[Congressional Record Volume 154, Number 91 (Wednesday, June 4, 2008)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Page E1134]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                           HON. KATHY CASTOR

                               of florida

                    in the house of representatives

                        Wednesday, June 4, 2008

  Ms. CASTOR. Madam Speaker, for the information of our colleagues and 
my constituents, I want the Record to reflect how I would have voted on 
the following votes I missed this session.
  On rollcall 338, on ordering the previous question on H. Res. 1212 
providing for consideration of H.R. 6049, Energy Production and 
Conservation and Individual Income Tax Relief I would have voted 
  On rollcall 339, on agreeing to the resolution providing 
consideration of H.R. 6049, Energy Production and Conservation and 
Individual Income Tax Relief, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 340, on ordering the previous question providing for 
consideration of H.R. 5658, the National Defense Authorization of 2009, 
I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 341, on ordering the previous question providing for 
consideration of the conference report to accompany S. Con. Res. 70, 
the Congressional Budget Act, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 342, on agreeing to the resolution providing for 
consideration of the conference report to accompany S. Con. Res 70, the 
Congressional Budget Act, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 343, on the motion to recommit with instructions H.R. 
6049, the Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act, I would have voted 
  On rollcall 344, passage of H.R. 6049, The Renewable Energy and Job 
Creation Act, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 345, to suspend the rules and pass as amended H.R. 1771, 
The Crane Conservation Act of 2008, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 346, passage of H.R. 2419, the Farm, Nutrition, and 
Bioenergy Act objections of the President notwithstanding, I would have 
voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 347, to suspend the rules and pass, as amended H.R. 3819, 
Veterans Emergency Care Fairness Act of 2008, I would have voted 
  On rollcall 348, to suspend the rules and pass H.R. 5826, Veterans 
Compensation Cost-of-Living adjustment, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 349, to suspend the rules and pass H.R. 5856, Department 
of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility Authorization and Lease Act, I 
would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 350, on ordering the previous question on H. Res. 1218, 
providing for consideration of H.R. 5658, Department of Defense 
Authorization, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 351, on agreeing to the resolution providing for 
consideration of H.R. 5658, Department of Defense Authorization, I 
would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 352, on motion to table H. Res. 1221, I would have voted 
  On rollcall 353, to suspend rules and pass H.R. 6124 to provide for 
the continuation of agricultural and other programs of the Department 
of Agriculture through 2012, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 354, to suspend rules and pass H. Res. 1194, reaffirming 
the support of the House of Representatives for the legitimate, 
democratically-elected Government of Lebanon, under Prime Minister 
Fouad Sinoria, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 355, on the Akin amendment to H.R. 5658, to cut military 
pay, benefits, and healthcare by $163 million. I would have voted 
  On rollcall 356, on the Franks amendment to H.R. 5658, that would 
take $719 million from high priority R&D programs outside of the 
Missile Defense Agency, in order to eliminate the committee's targeted 
reductions to the missile defense budget, I would have voted ``no.''
  On rollcall 357, on the Tierny amendment to H.R. 5658, to reduce 
funding for the Missile Defense Agency by an additional $996.2 million 
beyond the $719 million already reduced, I would have voted ``no.''
  On rollcall 358, on the Pearce amendment to H.R. 5658, to cut $10 
million from the Department of Defense Energy Conservation Improvement 
Program in order to restore RRW funding, I would have voted ``no.''
  On rollcall 359, on the Lee amendment to H.R. 5658, requiring that 
any security guarantee, arrangement, or assurance between the US and 
Iraq would have to be ratified by the Senate or approved by the full 
Congress, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 360, on the Braley amendment to H.R. 5658, requiring an 
extensive report on current and future war costs, including direct war 
costs and veterans payments, to try to capture the full cost of the 
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 361, on the Price amendment to H.R. 5658. prohibiting 
agencies under the Department of Defense from using contractors to 
perform interrogations, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 362, on the Holt amendment to H.R. 5658, requiring that 
strategic intelligence interrogations of Department of Defense 
detainees being conducted in theater interment facilities, and not on 
the battlefield, are video-taped or otherwise electronically recorded 
and stored according to guidelines that the Secretary of Defense will 
promulgate, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 363, on the McGovern amendment to H.R. 5658. requiring 
the secretary of defense to remove recently imposed secrecy and return 
to the previous practice of releasing the names, upon request, of the 
students and instructors at the Western Hemisphere Institute for 
Security Cooperation, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 364, on the motion to recommit with instructions H.R. 
5658, the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2009, I would have voted ``no.''
  On rollcall 365, on passage of H.R. 5658 Duncan Hunter National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, I would have voted 
  On rollcall 366, to suspend the rules and agree, as amended H. Res. 
986, recognizing the courage and sacrifice of those members of the 
United States Armed Forces who were held as prisoners of war during the 
Vietnam conflict and calling for a full accounting of the 1,729 members 
of the Armed Forces who remain unaccounted for from the Vietnam 
conflict, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 367, to suspend rules and agree to H. Con. Res. 138 
supporting National Men's Health Week, I would have voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 368, to suspend rules and agree on H. Res. 923 
recognizing the State of Minnesota's 150th Anniversary, I would have 
voted ``yes.''
  On rollcall 369, to suspend rules and agree to H. Res. 1114 
supporting the goals and ideals of the Arbor Day Foundation and 
National Arbor Day, I would have voted ``yes.''
