[Congressional Record Volume 158, Number 66 (Thursday, May 10, 2012)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Page E764]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                        HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR.

                             of new jersey

                    in the house of representatives

                         Thursday, May 10, 2012

  Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I missed the following eleven rollcall 
votes. Had I been present I would have voted:
  1. Aye--Peters (D MI)--Page 3, Line 10- Adds $9 million for 
International Trade Administration offset by cuts to Cross Agency 
  2. Nay--Broun (R GA)--Page 3, Line 10--3% cut to Salaries and 
Expenses/Administrative Accounts, $847 million, and puts the savings 
into the Spending Reduction Account.
  3. Nay--McClintock (R CA)--Page 3, Line 10--Cuts $277.8 million from 
the International Trade Administration and puts the savings into the 
Spending Reduction Account.
  4. Aye--Michaud (D ME)--Page 5, Line 17--Adds $38 million Economic 
Development Administration, offset: Census Account.
  5. Nay--Pompeo (R KS)--Amendment No. 3--Cuts funding for the Economic 
Development Administration, $219.5 million, and puts the savings in the 
Spending Reduction Account.
  6. Nay--Scalise (R LA)--Page 6, Line 7--Reduces spending and overhead 
of Economic Development Administration and the Department of Commerce 
to FY08 levels and reduces the Deficit by $18.2 million.
  7. Nay--Quayle (R AZ)--Page 11, Line 18--Eliminates funding for 
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia, $21 million, and puts the 
savings into the Spending Reduction Account.
  8. Nay--Harris (R MD)--Amendment No. 10--Strikes $542,000 increase 
from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Website 
and puts the savings into the Spending Reduction Account.
  9. Aye--Grimm (R NY)--Page 13, Line 2- Adds $18 million for Regional 
Information Sharing Systems, offset: National Oceanic Atmospheric 
Administration Climate Services.
  10. Nay--Broun (R GA)--Page 15, Line 13--Cuts $15 million from the 
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery account and puts the savings into the 
Spending Reduction Account.
  11. Aye--Runyan (R NJ)--Page 21, Line 23--Transfers $22.4 million 
from Department of Justice General Administrative Expenses to the Byrne 
Memorial Justice Program.
