[Congressional Record Volume 154, Number 25 (Thursday, February 14, 2008)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Page E198]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                          HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ

                             of california

                    in the house of representatives

                      Thursday, February 14, 2008

  Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Madam Speaker, on Thursday, 
February 7, 2008, I was unavoidably detained in my Congressional 
district. I would have voted as follows:
  Rollcall No. 32: ``yes,'' on Ordering the Previous Question; rollcall 
No. 33: ``yes,'' On Agreeing to the Resolution; rollcall No. 34: 
``yes,'' on Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass H. Con. Res. 283; 
rollcall No. 35: ``yes,'' on Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass H.R. 
4848; rollcall No. 36: ``yes,'' on Agreeing to the Amendment; rollcall 
No. 37: ``yes,'' on Agreeing to the Amendment; rollcall No. 38: 
``yes,'' on Agreeing to the Amendment; rollcall No. 39: ``no,'' on 
Motion to Recommit; rollcall No. 40: ``yes,'' on Passage of H.R. 4137; 
rollcall No. 41: ``yes,'' on Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass H. 
Res. 947; rollcall No. 42: ``no,'' on Agreeing to the Senate Amendment 
to H.R. 5140.
