[Congressional Record Volume 157, Number 119 (Monday, August 1, 2011)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Pages E1470-E1471]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                           HON. KEITH ELLISON

                              of minnesota

                    in the house of representatives

                         Monday, August 1, 2011

  Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, on July 13, 2011, I missed rollcall votes 
No. 564-573 due to a medical injury. I would have voted ``no'' on 
rollcall votes No. 564, 566, and 573. I would have voted ``yes'' on 
rollcall votes No. 565, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, and 572.
  Mr. Speaker, on July 14, 2011, I missed rollcall votes No. 574-582 
due to a medical injury. I would have voted ``yes'' on rollcall votes 
No. 574, 575, 576, 579 and 581. I would have voted ``no'' on rollcall 
votes on No. 577, 578, 580 and 582.
  Mr. Speaker, on July 15, 2011, I missed rollcall votes No. 583-600 
due to a medical injury. I would have voted ``yes'' on rollcall votes 
No. 584, 586, 590, and 599. I would have voted ``no'' on rollcall votes 
on No. 583, 585, 587, 588, 589, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598 
and 600.
  Mr. Speaker, on July 18, 2011, I missed rollcall votes No. 601-602 
for district business. I would have voted ``yes'' on rollcall votes No. 
  Mr. Speaker, on July 19, 2011, I missed rollcall votes No. 603-607 
due to a medical injury. I would have voted ``no'' on rollcall votes 
No. 603, 604, 606, and 607. I would have voted ``yes'' on rollcall vote 
No. 605.
  Mr. Speaker, on July 20, 2011, I missed rollcall votes No. 608-611 
due to a medical injury. I would have voted ``no'' on rollcall votes 
No. 608, 609 and 611. I would have voted ``yes'' on rollcall No. 610.
  Mr. Speaker, on July 21, 2011, I missed rollcall votes No. 612-621 
due to a medical injury. I would have voted ``no'' on rollcall votes 
No. 612, 613, 614, 619 and 621. I would have voted ``yes'' on rollcall 
votes No. 615, 616, 617, 618, and 620.
  Mr. Speaker, on July 22, 2011, I missed rollcall votes No. 622-629 
due to a medical injury. I would have voted ``no'' on rollcall votes 
No. 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 and 629. I would

[[Page E1471]]

have voted ``yes'' on rollcall votes No. 627 and 628.
  Mr. Speaker, on July 25, 2011, I missed rollcall votes No. 630-631 
and I would have voted ``no'' on both votes.
