[Congressional Record Volume 158, Number 84 (Wednesday, June 6, 2012)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Page E1003]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                        HON. ROBERT T. SCHILLING

                              of illinois

                    in the house of representatives

                        Wednesday, June 6, 2012

  Mr. SCHILLING. Mr. Speaker, on Friday June 1, 2012, I attended a 
family funeral and was unable to cast my votes for Roll Numbers 306 
through 313. These were amendments to H.R. 5325, the fiscal year 2013 
Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.
  Had I been present, my votes would have been as follows:
  For roll No. 306, an amendment by Congressman Scalise of Louisiana 
Page 3, Line 16--Transfers $10 million from Department of Energy 
Salaries & Expenses to Corps of Engineers construction account. I would 
have voted ``aye''.
  For roll No. 307, an amendment by Congressman King of Iowa Page 3, 
Line 16--Strikes $1 million from Fish and Wildlife and adds $571,000 to 
Operations and Maintenance. I would have voted ``aye''.
  For roll No. 308, an amendment by Congressman Moran of Virginia, Page 
12, Line 16--Strikes Sec. 110. Sec. 110 prevents the Corps of Engineers 
from updating guidance concerning federal jurisdiction under the Clean 
Water Act. I would have voted ``no''.
  For roll No. 309, an amendment by Congressman Hultgren of Illinois, 
Page 20, Line 15--Takes $30 million from Energy Efficiency and 
Renewable Energy and puts $15 million in the Office of Science. I would 
have voted ``aye''.
  For roll No. 310, an amendment by Congressman Chaffetz of Utah, Page 
20, Line 15--Reduces Advanced Manufacturing by $74 million, to FY 2011 
spending levels, and transfers this amount to the Spending Reduction 
Account. I would have voted ``aye''.
  For roll No. 311, an amendment by Congressman McClintock of 
California, Amendment No. 6--Reduces Energy Efficiency and Renewable 
Energy by $1.45 billion and puts the savings in the Spending Reduction 
Account. I would have voted ``no''.
  For roll No. 312, an amendment by Congresswoman Kaptur of Ohio, Page 
20, Line 15--Transfers $10 million from the Department of Energy 
Administrative accounts to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. I 
would have voted ``no''.
  For roll No. 313, an amendment by Congressman Tonko of New York, Page 
20, Line 15--Transfers $180 million from National Nuclear Security 
Administration--Weapons Activities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable 
Energy for Weatherization assistance and state energy programs. I would 
have voted ``no''.
  For roll No. 314, an amendment by Congresswoman Hahn of California, 
Page 20, Line 15--Adds $50 million to Energy Efficiency and Renewable 
Energy offset by a $100 million reduction in Fossil Energy Research and 
Development. I would have voted ``no''.
  It is an honor to serve the people of the 17th Congressional District 
of Illinois.
