[Congressional Record Volume 159, Number 99 (Thursday, July 11, 2013)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Page E1055]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                             HON. RUSH HOLT

                             of new jersey

                    in the house of representatives

                        Thursday, July 11, 2013

  Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, on Monday, July 8, I was not present for 
Recorded Votes under a suspension of the rules. Had I been present I 
would have voted as follows:
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 305 on motion to suspend the rules and pass 
H.R. 1341;
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 306 on motion to suspend the rules and pass 
H.R. 1564;
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 307, on motion to suspend the rules and pass 
H.R. 1171;
  On Tuesday, July 9, following debate of H. Res. 288, the rule 
providing for consideration of the H.R. 2609 making appropriations for 
energy and water development and related agencies for the fiscal year 
2014, I was not able to be present for Recorded Votes.
  Had I been present during the vote series, I would have voted as 
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 308, On Ordering the Previous Question;
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 309, On Agreeing to the Resolution to provide 
for consideration of H.R. 2609;
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 310, On Approving the Journal.
  On Wednesday, July 10, during debate of amendments to and on passage 
of H.R. 2609 making appropriations for energy and water development and 
related agencies for the fiscal year 2014, I was unable to be present 
for Recorded Votes. Had I been present during these vote series, I 
would have voted as follows:
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 328, on agreeing to the Hastings (FL) 
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 329, on agreeing to the Garamendi amendment;
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 330, on agreeing to the Broun (GA) amendment;
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 331, on agreeing to the Jackson Lee 
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 332, on agreeing to the Quigley amendment;
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 333, on agreeing to the Heck (NV) amendment;
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 334, on agreeing to the Polis amendment;
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 335, on agreeing to the Burgess amendment;
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 336, on agreeing to the Burgess amendment;
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 337, on agreeing to the Titus amendment;
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 338, on agreeing to the Lynch amendment;
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 339, on agreeing to the Whitfield amendment;
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 340, on agreeing to the Fleming amendment;
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 341, on agreeing to the Garamendi amendment;
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 342, on agreeing to the Speier amendment;
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 343, on agreeing to the Chabot amendment;
  ``Yes'' on rollcall vote 344, on motion to recommit with 
  ``No'' on rollcall vote 345, on passage of H.R. 2609.
