[Congressional Record Volume 160, Number 56 (Monday, April 7, 2014)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Page E538]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                           HON. TULSI GABBARD

                               of hawaii

                    in the house of representatives

                         Monday, April 7, 2014

  Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, from January 6, 2014 through January 17, 
2014, I was in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, reporting for mandatory 
annual National Guard training. I missed rollcall votes Nos. 1-23. Had 
I been present I would have voted:
  Rollcall No. 1: ``Present''--On Quorum Call of the House.
  Rollcall No. 2: ``yes''--On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass H.R. 
  Rollcall No. 3: ``yes''--On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as 
Amended, H.R. 3527.
  Rollcall No. 4: ``yes''--On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass H.R. 
  Rollcall No. 5: ``no''--Ordering the Previous Question.
  Rollcall No. 6: ``no''--On Agreeing to the Resolution H. Res. 455.
  Rollcall No. 7: ``yes''--Agreeing to the Sinema Amendment.
  Rollcall No. 8: ``yes''--Agreeing to the Tonko Amendment.
  Rollcall No. 9: ``yes''--On Motion to Recommit with Instructions.
  Rollcall No. 10: ``no''--On Passage of H.R. 2279.
  Rollcall No. 11: ``yes''--Final Passage of H.R. 3811.
  Rollcall No. 12: ``yes''--On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass 
H.R. 1513.
  Rollcall No. 13: ``yes''--On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass S. 
  Rollcall No. 14: ``yes''--On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as 
Amended, H.R. 2274.
  Rollcall No. 15: ``yes''--On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass 
H.R. 801.
  Rollcall No. 16: ``yes''--On Approving the Journal.
  Rollcall No. 17: ``yes''--On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass 
H.R. 2860.
  Rollcall No. 18: ``yes''--On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as 
Amended, H.R. 1233.
  Rollcall No. 19: ``no''--On Ordering the Previous Question.
  Rollcall No. 20: ``no''--On Agreeing to the Resolution H. Res. 458.
  Rollcall No. 21: ``yes''--Concurring in the Senate Amendments with an 
Amendment on H.R. 3547.
  Rollcall No. 22: ``yes''--On Motion to Recommit with Instructions.
  Rollcall No. 23: ``no''--On Passage of H.R. 3362.
