with the objective of 
enabling Government-wide use of such portals.
    (b) Use of Program.--The head of a department or agency may 
procure, as appropriate, commercial products for the department 
or agency using the program established pursuant to subsection 
    (c) Implementation and Reporting Requirements.--The 
Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in 
consultation with the Administrator and the heads of other 
relevant departments and agencies, shall carry out the 
implementation phases set forth in, and submit to the 
appropriate congressional committees the items of information 
required by, the following paragraphs:
            (1) Phase i: implementation plan.--Not later than 
        90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, an 
        implementation plan and schedule for carrying out the 
        program established pursuant to subsection (a), 
        including a discussion and recommendations regarding 
        whether any changes to, or exemptions from, laws that 
        set forth policies, procedures, requirements, or 
        restrictions for the procurement of property or 
        services by the Federal Government are necessary for 
        effective implementation of this section.
            (2) Phase ii: market analysis and consultation.--
        Not later than one year after the date of the 
        submission of the implementation plan and schedule 
        required under paragraph (1), recommendations for any 
        changes to, or exemptions from, laws necessary for 
        effective implementation of this section, and 
        information on the results of the following actions:
                    (A) Market analysis and initial 
                communications with potential commercial e-
                commerce portal providers on technical 
                considerations of how the portals function 
                (including the use of standard terms and 
                conditions of the portals by the Government), 
                the degree of customization that can occur 
                without creating a Government-unique portal, 
                the measures necessary to address the 
                considerations for supplier and product 
                screening specified in subsection (e), security 
                of data, considerations pertaining to 
                nontraditional Government contractors, and 
                potential fees, if any, to be charged by the 
                Administrator, the portal provider, or the 
                suppliers for participation in the program 
                established pursuant to subsection (a).
                    (B) Consultation with affected departments 
                and agencies about their unique procurement 
                needs, such as supply chain risks for health 
                care products, information technology, 
                software, or any other category determined 
                necessary by the Administrator.
                    (C) An assessment of the products or 
                product categories that are suitable for 
                purchase on the commercial e-commerce portals.
                    (D) An assessment of the precautions 
                necessary to safeguard any information 
                pertaining to the Federal Government, 
                especially precautions necessary to protect 
                against national security or cybersecurity 
                    (E) A review of standard terms and 
                conditions of commercial e-commerce portals in 
                the context of Government requirements.
                    (F) An assessment of the impact on existing 
                programs, including schedules, set-asides for 
                small business concerns, and other preference 
            (3) Phase iii: program implementation guidance.--
        Not later than two years after the date of the 
        submission of the implementation plan and schedule 
        required under paragraph (1), guidance to implement and 
        govern the use of the program established pursuant to 
        subsection (a), including protocols for oversight of 
        procurement through the program, and compliance with 
        laws pertaining to supplier and product screening 
        requirements, data security, and data analytics.
            (4) Additional implementation phases.--A 
        description of additional implementation phases, as 
        determined by the Administrator, that includes a 
        selection of agencies to participate in any such 
        additional implementation phase (which may include the 
        award of contracts to multiple commercial e-commerce 
        portal providers).
    (d) Considerations for Commercial e-commerce Portals.--The 
Administrator shall consider commercial e-commerce portals for 
use under the program established pursuant to subsection (a) 
that are widely used in the private sector and have or can be 
configured to have features that facilitate the execution of 
program objectives, including features related to supplier and 
product selection that are frequently updated, an assortment of 
product and supplier reviews, invoicing payment, and customer 
    (e) Information on Suppliers, Products, and Purchases.--
            (1) Supplier participation and product screening.--
        The Administrator shall provide or ensure electronic 
        availability to a commercial e-commerce portal provider 
        awarded a contract pursuant to subsection (a) on a 
        periodic basis information necessary to ensure 
        compliance with laws pertaining to supplier and product 
        screening as identified during implementation phase 
        III, as described in subsection (c)(3).
            (2) Provision of order information.--The 
        Administrator shall require each commercial e-commerce 
        portal provider awarded a contract pursuant to 
        subsection (a) to provide order information as 
        determined by the Administrator during implementation 
        phase II, as described in subsection (c)(2).
    (f) Relationship to Other Provisions of Law.--
            (1) All laws, including laws that set forth 
        policies, procedures, requirements, or restrictions for 
        the procurement of property or services by the Federal 
        Government, apply to the program established pursuant 
        to subsection (a) unless otherwise provided in this 
            (2) A procurement of a product made through a 
        commercial e-commerce portal under the program 
        established pursuant to subsection (a) is deemed to be 
        an award of a prime contract for purposes of the goals 
        established under section 15(g) of the Small Business 
        Act (15 U.S.C. 644(g)), if the purchase is from a 
        supplier that is a small business concern.
            (3) Nothing in this section shall be construed as 
        limiting the authority of a department or agency to 
        restrict competition to small business concerns.
            (4) Nothing in this section shall be construed as 
        limiting the applicability of section 1341 of title 31, 
        United States Code (popularly referred to as the Anti-
        Deficiency Act).
    (g) Use of Commercial Practices and Standard Terms and 
Conditions.--A procurement of a product through a commercial e-
commerce portal used under the program established pursuant to 
subsection (a) shall be made, to the maximum extent 
practicable, under the standard terms and conditions of the 
portal relating to purchasing on the portal.
    (h) Disclosure, Protection, and Use of Information.--In any 
contract awarded to a commercial e-commerce portal provider 
pursuant to subsection (a), the Administrator shall require 
that the provider--
            (1) agree not to sell or otherwise make available 
        to any third party any information pertaining to a 
        product ordered by the Federal Government through the 
        commercial e-commerce portal in a manner that 
        identifies the Federal Government, or any of its 
        departments or agencies, as the purchaser, except if 
        the information is needed to process or deliver an 
        order or the Administrator provides written consent;
            (2) agree to take the necessary precautions to 
        safeguard any information pertaining to the Federal 
        Government, especially precautions necessary to protect 
        against national security or cybersecurity threats; and
            (3) agree not to use, for pricing, marketing, 
        competitive, or other purposes, any information related 
        to a product from a third-party supplier featured on 
        the commercial e-commerce portal or the transaction of 
        such a product, except as necessary to comply with the 
        requirements of the program established pursuant to 
        subsection (a).
    (i) Simplified Acquisition Threshold.--A procurement 
through a commercial e-commerce portal used under the program 
established pursuant to subsection (a) shall not exceed the 
simplified acquisition threshold in section 134 of title 41, 
United States Code.
    (j) Comptroller General Assessments.--
            (1) Assessment of implementation plan.--Not later 
        than 90 days after the Director of the Office of 
        Management and Budget submits the implementation plan 
        described in subsection (c)(1) to the appropriate 
        congressional committees, the Comptroller General of 
        the United States shall submit to the appropriate 
        congressional committees an assessment of the plan, 
        including any other matters the Comptroller General 
        considers relevant to the plan.
            (2) Assessment of program implementation.--Not 
        later than three years after the first contract with a 
        commercial e-commerce portal provider is awarded 
        pursuant to subsection (a), the Comptroller General of 
        the United States shall submit to the appropriate 
        congressional committees a report on the challenges and 
        benefits the General Services Administration and 
        participating departments and agencies observe 
        regarding implementation of the program established 
        pursuant to subsection (a). The report shall include 
        the following elements:
                    (A) A description of the acquisition of the 
                commercial e-commerce portals (including the 
                extent to which the portals had to be 
                configured or otherwise modified to meet the 
                needs of the program) costs, and the 
                implementation schedule.
                    (B) A description of participation by 
                suppliers, with particular attention to those 
                described under subsection (e), that have 
                registered or that have sold goods with at 
                least one commercial e-commerce portal 
                provider, including numbers, categories, and 
                    (C) The effect, if any, of the program on 
                the ability of agencies to meet goals 
                established for suppliers and products 
                described under subsection (e), including goals 
                established under section 15(g) of the Small 
                Business Act (15 U.S.C. 644(g)).
                    (D) A discussion of the limitations, if 
                any, to participation by suppliers in the 
                    (E) Any other matters the Comptroller 
                General considers relevant to report.
    (k) Definitions.--In this section:
            (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' 
        means the Administrator of General Services.
            (2) Appropriate congressional committees.--The term 
        ``appropriate congressional committees'' means the 
                    (A) The Committees on Armed Services of the 
                Senate and House of Representatives.
                    (B) The Committee on Homeland Security and 
                Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the 
                Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of 
                the House of Representatives.
                    (C) The Committee on Small Business and 
                Entrepreneurship of the Senate and the 
                Committee on Small Business of the House of 
            (3) Commercial e-commerce portal.--The term 
        ``commercial e-commerce portal'' means a commercial 
        solution providing for the purchase of commercial 
        products aggregated, distributed, sold, or manufactured 
        via an online portal. The term does not include an 
        online portal managed by the Government for, or 
        predominantly for use by, Government agencies.
            (4) Commercial product.--The term ``commercial 
        product'' means a commercially available off-the-shelf 
        item, as defined in section 104 of title 41, United 
        States Code, except the term does not include services.
            (5) Small business concern.--The term ``small 
        business concern'' has the meaning given such term 
        under section 3 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 


    (a) In General.--Section 103(8) of title 41, United States 
Code, is amended by inserting before the period at the end the 
following: ``or to multiple foreign governments''.
    (b) Effect on Section 2464 of Title 10.--Nothing in the 
amendment made by subsection (a) shall affect the meaning of 
the term ``commercial item'' for purposes of subsection (a)(5) 
of section 2464 of title 10, United States Code, or any 
requirement under subsection (a)(3) or subsection (c) of such 


    Section 2380 of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting 
        ``(a) In General.--The Secretary''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(b) Items Previously Acquired Using Commercial Item 
Acquisition Procedures.--
            ``(1) Determinations.--A contract for an item 
        acquired using commercial item acquisition procedures 
        under part 12 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation 
        shall serve as a prior commercial item determination 
        with respect to such item for purposes of this chapter 
        unless the senior procurement executive of the military 
        department or the Department of Defense as designated 
        for purposes of section 1702(c) of title 41 determines 
        in writing that it is no longer appropriate to acquire 
        the item using commercial item acquisition procedures.
            ``(2) Limitation.--(A) Except as provided under 
        subparagraph (B), funds appropriated or otherwise made 
        available to the Department of Defense may not be used 
        for the procurement under part 15 of the Federal 
        Acquisition Regulation of an item that was previously 
        acquired under a contract using commercial item 
        acquisition procedures under part 12 of the Federal 
        Acquisition Regulation.
            ``(B) The limitation under subparagraph (A) does 
        not apply to the procurement of an item that was 
        previously acquired using commercial item acquisition 
        procedures under part 12 of the Federal Acquisition 
        Regulation following--
                    ``(i) a written determination by the head 
                of contracting activity pursuant to section 
                2306a(b)(4)(B) of this title that the use of 
                such procedures was improper; or
                    ``(ii) a written determination by the 
                senior procurement executive of the military 
                department or the Department of Defense as 
                designated for purposes of section 1702(c) of 
                title 41 that it is no longer appropriate to 
                acquire the item using such procedures.''.


    (a) Review of Determinations Not to Exempt Department of 
Defense Contracts for Commercial Items and Commercially 
Available Off-the-shelf Items From Certain Laws and 
Regulations.--Not later than one year after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall--
            (1) review each determination of the Federal 
        Acquisition Regulatory Council pursuant to section 
        1906(b)(2), section 1906(c)(3), or section 1907(a)(2) 
        of title 41, United States Code, not to exempt 
        contracts and subcontracts described in subsection (a) 
        of section 2375 of title 10, United States Code, from 
        laws such contracts and subcontracts would otherwise be 
        exempt from under section 1906(d) of title 41, United 
        States Code; and
            (2) propose revisions to the Department of Defense 
        Supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation to 
        provide an exemption from each law subject to such 
        determination unless the Secretary determines there is 
        a specific reason not to provide the exemption.
    (b) Review of Certain Contract Clause Requirements 
Applicable to Commercial Item Contracts.--Not later than one 
year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
of Defense shall--
            (1) review the Department of Defense Supplement to 
        the Federal Acquisition Regulation to assess all 
        regulations that require a specific contract clause for 
        a contract using commercial item acquisition procedures 
        under part 12 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, 
        except for regulations required by law or Executive 
        order; and
            (2) propose revisions to the Department of Defense 
        Supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation to 
        eliminate regulations reviewed under paragraph (1) 
        unless the Secretary determines on a case-by-case basis 
        that there is a specific reason not to eliminate the 
    (c) Elimination of Certain Contract Clause Regulations 
Applicable to Commercially Available Off-the-shelf Item 
Subcontracts.--Not later than one year after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall--
            (1) review the Department of Defense Supplement to 
        the Federal Acquisition Regulation to assess all 
        regulations that require a prime contractor to include 
        a specific contract clause in a subcontract for 
        commercially available off-the-shelf items unless the 
        inclusion of such clause is required by law or 
        Executive order; and
            (2) propose revisions to the Department of Defense 
        Supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation to 
        eliminate regulations reviewed under paragraph (1) 
        unless the Secretary determines on a case-by-case basis 
        that there is a specific reason not to eliminate the 


    (a) Training.--Not later than one year after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the President of the Defense 
Acquisition University shall establish a comprehensive training 
program on part 12 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. The 
training shall cover, at a minimum, the following topics:
            (1) The origin of part 12 and the congressional 
        mandate to prefer commercial procurements.
            (2) The definition of a commercial item, with a 
        particular focus on the ``of a type'' concept.
            (3) Price analysis and negotiations.
            (4) Market research and analysis.
            (5) Independent cost estimates.
            (6) Parametric estimating methods.
            (7) Value analysis.
            (8) Best practices in pricing from commercial 
        sector organizations, foreign government organizations, 
        and other Federal, State, and local public sectors 
            (9) Other topics on commercial procurements 
        necessary to ensure a well-educated acquisition 
    (b) Enrollments Goals.--The President of the Defense 
Acquisition University shall set goals for student enrollment 
for the comprehensive training program established under 
subsection (a).
    (c) Supporting Activities.--The Secretary of Defense shall, 
in support of the achievement of the goals of this section--
            (1) engage academic experts on research topics of 
        interest to improve commercial item identification and 
        pricing methodologies; and
            (2) facilitate exchange and interface opportunities 
        between government personnel to increase awareness of 
        best practices and challenges in commercial item 
        identification and pricing.
    (d) Funding.--The Secretary of Defense shall use amounts 
available in the Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce 
Development Fund established under section 1705 of title 10, 
United States Code, to fund the comprehensive training program 
established under subsection (a).

        Subtitle F--Provisions Relating to Services Contracting


    (a) In General.--
            (1) Improvement of planning for acquisition of 
        services.--Chapter 137 of title 10, United States Code, 
        is amended by inserting after section 2328 the 
        following new section:

``Sec. 2329. Procurement of services: data analysis and requirements 

    ``(a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense shall ensure 
            ``(1) appropriate and sufficiently detailed data 
        are collected and analyzed to support the validation of 
        requirements for services contracts and inform the 
        planning, programming, budgeting, and execution process 
        of the Department of Defense;
            ``(2) requirements for services contracts are 
        evaluated appropriately and in a timely manner to 
        inform decisions regarding the procurement of services; 
            ``(3) decisions regarding the procurement of 
        services consider available resources and total force 
        management policies and procedures.
    ``(b) Specification of Amounts Requested in Budget.--
Effective October 1, 2022, the Secretary of Defense shall 
annually submit to Congress information on services contracts 
that clearly and separately identifies the amount requested for 
each category of services to be procured for each Defense 
Agency, Department of Defense Field Activity, command, or 
military installation. Such information shall--
            ``(1) be submitted at or about the time of the 
        budget submission by the President under section 
        1105(a) of title 31;
            ``(2) cover the fiscal year covered by such budget 
        submission by the President;
            ``(3) be consistent with total amounts of estimated 
        expenditures and proposed appropriations necessary to 
        support the programs, projects, and activities of the 
        Department of Defense included in such budget 
        submission by the President for that fiscal year; and
            ``(4) be organized using a common enterprise data 
        structure developed under section 2222 of this title.
    ``(c) Data Analysis.--(1) Each Secretary of a military 
department shall regularly analyze past spending patterns and 
anticipated future requirements with respect to the procurement 
of services within such military department.
    ``(2)(A) The Secretary of Defense shall regularly analyze 
past spending patterns and anticipated future requirements with 
respect to the procurement of services--
            ``(i) within each Defense Agency and Department of 
        Defense Field Activity; and
            ``(ii) across military departments, Defense 
        Agencies, and Department of Defense Field Activities.
    ``(B) The Secretaries of the military departments shall 
make data on services contracts available to the Secretary of 
Defense for purposes of conducting the analysis required under 
subparagraph (A).
    ``(3) The analyses conducted under this subsection shall--
            ``(A) identify contracts for similar services that 
        are procured for three or more consecutive years at 
        each Defense Agency, Department of Defense Field 
        Activity, command, or military installation;
            ``(B) evaluate patterns in the procurement of 
        services, to the extent practicable, at each Defense 
        Agency, Department of Defense Field Activity, command, 
        or military installation and by category of services 
            ``(C) be used to validate requirements for services 
        contracts entered into after the date of the enactment 
        of this subsection; and
            ``(D) be used to inform decisions on the award of 
        and funding for such services contracts.
    ``(d) Requirements Evaluation.--Each Services Requirements 
Review Board shall evaluate each requirement for a services 
contract, taking into consideration total force management 
policies and procedures, available resources, the analyses 
conducted under subsection (c), and contracting efficacy and 
efficiency. An evaluation of a services contract for compliance 
with contracting policies and procedures may not be considered 
to be an evaluation of a requirement for such services 
    ``(e) Timely Planning to Avoid Bridge Contracts.--(1) 
Effective October 1, 2018, the Secretary of Defense shall 
ensure that a requirements owner shall, to the extent 
practicable, plan appropriately before the date of need of a 
service at a Defense Agency, Department of Defense Field 
Activity, command, or military installation to avoid the use of 
a bridge contract to provide for continuation of a service to 
be performed through a services contract. Such planning shall 
include allowing time for a requirement to be validated, a 
services contract to be entered into, and funding for the 
services contract to be secured.
    ``(2)(A) Upon the first use, due to inadequate planning (as 
determined by the Secretary of Defense), of a bridge contract 
to provide for continuation of a service to be performed 
through a services contract, the requirements owner, along with 
the contracting officer or a designee of the contracting 
officer for the contract, shall--
            ``(i) for a services contract in an amount less 
        than $10,000,000, provide an update on the status of 
        the bridge contract (including the rationale for using 
        the bridge contract) to the commander or the senior 
        civilian official of the Defense Agency concerned, 
        Department of Defense Field Activity concerned, command 
        concerned, or military installation concerned, as 
        applicable; or
            ``(ii) for a services contract in an amount equal 
        to or greater than $10,000,000, provide an update on 
        the status of the bridge contract (including the 
        rationale for using the bridge contract) to the service 
        acquisition executive for the military department 
        concerned, the head of the Defense Agency concerned, 
        the combatant commander concerned, or the Under 
        Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, 
        as applicable.
    ``(B) Upon the second use, due to inadequate planning (as 
determined by the Secretary of Defense), of a bridge contract 
to provide for continuation of a service to be performed 
through a services contract in an amount less than $10,000,000, 
the commander or senior civilian official referred to in 
subparagraph (A)(i) shall provide notification of such second 
use to the Vice Chief of Staff of the armed force concerned and 
the service acquisition executive of the military department 
concerned, the head of the Defense Agency concerned, the 
combatant commander concerned, or the Under Secretary of 
Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, as applicable.
    ``(f) Exception.--Except with respect to the analyses 
required under subsection (c), this section shall not apply 
            ``(1) services contracts in support of contingency 
        operations, humanitarian assistance, or disaster 
            ``(2) services contracts in support of a national 
        security emergency declared with respect to a named 
        operation; or
            ``(3) services contracts entered into pursuant to 
        an international agreement.
    ``(g) Definitions.--In this section:
            ``(1) The term `bridge contact' means--
                    ``(A) an extension to an existing contract 
                beyond the period of performance to avoid a 
                lapse in service caused by a delay in awarding 
                a subsequent contract; or
                    ``(B) a new short-term contract awarded on 
                a sole-source basis to avoid a lapse in service 
                caused by a delay in awarding a subsequent 
            ``(2) The term `requirements owner' means a member 
        of the armed forces (other than the Coast Guard) or a 
        civilian employee of the Department of Defense 
        responsible for a requirement for a service to be 
        performed through a services contract.
            ``(3) The term `Services Requirements Review Board' 
        has the meaning given in Department of Defense 
        Instruction 5000.74, titled `Defense Acquisition of 
        Services' and dated January 5, 2016, or a successor 
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting 
        after the item relating to section 2328 the following 
        new item:

``2329. Procurement of services: data analysis and requirements 

                    SERVICES CONTRACTS.

    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense shall encourage 
the use of standard guidelines within the Department of Defense 
for the evaluation of requirements for services contracts. Such 
guidelines shall be available to the Services Requirements 
Review Boards (established under Department of Defense 
Instruction 5000.74, titled ``Defense Acquisition of Services'' 
and dated January 5, 2016, or a successor instruction) within 
each Defense Agency, each Department of Defense Field Activity, 
and each military department for the purpose of standardizing 
the requirements evaluation required under section 2329 of 
title 10, United States Code, as added by this Act.
    (b) Definitions.--In this section--
            (1) the terms ``Defense Agency'', ``Department of 
        Defense Field Activity'', and ``military department'' 
        have the meanings given those terms in section 101 of 
        title 10, United States Code; and
            (2) the term ``total force management policies and 
        procedures'' means the policies and procedures 
        established under section 129a of such title.


    Not later than April 1, 2018, the Secretary of Defense 
shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate 
and House of Representatives a report on the merits of using 
outcome-based services contracts within the Department of 
Defense. Such report shall include a comparison of the use of 
outcome-based services contracts by the Department of Defense 
compared to input-based services contracts, the limitations of 
outcome-based services contracts, and an analysis of the cost 
implications of both approaches.


    (a) Establishment.--The Secretary of Defense shall carry 
out a pilot program under which the Secretary may use the 
authority under subsection (a) of section 2306c of title 10, 
United States Code, to enter into up to five contracts for 
periods of not more than 10 years for services described in 
subsection (b) of such section. Each contract entered into 
pursuant to this subsection may be extended for up to five 
additional one-year terms.
    (b) Study.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
        Defense shall enter into an agreement with an 
        independent organization with relevant expertise to 
        study best practices and lessons learned from using 
        services contracts for periods longer than five years 
        by commercial companies, foreign governments, and State 
        governments, as well as service contracts for periods 
        longer than five years used by the Federal Government, 
        such as energy savings performance contracts (as 
        defined in section to section 804(3) of the National 
        Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8287c(3)).
            (2) Report.--Not later than one year after the date 
        of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense 
        shall submit to the congressional defense committees a 
        report on the study conducted under paragraph (1).
    (c) Comptroller General Report.--Not later than five years 
after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller 
General of the United States shall submit to the congressional 
defense committees a report on the pilot program carried out 
under this section.

  Subtitle G--Provisions Relating to Other Transaction Authority and 


    (a) Permanent Authority.--
            (1) In general.--Chapter 137 of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended by inserting after section 
        2302d the following new section:

``Sec. 2302e. Contract authority for advanced development of initial or 
                    additional prototype units

    ``(a) Authority.--A contract initially awarded from the 
competitive selection of a proposal resulting from a general 
solicitation referred to in section 2302(2)(B) of this title 
may contain a contract line item or contract option for--
            ``(1) the provision of advanced component 
        development, prototype, or initial production of 
        technology developed under the contract; or
            ``(2) the delivery of initial or additional items 
        if the item or a prototype thereof is created as the 
        result of work performed under the contract.
    ``(b) Limitations.--
            ``(1) Minimal amount.--A contract line item or 
        contract option described in subsection (a)(2) shall 
        require the delivery of the minimal amount of initial 
        or additional items to allow for the timely competitive 
        solicitation and award of a follow-on development or 
        production contract for those items.
            ``(2) Term.--A contract line item or contract 
        option described in subsection (a) shall be for a term 
        of not more than 2 years.
            ``(3) Dollar value of work.--The dollar value of 
        the work to be performed pursuant to a contract line 
        item or contract option described in subsection (a) may 
        not exceed $100,000,000, in fiscal year 2017 constant 
            ``(4) Applicability.--The authority provided in 
        subsection (a) applies only to the Secretary of 
        Defense, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of 
        the Navy, and the Secretary of the Air Force.''.
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting 
        after the item relating to section 2302d the following 
        new item:

``2302e. Contract authority for advanced development of initial or 
          additional prototype units.''.
    (b) Repeal of Obsolete Authority.--Section 819 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (Public 
Law 111-84; 10 U.S.C. 2302 note) is hereby repealed.


    Section 2358(b) of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) in paragraph (3), by striking ``or'';
            (2) in paragraph (4), by striking the period at the 
        end and inserting a semicolon; and
            (3) by adding at the end the following new 
            ``(5) by transactions (other than contracts, 
        cooperative agreements, and grants) entered into 
        pursuant to section 2371 or 2371b of this title; or
            ``(6) by purchases through procurement for 
        experimental purposes pursuant to section 2373 of this 

                    AND GRANTS.

    Section 2371 of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by redesignating subsection (g) as subsection 
        (h); and
            (2) by inserting after subsection (f) the following 
        new subsection:
    ``(g) Education and Training.--The Secretary of Defense 
            ``(1) ensure that management, technical, and 
        contracting personnel of the Department of Defense 
        involved in the award or administration of transactions 
        under this section or other innovative forms of 
        contracting are afforded opportunities for adequate 
        education and training; and
            ``(2) establish minimum levels and requirements for 
        continuous and experiential learning for such 
        personnel, including levels and requirements for 
        acquisition certification programs.''.


    (a) Expanded Authority for Prototype Projects.--Subsection 
(a)(2) of section 2371b of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) by striking ``for a prototype project'' each 
        place such term appears and inserting ``for a 
        transaction (for a prototype project)'';
            (2) in subparagraph (A)--
                    (A) by striking ``$50,000,000'' and 
                inserting ``$100,000,000''; and
                    (B) by striking ``$250,000,000'' and 
                inserting ``$500,000,000''; and
            (3) in subparagraph (B), by striking 
        ``$250,000,000'' and inserting ``$500,000,000''.
    (b) Clarification of Inclusion of Small Businesses 
Participating in SBIR or STTR.--Subparagraph (B) of section 
2371b(d)(1) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by 
inserting ``(including small businesses participating in a 
program described under section 9 of the Small Business Act (15 
U.S.C. 638))'' after ``small businesses''.
    (c) Modification of Cost Sharing Requirement for Use of 
Other Transaction Authority.--Subparagraph (C) of such section 
is amended by striking ``provided by parties to the 
transaction'' and inserting ``provided by sources other than''.
    (d) Use of Other Transaction Authority for Ongoing 
Prototype Projects.--Subsection (f)(1) of section 2371b of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end 
the following: ``A transaction includes all individual 
prototype subprojects awarded under the transaction to a 
consortium of United States industry and academic 

                    PROTOTYPING PROGRAM.

    Section 884(d) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2318; 10 
U.S.C. 2302 note) is amended--
            (1) by redesignating paragraph (9) as paragraph 
        (10); and
            (2) by inserting after paragraph (8) the following 
        new paragraph (9):
            ``(9) Unmanned ground logistics and unmanned air 
        logistics capabilities enhancement.''.


    Section 804(c)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 10 U.S.C. 2302 note) 
is amended--
            (1) by striking subparagraph (C); and
            (2) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) and (E) as 
        subparagraphs (C) and (D), respectively.


    In the execution of science and technology and prototyping 
programs, the Secretary of Defense shall establish a 
preference, to be applied in circumstances determined 
appropriate by the Secretary, for using transactions other than 
contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants entered into 
pursuant to sections 2371 and 2371b of title 10, United States 
Code, and authority for procurement for experimental purposes 
pursuant to section 2373 of title 10, United States Code.


    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense, acting through 
the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, 
shall conduct development efforts to develop prototypes to 
digitize defense acquisition regulations, policies, and 
guidance and to develop a digital decision support tool that 
facilitates the ability of users to tailor programs in 
accordance with existing laws, regulations, and guidance.
    (b) Elements.--Under the prototype projects, the Secretary 
            (1) convert existing acquisition policies, guides, 
        memos, templates, and reports to an online, interactive 
        digital format to create a dynamic, integrated, and 
        authoritative knowledge environment for purposes of 
        assisting program managers and the acquisition 
        workforce of the Department of Defense to navigate the 
        complex lifecycle for each major type of acquisition 
        program or activity of the Department;
            (2) as part of this digital environment, create a 
        digital decision support capability that uses decision 
        trees and tailored acquisition models to assist users 
        to develop strategies and facilitate coordination and 
        approvals; and
            (3) as part of this environment, establish a 
        foundational data layer to enable advanced data 
        analytics on the acquisition enterprise of the 
        Department, to include business process reengineering 
        to improve productivity.
    (c) Use of Prototypes in Acquisition Activities.--The Under 
Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering shall 
encourage the use of these prototypes to model, develop, and 
test any procedures, policies, instructions, or other forms of 
direction and guidance that may be required to support 
acquisition training, practices, and policies of the Department 
of Defense.
    (d) Funding.--The Secretary may use the authority under 
section 1705(e)(4)(B) of title 10, United States Code, to 
develop acquisition support prototypes and tools under this 

        Subtitle H--Provisions Relating to Software Acquisition


    (a) In General.--
            (1) Requirement.--Chapter 137 of title 10, United 
        States Code, as amended by section 802, is further 
        amended by inserting after section 2322 the following 
        new section:

``Sec. 2322a. Requirement for consideration of certain matters during 
                    acquisition of noncommercial computer software

    ``(a) Consideration Required.--As part of any negotiation 
for the acquisition of noncommercial computer software, the 
Secretary of Defense shall ensure that such negotiations 
consider, to the maximum extent practicable, acquisition, at 
the appropriate time in the life cycle of the noncommercial 
computer software, of all software and related materials 
            ``(1) to reproduce, build, or recompile the 
        software from original source code and required 
            ``(2) to conduct required computer software 
        testing; and
            ``(3) to deploy working computer software system 
        binary files on relevant system hardware.
    ``(b) Delivery of Software and Related Materials.--Any 
noncommercial computer software or related materials required 
to be delivered as a result of considerations in subsection (a) 
shall, to the extent appropriate as determined by the 
            ``(1) include computer software delivered in a 
        useable, digital format;
            ``(2) not rely on external or additional software 
        code or data, unless such software code or data is 
        included in the items to be delivered; and
            ``(3) in the case of negotiated terms that do not 
        allow for the inclusion of dependent software code or 
        data, sufficient documentation to support maintenance 
        and understanding of interfaces and software revision 
            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding 
        after the item relating to section 2322, as added by 
        section 802, the following new item:

``2322a. Requirement for consideration of certain matters during 
          acquisition of noncommercial computer software.''.
    (b) Guidance.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall issue 
updated guidance to implement section 2322a of title 10, United 
States Code, as added by subsection (a).


    (a) Study.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 30 days after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
        Defense shall direct the Defense Innovation Board to 
        undertake a study on streamlining software development 
        and acquisition regulations.
            (2) Member participation.--The Chairman of the 
        Defense Innovation Board shall select appropriate 
        members from the membership of the Board to participate 
        in the study, and may recommend additional temporary 
        members or contracted support personnel to the 
        Secretary of Defense for the purposes of the study. In 
        considering additional appointments to the study, the 
        Secretary of Defense shall ensure that members have 
        significant technical, legislative, or regulatory 
        expertise and reflect diverse experiences in the public 
        and private sector.
            (3) Scope.--The study conducted pursuant to 
        paragraph (1) shall--
                    (A) review the acquisition regulations 
                applicable to, and organizational structures 
                within, the Department of Defense with a view 
                toward streamlining and improving the 
                efficiency and effectiveness of software 
                acquisition in order to maintain defense 
                technology advantage;
                    (B) review ongoing software development and 
                acquisition programs, including a cross section 
                of programs that offer a variety of application 
                types, functional communities, and scale, in 
                order to identify case studies of best and 
                worst practices currently in use within the 
                Department of Defense;
                    (C) produce specific and detailed 
                recommendations for any legislation, including 
                the amendment or repeal of regulations, as well 
                as non-legislative approaches, that the members 
                of the Board conducting the study determine 
                necessary to--
                            (i) streamline development and 
                        procurement of software;
                            (ii) adopt or adapt best practices 
                        from the private sector applicable to 
                        Government use;
                            (iii) promote rapid adoption of new 
                            (iv) improve the talent management 
                        of the software acquisition workforce, 
                        including by providing incentives for 
                        the recruitment and retention of such 
                        workforce within the Department of 
                            (v) ensure continuing financial and 
                        ethical integrity in procurement; and
                            (vi) protect the best interests of 
                        the Department of Defense; and
                    (D) produce such additional recommendations 
                for legislation as such members consider 
            (4) Access to information.--The Secretary of 
        Defense shall provide the Defense Innovation Board with 
        timely access to appropriate information, data, 
        resources, and analysis so that the Board may conduct a 
        thorough and independent analysis as required under 
        this subsection.
    (b) Reports.--
            (1) Interim reports.--Not later than 150 days after 
        the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
        Defense shall submit a report to or brief the 
        congressional defense committees on the interim 
        findings of the study conducted pursuant to subsection 
        (a). The Defense Innovation Board shall provide regular 
        updates to the Secretary of Defense and the 
        congressional defense committees for purposes of 
        providing the interim report.
            (2) Final report.--Not later than one year after 
        the Secretary of Defense directs the Defense Advisory 
        Board to conduct the study, the Board shall transmit a 
        final report of the study to the Secretary. Not later 
        than 30 days after receiving the final report, the 
        Secretary of Defense shall transmit the final report, 
        together with such comments as the Secretary determines 
        appropriate, to the congressional defense committees.


    (a) Pilot Program.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 30 days after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
        Defense, in consultation with the Secretaries of the 
        military departments and the chiefs of the armed 
        forces, shall establish a pilot program to tailor and 
        simplify software development requirements and methods 
        for major software-intensive warfighting systems and 
        defense business systems.
            (2) Implementation plan for pilot program.--Not 
        later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of 
        this Act, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation 
        with the Secretaries of the military departments and 
        the chiefs of the armed forces, shall develop a plan 
        for implementing the pilot program required under this 
        subsection, including guidance for implementing the 
        program and for selecting systems for participation in 
        the program.
            (3) Selection of systems for pilot program.--
                    (A) The implementation plan shall require 
                that systems be selected as follows:
                            (i) For major software-intensive 
                        warfighting systems, one system per 
                        armed force and one defense-wide 
                        system, including at least one major 
                        defense acquisition program or major 
                        automated information system.
                            (ii) For defense business systems, 
                        not fewer than two systems and not 
                        greater than eight systems.
                    (B) In selecting systems for participation, 
                the Secretary shall prioritize systems as 
                            (i) For major software-intensive 
                        warfighting systems, systems that--
                                    (I) have identified 
                                software development as a high 
                                    (II) have experienced cost 
                                growth and schedule delay; and
                                    (III) did not deliver any 
                                operational capability within 
                                the prior calendar year.
                            (ii) For defense business systems, 
                        systems that--
                                    (I) have experienced cost 
                                growth and schedule delay;
                                    (II) did not deliver any 
                                operational capability within 
                                the prior calendar year; and
                                    (III) are underperforming 
                                other systems within a defense 
                                business system portfolio with 
                                similar user requirements.
    (b) Realignment Plans.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 60 days after 
        selecting a system for the pilot program under 
        subsection (a)(3), the Secretary shall develop a plan 
        for realigning the system by breaking down the system 
        into smaller increments using agile or iterative 
        development methods. The realignment plan shall include 
        a revised cost estimate that is lower than the cost 
        estimate for the system that was current as of the date 
        of the enactment of this Act.
            (2) Realignment execution.--Each increment for a 
        realigned system shall--
                    (A) be designed to deliver a meaningfully 
                useful capability within the first 180 days 
                following realignment;
                    (B) be designed to deliver subsequent 
                meaningfully useful capabilities in time 
                periods of less than 180 days;
                    (C) incorporate multidisciplinary teams 
                focused on software production that prioritize 
                user needs and control of total cost of 
                    (D) be staffed with highly qualified 
                technically trained staff and personnel with 
                management and business process expertise in 
                leadership positions to support requirements 
                modification, acquisition strategy, and program 
                    (E) ensure that the acquisition strategy 
                for the realigned system is broad enough to 
                allow for proposals of a service, system, 
                modified business practice, configuration of 
                personnel, or combination thereof for 
                implementing the strategy;
                    (F) include periodic engagement with the 
                user community, as well as representation by 
                the user community in program management and 
                software production activity;
                    (G) ensure that the acquisition strategy 
                for the realigned system favors outcomes-based 
                requirements definition and capability as a 
                service, including the establishment of 
                technical evaluation criteria as outcomes to be 
                used to negotiate service-level agreements with 
                vendors; and
                    (H) consider options for termination of the 
                relationship with any vendor unable or 
                unwilling to offer terms that meet the 
                requirements of this section.
    (c) Removal of Systems.--The Secretary may remove a system 
selected for the pilot program under subsection (a)(3) only 
after the Secretary submits to the Committees on Armed Services 
of the Senate and House of Representatives a written 
determination that indicates that the selected system has been 
unsuccessful in reducing cost or schedule growth, or is not 
meeting the overall needs of the pilot program.
    (d) Education and Training in Agile or Iterative 
Development Methods.--
            (1) Training requirement.--The Secretary shall 
        ensure that any personnel from the relevant 
        organizations in each of the military departments and 
        Defense Agencies participating in the pilot program, 
        including organizations responsible for engineering, 
        budgeting, contracting, test and evaluation, 
        requirements validation, and certification and 
        accreditation, receive targeted training in agile or 
        iterative development methods, including the interim 
        course required by section 891 of this Act.
            (2) Support.--In carrying out the pilot program 
        under subsection (a), the Secretary shall ensure that 
        personnel participating in the program provide feedback 
        to inform the development of education and training 
        curricula as required by section 891.
    (e) Sunset.--The pilot program required under subsection 
(a) shall terminate on September 30, 2023. Any system selected 
under subsection (a)(3) for the pilot program shall continue 
after that date through the execution of its realignment plan.
    (f) Agile or Iterative Development Defined.--In this 
section, the term ``agile or iterative development'', with 
respect to software--
            (1) means acquisition pursuant to a method for 
        delivering multiple, rapid, incremental capabilities to 
        the user for operational use, evaluation, and feedback 
        not exclusively linked to any single, proprietary 
        method or process; and
            (2) involves--
                    (A) the incremental development and 
                fielding of capabilities, commonly called 
                ``spirals'', ``spins'', or ``sprints'', which 
                can be measured in a few weeks or months; and
                    (B) continuous participation and 
                collaboration by users, testers, and 
                requirements authorities.


    (a) In General.--Not later than 30 days after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall 
identify no fewer than four and up to eight software 
development activities within the Department of Defense or 
military departments to be developed in a pilot program using 
agile acquisition methods.
    (b) Streamlined Processes.--Software development activities 
identified under subsection (a) shall be selected for the pilot 
program and developed without incorporation of the following 
contract or transaction requirements:
            (1) Earned value management (EVM) or EVM-like 
            (2) Development of integrated master schedule.
            (3) Development of integrated master plan.
            (4) Development of technical requirement document.
            (5) Development of systems requirement documents.
            (6) Use of information technology infrastructure 
        library agreements.
            (7) Use of software development life cycle 
    (c) Roles and Responsibilities.--
            (1) In general.--Selected activities shall include 
        the following roles and responsibilities:
                    (A) A program manager that is authorized to 
                make all programmatic decisions within the 
                overarching activity objectives, including 
                resources, funding, personnel, and contract or 
                transaction termination recommendations.
                    (B) A product owner that reports directly 
                to the program manager and is responsible for 
                the overall design of the product, 
                prioritization of roadmap elements and 
                interpretation of their acceptance criteria, 
                and prioritization of the list of all features 
                desired in the product.
                    (C) An engineering lead that reports 
                directly to the program manager and is 
                responsible for the implementation and 
                operation of the software.
                    (D) A design lead that reports directly to 
                the program manager and is responsible for 
                identifying, communicating, and visualizing 
                user needs through a human-centered design 
            (2) Qualifications.--The Secretary shall establish 
        qualifications for personnel filling the positions 
        described in paragraph (1) prior to their selection. 
        The qualifications may not include a positive education 
        requirement and must be based on technical expertise or 
        experience in delivery of software products, including 
        agile concepts.
            (3) Coordination plan for testing and certification 
        organizations.--The program manager shall ensure the 
        availability of resources for test and certification 
        organizations support of iterative development 
    (d) Plan.--The Secretary of Defense shall develop a plan 
for each selected activity under the pilot program. The plan 
shall include the following elements:
            (1) Definition of a product vision, identifying a 
        succinct, clearly defined need the software will 
            (2) Definition of a product road map, outlining a 
        noncontractual plan that identifies short-term and 
        long-term product goals and specific technology 
        solutions to help meet those goals and adjusts to 
        mission and user needs at the product owner's 
            (3) The use of a broad agency announcement, other 
        transaction authority, or other rapid merit-based 
        solicitation procedure.
            (4) Identification of, and continuous engagement 
        with, end users.
            (5) Frequent and iterative end user validation of 
        features and usability consistent with the principles 
        outlined in the Digital Services Playbook of the U.S. 
        Digital Service.
            (6) Use of commercial best practices for advanced 
        computing systems, including, where applicable--
                    (A) Automated testing, integration, and 
                    (B) compliance with applicable commercial 
                accessibility standards;
                    (C) capability to support modern versions 
                of multiple, common web browsers;
                    (D) capability to be viewable across 
                commonly used end user devices, including 
                mobile devices; and
                    (E) built-in application monitoring.
    (e) Program Schedule.--The Secretary shall ensure that each 
selected activity includes--
            (1) award processes that take no longer than three 
        months after a requirement is identified;
            (2) planned frequent and iterative end user 
        validation of implemented features and their usability;
            (3) delivery of a functional prototype or minimally 
        viable product in three months or less from award; and
            (4) follow-on delivery of iterative development 
        cycles no longer than four weeks apart, including 
        security testing and configuration management as 
    (f) Oversight Metrics.--The Secretary shall ensure that the 
selected activities--
            (1) use a modern tracking tool to execute 
        requirements backlog tracking; and
            (2) use agile development metrics that, at a 
        minimum, track--
                    (A) pace of work accomplishment;
                    (B) completeness of scope of testing 
                activities (such as code coverage, fault 
                tolerance, and boundary testing);
                    (C) product quality attributes (such as 
                major and minor defects and measures of key 
                performance attributes and quality attributes);
                    (D) delivery progress relative to the 
                current product roadmap; and
                    (E) goals for each iteration.
    (g) Restrictions.--
            (1) Use of funds.--No funds made available for the 
        selected activities may be expended on estimation or 
        evaluation using source lines of code methodologies.
            (2) Contract types.--The Secretary of Defense may 
        not use lowest price technically acceptable contracting 
        methods or cost plus contracts to carry out selected 
        activities under this section, and shall encourage the 
        use of existing streamlined and flexible contracting 
    (h) Reports.--
            (1) Software development activity commencement.--
                    (A) In general.--Not later than 30 days 
                before the commencement of a software 
                development activity under the pilot program 
                under subsection (a), the Secretary shall 
                submit to the congressional defense committees 
                a report on the activity (in this subsection 
                referred to as a ``pilot activity'').
                    (B) Elements.--The report on a pilot 
                activity under this paragraph shall set forth a 
                description of the pilot activity, including 
                the following information:
                            (i) The purpose of the pilot 
                            (ii) The duration of the pilot 
                            (iii) The efficiencies and benefits 
                        anticipated to accrue to the Government 
                        under the pilot program.
            (2) Software development activity completion.--
                    (A) In general.--Not later than 60 days 
                after the completion of a pilot activity, the 
                Secretary shall submit to the congressional 
                defense committees a report on the pilot 
                    (B) Elements.--The report on a pilot 
                activity under this paragraph shall include the 
                following elements:
                            (i) A description of results of the 
                        pilot activity.
                            (ii) Such recommendations for 
                        legislative or administrative action as 
                        the Secretary considers appropriate in 
                        light of the pilot activity.
    (i) Definitions.--In this section:
            (1) Agile acquisition.--The term ``agile 
        acquisition'' means acquisition using agile or 
        iterative development.
            (2) Agile or iterative development.--The term 
        ``agile or iterative development'', with respect to 
                    (A) means acquisition pursuant to a method 
                for delivering multiple, rapid, incremental 
                capabilities to the user for operational use, 
                evaluation, and feedback not exclusively linked 
                to any single, proprietary method or process; 
                    (B) involves--
                            (i) the incremental development and 
                        fielding of capabilities, commonly 
                        called ``spirals'', ``spins'', or 
                        ``sprints'', which can be measured in a 
                        few weeks or months; and
                            (ii) continuous participation and 
                        collaboration by users, testers, and 
                        requirements authorities.


    (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall 
initiate for the Department of Defense the open source software 
pilot program established by the Office of Management and 
Budget Memorandum M-16-21 titled ``Federal Source Code Policy: 
Achieving Efficiency, Transparency, and Innovation through 
Reusable and Open Source Software'' and dated August 8, 2016.
    (b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 60 days after the 
date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense 
shall provide a report to Congress with details of the plan of 
the Department of Defense to implement the pilot program 
required by subsection (a). Such plan shall include identifying 
candidate software programs, selection criteria, intellectual 
property and licensing issues, and other matters determined by 
the Secretary.
    (c) Comptroller General Report.--Not later than June 1, 
2019, the Comptroller General of the United States shall 
provide a report to Congress on the implementation of the pilot 
program required by subsection (a) by the Secretary of Defense. 
The report shall address, at a minimum, the compliance of the 
Secretary with the requirements of the Office of Management and 
Budget Memorandum M-16-21, the views of various software and 
information technology stakeholders in the Department of 
Defense, and any other matters determined by the Comptroller 

                       Subtitle I--Other Matters


    (a) Extension.--Section 2922(b) of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended by striking ``20 years'' and inserting ``30 
    (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) 
shall apply with respect to contracts entered into on or after 
the date of the enactment of this Act, and may be applied to a 
contract entered into before that date if the total contract 
period under the contract (including options) has not expired 
as of the date of any extension of such contract period by 
reason of such amendment.


    Section 814(a) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2271; 10 
U.S.C. 2302 note) is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (1)--
                    (A) by inserting ``or an aviation critical 
                safety item (as defined in section 2319(g) of 
                this title)'' after ``personal protective 
                equipment''; and
                    (B) by inserting ``equipment or'' after 
                ``failure of the''; and
            (2) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``or item'' 
        after ``equipment''.


    (a) Extension of Date for Final Report.--
            (1) Transmittal of panel final report.--Subsection 
        (e)(1) of section 809 of the National Defense 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-
        92; 129 Stat. 889), as amended by section 863(d) of the 
        National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 
        (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2303), is amended--
                    (A) by striking ``Not later than two years 
                after the date on which the Secretary of 
                Defense establishes the advisory panel'' and 
                inserting ``Not later than January 15, 2019''; 
                    (B) by striking ``the Secretary.'' and 
                inserting ``the Secretary of Defense and the 
                congressional defense committees.''.
            (2) Secretary of defense action on final report.--
        Subsection (e)(4) of such section is amended--
                    (A) by striking ``Not later than 30 days'' 
                and inserting ``Not later than 60 days''; and
                    (B) by striking ``the final report, 
                together with such comments as the Secretary 
                determines appropriate,'' and inserting ``such 
                comments as the Secretary determines 
    (b) Termination of Panel.--Such section is further amended 
by adding at the end the following new subsection:
    ``(g) Termination of Panel.--The advisory panel shall 
terminate 180 days after the date on which the final report of 
the panel is transmitted pursuant to subsection (e)(1).''.
    (c) Technical Amendment.--Subsection (d) of such section is 
amended by striking ``resources,,'' and inserting 

                    UTILITY CARGO VEHICLES.

    Section 807(c) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 1996 (Public Law 104-106; 10 U.S.C. 2401a note) 
is repealed.

                    $1 COINS.

    (a) In General.--Paragraph (1) of section 5112(p) of title 
31, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
following new flush sentence:
        ``This paragraph does not apply with respect to 
        business operations conducted by any entity under a 
        contract with an agency or instrumentality of the 
        United States, including with any nonappropriated fund 
        instrumentality established under title 10, United 
        States Code.''.
    (b) Conforming Amendment.--Such paragraph is further 
            (1) by striking ``and all entities that operate any 
        business, including vending machines, on any premises 
        owned by the United States or under the control of any 
        agency or instrumentality of the United States, 
        including the legislative and judicial branches of the 
        Federal Government,''; and
            (2) by inserting ``and'' before ``all transit 
    (c) Technical Amendment.--Subparagraph (B) of such 
paragraph is amended by striking ``displays'' and inserting 


    (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall 
develop, make available for public comment, and finalize--
            (1) a definition of the term ``Procurement 
        Administrative Lead Time'' or ``PALT'', to be applied 
        Department of Defense-wide, that describes the amount 
        of time from the date on which a solicitation is issued 
        to the date of an initial award of a contract or task 
        order of the Department of Defense; and
            (2) a plan for measuring and publicly reporting 
        data on PALT for Department of Defense contracts and 
        task orders above the simplified acquisition threshold.
    (b) Requirement for Definition.--Unless the Secretary 
determines otherwise, the amount of time in the definition of 
PALT developed under subsection (a) shall--
            (1) begin on the date on which the initial 
        solicitation is issued for a contract or task order of 
        the Department of Defense by the Secretary of a 
        military department or head of a Defense Agency; and
            (2) end on the date of the award of the contract or 
        task order.
    (c) Coordination.--In developing the definition of PALT, 
the Secretary shall coordinate with--
            (1) the senior contracting official of each 
        military department and Defense Agency to determine the 
        variations of the definition in use across the 
        Department of Defense and each military department and 
        Defense Agency; and
            (2) the Administrator of the General Services 
        Administration on modifying the existing data system of 
        the Federal Government to determine the date on which 
        the initial solicitation is issued.
    (d) Use of Existing Procurement Data Systems.--In 
developing the plan for measuring and publicly reporting data 
on PALT required by subsection (a), the Secretary shall, to the 
maximum extent practicable, rely on the information contained 
in the Federal procurement data system established pursuant to 
section 1122(a)(4) of title 41, United States Code, including 
any modifications to that system.

                    FOREIGN MILITARY SALES.

    (a) Establishment.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
        establish specific notional milestones and standard 
        timelines for the Department of Defense to achieve such 
        milestones in its processing of a foreign military sale 
        (as authorized under chapter 2 of the Arms Export 
        Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2761 et seq.)). Such milestones 
        and timelines--
                    (A) may vary depending on the complexity of 
                the foreign military sale; and
                    (B) shall cover the period beginning on the 
                date of receipt of a complete letter of request 
                (as described in chapter 5 of the Security 
                Assistance Management Manual of the Defense 
                Security Cooperation Agency) from a foreign 
                country and ending on the date of the final 
                delivery of a defense article or defense 
                service sold through the foreign military sale.
            (2) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date 
        of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
        submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a 
        report describing the milestones and timelines 
        developed pursuant to paragraph (1) of this section.
    (b) Submissions to Congress.--
            (1) Quarterly notification.--During the period 
        beginning 180 days after the date of the enactment of 
        this Act and ending on December 31, 2021, the Secretary 
        shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress, 
        on a quarterly basis, a report that includes a list of 
        each foreign military sale with a value greater than or 
        equal to the dollar threshold for congressional 
        notification under section 36 of the Arms Export 
        Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2776)--
                    (A) for which the final delivery of a 
                defense article or defense service has not been 
                completed; and
                    (B) that has not met a standard timeline to 
                achieve a notional milestone as established 
                under subsection (a).
            (2) Annual report.--Not later than November 1, 
        2019, and annually thereafter until December 31, 2021, 
        the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate 
        committees of Congress a report that summarizes--
                    (A) the number, set forth separately by 
                dollar value and notional milestone, of foreign 
                military sales that met the standard timeline 
                to achieve a notional milestone established 
                under subsection (a) during the preceding 
                fiscal year; and
                    (B) the number, set forth separately by 
                dollar value and notional milestone, of each 
                foreign military sale that did not meet the 
                standard timeline to achieve a notional 
                milestone established under subsection (a), and 
                a description of any extenuating factors 
                explaining why such a sale did not achieve such 
    (c) Definitions.--In this section--
            (1) the terms ``defense article'' and ``defense 
        service'' have the meanings given those terms, 
        respectively, in section 47 of the Arms Export Control 
        Act (22 U.S.C. 2794); and
            (2) the term ``appropriate committees of Congress'' 
                    (A) the Committee on Armed Services and the 
                Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate; 
                    (B) the Committee on Armed Services and the 
                Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of 


    (a) Assessment Required.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense, in 
        consultation with the Secretary of State, the Secretary 
        of the Treasury, and the Director of National 
        Intelligence, shall conduct an assessment of trade 
        between the People's Republic of China and the 
        Democratic People's Republic of Korea, including 
        elements deemed to be important to United States 
        national security and defense.
            (2) Elements.--The assessment required by paragraph 
        (1) shall--
                    (A) assess the composition of all trade 
                between China and the Democratic People's 
                Republic of Korea, including trade in goods and 
                    (B) identify whether any Chinese commercial 
                entities that are engaged in such trade 
                materially support illicit activities on the 
                part of North Korea;
                    (C) evaluate the extent to which the United 
                States Government procures goods or services 
                from any commercial entity identified under 
                subparagraph (B);
                    (D) provide a list of commercial entities 
                identified under subparagraph (B) that provide 
                defense goods or services for the Department of 
                Defense; and
                    (E) evaluate the ramifications to United 
                States national security, including any impacts 
                to the defense industrial base, Department of 
                Defense acquisition programs, and Department of 
                Defense logistics or supply chains, of 
                prohibiting procurements from commercial 
                entities listed under subparagraph (D).
            (3) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date 
        of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense 
        shall submit to Congress a report on the assessment 
        required by paragraph (1). The report shall be 
        submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a 
        classified annex.
    (b) Authority.--The Secretary of Defense may terminate 
existing contracts or prohibit the award of contracts for the 
procurement of goods or services for the Department of Defense 
from a Chinese commercial entity included on the list described 
under subsection (a)(2)(D) based on a determination informed by 
the assessment required under subsection (a)(1).
    (c) Notification.--The Secretary of Defense shall submit to 
the appropriate committees of Congress a notification of, and 
detailed justification for, any exercise of the authority in 
subsection (b) not less than 30 days before the date on which 
the authority is exercised.
    (d) Appropriate Committees of Congress Defined.--In this 
section, the term ``appropriate committees of Congress'' 
            (1) the Committee on Armed Services and the 
        Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate; and
            (2) the Committee on Armed Services and the 
        Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of 


    (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall 
submit to the congressional defense committees a report on 
defense contracting fraud.
    (b) Elements.--The report required under subsection (a) 
shall include the following elements:
            (1) A summary of fraud-related criminal convictions 
        and civil judgments or settlements over the previous 
        five fiscal years.
            (2) A listing of contractors that within the 
        previous five fiscal years performed contracts for the 
        Department of Defense and were debarred or suspended 
        from Federal contracting based on a criminal conviction 
        for fraud.
            (3) An assessment of the total value of Department 
        of Defense contracts entered into during the previous 
        five fiscal years with contractors that have been 
        indicted for, settled charges of, been fined by any 
        Federal department or agency for, or been convicted of 
        fraud in connection with any contract or other 
        transaction entered into with the Federal Government.
            (4) Recommendations by the Inspector General of the 
        Department of Defense or other appropriate Department 
        of Defense official regarding how to penalize 
        contractors repeatedly involved in fraud in connection 
        with contracts or other transactions entered into with 
        the Federal Government, including an update on 
        implementation by the Department of any previous such 


    (a) Evaluation.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United 
States shall submit to the congressional defense committees a 
report evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of the 
program for the improvement of contractor business systems 
established pursuant to section 893 of the Ike Skelton National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (Public Law 111-
383; 10 U.S.C. 2302 note). The report shall--
            (1) describe how the requirements of such program 
        were implemented, including the roles and 
        responsibilities of relevant Defense Agencies and known 
        costs to the Federal Government and covered 
            (2) analyze the extent to which implementation of 
        such program has affected, if at all, covered 
        contractor performance or the management and oversight 
        of covered contracts of the Department of Defense;
            (3) assess how the amendments to contractor 
        business system requirements made by section 893 of the 
        National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 
        (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2324) were implemented, 
                    (A) the effects of revising the definition 
                of ``covered contractor'' in section 893(g)(2) 
                of the Ike Skelton National Defense 
                Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (Public 
                Law 111-383; 10 U.S.C. 2302 note) and the 
                feasibility and the potential effects of 
                further increasing the percentage of the total 
                gross revenue included in the definition; and
                    (B) the extent to which third-party 
                independent auditors have conducted contractor 
                business system assessments pursuant to section 
                893(c) of the Ike Skelton National Defense 
                Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (Public 
                Law 111-383; 10 U.S.C. 2302 note);
            (4) identify any additional information or 
        management practices that could enhance the process for 
        assessing contractor business systems, particularly 
        when covered contractors have multiple covered 
        contracts with the Department of Defense; and
            (5) include any other matters the Comptroller 
        General determines to be relevant.
    (b) Contractor Business System Definitions.--In this 
section, the terms ``covered contractor'', ``covered 
contract'', and ``contractor business system'' have the 
meanings given in section 893 of the Ike Skelton National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (Public Law 111-
383; 10 U.S.C. 2302 note).


    (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense, in 
consultation with the President of the Defense Acquisition 
University, shall establish a training course at the Defense 
Acquisition University on agile or iterative development 
methods to provide training for personnel implementing and 
supporting the pilot programs required by sections 873 and 874 
of this Act.
    (b) Course Elements.--
            (1) In general.--The course shall be taught in 
        residence at the Defense Acquisition University and 
        shall include the following elements:
                    (A) Training designed to instill a common 
                understanding of all functional roles and 
                dependencies involved in developing and 
                producing a capability using agile or iterative 
                development methods.
                    (B) An exercise involving teams composed of 
                personnel from pertinent functions and 
                functional organizations engaged in developing 
                an integrated agile or iterative development 
                method for a specific program.
                    (C) Instructors and content from non-
                governmental entities, as appropriate, to 
                highlight commercial best practices in using an 
                agile or iterative development method.
            (2) Course updates.--The Secretary shall ensure 
        that the course is updated as needed, including through 
        incorporating lessons learned from the implementation 
        of the pilot programs required by sections 873 and 874 
        of this Act in subsequent versions of the course.
    (c) Course Attendance.--The course shall be--
            (1) available for certified acquisition personnel 
        working on programs or projects using agile or 
        iterative development methods; and
            (2) mandatory for personnel participating in the 
        pilot programs required by sections 873 and 874 of this 
        Act from the relevant organizations in each of the 
        military departments and Defense Agencies, including 
        organizations responsible for engineering, budgeting, 
        contracting, test and evaluation, requirements 
        validation, and certification and accreditation.
    (d) Agile Acquisition Support.--The Secretary and the 
senior acquisition executives in each of the military 
departments and Defense Agencies, in coordination with the 
Director of the Defense Digital Service, shall assign to 
offices supporting systems selected for participation in the 
pilot programs required by sections 873 and 874 of this Act a 
subject matter expert with knowledge of commercial agile 
acquisition methods and Department of Defense acquisition 
processes to provide assistance and to advise appropriate 
acquisition authorities of the expert's observations.
    (e) Agile Research Program.--The President of the Defense 
Acquisition University shall establish a research program to 
conduct research on and development of agile acquisition 
practices and tools best tailored to meet the mission needs of 
the Department of Defense.
    (f) Agile or Iterative Development Defined.--The term 
``agile or iterative development'', with respect to software--
            (1) means acquisition pursuant to a method for 
        delivering multiple, rapid, incremental capabilities to 
        the user for operational use, evaluation, and feedback 
        not exclusively linked to any single, proprietary 
        method or process; and
            (2) involves--
                    (A) the incremental development and 
                fielding of capabilities, commonly called 
                ``spirals'', ``spins'', or ``sprints'', which 
                can be measured in a few weeks or months; and
                    (B) continuous participation and 
                collaboration by users, testers, and 
                requirements authorities.


   Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Defense and Related Matters

Sec. 901. Treatment of incumbent Under Secretary of Defense for 
          Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics.
Sec. 902. Clarification of authority of Under Secretary of Defense for 
          Acquisition and Sustainment with respect to service 
          acquisition programs for which the service acquisition 
          executive is the milestone decision authority.
Sec. 903. Executive Schedule matters relating to Under Secretary of 
          Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.
Sec. 904. Consistent period of relief from active duty as a commissioned 
          officer of a regular component of the Armed Forces for 
          appointment to Under Secretary of Defense positions.
Sec. 905. Qualifications for appointment and additional duties and 
          powers of certain officials within the Office of the Under 
          Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).
Sec. 906. Redesignation of Principal Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense 
          as Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense and related matters.
Sec. 907. Reduction of number and elimination of specific designations 
          of Assistant Secretaries of Defense.
Sec. 908. Limitation on maximum number of Deputy Assistant Secretaries 
          of Defense.
Sec. 909. Appointment and responsibilities of Chief Information Officer 
          of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 910. Chief Management Officer of the Department of Defense.

                Subtitle B--Data Management and Analytics

Sec. 911. Policy on treatment of defense business system data related to 
          business operations and management.
Sec. 912. Transparency of defense management data.
Sec. 913. Establishment of set of activities that use data analysis, 
          measurement, and other evaluation-related methods to improve 
          acquisition program outcomes.

  Subtitle C--Organization of Other Department of Defense Offices and 

Sec. 921. Qualifications for appointment of Assistant Secretaries of the 
          military departments for financial management.
Sec. 922. Manner of carrying out reductions in major Department of 
          Defense headquarters activities pursuant to headquarters 
          reduction plan.
Sec. 923. Certifications on cost savings achieved by reductions in major 
          Department of Defense headquarters activities.
Sec. 924. Corrosion control and prevention executives matters.
Sec. 925. Background and security investigations for Department of 
          Defense personnel.

            Subtitle D--Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements

Sec. 931. Additional elements in reports on policy, organization, and 
          management goals of the Secretary of Defense for the 
          Department of Defense.
Sec. 932. Report and sense of Congress on responsibility for 
          developmental test and evaluation within the Office of the 
          Secretary of Defense.
Sec. 933. Report on Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight.

                        Subtitle D--Other Matters

Sec. 941. Commission on the National Defense Strategy for the United 

   Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Defense and Related Matters


    Section 901(a) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2339; 10 
U.S.C. 133a note) is amended by striking paragraph (2).


    Effective on February 1, 2018, and immediately after the 
coming into effect of the amendment made by section 901(b) of 
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 
(Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2340), subsection (b)(6) of 
section 133b of title 10, United States Code, as added by such 
section 901(b), is amended by striking ``supervisory 
authority'' and inserting ``advisory authority''.


    (a) Repeal of Pending Executive Schedule Amendment.--
Section 901(h) of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2342; 5 U.S.C. 
5313 note) is amended--
            (1) by striking ``new items'' and inserting ``new 
        item''; and
            (2) by striking the item relating to the Under 
        Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.
    (b) Executive Schedule Level III.--Effective on February 1, 
2018, section 5314 of title 5, United States Code, is amended 
by inserting before the item relating to the Under Secretary of 
Defense for Policy the following new item:
            ``Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and 

                    DEFENSE POSITIONS.

    Chapter 4 of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in section 135(a), by adding at the end the 
        following new sentence: ``A person may not be appointed 
        as Under Secretary within seven years after relief from 
        active duty as a commissioned officer of a regular 
        component of the armed forces.'';
            (2) in section 136(a), by adding at the end the 
        following new sentence: ``A person may not be appointed 
        as Under Secretary within seven years after relief from 
        active duty as a commissioned officer of a regular 
        component of the armed forces.''; and
            (3) in section 137(a), by adding at the end the 
        following new sentence: ``A person may not be appointed 
        as Under Secretary within seven years after relief from 
        active duty as a commissioned officer of a regular 
        component of the armed forces.''.


    (a) Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).--
            (1) Qualification for appointment.--Section 135(a) 
        of title 10, United States Code, as amended by section 
        904, is further amended--
                    (A) by inserting ``(1)'' after ``(a)''; and
                    (B) by adding at the end the following new 
    ``(2) The Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) shall be 
appointed from among persons who have significant budget, 
financial management, or audit experience in complex 
            (2) Duties and powers.--Section 135 of title 10, 
        United States Code, is further amended--
                    (A) by redesignating subsections (d) and 
                (e) as subsections (e) and (f), respectively; 
                    (B) by inserting after subsection (c) the 
                following new subsection (d):
    ``(d) In addition to any duties under subsection (c), the 
Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) shall, subject to the 
authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense, 
do the following:
            ``(1) Provide guidance and instruction on annual 
        performance plans and evaluations to the following:
                    ``(A) The Assistant Secretaries of the 
                military departments for financial management.
                    ``(B) Any other official of an agency, 
                organization, or element of the Department of 
                Defense with responsibility for financial 
            ``(2) Give directions to the military departments, 
        Defense Agencies, and other organizations and elements 
        of the Department of Defense regarding their financial 
        statements and the audit and audit readiness of such 
        financial statements.''.
    (b) Qualification for Appointment as Deputy Chief Financial 
Officer.--The Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the Department 
of Defense shall be appointed from among persons who have 
significant budget, financial management, or audit experience 
in complex organizations.
    (c) Applicability.--The appointment qualifications imposed 
by the amendments made by subsection (a)(1) and the appointment 
qualifications imposed by subsection (b) shall apply with 
respect to appointments as Under Secretary of Defense 
(Comptroller) and Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the 
Department of Defense that are made on or after the date of the 
enactment of this Act.

                    RELATED MATTERS.

    (a) Redesignation.--Section 137a of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended by striking ``Principal'' each place it 
    (b) Increase in Authorized Number.--Section 137a(a)(1) of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking ``five'' 
and inserting ``six''.
    (c) Replacement of ATL Position With Two Positions in 
Connection With OSD Reform.--Effective on February 1, 2018, 
section 137a(c) of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by redesignating paragraphs (2) through (5) as 
        paragraphs (3) through (6), respectively; and
            (2) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting the 
        following new paragraphs:
    ``(1) One of the Deputy Under Secretaries is the Deputy 
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.
    ``(2) One of the Deputy Under Secretaries is the Deputy 
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.''.
    (d) Conforming Amendments.--
            (1) OSD.--Paragraph (6) of section 131(b) of title 
        10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
            ``(6) The Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense.''.
            (2) Precedence.--Section 138(d) of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended by striking ``Principal''.
    (e) Executive Schedule Level IV.--Section 5315 of title 5, 
United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by striking ``Principal'' in the items relating 
        to the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for 
        Policy, the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense 
        for Personnel and Readiness, the Principal Deputy Under 
        Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), and the Principal 
        Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; and
            (2) by inserting before the item relating to the 
        Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, as 
        amended by paragraph (1), the following new items:
            ``Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research 
        and Engineering.
            ``Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition 
        and Sustainment.''.
    (f) Clerical Amendments.--
            (1) Heading amendment.--The heading of section 137a 
        of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as 

``Sec. 137a. Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense''.

            (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at 
        the beginning of chapter 4 of title 10, United States 
        Code, is amended by striking the item relating to 
        section 137a and inserting the following new item:

``137a. Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense.''.


    (a) Reduction of Authorized Number.--Section 138(a)(1) of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking ``14'' and 
inserting ``13''.
    (b) Elimination of Certain Specific Designations.--Section 
138(b) of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by striking paragraphs (2) and (3); and
            (2) by redesignating paragraphs (4), (5), and (6) 
        as paragraphs (2), (3), and (4), respectively.

                    OF DEFENSE.

    The maximum number of Deputy Assistant Secretaries of 
Defense after the date of the enactment of this Act may not 
exceed 48.

                    OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.

    (a) Appointment Method and Qualifications.--Section 142(a) 
of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting before 
the period at the end the following: ``, who shall be appointed 
by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the 
Senate, from among civilians who are qualified to serve as such 
    (b) Clarification of Certain Responsibilities.--Section 
142(b)(1)(I) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by 
striking ``the networking and cyber defense architecture'' and 
inserting ``the information technology, networking, information 
assurance, cybersecurity, and cyber capability architectures''.
    (c) Additional Responsibilities Related to Budgets and 
Standards.--Section 142(b) of title 10, United States Code, is 
            (1) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph 
        (4); and
            (2) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following 
        new paragraphs:
    ``(2)(A) The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Under 
Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), shall require the 
Secretaries of the military departments and the heads of the 
Defense Agencies with responsibilities associated with any 
activity specified in paragraph (1) to transmit the proposed 
budget for such activities for a fiscal year and for the period 
covered by the future-years defense program submitted to 
Congress under section 221 of this title for that fiscal year 
to the Chief Information Officer for review under subparagraph 
(B) before submitting the proposed budget to the Under 
Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).
    ``(B) The Chief Information Officer shall review each 
proposed budget transmitted under subparagraph (A) and, not 
later than January 31 of the year preceding the fiscal year for 
which the budget is proposed, shall submit to the Secretary of 
Defense a report containing the comments of the Chief 
Information Officer with respect to all such proposed budgets, 
together with the certification of the Chief Information 
Officer regarding whether each proposed budget is adequate.
    ``(C) Not later than March 31 of each year, the Secretary 
of Defense shall submit to Congress a report specifying each 
proposed budget contained in the most-recent report submitted 
under subparagraph (B) that the Chief Information Officer did 
not certify to be adequate. The report of the Secretary shall 
include the following matters:
            ``(i) A discussion of the actions that the 
        Secretary proposes to take, together with any 
        recommended legislation that the Secretary considers 
        appropriate, to address the inadequacy of the proposed 
        budgets specified in the report.
            ``(ii) Any additional comments that the Secretary 
        considers appropriate regarding the inadequacy of the 
        proposed budgets.
    ``(3)(A) The Secretary of a military department or head of 
a Defense Agency may not develop or procure information 
technology (as defined in section 11101 of title 40) that does 
not fully comply with such standards as the Chief Information 
Officer may establish.
    ``(B) The Chief Information Officer shall implement and 
enforce a process for--
            ``(i) developing, adopting, or publishing standards 
        for information technology, networking, or cyber 
        capabilities to which any military department or 
        defense agency would need to adhere in order to run 
        such capabilities on defense networks; and
            ``(ii) certifying on a regular and ongoing basis 
        that any capabilities being developed or procured meets 
        such standards as have been published by the Department 
        at the time of certification.
    ``(C) The Chief Information Officer shall identify gaps in 
standards and mitigation plans for operating in the absence of 
acceptable standards.''.
    (d) Direction and Precedence.--Section 142 of title 10, 
United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
following new subsections:
    ``(c) The Chief Information Officer of the Department of 
Defense shall report directly to the Secretary of Defense in 
the performance of duties under this section.
    ``(d) The Chief Information Officer of the Department of 
Defense takes precedence in the Department of Defense with the 
officials serving in positions specified in section 131(b)(4) 
of this title. The officials serving in positions specified in 
such section and the Chief Information Officer take precedence 
among themselves in the order prescribed by the Secretary of 
    (e) Alternative Proposal.--Not later than March 1, 2018, 
the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional 
defense committees a proposal for such alternatives or 
modifications to the realignment of responsibilities of the 
Chief Information Officer of the Department of Defense required 
by the amendments made by subsection (a) as the Secretary 
considers appropriate, together with an implementation plan for 
such proposal. The proposal may not be carried out unless 
approved by statute.
    (f) Service of Incumbent Without Further Appointment.--The 
individual serving in the position of Chief Information Officer 
of the Department of Defense as of January 1, 2019, may 
continue to serve in such position commencing as of that date 
without further appointment pursuant to section 142 of title 
10, United States Code, as amended by this section.
    (g) Effective Date of Amendments.--The amendments made by 
this section shall take effect on January 1, 2019.


    (a) Chief Management Officer.--
            (1) In general.--Effective February 1, 2018, 
        section 132a of title 10, United States Code, is 
        amended to read as follows:

``Sec. 132a. Chief Management Officer

    ``(a) Appointment and Qualifications.--(1) There is a Chief 
Management Officer of the Department of Defense, appointed from 
civilian life by the President, by and with the advice and 
consent of the Senate.
    ``(2) The Chief Management Officer shall be appointed from 
among persons who have an extensive management or business 
background and experience with managing large or complex 
organizations. A person may not be appointed as Chief 
Management Officer within seven years after relief from active 
duty as a commissioned officer of a regular component of an 
armed force.
    ``(b) Responsibilities.--Subject to the authority, 
direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense and the 
Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Chief Management Officer shall 
perform such duties and exercise such powers as the Secretary 
or the Deputy Secretary may prescribe, including the following:
            ``(1) Serving as the chief management officer of 
        the Department of Defense with the mission of managing 
        enterprise business operations and shared services of 
        the Department of Defense.
            ``(2) Serving as the principal advisor to the 
        Secretary and the Deputy Secretary on establishing 
        policies for, and directing, all enterprise business 
        operations of the Department, including planning and 
        processes, business transformation, performance 
        measurement and management, and business information 
        technology management and improvement activities and 
        programs, including the allocation of resources for 
        enterprise business operations and unifying business 
        management efforts across the Department.
            ``(3) Exercising authority, direction, and control 
        over the Defense Agencies and Department of Defense 
        Field Activities providing shared business services for 
        the Department that are designated by the Secretary or 
        the Deputy Secretary for purposes of this paragraph.
            ``(4) As of January 1, 2019--
                    ``(A) serving as the Chief Information 
                Officer of the Department for purposes of 
                section 2222 of this title;
                    ``(B) administering the responsibilities 
                and duties specified in sections 11315 and 
                11319 of title 40, section 3506(a)(2) of title 
                44, and section 2223(a) of this title for 
                business systems and management; and
                    ``(C) Exercising any responsibilities, 
                duties, and powers relating to business systems 
                or management that are exercisable by a chief 
                information officer for the Department, other 
                than those responsibilities, duties, and powers 
                of a chief information officer that are vested 
                in the Chief Information Officer of the 
                Department of Defense by section 142 of this 
            ``(5) Serving as the official with principal 
        responsibility in the Department for providing for the 
        availability of common, usable, Defense-wide data sets 
        with applications such as improving acquisition 
        outcomes and personnel management.
            ``(6) Authority to direct the Secretaries of the 
        military departments and the heads of all other 
        elements of the Department with regard to matters for 
        which the Chief Management Officer has responsibility 
        under this section.
    ``(c) Precedence.--The Chief Management Officer takes 
precedence in the Department of Defense after the Secretary of 
Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense.
    ``(d) Enterprise Business Operation Defined.--In this 
section, the term `enterprise business operations' means those 
activities that constitute the cross-cutting business 
operations used by multiple components of the Department of 
Defense, but not those activities that are directly tied to a 
single military department or Department of Defense component. 
The term includes business-support functions designated by the 
Secretary of Defense or the Deputy Secretary of Defense for 
purposes of this section, such as aspects of financial 
management, healthcare, acquisition and procurement, supply 
chain and logistics, certain information technology, real 
property, and human resources operations.''.
            (2) Clerical amendment.--Effective February 1, 
        2018, the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 
        4 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by 
        striking the item relating to section 132a and 
        inserting the following new item:

``132a. Chief Management Officer.''.
    (b) Conforming Repeal of Prior Authorities on Chief 
Management Officer.--
            (1) In general.--Effective on January 31, 2018, 
        subsection (c) of section 901 of the National Defense 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-
        328; 130 Stat. 2341; 10 U.S.C. 131 note) is repealed, 
        and the amendments to be made by paragraph (4) of that 
        subsection shall not be made.
            (2) Further conforming amendments.--Effective on 
        February 1, 2018, section 132 of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended--
                    (A) by striking subsection (c); and
                    (B) by redesignating subsection (d) as 
                subsection (c).
    (c) Conforming Amendments on Precedence in DoD.--Effective 
on February 1, 2018, and immediately after the coming into 
effect of the amendments made by section 901 of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-
328; 130 Stat. 2339; 10 U.S.C. 131 note)--
            (1) section 131(b) of title 10, United States Code, 
        as amended by section 906(d)(1) of this Act, is further 
                    (A) by redesignating paragraphs (2) through 
                (9) as paragraphs (3) through (10), 
                respectively; and
                    (B) by inserting after paragraph (1) the 
                following new paragraph (2):
            ``(2) The Chief Management Officer of the 
        Department of Defense.'';
            (2) section 133a(c) of such title is amended--
                    (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``and the 
                Deputy Secretary of Defense'' and inserting ``, 
                the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the Chief 
                Management Officer of the Department of 
                Defense''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``the 
                Chief Management Officer,'' after ``the Deputy 
                Secretary,''; and
            (3) section 133b(c) of such title is amended--
                    (A) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``the 
                Chief Management Officer of the Department of 
                Defense,'' after ``the Deputy Secretary of 
                Defense,''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``the 
                Chief Management Officer,'' after ``the Deputy 
    (d) Executive Schedule Level II.--Effective on February 1, 
2018, and immediately after the coming into effect of the 
amendment made by section 901(h) of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 
Stat. 2342; 5 U.S.C. 5313 note), section 5313 of title 5, 
United States Code, is amended by inserting before the item 
relating to the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and 
Engineering the following new item:
            ``Chief Management Officer of the Department of 
    (e) Service of Incumbent Deputy Chief Management Officer as 
Chief Management Officer Upon Commencement of Latter Position 
Without Further Appointment.--The individual serving in the 
position of Deputy Chief Management Officer of the Department 
of Defense as of February 1, 2018, may continue to serve as 
Chief Management Officer of the Department of Defense under 
section 132a of title 10, United States Code (as amended by 
subsection (a)), commencing as of that date without further 
appointment pursuant to such section 132a.
    (f) Defense Agencies and Field Activities Providing Shared 
Business Services.--
            (1) Initial reporting requirement.--Not later than 
        January 15, 2018, the Secretary of Defense shall submit 
        to the congressional defense committees a report 
        specifying each Defense Agency and Department of 
        Defense Field Activity providing shared business 
        services for the Department of Defense that is to be 
        designated by the Secretary of Defense or the Deputy 
        Secretary of Defense for purposes of subsection (b)(3) 
        of section 132a of title 10, United States Code (as 
        amended by subsection (a)), as of the coming into 
        effect of such section 132a.
            (2) Notice to congress on transfer of oversight.--
        Upon the transfer to the Chief Management Officer of 
        the Department of Defense of responsibility for 
        oversight of shared business services of a Defense 
        Agency or Department of Defense Field Activity 
        specified in the report required by paragraph (1), the 
        Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional 
        defense committees a notice of the transfer, including 
        the Defense Agency or Field Activity subject to the 
        transfer and a description of the nature and scope of 
        the responsibility for oversight transferred.

               Subtitle B--Data Management and Analytics


    (a) Establishment of Policy.--Not later than one year after 
the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense 
shall establish a data policy for the Department of Defense 
that mandates that any data contained in a defense business 
system related to business operations and management is an 
asset of the Department of Defense.
    (b) Availability.--As part of the policy required by 
subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall ensure that, 
except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, data 
described in such subsection shall be made readily available to 
members of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint 
Staff, the military departments, the combatant commands, the 
Defense Agencies, the Department of Defense Field Activities, 
and all other offices, agencies, activities, and commands of 
the Department of Defense, as applicable.


    (a) Common Enterprise Data.--
            (1) In general.--Section 2222(e) of title 10, 
        United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
        following new paragraphs:
            ``(5) Common enterprise data.--The defense business 
        enterprise shall include enterprise data that may be 
        automatically extracted from the relevant systems to 
        facilitate Department of Defense-wide analysis and 
        management of its business operations.
            ``(6) Roles and responsibilities.--
                    ``(A) The Chief Management Officer of the 
                Department of Defense shall have primary 
                decision-making authority with respect to the 
                development of common enterprise data. In 
                consultation with the Defense Business Council, 
                the Chief Management Officer shall--
                            ``(i) develop an associated data 
                        governance process; and
                            ``(ii) oversee the preparation, 
                        extraction, and provision of data 
                        across the defense business enterprise.
                    ``(B) The Chief Management Officer and the 
                Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) 
                            ``(i) in consultation with the 
                        Defense Business Council, document and 
                        maintain any common enterprise data for 
                        their respective areas of authority;
                            ``(ii) participate in any related 
                        data governance process;
                            ``(iii) extract data from defense 
                        business systems as needed to support 
                        priority activities and analyses;
                            ``(iv) when appropriate, ensure the 
                        source data is the same as that used to 
                        produce the financial statements 
                        subject to annual audit;
                            ``(v) in consultation with the 
                        Defense Business Council, provide 
                        access, except as otherwise provided by 
                        law or regulation, to such data to the 
                        Office of the Secretary of Defense, the 
                        Joint Staff, the military departments, 
                        the combatant commands, the Defense 
                        Agencies, the Department of Defense 
                        Field Activities, and all other 
                        offices, agencies, activities, and 
                        commands of the Department of Defense; 
                            ``(vi) ensure consistency of the 
                        common enterprise data maintained by 
                        their respective organizations.
                    ``(C) The Director of Cost Assessment and 
                Program Evaluation shall have access to data 
                for the purpose of executing missions as 
                designated by the Secretary of Defense.
                    ``(D) The Secretary of Defense, the 
                Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the 
                Secretaries of the military departments, 
                commanders of combatant commands, the heads of 
                the Defense Agencies, the heads of the 
                Department of Defense Field Activities, and the 
                heads of all other offices, agencies, 
                activities, and commands of the Department of 
                Defense shall provide access to the relevant 
                system of such department, combatant command, 
                Defense Agency, Defense Field Activity, or 
                office, agency, activity, and command 
                organization, as applicable, and data extracted 
                from such system, for purposes of automatically 
                populating data sets coded with common 
                enterprise data.''.
            (2) Definitions.--Section 2222(i) of title 10, 
        United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the 
        following new paragraphs:
            ``(10) Common enterprise data.--The term `common 
        enterprise data' means business operations or 
        management-related data, generally from defense 
        business systems, in a usable format that is 
        automatically accessible by authorized personnel and 
            ``(11) Data governance process.--The term `data 
        governance process' means a system to manage the timely 
        Department of Defense-wide sharing of data described 
        under subsection (a)(6)(A).''.
    (b) Duties of Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).--
Section 135(b) of title 10, United States Code, is amended in 
the second sentence by inserting after ``shall perform'' the 
following: ``the duties assigned to the Under Secretary in 
section 2222 of this title and''.
    (c) Duties of Director of Cost Assessment and Program 
Evaluation.--Section 139a(d) of title 10, United States Code, 
is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
            ``(9) Performing the duties assigned to the 
        Director in section 2222 of this title.''.
    (d) Implementation Plan for Common Enterprise Data.--
            (1) Plan required.--Not later than one year after 
        the date of the enactment of this Act, the Deputy 
        Secretary of Defense, acting through the Chief 
        Management Officer of the Department of Defense, shall 
        develop a plan to implement the amendments made by 
        subsection (a).
            (2) Elements.--At a minimum, the implementation 
        plan required by paragraph (1) shall include the 
        following elements:
                    (A) The major tasks required to implement 
                the requirements imposed by the amendments made 
                by subsection (a) and the recommended time 
                frames for each task.
                    (B) The estimated resources required to 
                complete each major task identified pursuant to 
                subparagraph (A).
                    (C) Any challenges associated with each 
                major task identified pursuant to subparagraph 
                (A) and related steps to mitigate such 
                    (D) A description of how data security 
                issues will be appropriately addressed in the 
                implementation of such requirements.
                    (E) A review of the curriculum taught at 
                the National Defense University, the Defense 
                Acquisition University, professional military 
                educational institutions, and appropriate 
                private sector academic institutions to 
                determine the extent to which the curricula 
                include appropriate courses on data management, 
                data analytics and other evaluation-related 
            (3) Role of under secretary of defense 
        (comptroller).--The Under Secretary of Defense 
        (Comptroller) shall ensure that the implementation plan 
        required by paragraph (1) does not conflict with the 
        financial statement audit priorities and timeline of 
        the Department of Defense.
            (4) Submission to congress.--Upon completion of the 
        implementation plan required by paragraph (1), the 
        Chief Management Officer shall submit the plan to the 
        congressional defense committees.
    (e) Application of New Authorities Required.--
            (1) Data analytics capability required.--Not later 
        than September 30, 2020, the Chief Management Officer 
        of the Department of Defense shall establish and 
        maintain within the Department of Defense a data 
        analytics capability for purposes of supporting 
        enhanced oversight and management of the Defense 
        Agencies and Department of Defense Field Activities.
            (2) Elements.--The data analytics capability shall 
        permit the following:
                    (A) The maintenance on a continuing basis 
                of an accurate tabulation of the amounts 
                expended by the Defense Agencies and Department 
                of Defense Field Activities on Government and 
                contractor personnel.
                    (B) The maintenance on a continuing basis 
                of an accurate number of the personnel 
                currently supporting the Defense Agencies and 
                Department of Defense Field Activities, 
                including the following:
                            (i) Members of the regular 
                        components of the Armed Forces.
                            (ii) Members of the reserve 
                        components of the Armed Forces.
                            (iii) Civilian employees of the 
                        Department of Defense.
                            (iv) Detailees, whether from 
                        another organization or element of the 
                        Department or from another department 
                        or agency of the Federal Government.
                    (C) The tracking of costs for employing 
                contract personnel, including federally funded 
                research and development centers.
                    (D) The maintenance on a continuing basis 
                of the following:
                            (i) An identification of the 
                        functions being performed by each 
                        Defense Agency and Department of 
                        Defense Field Activity.
                            (ii) An accurate tabulation of the 
                        amounts being expended by each Defense 
                        Agency and Department of Defense Field 
                        Activity on its functions.
            (3) Reporting requirements.--
                    (A) Interim report.--Not later than one 
                year after the date of the enactment of this 
                Act, the Chief Management Officer of the 
                Department of Defense shall submit to the 
                congressional defense committees a report on 
                progress in establishing the data analytics 
                capability. The report shall include the 
                            (i) A description and assessment of 
                        the efforts of the Chief Management 
                        Officer through the date of the report 
                        to establish the data analytics 
                            (ii) A description of current gaps 
                        in the data required to establish the 
                        data analytics capability, and a 
                        description of the efforts to be 
                        undertaken to eliminate such gaps.
                    (B) Final report.--Not later than December 
                31, 2020, the Chief Management Officer shall 
                submit to the congressional defense committees 
                a report on the data analytics capability as 
                established pursuant to this section.
    (f) Additional Pilot Programs Required.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
        carry out pilot programs to develop data integration 
        strategies for the Department of Defense to address 
        high-priority management challenges of the Department.
            (2) Elements.--The pilot programs carried out under 
        the authority of this subsection shall involve data 
        integration strategies to address challenges of the 
        Department with respect to the following:
                    (A) The budget of the Department.
                    (B) Logistics.
                    (C) Personnel security and insider threats.
                    (D) At least two other high-priority 
                challenges of the Department identified by the 
                Secretary for purposes of this subsection.
            (3) Report on pilot programs.--Not later than one 
        year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the 
        Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional 
        defense committees a report describing the pilot 
        programs to be carried out under this section, 
        including the challenge of the Department to be 
        addressed by the pilot program and the manner in which 
        the data integration strategy under the pilot program 
        will address the challenge. If any proposed pilot 
        program requires legislative action for the waiver or 
        modification of a statutory requirement that otherwise 
        prevents or impedes the implementation of the pilot 
        program, the Secretary shall include in the report a 
        recommendation for legislative action to waive or 
        modify the statutory requirement.


    (a) Establishment Required.--Not later than one year after 
the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense 
shall establish a set of activities that use data analysis, 
measurement, and other evaluation-related methods to improve 
the acquisition outcomes of the Department of Defense and 
enhance organizational learning.
    (b) Types of Activities.--The set of activities established 
under subsection (a) may include any or all of the following: 
            (1) Establishment of data analytics capabilities 
        and organizations within an Armed Force.
            (2) Development of capabilities in Department of 
        Defense laboratories, test centers, and federally 
        funded research and development centers to provide 
        technical support for data analytics activities that 
        support acquisition program management and business 
        process re-engineering activities.
            (3) Increased use of existing analytical 
        capabilities available to acquisition programs and 
        offices to support improved acquisition outcomes.
            (4) Funding of intramural and extramural research 
        and development activities to develop and implement 
        data analytics capabilities in support of improved 
        acquisition outcomes.
            (5) Publication, to the maximum extent practicable, 
        and in a manner that protects classified and 
        proprietary information, of data collected by the 
        Department of Defense related to acquisition program 
        costs and activities for access and analyses by the 
        general public or Department research and education 
            (6) Promulgation by the Chief of Staff of the Army, 
        the Chief of Naval Operations, the Chief of Staff of 
        the Air Force, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps, 
        in coordination with the Deputy Secretary of Defense, 
        the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and 
        Engineering, and the Under Secretary for Acquisition 
        and Sustainment, of a consistent policy as to the role 
        of data analytics in establishing budgets and making 
        milestone decisions for major defense acquisition 
            (7) Continual assessment, in consultation with the 
        private sector, of the efficiency of current data 
        collection and analyses processes, so as to minimize 
        the requirement for collection and delivery of data by, 
        from, and to Government organizations.
            (8) Promulgation of guidance to acquisition 
        programs and activities on the efficient use, quality, 
        and sharing of enterprise data between programs and 
        organizations to improve acquisition program analytics 
        and outcomes.
            (9) Establishment of focused research and 
        educational activities at the Defense Acquisition 
        University, and appropriate private sector academic 
        institutions, to support enhanced use of data 
        management, data analytics, and other evaluation-
        related methods to improve acquisition outcomes.

  Subtitle C--Organization of Other Department of Defense Offices and 


    (a) Assistant Secretary of the Army.--Section 3016(b)(4) of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by inserting ``(A)'' after ``(4)'';
            (2) by striking ``The Assistant Secretary shall 
        have as his principal responsibility'' and inserting 
        the following:
    ``(C) The principal responsibility of the Assistant 
Secretary shall be''; and
            (3) by inserting after subparagraph (A), as 
        designated by paragraph (1), the following new 
        subparagraph (B):
    ``(B) The Assistant Secretary shall be appointed from among 
persons who have significant budget, financial management, or 
audit experience in complex organizations.''.
    (b) Assistant Secretary of the Navy.--Section 5016(b)(3) of 
title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by inserting ``(A)'' after ``(3)'';
            (2) by striking ``The Assistant Secretary shall 
        have as his principal responsibility'' and inserting 
        the following:
    ``(C) The principal responsibility of the Assistant 
Secretary shall be''; and
            (3) by inserting after subparagraph (A), as 
        designated by paragraph (1), the following new 
        subparagraph (B):
    ``(B) The Assistant Secretary shall be appointed from among 
persons who have significant budget, financial management, or 
audit experience in complex organizations.''.
    (c) Assistant Secretary of the Air Force.--Section 
8016(b)(3) of title 10, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by inserting ``(A)'' after ``(3)'';
            (2) by striking ``The Assistant Secretary shall 
        have as his principal responsibility'' and inserting 
        the following:
    ``(C) The principal responsibility of the Assistant 
Secretary shall be''; and
            (3) by inserting after subparagraph (A), as 
        designated by paragraph (1), the following new 
        subparagraph (B):
    ``(B) The Assistant Secretary shall be appointed from among 
persons who have significant budget, financial management, or 
audit experience in complex organizations.''.
    (d) Applicability.--The appointment qualifications imposed 
by the amendments made by this section shall apply with respect 
to an appointment as an Assistant Secretary of a military 
department for financial management that is made on or after 
the date of the enactment of this Act.


    Section 346(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 796; 10 
U.S.C. 111 note) is amended by adding at the end the following 
new paragraph:
            ``(5) Manner of carrying out reductions.--
                    ``(A) In general.--The Secretary of Defense 
                shall implement the headquarters reduction plan 
                referred to in paragraph (1), as modified 
                pursuant to that paragraph, so that reductions 
                in major Department of Defense headquarters 
                activities pursuant to the plan are carried out 
                only after consideration of--
                            ``(i) the current manpower levels 
                        of major Department of Defense 
                        headquarters activities;
                            ``(ii) the historic manpower levels 
                        of major Department of Defense 
                        headquarters activities;
                            ``(iii) the mission requirements of 
                        major Department of Defense 
                        headquarters activities; and
                            ``(iv) the anticipated staffing 
                        needs of major Department of Defense 
                        headquarters activities necessary to 
                        meet national defense objectives.
                    ``(B) Conforming modification of plan for 
                achievement of cost savings.--The Secretary of 
                Defense shall modify the plan for achievement 
                of cost savings required by subsection (a) to 
                take into account the requirement specified in 
                subparagraph (A).''.


    Section 346(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 796 10 
U.S.C. 111 note), as amended by section 922, is further amended 
by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
            ``(6) Certifications on cost savings achieved.--Not 
        later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of 
        this paragraph, and not later than 60 days after the 
        end of each of fiscal years 2018 through 2020, the 
        Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation 
        shall certify to the Secretary of Defense, and to the 
        congressional defense committees, the following:
                    ``(A) The validity of the cost savings 
                achieved for each major Department of Defense 
                headquarters activity during the previous 
                fiscal year, including the cost of personnel 
                detailed by another Department entity to the 
                headquarters activity.
                    ``(B) Whether the cost savings achieved for 
                each major Department of Defense headquarters 
                activity during that fiscal year met the 
                savings objective for the headquarters activity 
                for that fiscal year, as established pursuant 
                to paragraph (1).''.


    (a) Scope and Level of Positions.--Section 903(a) of the 
Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2009 (Public Law 110-417; 10 U.S.C. 2228 note) is 
            (1) by striking ``shall be the senior official'' 
        and inserting ``shall be a senior official''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following new 
        sentence: ``Each individual so designated shall be a 
        senior civilian employee of the military department 
        concerned in pay grade GS-15 or higher.''.
    (b) Qualifications.--Section 903 of the Duncan Hunter 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (Public 
Law 110-417; 10 U.S.C. 2228 note) is further amended--
            (1) by redesignating subsection (b) as subsection 
        (c); and
            (2) by inserting after subsection (a) the following 
        new subsection (b):
    ``(b) Qualifications.--Any individual designated as a 
corrosion control and prevention executive of a military 
department pursuant to subsection (a) shall--
            ``(1) have a working knowledge of corrosion 
        prevention and control;
            ``(2) have strong program management and 
        communication skills; and
            ``(3) understand the acquisition, research, 
        development, test, and evaluation, and sustainment 
        policies and procedures of the military department, 
        including for the sustainment of infrastructure.''.

                    DEFENSE PERSONNEL.

    (a) Transition To Discharge by Defense Security Service.--
            (1) Secretarial authority.--The Secretary of 
        Defense has the authority to conduct security, 
        suitability, and credentialing background 
        investigations for Department of Defense personnel. In 
        carrying out such authority, the Secretary may use such 
        authority, or may delegate such authority to another 
            (2) Phased transition.--As part of providing for 
        the conduct of background investigations initiated by 
        the Department of Defense through the Defense Security 
        Service by not later than the deadline specified in 
        subsection (b), the Secretary shall, in consultation 
        with the Director of the Office of Personnel 
        Management, provide for a phased transition from the 
        conduct of such investigations by the National 
        Background Investigations Bureau of the Office of 
        Personnel Management to the conduct of such 
        investigations by the Defense Security Service by that 
            (3) Transition elements.--The phased transition 
        required by paragraph (2) shall--
                    (A) provide for the transition of the 
                conduct of investigations to the Defense 
                Security Service using a risk management 
                approach; and
                    (B) be consistent with the transition from 
                legacy information technology operated by the 
                Office of Personnel Management to the new 
                information technology, including the National 
                Background Investigations System, as described 
                in subsection (f).
    (b) Commencement of Implementation Plan for Ongoing 
Discharge of Investigations Through DSS.--Not later than 
October 1, 2020, the Secretary of Defense shall commence 
carrying out the implementation plan developed pursuant to 
section 951(a)(1) of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2371; 10 U.S.C. 
1564 note).
    (c) Transfer of Certain Functions Within DoD to DSS.--
            (1) Transfer required.--For purposes of meeting the 
        requirements in subsections (a) and (b), the Secretary 
        of Defense shall transfer to the Defense Security 
        Service the functions, personnel, and associated 
        resources of the following organizations:
                    (A) The Consolidated Adjudications 
                    (B) Other organizations identified by the 
                Secretary for purposes of this paragraph.
            (2) Supporting organizations.--In addition to the 
        organizations identified pursuant to paragraph (1), the 
        following organizations shall prioritize resources to 
        directly support the execution of requirements in 
        subsections (a) and (b):
                    (A) The Office of Cost Analysis and Program 
                    (B) The Defense Digital Service.
                    (C) Other organizations designated by the 
                Secretary for purposes of this paragraph.
            (3) Timing and manner of transfer.--The Secretary--
                    (A) may carry out the transfer required by 
                paragraph (1) at any time before the date 
                specified in subsection (b) that the Secretary 
                considers appropriate for purposes of this 
                section; and
                    (B) shall carry out the transfer in a 
                manner designed to minimize disruptions to the 
                conduct of background investigations for 
                personnel of the Department of Defense.
    (d) Transfer of Certain Functions in OPM to DSS.--
            (1) In general.--For purposes of meeting the 
        requirements in subsections (a) and (b), the Secretary 
        of Defense shall provide for the transfer of the 
        functions described in paragraph (2), and any 
        associated personnel and resources, to the Department 
        of Defense.
            (2) Functions.--The functions to be transferred 
        pursuant to paragraph (1) are the following:
                    (A) Any personnel security investigations 
                functions transferred by the Secretary to the 
                Director of the Office of Personnel Management 
                pursuant to section 906 of the National Defense 
                Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (Public 
                Law 108-136; 5 U.S.C. 1101 note).
                    (B) Any other functions of the Office of 
                Personnel Management in connection with 
                background investigations initiated by the 
                Department of Defense that the Secretary and 
                the Director jointly consider appropriate.
            (3) Assessment.--In carrying out the transfer of 
        functions pursuant to paragraph (1), the Secretary 
        shall conduct a comprehensive assessment of workforce 
        requirements for both the Department of Defense and the 
        National Background Investigations Bureau synchronized 
        to the transition plan, including a forecast of 
        workforce needs across the current future-years defense 
        plan for the Department. Not later than 180 days after 
        the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
        shall submit to the appropriate congressional 
        committees a report containing the results of the 
            (4) Consultation.--The Secretary shall carry out 
        paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) in consultation with the 
        Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the 
        Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
            (5) Location within dod.--Any functions transferred 
        to the Department of Defense pursuant to this 
        subsection shall be located within the Defense Security 
    (e) Conduct of Certain Actions.--For purposes of the 
conduct of background investigations following the commencement 
of carrying out the implementation plan referred to in 
subsection (b), the Secretary of Defense shall provide for the 
            (1) A single capability for the centralized 
        funding, submissions, and processing of all background 
        investigations, from within the Defense Security 
            (2) The discharge by the Consolidated Adjudications 
        Facility, from within the Defense Security Service 
        pursuant to transfer under subsection (c), of 
        adjudications in connection with the following:
                    (A) Background investigations.
                    (B) Continuous evaluation and vetting 
    (f) Enhancement of Information Technology Capabilities of 
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
        conduct a review of the information technology 
        capabilities of the National Background Investigations 
        System in order to determine whether enhancements to 
        such capabilities are required for the following:
                    (A) Support for background investigations 
                pursuant to this section and section 951 of the 
                National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
                Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2371; 
                10 U.S.C. 1564 note).
                    (B) Support of the National Background 
                Investigations Bureau.
                    (C) Execution of the conduct of background 
                investigations initiated by the Department of 
                Defense pursuant to this section, including 
                submissions and adjudications.
            (2) Common component.--In providing for the 
        transition and operation of the National Background 
        Investigations System as described in paragraph (1)(C), 
        the Secretary shall develop a common component of the 
        System usable for background investigations by both the 
        Defense Security Service and the National Background 
        Investigations Bureau.
            (3) Enhancements.--If the review pursuant to 
        paragraph (1) determines that enhancements described in 
        that paragraph are required, the Secretary shall carry 
        out such enhancements.
            (4) Consultation.--The Secretary shall carry out 
        this subsection in consultation with the Director of 
        the Office of Personnel Management.
    (g) Use of Certain Private Industry Data.--In carrying out 
background and security investigations pursuant to this section 
and section 951 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2371; 10 U.S.C. 
1564 note), the Secretary of Defense may use background 
materials collected on individuals by the private sector, in 
accordance with national policies and standards, that are 
applicable to such investigations, including materials as 
            (1) Financial information, including credit scores 
        and credit status.
            (2) Criminal records.
            (3) Drug screening.
            (4) Verifications of information on resumes and 
        employment applications, such as previous employers, 
        educational achievement, and educational institutions 
            (5) Other publicly available electronic 
    (h) Security Clearances for Contractor Personnel.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense shall 
        review the requirements of the Department of Defense 
        relating to position sensitivity designations for 
        contractor personnel in order to determine whether such 
        requirements may be reassessed or modified to reduce 
        the number and range of contractor personnel who are 
        issued security clearances in connection with work 
        under contracts with the Department.
            (2) Guidance.--The Secretary shall issue guidance 
        to program managers, contracting officers, and security 
        personnel of the Department specifying requirements for 
        the review of contractor position sensitivity 
        designations and the number of contractor personnel of 
        the Department who are issued security clearances for 
        the purposes of determining whether the number of such 
        personnel who are issued security clearances should and 
        can be reduced.
    (i) Personnel To Support the Transfer of Functions.--The 
Secretary of Defense shall authorize the Director of the 
Defense Security Service to promptly increase the number of 
personnel of the Defense Security Service for the purpose of 
beginning the establishment and expansion of investigative 
capacity to support the phased transfer of investigative 
functions from the Office of Personnel Management to the 
Department of Defense under this section. The Director of Cost 
Analysis and Program Assessment shall advise the Secretary on 
the size of the initial investigative workforce and the rate of 
growth of that workforce.
    (j) Report on Future Periodic Reinvestigations, Insider 
Threat, and Continuous Vetting.--
            (1) Report required.--Not later than 90 days after 
        the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
        Defense shall submit to the appropriate congressional 
        committees a report that includes the following:
                    (A) An assessment of the feasibility and 
                advisability of periodic reinvestigations of 
                backgrounds of Government and contractor 
                personnel with security clearances, including 
                lessons from all of the continuous evaluation 
                pilots being conducted throughout the 
                Government, and identification of new or 
                additional data sources and data analytic tools 
                needed for improving current continuous 
                evaluation or vetting capabilities.
                    (B) A plan to provide the Government with 
                an enhanced risk management model that reduces 
                the gaps in coverage perpetuated by the current 
                time-based periodic reinvestigations model, 
                particularly in light of the increasing use of 
                continuous background evaluations of personnel 
                referred to in subparagraph (A).
                    (C) A plan for expanding continuous 
                background vetting capabilities, such as the 
                Installation Matching Engine for Security and 
                Analysis, to the broader population, including 
                those at the lowest tiers and levels of access, 
                which plan shall include details to ensure that 
                all individuals credentialed for physical 
                access to Department of Defense facilities and 
                installations are vetted to the same level of 
                fitness determinations and subject to 
                appropriate continuous vetting.
                    (D) A plan to fully integrate and 
                incorporate insider threat data, tools, and 
                capabilities into the new end-to-end vetting 
                processes and supporting information technology 
                established by the Defense Security Service to 
                ensure a holistic and transformational approach 
                to detecting, deterring, and mitigating threats 
                posed by trusted insiders.
            (2) Consultation.--The Secretary shall prepare the 
        report under paragraph (1) in consultation with the 
        Director of National Intelligence and the Director of 
        the Office of Personnel Management.
    (k) Quarterly and Annual Briefings and Reports.--
            (1) Annual assessment of timeliness.--Not later 
        than December 31, 2018, and each December 31 thereafter 
        through the date specified in paragraph (4), the 
        Security Executive Agent, in coordination with the 
        Chair and other Principals of the Security, 
        Suitability, and Credentialing Performance 
        Accountability Council, shall submit to the appropriate 
        committees of Congress a report on the timeliness of 
        personnel security clearance initiations, 
        investigations, and adjudications, by clearance level, 
        for both initial investigations and periodic 
        reinvestigations during the prior fiscal year for 
        Government and contractor employees, including the 
                    (A) The average periods of time taken by 
                each authorized investigative agency and 
                authorized adjudicative agency to initiate 
                cases, conduct investigations, and adjudicate 
                cases as compared with established timeliness 
                objectives, from the date a completed security 
                clearance application is received to the date 
                of adjudication and notification to the subject 
                and the subject's employer.
                    (B) The number of initial investigations 
                and periodic reinvestigations initiated and 
                adjudicated by each authorized adjudicative 
                    (C) The number of initial investigations 
                and periodic reinvestigations carried over from 
                prior fiscal years by each authorized 
                investigative and adjudicative agency.
                    (D) The number of initial investigations 
                and periodic reinvestigations that resulted in 
                a denial or revocation of a security clearance 
                by each authorized adjudicative agency.
                    (E) The costs to the executive branch 
                related to personnel security clearance 
                initiations, investigations, adjudications, 
                revocations, and continuous evaluation.
                    (F) A discussion of any impediments to the 
                timely processing of personnel security 
                    (G) The number of clearance holders 
                enrolled in continuous evaluation and the 
                numbers and types of adverse actions taken as a 
                result by each authorized adjudicative agency.
                    (H) The number of personnel security 
                clearance cases, both initial investigations 
                and periodic reinvestigations, awaiting or 
                under investigation by the National Background 
                Investigations Bureau.
                    (I) Other information as appropriate, 
                including any recommendations to improve the 
                timeliness and efficiency of personnel security 
                clearance initiations, investigations, and 
            (2) Quarterly briefings.--Not later than the end of 
        each calendar-year quarter beginning after January 1, 
        2018, through the date specified in paragraph (4), the 
        Secretary of Defense shall provide the appropriate 
        congressional committees a briefing on the progress of 
        the Secretary in carrying out the requirements of this 
        section during that calendar-year quarter. Until the 
        backlog of security clearance applications at the 
        National Background Investigations Bureau is 
        eliminated, each quarterly briefing shall also include 
        the current status of the backlog and the resulting 
        mission and resource impact to the Department of 
        Defense and the defense industrial base. Until the 
        phased transition described in subsection (a) is 
        complete, each quarterly briefing shall also include 
        identification of any resources planned for movement 
        from the National Background Investigations Bureau to 
        the Department of Defense during the next calendar-year 
            (3) Annual reports.--Not later than December 31, 
        2018, and each December 31 thereafter through the date 
        specified in paragraph (4), the Secretary of Defense 
        shall submit to the appropriate congressional 
        committees a report on the following for the calendar 
        year in which the report is to be submitted:
                    (A) The status of the Secretary in meeting 
                the requirements in subsections (a), (b), and 
                    (B) The status of any transfers to be 
                carried out pursuant to subsection (d).
                    (C) An assessment of the personnel security 
                capabilities of the Department of Defense.
                    (D) The average periods of time taken by 
                each authorized investigative agency and 
                authorized adjudicative agency to initiate 
                cases, conduct investigations, and adjudicate 
                cases as compared with established timeliness 
                objectives, from the date a completed security 
                clearance application is received to the date 
                of adjudication and notification to the subject 
                and the subject's employer.
                    (E) The number of initial investigations 
                and periodic reinvestigations initiated and 
                adjudicated by each authorized adjudicative 
                    (F) The number of initial investigations 
                and periodic reinvestigations carried over from 
                prior fiscal years by each authorized 
                investigative and adjudicative agency.
                    (G) The number of initial investigations 
                and periodic reinvestigations that resulted in 
                a denial or revocation of a security clearance 
                by each authorized adjudicative agency.
                    (H) The costs to the Department of Defense 
                related to personnel security clearance 
                initiations, investigations, adjudications, 
                revocations, and continuous evaluation.
                    (I) A discussion of any impediments to the 
                timely processing of personnel security 
                    (J) The number of clearance holders 
                enrolled in continuous evaluation and the 
                numbers and types of adverse actions taken as a 
                    (K) The number of personnel security 
                clearance cases, both initial investigations 
                and periodic reinvestigations, awaiting or 
                under investigation by the National Background 
                Investigations Bureau.
                    (L) Other information that the Secretary 
                considers appropriate, including any 
                recommendations to improve the timeliness and 
                efficiency of personnel security clearance 
                initiations, investigations, and adjudications.
            (4) Termination.--No briefing or report is required 
        under this subsection after December 31, 2021.
    (l) Appropriate Congressional Committees Defined.--In this 
section, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' 
            (1) the Committees on Armed Services, 
        Appropriations, Homeland Security and Governmental 
        Affairs, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of 
        the Senate; and
            (2) the Committees on Armed Services, 
        Appropriations, Oversight and Government Reform, and 
        the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the 
        House of Representatives.

            Subtitle D--Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements

                    THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.

    Section 912(a)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2349) is 
amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraphs:
                    ``(D) A civilian operating force structure 
                sized for operational effectiveness that is 
                manned, equipped, and trained to support 
                deployment time and rotation ratios that 
                sustain the readiness and needed retention 
                levels of the regular and reserve components of 
                the Armed Forces.
                    ``(E) The hiring authorities and other 
                actions that the Secretary of Defense or the 
                Secretaries of the military departments will 
                take to eliminate any gaps between desired 
                programmed civilian workforce levels and the 
                current size of the civilian workforce, set 
                forth by mission and functional area.''.

                    OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE.

    (a) Report on Plans to Address Developmental Test and 
Evaluation Responsibilities Within the Office of the Secretary 
of Defense.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 60 days after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
        Defense shall submit to the Committees on Armed 
        Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives 
        a report containing a strategy to ensure that there is 
        sufficient expertise, oversight, and policy direction 
        on developmental test and evaluation within the Office 
        of the Secretary of Defense after the completion of the 
        reorganization of such Office required under section 
        901 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
        Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 Stat. 2339).
            (2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) 
        shall address the following:
                    (A) The structure of the roles and 
                responsibilities of the senior Department of 
                Defense official responsible for developmental 
                test and evaluation, as distinct from 
                operational test and evaluation or systems 
                    (B) The location of the senior Department 
                of Defense official responsible for 
                developmental test and evaluation within the 
                organizational structure of the Office of the 
                Secretary of Defense.
                    (C) An estimate of personnel and other 
                resources that should be made available to the 
                senior Department of Defense official 
                responsible for developmental test and 
                evaluation to ensure that such official can 
                provide independent expertise, oversight, and 
                policy direction and guidance Department of 
                    (D) Methods to ensure that the senior 
                Department of Defense official responsible for 
                developmental test and evaluation will be 
                empowered to facilitate Department of Defense-
                wide efficiencies by helping programs to 
                optimize test designs and activities, including 
                ensuring access to program data and 
                participation in acquisition program oversight.
                    (E) Methods to ensure that an advocate for 
                test and evaluation workforce will continue to 
                exist within the acquisition workforce.
    (b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that--
            (1) developmental testing is critical to reducing 
        acquisition program risk by providing valuable 
        information to support sound decision making;
            (2) major defense acquisition programs often do not 
        conduct enough developmental testing, so too many 
        problems are first identified during operational 
        testing, when they are expensive and time-consuming to 
        fix; and
            (3) in order to ensure that effective developmental 
        testing is conducted on major defense acquisition 
        programs, the Secretary of Defense should--
                    (A) carefully consider where the senior 
                Department of Defense official responsible for 
                developmental test and evaluation is located 
                within the organizational structure of the 
                Office of the Secretary of Defense; and
                    (B) ensure that such official has 
                sufficient authority and resources to provide 
                oversight and policy direction on developmental 
                test and evaluation Department of Defense-wide.


    (a) Report Required.--Not later than 90 days after the date 
of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall 
submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and 
the House of Representatives a report--
            (1) evaluating the continued need for the Office of 
        Corrosion Policy and Oversight; and
            (2) containing a recommendation regarding whether 
        to retain or terminate the Office.
    (b) Assessment.--As part of the report required by 
subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall conduct an 
assessment to determine whether there is duplication in matters 
relating to corrosion prevention and control and mitigation of 
corrosion of the military equipment and infrastructure of the 
Department of Defense between the Office of Corrosion Policy 
and Oversight and other elements of the Department, including, 
in particular, the Corrosion Control and Prevention Executives 
of the military departments.
    (c) Recommendation.--If the report required by subsection 
(a) includes a recommendation to terminate the Office of 
Corrosion Policy and Oversight, the Secretary of Defense shall 
include recommendations for such additional authorities, if 
any, for the military departments and the Armed Forces as the 
Secretary considers appropriate to ensure the proper discharge 
by the Department of Defense of functions relating to corrosion 
prevention and control and mitigation of corrosion in the 
absence of the Office.

                       Subtitle D--Other Matters


    (a) Extension of Deadlines for Reporting and Briefing 
Requirements.--Section 942(e) of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-328; 130 
Stat. 2368) is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``December 1, 
        2017'' and inserting ``July 1, 2018''; and
            (2) in paragraph (2), by striking ``June 1, 2017'' 
        and inserting ``March 1, 2018''.
    (b) Treatment of Commission.--Section 942 of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114-
328; 130 Stat. 2368) is amended by adding at the end the 
following new subsection:
    ``(h) Legislative Advisory Committee.--The Commission shall 
operate as a legislative advisory committee and shall not be 
subject to the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act 
(Public Law 92-463; 5 U.S.C. App.) or section 552b of title 5, 
United States Code (commonly known as the Government in the 
Sunshine Act).''.

                      TITLE X--GENERAL PROVISIONS

                      Subtitle A--Financial Matters

Sec. 1001. General transfer authority.
Sec. 1002. Consolidation, codification, and improvement of certain 
          authorities and requirements in connection with the audit of 
          the financial statements of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 1003. Improper payment matters.
Sec. 1004. Rankings of auditability of financial statements of the 
          organizations and elements of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 1005. Financial operations dashboard for the Department of Defense.
Sec. 1006. Review and recommendations on efforts to obtain audit opinion 
          on full financial statements.
Sec. 1007. Notification requirement for certain contracts for audit 

                   Subtitle B--Counterdrug Activities

Sec. 1011. Extension of authority to support a unified counterdrug and 
          counterterrorism campaign in Colombia.
Sec. 1012. Venue for prosecution of maritime drug trafficking.

                 Subtitle C--Naval Vessels and Shipyards

Sec. 1021. National Defense Sealift Fund.
Sec. 1022. Use of National Sea-Based Deterrence Fund for multiyear 
          procurement of certain critical components.
Sec. 1023. Operational readiness of littoral combat ships on extended 
Sec. 1024. Availability of funds for retirement or inactivation of 
          Ticonderoga-class cruisers or dock landing ships.
Sec. 1025. Policy of the United States on minimum number of battle force 
Sec. 1026. Surveying ships.

                      Subtitle D--Counterterrorism

Sec. 1031. Modification of authority on support of special operations to 
          combat terrorism.
Sec. 1032. Termination of requirement to submit annual budget 
          justification display for Department of Defense combating 
          terrorism program.
Sec. 1033. Prohibition on use of funds for transfer or release of 
          individuals detained at United States Naval Station, 
          Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to the United States.
Sec. 1034. Prohibition on use of funds to construct or modify facilities 
          in the United States to house detainees transferred from 
          United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Sec. 1035. Prohibition on use of funds for transfer or release of 
          individuals detained at United States Naval Station, 
          Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to certain countries.
Sec. 1036. Prohibition on use of funds to close or relinquish control of 
          United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Sec. 1037. Sense of Congress regarding providing for timely victim and 
          family testimony in military commission trials.
Sec. 1038. Report on public availability of military commissions 

          Subtitle E--Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations

Sec. 1041. Limitation on expenditure of funds for emergency and 
          extraordinary expenses for intelligence and counter-
          intelligence activities.
Sec. 1042. Matters relating to the submittal of future-years defense 
Sec. 1043. Modifications to humanitarian demining assistance 
Sec. 1044. Prohibition on charge of certain tariffs on aircraft 
          traveling through channel routes.
Sec. 1045. Prohibition on lobbying activities with respect to the 
          Department of Defense by certain officers of the Armed Forces 
          and civilian employees of the Department following separation 
          from military service or employment with the Department.
Sec. 1046. Prohibition on use of funds for retirement of legacy maritime 
          mine countermeasures platforms.
Sec. 1047. Report on western Pacific Ocean ship depot maintenance 
          capability and capacity.
Sec. 1048. Annual training regarding the influence campaign of the 
          Russian Federation.
Sec. 1049. Workforce issues for military realignments in the Pacific.

                     Subtitle F--Studies and Reports

Sec. 1051. Elimination of reporting requirements terminated after 
          November 25, 2017, pursuant to section 1080 of the National 
          Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016.
Sec. 1052. Report on transfer of defense articles to units committing 
          gross violations of human rights.
Sec. 1053. Report on the National Biodefense Analysis and 
          Countermeasures Center.
Sec. 1054. Report on Department of Defense Arctic capability and 
          resource gaps and required infrastructure.
Sec. 1055. Review and assessment of Department of Defense personnel 
          recovery and nonconventional assisted recovery mechanisms.
Sec. 1056. Mine warfare readiness inspection plan and report.
Sec. 1057. Annual report on civilian casualties in connection with 
          United States military operations.
Sec. 1058. Report on Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex modernization.
Sec. 1059. Report on alternatives to aqueous film forming foam.
Sec. 1060. Assessment of global force posture.
Sec. 1061. Army modernization strategy.
Sec. 1062. Report on Army plan to improve operational unit readiness by 
          reducing number of non-deployable soldiers assigned to 
          operational units.
Sec. 1063. Efforts to combat physiological episodes on certain Navy 
Sec. 1064. Studies on aircraft inventories for the Air Force.
Sec. 1065. Department of Defense review of Navy capabilities in the 
          Arctic region.
Sec. 1066. Comprehensive review of maritime intelligence, surveillance, 
          reconnaissance, and targeting capabilities.
Sec. 1067. Report on the need for a Joint Chemical-Biological Defense 
          Logistics Center.
Sec. 1068. Missile Technology Control Regime Category I unmanned aerial 
          vehicle systems.
Sec. 1069. Recommendations for interagency vetting of foreign 
          investments affecting national security.
Sec. 1070. Briefing on prior attempted Russian cyber attacks against 
          defense systems.
Sec. 1071. Enhanced analytical and monitoring capability of the defense 
          industrial base.
Sec. 1072. Report on defense of combat logistics and strategic mobility 
Sec. 1073. Report on acquisition strategy to recapitalize the existing 
          system for undersea fixed surveillance.
Sec. 1074. Report on implementation of requirements in connection with 
          the organization of the Department of Defense for management 
          of special operations forces and special operations.
Sec. 1075. Report on the global food system and vulnerabilities relevant 
          to Department of Defense missions.

              Subtitle G--Modernizing Government Technology

Sec. 1076. Definitions.
Sec. 1077. Establishment of agency information technology systems 
          modernization and working capital funds.
Sec. 1078. Establishment of technology modernization fund and board.

                        Subtitle H--Other Matters

Sec. 1081. Technical, conforming, and clerical amendments.
Sec. 1082. Clarification of applicability of certain provisions of law 
          to civilian judges of the United States Court of Military 
          Commission Review.
Sec. 1083. Modification of requirement relating to conversion of certain 
          military technician (dual status) positions to civilian 
Sec. 1084. National Guard accessibility to Department of Defense issued 
          unmanned aircraft.
Sec. 1085. Sense of Congress regarding aircraft carriers.
Sec. 1086. Sense of Congress recognizing the United