[Congressional Record Volume 158, Number 66 (Thursday, May 10, 2012)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Pages E762-E763]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                         HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA

                             of california

                    in the house of representatives

                         Thursday, May 10, 2012

  Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, on May 8, I was unavoidably detained and was 
not present for several of the rollcall votes on amendments to H.R. 
5326 held that day. Had I been present I would have voted:
  ``no'' on rollcall 202, the Peters Amendment to increase funding for 
the International Trade Administration and US Trade Representative by 
decreasing funding for NASA's Cross Agency Support account. While I 
support fully funding the Interagency Trade Enforcement Center in FY 
13, I believe it is unwise to do that by taking funding away from NASA.
  ``no'' on rollcall 203, the Broun Amendment (#1), which unwisely 
seeks to make dramatic cuts to numerous accounts in the bill.
  ``no'' on rollcall 204, the McClintock Amendment, which would make an 
excessive 59 percent cut to the International Trade Administration at a 
time when we are trying to grow US exports.
  ``no'' on rollcall 205, the Michaud Amendment to increase funds for 
Economic Development Assistance Programs by taking funds from the 
Bureau of Census, Periodic Censuses and Programs. While I support 
increasing EDA funding, if there is any lesson to be learned from the 
last decadal census it is that short-changing the program in the early 
years of a census cycle leads to much greater costs in later years.
  ``no'' on rollcall 206, the Scalise Amendment, which seeks to cut 
Economic Development Administration funding at a time when we need to 
invest in growing our economy.
  ``no'' on rollcall 207, the Pompeo Amendment, which would go even 
further than the Scalise and completely eliminate Economic Development 
Assistance programs and grants.
  ``no'' on rollcall 208, the Quayle Amendment, which unwisely seeks to 
cut funding for the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia, which 
will help us regain our edge so that we ``Make it in America'' again.
  ``no'' on rollcall 209, the Harris Amendment, which continues 
Republican efforts to keep their heads in the sand on climate change by 
cutting funding for a NOAA climate website.
  ``no'' on rollcall 210, the Grimm Amendment, which sought to increase 
funding for Regional Information Sharing Activities at DOJ by cutting 
funding for NOAA. While I support RISS, I do not believe this is an 
appropriate offset for that funding.
  ``no'' on rollcall 211, the Broun Amendment (#2), a wrong-headed 
attempt to cut funding to recover Pacific salmon.
  ``no'' on rollcall 212, the Runyan Amendment. While I support 
increasing funding for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance 
Grant program, which is a worthy program, the offset used is ill 
advised, particularly because it would impact the Civil Rights 
Enforcement Office of the DOJ.
  ``no'' on rollcall 213, the Davis (IL) Amendment. While I support the 
Second Chance Act grants that this amendment sought to increase funding 
for, I am greatly concerned that the State Criminal Alien Assistance 
Program is already woefully underfunded and cannot support further 
reducing SCAAP funding for an offset.
  ``no'' on rollcall 214, the Grimm Amendment. While I support the COPS 
program that this amendment sought to increase funding for, I cannot 
support the use of NASA as an offset.
  ``no'' on rollcall 215, the Huizenga Amendment, which seeks to allow 
the outsourcing of federal correctional worker jobs.
  ``no'' on rollcall 216, the Johnson (GA) Amendment. While I support 
the EEOC and the purpose that this amendment sought to increase funding 
for, I cannot support the use of NASA as an offset.
  ``no'' on rollcall 217, the Flake Amendment, which sought to make 
drastic cuts to the National Science Foundation.
  ``no'' on rollcall 218, the Westmoreland Amendment, which sought to 
dramatically reduce funding for the Legal Services Corporation at a 
time when more and more Americans facing hard times rely upon the 
services it provides.
  ``no'' on rollcall 219, the Austin Scott (GA) Amendment, which went 
even further than the Westmoreland Amendment and sought to eliminate 
  ``no'' on rollcall 220, the Black Amendment, which blocks the federal 
government's ability to defend its authority to write and enforce 
immigration law.

[[Page E763]]

  ``no'' on rollcall 221, the Blackburn Amendment, which sought to make 
indiscriminate, across the board cuts of 1 percent throughout the bill.
  ``no'' on rollcall 222, the Broun (GA) Amendment, which sought to 
make draconian cuts to most of the agencies within the bill.
  ``no'' on rollcall 223, the Southerland Amendment, which unwisely 
prohibits the use of funds to develop, approve, or implement fishing 
catch shares programs in certain areas. Catch shares have been shown to 
be a successful tool for managing fisheries, one we should not rule 
