[Congressional Record Volume 153, Number 76 (Wednesday, May 9, 2007)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Page E1005]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                          PERSONAL EXPLANATION


                       HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON

                                of texas

                    in the house of representatives

                         Wednesday, May 9, 2007

  Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, on May 3, 2007, I 
requested and received a leave of absence from May 3 to May 9, 2007, 
due to my presence at previous commitments in my district. Had I been 
present, I would have voted as follows:
  Improving Head Start Act of 2007 (H.R. 1429): Rollcall No. 277, the 
Price of Georgia Amendment, ``no''; rollcall No. 278, the Sestak of 
Pennsylvania Amendment, ``aye''; rollcall No. 279, the Hirono of Hawaii 
Amendment, ``aye''; rollcall No. 280, the Mica of Florida Amendment, 
``no''; rollcall No. 281, the Putnam of Florida Amendment, ``no''; 
rollcall No. 282, the Carnahan of Missouri Amendment, ``aye''; and 
rollcall No. 283, the Shuler of North Carolina Amendment, ``aye''.
  Rollcall No. 284, on Motion to Recommit with Instructions, ``no''; 
rollcall No. 285, on Passage, Improving Head Start Act, H.R. 1429, 
``aye''; rollcall No. 286, on Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, H. 
Res. 243, ``aye''; rollcall No. 287, the Sullivan (OK) Amendment to 
Honda (CA) Amendment, ``no''; rollcall No. 288, the Honda of California 
Amendment, ``aye''; rollcall No. 289, the Campbell of California 
Amendment No. 5, ``no''; rollcall No. 290, the Campbell of California 
Amendment No. 4, ``no''; and rollcall No. 291, the Garrett of New 
Jersey Amendment No. 11, ``no.''
  Rollcall No. 292, the Flake of Arizona Amendment, ``no''; rollcall 
No. 293, the Matsui of California Amendment, ``aye''; rollcall No. 294, 
the Price of Georgia Amendment, ``no''; rollcall No. 295, on Passage, 
National Science Foundation Authorization Act, H.R. 1867, ``aye''; 
rollcall No. 296, on Ordering the Previous Question, H. Res. 364, 
``aye''; rollcall No. 297, on Agreeing to the Resolution, H. Res. 364, 
``aye''; and rollcall No. 298, on Motion to Recommit with Instructions, 
  Rollcall No. 299, on Passage, To provide Federal assistance to 
States, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate 
crimes, H.R. 1592, ``aye''; rollcall No. 300, on Motion to Recommit 
with Instructions, H.R. 1868, ``no''; rollcall No. 301, on Passage, 
Technology Innovation and Manufacturing Stimulation Act, H.R. 1868, 
``aye''; rollcall No. 302, on Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as 
Amended, H.R. 407, ``aye''; rollcall No. 303, on Motion to Suspend the 
Rules and Pass, H.R. 1025, ``aye''; rollcall No. 304, on Motion to 
Suspend the Rules and Agree, H. Res. 371, ``aye''; rollcall No. 305, on 
Agreeing to the Resolution, H.R. 1294, ``aye''; and rollcall No. 306, 
on Agreeing to the Resolution, H. Res. 370, ``aye''.

  Rollcall No. 307, on Agreeing to the Resolution, S. Con. Res. 1, 
``aye''; rollcall No. 308, on Motion to Instruct Conferees, S. Con. 
Res. 1, ``no''; rollcall No. 309, on Motion to Suspend the Rules and 
Pass, as Amended, H.R. 1595, ``aye''; rollcall No. 310, on Ordering the 
Previous Question, H. Res. 382, ``aye''; rollcall No. 311, on Agreeing 
to the Resolution, H. Res. 382, ``aye''; rollcall No. 312, on Agreeing 
to the Resolution, H. Res. 383, ``aye''; rollcall No. 313, on Agreeing 
to the Resolution, H. Res. 383, ``aye''; and rollcall No. 314, on 
Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended, Student Loan, H.R. 
890, ``aye''.
