[Congressional Record Volume 159, Number 170 (Tuesday, December 3, 2013)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Pages E1775-E1776]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                         HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY

                              of new york

                    in the house of representatives

                       Tuesday, December 3, 2013

  Mrs. McCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoidably absent 
during the week of November 18, 2013. If I were present, I would have 
voted on the following.

                       Monday, November 18, 2013

  Rollcall No. 588: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended 
H.R. 2061, ``yea.''
  Rollcall No. 589: On the Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass H.R. 
272, ``yea.''

[[Page E1776]]

                       Tuesday, November 19, 2013

  Rollcall No. 590: On ordering the Previous Question and providing for 
consideration of H.R. 1965 and H.R. 2728, ``nay.''
  Rollcall No. 591: On agreeing to the resolution providing for 
consideration of H.R. 1965 and H.R. 2728, ``no.''

                      Wednesday, November 20, 2013

  Rollcall No. 592: On ordering the Previous Question and Providing for 
consideration of H.R. 1900, ``nay.''
  Rollcall No. 593: On agreeing to the resolution providing for 
consideration of H.R. 1900, ``no.''
  Rollcall No. 594: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 1965 offered 
by Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 595: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 1965 offered 
by Alan Lowenthal of California, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 596: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 1965 offered 
by Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 597: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 1965 offered 
by Jared Polis of Colorado, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 598: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 1965 offered 
by Peter DeFazio of Oregon, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 599: On Motion to recommit with instructions on H.R. 
1965, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 600: On passage of H.R. 1965, ``no.''
  Rollcall No. 601: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 2728 offered 
by Rush Holt of New Jersey, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 602: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 2728 offered 
by Peter DeFazio of Oregon, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 603: On Motion to recommit with instructions on H.R. 
2728, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 604: On passage of H.R. 2728, ``no.''

                      Thursday, November 21, 2013

  Rollcall No. 605: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 1900 offered 
by Paul Tonko of New York, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 606: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 1900 offered 
by Kathy Castor of Florida, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 607: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 1900 offered 
by Jackie Speier of California, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 608: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 1900 offered 
by Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 609: On agreeing to the amendment on H.R. 1900 offered 
by John Dingell of Michigan, ``aye.''
  Rollcall No. 610: On Motion to recommit with instructions on H.R. 
1900, ``yea.''
  Rollcall No. 611: On passage of H.R. 1900, ``no.''
