[Senate Report 106-365]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

                                                       Calendar No. 742
106th Congress                                                   Report
 2d Session                                                     106-365




                August 25, 2000.--Ordered to be printed

   Filed under authority of the order of the Senate of July 26, 2000


   Mr. Jeffords, from the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and 
                   Pensions, submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                         [To accompany S. 2764]

    The Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, to 
which was referred the bill (S. 2764) to amend the National and 
Community Service Act of 1990 and the Domestic Volunteer 
Service Act of 1973 to extend the authorizations of 
appropriations for the programs carried out under such Acts, 
and for other purposes, having considered the same, reports 
favorably thereon with an amendment in the nature of a 
substitute and recommends that the bill (as amended) do pass.


  I. Background and need for the legislation..........................1
 II. History of the legislation and votes in committee................2
III. Committee views..................................................3
 IV. Cost estimate....................................................4
  V. Regulatory impact statement......................................7
 VI. Application of law to the legislative branch.....................7
VII. Section-by-section analysis......................................7
VIII.Changes in existing law.........................................11

               I. Background and Need for the Legislation

    The origin of the Federal Government's role in community 
service dates back to the 1930s with the creation of the 
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The CCC (which still exists 
and is now called the Civilian Community Corps) inspired the 
establishment of several other volunteer programs supported by 
Federal resources. These include: Peace Corps which provides 
international community service; Volunteers In Service To 
America (VISTA) which focuses on poverty-related community 
service initiatives; and the National Senior Volunteer Corps 
which provides volunteer opportunities for senior citizens.
    Both the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1990 
and the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993 
established greater coordination among many of the Federally 
sponsored community service activities. In addition, these two 
acts also created new initiatives that expanded community 
service opportunities. The National and Community Service Trust 
Act of 1990 set up Learn and Serve America which oversees 
school-based and community based service programs involving 
school-age youth. The 1990 act also created the Points of Light 
Foundation which is an independent entity that identifies 
successful and promising community service projects. The 1993 
act created AmeriCorps which involves activities that meet 
educational, public safety, human, or environmental needs that 
directly benefit communities. AmeriCorps members receive 
education awards upon completion of service. In addition to 
creating AmeriCorps, the 1993 act also authorized the 
Corporation for National and Community Service which became the 
umbrella agency for the Commission on National and Community 
Service, ACTION Agency programs, and the Civilian Community 
    The National and Community Service Amendments Act of 2000 
makes several changes to the 1993 act which will increase 
participation in volunteer activities. These changes are: 
promoting the participation of individuals with disabilities; 
increasing utilization of the educational awards; streamlining 
participation costs; and lowering the participation age for 
individuals involved in several National Senior Service Corps 
programs. These modifications will strengthen this Nation's 
commitment to volunteerism.

         II. History of the Legislation and Votes in Committee

                         full committee hearing

    On June 20, 2000, the Committee on Health, Education, 
Labor, and Pensions held an overview hearing on community 
service. The hearing focused on the impact of community service 
activities at the State and local level, the role of the 
Corporation for National Service in overseeing community 
service programs, and a review of the technical assistance 
available to assist entities in implementing community service 
initiatives. The witnesses who testified before the committee 
were: the Honorable Marc Racicot, Governor of Montana; the 
Honorable Harris Wofford, Chief Executive Officer of the 
Corporation for National Service; Rosie Mauk, chair of the 
Texas Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service; Jane 
Williams, executive director Vermont Commission on National and 
Community Service; Emily Zollo, Vermont AmeriCorps member; 
Maureen Curley, executive director Service Alliance of 
Massachusetts; Ruth Blackman, Foster Grandparents of Boston, 
Massachusetts; and Deborah Socha, curriculum coordinator from 
Mattapoisset, Massachusetts.

 the introduction of the national and community service amendments act 
                                of 2000

    On June 21, 2000, Senators Kennedy, Specter, Dodd, DeWine, 
Mikulski, Smith (of Oregon), Bingaman, L. Chafee, Wellstone, 
Jeffords, Murray, Collins, Rockefeller, Burns, Durbin, Cochran, 
Kerry, Voinovich, Cleland, Sarbanes, Baucus, Boxer, Lieberman, 
and Breaux introduced S. 2764, the National and Community 
Service Amendments Act of 2000. The bill reauthorizes the 
National and Community Service Act and the Domestic Volunteer 
Service Act.

                           executive session

    On July 21, 2000, the Committee on Health, Education, 
Labor, and Pensions met in executive session to consider S. 
2764. Following opening comments, two amendments were offered.
    The first amendment was offered by Senator Jeffords which 
was a substitute amendment. The amendment established a state 
minimum grant for school-based service learning programs when 
the appropriation reaches $45 million. The amendment also made 
technical corrections to certain subsections of S. 2764 as 
introduced. The amendment was adopted by voice vote.
    The second amendment was offered by Senator Mikulski. The 
amendment adds an E-Corps program to the list of established 
national service programs eligible for assistance. The 
amendment was adopted by voice vote.
    After the amendments were adopted, S. 2764, the National 
and Community Service Amendments Act of 2000 was agreed to by 
voice vote.

                          III. Committee Views

    The National and Community Service Amendments Act of 2000, 
S. 2764, reauthorizes the National and Community Service Act 
and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act. S. 2764 retains the 
structure of the Corporation for National and Community Service 
that was established during the last authorization. The bill 
makes several changes to both national service and domestic 
volunteer service. These changes are designed to increase 
participation and to reduce some administrative cost.
    In regard to the National and Community Service Act, S. 
2764 contains several significant modifications. These 
modifications are: provisions which increase the participation 
of individuals with disabilities in community service 
activities; the establishment of minimum state grant awards for 
both school based Learn and Serve and AmeriCorps programs; an 
initiative that recognizes high school juniors and seniors 
engaged in outstanding community service programs; a provision 
which permits the use of educational awards to pay off private 
or state loans; and a requirement that the cost per participant 
does not exceed $15,000 plus the annual inflation adjustment.
    S. 2764 includes the following key changes to the Domestic 
Volunteer Service Act: eliminates the age enrollment priority 
for Retired and Senior Volunteer program participants; lowers 
the age enrollment priority to 55 for the Foster Grandparents 
and Senior Companions programs; and increases the stipend for 
Foster Grandparents.

                           IV. Cost Estimate

                                     U.S. Congress,
                               Congressional Budget Office,
                                     Washington, DC, July 31, 2000.
Hon. James M. Jeffords,
Chairman, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. 
        Senate, Washington, DC.
    Dear Mr. Chairman: The Congressional Budget Office has 
prepared the enclosed cost estimate for S. 2764, the National 
and Community Service Amendments Act of 2000.
    If you wish further details on this estimate, we will be 
pleased to provide them. The CBO staff contact is Christina 
Hawley Sadoti.
                                          Barry B. Anderson
                                    (For Dan L. Crippen, Director).

S. 2764--National and Community Service Amendments Act of 2000

    Summary: S. 2764 would reauthorize programs funded under 
the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (NCSA) and the 
Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (DVSA). Assuming 
appropriations of the necessary amounts, CBO estimates that 
implementing the bill would cost about $2.9 billion over the 
2001-2005 period. That estimate assumes that annual funding 
would be increased to keep pace with anticipated inflation. If 
annual funding is not adjusted for inflation, the estimated 
five-year cost would be about $2.7 billion.
    Under current law, the Corporation of National and 
Community Service (CNCS) has the authority to spend interest 
earned on amounts appropriated into the national service trust 
account. In fiscal year 1999, the trust account earned about 
$26 million in interest. if the amounts authorized by this bill 
are appropriated, the amount of interest earned in the trust 
account could increase, resulting in additional outlays. But 
because this bill would not affect the authority of the CNCS to 
spend the interest earned, pay-as-you-go procedures would not 
    S. 2764 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector 
mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA). 
Implementing this bill would benefit state, local, and tribal 
governments, and any resulting costs to those governments would 
be incurred voluntarily.
    Estimated Cost to the Federal Government: The estimated 
budgetary impact of S. 2764 is shown in Table 1. The costs of 
this legislation fall within budget function 500 (education, 
training, employment, and social services).

                                 TABLE 1. ESTIMATED BUDGETARY EFFECTS OF S. 2764
                                                               By fiscal year, in millions of dollars--
                                                        2000      2001      2002      2003      2004      2005
                                        SPENDING SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATION

                                         With Adjustments for Inflation

Spending Under Current Law:
    Budget Authority \1\............................       730         0         0         0         0         0
    Estimated Outlays...............................       700       512       257       126        64        32
Proposed Changes:
    Estimated Authorization Level...................         0       764       780       798       815       832
    Estimated Outlays...............................         0       229       506       650       729       780
Spending Under S. 2764:
    Estimated Authorization Level \1\...............       730       764       780       798       815       832
    Estimated Outlays...............................       700       741       762       776       794       811

                                        Without Adjustments for Inflation

Spending Under Current Law:
    Budget Authority \1\............................       730         0         0         0         0         0
    Estimated Outlays...............................       700       512       257       126        64        32
Proposed Changes:
    Estimated Authorization Level...................         0       747       747       747       747       747
    Estimated Outlays...............................         0       222       487       617       781       715
Spending Under S. 2764:
    Estimated Authorization Level \1\...............       730       747       747       747       747       747
    Estimated Outlays...............................       700       734       744       743       745       747
\1\ The 2000 level is the amount appropriated for that year for NCSA and DVSA programs.
Notes: Estimated outlays do not include outlays of interest earned on balances in the national service trust

    Basis of estimate: S. 2764 would authorize the 
appropriation of such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 
2001 through 2005 to carry out programs under the NCSA and the 
DVSA. Authorizations for these programs expired in 1996. Since 
that time, national service programs have continued to receive 
appropriations; the total appropriation level was $730 million 
for fiscal year 2000.
    With one exception, CBO has used the amount of the most 
recent appropriation as the basis for estimating the ``such 
sums'' authorizations. Costs for administering programs 
authorized under the DVSA are authorized at 18 percent of 
program authorizations. Therefore, CBO has estimated 
administration costs for these programs to be 18 percent of 
program costs, rather than basing them on the most recent 
appropriation. In fiscal year 2000, the appropriated amount for 
DVSA administrative expenses was about 12 percent of the total 
program costs. Without including adjustments for inflation, the 
authorized level for DVSA administration would exceed the most 
recent appropriation by about $17 million.
    For this estimate, CBO assumes that the estimated amounts 
will be appropriated for each year and spent according to 
historical spending patterns. Details of the estimated new 
authorizations are shown in Table 2.
    Programs reauthorized by amendments to the National and 
Community Service Act of 1990 include the following, along with 
the amount appropriated for fiscal year 2000:
          School and community-based service learning: $43 
          National trust programs, quality and innovation 
        (including AmeriCorps and education awards): $342 
          Civilian community corps: $18 million;
          Administration: $26 million; and
          The Points of Light Foundation: $6 million.
    Programs reauthorized by amendments to the Domestic 
Volunteer Service Act of 1973 include the following, along with 
the amount appropriated for fiscal year 2000:
          National Volunteer Antipoverty Programs (including 
        Volunteers in Service to America, and literacy 
        activities): $81 million;
          National Senior Volunteer Corps (including programs 
        for retired and senior volunteers and foster 
        grandparents. S. 2764 would change the title of this 
        section to ``National Senior Service Corps.''): $183 
        million; and
          Administration: $31 million.

                                                                    By fiscal year, in millions of dollars--
                                                                  2001      2002      2003      2004      2005
                                        SPENDING SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATION

Programs Authorized Under the National and Community Service
    School and Community-based Service Learning:
        Estimated Authorization Level.........................        44        45        46        46        47
        Estimated Outlays.....................................         4        26        40        45        46
    National Trust Programs, Quality and Innovation:
        Estimated Authorization Level.........................       348       354       360       367       373
        Estimated Outlays.....................................        16       124       223       287       327
    Civilian Community Corps:
        Estimated Authorization Level.........................        18        19        19        19        20
        Estimated Outlays.....................................        16        19        19        19        20
        Estimated Authorization Level.........................        26        27        27        28        28
        Estimated Outlays.....................................        22        27        27        28        28
    Points of Light Foundation:
        Estimated Authorization Level.........................         6         6         6         6         6
        Estimated Outlays.....................................         0         6         6         6         6
        Subtotal-Authorizations under NCSA:
            Estimated Authorization Level.....................       443       450       458       466       475
            Estimated Outlays.................................        58       202       315       386       427
Programs Authorized under the Domestic Volunteer Service Act:
    National Volunteer Antipoverty Programs:
        Estimated Authorization Level.........................        84        86        88        91        93
        Estimated Outlays.....................................        44        79        87        89        92
    National Senior Service Corps:
        Estimated Authorization Level.........................       189       194       199       205       210
        Estimated Outlays.....................................       100       178       197       202       207
        Estimated Authorization Level.........................        49        50        52        53        54
        Estimated Outlays.....................................        26        46        51        52        54
        Subtotal-Authorizations under DVSA:
            Estimated Authorization Level.....................       321       331       340       349       357
        Estimated Outlays.....................................       170       304       335       344       352
Total Authorization Under S. 2764:
    Estimated Authorization Level.............................       764       781       798       815       832
    Estimated Outlays.........................................       229       506       650       729       780

    In addition, this bill would make a number of changes which 
would have insignificant budgetary effects. Some of these 
changes would:
          Include Indian tribes as organizations that are 
        qualified to apply for grants;
          Limit the annual cost per participant in AmeriCorps;
          Allow education awards earned by national service 
        participants to be used to repay private loans; and
          Raise the income threshold for participating in some 
        DVSA programs to 150 percent of poverty.
    Pay-as-you-go considerations: None.
    Estimated impact on State, local, and tribal governments: 
S. 2764 contains no intergovernmental mandates as defined in 
UMRA. The bill would authorize grants to states, and in some 
cases local and tribal governments, to support national service 
programs including AmeriCorps and the National Senior Service 
Corps. CBO estimates that state, local, and tribal governments 
could receive grants totaling approximately $3 billion over the 
next five years; any costs associated with receipt of these 
funds would be incurred voluntarily.
    Estimated impact on the private sector: S. 2764 contains no 
private-sector mandates as defined in UMRA.
    Estimate prepared by: Federal Costs: Christina Hawley 
Sadoti. Impact on State, Local, and Tribal Governments: Susan 
Sieg Tompkins. Impact on the Private Sector: Ralph Smith.
    Estimate approved by: Peter H. Fontaine, Deputy Assistant 
Director for Budget Analysis.

                     V. Regulatory Impact Statement

    The committee has determined that the bill may result in 
some additional paperwork which would be managed by the 
Corporation for National and Community Service, the entity 
entrusted with implementation of the National and Community 
Service Act and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act. It is 
difficult to estimate the volume of additional paperwork that 
may be necessary, but the committee does not believe it will be 

          VI. Application of the Law to the Legislative Branch

    Section 102(b)(3) of Public Law 104-1, the Congressional 
Accountability Act (CAA), requires a description of the 
application of this bill to the legislative branch. S. 2764 
does not amend any act that applies to the legislative branch.

                    VII. Section-by-Section Analysis


    Section 1 specifies the title of the legislation, National 
and Community Service Amendments Act of 2000.
    Section 2 lists the table of contents.

   Title I--Amendments to National and Community Service Act of 1990

Section 101. References

    Section 101 specifies that all references shall be made to 
the National and Community Service Act of 1990.

Section 102. General provisions

    Section 102(a) makes a technical amendment to the table of 
    Section 102(b) adds a new purpose in regard to service-
learning programs.
    Section 102(c) makes technical amendments to definitions.

Section 103. School-based and community-based service-learning programs

    Section 103(a) establishes a state minimum grant award for 
school-based learn and serve programs.
    Section 103(b) adds a reference to the Elementary and 
Secondary Act of 1965.
    Section 103(c) includes Indian tribes as qualified 
organizations for the purposes of participation.
    Section 103(d) eliminates the requirement that the 
Corporation for National and Community Service give increased 
priority for grant application characteristics.

Section 104. National service trust program

    Section 104(a) eliminates current law language which has 
allowed the Corporation for National and Community Service to 
transfer funds to another federal agency to support a national 
service program. This section also caps participation cost.
    Section 104(b) makes technical amendments to program 
eligibility and adds the E-Corps programs to the list of 
eligible programs.
    Section 104(c) makes technical amendments to eligibility of 
    Section 104(d) makes a technical amendment regarding the 
numbering of sections.
    Section 104(e) increases the participation of individuals 
with disabilities and includes a provision that establishes a 
state minimum of $500,000 for national service grant awards.
    Section 104(f) makes a technical amendment regarding the 
word applicant.
    Section 104(g) makes technical amendments regarding 
redesignation of paragraphs.
    Section 104(h) makes a technical amendment pertaining to 
participant performance.
    Section 104(i) makes a technical amendment to participant 
selection provision.
    Section 104(j) makes a technical amendment to term 
    Section 104(k) clarifies living allowances.

Section 105. National service trust

    Section 105(a) establishes national service scholarships as 
an allowable use of trust funds.
    Section 105(b) specifies that expenditures from the trust 
shall be available for interest payments during forbearance on 
loan repayment and for national service scholarship awards.
    Section 105(c) makes a technical amendment to trust award 
    Section 105(d) clarifies that the prohibition of using the 
educational award to pay off loans made to parents also applies 
to loans made to parents under the direct student loan program. 
This section also contains a provision which permits 
educational awards to be used to pay off private or state 
    Section 105(e) allows the trust to be used to support a 
national service scholarship program to recognize secondary 
school juniors and seniors engaged in community service 

Section 106. Civilian community corps

    Section 106 (a) amends the purpose by increasing 
coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and 
other public and private organizations.
    Section 106(b) makes a technical amendment to program 
    Section 106(c) adds that the director of the corps may 
select individuals with prior experience to be team leaders. 
This section also provides that team leaders be selected 
without regard to age limitation.
    Section 106(d) makes technical amendments to authorized 
    Section 106(e) makes technical amendments to references to 
other departments.

Section 107. Administrative provisions

    Section 107(a) eliminates the provisions permitting the 
State commission and any division of the Corporation for 
National and Community Service to enter into an agreement for 
coordinating functions.
    Section 107(b) makes a technical amendment by renumbering 

Section 108. Corporation for national and community service

    Sections 108(a) and (b) eliminate the provision related to 
staggered terms for board members and adds a provision that an 
appointed board member whose term has expired may continue to 
serve until the earlier of the date on which the successor has 
taken office or the date on which Congress adjourns to end the 
session that commences after the date on which the term 
    Section 108(c) specifies that the chief executive officer 
of the Corporation for National and Community Service has the 
authority to enter into agreements with other agencies to carry 
out activities to implement national service laws.
    Section 108(d) adds a reference to the Domestic Volunteer 
Service Act.

Section 109. Points of light foundation

    Section 109 provides that the chief executive officer of 
the Corporation for National and Community Service may serve as 
an ex officio, nonvoting member of the board of directors of 
the Points of Light Foundation.

Section 110. Authorization of appropriations

    Section 110 authorizes such sums as may be necessary for 
all programs authorized under the National and Community 
Service Act.

   Title II--Amendments to the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973

Section 201. References

    Section 201 specifies that all references shall be made to 
the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973.

Section 202. General provisions

    Section 202 makes amendments to the table of contents.

Section 203. National volunteer antipoverty programs

    Section 203(a) adds an objective to VISTA to encourage 
supportive efforts by local agencies and organizations to 
achieve long-term sustainability of programs in the absence of 
Federal assistance.
    Section 203(b) encourages the VISTA director to enter into 
agreements with public agencies and private organizations under 
which, the agencies and organizations pay for all, or a portion 
of, the direct cost of supporting volunteers.
    Section 203(c) authorizes the VISTA director to provide a 
stipend of a maximum of $200 per month to individuals 
designated as volunteer leaders.

Section 204. National senior service corps

    Section 204(a) renames the National Senior Volunteer Corps 
to the National Senior Service Corps.
    Section 204(b) adds additional purposes to the National 
Senior Volunteer Corps focusing on providing service in the 
areas of education, public safety, health, and human services, 
and the environment. The purpose is also amended by specifying 
that opportunities are available for people age 55 or older.
    Section 204(c) eliminates the priority enrollment age of 60 
years and older for the Retired and Senior Volunteer program.
    Section 204(d) requires that individuals be age 55 or older 
with individuals 60 or older having an enrollment priority for 
the Foster Grandparents program. This section also stipulates 
that any stipend shall not be less than $2.55 per hour and 
shall be adjusted once prior to September 30, 2005.
    Section 204(e) amends the Senior Companion program by 
changing the eligibility age to 55 or older with individuals 
age 60 or older receiving an enrollment priority.
    Section 204(f) requires that the Senior Corps director 
spend not less than $375,000 and not more than $500,000 each 
year to promote Senior Corps programs.
    Section 204(g) makes technical amendments regarding age 
    Section 204(h) makes technical amendments pertaining to the 
name change of the National Senior Service Corps.
    Sections 204(i) and (j) prohibits the awarding of national 
significance grants for the Retired Senior Volunteer program, 
the Foster Grandparents program, or the Senior Companion 
program unless the appropriated allocation for each program 
exceeds the appropriated allocations for the 2 preceding years.

Section 205. Administration and coordination

    Section 205 makes technical amendments regarding the name 
change of the National Senior Service Corps.

Section 206. Authorization of appropriations

    Section 206 authorizes such sums as may be necessary for 
programs authorized under the Domestic Volunteer Assistance Act 
of 1973.

             Title III--Technical Amendments to Other Laws

Sections 301-304. References and technical amendments

    Sections 301-304 make technical amendments to programs 
outside the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and the 
Domestic Volunteer Assistance Act of 1973.

                     VIII. Changes in Existing Law

    In compliance with rule XXVI paragraph 12 of the Standing 
Rules of the Senate, the following provides a print of the 
statute or the part or section thereof to be amended or 
replaced (existing law proposed to be omitted is enclosed in 
black brackets, new matter is printed in italic, existing law 
in which no change is proposed is shown in roman):


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents is as 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

 Subtitle D--National Service Trust and Provision of National Service 
Educational Awards

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 149. National service scholarship program.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Findings.--*  *  *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (b) Purpose.--It is the purpose of this Act to--
          (1) *  *  *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (7) build on the existing organizational service 
        infrastructure of Federal, State, and local programs 
        and agencies to expand full-time and part-time service 
        opportunities for all citizens[; and];
          (8) provide tangible benefits to the communities in 
        which national service is performed[,]; and
          (9) expand and strengthen service-learning programs 
        to improve the education of children and youth and to 
        maximize the benefits of national and community 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

SEC. 101. [42 U.S.C. 12511] DEFINITIONS.

    For purposes of this title:
          (1) Adult volunteer.-- * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (19) Program.--The term ``program'', unless the 
        context otherwise requires, and except when used as 
        part of the term ``academic program'', means a program 
        described in section 111(a) (other than a program 
        referred to in paragraph (3)(B) of such section), 
        117A(a) [119(b)(1), or 122(a)] 119(b)(1), 122(a), or 
        149; or in paragraph (1) or (2) of section 152(b), or 
        an activity that could be funded under section 198, 
        198C, or 198D.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (21) School-age youth.--The term ``school-age youth'' 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  (B) children with disabilities, as defined in 
                [section 602(a)(1)] section 602(3) of the 
                Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 
                ([20 U.S.C. 1401(a)(1)] 20 U.S.C. 1401(3)), who 
                receive services under part B of such Act.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (26) State.--The term ``State'' means each of the 
        several States, the District of Columbia, the 
        Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin 
        Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of 
        the Northern Mariana Islands. [The term also includes 
        Palau, until such time as the Compact of Free 
        Association is ratified.]

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

SEC. 112. [42 U.S.C. 12524] GRANTS AND ALLOTMENTS.

    (a) Indian Tribes and Territories.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (b) Grants and Allotments Through States.--The Corporation 
shall use the remainder of the funds appropriated to carry out 
this subpart for any fiscal year as follows:
          (1) Grants.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (3) Minimum Amount.--
                  (A) In general._No State shall receive, under 
                paragraph (2), an allotment that is less than 
                the allotment such State received for fiscal 
                year 1993 under section 112(b) of this Act, as 
                in effect on the day before the date of 
                enactment of this part. [If the amount of funds 
                made available in a fiscal year to carry out 
                paragraph (2) is insufficient to make such 
                allotments, the Corporation shall make 
                available sums from the 25 percent described in 
                paragraph (1) for such fiscal year to make such 
                  (B) Years with appropriations of not less 
                than $45,000,000.--For any fiscal years for 
                which the amount appropriated under section 
                501(a)(1)(A) is not less than $45,000,000, no 
                State shall receive, under paragraph (2), 
                          (i) an allotment that is less than 
                        $100,000; or
                          (ii) an allotment that is less than 
                        the allotment such State received for 
                        fiscal year 2000 under this subsection.
                  (C) Use of competitive grant funds.--If the 
                amount of funds made available in a fiscal year 
                to carry out paragraph (2) is insufficient to 
                make allotments under paragraph (2) in 
                accordance with subparagraphs (A) and (B), the 
                Corporation shall make available sums from the 
                25 percent described in paragraph (1) for such 
                fiscal year to make such allotments in 
                accordance with subparagraphs (A) and (B).

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                    FROM PRIVATE SCHOOLS.

    (a) In General.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (b) Waiver.--If a State, Indian tribe, or local educational 
agency is prohibited by law from providing for the 
participation of students or teachers from private nonprofit 
schools as required by subsection (a), or if the Corporation 
determines that a State, Indian tribe, or local educational 
agency substantially fails or is unwilling to provide for such 
participation on an equitable basis, the Chief Executive 
Officer shall waive such requirements and shall arrange for the 
provision of services to such students and teachers. Such 
waivers shall be subject to [consultation, withholding, notice, 
and judicial review requirements in accordance with paragraphs 
(3) and (4) of section 1017(b) of the Elementary and Secondary 
Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 2727(b)), as in effect on the 
day preceding the date of enactment of the Improving America's 
Schools Act of 1994.] the requirements of section 14506 of the 
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    Subpart B--Community-Based Service Programs for School-Age Youth

SEC. 117. [42 U.S.C. 12541] DEFINITIONS.

    As used in this subpart:
          (1) Community-based service program.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (3) Qualified organization.--The term ``qualified 
        organization'' means a public or private nonprofit 
        organization with experience working with school-age 
        youth that meets such criteria as the Chief Executive 
        Officer may establish, or an Indian tribe.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


                    COMMUNITY SERVICE.

    (a) Purpose.--* * *
    (e) Priority.--
          [(1) In general.--] In making grants and entering 
        into contracts under subsection (b), the Corporation 
        shall give priority to applicants that submit 
        applications containing proposals that--
                  [(A)] (1) demonstrate the commitment of the 
                institution of higher education, other than by 
                demonstrating the commitment of the students, 
                to supporting the community service projects 
                carried out under the program;
                  [(B)] (2) specify the manner in which the 
                institution will promote faculty, 
                administration, and staff participation in the 
                community service projects;
                  [(C)] (3) specify the manner in which the 
                institution will provide service to the 
                community through organized programs, 
                including, where appropriate, clinical programs 
                for students in professional schools;
                  [(D)] (4) describe any partnership that will 
                participate in the community service projects, 
                such as a partnership comprised of--
                          [(i)] (A) the institution;
                          [(ii)] (B) (I)(i) a community-based 
                          [(II)] (ii) a local government 
                        agency; or
                          [(III)] (iii) a nonprofit entity that 
                        serves or involves school-age youth or 
                        older adults; and
                          [(iii)] (C) a student organization;
                  [(E)] (5) demonstrate community involvement 
                in the development of the proposal;
                  [(F)] (6) specify that the institution will 
                use such assistance to strengthen the service 
                infrastructure in institutions of higher 
                education; or
                  [(G)] (7) with respect to projects involving 
                delivery or service, specify projects that 
                involve leadership development of school-age 
          [(2) Determination.--In giving priority to applicants 
        under paragraph (1), the Corporation shall give 
        increased priority to such an applicant for each 
        characteristic described in subpargraphs (A) through 
        (G) of paragraph (1) that is reflected in the 
        application submitted by the applicant.]

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

               Subtitle C--National Service Trust Program



    (a) Provision of Assistance.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    [(b) Agreements With Federal Agencies.--
          [(1) Agreements authorized.--The Corporation may 
        enter into a contract or cooperative agreement with 
        another Federal agency to support a national service 
        program carried out by the agency. The support provided 
        by the Corporation pursuant to the contract or 
        cooperative agreement may include the transfer to the 
        Federal agency of funds available to the Corporation 
        under this subtitle.
          [(2) Matching funds requirements.--A Federal agency 
        receiving assistance under this subsection shall not be 
        required to satisfy the matching funds requirements 
        specified in subsection (e). However, the 
        supplementation requirements specified in section 173 
        shall apply with respect to the Federal national 
        service programs supported with such assistance.
          [(3) Consultation with state commissions.--A Federal 
        agency receiving assistance under this subsection shall 
        consult with the State Commissions for those States in 
        which projects will be conducted using such assistance 
        in order to ensure that the projects do not duplicate 
        projects conducted by State or local national service 
          [(4) Support for other national service programs.--A 
        Federal agency that enters into a contract or 
        cooperative agreement under paragraph (1) shall, in an 
        appropriate case, enter into a contract or cooperative 
        agreement with an entity that is carrying out a 
        national service program in a State that is in 
        existence in the State as of the date of the contract 
        or cooperative agreement and is of high quality, in 
        order to support the national service program.]
    [(c)] (b) Provision of Approved National Service 
Positions.--As part of the provision of assistance under 
[subsections (a) and (b)] subsection (a), the Corporation 
          (1) approve the provision of national service 
        educational awards described in subtitle D for the 
        participants who serve in national service programs 
        carried out using such assistance; and
          (2) deposit in the National Service Trust established 
        in section 145(a) an amount equal to the product of--
                  (A) the value of a national service 
                educational award under section 147; and
                  (B) the total number of approved national 
                service positions to be provided.
    [(d)] (c) Five Percent Limitation on Administrative 
          (1) Limitation.--Not more than 5 percent of the 
        amount of assistance provided to the original recipient 
        of a grant or transfer of assistance under subsection 
        (a) [or (b)] for a fiscal year may be used to pay for 
        administrative costs incurred by--
                  (A) the recipient of the assistance; and
                  (B) national service programs carried out or 
                supported with the assistance.
          (2) Rules on use.--The Corporation may by rule 
        prescribe the manner and extent to which--
                  (A) assistance provided under subsection (a) 
                [or (b)] may be used to cover administrative 
                costs; and
                  (B) that portion of the assistance available 
                to cover administrative costs should be 
                distributed between--
                          (i) the original recipient of the 
                        grant or transfer of assistance under 
                        such subsection; and
                          (ii) national service programs 
                        carried out or supported with the 
    [(e)] (d) Matching Funds Requirements.--
          (1) Requirements.--Except as provided in section 140, 
        the Federal share of the cost of carrying out a 
        national service program that receives the assistance 
        under subsection (a), whether the assistance is 
        provided directly or as a subgrant from the original 
        recipient of the assistance, may not exceed 75 percent 
        of such cost.
          (2) Calculation.--In providing for the remaining 
        share of the cost of carrying out a national service 
        program, the program--
                  (A) shall provide for such share through a 
                payment in cash or in kind, fairly evaluated, 
                including facilities, equipment, or services; 
                  (B) may provide for such share through State 
                sources, local sources, or other Federal 
                sources (other than the use of funds made 
                available under the national service laws).
          (3) Cost of health care.--In providing a payment in 
        cash under paragraph (2)(A) as part of providing for 
        the remaining share of the cost of carrying out a 
        national service program, the program may count not 
        more than 85 percent of the cost of providing a health 
        care policy described in section 140(d)(2) toward such 
          (4) Waiver.--The Corporation may waive in whole or in 
        part the requirements of paragraph (1) with respect to 
        a national service program in any fiscal year if the 
        Corporation determines that such a waiver would be 
        equitable due to a lack of available financial 
        resources at the local level.
    (e) Cost of Participant.--
          (1) Limit.--The Corporation share of the aggregate 
        cost of national service positions approved under the 
        national service laws may not exceed the product of--
                  (A) the number of such positions; and
                  (B) the amount determined under paragraph 
          (2) Amount per participant.--
                  (A) Fiscal year 1999.--For fiscal year 1999, 
                the amount referred to in paragraph (1)(B) 
                shall be $15,000.
                  (B) Fiscal years 2000 through 2005.--For each 
                of fiscal years 2000 through 2005, the amount 
                referred to in paragraph (1)(B) shall be the 
                amount determined under this paragraph for the 
                preceding fiscal year, adjusted to reflect the 
                percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index 
                for All Urban Consumers published by the 
                Secretary of Labor, occurring in the 1-year 
                period immediately preceding the date the 
                adjustment is made.
          (3) Cost.--For purposes of paragraph (1), the cost of 
        an approved national service position shall be the 
        average budgeted cost per individual enrolled in an 
        approved national service position, including the 
        administrative and support cost attributable to the 

                    FOR PROGRAM ASSISTANCE.

    (a) Eligible National Service Programs.--The recipient of a 
grant under section 121(a) [and each Federal agency receiving 
assistance under section 121(b)] shall use the assistance, 
directly or through subgrants to other entities, to carry out 
full- or part-time national service programs, including summer 
programs, that address unmet human, educational, environmental, 
or public safety needs. Subject to subsection (b)(1), these 
national service programs may include the following types of 
national service programs:

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (4) A service program that is targeted at specific 
        unmet human, educational, environmental, or public 
        safety needs and that--
                  (A) recruits individuals with special skills 
                or provides specialized preservice training to 
                enable participants to be placed individually 
                or in teams in positions in which the 
                participants can meet such unmet needs, such as 
                an E-Corps program that involves participants 
                who provide service in a community by 
                developing and assisting in carrying out 
                technology programs.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                    EDUCATIONAL AWARDS.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (1) A position for a participant in a national 
        service program described in section 122(a) that 
        receives assistance under [subsection (a) or (b) of 
        section 121] section 121(a).
          (2) A position for a participant in a program that--
                  (A) is carried out by a State, a subdivision 
                of a State, an Indian tribe, a public or 
                private nonprofit organization, [an institution 
                of higher education, or a Federal agency] or an 
                institution of higher education.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Support for State Commissions.--

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (c) Challenge Grants for National Service Programs.--
          (1) Assistance authorized.--

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (3) Amount of assistance.--A challenge grant under 
        this subsection may provide not more than $1 of 
        assistance under this subsection for each $1 in cash 
        raised by the national service program from private 
        sources in excess of amounts required to be provided by 
        the program to satisfy matching funds requirements 
        under [section 121(e)] section 121(d). The Corporation 
        shall establish a ceiling on the amount of assistance 
        that may be provided to a national service program 
        under this subsection.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


                    OTHER MEANS.

    (a) Allotments of Assistance and Approved Positions to 
States and Indian Tribes.--
          (1) 33\1/3\ percent allotment of assistance to 
        certain states.--[Of the funds allocated by the 
        Corporation for provision of assistance under 
        subsections (a) and (b) of section 121 for a fiscal 
        year, the Corporation shall]
                  (A) In general._Of the funds allocated by the 
                Corporation for provision of assistance under 
                section 121(a) for a fiscal year, the 
                Corporation may make a grant under section 
                121(a) (and a corresponding allotment of 
                approved national service positions) to each of 
                the several States, the District of Columbia, 
                and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico that has an 
                application approved by the Corporation under 
                section 133. The amount allotted as a grant to 
                each such State under this paragraph for a 
                fiscal year shall be equal to the amount that 
                bears the same ratio to 33\1/3\ percent of the 
                allocated funds for that fiscal year as the 
                population of the State bears to the total 
                population of the several States, the District 
                of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto 
                  (B) Minimum State Grants.--Notwithstanding 
                subparagraph (A), no state described in 
                subparagraph (A) shall receive a grant under 
                subparagraph (A) for a fiscal year in an amount 
                less than $500,000.
           (2) One percent allotment for certain territories 
        and possessions.--Of the funds allocated by the 
        Corporation for [provision assistance under subsections 
        (a) and (b) of section 121] provision of assistance 
        under section 121(a) for a fiscal year, the Corporation 
        shall reserve 1 percent of the allocated funds for 
        grants under section 121(a) to the United States Virgin 
        Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of 
        the Northern Mariana Islands upon approval of an 
        application by the Corporation under section 133. 
        [Palau shall also be eligible for a grant under this 
        paragraph from the allotment until such time as the 
        Compact of Free Association with Palau is ratified.] 
        The amount allotted as a grant to each such territory 
        or possession under this paragraph for a fiscal year 
        shall be equal to the amount that bears the same ratio 
        to 1 percent of the allocated funds for that fiscal 
        year as the population of the territory or possession 
        bears to the total population of such territories and 
           (3) One percent allotment for indian tribes.--Of the 
        funds allocated by the Corporation for [provision of 
        assistance under subsections (a) and (b) of section 
        121] provision of assistance under section 121(a) for a 
        fiscal year, the Corporation shall reserve 1 percent of 
        the allocated funds for grants under section 121(a) to 
        Indian tribes, to be allotted by the Corporation on a 
        competitive basis in accordance with their respective 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (d) Competitive Distribution of Remaining Funds.--
          (1) State competition.--Of the funds allocated by the 
        Corporation for [provision of assistance under 
        subsections (a) and (b) of section 121] provision of 
        assistance under section 121(a) for a fiscal year, the 
        Corporation shall use not less than 33\1/3\ percent of 
        the allocated funds to make grants to States on a 
        competitive basis under section 121(a).
          (2) [Federal agencies and other applicants] Other 
        applicants.--The Corporation shall distribute on a 
        competitive basis to subdivisions of States, Indian 
        tribes, public or private nonprofit organizations 
        (including labor organizations), and institutions of 
        higher education, [and Federal agencies] the remainder 
        of the funds allocated by the Corporation for provision 
        of assistance under section 121 for a fiscal year, 
        after operation of paragraphs (1) and subsections (a) 
        and (c).
          [(3) Limitation on distribution to federal 
        agencies.--The Corporation may not provide more than 
        \1/3\ of the funds available for competitive 
        distribution under paragraph (2) for a fiscal year to 
        Federal agencies under section 121(b).]
          [(4)] (3) Priority limitations--The Corporation may 
        limit the categories of eligible applicants for 
        assistance under paragraph (2) consistent with the 
        priorities established by the Corporation under section 
          [(5)] (4) Reservation of funds for supplemental and 
        outreach grants--
                  (A) Reservation.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  (B) Grants to [assist entities in placing 
                applicants who are] increase the participation 
                of individuals with a disability.--
                          (i) In general.--The Chief Executive 
                        Officer shall make grants from a 
                        portion of the funds reserved under 
                        subparagraph (A) to entities that--
                                  (I) [receive a grant to carry 
                                out a national service program 
                                under paragraph (1) or (2)] 
                                receive assistance, such as 
                                funding or an allotment of 
                                approved national service 
                                positions, to carry out 
                                activities under the national 
                                service laws.--
                                  [(II) demonstrate that the 
                                entity has received a 
                                substantial number of] 
                                applications for placement in 
                                the national service program of 
                                persons who are individuals 
                                with a disability and who 
                                require a reasonable 
                                accommodation (as defined in 
                                section 101(9) of the Americans 
                                with Disabilities Act of 1990 
                                (42 U.S.C. 12111(9))), or 
                                auxiliary aids and services (as 
                                defined in section 3(1) of such 
                                Act (42 U.S.C. 12102)2))), in 
                                order to perform national 
                                service; and
                                  (III) demonstrate that 
                                additional funding would assist 
                                the national service program in 
                                [placing a substantial number 
                                of such individuals with a 
                                disability as participants in 
                                projects carried out through 
                                the program] increasing the 
                                participation of individuals 
                                with disabilities in activities 
                                carried out under the national 
                                service laws.
                          (ii) Requirements.--Funds made 
                        available through such a supplemental 
                        grant under clause (i) shall be made 
                        available for the same purposes, and 
                        subject to the same requirements, [as 
                        funds made available through a grant 
                        made under paragraph (1) or (2)] as 
                        assistance described in clause (i)(I).
                  (C) Grants for outreach to individuals with a 
                [disability] ability and for demonstration 
                          (i) In general.--From the portion of 
                        the funds reserved under subparagraph 
                        (A) that is not used to make grants 
                        under subparagraph (B), the Chief 
                        Executive Officer shall make grants to 
                        public or private nonprofit 
                        organizations [to pay for the Federal 
                        share described in section 121(e)] to 
                        support demonstration programs 
                        promoting the participation of 
                        individuals with a disability in 
                        national service and to pay for the 
                        Federal share described in section 
                        121(d) of--
                                  (I) providing information 
                                about [the programs specified 
                                in section 193A(d)(10)] 
                                national service programs 
                                carried out under the national 
                                service laws to such 
                                individuals with a disability 
                                who desire to perform national 
                                service; and

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (h) Reservation of Funds To Support Programs Reducing 
Corporation Costs.--
          (1) Provision of operational support.--From amounts 
        appropriated for a fiscal year pursuant to section 
        501(a)(2) and made available to provide financial 
        assistance under this subtitle, and subject to 
        paragraph (2), the Corporation may reserve an amount of 
        not more than $15,000,000 to provide operational 
        support to programs that receive approved national 
        service positions under this subtitle but do not 
        receive funds under section 121(a).
          (2) Limitation on amount of operational support.--The 
        amount of operational support provided under this 
        subsection may not exceed $1,000 per individual placed 
        in an approved national service position in such a 
          (3) No administrative cost, matching fund, and 
        participant benefit requirements.--Programs supported 
        under this subsection shall not be subject to the 
        administrative cost, matching fund, and participant 
        benefit requirements of subsections (c) and (d) of 
        section 121, section 131(e), and subsections (a), (d), 
        and (e) of section 140.


    (a) Time, Manner, and Content of Application.--To be 
eligible to receive assistance under section 121 or approved 
national service positions for participants who serve in the 
national service programs to be carried out [using the 
assistance, a State, subdivision of a State, Indian tribe, 
public or private nonprofit organization, institution of higher 
education, or Federal agency] using the assistance, an 
applicant shall prepare and submit to the Corporation an 
application at such time, in such manner, and containing such 
information as the Corporation may reasonably require.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (d) Application To Receive Only Approved National Service 
          (1) Applicability of subsection.--This subsection 
        shall apply in the case of an application in which--
                  (A) the applicant is not seeking assistance 
                under [subsection (a) or (b) of section 121], 
                section 121(a) but requests national service 
                educational awards for individuals serving in 
                service positions described in section 123; or
                  (B) the applicant requests national service 
                educational awards for service positions 
                described in section 123, but the positions are 
                not positions in a national service program 
                described in section 122(a) for which 
                assistance may be provided under [subsection 
                (a) or (b) of section 121] section 121(a).

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (f) Special Rule for Certain Applicants.--
          (1) Written concurrence.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  (A) a State, subdivision of a State, Indian 
                tribe, public or private nonprofit 
                organization, [institution of higher education, 
                or Federal agency] or institution of higher 
                education submitting an application under this 
                section; or
                  (B) an entity applying for assistance or 
                approved national service positions through a 
                grant program conducted using assistance 
                provided to a State, subdivision of a State, 
                Indian tribe, public or private nonprofit 
                organization, [institution of higher education, 
                or Federal agency] or institution of higher 
                education under section 121.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Corporation Consideration of Certain Criteria.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (d) Other Considerations.--
          (1) Geographic diversity.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (2) Priorities.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  [(A) national service programs carried out by 
                another Federal agency;]
                  [(B)] (A) national service programs that 
                conform to the national service priorities in 
                effect under section 122(c);
                  [(C)] (B) innovative national service 
                  [(D)] (C) national service programs that are 
                well established in one or more States at the 
                time of the application and are proposed to be 
                expanded to additional States using assistance 
                provided under section 121;
                  [(E)] (D) grant programs in support of other 
                national service programs if the grant programs 
                are to be conducted by nonprofit organizations 
                with a demonstrated and extensive expertise in 
                the provision of services to meet human, 
                educational, environmental, or public safety 
                  [(F)] (E) professional corps programs 
                described in section 122(a)(8); and
                  [(G)] (F) program that--

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



    (a) In General.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (3) will serve in the program for a term of service 
        specified in section 139 [to be performed before, 
        during, or after attendance at an institution of higher 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Selection Process.--Subject to subsections (b) and (c) 
and section 131(f), the actual recruitment and selection of an 
individual to serve in a national service program receiving 
assistance under section 121 or to fill an approved national 
service position shall be conducted by the State, subdivision 
of a State, Indian tribe, public or private nonprofit 
organization, institution of higher education, [Federal 
agency,] or other entity to which the assistance and approved 
national service positions are provided.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

SEC. 139. [42 U.S.C. 12593] TERMS OF SERVICE.

    (a) In General.--As a condition of receiving a national 
service education award under subtitle D, a participant in an 
approved national service position shall be required to 
[perform full or part-time national service for at least one 
term of service] complete at least 1 term of full- or part-time 
national service as specified in subsection (b).

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Provision of Living Allowance.--
          (1) Living allowance required.--Subject to paragraph 
        (3), a national service program carried out using 
        assistance provided under section 121 shall provide to 
        each participant who participates on a full-time basis 
        in the program [a living allowance] an annual living 
        allowance, for 12 months of service, in an amount equal 
        to or greater than the average annual subsistence 
        allowance provided to VISTA volunteers under section 
        105 of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (42 
        U.S.C. 4955).

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (4) Proration of living allowance.--The amount 
        provided as a living allowance under this subsection 
        shall be prorated in the case of a participant who is 
        authorized to serve [a reduced term of service under 
        section 139(b)(3)] a term of full-time service under 
        section 139(b)(1) that is less than 12 months.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

 Subtitle D--National Service Trust and Provision of National Service 
                           Educational Awards


    (a) Establishment.--There is established in the Treasury of 
the United States an account to be known as the National 
Service Trust. The Trust shall consist of--
          (1) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  (A) national service educational awards[; 
                  (B) interest expenses pursuant to section 
                148(e)[;]; and
                  (C) national service scholarships under 
                section 149.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (c) Expenditures From Trust.--Amounts in the Trust shall be 
available, to the extent provided for in advance by 
appropriation, [for payments of national service educational 
awards in accordance with section 148.] for--
          (1) payments of national service educational awards 
        and interest in accordance with paragraphs (1) through 
        (4) of section 148(a); and
          (2) awards of national service scholarships in 
        accordance with section 149.
    (d) Reports to Congress on Receipts and Expenditures.--

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  (B) has lapsed pursuant to section 146(d); 
          (4) estimate the number of additional approved 
        national service positions that the Corporation will be 
        able to make available under subtitle C on the basis of 
        any accumulated surplus in the Trust above the amount 
        required to provide national service educational awards 
        to individuals identified under paragraph (2), 
        including any amounts available as a result of the 
        circumstances referred to in paragraph (3)[.]; and
          (5) identify the number of students who received 
        national service scholarships under section 149, and 
        specify the amount and sources of funds expended on the 
        national service scholarship program carried out under 
        section 149, during the fiscal year.


    (a) Eligible Individuals.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    [(c) Limitation on Number of Terms of Service for Awards.--
Although an individual may serve more than 2 terms of service 
described in subsection (b) in an approved national service 
position, the individual shall receive a national service 
educational award from the National Service Trust only on the 
basis of the first and second of such terms of service.]
     (c) Limitation on Receipt of Educational Awards.--An 
individual may receive, through the national service 
educational awards, no more than an amount equal to the 
aggregate value of 2 national service educational awards for 
full-time service.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                    SERVICE EDUCATIONAL AWARD.

    (a) Amount for Full-Time National Service.--Except as 
provided in subsection (c), an individual described in section 
146(a) who successfully completes a required term of full-time 
national service in an approved national service position shall 
receive a national service educational award having a value[, 
for each of not more than 2 of such terms of service,] equal to 
90 percent of--

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                    EDUCATIONAL AWARDS.

    (a) In General.--Amounts in the Trust shall be available--
          (1) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (7) Definition of qualified student loans.--As used 
        in this subsection, the term ``qualified student 
        loans'' means--
                  (A) any loan made, insured, or guaranteed 
                pursuant to title IV of the Higher Education 
                Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.), other 
                than a loan to a parent of a student pursuant 
                to section 428B of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1078-
                2)[; and] or a loan to a parent pursuant to 
                part D of title IV of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1087a 
                et seq.) with the same terms, conditions, and 
                benefits as a loan made pursuant to section 
                428B of such Act;
                  (B) any loan made pursuant to title VII or 
                VIII of the Public Health Service Act (42 
                U.S.C. 292a et seq.)[.]; and
                  (C) any loan (other than a loan described in 
                subparagraph (A) or (B)) determined by an 
                institution of higher education to be necessary 
                to cover a student's cost of attendance at the 
                institution and made directly to a student by--
                          (i) an eligible lender, as defined in 
                        section 435 of the Higher Education Act 
                        of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085);
                          (ii) a State agency; or
                          (iii) a lender otherwise determined 
                        by the Corporation to be eligible to 
                        receive disbursements from the National 
                        Service Trust.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (e) Interest Payments During Forbearance on Loan 
Repayment.--The Corporation shall provide by regulation for the 
payment on behalf of an eligible individual of interest that 
accrues during a period for which such individual has obtained 
forbearance in the repayment of a qualified student loan (as 
defined in [subsection (b)(6)] subsection (b)(7), if the 
eligible individual successfully completes the individual's 
required term of service (as determined under section 146(b)). 
Such regulations shall be prescribed after consultation with 
the Secretary of Education.
    (f) Exception.--With the approval of the Director, Chief 
Executive Officer an approved national service program funded 
under section 121, may offer participants the option of waiving 
their right to receive a national service educational award in 
order to receive an alternative post-service benefit funded by 
the program entirely with non-Federal funds.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    The Corporation may use amounts in the Trust to support a 
national service scholarship program to recognize secondary 
school juniors and seniors who are engaged in outstanding 
community service.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  Subtitle E--Civilian Community Corps

SEC. 151. [42 U.S.C. 12611] PURPOSE.

    It is the purpose of this subtitle to authorize the 
establishment of a Civilian Community Corps to provide a basis 
for determining--
          (1) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (3) whether retired members and former members of the 
        Armed Forces of the United States, members and former 
        members of the Armed Forces discharged or released from 
        active duty in connection with reduced Department of 
        Defense spending, members and former members of the 
        Armed Forces discharged or transferred from the 
        Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve in connection 
        with reduced Department of Defense spending, and other 
        members of the Armed Forces not on active duty and not 
        actively participating in a reserve component of the 
        Armed Forces can provide guidance and training under 
        such programs that contribute meaningfully to the 
        encouragement of national and community service; [and]
          (4) whether domestic national service programs can 
        serve as a substitute for the traditional option of 
        military service in the Armed Forces of the United 
        States which, in times of reductions in the size of the 
        Armed Forces, is a diminishing national service 
        opportunity for young Americans[. ; and]
          (5) whether such programs can meet national and 
        community needs related to natural and other disasters 
        in coordination with the Federal Emergency Management 
        Agency and other public and private organizations.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) In General.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (c) Diverse [Backgrounds] Backgrounds of Participants.--In 
selecting persons for the national service program, the 
Director shall endeavor to ensure that participants are from 
economically, geographically, and ethnically diverse 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Director.--Upon the establishment of the Civilian 
Community Corps Demonstration Program, the Civilian Community 
Corps shall be under the direction of the Director appointed 
pursuant to section 159(c)(1).
    (b) Membership in Civilian Community Corps.--
          (1) Participants to be members.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (4) Team leaders.--
                  (A) In general.--The Director may select 
                individuals with prior supervisory or service 
                experience to be team leaders in the Corps, to 
                perform service that includes leading and 
                supervising teams of Corps members.
                  (B) Criteria.--Team leaders shall be selected 
                without regard to the age limitation described 
                in section 153(b)(1).
                  (C) Treatment.--For purposes of this 
                subtitle, particularly subsections (b) and (c) 
                of section 160, team leaders shall be deemed to 
                be members of the Corps and shall be provided 
                the rights and benefits applicable to Corps 
                members, except that the limitation on the 
                amount of the living allowance available under 
                section 158(b) shall not apply.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) In General.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    [(e) Post Service Benefits.--Upon completion of the agreed 
period of service with the Corps, a member shall elect to 
receive the educational assistance under subsection (f) or the 
cash benefit under subsection (g).]
    [(f)] (e) National Service Educational Awards.--A Corps 
member who successfully completes a period of agreed service in 
the Corps may receive the national service educational awards 
described in subtitle D if the Corps member--
          (1) serves in an approved national service position; 
          (2) satisfies the eligibility requirements specified 
        in section 146 with respect to service in that approved 
        national service position.
    [(g) Alternative Benefit.--If a Corps member who 
successfully completes a period of agreed service in the Corps 
is ineligible for the national service educational award 
described in subtitle D, the Director may provide for the 
provision of a suitable alternative benefit for the Corps 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Secretary of Defense.--
          (1) Liaison office.--
                  (A) Establishment.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  (B) Duties.--The office shall--
                          (i) in order to assist in the 
                        recruitment of personnel for 
                        appointment in the permanent cadre, 
                        make available to the Director 
                        information in the registry established 
                        by [section 4462 of the National 
                        Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
                        year 1993] section 1143a of title 10, 
                        United States Code; and

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Existence Required.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (i) Coordination.--
          (1) Coordination with other state agencies.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (2) Coordination with volunteer service programs.--
                  (A) In general.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  [(B) Agreement.--In coordinating functions 
                under this paragraph, such Commission or 
                entity, and such division, may enter into an 
                agreement to--
                          [(i) carry out such a function 
                          [(ii) to assign responsibility for 
                        such a function to the Commission or 
                        entity; or
                          [(iii) to assign responsibility for 
                        such a function to the division.]
                  [(C)] (B) Information.--The State Commission 
                or alternative entity for a State, and the head 
                of any such division, shall exchange 
                information about--
                          (i) the programs carried out in the 
                        State by the Commission, entity, or 
                        division, as appropriate; and
                          (ii) opportunities to coordinate 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    [Section 414] Section 422 of the General Education 
Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1226a) shall apply to this Act.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

SEC. 192. [42 U.S.C. 12651A] BOARD OF DIRECTORS.

    (A) Composition.--
          (1) In general.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    [(c) Terms.--Each appointed member of the Board shall serve 
for a term of 5 years, except that, as designated by the 
          [(1) 3 of the members first appointed to the Board 
        shall serve for a term of 1 year;
          [(2) 3 of the members first appointed to the Board 
        shall serve for a term of 2 years;
          [(3) 3 of the members first appointed to the Board 
        shall serve for a term of 3 years;
          [(4) 3 of the members first appointed to the Board 
        shall serve for a term of 4 years;
          [(5) 3 of the members first appointed to the Board 
        shall serve for a term of 5 years;]
    (c) Terms.--Subject to subsection (e), each appointed 
member shall serve for a term of 5 years.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (e) Service Until Appointment of Successor.--An appointed 
member of the Board whose term has expired may continue to 
serve until the earlier of--
          (1) the date on which a successor has taken office; 
          (2) the date on which Congress adjourns sine die to 
        end the session of Congress that commences after the 
        date on which the term expired.


    (a) Meetings.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (9) ensure effective dissemination of information 
        regarding the programs and initiatives of the 
        Corporation[;]; and
          (10) notwithstanding any other provision of law, make 
        grants to or contracts with Federal or other public 
        departments or agencies and private nonprofit 
        organizations for the assignment or referral of 
        volunteers under the provisions of the Domestic 
        Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (except as provided in 
        section 108 of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 
        1973), which may provide that the agency or 
        organization shall pay all or a part of the costs of 
        the program[; and].
          [(11) prepare and make recommendations to the 
        Congress and the President for changes in the national 
        service laws resulting from the studies and 
        demonstrations the Chief Executive Office is required 
        to carry out under section 193A(b)(10), which 
        recommendations shall be submitted to the Congress and 
        President not later than September 20, 1995.]

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                    EXECUTIVE OFFICER.

    (a) General Powers and Duties.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (c) Powers.--In addition to the authority conferred on the 
Chief Executive Officer under any other provision of the 
national service laws, the Chief Executive Officer may--
          (1) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          [(3)] (3)(A) with their consent, utilize the services 
        and facilities of Federal agencies with or without 
        reimbursement, and, with the consent of any State, or 
        political subdivision of a State, accept and utilize 
        the services and facilities of the agencies of such 
        State or subdivisions without reimbursement[;]; and
          (B) enter into agreements with other Federal agencies 
        to carry out activities to further implementation of 
        the national service laws;

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) In General.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (b) Duties.--Each State office established pursuant to 
subsection (a) shall--
          (1) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (4) monitor and evaluate the performance of all 
        programs and projects within the State that receive 
        assistance under the [national service laws] Domestic 
        Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C. 4950 et seq.); 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

SEC. 303. [42 U.S.C. 12662] AUTHORITY.

    (a) In General.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (b) Chief Executive Officer as Ex Officio Member of Board 
of Directors.--The Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation 
may serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the Board of 
Directors of the Foundation.
    [(b)] (c) Construction.--Nothing in this Act shall be 
construed either--
          (1) to cause the Foundation to be deemed an agency, 
        establishment, or instrumentality of the United States 
        Government; or

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



    (a) Title I.--
                  (A) In general.--There are authorized to be 
                appropriated to provide financial assistance 
                under subtitle B of title I, $45,000,000 for 
                fiscal year 1994 and such sums as may be 
                necessary for each of the fiscal years 1995 
                through 1996] such sums as may be necessary for 
                each of fiscal years 2001 through 2005.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (2) Subtitles c, d, and h.--
                  (A) In general.--there are authorized to be 
                appropriated to provide financial assistance 
                under subtitles C and H of title I, to [provide 
                national service educational awards] make 
                payments from the National Service Trust under 
                subtitle D of title I, and to carry out such 
                audits and evaluations as the Chief Executive 
                Officer or the Inspector General of the 
                Corporation may determine to be necessary, 
                [$300,000,000 for fiscal year 1994, 
                $500,000,000 for fiscal year 1995, and 
                $700,000,000 for fiscal year 1996] such sums as 
                may be necessary for fiscal years 2001 through 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (3) Subtitle e.--There are authorized to be 
        appropriated to provide financial assistance under 
        subtitle E of title I, such sums as may be necessary 
        for each of [the fiscal years 1995 through 1996] fiscal 
        years 2001 through 2005.
          (4) Administration.--
                  (A) In general.--There are authorized to be 
                appropriated for the administration of this Act 
                [$40,000,000 for fiscal year 1994, $60,000,000 
                for fiscal year 1995, and $70,000,000 for 
                fiscal year 1996] such sums as may be necessary 
                for each of fiscal years 2001 through 2005.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (b) Title III.--There are authorized to be appropriated to 
carry out title III [$5,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 
1994 through 1996] such sums as may be necessary for each of 
fiscal years 2001 through 2005.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Short Title.--* * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (b) Table of contents.--The table of contents is as 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



     * * * * * * *

                       Part D--General Provisions

[Sec. 221. Promotion of National Senior Volunteer Corps.]
Sec. 221. Promotion of National Senior Service Corps.
     * * * * * * *
[Sec. 224. Use of locally generated contributions in National Senior 
          Volunteer Corps.]
     * * * * * * *
Sec. 224. Use of locally generated contributions in National Senior 
          Service Corps.


     * * * * * * *
[Sec. 502. National Senior Volunteer Corps.]
Sec. 502. National Senior Service Corps.
     * * * * * * *


                Part A--Volunteers in Service to America

                          statement of purpose

    Sec. 101. This part provides for the Volunteers in Service 
to America (VISTA) program of full-time volunteer service, 
together with appropriate powers and responsibilities designed 
to assist in the development and coordination of such program. 
The purpose of this part is to strengthen and supplement 
efforts to eliminate and alleviate poverty and poverty-related 
problems in the United States by encouraging and enabling 
persons from all walks of life, all geographical areas, and all 
age groups, including low-income individuals, elderly and 
retired Americans, to perform meaningful and constructive 
volunteer service in agencies, institutions, and situations 
where the application of human talent and dedication may assist 
in the solution of poverty and poverty-related problems and 
secure and exploit opportunities for self-advancement by 
persons [afflicted with] affected by such problems. In 
addition, the objectives of this part are to generate the 
commitment of private sector resources, to encourage volunteer 
service at the local level, to support efforts by local 
agencies and organizations to achieve long-term sustainability 
of programs in the absence of Federal assistance, and to 
strengthen local agencies and organizations to carry out the 
purpose of this part.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                 selection and assignment of volunteers

    Sec. 103 (a) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (2)(A) The Director shall establish and maintain 
        within the national headquarters of the Corporation (or 
        any successor entity of such agency) a volunteer 
        placement office which shall be responsible for all 
        functions related to the recruitment and placement of 
        volunteers under this part. Such functions and 
        activities shall be carried out in coordination or in 
        conjunction with recruitment and placement activities 
        carried out under the [National and Community Service 
        Trust Act of 1993] National Community Service Act of 
        1990. Upon the transfer of the functions of the ACTION 
        Agency to the Corporation for National and Community 
        Service, the office established under this subparagraph 
        shall be merged with the recruitment office of such 
        Corporation. At no time after such transfer of 
        functions shall more than one office responsible 
        primarily for recruitment exist within the Corporation.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (c)(1) The Director, in conjunction with the personnel 
described in subsection (b)(2)(C), shall engage in public 
awareness and recruitment activities. Such activities may 
          (A) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (F) publicizing national service educational awards 
        available under the [National and Community Service 
        Trust Act of 1993]; National and Community Service Act 
        of 1990

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  (i) The Director is encouraged to enter into 
                agreements with public agencies and private 
                organizations under which the agencies and 
                organizations pay for all, or a portion of, the 
                direct cost of supporting volunteers serving 
                under this part.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                            support service

    Sec. 105. (a)(1)(A) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (B) Such stipend shall not exceed $95 per month in fiscal 
year 1994, but shall be set at a minimum of $100 per month, and 
a maximum of $125 per month assuming the availability of funds 
to accomplish such maximum, during the service of the volunteer 
after October 1, 1994. [The Director may provide a stipend of a 
maximum of $200 per month in the case of persons who have 
served as volunteers under this part for at least 1 year and 
who, in accordance with standards established in such 
regulations as the Director shall prescribe, have been 
designated volunteer leaders on the basis of experience and 
special skills and a demonstrated leadership among volunteers.]
    (C) The Director may provide a stipend of a maximum of $200 
per month to persons designated by the Director to serve as 
volunteer leaders under this part. The Director shall designate 
the leaders, in accordance with standards established in such 
regulations as the Director shall prescribe, on the basis of 
experience and special skills and demonstrated leadership among 
volunteers or participants.
    [(C)] (D) The Director shall not provide a stipend under 
this subsection to an individual who elects to receive a 
national service educational award under subtitle D of title I 
of the National and Community Service Act of 1990.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


                         statement of purposes

    Sec. 200. [It is the purpose of--
          [(1) this title to provide for National Senior 
        Volunteer Corps, comprised of the Retired and Senior 
        Volunteer Program, the foster grandparent program, and 
        the senior companion program, that empower older 
        individuals to contribute to their communities through 
        volunteer service, enhance the lives of the volunteers 
        and those whom they serve, and provide communities with 
        valuable services;
          [(2) part A, the Retired and Senior Volunteer 
        Program, to utilize the vast talents of older 
        individuals willing to share their experiences, 
        abilities, and skills in responding to a wide variety 
        of community needs;
          [(3) part B, the foster grandparents program, to 
        afford low-income older individuals an opportunity to 
        provide supportive, individualized services to children 
        with exceptional or special needs; and
          [(4) part C, the senior companion program, to afford 
        low-income older individuals the opportunity to provide 
        personal assistance and companionship to other older 
        individuals through volunteer service.] It is the 
        purpose of this title to provide--
          (1) opportunities for service by older individuals to 
        meet unmet national, State, and local needs, including 
        needs in the area of education, public safety, health 
        and human services, and the environment;
          (2) for the National Senior Service Corps, comprised 
        of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, the Foster 
        Grandparent Program, and the Senior Companion Program, 
        to utilize the vast talents of older individuals, 
        empower older individuals to contribute to their 
        communities through service, enhance the lives of the 
        older individuals and the persons served, and provide 
        communities with valuable services;
          (3) opportunities for people age 55 or older, through 
        the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, to share 
        their experiences, abilities, and skills to improve 
        their communities and themselves;
          (4) opportunities for low-income people age 55 or 
        older, through the Foster Grandparents Program, to 
        provide supportive, individualized service that has a 
        positive impact on the lives of children with 
        exceptional or special needs; and
          (5) opportunities for low-income people age 55 or 
        older, through the Senior Companion Program, to provide 
        critical support services and companionship to adults 
        who are at risk of institutionalization and who are 
        struggling to maintain a dignified independent life.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

              Part A--Retired and Senior Volunteer Program

          Grants and contracts for volunteer service projects

    Sec. 201. (a) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (2) only individuals 55 years of age or older will be 
        enrolled[, and individuals 60 years of age or older 
        will be given priority for enrollment,] as volunteers 
        to provide services under this part (except for 
        administrative purposes), and such services will be 
        performed in the community where such individuals 
        reside or in nearby communities either (A) on publicly 
        owned and operated facilities or projects, or (B) on 
        local projects sponsored by private nonprofit 
        organizations (other than political parties), other 
        than projects involving the construction, operation, or 
        maintenance of so much of any facility used or to be 
        used for sectarian instruction or as a place for 
        religious worship;

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                   Part B--Foster Grandparent Program

          grants and contracts for volunteer service projects

    Sec. 221. (a) The Director is authorized to make grants to 
or contracts with public and nonprofit private agencies and 
organizations to pay part or all of the cost of development and 
operation of projects (including direct payments to individuals 
serving under this part) designed for the purpose of providing 
opportunities for low-income persons [aged sixty or over] (age 
55 or older with individuals age 60 or older given priority for 
enrollment) to provide supportive person-to-person services in 
health, education, welfare, and related settings to children 
having exceptional needs. Such services may include services by 
individuals serving as foster grandparents to children who are 
individuals with disabilities, who have chronic health 
conditions, who are receiving care in hospitals, who are 
residing in homes for dependent and neglected children, or who 
are receiving services provided by day care centers, schools, 
early intervention programs under part H of the Individuals 
with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1471 et seq.), Head 
Start agencies under the Head Start Act, or any of a variety of 
other programs, establishments, and institutions providing 
services for children with special or exceptional needs. 
Individual foster grandparents may provide person-to-person 
services to one or more children, depending on the needs of the 
project and local site. The Director may approve assistance in 
excess of 90 [per centum] percent of the costs of the 
development and operation of such projects only if the Director 
determines, in accordance with regulations the Director shall 
prescribe establishing objective criteria, that such action is 
required in furtherance of the purpose of this section. 
Provision for such assistance shall be effective as of 
September 19, 1972. In the case of any project with respect to 
which, prior to such date, a grant or contract has been made 
under section 611(a) of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as 
amended (42 U.S.C. 3044(b) or with respect to any project under 
the Foster Grandparent program in effect prior to September 17, 
1969, contributions in cash or in kind from the Bureau of 
Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, toward the cost of 
the project may be counted as part of the cost thereof which is 
met from non-Federal sources.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (d) The Director, in accordance with regulations the 
Director shall prescribe, may provide to low-income persons 
serving as volunteers under this part, such allowances, 
stipends, and other support as the Director determines are 
necessary to carry out the purpose of this part. [Any stipend 
or allowance provided under this section shall not be less than 
$2.45 per hour on and after October 1, 1993, and shall be 
adjusted once prior to December 31, 1997] Any stipend or 
allowance provided under this section shall not be less than 
$2.55 per hour on or after October 1, 1999, and shall be 
adjusted once prior to September 30, 2005, to account for 
inflation, as determined by the Director and rounded to the 
nearest five cents, except that (1) such stipend or allowance 
shall not be increased as a result of an amendment made to this 
sentence unless the funds appropriated for carrying out this 
part are sufficient to maintain for the fiscal year in question 
a number of participants to serve under this part at least 
equal to the number of such participants serving during the 
preceding fiscal year, and (2) in the event that sufficient 
appropriations for any fiscal year are not available to 
increase any such stipend or allowance provided to the minimum 
hourly rate specified in this sentence, the Director shall 
increase the stipend or allowance to such amount as 
appropriations for such year permit consistent with clause (1) 
of this exception. In establishing the amount of, and the 
effective date for, such adjustment, the Director, in 
consultation with the State Commissions on National and 
Community Service (as established under section 178 of the 
National and Community Service Act of 1990) and the heads of 
the State offices established under section 195 of such Act, 
shall consider the effect such adjustment will have on the 
ability of non-federally funded volunteer programs similar to 
the programs under this title to maintain their current level 
of volunteer hours.
    (e) For purposes of this part, the terms ``low-income 
person'' and ``person of low income'' mean--
          (1) any person whose income is not more than [125 per 
        centum] 150 percent of the poverty line defined in 
        section 673(2) of the Community Services Block Grant 
        Act (42 U.S.C. 9902(2)) and adjusted by the Director in 
        the manner described in such section; and

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                    Part C--Senior Companion Program

          grants and contracts for volunteer service projects

    Sec. 213. (a) The Director is authorized to make grants to 
or contracts with public and nonprofit private agencies and 
organizations to pay part or all of the cost of development and 
operation of projects (including direct payments to individuals 
serving under this part in the same manner as provided in 
section 211(a)) designed for the purpose of providing 
opportunities for low-income persons [aged 60 or over] age 55 
or older (with individuals age 60 or older given priority for 
enrollment) to serve as ``senior companions'' to persons with 
exceptional needs. Senior companions may provide services 
designed to help older persons requiring long-term care, 
including services to persons receiving home health care, 
nursing care, home-delivered meals or other nutritional 
services; services designed to help persons deinstitutionalized 
from mental hospitals, nursing homes, and other institutions; 
and services designed to assist persons having developmental 
disabilities and other special needs for companionship.

                       Part D--General Provisions

promotion of [national senior volunteer corps] NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE 

    Sec. 221. (a)(1) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    [(3) From funds appropriated under section 502, the 
Director shall expend not less than $375,000 in each fiscal 
year to carry out paragraph (2).]
    (3) From funds appropriated under section 502, the Director 
shall expend not less then $375,000 and not more than $500,000 
for each fiscal year to carry out paragraph (2).

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                      minority group participation

    Sec. 223. The Director shall take appropriate steps to 
insure that special efforts are made to recruit, select, and 
assign qualified individuals [sixty years and older] from 
minority groups to serve as volunteers under this title.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

 use of locally generated contributions in [national senior volunteer 
                  corps] national senior service corps

    Sec. 224. Whenever locally generated contributions made to 
[National Senior Volunteer Corps] National Senior Service Corps 
projects under this title are in excess of the amount required 
by the Director, the Director may not restrict the manner in 
which contributions are expended if expenditures from locally 
generated contributions are not inconsistent with the 
provisions of this Act.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                   programs of national significance

    Sec. 225. (a)(1) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (d)(1) * * *
    (3) The Director may not make grants under subsection (a) 
for a fiscal year to support a program authorized in part A, B, 
or C, unless the amount appropriated under subsection (a), (b), 
or (c) of section 502, respectively, exceeds the amount 
appropriated under that subsection for each of the 2 preceding 
fiscal years.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

              adjustments to federal financial assistance

    Sec. 226. (a)(1)(A) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    [(b) The Director shall submit, once every 2 years, to the 
Committee on Education and Labor of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Labor and Human Resources 
of the Senate, a report on the extent to which adjustments are 
made under subsection (a).]
    (b) The Director shall prepare and submit, once every 2 
years, to the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the 
House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, 
Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate, a report on the 
extent to which adjustments are made under subsection (a).

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    Sec. 421. For the purposes of this Act--
          (1) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (13) the term ``national senior volunteer'' means a 
        volunteer in the [National Senior Volunteer Corps] 
        National Senior Service Corps;
          (14) the term ``[National Senior Volunteer Corps] 
        National Senior Service Corps'' means the programs 
        established under parts A, B, C, and E of title II;

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    Whoever falsely--
          (1) advertises or represents; or
          (2) publishes or displays any sign, symbol, or 
        advertisement, reasonably calculated to convey the 
 that an entity is affiliated with, funded by, or operating 
under the authority of the Corporation, VISTA, or any of the 
programs of the [National Senior Volunteer Corps] National 
Senior Service Corps may be enjoined under an action filed by 
the Attorney General, on a complaint by the Director.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



    (a) Authorizations.--
          (1) Volunteers in service to america.--There are 
        authorized to be appropriated to carry out parts A and 
        B of title I, excluding section 109, [$56,000,000 for 
        fiscal year 1994, and such sums as may be necessary for 
        each of the fiscal years 1995 and 1996] such sums as 
        may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2001 through 
          (2) Literacy activities.--There are authorized to be 
        appropriated to carry out section 109, [$5,600,000 for 
        fiscal year 1994, and such sums as may be necessary for 
        each of the fiscal years 1995 and 1996] such sums as 
        may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2001 through 
          (3) Special volunteer programs.--There are authorized 
        to be appropriated to carry out part C of title I, 
        excluding section 125, [such sums as may be necessary 
        for each of the fiscal years 1994 through 1996] such 
        sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2001 
        through 2005.
          (4) Literacy challenge grants.--There are authorized 
        to be appropriated to carry out section 125, [such sums 
        as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1994 
        through 1996] such sums as may be necessary for each of 
        fiscal years 2001 through 2005.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.--There are 
authorized to be appropriated to carry out part A of title II, 
[$45,000,000 for fiscal year 1994, and such sums as may be 
necessary for each of the fiscal years 1995 and 1996] such sums 
as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2001 through 2005.
    (b) Foster Grandparent Program.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out part B of title II, [$85,000,000 for 
fiscal year 1994, and such sums as may be necessary for each of 
the fiscal years 1995 and 1996] such sums as may be necessary 
for each of fiscal years 2001 through 2005.
    (c) Senior Companion Program.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out part C of title II, [$40,000,000 for 
fiscal year 1994, and such sums as may be necessary for each of 
the fiscal years 1995 and 1996] such sums as may be necessary 
for each of fiscal years 2001 through 2005.
    (d) Demonstration Programs.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out part E of title II, [such sums as may 
be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1994 through 1996] 
such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2001 
through 2005.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) In General.--For each of [the fiscal years 1994 through 
1996] fiscal years 2001 through 2005, there are authorized to 
be appropriated for the administration of this Act as provided 
for in title IV, 18 percent of the total amount appropriated 
under sections 501 and 502 with respect to such years.
    (b) Evaluation.--For each of [the fiscal years 1994 through 
1996] fiscal years 2001 through 2005, the Director is 
authorized to expend not less than 2\1/2\ percent, and not more 
than 5 percent, of the amount appropriated under subsection 
(a), for the purposes prescribed in section 416.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 12501 note--U.S. Code--Title 42

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    (a) Findings.--

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

historical and statutory notes

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    Sense of Congress; Requirement Regarding Notice.--Section 
502 of Pub. L. 103-82 provided that:
    ``(a) Purchase of American-Made Equipment and Products.--* 
* *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    ``(b) Notice to Recipients of Assistance.--In providing 
financial assistance under this Act (including the amendments 
made by this Act), the [Secretary of Education] Chief Executive 
Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service 
shall provide to each recipient of the assistance a notice 
describing the statement made in subsection (a) by the 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 7474(d)(3)--U.S. Code--Title 20

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    (a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is--
          (1) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (d) Special Consideration.--The Secretary shall give 
special consideration to applications under this section which 
provide for--
          (1) * * *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

          (3) coordination with the Federal TRIO programs under 
        chapter 1 of part A of title IV of the Higher Education 
        Act of 1965 [20 U.S.C.A. Sec. 1070 et seq.], the 
        National Mini Corps under subpart 1 of part F of title 
        V of such Act [20 U.S.C.A. Sec. 1113], the Teacher 
        Corps program under subpart 3 of part C of title V of 
        such Act [20 U.S.C.A. Sec. 1106 et seq.], and the 
        [National Community and Service Trust Act of 1993 
        programs] programs carried out under the National and 
        Community Service Act of 1990, and other programs for 
        the recruitment and retention of bilingual students in 
        secondary and postsecondary programs to train to become 
        bilingual educators; and

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