[Congressional Record Volume 156, Number 155 (Wednesday, December 1, 2010)]
[Page H7760]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


  (Mrs. MILLER of Michigan asked and was given permission to address 
the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)
  Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, we saw again this week the 
organization WikiLeaks release hundreds of thousands of classified 
documents which threaten to undercut American foreign policy as well as 
our national security.
  The person who has been accused of releasing this sensitive 
information is an American PFC, who is now facing charges that could 
lead to 52 years in prison if he is convicted. These penalties are too 
lenient because this PFC has not just violated orders; he has committed 
  I think that WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, should be 
facing criminal charges; and his Web site, which he uses to aid and 
abet our terrorist enemies, should also be shut down to defend our 
national security.
  Attorney General Eric Holder held a press conference the other day, 
proudly announcing that the Federal Government had shut down several 
Web sites for selling knock-off purses and other items. Well, I have an 
idea for Attorney General Holder: shut down WikiLeaks, which represents 
a far greater threat to our national security than the sale of fake 
Louis Vuitton bags.
  It is time that the Obama administration treats WikiLeaks for what it 
is--a terrorist organization, whose continued operation threatens our 
  Shut it down. Shut it down. It is time to shut down this terrorist 
organization, this terrorist Web site, WikiLeaks. Shut it down, 
Attorney General Holder.
