[Congressional Record Volume 158, Number 65 (Wednesday, May 9, 2012)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Pages E754-E755]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                         HON. MICHELE BACHMANN

                              of minnesota

                    in the house of representatives

                         Wednesday, May 9, 2012

  Mrs. BACHMANN. Mr. Speaker, during the evening of Tuesday, May 8, and 
during the

[[Page E755]]

day of Wednesday, May 9, I missed House votes in order to attend the 
college graduation of my daughter, Elisa. Up to this point, I was proud 
to boast a 100 percent voting record in the Second Session of the 112th 
Congress. However, if I had been present for these votes, here is how I 
would have voted:
  Davis (IL) amendment rollcall No. 213 vote no; Grimm amendment 
rollcall No. 214 vote no; Huizenga amendment rollcall No. 215 vote yes; 
Johnson (GA) amendment rollcall No. 216 vote no; Flake amendment 
rollcall No. 217 vote yes; Westmoreland amendment rollcall No. 218 vote 
yes; Scott (GA) amendment rollcall No. 219 vote yes; Black amendment 
rollcall No. 220 vote yes; Blackburn amendment rollcall No. 221 vote 
yes; Broun amendment rollcall No. 222 vote yes; Southerland amendment 
rollcall No. 223 vote yes; H.R. 2072 rollcall No. 224 vote no; H.R. 
4133 rollcall No. 225 vote yes; Chaffetz amendment rollcall No. 226 
vote yes; Tierney amendment rollcall No. 227 vote no; Blackburn 
amendment rollcall No. 228 vote yes; Duncan (SC) amendment rollcall No. 
229 vote yes; Garrett amendment rollcall No. 230 vote yes; Schweikert 
amendment rollcall No. 231 vote yes; Webster amendment rollcall No. 232 
vote yes; Flores amendment rollcall No. 233 vote yes; Flores amendment 
rollcall No. 234 vote yes.
