[House Report 115-1031] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] 115th Congress } { Report HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2d Session } { 115-1031 ====================================================================== TO REDESIGNATE GRAVELLY POINT PARK, LOCATED ALONG THE GEORGE WASHINGTON MEMORIAL PARKWAY IN ARLINGTON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, AS THE NANCY REAGAN MEMORIAL PARK, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES _______ November 16, 2018.--Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed _______ Mr. Bishop of Utah, from the Committee on Natural Resources, submitted the following R E P O R T together with DISSENTING VIEWS [To accompany H.R. 553] [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office] The Committee on Natural Resources, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 553) to redesignate Gravelly Point Park, located along the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Arlington County, Virginia, as the Nancy Reagan Memorial Park, and for other purposes, having considered the same, report favorably thereon without amendment and recommend that the bill do pass. PURPOSE OF THE BILL The purpose of H.R. 553 is to redesignate Gravelly Point Park, located along the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Arlington County, Virginia, as the Nancy Reagan Memorial Park. BACKGROUND AND NEED FOR LEGISLATION H.R. 553 would redesignate Gravelly Point Park as the Nancy Reagan Memorial Park to celebrate the life and work of the former First Lady. Gravelly Point Park is a favorite location of hikers, bikers and walkers along the Potomac River and a beloved location of airplane-spotters. The park sits directly next to the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport and near the Lady Bird Johnson Park along the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Arlington, Virginia.\1\ Gravelly Point was a site of dredging and resource extraction in the late 19th century due to the presence of sand and gravel deposits, giving rise to its current name.\2\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \1\https://www.virginia.org/listings/OutdoorsAndSports/ GravellyPoint/. \2\https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/republicans-want-to-rename- gravelly-point-heres-why-we-shouldnt-let-them/2018/02/05/7c184fdc-0762- 11e8-b48c-b07fea957bd5_story.html?utm_term=. 6bbc90ced2ba. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy Reagan was born Anne Frances Robbins on July 6, 1921, in Queens, New York and grew up in Chicago, Illinois. Reagan graduated from Smith College in Massachusetts, where she majored in theatre. During her career as a professional actress she landed a role on Broadway and performed in Hollywood films. After marrying Ronald Reagan, in 1952, the couple had two children together.\3\ At the election of her husband to governor of California, Reagan became the first lady of California from 1967 to 1975.\4\ Mrs. Reagan became First Lady of the United States in January 1981 after President Reagan's election. During her time as First Lady, Mrs. Reagan was passionate about many causes, including her ``Just Say No'' anti-drug campaign, promoting foster grandparents and advocating for the arts.\5\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \3\https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/sreference/biography-of-nancy- reagan. \4\http://governors.library.ca.gov/firstladies/31-Reagan.html. \5\https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2016/03/06/nancy- reagan-biography-facts/81404968/. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After leaving the White House, Mrs. Reagan retired to their family home in California but continued to be a proponent for causes she was passionate about, including Alzheimer's disease. Mrs. Reagan passed away on March 6, 2016, and is buried next to her husband at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.\6\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \6\http://www.firstladies.org/biographies/ firstladies.aspx?biography=41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy Reagan Memorial Park would recognize First Lady Nancy Reagan for her dedication and support of important causes throughout her life. The redesignation would act as a tribute to the First Lady's legacy while maintaining the current status and uses of the park. COMMITTEE ACTION H.R. 553 was introduced on January 13, 2017, by Congressman Jody B. Hice (R-GA). The bill was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and within the Committee to the Subcommittee on Federal Lands. On January 17, 2018, the Natural Resources Committee met to consider the bill. The Subcommittee was discharged by unanimous consent. No amendments were offered, and the bill was initially not ordered favorably reported to the House of Representatives by a roll call vote of 15 ayes to 17 noes, as follows: [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Later in the markup, Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) moved to reconsider the vote by which H.R. 553 was not ordered favorably reported; the motion was adopted by a roll call vote of 18 ayes to 16 noes. Immediately after this vote, the bill was adopted and ordered favorably reported to the House of Representatives by a roll call vote of 18 ayes to 16 noes, as follows:COMMITTEE OVERSIGHT FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Regarding clause 2(b)(1) of rule X and clause 3(c)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Natural Resources' oversight findings and recommendations are reflected in the body of this report. COMPLIANCE WITH HOUSE RULE XIII AND CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET ACT 1. Cost of Legislation and the Congressional Budget Act. With respect to the requirements of clause 3(c)(2) and (3) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives and sections 308(a) and 402 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the Committee has received the following estimate for the bill from the Director of the Congressional Budget Office: U.S. Congress, Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC, January 26, 2018. Hon. Rob Bishop, Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Dear Mr. Chairman: The Congressional Budget Office has reviewed H.R. 553, a bill to redesignate Gravelly Point Park, located along the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Arlington County, Virginia, as the Nancy Reagan Memorial Park, and for other purposes, as ordered reported by the House Committee on Natural Resources on January 17, 2018. CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 553 would have no significant effect on the federal budget and would not affect direct spending or revenues; therefore, pay-as-you-go procedures do not apply. CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 553 would not increase net direct spending or on-budget deficits in any of the four consecutive 10-year periods beginning in 2028. H.R. 553 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. If you wish further details on this estimate, we will be pleased to provide them. The CBO staff contact is Janani Shankaran. Sincerely, Keith Hall, Director. 2. General Performance Goals and Objectives. As required by clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII, the general performance goal or objective of this bill is to redesignate Gravelly Point Park, located along the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Arlington County, Virginia, as the Nancy Reagan Memorial Park. EARMARK STATEMENT This bill does not contain any Congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits as defined under clause 9(e), 9(f), and 9(g) of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives. COMPLIANCE WITH PUBLIC LAW 104-4 This bill contains no unfunded mandates. COMPLIANCE WITH H. RES. 5 Directed Rule Making. This bill does not contain any directed rule makings. Duplication of Existing Programs. This bill does not establish or reauthorize a program of the federal government known to be duplicative of another program. Such program was not included in any report from the Government Accountability Office to Congress pursuant to section 21 of Public Law 111-139 or identified in the most recent Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance published pursuant to the Federal Program Information Act (Public Law 95-220, as amended by Public Law 98-169) as relating to other programs. PREEMPTION OF STATE, LOCAL OR TRIBAL LAW This bill is not intended to preempt any State, local or tribal law. CHANGES IN EXISTING LAW If enacted, this bill would make no changes to existing law. DISSENTING VIEWS We oppose the bill to rename Gravelly Point after former First Lady Nancy Reagan. Our reasons for this opposition are many: It is the pet project of a special interest, involved no public input, does not have the support of the local community, lacked congressional courtesy, and raises technical concerns. Gravelly Point Park is not a national tourist attraction-- its where local families go to have a picnic, throw a ball around, put a blanket down and watch the planes coming in and out of the airport. There is no connection to Nancy Reagan, and the only reason this proposal is before Congress is because it is the pet project of Americans for Tax Reform, an influential conservative interest group and the political funding arm of anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist. Residents of Arlington and Alexandria, the communities closet to Gravelly Point, have not had their input taken into consideration. Local officials have raised concerns about the renaming and reaction by the local community upon hearing about the bill has been overwhelmingly negative. Exactly 20 years ago, Grover Norquist led a similar charge in Virginia's eighth Congressional district to rename Washington National Airport after Ronald Reagan. At the time, the bill flouted typical naming procedure and was passing over strong Congressional opposition, opposition by the local community, local elected officials, the Washington Metropolitan Airports Authority, and air traffic controllers, recalling Reagan's firing of 11,000 controllers during a 1981 strike. It was unpaid for, at a cost $400,000, which given the lack of Congressional appropriation had to be absorbed into Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's budget. For the original dissenting views, please see 105th Congress, H.R. 2625, House Report 105-408. As former Congressman Jim Moran then said, ``[Ronald Reagan] stood against the abuse of federal power and the waste of taxpayers' money, and this is both.'' We are concerned about allowing one powerful fundraiser to again ignore procedure and dictate names, this time about a federal park. Special interests should not be able to determine the name of land that belongs to all Americans. This bill does not take any input from the American people into consideration, particularly the very people that are users of the Park. If a renaming is to be considered, the American public, especially the Park users, should have a say in the name. To that end, it should be noted that the sponsor's office did not notify or work with the office of Congressman Don Beyer, where Gravelly Point Park is located, and that outreach by Congressman Beyer's office after learning about the bill went unheeded. Furthermore, there is a potential technical impediment to the bill that needs further consideration. Memorials, monuments and other commemorative works in Washington DC and its environs are governed by the Commemorative Works Act (CWA), which lays out a series of guidelines for the establishment of memorials and requires consultation with the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission. The Commission reviewed H.R. 5457--the identical bill introduced in the 114th Congress--and determined that the proposal potentially violates several guidelines established by the CWA. Congressional authorization for memorials to individuals is not supposed to occur until the 25th anniversary of the death of the individual. Since space is limited and memorials should not be established without careful consideration, this provides time for reflection on the individual's contributions. Since Mrs. Reagan passed away less than two years ago, the designation of a memorial park in her name fails to comply with that provision of the CWA. The CWA also requires a comprehensive evaluation of site locations to determine suitability. The commission noted that this hasn't happened for this proposal and that the designation of this site after the Former First Lady could prevent the establishment of other memorials in the area, since CWA states that no new memorial shall encroach upon an existing memorial. In addition, there has been no assessment on how much it would cost to rename the Park. Our responsibilities as Members of the committee with jurisdiction over federal land require us to evaluate proposals on their merits. We cannot blindly accept any proposal that is made regardless of our respect for the individuals or entities to be honored. By these standards, the proposal to rename Gravelly Point must be rejected. Raul M. Grijalva, Ranking Member. Donald S. Beyer Jr.